Evaluation of state and political figures: survey results


From the author

I express my sincere gratitude to all visitors of the Military Review website who took part in the survey and thus made this project a reality.

There are numbers for political parties and social movements in the post-Soviet open spaces - where formerly the Communist Party of the united Soviet Union monopoly led. Now there are more countries, the population, on the contrary, has decreased, while the number of parties and movements has grown almost exponentially. If we consider that each political and near-political organization nominates several functionaries from its ranks, and add parliamentary sideliets to them, as well as government officials, then their name will be legion.
A legion of figures seeking to break through or, conversely, stay on the powerful Olympus, which has the same classical foundation as before. Power without a people loses its meaning. There is no people, no one to lead, which means there is no power either. If the people (forgive me, I made a reservation - the electorate) does not support one or another politician, then the price on the market day (sorry again, again made a reservation - on election day) is worthless. Moreover, each of the politicians declares himself as the sole and true exponent (or rather, the interpreter) of the interests of the people and the country, knowing how and where to steer, so that everyone is good, and even better for his beloved.
Sober-minded people gradually, passing through the crucible of 90's, learned to separate the wheat from the chaff and generate their own opinion about the majority of “actors and performers” of the modern political theater. Individual opinions may differ from each other and sin by subjectivism, but together they deserve unconditional attention, as they bring us closer to an understanding of the real state of things.
Based on this sociological postulate, the Military Review website was conceived and implemented the project “Evaluation of State-Political Figures”, the purpose of which was to obtain generalized portraits that take into account the different opinions of the most famous “sovereign people” of our time and still not forgotten Soviet past . The project included the definition of evaluation criteria that would meet the nature and nature of public-state activities in modern conditions, the development and testing of an appropriate assessment tool, the organization and conduct of a survey among site visitors, analysis, synthesis and presentation of the results.
The first article in this project (http://topwar.ru/13065-proekt-ocenka-gosudarstvenno-politicheskih-deyateley.html) was mainly devoted to the development and testing of methods, as well as the organization of the survey among site visitors. This publication introduces the results of the survey already conducted and provides a platform for further discussion.

Survey participants
From 213 site visitors who expressed a preliminary desire to participate in the project, an 172 person (80,8%) sent an application for participation. All these people, via e-mail, were provided with evaluation forms with detailed instructions for completing. Returned forms returned to 127 people (return percentage - 73,8%), of which:
By country of residence

  • 80 people from Russia (63,0%)
  • From Belarus, Ukraine or Kazakhstan 14 (11,0%)
  • From other CIS countries 0 (0,0%)
  • From the rest of the world 4 (3,1%)
  • Country of residence was not indicated 29 (22,8%)

According to the age

  • Up to 30 years 25 people (19,7%)
  • From 30 to 50 years 37 (29,5%)
  • Over 50 years 33 (26,0%)
  • Age not specified 32 (25,2%)

Estimates of respondents who did not indicate their country of residence or their age category were taken into account only in the results for the sample as a whole.

Assessment Objects
The subjects of the survey participants were a number of government and political figures. First of all, these are figures of modern Russia, belonging to different political and social trends, or occupying high positions in the state structure. Secondly, these are state leaders of three CIS countries - Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan - Russia's key partners in building a unified Eurasian Union. Thirdly, these are state-political leaders and leaders of the Soviet Union, various periods of its formation, development, decline and collapse.
A separate group of objects of evaluation were the so-called typical characters - generalized literary images with a fixed and equally understood by all reputation. These characters played the role of peculiar reference points, relative to which one could analyze the assessments of real state-political figures.
Finally, the list was supplemented with a special character called “The ideal, from your point of view, state-political figure” (in abbreviated form - "Ideal"). This character was evaluated on a par with other objects, which made it possible to see how real the politicians of the past and present are close to or far from Ideal, from the point of view of survey participants.
The full list that included the 38 evaluation objects looked like this:
FIG. 1. Assessment Objects

the USSR


CIS countries


Joseph Stalin
Lavrenty Beria
Georgy Zhukov
Nikita Khrushchev
Leonid Brezhnev
Yuri Andropov
Mikhail Gorbachev
Boris Yeltsin

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Gennady Zyuganov
Vladimir Zhirinovsky
Sergey Mironov
Mikhail Prokhorov
Dmitry Medvedev
Leonid Ivashov
Sergey Lavrov
Dmitry Rogozin
Anatoly Chubais
Anatoly Serdyukov
Alexey Navalny
Boris Nemtsov
Garry Kasparov

Alexander Lukashenko
Nursultan Nazarbayev
Viktor Yanukovych

The One
The temporary worker

At the beginning of the project, this list was opened for amendments and additions. In the first article, the visitors of the Military Review website were asked to make their own proposals regarding the persons involved in the assessment. Since there were no such proposals, the list of objects for evaluation remained unchanged.

The assessment methodology is described in more detail in the first article of the project. Here we dwell only on its main points.
At the preliminary stage of the project, as a result of factor analysis of a large assessment array (100 assessment features, 38 assessment objects, 17 assessors, which ultimately gave 64 assessments), 600 key independent factors, or criteria, were identified for assessing state and political figures. A feature of the identified factors was that they had a two-pole structure, i.e. within one factor, the assessed quality with a positive value always had its antipode - the opposite quality with a negative value:
1 factor "Strength / Activity - Weakness / Passivity"
2 th factor "Morality - Immorality"
3 factor "Competence - Incompetence"
Each of the factors was described by seven pairs of evaluative features that also have a bipolar structure. In general, the evaluation form included a pair of signs 21 mixed by belonging to the factors and polarity so as not to create an installation for the respondents to uniform formal answers.

FIG. 2. Sample evaluation form ©


Left pole




Right pole
















































































Light Coloured


Looking at the root






































With the king in mind












Far from the people








Close to the people






















Strengthening country








Destroying the country












Rod possessing





























The survey participants were asked to rate each state political figure from the proposed list for all pairs of evaluative indicators. According to the instructions, for each pair it was necessary to first determine which sign, right or left, corresponds more to the object of assessment, and then indicate the degree of manifestation of the selected sign (1 - weak, 2 - medium, 3 - strongly). If, in the opinion of the respondent, neither one nor the other sign in the pair was suitable for the assessment of a specific person involved, then it was necessary to indicate a neutral version of the assessment “0”.
In the course of processing the survey results, individual evaluations of respondents were averaged both for individual evaluative characteristics and, in general, for three evaluative factors. Further, when presenting the survey results, only averaged estimates are given everywhere.

