The cruiser "Varyag". Fight Chemulpo 27 January 1904 of the Year. CH 9. Out "Korean"

So, 29 January 1903 g "Varyag" arrived in Chemulpo (Inchon). Before the battle that took place on 27 in January of the next year, less than a month is left - what happened during these 29 days? Arriving at the place of duty, V.F. Rudnev quickly discovered and reported that the Japanese were preparing for the occupation of Korea. In materials historical Commission noted:

“Cap. 1 p. Rudnev announced in Port Arthur about the construction by the Japanese of food warehouses in Chemulpo, at the Jong Tong-no station and in Seoul. According to the reports cap. 1 p. Rudnev, the total amount of all Japanese food supplies already reached 1 000 000 pounds, and 100 boxes were delivered to the cartridges. The movement of people was continuous, in Korea there were already up to 15 thousands of Japanese, who disguised themselves as Japanese and in a short time before the war settled throughout the country; The number of Japanese officers in Seoul reached 100, and although the Japanese garrisons in Korea remained officially unchanged, the actual number of garrisons was significantly higher. At the same time, the Japanese openly delivered to Chemulpo scows, tugboats and steam boats, which, as reported by the commander of the cr. "Varyag" clearly indicated extensive preparations for amphibious operations ... All these preparations too clearly indicated the inevitable occupation of Korea by the Japanese. "

The same was reported by the Russian military agent in Japan, Colonel Samoilov, on January 9, on 1904, who reported on the freight of numerous steamboats, the mobilization of divisions, etc. Thus, the preparation of the occupation of Korea was not a secret for the Steward or for higher instances, but they remained silent - as we said in the previous article, Russian diplomats decided not to consider the landing of Japanese troops in Korea a declaration of war against Russia, as Nikolai II and notified the Vicar. It was decided that only the landing of the Japanese landings north of the 38 parallel was dangerous, and everything that was not read to the south (including Chemulpo) could not be read as such and did not require additional instructions for the stationary officers. We wrote more about this in the previous article, and now we only note once again that the refusal of armed opposition to the landing of the Japanese in Korea was accepted by far higher instances than the commander of Varyag, and the instructions he received completely forbade the Japanese to interfere.

But - back to the "Varyag". Without a doubt, the best way to avoid losing the cruiser and the gunboat "Koreyets" would be to withdraw them from Chemulpo, together with the Russian envoy to Korea A.I. Pavlov or without him, but this, unfortunately, was not done. Why is it so - alas, answer this question is very difficult, and you can only speculate. Without a doubt, if it was decided to assume that the Japanese landing in Korea would not lead to war with Russia, there was no reason for the Russian stationers to withdraw from Chemulpo - the Japanese are going to land, and let them. But the situation drastically changed when the Japanese broke off diplomatic relations: despite the fact that St. Petersburg believed that this was not yet a war, the risk to which the cruiser and the gunboat were subjected already clearly outweighed the benefits of our military presence in Korea.

As a matter of fact, events developed as follows: in 16.00 24 in January of 1904, a note about breaking up relations was officially received in St. Petersburg. What was important was the classic phrase: “Diplomatic relations with the Russian government now no longer have any value, and the government of the Japanese empire decided to break off these diplomatic relations” was supplemented with a very frank threat: “The government of the empire to defend its sovereignty and interests leaves he has the right to act on his own, considering it to be the best way to achieve these goals. ” This was already a real threat of war: but, alas, it was not taken into account.

The fact is that, for the reasons sounded earlier, Russia absolutely did not want war in 1904 and, apparently, did not want to believe in its beginning. Therefore, in St. Petersburg, they preferred to listen to Kurino, Japan’s envoy, who did not tire of repeating that the break in diplomatic relations was not yet a war, and everything could still be done for the better. As a result, our Ministry of Foreign Affairs (and Nicholas II), in fact, allowed themselves to ignore reality, hoping for mirages that the Japanese envoy drew to them and in which they really wanted to believe. Moreover, there was a fear that “our heroes in the Far East would not suddenly get carried away by any military incident” (as said by Foreign Minister Lamsdorf). As a result, a gross mistake was made, which may have ultimately destroyed “Varyag”: the Governor was notified of Petersburg on the very next day, January 25, but the second part of the Japanese note (about the “right to act as you see fit” ) in the message was omitted, and E.I. Alekseev did not find out about this.

Let's be frank - it’s far from a fact that, having received the text of a Japanese note in full, E.I. Alekseev would have taken measures to recall Varyag and Koreyts, and in addition, in order for these measures to succeed, it was necessary to act with lightning speed: it is well known that speed of action is one of the advantages of the Vicar E.I. Alekseeva was not included. But still there was some chance, and he was missed.

It is also interesting as E.I. Alekseev ordered the information he received: he informed the consuls in Hong Kong and Singapore about the rupture of diplomatic relations with Japan, informed the Vladivostok detachment of cruisers and the gunboat Manchuor, but informed neither the Port Arthur squadron nor the envoy in Korea A.I. . Pavlov, nor, of course, the commander of the "Varyag". One can only assume that E.I. Alekseev received the task "in no way provoke the Japanese" and, guided by the principle "as if something did not work out", he preferred not to report anything to the Arthur sailors. The author of this article, unfortunately, could not figure out when he learned about the break in diplomatic relations the squadron commander O.V. Stark and the Chief of the Naval Staff of the Vicar V.K. Witgeft. It is possible that they also received this information with a delay, so that, perhaps, N.O. Essen (expressed in his memoirs) that the inaction of the latter led to the untimely recall of Russian stationary in Chemulpo and Shanghai (there was a gunboat "Majur",) is not fully justified. But in any case, the news no longer about the break of diplomatic relations, but about the beginning of the war was sent to Chief for “Varyag” only on January 27, after the successful attack of the Japanese destroyers, who undermined “Retvisan”, “Tsesarevich” and “Pallada” and the day when Varyag entered its first and last fight. Of course, it was a belated warning.

And what happened at the time on the cruiser? Already on January 24 (on the day when St. Petersburg officially received a notice of a break in diplomatic relations), the foreign stationary commanders “secretly” informed Vsevolod Fyodorovich Rudnev about this regrettable event. The commander of the Varyag immediately requested instructions from Admiral Vitgeft: “rumors of a break in diplomatic relations have reached; due to the frequent delay of dispatches by the Japanese, I ask you to tell us whether there was an order for us to take further actions, ”and a request to envoy A.I. Pavlov in Seoul: "I heard about the severance of diplomatic relations, please provide information." However, no reply was received from Port Arthur, and A.S. Pavlov answered:

“Rumors of a rupture are being dissolved here by private individuals. No reliable evidence of this hearing has been received. It would be very desirable to see you, talk. "

Apparently, upon receipt of the answer VF. Rudnev went the first train to Seoul (25 left 1904 in the morning) and there, in the Korean capital, the last chance was missed to lead Russian stationary people from Chemulpo before the start of the war.

During the conversation, it quickly became clear that A.I. Pavlov, like V.F. Rudnev, a week has not received any answers to their requests, nor any new orders. All this reinforced the opinion that the Japanese intercepted and delayed the dispatches of the commander of the "Varyag" and the envoy of Russia in Korea: but how was it supposed to get out of this situation? V.F. Rudnev offered to take the envoy and the consul and immediately leave Chemulpo, however A.I. Pavlov did not support such a decision, citing the lack of appropriate instructions from his leadership. The envoy offered to send the gunboat "Koreyets" to Port Arthur with a report - according to A.I. Pavlov, the Japanese, in contrast to the telegrams, could not be intercepted by the Japanese, which means that they would be able to put two and two together in Port Arthur and send orders, say, the destroyer.

As a result, the commander of the Varyag, returning to the cruiser, on the same day on January 25 ordered the dispatch of the Korean in Port Arthur - according to his order, the gunboat was to leave Chemulpo in the morning of January 26. On the night of 25 on 26 in January, the Japanese Chiyoda stationary left the raid (strictly speaking, it would be better to write Chiyoda, but for the convenience of the reader, we will stick to the naming in the Russian-language literature). Unfortunately, for unexplained reasons, the "Korean" did not leave in the morning, as VF demanded. Rudnev, and was delayed until 15.40 26 January and, when trying to exit, was intercepted by the Japanese squadron, en route to Port Arthur.

