Soviet and Russian military equipment in the US military and testing centers

In the past, a number of Russian print and online publications have repeatedly published information about the testing of Soviet-made combat aircraft in the United States and conducting test air battles with American fighters. The issue of the presence of armored vehicles, helicopter gunships, radars and anti-aircraft missile systems made in the USSR and Eastern Europe in the US armed forces and on test ranges is much worse covered.

The experience of local wars, obtained in 60-70-s, demonstrated that the armies of Western countries are not fully prepared for armed confrontation with states whose armed forces are equipped with Soviet equipment and weapons and operate according to Soviet combat regulations. In this regard, in the United States in the 1980, the program OPFOR (English Opposing force) was adopted. Within the framework of this program, the creation of special units was envisaged, which during the exercises were to represent the ground forces of the Warsaw Pact countries. In order to give more realism, the servicemen of the OPFOR units wore a uniform that was externally similar to the Soviet one, and acted on the combat regulations of the Soviet Army.

РЎРѕРіР »Р ° СЃРЅРѕ СЂР ° СЃСЃРµРєСЂРµС З РµРЅРЅС‹ Рј РјР ° териР° Р »Р ° Рј первы Рµ советские Tanks RїRѕSЃR "RμRІRѕRμRЅRЅRѕRіRѕ RїSЂRѕRoR · RІRѕRґSЃS,RІR °: RџRў Rў-76 Pd-C 54 ± P <P" Ryo RґRѕSЃS,R ° RІR "RμRЅS <RЅR ° F ° RјRμSЂRoRєR ° RЅSЃRєRoRμ RїRѕR" RoRіRѕRЅS <RєRѕRЅS PI † Rμ 60-C ... RџRѕ RІSЃRμR№ RІRoRґRoRјRѕSЃS,Ro, SЌS,Rѕ ± F C <F "Ryo S,SЂRѕS" RμRo, F · F ° C ° C RІR ... ‡ RμRЅRЅS <Rμ C ... PI RѕRґRμ ± RѕRμRІS P <C ... RґRμR№SЃS, RІРёР№ РІ Юго-Р'РѕСЃС‚РѕС З РЅРѕР№ РђР · РёРё Рё РЅР ° Р'Р »РёР¶РЅРµРј Р'остоке. СоветскР° СЏ Р ± СЂРѕРЅРµС‚РµС ... РЅРёРєР °, востР° РІР »RöR» R ° R ° RјРµСЂРёРєР ° РЅСЃРєРёС… СЃРїРµС † РёР ° Р »РёСЃС‚РѕРІ, которы Рµ отметили, С З СРРРРРРРРРРРРРРё -76, РѕР ± Р »Р ° РґР ° СЋС ‰ РёР№ С ... РѕСЂРѕС € ей РїСЂРѕС ... одимоЁстью Рё водвижноР'Р'РїРїРїРїРїРїРїРїРїРїРї »РѕР№ дистР° РЅС † РёРё, СѓСЏР · РІРёРј Рє 12,7-РјРј Р ± ронеР± РѕР№РЅС Rј RїSѓR "SЏRј, P ° R" RѕR ± RѕRІR SЏ ° F ± SЂRѕRЅSЏ Rў-SѓRІRμSЂRμRЅRЅRѕ RїSЂRѕR ± 54 ° RoRІR RμS,SЃSЏ RјRμSЂRoRєR ° F 90 ° RЅSЃRєRoRјRo Ryo 105 ° RјRј S,R RЅRєRѕRІS <RјRo RѕSЂSѓRґRoSЏRјRo. РџСЂРёС † елы Рё СЂР ° диостР° РЅС † РёРё, устР° РЅРѕРІР »РµРЅРЅС‹ Рµ РЅР ° СЃРѕРІРµС‚СЃРєРёС ... тР° РЅРЃРЃР °Р °Р °Р °Р °РЅРЅР °Р °Р °РЅРЅР °Р °Р °Р °РЅРЅРЅРЅРЅРЅРЅРЅРЅРЅРЅР °Р °РЅРЅРЅРЅРЅ СЂРµРІС € РёРјРё, Р ° СѓСЃР »РѕРІРёСЏ РѕР ± итР° емости СЃРїР ° ртР° РЅСЃРєРёРјРё. R 'S‚Рѕ же RІСЂРµРјСЏ, Р ± С ‹Р» Рѕ РѕС‚РјРµС З РµРЅРѕ, С З С‚Рѕ советскР° СЏ Р ± СЂРѕРЅРµС‚РµС ... РЅРёРєРѓРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРЂРѓРЂРѓРЂРѓРЂРѓРЂРЂРѓРѓРЂРѓРЂРѓРѓРѓРѓРѓРѓРѓРѓРѓРѓРѓРѓРѓРѓРѓРІР СЃРѕРєРѕР№ РєРІР ° Р »РёС„ РёРєР ° С † РёРё СЌРєРёРїР ° жей Рё Р »РµРіРєРѕ ремонтируется. P 'SЃR "‰ RμRґSѓSЋS RoR№ SЂR RІRѕR ° F · · · RјRѕR¶RЅRѕSЃS,SЊ RѕR RЅR RєRѕRјRoS,SЊSЃSЏ SЃ ° F ± RѕR" RμRμ SЃRѕRІSЂRμRјRμRЅRЅS <RјRo RѕR ± SЂR ° F † C · ° F RјRo S,RμS ... RЅRoRєRo Ryo RІRѕRѕSЂSѓR¶RμRЅRoSЏ Sѓ ° F RјRμSЂRoRєR ° RЅS RμRІ RїRѕSЏRІRoR † "° F SЃSЊ RїRѕSЃR" Rμ RїRѕSЂR R¶RμRЅRoSЏ ° F ° SЂR ° F ± SЃRєRѕR№ RєRѕR ° F »† Roes RoRo PI R'RѕR№RЅRμ RЎSѓRґRЅRѕRіRѕ RґRЅSЏ. АмерикР° РЅС † ев РѕСЃРѕР ± енно интересовР° Р »Рё Р ± оевы Рµ РІРѕР · можносСРРР °Р °Р °Р °Р °Р ° С № PI RјRoSЂRμ ° F ± SЂRѕRЅRoSЂRѕRІR RЅRЅRѕR№ RјR ° C € RoRЅRѕR№, RѕSЃRЅR ° C ‰ RμRЅRЅRѕR№ 62 RјRј RіR "P ° RґRєRѕSЃS,RІRѕR" SЊRЅRѕR№ RїSѓS € RєRѕR№. РџРѕРјРёРјРѕР С С‚Р ° РЅРєРѕРІ Рў-115 Рё Рў-55 РѕС ‚Р Р · СЂР ° РёР» СЏ Р ± С ‹Р» Рё РїРѕР »СѓС З РµРЅС‹ Р'РўР -62, РџРўР Рљ В “Рњњ юткР° В ”, СЌР» РµРјРµРЅС‚С ‹Р — Р Рљ РЎ-60 Рё СЂР ° РґРёРѕР» РѕРєР ° С † РёРѕРЅРЅР ° СЏ стР° РЅС † РёСЏ Рџ-75.

