Why the West sentenced the Russians

What is happening in the world and Russia? Why is Russia, the largest and most resource-rich country in the world, which has everything necessary for a decent life for people, is in such a plight? Who is to blame? Why the leadership of Russia cannot restore order in the country and launch a common development project, a project to create a “solar civilization”, where everyone will live in dignity, happily and in prosperity? Why do all politicians say or pretend that they “understand everything”, that they “know everything”, and life is getting worse for most people?

Why the West sentenced the Russians

And most importantly: all of civilization, the country and the people have no future, a great goal. The energy of the Russian civilization and the Russian people is wasted idly, we all just exist, we live without a great idea, a common vision of a bright future for all. After all, the future of the western project is the world of the “golden calf”, the world of the domination of the slave-owning gentlemen, this is not for us. It fits only a narrow stratum of "new nobility", capitalist bourgeois, people with a mercantile, petty-bourgeois psychology. For the Russian civilization, the Russian super-ethnos, the great Russia (three Russian states: the Russian Federation, Ukraine-Little Russia and White Russia) - this is peace, degeneration and death. The fate of the raw material colony of the West and East. The transformation of Russian and other indigenous peoples of Russia in the ethnographic material.

It is necessary to know that by the beginning of the 20th century a symbiosis of the most terrible, aggressive, cynical forces of the planet was created. Clans of "vampire ghouls", "predators" and "alien". Global parasites who have set themselves the goal of enslaving humanity finally, irrevocably, to create a “new world order” - a global slave-owning, caste civilization. The masters of the West, who have seized financial and political power in Europe and the USA, are called the “golden elite”, the “owners of money”, the “financial international”, the “global backstage”, the “global parasite”, etc.

The "explosive mixture" of Vatican Jesuitism, Old Testament Talmudism and Kabbalism with the fascist idea of ​​"chosenness", cynical Protestantism (with the idea of ​​"chosenness" of the rich) gave rise to a global monster. An international, non-national clan of social parasites, degenerates has appeared on the planet, imbued with the spirit of hatred, monstrous cynicism and “chosenness”. At the same time, the “owners of money and gold” had the opportunity to finance and receive the results of the work of the best think tanks of the planet and engage in strategic planning.

The maximum program of the global mafia has become the task of complete enslavement of all mankind, the occupation of the planet, the appropriation of all its resources for overconsumption of a handful of "chosen ones". Establishment of a stable (“eternal”) caste-slave civilization with the domination of the lords elected over the “two-legged tools”. In this case, the “matrix” -project of the Western world is based on the slave-owning civilizations of the ancient world: Egypt, Babylon, Greece and Rome. This is the ideal of the western "elite": all the pleasures and high knowledge, technologies are available only to the masters, and to the slaves - "bread and circuses."

There were no forces capable of resisting the global mafia, whose clans had been concentrated for centuries, gold, wealth and power. In addition to Russia, Russia and Russian. This is the essence of the so-called. Russian question. Only Russians stood in the way of transnational parasites to absolute power. To pacify, enslave and conquer Russia for a millennium failed, although in a number of cases it seemed that victory was near. It turned out that the most rebellious people, Russian, can only be destroyed. Without the destruction of Russia and the Russian super-ethnos, the attainment of absolute power on Earth is impossible.

In the process of human evolution, groups of incredibly talented “redistributors” parasites, who did not produce anything, appropriated the fruits of millions and millions of “creators-producers” —the carriers of the productive mode of economic management — emerged from the people, the carriers of the appropriating mode of farming (“consumers”). In the final stages of its development, the parasitic "elite" (usurers - speculators - bankers - financiers) entered into a symbiosis with the degenerate old aristocracy of Western Europe. So the global mafia was formed. Having formed the ruling parasitic "elite" -the mafia of the world, they quickly subjugated to themselves first the West, and then almost all the countries and peoples of both hemispheres (colonization of the planet).

Moreover, having enslaved in one way or another, under different signs, different countries, peoples and tribes, they managed to instill hundreds of millions, billions of their value system. The whole planet was forced to live according to their “wolf” laws, to play their “game”, where the winners are always the game owners. The slave-owning, robber capitalist system extends to the entire planet, where the metropolis is flourishing due to plunder and the sucking of the resources of the blood of the colonies. The world of the “golden calf”, the consumer society, is being established, killing both the biosphere and humanity itself.

Dozens of nations lose their genetic code, fall under the authority of the western "matrix". They were reprogrammed. For example, in this way the Slavs-Rus of Central Europe were turned into Germans, and the western glades — into Poles, whom they had incited against the Russians-Russ who had preserved their faith, language, Russian code-code for a thousand years. Entire nations and tribes program to obey the dictates of certain “command posts” (such as the Vatican). Currently, the program is dominated by liberalism with false images of "human rights", "priority of the individual over society", "freedom of the individual", etc.

The problem of the owners of the West is that it is impossible to reprogram the Russian people, to change its code matrix. Why? Because Russians-Rus are the direct heirs of the Aryan-Indo-Europeans, the core of the carriers of the program of the Rus-superethnos. Programs of super-evolution. Therefore, the Russians always oppose social injustice, untruth, violation of the ethics of conscience. All other branches of the Indo-European family, other peoples of the white race can be reprogrammed, but not its “trunk,” the core. The masters of the West know this very well. Unlike ordinary citizens, they are well aware of genuine history of humanity. The West knows for sure that, whatever the Russian - pagan, Orthodox, monarchist, red communist, democrat - he is always Russian, he is always, in any form and appearance the enemy. Russians are accepted by the West only after assimilation, in the second or third generation, when they accept the "rules of the game." Just as the “brains”, the intellectual elite working in the West, the labor force, and the “ethnographic material” are children, girls, and women.

Thus, the Russian people in their land, in Russia, for the West is unacceptable under any circumstances. Even in the conditions of the semi-colonial regime established in 1991-1993, which fulfills the will of the global parasite and dreams of becoming part of the global “elite”. According to the program of the global mafia, the Russian people must be destroyed. Complete and unconditional extermination. As soon as possible. All as they wanted Hitler and his ideologues, frankly showing the program of the West in relation to Russia and the Russian people.

To this end, the masters of the West organized all the wars against Russia, throwing against it the eastern hordes, Turks, Poles, Germans, Swedes, French, etc. For this, all the world wars were organized. However, it was impossible to take Russia by direct force, dismember it and destroy the Russians, and it was not possible to assimilate their remnants. In 1917, the West seemed to have already won. The Russian empire was crushed. The “fifth column” was brought to power - the Westernists of the Februaryists, and then the revolutionaries-internationalists. However, the Russian Communists were able to launch a new development project in the interests of the people, killed most of the "demons", prepared the country for a new great war. The Soviet Union became the breakthrough of the Russian civilization into the future. The Russians have shown to all mankind the possibility of creating a “solar civilization”, where a person will be a creator-creator, and not a consumer-slave.

Then the masters of the West threw Hitler's “European Union” against Russia. Financed him, armed to the teeth. With the help of forbidden psychotechnologies, the idea of ​​“chosenness” and “invincibility” was inspired by the Germans. However, Russia-USSR, covered with blood, survived and even became stronger. The Soviet armed forces have become the most powerful on the planet. The Russians included Eastern and Central Europe, including East Germany, in their sphere of influence, reestablished their positions in the Far East (the defeat of militarist Japan, the return of the Kuriles, Sakhalin, Port Arthur). Huge China has become our "younger brother."

