Myths about the origin of Ukraine and the Ukrainians. Myth 1. Ukraine is the successor of Kievan Rus

Modern Ukraine is positioning itself as a state with a very ancient history and even more ancient origin of the Ukrainian nation. The ideologues of this nation have their roots in the Tripoli culture, and according to the latest version - from the Sumerian civilization. At the same time, the Russian roots of the population living in this territory are completely denied.

All this looks ridiculous, but the younger generation is driven into the head by this historical nonsense, based on forgery, myths, legends and hoaxes of the history of the origin of Ukraine and its population. If you delve into the historical documents, it becomes clear that no "ancient Ukrainian nation" never existed. On these lands there always lived one people, which from ancient times was called Russian - with its history, culture, victories and defeats.

Ukrainian historiography is silent about the Polish-Austrian project "Ukraine", aimed at splitting Russian unity, based on the monstrous lies about the centuries-old enmity of Russians and Ukrainians, the desire of "Muscovy" to conquer the freedom-loving Cossacks, the European roots of the Ukrainian nation and the thousand-year history of this never existing of the state.

Today in Ukraine lives one of the branches of the Russian people, which they called Little Russians, now Ukrainians. Here also live the so-called ukry without a clan and tribe, seeking to justify their complexes with their hatred of the Russian people. God is their judge.

To reveal all this lies and mystification, we in 2012, literally on our knees, released the 500 seconds of truth about Ukraine video series, which revealed the truth about the origin of the ancient ukrov, the term “Ukraine”, the Ukrainian language, the flag, the coat of arms and the anthem of Ukraine, Jude Mazepa, the sadist Bandera and many other myths of this premature state. He opens his eyes to the fictional story of the “Ukrainian nation”, built on forgery and hoaxes, oblivion of his past and the glorification of traitors and traitors.

Videos made a lot of noise in the then Ukraine. Ukry even released their series under the same name, but it was pathetic attempts to justify the false story, and after two episodes, he died safely. When the number of views was close to a million, and there were more than ninety thousand comments, the authorities (this was still under Yanukovych!) Got the show removed from the YouTube channel because of our plagiarism, but they didn’t explain which one.

Taking into account the coming to power in Ukraine of the Nazi regime, which adopted the ideas and myths of ukrov, we decided to state the true story on the basis of the materials of the series “500 seconds of truth about Ukraine”.

Myth 1. Ukraine is the successor of Kievan Rus

Ukrainian historiography claims that modern Ukraine went from Kievan Rus on the grounds that they are geographically located on these lands. Nearby mystifiers do not wonder why, for example, modern Italy does not lead its roots from ancient Rome? There is probably no historical basis for this.

We take historical documents. Starting from the 10th century, the “Historical Russian” and the 11th century “The Tale of Bygone Years” are indisputable in historical chronicles, and Prince Oleg, in 882, orders Kiev to be considered the “mother of Russian cities”. Where is Ukraine?

Go ahead. XI century - the heyday of Kievan Rus. Today, everyone is inspired that this is ancient Ukraine, and the so-called Muscovy and Muscovites are a completely different nation. We look at the map: Kiev, Chernigov, Novgorod, Rostov, Ryazan. From Lake Ladoga to the tributaries of the Dnieper. One nation, a common history from the 9th century, speaks the same language, the Rurik dynasty rules everywhere. The whole world calls them dews, Russians, Russians, Russians. No ukrov there is no trace. Where is at least one document that this land was called Ukraine and ukry lived on it?

We open the textbook of the history of Ukraine 7 class and are surprised to learn that the ancient Ukrainian nation originated 140 thousands of years ago! Can you imagine that? Reasonable man will appear about 40 thousands of years ago, and ukry already 100 thousands of years beat mammoths!

Russian princes rule in Russia. But ukrovskaya history divides them into friends and foes. So, Vladimir Monomakh is a Ukrainian prince, and his son Yuri Dolgoruky is the founder of Moscow, the cursed Moskal. The grandson of Monomakh, Andrei Bogolyubsky, is generally an enemy and a robber; his local nobility did not allow him to reign in Kiev, and he took and transferred the capital of Russia to Vladimir.

Go ahead - XIII century. Mongol invasion of Russia, in 1240, they stormed Kiev and destroyed it to the ground. On the southern Russian lands of desolation, life moves north to Vladimir and Moscow, where Russian lands unite with time at hand of the Rurik dwellers and the state is reborn.

South Russia is a modern Ukraine, ceases independent existence and for four centuries is considered only as part of Polish and Lithuanian history.

The capital city of Kyiv, the “mother of Russian cities”, in the XI century - one of the largest cities in Europe, where there were more than 400 churches, according to traveler Plano Carpini, was in 1246 an insignificant town of two hundred courtyards, for more than two centuries it lies in ruins , surviving only as one of the religious centers. And it was ruled in the second half of the 13th century by the governors of Vladimir, the Horde Baskaks and the local princes, whose names are unknown in history.

Local nobility continues the division of power, so, for 86 years before the Mongol invasion in Kiev, the prince changed 41. They ruled for a year or two, killed and expelled each other, ravaging the land in civil strife, which predetermined the fall of the princely dynasty.

The most adventurous, Daniel Galitsky, the Galician prince, instead of gathering Russian lands, decided to become king, in 1254, from the hands of the Pope of Rome, the royal title and, as they say, euro-integrated. As a result, Galicia from the year 1392 becomes a Polish province and almost for 700 years (up to 1939 year) loses touch with their relatives.

Thus, on these lands, a nation of traitors begins to emerge, striving to forget its ancient Russian roots, hating its kinsmen and ready to become true slaves of European masters. Modern Galicia worthily continues their work.

Fragmented, desolate and powerless southern Russia does not detect any signs of the formation of statehood and submits to almost no resistance by the Lithuanians. In 1321, the Kiev prince Sudislav recognized himself as a vassal of Lithuania, and in 1362, the grand duke of Lithuania Olgerd finally conquered all the southern Russian lands, which eventually passed under the rule of Poland. In 1299, the residence of the Metropolitan was transferred from Kiev to Vladimir, and then to Moscow, and the glorious city of Kiev was gradually reduced to the level of the county town.

In the confrontation with the enemies for the Russian lands, only northern Russia defended them. Ivan III accepts the title of sovereign of all Russia, unites the Russian lands and expels the Horde in 1480.

So, Kievan Rus disappeared, no Ukraine appeared, and before the Pereyaslav Rada, the rule of the Lithuanian and Polish gentry was established on these lands. The South Russian nobility and the local Rurik leaders who had headed it betrayed their people. Among them, Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy was not among them, there is not a single name worthy of respect and reverence, they did not remain in history. Traitors deservedly be forgotten descendants.

The nobility went over to the side of the enemies and assimilated from the mercenary motives with the Lithuanian and Polish gentry. There remained the South Russian people without their elite, waiting for its centuries-old fate of serfs and servants, the cities were abandoned and the Polish-Lithuanian government reigned.

This period is unique in Ukrovian historiography. Tell nothing about continuous defeat and humiliation. In the history of the names of only the Lithuanian-Polish gentry and there is nothing Ukrainian.

You want so much glorious history and great achievements! There is nothing simpler: we will invent a story for ourselves! Instead of Rurik, by the will of the myth-makers, the Ukrainian Olgerdovich dynasty appears. The conquerors of southern Russia from the branch of the great Lithuanian princes, Olgerd, Vladimir, Olelka, and Simeon, who ruled these lands and were at enmity with the Poles because of them were declared the “liberators” and supporters of the formation of Ukrainian statehood.

To what baseness can one reach in order to exalt one's enslavers and oppressors to the descendants!

Further more. If you open the history textbook, you can find out that, it turns out, there were even Ukrainian princes. Who are they?

Chartoryi - the grandson of the great Lithuanian prince Olgerd.
Zbarazhsky - Polish nobleman, the crowned stable.
Ostrozhsky - the great Lithuanian hetman.
Vishnevetsky –Polish prince of royal blood.

This is how the history of Ukraine after Kievan Rus is written. After the Mongol invasion in southern Russia, there are no Russians, no Ukrainian princes or nobles, the land was scanty for big names. In the absence of their outstanding personalities, myths are created to justify the worthlessness and betrayal of the southern Russian elite.

Only the Orthodox faith, relegated to the level of the “Khlopas”, remained in the souls of the common people and the priests who kept the traditions of their ancestors.

Virtually nothing remains of Kievan Rus on the lands of the Dnieper; it went north to Vladimir and Moscow, in order to return in 400 years and revive the glorious traditions of Rus.

What kind of continuity of modern Ukraine from ancient Kievan Rus can we talk about if all the spiritual, cultural and secular life of the old Russian state moved to northern Russia, which became the successor of Kievan Rus?

