About propaganda, ideology and information superiority of the United States. CH 2. our story

So, about ideology: as we said in previous articleDespite many political parties, the American people are united by a national idea based on: patriotism, belief in the exclusivity of their country and nation, tolerance, equality, including equality of all citizens before the law, as well as belief in the superiority of the American way of life over any other.

The essence of the American way of life is, on the one hand, the material priority, that is, the measure of success in life is the well-being of a person, and on the other hand, in the presence of so-called social elevators. In other words, the essence of the American way of life is that "money is our everything, but from whatever low start you start, you can become a champion." Thus, Americans very elegantly combined ideology (patriotism) with mercantile spirit (the priority of money as the main life goal of an individual). It must be said that in the discussion of the previous article it was repeatedly pointed out to the class society of the USA and the theory was advanced that this same class character interferes with the existence of common ideas for society, that the exploiters capitalists and the workers and employees they use have opposite interests, and therefore they cannot united by a common idea.

This, of course, is incorrect, but the detailed proof of this thesis is beyond the scope of this article. We indicate only the main circumstances mitigating class contradictions:

1. Social lift. That is, a person is not tied to his class, society gives him the opportunity to significantly change their social status. Yesterday’s worker or employee may well become a capitalist today - this is possible, and this is strongly encouraged (from public approval to preferential lending programs, tax incentives, etc.).

2. Decent conditions for the “exploited” - yes, they will not have the prosperity of the “exploiters”, but nevertheless, the level of income is sufficient to meet the basic human needs in the modern world. It is interesting that the USA is gradually losing this advantage of its system, but so far it still exists.

3. The presence of "internal classes" among the "exploited" - there is a very large property stratification between employees, well-paid employees can live richer than the owner of a medium-sized or even medium-sized business.

4. The so-called corporate culture, based in essence on two “whales”. It allows you to feel part of a team that is changing life for the better (the company's mission), and at the same time reminds you that the labor market is not dimensionless, and if a capitalist (employer) fails, its employees are likely to lose their jobs - that is, some kind of community is promoted interests of "exploiters" and "exploited".

In general, we state that despite all the authority of Marx and his friend and comrade-in-arms Engels, the class of American society did not lead to its split and it remains just a society — that is, a small group of people over 327 million people who feel their identity and have shared values, interests and goals.

And, by a strange coincidence, they consider themselves the citizens of the best country in the world.

In fact, it is absolutely natural. Man wants to be a part of something great. It is difficult to be a member of a society that you do not respect and consider as defective in comparison with similar associations of other people (in our case, other countries) - this is akin to masochism. A person can share a national idea only when he is proud of his identity, his belonging to this particular society. If he despises the society to which he considers himself, then how should he then follow his goals?

For a national idea, a society does not have to claim the first place in the world (if a country does not seek to become a superpower): but it is imperative that you have some merit and a basis that distinguishes the country’s population from other nations and gives reason to be proud of belonging to it. And you certainly cannot count on the success of a national idea without having respect for the people of your country.

And such respect, in turn, consists of pride in the actions of the ancestors and the approval of this state of affairs. We will return to the approval of the current one, but for now - we will consider the issues historical science and the younger generation.

Historical science, on the one hand, is terribly multifaceted and complex, because the history of our Fatherland is very difficult. Information about our distant past, about the origin of Russia is fragmentary, there is a lot of space for various legends. Then - the formation of the state and the conflict with the Mongols, the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Liberation from it, the gradual strengthening of the Russian State, but then again the Time of Troubles. The periods of recovery are changed by severe recessions, the country periodically finds itself literally on the verge of losing statehood (the 1917 revolution and the collapse of the USSR as an example), but at the same time it soars to the status of a superpower (USSR). Russia reflects the two most formidable invasions in the history of mankind (Napoleon and Hitler), but at what cost? (this is not a hint of the red losses of the Red Army, which, in the opinion of the author of this article, was not, but the number of civilians killed by any reasonable estimate exceeds 15 million ...) Sometimes strong, charismatic leaders emerge at the head of the Fatherland, pushing it forward (Peter I, Stalin, etc.) but again, their role in our history is ambiguous. And so literally in everything.

And here is the result - a lot of things in our history are being questioned today, and even what is known reliably (the October Revolution, participation in the Second World War) is interpreted very differently. We still can not come to a common opinion about the manner in which, positive or negative, to evaluate even the most important events of our history. To take the same Great Patriotic War - for someone it is an unprecedented feat of the Soviet people, who have found the strength to qualitatively surpass the magnificent German military machine, and for someone "have filled up 50 with millions of corpses." What about 1917 year? For some, this is a step into a bright communist future, in which the country has managed to develop science, medicine, and social care for people to unimaginable heights. Well, for someone it is a step in the "Gulag Archipelago". In other words, the history of the Russian State is very complex and multifaceted, a lot of beautiful and terrible things are mixed in it, and very often we cannot even distinguish the first from the second. There are no easy answers in it, but ... but what about the history of other nations somehow different?

Here, take the same US. You can romanticize the period of their formation, the first settlers, who eventually felt like a separate society and country and weapons in the hands they defended their independence. And you can remember that just at this time the Americans almost completely destroyed the Indians - the indigenous population of the North American continent. You can admire the US civil war, which ended with the victory of the North and the abolition of slavery. And you can remember that, strictly speaking, it was not slavery as such that led to war, but insurmountable contradictions between the money bags of the North and the South: the industrial North, wanting to promote its goods, advocated tighter customs duties on imported industrial goods of non-American origin, but the agricultural South, preferring to “buy” for their products in the Old World, this, of course, did not want. And we should not forget that this struggle between the North and the South in fact turned out for the Americans in the 4 year of the fratricidal war, in which US citizens lost killed more than in any other "external" war that the United States waged throughout its history . You can admire the feat of American pilots and sailors who stopped and defeated the armed forces of Imperial Japan, the eastern member of the Axis Berlin-Tokyo-Rome. And you can be terrified by the intolerable American rampantness at the beginning of the war, when their fleet suffered the hardest losses at Pearl Harbor and the reaction of “enlightened” American citizens who drove Japanese-Americans (or even just Asians) to concentration camps. And - completely ruthless total bombing, wiping out entire cities of Japan "crowned" with the use of atomic weapons against the civilian population of this country.

In other words, history is a very complex science in which the “black-and-white” approach is simply not applicable. But at the same time it is necessary for the consolidation of society, for the national idea. Let's look at how two superpowers, the USSR and the USA, got out of this situation during the Cold War.

Both countries have created a positive version of their history, which emphasized historical achievements, but failures were retouched or some kind of unprofitable in terms of today's morality events. If the event had a double interpretation, then the most positive was used. The significance of one or another event could have been inflated (by the way of the “decisive role” of the USA in the First or Second World War), etc. But at the same time, the general attitude, the presentation of information has always been strictly positive.

In this respect, the magnificently Soviet presentation of tsarist time. It would seem that the ideology of the USSR is completely antagonistic to the autocratic monarchy, and how was it possible to talk about the latter at least something good? But no, they guessed here - the emphasis was on the achievements of the people (great scientists like Lomonosov, Mendeleev, Popov, the heroism of the Russian people in battle, the glorification of individual statesmen, generals, such as Suvorov, Nakhimov, Kutuzov, etc.) and failures - the lag of Tsarist Russia in industrial development from the leading European countries, the loss of the Crimean and Russian-Japanese wars, etc. they were blamed for the rotten royal regime, which clearly distanced itself from the people. But not all those in power were depicted as complete parasites and villains (without repeating about the military leaders mentioned earlier, let us remember the same Decembrists). As a result, a remarkable result was achieved - any Soviet schoolchild, despising tsarism, could be proud even of the royal period in the history of their homeland, and what were the drawbacks - after all, then the October revolution came, and everything was corrected, so now we live in the best country in the world.

In other words, both the USSR and the USA created a “positive” version of their history, but further their actions diverge: in the USSR this version was given the status of official and, in general, the only correct one. And this, no doubt, was a mistake.