Great Russia (Soviet Union) becomes the lord of the half-world. The West, first of all, England and the USA, which during the Second World War were able to realize part of their strategic tasks (in particular, the defeat and occupation of Germany and Japan, the complete submission to the Anglo-Saxons of the old European elite). However, plans for the complete enslavement and extermination of the Russians, the dismemberment and destruction of Russia were destroyed. Moreover, the powerful Soviet Union, the omnipotent giant, hung over the West, having the opportunity at any time to destroy this cancerous formation from the face of the Earth. The collective West, fantastically enriched in world war, falls into a state of paranoia (Russophobia): fear of the Russians (“Russians are coming!”) Brings Westerners to hysteria.

As a result, the masters of the West immediately begin a third world war (the so-called cold war) against the Russian (Soviet) civilization and the Russian people. The global mafia begins informational, ideological, secret (the war of diplomacy and special services) and the economic war against the Soviet Union.

To be continued ...
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  1. -32
    14 October 2018 05: 48
    Without the destruction of Russia and the Russian super-ethnos, the attainment of absolute power on Earth is impossible.
    This is a turn ... Russia.Russian navel of the earth .... stunned to find out how to understand it? Why did the author come to this conclusion? What is the civilizational role of Russia?
    Goebels with the Rosenbergs nervously smoke on the sidelines and envy such a turn.
    Or did they find a new brace? The Nazis lost or, rather, the Soviets knocked out this nonsense. But no, someone came in handy ...
    1. -10
      14 October 2018 06: 46
      Hmmm ... but, I like to "just live" without any "great idea", without a "redemptive sacrifice", without thinking about the "Russian superethnos", etc. Obviously, something is wrong with me. So.... winked
      1. +28
        14 October 2018 08: 05
        Quote: Snail N9
        Hmmm ... but I like to “just live” without any “great idea”, without any “atoning sacrifice”, without thinking about the “Russian superethnos”, etc. Obviously, something is wrong with me .... winked
        That's right, that something is wrong with you " Yes For if you do not want to engage in politics and delve into its essence in the ongoing world, then "politics" will definitely take care of you. Namely.

        Politics is a concentrated expression of the economic interests of an individual, his family, or a group of people, society, people, nation, professional and religious corporations for his biological and social survival, development, well-being and enjoyment of life.
        And since the economic resources for the life of people in nature and society are not infinite, they - these resources - are taken away from those "onlookers" who do not value them and do not protect them for themselves and do not protect them from thieves, murderers and other aggressors.
        1. -19
          14 October 2018 09: 04
          And yes, don't give a damn .... I like to spend time with my family, go hiking and fishing with friends, I like to drink good alcoholic beverages, I like fucking ... a young mistress, etc. and all this, mind you , without any thoughts about * the future of "Slavic civilization" .... Directly, "some kind of horror" ... Soon, I will build a house and move there from an apartment .... or do you think that the insidious Rothschilds and Morgans will come and break this house for me? No, these "Rothschilds" and "Morgan", in fact, sit in the Kremlin, with their own fool ... mi laws that are generated, qualities and character traits, again already sitting in every Russian, as well as in every other person , any nationality and their name: "envy", "laziness", "money-grubbing", "selfishness", etc. That's what we need to fight with, although ...., as the experience of millennia shows, to no avail .... And about the fight against the "tyrants" .... well, and strongly we "set" with them? What did they leave from, besides, they came ... Maybe it's better to "relax" and "enjoy" what you have? nothing, after all, not forever under the moon ...
          1. +30
            14 October 2018 09: 34
            Maybe better. But for every "relaxed Roman" there is a "barbarian" who, for some reason, also wants to "have fun." ;-)
          2. +12
            14 October 2018 12: 07
            Quote: Snail N9
            like tra ...... th young mistress and so on and all this, mind you, without any thoughts about * the future of "Slavic civilization"

            Poison mistress and without thoughts about the future of Slavic civilization ?? What are you! How can this be!))) hi

            I do not want to judge anyone, but to myself the idea is this. If you sleep with your mistress without feelings, then this is just vulgarity. And if there are feelings and love relationships, then this is a classic love triangle, which the enemy does not want. All the time to lie, trap, invent and wife and lover ... feel like a traitor! Horror! This is a difficult life scenario, well described in literary works and shown in many films.
          3. +1
            14 October 2018 12: 32
            Quote: Snail N9
            Do you think that the insidious Rothschilds and Morgan will come and break me this house?

            No, my niece will come and appreciate your home. You also pay her back. laughing
            1. 0
              14 October 2018 15: 28
              my niece will come and appreciate your home. You still pay her

              So I'm talking about that "these" Rothschilds "and" Morgan ", in fact, are sitting in the Kremlin" ... wink True, now no one goes to their homes in private estates - everything is removed from the plane, and the "detailing" is done from drones
              1. +8
                14 October 2018 15: 39
                Quote: Snail N9
                or do you think that the insidious Rothschilds and Morgan will come and break me this house?

                If you lived, let's say in Syria, you would have come and broke. But you are lucky you live in Russia. smile
              2. +1
                16 October 2018 06: 07
                "My nephew will come and appreciate your home .."
                -Bravo! It would seem much more convincing? how else to say that the "nephews" will find both your HOUSE and your Family. And the "nephew" lives not in the Kremlin, but nearby, watching, waiting for the moment.
          4. dSK
            14 October 2018 13: 50
            Quote: Snail N9
            their name is: "envy", "laziness", "money-grubbing", "selfishness", etc. Here we must fight with them, although ...., as the experience of millennia shows, to no avail.
            Those who have overcome these vices are "canonized", they are like "beacons" evolution - accumulation of positive qualities and "oblivion" of negative ones.
            So in everything as you want people to do with you, so do you with them, for this is the law and the prophets.
            Enter with narrow gates, because the gates are wide and the path leading to perdition is wide, and many go by them; because narrow gates and narrow paths leading to life, and few find them. / Matthew 7: 12-14 /
          5. +4
            14 October 2018 15: 57
            Soon, I’ll build a house and move there from the apartment .... or do you think that the insidious Rothschilds and Morgan will come and break this house for me?

            Yes, it’s easy, of course, not the Rothschilds themselves, but their performers, they’ll just face some kind of social injustice, for example, police arbitrariness or you’ll come to the hospital and there they will be denied treatment and there are a lot of situations against which you rebel and mustache the system turns on and breaks you and your house and all that is so dear to you.
          6. +7
            15 October 2018 01: 50
            Quote: Snail N9
            And yes, don't give a damn .... I like to spend time with my family, go hiking and fishing with friends, I like to drink good alcoholic beverages, I like fucking ... a young mistress, etc. and all this, mind you , without any thoughts about * the future of "Slavic civilization" .... Directly, "some kind of horror" ... Soon, I will build a house and move there from an apartment .... or do you think that the insidious Rothschilds and Morgans will come and break this house for me? No, these "Rothschilds" and "Morgan", in fact, sit in the Kremlin, with their own fool ... mi laws that are generated, qualities and character traits, again already sitting in every Russian, as well as in every other person , any nationality and their name: "envy", "laziness", "money-grubbing", "selfishness", etc. That's what we need to fight with, although ...., as the experience of millennia shows, to no avail .... And about the fight against the "tyrants" .... well, and strongly we "set" with them? What did they leave from, besides, they came ... Maybe it's better to "relax" and "enjoy" what you have? nothing, after all, not forever under the moon ...