To be continued ...
Video "500 seconds of truth about Ukraine." Myth 1. Ukraine is the successor of Kievan Rus

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  1. The comment was deleted.
    1. +20
      15 September 2018 09: 17
      Out of respect for the author, I will write a comment to clarify the truth.
      Quote: Yuri Apukhtin
      Prince Oleg, in 882, ordered Kiev to be considered the "mother of Russian cities." Where is Ukraine here?
      Russia came to Kiev from Novgorod. Novgorod was the capital of Russia. That was the period of Novgorod Rus. Kiev was a deaf Khazar town. In 862, the boyars of the Novgorod prince Rurik Askold and Dir conquered Kiev from the Khazars. In 882, Prince Oleg of Novgorod himself came to Kiev. He executed Askold and Dir. Judging by the chronicle, the Vikings Askold and Dir collected taxes, but did not give them to the prince. Regarding the "mother" of PSRL vol. 2, 1908, p. 13:
      - some translate this word as "to have". Like, it was a Khazar city (as of now), and now it will be Russian. Although the Khazar city of Kiev was until 862. Further in it, on behalf of Russia, the Vikings ruled. Rather, the phrase in question means: Kiev will now the capital Russia (and not Novgorod).
      Pay attention to the language of the annals. In the annals there is a place where it is said that Russia and the Slavs (throughout Europe) have one language. Indeed, all ancient Slavonic annals are similar in language and understandable. You can not say about the fictional Ukrainian newspeak, called mine. You just look at the language of ancient chronicles and ask: where is Ukraine here? Svidomo Jesuits and Pharisees still do not appease - they are trying to declare outdated Russian words Ukrainian.
      Quote: Yuri Apukhtin
      The most adventurous, Daniel Galitsky, the Galician prince, instead of gathering Russian lands, decided to become king, in 1254, from the hands of the Pope of Rome, the royal title and, as they say, euro-integrated. As a result, Galicia from the year 1392 becomes a Polish province and almost for 700 years (up to 1939 year) loses touch with their relatives.
      Not so. Daniel begged Rome for help (loans) to fight the Mongols, instead of help, the pope offered him the title of king. I had to take it. In the then pharisaical politics of the West, this was a common move: the pope offered the title of king to Mindovg, and even to Alexander Nevsky. However, the hierarchs of the Orthodox Church were not present (the Galician priests were then in the first roles in the all-Russian metropolis). At that time, this meant that the meaning of the "title" was zero and there was no sense in it. This policy of Daniel was the result of his cowardice and meanness in his youth. The Galician princes - the closest relatives of the Polovtsian khans - provoked Russia into a war with the Mongols in support of the Polovtsians, although they had complaints only to the Polovtsy. However, in the battle of Kalka, the combined Russian-Polovtsian army was defeated precisely because the Galician princes (Mstislav Udaloy and Daniil) were the first to flee the battlefield with their regiment right up to Galicia itself. Therefore, later the punitive campaign of the Mughals against Russia followed. Only with the northern Russian principalities that did not participate in the battle of Kalka, did the Mongols create a single state without his presence. Here the merit of Alexander Nevsky. And in the southern Russian principalities, the Mongols established the regime of their direct rule. The culprit of all Daniel was an unacceptable figure for the Mongols. So he was looking for how to survive. First, the Golden Horde ruled the territory of the southern Russian principalities, then the Great Horde, when it fell apart, the Crimean Khanate ruled this territory. With the exception of the northern part, which after the Great Memorial from the Horde was recaptured by the ON in the Battle of the Blue Waters. And the Poles bit off a piece of Galicia for free. After the Union of Lublin, the Poles immediately annexed all this northern part to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Galicia, all this time, maintained Orthodoxy and Russianness. Only in 1596, her fire, sword and bribery drove into church submission to Rome. The Orthodox symbol of faith in Galicia was abandoned even later - only in 1720 at the Zamoysky Cathedral. The Rusyns remembered their Russianness even before the First World War. Therefore, Europe arranged for the Russian people genocide, concentration camps and ethnic cleansing. It was for these purposes that the Ukrainian project appeared and the Poles fugitive to Galicia, who became the first Ukrainians. Later Ukrainians became traitors. A-priory.
      1. -7
        15 September 2018 11: 00
        You just look at the language of ancient chronicles and ask: where is Ukraine here?
        Forgive me, but have you personally seen them? Because when you get to know them, the question arises, where is Russia here?
        My webpage
        Quote: Nikolai S.
        In the annals there is a place where it is said that Russia and the Slavs (throughout Europe) have one language.

        To be precise, in Russia and Slovenia ...
        1. +18
          15 September 2018 11: 34
          Quote: svp67
          Because when you get to know them, the question arises, where is Russia here?

          According to the same grammar, Miletius Smotritsky studied in Kiev, Minsk and Moscow. And where is Ukraine?

          "Prepositions, interjections, conjunctions"etc. There is no such thing in the Ukrainian language.
          1. +1
            15 September 2018 12: 20
            Quote: Olgovich
            In the Ukrainian language, this is not at all.

            no prepositions in the Ukrainian language? What nonsense? Why did you post it?

            1. +11
              15 September 2018 13: 05
              Quote: Bar1
              no prepositions in the Ukrainian language? What nonsense? Why did you post it?

              WHO says they are not? belay They are in almost all languages ​​(and prepositions and conjunctions, etc.). But their NAMES are DIFFERENT in different languages ​​(as I said):

              Ukrainian language ......................Russian

              Priimennik .... preposition
              A half-earner .................. Union
              Wiguk.................. Interjection, etc.

              And in the presented Grammar of Smotrytsky they are written exactly as we know them in Russian (see photo).

              So don't wiggle (gasp-gasp) lol
              1. +3
                15 September 2018 14: 00
                Quote: Olgovich
                Their names are different in different languages

                No - the Ukrainian language of 1917, in which Little Russian newspapers and magazines were printed, differs sharply from the Ukrainian language of 1937, which was used for training in the Ukrainian SSR - Soviet professors from local Jews and supporters of "indigenousism" tried to do this (based on the Polish language ).
                1. -1
                  16 September 2018 19: 47
                  Local Jews, in addition, there was nothing to see, do ...
          2. -1
            15 September 2018 14: 15
            Quote: Olgovich
            Miletius Smotrytsky studied in Kiev, Minsk and Moscow. And where is Ukraine?

            Do not forget
            The Moscow edition of 1648 is the third in a row (the second was published in 1629 in Vilna). Printed at the behest of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and with the blessing of his spiritual father, the Moscow Patriarch Joseph, it appeared anonymously, in an “edited” form, supplemented by linguistic reasoning, attributed to Maxim the Greek. The body of the text is preceded by a rather extensive preface, which contains maxims on the benefits of grammar, on the need to read /
            You have edition 1721. Also amended. And still closer to the Ukrainian and Belarusian languages. Since then the Russians took up Russian (Lomonosov and others)
            Before the appearance in 1755 of "Russian Grammar" M.V. Lomonosov, she was the main textbook of the Church Slavonic language. For several decades, literate people have studied “Slavonic Grammar” “the benefit of verb and writing”.
            Miletius, he was born in Modern Ukraine (Smotrych / Kamenetz Podolsky during the time of the Republic of Poland) and is considered a famous Ukrainian and Belarusian leader (who also contributed to the development of the Russian language)
            1. +11
              15 September 2018 15: 33
              Quote: Antares
              You have edition 1721. Also amended. And still closer to the Ukrainian and Belarusian languages.

              Nonsense. Read the page on the photo: it is written in Russian language (names of parts of speech). On your mov this page in relation to this text is like Martian
              Quote: Antares
              Miletius he is born in modern Ukraine(Smotrych / Kamenetz Podolsky during the time of the Republic of Poland)

              What??!! belay fool lol Then the so-called. "Ukraine" and there was no smell.
              Quote: Antares
              counts a famous Ukrainian and Belarusian leader (who also contributed to the development of the Russian language)

              Yes, the Sumerians can count anything! lol
              1. -1
                16 September 2018 15: 43
                Quote: Olgovich
                Nonsense. Read the page on the photo: it is written in Russian (names of parts of speech). On your mov this page in relation to this text is like Martian

                the language is Church Slavonic. "Rusky" and to me it reminds me more of Ukrainian (or Belarusian) than Russian.
                Modern Ukrainian has also undergone many changes and differs from Church Slavonic. The point of the argument if both modern languages ​​have been changed? And both look like him? Arguing who looks more is a matter of taste. Well this does not mean that there is no Russian, or Ukrainian.
                Quote: Olgovich
                What??!! belay fool lol Then so-called. "Ukraine" and there was no smell.

                17th century. Let's go watch.

                Or we won’t believe Boplan?
                "On the basis of the general map of Ukraine G. Boplan in the 1664th century. German cartographer Johann-Baptist Homann (1724-1716) published in XNUMX the map" Ukrania quae et Terra Cosaccorum "(Ukraine is a Cossack land with the neighboring provinces of Wallachia, Moldavia, Little Tatarstan) The map was published in Nuremberg It was placed in several atlases, for example, in "Grosser Atlas uber die Ganze Welt" Scale in German and Polish miles Names of geographical objects in Latin The eastern part of the map was copied from the map of G. Delisle.
                The point is to start srach - that we are not there and Ukraine is not, and in general we are Russian, but we are not there anyway because we are not you.
                Quote: Olgovich
                Yes, the Sumerians can count anything!

                They have the same opinion about yours.
                However, the leader was born in the Ukrainian city today, has done a lot for the church and language. Privatized by everyone.
                1. +2
                  23 September 2018 07: 58
                  Dear, if the territory is indicated on the map - does this mean that the state was there? Moreover, the Cossack ... We understand that the Cossacks are the exact opposite of the state .. In my opinion, this map does not contradict the article ... Russia was gone , the ruin came and the Cossack freemen - and even then not on all lands, many remained a wasteland because of the raids of the Crimean Tatars, and only with the advent of Russia did statehood return, the laying of cities began, now gloriously renamed by those who did not bother to build anything ...
            2. avt
              15 September 2018 17: 39
              Quote: Antares
              Do not forget

              That your "MOV", which you are now studying using Canadian textbooks, was not even created by Kulish with his "kulishovka", not by Kotlyarevsky, not by Taras, who wrote his diaries in RUSSIAN (klyatiisepar), but by "klyatikommunyaki" during the violent Ukrainization Donetsk-Kryvyi Rih Republic. It was Lenin, who went crazy with the "Russian Empire-prison of peoples" and in justification of his theory and using the moment and the old principle - divide and rule, began to mold you into full-fledged ukrov. And his followers turned on all the power of the cursed scoop "with its institutes of linguistics and MILLION copies of books on your ,, mov". Which you have now declared an ancient one, on which Adam ... uh-uh-uh Taras with Galya in Edeme balakali. Namely, klya komunyaki? and created a literary language for you from the southern Russian dialect and the farmers' western Polish-Austrian ... well, so as not to offend the slang. German words distorted to which the Western farm laborers were taught by their Austrian masters, your current ragulis are declared to be derivative-indigenous for the German language. In the same way, the rest of the nationalities, perhaps with the exception of the Georgians and Armenians, were created in the USSR from their dialects and languages. Which at once became, after 1991, almost ALL ancient times, from antediluvian times, or at least directly from the runes. So when you start to bend over here on the site again for the ancientness, re-read the passage about the construction of the Tower of Babel. Especially in terms of punishment for pride. Now you are on the Ruin without a tower -sami sacher maso decided to massively apply to yourself.
              1. +3
                15 September 2018 17: 49
                The Ukrainian language in the post-revolutionary version is a surzhik of Russian, Polish, German and Yiddish.
              2. +4
                16 September 2018 06: 51
                Quote: avt
                It was Lenin who, having gone astray on the "Russian Empire-prison of peoples" and in justification of his theory and using the moment and the old principle - divide and rule, began to mold you into full-fledged ukrov. And his followers turned on all the power of the "damned scoop" with its institutions linguistics and MILLION copies of books on your "mov". Which you have now declared an ancient one, on which Adam ... uh-uh, Taras with Galya in Edem balakali. Namely, damn komunyaki? and created you a literary language from South Russian dialect and western western Polish-Austrian khutoryan ... well, so as not to offend -slang.German words distorted to which the Western farm laborers were accustomed to by their Austrian masters, your current raguli are declared derivatives-indigenous to the German language. nationalities, perhaps with the exception of Georgians and Armenians, in the USSR they created a language and writing system from their dialects, which at once became, after 1991, almost ALL ancient, from antediluvian times, or at least not directly from the runes.

