Notes of the Colorado Cockroach. Painting of the day: Machiavelli, gas and occupiers

Greetings wa, dear readers! The recent past, or rather, that week, during which we did not meet, had a philosophical effect on me. Although, maybe, it is not only the events of our life that are to blame, but also the autumn mood. You know, the blues, nature fades, the roof of the rulers goes, and all sorts of service companies out there tamp down the results of work ...

To be honest, everything is gray. That kind of leaves and still yellow, and the sky is, and all gray. Well, nothing with myself can not help it, so here.

I never liked and do not like philosophizing, but today, for some reason, Niccolò Machiavelli came to mind. In fact, no he is not Italian, but ours, from the Kherson region, Mikola Makov-Melenky, Cossack and 146% Ukrainian.

Notes of the Colorado Cockroach. Painting of the day: Machiavelli, gas and occupiers

Just brought his fate in a foreign land, but there, Mikola showed everyone how to think and manage thoughts.

So, what did you think?

To understand the essence of much of what is happening today in Ukraine, and in the world, it is useful to read the great ancestor. And because he was a soul for Ukraine, and he remained a Ukrainian (in his heart), a lot of what he wrote today is completely realistic and objective.

"One cannot call the murder of fellow citizens, betrayal, treachery, cruelty and wickedness a virtue: with all this, power can be acquired, but not glory."

How are you? So I think the most so! That is, everything turned out just that way, but who needs glory now? For her credits are not given, and warships do not give. So the power - it will be more profitable.

But if power is right then who? Right, Hydrant!

I'll tell you this now, you will lie on the spot! Our Petro WEEK not a drop. Here you are, believe, or do not believe, but a fact. Did not drink at all.

We are here people understand that we do not even hiccups. Ryganyaknetsya in full yet, such feats in our time - this is not for you to argue with Savonarola!

As you know, we celebrated the 74 anniversary of the expulsion of the Nazis from the territory of the country. 73 marked the liberation of Ukraine from the Nazi invaders and now ... Noted ...

Muten and the Petrant Petit’s gaze was complex when he read the speech on a piece of paper. But - mastered. Despite the post. The most interesting thing is that he did not break as usual, and, in principle, his speech suited everyone.

"As you know, during World War II, the final expulsion of the Nazi invaders from Ukraine began in the autumn of 1943. And in 1944, a number of operations were carried out that allowed four Ukrainian fronts to defeat the grouping of the German forces South and Group A, to occupy almost the entire territory of Ukraine and the Crimea ".

An interesting quote for a smart person. And written correctly. We are all interested in convulsions, but who wrote this to the Hydrant? It seems that the author is not lying, and the event looks quite different than before. And the USSR had nothing to do with it, and Russians of all nationalities. How the old Polish Auschwitz “played” was liberated by the Ukrainians.

And this is another quote. Already from the congratulations of the Hydrant:

"Prostration and heartfelt thanks to all the people of the older generation and personally to each participant of those tumultuous events for their heroic deed for the sake of a free and happy life of descendants ... Modern patriots, defenders of Ukraine, were brought up by your examples, virtues and won victories."

As you can see, the style has not changed. Everything is so smooth and beautiful too. But we still remember that not all "people of the older generation" wore epaulets of the Red Army, which Peter Alekseevich did not even mention. Oh, not all.

But what can I say, even if stories, even a relatively modern literate student or student is already convinced that the UPA was freeing, and not killing, peaceful Ukrainians.

But I quote much, so hold on, who is not with us, who. Documentation is not Soviet. Our own Institute of Ukrainian History in 2002:

"... in 1945-53 years as a result of actions of the UPA 30 676 deaths of Soviet citizens, including military personnel 6476, 2732 representatives of the authorities, 251 party workers, workers of the Komsomol 207, 15 669 farmers, workers 676, 1931 representatives of intelligentsia, children, old men, housewives xnumx. "

And what about the OUN-UPA with the Wehrmacht fought, so it is necessary to shove his nose, but look.

I have spoken about power here, so right in the continuation of the topic of Mikola I will issue now. What about logic for those who have a power trough. Do I have a bosom in my head, or what?