The fact is that even the writings of historians allowed for reading contained in a multitude of data that allowed to doubt the official version of the story. This, in general, was even related to the Second World War - if one could “dig in” into the Soviet publications, it was possible to find significant differences with what was taught in school. The problem was that this information could be found, but to write about them - no, it was impossible, and this led to the feeling that the official history was deceiving us, but in fact everything was completely different. Gradually, the feeling that we were hung noodles on our ears became ubiquitous (which was greatly promoted by the apparent contradiction of the reality surrounding the Soviet person and what was broadcast from high tribunes), and it was this feeling in 90-ies that created the demand for post-perestroika “revelations "The most heinous sense. Of course, Soviet historiography was not the ideal of reliable and impartial historical analysis, but it never, not even a hundredth, distorted reality in the way that numerous “historians of the new wave” who quickly found their way in conjuncture, clearly set themselves the task of mixing every page with dirt our history.

But the United States chose a different path: no one declared that this particular version of history was the most accurate and correct, it was just the young Americans who were taught it - and that’s it.

And what if some American suddenly had a desire to dig deeper, not being satisfied with a school history textbook? Yes, no question, at his disposal - all the power of libraries in the United States and Europe, huge masses of archival documents. Everything is open, study if there is such a desire. And write refutations, if you want, no one will pursue you for it. If you write interestingly, and convince the editors, then your books will stand on the shelves of bookstores, someone will buy and read, and agree with your point of view on this or that question. If you do not convince - well, your monographs will not disappear anyway, but will become the property of a narrow circle of specialists who, like you, are interested in the issue raised by you.

That's just what you do, and the official version of the story, which is taught in schools and universities, will remain exactly the same as it was - positive, optimistic and ignoring the facts you got. And how did you want a boyfriend? We have a free country. Here you personally see this question in a way, well done, look, look at the roots of your monograph on the shelves of book hypermarkets. People buy, read, they are interested, and thank you for it. But compilers of textbooks do not agree with you in everything, they hold a different point of view, and this is their right. It's free speech, you know? You're not against her, are you?

Well, of course, do not mind. And given the fact that there have never been many people willing to waste their time and energy on in-depth study of history, all these protest publications make up perhaps a fraction of a percent of the total information background. And if so, then what's the point at all to prohibit them? That is why you can read the great work of American authors on how actually Americans fought in the same North Africa or Europe, but the overwhelming majority of the US population will still be confident that the USA won the Second World War (“Hitler was defeated. He didn’t like Negroes, I don’t remember Jews, but man was bad, that's for sure ”- the answer is a young African American during a street interview).

And what about us?

A little historical background. In 1837, the St. Petersburg-Tsarskoye Selo railway was built, 26,7 km in length. It was the first railway in the Russian Empire and the sixth in the world. The first in the world was built in England, between Liverpool and Manchester in 1830. The second - in the same year in the USA, it connected Charleston and Augest and had a length of 64 km. The third is in 1833. in France, Saint-Étienne-Lyon, 58 km. Fourth and fifth in 1835 in Germany (Fürth - Nuremberg, 7 km) and Belgium, (Brussels-Mecheln, 21 km). But this hierarchy does not take into account the creation of the Cherepanov brothers, who built both their own locomotive and two railway lines with a length of 700 m (1834 g) and 3,5 km. If we also count them, then Russia built its fourth railway in the world.

Production of locomotives and wagons? In 1845, the Alexander Plant produced the first steam locomotive of the Stefansson type. 1849 passenger and 42 freight locomotives, passenger 120 and about 70 freight cars were built for the Petersburg-Moscow Railway by 2000. They were built with the help of Americans, but they were building the same ...

In 1880, Russia, although it did not lead by the total length of railways in Europe, was not to say that it was totally inferior to European powers. The largest length of railways in Europe was Germany - 33 838 km, followed by Great Britain - 28 854, then France - 26 189, the European part of Russia (with Finland) - 23 429 and Austria-Hungary - 19 512 km.

In 1891, the Russian Empire embarked on an extremely ambitious railway project - the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. It was a real construction of the century, which involved more than 100 000 workers (by the standards of those years - a completely enchanting figure). The project cost was estimated at 350 mln. Rub. gold (in fact it was 936 million) - given that the income part of the budget of the Empire (namely, the profitable part, not the surplus) in 1891 was about a billion rubles, we can fully imagine the scale of expenses. This project was implemented in just 10 years (the first train went to 1901 r), while the average annual construction rate is impressive even today. The importance of Transsib for Russia is difficult to overestimate: the foreign press noted that after the discovery of America and the construction of the Suez Canal there was no event in history that had richer consequences.

Why am I writing all this? But to what. My daughter comes home from school and tells me that she received a four in history today. For her, this is a low grade; my children know this subject quite well. I do not blame her, but she doesn’t like it, and she shares this “incident” with me. It turns out that this was the case - telling the board about the economic development of the Russian Empire, the daughter told the class that the first railway in Russia was laid in the first half of the 19 century. But the teacher did not agree with her: according to the “teacher’s” version, the first railways in Russia appeared only at the end of the 19 century (!), And at the beginning of the 20 century, Russia, it turns out, only took the first steps in mastering this kind of transport. Then the teacher suggested her daughter to make a conclusion from the above, and when she answered about the technological lag of the Russian Empire from European countries, she clarified that she would like more specifics. Which, according to the teacher, was that at the beginning of the 20 of the 20th century, Russia in terms of railway transport was behind the European countries by 150 (!!!) years.

I must say, this is a highly interesting version: taking into account the fact that the first rails (without a locomotive, for transporting carts on horseback) were first used in England in 1767 g, and taking into account our “fifteen-year” lag, it turns out that the beginning of the 20 century in the Russian Empire, no one even suspected that there is such an amazing thing in the world - the rail ...

On the one hand, this is, of course, ridiculous. But I just felt like having fun completely when I looked into my daughter's eyes, because they were bewildered and confused and hinted at a reproach: “Well, why, dad, because you told a completely different story!”.

It is clear that I immediately explained everything to my daughter - on my fingers, with pictures from the Internet, etc. Well, how many children "swallowed" what the "teacher" told them? How many children shared such “revelations” with their parents, but remained unheard by virtue of our eternal employment? How many parents could not refute the nonsense of such unfortunate teachers because of the poor knowledge of the history of their country?

Shaped disgrace, you say? I absolutely agree, but only we opened the road to him ourselves - not personally the readers of the VO, of course, but our beloved authorities. They opened it when they abandoned the uniform view of history, from uniform history textbooks.

About propaganda, ideology and information superiority of the United States. CH 2. our story

Formally - from the best intentions, because history is a complex subject, and various views should not be respected by one or another event. Practically - putting all the teaching of history, depending on the views of a particular teacher. And they, these teachers, are very different, all the more so since those generations are already working, the childhood and youth of which fell on the wild 90, and the beginning of the 2000's is not enough. The time when the Niagara Falls of lies and mud plummeted into the history of our country, and many, alas, took them quite close to their hearts. And now they teach the story to our children the way they see it themselves. We have a free country, right?

I must say that the author of this article has repeatedly expressed very different criticisms of the current government and the president of the Russian Federation. But let us be fair: namely V.V. Putin in 2013 r spoke finally about the need for a single history textbook. Here are just ...

Here are just the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia decided differently. Instead of a single textbook, it developed a single historical and cultural standard, and then “professional expertise” decides whether a new textbook meets this standard or not ...

Ksenia Konyukhova, journalist of Komsomolskaya Pravda, gave a wonderful summary of the new history textbooks:

“The idea to make a single, correct and approved textbook was doomed to failure in advance. The authors got out: they did not decide for the children what they need to know and how to judge the events. Just earlier, to learn different points of view, the guys would have to read three different books. And now more or less complete alignment is given in each textbook.

And what is nice, the textbooks did not write in black and white, who is right and who is to blame. Instead of seeking a compromise under the guise of truth, and checking every word so as not to offend anyone, the authors of these books gave the right to vote to different parties ... ”.

Excellent, isn't it? That is, instead of giving the children a historical picture of the world that is understandable for their age, arouse interest in the subject matter and convey respect for the past generations, we simply throw out “different points of view” on immature minds in the hope ... of what? What does an average student of an average school do to what the Ministry of Education and Science did not succeed, that is, he himself will understand our long-suffering history? Or so that this very feeling of respect for the history of one’s country has never been born at all, “after all, there is another point of view that must also be respected”?