                I agree with EVERYTHING. But .... Are you this ?! belay
                1. avt
                  17 September 2018 09: 39
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  I agree with EVERYTHING. But .... Are you this ?!

                  It is I who is sinful, since I did not previously feel either pharisaism or sectarianism-dogmatic in the type of "tsarism" and "democracy" If you look closely at Lenin's ultimate goal - the construction of communism in the World, it will not come as a surprise - the Marxist idealists fought with the state as an institution of society, seriously and to death. Stalin, the organizer of the Red Empire, simply could not deploy anything within the framework of ideology, since the dogma at the basis of the USSR was originally radically Marxist. Well, if simplified, then he had to take Lenin out of the mausoleum, and this is already well into any gate, and even for him it would be over the edge. On what the USSR got burned. As a matter of fact, on the radicalization of the autocratic dogma laid down by Petya No. 1, when even the spiritual part was united under one post - the tsar revered as the head of the church, thereby emasculating the religious essence, the Russian Empire burned down. request
              3. +1
                16 September 2018 08: 47
                Quote: avt
                It was Lenin who, having gone astray on the "Russian Empire-prison of peoples" and in justification of his theory and using the moment and the old principle - divide and rule, began to mold you into full-fledged ukrov. And his followers turned on all the power of the "damned scoop" with its institutions linguistics and MILLION copies of books on your "mov". Which you have now declared an ancient one, on which Adam ... uh-uh, Taras with Galya in Edem balakali. Namely, damn komunyaki? and created you a literary language from South Russian dialect and western Polish-Austrian farmers' dialect ..... well, so as not to offend -slang.German words distorted to which the Western farm laborers were accustomed to by their Austrian masters, your current raguli are declared derivatives-indigenous to the German language.

                Karharadon, Tutaka, I completely agree with you! good The present proto-sumerism within the present borders is the complete merit of the Red Communists. Therefore, the desire to twist everything and turn it upside down is puzzling. NEO if you consider who is the sponsor of the "democratization" of Ukraine, then everything falls into place - those are still the winners of fascism lol But if these (proto-Sumerians) are at least limited to the framework of one planet, then the mentors have already "flown" to the moon wassat
              4. -4
                16 September 2018 15: 48
                Quote: avt
                It is Lenin

                Lenin, Kulish, Taras, - there is still a version about the Austrian General Staff, Germans / Martians and Illuminati ... everyone crap the Russians and created the Ukrainians ...
                I repeat once again, well, if we are not there and we are Russians, it makes sense to argue, because we are stubborn and disagree as well if they humiliate our homeland (although we ourselves can blaspheme it in which we never saw the light)
                I always wondered why all the good is Russian, just something bad is Ukrainian.
                My idol Korolev (and Glushko) if that.
                1. avt
                  17 September 2018 10: 02
                  Quote: Antares
                  My idol Korolev (and Glushko) if that.

                  well, like this
                  Quote: Antares
                  if anything.

                  Quote: Antares

                  born in a family of Russian language teachers. bully
        2. +10
          15 September 2018 12: 25
          Quote: svp67
          when meeting them, the question arises, where is Russia here? My webpage
          If for you Old Russian handwritten letters look like Chinese characters, then this is not for everyone. Here are the same letters from your link in printed form, broken down by the words and sentences of PSRL, vol. 1, 1926-1928, p. 79:
          Why isn’t Russia here? And where is Ukraine here? Can you explain, since they started to correct?
          Quote: svp67
          To be precise, in Russia and Slovenia
          I am accurate: "ѿ these same. o҃. and. v҃. ӕzıku. bıs̑ E ӕzık Slovѣnesk. ѿ of the tribe 18 Afetov. Nartsi 19 are the same as the Slov мne. In 20 times the same time. Were the essence of the Words in the Dunauугv. where the Zemstarsk. 21. [and] Zh ѿ tѣkh Sloѣn razidoshasѧ across the earth. And called his name his own. Where you came from where there is 22 place. Ӕko 23 came sошdosha. 24. and called Se Morava. And the friends of Chassi told you. 25 Khrovate 26 Bulii. And Silver 27. and Horutane. Volkhom 28 bo who found 29 on the Sloveni in Dunansky. [And] F sѣdshem 30 in them. And violates the name 31. 32 / nicknamed Lukhove. A ѿ tѣkh Lukhov nicknamed Polѧne. Lukhov. Friends Lutichi Z. ini 33 Mazovshane in Pomorѧne. Also 34 Words came and 3 came along the Dnipru 35. and narekoshasѧ Polѧѧsha 36. and friends came down between 37 Privet 38 and Dvina. and narekoshasѧ Dregovichi 39. [inii sdosha on Dvinѣ and narekoshas̑ Polochans] And river 40 for the sake of the same 41 flows into the Dvina. imѧnem Polota. ѿ seӕ prozvasha Polochans. Say 42, however, came to ѡkolo єzera 43 Ilmerѧ 44. [and] I called my name and sdѣlasha grad 45. and narekosha 46 and 47 Novgorod. and friends came along the Desna. and along Suli 48 along Sulѣ 49 and narekosha 50 Sѣver 51. [and] I tako razidesѧ Slovenskiy ӕzıik tѣmzhe and the letter is nicknamed Slovѣnska 52. - now they speak Russian - slаsluggish, not slоvein.
          1. -1
            15 September 2018 13: 15
            Quote: Nikolai S.
            If for you Old Russian handwritten letters look like Chinese characters, then this is not for everyone.

            So Old Russian or Old Slavic? You already decide ...
            Quote: Nikolai S.
            I am accurate:

            Unfortunately no...
            Quote: Nikolai S.
            Now they speak Russian - Slavs, not Slovenian.

            Yes Yes. Just forgetting that these were previously Slovenian children, just as there were children and Rus, a descendant of the great Scythian.
            1. +10
              15 September 2018 14: 04
              Quote: svp67
              So Old Russian or AncientоVyansk? You already decide ...
              I don’t have to decide. Science was decided long before me. It is well known which chronicles are old Russian and which ancientаVyansk. What tribes does the old Russian chronicle relate toаvyanam (annalistic: slоVienna, the language of all Slavs then was one) - I brought an excerpt from the annals. It seems that for you to read the printed Old Russian text is just as overwhelming as the handwritten one. The main thing is to read the modern Russian test and understand. After all, not everyone can do this either.
              Although he won that:
              Quote: svp67
              earlier these were the children of Slovenia, as were the children and Rus, a descendant of the great Scythian
              With this, you are in parallel reality with alternatives.
              1. -3
                15 September 2018 23: 13
                Quote: Nikolai S.
                The main thing is to read and understand the modern Russian test. This, after all, is not everyone can do.
                That's for sure, judging by your comments, you do not own this art ... You only quote "The Tale of Bygone Years". This is of course an important source, but along with it there are numerous Arabic sources in which their travelers very often clearly distinguish between Slavs and Rus.
                Ibn-Rust, in his work of 903–913, again divides the Slavs and the Rus — and into different states. Moreover, the Rus, led by the Khakan (an oriental concept in itself, hardly applicable to the leaders of the Scandinavians, that of the Western Slavs) attack the Slavs, swim to them on ships, land, take them prisoner, and bring them to Khazaria and Bulgaria and they sell there. They do not have arable land, but feed only on what they bring from the land of the Slavs. And all this happens against an incomprehensible background of an incomprehensible swampy island of Rus, from which they commit all these obscenities.
    2. -6
      15 September 2018 12: 13
      To reveal all this lies and mystification, in 2012 we literally knee-deeply released a series of videos “500 seconds of truth about Ukraine”

      if your movie is 12g. , then why the video was published in 17g. and why, there are only 3 comments?
      As the historian Nosovsky said - "... a lie is never changed for the truth, a lie is always changed for another lie." This is about this article / video.

      However, that would have hohloukrov and such a primitively banal presentation is enough.
      1. +6
        15 September 2018 12: 46
        Quote: Bar1
        As the historian Nosovsky said - "... a lie is never changed for the truth, a lie is always exchanged for another lie."

