Fight for the Second World War (end)

Fight for the Second World War (end)

In the previous section, it was shown that after the First World War, the United States used the debts of former allies to sponsorship of the coming to power of the fascists in Italy and Germany. In addition, the Americans invested heavily in the German industry. When the media says that these investments in industry were made in order to get high profits, they lie to us. Investments in heavy and defense industries have long payback periods. And where in the impoverished Germany could there be huge financial resources for the design and production of military equipment?

Since the United States and Britain were actively pushing Germany toward a world war, investments could not pay off in our understanding: in the form of profits in the near future. However, after the redistribution of influence in Europe as a result of the new world war, super-high profits could appear, and the only superpower could appear - the United States. Naturally, the Americans did not need strong countries such as England, France and the USSR. All of them were destined to the fate of poor allies of the States or victims. The ambitious goal required large financial investments and diplomatic dodge. The casualties caused by World War did not matter ...

We will continue consideration of the calendar of events.

26.07 - Germany offered the USSR to harmonize common interests in Eastern Europe.

27.07 - Britain and France discussed a preparatory period with the USSR for further military negotiations.

29.07 - England again offered Germany an informal meeting.

The USSR spoke in favor of improving relations with Germany.

02.08 - in negotiations with Britain and France, the USSR reaffirmed its position on "indirect aggression."

03.08 - Germany once again offered to improve relations with the USSR on the basis of mutual interests in Europe.

England again invited Germany to conclude a non-aggression pact, non-interference agreement and economic agreements.

04.08 - USSR agreed to continue the exchange of views with Germany.

Recording a 7.8.39 conversation: "Currently the decision is made. This year we will have a war with Poland ... After Woltat’s visit to London, Hitler is convinced that in the event of a conflict England will remain neutral. Negotiations between the Western powers and Moscow are unfavorable for us. But this, for Hitler, is another argument in favor of speeding up the action against Poland. Hitler tells himself that at present Britain, France and the Soviet Union have not yet united; it will take a lot of time for the participants of the Moscow talks to reach agreement between the General Staff therefore, Germany must first strike first. The deployment of German troops against Poland and the concentration of necessary funds will be completed between 15 and 20 August. Starting from August 25, you should reckon with the beginning of the military action against Poland... »

07.08 - the representative of England Strang left Moscow, which meant the end of political negotiations.

During the secret meeting English businessmen with Goring London an offer was made agree on the basis of recognition of German interests in the East.

8-10 August - the USSR received information that Germany’s interests extend to Lithuania and Western Poland, Romania, without Bessarabia. But the USSR must withdraw from the treaty with Britain and France.

11.08 - the Soviet leadership agreed to negotiate with Germany on these issues.

On the same day, the military missions of England and France arrived.

14.08 in negotiations with the military missions of Britain and France, the question was raised about the passage of the Red Army through Poland and Romania in the event of a war with Germany.

Continued the sounding of improving relations with Germany by Britain, France and Poland.

12.08 Hitler gave the order to start concentrating the Wehrmacht against Poland (appointed "Day X" on 26.08.39 g.).

Special message. "Black", 12.8.39: "According to verified data, Germany conducts military preparations, which must be completed by August 15. The call of reservists and the formation of reserve units are carried out on a large scale and in disguise.

15 August is expected to issue the order "Spannung" throughout Germany. These are very serious mobilization measures. A strike against Poland is being prepared by the 1 Army - 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 17 and 18 army corps and east-oriented armored divisions. In the west, only defensive measures are held. German military circles expect that Poland will once again be offered a peaceful resolution of the issue. In any case, it was decided to end this issue this year.
... »

13.08 - Germany asked the USSR to speed up negotiations.

13-18 August in Poland announced the mobilization of nine divisions.

Special message, "Black", 13.8.39: "So far, it is believed that we should not expect the active intervention of England and France and that the conflict will be local. A large number of troops will be immediately thrown against Poland - up to the 50 divisions. States of divisions intended to speak out against Poland will soon be brought to wartime... »

14.08 - New Unofficial proposal England Germany provided for the division of spheres of interest (Germany - Eastern Europe, England - its empire).

Poland, the allies, despite the treaty obligations, decided to give Hitler. At the same time, the declaration of the war by the allies to Hitler in the future, according to the author, was an advance prepared scenario of the start of world wars. After Eastern Europe, the next country to attack was to be the Soviet Union, and the Allies would calmly wait for the weakening of Germany. And at a convenient moment to secure Hitler against the wall with an agreement on the direction of all the efforts of the military machine only against the USSR, having entered the allied alliance with the rights of a participant with the rights of a boy to run errands ...

15.08 - Germany handed over broad proposals to the USSR and raised the question of Ribbentrop's arrival in Moscow.

The USSR proposed to consider the issues of guarantees to the Baltic countries.

16.08 - English ministry aviation informally notified Germany, that the option is possible when England will declare war, but military actions will not be conductedif Germany quickly breaks Poland.

17.08 - negotiations with the military missions of England and France were interrupted due to the lack of authority to resolve these issues.

Germany accepted all the proposals of the USSR and asked to speed up the negotiations.

17-19 August England and France clarified the position of Poland regarding the passage of the Soviet troops. Poland categorically rejects cooperation with the USSR.

19.08 - Germany announced its agreement to consider everything that the USSR wishes.

