Myths about the origin of Ukraine and the Ukrainians. Myth 11. Taras Shevchenko as a symbol of the nation

Part one

In the pantheon of idols of modern Ukraine, Shevchenko now occupies the same place that Lenin occupied in the pantheon of Soviet idols. Some in their zeal try to present Shevchenko as a genius of world culture and even compare it with Pushkin or Mitskevich, while others call Shevchenko a kobzar and a prophet, a bible of the Ukrainian people, a national symbol and a spiritual mentor.

Myths about the origin of Ukraine and the Ukrainians. Myth 11. Taras Shevchenko as a symbol of the nation

According to the canonical version, Shevchenko is a genius poet and artist who had been languishing in serfdom since childhood, and for exile in the fight against tsarism, he was exiled as a soldier, where the criminal royal regime did not allow the talent of the people to develop.

One may wonder why this man, according to his contemporaries, who represented himself as an average poet, was suddenly in demand by his descendants? Why was it only half a century after his death that they remembered him, and he became, with the so-called Mazepians, a symbol of the nascent Ukrainians? Why, after the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks made him a fighter against serfdom? Why in modern Ukraine has it become a symbol of the “Ukrainian nation”?

What was so remarkable about the life and work of Shevchenko?

In essence, he was a talented man, but uneducated, and an ignoramus who remained in many questions, which affected his poetry and worldview. In such circumstances, a person becomes angry, extremely selfish, unmet and unsure about to destroy. And it was not for nothing that he himself confessed: “I came out of nature somehow unending.”

And this is despite the fact that, according to numerous testimonies of his contemporaries, the whole life of Shevchenko was spent in drunkenness and debauchery, and that he did not leave behind a single stunning picture and did not surprise the world with literary masterpieces.

That's what his contemporaries wrote about him. Gogol about the works of Shevchenko: “There is a lot of tar and I will even add more tar than poetry itself. And the language ... ", Belinsky:" ... the simplicity of the peasant language and the oakishness of the peasant mind ... ", his friend Kulish:" ... the muse is half-drunk and dismissed ... ", Ivan Franko:" ... meanwhile, this is just an average poet who is undeservedly trying to put on pedestal of world genius ". As you can see, they did not really appreciate him.

If you take his works, then you can’t find a single sublime thought in them, they are oversaturated with anger and hatred for the whole world, calls for destruction, blood flow, praise of “free lyakhs” and hatred for “Muscovites”. And this unlimited hatred is directed against all who, in his opinion, are guilty of his life's failures.

What circumstances gave rise to such an ugly phenomenon? To understand this phenomenon, we will plunge into his childhood and adolescence, the period of the formation of man and personality.

Shevchenko was born in a family of serfs on the right bank of the Polish half of Ukraine, only twenty years ago joined to Russia. Here, everything is still breathing in Poland, Polish priests in churches, the Polish education system in church schools and Polish teachers, Polish gentry still rule in their former estates. From an early age he absorbed the Polish habitat.

He had a difficult childhood, he did not finish parochial school, his mother died in 9 years, his father brought a stepmother, who, together with stepbrothers and sisters, mocked him, two years later his father also died. From childhood, Taras also had terrible memories of the local gaydamak-robber who demanded money from his father.

The lover of the stepmother, the school deacon and drunkard, soldered Taras, attached him a “consul” - to monitor the progress of the students and give the rod for academic failure. Taras had no sympathy for people since childhood. He demanded from the students offerings, and those who could not bring anything, s mercilessly. Here, he did not comprehend, only psalms were memorized in school.

From the clerk Taras fled, he went to the painter's pupil - they drove out, the shepherd - they drove him out, the farm laborer - again they kicked out. Somewhere in the 15 years, my grandfather attached him to the estate manager Pole Dymovsky.

On this the suffering of Taras ended, the further childhood and youth he spent in lackeys, and this is not a hard peasant work in the field. The manager liked the quick-witted boy, he gives him a local artist for drawing lessons and teaches Polish writing, so Taras was the first to master not his native, but Polish writing.

So he became a Cossack with the young wife of the gentleman of the Polish pani Sophia. She was an enlightened woman who taught him to speak French, read and write Russian. The rest of the education and knowledge of languages ​​he received from her lackeys and until the end of his life he wrote terribly illiterate.

