Democracy by ...

Democracy by ...

The world is crazy, definitely. Everybody yells: "Democracy! Democracy !!" Well, everything is simple: the left and the right, and the gray-brown-crimson speckled. They are silent only in North Korea, but what do they think there silently - who knows? Maybe about the same? And they shout something differently: who is demanding, with the expectation of a salary in 3000 euros, as in Belgium; who is indignant, with the pleasure of grazing the letter "p" - so that it turns out "shit-sh-rmokratiya!" Everything is clear with the first ones - they succumbed to a “pernicious influence”, while the latter want order and strict discipline. All the brains have already been bullied by this democracy, Ёshkin cat, because each of the shouting understands by democracy what is beneficial to him. Some believe that it is too small, others - that is already too much. Who counts? Where is an independent and honest commission to count the number of democracies? And in what units do they count - in dollars, "EUREKA", yuan, rubles? They say that the Civilized West has entire institutions that, both at the government level and as a private initiative (such as rich Uncle Soros), are promoting this very democracy in the Wild East and the Barbarian South. Especially the Anglo-Americans are trying in this direction. By all indications, they have a clear program of democratization of underdemocratised regions of the world, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, for example, and others too. Forces and funds allocated for this program are considerable, now urgently super-powerful bombs for the destruction of underground shelters of barbarians, the Americans are developing. George Bush once said: "We had a good administration meeting at which the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State told us about our passionate desire to spread democracy throughout the world." Russians know this. We also once tried to drag the whole world into the bright communist future. And weasel-tales, and handouts, and the troops were sent. As a result, they themselves did not get into the “paradise”, and many neighbors were let down. Here we are now turning back from the blatantly bothersome preachers of the only correct line. Even the derivatives of the word “democracy” in Russia are thought up in a negative context: “democratizer” - a rubber police baton, “shitty democracy” - this is when democracy was built, but it turned out as always.

What is democracy really? The word itself translates as "the power of the people." That the Greeks came up with the first. The people, then, rule. Over whom Above oneself. Through elected representatives. Oh, those elected by the people! How many beautiful and correct speeches were said, how much paper was written, how many noodles were skillfully cooked and beautifully hung, and most importantly - what a great many ears! Land - the peasants, the water - the sailors! Swam - we know. What is the result? Goal - power - achieved? All Ambets promises, begins to divide the pie. All on the thumb: you are now in the cage, people's choice. Those in power have their own algorithms, which are violated only in the most extreme, in fact, revolutionary case. And it’s necessary to make a career, and I don’t want to fall away from the trough either. It is impossible to encroach on a holy one, it is impossible to demolish the foundations, nizya-a ... These career-feed rules work in almost any system: at least in a democratic one, at least in a totalitarian one, or some other one. We summarize: a real democrat (I mean, a fighter for the public good), the people's choice is, as a rule, only during the election period of himself — there, upward. After the election, he no longer belongs to the people, but is an integral part and, in fact, the property of the nomenclature (establishment, elite, "family"), etc. Is not it so?

Democracy’s scheme is simple in appearance: free elections, independence and separation of legislative, executive and judicial power, a constitution guaranteeing freedoms and rights of citizens, a market economy and strong independent media. These are the basics, the basis. Of course, to deny that it was the countries with a democratic system of government that achieved the greatest success in raising the standard of living of people is stupid. The tremendous advancement of many countries of Western Europe, the "southeastern tigers" - South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, to the high standards of human life is obvious. In these so-called developed countries, the average monthly total income per capita ranges from 2 to 4 thousand dollars. The parliamentary kingdom of Norway has been one of the leading places in the world for the standard of living of the population for a year Japan, Switzerland and Canada Norwegians breathe in the back of the head on the same indicators. And well done, and - bravo !! Anxiety, however, is not caused by the real achievements of the so-called "Western democracy", but by dubious ones. We also note that almost all countries — world leaders in terms of the standard of living of their citizens — practically do not engage in either ideological or rocket-artillery bombardment of other countries. It can be seen that they have more important things to do.

Oh, do not scold us, gentlemen, American Democrats, do not call the Russians Stalinists. And then we'll call you McCarthy. And what happened? It was. From the work of the Americans expelled for ideological reasons? Expelled. At the "party meetings" McCarthy was sandblasted? And how. Say, your maniac Minister Forrestal, shouting "Russians are coming!" did not jump out of the window without a parachute? Jumped out. And don’t remind us of Afghanistan, otherwise we’ll recall your democratic carpet bombing of Vietnamese people. And do not remind us of Prague, otherwise we will remind you of Grenada. Rub your eyes more often, you see, a log and pop up.