21.08 - the British-French-Soviet negotiations are stalled.

22.8.39 Chamberlain's letter to Hitler"In the opinion of the EV government, the need to take these measures is caused by reports from Germany about troop movements and the fact that the publication of the German-Soviet agreement seems to be viewed by some circles in Berlin as an indication that the British intervention is on the side of Poland is no longer a reality to be reckoned with. Greater error could not be made.

Whatever the essence of the German-Soviet agreement, it cannot change the obligations of Great Britain in relation to Poland, the obligations that the government of E.V. repeatedly proclaimed publicly and clearly and which it is determined to perform.

Indicated that if government E.V. made its position in 1914 more clear, a great disaster would have been prevented. Is this assumption correct or not, but the government is E.V. decided that in the present case no such tragic misunderstanding would occur.

If this happens, the government has decided and is ready to immediately apply all the forces at its disposal; and it is impossible to foresee the end of hostile actions once begun ...

Having thus made our position completely clear, I want to repeat to you that a war between our two peoples would be the greatest possible evil

Special message. Arbin 22.08.19: "It was ordered that all embassy employees (including “Aryan”), with the exception of five officials, should leave Poland in the next 2-3 of the day. In the event of a war, "KHTs" temporarily among the five officials will remain in Warsaw. He was transferred to the main building of the embassy. "Alta", "ABC" and "LCL" 21 August went to Berlin ...»

23.08 - Ribbentrop arrived in Moscow, and on the night of 24.08 a Soviet-German non-aggression pact and a secret additional protocol was signed. Hitler gives the order to attack Poland

24.08 - Waiting for Goering to Negotiations in England.

Special message. Xnumx: "The British press with all the strength blames Hitler for acting at the moment. not like it is written in his book “My Struggle". Judging by the Times, it seems that the British are sick most of all, that the Soviet-German pact made a breakthrough of the anti-Comintern front. The seal proves that at present Japan and Italy, as well as Spain, must move away from Germany and move closer to England.

News Chronicle from 24.8. writes that one thing is clear: the center of world diplomacy has moved to Moscow. Moscow alone can decide whether or not to be a war.

At night, Chamberlain personally had a conversation with all the owners of the main newspapers on 22.8, and it is characteristic from this that the tone of the press has changed dramatically since 23.8. But today this tone of print is characterized by:

1. It emphasizes the hardness of England in complying with its obligations towards Poland ...

2. Germany is exposed as a fake member of the anti-Comintern front, expressing full sympathy to Japan, Italy, Spain and Hungary as victims of Germany’s treachery. It is stated that at the present time it’s not about who Danzig will belong to, but about the fact that Germany wants to dominate Europe and that England, because of its “devotion to democratic traditions”, cannot allow this ...

The following events are currently held here:

1. Secretly carry out the mobilization of air defense units of the territorial army.

2. A number of units of the regular army (4 infantry division) leaves the camp, where according to the plan they were supposed to be up to 5 — 6.9.

3. The English bank increased the discount rate from 2 to 4%.

4. Many museums in London are closed, there is a package of valuables for evacuation.

5. With 22.8. noticeable lack of any training flights of the air force.

6. 23.8 The Ministry of Civil Defense indicated that the public should immediately prepare blackout measures for homes and businesses.

7. 23.8 Department of Commerce issued the following regulations:

a) All licenses issued for the export of military materials are not valid until October 1.

b) The following materials may be exported only upon receipt of a special permit: non-ferrous metals in general, including scrap, cotton, flax, jute, rubber, oils, oil, gunpowder, etc.

8. In the London police leave is terminated, and all vacationers are called into service.

9. At the mouth of the river Tyne already set mine barriers.

10. The English shipowners are delaying the departure of ships to both Germany and other ports. The ship with the cargo, which was on its way to Hamburg, is going back on the radio.

11. English subjects asked to leave Germany ...

Last night, Chamberlain and Halifax declared that England would not back down from her word, she would fight for Poland. But is it really hard to say whether England will enter the war
... "

25.08 - USSR declared that further Anglo-French negotiations lose meaning.

England signed a mutual assistance agreement with Poland, but no military agreement was concluded.

In Germany, they learned about the Anglo-Polish treaty, and the attack on Poland was canceled.

If, in a few days, Britain and France would declare the beginning of a full-scale war with Germany in the event of aggression against Poland, then the September 1 world war could have taken a different path unknown to us. But, it was unprofitable to the USA and England.

25.8.39. Hitler's appeal to Chamberlain"The assertion that Germany intends to conquer the whole world is ridiculous. The British Empire covers 40 million square meters. km, Russia —19 mln. km, America - 9,5 mln. km, while Germany covers less than 600 thousand square meters. km It is clear who exactly wants to conquer the world....

The problem of Danzig and Corridor must be solved. The British Prime Minister delivered a speech that was not designed for it in the least. to bring about any change in the German position. The biggest result of this speech could be a bloody war between Germany and England. Such a war will be more bloody than the 1914 — 1918 war. In contrast to the last war, Germany will not have to fight on two fronts.

The agreement with Russia unconditionally means a change in Germany’s foreign policy, a change designed for a very long period. Russia and Germany will never again wage war against each other. In addition, the agreement reached with Russia gives Germany economic security during the longest possible period of the war ...