In fact, instead of teaching our children love and respect for the Motherland, for the Fatherland, we teach them tolerance in the worst sense of the word. And, at the same time, with our own hands we are destroying the basis, the basis of our society, preventing the revival of the national idea of ​​Russia.

Продолжение следует ...

PS Often ask your children what they are told by their school history teachers ...

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  1. +4
    13 October 2018 06: 08
    Objectively enough ...., you can argue about the details, but the point?
  2. +11
    13 October 2018 06: 41
    So it is - we have a serious problem with history.
    1. +12
      13 October 2018 08: 15
      Quote: Dart2027
      So it is - we have a serious problem with history.

      Learning is necessary from nations that have respect for their ancestors - the peoples of the Caucasus. Their ancestral deeds are not discussed by their descendants. They say it was so necessary. And the ancestors were real warriors. So we need to educate. After all, there were victories in Stalin! Brezhnev had a golden five-year plan! why not cultivate good ???
      1. 0
        13 October 2018 10: 26
        Quote: aybolyt678
        We need to learn from nations that have respect for their ancestors - the peoples of the Caucasus

        In principle, yes.
      2. +8
        13 October 2018 13: 02
        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
        Thus, Americans very elegantly combined ideology (patriotism) with mercantile spirit (the priority of money as the main life goal of an individual).
        Actually, we have with 2014 of the year, or even with 2011 somewhere such a tendency is quite clear - you will be a patriot and a strongman, and you will have money and position. Therefore, I personally have a very negative attitude towards those who, in recent years, have clearly declared themselves a patriot of Russia, have sharply become a statesman, an Imperial, etc. I somehow like the officers who served in 90-2000, without huge financial allowances, without prospects, without housing, simply because they served Russia.
        1. +4
          13 October 2018 15: 09
          Therefore, I personally have a very negative attitude towards those who in recent years have clearly declared themselves a patriot of Russia, have sharply become a state official, an imperial, etc.

          They are not statesmen and patriots, etc., but a mimicking insignificance.
          The article is generally correct. The approach of Americans (how not to relate to it, America) is generally correct and rational. It was the prohibition of dissent that destroyed the USSR.
          1. +2
            13 October 2018 15: 37
            Quote: NordUral
            the ban of dissent destroyed the USSR.

            Well, how - a ban ... Thinking was not forbidden, but, behold, to openly express your thoughts ... Here, yes, there was a gag. Although, in the kitchen corners, political jokes were poisoned (even as a schoolboy, he knew a lot), and in a whisper they discussed the deficit, Afghanistan, "hearse races" and other realities of the then existence. But now ... fellow At least get rid of it. laughing So much so that expression and bowel movement have become almost synonymous words.
            1. +6
              13 October 2018 16: 54
              I said this in relation to the fact that this ban gave rise to many ideological and corrupt opponents of the Soviet system, a crowd of human rights activists, Sakharov was the peak of the ideological, and Solzhenitsyn, the proudly corrupt ones, who then used both external and internal enemies.
              1. +3
                13 October 2018 17: 24
                Quote: NordUral
                this ban gave rise to many ideological and corrupt opponents of the Soviet system, a crowd of human rights defenders,

                This "crowd" is present at all times, in any state. And, even more so, in the USSR, which survived a monstrous civil war, which split society into two irreconcilable camps. Another thing is that one of these camps, in connection with the victory of the other, for the time being turned into an illegal position. Another point is based on the personal qualities of the organisms that make up this "crowd": someone wanted to "reign and own everything himself", someone had a spirit of contradiction in life, someone, as you rightly noted, was seized by an irrepressible thirst for profit regardless of any principles. No, this crowd was not consolidated into a protest movement, but each one individually did his own thing. And, of course, you should take into account the moment that aybolyt678's colleague voiced below. I will never forget the meeting at the Pribaltiyskaya Hotel with the pre. Committee of the Komsomol of our school - and she was there, of course, not as a tourist. laughing At the time of the collapse of the Union, the entire vertical line was uniquely rotten, with the exception of ideological lone idealists on the ground, which did not constitute any real force.
                1. +4
                  13 October 2018 17: 28
                  I agree, from the moment of accession (although this does not correlate well with Khrushchev), these sleeping men woke up and began to seep into power structures, right down to the top. The result we see and feel.
              2. 0
                13 October 2018 22: 19
                Quote: NordUral
                a crowd of human rights defenders, the peak of ideological was Sakharov

                Sakharov was unjustly added to opponents of the Soviet regime only because he tried to predict what would happen in the conditions of free access to information in the brochure “Reflections on Progress, Peaceful Coexistence and Intellectual Freedom”. If the authorities took note of this information, perhaps there would not be a nightmare of Perestroika.
                1. 0
                  13 October 2018 22: 33
                  Quote: aybolyt678
                  Sakharov was unjustly added to opponents of the Soviet regime only because he tried to predict what would happen in the conditions of free access to information in the brochure Reflections on Progress, Peaceful

                  My minus. Sakharov - henpecked. Even if there was a strict dwarf at his funeral, but this does not change anything.
                  1. +1
                    13 October 2018 23: 35
                    Quote: Mordvin 3
                    My minus. Sakharov - henpecked. Even if there was a strict dwarf at his funeral, but this does not change anything.

                    in the above article there is a chapter on the "basis of hope", and at the beginning of it, Sakharov admits: "Now the prospects of socialism are connected with whether it will be possible to make socialism attractive, whether the ideas of socialism and the exaltation of labor will prove to be moral attractiveness when compared with the egoistic principle of private property and the exaltation of capital decisive factor. " - how do you like this? henpecked? laughing while rituals?
                    In general, there is a point of view that he was skillfully neutralized by special services of the West, ranking him as real dissidents. And in my opinion he was a romantic communist, if you carefully read and think about it - like a child, by golly.
                    minus mine
                    1. +2
                      14 October 2018 00: 07
                      Quote: aybolyt678

                      Exactly. Bonner trampled him.
                      1. 0
                        14 October 2018 00: 51
                        +++ to you! laughing laughing In general, he died when it suddenly turned out that the new "thinking" did not need
                      2. +1
                        14 October 2018 01: 37
                        There was a strict dwarf at the funeral. And Matlock too.
          2. +2
            13 October 2018 16: 49
            Quote: NordUral
            It is the ban of dissent that destroyed the USSR

            The USSR was ruined by propagandists, and conserved "traditions" reminiscent of church services, the reading of long, about nothing speeches, praising the Party, removing critical perception of reality, bringing boredom shpampa, quibbling. Under this mantra, "Westerners" entered the system like viruses. And then the shock! AIDS INFO!
            1. +2
              13 October 2018 23: 52
              Quote: aybolyt678
              The USSR was destroyed by propagandists, and the preserved "traditions" resembling church services

              Not only. Enough to read Matlock.
              1. 0
                14 October 2018 00: 28
                Quote: Mordvin 3
                Not only. Enough to read Matlock

                Yes Yes. THX
                1. +1
                  14 October 2018 00: 32
                  Quote: aybolyt678
                  Yes Yes. THX

                  Respect this goat. He did everything to destroy the USSR.
                  1. 0
                    14 October 2018 00: 48
                    Quote: Mordvin 3
                    Respect this goat. He did everything to destroy the USSR.

                    I have already started reading, although the collapse of the USSR was started by Suslov, with the hands and language of Khrushchev. He removed Khrushchev but did not cancel his "blunders", he conserved the rituals, apparently specially developed by the American institutions of the Cold War, so you will not immediately understand. Kosygin made his contribution with his Lieberman reform, a deficit that arose after the introduction of brigade contracting and self-financing methods ...
                    1. +1
                      14 October 2018 01: 39
                      Quote: aybolyt678
                      Kosygin made his contribution with his reform of Liberman

                      Yakovlev. Here is that bugger.
      3. The comment was deleted.
        1. 0
          13 October 2018 23: 40
          Quote: Anti
          You will learn from Caucasians - finish as Caucasians.