How would it be nice to ask the Western Democrats - those who are particularly vociferous: do not yell at us, please. When they shout at us, we can be frightened, and in fright of what kind of careless movements you can’t do. We have become so nervous. Russia over the past 20 has survived the collapse of the country, several wars, rampant banditry, a couple of monetary reforms, default, etc. - tired of listing. And here you are with your regular cries about the shortcomings of the Russian sprouts of democracy. Say, we are stunted sprouts. It is interesting, by the way, that in Russia the loudest shout is "democracy!" people who have fallen to the weak feeder any. And then - look! - and the screamer has already caught a trace, is soon found abroad with a US or English passport, and a tightly packed purse. And when the Russian oligarch, Mr. Khodorkovsky, is sent to the Baikal colony for tax evasion, it causes in certain circles no less than the universal grief about the end of the Russian democracy. All out. Democracy simply died in convulsions in Russia, in the opinion of the West and local pro-Western screamers. Even the Baikal seals from the cleanest water in the world protrude, and they look plaintively, they seem to be asked: “Well, release this“ victim of the totalitarian regime ”, otherwise it stinks from the reputation of him and his well-paid defenders - like water in a lake not spoiled. "

It is interesting: as soon as the Russian criminal settles in the territory of Great Britain, you cannot pick it out with a crowbar from there. Because all of these are solemnly given the honorary title of “the innocently injured by the totalitarian regime,” a British visa is awarded and guarantees of non-refoulement are issued. And the score of such “sufferers” went to many dozens. Such shows are arranged, even famous actresses are attracted, as in the case when Akhmed Zakayev, a Chechen terrorist, was personally protected by Vanessa Redgrave. Boris Berezovsky, still a "victim", is also hiding in a British oasis. Remember how quickly he caught the people they captured from Chechen gangsters? Only they will seize who, looking, and Berezovsky, at the airport, is already meeting the frightened, deprived person, posing for the cameras. Such a clever guy!

Something stopped about the independence of the freedom-loving Chechen people in the democratic West to speak. And before what was standing! At the level of the US State Department, emissaries of Dudayev were received. Then it somehow came to the conclusion that the enemies of Russia are not necessarily friends of the United States. It came a long time, but somehow it came to. When the British telecom operators in Chechnya had their heads cut off, and they laid it out on the side of the road, clearing in the heads of overseas democratizers came. Before that, how many local Russians in Chechnya had their heads cut off, were they thrown out of their dwellings, turned into slaves — in the West zero attention was paid to this. After all, if you cut your heads with shouts like "Long live free Chechnya!", Then this is not a crime at all, and not genocide, but a liberation struggle. The national liberation struggle led by the partisans, and God forbid call them bandits! Here there is such a democracy, cross-eyed.

It is an obvious fact that the Western countries, united under the dominant role of the United States, organized the forcible expulsion of the Serbian people from their places of mass residence in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, to the territory directly of Serbia. And they expelled almost from everywhere: from Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, etc. And with the support of modern aviation and other means of fire support of the democratic initiatives of the West. So it’s not tens of people who were expelled, but many tens of thousands, and they killed a lot at the same time. This is real genocide. How to understand this in a democratic context? Where are your charters and declarations of human rights, gentlemen? Where is the spirit and letter of Helsinki? Why are numerous European human rights defenders silent? Why not shout about it?

That's interesting: what exactly is the difference between love of freedom and the desire for independence of the Albanian population of Kosovo and the Abkhaz population of Abkhazia? In the West, it is believed, and they are confident in 100%, that such a difference exists, therefore Kosovo can gain independence, and Abkhazia cannot. Why is it possible for “democratic” Georgia to kill its neighbors for the sake of the idea of ​​the territorial integrity of the country, while it is impossible for “totalitarian” Serbia? If this is not hypocrisy and double standards, then what is it then? Many do not understand this balancing act strangely democratic. When Germany was united, the West solemnly promised not to expand NATO to the East. And what, where are these promises now? Why is this bringing Georgians to the neighboring nations through the full support of the course of aggression - both political and military? Few have they fought before? Why is the Middle East for many years a powder keg with a constantly smoldering wick? On what basis is Iraq occupied? Today with the help of the US nuclear weapon Received Israel and Pakistan, and tomorrow who will receive it? And what will happen the day after tomorrow? What a strange policy: with one hand Uncle Sam gives the US allied countries nuclear weapons, and the other is trying to keep other countries from creating them. What long arms! And what about the fact that many countries have a long time in actual dependence on the financial policy of the United States and the US currency? Today, in different countries, and even in the United States themselves, they are thinking: isn’t the current escalation of tension, especially in the Muslim world, a consequence of this very specific democracy in the American way? Or maybe this is not a democracy at all, but only an attempt to embellish unseemly financial affairs, give them a “civilized” look, fight off the steady smell of blood and big money from military operations under the banner of “freedom and democracy.”

Heh, Barack Obama - the president of the most belligerent country (and the most democratic, part-time) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, is this a democracy by which option? In Scandinavian, or what? You yourself are not funny, Scandinavians? You do not know whether it was the Americans who were the most physically destroyed on the planet since the Second World War, using the most modern achievements of democratic science and technology? Only the Americans deliberately destroyed the Vietnamese themselves with chemical weapons, and their fauna and flora did not know, did they? You have not heard how many people are dying in the “liberated” Iraq - have long surpassed Saddam’s bloody atrocities?