Overall results
The results of classical factorial methods are usually presented in the form of so-called semantic spaceswhere each object finds its own, strictly defined place. Since we used the three-factor appraisal method, the corresponding semantic space populated by state-political figures and typical characters should be three-dimensional. In practice, due to the complexity of the representation and perception of three-dimensional figures in the eye, two-dimensional projections (maps) are used, formed by an alternate combination of two factors out of three. In our case, it is such combinations as "Strength / Activity - Morality", "Morality - Competence" and "Strength / Activity - Competence".
A few words about the topographic features of semantic maps. Given that each of the factors has two poles, then two-dimensional maps are symmetrical - the factor axes intersect at the zero point, in both directions from which the values ​​of the opposite poles increase. Each pole has three degrees of expression: 1 - weak, 2 - medium, 3 - strong (maximum value). State-political figures and model characters are located on maps, depending on the factor estimates they receive, which serve as coordinates. When “reading” cards it is recommended to take into account the following points. First, look at which square of the map the object is in and what are its absolute coordinates (factor estimates), secondly, take into account the relative position of objects relative to each other, in particular, the distance of real state-political figures from the Ideal also their location relative to the nearest reference points - typical characters.
The following symbols are applied on the semantic maps presented below:

  • Green circle - typical characters, including "Ideal";
  • The Yellow Circle - the state political figures of the USSR;
  • Red Diamond - the current presidents of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
  • Blue rhombus - modern state and public figures of Russia.

FIG. 3. Map of politicians in the coordinates "Strength / Activity - Morality"

Evaluation of state and political figures: survey results

Upper right square "Strength / Activity - Morality"
The position “Ideal state-political figure” (in abbreviated form - Ideal) is expectedly located in the upper right-hand corner and is characterized by high (but not maximum!) Evaluations on both factors. Directly next to the “Ideal” are the typical characters “Hero” and “Creator”. Obviously, from the point of view of survey participants, these concepts are adjacent. The characters “Patriot”, “Master” and “Master” are in the same region, but differ from “Ideal” by more moderate estimates. In particular, the type of "Patriot" with even higher scores on the factor "Morality" is noticeably inferior to the "Ideal" on the factor "Strength / Activity". The “Master” type, on the contrary, approaching the “Ideal” in terms of the “Strength / Activity” factor, is clearly undersupplied by moral qualities. The “Master” type, although it belongs to the same constellation of typical characters, is clearly inferior to them due to both factors.
Of the leaders of the USSR in this square are George Zhukov, Joseph Stalin, Yuri Andropov and Leonid Brezhnev. The position of G. Zhukov is closest to the “Ideal” among all real state-political figures. I.Stalin, having about the same estimates with G.Zhukov by the Strength / Activity criterion, is inferior to him in terms of morality. Yu.Andropov is positioned by the respondents in a dangerous proximity to the border separating the concepts of morality and immorality, while having moderate assessments by the force / activity factor. L. Brezhnev, although located in the same square, is separated from the rest, having low marks on both criteria.
Among contemporary Russian figures, Dmitry Rogozin, Leonid Ivashov and Sergey Lavrov occupy an honorable place in this box, having moderate marks both by the strength / activity criterion and by the moral factor. Their positions (especially D. Rogozin) are closest to the type “Master”.
Of the current presidents, the survey participants placed Alexander Lukashenko, Vladimir Putin, and Nursultan Nazarbayev in this square. Moreover, A. Lukashenko is the closest among them to the concept of “Ideal” and is adjacent to such historical personalities like G. Zhukov and I. Stalin. N. Nazarbayev and V. Putin are noticeably inferior to Old Man by both criteria. Putin's moral qualities are assessed at the level of Stalin, but he clearly does not reach the Father of All Peoples by the criterion of strength / activity.
Lower right square "Strength / Activity - Immorality"
Most vividly here are presented the types of "Destroyer" and "Scoundrel." Of the leaders of the USSR, the position of Boris Yeltsin is closest to them. Lavrenty Beria and, especially, Nikita Khrushchev are more likely on the periphery of this area, approaching the border between immorality and morality. The typical character "Dictator" is also located in this border area, distinguished by maximum marks on the strength / activity criterion. The closest to the “Dictator”, according to this criterion, are the positions of I.Stalin, A.Lukashenko and G.Zhukov, with the essential difference that the latter are located on the other side of the border between good and evil. Description "Democrat", with mild immorality, nestled near the border, separating the strong and active defendants from the weak and passive. In general, his position can be characterized by the concept of "neither fish nor meat."
Among contemporary Russian figures, Anatoly Chubais, Alexey Navalny and Mikhail Prokhorov were unconditionally registered in this square. They form the "Bermuda Triangle", within which are the types of "Rogue" and "Destroyer." The duo of Garry Kasparov - Boris Nemtsov is as immoral as the previous three, but noticeably inferior to them in strength and activity.
LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky got into the border strip of this territory due to immorality, assessed to a weak degree, in combination with moderate estimates by the criterion of strength / activity. His position is close to the positions of L. Beria and N. Khrushchev.
The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov is placed by respondents of the survey in the immediate vicinity of the zero coordinates on both criteria and has approximately the same vague position as the type “Democrat”.
Lower left square "Weakness / Passivity - Immorality"
Of the typical characters here are "The Traitor", "The Provident" and "Amateur". The ideological inspirer of perestroika, Mikhail Gorbachev, found his place not far from the type “Provident”. In the same place, next to the “Provisionalist”, is the head of the Russian Defense Ministry Anatoly Serdyukov. Dmitry Medvedev and Sergey Mironov are more likely to take the position of the “Amateur” type.
Viktor Yanukovych, President of Ukraine, is located in close proximity to the positions of “Dilettante” and “Democrat” and has almost zero marks on the strength / activity criterion combined with moderate ratings on the immorality criterion.
FIG. 4. Map of politicians in the coordinates of "morality - competence"

Upper right square "Morality - Competence"
As on the previous map, in the square formed by the positive ends of the axes, practically the same survey respondents are represented:
The characters are “Ideal”, “Creator”, “Master”, “Master”, “Hero” and “Patriot”.
Figures of the USSR - G.Zhukov, I.Stalin, Y.Andropov and L.Brezhnev.
Modern Russian figures - L.Ivashov, S.Lavrov and D.Rogozin.
The current presidents are A. Lukashenko, Belarus, N. Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan, and V. Putin, Russia.
G.Zhukov, L.Ivashov and S.Lavrov are closest to the “Ideal” position in the considered coordinates, and A. Lukashenko is again among the presidents. V.Putin’s position is characterized by moderate morality and competence.
Lower left square "Immorality - Incompetence"
Figures of this square are:
The characters are “Amateur”, “Time Provider”, “Traitor” and “Democrat”.
Figures of the USSR - M.Gorbachev (pronounced immorality and moderate incompetence), B.Yeltsin (moderate immorality and incompetence), N. Khrushchev (weak immorality and incompetence). M.Gorbachev and B.Eltsin in this coordinate system most of all to the type of "Time worker."
Modern Russian figures - B.Nemtsov, G.Kasparov, A.Navalny and A.Serdyukov are characterized by weak or moderate incompetence against the background of strong or moderate immorality. S. Mironov and D. Medvedev have poorly defined indicators on both criteria.
The President of Ukraine, V. Yanukovych, with moderate immorality and weakly expressed incompetence is adjacent to the character "Demokrat".
Upper left square "Immorality - Competence"
In this area there are no defendants who would have both qualities expressed to the same extent. For example, L. Beria and the type “Dictator” have a higher than average level of competence and a low degree of immorality. On the contrary, “Destroyer”, “Scoundrel”, A. Chubais and M. Prokhorov are distinguished by high or above average immorality and weak indicators on the criterion of competence.
V.Zhirinovsky and G.Zyuganov in this system of coordinates have low indicators by both criteria.
FIG. 5. Map of politicians in the coordinates "Strength / Activity - Competence"