        Cool maxim !!! This is an unprecedented breakthrough in modern logical thinking (c) !!! wassat laughing Now it is clear what the "historian" Nosovsky is actually doing with his accomplice "historian" Fomenko! laughing
        1. 0
          16 September 2018 18: 11
          Genosse, Have you read Fomenko-Nosovsky yourself? Or have they taken Old from the secondary market?
          And it’s worth reading, it’s really interesting and makes you think. Well, and by definition, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences cannot be a moron.
      2. +3
        16 September 2018 21: 42
        Quote: Bar1
        if your movie is 12g. , then why the video was published in 17g. and why, there are only 3 comments?
        and carefully read the text is not fate?
        well so i will quote:
        "The videos made a lot of noise in what was then Ukraine. Ukrainians even released their own series under the same name, but these were pathetic attempts to justify the false story, and after two episodes he died safely. When the number of views approached a million, and there were more than ninety thousand comments," the authorities (this is still under Yanukovych!) achieved the removal of the series from the YouTube channel due to our plagiarism, however, they did not explain which one."
    3. +1
      15 September 2018 20: 19
      I advise you not to drink the palette anymore, otherwise the roof will leave.
  2. +2
    15 September 2018 05: 57
    From dirt to riches, in a word, the inferiority complex crushes them.
  3. +2
    15 September 2018 06: 04
    There are some dark and alternative sources about the Mongol-Tatar yoke. But they do not obscure the birth of the Russian world, civil strife, and the struggle for life .. That's right. Thank you for the publication. Such articles must be written again and again. And it comes to the point that and in Russia they will forget who they are, their ancestors, and why they generally live on our land.
    1. +7
      15 September 2018 06: 44
      and have long been forgotten.
      what have forgotten about 300 years ago. when the Germans rewrote our history.
      and now try to blather something against the Germans, immediately the official history of the sectarians is declared in the comments and begins to throw mud at them without giving any facts except "everyone knows what ....".
      there and in the states everyone knows that Hussein made chemical weapons. Assad poisons children, and Serbs exterminated the Kosovars.
  4. +13
    15 September 2018 06: 23
    I wonder if the author will tell how Russian Little Russia and the Novorossiysk Territory of the beginning of the last century, in less than 80 years, turned into a huge aggressive anti-Russian monster Ukraine (from the massively empty territory of Khmelnitsky of the 17th century)?

    A little more than a hundred years ago, one of the ideologues of "Ukrainism" died, and his like-minded people gathered for his funeral, having plunged into one train. One of the passengers remarked: "If the train crashes, the cause of Ukrainians will be dealt a fatal and irreparable blow."
    1. +2
      15 September 2018 10: 07
      Hello, Olgovich.) Well, what are you ?! They won’t tell about it here for sure!
  5. +3
    15 September 2018 06: 41
    The main myth is that there was no "Kievan Rus", this is an invention of historians of the 18th century, later diligently praised by Soviet historians. It was just Russia, to call Russia "Kievskaya" is the same as to call Russia from 1712 to 1914 Petersburg Russia, from 1914 to 1918 Petrograd Russia, and from 1918 to call Moscow Russia. Russia as a state arose on the banks of the Volkhov, its first capital was Novgorod, which occupied an advantageous geographical position on the way from the Varangians to the Greeks. In 882, the Russian prince Oleg seized the western lands of the Khazar Kaganate, and moved the capital of Russia from Novgorod to Kiev, as Peter the Great would do 830 years later, moving the capital of Russia from Moscow to Petersburg, a city built on the lands captured from the Swedes. And the descendants of the Khazar-Jews are the present-day Ukrainians, strongly polonized and Russified, but still a completely different people, not even Slavic. Therefore, the most correct decision would be to teach Russian schoolchildren about the history of Rus, and not slip them a lie about a certain "Kievan Rus", opposing it to modern Russia.
    1. 0
      15 September 2018 06: 48
      in general, I agree, but nevertheless the common people on the ruin and during the time of the Haganate was Slavic, when Vladimir baptized Russia it was just the common people and destroyed because he opposed the new faith.
      but to know that, yes, everything was mixed there. from the Slavs to the Khazars (in general, the same Slavs are only Judas. that’s why the White Khazars were called, unlike the black Khazars, commoners who were essentially residents of the Caucasus and Central Asia).
      1. -1
        15 September 2018 07: 04
        Quote: just explo
        when Vladimir baptized Russia, it was just the common people that they destroyed because they opposed the new faith.

        Now everything goes to the point that people will be destroyed again for this Orthodox faith. External forces are trying to split the people by faith, dividing the Orthodoxy of the Slavs into hostile clans of Russians and Ukrainians. And this is done, as you know, by the Greek patriarch, where did the faith come from. what the two executioners of the Russian world did, Gorbachev and Yeltsin. And you do not have to blame the Communists and the Soviet government. Under them, this certainly would not have happened.
        1. +4
          15 September 2018 07: 06
          Yes, 99% of the population of Russia and Ukraine sneeze on religion. For example, I have never been to a temple or church, and I am not going to go there.
          1. +8
            15 September 2018 07: 55
            Does it make you smarter, freer, or more erudite?
            1. +3
              15 September 2018 08: 53
              Korsar4 "Does it make you smarter, freer or more erudite?"
              A visit to the church makes smarter, freer and more erudite?)))
              1. +6
                15 September 2018 08: 58
                This is a part of my life.
                1. 0
                  15 September 2018 13: 26
                  Quote from Korsar4
                  This is a part of my life.

                  AND??? Has it made you smarter, freer, and more erudite? Those. Do you think that the 3 classes of the central church teacher + churching are a necessary and sufficient condition for gaining intelligence, freedom and erudition? I hope that, being consistent in your convictions, you, through lobotomy, have already removed the parts of the brain affected by the abominable secondary and higher secular education? No?! Do it urgently! laughing Extra! Why feel sorry for him! laughing
            2. +1
              15 September 2018 09: 08
              And if I began to visit churches and temples, would I become smarter, freer and more erudite? And by the way, there is a very good saying: "Beware of believers, for they have a God who forgives them everything." If a believer commits some crime, he will light a candle, pray, ask for forgiveness from God, and that's it, his conscience is clear. After all, God himself forgave him. And life experience convinces me that this proverb is right.
              1. 0
                20 September 2018 21: 00
                in the first lines ... I myself am not a believer. and nevertheless - write nonsense, excuse my French ... there is no such thing that, having committed a sin, they would atone for it with a candle. it is the same belief in God as atheism. otherwise, the same monasteries - where today they are plowed in black for very unassuming food as payment - would not have been in history at all. you, sir, confuse believers and "believers" - just like equating the alkonaut borisk with the same Stalin (the richest man in the USSR according to the version of footwear with amy, who left his heirs a pair of worn pants and greatcoats) on the basis of belonging to the communist party ...
          2. 0
            31 October 2018 21: 38
            This means nothing. For example, I am also more likely an atheist (not militant). Only a very long time ago I had to admit that I was brought up in Orthodox traditions. Someone did not even think about it ...
        2. +1
          15 September 2018 10: 26
          Quote: Mar. Tira
          . And do not blame the Communists and the Soviet government. With them, this certainly would not have happened.

          With them, Orthodoxydid not have: out of 55 thousands temples, monasteries, chapels of 1917, by 1939 there remained about a hundred times less active. Of the 200 bishops left ... 4. Tens of thousands of priests were shot. And this despite the fact that even according to the census, almost half recognized themselves Orthodox.
          Quote: Mar. Tira
          External forces are trying to split the people and by faith,dividing the Orthodoxy of the Slavs into hostile clans of Russians and Ukrainians.

          Remember-WHO splits? But there might not have been a schismatic.
          Only thanks to the intercession of the Bolsheviks before the Turkish allies in the 1920s Patriarchate of Constantinople generally preserved: they planned it destroy (all Greeks were then massively expelled and destroyed).
          For this, the Patriarch of Constantinople fiercely opposed the Russian Orthodox Church, right up to the liquidation of the patriarchate in Russia and recognized the "renovationists". Patriarch Gregory VII of Constantinople declared in 1924: “Patriarch Tikhon must leave, and the patriarchate in Russia should be abolished."
          1. +3
            15 September 2018 10: 34
            It was true! It is impossible to argue with this, if only in the sense - he himself is a shit! The only thing left is to keep silent! It is very comical now to observe the words of some leftists expressed with reproach in the adrem of the Russian Orthodox Church, they say earlier it was necessary to sort things out with this Constantinople "miracle" !!!
        3. +1
          15 September 2018 11: 30
          Orthodoxy will now be split up by recognizing the Uniate Kaklov as a separate branch of Orthodoxy.
        4. +1
          16 September 2018 06: 39
          Well, yes, Gorbachev and Yeltsin were certainly not Communists ...
  6. +4
    15 September 2018 09: 14
    "On these lands there has always lived one people who have been called Russian since ancient times" - what kind of nonsense! Give a source about this. "Kievan Rus" never existed. More precisely, it existed but was not called that. "Kievan Rus" is just a term that historians began to designate that era, nothing more.
  7. +3
    15 September 2018 09: 17
    All this is all a very striking example of how complete nonsense and lies are introduced into the minds of people. Our history to the great ukrov has been sufficiently distorted by the Bayero-Millero-Slots! The only reformer Tsar Peter I, recognized in socialist times, did a lot of work, the Communists themselves were engaged in Ukrainization so famously and with such Bolshevik enthusiasm that if it were not for the Tambov uprising and the like throughout the country, we would now have the whole Kuban and Belgorod and Voronezh and .. crowed on mov! Silent for the Poles, these palm-holding Russophobia hold tight! Austrians Ukrainians with the alphabet of subsidies and the Rusyn genocide rapturously engaged! What can we talk about here? Well, except that the fact that our great ancestors created a story no less great, rather than invented! The neighboring European tribes called our country differently Great Tartaria, Gardarika, Rus ... The ancestors of our Pelasgians, Etruscans, Scythians and Sarmatians, Goths, Muggles ... The study of the genome of some European peoples is being hushed up. Irish, for example, Koi from Russian practically indistinguishable ... But Kievan Rus is not a state at all. This is a historical term denoted by a certain time period in the history of our country, introduced by historians into scientific use in the 1th century. Something like that.
    1. +7
      15 September 2018 13: 54
      Quote: Oper
      And Kievan Rus is not a state at all. This is a historical term for a specific time period in the history of our country, introduced by historians into the scientific life in the 19 century. Something like that.