Fate then throws Taras on Polish Wednesday, in 1829, he and his master's family travels to Vilna. As a page, he is at the feet of Pania Sophia, she shows favor to him, gives him Polish books to read, he recognizes Mickiewicz and admires him.

She wants Taras to attend lectures by a famous European artist, he enters from the Polish student environment and is imbued with their worldview. Polish lady, Polish poets and Polish friends. The formation of Shevchenko and his views were formed under the wing of Mrs. Sophia, he got to her 15-year-old teenager, and he came out from under her tutelage as an 24-year-old man.

In Vilna, he falls in love with Polish beauty Jadwig, dressmaker Pania Sophia, through her brother enters the circle of students participating in the preparation of the Polish 1830 uprising of the year. With the departure of his master, Taras finds a pretext and remains with Hadwigi, she invites him to participate in the uprising. Because of his cowardice, he refuses, and the violent Pole rents him to the authorities, who transfer Taras to St. Petersburg to his master. Disappointment and betrayal ends Shevchenko's first love, and he forms an appropriate attitude towards a woman.

This is how the Little Russian and Polish stage of Shevchenko's formation passed. From early childhood, he was brought up in the Polish environment, and she formed his outlook and instigated a fierce hatred of Muscovites.

He never decry the Polish period of the life of his people, for it is the flowering of Ukraine, so said Polish friends and so drunk kobzaris sang. The promised land for him is a "prick":

And tee pissed
In kind and rokkos! Vkraїno!

In his work, he loves Polish Ukraine, hates its enslavement by tsarism and scolds the Polish leader for bringing Poland to its fall and division because of their ambitions. He writes what he read from Mickiewicz, what he heard from his Polish friends. He did not read Russian poets and Pushkin in his youth. Poet of the Polish suburbs, brought up by the Poles and the Polish literature, who accepted their hatred of all Russian.

In his soul, they recall only memories of his childhood, of the heavy burden of the peasants, and he sees the Russian tsarism and the “Muscovites” as the culprits, considering them guilty and in all their troubles.

Only in 17 years, Shevchenko falls into the Russian environment, but for another seven years he has been influenced by the Polish girl, whom he adores. At her request, Shevchenko is a student apprentice to artist Shiryaev. He falls into the environment of St. Petersburg artists. Little Russia at that time was something exotic for Petersburg society, and Shevchenko became for them a fashion aborigine from a backward province. St. Petersburg bohemia became interested in a gifted young man, and celebrities such as Bryullov, Venetsianov and Zhukovsky take an active part in his fate.

He meets his fellow countryman Soshenko, a student of the artist Bryullov, and the Little Russian writer Grebinka. Through them, he enters the circle of the Little Russian fraternity of St. Petersburg, attends their evenings, often ending in a feast, of which Shevchenko has always been a lover. There he meets historical fake "History of the Rus" about the happy life of the Little Russians in Poland and the "Cossack knights", from where he will draw materials for his works in the future. Even modern Ukrainian historians recognize it as fake.

At the same time, he remained a serf, his duties included giving a pipe or a glass to the lord, standing next to an invisible idol, fulfilling his personal assignments, and being registered as a home artist. The road to free artists for him was closed.

Bryullov asks the owner Shevchenko to release him, he refuses and then, at the request of Zhukovsky, the queen organizes a lottery for a portrait of Zhukovsky Brullov's brush. The money was contributed by the tsarina herself, members of her family, the royal entourage and artists. Thus, in 1838, Shevchenko, thanks not to his talents, but to the St. Petersburg bohemian and royal family favors, is released and enters the Academy of Arts.

Do you think he started to comprehend the secrets of art? Nothing like that, as usual, hit the drunkenness. Here is how he himself writes about his life: “As I came to the exam that yak, when I was walking, I saw only the words, I passed my walk for two months.”

Malorussky landowner Martos in the 1840 year publishes Kobzar for his money, Shevchenko gets money, and almost all the time he spends rampant drunkenness. With his friends, he organizes the political and alcoholic society “mohemordia”, where its members poured alcohol on their face and head and elected “his omnipotentness”.

He was a frequent visitor to taverns and brothels, and the poet Polonsky describes his home like this: "... a casing on the bed, a mess on the table and ... an empty bottle of vodka".

The real Shevchenko - a coarse, untidy, smelling of onions and vodka spreading around him, was not very attractive for women and doomed to use the services of corrupt women; attempts to strike a serious relationship invariably ran into failure.