The Fuhrer ... accepts the British Empire and is ready to give his personal consent to its continued existence and to put at its disposal the power of the German state, provided that:

1) his colonial requirements, which are limited and can be discussed peacefully, will be fulfilled, for which he is ready to establish the longest terms;

2) its obligations towards Italy remain inviolable; in other words, he does not demand that England renounce her obligations towards France, and he, in turn, cannot depart from her obligations towards Italy;

3) he also wants to emphasize Germany’s indispensable determination to never again come into conflict with Russia. The Fuhrer is ready to conclude agreements with England, which, as already emphasized, not only guarantee the existence of the British Empire in all circumstances to the extent that it depends on Germany, but they will also conclude. if necessary, the assurance of the British Empire of German assistance, regardless of where such assistance would be necessary

26.08 to 4-30. France decides to support Poland, but the Supreme Council of Defense decided that no military action would be taken against Germany.

26.08 - the military missions of England and France left Moscow.

Britain and France recommended Poland to order the troops to refrain from an armed response to German provocations.

In England, called 35000 reservists.

From London to Berlin received information that Britain does not intervene in the military conflict between Germany and Poland.

In Poland, began a hidden mobilization of the main forces.

28.08 - Hitler appoints a new term of war with Poland - 1 September 1940 of the year.

29.08 - Germany has agreed to England for direct negotiations with Poland on the terms of the transfer of Danzig, a plebiscite in the "Polish corridor" and guarantees of new borders of Poland by Germany, Italy, England, France and the USSR.

Germany notified Moscow about negotiations with England over Poland.

Poland was preparing to start an open mobilization. England and France insisted on moving mobilization to 31.08so as not to provoke Germany.

30.08 - England reaffirmed its agreement to influence Poland on the condition that there would be no war. but London has not notified the leadership of Poland about the proposals of Germany. Dragged time?

31.08 - London notified Berlin of the approval of the direct German-Polish negotiations, which were to begin some time later.

Hitler signs a directive on the September 9 attack on Poland on 1-4.

On the same day, the German proposals were transferred to Poland from London.

In 12-00, Warsaw declared to London that it was ready for negotiations with Berlin, provided that Germany and Poland guaranteed non-use of force, “preserved” the situation in Danzig, and also that England would support Poland in the negotiations.

The Polish government was confident that Germany would not start a war. Who could convince them of this? Only "allies" - England and France. The ruling elite of England already knew that they would not actively participate in the war with Germany - the time had not come yet ...

31.8.39 in 18-00 Ribbentrop, in an interview with the Polish ambassador, stated that there was no extraordinary ombudsman from Warsaw and refused further negotiations.

In 21-15 - 21-45, Germany officially presented its proposals to Poland to the ambassadors of England, France and the United States and stated that Warsaw had refused to negotiate.

Italy notified England, France that it would not fight.

As of summer 1939, Germany had 52,5 divisions (it is assumed that one division is equal to two brigades), 30679 guns and mortars, 3419 tanks and 3959 aircraft.

The Anglo-French-Polish troops for the same period were (in brackets are data on the Polish armed forces): 103,5 (36) divisions, over 44546 (near 5000) guns and mortars, 4720 (887) tanks and 9896 (824) aircraft. What was the fear of Poland with such strong and convincing allies? Only these allies themselves ...

In 4-30 h. 1.09.1939 Germany attacked Poland. The Second World War began (and let England and France enter the war a little later, the war began, and it could not be stopped, because it was contrary to the interests of the American-British elite ...).

After 16 hours after the outbreak of hostilities, the British Ambassador told Ribbentrop: “If the German government does not give His Majesty’s Government. satisfactory assurances that it will stop all aggressive actions against Poland and is not ready to immediately withdraw troops from Polish territory, then the government of E.V. in the United Kingdom, it would not hesitate to fulfill its obligations towards Poland. ”

Half an hour later, a note of the same content was presented to Ribbentrop by the French ambassador. Having demanded the suspension of hostilities and the withdrawal of German troops from Poland, the British and French Foreign Ministries rushed to assure that these notes are preventive in nature and are not ultimatums.

On the morning of September 1, the English king signed a decree on mobilizing the army, fleet and aviation.

On the same day, a decree on general mobilization in France was signed.

In Berlin, these events were regarded as a bluff: Hitler was sure that even if the British Empire and France declared war on Germany, they would not start serious military actions.

Chamberlain and Daladier appealed to Mussolini for mediation, pinned his hopes on an agreement with the aggressor at a conference with the participation of England, France, Germany and Italy. Germany rejected collusion.

The internal situation in England and France has changed dramatically since the fall of 1938. Chamberlain and Daladier, for all their short-sightedness, could not but understand that an open refusal to fulfill their obligations towards Poland, and a new shameful capitulation to Hitler, would arouse the indignation of the peoples that could sweep the governments of Britain and France.

On September 2, the British government instructed its ambassador in Berlin to ultimately demand from Germany the cessation of hostilities in Poland and the withdrawal of German troops.

Following these instructions, the ambassador handed 3 September an ultimatum to Germany. The French ultimatum was presented to Germany on the same day. In response, Ribbentrop stated: "Germany rejects the ultimatums of England and France ...". Ambassadors announced that England was at war with Germany from 11 3 September clocks, and France from 17 hours.