1941 year - the liberation of Ukraine from Russian invaders (German occupiers).
1944 year - the liberation of Ukraine from the German invaders (Russian invaders).
1991 year - the final liberation of Ukraine from invaders.

Is it all worth celebrating-celebrating? No, well, fair, if someone in your address Lavrov your begin to quote. Directly agree, and add: in kind.

But we celebrated the Day of the liberation of Ukraine from the Nazi invaders. Where how, but ...

Okay, we go further to the wisdom of Mykola.

"People, believing that the new ruler will be better, willingly rebel against the old, but soon they are convinced by experience that they have been deceived, because the new ruler always turns out to be worse than the old one. Again, this is natural and logical, since the conqueror oppresses new subjects, imposes they have all kinds of duties and burdens them with troops, as it inevitably happens during conquest. "

As you understand, after reading the quote, it's time to move on to Ukrainian traditional fun - gas for the people. This has already been written so much, so much has been discussed, that it seems impossible to surprise you. You know everything better than us. But we have a floor carpet. From under which you can hear and see a little more than anyone else. So carry on from under the carpet.

Our rulers, who are broadcasting intelligently on TV screens in the style of “I think I can’t eat people like that,” are actually already preparing to continue the banquet already for the future president. Yes Yes. Do not be surprised, but the price of gas has already been agreed with whom it is necessary (you understand that these are guys from behind a puddle, and not from the northern marshes), and the new president is already in a trap. Nowhere not going anywhere ...

I found this paper by accident. Some clever dropped, and I read. So, to believe or not to believe me, is your right. On the official websites of the government you will not read anything like that. For now at least.

So, the price increase for 23,5% is only the "beginning of summer". Next we get a beautiful development of the situation. The IMF, as I already wrote, firmly holds us by the genitals.

The resolution, already prepared by the government, but so far carefully concealed, sets the gas price from November 1 at the level of 8550 UAH per thousand cubic meters. From May 1, the price will have to rise to approximately 10000 hryvnia, and from January 1 2020, to UAH 12000.

For those who do not understand, I reveal the essence of the situation. 10 000 hryvnia at the current rate is about 80% of the price of gas from imported. And 12 000 is already 100%. 100% import parity! Yes, with Ukrainian salaries. Now Russia will definitely turn to the everyday question in Ukrainian: why, did Ukraine not die?

In addition, special conditions for the supply of gas have not changed significantly - Gazsbyty and Oblgazov’s subsidiaries will continue to supply gas. Moreover, Naftogaz may stop supplying gas to a supplier from 1 in January 2019 of the year if it has increased its debt at that date, compared with the indicator on November 1 in 2018 of the year.

And now - the peal of the bell!

We have this happened ... Our church has returned to the fold of the state! All the vicissitudes between Kiev and Moscow ended with our complete and final victory, so that's all. The church is now one front with the state, which means that the priests must now share with the people all the transitional times.

So it was decided in the Rada, and deprived our clergy 50% of benefits!

Why? All of the Scriptures and the realities of today. We must endure, but then ...

"When hard times came, they chose to flee rather than defend themselves, relying on the fact that their subjects, irritated by the excesses of the winners, would call them back. If there is no other way out, it’s good and such, it’s bad just to give up everything else for it how not to fall, relying on the fact that you pick up. "

This is not about Yanukovych, even if it seems. This is me about "Shche not died." The heating season, you want it or not, you need to start. Colds - they are cold in Ukraine. Especially in the cities. Although, in my humble opinion, there is nothing to bother with this heating. The most patriotic strata of our people live in villages.

And the village - they are the village. Trees are not all taken to Europe. Yes, and pennsylvania coal can be bought for smuggling money. Or Separs for quite their hryvnia. The stoves from Soviet times are preserved in the huts ...

I am watching now the decision of the IMF board of directors:

"The new program to support the economic policy of Ukraine will be approved only after the final revision of the tariffs for heating in accordance with the increase in the price of gas."

Here is another solution. Preliminary prospectus for the issue of Eurobonds of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine:

"The agreement with the IMF experts suggests that heating tariffs should be completely revised, taking into account the increase in gas tariffs before the approval of the new program by the Board of Directors of the Fund."

In short, talked with knowledgeable cockroaches. Warmly, it will cost us at first (in November) for 16-20 percent more expensive. But then ... But the most interesting thing in this matter is different.