So, in drunkenness and rampant, his life was leaking, and for the sake of pleasure he was ready for any meanness. Princess Repnina in 1845, organized a fundraiser for the redemption of relatives of Shevchenko from serfdom, and he, having received the money, just drank it, and the ransom idea was all over. Offended in their feelings, the princess wrote to him: “It is a pity that you so lightly abandoned a good deed for your relatives; I feel sorry for them and ashamed before everyone I lured into this business. ”

Meanly he also managed with Soshenko, who was the first to raise the question of his release, who was busy for him, sometimes sharing with him the last piece of bread and sheltering him in his room. In gratitude for everything, Shevchenko seduced his bride and then threw her away.

That's how he lived, showing remarkable talent to adapt and adapt to people, to cause their sympathy and squeeze a tear. They took care of him, bought him out of serfdom, taught him and gave him money. He himself remained tough and heartless and never felt a sense of gratitude towards people who were trying to do so much for him.

The ending should ...
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  1. +7
    15 October 2018 06: 27
    ... a true crest ..
  2. +3
    15 October 2018 08: 40
    A detailed biography of this "poet" - "rebel" was written in Ukraine, by the writer Olesem Buzina.
    The name is very symbolic: " Ghoul Taras Shevchenko ".
    The book explains why he is a ghoul.

    This Russophobe was made popular by the Bolshevik authorities: in each village-city, it erected monuments to Shevchenko on Shevchenko Street near the library of Shevchenko opposite the school of Shevchenko.
    The Union of Soviet Writers in a welcome telegram addressed to the leader (1939):

    "Bci the people of our Vitchizni meant the yuvili of Shevchenko, yak great sacred socialist culture, yak his I’ll cope with the blood.

    many remember the small steel bald-whiskered busts, released in millions of copies ...
  3. -4
    15 October 2018 08: 53
    Quote from the author of the article: "If you take his works, then you cannot find a single lofty thought in them, they are oversaturated with anger and hatred for the whole world, calls for destruction, streams of blood, praise of the" free Poles "and hatred of the" Muscovites. " unlimited hatred is directed against all who, in his opinion, are guilty of his life failures. "
    Addressing Sharapov, Gleb Zheglov asks: "Have you read this poster?" And the respected author read Shevchenko's works, written in his opinion in a drunken stupor? Take the trouble to familiarize yourself. If you quote in Ukrainian or, if you like, in Little Russian, then you can read. The main idea running through all the poet's work is the hard life of the common people under the rule of feudal lords, Polish or Russian, or any other oppressors. Or in Russian villages it was "glorious for the people to live in saint Russia," where the master's puppies were fed by women, and the saltychikha women were fermenting peasants to death? There is a lot of talk now about the outrages happening in Ukraine, about lies, distortion of history in the media. Don't be like them. I imagine if the author wrote an article about Pushkin or Lermontov in a similar vein. A drunken frenzy would be provided. Enough with us lies, distortions and hatred about our and not our history.
    1. +4
      15 October 2018 09: 47
      Quote: k174un7
      The main idea that goes through the poet’s entire work is a hard life common people under the rule of serf-owners

      Yes, that's why he SPINED the money that was collected and transferred to him for the ransom of his RELATIVES from under the "power of the" serf-owners. "

      "Fighter", yes ....
    2. +5
      15 October 2018 14: 40
      I taught Shevchenko at school. And besides poems about the hard lot of the peasants, Shevchenko wrote with hatred about "Muscovites", "Muscovites are foreign people." And his syllable is oversimplified, childish, and the rhyme runs away somewhere. So in many ways the author writes correctly. But, in my opinion, Shevchenko is one of the best among Ukrainian poets. For example - the Soviet poet Pavlo Tychina - "Tractor in the field of holes-holes-holes: we are for peace." Against this background, monuments to Shevchenko should be erected, which has been done.
      1. +3
        15 October 2018 18: 01
        Aleksey Naumovich Sinyavsky (whose native language was Yiddish) translated Shevchenko's works from the Little Russian dialect of the Russian language into Polish-German surzhik (the so-called Ukrainian MOV), having substantiated his edition "scientifically" in the book "Principles of Editing Moving and Spelling by T. Shevchenko that concrete images (propositions). Culture of the Ukrainian word ", Kharkov - Kiev, 1931.
      2. 0
        17 October 2018 06: 02
        You don’t know the work of Pavel Tychina - you taught about the tractor and the Maidan at school, but you didn’t teach about Tychina’s lyrics, about true creativity. I came across by chance in the 70s his book of poetry - just fine! But ... since it does not glorify the Party and the Motherland ... it was published in a scanty circulation.
  4. +4
    15 October 2018 09: 17
    The funny thing is not that Shevchenko thought not in Polish or Little Russian, but in Russian (see his diary), but that mankurts from the outskirts are shed with snot, reading Taras translated from Little Russian to Polish-German surzhik laughing