After testing driving performance and weapons, captured Soviet tanks were used at the Eglin training ground during the testing of aircraft weapons of the A-10A Thunderbolt II attack aircraft. One T-62 was shot by shells with uranium cores from aviation 30 mm guns GAU-8 / A. Another tank with a working engine received a direct hit by an air-to-surface missile AGM-65 Maverick with a thermal homing head.

In principle, the Israelis were ready to provide the American units, depicting the "bad guys" in the exercises, with the necessary number of armored vehicles in exchange for supplies weapons. However, the Americans were not ready to exploit Soviet-made tanks and infantry fighting vehicles in everyday conditions. In addition to retraining personnel, it was necessary to solve the problem of the supply of consumables and spare parts. As a result, the large-scale use of Soviet-made heavy armored vehicles was abandoned at the first stage, with limited use of the BDRM-2 patrol reconnaissance vehicles, the BTR-60PB armored personnel carriers and the PT-76 amphibious tanks.

Soviet and Russian military equipment in the US military and testing centers

After the conclusion of the Camp David Agreement and the signing of a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, the rapprochement of Egypt with the United States began. In exchange for military and economic assistance, Anwar Sadat authorized the delivery to the United States of military equipment received from the USSR. Among other things, the BMP-1 infantry combat vehicle equipped with a 73-mm smooth-bore gun launcher and the Malyutka ATGM went to the USA.

A detailed study of the Soviet BMP-1 led to the fact that the Americans installed the M2 Bushmaster 25-mm M242 Bushmaster cannon penetrating the frontal defense of the Soviet machine on the MXNUMX Bradley Bradley BMP, which was being created in the USA, and increased the level of security in the frontal projection by using spaced armor.

A sign at the entrance to Fort Irvine, next to the American tank M1 Abrams and the combat helicopter AN-1 Cobra installed Soviet BMP-1

The first large American division, which was assigned to play for the Reds during maneuvers, was the “32 Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment” formed on the basis of the 177 Armored Brigade at the US Army Training Center - Fort Irvine in California. But since the daily operation of Soviet-made armored vehicles was associated with a number of problems and it was necessary to ensure the conduct of exercises with the participation of large units, it was decided to use "make up" American equipment, well mastered by the troops.

By the end of the 70's, a large surplus of light floating M551 General Sheridan airborne tanks was formed in the American army. Since 1966, this machine has been in service with US intelligence and airborne units. The tank was armed with short-barreled 152-mm gun-launcher, from which it was possible to fire high-explosive fragmentation shells and MGM-51 Shillelagh anti-tank guided missile systems. However, the experience of the operation and combat use of Sheridan tanks revealed many flaws and after about 10 years after they were put into service, they began to be taken out of line units and transferred to storage. By 1980, more than 1000 light tanks accumulated in warehouses, some of which were decided to be used to create VISMOD (visually modified — visually modified military equipment to imitate enemy forces).

Tanks M551, "made up" under the Soviet T-72 and BMP-1

As a result, several dozen futuristic-looking imitations of Soviet T-72, BMP-1, ZSU-23-4 Shilka and Gvozdika self-propelled guns were born. Despite the strange and sometimes ugly appearance, the converted Sheridans were actively used during maneuvers held in the Mojave Desert, up to the full development of the resource in the middle of the 90's. According to the American data, a significant part of the modified light tanks had a laser apparatus, which allowed to imitate the fire from cannons and machine guns.

M551 tank, depicting "Shilka"

In addition to the Sheridans, several all-wheel drive HMMWV vehicles were reworked, which they tried to give to the outline of Soviet armored patrol reconnaissance vehicles. However, it turned out even worse than with the reconstruction of the appearance of tracked Soviet armored vehicles.

HMMWV imitating BRDM-2

As the resource was developed and the M551 light tanks were decommissioned, other US-made armored vehicles were used. In particular, at least one VISMOD simulating the Shilka ZSU-23-4 was created based on the X-NUMX-mm howitzer M-155.

Imitation ZSU-23-4 "Shilka", made on the chassis 155-mm howitzer M-109

From the mid-90-x to participate in the maneuvers began to massively "make up" the M113 BTR and the M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles. As part of the 11 th armored cavalry regiment stationed in Fort Irvine, one battalion was fully equipped with “visually similar” machines depicting T-72 and BMP-2. By 1998, the new VISMOD completely replaced all vehicles based on M551 General Sheridan tanks.

Armored personnel carrier, made up for a Soviet tank

For the creation of VISMOD, fiberglass and epoxy resin were mainly used, which made it possible to reduce costs and, in case of damage during maneuvers, quickly restore the appearance. In addition, the machines acting on the exercises for the "red", received a set of laser simulators shooting, fixing laser radiation and pyrotechnic devices, reproducing the firing of weapons and visual effects with the defeat of armored vehicles. This made it possible to implement various scenarios of exercises and bring the situation closer to combat.

American BMP "Bradley" from the 11-th armored cavalry regiment, imitating the BMP-2

Machines created on the basis of M551, М109 and М113, of course, externally differed from the American armored vehicles used by linear units, but still had not so much similarity with the Soviet tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. The closest to the appearance of the BMP-2 was a “visually similar pattern”, created on the basis of the Bradley BMP. To distinguish these machines visually from the Soviet prototype can be on a higher silhouette. Otherwise, thanks to the ribbed frontal part, the onboard screens and the modified turret, a high visual similarity was achieved.

The nineties of the last century became the "golden time" for American experts in the study of equipment and weapons of a potential enemy. After the liquidation of the Warsaw Pact and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States had unprecedented opportunities for a detailed acquaintance with various Soviet-made models. At the end of the 80, Americans could not even imagine that in a few years the most modern Soviet armored vehicles, fighters, air defense systems and communications would be at their disposal. The countries that formerly belonged to the sphere of influence of the USSR, trying to secure the favor of the victors in the Cold War, the United States, vied with each other in a hurry to share military and technological secrets. However, the authorities of the “new Russia” in this respect were not very different from the governments of countries that had previously been members of the Warsaw Pact and the former Soviet republics. Of particular interest in NATO was the T-80U tank with a gas turbine engine. Unlike the T-72, this vehicle was not supplied to the Allies in the ATS. In 1992, through the Russian organization Spetsvneshtekhnika, the United Kingdom bought one T-10,7U and one ZRPK Tunguska with ammunition and consumables for $ 80 million. In the same year, the British transferred these cars to the United States. In 1994, four T-80s were sold to Morocco, but as it turned out soon, these tanks did not reach the shores of North Africa, eventually ending up in American test sites.