            As I understand it, your life principle: - "where it is warm, there is the Motherland"?
            Quote: Snail N9
            and their name: "envy", "laziness", "money-grubbing", "selfishness"

            Do not pull your inner world on others. A satisfying life for you, a light hangover and protected joys with a young lover. By the way, the neighbor's cat has similar principles, and when he was castrated, he also did not consider it necessary to fight, because they feed him. hi
          7. +4
            15 October 2018 12: 04
            That's right, this is the life of a rabbit for breeding and slaughter))
          8. 0
            21 October 2018 07: 36
            The house will be torn down, not now, later ... And I completely agree about the Kremlin! "Relax" say ... Well, well!
        2. 0
          15 October 2018 11: 22
          Well, take away Gazprom and the oil industry from Miller and Volodenka! For extreme, make share with the people! And then they enjoy life and people raising their retirement age.
          P.S. Although the adherents of Kiselev, it is somehow sideways.
          1. +1
            15 October 2018 14: 30
            Quote: dgonni
            Well, take away Gazprom and the oil industry from Miller and Volodenka!

            So, in general, both Gazprom and the oil industry are state property. So in whose favor to take, Naftogaz or what? recourse
      2. 0
        19 October 2018 11: 23
        Why is everything so, in the modern understanding of life.
    2. +9
      14 October 2018 12: 27
      The USSR was the pinnacle of the civilizational development of the world, albeit not perfect. Because it was destroyed by those about whom this article. And they continue to do it now. Not Putin is their enemy, but the ghost of the Stalinist USSR of the post-war period.
      1. -6
        15 October 2018 11: 23
        Did you live in the USSR? And if this was the pinnacle of civilization, then why did it scatter like a house of cards?
        1. +9
          15 October 2018 12: 06
          I think this is a well-conducted operation to introduce an influence agent into the leadership of the USSR, I'm talking about Gorbachev
          1. +5
            15 October 2018 12: 30
            Judging by the information that flashes on the Internet, there were a lot of these tiharas.
        2. +7
          15 October 2018 12: 26
          I am 70 years old, my friend! And the Union perished because of the decomposition of the supreme power and, as it turned out, not very smart citizens of the USSR. They divorced us much worse than the boy Mavrodi of his partners. Everything else I have already said - the Zion-Anglo-Saxon world has become a wall against us. And this symbiosis of the internal enemies-traitors and the external enemy managed to defeat.
          1. +1
            15 October 2018 20: 33
            I completely agree ! They scattered everyone, the crowd!
            1. +1
              18 October 2018 09: 36
              "People, citizens, brothers ...", you already decide, at least for yourself.
              On the one hand, the USSR was the pinnacle of civilization,
              on the other hand, we got divorced. Crowd.
              Did the crowd live on top of civilization? Someone created a civilization, it is not known who, but the crowd living in Tama divorced and .... blew this very civilization?
              Don't you think, colleagues, that there is some kind of duality here? If the peak is people, the quality is appropriate. Well, if people are so-so, then civilization, then, is not the peak.
              I will not assess the "summit" of the Soviet Union, although I lived my best thirty years in the Soviet Union.
              Then, after all, there was a goal! And the further to the sources - the more specific the goal. And as intermediate goals were achieved, the MAIN goal began to erode. And it was blurred to the point that the main thing was the sausage, preferably one hundred varieties and Levis jeans. As it is on lace panties and Europe is not pulled.
              Who is to blame, what to do is no longer important.
              And I myself see that as the "culling" was canceled with a bald maize - and so it has come ... the beginning of the end.
              Civilization develops only in the conditions of "culling" of an unviable element. This is natural, "social" selection.
              Few people appreciate that culling abroad has been put on a much tougher basis than it was even in the Union - because they are still ahead of the rest.
              And according to the material itself - Levashovism, in its purest form.
              I note that the Jesuits, without exception, are all those scientists who created science in Europe.
              Only because of this, I believe that all supposedly burnt manuscripts are still stored somewhere in caches.
              And if the slave owners so wanted to rule - then it would not be worthwhile to allow development.
              1. +1
                18 October 2018 10: 50
                Igor Vladimirovich! Yes, as a social system, socialism was the pinnacle of the development of the world, albeit imperfect in everything (I will not develop the topic).
                But we, in particular, it turned out that our content darted from the ideals of communism to the beautiful and attractive visions of Western life. And stupid envy of the well-fed and wealthy prevailed. None of us wondered then why it was the top of the West that gave this well-fed life to the middle class. Now everything clarifies - was Stalin's USSR and his post-war successes brought the upper echelons of the West to the realization that they would lose, then our country developed so quickly and powerfully, and its ideas permeated the whole world.
                Only because of this was the well-fed and over-fed life of the West and the USA created, as a showcase of the Western world and its prosperity.
                And we, like flies, reached out for sweets, not realizing that flies sit not only on it.
                And from above in the power of our country, a huge army of traitors has grown, dreaming of seizing the country.
                In general, what to say for a long time. Several years of brainwashing of our people, thoughtful measures taken by the leaders to discredit the Soviet system, a lie about our history - and we swallowed the assassination of the Union.
              2. +1
                18 October 2018 12: 18
                On the one hand, the USSR was the pinnacle of civilization,
                on the other hand, we got divorced. Crowd.