And here's another interesting thing: what is happening in China, is it democracy or what? The whole world is floundering in a deep crisis, and top managers of different countries ask each other:
- And you have not got out yet?
- And you?
- We are not.
- Well, we still swim.
And in the homeland of silk and Confucianism, solid growth and stable prosperity. At the same time, there is only one party in power (the communist one - a nightmare!), Which explains to everyone - what and how to do, is somehow inaudible about the freedom of the press, and large-scale fined officials and businessmen are sentenced to death, however, they are completely dependent courts - clearly on command from above. It is also interesting: China, which is rapidly growing rich, is investing a lot of money in American assets, and the more it invests, the quieter the voices from Washington about the shortcomings of democracy in Chinese. Recently, these voices have not been heard at all. Like, in China, democracy is up to par. Tibet China annexed, and - what? Iraq tried to annex Kuwait, so immediately such a "Desert Storm" began - Mama Do not Cry. And where is the "Mountain Storm" and fair retribution to the Chinese for oppressed Tibetan monks? In Tibet and in the Uyghur Autonomous Region, Chinese-style democracy periodically crushes local discontented people - using tanks and armored personnel carriers, as recent events show. However, Chinese modern realities, although built by communists, cannot be called communism. Communism, as is known from the course of Marxism-Leninism-scientific communism, is when public ownership of the means of production. With this, the Communists strictly. And in China it’s private. What are they building - the Chinese - democracy, communism? Or maybe something else, special - on our planet, many people like to torment their own path. Be that as it may, today the Chinese Communists are teaching democrats around the world to do business and make money.

What is it all the same different, this democracy is notorious! The basis is the same, and the add-ons are a million. With the light movement of a powerful hand, civilized democracy turns ... democracy turns into a formidable demonism! Or, as they say in Russia: what I want, I turn it over. And communism, no less notorious, is also now so different: there is Chinese, and there is Belarusian, and here is another North Korean. And they are all so far apart - as if at different poles. Multi-polar our planet now, multi-colored, multi-polar. Who knows - maybe it's for the best.

Here is the poetic evidence of democracy in Israeli, for example:
Of course, our land is not enough for us
And we don’t give up a stranger.

Or in Japanese:
Islands give us,
Crabs can be halved.

But in English:
Storm of London obscurely
Whirling snow twisting,
Lords howl wolves there,
Democracy dish.

PS By the way, in the village of Gadyukino, freedom and the market have long been, and in October only the salary on the farm was given out in May. Such is the gadzukinsky democracy. And in your village, what is democracy like?

PPS Caricature author skomunizdil or death (somehow!) On the site
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  1. +10
    30 May 2012 07: 11
    I will say one thing for sure, modern damocracy has nothing to do with "power of the people"
    1. DYMITRY
      30 May 2012 07: 34
      Quote: Dmitriy69
      has nothing to do with "power of the people"

      Why not? Compared to classical Hellenic democracy, it is very similar. But we must not forget that the "demos" people are the richest and most influential part of the population, what is now called the "elite". Power belongs to them. Just like in ancient Greece. All the rest are "okhlos", that is, a crowd with no rights and, accordingly, no power. Well, you shouldn't forget about slaves.
      That is, just the real democracy and it turns out, according to the original source!
      1. +4
        30 May 2012 09: 38
        The author pleased me ... A cheerful article on the case ... And about democracy ... So you need to understand that it is good only at the village level .. The Greeks chose at their meetings those whom they personally knew .. Moreover, they knew almost from childhood and as people and as public figures ... At the present level, we choose not people, but their promises .. And we cannot respectively ask for these promises .. No, theoretically, of course it is possible, it is written in the Constitution, but I don’t remember something one deputy of the State Duma whom voters would recall ...
        In any country in the world, with the exception, perhaps, only of savages of Amazon and Africa, the people are simply extras and do what the powers that be need ...
        1. 755962
          30 May 2012 10: 33
          Democracy is "the rule of the people." But this is in the past. In the modern world, the question arises, Whose people? "Every now and then we hear that democracy is the worst way to run a state, but all other ways that mankind has ever tried are even worse . " - Winston Churchill.
          1. Bunny
            30 May 2012 11: 00
            Churchill is certainly a powerful old man, but in the same Britain - a monarchy! And they, supposedly decorative, the queen, has every right to disperse the parliament at any time, and MI6 intelligence is generally dependent on her personally, and has nothing to do with a democratic state ...
            So where is she, this notorious democracy? What is it like?
            1. Paratov
              30 May 2012 11: 44
              Quote: Bunny
              So where is she, this notorious democracy? What is it like?