On this map, in the absence of the criterion "Morality - Immorality", one can observe an obviously incredible confusion of objects of evaluation.
For example, in upper right squarewhere competence is combined with strength and activity, such characters as “Patriot”, “Hero”, “Dictator”, “Rogue” and “Destroyer” paradoxically coexist. A. Chubais and M. Prokhorov are located next to V. Zhirinovsky and relatively close to D. Rogozin and L. Ivashov. In addition, a number of interesting pairs were formed here: Stalin-Zhukov, Lukashenko-Dictator, Putin-Hero, Beria-Andropov, Lavrov-Ivashov, Chubais-Rogue, and finally Brezhnev-Zyuganov.
Diametrically opposite bottom left square, the refuge of the weak, passive and incompetent defendants, everything remains in its place. Gorbachev and Serdyukov fall into the field of types of "Time worker" and "Diletant", the president of Ukraine Yanukovych threw anchor near the types of "Traitor" and "Democrat". Two Russian leaders, Medvedev and Mironov, drift away from other defendants, differing from them in higher rates of weakness and passivity.
В bottom right moderately strong / active and, at the same time, weakly competent persons involved, such as Yeltsin, Kasparov, Nemtsov and Navalny, gathered.
In concluding the review of two-dimensional maps formed by a pairwise combination of the three main factors for evaluating government and political figures (Strength / Activity, Morality and Competence), the key role of the Morality factor should be noted. It plays the role of a razor blade, which clearly separates in the minds of people the "power of good" from the "forces of evil." In his absence, based only on the assessment of the strength, activity and competence of political figures (3 map), there is a risk of replacing and confusing concepts, distorting landmarks when understanding who is who in the multi-colored palette of internal political forces.
As already noted, a special character was introduced into the list of objects for evaluation - “The ideal state political figure” ("Ideal"). He played the role of a peculiar standard of politics, from the point of view of survey participants, and was evaluated along with real state-political figures. When processing the results of the survey, it provided an opportunity to see how real state-political figures are close or far from the “Ideal” image, taking into account the ratings they obtained on all three criteria - Strength / Activity, Morality and Competence.
The measure of the distance of a real politician from Ideal was the total difference of the corresponding factor estimates, calculated according to the rules of vector algebra. If we imagine the position of a certain politician and the “Ideal” in the three-dimensional factorial space as vectors, then the distance between the ends of the vectors will be the desired value of the politician’s proximity / distance from the “Ideal”. Let's call this value index of compliance "ideal". The closer a real politician is to the “Ideal”, the lower the value of his index, and vice versa, the farther the politician from the “Ideal”, the greater the value of the corresponding index.
All real state-political figures were ranked according to the indices they obtained, starting with the minimum and ending with the maximum index. Further, to the ranked list of politicians was used the procedure of splitting into quartiles (four groups), which allowed to classify all politicians into the closest to the “Ideal”, the most distant from the “Ideal” and belonging to two intermediate groups.
FIG. 6. Classification of politicians according to the “Ideal” compliance index.

Politicians closest to the "Ideal"

second stage

third stage

Politicians, the most remote from the "Ideal"

1) G. Zhukov


8) D. Rogozin


14) M. Prokhorov


20) V. Yanukovich


2) I. Stalin


9) Y. Andropov


15) G. Zyuganov


21) S. Mironov


3) A. Lukashenko


10) L. Beria


16) And Chubais


22) G. Kasparov


4) N. Nazarbayev


11) V. Zhirinovsky


17) D. Medvedev


23) A. Serdyukov


5) V. Putin


12) L. Brezhnev


18) B. Yeltsin


24) B. Nemtsov


6) S. Lavrov


13) N. Khrushchev


19) A. Bulk


25) M. Gorbachev


7) L. Ivashov








In the group of politicians closest to the “Ideal”, Georgy Zhukov, a Soviet commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union, four times Hero of the Soviet Union, who made an invaluable contribution to the victory in the Great Patriotic War (1,01 index), holds the leading position. Obviously, from the point of view of the respondents, he is most responsible for the qualities attributed to the ideal state-political figure. The second line is occupied by the father of the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin (1,67). It is symbolic that both leaders of the list personify statesmen of a pronounced socialist orientation. In this regard, Alexander Lukashenko, who occupies the third position in the list (1,76), who consistently preserves elements of the socialist world outlook in Belarus as opposed to democratic values, should also be commended.
Outsiders of the ranked list, in the version of survey participants, are represented by such figures as Anatoly Serdyukov (11,28 index), “effective manager” of military reforms, Boris Nemtsov (11,32), conductor of democracy and liberalism by Western standards, and finally, Mikhail Gorbachev (12,29) , the locomotive of perestroika, which put an end to the socialist state and society.
It is not difficult to notice that a curious pattern is traced in the ranked list - the closest to the “Ideal” are those who built, developed and defended the USSR and socialist values, while those who destroyed the USSR and replaced socialist values ​​with market-democratic ones, are the furthest from image of the ideal state-political figure.
After a separate presentation of the results of the assessment of state and political figures in the form of two-dimensional maps, we turn to a comprehensive presentation of the survey results, taking into account the estimates for all three factors - “Strength / Activity”, “Morality” and “Competence”.
For this we resort to the so-called cluster analysis - a mathematical method based on the calculation of correlations between the totality of all evaluative features and evaluation objects. In contrast to factor analysis, which was used at the preliminary stage of the study to determine the criteria for assessing public and political figures, cluster analysis processes the entire assessment array of 101 assessments (346 assessment objects x 38 assessment features x 21 survey respondents). As a result, related objects with similar properties are combined into groups (cluster means "cluster", "grouping").
The results of cluster analysis are usually presented as dendrograms - a schematic tree, where objects with similar properties “hang” on neighboring branches, the branches merge (cluster) into larger branches, which, in turn, into even larger branches, until the entire “crown” of objects closes on the common “trunk ". The dendrogram is built step by step so that, at the first step, the most similar objects are combined into small groups (sometimes in pairs), at the next step these mini-clusters merge into larger groups, which also have common properties, etc. The construction of the tree is completed at the final step, when all the objects are combined into one common mega-cluster according to one formal feature - joint participation in the cluster analysis procedure.
Thus, the dendrogram successfully complements two-dimensional factor maps, allowing one glance to capture the overall picture of the connections and relations between all objects of evaluation, in our case, state-political figures and typical characters.
FIG. 7. Dendrogram of state-political figures and types.