                What do not you understand ?
                In the early 90s, the majority believed that "capitalism" was the most progressive and if we abandon the USSR and go over to capitalism, then we will live "in chocolate"
                What happened as a result of the "transition"? A completely destroyed economy, whatever it is - good or bad, now there is none. I hope you can guess something greater than zero is greater than zero, i.e. closer "to the top"
                Hence the conclusion - what we were told - a lie, or as they say in the people - divorced
              3. 0
                19 October 2018 11: 36
                Rome was also the pinnacle of civilization in its day. but collapsed from above. This happened with the Union.
          2. +2
            18 October 2018 10: 30
            That's right, I want to add that the KGB betrayed the USSR, this body was a guarantee of the security of the USSR state = state committee. security! They decomposed on lawlessness, robbery and sending gold to Russia abroad. If it weren’t for them, Gorbachev would not have dared to do this, because The KGB controlled from betrayal and the head of state!
            And now the FSB is doing this and apparently not very, since the country is teeming with traitors in the leadership, in the oligarchy, etc. . Trump and all the presidents before him were able to create a country and laws, which the Russians swear allegiance to with the whole world, a country created by convicts of Europe, cat. only 300 years old, run the world. And the country that has lived for millennia could not create laws protecting its citizens, its resources, and its country. Great Russia licks the heels of the Americans and Europeans, it’s good that no ass yet. All the authorities who have and create laws send their families over the hill, for the people they come up with new taxes every month to destroy the country's population. It’s just that a Russian person cannot be a manager of the state; in a Russian, in the blood, can be a servant (six) for other countries. This has been proven since the time of Peter the Great, who dressed up in Russian underpants and wigs! In a place to teach Europe how to dress like a man, not like a gay. Hoping for Putin, he thought he was a real Russian man, finally life would be improved in Russia, and years later he became like Peter1, someone scared him very much in the West and stood against his people. How can you raise the retirement age when people die out at the speed of light, how can life expectancy in constant stress increase. Children do not see parents who inject 1-12 hours for a penny, so that children do not die of hunger. And young people cannot start a family, they have no time to stop for dates and have no strength, because a stop for dating or having a baby threatens hunger and dismissal. Medicine is dead to the people. Stalin's project was to reduce working hours every year, so that parents had the opportunity to see their children not in a dream, to give young people time for dates and to create families to raise the birth rate in the country. Stalin took men to the age of 15 years old, older was forbidden. And in our peacetime, people are forced to work up to 60 so that there is a stench and a pile of sick people at work. And so they clearly increased their retirement age so that they could end up a long-lived survivor by hunger and there was no one to pay pensions! If some children saw at least grandparents, then now children will not see any grandparents with reforms. This is another stake stuck so that the people of Russia do not breed, take grandparents to work and look for work, and so that there is no one to babysit with children.
            Could this be the Bible Apocalypse (Genesis 17 chapter, verses 11 and 14)? The scriptures were always sent to all the people of the earth, and only some people who liked something accepted it. Satanists distorted to lead astray. After all, all the scriptures are constitutions from the creator of the earth and humanity. Sorry for the verbosity.
            1. +1
              18 October 2018 11: 25
              MAG77_ KGB in the collapse of the Union - an outside observer. And more precisely - the performer.
              The institute of "nomenklatura" was not created by the KGB, but by the Politburo. Well, these figures did not want that at least someone could stop them. And if there is a certain circle of persons admitted to making fateful decisions, but not responding for the consequences of their actions - we see the result.
              Under Stalin, the only person freed from "implacable control" was himself, Joseph Vissarionovich.
              And after Stalin, after the bald - those who are not responsible for their actions. divorced, like dogs uncircumcised. Even possible without = = = =.
              It's the same now. The FSB, Rosgvardia, and other similar structures have material for "irresponsible" comrades - a wagon ... and two more heavy trains.
              And they are not touched. If they have finally "starred" - they will be sent to lead "Zarnitsa" whatever it is. Or even kicked out over the curb.
              And why not?
              But because PEOPLE. Ordinary people who either succeeded or helped to climb to the top.
              Suppose if I were upstairs, of course I would surround myself with my friends, acquaintances. people I can trust simply because of many years of contact. Of course, I will not take them, until the last. And friends have their own circle. And this idiot stretches. And after all, everyone, the infection, wants to live well, and after all, everyone, anus with a handle, will persevere in front of his own - how cleverly he turned this or that, how he pleased the "master".
              We know how this happens.
              And there is no one to control, the Rabkrin has long been disbanded. The KGB, too, and showed its toothlessness, precisely due to the fact that “its own” have settled everywhere.
              I don’t know, in general, how to defeat such a situation. Without terror, if, then only by a rigorous and inexorable principle interchangeability official at the post after a certain period of time. Any person in any post.
        3. +1
          19 October 2018 11: 25
          Therefore, the ruling layer really wanted to have yachts, huge summer cottages and real estate abroad. Therefore, the union state collapsed. It can be said for 30 pieces of silver.
    3. +1
      19 October 2018 11: 29
      No, the Soviet just cultivated it. And so the Western world could not come to terms with that. what the union was doing. And just before the collapse, in Europe and in the states themselves, they asked why the union had free Medetsyna, at a very good level, whose pediatrics are still not in the Western world, activities for children, sports and housing. This is what infuriated the West. YES and the standard of living was higher than theirs. But Goebels has nothing to do with it, everyone in the West knows that the bulk of the Slavs do a lot selflessly .. But they can’t afford this. And it also bothers them. And it inspires many people in the world.
    4. 0
      9 March 2019 15: 26
      The answer is given long ago in public safety concepts. Source site: https://dotu.ru/
  2. +23
    14 October 2018 06: 21
    Everything is simple. While the leadership of the country were people whose purpose was not personal enrichment but the development of the country, it developed. This is the period of the USSR. And despite the Cold War, Russia and Russians were respected by everyone and everywhere. Half the world - was our market. And only the USSR is almost 20 percent of world GDP. Now, truth be told, the country has turned into a whipping boy, kicking anyone.
    1. -14
      14 October 2018 06: 29
      Quote: Rimlianin
      And despite the cold war, Russia

      Russia did not participate in the Cold War; it did not exist.
      No need to compare the Soviet civilization project and Russia. Things are completely different. And if we talk about Russia, we must start with the tsarist. Then the February bourgeois and finally the modern bourgeois oligarchy ...
      No need to talk about people. Talk about the civilizational ideas prevailing in Russia.
      1. +21
        14 October 2018 07: 17
        The Soviet Union is Russia within its historical borders. It doesn't matter what the ideology, the same people, the same territory, the same mentality of the population. From "Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality" it is quite logical, under the influence of external and internal upheavals a socialist state arose. And the collapse of the USSR in 1991 is actually the collapse of a country called Russia. She had never experienced such a blow in history. Unfortunately, there is a high probability that historical Russia as a super-state and super-ethnos ended its existence there. And the modern Russian Federation is only the largest fragment of the collapsed empire.
        1. -4
          14 October 2018 07: 34
          It’s important that the bottle ... even if they look alike ...
          The attitude to means of life support. To the means of production. To the results of labor. The main difference between Russia and the USSR.
        2. +8
          14 October 2018 12: 37
          Quote: Rimlianin
          And the collapse of the USSR in the 1991 year - this is actually the collapse of a country called Russia.

          Yeltsin's report.

          Ugh, damn it, a disgrace.
      2. +5
        14 October 2018 12: 28
        Oleg! The USSR is Russia.
        1. -2
          14 October 2018 14: 32
          It is not a fact that the Northern Urals compare the USSR and Russia is not correct. And to identify them is extremely reckless. I could not find a clear description of the Russian civilizational project. And in the USSR it is clear and understandable.
          1. +1
            18 October 2018 10: 56
            Oleg, when I wrote that the USSR is Russia, I had under this the Russian Empire, and not the neoplasm that they want to give us to Russia. Today we are not a country, but an occupied territory, where power is in the hands of an organized criminal group subordinate to the West. No matter how puffed up they prove to us the opposite. One word, but deeds - that’s what it says, how things really are with the former great Union.
        2. +2
          14 October 2018 15: 00
          Until 1990, the USSR was surrounded by the borders of the Russian Empire. Therefore, it was Great Russia. But from January 1, 1990, these borders ceased to be in force, and Ukraine refused then to confirm the line of the state border of the USSR for its registration with the UN. And that is why it was necessary to create the CIS.
      3. +1
        14 October 2018 16: 39
        And in your opinion, Russia is only the Romanovs ... well, are there Rurikovichs? Are you serious ? Your "historians" invented a certain Atila, blowing smoke on the true history ... Why did they do it? Why was Prince Slaven called an incomprehensible name? Slavena - the destroyer of the empire of the Goths of Germanarech and the destroyer of the empire of slave-owning Rome? In one war in three steps! Who approved the Slavic Kingdom on the territory of present-day Europe ... right up to the Vatican-Gothic coup d'etat under Pepin the Short ...
        Your Hitler called himself and the other Germans "Aryans" (and this being a bearer of Berbero-Jewish blood), thereby desecrating the term itself and not even suspecting its meaning ... I think you will be very surprised, but Aryan, Aryan, Aryan peoples mean not at all what you thought, their meaning is righteous, righteous, righteous peoples (!!!) Are you surprised? Read something other than the Talmud and the Bible (a book banned from publication in Russia until 1900-1902, when the English Bible Society in St. Petersburg began to publish it). In the dictionary of the Avesta there is a decoding of the name Arya-Warta - the guardian (protector) of Piousness. I think it would be better to explain additionally that "warta" is just a guardian-protector ... Our Great Continent belonged to us - ASAM (YASAM), therefore it bears the name - Asia (Asia), for our ancestors lived according to Yasna (the law of Avesta - Good News) ... she is the notorious Yasa of Genghis Khan.
        I hope you were told in due time the name of that Snake in the picture ... three-headed? If not, then I will tell you - his name is Zahaka ... A very ancient character, his story is in the "Book of Kingdoms" ... of course not biblical ... Once upon a time, in another era, he fell into sin by contacting Iblis - emanation of the Evil Spirit ... and from a beautiful prince, he turned into a bloodthirsty monster possessed by an Evil Spirit ... He was born from prototurans (future Bashkirs are a wonderful people), but his offspring and followers became outcasts - exiled Goths, perverts of the faith and spirit ... They were expelled by the righteous peoples to the West, where, centuries later, they again entered into contact with the sorcerers of "black magic Egypt" and, under their leadership, tried to create an empire next to the Roman ... Having captured Moravia, they made their own from the bones of the conquered people CHURCHES (bone houses) - yes, they already adopted "Christianity" at the end of the 2nd century ... these CHURCHES still stand in Moravia, they lead excursions - everything is made of human bones - walls, altars, chanted - EVERYTHING. And this is still perceived by all excursionists AS A MUST ... This is how two INFERNOs met ... and gave birth to something SPECIAL - Europe. Europe - "alienated territory" in translation from Egyptian, as the word "Jew" - means "stranger, alien, alien, alien" ...
        1. +3
          15 October 2018 14: 45
          Quote: bayard
          Your Hitler called himself and the other Germans "Aryans" (and this being a bearer of Berbero-Jewish blood), thereby desecrating the term itself and not even knowing its meaning ... I think you will be very surprised, but Aryan, Aryan, Aryan peoples not at all what you thought, their meaning is righteous, righteous, righteous nations (!!!)