Since 1996, T-80 tanks have been supplied to Cyprus, Egypt and the Republic of Korea. Thus, the South Korean armed forces received 80 T-80U and T-80UK with Agave-2 thermal imagers and Shtorra anti-tank missile counter-attack systems.

Also at the disposal of the South Korean military has 70 BMP-3 and 33 BTR-80. Russian-made combat vehicles were used several times during South Korean-American joint military exercises.

BMP-1 "32 Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment" at the site in the vicinity of Fort Irwin

Access to the most modern Russian armored vehicles allowed not only to study in detail the samples of interest and to work out the means of counteraction, but to the extent necessary to equip the units of the “aggressors” speaking at the exercises for the enemy. Operation of the Soviet and Russian military equipment was greatly facilitated by the fact that the Americans also had the necessary technical documentation and spare parts.

Captured in Iraq, the T-72 tank on the American military base Fort Bliss

In addition to the US Army, Soviet armored vehicles began to be used in the exercises by the Marine Corps, as the American marines, who were the “quick response” forces in local conflicts, had a much higher risk of collision with an enemy equipped with Soviet weapons than the Ground Forces. T-72 tanks from the composition of the former GDR army, Polish and Czech production, as well as those captured in Iraq, appeared at the ranges of Fort Stewart and China Lake.

Marines of the 3-th amphibious-assault battalion of the 1 division of the ILC use T-72 to designate the enemy

The T-72, BMP-1 and BMP-2 tanks are operated on a permanent basis in the 3 amphibious assault battalion of the 1 Division of the USCM based in Camp Pendleton, California. Armored vehicles captured in Iraq, is in excess of the states and is used at the test site at the place of permanent deployment. Maintaining it in working condition is carried out by repair services of the division.

In addition to the T-72, BMP-1 and BMP-2, there are a noticeable number of lightly armored MT-LB units in the “aggressor” units of the US Army and Marine Corps. This tracked light armored vehicle, thanks to its good driving characteristics and high maintainability, is even more popular in the US military than Soviet tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers.

Special mention deserves the Soviet tactical and tactical missile systems, which the Americans in combat conditions first encountered in the 1991 year during the anti-Iraq campaign. US media bypasses the topic of testing in the US OTRK 9K72 "Elbrus" with the rocket 8K-14 (P-17). It is known that in the past a number of anti-missile systems were tested on the “simulators” of the P-17 missiles. Nevertheless, there are “Elbrus” on the American test sites, which is irrefutably testified by satellite images published in free access. In 70-80, the Elbrus OTRK, known in the west as Scud B, was widely supplied to the allies of the USSR and used in a number of regional conflicts.

Satellite image of Gооgle Еrth: Elbrus OTRK mobile launchers with Р-17 missiles at the Eglin range in Florida, alongside Soviet tanks

In place of the Scud with a liquid rocket in the USSR, the OTK 9K79 “Point” was created with a solid-fuel rocket on a three-axis floating chassis. Before the collapse of the Eastern Bloc, these complexes were supplied to Bulgaria, Poland, and Czechoslovakia, and also went with the division of the Soviet military property to “independent republics”. There is no doubt that Americans have thoroughly studied this quite modern, even by today's standards, missile system.

If the training of calculations of army air defense units could be carried out without problems on planes of American tactical and carrier-based aviation, which, when flying at low altitudes, did not differ from the Soviet MiGs and Su in their characteristics, then with reproduction Mi-24 attack helicopters and Mi-8 transport combat helicopters were much more difficult.

At first, several JUH-8H helicopters converted from Bell UH-1Н Iroquois were used to simulate the Mi-1. The helicopter carried atypical camouflage for US Army aircraft, and its nose was modified. At the end of the 80-x on the pylons of the modified "Iroquois" placed laser equipment simulating the use of aircraft weapons, and on the armored vehicles involved in the exercises, installed sensors associated with pyrotechnic devices that worked in the event of "hitting" the tank or BMP.

Helicopter JUH-1H

Judging by the dating of photos taken at Edwards and China Lake airbases, which are located in close proximity to the Fort Irwin training center, some JUH-1H helicopters were used in the 21 century.

The overhauled Iroquois was quite successfully used to train the crews of armored vehicles and the anti-aircraft calculations of the army mobile air defense systems Chaparel-Vulcan and Evenger that protected them. However, the command of the Ground Forces wanted to have a helicopter, visually similar to the Soviet Mi-24, which the Americans rated very high. To this end, in the middle of 80-x, a contract was signed with Orlando Helicopter Airways for the development of a radio-controlled helicopter target, externally similar to the Mi-24, which could be used for firing projectiles and missiles. For re-equipment used helicopters Sikorsky S-55 Chickasaw, taken from storage in Davis-Montana. During the conversion of the outdated piston engine helicopter, which initially had a layout similar to the Mi-4, radically changed the appearance.

Helicopter target QS-55

The radio-controlled helicopter, designated QS-55, was provided with maximum external similarity with the Mi-24P. A helicopter 30-mm gun GSH-30K was installed on the starboard side of the helicopter, and an influx appeared from below, recreating the “beard” of the sight-sight system. For the first converted QS-55, for increased reliability, mannequins were placed in sham booths. For the ferry of the helicopter, regular controls were saved to the place of use, but the view from the cockpit became much worse.

According to American sources, the company Orlando Helicopter Airways retooled 1990 QS-15 in total up to 55, most of which were shot in the air for several years during combat preparation of air defense crews and crews of AN-64 Apache combat helicopters. Two helicopters QS-55 lost during a flight accident. Subsequently, the Americans used in the training of anti-aircraft calculations reduced in 10 times radio-controlled models of attack helicopters Mi-24, which turned out to be significantly cheaper than reworking the targets of the machines taken from the storage base.

In addition to radio-controlled targets in the American army in 80-90-ies, Sikorsky SH-24 Sea King amphibious helicopters and French Aérospatiale SA 3 Puma, converted by VISMOD by Total Helicopter Company, were used to designate the Mi-330. Subsequently, these cars were shot in the films "Red Scorpion" and "Rambo 3".

Close to explore the Mi-25 (export version of the Mi-25D) Americans succeeded in the second half of the 80-s, after the Libyan Air Force helicopter made an emergency landing in an area controlled by the French Foreign Legion in Chad. The combat helicopter was dismantled, delivered to the airfield and evacuated by a military transport plane. Then the American specialists did not succeed in completely recovering and removing the Mi-25 flight data. However, they had the opportunity to assess the security, the characteristics of the sight-sight equipment and weapons. In 1991, several Iraqi Mi-25s were captured during Operation Desert Storm.