Gunboat Korean

We will not describe in detail the preparation and nuances of the landing operation that the Japanese were preparing. We only note that it was supposed to be produced at Chemulpo, but only if there were no Russian warships there, otherwise it was necessary to disembark not far from Chemulpo, in Asanman Bay. It was there that the general assembly of the Japanese ships that participated in the operation was appointed; it was there that the Chiyoda went from the Chemulpo raid. But 26 January 1904 g, when all the “actors” were assembled, the commander of the operation, Rear Admiral Sotokichi Uriu, realizing that the occupation of Seoul should be carried out as soon as possible, and having received information that Russian stationary officers behave as usual and do not take any threatening actions, decided to disembark at Chemulpo, which, of course, was not an example more convenient as a landing site than the Gulf of Asanman. Nevertheless, the Japanese, of course, had to reckon with the possibility of the intervention of the Russian ships - they should be neutralized as much as possible.

Sotokichi Uriu gathered the commanders of warships and captains of transport ships carrying troops, announced to them the plan of operation and brought to their attention his order number XXUMX. This order is very important for understanding what happened in the future, so we will give it in full. Although some items of order that are insignificant for our analysis could be omitted, but in order to avoid any speculation on this subject, we quote it without cuts:

8 February 37 Meiji Year (26 January 1904 r old style - approx. auth.)
The board of the Naniwa flagship of Asanman Bay.

1. The situation at the enemy as of 23.00 on January 25: in the Chemulpo bay the Russian ships Varyag and Koreets are still anchored;

2. The landing point of the expeditionary detachment is Chemulpo Bay, upon arrival at which the landing of troops should begin immediately;

3. If Russian ships meet outside the anchorage in Chemulpo Bay, on the beam of Phalmido (Yodolmi - approx. auth) or to S from him, then they must be attacked and destroyed;

4. If the Russian ships do not take hostile actions against us at the anchorage in Chemulpo Bay, we will not attack them;

5. Simultaneously with preparations for leaving the temporary anchorage in Asanman Bay, the detachment's forces are divided as follows:
- 1-th tactical group: (1) "Naniwa", (2) "Takachiho", (3) "Chiyoda" with the assigned 9-th detachment of the destroyers;
- 2-th tactical group: (4) "Asama", (5) "Akashi", (6) "Niytaka" with the 14-th detachment of the destroyers attached to it;

6. Actions on entering the anchorage to Chemulpo bay:

a) “Chiyoda”, “Takachiho”, “Asama”, 9-th detachment of destroyers, transport ships “Dairen-maru”, “Otaru-maru”, “Heidze-maru” go to the anchorage in Chemulpo bay;

b) The 9 detachment of destroyers, passing the island of Phalmido, moves forward and calmly, without causing suspicion from the enemy, enters the anchorage. Two destroyers rise to a point inaccessible to enemy fire, while the other two with a peace-loving air take up such a position next to Varyag and Korean, so that in an instant you can decide their fate - to live or die;

c) Chiyoda independently chooses a suitable place for itself and becomes anchored in it;

d) A detachment of transport ships, following in the wake of the "Asama", after the failure of the "Chiyoda" and "Takatiho", in the shortest possible time go to the anchorage and immediately begin unloading troops. It is advisable that they be able to enter the port during the high tide of the evening tide.

e) “Naniwa”, “Akashi”, “Niitaka” follow in the wake of the detachment of transport vessels, and then anchor to S from the island of Harido in line on the NE. The 14 th detachment of the destroyers, having finished receiving coal and water from the "Kasuga-Maru", is divided into two groups of two destroyers each. One group takes a position towards S from the island of Phalmido, while the other is located next to Naniwa. If at night the enemy begins to move from the anchorage to the open sea, then both groups must attack and destroy him.;

f) Before sunset, the Asama leaves the position next to the Incheon anchorage and proceeds to the Naniwa anchorage and anchors there;

7. If the enemy takes hostile actions against us, opens artillery fire or launches a torpedo attack, then we must attack and destroy him immediately, while acting in such a way as not to cause damage to ships and vessels of other powers;

8. Ships near the island of Herido, by the dawn of the next day go to the temporary anchorage in the Gulf of Asanman;

9. The ships and destroyers that are at the anchorage in the Gulf of Chemulpo, having made sure that the landing is fully completed, are moving to a temporary anchorage in the Gulf of Asanman;

10. “Kasuga-Maru” and “Kinsu-Maru”, having finished the bunkering of the destroyers of the 14 squadron with coal and water, anchor at the entrance to Masanpo Bay and do not open anchor lights at night, observing the blackout;

11. The destroyers carrying a military guard in Chemulpo Bay, finding that the enemy ships began to move from the anchorage to the open sea, immediately begin their pursuit and, when they turn out to S from the island of Phalmido, must attack and destroy them;

12. During parking, be ready for immediate shooting from the anchor, for which you need to prepare everything you need for riveting the anchor chains, keep the boilers under steam, and set up a reinforced signal and observation watch. ”

Thus, the plan of the Japanese admiral was very simple. He needed to land a landing party in Chemulpo, but without firing on the roadstead, which foreign stationery would have been extremely disapproving of. Accordingly, he was going to first enter the bay and take the Russian ships on sight, and only then carry on the raid transports with the landing force. If the Russians open fire, fine, they were the first to violate neutrality (as we said earlier, no one considered the landing of troops on Korean territory a violation of neutrality) and will be immediately destroyed by destroyers. If they try to get close to the transports, they will get under the scope not only of the destroyers, but also the cruisers, and if they try to shoot, they will be immediately destroyed again. If the Varyag and Koreets try to escape Chemulpo without firing, the destroyers will accompany them, and sink them with torpedoes as soon as they leave the raid, but even if the Russians manage to tear themselves off by some miracle, then pass by the blocked Japanese cruisers they still fail.

The most "funny" was that the torpedo attack of Russian ships with a probability of 99,9% foreign stationary would not consider a violation of neutrality. Well, two Russian ships unexpectedly exploded, who knows for what reason? No, of course, among the commanders of foreign ships were not crazy, unable to put two and two and understand whose hands this thing was. But, as we have said before, the European and American ships on the Chemulpo road did not defend Korean neutrality, but the interests of their countries and their citizens in Korea. Any actions of the Japanese, who did not threaten these interests, were indifferent to these stationaries. The war between Russia and Japan was the business of Russia and Japan, in which neither the Italians, nor the French, nor the Americans had any interest. Therefore, the destruction of Varyag and Koreans, provided that no one else was injured, would have caused only a formal protest from their side, and even then it is unlikely, because the British Talbot was considered the senior raid England’s interests in this war were entirely on Japan’s side. Rather, here we should have expected unofficial congratulations to the Japanese commander ...

In fact, S. Uriu was going to build a wonderful trap, but the man assumes, but God disposes, and at the very entrance to the raid his ships collided with the Korey who had gone to Port Arthur. It is rather difficult to describe what happened in the future, because domestic and Japanese sources completely contradict each other, and often also themselves. Perhaps, in the future we will make a detailed description of this collision in the form of a separate article, but now we confine ourselves to the most general overview - the blessing, a detailed explanation of all the nuances of the Korean maneuvering and the ships of the Japanese squad is not necessary for our purposes.