Speaking at the September 3 Commons, Chamberlain said that England was at war with Germany. “Today,” he lamented, “is a sad day for all of us, and especially for me. Everything that I worked for, everything that I had hoped for, everything that I believed in throughout my political life, turned into ruins. ” All his plans to provoke a German attack on the USSR failed.

Churchill at the time accused Hitler of “betrayed an anti-communist, anti-Bolshevik affair».

After the declaration of war by the metropolis, the British dominions entered the war with Germany: September 3 - Australia, New Zealand; September 6 - Union of South Africa; September 10 - Canada, as well as India.

Germany found itself at war with a coalition of countries of the British Empire, France and Poland. However, in fact, military actions took place only on the territory of Poland.

Hitler was not mistaken, saying to his confidants about the policies of Britain and France: "Although they declared war on us ... it does not mean that they will actually fight". Directive No. 2 OKV of 3 September was based on the idea of ​​continuing large-scale operations in Poland and passive waiting in the West.

On September 7, the Polish military attache in France, in his report to Warsaw, stated: “There is no war in the west. Neither the French nor the Germans are shooting at each other ... There are no aviation actions ... The French are not conducting further mobilization ... and are awaiting the results of the battle in Poland". At that time, the border with Germany was 78 french divisions against 44 Germanic.

Polish military mission arrived in London on September 3, and took it only on September 9. The Polish mission announced that the 10 numbers to Romania would arrive on a steamer carrying 44 aircraft for Poland - this was false information. The British refused the sending of airplanes directly to Polish airfields.

September 15 the British said that all the aid to Poland could amount to 10 thousand machine guns and 15-20 million cartridges, which can only be delivered through 5-6 months. The British knew that Poland was left to exist no more than two weeks. It is strange that the Poles forgave England for such behavior - or they simply didn’t ask the simple people what to do ... "Thrown" the Poles are shaved. Similarly, France and England would have set up the USSR, conclude Moscow with an agreement with them ...

September 8 began fighting for Warsaw.

On September 9, units of the nine French divisions of the 4 and 5 armies at the front of 25 km, began advancing into the front of the Siegfried line east of Saarbrücken, without encountering resistance from the German forces. German troops were ordered to evade battle and retreat to the line of fortifications. The French troops went deep in three days to a depth of 7-8 km.

12.09.39 French troops received an order to stop the offensive due to the rapid development of events in Poland.

September 15 German troops took Brest, and 16.09 - Bialystok, approached Lviv and Vladimir-Volyn.

The Polish campaign of the Red Army took place from 7 to September 29.

3-4 in October, the French troops left the territory of Germany, and by October 16, the German troops again approached the border of France.

The events in Europe and the victory of the Red Army in Mongolia caused a crush in Japan.

Special message “Ramsay”"13.9.39:"The fact that Japanese troops were severely beaten on the Mongolian border is well known here ...

Major Scholl ... is trying to incite the General Staff to conclude a non-aggression treaty with the USSR.
Nakano, Hashimoto and retired Kobayashi’s radical groups are campaigning hard for a non-aggression pact ...

On the other hand, there are even voices demanding an attack on Vladivostok. In the event that even if the Soviet Union will be in close relations with Germany and will be bound by a military treaty on the western front, the danger, despite the very opposite opinion of Major Scholl with respect to Japan on the USSR1, is still not excluded.

Especially because the declaration of war with England made a strong impression on Japan, which at present is not quite sure of the real strength of England and the outcome of the war.
... »

Poland is practically defeated, and its "allies" were not going to provide assistance. The refusal of the USSR to bring troops into eastern Poland would entail the seizure of this territory by Germany. Since all the parties solved only their personal interests, it is also fair that the USSR solved its tasks. Our country, the Anglo-French predetermined the role of the victim ...

Back in 1938, Poland gladly wanted to become an equal ally of Germany and rush to the Germans with our Germans. Only the Germans did not need such an ally ... The Polish leadership chose their own destiny for the population of their country, playing on the side of two-faced allies.

The events with Austria, Czechoslovakia show that Britain and France by all means tried to avoid a full-scale war with Germany, exposing any Eastern European country to the blow. They dreamed that Germany would fight with the USSR, leaving France and England aside. That is why these countries themselves in every way tried to conclude a non-aggression treaty with Germany.

In Europe, there was a war between France and the British Empire against Hitler Germany, which these countries (by order of their overseas partner, who later became their master), were nurtured and strengthened. It is very interesting that pages from Goebbels’s diaries disappeared from the beginning of January to 9 of October 1939. And then the British intelligence services began to fuss, hiding the true role of England in unleashing the 2 World War II ...

If you look at the calendar of events 1939 year, it becomes clear that intelligence of all countries had enough complete information about the actions of rivals. Similar actions of different countries are repeated through the 1-2 of the day. All parties tried to realize their interests: England - to stay away from the approaching war, leaving France and Poland to the mercy.

After the defeat of Poland, Germany had a common border with the USSR, and it was possible to set these countries after each other. Poland was confident of support from France and England. The USSR did not want to be left alone against Germany and England, to which France and Poland could join. Poland dreamed of becoming an equal ally of Germany, creating a country from “sea to sea”, but Germany was not going to offer it to her. The United States, enriched in the Great War, also decided its interests. The world was every man for himself and wanted to rise significantly at the expense of other countries. And there it was not important, whether allies or opponents ...