          Where did you get it? "Aryan" is the old name of the Iranians, how it is translated and what it means has no meaning. Aloizych divided people by race, not by "righteousness." For reference: - "Indo-Iranian language group, previously called" Indo-Aryan ", but negative perception of the word" Aryan "forced to modernize this term.
          Quote: bayard
          to this day, these CHAIRS stand in Moravia, they drive excursions on them - there everything is made of human bones - walls, altars, chandeliers - EVERYTHING

          You are right, I saw it myself, but these bones belonged to monks from the monastery next door. You really are even J.R.R. Tolkien, with his "Silmarillion" was outdone. Indeed, the more civilization and society develops, the more intense obscurantism manifests itself.
          1. 0
            16 October 2018 02: 48
            In ancient Iran, the Aryans lived in its northern part - Aria (Arata, Aristan), farces lived to the south. "I am Darius, son of Darius, grandson of Air" - the inscription on the stele of Darius-2 - the dynasties that ruled in Iran (Persia) were Aryan - people from northern India. The dynasties that ruled after the 10th, early 11th centuries are Turkic, after the conquest of the Seljuk by the Turks, the former commander of the Khazar Kaganate, the Trans-Volga horde, after the defeat of Khazaria by Svyatoslav and hushed up in Khorezm. And from the end of the 7th century to the end of the 10th, the Arabs from the hordes of Muhammad ruled the Persians. The Aryan peoples (by blood) include (despite the admixture of farces) Tajiks, Gorno-Badakhshans, Pashtuns, partly Uzbeks (their mestization is stronger), the highest castes of India - Kshatriyas and Brahmans. But at the time of the Avesta, the Aryans (righteous) were called those peoples who lived according to the law of Yasna - the law is very simple and clear - the main sin is LOL (including treason, betrayal, causing harm to the one who trusted), liars were put to death, sometimes as an exception extenuating circumstances, expelled from society. The word ARIY itself means simply "righteous, righteous, following the TRUTH", there is no other itymology (naturalology) in it. But this is a very ancient word, besides the name Arius was borne by the leader of the Russian-Aryan tribes, who brought them from Semirechye to northern India (together with his brother Kisek). It was there - in northern India, in the present state of Paradata, near the city of Datia (it stands now, google it) Zarathushtra was born - "I prayed good Ashi, Spitam Zarathushtra at the height of Hukarya at Good Datia" (Avesta). Asha - TRUTH (in Avestan), Ashi - the goddess of Truth - an emanation of Ahura-Mazda (Lord of Reason). Mithra is also an emanation of Ahura-Mazda, his name means - in everything similar to God (the name is similar to the name of the Archangel Michael, literally literally, like the function) ... And the word God in Avestan (like Sanskrit) sounds - Ra. Hence: the raja (king, prince) is the governor (anointed) of God, the rainbow is the arc of God, joy is the touch of God, URA (!) - WITH GOD, the Urals is the lot of God, Ra-river (Volga) is God's river ...
            But according to Yasna, the Aryans relied on an active (!) Life position - the eradication of lies and its carriers on Earth (for the devil is a liar and the father of lies) - "liars - people and devas, and witches, and sorcerers, and kaviev (kings) tyrants, and evil carapans (black lords, lords of darkness) ... ". Therefore, they did not give up swords, putting things in order and establishing peace. No turning of the cheeks was allowed there ... Jesus Christ the JEWS taught to turn the other cheek, trying to pacify the criminal community, it was to them, and only to them he was sent, about which he himself told the disciples: "I was sent only to the DEAD sheep of the house of Israel ", to the sons of the devil:" Your father the devil is a LIAR AND FATHER OF LIES. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not resist in the truth, and you want to fulfill the lusts of your father in everything "(!).
            Jesus Christ was (and is) the SAVIOR foretold in the Avesta long before the Jewish Torah appeared. It says that the STAR will announce the birth of the Savior (the third in this era, Zarathushtra was the second), that he will be born a VIRGO, whose name is the All-conqueror (remember "The victorious voivode, as if we will get rid of the evil, we will write thanks to the Mother of God" - an Orthodox hymn with which (including) the Russian Cossacks during the Azov sittings went on the attack on the Turks - 7 thousand against over 300 thousand) ...
            1. +2
              16 October 2018 03: 17
              ... that he (Christ the Savior) will be killed, will be resurrected, and will judge all people after his SECOND advent, for which all previously living people will be resurrected (resurrection of the dead). The final victory of Good over evil ...
              That is why the Zoroastrian (Aryan) Magi came to Bethlehem to the newborn Jesus, testified that the Grace (in Avestan) of Zarathushtra rested on this baby, presented him with royal gifts, which were enough for all his family until his age ... Jesus Christ He brought the Jews the Good News - the Avesta (in Greek - the Gospel), His sermon was fully consistent with Yasna, and was not news for the Aryan peoples ... He preached to the criminal community - LIARS - to the children of his father. And His sermon achieved its goal - the plans of the Egyptian sorcerers were thwarted, the "Gates of Hell" destroyed (the council of the wicked), the Jewish wars did not reach their goals, "the house divided within itself" did not resist ... Humanity had a chance ...
              1. +2
                16 October 2018 06: 43
                "Humanity has a chance .."
                You are right, bayard from Donetsk, and there, in Donetsk, a handful of the brave continues the Great Battle.
      4. +2
        15 October 2018 01: 59
        Quote: apro
        No need to talk about people. Talk about the civilizational ideas prevailing in Russia.

        Be so kind as to develop your idea, preferably with examples of "ideas", otherwise you did it somehow chaotically. And yes, country names are capitalized.
      5. +3
        15 October 2018 12: 07
        Russia did not participate in the Cold War; it did not exist.