              Democracy is when you are in power! Democracy is: a flasher, immunity, state bills and a tidy account in a Swiss bank, so round that even bankers can see their eyes square from its appearance.
              If there is nothing like that, it is tyranny! With whom one should fight hard, fight for democracy, that is, for power: for a flashing light, immunity, state security and a round-square bank account.
        2. Cadet787
          30 May 2012 12: 22
          Democracy, one of the most vile and vile forms of government.
  2. YARY
    30 May 2012 07: 12
    As I have repeatedly said, All promises and election obligations of deputies of all levels and of course the president must be made out LEGAL DOCUMENT and enshrined in law!
    In case of non-performance thereof, resignation and court! angry
  3. +8
    30 May 2012 07: 16
    Funny article and Andrey - thanks for thinking out loud. For myself, I didn't learn anything new. I think just as emotionally and in the same vein, but I put a plus to the article with a calm heart. I especially liked the "quintessences at the end of the article. It's super. Andrey, thanks."
    1. Goga
      30 May 2012 09: 05
      esaul - Greetings, Valery, I support - the article "+", written about well-known things, but with appropriate irony - especially "smiled" about the Baikal seals asking for Hodor - these animals really naturally have such round, wet and very plaintive eyes. ..
      1. +4
        30 May 2012 09: 11
        Hi Igor. And your post and photo smiled at me. good Seals, indeed, animals are unique. I had a wife a couple of years ago on Lake Baikal - I was delighted with seals.
        CYSES. Well, what kind of hard-hearted one must be in order not to heed the requests of seals and keep a prisoner of conscience in the prison ?! lol
        1. +6
          30 May 2012 09: 24
          Igor, in these eyes there is more intelligence than Clinton!
          That’s why I want to feed the seal, and soak the Clinton.
          1. Goga
            30 May 2012 10: 33
            esaul, Alexander Romanov - Valery, Alexander, - quote - "to keep a prisoner of conscience in a prison ?!" - words: Khodorkovsky and conscience - do not go together in any context wassat And for sure - good-natured and decent animals cannot be suspected of adherence to "democratic values", but
        2. Goga
          30 May 2012 10: 43
          esaul, Alexander Romanov - Valery, Alexander, - quote - "to keep a prisoner of conscience in a prison ?!" - words: Khodorkovsky and conscience - are not combined in any context wassat And for sure - good-natured and decent animals cannot be suspected of adherence to "democratic values", but this is a symbol of "Gossiyanskaya degmokgatia" bully
          1. Bunny
            30 May 2012 11: 02
            Well, Abramovich’s eyes are like those of a hungry spaniel, but I don’t want to feed him something ...
            1. Goga
              30 May 2012 11: 13
              Bunny - Good afternoon, Ekterina, not just "don't want to" - with all the desire it will not succeed - with his appetites, who can "feed" him? fellow
              1. Paratov
                30 May 2012 11: 53
                Orphaned-dog eyes are a distinctive sign of our billionaires! Even at odious ones like Berezovsky, behind the curious impudence, the same pitiful look of the spaniel has been hidden.
                1. Goga
                  30 May 2012 12: 33
                  Paratov - Greetings, Sergei, - quote - "a look of a shitty spaniel" - but what else? - selection - generation after generation, for thousands of years their ancestors were engaged in dirty tricks, and this does not pass without a trace - so this is "hereditary", one might say "generic" ... lol
          2. +1
            30 May 2012 15: 25
            Quote: Gogh
            words: Khodorkovsky and conscience - do not combine in any context

            Igor do not mind this, just did not admit these words in his comment in quotation marks.
  4. Bek
    30 May 2012 07: 32
    The article is excellent, definitely a plus. This democracy has already got it.
    1. +9
      30 May 2012 09: 52
      On the issue of democratization.
      1. CEO
        30 May 2012 11: 31
        Very much in the subject)))))))
  5. Opertak
    30 May 2012 07: 37
    Honestly, I didn’t understand - why did the author write all this?

    Democracy is a form of political structure of an OWNERSHIP society. In ancient Greece there were real slaves, in modern democratic societies there are economic slaves. We want Russia to be a democratic country, so we need to have slaves. We want to be a normal country - we need to crush shit and make friends in the world.
    1. Bunny
      30 May 2012 11: 04
      Quote: OperTak
      We want to be a normal country - we need to crush shit and make friends in the world

      To begin with, it would be nice for us to at least make friends with each other! ..
  6. pribolt
    30 May 2012 07: 40
    Yes, the article is funny, humorous, and as they say in every joke there is a small fraction of the joke. Author 5+
  7. +4
    30 May 2012 08: 02
    The article is not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. The author is well done.
  8. Trudy
    30 May 2012 08: 39
    By the way, in the village of Gadyukino there has long been freedom and the market, and in October, salaries on the farm were issued only in May. Such is democracy in the Gadyukinsky style. And in your village, what is democracy like?

    laughing And in our village, Sandukovo (by the way, 5 km. From Buranovo, well, where our grandmothers live) has long been sheer democracy - in the sense that everyone is free from work. Thanks to Mr. Gorbachev for our happy present! Harboring!
  9. +15
    30 May 2012 08: 41
    "Oppositional Democracy in Russia "
    “Hello, you are being disturbed from the Population Poll Center.” We have two for you
    a question. First, how do you feel about the presidential candidate from the ruling party?
    - In my opinion, this is a hardware official torn away from the people who cannot be called even smart ....
    - Thank you, now the second question. How did you buy a car last year?
    - Uh ... so I say, this is a top class statesman,
    which can only be called a genius!

    The future of democracy in Europe (fantasy)
    2045 year. Islamic France declared jihad to the state of Alaska. This was the result of the unambiguous statements of the offensive leaders of the white quarters of Alaska to the Holy Quran, to which Alaskan President Mbamba Juti could not keep the situation under control. A representative of a few ethnic French in Canada expressed concern over the actions of Paris, to which French Foreign Minister Mohamed al Zarqawi asked not to interfere in the internal affairs of an independent state.
    Recent events have forced the start of an extraordinary meeting of Al Qaeda in Brussels, all its members supported the actions of France and offered military assistance to the French peacekeeping forces. However, Azerbaijan, the capital of Azerbaijan, Moscow, abstained at the congress; today it is exhausted by the separatist unrest of the Russian national minority in Birobidzhan. The leader of the movement, field commander Nikolai Putin, in a secret video provided by the underground NTV, promised to avenge the recent murder in the toilet of his father in Pyongyang by the German and
    English special services.
    These were the news of the week.
    Musa Nati was with you. Al Jazeera, Berlin. Allah Agbar.