      I agree with this.
      But this -
      Quote: Oper
      Called the neighboring European tribes in different ways-our country Great Tartary, Gardarikoy, Rus ... Our ancestors Pelasgas, Etruscans, Scythians and Sarmatians, Goths, Magols

      And this cup has not passed you, I mean the severe frustration associated with the study of works on the "new chronology", multiplied by the urgent need to keep up with the "great ukrov" in the creation of their "great hundred thousand-year history."
      I do not know what theory of the origin of life on planet Earth you adhere to, but I suggest you think about it - it may be better to keep your ancestry from the very first person in general, be it Adam or the first homo sapiens? And even better - from the first protein molecule, which was formed earlier than other protein molecules, after which it hung all the people and, declaring itself Russian, began to actively proliferate, initiating all progressive humanity? And the rest of the molecules, offended and offended, bated in themselves the hatred of everything progressive, generated by an inferiority complex, later gave rise to memorable Miller, Bayer and Schlözer ... laughing wassat
      1. +6
        15 September 2018 14: 31
        You are mistaken, Mikhail, "chronolozhtsy" are not a cellular form of life, in other words, viruses.
  8. +1
    15 September 2018 09: 18
    It’s just that kakly have always been someone’s slaves. And as you know, a slave dreams not so much about freedom but how much to have his own slaves.
    1. 0
      18 September 2018 16: 45
      a slave, as you know, dreams not so much about freedom but how much to have his own slaves. ,,
      everything is much worse, more than once I met posts of “free lords” - how would I become a colony of either Denmark or Germany?
  9. +3
    15 September 2018 09: 42
    There is nothing to "argue" about. It is known that Rurik was a prince of Novgorod. And he went on a campaign to the so-called Kiev, because there was less game in the Novgorod forests, and the weather on the banks of the Volkhov was not happy. That is, he went with a squad to the south It is no coincidence that the sons of Rurik, a few years after his death, fought over inheritance, and Novgorod regained the glory of not only a free city and a trade center, but also a de facto center of Russian statehood, opposing the Turkic the state of the "Golden Horde." Already after this center shifted to Moscow, and this finally happened under Ivan IV the Terrible, the Veche bell of Novgorod was removed from the St. Sophia Cathedral and taken out under protection to the capital of the Russian state, which finally became Moscow. , Orthodox shrines were not seized from dacha Kiev, since they did not matter much, namely from Novgorod.
    1. +1
      15 September 2018 14: 26
      Quote: 1536
      Amete, Orthodox shrines were not withdrawn from cottage Kiev, since they did not matter much, namely from Novgorod.

      Kiev then did not belong to Moscow. Novgorod crashed in trade terms (the Hanseatic League lost its warehouses and collapsed into oblivion; all the rights of the Novgorodians were crushed. Perhaps this cannot be regarded as a positive sign.
      1. avt
        15 September 2018 17: 59
        Quote: Antares
        Kiev then did not belong to Moscow.

        bully Moscow in general before Dmitry Donskoy was ... a regional city according to the current classification. Like ... Khimki near the capital in Vladimir during the time of Andrei "Bogolyubsky", who actually made a cross, like in the capital, Kiev, and put, after the poisoning there of his father - Dolgoruky and his brother, transferring the necessary shrines to Vladimir and began counting Vladimir - Suzdal Rus, right up to the creation of an imperial project in Moscow, which was de jure designed by an outstanding statesman - Ivan # 4, proclaiming himself tsar. And so, well, from the moment of the armed seizure with the murder of Oleg, the Prophetic, the regent of the only son of Rurik, Igor, ours - Moksha, the Meri-Finno-Ugric, who rafted along the Dnieper with the Novgorod and allied Smolensk squads, in fact, the town of Kuyaba was declared Khazar tributaries, according to Arab chronicles ,,, the mother of Russian cities ". This is how the future ancient Ukrainians of the "Slavic backbone" type actually became.
    2. +4
      15 September 2018 14: 49
      Quote: 1536
      There is nothing to "argue" about.

      Let's hear the great truth ...
      Quote: 1536
      It is known that Rurik was a prince of Novgorod. And he went on a campaign to the so-called Kiev, because game in the Novgorod forests diminished, and the weather on the banks of the Volkhov was not pleasant.

      Rurik came out onto the balcony in the morning, scratched himself, examined the surroundings ... "Eh, it's cloudy again today, it's raining ... And in Kiev, I suppose the sun is shining. Hey, bums! Get ready, let's go to Kiev! There is the weather Better and more animals in the woods. Or in the steppes, I taught geography poorly at school. / In short, squadron, by cars! Ugh, damn it, squadron, by horses! Who is the last Jew! "
      Quote: 1536
      It is no coincidence that the sons of Rurik, a few years after his death, had fought over the inheritance

      The poor fellows could not share an apartment in Novgorod and a dacha near Kiev. How many children were there? Five or seven? Probably five. Ingvar, Harald, Olav, Rogvold and Burisleyv. All five are abbreviated as IGORB, but in the letter "B" the enemies of the Russian people basely erased the upper crossbar and got IGOR. They fought to the first blood, then made up and ruled under the name IGOR together.
      Quote: 1536
      Novgorod again gained fame not only for the free city and shopping center, but also for the actual center of Russian statehood.

      Slava was the eldest son of Rurik, as I understand it, and knocked IGOR out of Novgorod. And before that, Slava (for friends, simply Slavs, hence the name of his descendants - "Slavs") was the prince of the "Volny City" (abbreviated as VOLG, ie Volga) and the "TRADING CENTER" (TORTSEN, that is, Torchesk). Those. Slavs, Prince of the Volga and Torchesk.
      Quote: 1536
      opposing the Turkic state "Golden Horde"

      And here you are wrong. "Golden Horde" (correctly "Golden City", that is, the city) in the time of Rurik went to his possessions and was just transferred to the control of the Slavs. In the decree of Rurik it was written: "To transfer to the Slavs TORZEN I ZOL. G."
      Fu, tired ...
      But at least have fun. laughing
      1. 0
        17 September 2018 06: 38
        Ha Ha Ha! Learn the story, dear!
    3. avt
      15 September 2018 18: 05
      Quote: 1536
      It is known that Rurik was a prince of Novgorod.

      It is known.
      Quote: 1536
      And he went on a campaign to the so-called Kiev,

      wassat This is when he got it? It pulls straight to the doctoral, well, Bebikovskih sciences, and in conjunction with
      Quote: 1536
      It is no coincidence that the sons of Rurik, a few years after his death, had fought over the inheritance
      straight to the academician ... chronic sciences! bully List
      Quote: 1536
      sons of Rurik,
      e-e-e-e- "children of Lieutenant Schmidt" will not announce? wassat And then as something other than Igor, well, who actually Oleg "Prophetic" and organized on the Dnieper "Kiev-mother of Russian cities" by killing Askold and Dir, as it was not possible to hear.
  10. +4
    15 September 2018 10: 16
    All 3 powers - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the heirs of Kievan Rus. In a complex, three in one - it should be so
    1. +10
      15 September 2018 10: 30
      This is if you do not take into account the fact that "Kievan Rus" is not a state formation at all, but a historical period.
      1. +1
        15 September 2018 15: 29
        "Kievan Rus" is not a state formation at all, but a historical period.

        Well, maybe only here on the pages of VO lol
        1. avt
          15 September 2018 19: 27
          Quote: XII Legion
          Well, maybe only here on the pages of VO

          Teach materiel and do not fuck foolnonsense! This concept was invented by RUSSIAN historians in the middle of the 19th century. And Solovyov threw it into the masses, but not from TV, but by the author of the famous 29-volume History of Russia from Ancient Times (published since 1851). Further, the Marxist historians NA Rozhkov, MN Pokrovsky, as well as V.N. Storozhev, M.D. Priselkov exclusively as about a specific period in the history of Russia (X-XII centuries).
    2. +6
      15 September 2018 10: 37
      I repeat once again: there was no "Kievan Rus". It was just Russia. Or is there Moscow Russia now? And before that there was Petersburg Russia?
    3. +5
      15 September 2018 13: 27
      Quote: XII Legion
      All 3 powers - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the heirs of Kievan Rus. In a complex, three in one - it should be so

      There are no 3 in one! There was and will be one big Russian people - Great White and Little Russia - Great Russians, Little Russians and Belorussians! There have never been any powers with the name of Ukraine and Belarus! They do not and cannot have any stories of their own separate from their only homeland of Russia! Everything else is flawed and nothing more! It is the understanding of this inferiority that cultivates hatred of Russia and makes you invent all kinds of fables! If you go this way so you can reach the point where we have Mr. Veliky Novgorod, and he has more rights to independence (God forbid) than all these unfinished Ukraine or Ukraine, which in the Russian language have one and absolutely unique sense of the location of this territory !
  11. +1
    15 September 2018 11: 11
    As the author of the article correctly points out, after the departure of a large number of Slavs from the southern specific principalities ravaged by the Tatar-Mongols, the Rurik dynasty in these principalities was replaced by Lithuanian and Polish dynasties in the northeast.

    Ukraine, even by its name, cannot be the heir to any Rus. T.N. "Kievan Rus" existed only in Soviet textbooks authored by Jewish historians. The real name of the Rurik state is Russian Land.