After dismantling the main and tail rotors, Iraqi helicopters were evacuated by American heavy military transport helicopters Boeing CH-47 Chinook. However, Mi-25, captured in 1991 during the Gulf War, were in poor technical condition and could not give a complete picture of their capabilities.

However, no war trophies could not be compared with the possibilities that opened after the fall of the communist system in Eastern Europe. First of all, the equipment and weapons of the former People's Army of the GDR were at the disposal of the Americans, and a significant part of the East German "crocodiles" turned out to be on American proving grounds and in research centers. Together with several Mi-8 and Mi-24 helicopters in the United States, a set of technical documentation and spare parts was sent. After that, the need for "visually similar" with the Mi-24 helicopters in the American armed forces disappeared.

Mi-24 at the Fort Bliss military base

A squadron equipped with Soviet-made helicopters was deployed at Fort Bliss military base in Texas in 2006. Mi-24 helicopters were involved in the organization of the training process of the 1 armored division and anti-aircraft units deployed in the area, as well as during “joint maneuvering” with the American Super Cobra and Apache.

Satellite image of Gооgle Еrth: Soviet-made Mi-8 and Mi-24 combat helicopters based on Fort Bliss, taken in May 2008

As is known, the Soviet anti-aircraft missile systems in 60-70-s had a significant impact on the course of hostilities in Southeast Asia in the Middle East. And because the Americans during the years of the "cold war" paid great attention to the training of their pilots evading anti-aircraft missiles and developing radio jamming stations. At the sites located in the vicinity of large American air bases, there were mock-ups of Soviet air defense systems, as well as simulators of the work of guidance stations and radars. Traditionally, special attention has been paid to countering the widespread C-75 medium-range complexes.

Satellite image Gооgle Еrth: layout of the C-75 air defense system at the Avon Park range in Florida

However, the C-75 had limited opportunities to defeat low-altitude and targets maneuvering with large overloads; in this respect, the C-125 and Kvadrat SAM systems posed a much greater danger to American tactical and carrier-based aviation. Apparently, as in the case of the MiG-23 fighter, the opportunity for Americans to familiarize themselves with the Soviet low-altitude and mobile military complexes appeared in the first half of the 80-s after the start of close military-technical cooperation between the USA and Egypt. In addition, in 1986, the French managed to seize the Libyan "Square" in Chad.

Self-propelled unit for reconnaissance and guidance of the Kvadrat SAM system at the Eglin range

American specialists were especially interested in the characteristics of the guidance stations and the modes of operation of the anti-aircraft missile radio-bombers. A thorough study of these parameters allowed us to create a number of sufficiently effective jamming stations suspended on combat aircraft in a container version.

In 1991, the Osa-AK self-propelled short-range air defense system appeared at the White Sands range in New Mexico. From where it was delivered and in what technical condition it is not known.

After the unification of Germany, the air defense system, inherited from the GDR, became the object of close attention of Western experts. In the second half of 1992, two German Osa-AKM air defense systems with combat missiles, a transporting vehicle and a set of technical documentation were delivered to the Eglin airbase by military transport aircraft. German calculations arrived along with mobile anti-aircraft missile systems. According to the published information, field tests with real launches on air targets in Florida lasted more than two months, and several air targets were shot down during the shooting.

Following the German OSA “Osa” from the Eastern European countries that were members of the Warsaw Pact, anti-aircraft complexes were delivered: C-75М3, С-125М1, Krug, Kvadrat, Strela-10 and Strela-1, ZSU -23-4, as well as MANPADS "Strela-3" and "Needle-1".

ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" at the Eglin range, in Florida

All of them were tested at test sites in Nevada, New Mexico and Florida. Also, Americans were very interested in the characteristics of Soviet radars in terms of the possibility of detecting aircraft at low altitudes and using the technology of low radar visibility. With real flights in 90 in the USA, surveillance radars were checked: P-15, P-18, P-19, P-37, P-40 and 35-6. The study of the electronics of the Soviet air defense system and radar was carried out by specialists from the laboratory of the US Department of Defense Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville (Alabama).

Before the liquidation of the Warsaw Pact, the Soviet Union managed to deliver C-XNUMPPMU anti-aircraft missile systems (export version C-300PS) to Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria, and experts from NATO countries had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with them. But the leadership of these countries refused to provide modern American for their time air defense systems at the American test sites. As a result, the Americans purchased separately in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan elements of the C-300P and C-300В anti-aircraft missile systems, as well as the 300D35 radar, which was part of the C-6PS regimental set. At first, the radar tools were thoroughly tested at the Tonopah training ground in Nevada, and then used during various military exercises of the Air Force, Navy, and USMC.

Satellite image of Google Earth: elements of a C-300PS air defense system at the Tonop site

According to information published in open sources, in 2008, at the Eglin site, the Kupol target detection station and self-propelled firing system, which are part of the Buk-M1 system, were observed. From which country these combat vehicles were delivered to the USA is not known. Possible importers may be: Greece, Georgia, Ukraine and Finland.

A large collection of the most varied Soviet and Russian military equipment and weapons has been assembled at American test sites, research laboratories and test centers. The largest storage area for armored vehicles, artillery systems and air defense systems of a potential enemy in the United States is the southeastern part of the Eglin range in Florida.

Satellite image of Gооgle Еrth: base of storage of military equipment of Soviet and Russian production at the Eglin range

On the basis of storage in addition to artillery installations, multiple rocket launchers, tanks, armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, there are elements of various modifications of the C-75 and C-125 anti-aircraft missile systems, Strela-1, Strela-10 mobile air defense systems, “ Wasp "," Circle "and" Square ", ZSU-23-4" Shilka "and ZRPK" Tunguska ", elements of the C-300PS anti-aircraft missile system, П-18, П-19, П-37 and П-40 radars .

Satellite image Gооgle Еrth: imitation of the position of the air defense system at the site of Avon Park in Florida. In the center there is a station with a parabolic antenna reproducing the modes of operation of the Soviet air defense missiles.

As already mentioned, from the very beginning, the Americans showed great interest in Soviet radar, air defense missile guidance stations and the delivery of anti-aircraft artillery target designation. The main reason for this interest was the desire to gain access to the characteristics of the detection range, noise immunity, operating frequencies and combat modes. Knowing all this, it was possible to create equipment jamming, designed to suppress surveillance radars, gun guidance stations and air defense systems. And also to give recommendations to pilots of long-range, tactical and deck-based aviation participating in airstrikes on countries with Soviet and Russian air defense assets.