Canonical for Russian-language sources is the description presented in the “Work of the historical commission for the description of actions fleet in the war of 1904-1905 at the Naval General Staff. ” According to him, the “Korean” was anchored at 15.40, and after a quarter of an hour, at 15.55, they saw a Japanese squadron on it, which went in two wake columns. One of them was formed by cruisers and transports, with the leading ones being Chioda, Takachiho, and Asama, followed by three transports and the rest of the cruisers, and the second convoy consisted of destroyers. The "Korean" tried to pass them, but this was impossible, since the Japanese columns were heard to the sides, and the gunboat was forced to follow between them. At this time, Asama turned around across the course of the Korean, thus blocking access to the sea. It became clear that the Japanese squadron was not going to release the "Korean" at sea, and its commander G.P. Belyaev decided to return to the raid, where Japanese provocations would hardly have been possible. But at the time of the turn, the gunboat was attacked by torpedoes from destroyers, which, however, passed by, and one sank before reaching the side of the ship. G.P. Belyaev gave the order to open fire, and immediately canceled it, because the “Korean” was already entering the neutral raid Chemulpo, nevertheless one of the commandants managed to make two shots from a 37-mm gun. In general, everything is clear and logical, and the actions of the Japanese, although completely illegal, look consistent and logical. But Japanese reports make one seriously doubt this.

Armored cruiser "Asama", 1902 g

According to Japanese data, the ships S. Uriu first acted according to the previously outlined plan. The Japanese moved in the following order:

The scheme is taken from the monograph by A.V. Polutova, “The landing operation of the Japanese army and navy in February 1904 in Inchon”

When the columns approached the traverse, Fr. Phalmido (Yodolmi), then the leading “Chiyoda” and “Takachiho”, separated from the main forces and, accompanied by the 9 squadron of the destroyers, increased their speed and moved forward - in accordance with the plan of the landing operation, they should be the first to enter the Chemulpo raid, so to target the Russian stationary. And when about. Phalmido walked about three miles by them, and unexpectedly, on the Japanese ships, they found the Koreet running towards them. Thus, a situation not envisaged by Order No. XXUMX has arisen.

If the "Korean" came out a little earlier and the meeting would have happened in Fr. Phalmido, the Japanese would simply destroy the Russian ship, as was provided by the order. But the meeting took place between Fr. Phalmido and the raid, the order did not regulate such a situation, and the intentions of the Korean were unclear. The Japanese were afraid that the gunboat was attacking the transports, so on Chiod and Takachiho they were prepared for battle - the gunners took their places from the guns, but bending down behind the bulwarks so that their militant preparations could not be seen as far as possible. When the advanced cruisers got close to the Korean, they saw that the Russian ship was not preparing for battle, on the contrary, a guard of honor was built on its deck. Whether the Koreets between the cruisers and the destroyers was at that moment cannot be reliably said - on the one hand, the distance between the Japanese cruisers and destroyers did not exceed the cable length 1-1,5, but on the other, the Koreans broke up with Chiode and Takachiho at a distance no more than 100 m, so that, in principle, could and wedge between those and others.

In any case, the “Koreyets” was between two detachments, one of which passed by him to the Chemulpo raid, and the second, led by Asam, was walking towards the Russian gunboat. There was some confusion on the Japanese transports, and then the armored cruiser left the formation, turning on 180 degrees, and went on a course parallel to what the Korean had to hold, in order to remain between the Russian canloon and the escort caravan. But then “Asama” turned back to the right - apparently, it was precisely this maneuver of him that was adopted by G.P. Belyaev for trying to block his access to the sea. The funny thing is that the commander of the "Assamy" did not think anything like that - according to his report, he turned to the right in order to avoid the torpedoes that, in his opinion, the Korean could have released on him.

Accordingly, G.P. Belyaev decided to return to the raid and turned back. We have already seen that the commanders of Chiyoda and Takachiho, convinced of the absence of aggressive intentions of the gunboat, went further in the direction of the raid in order to accomplish their task, but the commander of the 9 unit of the Japanese destroyers had a different opinion. He considered that Koretz could conduct reconnaissance in the interests of Varyag and that the Russians might be planning a strike. Therefore, having diverged from the Korean, he rebuilt from the wake column to the front, and then took the Korean in ticks: the destroyers Aotaka and Hato took a position from the left side of the Koreytsa, and Kari and Tsubame - from the right ... more precisely, they should have taken. The fact is that while executing the maneuver, Tsubame did not calculate, went beyond the fairway and jumped onto the stones, so that later the Koreets was accompanied by only three destroyers, while the torpedo tubes were put on alert.

And when the “Korean” began its turn back to Chemulpo, it turned out that the Russian ship went in the direction of the Japanese destroyers, trapped between it and the edge of the fairway. On the destroyer "Kari" decided that this creates a dangerous situation, but on the other hand, it gives an opportunity to do away with the "Korean", while none of the foreign stationary workers see it, and fired a torpedo, from which the "Korean" avoided. As the saying goes, “a bad example is infectious,” therefore, Aotaka and Hato immediately increased the speed and went to a rapprochement with the Korean, while Hato fired one torpedo, and Aotaka refused from an attack for unclear reasons. It can be assumed that the distance was to blame - at that moment, when the Korean went to Chemulpo’s raid, the distance between him and Aotaka was still about 800-900 m, which was far enough for a torpedo shot of those years.

In general, everything is as usual - the Russians have one pattern of maneuvering, the Japanese have a completely different picture, while the information on the consumption of ammunition also differs: the Russians believe that three torpedoes were fired according to the Koreans, the Japanese say that two that the "Korean" fired two artillery shots, the Japanese point out that the gunboat fired at all three of the destroyers involved in the attack (which, you see, it is extremely difficult to make two shells).

Separately, I would like to draw attention to the accident "Tsubame" - moving along the fairway, along which the Varyag and Koreyets will go into battle the next day, chasing the gunboat, which had 10-12 nodes of the course, the destroyer managed to end up on the rocks and to get damaged, losing one blade of the left screw and damaging the three blades of the right screw, which caused its speed to be limited by the 12 nodes now. True, the Japanese claim that they were chasing the Korean on the 26 nodes, but this is extremely doubtful for Tsubame - it flew onto the stones almost immediately after the turn, and hardly managed to pick up that speed (if at least one of the Japanese destroyers, which, again, somewhat doubtful). In general, it is unlikely that the small skirmish of the Russian gunboat and the Japanese destroyers can be called a battle, but no doubt the pitfalls of the Chemulpo channel have been most effective in it.

In any case, as soon as “Korenets” returned to Chemulpo's raid, the Japanese refused to attack, and “taking a peaceful look as possible” took the positions prescribed by them: “Aotaka” anchored in 500 from Varyag, “Kari” - at the same distance from the Koreyts, and the Hato and the Tsubame, who independently removed from the stones, hid behind the English and French ships, but, in accordance with order No. XXUMX, were ready to attack at any time.

And now let's consider this situation from the position of the commander of the cruiser Varyag. Here "Korean" leaves the waters of the raid and goes along the fairway into the sea, and then miracles begin. First, two Japanese cruisers, Chiyoda and Takachiho, enter the raid. Behind them, the returning Koreans suddenly appear - if they heard his shots on the Varyag, it is not clear, but they could not know about the attack with torpedoes.

In any case, it turned out that on the Varyag they either saw that the Korean was shooting, or they did not see it, and either they heard the shots, or they didn’t. In either of these cases, either Varyag saw that the Korean was shooting, but the Japanese didn’t shoot, or they heard two shots (which, for example, could well be warning), it was not clear who was shooting. In other words, nothing that they could see or hear on the Varyag cruiser did not require immediate intervention by armed force. And then the Japanese cruisers and the 4 destroyer entered the raid, taking up positions near the Russian ships, and only then, finally, VF Rudnev received information about the events.

At the same time, again, it is not entirely clear exactly when this happened - R.M. Melnikov reports that the "Koreyets", returning to the raid, approached the "Varyag" from which he briefly conveyed the circumstances of his meeting with the Japanese squadron, and then the gunboat anchored. At the same time, “The Work of the Historical Commission” does not mention this - it follows from its description that “Korean”, having entered the raid, anchored in 2,5 cable from “Varyag”, then G.P. Belov went to the cruiser with a report, and after 15 minutes after the anchorage of the gunboat was anchored, the Japanese destroyers took up positions - two ships each in the 2 cable from the Varyag and the Koreyets. It is obvious that in 15 minutes it was possible only to lower the boat and arrive at the Varyag, that is, the Russian ships were under the gun when GP. Belov only reported to V.F. Rudnev about the circumstances of the battle.