    The word "Ukraine" in translation from Little Russian means "outskirts" - a geographical localization such as "suburb".
  12. 0
    15 September 2018 11: 28
    The author has an interesting technique, "historical nonsense based on forgeries, myths, legends and mystifications of history" he is going to refute with the help of historical nonsense based on forgeries, myths, legends and mystifications of history, immediately replacing the "ancient Ukrainian nation" with an "ancient Russian nation ", inhabiting the ancient Slavic state, which learned from historians the name Kievan Rus and in relation to which we can say that on the lands of Kievan Rus, up to its collapse, only the formation of ethnic groups took place, which today are known as the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples.
    Well, then there is a trashy hodgepodge of Sumerians, ancient ukrov, the project of the Austrian General Staff and other cliches of "folk historians from urapatriotism", in terms of their level of thinking no different from their "ancient Ukrainian" opponents.
    Therefore, one should not expect any kind of intelligible historical research.
    By the way, for the information of the author, the theory that the Italians are the heirs of the ancient Romans was founded by Machiavelli, and by the middle of the XNUMXth century the concept of "Romanita" (Roman ideal) had already been polished to shine.
    1. -3
      15 September 2018 13: 05
      Quote: Curious
      taught the name of Kievan Rus from historians

      "Taught" from Jewish historians.
      1. +5
        15 September 2018 13: 20
        Platonov, Presnyakov, Greeks - Jews?
        1. -4
          15 September 2018 13: 38
          I am absolutely reluctant to delve into the "legacy" of these soviet historians, so just for example - Grekov was the author of the monograph "Kievan Rus" in 1939, from beginning to end built on the so-called. Marxism-Leninism (i.e. Mordechaism-Blanquism).

          Mordechaism-Blanquism initially asserted that the Russian barbarians must be destroyed (physically, culturally - such as create a Soviet people). Hence the inventions of the followers of Mordechai and Blank about the existence of some kind of "Kievan Rus", although in all the chronicle documents of the pre-Mongol period the state is uniquely called Rus Land.

          "Kievan Rus" did not exist even after the Tatar-Mongol invasion before reunification with the Russian Kingdom, since the territories attributed to it at that time were part of Lithuania and Poland, while Kiev in their composition was a provincial town, and not a capital city.
          1. +3
            15 September 2018 14: 09
            Platonov and Presnyakov are Russian historians who have nothing to do with Marxism. Platonov became a member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1909.
            1. -3
              15 September 2018 14: 37
              In what year did Platonov (died in 1933) begin to use the term "Kievan Rus"? Was it not during the leadership of Soviet historical science by Academician Isaak Izrailevich Mintz?
              1. +6
                15 September 2018 15: 10
                To begin with, Mints Isaac Izrailevich never directed Soviet historical science and became an academician in 1946.
                As for Platonov, read the "Textbook of Russian History - St. Petersburg, 1909".
                With your comments, you brilliantly confirm that there is a bottomless abyss between your aplomb and your knowledge. All the best.
                1. -1
                  15 September 2018 15: 19
                  The 1909 edition of the year is not available on the network; there are only its editions of the Soviet period.

                  And then: to hell with me, to read secondary sources with copyright cockroaches in the text, when there are primary sources - Russian chronicles with the true name of the state of Russian Land.
                  1. +4
                    15 September 2018 15: 24
                    Operator, name the "Russian chronicles with the real name of the Russian Land state" that have come down to us in the original. Otherwise, you like to rant about the Germans who rewrote the whole history and the Jews who rewrote the history of the Germans. And then suddenly the "real name". How did the Germans and Jews not keep track of this?
                    1. +2
                      15 September 2018 15: 33
                      For example, in 1148, Izyaslav Mstislavich wrote to Rostislav: “Go to God’s, stay there ... cut the Earth from the Rus' from the ground” - look for the name of the annals yourself (like I was looking for Platonov’s edition of 1909 of the year).
                      1. +3
                        15 September 2018 16: 14
                        Operator, I asked you to name the annals that have come down to us in the original. Can you answer the question specifically, that such a chronicle of such a period is known to us in its original form? Or will you let circles on the water?
          2. +3
            15 September 2018 15: 20
            Do not let yourself be easily fooled by Svidomo fighters infioviny. S.F. Platonov - Russian historian. And who else could be a person born in Chernihiv? Like Gogol from Poltava-only Russian. You just look How Platonov writes: "Рywl "."РRussian land "but -"кIevskaya Рus ". He has no question of any special Kiev statehood. For Platonov, Russia is one. Novgorod, then Kiev, Vladimir ... - these are time periods associated with the location of the capital. Platonov has no Ukrainian people.
            Platonov was the first with whom the Bolsheviks began to destroy Russian science. See Academic Affairs. Then began the violent Bolshevik Ukrainization in science. The Poltava Grekov, spared and repented before the Bolsheviks, showed the Ukrainian people. The Greeks did not want to become camp dust, began to write that the line of the CPSU (b) and Stalin personally ordered. But Grekov also emphasizes that Kievan Rus is not the history of only the Ukrainian people, then, they say, there was one Russian people; and Ukrainians, Belorussians and Great Russians only forged, appeared later.
            1. +3
              15 September 2018 15: 30
              Yes, and Klyuchevsky is also Ukrainian Svidomo. Nikolay S, you bang your head at the open door. Where did I generally write that the history of Kievan Rus is the history of Ukraine? You at least read the comments before hysteria.
            2. +1
              15 September 2018 15: 56
              Quote: Nikolay S.
              Kiev Рwhisker

              I agree, but you most likely mean the pre-revolutionary edition of Platonov's textbook, which I could not find on the Internet. After the revolution, the main Soviet historian Mints replaced the capital letter with a capital letter and the Jewish "Kievan Rus" was used.

              The sarcasm of the situation is that even a fake version of the history of our country recognizes by default the division (whether chronological or territorial - of the carriers of the Asian / Middle Eastern mentality, it is sometimes difficult to understand) of a single Russia into several periods / states (as can be seen from the adjective to the noun).
              1. +2
                15 September 2018 17: 01
                Pre-revolutionary Platonov discovered on the Internet a simple thing:
                It's not a big or small letter - Platonov has both this and that, like Kliuchevsky’s. And even the matter is not different - they do not have the Ukrainian people, and the people of Little Russia are the people, as you know, Russian, and not Little Russian. The point is in the hutspe of the current Kiev rulers-occupiers and their infobians, saying: since there was Kievan Rus, it was the state of the Ukrainians, and Moskalyak was a gilyak and a knife.

                More about Ukrainian historians. Nikolai Shityuk during the Soviet era was able to graduate from a teacher training college, worked as a history teacher in a rural eight-year-old, then switched to party work. Being a party member, he received a diploma in post-graduate (correspondence) higher education. Despite the fact that he was indignant, he received all possible degrees, titles, positions and awards. All because he wrote about the Holodomor and the damned Muscovites. When Ukrainian historians talk about their professionalism - keep in mind that they are all there, normal ones are dumped. It's funny, but about ten days ago Shityuk was stabbed to death in a brothel. So now the Svidomo junta yells that the damned Muscovites did it. Without explaining why Muscovites walk along dangerous and cheap Ukrainian brothels. The brothel is famous for the fact that, six years ago, clients after a gangbang, instead of paying, burned the girl Oksana Mazur (that’s what’s local), and she survived and told everyone about it.

                Here, I look, the son of Mindovg Dovmont - the Holy Blessed Prince Timothy in the Lithuanians recorded. Oh well.
    2. +5
      15 September 2018 13: 26
      Quote: Curious
      The author has an interesting technique

      But you must agree, Viktor Nikolaevich, despite the author's extremely simplified view of history, he (the view) still compares favorably with the views of some commentators or the same Samsonov. If I undertook to minus comments in which I see stupidity and (or) aggressive ignorance, I would have exceeded my "five-year plan" by minuses in half an hour.
      1. +3
        15 September 2018 13: 32
        I do not see the fundamental difference between the author and Samsonov. Differences in the size of the globe on which the owl is pulled, and the principle of operation is completely identical.
        1. +2
          15 September 2018 15: 11
          Quote: Curious
          Differences in the size of the globe, which pull the owl

          "Size matters" smile
          For me, this author is still trying to show some respect for what he calls history. This, in his understanding, puts it somewhat above the individuals mentioned.
          1. +3
            15 September 2018 15: 20
            It affects the profession. Nevertheless, the author worked almost all the time at the Kharkov Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering named after A.A. Morozova in the field of tank control systems. Candidate of Technical Sciences. You understand, such a work in any case disciplines the mind and makes you rely on some facts and not sculpt a hunchbacked flight of imagination, as Samsonov does.
      2. 0
        15 September 2018 13: 37
        Victor Nikolaevich is right. "Horns and Hooves" went to "seven days" at Samsonov, apparently, the day off.
        1. +2
          15 September 2018 14: 23
          Apukhtin will not rise to Samsonov’s urvn. Old age, lack of specialized education ... Yet tanks and history are different objects.
          1. +1
            15 September 2018 15: 05
            And what about Samsonov’s profile ???
            1. +2
              15 September 2018 15: 16
              Somewhere there was information that he was a history teacher. I was not specifically interested. In any case, Samsonov's flight of thought is not limited by narrow frames, which allows him to create enchanting pictures on the theme of "superethnos".
              Apukhtin, on the other hand, is squeezed by the narrow framework of the doctrine of "Ukraine never existed" on the basis of deep personal enmity, so there is no reason to expect any accomplishments from under him.
              1. +1
                16 September 2018 16: 04
                Quote: Curious
                Somewhere there was information that he was a history teacher. I was not specifically interested. In any case, Samsonov's flight of thought is not limited by narrow frames, which allows him to create enchanting pictures on the theme of "superethnos".
                Apukhtin, on the other hand, is squeezed by the narrow framework of the doctrine of "Ukraine never existed" on the basis of deep personal enmity, so there is no reason to expect any accomplishments from under him.

                perhaps if this comment had been earlier (or read it earlier) I would have written nothing more with ease.
                Quite succinctly about the meaning of attempts on this topic.
                (I repent of an emotional breakthrough, too, rushed to write something, to prove something, too much meaningless work)
  13. kig
    15 September 2018 11: 30
    History is not science at all, but art. The art of choosing, commenting on and interpreting historical facts according to the current general line. Refers to all, without exception, "historians", both Ukrainian and Russian and all the rest. And even more so to those who adhere to them.
    1. +7
      15 September 2018 14: 55
      Quote: kig
      History is not science at all, but art.