Satellite image Gооgle Еrth: Soviet-made equipment at the Avon Park training ground. In the same row from left to right: Osa-AKM short-range air defense system, Elbrus self-propelled self-propelled launcher with OTP P-17, Kvadrat mobile air defense system, armored personnel carriers and Shilka ZSU-23-4. Behind at the site simulators of the regimes of the SNR of Soviet air defense systems

At the first stage, American pilots trained on real-world radars and guidance stations of Soviet-made anti-aircraft complexes. However, American specialists soon encountered difficulties in maintaining the equipment built in the USSR in working condition. Readers who served in the Air Defense Forces of the USSR will surely remember how time-consuming the routine maintenance of the first generation of anti-aircraft missile systems, radar and radio altimeters. As is known, equipment made with extensive use of vacuum elements requires constant attention: fine tuning, adjustment and warming up. Radars, stations of guidance and illumination of the purpose were completed by the ZIP with an impressive stock of electronic lamps as they quickly lose the characteristics in the course of work and actually are an expendable material. In addition to the purchase of spare parts, the Americans needed to translate mountains of technical literature or attract foreign specialists who had previously worked on Soviet technology, which was undesirable because it could lead to leakage of confidential information. In this regard, at the first stage, it was decided to partially transfer the existing Soviet-made anti-aircraft missile guidance stations to a new solid-state element base, while maintaining the operating frequencies and combat modes. The task was facilitated by the fact that the available radio equipment was not intended for real launches of anti-aircraft missiles, but had to be involved in the combat training of American pilots.

Specialists of the company AHNTECH, which has long-standing ties with the Pentagon, based on the SNR-75 missile guidance station, have created an installation that, in addition to the combat modes, the C-75 SAMs can reproduce other threats.

Modified CHP-75

At the same time, due to the changes made to the location of the antennas, the appearance of the guidance station has changed significantly. Thanks to the use of modern element base, the operating costs of maintaining electronic equipment have significantly decreased, and the station itself has received new opportunities in terms of imitating other Soviet air defense systems. There is information that at least one guidance station SNR-125 low-altitude anti-aircraft missile complex C-125 was also refined.

Modified CHP-125

Approximately 10 years ago, towed universal simulators, known as ARTS-V1 (English Advanced Radar Threat System – Variant 1 - the improved system version of the radar threat, version of the 1), appeared on American test sites. The equipment placed on the towed platforms, developed by Northrop Grumman, gives out radar radiation repeating the combat work of medium-range and short-range air defense systems: C-75, C-125, Osa, Tor, Cube and Buk.

ARTS-V1 radar simulator

The equipment includes its own optical and radar tools capable of independently detecting and accompanying aircraft. In total, the US Department of Defense acquired 23 equipment set with a total value of $ 75 million, which allows it to be used during exercises not only in American territory, but also abroad.

According to information released by Lockheed Martin, this company received a contract worth $ 108 million for the supply of 20 mobile ARTS-V2 equipment sets, which should reproduce the radiation of long-range anti-aircraft missile systems. Although the type of air defense systems is not disclosed, apparently, we are talking about long-range air defense systems of the type C-300P, C-300B, C-400 and Chinese HQ-9. According to American sources, research is currently being conducted on the creation of ARTS-V3, but so far there is no reliable information regarding this equipment.

I must say that this is not the first experience of Lockheed Martin in the development of electronic simulators of air defense systems. At the end of the 90-s, the company's specialists commissioned by the US Air Force created Smokie SAM fixed equipment, reproducing the combat work of the Cube self-propelled reconnaissance and guidance system and simulating the launch of anti-aircraft missiles using pyrotechnic devices.

Smokie SAM equipment at the site in the vicinity of the Nellis air base

This equipment is still in working condition and is being used at the Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range facility, located in the vicinity of Nellis airbase in Nevada.

The ESCO Technologies company in 2005 created the AN / VPQ-1 TRTG radar simulator, reproducing the work of the radar systems “Kub”, “Osa” and ZSU-23-4. Sufficiently compact equipment is located on the chassis of the all-terrain pick-up, which allows you to quickly transfer it to the training venue. The station has three transmitters operating at different frequencies, which are controlled by modern computational tools.

Radar simulator AN / VPQ-1 TRTG

The radar simulator is used in conjunction with the GTR-18 Smokey unguided missiles, which visually mimic the launch of the missile defense system, which in turn makes it possible to bring the training environment as close as possible to the real one. Currently, AN / VPQ-1 TRTG mobile kits are in use at US and German test sites.

However, with the simultaneous creation of radar simulators, American experts are not abandoning attempts to get modern air defense systems in service with Russia and countries that could potentially be among the opponents of the United States. More recently, it was reported that the US Department of Defense bought another three-coordinate radar combat mode 36D6М1-1 in Ukraine. The radar operating in the decimeter range is capable of detecting air targets at a distance of up to 360 km with high accuracy and is considered one of the best in its class. This station, leading its pedigree from the radar ST-68, produced Zaporozhye software "Iskra". The radars of this family were attached to the C-300P anti-aircraft missile regiments. After the collapse of the USSR, 36D6 radar stations produced in Ukraine were widely exported, including to Russia.

Unloading 36D6 radar at the port

Ten years ago, Americans have already purchased one 36-XNNXX-6 radar. A number of Western experts then explained this by the fact that similar stations after the delivery of C-1PMU-300 may appear in Iran, and therefore it is necessary to test it in order to develop countermeasures. According to information published in the American media, the radar purchased in Ukraine was used during the tests of new F-2 cruise missiles and the F-35 fighter, as well as during aviation exercises based on Nellis. The Americans were primarily interested in the possibility of countering and masking radar equipment, working in conjunction with the C-300P. In what tests at the US test sites will the newly acquired radar 36D6М1-1 be used? However, there is no doubt that this station will not be idle.

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  1. +6
    4 October 2018 15: 20
    An informative article, especially because of the events with the Boeing in Ukraine.
    1. +26
      4 October 2018 15: 27
      Quote: Strashila
      Informative article, especially because of the events with Boeing in Ukraine

      I am sure that the Americans reliably know who shot down a Boeing 777, performing a flight MH17. But lest anyone say, a deep respect inspires how the process of combat training is set up in the United States. The leadership of the American armed forces does not spare money for imitators and the delivery of real military equipment of Soviet manufacture. Of particular interest are the means of air defense, and this really allows to reduce losses.
      1. -1
        4 October 2018 15: 56
        What is the US that RUSSIA and before that the USSR sought to learn as much as possible about the technique of the likely enemy and its potential and how to fight it.
        1. +12
          4 October 2018 16: 04
          Quote: Borik
          What is the US that RUSSIA and before that the USSR sought to learn as much as possible about the technique of the likely enemy and its potential and how to fight it.