The events of the period under review resemble those of the present. As Churchill said, Hitler "betrayed the anti-communist, anti-Bolshevik affair." It turned out that for the sake of the “great goal” it was possible to “betray” their allies, and the “great goal” is higher than the state interests of individual countries. Only the “great goal” is the financial interests of some foreign countries ... Now there are no communists and Bolsheviks in power in Russia (they are not the same as they were before), but the “great goal” (anti-Russian) unites Europe. Why? So the goal is not to overthrow the government and bring in the "democracy" on the bayonets. The global elite just need our territory ...

Consider the events taking place before the summer of 1940. From this period, we considered Soviet intelligence reconnaissance materials in the cycle “The Unexpected War of Nazi Germany and the USSR”. Thus, both articles are closed for a sufficiently long period of time.

Report of the commander of the troops of the LVO 29.10.39: "I present the plan of the operation to crush the land and sea forces of the Finnish army. The plan is based on the following considerations.

1. According to intelligence data, the Finnish army has completed mobilization for 21.10.39. It was called for 18 reservists from 22 to 40 years. Schutzkorovtsy called up to 50 years. Total conscripted to 260 thousand people. In addition, information was obtained about the 5 call for ages of militia from 40 to 50 years ...

To date, up to six infantry divisions have been identified. Considering that, according to peacetime calculations, it was expected up to ten traffic regulations, we can assume three or four traffic regulations in reserve ...
... »

October 31 1939, the Minister of Supply of England, wrote to the Minister of Foreign Affairs: “If you destroy the Russian oil fields, not only Russia will lose oil, but any Russian ally who hopes to get it from this country ...” Of course, it was about Germany.

Summary of the 5 Office of the Red Army 3.1.40: "The following information was received from a noteworthy source:

1. Ryti
[with 1.12.39 - head of the Finnish government] asked England to begin naval operations in the waters of Petsamo. Several Polish naval units are expected to arrive in northern Finland ...

According to data emanating from American diplomatic representatives in Paris, the Allied Military Council decided to assist Finland to the extent that this assistance seems possible through Sweden and Norway.

Britain and France are seeking to expand military operations in Finland and are pushing Sweden and Norway to take active steps, promising the latter comprehensive assistance to the ground, air and sea forces ...

5. The American ambassador to Norway said that according to data emanating from close circles to Goering, Germany, in the event of peace in the West, will break the treaty with the USSR and assist Finland. The agreement with the Soviet Union is considered by these circles as the result of a reassessment of the resistance of Poland.
... »

19 January 1940, the French Prime Minister Daladier ordered the commander-in-chief of the land and naval forces of France to present ideas on the fight against the supply of oil from the USSR to Germany.

Summary of the 5 Office of the Red Army 31.1.40: "One of the representatives of the Swedish business community, allegedly in close relations with Goering and not once fulfilling his instructions to communicate with London, told the American diplomatic representative in Stockholm that Hitler was disappointed with the treaty with the USSR and Ribbentrop was losing his influence. Goering, whose influence is growing strongly, is opposed to the pact with the Soviet Union and the war with Finland, and I am confident that Germany will not allow the Soviet Union to act against Sweden ...

According to one of the responsible officials of the French Foreign Ministry, France nevertheless had the intention to send the French fleet to the Black Sea for the shelling of Batumi and the bombing of Baku’s maritime aircraft, to which Turkey did not give its consent.

France, according to his own information, offered to send significant military units to Finland through Norway or directly to Petsamo, but Sweden and Norway refused to let them pass, and England did not agree to the landing of troops in Petsamo and did not provide its naval forces proposed to allocate 3 Polish destroyer and a sufficient number of British cruisers)
... »

8.03.40 of the Year, the UK Chiefs of Staff prepared a memorandum. The document provided for three main areas of operations against the USSR: the northern (in the areas of Petsamo, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk), the Far Eastern and the southern. The report emphasized that “the most vulnerable targets in the Caucasus are the oil industrial areas in Baku, Grozny and Batumi,” and noted that it would also be useful to attract naval forces to launch air strikes: “aircraft carrier raids in the Black Sea to bombard oil refineries, oil storage facilities or port facilities in Batumi and Tuapse will be a useful addition to the main air raids on the Caucasus region and may lead to the temporary destruction of the Russian defense. " For the bombing of Baku to the Middle East, the British sent several squadrons of the newest blenders "Blainhem" Mk. Iv.

Special Post 16.3.40: "1. Based on the Japanese press, we can conclude: among the ruling and military circles there is confusion associated with the USSR treaty - Finland.

It is believed that the USSR, having untied its hands in Finland, will strengthen the army in the east ... The blockade by the allies of Germany in the north has failed. They are wondering where the USSR will now direct its efforts, perhaps to the Middle East. They are trying hard to figure out further events of the USSR
... »

Special Post 5-th Office of the Red Army 16.3.40: "Foreign military representatives in Berlin regard the peace treaty as the desire of the USSR to untie its hands before possible major events in Europe. Germany, in their opinion, did not use its opportunities to participate in the conclusion of this treaty and thus remained aside.

The French press reiterates its thoughts on the desirability of a cautious policy towards the USSR and the search for opportunities to distance the Soviet Union from Germany.