Remember last year's comments on my notes on hot water and heating?

"Why are there ... Buy a boiler and live in hot water with hot water."

Commentators thought they were the smartest. Forgot about crying Jew when he found out that a crest was born? In short, the presence of a boiler does not entitle the user not to pay for the social norm of gas consumption!

Translate into normal language. Burn electricity, to panov - panui, but even if you do not choose the rate of gas, then if you please, pay. But if you don’t pay, we’ll cut off electricity and gas.

But this is quite trivial compared to these:

"From December of this year, NAK Naftogaz of Ukraine received the right to turn off the heating networks during the heating period. This is provided for by the requirements of the Gas Transportation Systems Code."

"Since December 1 2018, Naftogaz will be given the right to give a written order to disconnect the teplovik if there is a debt for gas consumed. Moreover, NKREKU obliged the gas distribution companies to follow these guidelines.

Cool, as they say young and early ... I just wonder, but who will pay for the pipes torn by frost? I overheard the conversation of PJSC Dneprogaz commercial director Igor Mankovsky over the phone. This is me for those who "live in the river," I quote. Get ready.

"NKREKU rejected the requirement of the GDS operators not to turn off the heating network on behalf of NAK Naftogaz of Ukraine and obliged to conclude contracts for gas supply cessation. If within three days after the order of NAK Naftogaz of Ukraine to shut off the heat networks do not settle relations with the state monopolist, Dniprogas PJSC will have restrict gas supply to facilities. "

Actually, I am only for such decisions and actions. A nation must be hardy. Yes, and with the "work of the Ministry of Health" is in good agreement. But one thought "gnaws the heart." Again, Russia is to blame! Your wiles!

Have you declared sanctions to us? Putin for you that is not the president? Decrees must be fulfilled! Correctly say, Russian laws are optional. But we execute the decrees of Vladimir Vladimirovich! While the decision of your Medvedev will wait ... So we decided to self-depose with sanctions.

And further. Which year have you been saying that we will all freeze? So what? Annual practice shows that not all! More precisely, as our mayor says: not only everything!

Fucking oracle from me. Every time after the next decision of our government I think: everything. I think that it is impossible to break the bottom anymore. And every time I am mistaken. Wham ... And again good luck. Struck, Peremoga ...

"For a small evil, a person can take revenge, but for a large one — he cannot; it follows that the offense inflicted on a person must be calculated so as not to fear revenge."

Yes, I inform about the little things that most of the Russians have already forgotten. We are playing with time again. Hours ago transferred. For an hour. Winter time is now with us. According to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers "On the procedure for calculating the time on the territory of Ukraine" №509 from 13 May 1996.

Again you hope that such and such news connect with Russia cockroach can not? Yeah. Your naivety is simply amazing. Although, in secret, I, too, ofarelle from such a bunch. I quote one of our publications. I'm not the author. But what a subtle thought ... Just jealous:

"Nowadays, more than 110 countries of the world are switching to summer and winter time. 161 does not do this in general, including Guinea, Vietnam, Algeria, Afghanistan, China, Russia, Kenya and others."

That doesn't matter who the others are, right? The main thing is that you are there ... Where is Afghanistan, Kenya, Guinea ...

"There are three kinds of minds: one comprehends all by himself; the other can understand what the first comprehends; the third one cannot comprehend anything and the other cannot comprehend. The first mind is outstanding, the second is significant, the third is unsuitable."

Today I want to finish with a bill that is already registered in the Rada. In Ukraine, they want to ban the wearing of military camouflage. But the reason for this, none of the Russians did not call. Confident on 100%.

I will not intrigue. To prohibit, in order to ... protect people from scammers (!) Pretending to be warriors. A word to the author, people's deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Andrei Teteruk:

"We see fraudsters trying to be like military, security officials who protect the country. The con men dress up in military uniforms, put on military awards to which they have no right, and use all this to get posts or material assistance. We want these fraudsters, such asocial citizens were punished. I am sure that they will not be delayed in parliament with this issue. "

Now for the illegal wearing of state awards provided a penalty from 17 to 34 UAH. If the proposed norms are accepted, the fines will increase 100 times, and then the perpetrators will have to pay from 1700 to 3400 UAH. This is quite a serious fine.