          Did they finish? wassat
          what did they finish? belay
          what did they finish? fool
          God forbid they finish! And learning is always necessary, for the best
    2. +1
      18 October 2018 09: 48
      Quote: Dart2027
      So it is - we have a serious problem with history.

      We have no problems with history. There is a problem with understanding our history against the background of the substitution of concepts and outright falsehood in recent times. And if we do not cope with this, then our descendants can study our historical period as the time of "Ivanov do not bother kinship." And the history (I repeat) no problems, the story goes to itself and the seconds turn into hours, hours into days, days into months and months into years. the whole question is what we are doing all this time and what our story will be.
    3. 0
      27 October 2018 05: 18
      Quote: Dart2027
      So it is - we have a serious problem with history.

      We have no problems with history. We have problems with its presentation and interpretation of events. History is a fact that cannot be changed. If I borrowed a ruble from a neighbor a year ago and still have not repaid it, then there is no need to look for the reasons that prompted me to do this. You just need to fix this fact in order to know that I still remain a debtor to a neighbor. And we studied history (even the Great Patriotic War) without understanding why the Battle of Stalingrad was, and there was no city with that name.
      And our historical events each time acquire a new political color, pleasing to the current government, despite inconsistencies and significance. And sometimes conclusions are made such that only you marvel at the sound mind of the author who sucked them out ...
      Andrey from Chelyabinsk, I liked the 3rd part of our history, and I decided to get acquainted in the previous ones. I did not regret it! good
      1. 0
        27 October 2018 07: 03
        Quote: ROSS 42
        We have no problems with history. We have problems with its presentation and interpretation of events.

        This is what I mean.
  3. +4
    13 October 2018 07: 31
    Everything is rightly said about teaching history, Andrei. I will return to the article, also the previous reading, sorry --- I missed it.
  4. +6
    13 October 2018 07: 51
    A very good article written very professionally. I just want to include it (with the consent of the author) in the textbook on public opinion management. Here, by the way, was my article (and not one) about the problems of a single, correct history textbook ...
    1. +4
      13 October 2018 12: 11
      I believe that there is a very significant reason in the specific authors of history textbooks, most of whom began to write them, kissed the feeder from the Soros fund, only now, this is silent, and in the early 90s it was proudly indicated in the textbook (in the late 90s The Moscow government donated such textbooks free of charge, naturally out of the best intentions, because their children learned from such textbooks themselves, so I saw it myself) and the extremely profitable reprinting of these textbooks, here again at the trough there is a persistent group of authors, publishers, and officials signing the agreement. , What's new in the school physics mathematics course? I no longer remember the numerous "workbooks" in which you need to insert a word or a paragraph, and they are thrown into the trash at the end of the school year
    2. +2
      13 October 2018 13: 03
      The approach to history infuriates: dark, light ... Actually, there is a history of wars, there is a history of art, scientific achievements, a history of betrayals. No one condemns the Romans for the Colosseum, in those days it was the norm, although they condemn Stalin who prepared the country of mobilization during the war, and quite legally! . To two figures, I find no excuse for this Khrushchev and Gorbachev. Even Nik2 and he did something good.
      1. +1
        13 October 2018 23: 55
        The approach to history infuriates: dark, light ... For two figures, I find no excuse for this Khrushchev ...

        Famously. But even the monument to Khrushchev was made in two colors. He did not allow the Americans to deploy missiles in Turkey (Caribbean crisis), he brought the nuclear missile shield to mind, half of the country still lives in "Khrushchevs" (and then a separate apartment was a dream), he did not hide children from the front. And the execution of Novocherkassky was also with him. And my grandmother called him "Cursed Khrushch". Like this.
        1. 0
          14 October 2018 00: 55
          Quote: dauria
          But even a monument to Khrushchev in two colors is made

          A narrow-minded person who seized power. Which was controlled on simple emotions. All his achievement is the achievements of the Soviet country, whose economy worked so that no one could explain
    3. 0
      13 October 2018 13: 49
      Quote: kalibr
      I just want to turn it on (with the consent of the author)

      Of course, if there is such a desire, I have not the slightest objection :)
      1. 0
        13 October 2018 15: 05
        Dear Andrey! It's just that I rarely come across materials written on the topic of propaganda ... not by me and so thoughtful and professional. I have my own vision and argumentation, you have your own, but I completely agree with what you wrote. True, the third textbook is already in print. It is for PR masters and is called "Technologies of Public Opinion Management". But now I am offered to develop the theme by adding to this title - "in conditions of instability." If it "goes", I will definitely contact you.
  5. +10
    13 October 2018 07: 55
    I consider the main task of historians not to dig up corpses, as it was in perestroika, but to develop respect for the affairs of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers! They were dying, someone suffering with faith in a good king, someone with faith in Soviet power. Absolute nurturing of all periods of history does not contribute to strengthening the foundation of national consciousness.
    1. 0
      13 October 2018 17: 44
      Quote: aybolyt678
      Absolute nurturing of all periods of history does not contribute to strengthening the foundation of national consciousness.

      And whose interests are the strengthening of national consciousness in the modern RF?
      1. 0
        13 October 2018 18: 41
        Quote: Claymore
        And whose interests are the strengthening of national consciousness in the modern RF?

        Thanks for the question! a little flawed, really. National consciousness - it is three-level. Which level? what concept? I must say that he decomposes individualism nat. consciousness. And he is rushing out of all the advertisements.
        1. -1
          13 October 2018 22: 01
          Quote: aybolyt678
          National consciousness - it is three-level
          It is not three-level.

          It, being a public consciousness, is a combination of social, political, economic, moral, aesthetic, philosophical, religious (etc.) views - a combination in which the worldview of the ruling class plays the main role.

          The nation itself is generated by capitalist production relations as a substitute for religion, is bourgeois (being private, individualistic) in nature, and is a unifying factor that plays exclusively in opposition to other nations (it doesn’t matter that you work for me, but I live for yours account - we are a nation and we have one country that historically hates, for example, a certain collective West, consisting of other nations).

          So whose interests is the strengthening of national consciousness in modern Russia if the national consciousness is always bourgeois in nature? smile
          1. 0
            14 October 2018 00: 00
            Quote: Claymore
            It is not three-level

            "In the public consciousness, three structural levels can be distinguished: upper, main and deep. The upper level includes public opinion, which is changeable, relatively unstable and has a relatively short life span. The main level is analogous to the picture of the world in an individual. speak as a paradigm. This term characterizes the established system of concepts, views, worldview of society as a whole. The paradigm is very stable. The evolution of public consciousness can be represented as a sequential process of jump-like transitions from one paradigm to another. The process of departure from the existing paradigm can go unnoticed for a long time. , hidden (similar to the change in social consciousness in the USSR in the early eighties). The deep level (or the basis of social consciousness) can be roughly compared with the layers of individual consciousness formed in early childhood and leaving their imprint on the whole life. "
            The consumer model of consciousness that is being imposed now is in deep internal conflict with the problem of the survival of Russia as a country and of us as a society as a whole. We will be gone if we all accept this model. The tops, imposing it, do not understand how this can end
            Quote: Claymore
            And whose interests are the strengthening of national consciousness in the modern RF?
            - There are two processes going on in our country - one is the consumer model. the second is patriotic. Consumer services serve the interests of the global market and neo-occupants. Patriotic for the survival of the bulk. Often "spies" are painted to look like patriots. It is in demand, but it has almost no state support. hi
            1. 0
              14 October 2018 01: 57
              Quote: aybolyt678
              To the upper level can be attributed public opinion, which is volatile, relatively unstable and has a relatively short lifetime
              This is not a level of national consciousness, but an individual-subjective reaction of isolated individuals to external stimuli.

              The basic level is an analogue of the worldview of an individual. It is spoken of as a paradigm. This term characterizes the established system of concepts, views, worldview of society as a whole
              This is national consciousness, which is a set of cultural (in the broad sense) stereotypes, shared, to one degree or another, by the vast majority of representatives of a particular nation (society).

              The deep level (or the basis of social consciousness) can be roughly compared with the layers of individual consciousness that are formed in early childhood and leave their imprint on the whole life. "
              This is not a separate level, but the same set of stereotypes formed in the process of socialization of an individual.