    Why in Russia there is no democracy (maybe a joke)
    England is a democracy, but the queen sits there, the House of Lords rules (and I am silent about the rights of the Irish).
    Spain is a democracy, but the king sits there.
    The United States is a democracy, but the president is elected by indirect, non-secret, non-universal suffrage by a minority of votes.
    Now it’s clear why Russia, where the president is elected by direct, secret and universal suffrage, can in no way be called democracy.

    How democracy developed
    The primitive system - no one can be forced to be a slave.
    Slave system - there are slaves, but they need to be fed, watered and forced to work.
    Serfdom - slaves feed and water themselves, but still they must be forced to work.
    Wild capitalism - slaves themselves come into slavery, feed themselves and drink themselves, and make themselves work.
    "Free world" - slaves themselves come into slavery, feed themselves and drink themselves, and force themselves to work. Moreover, they consider themselves free and they like it.
    The more freedom there is in the country, the louder the cries for the lack of democracy.
    It is proved by the history of Russia.
    1. +5
      30 May 2012 09: 37
      Quote: Ascetic
      "Oppositional Democracy in Russia"

      Stanislav, welcome. Cool jokes and there is something to complement the image of the opposition -------------- Once upon a time, the former governor of the Perm Territory Oleg Chirkunov decided to demonstrate his "free thinking" and "liberalism." He took the opportunity and transferred to the account of the famous blogger Alexei Navalny for the fight against the "bloody regime" and "thieves' power" his fee for a lecture at the Academy of National Economy, which he joyfully reported on his blog on March 19 last year. A month later, Navalny confirmed the fact of receiving money. Literally the very next day, Chirkunov confusedly announced that he regretted this transfer, and asked for funds to be sent to some children's fund.

      What happened during the day? The former governor of the Perm Territory was subtly hinted that if he considers the government “thieves” and the regime “bloody”, his job should be changed. Go into the opposition, and engage there in the struggle with the regime. Otherwise, the support of political groups with the goal of overthrowing the current government and the regime as a whole seems unacceptable. Especially in connection with the high official position that the governor occupies in the same power vertical. Chirkunov understood everything. He was forgiven. However, on April 28, 2012, almost a year after this memorable story, they still asked to vacate the chair of the head of the region.

      The message "either remove the cross or put on your underpants" has not lost its relevance today. Recently it became known that a member of the working group on the formation of the “Open Government”, the rector of the Russian Economic School Sergei Guriev invited Alexei Navalny to work in this same “Big Government”. We must pay tribute to the opposition, he immediately refused. But the fact itself! An invitation to the beginning of Dmitry Medvedev - the very one - about whom a well-known blogger, except that obscenities are not expressed. In general, as they say on the Internet, "zachotnenko." Moreover, Guriev is also sponsoring Navalny. He himself announced the transfer of 10 thousand rubles. Explaining his act by saying that “in today's Russia there is not enough political competition,” Guriev immediately immediately inconsistently emphasizes that “as the head of an educational institution, I do not consider it possible to either engage in politics or even publicly formulate my political preferences.” True, it should be noted that Guriev is not only and not so much “the head of an educational institution”.

      Since September 2008, Mr. Guriev has been a member of the Presidential Council for Science, Technology and Education, since April 2010 he is a member of the Council for Grants of the Government of the Russian Federation, and since September 2010, he has been a member of the Presidential Commission for the Implementation of Priority National Projects. He is also a member of the supervisory board of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending and a member of the supervisory boards of a number of commercial banks and funds. That is, Guriev is a person directly tied to numerous business projects and power initiatives, flesh from the flesh of power. And such sincere support for the fighters with the regime ... It all looks strange, doesn't it? Like some kind of political schizophrenia .------------ You can read the full link
    2. Bunny
      30 May 2012 11: 12
      Al Qaeda is NATO's nickname! Bye pseudonym! ..
  10. +7
    30 May 2012 08: 45
    I recall the fiery speeches of Hitler, as he was greeted by his own people. Democracy is a convenient word for manipulating the masses, and it will end with a grandiose battle. I hope to live to see victory and shit in the oval office. The best toilet in washington is not niti!
    1. +3
      30 May 2012 10: 25
      Romanov, you ofigel, shit there. Where are we going to fry barbecue?