In the first approximation, on the dendrogram 3 of large independent cluster “branches” are marked, marked with curly brackets.
1 cluster (objects of evaluation 1-15) was formed almost on the first steps of clustering, which indicates the unequivocal similarity of the objects of assessment that it contains. In general, this cluster includes such typical characters as Ideal, Creator, Master, Master, Hero, and Patriot. Of the figures of the USSR, Stalin, Zhukov and Andropov are noted here. This group also includes the current presidents of the troika of reuniting states Putin (Russia), Lukashenko (Belarus) and Nazarbayev (Kazakhstan). From modern Russian figures, Rogozin, Ivashov and Lavrov received a pass to this community.
If you look at the internal structure of this cluster, then you need to note the existence of several subgroups. First, the two types, Ideal and Creator, merged into a single whole in the first step of clustering. Obviously, from the point of view of survey participants, a constructive beginning should be the hallmark of an ideal state-political figure. Secondly, Stalin, Zhukov, Lukashenko and Nazarbayev also almost immediately associate respondents with the concepts of Master and Master. Thirdly, Putin, Rogozin, Ivashov and Lavrov also quickly come down to a common denominator, personifying a positive, progressive beginning in modern Russian reality.
In the next, second clustering step, the above-mentioned subgroups are combined together, adding Yuri Andropov to their composition. Finally, the final formation of the 1 cluster takes place at the fourth step, when a ready-made group acquires heroic and patriotic features in the eyes of survey participants.
2 cluster (objects of evaluation 16-28) has a rather complicated structure. At 1-2 steps, primary subgroups are formed: Yeltsin-Navalny, Nemtsov-Kasparov-Traitor, Mironov-Medvedev-Yanukovich-Demokrat, Gorbachev-Serdyukov-temporaryman.
Further their step-by-step merge in the general group begins. First of all, the label Traitor, originally assigned to Nemtsov and Kasparov, applies to Yeltsin and Navalny. Gorbachev and Serdyukov, in addition to the Provisional image, acquire the features of the Amateur. In the next step, the amateurish-temporal duet Gorbachev-Serdyukov unites with the democratic group Mironov-Medvedev-Yanukovich. The final design of the 2 cluster occurs at the 7 step, when all the above-mentioned real figures merge into one common conglomerate, iridescent with the facets of democracy, betrayal, amateurism and impermanence.
3 cluster (objects of evaluation 29-38) is very controversial and ambiguous, both in terms of a set of typical characters and real state-political figures. It would be more correct to speak about the presence of two independent subclusters formally united into one group, in the later steps of clustering, on the basis of secondary features.
3 Cluster / 1 Subcluster (29-32 objects) consists of two stable pairs of Brezhnev-Zyuganov and Khrushchev-Zhirinovsky. Well-aimed couples who discover continuity in the leadership style of politicians of two eras.
3 Cluster / 2 Subcluster (33-38 objects). This subcluster, in turn, also splits into a duet Beria-Dictator and a quartet Chubais-Rogue-Destroyer-Prokhorov.
Both subclusters, when combined, most likely symbolize unacceptable approaches to policing for state survey participants.
Summing up the cluster analysis results presented in the form of a dendrogram, we note that, ultimately, a picture of the separation of members of the 1 cluster and the combined team of 2-3 clusters emerges. The question on which side of the sympathies of the respondents does not require a special explanation, it is enough to look at which typical characters are part of the one and the other group.
Interestingly, this picture, being a product of a generalized opinion of survey participants, does not always coincide with the realities of political life. In particular, it concerns the relations and interaction of three political figures - Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev and Leonid Ivashov. From the point of view of survey participants, Putin and Ivashov should be “in the same trench” and resist Medvedev, a supporter of democracy and liberalism, together. In fact, everything is somewhat different - Putin and Medvedev form a stable governing tandem, while Ivashov clearly outlined his position as an ideological fighter with the current Russian government.
In search of an explanation for the paradox that has arisen, let us consider the assessments obtained by Vladimir Putin, a key figure on Russia's political Olympus.

Estimates of Vladimir Putin
Closer attention to the estimates received by the newly elected president of Russia is also explained by the fact that they turned out to be very heterogeneous. The data presented in the previous section “Overall results” are based on averages from the sample of respondents as a whole. Meanwhile, individual assessments of respondents given to V. Putin varied greatly. This is evidenced by such a statistical indicator as mean deviation estimates from average values, which is a measure of the spread of the data set. We present the values ​​of the average estimates and the corresponding deviations for the “Vladimir Putin” object for the sample as a whole.
FIG. 8. The values ​​of the average estimates and average deviations for the object "Vladimir Putin".


Average ratings

Average deviations

  • Strength / Activity


± 0,69

  • Moral


± 1,26

  • Competence


± 0,84

The table shows that, for example, for the “Force / Activity” factor with an average estimate equal to 2,27 and an average deviation of ± 0,69, the range of scatter of estimates is from 1,58 to 2,96.
The greater the average deviation, the greater the range of scatter of estimates. So, for the “Morality” factor, we have an average score equal to 1,05 and a mean deviation of ± 1,26. In this case, the range of scatter of estimates is very wide, it intrudes into the region of negative values ​​and ranges from -0,21 to 2,31. Recall that negative values ​​are interpreted as belonging to the opposite pole of the factor, in this case to the “Immorality” pole.
The wide range of assessments given to Vladimir Putin pushes for further more detailed analysis. The survey results provide such an opportunity in relation to various categories of respondents, as well as in the context of individual evaluative signs forming one or another factor.
During the preparation and conduct of the survey, the respondents were segmented for two reasons - their country of residence and age. Since in practice the overwhelming majority of survey participants (63,0%) turned out to be from Russia, and 22,8% did not indicate the country of residence at all, it is not possible to analyze on the basis of place of residence. At the same time, on the basis of age, the survey participants were distributed fairly evenly, which gives the right to see how the respondents of various age categories rated Vladimir Putin.
FIG. 9. V.Putin's estimates by the “Strength / Activity” factor

Factor and its estimated signs


Before 30 years

30-50 years

50 years

Factor "Strength / Activity" in general





  • Active





  • Leading





  • Vigorous





  • Resolute





  • Sure





  • Hard





  • Rod possessing





In general, the active-power qualities of V. Putin are assessed at a sufficiently high level (2,27). The highest scores were obtained from the age category up to 30 years (2,41). Older survey participants rated V. Putin by this criterion somewhat more modest, at the level of 2,17-2,19.
Among the individual signs describing this factor, the highest marks were obtained by such qualities as Active (2,69) and Energetic (2,60). On the contrary, against the general background of high marks, the quality “Hard” (1,66) is relatively less developed, in the opinion of survey participants. All age categories are unanimous in this, but the age category over 50 years (1,33) stands out in particular.
In addition, the pre-30 age category is lower compared to other signs, rated “Decisiveness” (1,71), middle-aged people - leading qualities (1,70) and such a feature as “Having a rod” (1,90). Regarding the latter quality, people of the older age category (1,89) agree with them.
FIG. 10. V. Putin's estimates by the factor of "morality"