              The consumer model of consciousness imposed now is in deep internal conflict with the problem of the survival of Russia as a country and of us as a society as a whole
              1 The consumer model is a model of bourgeois consciousness. And it is "imposed" by the bourgeoisie, which is the ruling class.

              2 Russia, as a country, has nothing to fear (a country is a territory), but for society, the consumer model, which transfers consumption from the category of "necessity" to the category of "main goal," is indeed a threat.

              We will be gone if we all accept this model. The tops, imposing it, do not understand how this can end
              This is not the top of something that does not understand - this is the majority of citizens do not understand that in the objective reality of class society the basis of social relations are not ideals, but class interests.

              It is most of the citizens (the essence of the working people) who do not want to understand that it does not feel good because the government supposedly does not know how, but because in a class society the reverse side of ensuring that the government interests the ruling class is always an infringement on the interests of other classes.

              Two processes are going on in our country - one, this is a consumer model. the second is patriotic. Consumer serves the interests of the world market and neo-occupiers. Patriotic for the survival of the bulk
              In Russia, there is 1 process - ensuring the interests of the ruling class.
              And the fact that against its background 2 types of capital are gnawing (having access to the financial services of the feed and raw materials, and wanting to gain access to the government feeding facilities) does not change the essence of the matter.

              As for bourgeois patriotism (and it is nothing more than fascism), it just manifests itself in the form of "uniting robbers with robbed" against the external and internal "threat" (against the economic and political competitors of the bourgeoisie) ...
              1. +1
                14 October 2018 06: 23
                Quote: Claymore
                As for bourgeois patriotism (and it is nothing more than fascism), it just manifests itself in the form of "uniting robbers with robbed" against the external and internal "threat" (against the economic and political competitors of the bourgeoisie) ...

                +++ Thing! you have done a nice job. In general, the time has come to rewrite Lenin, Marx and Engels, taking into account modern realities, in order to put in order the terminology, develop ideology, an approach to history, the organization of the Party that will lead the people to happiness. smile
          2. +1
            14 October 2018 07: 19
            Quote: Claymore
            Whose interests is strengthening national consciousness in the modern Russian Federation if national consciousness is always bourgeois in nature? smile

            maybe in the interests of the world market?
            1. +1
              15 October 2018 06: 00
              Quote: aybolyt678
              In general, the time has come to rewrite Lenin, Marx and Engels, taking into account modern realities, in order to put in order the terminology, develop ideology, an approach to history, the organization of the Party that will lead the people to happiness
              Of the above problems, there are only with the party, and with the terminology, ideology and approach to history - the full order.

              Quote: aybolyt678
              maybe in the interests of the world market?
              Neither the market nor the state can have interests simply by definition.

              Only individuals and social groups can have interests.
  6. +9
    13 October 2018 07: 55
    For the survival of Russia, a single history textbook is vital. What a different understanding of historical processes in the life of society leads to, today we are witnessing firsthand in Ukraine, when the western part is at war with the eastern. When some have one heroes, while others have others ...

    There is such a single history textbook in Russia, but there is no one to accept it:

    Video topic:

    1. +2
      13 October 2018 08: 09
      Dear Boris! I read your link. On a single textbook. There is such an advertisement:
      My name is Evgeny Yuryevich Spitsyn. I am a professional historian, graduated with honors from the Faculty of History of Moscow State Pedagogical University. Lenin, where my teachers were prominent Russian historians, professors A.G. Kuzmin, N.I. Pavlenko, V. B. Kobrin, G. A. Koshelenko, V. G. Tyukavkin and others.

      I am the author of several dozens of articles and publications on historical topics and on the problems of national education, which are published in a number of media, including the newspapers Vechernyaya Moskva, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Tomorrow, in the magazines National Control and Historian ", On the Internet resources" Russian Spring "(http://rusvesna.su/recent_opinions/1428685421)," Nakanune.ru "(http://www.nakanune.ru/articles/110182)," Russian Planet "and others.

      For almost 20 years I worked as a history teacher in two Moscow schools, of which 8 years - as the director of one of these schools. Therefore, I know firsthand the whole system of our education, including in the humanitarian sphere, where the situation now has become simply disastrous.

      So the SECOND SUMMARY IS SMALL FOR A SCIENTIST, ABLE TO WRITE A REALLY GOOD TEXTBOOK. It's cheap, and he brags about it. That ... doesn't characterize him very well. It would be enough to mention the 20 years in school ... And grab newspaper articles, fi ... This shows the level of generalization.
      1. +3
        13 October 2018 08: 20
        Quote: kalibr
        Dear Boris! I read your link. On a single textbook.

        I bought all five books. He suits me. It is quite objective, with a sea of ​​surnames and references to the source. Today, Spitsin is one of the professors of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, which prepares history teachers for our children.

        1. +2
          13 October 2018 08: 43
          Boris! I do not argue that the textbook is good. I just once again became convinced that all people want to seem better than they are. And this ... with intelligence is a bit at odds, right?
          1. 0
            13 October 2018 08: 54
            Quote: kalibr
            I just once again made sure that all people want to seem better than they are

            This is natural. It is also natural that each of them has flaws. And all that is natural is from God.

            For me personally, the unshaven uncles from the TV screen are less trustworthy than the neat looking ones. Appearance is always a reflection of the inner world. If a person is not able to put his appearance in order, then in his head he’s just a mess.
            1. +4
              13 October 2018 10: 30
              Quote: Boris55
              Appearance is always a reflection of the inner world.

              There is a very stupid tale that supposedly a sage could not get to the ruler when he came in some kind of rag, and then he came in decent clothes and he was missed and the ruler found out about it and repented. If a person goes to the palace in some rags without putting himself in order, then he is simply stupid. Appearance is that the first is striking and no one is obliged to delve into the deep spiritual world of a garden scarecrow.
              1. +1
                13 October 2018 13: 11
                Quote: Dart2027
                There is a very stupid tale that some sage could not get to the ruler, having come in some kind of rage

                "They are greeted by their clothes, they are escorted by their minds." - Russian folk saying
                1. +1
                  13 October 2018 13: 32
                  Quote: aybolyt678
                  They are greeted by clothes, escorted by the mind

                  If a person has a mind, it is the mind, and not books memorized by heart, then he will take care to immediately make a good impression. And if he does not, then he does not have a mind.
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  Appearance is that the first is striking and no one is obliged to delve into the deep spiritual world of a garden scarecrow.
            2. +2
              13 October 2018 13: 56
              For me personally, unkind uncles from the television screen are less credible than neat-looking ones. Appearance is always a reflection of the inner world.

              I would add - an indicator of attitude towards others.
              Iroquois (arafatka, turban, a bundle of parrot feathers) on the head is an indicator of belonging to a certain social group and protest (and often a challenge and rudeness) to everyone else. A well-groomed beard (clean-shaven chin), a calm suit is an attempt to show the world (with the exception of Arabic and above) its respect for it.
              My opinion.
              Maybe not right, but the Japanese are quite in public in classical suits walking, while respecting the kimono for internal use.

              And about the story .. sad to observe what is happening in the BO when discussing any historical facts our homeland. Sad and painful. And everything seems to be for Russia! And do not divide into Soviet, imperial and modern, please!
              She is one with us!

              Respectfully.. hi
            3. +1
              13 October 2018 15: 09
              Quote: Boris55
              For me personally, the unshaven uncles from the TV screen are less trustworthy than the neat looking ones. Appearance is always a reflection of the inner world. If a person is not able to put his appearance in order, then in his head he’s just a mess.

              I agree. But nevertheless, in the SECOND SECTION I would prefer to see the names of MORE SOLID ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS. Aren't you?
    2. +1
      13 October 2018 15: 13
      I agree, it is a single one, but only one where there are people among the authors, which is in this photo. But it’s not the kind where Svanidze will shed nightingales.
    3. -3
      13 October 2018 18: 01
      Quote: Boris55
      For the survival of Russia, a single history textbook is vital

      What do you mean by Russia?