      Better a column at the capitol otvandal some sort. Decorate there, write something memorable, and we will subscribe. Leave something as a warning to American descendants. By the way, I scored the oval office first if you remember.
      1. +5
        30 May 2012 10: 53
        EEE and they forgot to invite me to Sabantuychik. Normally one barbecue fries, another toilet equips, and here you climb the Russian flag on the roofs. laughing
        1. +2
          30 May 2012 11: 07
          Eugene, well, someone must be a hero, not a barbarian.
          1. +2
            30 May 2012 11: 11
            I’ll bring you a striped towel. Sasha, you dreamed about this laughing
          2. +1
            30 May 2012 13: 39
            Sasha, he who cares there will be a hero. We plow the kebab in the Pentagon, but we’ll wipe the hands of the general’s shirts. Ps - my oval cabinet is the point.
  11. +2
    30 May 2012 09: 33
    The author is a huge plus good ! Of course, the topic in the article is considered serious, but submitted to the reader’s court with such an abundance of satire and humor .... I haven’t neighing to tears for a long time ....
  12. dmb
    30 May 2012 09: 39
    "I listened. The one with the shovel, long and monotonously outlined the foundations of the political system of a beautiful country, of which he was a citizen. The device was unusually democratic, there could be no question of any coercion of citizens (he emphasized this several times with particular emphasis) , everyone was rich and free from worries, and even the very last farmer had at least three slaves. When he stopped to take a break and lick his lips, the one with the inkwell entered. He boasted that he had just worked his three hours as a carrier on the river , did not take a penny from anyone, because he does not know what money is, and now he is heading under the canopy of jets to indulge in versification. " - Strugatsky "Monday starts on Saturday".
  13. Odessa
    30 May 2012 09: 44
    I liked the publication, Andrei +, and pissed off both the tail and the mane, this whole democratic bloc (box). bully And DEMOCRACY has changed, it is becoming more and more like a totalitarian DEMOGUY!
    1. +1
      30 May 2012 10: 29
      That's right!
      And here is an example worth considering for evaluation:
      ".......... a concrete example. When the US presidential elections were held in 2000, a decisive struggle unfolded between Bush and Gore. The vote counting ended, and only Florida remained. The gap between the competitors was only a few dozen electoral votes. Bush was lucky - his brother Jeff, on whom great hopes were pinned, headed the executive branch in Florida, and his brother did not disappoint. The disadvantaged residents of Florida, especially those from ethnic minorities, were detained and interrogated. This was done in order to prevent those who were brought to the police at least once in the voting (according to the law, this can be done)."(
      - so how?
  14. +1
    30 May 2012 10: 47
    Article plus smile It’s clear that the author’s cry of a soul was boiling, but without hysteria, with sarcasm smile I liked
  15. Prophet Alyosha
    30 May 2012 11: 03
    There is no democracy in any country in the world right now — you need to know this. Democracy is a chimera. After all, the main tool in the election is the media are not independent, as they declare about it — they completely belong to the oligarchy (Sionomassonsky) and they are campaigning for this or that candidate — respectively, and we are voting on the basis of this propaganda !!! Democracy is now possible only at the local government level, where people personally know the candidates.
  16. +7
    30 May 2012 11: 19
    Under Catherine the Great, not a single gun in Europe, without the demand of Russia, could fire!
    And under I.V. Stalin they were simply silent in a rag.
    The order is when everyone on the tram buys a ticket, but there are no cigarette butts at the bus stop and there are ballot boxes!
    And of course "the thief should sit"!
  17. +4
    30 May 2012 11: 24
    Thank you for the article. Definitely a plus.
    Democracy is the most unfortunate form of government. More and more people are inclined towards this. The people who invented it, that is, the Greeks based their society on the division into a "citizen" with all his "democratic rights and freedoms" and a "slave" obliged to serve the needs of the citizen. Of course, many subsequently disagreed with this approach, and this was almost always understood by everyone. Democracy was proclaimed in fact only after the end of World War II in a very frightened and destroyed Europe.
    It was precisely the legislatively enshrined "rights and freedoms" that as a result led to the fact that those who have more money began to win the elections, gays and lesbians officially register their marriages and agitate other people to join their bright and advanced ranks, pedophiles to receive pensions according to " diseases ", the market economy goes hand in hand with democracy and for some reason cannot cope with the crisis that has befallen it without the intervention of the state, and a bunch of beautiful things in their" democracy ".
    Democracy is a form of government that has unleashed the most base feelings of people and society as a whole. It was democratic "rights and freedoms" that came into conflict with the eternal values ​​of humanity, honor, conscience, duty, the value of the family, respect for ancestors, and, unfortunately, practically ground them.
    Why such hatred for Russia? Yes, everything is simple .... "Democratic combines" cannot grind such a large space. It seems that something is already happening here, so no, if you are stroking somewhere in Siberia, "Russian barbarians" are raising the flag of fighting the Advanced West.