        What are you? Seriously ? But the RSFSR is not Russia?
    2. +7
      14 October 2018 12: 24
      Why Russia, the largest and richest country in the world, in which there is everything necessary for a decent life for people, is located in such a distress? Who is to blame? Why the leadership of Russia can not restore order

      It’s just that when someone takes too much from a common pocket, the rest is left with little. This aspect of social inequality and the unfair distribution of the final product of labor also has a bad effect on people's enthusiasm. The fact that at one time feats on socialist construction sites showed. After all, somehow it is not very inspiring to plow on an uncle in three deaths getting a shish for it, and knowing that most of it will go to his uncle.
      The narrow circle of people who rule Russia considers this state of affairs to be normal, and consciously supports it.
  3. +9
    14 October 2018 06: 32
    Why is Russia, the largest and most resource-rich country in the world, in which there is everything necessary for a decent life for people, in such a plight? Yes, precisely because those same "global parasites", as the author put it, or rather their servants, are in the Kremlin! It is to their song - "there is no money, but YOU are holding on" and the destruction of an entire ethnic group occurs! It is THEIR decisions (pension reform, etc.) that cause an orgasm in the "global" ... I wish the author and many, with curtained eyes, to look at the world around them with a sober look.
    1. +7
      14 October 2018 07: 20
      I would not argue that everything is as you imagine ... But the fact that we live in a war that is being waged by the whole world with us ... I agree ...
      1. +10
        14 October 2018 12: 29
        Yes, not the whole world, but the Anglo-Saxon elite, ruled, in my opinion, by the Zionists.
    2. +2
      14 October 2018 08: 41
      Yes, precisely because those same "global parasites", as the author put it, or rather their servants, are in the Kremlin! It is to their song - "there is no money, but YOU are holding on" and the destruction of an entire ethnic group occurs! It is THEIR decisions (pension reform, etc.) that cause an orgasm in the "global" ... I wish the author and many, with curtained eyes, to look at the world around them with a sober look.
      . I agree one hundred percent. That's just the author, not with shut eyes, but intentionally led away.
      1. 0
        14 October 2018 10: 21
        Well, this is understandable .... For many, the recognition that the "tsar", in fact, acts together with the "bad boyars" is tantamount to a personal catastrophe, because then, already, it becomes completely sour ... So they cling they are for the "last hope" with all their might. not realizing that this is exactly what does not allow them to see the real picture of what is happening, deliberately "misinforming themselves" they also draw false conclusions from the situation and therefore cannot understand how to correct the situation. That is, initially, it is wrong the chosen "starting point" leads to wrong conclusions and, therefore, does not allow working out the right recommendations for improving the situation.
        1. +3
          14 October 2018 15: 41
          Quote: Snail N9
          and does not allow them to see the real picture of what is happening

          Do you see her?
        2. +3
          14 October 2018 17: 13
          Snail, but you in any way knock people out on a state coup? Or are you not afraid of the cordon? Aren't you afraid that Boshirov will come for you?
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. +3
            15 October 2018 14: 59
            Quote: bayard
            Snail, but you in any way knock people out on a state coup? Or are you not afraid of the cordon? Aren't you afraid that Boshirov will come for you?

            He is not afraid. He will soon finish building the house and will drink wine with his young mistress, but he, in his own words, has nothing to do with Russia and Russians. It would be satisfying and warm. Read his comments, you yourself will understand everything. hi
  4. +18
    14 October 2018 08: 02
    Do you speak West? The country is being destroyed from within, and external aggression is finishing off. A strong country is not afraid of any West. And now they are sawing the country apart, destroying traditions and shouting, this is not us, this is the West with its own sanctions ...
    1. +3
      14 October 2018 14: 10
      Quote: Gardamir
      this is not us, this is the West with its sanctions ...

      Sanctions turned out to be an extremely useful thing! If they were not there, then they should have been invented from scratch, because absolutely all the jambs can be attributed to them, darlings. Now, four years later, how many people remember that things went down not because of Western sanctions, but because of valiant counter-sanctions. By the way, the Best Prime Minister swore and swore that as a result of counter-sanctions prices would not creep up, and in the best traditions of Russia he did not answer for his words.
      1. +2
        16 October 2018 06: 57
        And you wanted Russia to wipe the spit (sanctions) from the West with an "embroidered" towel? Is that all?
        No response from Russia and he, the West, will calm down? In vain! He, the liquidator-parasite, will not calm down and will hammer Russia to its (very well-deserved!) End. And this will happen, without fail.
  5. -11
    14 October 2018 08: 07
    The article is complete nonsense, over the entire historical period of time, while Russian civilization existed and exists, they were tried to be destroyed by both the West and the East. The result is visible to everyone who has eyes and brains. I fully and fully support our president in his historical statement: There will be no Russia, there will be no one. This is not verbatim, but the semantic implication is precisely this. So tie the water in the mortar to crush.
    1. +5
      14 October 2018 09: 57
      The author of your article is complete nonsense, with an admixture of propaganda. My personal opinion is that the West is not to blame for what is happening in Russia now, but that the people have such a mentality that all these Gorbachevs, Yeltsins, Putin were brought up and sent to rule from the West ?, no, they, too, were all born and raised here, they all "came out" from the folk environment, but for some reason they all bow before the West and do not care deeply about your Russian civilization. And they had and still have one task to "integrate" into the Western civilization and they do not care about your Russian world. For the entire history of mankind that it remembers, a socialist state was created called the USSR, now it is not and will no longer be, who destroyed the West? no, but the descendants of the people who built socialism destroyed it, and now this people blames someone but not themselves, hence the conclusion that this people is not worthy not only of socialism, but also of any Russian world. The people are destroying themselves with their silence and patience. no matter who is ruled by God or the devil, but for some reason blames the whole world for all his troubles.
      1. +1
        14 October 2018 13: 47
        Quote: someoneV
        Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin, brought up and sent to rule from the west ?,

        Read Matlock’s memoirs.
    2. +5
      14 October 2018 12: 31
      Statements by the president are wonderful. But where is good?
  6. +5
    14 October 2018 09: 27
    There are over 150 nationalities in Russia. Name another nation that allows itself this? The Anglo-Saxons always began the conquest of territory with the destruction of the indigenous population, and even after the collapse of the USSR, where did the new states start? How many times Russia fought with Europe and Turkey and nothing all these states are independent and not colonies of Russia. Compare with the USA. Everything is correct, in order to change this it is necessary to destroy the Russian man. So it turns out that Russia and the Russians are the "navel of the earth."
    Nothing needs to be done to please the stupid.
    We are a great country, we won in wars.
    By wealth and people, we are the first in the set,
    and under Yeltsin-Pu ... we are like an inscription on a fence!
  7. -4
    14 October 2018 09: 57
    "Idea" "idiocy" two brothers, complement each other well. It's time for many to think about getting rid of the deadly Western vaccination.
  8. +2
    14 October 2018 10: 01
    I do not agree with the author. In the world there are many ethnic groups and super-ethnic groups. And they all fight for a place in the sun. There is no unity in the world neither among the Arabs, nor among the Americans, nor even among the Chinese and Jews. This is their war and Russia is objectively beneficial. The Russian Federation needs to be more of Russia, observe historical traditions, keep borders, put the army at the forefront of everything.
    Unfortunately, the article was late for many years. Now there is already a selection of candidates for the funeral team of Russia. There was only a chance for the Russian conditional march RED ALERT.
    1. +6
      14 October 2018 12: 04
      Well, once again, the selected and formed team will be crushed. Russia has been living and fighting for over 1000 years. What chance are you talking about? This chance is a guaranteed destruction of all the assets that were created over many centuries by the Anglo-Saxons, in them all their lives and all their hopes and they (financial groups of the West) will go to EVERYTHING in order to preserve their assets. Moreover, these assets make it possible to live everywhere (the Chinese experiment proved this) and Putin guaranteed that there would be no nationalization. Maybe in the know that Altai lands are being bought up by Western finger groups?
      1. dSK
        14 October 2018 13: 14
        Quote: bratchanin3
        Altai lands are being bought up by western finger groups?