          Of the American aircraft captured in 70-ies, I know only about the F-5E fighter, the A-37 attack aircraft and the UH-1 helicopter. All this was obtained from Vietnam. Also, our experts were able to get acquainted with the tanks M41, M48 and BTR M113. But I have not heard anything about the fact that modern American air defense systems or surveillance radars hit the USSR.
          1. Alf
            4 October 2018 18: 45
            I read that in the USSR it is unknown how the A-10 skidded.
            1. +4
              4 October 2018 20: 00
              A-10 was not exported. There were no thefts.
          2. +1
            8 October 2018 15: 20
            Sergey, persistent rumors were circulating that they had also familiarized themselves with the cat. Here from the Tsushima forum -
            Of course Iraq owed the USSR huge amounts of currency and from this point of view the project was a failure, but on the other hand, how to evaluate the information received from Iraqi comrades? I previously told in several branches what invaluable information got to our aviators in relation to the F-14 and its missiles, and this is not only products, stands and documentation, but also real combat experience. After analyzing which, our specialists realized that they greatly overestimated the achievements of the Americans.
            As the conflict unfolded, the Iraqis were forced to give other gingerbreads, providing our specialists access not only to trophies, but also to Western technology that was in their arsenal. Soviet naval aviators were delighted: to study a modern live carrier-based fighter-attack aircraft with all set of equipment. The Super-Etander turned out to be even better than they expected: excellent radar, avionics, a strong navigation system and a smart air refueling system. I even remember a note of regret from our specialists: when we thought about the MiG-19K, we were on the right path and should have succeeded! In general, the aircraft, avionics and its combat capabilities were highly appreciated, it was considered mature and mature, the Iraqi pilots coped with it quite well. But in their opinion, for their war, the plane was already with clearly insufficient characteristics, therefore, after the test, the emphasis went to the purchase of the naval version of the Mirage F.1, since the Franks already had developments on its deck version, and it turned out to be transformed into a coastal-based naval strike aircraft just. A few words about this fighter.
            But first, a digression, not a lyrical one. Our city is still a port, and in the 70-80s, imported household appliances, such as televisions, players, amplifiers and tape recorders, began to enter commissions. Reliability against the backdrop of our technology delighted everyone and immediately became legendary. Maybe against the background of this, our specialists began to have the idea that the adversary was doing well in military equipment, and therefore they began to transfer advertising data to reality. But they were very far from reality, and my father (a specialist in avionics) and his colleagues at the 33rd center did not share this opinion. Reliability was rated highly, but otherwise doubted. Mirage F1 was so glossy and good, and besides, everyone was very interested in the high performance at the beginning of the Iran-Iraq war that they considered him a super plane. Then the Iranian aviators appreciated the pros and cons, found options and this amazing aircraft was switched to perform attacks on land and sea targets, like a fighter, it exhausted itself quickly.
            Therefore, it was a blessing for our aviators to study a model of a relatively modern aircraft and after that the impression was twofold. First: and this is a fighter? Small thrust-weight ratio, poor maneuverability, very slowly gaining speed, they did not find any advantages in this over the Mig-023 to their surprise. The middle one. Well, maybe a good range and a refueling system, but otherwise there was no breakthrough. In training air battles with the Mig-23 in the hot Iraqi sky, he showed normal results only in close combat, and even if it was an interception, he had no advantages in maneuvering. And with an unfavorable confluence, he did not have a chance to break away and leave.
            The avionics received an absolutely opposite assessment: an excellent radar, lighter than ours, with sufficient range and reliability, a smart navigation system, excellent operation of the entire complex and low load on the pilot. Short-range missiles are good and convenient to use. A separate merci for an unexpectedly close coincidence in parameters with our equipment and weapons: our missiles worked perfectly with the French avionics and vice versa. Well, suspended reconnaissance containers and EW containers were simply delighted and studied carefully.
      2. 0
        5 October 2018 03: 38
        Quote: Bongo
        inspires deep respect for the way the military training process has been set up in the United States.

        The purpose of this combat training process is to effectively and with minimal losses carry out aggression against allied or friendly USSR / Russia states that are equipped with Soviet / Russian weapons. And in the event of a direct conflict, it is also effective to fight against Russia itself.
        So, in my opinion, to show respect, and even deep, to this process, the purpose of which is the destruction of your allies or your own country, - in my opinion this is too much.
        "Respect is an RESPECTED attitude based on the recognition of someone's merits."
        This can be recognized as the dignity of the Americans as your enemy, but with RESPECT that they want to effectively destroy your allies is clearly too much. In the context of this article, the United States is an adversary whose actions are aimed at preparing for destruction. Therefore, in my opinion, these actions should be assessed as actions of the enemy / enemy: "the enemy has an excellent process of combat training." There are many things that can be respected in the United States - something that has benefited all of humanity: their achievements in the IT field, in medicine, in space exploration and other areas. But to deeply respect the way the process is set up, the purpose of which is to kill the servicemen of your country with impunity, this is not clear to me.
        Quote: Bongo
        The leadership of the American armed forces spares no money on imitators and the delivery of real Soviet-made military equipment.

        The dollar is a key currency of the global financial system and US government debt can inflate, it seems, endlessly. It is logical that they spend more on defense spending than anyone else in the world. Therefore, they have more opportunities in this regard than anyone else. Moreover, they have not only more money, but also more connections and influence.
        1. +1
          7 October 2018 18: 10
          How many minuses were stuck ... And even if someone justified their opinion ...
          Interestingly, everyone who put downsides will show "deep respect" to the Americans for how wonderful they are on their own and on Greek landfills preparing to destroy the S-300 together with Israel, if suddenly, God forbid, Israel decides with their handouts and after some provocation, prepared by the Americans, to raise enough fighters into the air to destroy the S-300, including those operated by our troops? Will we also "deeply respect" it? This will also be the result of a well-organized "combat training process"? Or all the same, we will learn to distinguish between what needs to be respected and what needs to be just objectively assessed without mixing feelings into it. After all, respect is a feeling.
          However, everyone decides what or whom to respect. The article is excellent, informative and interesting. I spoke out not about the article and its contents, but about the well-known commentary that was cut, and I just wanted to express my opinion on the ethical and moral issue, which seemed acute to me.
          For Americans, this is just an opportunity for a great show that they love so much. If there was an opportunity, they would put in Syria video cameras and sell tickets for the broadcast. The battle of American F-35s against Russian S-300s! Well, what a sight, abruptly than the battle of Nurmagomedov against McGregor. A great opportunity to prove the superiority of American weapons over Russian. By all means, the Americans will push Israel to this, because they are 100% sure that Russia will not start a nuclear war because of the loss of these calculations. I think the plan for the destruction of the S-300 is already ready and already in full swing is planning some kind of provocation that would serve only as an excuse. Of course, Israel will not attack just like that, only if a threat suddenly arises. And the advantage is always those who attack first. It remains to be hoped for the prudence of Israel, I think they still will not go for such a terrible aggravation of relations with Russia. Only if a very, very serious threat appears.
          More about respect. Do you think the Americans respected the Germans when they bombed Dresden? Or when the Japanese dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Or the USSR, when the commander of the US Air Force told Zhukov that the Americans would fly where they want and when they want? Or Russia, when in Iraq in 2003 an American military convoy pushed our consular machine off the road?
          Americans are able to objectively evaluate others and use these others for their own benefit. After the war, they removed many valuable specialists from Germany. And they relate to people according to their abilities and their usefulness. But they begin to respect them only after they assimilate and become Americans who support American values.
  2. +10
    4 October 2018 15: 44
    Interesting article. The author is very grateful for the work done.
    1. +10
      4 October 2018 15: 47
      Quote: Aron Zaavi
      Interesting article. The author is very grateful for the work done.