In general, you need to legitimize and muzzle for such cases. Regardless of what awards this priest carries, Soviet, Russian (and we have enough of those who were awarded Russian medals in the period) or Ukrainian. But it may be worth talking about this separately ...

I understand that much "forgot" to mention. This forgetfulness is due in large part to the format of the article, and indeed the desire. My desire and understanding of the news on the extent of the impact on me and my family. But, thank you, we have a good team of collaborators who eliminate this lack of a Cockroach.

So, we will live! We will be glad for the victories of each other. We will share happy and sad moments of life. We shall be together. Happiness and health to you and your families. And your country.

"There are no other advisers, for people are always bad until they are forced into necessity." Niccolo Machiavelli, "Sovereign".

And now, once again, go through the text. In bold I singled out the wisdom of Niccolò Machiavelli, and in simple italics - modern quotes.

And compare.

Yours sincerely…
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  1. +6
    31 October 2018 06: 16
    Fun without limits ... We have fun too ...
    1. +5
      31 October 2018 11: 02
      "These days, more 110 countries of the world are switching to summer and winter time. Doesn't do it altogether 161 country, including Guinea, Vietnam, Algeria, Afghanistan, China, Russia, Kenya and others. "
      110+161=271-they even here are bored

      Below is an alphabetical list of countries in the world, which includes 252 countries, including:
      195 independent states (see also List of States):
      193 of a UN Member State;
      2 observer:
      Holy See (subject in the status of persona sui generis, owning its own auxiliary sovereign territory of the Vatican);
      Palestine (the formation of the state is envisaged in the territory of the West Bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip);
      there is still a bunch with an undefined status, partially recognized, unrecognized, dependent territories, virtual states and even military and naval bases (!!!).
      All together 252 countries - Ukraine came out 271.
      Where are they still 19 (!!!) countries found ???
      1. 0
        6 November 2018 16: 15
        19 pieces are Ukrainian regions.
    2. -3
      1 November 2018 17: 41
      Quote: parusnik

      Fun without limits ... We have fun too ...

      What difference does it make with us ?? !!! The main thing is that the neighbors are even worse .. because Putin is ONE !!!
  2. +2
    31 October 2018 06: 43
    Life didn’t become better, but for sure it became more fun. and you don’t have to go to the circus.
  3. +2
    31 October 2018 06: 45
    Good wound Pan Cockroach! I repeat - Autumn. Coldly! In the realities of Ukraine, it’s expensive, and how to live on is becoming more interesting and scary (anyone like that!). By the way, this is already visible in the programs on your TV, some cease to carry nonsense and more and more begin to remember the GDP as the Lord in the church! Good luck, the end is near!
  4. +1
    31 October 2018 07: 05
    Now for the illegal wearing of state awards provided a penalty from 17 to 34 UAH. If the proposed norms are accepted, the fines will increase 100 times, and then the perpetrators will have to pay from 1700 to 3400 UAH. This is quite a serious fine.

    In general, you need to legitimize and muzzle for such cases. Regardless of what awards this priest carries, Soviet, Russian (and we have enough of those who were awarded Russian medals in the period) or Ukrainian. But it may be worth talking about this separately ...

    Does this bill come under the influence of the WWII veteran, who decides for the future on May 9 to lay a couple of carnations to the eternal flame in order to honor the memory of the departed comrades? Or even now any young "garment boy" can rip off his medals in accordance with the law on "de-Sovietization"?
    1. +3
      31 October 2018 09: 36
      Hit or not, and tear down for a long time
      1. +3
        31 October 2018 10: 16
        I know how to etch this infection from the heads of neo-fascist youths, the question is.
  5. +2
    31 October 2018 07: 46
    Thank you, informatively and as always with irony.
  6. 0
    31 October 2018 08: 09
    I would also like to add. We would also need to pass a law on camouflage, there are also enough "heroes" unaccounted for, we had to face it!
    1. -1
      31 October 2018 11: 14
      Quote: lithium17
      We would also need to pass a law on camouflage, there are also enough "heroes" unaccounted for, we had to face it!