    One peripheral translation of the cult word "kobzar" as "kobzar" gives an idea of ​​the fake nature of the entire mankurt version of Shevchenko.
  5. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. BAI
        15 October 2018 13: 55
        It is necessary to compare with the source and, but they are deleted. What exactly was there is unknown; on the net there are 69 million links to this text. And only 2 were banned.
        1. +1
          15 October 2018 15: 09
          Quote: BAI
          It is necessary to compare with the source and, but they are deleted. What exactly was there is unknown; on the net there are 69 million links to this text. And only 2 were banned.

          The first and last line in the decision are indicated exactly, the deleted text itself is on the network, with spaces indicating nationalities. It coincides with yours, but there are no others.

          Not forbidden, so not forbidden. Life will show

          But this text certainly has nothing to do with Shevchenko and it is very rude negative
  6. -1
    15 October 2018 09: 53
    My personal opinion is that the author has overdone in black colors, which makes the article too biased. For instance:
    Shevchenko - a rude, untidy, spreading the smell of onions and vodka around him, was not attractive to women and was doomed to use the services of venal women; attempts to establish a serious relationship invariably ran into denial.

    And below:
    In gratitude for everything, Shevchenko seduced his bride and then left her.

    That's how he lived, showing remarkable talent to adapt and adapt to people, to cause their sympathy and squeeze a tear. They took care of him, bought him out of serfdom, taught him and gave him money. He himself remained tough and heartless and never felt a sense of gratitude towards people who were trying to do so much for him.

    celebrities such as Bryullov, Venetsianov and Zhukovsky take a keen participation in his fate.

    Were they blind and deaf?
    I believe Shevchenko was a man with his own shortcomings and virtues, and it’s wrong to make a genius or a demon out of him.
    1. +4
      15 October 2018 20: 09
      Quote: Talgarets
      Were they blind and deaf?

      Alas, this happens quite often.
  7. +3
    15 October 2018 10: 00
    I prefer Gogol, now the true details of Poltava landscapes.
    But ...
    This is a great imperial writer, it is difficult to make him purely Ukrainian. It is not for nothing that in Ukrainian schools there is a section "foreign literature"
  8. +3
    15 October 2018 10: 16
    Idol, and what it is inside is not important. M.Yu. Lermontov was an outstanding poet, but in life he was a rather unpleasant person.
  9. -4
    15 October 2018 14: 04
    Mr. Apukhtin can puff up to hiccups. However, Shevchenko's name can be found in encyclopedias from the ninth edition of the British Encyclopedia in 1875 to the modern Great Russian Encyclopedia. “The work of Shevchenko, the pioneer of a new Ukrainian literature, who laid the foundations of a nationwide literary language rooted in the spoken vernacular language, had a significant impact on the development of Russian and Belarusian literature. Mn. Works of Sh. Became folk songs (“ Reve That is a wide Dnipro stogne "," My thoughts, thoughts ", etc.)." This is from the "Great Russian Encyclopedia".
    And the name of Apukhtin is known only to Kharkiv residents, who entrusted their money to his little firms - pyramids and visitors to the VO website, where he pours out his bile to the joy of a limited contingent of a marginal focus, since more toothy and intelligent competitors of the "business" also took away receipts from gullible Kharkiv residents to the bins have changed. Only the role of the "fiery fighter" remained, whose name is no one and no one calls him.
    1. +3
      15 October 2018 14: 33
      well, in the absence of a stamp, and Shevchenko's "pioneers of literature" is much ...
    2. -3
      15 October 2018 20: 52
      Quote: Curious
      And the name of Apukhtin is known only to Kharkiv

      He is on the principle of some ancient Romans - if you need to become famous, you need to sacrifice a famous person and overthrow it. Well, so did Scipio bring ...
      1. +2
        15 October 2018 22: 41
        Quote: Antares
        Well, so did Scipio