      What is the result of a different understanding of historical processes in the life of society, today we see firsthand in Ukraine, when the western part is at war with the eastern

      Do you think LDNR is a part of Ukraine?
  7. +6
    13 October 2018 08: 01
    PS More often ask your children what their school history teachers tell them..
    Oh, oh, this must be done at least in order to laugh ...
    1. +6
      13 October 2018 08: 06
      Quote: kalibr
      Oh, oh, this must be done at least in order to laugh ...

      If something could be done with laughter, then judging by the number of dibilizers on TV, we would have long lived in paradise.
      1. +2
        13 October 2018 08: 12
        In Spain in the Middle Ages, when the Inquisition reigned there, people sculpted Kaganers and the proverb was in use: The king's ax cuts, the priests are burned, but street songs kill faster. "So laughter is also a weapon!
        1. +7
          13 October 2018 08: 25
          Quote: kalibr
          King ax chopping, priests bonfires burn, but street songs kill faster

          Humor and satire are not the same thing. Humor is when we hold on to the stomach with laughter, and satire is when, with a frozen smile on our faces, we scratch our turnips.
          1. +1
            13 October 2018 08: 43
            In any case, people are laughing ...
            1. +6
              13 October 2018 09: 01
              Quote: kalibr
              In any case, people are laughing ...

              The only difference is that in the first case, the problems are postponed until later, if not serious - they laughed and forgot, but over time it only gets bigger, in the second - they look for ways to solve it.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  8. +4
    13 October 2018 08: 13
    This has long been said many times. It is necessary for the best and most respected historian of the country to give a state order to write a history textbook. The rest of the textbooks burn.
  9. +10
    13 October 2018 08: 40
    Two examples of modern Russian ideology.
    The idea of ​​creating an Internet project to preserve the historical memory of the invaders destroyed during the defense of Sevastopol was voiced by the head of the Information and Press Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, on October 11 at a meeting with students of Sevastopol State University, the Forpost news portal reported.


    what other comments are needed here?
    1. +2
      13 October 2018 19: 52
      There are comments! And how long will we endure THEM?
  10. +4
    13 October 2018 08: 50
    Very correct article, 100500+
    It just won’t reach our government that it’s time to start putting things in order in the house, not all the neighbors are worth it.
    1. +3
      13 October 2018 15: 15
      Yes, they have long been suggesting it. But the trouble is, they have a completely different idea of ​​the order.
  11. +4
    13 October 2018 11: 45
    And then 150 years ... some sacred number for our pseudo-liberal intelligentsia!
    But, in general, you are my friend - too kind. I wouldn’t be too lazy to go to school and chat with such an extraordinary teacher Yes
    1. +1
      13 October 2018 12: 19
      the teacher has textbooks and a bunch of teaching aids sent to him by officials at various levels from the Ministry of Education (I don’t follow the terms) for the implementation of educational services and for the smallest step in the party requires civil courage
      1. +1
        13 October 2018 13: 07
        I strongly doubt that there is a "lag of 150 years" in these training manuals.
        1. +1
          13 October 2018 14: 29
          and you do not doubt, but take a closer look, I read about the October revolution and the decisive battles in the 2nd World War (not the Great Patriotic War), about the bloodthirsty Ivan the Terrible and the wild, non-civilized tribes of barbarians too
  12. +3
    13 October 2018 12: 52
    Great article, and most importantly very topical.
    In fact, instead of teaching our children love and respect for the Motherland, for the Fatherland, we teach them tolerance in the worst sense of the word. And, at the same time, with our own hands we are destroying the basis, the basis of our society, preventing the revival of the national idea of ​​Russia.

    And this problem requires a solution "yesterday"!
  13. +2
    13 October 2018 13: 10
    The education system serves the interests of the existing economic system. Capitalism does not need to study the victories of the social economy system. On the contrary, all failures are exaggerated in every way. And history is one of the tools for this.
    Creating an ideology for all is a difficult issue for Russia today. Too different interests in our class society. Fascism and Nazism are one of the methods to smooth out social contradictions.
  14. +5
    13 October 2018 14: 17
    Oh, on the subject of teaching history, I can tell you a lot. True, mainly in Ukraine, but her lover from Russia, who even dared to go to study as a historian in St. Petersburg, has repeatedly told me that Russia is never better.
    1) My school, the beginning of the zero years, Ukraine. The history teacher was originally a primary school teacher. Personality .... Strange. I must say that she herself understands history very mediocre (my cool circle of friends of history buffs arranged it in this regard regularly from the 8 class), and teaches her accordingly. The main feature - if you write / speak clearly according to the textbook, you will get a deuce, because you do not understand the material. If you write in your own words, you will get a deuce, as you invent material on the go. There is no third laughing I knew history rather in spite of my teacher at school, and I had to fight a lot with her - I did not remember the dates very well and I still remember them, and she needed to know those dates as a multiplication table, this, it turns out, is the whole essence of history. I knew the story at school in such a way that my classmates were scared, but at the same time I regularly received average marks from this teacher. Oh, yes, she once turned on "historical cinema" for us and left on business - but the movie turned out to be almost 18+, a lot of nudity and other things from the same opera. The teacher was not aware of what she turned on for her children ... There was also a second teacher, and she seemed to be better, but by God, the person went to work in the wrong place - she seems to know the material herself, without textbooks, but she expounds so tediously that I want to go and hang myself already in the 15th minute of the lesson.
    2) Cousin, the beginning of the zero, Sevastopol, an unknown school. Their elderly teacher, back fire in her transom, she knitted in the lessons. The school administration rushed with it, since the teacher was once kind of cool, with a bunch of prestigious achievements, and in general she was a class teacher at the time. Therefore, for knitting in the lessons she was not only not punished, but also rushed with her as with a precious service. The children in her lessons did whatever they could, if only not for homicide or masturbation - but everything is possible. Accordingly, the whole class had terrible marks on history.
    3) Familiar, a certain school in Kharkov, the nineties. There are no young teachers, all cash is the fruit of the Soviet pedagogical school. And history is taught through one place, which is confronted with the eternal problem with the lack of textbooks, which we have not yet solved (new textbooks arrive around the middle of the school year, as they begin to be printed already in late August, and the old ones often no longer correspond program). As a result, after school, those who had to work at universities with history experienced a severe shock, and not because of the controversy of Ukrainian, Russian, Soviet or other history, but simply because they simply did not invest the necessary minimum. But they knew perfectly the details of the party life of their teacher, since he was a communist under the Union, and was proud of it.
    4) Familiar, a school somewhere in the Zapadenshchina (maybe Lviv, but I'm afraid to keep it), zero. Do you think people are actively pumping up the topic of nationalism there? Ha! Most of the lesson goes to the stories of the teacher, who in 40 over the first time became a mother, how her masipusik behaves, how she grows up, how she looks at the neighboring girls, and for her personal life. They rush with the teacher, because she has connections (toli kuma, toli horseradish understand who the director of the school, and even the bosses of a higher rank).
    And so all the time, everywhere, and from Russia peers said that the same nonsense is observed. The problem is not only and not so much in the textbooks - at one time I leafed through both our and Russian textbooks, and there in terms of "the whole complex of history at a gallop across Europe" (otherwise, nothing, because there are usually very few history lessons, and the volume of material is huge) presented even more or less, albeit in places and with severe errors. The problem is the teaching staff, for whom history is a multiplication table, and even so, they do not always know it. And this is not only young personnel, but also those who remained after the Union. On this topic, I can think for a long time on a tree and a crazy eagle under the clouds, on the basis of a passionate love for my school mathematician, "the best teacher in the city", but that is a completely different conversation ... And in history - it is most often taught wrong people. Not at all, not suitable, hand them at least an excellent single textbook - like peas against a wall.
    Here, Andrei’s colleague is the most striking example. Do you think that a teacher would have been changed by another textbook? A single textbook? Ha, if only! She, apparently, is also from that overwhelming majority of history teachers for whom this is an exact science. How would a NORMAL historian react to the words of your daughter, going against the program? Clarify sources, conduct individual work, but do not forget to emphasize in front of the whole class, which, alas, ah, but everyone needs to know of. history, since on its basis all control-exams-assessments. But Andrei’s colleague’s daughter, well done, is interested in reading alternative sources, keep it up. Further, it is possible to conduct a small study with a request to indicate the rationale for information in the next lesson. From the teacher’s side, it all takes 3 minutes of time on the strength, the main amount of work is for the student. But when did we do this?
    The only history teacher that I can’t say anything bad about is the university historian. In my specialty there was all one semester of this subject, but I passed it for the highest mark already in the middle of the semester, not really learning new material and just talking with the teacher, while classmates suffered, passing in writing. I handed over everything on the basis of quite superficial - at that time - my own knowledge of history, plus the fact that I managed to see at the lectures of this teacher (there is a separate topic in general, the presentation in the 3 parts at each lecture that such a teacher forgot in a technical university - I do not I know). At the same time, legends went about the drunkenness of this very teacher, they told me that once he had just been brought to the exam - and he practically managed to take the exam in an irresponsible state, having managed to arrange another session of educational work. And with all this - this is the CORRECT historian, he can explain and help to assimilate. But there are very few of them.
    So why did I roll this entire wall of text? The problem, alas, is not in textbooks - the problem is in personnel. Which these textbooks write. Which teach children in lessons, and then students in lectures and seminars. And these people are not to blame for this - many of them go to study as historians, since there is no other way out, or simply not fully realizing what they are doing. But history requires a special, creative approach, a comprehensive analytical one. This is not a multiplication table, not clearly defined spelling rules. And teachers often do not know. And therefore, IMHO, it is necessary to start not with reprinting of textbooks, but with dropping this very special approach into the heads of teachers, because without it, even with sensible textbooks, there will be no effect. And this is already a question of reforms in the education system, the training of teachers, etc., which is already completely beyond the scope of this article.