      What, personally, do people in camouflage bother you with?
      what are the consequences of this initiative?
      I'm sure ... you have not calculated everything ....
      1. -1
        1 November 2018 17: 57
        Quote: NEOZ
        What, personally, do people in camouflage bother you with?

        They look wild in the city, as do "Cossacks" and other mummers.
        1. +1
          3 November 2018 08: 20
          I had to deal with some mummers even in my own household. There was one Afghan warrant officer who did not go further than the Baltic Military District, by the way, a good man, when he was sober, well, he respected me, he was afraid. Even more, one soldier served with us, who stuck in Mozdok at the base, but later turned out to be a "cool militant", and a good writer who advertised himself on the corresponding website. When he pointed out that it was ugly ..., the leader has a hysterical accusations against me with the involvement of the writing lads, the meaning of which in the layouts of life is as follows, well, you say, write, and we will decide how you are and what ... I mean that it is useless to replace reality with show. Camouflage at the very shaft and the point is not in the form, which is convenient in the economy, but in how to behave when wearing a uniform, undermining the concept of honor with pride. Here I also see similar things. By the way, the author of Tarakan is a decent person in this matter, although I also see him uncomfortable that there are "experts" in camouflage and "writers" with "closed" works!
  7. +2
    31 October 2018 08: 27
    I disagree with the price of gas. How is the price of gas = 100% of the purchase from the pipe. And the cost of transportation, and the revenues of gas distribution networks, and VAT, and accounting for losses during transportation? So another 30-40 percent must be thrown to love.
    By the way, I recalled in this regard another Ukrainian thinker and 146% of the Cossack Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. Living in the heart of Ukrainian Piedmont and watching the Ukrainians, he invented masochism.
    1. +1
      31 October 2018 11: 18
      hi Do not worry you so, and without the IMF's reminders, the "Maidan authorities" FSE "will correctly count" and will "throw" to the already "thrown" - because "Ukraine for ludey" and we all know these few "ludey"! request
      And yet, when 146% of Galicians with such a characteristic "Little Russian" name Leopold von Sacher-Masoch "lived in the heart" of the Piedmont Lemberg-Levów, farmers' raguli were allowed into this Polish-Jewish town only in the daytime, and at night they were categorically it is forbidden to stay in it - that's such a "menshoarty" was "masochism"!
  8. 0
    31 October 2018 08: 43
    PS Oh yes, I almost forgot the hryvnia inflation. This is + 10%.
  9. 0
    31 October 2018 09: 41
    The increase in gas prices in Ukraine will be carried out in three stages: this fall, spring and autumn of next year. A total of 60%. They told me on telly
  10. +2
    31 October 2018 11: 08
    Yeah. Why get glory? Live when? A widespread disease of power. That Ukraine, that Russia.
    People suffer everywhere. I don’t remember whether Machiavelli wrote about this, but contemporaries explain it simply - the people are bad therefore the rulers are the same. True, I consider this idea to be pure propaganda, invented in defense of infinite power.
  11. 0
    31 October 2018 13: 12
    Dap can you write about some kind of "gas" ??? There is a Moskal pile on the Sea of ​​Azov, the water is hot and rejoice, for we have not had it for twenty years now, we do not live in all capitals. Vaughn in Dneprodym (sorry - Kam'yanske) generally turned off the entire right bank from heating, and even when switching to electric heating, a bunch of babos are taken for "permits" ..)
  12. 0
    31 October 2018 15: 14
    I look forward to the appearance of the next opus of our Cockroach!
    Thank you so much!
  13. 0
    31 October 2018 17: 11
    Thanks for the review, I always read your articles with pleasure, but we also have a full polar fox.
  14. 0
    31 October 2018 21: 13
    I'll tell you this now, you will lie on the spot! Our Petro WEEK not a drop. Here you are, believe, or do not believe, but a fact. Did not drink at all. Is this how I understand Pan Targan has access to the government desk? Or right under the table? Krasava!
  15. 0
    1 November 2018 10: 07
    I wonder how these "swindlers" receive positions and benefits: does the presence of camouflage allow it? wassat
  16. -3
    5 November 2018 14: 04
    I am silent about us, we ourselves are like cockroaches, or we have our own cockroaches laughing not the point is important. But in Ukraine you really think that there’s nowhere below, but no, there’s where, and even with such a Ukrainian scale belay

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"