The six-month inactive stay of units of the British army in France has a negative effect on the morale of soldiers. There are frequent cases of drunkenness, debauchery, and unreasonable shooting from personal weapons. Relationships with the local population, and especially with the French soldiers, are bad, which is caused by a large difference in the material support and the difference in age contingents.
... »

30 March 1940, the Lockheed-12A reconnaissance aircraft made several circles over Baku and the adjacent oil fields. Through 4 of the day, he spent exploring the areas of Batumi and Poti, where the refineries were located. Pay attention to the date of reconnaissance flights. 12 March 1940 was signed the Soviet-Finnish peace treaty. This again shows that in preparing for the attack on the USSR, the Finnish war was not the cause, but only a convenient excuse.

Allied command appointed the first bombing of Baku on 15 May 1940 of the year. However, the plans of the British and French did not come true.

10 May Wehrmacht launched an offensive on the Western Front.

The 15 of May capitulated the Dutch army, and General Goth’s tank corps dismembered the 2 and 9 French armies and marched on Saint-Contin. It is clear that the allies were not up to Baku.

Special Post 5-th Office of the Red Army 20.5.40: "According to agent data obtained from Paris and worthy of attention, the team of Allied experts made all the technical calculations for the Allied air raid on Baku, Grozny and Batumi. To implement this plan, the Allies currently do not have the necessary number of modern bombers in the Middle East. In addition, the French government allegedly takes the necessary measures to prepare the operation against the Soviet Transcaucasus.... »

Special Post 5-th Office of the Red Army 27.5.40: "According to a credible source, the US government is putting pressure on the Allies to prevent the surrender of Britain and France and the conclusion of a separate peace with Germany. American governing circles consider the position of the allies not hopeless and that they can hold out until the US prepares effective assistance to the allies ...

The American ambassador to France ... telegraphed 16.5 that the British embassy in Paris destroyed their affairs because it is convinced of the inevitability of the capture of Paris by German troops ... "

Special Post 5-th Office of the Red Army 23.6.40: "The reasons for the defeat of France in the assessment of the Italian diplomatic circles in the United States are:
- The general unpreparedness of France for war.
- The underestimation of the forces of Germany.
Hope that Germany will first of all start a war against the USSR, not France
... »

It’s good that as a result of the USSR concluding a non-aggression treaty with Germany, France capitulated, British troops abandoned all weapons and fled to the island, and the American plan for the start of the war collapsed ... At that time, no one thought that the Germans could break a significant part of the Red Army

October 13 1940, Ribbentrop, in a letter to Stalin, politely faked him: "The Soviet oil center in Baku and the oil port in Batumi would undoubtedly have already become a victim of British attempts this year if the defeat of France and the expulsion of the British army from Europe would not break the English spirit of attack as such and would not put a sudden end to all these machinations.».

The Allies did not know that the air defense grouping in the Transcaucasus was greatly increased. Soviet intelligence conducted work on the "decomposition" of the Allied aircrews. In addition, the Soviet command began preparing a retaliatory strike. He was supposed to inflict six long-range bomber regiments (over 350 bomber DB-3).

The 6, 42 and 83 long-range bomber regiments began to focus on the airfields of the Crimea. Three more DB-3 regiments were to operate from airfields in Armenia near Lake Sevan.

On April 7, the Air Force Command asked the intelligence department of the People’s Commissariat of Defense to hand over materials to the Air Force headquarters on the Mosul-Kirkuk area, including those that can be obtained in Berlin through the military air attache.

On April 23, intelligence materials were sent to the ZakVO headquarters from the 5 Office of the People's Commissariat of Defense for the objects of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Palestine to be thoroughly examined by flight crews. The transferred 25 of May to the district air force headquarters, these materials contained maps, plans, schemes, photographs of the districts of Istanbul, Tabriz, Qazvin, Baghdad, Mosul, and Haifa.

The personnel of the regiments were well prepared for striking. All the regiments, except for 83, had combat experience of the war in Finland. In April, the regimental commanders received flight missions. Navigators started laying routes.

The first group of bombers began to perform test flights. From the airfield near Evpatoria, they flew westward to the shores of Bulgaria, and then in a roundabout way along the shores of Turkey went to the agreed goal on the coast of Abkhazia and then returned to Evpatoria in the same way.

The squadrons of the first group, flying over Turkey, were to attack British bases in Larnaca, Nicosia and Famagusta in Cyprus, the base in Haifa in Palestine and French military installations in Syria. Therefore, if only the Allied planes were discovered, then the Soviet bombers would have to take off for a combat mission.

During the war years, the enterprises of neutral Sweden during the war years delivered strategic raw materials and products to Germany on their ships, and the British government did not even think about bombing them ...

This story World War II is impossible without the coverage of the fact that Hitler was sponsored by international corporations. Through the threads of banking and industrial corporations in Western Europe and the United States, Hitler's Germany received huge sums of money to expand its activities. “Civilized” Europe and America are now diligently erasing from the history of the Second World War these shameful facts of their cooperation with the most bloody and inhuman regime of the twentieth century ... How did they hate and hate us now! The presence of nuclear weapons in Russia is a reliable guarantee of peace.
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  1. +9
    18 August 2018 06: 27
    And the cherry on the cake. Almost all respected historians are unanimous in the opinion that Rudolf Hess, after his flight to England on May 10, 1941, managed to agree with London that Britain would not land its troops after Germany attacked the USSR. And he does this only in the event of an unfavorable development of events for Berlin. That is why the documents on the flight are still classified for an indefinite period. Stalin and the USSR had such "allies" ...
    1. +19
      18 August 2018 12: 11
      Hitler was not mistaken, saying to his confidants about the policies of Britain and France: "Although they declared war on us ... it does not mean that they will actually fight". Directive No.2 OKV of September 3 proceeded from the idea of ​​continuing large-scale operations in Poland and passive expectations in the West.