Factor and its estimated signs


Before 30 years

30-50 years

50 years

Factor "Morality" in general





  • Net





  • His





  • Light Coloured





  • Trustworthy





  • Close to the people





  • Strengthening country





  • Hopeful





In general, the moral qualities of V. Putin are assessed by survey participants at a level below the average (1,05). Representatives of the younger generation (up to 30 years) were again the most optimistic in their assessments (1,58), while the middle generation (30-50 years), on the contrary, demonstrated the greatest criticality (V.NNXX) regarding morality of V. Putin.
Of the individual characteristics related to this factor, the average scores received such definitions as "Strengthening Country" (1,63), "Calculating Trust" (1,54) and "Your Own" (1,43). Among the least developed moral qualities are the characteristics "Clean" (0,31), "Light" (0,54) and "Close to the people" (0,63).
People of the middle generation radically low rated a number of moral signs, some of which, having received negative evaluations, turned into their diametrical opposite - immorality: “Dirty” (-0,40), “Far from the people” (-0,30), “Dark” (- 0,20). Other signs, although they remained on the moral side, also have low marks: “Inspiring Hope” (0,20), “Your Own” (0,40), “Strengthening Country” (0,90).
FIG. 11. V.Putin's grades according to the “Competence” factor

Factor and its estimated signs


Before 30 years

30-50 years

50 years

The factor "Competence" in general





  • Competent





  • Far-sighted





  • Looking at the root





  • With the king in mind





  • Extraordinary





  • Skillful





  • Опытный





In general, V. Putin’s competence is rated at a level above average (1,93). Among the individual age categories, the younger generation (up to 30 years) is traditionally ahead of the rest of the ages with 2,37 assessment, and the middle generation (30-50 years) is again the most skeptical in assessing V. Putin’s competence (1,46).
As the most powerful sides of V. Putin, survey participants identified experience (2,20), competence (2,09) and skill (2,03). From the point of view of representatives of the middle generation, such qualities as foresight (0,80) and the ability to ripen to the root (0,90) are poorly developed. In addition, middle-aged people have not assessed Putin with such a sign as “With the king in my head” (1,30).
Finishing the review of the results of the evaluation of Russian President Vladimir Putin, we focus on the main findings.
The most developed qualities of V. Putin, according to the respondents, are the characteristics related to the “Strength / Activity” factor. The qualities belonging to the “Competence” factor are also at the level above the average.
On the contrary, the moral qualities of V.Putin, from the point of view of survey participants, have a critically low level of development and for some positions occupy a border position at the junction of morality and immorality (“clean - dirty”, “light - dark”, “close to the people - far from the people ").
Among the age categories of survey participants, the younger generation most senior to V. Putin is under the age of 30. The middle generation at the age of 30-50 years, on the contrary, is most critical in the assessments of V. Putin, especially with regard to his moral qualities.

Food for thought
Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who disputes the thesis about the role of personality in history. At all times there were figures who influenced the fate of countries and peoples. It is enough to recall the still-recent history of our common homeland - the USSR. Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, Yeltsin ... Each of them contributed to the building of a socialist state — some in formation and development, some in stagnation and decline, and some in collapse.
Now in the post-Soviet space, there are many state, political and public figures who are also capable, by virtue of their position, to influence the development vector of their countries. By and large, their activity is still carried out under the influence of two tendencies that have declared themselves fully during the crisis and collapse of the Soviet Union:

  • The external trend is the subversive activity of Western countries, primarily the United States and Britain, aimed at the further collapse of Russia and its closest historical partners, with the goal of gaining control over human and natural resources.
  • The internal tendency is a catastrophic substitution of public, state ownership of private ownership, followed by the predatory privatization of the national wealth by a narrow circle of limited people.

In fact, at the basis of both trends lies the same self-serving motive - to lay a hand on someone else's good, to enrich themselves by plunder and theft. The only difference is that in the first case we are talking about international thieves, and in the second - about homegrown. Whatever it was, at the end of the twentieth century, the party-state elite in a cynical and rude form simply raped the rest of the people, showing them the dominant mores and value orientations for the near future. Over the past two decades, the new balance of forces in the appellate order, so to say "by default", has taken root and sprouted in society, sprouting, on the one hand, liberalism, democracy and globalization according to Western attitudes and, on the other hand, cronyism, corruption, bureaucracy lawlessness and theft according to the recipes of domestic bottling.
Here, as it is not difficult to notice, there is a certain conflict of interests, leading to confrontation and dislike for each other of domestic “thieves in law” and international predators. This is understandable, because one trough is difficult to get along with two hungry bands of robbers. This suggests a simple conclusion - homegrown "thieves in law", at a certain point in time, in order to protect themselves and the trough from the "raptors", are forced to make efforts to strengthen the country and its defense capability. In other words, in the face of an external threat, their interests, albeit formally, begin to coincide with the interests of the people. This does not mean that the process of internal public looting and personal enrichment stops. It continues, but controlled by, so that the necessary and sufficient minimum remains for the needs of the country and its people.
These are modern realities that any government-political or public figure has to face and in which he has to act, even if he sincerely protects the public interest. As for mercenary functionaries, it is clear that none of them will frankly and frankly admit that they are a conductor of the interests of the West, or use an authoritative and administrative resource for their own enrichment and promotion of members of their clan. On the contrary, they will by all means mimicry under patriotic forces, finding a decent, socially significant legend to their actions.
Under these conditions, as already noted here, of all three assessment criteria found and used in this project (strength / activity, morality and competence), the key role belongs to the criterion MORALrevealing the internal attitudes and value orientations of state-political and public figures. Almost like the Apostle Paul, who spoke in his First Epistle to the Corinthians: “And now these three abide: faith, hope, love; but love is more of them. "

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  1. Yoshkin Kot
    21 May 2012 10: 23
    n-dya, I read it, I didn’t understand, sorry for 40 numb laughing
    but most of all, beckoning "pleased" the presence of Prokhorov on the same lists with Dzhugashvilli, Putin, Zhukov, what, then somehow crooked, it's like comparing wet with blue
    1. +3
      21 May 2012 10: 43
      Quote: Yoshkin Cat
      somehow crooked, it's like comparing wet to blue

      You try again to re-read what methods and how were used in the analysis.
      1. S_mirnov
        21 May 2012 10: 48
        Well, putting Putin next to Stalin is a direct insult to the deceased!

        Article sucks.
    2. +9
      21 May 2012 10: 52
      If you discard the graphs that frighten you, then the conclusion is simple-Russia is returning to original values ​​.. That's all ...
      1. Yoshkin Kot
        21 May 2012 10: 58
        Thank you, but you can just as easily, but a little bit deployed? (and then graduated from high school, we are rural) feel
        1. gojesi
          21 May 2012 17: 10
          Quote: Yoshkin Cat
          But can it be just as simple, but a little bit more detailed?