In general, despite the difference in interpretations, both sources agree on one thing - by the time Vsevolod Fedorovich Rudnev was aware of the attack undertaken by the Japanese destroyers:

1. "Korean" was already out of danger;

2. The 9 th detachment of the destroyers (and, probably, also the cruisers) are located in the immediate vicinity of the Varyag and the Koreans.

In this situation, for the Varyag cruiser, opening fire and joining the battle made absolutely no sense. Of course, if the “Korean” would be attacked, and they saw this on the “Varangian,” the cruiser should, having despised all danger, go to the rescue of the “Korean” and enter into an arbitrarily unequal battle. But by the time they learned about the Japanese attack on the cruiser, everything was already over, and the Korean was no longer needed to be saved. And after the fight they don’t wave their fists. As the old British proverb says, “A gentleman is not one who doesn’t steal, but one who doesn’t come across”: yes, the Japanese fired torpedoes at the “Korean”, but none of the foreign hospitals saw this and could not confirm it, but it means that there was only “word against word” - in diplomacy, it’s the same as nothing. It’s enough to recall the almost hundred-year confrontation between official Russian and Japanese history - the Russians claimed that the first shots in the war were Japanese torpedoes, the Japanese - that two 37-mm shells fired by “Korean”. And only recently, with the publication of Japanese reports, it became obvious that the Japanese were still the first to shoot, but who cares today, except for a few history buffs? But if the “Varangian” opened fire on the ships of Japan entering the raid, he, in the eyes of “the whole civilized world”, would be the first to violate Korean neutrality - whatever one may say, but at that time the Japanese had not yet begun landing and did nothing reprehensible on a neutral raid.

In addition, tactically, the Russian stationaries were in a completely hopeless situation - they stood in the roadstead under the sights of the Japanese ships and could be sunk by the destroyers at any moment. So, not only that the discovery of fire on the Japanese directly violated all received VF. Ore orders, violated Korean neutrality, spoiled relations with England, France, Italy and the United States, and still did not give anything in military terms, leading only to the rapid death of two Russian ships. Of course, there could be no talk of any destruction of the landing force here - this was impossible technically.

Speaking of diplomatic language, the following happened. The honor of the Russian flag obliged "Varyag" to defend any domestic ship or vessel that was attacked and to protect its crew (to fight with it) against any and any forces superior to the enemy forces. But no honor concept demanded that Varyag engage in combat with the Japanese squadron after the incident with the Korean was safely resolved (the Russian sailors did not suffer, and the immediate danger did not threaten them anymore). The attack of the Japanese destroyers, without any doubt, could become an incident of Belli, that is, a formal reason for declaring war, but, of course, this decision should not have been the commander of the Russian cruiser, but much higher authorities. In such situations, the duty of any member of the armed forces is not to rush to the attack with a sword at the ready, but to inform his leadership of the circumstances and continue to act according to their orders. We have already said that all the orders that VF received. Rudnev, just directly testified that Russia does not want war yet. At the same time, the “do-it-yourself” attack by the Japanese squadron would only lead to giving Japan a wonderful reason to enter the war at a convenient time for her, to the immediate death of two Russian warships with virtually no chance of harming the enemy and to diplomatic complications with European countries.

The concept of honor for a military person is extremely important, but it is equally important to understand the limits of the obligations imposed by it. For example, it is known that during the Second World War, when the USSR bled to death in the fight against Nazi Germany, the armed forces of Japan more than once and not two carried out various kinds of provocations that could well be the reason for declaring war. But the USSR absolutely did not need a war on two fronts, so our armed forces had to endure, although, one should think, the troops who were present at such provocations openly “itched their hands” to respond to the samurai the way they deserved it. Can our troops and fleet be blamed for cowardice or lack of honor, on the grounds that they did not open fire in response to Japanese provocations? Did they deserve such reproaches? Obviously not, and in the same way Vsevolod Fyodorovich Rudnev doesn’t deserve reproof that on January 26 1904 the ships under his command did not engage in a hopeless battle with the Japanese squadron.

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  1. Cat
    16 August 2018 06: 09
    The denouement is getting closer and closer!
    Andrey, did you think about writing a book from a series of articles? I think you would succeed!
    Now for the article! Perhaps I’m in a hurry and will be ahead of the steam locomotive, but conclusions come to the conclusion that the main perpetrators of the tragedy with the Varangian and Koreans were in St. Petersburg. At least it was necessary to remove the cruiser from Chemulpo, or replace it with trash in Port Arthur that was enough: Dzhigit, Rider, etc.
    On the other hand, we will wait for the version from the Author!
    Sincerely, Kitty!
    1. +11
      16 August 2018 07: 12
      Greetings, Vladislav!
      Quote: Kotischa
      Andrey, did you think about writing a book from a series of articles? I think you would succeed!

      I can, only who will publish it? :)))) The interest in such books is scanty, they are published in a small edition of 500 copies (well, if) publishers in most cases do not even bother their hands.
      Quote: Kotischa
      Perhaps I’m in a hurry and will be ahead of the steam locomotive, but conclusions come to the conclusion that the main perpetrators of the tragedy with the Varangian and Koreans were in St. Petersburg.

      Yes, how to say? Everyone worked hard, but Viceroy Alekseev, Stark or Witgeft could well pull out if not a gunboat, then at least a cruiser - definitely. Rudnev was not even informed about the severance of diplomatic relations ....
      1. +7
        16 August 2018 09: 42
        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
        Interest in such books is scanty; they are published in small editions of 500 copies (well, if) of the publisher in most cases, even their hands are not dirty.

        I agree. Nowadays, books on military history and military technology are practically not published. And then, as a rule, in a "gift" form.
        A pity.
      2. +2
        16 August 2018 09: 42
        And the version that the message for the Varangian from the messenger was intercepted by the Japanese is not allowed? Indeed, in essence, there were only two possibilities to transmit information to Seoul - a telegraph and a ship. But the ships didn’t come, and telegraph messages could just intercept. With a radio - range would not be enough (IMHO)
        At the same time, after all, foreign hospitals received a message about the gap and, moreover, quite quickly, i.e. for them the telegraph worked.
        1. +7
          16 August 2018 09: 47
          Quote: alstr
          And the version that the message for the Varangian from the messenger was intercepted by the Japanese is not allowed?

          If my memory serves me, the Viceroy did not particularly hide the fact that the refusal to inform the Arthur squadron and Rudnev with Pavlov was his personal decision
      3. 0
        18 August 2018 15: 59
        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
        I can, only who will publish it? :)))) The interest in such books is scanty, they are published in a small edition of 500 copies (well, if) publishers in most cases do not even bother their hands.

        The thing is that for a single book the topic is too narrow, and for an article in a journal (collection) - too long. Already the 9 part is about the battle, but there hasn’t been a battle yet :))) To publish it is necessary to shorten it to fit the maximum in the 3 part.
        1. +1
          18 August 2018 16: 35
          Brevity is the sister of talent and mother-in-law's fee.
    2. avt
      16 August 2018 08: 25
      Quote: Kotischa
      At least it was necessary to remove the cruiser from Chemulpo, or replace it with trash in Port Arthur that was enough: Dzhigit, Rider, etc.

      request What about show-offs? bully Well, what kind of hospital is this
      Quote: Kotischa
      Dzhigit, Rider, etc.

      from clippers then? Where is the flag display scale? wassat
      Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
      Everyone worked hard, but Viceroy Alekseev, Stark or Witgeft could well pull out if not a gunboat, then at least a cruiser - definitely. Rudnev was not even informed about the severance of diplomatic relations ....