      Churchill at the time accused Hitler of “betrayed an anti-communist, anti-Bolshevik affair».

      Only these two statements made within one day eloquently indicate that Hitler was genuinely aware of the mood in the higher echelons of the British and French armies, at least while the leadership of the Wehrmacht was not sure of anything, with a certain degree of fear awaiting defeat on the border with France. It seems that Hitler had his sources of information, unknown to Abwehr, both in England and in France, since he boldly went on an adventure.
      The difference is that when the Wehrmacht entered the territory of Czechoslovakia, both England and France remained on the sidelines, as was the case with the transfer of the Memel region of Germany.
      And Churchill's statement of betrayal is a Freudian slip of the tongue. Hitler played the "Munich game" like clockwork. This happens when playing cards, when opponents "accidentally and unobtrusively" offer to spy on what they have in their hands, including the buy. laughing
  2. +22
    18 August 2018 06: 54
    ] "Civilized" Europe and America are now carefully striking from the history of World War II these shameful facts of their cooperation with the most bloody and inhuman regime of the twentieth century ...
    [/bapter...Who also admits to similar ...
  3. +12
    18 August 2018 07: 36
    everyone always intrigues against everyone

    any lie is better than 1-3 million corpses.
    it turned out much more.

    The Polish government was confident that Germany would not start a war. Who could convince them of this? Only "allies" - England and France.
    - beer in Krakow was then better than Bavarian and this inspired hope in the hearts of Poles at the end of the war against any achresar
  4. Cop
    18 August 2018 09: 24
    The Polish campaign of the Red Army took place from 7 to September 29.
    And you, Mr. author, when did you prepare this article, didn’t you familiarize yourself with Order No. 01 of the Military Council of the Belarusian Front of September 15.09.1939, XNUMX? It specifically said: "...... The armies of the Belorussian Front at dawn on September 17, 1939 went over to the offensive with the task of helping the insurgent workers and peasants of Belarus and Poland in overthrowing the yoke of landowners and capitalists and preventing the capture of the territory of Western Belarus by Germany ... . " You need to be more careful when writing such articles.
    1. VS
      18 August 2018 13: 39
      No more than a typo))) According to the text, there is still - that Hitler was going to attack us Poland on September 1, 1940))
      And there is not a census - nonsense about the so-called "secret" protocols to the Non-Aggression Pact of Germany and the USSR))) THERE WAS NO SUCH protocols signed in Moscow))) Stalin would never sign such pieces of paper)) For the "section" Poland, or rather, to return OWN territories seized by Poland from Soviet Russia in 1920, there were just enough verbal agreements .. All the more so that Hitler completely indicated that he needed Western Poland)))
      1. Cop
        19 August 2018 09: 30
        Quote: V.S.
        No more than a typo)))
        And there are not many "descriptions" in one article?
        Quote: V.S.
        ...... THERE WERE NOT SUCH protocols signed in Moscow)))
        Where were you?
        Quote: V.S.
        Stalin wouldn’t sign such pieces of paper for a while)) ....
        Why would he sign it himself? For this, he had Comrade Scriabin.
        Quote: V.S.
        For the "partition" of Poland, or rather for the return of OWN territories seized by Poland from Soviet Russia in 1920, there were just enough verbal agreements.
        Well, yes, yes, in this case you can always say that you can’t say anything after ... a glass of champagne ....
        Quote: V.S.
        Moreover, Hitler quite indicated - he needs Western Poland)))
        You especially understand how right you are after reading the "Ost" plan.
        1. -7
          20 August 2018 07: 16
          So what, the plan "Ost" was tweeted in 1928 for everyone to see? Such a thing is kept secret until the end. And they either implement them, or they are for such plans ... So it makes no sense to operate with back information. Well, the author is trying to bring events under his own assumption. Come on, if only they didn’t drag me to the UK for the photo in the article. The theory has the right to live until it becomes an axiom. And about Western Poland, there was a case, this was indicated, and even in "Main Kampf".
          1. -2
            20 August 2018 07: 16
            I apologize in 1938 ... In 1928, there was no twitter yet ...
          2. Cop
            20 August 2018 21: 18
            Quote: sleeve
            So what, the plan "Ost" was tweeted in 1928 for everyone to see?
            Didn't you know? At one time there, on behalf of the OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht), Chief of General Staff Franz Halder kept his blog. It was there that he published directive # 21 and excerpts from the Barbarossa plan, and most importantly the details of Operation Typhoon. And the Standartenfuehrer SS Max Otto von Stirlitz, looking through Twitter pages, hoping to find the personal page of the favorite actress of the Fuhrer, to admire her ... mouth-watering forms, but what a sin, not just admire ..., came across this blog ... Stunned by this, he immediately threw off the link ... Alex. As a result, the main "hitman" managed to transfer from the DTVD a couple of dozen divisions of units, which kicked the priest of the valiant Wehrmacht. An internal investigation unambiguously pointed to von Stirlitz. But during the interrogation, he honestly looked into the eyes, said that the password from his Account was stolen by daddy Müller .... Without identifying the culprits, the angry Fuhrer forbade dear Franz even to touch the "clave". And you are a secret, a secret ...
            Quote: sleeve
            Well, the author is trying to bring events under his own assumption.
            After all, you need to prove your assumptions with something other than fingers.
            Quote: sleeve
            Come on, if only in the UK for the photo in the article did not drag.
            Do not drag, he on his instructions, well, let not on his, but on the instructions of allies and wrote
            Quote: sleeve
            And about Western Poland, there was a case, this was indicated, and even in "Main Kampf".
            So he kind of talked about living space in the east. Not?
  5. +4
    18 August 2018 10: 54
    Quote: avia12005
    Stalin and the USSR had such "allies" ...