      For those who do not understand anything about it, but tries to adapt to their momentary needs. What you call "history" is actually just as similar to real science as a rubber inflatable woman on a living woman. The first one can be twisted as you want, turned inside out, pour anything into it, and the second - the real one - does not reciprocate to everyone.
      1. Cat
        15 September 2018 17: 42
        What you call "history" is actually just as similar to real science as a rubber inflatable woman on a living woman. The first one can be twisted as you want, turned inside out, pour anything into it, and the second - the real one - does not reciprocate with everyone.

        Michael hats off - offset !!!
        My subjective opinion. History must be loved, respected and remembered. In essence, we can exaggerate "history" - it is a complex of reflexes that should allow society to learn from other people's mistakes. The only trouble is that humanity loves to embellish our heroine, smooth corners and roughness, interpret in a favorable color, etc. Only when the "handle" from the rake flies into the forehead, is it objectively "violet" for the subject painted with polka dots with roses or covered with colorless varnish!
        Sincerely, Kitty!
        1. +3
          15 September 2018 20: 22
          Quote: Kotischa
          humanity loves to embellish our heroine

          Greetings, Vladislav.
          You can embellish, just, an inflatable doll. The real story is what it is and the other will not be. Try to get to know her better, be patient, respectful and delicate and she will give you the most intimate - knowledge and understanding, will teach you to love your country, your people, be proud of your ancestors, culture, language. Will make happy. And you will be hasty, lazy and rude - you will not notice how in your hands instead of a lively quivering palm of your hand your dead rubber will turn out and you will only have to take out your own malice, generated by your own complexes, on an insensible object. And completely finished villains begin to describe and publish in detail their vile Exercises, their perverted fantasies, forgetting to tell the neophytes who have hung their ears that he did all this and continues to do it with a primitive, unresponsive and soulless rubber doll, and not with a real story.
          Something on the lyrics to me in the evening pulled ... not good for it. smile I'll take a hundred grams of cynicism. smile
        2. kig
          18 October 2018 11: 13
          That is, you consider Yu.Alukhtin a real historian? And unconditionally believe everything that he uttered? Oh well.
  14. -3
    15 September 2018 12: 07
    The very concept of "Kievan Rus" appeared relatively recently, rather for the convenience of communication. Before that, the official name was Novgorod Rus, later Muscovy, more for foreigners. There is also an opinion that there was no Tatar-Mongol invasion as such, since apart from later written evidence, there is no material evidence of this. Yes, and the image of a Slav (Russian) was, it seems to me, rather uniting many peoples and tribes with a common culture and mentality, a way of life in a single state (a union of principalities or states) called Tartaria, covering spaces from the eastern lands of Germany, Italy, Scandinavia to China with advanced technology and vast resources. And according to the history of the Russian state rewritten under Peter 1 by German historians who did not even speak Russian, with the total destruction of ancient church manuscripts, they do not give a complete picture of the past of our great history, but the fact is that according to the Slavic calendar, it is now 7036, but our historical science does not care about this, the Academy of Sciences, successfully defeated at the direction of the overseas owner by our diligent and executive colonial government, does not share the loot with them. T.b. We ourselves, laughing at the Ukrainians, have been teaching our children for several generations using Sorov's textbooks, which is why the graduates of schools and universities do not even know the latest history of the country, can hardly express themselves in their native language, cannot express their thoughts in a connected manner, writing and reading cause difficulties, slaves do not need education, and so. knowledge of their history is dangerous for the "upper" class and their well-being.
    1. +7
      15 September 2018 15: 02
      Quote: seacap
      on the Slavic calendar is now 7036-th year

      "Shaw, again?" (from)
      Why 7036, not 7526? Must be 7526, for 2018 + 5508 = 7526.
      Tell, interestingly, "where the firewood comes from" ...
      1. Cat
        15 September 2018 17: 54
        T.b. We ourselves, laughing at the Ukrainians, have been teaching our children for several generations using Sorov's textbooks, which is why the graduates of schools and universities do not even know the latest history of the country, can hardly express themselves in their native language, cannot express their thoughts in a connected manner, writing and reading cause difficulties, slaves do not need education, and so. knowledge of their history is dangerous for the "upper" class and their well-being.

        Respected for all my criticism of education in schools, including such a discipline as history, I can offer you to solve test tasks for the Unified State Exam and the OGE. Believe me, this is far from easy, by the way I "rake out" "five" with great difficulty and then on the verge of "good" - "excellent"!
        By the way, the "essay" The author does not pull further than the assessment of "satisfactory".
        Sincerely, Kitty!
  15. +1
    15 September 2018 12: 14
    Quote: Operator
    As the author of the article correctly points out, after the departure of a large number of Slavs from the southern specific principalities ravaged by the Tatar-Mongols, the Rurik dynasty in these principalities was replaced by Lithuanian and Polish dynasties in the northeast.

    By the way, the state language and the language in which the documentation was maintained in the Polish-Lithuanian Principality was Russian, and the direct descendants of this, again Slavic state, were none other than Belarusians, but not Lithuanians, who at that time were some half-wild forest small people tribes with an archaic lifestyle.
    1. +1
      15 September 2018 13: 43
      Cool. In 1266, the Pskovites called for the reign of the archaic half-savage Dovmont, already for 33 years
  16. +2
    15 September 2018 13: 57
    The ideologists of this nation have their roots in Trypillian culture, and according to the latest version - from Sumerian civilization

    smiled - one narrow-minded said so now this is "the latest version". Obviously, then the "protorussians" are also the latest version, for they are regularly published. And it is no longer known who dug what and what dug there laughing
    Today in Ukraine lives one of the branches of the Russian people, which was called Little Russians, now Ukrainians

    they have been called Ukrainians for more than a century, Little Russians for several centuries - this does not mean that they have always been called that ..
    Each era gave them their own names. And they were "Russian" and Orthodox and others ... at one time.
    You can argue to infinity - the information war of the Russian Federation with Ukraine is an endless war for historical heritage. Both Ukraine and the Russian Federation claim it. And they don’t share, but they tear the blanket for themselves. Mine shouts alone, no mine, you weren’t at all ...
    In fact, there are now three states of the heir to Russia, but two of them very fiercely share everything in common.
    Today everyone is convinced that this is ancient Ukraine, and the so-called Muscovy and Muscovites are a completely different people. We look at the map: Kiev, Chernihiv, Novgorod, Rostov, Ryazan. From Lake Ladoga to the Dnieper tributaries

    History of the lands of Ukraine. This is the standard variation of all nations. And by the way, really, where is the same Moscow and that same Muscovy .. tochnik another people ..: We will keep the history of the Russian State from Moscow? Or still pretend to all ... All mine. Then you have to face the fact that they are the same and say - all mine. Two brothers acrobat - share a box of vodka and a pirate ...
    I did not find my Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy among them, there is not a single name worthy of respect and reverence, they did not remain in history. Traitors deservedly subject to oblivion of descendants.

    There are versions that Nevsky himself is a traitor (he betrayed Russia to the Horde, unlike Galitsky) and Donskoy is not anti-Horde, but rather very Orda. But that one. In general, no, because all the good ones were recorded in Russian Russians. The bad and the very bad were given to the Ukrainians. As a result, all that was something Russian that needs to be condemned is something Ukrainian. laughing
    In general, the idea is as follows - the project of the Russian Federation, the project Ukraine, is a direct competitor. For a common heritage. And vice versa. Everything is used, from the media to outright propaganda. And they carry everything and the Sumerians and Protorussians and their "history". The main thing here is all their own, but they were not at all and there was no way to call them.
    PS Interestingly, the author bent that the History of Italy turns out to not fasten the Roman Empire to Spain either ..
    The foolish hoaxers do not wonder why, for example, modern Italy does not trace its roots to ancient Rome? There is probably no historical reason for this.

    The name "Italy" was originally originally only the region of the small people of Italians or Italians (F ιταλοί, vituli, hence the Oscan Vitellium), which occupied the southern limb of Bruttium (now the provinces of Reggio and Catanzaro) to the bays of Skilak and Terinsky (the name was first mentioned by the Regina Gipnisa ca. 500 BC, but the written and pronounced digamma of the word indicates its great antiquity). Soon the name Italy was extended to the whole of Gross to the Laya River and to the area of ​​the city of Metanonta.
    Does it resemble anything with the term Ukraine? And such a chip, not only with the term Italy / Ukraine, but with so many countries .... And in different eras, the names were different.
    People are the owners. Everything is nothing else.
    1. -2
      15 September 2018 17: 49
      Quote: Antares
      In fact, there are now three states of the heir to Russia, but two of them very fiercely share everything in common.

      This is very unlikely, since 2 states appeared only in the 20th century. And Russia directly leads statehood from the Middle Ages, from Russia. Then the three East Slavic peoples are the heirs of Russia.

      Quote: Antares
      We will lead the history of the State of Russia from Moscow?

      Why from Moscow? And before 1918, the history of Russia had to be kept from St. Petersburg?

      Quote: Antares
      There are versions that Nevsky himself is a traitor (he betrayed Russia to the Horde, unlike Galitsky) and Donskoy is not anti-Horde, but rather pro-Horde.