      request They could, BUT only with a sane political course of the country in the region, which to a large extent depends on the sanity and decisiveness of the top leadership, capable of soberly comprehending the situation several steps forward and firmly holding the "levers of control." And with this Nikolashka "Bloody" initially there were problems. As with the adequacy of perception, so actually with the determination in the performing discipline. The fact was given to the Empire under his jurisdiction. request And the cycle is good good
      1. +4
        16 August 2018 14: 25
        Quite right. I already wrote here once. The reliability of the information has not yet been confirmed by other information. But I watched the reconnaissance from Goblin with Yu. Yulin. And he is still a historian. So they were told that a ship of the XNUMXst rank was sent to Chemulpo, because the one who was the senior in the roadstead owned all communications. Such was the order. The British had to assign the Commodore (!!!) to the commander of the Talbot. In order to remove Rudnev from this function.
        But reliability is confirmed indirectly. Not at the rank of Commodore horseradish knows what. This was surprising in childhood.
        So "Varyag" as a stationary was initially not the most stupid decision.
      2. +1
        16 August 2018 17: 34
        For the sake of show-off of a cruiser, or even better battleships, send: "show the flag", but practical use?
        1. +4
          16 August 2018 17: 58
          The practical benefit is that all communications in the port then went through the senior commander in the roadstead. The eldest at the time of Varyag's arrival was its commander, Rudnev. He commanded everything. To take away his ability to command and intercept messages, the British awarded the title of Commander Bailey. The commander of the 2nd class cruiser became almost an admiral. What's this?
          This is almost the same as the shift of the civilian GPS signal by the Americans a couple of hours before the Georgians attack Tskhinval on 8.08.08/XNUMX/XNUMX.
          It is clear that after that everything went as it should, and the show-off had nothing to do with it. Both battleship and cruiser are ships of the 1st rank. The rank of the commander is, in general, the same. "Varyag" as a cruiser is half-dead and, due to constant repairs, has limited combat capability. It is not clear what is going on in Korea, and people are taking appropriate action. It was not their fault that Petersburg was doing God knows what. The story is reminiscent of Pearl Harbor.
          Otherwise, we must admit that all were mutts. Everywhere where necessary and not necessary there were gunboats, and here the whole cruiser and gunboat in addition.
  2. +8
    16 August 2018 06: 30
    I offer my deepest apologies - for some reason, the commander of the Korean Belyaev in some places became Belov
  3. +5
    16 August 2018 08: 05
    Why in general it was necessary to keep 2 ships in Chemulpo, there was enough Korean, all the same junk. Respect for the article.
  4. +1
    16 August 2018 08: 23
    Hmm ... The Korean commander behaved rather strangely upon his return. In fact, they should have reported the attack on the way with the same flag signals and arrived at the report upon arrival. Andrey in a previous article, you argued that Rudnev did not know about the deep gap. relationship, and here you say the opposite. Although not directly, but as it turned out, Rudnev was notified of this and made no conclusions. Again, everything rests on the question of competence in the first place, of Rudnev himself, whose duties included the correct assessment of the situation.
    1. +13
      16 August 2018 09: 32
      Quote: Nehist
      The Korean commander behaved quite strangely upon his return. In fact, they should have reported the attack on the way with the same flag signals

      But did it have to be in such a hurry? Given that the attack has stopped?
      Quote: Nehist
      Andrey in a previous article, you argued that Rudnev did not know about the deep gap. relationship, and here you say the opposite.

      This is where I say the opposite? :)))) I write
      The “Varangian” commander immediately requested instructions from Admiral Witgeft: “rumors of the severance of diplomatic relations reached

      Rumors have reached. Rudnev asked Vitgeft and Pavlov. Witgeft did not answer, Pavlov said that
      Rumors of a break are spread here by private individuals. No reliable evidence of this rumor has been received.

      That is, in fact, refuted these rumors. Where is the confirmation that Rudnev knew about the severance of diplomatic relations?
      Quote: Nehist
      Although not directly, but as it turned out, Rudnev was notified of this and made no conclusions.

      The notification comes from the direct leadership, if the military begins to make their plans and act on the basis that "and here an Italian friend told me", then the world will very quickly burn in an atomic flame :))))))
      Quote: Nehist
      Again, everything rests on the question of competence in the first place, of Rudnev himself, whose duties included the correct assessment of the situation.

      He reacted exactly as he should. The situation that they would secretly break the diplomatic relations from him and from the governor in Korea Pavlova shouldn’t even dream of him in the worst nightmare
    2. +6
      16 August 2018 09: 47
      Here the fact is that Rudnev knew about the gap at the level of rumors. And this is not something that you can rely on in court (which would certainly be).
      Those. Prior to an official notice by his management or officially communicated to him by another hospital, Rudnev must be guided by the previous instructions.
      1. +1
        16 August 2018 10: 05
        In addition to the instructions, there is common sense. And all officers of 1TOE spoke of the impending war as inevitable
        1. +8
          16 August 2018 10: 51
          Quote: Nehist
          In addition to the instructions, there is common sense.

          Which was supposed to suggest ... what? :)))) Sound your version please. You are V.F. Rudnev, rumors have reached you about the severance of diplomatic relations. Your immediate boss (Pavlov) does not confirm, says only rumors. Your actions?
          Quote: Nehist
          And all officers of 1TOE spoke of the impending war as inevitable

          1. 0
            16 August 2018 11: 33
            The simplest thing is to keep the ship ready for departure, that is, under steam
            1. +4
              16 August 2018 13: 05
              Well, let's say Varangian in pairs. What will it help and what will affect in this situation? :)
              1. avt
                16 August 2018 14: 48
                Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                Well, let's say Varangian in pairs. What will it help and what will affect in this situation? :)

                wassat Really incomprehensible ???? Well, they would raise the "Varyag" of the Japs, and there is no coal in the bunkers! bully
            2. +5
              16 August 2018 13: 45
              Quote: Nehist
              The simplest thing is to keep the ship ready for departure, that is, under steam

              The Varyag belongs to the "coal eaters": the average daily rate of coal consumption on the "Varyag" in the roadstead in Port Arthur is 12 tons. (this is just under 2-4-6 boilers - the operation of dynamos, heating, pumps, etc. is ensured, 6 boilers are a slow stroke).
              That is, to dilute vapors in all 30 boilers - this is 120-150 kg of coal per boiler per hour - the flow rate will increase proportionally - 60-100 tons a day - two three days and bunkering ...

              Well, not a permissible luxury to stand under all steam in the roadstead for any steam vessel, especially the "coal-eater" on Nikloss's boilers.

              With a high degree of probability, I can say that the Varangian was standing at the time of the return of the Korean after the incident - under 4 stake in pairs, which is enough to provide electricity and heating for this time of year.

              I believe that immediately after the incident - Rudnev ordered the pairs to be raised in at least 4 more boilers - the ability to make a small move. Sufficient for maneuvering in a narrow roadstead and leaving the port.
              The machine team could give steam in the remaining boilers by the time Varyag leaves the port - just about 15-20 minutes.
            3. 0
              18 August 2018 14: 14
              The simplest thing is to keep the ship ready for departure, that is, under steam

              In other words, from your point of view, no matter what, the main thing to do.
              The result is not important, the process is important.
              (C) M.Zhvanetsky.
          2. avt
            16 August 2018 14: 47
            Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
            Which was supposed to suggest ... what? :)))) Sound your version please. You are V.F. Rudnev, rumors have reached you about the severance of diplomatic relations. Your immediate boss (Pavlov) does not confirm, says only rumors. Your actions?

            Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
            And all officers of 1TOE spoke of the impending war as inevitable

            Burn coal anchored!
            Quote: Nehist
            The simplest thing is to keep the ship ready for departure, that is, under steam

            Quote: DimerVladimer
            The Varyag belongs to the "coal eaters": the average daily rate of coal consumption on the "Varyag" in the roadstead in Port Arthur is 12 tons. (this is just under 2-4-6 boilers - the operation of dynamos, heating, pumps, etc. is ensured, 6 boilers are a slow stroke).
            That is, to dilute vapors in all 30 boilers - this is 120-150 kg of coal per boiler per hour - the flow rate will increase proportionally - 60-100 tons a day - two three days and bunkering ...