      Thank you! hi
      I'm still not going to write a review article on the Israeli air defense system. To be honest, there is very little reliable information on this topic in "open sources". request
      1. +6
        4 October 2018 16: 52
        Quote: Bongo
        Quote: Aron Zaavi
        Interesting article. The author is very grateful for the work done.

        Thank you! hi
        I'm still not going to write a review article on the Israeli air defense system. To be honest, there is very little reliable information on this topic in "open sources". request

        It's easier and more interesting to write about our air defense, about what happened. Today there are 10 Petriot batteries. 3 personnel, one training and 6 reservists. All. Everything else refers to missile defense.
        1. +10
          5 October 2018 02: 20
          Quote: Aron Zaavi
          It's easier and more interesting to write about our air defense, about what happened. Today there are 10 Petriot batteries. 3 personnel, one training and 6 reservists. All. Everything else refers to missile defense.

          Aron, what was also of great interest. The Israeli air defense system is not only Patriots, but also interceptors and radar posts combined into a single system. I was taught to do my job efficiently, and I consider it unacceptable to write fantastic stories in the style of the author talking about the "Missile defense system in the Kuril Islands". I am slowly collecting material on Israel, but its completeness and reliability cannot satisfy me yet. In addition, it is very interesting when certain calculations are confirmed by satellite images. And this is also very difficult, since the territory of Israel is in a very low resolution.
          1. +1
            6 October 2018 00: 34
            Quote: Bongo
            I was taught to do my job efficiently, and I consider it unacceptable to write fantastic stories in the style of the author talking about the "Missile defense system in the Kuril Islands".

            Well, this science fiction writer is called an "analyst" due to some misunderstanding at VO, despite the fact that he is not able to confirm his fantasies with photographs and satellite images. But then the "urya-patriotic" audience is delighted. wassat
      2. +4
        4 October 2018 19: 13
        Good article. Thank.
        But nothing is said about the tests of the Sov. airplanes.
        I think readers would be interested to learn about the testing of the MiG-29 and its impact on the Stealth program, in particular on the construction of the V-2.
        1. +6
          4 October 2018 20: 03
          There is a series of articles called "Soviet Aircraft in the US Air Force" something like that - an overview of the entire period since the Second World War. to this day, google it. Found: Soviet fighters in the US Air Force, MiG-23 (part 4) "Military
        2. +7
          5 October 2018 02: 23
          Quote: Carpenter 2329
          But nothing is said about the tests of the Sov. airplanes.
          I think readers would be interested to learn about the testing of the MiG-29 and its impact on the Stealth program, in particular on the construction of the V-2.

          The Stealth program and the development of the B-2 began long before the Americans became familiar with the capabilities of the MiG-29. In addition, VO has repeatedly published publications telling about the tests of Soviet aircraft in the United States. I see no reason to repeat myself.
          1. 0
            5 October 2018 22: 16
            But when they got acquainted with the possibilities, in particular, its radar (airwar site), building on B-2 lost its meaning.
            1. 0
              6 October 2018 00: 30
              Quote: Carpenter 2329
              But when they got acquainted with the possibilities, in particular, its radar (airwar site), building on B-2 lost its meaning.

              Well, paper as it is known can endure. Tell me, stupid woman, what was the role of front-line MiG-29 fighters in the USSR air defense system?
              1. -1
                7 October 2018 11: 38
                And I do not know.!
                And I did not understand the question ...
                And where does the front MiG and air defense?
                And for air defense we have a special MiG!
                Just the MiG BRLSka sees B-2. And even - against the backdrop of the earth.
                Isn't that so, damn stupid woman?
                1. 0
                  7 October 2018 13: 27
                  Quote: Carpenter 2329
                  And I do not know.!
                  And I did not understand the question ...
                  And where does the front MiG and air defense?

                  Why, it's because you write:
                  Quote: Carpenter 2329
                  But when they got acquainted with the possibilities, in particular, its radar (airwar site), building on B-2 lost its meaning.

                  This is because the "Zhuk" radar does not have particularly outstanding characteristics.
                  Quote: Carpenter 2329
                  And for air defense we have a special MiG!

                  And what have the light 29 here, obviously, the main task of intercepting the bombers would not have lain on it.
                  Quote: Carpenter 2329
                  Just the MiG BRLSka sees B-2. And even - against the backdrop of the earth.

                  How far?
                  Quote: Carpenter 2329
                  Isn't that so, damn stupid woman?

                  Thank you for the flower! But the "stealth" of the B-2 is primarily designed against ground-based radars, and not radars installed on interceptors. And the rejection of the mass construction of "Spirit" is certainly not in the unique capabilities of the MiG-29 radar, which detected a target of the "fighter" type at a distance of about 80 km.
                  1. -1
                    7 October 2018 18: 29
                    Not ... I'll be for the MiG until the end. All the same - his trials in the United States undermined their ambitions, or blew them up "to the heap." If this radar is on it, then on the 31st it is more sharpened for air defense missions. Logically. Well, plus other minuses and minuses of Spirit.
                    1. +1
                      9 October 2018 03: 13
                      Quote: Carpenter 2329
                      Not ... I'll be for the MiG until the end. All the same - his trials in the United States undermined their ambitions, or blew them up "to the heap." If this radar is on it, then on the 31st it is more sharpened for air defense missions. Logically. Well, plus other minuses and minuses of Spirit.

                      The main disadvantage of the B-2А is its exorbitant cost, and not at all bad characteristics. If the plane did not meet its intended purpose, it would not be accepted for service. The main reason for the refusal of further production of the B-2A was the defeat of the USSR in the Cold War. As for the MiG-29, Olya is absolutely right. In terms of its ability to detect targets, the MIG-29 radar is at the F-16C / D level. The capabilities of the MiG-29 as an interceptor are not high. In addition, in addition to the MiG, Su-27 was also hit in the US.
  3. +7
    4 October 2018 15: 55
    Yeah. The damage from the activities of the former allies is truly terrible. A little compensates for the severity of the damage is that most of the samples of equipment they usually had in export trimmed equipment.
    1. +5
      5 October 2018 06: 31
      Quote: Alex_59
      Yeah. The damage from the activities of the former allies is truly terrible.