      Nevsky is not a traitor; Galitsky, in the end, lay down under the Horde - "you are already our Tatar, drink our drink"; Donskoy is so "pro-Horde" that he fought with the Horde and, as a result, his capital was taken and ruined.
  17. +3
    15 September 2018 15: 02
    From the point of view of science, of which history is, the inventions of the historians of modern Ukraine on historical topics, as it were, are of no interest because of complete failure and without evidence. But the whole point is that the opuses of Ukrainian prospectors do not relate to history. They belong to the bourgeois nationalist ideology of the modern Ukrainian state, commissioned by the ruling class. They are not original. All of this has already happened in recent history. It is enough to recall Hitler's Germany with their statements about their Aryan antiquity. True, with the similarity of ideological objectives, they solved different problems. The Nazis thereby asserted their right to world domination, to the right to exploit and destroy peoples, which by their definition should be subordinate to the great German nation. The Ukrainian bourgeoisie poses a much more modest task for its ideologists. They just need to somehow explain the need for the existence of an independent state of Ukraine and their, therefore, right to plunder the public domain. Within the framework of internationalism and even federalism, this task is not solved, and therefore, inventions are made about a certain antiquity of the Ukrainian nation, by the way of which there is no independence even after27 years, about the continuity of the current bourgeois state and the medieval feudal state of Russian Land, it is simply Russia. For some Ukrainians, especially young people, such allegations have already become an axiom and to convince them otherwise is a thankless task. They simply do not understand the arguments, and do not want to understand. Therefore, the task of exposing the false theories of Ukrainian pseudo-historians is on the agenda. The question is, and why should we convince this ignoramus. Necessary. The ideological struggle against Ukrainian nationalism lies in the general channel of the struggle of the peoples of our country for their independence, for their sovereignty, for truth. I think so.
  18. +1
    15 September 2018 15: 08
    The funniest thing in the film at 6 minutes 38 seconds: the Principality of Kiev as part of the so-called. "Kievan Rus" is not only several times smaller than the northeastern and northwestern principalities, but, as always, it is located on the edge - it borders on the Wild Field, completely inhabited by the Polovtsy, Khazars and other Turks.
    1. +3
      15 September 2018 16: 50
      Quote: Operator
      The funniest thing in the film at 6 minutes 38 seconds: the Principality of Kiev as part of the so-called. "Kievan Rus" is not only several times smaller than the northeastern and northwestern principalities, but, as always, it is located on the edge - it borders on the Wild Field, completely inhabited by the Polovtsy, Khazars and other Turks.

      According to Samsonov there were no Polovtsy and Mongol Tatar Turks; these are all the same Russians from the Great Tartary, up to the Chinese Wall.
  19. -3
    15 September 2018 16: 26
    Quote: Curious
    annals that have come down to us in the original

    Yes, yes, yes: the KGB hand of the USSR cleaned up all the original chronicles, replacing the kosher "Kievan Rus" with the goy "Rus Land" laughing
    1. +2
      15 September 2018 17: 05
      "The dispute continued in the same strange manner. Ostap's unconvincing but cheerful arguments influenced Kozlevich in the most invigorating way."
  20. -1
    15 September 2018 17: 16
    The Radzivilov Chronicle, the Rouskaya Land is repeatedly mentioned.

    This book is a chronicler of the tale of the timeless years of the Montenegrin of the Feodosiev Monastery of the Caves from where the Rousse land came from and who in it rested ... princes.
    1. 0
      15 September 2018 17: 46
      It can be seen with the naked eye that (comrade major, Muscovite, Nikon, Alexy II - substitute the necessary) cleaned up the original and emphasized the infection laughing
      1. +1
        15 September 2018 18: 00
        Quote: Operator
        It can be seen with the naked eye that (comrade major, Muscovite, Nikon, Alexy II - substitute the necessary) cleaned up the original and emphasized the infection laughing

        Are you talking about me? You are a strange guy.
  21. +2
    15 September 2018 18: 09
    Quote: Nikolai S.

    Thanks for the link - judging by the text of the pre-revolutionary publication Platonov was a great original: on the 5 page he claims that the Russian annals are not historical works, since they contain, in addition to facts, literary inserts.

    As if the Greek, Roman and Byzantine historical, German and Scandinavian written sources do not contain not only historical facts, but also the direct artistic and mythological fantasies of their authors.

    In other words, Platonov idolizes the West in this matter and ignores the simple fact that the annals were not written by certified historians, but by clergymen with their own mentality - just like the German chronicles, by the way, and nothing, nobody buzzes about the historicity of the latter.

    It is also necessary to admit that Platonov was very lazy about the term "Kievan Rus" - if only because no one knows the existence of Novgorod Rus, Chernigov Rus, Vladimir Rus, Muscovite Rus, etc. Ladder law, which was in force in the Russian Land, did not allow the division of a single hereditary patrimony of all Rurikovichs into sovereign states (unlike, for example, the Frankish state).

    "And there is a slammer on an old woman" (C)
    1. 0
      15 September 2018 19: 23
      ",,, because nobody knows the existence of Novgorod Rus"
      Прямо таки неизвестно.
      1. 0
        15 September 2018 20: 26
        Wikipedia is not necessary - all the more so since the annalistic name "Novgorod Land" is used there in specialized topics.

        Where is the chronicle with the name "Novgorod Rus"?
  22. +1
    15 September 2018 18: 12
    140 000 years !!! So are they Neanderthals or what? silt Cro-Magnon there?
  23. 0
    15 September 2018 18: 18
    Quote: Bar1
    Are you talking about me?

    God forbid - this is sarcasm addressed to Curious.
  24. 0
    15 September 2018 20: 47
    Quote from the article: "So on these lands a nation of traitors begins to emerge, striving to forget its old Russian roots, hating its relatives and ready to become faithful slaves of European masters."

    Oh, how, the author printed the current Ukrainians and their ancestors: “a nation of traitors” - no more - no less. And the fact that it was then one and the same people that developed before this within common borders does not bother him.

    Therefore, the article is a minus. Such articles do not bring us together, but only disconnect. The bourgeoisie divides nations, and the author and forum participants pour water on its mill. They also dream of unification.
  25. -2
    15 September 2018 21: 10
    But the graffiti of Sophia of Kiev was ashamed to bring into evidence.
    But it is there that "Volodymyr" is spelled, not Vladimir.
    Feel free to "brothers" ...
    1. -2
      16 September 2018 00: 12
      Well, they wrote in the ancient Ukrainian - Kiev wise!
      Here in Rostov they wouldn’t write like that
      By the way, a test to Vladimir - how is it in the Ukrainian government? wink That's right - vlada, not a wave. So think ...
    2. +3
      16 September 2018 11: 22
      They didn’t hesitate, but simply regretted ... Graffiti with Sofia is generally the Kremlin’s only hand ...
  26. 0
    15 September 2018 22: 47
    The concept of Kievan Rus was introduced by Soviet historians after the 60s and is rather arbitrary. The antiquity of Kiev is also quite doubtful - under Brezhnev, the idea of ​​celebrating the 1500th anniversary of Kiev was popular and historical "science" was brought up to this event. In fact, Chernigov and Novgorod may turn out to be more ancient cities, but Chernigov is not the capital of Kievan Rus and its "successor" - Ukraine, but Novgorod is generally a Varangian city, and there were no "Muscovites" according to the "History of Ukraine-Rus" yet .. . ((((
    1. +1
      16 September 2018 00: 26
      Quote: Khodanov
      The concept of Kievan Rus was introduced by Soviet historians after the 60s and is rather conditional.

      Unverified data cannot be given.
      Take a look at the table of contents of the scientific work of the 1950 Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.
      History of Ukraine. Volume 1 // Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Institute of History of Ukraine / Edited by A.K. Kasimenko. - Kiev: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, 1950.- 618 p.
      The term "Kievan Rus" is already present there.
  27. +2
    15 September 2018 23: 15
    The author, just do not forget that what is now called Psheks and Lithuania in those days were still Western Slavs.
    And only Russophobia in an attempt to represent something not Slavic, under the influence of the Anglo-Saxons makes Psheks and all of Europe makes them hostile to the Russians, and from here to Russia !!!
  28. -2
    16 September 2018 14: 31
    "... that the ancient Ukrainian nation emerged 140 thousand years ago! ..."
    Well, apparently, here the Ukrainians decided to be special, all the people on Earth went from homo sapiens, but not the Ukrainians who declared themselves descendants of the Neadertals (who studied normal, human, and not ukhistory, know that 140 years ago lived on Earth Neanderthals), however, according to the behavior of some modern dandies, we can safely say that they have not advanced much in their development.
  29. -2
    16 September 2018 16: 06
    Quote: Antares
    Based on the general map of Ukraine G. Boplan

    In 1651, Boplan, in addition to the map, published "Description of Ukraine, several provinces of the Kingdom of Poland, which stretch from the borders of Muscovy to the borders of Transylvania, along with their customs, lifestyle and warfare", from which it is clear that Ukraine / Outskirts Boplan called the border lands of the Commonwealth.

    In addition, the Frenchman Boplan managed to misinterpret the names of all the states depicted on his 1648 map of the year: the Kingdom of Poland (instead of the Commonwealth), Muscovy (instead of the Russian Kingdom) and Transylvania (instead of the Ottoman Empire).
  30. 0
    17 September 2018 03: 07
    Well, of course, in the strict sense of the continuity of Ukraine with Kievan Rus there. But there is some similarity.
    1. The network (decentralized) structure of society of both princes and Cossacks. In contrast to the rigid hierarchy of Muscovy.
    2. Rigid division of the population in terms of full rights. In princely times these were princes who called all others (including boyars and clergy!) Among themselves "smerds"; in Ukraine these are Cossacks and nonresidents.
    3. Kiev as a sacred center.
    In general, we can say that the dotted line some Ukrainians can carry out Kievan Rus. Unlike the Great Russians, who grew up in North-Eastern Russia, which Andrei Bogolyubsky fundamentally tore from Kiev. We have no continuity with Kievan Rus no (and good). So the newly made monument to Vladimir in Moscow can be presented with a light heart to Ukraine - such as compensation for the Crimea ...
  31. 0
    17 September 2018 08: 58
    Yes, how much can you chew the same thing, a hundred times chewed. There is no such nation as Ukrainians, the now existing state of Ukraine is an artificially created entity. But the nation Ukrainians DO NOT Exist. There are citizens of this entity, but no nation. There are Russians, there are Poles, Czechs, Hungarians and many others who lived in this territory in different eras. And most of this territory, squandered by stupid politicians, is primordially Russian land.
  32. 0
    22 September 2018 10: 01
    Ukraine and Belarus are the names of the territories. People living in this territory are called "Ukrainians" and "Belarusians", and "Kubans" live in the Kuban, "Siberians" in Siberia. and in Moscow "Muscovites". And once upon a time lived in Russia "Krivichi", "Vyatichi", "Polyana". And "Siberian" and "Muscovite" is not a nationality, but a territory of residence and self-identification.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"