            ... avno question - click with the mouse and load wassat World of spike steers! bully
            Quote: Kotischa
            He was not Rudnev — Ushakov, Nelson, Bonaparte or Caesar, but was an ordinary ordinary officer. So to wish the impossible from him, utopia.

            wassat And the aforementioned, without Rudnev, in life without the decision of their governments unleashed wars! ?? Straight - ,, Brothers! Fire of all calibers! Fuck them with the kings-emperors and their admiralty! " bully
            1. +1
              17 August 2018 09: 26
              Part of the boilers still had to be in pairs. That should have been enough for a minimal move.
        2. +5
          16 August 2018 11: 56
          Quote: Nehist
          In addition to the instructions, there is common sense. And all officers of 1TOE spoke of the impending war as inevitable

          It was this common sense that did not allow Rudnev to open fire first.
          At the end of 1903, Nicholas II declared: "I do not want war, so there will be no war." In the summer of 1903, returning from a vacation in Japan, Minister of War Kuropatkin said that Japan was not ready for war. And how was the 1st rank captain supposed to act under these conditions?
          The situation is somewhat similar to June of the 1941 of the year - Stalin was sure that he would be able to delay the war. And on the night of 21 on 22 of June, trains with grain and raw materials continued to go to Germany.
          The attacker (attacker) always has an advantage. This is the law of martial art.
          1. Cat
            16 August 2018 13: 15
            I remembered last time, today I’ll repeat again.
            He was not Rudnev — Ushakov, Nelson, Bonaparte or Caesar, but was an ordinary ordinary officer. So to wish the impossible from him, utopia. If someone else were in his place, perhaps the story with the Varangian had a different end.
            And so I have one question? Why, under all prevailing conditions, did Rudnev not make a breakthrough at night?
            Okay, let’s leave a question for later I think Andrey will share his opinion!
            1. +7
              16 August 2018 14: 07
              Quote: Kotischa
              He was not Rudnev — Ushakov, Nelson, Bonaparte or Caesar, but was an ordinary ordinary officer. So to wish the impossible from him, utopia. If someone else were in his place, perhaps the story with the Varangian had a different end.

              Military geniuses arise during the war.
              Ordinary officers, the path to the bridge of a warship - ordered.

              Four times superior forces locked in a neutral raid - here and genius will not help.

              Here determination is needed - going to certain death, to fight with honor ...
              Not for the homeland - for the St. Andrew flag - the honor of the Russian fleet!
              This is not taught in academies.
              - It is either there or not - Rudnev and the crew had it.
            2. +5
              16 August 2018 14: 17
              It’s strange that you don’t understand. He had an order: to stand in Chemulpo. How could he leave this place without permission? A military man must carry out what is ordered to him.
            3. +2
              16 August 2018 14: 51
              There are many questions to the Rudnevs! Only he will not answer them!
              Some of those interested in these events ask -
              "Why was it necessary to climb on the guns of Japanese cruisers instead of blowing up ships and walking on foot to meet the Russian ground forces?"
              And they give arguments in favor of such a foot raid of the teams of both ships on the territory of Korea.
              1. +3
                16 August 2018 17: 45
                This Shirokorad offered: to remove light artillery, to blow up ships and land on the Korean coast
            4. PPD
              16 August 2018 19: 20
              The Japanese destroyer visited the stones without breaks during the day.
              And then a big cruiser. What are the breakouts at night?
              What are you speaking about?
              The Korean man barely dodged torpedoes. If only the Varangian would have sunk
              And they would have let him wait for the night. Here is the Uriu text
              In view of the outbreak of hostilities between Japan and Russia, I have the honor to most respectfully ask you to leave the port of Chemulpo, with all the ships under your command, before noon on February 1904, XNUMX. Otherwise, I will attack you at the port. "
              For some reason, it is believed that this is a scarecrow. In vain.
              BEFORE NOON! The Varangian didn’t come out, Uriu, what would I go to do the hara-kiri, or, back again, well, no, right?
              1. +2
                17 August 2018 09: 18
                Chioda came out at night.
                Destroyer hit the stones due to too high speed
                1. PPD
                  17 August 2018 11: 18
                  First, not under fire and not during a "breakthrough".
                  Secondly, for Chioda with the crew, this is, in general, a home of his own. Everything is close to them.
                  The place is painfully familiar.
                  And yet, Korean-displacement of 1134 tons, Chioda 2500 tons, Varyag 7000 tons.
                  There is a difference?
                  If even he had been allowed to wait for the night to land the cruiser on the stones, that’s the target.
                  And shame ... Would Uriu drink tea with sake all the time or would he drown with grief?
                  There the Varangian would have faced nose-to-nose with destroyers at least, and as a maximum, head-to-head with the entire squadron. Shock- didn’t calculate the maneuver- for stones- Asama and the others were practically thrashing.
                  1. +1
                    17 August 2018 13: 26
                    he didn’t need to go out at all, Uriu would not send a cruiser to the port, it was very dangerous for the Japanese, the entrance to the port was narrow and the Russians could easily block it - he planned to send the destroyers at night, and this is a completely different scenario
                    1. PPD
                      17 August 2018 14: 47
                      That is not a fact. Nothing particularly threatened the Japanese. Would go easily.
                      And Rudnev would not have done anything. Yes, even in cowards would be recorded. I didn’t meet (read chickened out), shot at a peaceful (or not so) port, put innocent ships of other states under attack, etc. just fantasize - ATTENTION!
                    2. +1
                      17 August 2018 15: 46
                      the port entrance is narrow and Russians could easily block it

                      Yes, it's not a fig, it's not narrow. Even if the "Varyag", "Koreyets" and "Sungari" are flooded in a line across it, the place will still remain.
            5. +2
              17 August 2018 13: 58
              Quote: Kotischa
              And so I have one question? Why, under all prevailing conditions, did Rudnev not make a breakthrough at night?

              The following article is entirely devoted to him :)))
        3. +3
          16 August 2018 17: 42
          According to your logic, in 1941 it was necessary to evacuate the families of commanders from the border in the spring of 1941 and take everyone’s position, because officers had long been talking about a possible war
  5. +10
    16 August 2018 09: 29
    in Korea, there were already up to 15 thousands of Japanese who are disguised as Japanese

    Insidious guys these Japanese! am
    Very interesting dear colleague. The denouement is approaching, disturbing music is playing behind the scenes and although the plot, in principle, is known, a tiny spark of hope continues to glow ...
    1. +4
      16 August 2018 09: 48
      Quote: Senior Sailor
      Korea, there were already up to 15 thousands of Japanese, who under the guise of Japanese

      laughing feel hi
    2. +1
      16 August 2018 10: 25
      So, on 29 of January 1903, the Varangian arrived in Chemulpo (Incheon). Less than a month is left before the battle on January 27 of next year - what happened during these 29 days?

      This phrase also contains some interesting arithmetic, which I can not figure out ... what
      1. 0
        17 August 2018 00: 50
        Simple typo! Have you already imagined a conspiracy?
  6. +2
    16 August 2018 10: 10
    was intercepted by a Japanese squadron bound for Port Arthur.

    Probably still following to Chemulpo?

    So, on 29 of January 1903, the Varangian arrived in Chemulpo (Incheon). Less than a month is left before the battle on January 27 of next year - what happened during these 29 days?

    Olepatka - could it mean December 29?
    1. +5
      16 August 2018 10: 52
      Quote: DimerVladimer
      Olepatka - could it mean December 29?

      Yes, of course, 29 December 1903
  7. +7
    16 August 2018 12: 02
    Article plus.
    The reasons and consequences for which the incident with the Koreans occurred and why the response did not follow were rightly indicated - this refers to military operations.

    Due to the incident with the canal boat, Rudnev did the necessary - the cruiser was alerted number one and the commandants spent the night at the guns, at any time ready to fire at enemy destroyers in the raid when trying to attack - but the fixed cruiser is a convenient target for the destroyers standing in front, like the destroyers would be doomed.