          ... more than 160 members of the forum took part in the survey. The sample was made according to the criteria of "friend or foe", "bad-good", "moral-immoral", "competent-incompetent". etc.
          An analysis of the answers showed that most members of the forum (section of society, society) approve a return to collectivist, socialist, and not liberal-capitalist values. An analysis of the evaluation of the activities of slandered figures such as I.V. Stalin shows that the people do not believe the Jewish propaganda of the blackened Leader. Age-related algorithms are also shown. Most adults or older ones are more cautious in their judgments, younger ones up to 30 are most impatient, and the average age is 40-50, anyway :)
          Studying is not a shame, Yoshkin Kot, wink asking is not shameful, ashamed - not to know and not to learn.
      2. Cadet787
        21 May 2012 16: 22
        After the appointment of "Storetkin", Russia returns to a dead end .........
        1. 755962
          21 May 2012 16: 47
          Again, it is worth remembering the old man Kant and his "moral law" inside ...
          1. 916-th
            22 May 2012 08: 14
            755962: it is worth remembering the old man Kant and his "moral law" inside ...

            A very pertinent remark, Eugene! Moral qualities and values ​​are the cornerstone criterion for evaluating not only politicians, but also every person in our society.

            After all, the wormhole in souls and hearts did not appear suddenly and immediately. The changes began in Soviet times and affected not only the leaders of the country, but also ordinary members of society. Many, very many tried to fit into the egoistic structure of the relationship "you are me - I am you", which appeared during the times of stagnation.

            The collapse of the Union and privatization, in my opinion, only de facto legalized the egoistic principles of relations at the level of peoples (parade of sovereignty) and individuals (oligarchs, brothers, thieves, corrupt officials, etc.).

            Then an abscess burst, which was not prevented in time, and which filled with pus all the "fish" from head to tail. Now our society is still in a state of crisis, but hopefully this is a crisis of recovery.

            Under these conditions, it is difficult to expect the authorities to display highly moral qualities - after all, the authorities "recover" together with society. But they must do it at a faster pace, otherwise the recovering organism will reject the diseased head and grow a new one for itself. belay

            It is already obvious that this issue will become clear in the next 2-3 years.
      3. Indigo
        23 May 2012 20: 52
        Have you noticed:
        It is symbolic that both leaders (Zhukov and Stalin) of the list personify statesmen of a pronounced socialist orientation. In this regard, one should pay tribute to Alexander Lukashenko, who occupies the third position in the list (1,76), who consistently retains elements of a socialist world outlook in reserved Belarus as opposed to democratic values.
        Maybe this says it all - the socialist system, with its shortcomings, was and remained in our memory as a huge positive in comparison with the crap that we are being subdued now. When I was over 18 years old (OBKhSS), I did not know and did not hear about such a phenomenon as "kickback". This same impudent theft corrodes the body of the state and the brains of people. This capitalism did not give the idea of ​​building a social society.
  2. +2
    21 May 2012 10: 32
    Maybe someone will make a resume? Not for sociologists.
    1. Yoshkin Kot
      21 May 2012 10: 44
      I join, we ask the authors below! feel
  3. +15
    21 May 2012 10: 32
    The long-awaited analysis from Stanislav (916). Honestly, I was waiting for the results of this study with some fear. I really did not want to know that people forgot the truly human values ​​inherent in decent people. After reading the analysis itself, I calmed down. All the same, the country, albeit excruciatingly painful, is selected from the pro-Western liberistic swamp imposed on us by sworn friends and its henchmen in the person of the EBN and its young reformers. The historical and mental essence of Russia is fully manifested in this analysis. People gave their preferences to real leaders who in real life have shown and are showing themselves to be real and quite wise leaders and politicians. The false values ​​of the western ambassador are marked completely. Russia needs a strong power oriented towards our historical values. The imperial state of Russia is determined by the internal need of people to feel themselves part of a large and strong empire, which not everyone is given to recreate. Thanks to Stanislav for a deep and unbiased study.
  4. Art111
    21 May 2012 10: 36
    Stalin, again Stalin. Even the defector Suvorov wrote in his book that Lenin left a legacy of bloodless Russia. And 10 years later, in front of the defeated Europe, a strong state appeared practically from the ashes, in ten years a new elite and a huge number of specialists from the people were brought up. The methods are controversial, but maybe then there were no others.
  5. +9
    21 May 2012 11: 01
    Quote: Victor
    The imperial state of Russia is determined by the internal need of people to feel themselves part of a large and strong empire, which not everyone can recreate.

    Russian (Aryan-Slavic-Eurasian) civilization has always been and should be Great Empire! Otherwise, the death that the plague brings Masonic-Zion world.
    1. Yoshkin Kot
      21 May 2012 11: 17
      Yeah, still the glory of the Lithuanian perkunas was left to exalt and kill the baby feel
  6. +10
    21 May 2012 11: 13
    Thanks to the author. A huge amount of work has been done. The results would be even more significant if they were based on a larger number of respondents. The technique of constructing the survey is noteworthy. Flawless. Avoiding direct ones, such as "no" - "yes", there is a great right to choose the assessment of the persons represented.
    I regret that on employment, I missed participation.
    1. 916-th
      21 May 2012 12: 59
      Papss: I regret that on employment, I missed participation.

      Thank you for rating. I think this is not the last project with the participation of VO site visitors. There will also be an opportunity to participate.
  7. Russian78Patriot
    21 May 2012 12: 02
    Good article. A lot of work has been done. I understand better the results, of course, those who participated in the survey. For the rest, the results are a bit blurry and not understandable ... and here you need to overcome the difficulty barrier and re-read more thoughtfully again, but not many people will. And the results are generally not bad. De-Stalinization in our country did not pass. The people gradually begin to think about what Stalin actually was (begins to read books, articles and documents with memoirs) and it comes to mind that even now it would be nice to transplant all oligarchs and officials, or maybe even shoot them.
    The only thing that still sits in our heads is a distorted attitude towards Beria. Khrushchev's propaganda did a good job. But there is a bunch of materials ... a fabricated case against him that does not hold water. There are documents confirming that after the appointment of Beria, the first thing he canceled was the mass shootings and much more. What do we know now? Ask anyone, the bloody butcher and pervert will say, but there is no confirmation of this. The more I read about Beria, the more I become convinced that his figure was blackened, as did Stalin. Yes, even simple logic suggests that Stalin would have brought Beria so close if the dirt that was poured on him was true or if he had been shot like Yezhov for unrighteous deeds ...
  8. sergskak
    21 May 2012 12: 07
    Hey, tell me something, don’t be fooled. And write about each specific person. How and what, we will decide for ourselves.
  9. dimaas
    21 May 2012 12: 12
    Nevertheless, the results of clustering can hardly be considered satisfactory. The traitor / villain pair must obviously fall into one cluster. And one more conclusion could be curious. It seems to me that if we discard the most odious personalities (Stalin, Ivashov, Chubais, Nemtsov), then the opinions of the other persons will coincide, regardless of the political preferences of the respondents.
  10. 916-th
    21 May 2012 12: 29
    As the author of the project, I will try to answer the most urgent comments:
    Yoshkin Cat:
    but most of all, beckoning "pleased" the presence of Prokhorov on the same lists with Dzhugashvilli, Putin, Zhukov, what, then somehow crooked, it's like comparing wet with blue