    Yes! The trouble with the "allies" was with Stalin and the USSR. Let's face it - there were bad "allies".
    It’s different now! One question - announce the entire list of "allies" for Putin and Russia?
    Until now, the only defense against the destruction of the country is the nuclear weapons created by Stalin and the USSR.
    When modern effective embezzlers are able to create something that is more or less similar to an effective means of protecting the interests of the country (except for using Soviet developments), or make a breakthrough in diplomacy of the same effectiveness - similar to the conclusion of an Agreement with Germany by Stalin ...
    In the meantime, I have to lick the causal place from Western tailors .. I think .. so as not to wean from the Yeltsin experience. Receptors after all!
  6. +4
    18 August 2018 19: 39
    But what about the faithful ally of the Third Reich - Slovakia? The first Slovak division began military operations against Poland on September 01, 1939 together with the German forces. They took Zakopane, then - New Targ, then acted in the direction of New Sacz and Grybow. The second Slovak division, as they say, almost did not take part in the hostilities (alas, I did not find any details). The third Slovak division occupied Jaslo, Krosno, Sanok, Lesko.
    Slovaks captured 1350 troops of the Polish army. In January 1940, about 1200 captured Slovaks were handed over to the German and Soviet authorities. Lost: 18 people killed, 46 injured, 11 missing. Poles destroyed Slovak equipment: aircraft - 2; armored car - 1.
    Slovakia received from Poland's lordly shoulder 770 sq. km. the territory of the northern part of Spis and Orava with 34,5 thousand inhabitants. Ukrainians greeted Slovaks as liberators. And immediately began a tough process of "Slovakization" in relation to the Polish population. Slovaks remembered both 1920 and 1938, when Poland tore off pieces of the territory of Czechoslovakia, and after gaining control over the territory of Czechoslovakia pursued a policy of the most severe "Polonization" ... The Oravian-Spiš conflict between Poland and Czechoslovakia was finally resolved only at the beginning of 1959 ...
  7. +2
    18 August 2018 20: 27
    Well, that's not news to me. There are even more abrupt facts, as I learned that until the very end of the war, bomber sights were supplied to Germany from the United States through Switzerland ... Well, this is not "dual-use products"! In any country, they would be slapped for this, stupidly slapped, even if they would not be taken to court!
    But not among the general people ...
    And the fact that the "army of the region" was clearly trained before the war was also clearly subordinate to the British, and was clearly sharpened against the USSR - that is, as allied Deutsches - is also not news, which is funny, the Llaham have nothing to argue with. Hitler's allies.
  8. -1
    19 August 2018 07: 39
    About the cherry on the cake. As of May 10, 1941, the USSR had a powerful ally. Germany. Which, however, was preparing a war against us and we knew about it, but legally for the whole world we (the USSR and Germany) were friends and allies.
    1. VS
      19 August 2018 11: 40
      nonsense - the Soviet Socialist Republic was not an ALLIANCE of Hitler Germany - NEVER ...
  9. 0
    19 August 2018 07: 50
    And an addition to the cherry. Certain "agreements reached" did not at all prevent Britain and Germany from fighting each other. So on May 24, 1941, the Germans, with their battleship Bismarck, sank the English link cruiser Hood with the entire crew. And after 3 days, on May 27, 1941, the British drowned Bismarck himself. And if for the British the loss of Hood was unpleasant, but not particularly sensitive, since they still had a lot of battle cruisers, and there were a couple of battleships on the stocks, in a high degree of readiness, then for Germany the loss of Bismarck was very sensitive. Since she had only one ship of this Lutzov class left.
  10. +2
    19 August 2018 13: 45
    The Americans supplied various materials to Germany until 1945. There are memories of pilots that black Americans pilots fought for the Germans in 1945. Apparently - these were mercenaries ... Nothing personal, just business ...
  11. +1
    2 October 2018 20: 18
    A typo (not from September 7, but from September 17) must be corrected, it greatly spoils valuable material. But other lacunae on the Polish Red Army’s campaign in September 1939 weaken it. But this was the first STRATEGIC Red Army operation in Europe, in which the mechanism for mobilizing more than 2 million people, tens of thousands of vehicles and horses, railway and air transport was tested within 2 weeks (!), with a preparatory period of about a month ... The material on the cipher correspondence on this campaign would be very interesting.

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