    The Widehead torpedo that sank near the Koreyets (apparently a hydrostat failure) is just an incredible gift of fate, since, without a doubt, a hit would have led to the rapid death of a canal boat and a subsequent attack on the roadstead of an unprepared, motionless Varyag, who would have been, if not caught by surprise, but would not have had time to put up worthy resistance or dissolve pairs in all boilers (he clearly stood in the roadstead with no more than two, maximum four boilers under steam, which allows him to earn extra money with machines, but in no way develop at least 10 knots - at least 20-30 minutes to raise vapors in other boilers).
  8. +5
    16 August 2018 12: 14
    I noticed something interesting: It was decided to consider dangerous only the landing of Japanese troops north of the 38-th parallel, and everything to the south (including Chemulpo) was not readable as such In both 1904 and 1952 38, the parallel turned out to be a kind of boundary along which a certain confrontation passed. No one knows why the 38 parallel is a dividing line? Maybe some geographical conditions or national differences such as northern and southern nationalities, for example, like ours, Mordvinians are divided into Moksha and Erzyu, so Koreans are divided by 38 parallel.
    Thanks to Andrey for the cycle hi , it is always interesting to learn new things, especially if stated in an accessible language. Historians sometimes sin by overemphasizing historical documents, but here everything is on the case and quite clearly. good We look forward to continuing the exciting study with impatience. fellow
    1. +4
      16 August 2018 13: 44
      I join the opinion of the available language.
      Before a specialist answers a question, a lengthy preface from reservations and terms often follows that there is no longer enough RAM to learn the main part.
      Interesting facts in an accessible language, an understandable opinion of the author and the opportunity to discuss are wonderful.
      1. Cat
        16 August 2018 14: 52
        The respected Andrei has one trouble, which, in principle, is the property of the works of the latter!
        He meticulously and consistently goes to a logical conclusion.
        I honestly don't have the patience to read his work. Somewhere on the third or fourth article, "I'm being carried with a headache" who is to blame and who is on the rack! And the Author again impartially examines the correspondence of a certain N with a certain M! I already have "drooling along the crooked sharpened dagger" from my chest the cry of "hey his atu" is torn! And Andrei, from his bosom, pulls out a causal connection like a magician 10 and challenges the opinion of 20 Moreman ...
        I have already tried Andrei's works to read two, three at a time. But walking for a week knowing that to continue in the internet is like stepping on your throat!
        So we’ll wait, with clenched teeth, What-that the Author in this definitely does not disappoint !!!
        1. +1
          16 August 2018 15: 12
          "And the dishes forward and forward
          goes through the fields, through the swamps.
          and the kettle whispered to the iron:
          "I can't go any further"

          That's what it means to keep the audience in suspense, the intrigue requires endurance.
          The main thing for the author is not to overdo it, and for readers not to lose the thread of reasoning.
        2. +2
          16 August 2018 17: 53
          I completely agree: the rasp is no longer enough, and Andrei is in no hurry to name the guilty. The catmen had already prepared the cattle on the rack, and was about to write repetitions.
          1. Cat
            16 August 2018 21: 27
            I’ve already hanged a couple of times in the Rudnev’s Ray and once, Nicholas II with a court, a naval ministry and a governor.
            Okay, Rudnev got out of the loop, but the rest have not yet proved their innocence in my eyes!
            1. +1
              16 August 2018 22: 45
              Krampa and Nikloss there, so that the rays would not stand idle laughing
  9. +1
    16 August 2018 14: 40
    So, on January 29, 1903, the Varyag arrived in Chemulpo (Incheon). Less than a month is left before the battle, which took place on January 27 of the next year - what happened during these 29 days? // Error in the date, correct in the text
  10. +3
    16 August 2018 15: 14
    A wonderful series of articles! good
    I look forward to continuing.
    Thanks to the author, for the work!
  11. PPD
    16 August 2018 17: 53
    Why is there generally 2 ships required? Why is there a new cruiser with 14 6 inches?
    Well, for example, Zabiyaka, well, a very important scoop in Port Arthur without it, well, no way !!
    And the Varangian, even if he’s going somewhere. It’s not a pity. So what?
    Is any firepower greater than Diana’s?
    1. +2
      16 August 2018 22: 43
      These are not questions to Rudnev or Belyaev, there is an order, they are fulfilling.
      1. PPD
        17 August 2018 11: 09
        Naturally, this is a guide.
        The question nonetheless remains. What did they intend to do there, why are they needed there? To get the opportunity to surrender them?
        There are other questions.
        1. +1
          17 August 2018 11: 37
          Stationary - a ship that is constantly at some station in a foreign port.

          They marked the presence and demonstrated the flag in peacetime.
          1. PPD
            17 August 2018 14: 40
            If quote-quote all definitions of inpatients. The presence is not an end in itself, there is a certain interest. But not in a situation where the shells are about to start flying and the full prospect is not trapped in a trap.
            On the eve of the war about which they spoke all the most reasonable, to demonstrate the flag.
            Correctly a new cruiser, for a ton of money ditch nonsense. And no one there knows how our flag looks. You must Fedya, you must!
  12. +4
    16 August 2018 19: 51
    Relatively recently I saw an article on the site where Rudnev was recorded as a traitor. Thanks. Andrey clarified the situation.
  13. +2
    16 August 2018 21: 57
    And the radio on the Korean was, interesting? There were definitely phones on the barrels.
    Or at least flags?
    Japanese ships attacked, go to the port, perhaps to sink both the Korean and the Varyag, and Belyaev is in no hurry to report back.
    Rudnev, already knowing that the Japanese had attacked the Korean, calmly watches as they enter the port with unfamiliar targets.
    Prior to this, already knowing that it smells like kerosene, he did not organize surveillance at the port entrance.
    Pralna, the initiative is punishable by the old army principle. wink
    1. 0
      18 August 2018 14: 29
      And the radio on Korean was interesting?
      As far as I know, no. Yes, and "Varyage", EMNIP, too.
      In general, the radio in those days is exotic.
  14. +1
    16 August 2018 22: 13
    Andrey is slightly inaccurate - Melnikov writes that the Korean informed the Varyag about the appearance of the Japanese squadron as early as 15-45
    The "Korean" left only at 15 hours 40 minutes. At this time, the Uriu squad, having learned from Chiyoda that the Russians were still standing in Chemulpo, was already drawn into the passage of the skerry fairway.

    At 15 55 hours from the “Korean” they saw a wake column coming towards them - three cruisers in the head, three vehicles in the middle and three cruisers in the tail. It was led by Chiyoda, a column of four destroyers was on the left. Both columns dodged towards the edges of the fairway, and the “Korean”, having managed to signal to the “Varyag” about the appearance of the Japanese,

    And this inaccuracy is very important - Rudnev knew about the appearance of the Japanese already at first, but did nothing.
    Far from decisive is Uriu, who directly violated the order and could disrupt the whole operation if they drowned the transports.
    1. 0
      17 August 2018 14: 04
      Quote: Avior
      Japanese ships attacked, go to the port, perhaps to sink both the Korean and the Varyag - and Belyaev is in no hurry to report

      Nevertheless, the situation in which the Japanese did not give a damn about everyone would arrange a massacre in the raid - from the category of surreal. In fact, the Japanese attacked Russia without declaring war, but they did not dare to bang the Varangian in the raid.
      Quote: Avior
      Rudnev, already knowing that the Japanese had attacked the Korean, calmly watches as they enter the port with unfamiliar targets.

      Yes, but by then:
      1) Varangian at the sight of EM
      2) No one is threatening the Korean.
      Are you sure you had to shoot in such a situation?
      Quote: Avior
      Melnikov writes that the Korean informed Varyag about the appearance of the Japanese squadron already in 15-45

      Right. But the appearance of the Japanese in themselves was not something outstanding and fit perfectly into the assumption that the Japanese would land in Chemulpo.
      Quote: Avior
      And this inaccuracy is very important - Rudnev knew about the appearance of the Japanese already at first, but did nothing.