    It was originally intended to be included in the list of politicians of various kinds, sizes, colors and shades. The fact that they are together on the same list does not mean that they are put on the same board, or level. Assessing all politicians according to the same criteria (Strength / Activity, Morality and Competence), the survey participants put them in their places. Who turned out to be strong, competent and moral (the same Stalin, for example), and who, on the contrary, was weak, incompetent and immoral (for example, Gorbachev). In general, for each politician from the list there was a place. Sometimes these places are polar, as are the good and evil. Can you compare Good and Evil?

    Maybe someone will make a resume? Not for sociologists.

    I have already begun to answer your question above, I will continue here. In addition to real politicians, such a character as "Ideal politician" was assessed from the point of view of the survey participants. According to the results of the survey, it is possible to assess which of the real politicians is the closest, and who, on the contrary, is the farthest from the "Ideal". So, the closest to the ideal were the figures of the socialist past (Stalin, Zhukov), and the farthest were the "democrats" Gorbachev, Nemtsov, Kasparov, etc. The conclusion suggests itself - people prefer socialist values ​​to democratic ones.

    Well, putting Putin next to Stalin is a direct insult to the deceased!

    You are wrong, take a closer look - Putin is noticeably behind Stalin in strength / activity and competence. Also, take a closer look at Putin’s private assessments based on the Morality criterion, you will understand a lot, I hope.

    Regarding that the article sucks, I want to remind you that this is not an ordinary article with one author. These are the results of a survey of 127 site visitors. If I expressed my personal point of view, you could probably say that you disagree with it. But what you call "crap" is the collective work of site visitors. You, like everyone else, had the opportunity to take part in the survey and thus influence the result. But you preferred to stay on the sidelines and judge from the outside, even without really understanding the essence of the project.

    General remark: the article deliberately did not make any final conclusions, because, this would be my personal interpretation of the results of the survey. But the survey participants themselves are here among us. As they say, they are in the hands of cards.
    1. Yoshkin Kot
      21 May 2012 12: 47
      thank you, I understand everything, sorry for the easy banter feel
    2. +1
      21 May 2012 12: 51
      Quote: 916
      I have already begun to answer your question above

      Thank you, otherwise it’s hard to determine behind these charts (well, it can only be me) and if not hard you can - the characteristics of our Yanyk (vegetable)
      1. 916-th
        21 May 2012 13: 19
        Kars: if not hard you can - the characteristics of our Yanyk (vegetable)

        Yes, Andrey, you can. It will take 5 minutes.
        1. 916-th
          21 May 2012 13: 42
          The results of Viktor Yanukovych:

          Factor "Strength / Activity - Weakness / Passivity" (-0,07)
          1. Active (0,47)
          2. Lead (-034), i.e. slave
          3. Vigorous (0,25)
          4. Decisive (-0,88), i.e. indecisive
          5. Confident (-0,19), i.e. uncertain
          6. Hard (0,25)
          7. Possessing a core (-0,06), i.e. spineless

          Factor “Morality - Immorality” (-1,12)
          1. Pure (-1,31), i.e. dirty
          2. Own (-0,59), i.e. alien
          3. Light (-0,94), i.e. dark
          4. Credible (-1,16), ie suspicious
          5. Close to the people (-1,44), i.e. far from the people
          6. Strengthening the country (-0,88), i.e. destroying the country
          7. Inspiring hope (-1,50), i.e. frustrating

          Factor “Competence - Incompetence” (-0,61)
          1. Competent (-0,34), i.e. incompetent
          2. Farsighted (-1,09), i.e. myopic
          3. Seen in the root (-1,03), ie surface
          4. With the king in his head (-0,53), i.e. empty
          5. Outstanding (-0,78), mediocre
          6. Skillful (-0,78), i.e. unskillful
          7. Experienced (0,28)
          1. dimaas
            21 May 2012 14: 34
            The legitimacy of using averages in obtaining estimates is highly doubtful. I am sure that the distribution of opinions among the most odious figures is far from normal. So, you should use other criteria (possibly ranked). Perhaps the results will be completely different.
            1. 916-th
              21 May 2012 14: 42
              dimaas: the distribution of opinions among the most odious figures is far from normal

              A colleague, for odious figures (see Putin's results), the mean square deviations were calculated, which are a measure of the dispersion of the average estimates.
              1. dimaas
                21 May 2012 14: 58
                I will explain the essence of my questions. It would be interesting to know by which figures the greatest agreement of opinion was obtained.
                Well, the technical note is that in the case of an abnormality in the distribution of opinions, the use of both mean and standard deviations can lead to incorrect estimates.
                But this is so - a half-dabbler grumbling (I have not been involved in statistics for more than 20 years). But in general - you have a huge respect for the work done.
                1. 916-th
                  21 May 2012 17: 07
                  dimaas: on which figures the greatest agreement of opinions was obtained

                  I'll try to quickly calculate the database recourse
                  1. 916-th
                    21 May 2012 18: 18
                    dimaas: It would be interesting to know by which figures the greatest agreement of opinion was obtained.

                    Dmitry Anatolyevich, I satisfy your interest.

                    People with the most uniform ratings:
                    1) Nazarbayev
                    2) Lukashenko
                    3) Stalin
                    4) Nemtsov
                    5) Zhukov
                    6) Lavrov
                    7) Rogozin

                    The defendants with the most controversial ratings:
                    1) Zyuganov (according to the competency factor)
                    2) Yeltsin (strength / activity)
                    3) Khrushchev (competencies)
                    4) Serdyukov (strength / activity)
                    5) Medvedev (morality)
                    6) Mironov (morality)
                    7) Prokhorov (competencies)
                    1. dimaas
                      21 May 2012 21: 18
                      Oh how unexpected belay I just thought that according to Stalin, Nemtsov, Rogozin there will be the most controversial opinions, and according to the last seven the most uniform.
    3. mar.tira
      21 May 2012 18: 27
      Quote: 916
      people prefer socialist values ​​to democratic ones.
      Thank you Stanislav for the work done! I assumed something like this, the alignment in the thoughts and thoughts of our people.
    4. +6
      21 May 2012 19: 12
      Quote: 916
      The conclusion suggests itself - people prefer socialist values ​​to democratic ones.