      C'mon, what about the rulers?
      In 1992, through the Russian organization Spetsvneshtekhnika, the United Kingdom purchased one T-10,7U and one Tunguska air defense system with ammunition and a set of consumables for $ 80 million.

      Sold by Yakov Moiseevich Urinson, a friend of Putin and Chubais.
      And how did the Greeks sell the C300? Only two years ago they tested it with real launches, and before that it was used only at NATO exercises, they learned to overcome it.
    2. 0
      29 November 2018 01: 45
      Quote: Alex_59
      The damage from the activities of the former allies is truly terrible.

      We lost allies thanks to the leaders of our state. By the way, the state has lost a lot of things.
  4. +4
    4 October 2018 17: 42
    Nice article.
    The allies were ready to sell their mother to the authorities in order to gain access to 28 varieties of sausage.
  5. +5
    4 October 2018 17: 52
    As usual, a super review, I look forward to the next work, thanks again Sergey.
  6. +3
    4 October 2018 18: 52
    I have a question for you Sergey, and the US Navy test centers and polygons are in the circle of your titanic work, for example, on torpedo weapons and the SAC, I just asked.
    1. +2
      5 October 2018 02: 36
      Quote: merkava-2bet
      I have a question for you Sergey, and the US Navy test centers and polygons are in the circle of your titanic work, for example, on torpedo weapons and the SAC, I just asked.

      Andrei, hello! Something site is buggy, wrote you an answer, but it was not displayed. I already wrote about polygons in the USA, you can see in my profile. As for the GAS and torpedo weapons, this is not my profile. I prefer to write about what I understand at least a little.
      1. +2
        5 October 2018 03: 20
        Thank you Sergey.
  7. +2
    4 October 2018 19: 19
    Thanks! I wonder if China had something like '32 gv.msp "and" aggressor "? And what the Chinese were able to snatch apart from official deliveries. I read about the loss of trains during the Vietnam War, and then came across information already in the 90s ...
    1. +9
      5 October 2018 02: 30
      Quote: dzvero
      Thanks! I wonder if China had something like '32 gv.msp "and" aggressor "? And what the Chinese were able to snatch apart from official deliveries. I read about the loss of trains during the Vietnam War, and then came across information already in the 90s ...

      It is reliably known that in the PRC in the Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia, in the Gobi Desert at the Dingxin military airfield, the PLA Air Force Combat Use Center is located. There are samples of foreign-made military equipment and models. Until recently, the aviation unit of the Chinese "aggressors" on the Russian-made Su-27SK was based here. In connection with the development of the resource of these machines, there is reason to believe that the Chinese "aggressors" will switch to the Su-35S.
  8. +4
    4 October 2018 20: 42
    It was interesting to read. Ah, here is the most normal photo-marines on the T-72 in Soviet headsets.
  9. +3
    4 October 2018 21: 19
    Thanks for the stuff!
  10. 0
    5 October 2018 00: 58
    “Cess is our American brothers. We will show them the secrets of the scoop. ”
  11. +7
    5 October 2018 03: 51
    However, the possibilities of hitting low-altitude and targets maneuvering with heavy overloads were limited for the S-75, in this regard, the S-125 and "Square" air defense systems posed a much greater danger to American tactical and carrier-based aviation.

    But whatever one says, inspires deep respect for how the process of combat training is set in the United States.
    Sergey, thank you, I completely agree with you. You know perfectly well our climate, and you probably captured those times when there was not enough electricity, and so here is a small nuance, a constant lack of electricity at the points, and given the resource of our "combat diesels", the power of power plants was constantly lacking, and it was forbidden to use them for economy, the problem of electricity, the resource of diesel power plants in Siberia and the Far East was also a solid problem. Well, about the article, the problem that was correctly raised is precisely: simulators, equipment for classrooms and centers, Americans benefit a lot from this.
  12. +4
    5 October 2018 08: 31
    as always an article for five points good
    1. +3
      6 October 2018 00: 39
      Quote: faiver
      as always an article for five points

      Yes, Seryozha dug very deeply! And the material is assembled in some places unique. By the way, Bongo was right in a dispute with the editors of the Military Survey, regarding the modification of the C-300 set with Syria. As he expected it turned out to be C-300PM, and not export C-300PMU-2.
  13. +3
    5 October 2018 12: 07
    Very interesting article (at Bongo they are all like that hi ), five points. I would like to add that "there are rumors" that our "partners" are training to overcome the Greek / Cypriot air defense (Torah, Buki, S300).
    1. +7
      5 October 2018 12: 53
      Quote: Wildcat
      Very interesting article (they are all such hi at Bongo), five points.

      Thank! I try to write about what would be interesting for me to read. hi
      Quote: Wildcat
      I would like to add that "there are rumors" that our "partners" are training to overcome the Greek / Cypriot air defense (Torah, Buki, S300).

      These are not rumors, not only NATO "partners", but also the Israelis are training on the Greek and Bulgarian air defense systems and air defense systems of Soviet and Russian production.
  14. +5
    5 October 2018 15: 52
    In addition to the T-72, BMP-1 and BMP-2, there are a noticeable number of lightly armored MT-LB units in the “aggressor” units of the US Army and Marine Corps. This tracked light armored vehicle, thanks to its good driving characteristics and high maintainability, is even more popular in the US military than Soviet tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers.

    It seems to me that in the USA the motor-cart will outlive all its contemporaries. smile
    1. +4
      5 October 2018 15: 55
      Quote: Alexey RA
      It seems to me that in the USA the motor-cart will outlive all its contemporaries.

      Not only in the USA, but also with us. There is no complete replacement of MT-LB yet.
      1. +5
        5 October 2018 16: 51
        Quote: Bongo
        Not only in the USA, but also with us. There is no complete replacement of MT-LB yet.

        Well, there’s no question about us. Already joked that on the dusty paths of distant planets motolegs will remain traces.
        And about the motoligu-dreadnought and motoligu-Golden Throne, too. smile

        In general, of course, it’s funny - a machine designed for a rather narrow niche of an artillery tractor (primarily for anti-tank vehicles) spread throughout the army and began to be used regularly even where its designers didn’t see it in terrible conditions - for example, how tractor fire support armored personnel carrier.
  15. kig
    7 October 2018 10: 26
    The story about MI-24 in the USA:
    This is a translation, I did not find the original.
    And here you can read the original, they stole MI-25:

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"