        We got there too ... Chernozems were picked up long ago, for example, the Miratorg corporation, a Western capital that produces meat products stuffed with antibiotics in Russia, receives state subsidies as a "domestic producer", thanks to Yeltsin ...
        Even in Ukraine, land is not for sale, but is leased for a long term.
    2. +12
      14 October 2018 12: 35
      We don’t need to bury ourselves. It is necessary to wake up from the hassle. And without revolutions, while it is still possible. Until the right of choice has been taken away from us by quiet glanders, we must remove this dirty foam from the government and change the constitution and social structure. Moreover, everything is within the framework of the Law.
  9. +5
    14 October 2018 10: 07
    [quote = edeligor]Why is Russia, the largest and most resource-rich country in the world, in which there is everything necessary for a decent life for people, in such a plight? Yes, precisely because those same "global parasites", as the author put it, or rather their servants, are in the Kremlin! It is to their song - "there is no money, but YOU are holding on" and the destruction of an entire ethnic group occurs! It is THEIR decisions (pension reform, etc.) that cause orgasm in the "global" ...
    It's not about "global parasites", but about the people themselves, who are silent and don't give a damn about their opinions, desires, authorities, and the pension reform has shown that since the people "swallowed" the reform, then there is nothing to reckon with, wait for more reforms and taxes.
  10. -2
    14 October 2018 10: 14
    Another passionate Slavophile ... but in general he is right .... War is war, the natural state of modern civilization. The Bolsheviks did not want to open the Pandora’s box themselves .... they tried to shut it ... it didn’t work, they timidly tried to use it - the result was encouraging, but they weren’t friends with their heads ..., they asked for help .... and then they were helped ... and how they helped. The Russian superethnos is a fantasy ...., the territory of Russia, its statehood, resources ... and the capture of this wealth is a reality, as are many ways of such a capture.
    1. +2
      16 October 2018 10: 16
      wo oja (Dmitriy). "The Bolsheviks, unwillingly, opened Pandora's box ..., tried to slam it ..., it did not work, they timidly tried to use it - the result was encouraging, but they were not friends with their heads ..., they asked for help ..., and then they were helped ... and how they helped. The Russian superethnos is a fantasy ..., "

      Firstly. It was not the Bolsheviks who unleashed the First World War (everything was tied up !!!), but CAPITAL. Everything was ready, the NITI tightened, and here the Bulgarians killed the duke ...! There was an occasion.
      Secondly, Russia was drawn into the WWI by the Anglo-Saxons - they were too cunning, they fooled Russian politicians. They and now are all honest (and not so!) The world has set up against Russia.
      Russia should always be together with Germany in resolving the most complicated issues, and it is time for Mr. Merkel to understand and remember this.
      Thirdly. Ruined Russia by the Civil War? - YES! The Bolsheviks with Trotsky and the Third International were ready to put all Russians in the graves in order to "fan the world conflagration." By removing the International, the Bolsheviks gave the country a chance to survive and build. This is in the pre-war time ...
      Fifth. And how the "young reformers" deceived the country !!! We have been reaping the results with sickles and combines ever since 1990.
  11. +6
    14 October 2018 10: 20
    The author is waiting for the continuation. In further articles, I would like to see a detailed analysis of Yeltsin’s rule to destroy Russian civilization and a sober assessment of Putin’s activities as a successor to the anti-people’s, anti-Russian, treacherous policy regarding the disenfranchised population of Russia
  12. -7
    14 October 2018 10: 35
    Main Camph?
    Who is author? Could Adolf Have Learned Russian?
  13. +6
    14 October 2018 11: 13
    Russia's problem is not that it is not possible to feed the poor, but that the rich will not get drunk
  14. +2
    14 October 2018 11: 52
    I read this article with great pleasure and thank the author for his position and views. Especially strongly said about redistributors! Everything is true, but the author raised his hand (or rather his voice) to the holy of holies - a financial system that, in modern Russia, unfortunately, dictates its own rules for the life and production of goods and services. I will wait for the next part. It is unfortunate that such calculations are not read in the West.
    1. 0
      16 October 2018 10: 19
      And today it was announced on TV that VVP awarded Nabiullina with the "Order of Honor".
  15. +2
    14 October 2018 12: 19
    Everything is simpler.
    Gorbachev, for example, was bred by the KGB nomenclature through his wife, Raisa, who made the maximum for the collapse of the USSR at that time. Yeltsin was also bred by the same forces, plus he was explained that globalists, in the form of 5 world families, simply would not let him live, and Russia was weak, as in 1917. For globalists, the communist project was the main enemy. Therefore, Yeltsin immediately chose the liberal development option, in which the West promised to help with investments. But to believe in promises, especially Western “friends” ... Therefore, we have the entire government, the HSE, all the liberoids ... that are sure to work in the system of the world oligarchy tied to offshore ... And the offshore are covered just by Families located over governments and supranational courts, the very ones that still East India companies have circulated around the world! Having taken away Crimea, and even earlier speaking against the ruling Families of the world, Putin has become toxic to them, but Putin is still thinking (() thinks to agree with them! Trump the representative of the warring side of the globalists, industrial capital, is trying to pull Putin to his side, against the globalists. But Putin’s team is all liberal, any other, it’s a communist, and therefore an enemy for everyone, Trump, Medvedev, Putin, Semey ... Because the communist development path can be autonomous, the country will not depend on anyone, but it will also be stolen withdrawn. The special services, which have grown as much as possible, will be subordinated to new forces, and this is pouring like a knife to our hearts ... The separatist, who was destroying the CPSU, Zyuganov, has long discredited all the ideas of communism and, along with Zhirinovsky, is a KGB creature .... There are no leaders and those who try to dress up in them are simple political gopniks.
  16. -5
    14 October 2018 12: 26
    Another crazy nonsense ....
    1. +4
      14 October 2018 15: 36
      Why is this nonsense?
      Berdyaev and Gumilyov spoke about this. And the notorious "Dulles Plan", fake or not, is being implemented in full swing.
  17. -7
    14 October 2018 13: 38
    AUTHOR!!! What are you talking about !!! How is your idea different from ideas of racial superiority? And to tell you the truth, the masses rule the world, and the lizards are mass lizards ... I saw on ren-tv am
    1. +3
      14 October 2018 13: 50
      Quote: Sergey Eruzelsky
      then the masses rule the world, and the massons are lizards ... I saw on ren-tv

      Do not look anymore Fucking, become a kid.
  18. +1
    14 October 2018 15: 22
    Then the masters of the West threw Hitler's "European Union" against Russia. Funded it, armed to the teeth.

    Began. Armed to the teeth? It would not hurt to recall that priority was given to the development of the Navy before the WWII in Germany to the detriment of the ground forces, and even the Luftwaffe, since the Germans primarily planned to fight against the British Empire, and not against the USSR against which a powerful German fleet could do little to help. But did Hitler and Co have nothing to do with it? You see, the owners ordered him; didn’t he himself awaken politics with his miracle? The West, and more specifically the British Empire, the revival of the armed forces of Germany was necessary to create a counterweight to France whose army after WWII and before WWII was considered the strongest on the continent. The United States, in turn, with the hands of Germany in Europe and the hands of Japan in the East wanted to achieve a significant weakening of the British Empire, which they really didn’t do badly.
    1. +4
      14 October 2018 15: 51
      Quote: NF68
      It would not hurt to recall that priority was given to the development of the Navy before the WWII in Germany to the detriment of the ground forces, and even the Luftwaffe, since the Germans primarily planned to fight against the British Empire, and not against the USSR against which a powerful German fleet could do little to help.

      Yes, yes, of course. And why Germany just climbed east is a mystery. And the Munich agreement, he was primarily against Britain ... or France? I'm a little confused. And also, all this rhetoric against the Slavs of subhumanity is it not against the USSR? I understand correctly?
      1. 0
        17 October 2018 15: 45
        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
        Quote: NF68
        It would not hurt to recall that priority was given to the development of the Navy before the WWII in Germany to the detriment of the ground forces, and even the Luftwaffe, since the Germans primarily planned to fight against the British Empire, and not against the USSR against which a powerful German fleet could do little to help.

        Yes, yes, of course. And why Germany just climbed east is a mystery. And the Munich agreement, he was primarily against Britain ... or France? I'm a little confused. And also, all this rhetoric against the Slavs of subhumanity is it not against the USSR? I understand correctly?