      Is one contrary to the other? Born in the USSR, I never thought that I was living in a non-democratic state. I know that many will say that the USSR was totalitarian, but no one can dispute that the ideals in the name of which our state was created were not democratic.
      1. 916-th
        21 May 2012 19: 34
        Arthur, I agree with you regarding the USSR, he himself lived there most of his life. But democracy is different. I had in mind Western recipes of democracy and liberalism intended for import into other countries. Pure water double standards.
  11. gojesi
    21 May 2012 14: 33
    in my opinion we all need to support and congratulate the Author on the enormous work done !!! Stanislav is a decent, hardworking, conscientious, intelligent and educated patriotic man.
    For those who just read the above printed article and "did not understand anything" I explain - this is a report. To understand everything, you must first familiarize yourself with the "Evaluation file".
    Most of the respondents to the figure of Stalin are not the way I am. I would never put Zhukov and Old Man above Joseph Vissarionovich! Yes, these are normal, good people, but the level of their activity is not that of I.V. the scale of the tasks to be solved is incomparably narrower ... Then Zhukov did not speak without a mat ... The more the mat was in Russian, the more marginal the poor and wretched man himself ... This is his inner World ... Zhukov did not spare people. .. Although I have not lost a single battle ... I am glad that young people, up to 30, quite adequately and clearly assess the role of I.V. in the history of Russia ... I also assess the role of Putin in the recent history of Russia somewhat higher than the bulk of the forum users ... Once again, many thanks to Stanislav for the great work done.
    1. DavidLinch2012
      21 May 2012 15: 01
      I will also give advice to learn Excel and do cluster analysis ourselves.
      If you have enough strength, take the risk of carrying out the "factorial" method, also known as the "principal component method"
      Author titanic work !!!!
      As the saying goes "Honor and Glory"
      And thank you for the link to the "notes of the old general" Solovyov. Well said!
    2. Yoshkin Kot
      21 May 2012 15: 21
      it is, yes!
  12. +1
    21 May 2012 17: 07
    scientists are able to analyze and summarize ... and you understand how you want! What would not offend anyone ..
  13. +1
    21 May 2012 20: 05
    Thanks to Stanislav for his work! I have been waiting for the result for a long time. I confess more than satisfied! We are on the right track! Thanks again. drinks
  14. Boba
    21 May 2012 21: 47
    I was struck by the assessment and the almost unanimous opinion:
    Gorbachev, Serdyukov - a temporary worker.
    Mironov, Medvedev, Yanukovych - amateur.
    Chubais, Prokhorov, Bulk - a scoundrel, a destroyer. Bulk + offset to the traitor laughing
    Kasparov, Nemtsov - between a traitor and a scoundrel, a destroyer.
    Nazarbayev, Putin is close to the master.
    Ivashov, Lavrov are close to the master.
    Rogozin is a master (I think so far, in advance).
    Beria, Zhirinovsky between the dictator and the villain, the destroyer. My personal opinion, Khrushchev tried. Beria was not very different from the other members of the Politburo by his bloody nature. But in his business acumen, he had no peers, except for Stalin. Nuclear bomb, pr-in aircraft and much that he organized. I thought the assessment would be closer to the dictator.
    Also, the assessment of Stalin. However, gojesi (1) wrote about this well.

    Thanks to Stanislav! Very informative. And it is not his fault that the estimates have in places a large spread and bias.
    I think if the number of participants would be about 1000, more accurate estimates would be obtained. Forum users! Take an active part in the polls, our opinion is a contribution to the fight against counterfeiters.
  15. 0
    21 May 2012 21: 59
    The main thing is not the method, the main result is!
  16. 916-th
    22 May 2012 09: 27
    I am very glad that most commentators quite adequately perceived the results of the survey and dealt with them. Special thanks to Victor, Alexander (Gojesi), Eugene (755962), Russian78Patriot, Papss, Dmitry Anatolyevich (dimaas), Vladimir (Boba) for constructive comments.

    I understand that the methods of analysis and the form of presentation of the results are somewhat unusual for an unprepared perception. But such is the specificity of the subject of the study - the assessment of state and political figures - an unknown area, often carefully veiled and therefore requiring non-standard approaches.

    I would like to focus your attention on another point, well noted by Vladimir (Boba):
    I think if the number of participants would be about 1000, more accurate estimates would be obtained. Forum users! Take an active part in the polls, our opinion is a contribution to the fight against counterfeiters.

    I think our common site is beginning to outgrow children's pants for the exchange of individual opinions. I don’t argue, it’s useful to express your thoughts and hear others. But much more useful co-create general intellectual product and build further discussion is already based on it.

    In addition, you probably already noticed that when discussing the results of the polls there are much fewer provocative throws, manipulative influences and low-content comments. It is more difficult to argue with the generalized opinion of many, since it is more objective than subjective.

    There are ideas regarding the continuation of the practice of non-standard polls among visitors to the Voennoye Obozreniye site. In particular, such a theme as "People and Power" is emerging. But all this will only make sense if there is a broader, more active participation of site visitors. All this is in a separate article.
    1. +2
      22 May 2012 13: 12
      Quote: 916
      In addition, you probably already noticed that when discussing the results of the polls there are much fewer provocative throws, manipulative influences and low-content comments. It is more difficult to argue with the generalized opinion of many, since it is more objective than subjective.

      Stanislav, I welcome you! I fully agree with you. Moreover, I would very much like that such a practice would bring our favorite site to the level of one of the most important Internet platforms in the CIS in the field of defense, military-industrial complex and military-strategic analysis of the state of the world. In my opinion, a circle of people has already been selected who can begin to form similar materials on the site. And your innovative methodologies are capable of providing invaluable assistance in this. I think that the admins will support us in this, as well as forum users.
    2. Indigo
      23 May 2012 21: 10
      Quote: 916
      as "People and Power". But all this will only make sense if there is a broader, more active participation of site visitors. All this is in a separate article.

      Stanislav! You have already started and stop in this direction there is no sense or logic. We (I hope that they will support me) will help you and hand you cards ( but without scam! )! Waiting, sir!
      For the work done - thanks! Good luck
    22 May 2012 10: 11
    Unfortunately, I was late to comment, but better late than never.
    He participated in the survey. Honestly, the results largely coincided with my assumptions. I was surprised by several points:
    1. Zhukov as a politician (and the characters were evaluated precisely as politicians) turned out to be higher than Stalin.
    2. Very low score Beria. He intended to see somewhere near Stalin.
    3. A very high assessment of Khrushchev, he expected that the maize will be in the same company with German Gorbachev and Anal.
  18. Gardarica
    2 June 2012 09: 59
    Let it be with a delay, but I will also express my opinion winked
    Firstly, Stanislav is great, he organized and carried out quite a lot of work, let alone the analysis and evaluation of the results, a separate one, as they say "respect and respect" good
    Secondly, the results coincided with the expected ones, both on the site as a whole and on the assessment of one’s own point of view
    And thirdly, I would also like to see the results of such a poll, for example, among visitors to Kommersant, Echo and other similar resources. I wonder what criteria will be the greatest match and difference.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"