    "Wow, what a disgusting and dark country" they groan in the offices of the European Parliament and the White House.
    “We need to democratize them by force,” shouts all sorts of chiefs of staff and NATO.
    In light of this struggle, I have only one question.
    When will our Leadership and the elite, and, frankly, the people themselves, gather courage and tell the whole world that it has been in the air for a long time. Russia does not need your "Democracy". Russia needs justice, truth, respect for each other, diligence, so that everyone is rewarded according to his merits, so that on the endless territory of our country (and the world as a whole) a variety of peoples and cultures flourish, so that the concept of family and homeland were the most sacred to man. It's not difficult. Saying ..... Well, saying .... do it. After all, you have to answer for the words ...
  18. 8 company
    30 May 2012 12: 09
    I am the author of the article Andrei Voroshen. I want to clarify a little my own position set forth in the article. It is this: if you want, you can pervert everything, anything, any political system. Under the flag of democracy, you can capture entire countries, maintain bloody regimes, as the United States does. Under the communist flag, you can shoot people without trial and massively, exploit peasants like slaves, as in the Stalinist USSR, but you can develop the country differently under the same red flag, turning it into a world economic leader, while increasing the well-being of the people without any mass executions and sweeps like China does. You can still give an example of Russia under Yeltsin and Russia under Putin. The political system has not changed much, but the difference is enormous: under Yeltsin, there is a mess, poverty, terrible theft; under Putin - dynamic economic growth, growth in real incomes of the population, stability and resistance to crises. Well, there is corruption, but Putin is not a wizard to remove it in one fell swoop. In short: it’s all about those in power. I don’t know how to guarantee the assurance of worthy rulers. Here, apparently, many factors and conditions should work.
    1. Trudy
      30 May 2012 13: 37
      All is correct. After Yeltsin, it is very difficult to restore a destroyed country. The economy has been recovering for decades. And it’s not Putin’s fault that he cannot solve all problems overnight. Here we need painstaking work for the good of the fatherland, which we observe under Putin. Much has been done by him, I would even say impossible. And all these cries about democracy are for raising the fifth column so that it would rock the situation in Russia. Further along the Western scenario - revolution, devastation, another section of natural resources and so on.
      How to ensure that a worthy ruler comes to power? First you need to pass laws to stop the mess in the country. Strengthen the Internet (since there is a lot of information openly anti-state), introduce media censorship, restore a good education (Soros textbooks are in the furnace!), Restore our true history, provide children with a good upbringing (love their homeland). I believe that this is a priority measure. When a society rallies around a national idea, then the leader himself will be identified. The article is correct, and even with humor. Thanks to the author.
    2. vladimir64ss
      30 May 2012 16: 18
      Thank you for the article. Fun and not stupid. It is useful to laugh at a problem that cannot be resolved at once.
    3. 0
      30 May 2012 17: 36
      It may be so (as an option):
      1. Political parties and large public organizations nominate (propose) their candidates.
      2. These candidates are considered by a public council consisting of people trusted by society, not affiliated with political parties and social movements, as well as representatives of major religious denominations, editors of leading regional media, and prominent scholars. This body can be quite large and solve only this one problem.
      3. The candidates recommended by this public council are presented to voters, from which they choose a leader who forms all other authorities.
      4. Such a leader should be elected for at least 10 years and have a runner-up as a reserve in case of unforeseen events, but without any authority for him before the actual transfer of power. And in this case only until the early elections.
      I think that such a procedure will largely protect the country from erroneous choice.
    4. Goga
      30 May 2012 18: 18
      8th company - Andrey, brilliant article, full "+".
      and about this remark - no need to be mistaken - the quote - "without any mass shootings and sweeps, as China does" - is surprising, is it not a mass sweep to roll out hundreds of tanks for eight hired students across the central square? Well, yes, for China, of course, this is not at all massive .... But seriously - China has come to its now stable development through such blood that IP, Mother Teresa looks next to them and, unlike us, the Chinese do not take pictures of Mao - this is the strength of the national spirit to know, appreciate and respect, and not obscene your story. Now, of course, they do not have such a 5th column as ours (they cut it out in advance) and there is no need for massive clean-ups ... now there is no. But the Chinese are such a purposeful people that if any dirty trick starts up, I assure you, they will roll it out on the fly without looking back at the "common people". More or less like this ...
    5. Odinplys
      31 May 2012 04: 18
      Quote: Company 8
      I am the author of the article Andrey Voroshen