        Actually, there was a banal struggle for power.
        1. +1
          16 October 2018 09: 30
          Quote: Dart2027
          banal struggle for power.

          so everywhere, power and money, and in pursuit of this there is a need to do something. And so continuously.
          "Don't bury me in Rome" (c)
  10. 0
    15 October 2018 18: 00
    What are we talking about, the truth we will never know!
  11. +5
    15 October 2018 20: 53
    What are we talking about !!! On the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation should be. at least a destroyer. called Prince Potemkin of Taurida.
  12. +2
    15 October 2018 21: 21
    Yuri Apukhtin claims to be "similar" to the overthrowers of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Suvorov and many other famous personalities .. It is very significant that the same tactic was chosen. You need to paint a bad portrait of a person and bury your talent. Everything will do here, everything negative and everything that surrounds. The rest can be completed by yourself
    according to the numerous testimonies of his contemporaries, Shevchenko’s whole life was spent in drunkenness and debauchery, and that he did not leave behind any stunning paintings and did not surprise the world with literary masterpieces.

    These are those "contemporaries" who buried Pushkin too ...
    in the search engine, I scored the first
    N. A. Vlasenko recalls what a strong impression Shevchenko made on his listeners with his singing; Shevchenko visited the Srebdolsky and in the boudoir of one of the Srebdolsky girls in the presence of N.D. Belozersky, a very severe man, he sang: and this unflappable old man burst into tears ... M.A. Maksimovich recalls Shevchenko's singing (Sobr. p. 1) and V. P. Maslov (Biographical essay, p. 529 and 54).

    but it’s so, now it’s fashionable to subvert the titans ...
    Vasily Zhukovsky, Karl Bryullov, Alexei Venetsianov - these people not only appreciated the talents of the young Little Russia, but also did everything to redeem him from serfdom. As a result, 2500 rubles were paid to the landowner Engelhardt for Shevchenko - a huge sum for those times, for which it was possible to purchase a small estate.
    Source: 7 facts about Taras Shevchenko
    Probably a cunning Ukrainian deceived them ... Judging by Apukhin.
    What was so remarkable about the life and work of Shevchenko?

    Well, in life we ​​are all ordinary people. One can write about us like that ... but in creativity
    However, the reviews of the famous critic Vissarion Belinsky about the first collections of the poet “Kobzar” and “Lastovka” were very favorable. "Kobzar" became Shevchenko's most famous book. Only during his lifetime he was reprinted 4 times. And in Soviet times, the total circulation of Kobzar exceeded 8 million. Poems from this collection are translated into more than 100 languages ​​of the world. In the city of Cherkassy in 1989, the only museum in the world dedicated to one book was opened. And this book was Kobzar.
    © Russian Seven
    Well, the fact that Taras wrote pamphlets (like many Russian poets) on the powerful of this world - for which they were persecuted. This became those ways, which they did not love and did not have mercy on him.
    In the last years of his life, the Ukrainian poet did a lot of modeling and engraving. It is thanks to the successes achieved in copper engraving that Shevchenko became not only the first Ukrainian national poet, but also the first outstanding poet of the Russian Empire, awarded the degree of academician of the Academy of Arts.

    © Russian Seven
    I did not know about this either. I knew that he was a talented artist, and creativity is so ... But the fact that he learned a tinker (engraver) now by chance.
    But apparently the cunning Taras also deceived the Academy, according to the author ..
    in general, there is someone to overthrow .. apparently the next will be Franco, Kulish, Les and many others ...
    1. +3
      16 October 2018 09: 52
      "Yuri Apukhtin claims to be" similar "to the overthrowers ..."
      He claims nothing but a fee. He writes for what he pays.
  13. +2
    15 October 2018 21: 36
    The first broken pan of Ukraine ... All the castrolegols of his (Taras) adherents ...
  14. +1
    15 October 2018 21: 45
    Quote: Antares
    but it’s so, now it’s fashionable to subvert the titans ...

    Small titanium ... titanic ...
  15. -1
    17 October 2018 00: 13
    A good article would have been if not for the abundance of conflicting paragraphs.
  16. 0
    17 October 2018 05: 57
    Features of the national character, alas. It is those that are so clearly manifested in his work. "Decent" icon on the Ukrainian-Bandera bunker.