    PS I apologize wildly for a bunch of unnecessary information, but this is one of my "sick topics". I saw a lot of things myself and heard from others on this topic, and not that good. Teaching history in our country, regardless of textbooks and parts of Eastern Europe, is lame on both legs, and it is not even known from what time it all began.
    1. +2
      13 October 2018 15: 17
      And according to history, it is most often taught by the wrong people. Not at all the ones that are not suitable; give them at least an excellent single textbook - like peas against a wall.
      You are absolutely right! I taught history for three years in a Soviet rural school. And nightmares dreamed about 10 years. Then the university ... it was easier there. But this spring my soul could not stand it either. 40 years behind and ... "YOU ARE RIGHT". But how can you make fools smart?
      1. +4
        13 October 2018 15: 41
        Quote: kalibr
        But how to make fools smart?

        First, fools need to realize that they are fools, and something needs to be changed. And this is already on the verge of a possible. And many fools are already hopeless .... And here it is time to start a speech for the entire post-Soviet education, and not just for history. History in this case is a private, albeit the most, ahem, general problem item. Not to mention the textbooks, which are a separate sub-item. Well, they will publish a single history textbook, correct from the point of view of the state, and then what? The vast majority of people will start teaching history as an exact science from these textbooks. And then outside of school, one way or another, immature minds will face controversy and contradictions (which actually occur at every step, and everyone “chooses” the side of certain theories and facts to the extent of their licentiousness and mental abilities) of. a course that was drummed into them as the only correct one, and the result will again be a result close to the present one, when history and its narrow interpretations serve more to split society than to unite.
        1. +2
          13 October 2018 16: 47
          It's nice to meet such an intelligent person as you have shown yourself. About Soviet textbooks for a school on the history of Wed. centuries, my material will be here soon. It has already been written in moderation. Come in, watch ... And it’s pointless to fight with fools. Their 80% of the population under the Pareto law ... They are different in such a way ... but they are still 80 ... and those about whom you wrote ALWAYS 20% ...
          1. +1
            13 October 2018 17: 06
            Quote: kalibr
            It's nice to meet such an intelligent person as you have shown yourself.

            feel Thanks, of course, but I'm actually dumber))
            Quote: kalibr
            But foolishness is pointless to fight.

            So otozh. But it is one thing when smart people set the tone for fools, and another when fools point smarts. Now the second case with the field of education is taking shape. I don’t know how in Russia, but in Ukraine - for sure, although not in the form that is commonly believed. And there seems to be positive progress, but still a crowd of fools is steering. There, for example, a decree passed on 1 of September - not to arrange large lines and showcases, was carried out at a minimum - and that’s all, because it was hot in the yard, and there was no practical sense in the stormy actions on the first call. But who listened? In the city gymnasium, the line was the shortest - half an hour. The longest in the city was about 1,5 hours on hell, some of the children in the line were taken to classes before graduation, as they became ill. But they made a show! And do not care that the Ministry gave the decree not to do so. And it has always been like this - when I studied, when my mother studied .... And after all, these are the simplest changes! And here we are talking about textbooks, the approach to teacher training and history, which is even more difficult ...
    2. +1
      13 October 2018 19: 28
      arturpraetor (Artem)
      but her lover from Russia, even daring to go to study as a historian in St. Petersburg, has repeatedly told me that Russia is never better.

      During my studies at two Leningrad schools, there were no problems with the quality of history teaching. Three teachers gave the children everything. what was laid at that time. And the students studied - who, as they wanted. Perhaps it's all in the years of study. It was the end of the 60s.
      Interest in history was instilled mainly in the family.
      1. +1
        13 October 2018 20: 35
        Quote: populist
        Perhaps it's all in the years of study. This was the end of 60x.

        Most likely, they are the point. It would be strange if the situation with a difference of almost 50 years remained the same smile Although, of course, it’s a pity that things are getting worse.
        Quote: populist
        Interest in history was instilled mainly in the family.

        For me it is rather the opposite - in spite of my family, or rather my father, who was rather dismissive of history until 2013. I don't even know where such an interest in these matters came from - it just was, already from the moment I learned to read myself (and this is somewhere in 3-4 years), different, all sorts of epics, legends and historical literature always aroused more interest than anything else. The same interest helped me survive the school, where history was one of the most difficult subjects for me, and not in terms of mastering the material, but in obtaining grades. It was worse only with geography (which I knew perfectly well, but somehow I had a fight with the teacher, and she "brought down" me until the very end of the school course).
    3. +2
      13 October 2018 20: 45
      With professional interest I read your, Artyom, "Notes on Historians". You are terribly unlucky in life. As a Crimean and a history teacher, it is easy for me to compare both Ukrainian and Russian teaching of history. I think it's difficult to talk to you about the content of textbooks. But I will note that, unlike the Russian Federation, Ukraine paid more attention to teaching history for obvious reasons: they filled up with new textbooks, maps, manuals ... In 2014, tons of it went to "household needs". In Ukraine, according to VNO, the number of hours, the obligatory exams - history was subject number 1! In the Russian Federation, history is inferior in importance to mathematics, biology, literature, the Russian language, physics, English, social studies, art and physical education .... Well, and most importantly. How many history teachers I know - 90% are crazy fanatics of their craft. Otherwise, our profession will not survive. The era of "drunken textbooks" and "knitting needles" ended in the 90s, when they began to pay wages.
      1. +1
        13 October 2018 21: 02
        Quote: samarin1969
        I think it's difficult to talk with you about the content of textbooks.

        Yes and no - I leafed through many Ukrainian textbooks of the 90s and 90s, which the school passed for muculature, but I managed to "intercept" the books I was interested in thanks to good relations with the library. The textbooks of the XNUMXs seemed to me somehow more ... I don't even know how to say it. Calm? Correct? Restrained? Those that I studied were already somewhat worse in this regard, although in the early ones there were enough emotions, especially with regard to the Holodomor, in subsequent ones it was less (which is strange, since the “famine boom” under Yushchenko fell on this recession ).
        But I note that, unlike the Russian Federation, Ukraine paid more attention to the teaching of history for obvious reasons: they filled up with new textbooks, maps, manuals ...

        And I collected all this in due time)) Old textbooks and atlases of any edition years were especially appreciated. Now, most of this has already been scrapped, alas.
        Quote: samarin1969
        In Ukraine, according to UPE, the number of hours, the exams required - history was subject No. 1!

        Of my school parallel, VNO in history has not been handed over by almost anyone, and this is EMNIP 80 with something people. So here I do not agree with you - far from the most compulsory subject.
        Quote: samarin1969
        How many history teachers I know - 90% are crazy fanatics of their craft. Otherwise, our profession will not survive. The era of "drunken textbooks" and "knitting needles" ended in the 90s, when salaries began to be paid.