      Yes, politics is a delicate matter ... and the caricature at the beginning of the article is not bad ...
      Yes, and the article would put a plus ... But that's not the task ...
      The author of the article ... he is the 8th company ...
      So it is not forced and subtly lays in the subconscious of readers ... this line ...
      Oh, do not scold us, gentlemen, the American Democrats, do not call the Russians Stalinists.
      but after reading his comments on the article ...
      A bus with a portrait of Stalin carries children to Moscow theaters... from the 27th of this month ... we can conclude how he relates to Stalin ... and his achievements ... but Stalin ... can not be shared with the people of his time ...
      It was thought not in vain ... or maybe the whole article was thought ... to introduce into the mind of the reader ... some guilt ... an excuse ... they say we are not Stalinists ... we are Russian ... he is not for us friend ... we condemn him ...
      No dear, judging by the comments on the article mentioned above ... and not a long-standing survey on television ... most Russians ... Stalin and his talent idolize as the Greatest Genius ...

      And do not remind us of Afghanistan, otherwise we will recall your democratic carpet bombing of the Vietnamese inhabitants. And do not remind us of Prague, otherwise we will remind you of Grenada.

      Here's another interesting point ... Trying to compare incomparable ...
      This is a proposal for all readers to admit that it is not lawful to send troops into Afghanistan ... spit on the Afghans ... or those who defended the achievements of the Victory in 1945 ... in Prague ...
      For the whole reason, the article is a huge minus ...
      And the photo is the answer to you ... and the like ... Stalin begins to acquire an image ... and the people are sincerely glad to revive his ideas and methods ...
  19. shim
    30 May 2012 12: 20
    Democracy is fooling the people with the help of the people for the good of the people.
    1. +5
      30 May 2012 12: 33
      and for the money of the people.
  20. +1
    30 May 2012 13: 00
    As F. I. Tyutchev said in the 19th century
    “Long ago on European soil, where the lie has grown so magnificent,
    Long ago, the pharisaic science created a double truth ... "So the 'democrats' guys stand their ground! And the article is timely and masterfully written: the lyrical digression about the cutest Baikal seals (I was lucky to observe them by the lake!) - just cheered up. Thanks!
  21. +1
    30 May 2012 13: 07
    The article pleased me, usually my thoughts about "democracy" are expressed in a more rude and simpler way - swearing. To the author +++++++. By the way, on the topic of the presence or absence of democracy: "A dagger is good for those who have it and it is bad if it does not appear at the right time." "White Sun of the Desert", Abdullah. Or from the ad: "Are you still boiling? Then we are coming to you!" And they come and boil and boil. Here you will think about the presence of a dagger, or better a hundred or two "Stilettos", so that no one wants to come.
  22. +6
    30 May 2012 13: 43
    The situation around Syria began to change very quickly, the script was launched. This is how events happened.

    In the Syrian settlement of Al Hula, a bloody massacre occurred. Militants and foreign mercenaries entered the city and began an outright massacre; they had prisoners of war of the Syrian army with them. Residents of the city were ordered to kill their military. Those who did not agree, those were killed. They killed children.

    The reports of Marat Musin testify to this.
    Al Hula: the ordinary fascism of the "civilized world"
    ANNA VIDEO: what really happened in Syrian Al Hula
    Al Hula: ordinary fascism. First witness
    Dear friends of Syria!
    In fraternal Syria, there is a collection of signatures under this letter.
    It began in Russia.
    If you are, however, to sign it, give your name and surname.

    To the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia S.V. Lavrov

    Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
    We, the Russian people in Syria, are asking you for protection.
    What is happening around Syria is a fierce information war, threatening to develop into a real one.
    What happened in the Syrian village of Hula is nothing more than a carefully planned provocation, designed to bring new sanctions to Syria, including foreign intervention.

    You say: both parties are to blame for what happened. But this is not so. In the tragedy that took place in the village of Hula, there is no fault of the Syrian army.

    According to the ceasefire, the village of Hula was under the control of the armed opposition, and the army was not there. Around the village were five checkpoints of the Syrian army. And at about 14 p.m., armed opposition militants attacked these checkpoints so that the Syrian soldiers could not come to the rescue of the Hula residents and were forced to defend themselves. Warriors fought stubbornly, but forces were unequal, and they were captured and brutally tortured by militants.

    At this time, the terrorists massacred and killed dozens of people in Hula. All those killed - civilians, men, women and children, belonged to three large Syrian families. These families are completely carved.

    If we assume that these families died during the shelling, then how can shelling kill so selectively?

    We believe that they were civilians loyal to the legitimate Syrian government.

    All the dead have either bullet wounds or knife wounds. What shelling, what tank shelling can we talk about?

    Understand that it makes no sense to try to put pressure on the Syrian authorities to implement Kofi Annann’s plan. Because the Syrian authorities and personally the President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, are doing everything to fulfill this plan. And we, living in Syria, confirm this.

    And the armed opposition is doing everything to frustrate Kofi Annann’s plan. So, since the declaration of a truce, opposition gangs have committed more than three thousand crimes.

    The Syrian army, fulfilling the plan of Kofi Annann, was constrained in its actions and can not always give an adequate response to terrorists and militants.
    Please note that not a single crime of the armed opposition has caused condemnation in the West. The West has never sympathized with the victims of these crimes. No one in the West demanded the convening of an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, when on May 10 a terrible terrorist attack was committed in Damascus, in which more than 60 people were killed, including children.

    But only one libel about the alleged "involvement of the Syrian army" in the Hula murders is urgently convened, at the request of England and France, a UN Security Council meeting. The Syrian army and the leadership of the country are declared "culprits" of the incident, although there has not yet been any investigation.
    We support your demand for a thorough investigation into the Hula tragedy.

    WE, like all people of goodwill, require punishment of criminals and those who stand behind them, who arm them and give orders for new attacks and terrorist attacks. It is these forces who are trying to disrupt Kofi Annann’s plan
    The people of Syria have a great hope for Great Russia. The fact that Russia will not allow to repeat in Syria the brutal NATO scenarios that led to the death of Yugoslavia and the Libyan Jamahiriya.

    We call on the Russian leadership to investigate the crimes committed in the village of Hula, not to join the chorus of Western voices against the Syrian republic and its leadership, but to give the Syrian people and their legal representatives all possible support in the fight against terrorist groups that have penetrated Syrian land, to protect Syria from Western sanctions.

    We ask you to take all measures to, together with other peace-loving countries, stop the escalation of NATO military preparations against the Syrian Republic, which could lead to disaster and the death of innocent people.

    Russian people, like those in Syria,
    so are those who sympathize with the people of the fraternal country

    The vast majority of those killed in the Syrian city of Hula became victims of executions by militants, AFP reported on Tuesday, May 29.
    1. Trudy
      30 May 2012 14: 09
      Lucky, where to go to leave your support?

      Found a link:

  23. +2
    30 May 2012 16: 00
    The article smiled. Upset Lucky comment.
  24. Shumer
    30 May 2012 19: 32
    "And do not remind us of Afghanistan, otherwise we will remind you of your democratic carpet bombing of Vietnamese residents. And do not remind us of Prague, otherwise we will remind you of Grenada."