        Hitler said a lot of things and wrote. It was like that for him. However, at first Germany for some reason climbed only to Poland, and then to the West against France, to which the Germans had a lot of claims and against BI, to which there were also enough claims. Why did it happen? Hitler paid close attention to the USSR only in the summer of 1940, but not before the start of WWII.
  19. vby
    14 October 2018 15: 56
    No matter how unpleasant all this may be, humanity cannot do without "BP". There is no eternal peace. The only question is when and to what extent it will drop. And who is more fortunate ... or unlucky.
  20. +3
    14 October 2018 20: 06
    The war of the West against Orthodox Russia and against United Russia has been going on since ancient times, as soon as some Slavs refused to submit to Rome and left the banks of the Danube to the East, retaining their independence. In the same way, the Slavs who lived on the shores of the Baltic before modern Hamburg went east beyond the power of Rome. And that is how the foundation of Russia arose - Kievan Rus and Novgorod Rus. And since then, for more than 1000 years, the West has been trying to subjugate or rob Russia. But, Russia lives and develops. And after the defeat of Britain by Russia, when the Hansa fleet was granted to the Russian Army for crossing the islands, Russia acquired the right to all lands to the Great Ocean in the East. And thanks to these possessions, Russia remains the richest country in the world.
    And the disintegration of Russia and its robbery were planned after lectures in Europe "On the wealth of Russia", which were read in a number of scientific centers in Europe by DI Mendeleev. All of his speeches were recorded, analyzed and used in British policy against Russia, including during the implementation of the five-year plans of the USSR. Divide and Conquer - British Politics Around the World. And after the civil war, Russia was divided into the so-called. Union republics, and after the opening of the Second Front in 1943, Stalin agreed with the West's demand for the transformation of the USSR. In 1990, Gorbachev signed the British version of the Peace Agreement. And in 1991, the USSR withdrew into History and instead of the Great Russia-USSR a group of countries arose. Sadly, this is all pure truth. Russia and Russians need to maintain integrity and unity. And then Russia is not afraid of anything. And Russians need to strengthen friendship and cooperation with other ethnic groups in Russia and live in peace and harmony. We have a Great country with a Great History and you need to know and love it well. You need to believe in Russia.
  21. 0
    14 October 2018 22: 31
    Excuse me, what are all these letters about ??? Apart from the verbal flow, not a single normal output! Who are these "masters of the West"? What is the Global Mafia? Emotions alone, zero information on the merits, and a complete talk of the topic of whom and why is the confrontation between Russia and the Euro-American governments beneficial. If you have nothing specific on the topic, why do you need to take up so much space on the Topwar resource?
    1. +2
      16 October 2018 10: 49
      For prosha (Sergey).
      Do you need to explain who the "masters of the West" are?
      and what is globalism, but where do you live?
      After all, if Donald F. Trump the anti-globalist had not come to the presidency, and Barack Obama or the Clintons had stayed for one more term, then Russia would have scooped up the "charms" of the Global World System with a full spoon.
      And there would be no need to "push the water in the STUPE", defending themselves and the Crimea returning home.
      1. 0
        17 October 2018 17: 44
        I don’t understand the general direction of the article - everything about everything and no specifics, continuous emotions and no conclusions! (In your words - the pounding of water in a mortar!

        Whole article a la British Government - Hiley Likely
  22. +3
    15 October 2018 08: 43
    The eternal national idea of ​​Russia: someone around is to blame, then the West, then the Horde, then Stalin, etc. etc., all around there are enemies, adversaries ... Or maybe deal with your fairy tales? Can everyone reread Saltykov-Shchedrin again? He can objectively revise his history and admit: criminal semi-German henchmen ruled for 300 years (well, except for Peter), the people lived in slavery. Science developed only thanks to the fact that rare nuggets of the Russian land were sent to study in German. His own noble spit on science - all these counts and princes the Russian language was not native in the 18-19 centuries. Finally, the power of the people, they created a new, the first in the history of mankind, the state of workers (this is what one should be proud of - and they, as if at the behest of the West, sprinkle ashes on their heads))) reached unprecedented heights both in space and in culture, but his, this hard-won the state was able (by wanting legs and jeans) to fool, slander and trample. And what? Enemies have remained the same, they have become stronger, smarter and more experienced, and Russia has lost science, education, all allies and neighbors ... Like Mikhail Yevgrafovich: "... stupid guys, kosobryhie, rukosui ...")
  23. +1
    15 October 2018 10: 58
    Hmm ... and how does the government and administration of the Russian Federation differ from Zapadn’s elite? Everyone is fighting for dominance in the world and for money. The USSR was destroyed in the 80. Unfortunately. Yes, I make good money, yes, I live in a calm country, but not blind, and I see that the poor become poorer and the rich get richer. Eto will not lead to good. Socialism has exhausted itself, capitalism has exhausted itself - then only war and then again.
  24. amr
    15 October 2018 12: 59
    Quote: Tatiana
    Politics is a concentrated expression of the economic interests of an individual, his family, or a group of people, society, people, nations, professional and religious corporations for their biological and social survival, development, well-being and enjoyment of life.

    I do not agree - the policy is carried by these very "Vampires" "fans of the golden calf"
    a real decent person does not care about politics !!!
    Especially in our country, ghouls are in power and how in such a magical way all of a sudden once everything turns in favor of the people ???

    The article is exactly Nazi about how Rusichs were elected Aryans, in nonsense)))
    1. +2
      16 October 2018 10: 55
      Yeah! You, Mr. amr (Mansour), are raving in reality. Work, read ALL (!) Comments, there are a lot of interesting things. Good luck.
  25. -1
    16 October 2018 10: 23
    Lord, what a pompous nonsense ....
    Only capital letters in each word are missing
    The longest wars — Europeans have been slaughtering Europeans for centuries — and give the pedriots a whole new chronology.

    In Trump's new report on the state of the economy and the US Armed Forces, the word "Russia" is allegedly one, and "China" is fifty.

    But everyone only thinks not how to fix the production of computers and cars, how to get into the trenches a little deeper ...
  26. +1
    18 October 2018 12: 44
    Maybe the West sentenced the Russians, but it was a very long time ago and the Russians got used to it a long time ago and from the 90s they sentenced the perverse west. We wish God that the Russians perceive the Western World as a hostile environment. Of course, Western worship remained in Russia, but their number was significantly small - 5-8%.
  27. +1
    19 October 2018 12: 24
    Quote: apro
    Without the destruction of Russia and the Russian super-ethnos, the attainment of absolute power on Earth is impossible.
    This is a turn ... Russia.Russian navel of the earth .... stunned to find out how to understand it? Why did the author come to this conclusion? What is the civilizational role of Russia?
    Goebels with the Rosenbergs nervously smoke on the sidelines and envy such a turn.
    Or did they find a new brace? The Nazis lost or, rather, the Soviets knocked out this nonsense. But no, someone came in handy ...

    you would shut up and read the story !!!!!!
  28. BAI
    20 October 2018 19: 47
    The administration heeded the cries of the afflicted and moved Samsonov's articles from History to Opinions? And opinions can not be discussed - freedom of speech, however.
  29. 0
    20 October 2018 19: 51
    They may have sentenced them. But will they be able to carry out? Many have already tried, and where are they now? The Russians are not just Jews in the 1942 model, we have such a thing that any judge will fall into the light of the world.
  30. Say
    23 October 2018 13: 26
    It is believed that the Russian code has long been changed, now we are the most patient and adapted to enslavement of humanity.
  31. 0
    18 March 2019 13: 15
    nice article and versatile comments ...
    We are Orthodox !!!!!
    God is with us !!!!
    who cares who is against us !!!!!