        And here I do not quite agree with you - I have a large enough sample for many cities, and as I said, not only from Ukraine. No, there are good historians, I do not argue, but for some reason, rather mediocre teachers are found more often. However, this does not only concern history - I can talk on this subject until the morning laughing So here you are probably in luck with prof. social circle. In the end, the "drunken textbook" (but a good teacher, by the way) still teaches at the university, and the "knitting needle" taught history back in the zero years, i.e. it didn't end in the 90s. But here I could have been unlucky with the sample, despite a fairly large amount of information from different places - about lies and statistics, I think you know the expression hi
  15. 0
    13 October 2018 16: 50
    Quote: arturpraetor
    First, fools need to realize that they are fools, and something needs to be changed.

    Do you carefully read VO? Even here, judging by the comments, there are quite a few of them ... And they do not want to be aware. And there are still those who do not write in VO ... and do not even have computers.
    1. 0
      13 October 2018 17: 17
      Quote: kalibr
      Do you carefully read VO?

      Sometimes it seems that too carefully laughing Although I bypass a significant part of the site - I am a receptive person, and I am also a Ukrainian, but I need to protect my nerves.
      Quote: kalibr
      And they do not want to be aware.

      It’s just too complicated, it is necessary that the other uncle chewed everything for them. The problem is that you also need to chew correctly ... And we have the impression that for lazy people and those who do not want to understand something, most often all hackers or wreckers put them on the shelves. If at all someone lays out. Therefore, he said that this is on the verge of the possible, this awareness - it can theoretically happen, but in practice ...
      1. +1
        13 October 2018 17: 51
        I once wrote here that in the future we will face the most terrible war of all - the war of smart people with fools ... because otherwise they can not be defeated ... But they consume resources, spoil nature, spoil people.
      2. The comment was deleted.
  16. +2
    13 October 2018 17: 55
    History and ideology determine the worldview of the younger generation. We do not have that or the other.
  17. +2
    13 October 2018 18: 31
    The Germans were also patriots with social elevators and other gadgets ... until May 1945 wink
  18. +1
    13 October 2018 20: 20
    About a single textbook - I absolutely agree with the author. The fact that there is no "positive history" is another "bomb" for Russia. Another "bomb" is a radical reduction of the hours for military history in favor of a national ethnographic "vinaigrette". Whatever the "humanists" sang, history is the history of wars and rulers.
    1. +2
      13 October 2018 23: 02

      samarin1969 (Konstantin Viktorovich Samarin)
      The fact that there is no "positive history" is another "bomb" for Russia. Another "bomb" is a radical reduction of the hours for military history in favor of a national ethnographic "vinaigrette"

      The reason for this is understandable.
      A single positive story strengthens an identity or even creates an identity. Military history (the history of wars and rulers) enhances identity in the same way, and ethnographic “vinaigrette” identity weakens. They work very competently against us.
  19. +1
    13 October 2018 22: 31
    And write rebuttals, if you want, nobody will chase you for it
    oh? !!!
    I wonder if someone writes about the atrocities of blacks, what will come of this ?!
    1. +1
      13 October 2018 22: 38
      Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
      I wonder if someone writes about the atrocities of blacks, what will come of this ?!

      It was in a previous article - it says that pluralism in the United States has certain boundaries, and which are listed. You named one of them
      1. +1
        14 October 2018 08: 48
        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
        It was in the last article.

        I didn’t read, just explained to the person that freedom of speech in the West is like honey in a pot
  20. +1
    14 October 2018 00: 18
    And now they are teaching history to our children - as they themselves see it. We have a free country, right?

    In this case, the dominant (official) ideology does not seem to be with us? lol
    After all, what the author writes about, namely: "In other words, both the USSR and the USA created a" positive "version of their history" is the official ideology of the ruling system based on historical facts and legends to please the existing / existing system. What do we have now? What is the idea? How is it carried to the masses by "professional" speaking heads, including in schools? And how does this "truth" correlate with the surrounding reality today and the history of the past of our country?
    In my opinion, the current direction of official ideology since the 90's can be characterized in one word - craziness and not only in relation to fragile young minds.
    1. +1
      14 October 2018 08: 04
      Quote: Sovetskiy
      Now what do we have?

      More on that later :)))
      1. +1
        14 October 2018 08: 06
        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
        Quote: Sovetskiy
        Now what do we have?

        More on that later :)))

        Look forward to feel
    2. 0
      14 October 2018 14: 18
      Quote: Sovetskiy
      In my opinion, the current direction of official ideology since the 90's can be characterized in one word - craziness and not only in relation to fragile young minds.

      this is not crazy! Everything is strictly according to the relevant doctrine of Allen Dulles. Patriotism exists, since it corresponds to a public request. Moreover, patriotism corresponds to the task of divide and rule. Look around so completely enemies. Just like in the final wartime, we talk pathetically about the unusual role of Russia, doing nothing to develop an appropriate STATE ideology. And the situation is similar to the Khazar Khaganate. There are no obvious enemies.
  21. +2
    14 October 2018 16: 54
    Dear Andrew!
    I will ask you a simple question - Who is the first woman who traveled to space for you?
    And I know the answer - for you, the first woman to be in space is Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova!
    But for the same Americans in their textbooks it is written - THE FIRST WOMAN who has visited space is -
    Sally Kristen Ride (Eng. Sally Kristen Ride; 1951-2012) - US astronaut, the first woman in America to go to space in 1983 (before her, Valentina Tereshkova was in space in 1963 and Svetlana Savitskaya in 1982). Ryde is also the youngest (32 year old) American female astronaut.
    There was a documentary about the space race between the USSR and the USA! This film contains such information! By the way, for Americans, Gagarin is NOT the FIRST cosmonaut in the world! They consider the first conqueror of space -
    Alan Bartlett "Al" Shepard Jr. (Eng. Alan Bartlett "Al" Shepard, Jr .; November 18, 1923, Derry, NY Hampshire, USA - July 21, 1998, Monterey County, California, USA) - American astronaut, rear admiral of the U.S. Navy. The first American to make a suborbital space flight. Shepard performed the second space flight as the commander of the Apollo 14 spacecraft, the lander of which landed on the surface of the moon.
    Here you have the attitude to history!
    If in the city where Vsevolod Bobrov was born, NO ONE KNOWS about his countryman ...
  22. +1
    15 October 2018 11: 03
    As I understood from the comments, no one wishes their country bad things. Despite the criticism. Bad and good
    can be perceived. As the saying goes, "one soup is too thin, but for someone the pearls are too small." Businessmen look at
    his collapse as a cost of the wrong market, and the common man looks from the "bell tower" of his life.
    And all this needs to be settled. The author is basically right. But even speaking about the Trans-Siberian Railway, he did not mention
    by whom it was built. In general, remembering the black pages of our history all the time is not entirely correct. You cannot confidently go forward all the time looking back. All countries have dark places in
    stories, but they do not create the scrutiny of society on this, because everyone wants to think about the future.
  23. 0
    15 October 2018 15: 33
    Who is preventing the development of a unified concept for a textbook on the History of Russia? It is not necessary to impose a common opinion, but simply to study what is taught, with a patriotic bias and the rightness of Russia on many issues in world history. This is practiced by all countries, and it turns out, more or less, all impose "their history" on the state, otherwise you can’t bring up young people in the right direction ... there will be anarchy in the mind. Under the USSR, everything was fine, and patriotism was in the souls and hearts of schoolchildren, students and ordinary citizens ... and this did not prevent the creation of the best science in the world. And now young people have no core and everyone is constantly looking to the West, taking its development model closer and closer.
  24. -1
    17 October 2018 10: 15
    But the United States chose a different path: no one declared that this particular version of history was the most accurate and correct, it was just the young Americans who were taught it - and that’s it.

    The author has a very short memory ... although not, he is just a propagandist.
    In the USSR, they taught exactly the same. I myself remember the stories about "Lenin's grandfather" and have not heard about the Red Terror.
  25. 0
    10 February 2022 12: 04
    The article was written by a crazy red.