      And he had no right - to prevent him from landing was expressly forbidden. Violate the neutrality of the raid - even more so.
  15. 0
    16 August 2018 22: 41
    By the way, another question arose.
    Of course, I did not work out the topic in such detail as Andrei, but, as far as I know, Uriu did not have a direct order to drown the Russian ships, and from his order it is clear that he was ready to do this only if there was a threat to the landing.
    But with Melnikov it is stated as follows
    with the departure of the last transport, Uriu was able to proceed to the second half of the task assigned to him - the destruction of Russian ships.

    that Uriu had a direct order for these actions.
    Perhaps Andrei will pay attention to this in the next part and clarify the issue.
    Will wait smile
    1. +1
      17 August 2018 14: 06
      Quote: Avior
      But with Melnikov it is stated as follows

      The fact is that with all due respect to R.M. he wrote the Varangian at a time when the Japanese archives were closed. Now they are opening, and in this matter, there is more faith in Polutov (who cites the texts of documents).
      And besides, there is no contradiction, since the precept-permission to declare the neutrality of Korea insignificant for the attack of Russian ships at Uriu was.
  16. +1
    17 August 2018 00: 06
    Description of diplomatic nuances is quite interesting. To the description of the hassle itself
    Korean with destroyers were questions. Maneuvering is not entirely clear. Where and how did the destroyers unfold in the front? Did they pass the Korean, turn around and chase when unfolding in the formation of the front or right from the edge of the channel began to unfold? From the description, it is not entirely clear what exactly was chased back, or can they immediately begin to unfold towards? But then it is not clear where Tsubame climbed.

    Where was Asama if at first she turned 180 degrees? If Asama was at the head of the transports, then at first she rushed to hide behind them or something, or did she immediately follow Takachiho and rushed first to the transports and then to the right?

    Did I understand correctly that Naniva, Akashi and Niitaka did not participate in this episode at all? Judging by the order, they remained far behind, near Father Harido

    And in the distance - the Varangian was not in the port but on the roadstead, from him to Phamildo about 6 miles, in theory it should be visible from the raid what was happening there. The mentioned island of Herido is similar to the island of Philip, about 3 miles west of Phamildo.
    1. 0
      17 August 2018 14: 10
      Quote: Saxahorse
      Where and how did the destroyers unfold in the front? They passed the Korean, turned around and chased, unfolding in the formation of the front or directly from the edge of the fairway

      I can't say for sure, the diagrams do not reflect this, but it looked like it was. The torpedo boats walked in a wake column along the channel, passed Koreyets, turned consistently across the channel, blocked it, and then turned "all of a sudden" and went to catch up with the gunboat.
      Quote: Saxahorse
      de was Asama if at first she turned 180 degrees?

      Ahead of transports. The Korean disagreed with the transports in the counter courses along the fairway, and Asama turned, and went with the Korean in one course covering the transports
      Quote: Saxahorse
      Did I understand correctly that Naniva, Akashi and Niitaka did not participate in this episode at all?

      In general, yes, but they did not stay behind the islands, they went on a raid for transport
      Quote: Saxahorse
      And in the distance - the Varangian was not in the port but on the roadstead, from him to Phamildo about 6 miles, in theory it should be visible from the raid what was happening there.

      A torpedo shot at this distance is invisible
      1. 0
        18 August 2018 01: 37
        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
        I can't say for sure, the diagrams do not reflect this, but it looked like it was. The torpedo boats walked in a wake column along the channel, passed Koreyets, turned consistently across the channel, blocked it, and then turned "all of a sudden" and went to catch up with the gunboat.

        I still found the scheme of maneuvering destroyers at the same Polutov. Page 181. The commander of the 9th detachment cap. 2 ranks of Yashima Junkichi. Unfortunately I do not know how to pull it out of the book and insert it here :(

        And the differences are interesting. First, it seems that the skirmish was right after Father Pamildo. Secondly, the passage of the Korean between the Japanese columns is rejected. Everyone parted on the port side. Japanese column at its right edge of the fairway, Korean at its edge. Destroyers walked 1-1.5 kb to the left and slightly behind Chioda and Takachiho. They gave full speed and began to turn left after the Korean. Then, at the edge of the fairway, they were divided into two groups. There is a feeling that the destroyers at first walked calmly behind Chioda and then reacted to Asama’s sharp maneuver, which began a sharp 180-degree left turn right in front of the Korean. The diagram shows that the Korean at this moment wagged to the right. And transports, apparently at the same moment, began a sharp turn by 90 degrees. to the right. Judging by the scheme, the Korean simply couldn’t go straight, there was an island in front and we had to turn left to Asama and the approaching second group or right right for a couple of destroyers. Korean turned right.

        Judging by the scheme, Kari fired a torpedo in the direction of Asama and the transports :) An interesting nuance is that their course is very short, 300-800 meters.

        And judging by the scheme, three cruisers of the second detachment carried out the same transports to the raid, showed the flag and turned back, behind Father Pamildo.

        Another nuance in the reports Belyaev noticed. He wrote that the Varangian stood without vapor at that time ...
        1. 0
          18 August 2018 08: 46
          Quote: Saxahorse
          I still found the scheme of maneuvering destroyers at the same Polutov. 181 page.

          Strongly doubt its correctness.
          Quote: Saxahorse
          Another nuance in the reports Belyaev noticed. He wrote that the Varangian stood without vapor at that time ...

          Yes it was
          1. 0
            18 August 2018 19: 38
            Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
            Strongly doubt its correctness.

            It is at least generally confirmed by the testimony of several witnesses. On the other hand, Belyaev is constantly confused, just like an eyewitness :)
  17. +2
    17 August 2018 01: 47
    Good night, Andrey!

    Recently I read a book by Viktor Kataev "Koreets" in the glory of "Varyag" (All about the legendary gunboat). I liked the book, a lot of new, interesting and rich photographic material.
    I'd love to know your opinion about her. Unsubscribe, if not difficult.
    And thank you very much for your present work!

    Regards, Konstantin. hi
  18. +1
    17 August 2018 04: 45
    On the destroyer “Kari” they decided that this creates a dangerous situation, and on the other hand, it makes it possible to end the “Korean” until none of the foreign inpatients sees this, and fired a torpedo. "Aotaka" and "Hato" increased the course and lay closer to the "Korean", while the "Hato" fired one torpedo

    Dear Andrey, here again a funny thing happened with the commander of the destroyer detachment, Captain 3rd Rank Sakurai Kitimaru. Last time I wrote to you that this guy said that he had sunk the "Varyag" and "Koreets" that returned after the battle with torpedoes.
    And according to another report by Trubridge, it was he who fired a torpedo on his destroyer Kasasagi. Allegedly, the Japanese only fired one torpedo in the "Koreyets", and that was precisely from the destroyer "Kasasagi", and not from those indicated in your text. It turns out that the commander of the destroyer detachment attributed the attacks of the Koreyets to his destroyer, which were actually carried out by his subordinates from other destroyers.
    I come across this for the first time :-)
    I read your answer about the Russian battleships in the next topic, thanks. I will try not to disappoint you or other colleagues :-)
    1. +1
      17 August 2018 14: 11
      Thank you, dear Valentine, you again and again amuse me with wonderful stories from the life of Japanese sailors! :)))
    2. 0
      18 August 2018 01: 54
      "Captain 3rd rank" is not enough for commanding a destroyer detachment.
      1. 0
        18 August 2018 02: 00
        I apologize right away. Yes, Captain 3rd Rank Sakurai Kitimaru really commanded the 14th destroyer squad in this battle.

        True, he commanded Tidori and not Kasasagi.
  19. 0
    18 August 2018 04: 18
    "On January 29, 1903, the Varyag arrived in Chemulpo (Incheon). Less than a month is left before the battle, which took place on January 27 of the following year - what happened during those 29 days?" ... I can't believe my eyes! Well, the time machine works!
  20. 0
    18 August 2018 04: 22
    And one more glitch "in Korea there were already up to 15 thousand Japanese, who disguised as Japanese and in a short time before the war settled throughout the country" ... Japanese disguised as Japanese? This is a classic of disguise!
  21. +1
    18 August 2018 14: 57
    Andrew, as always, with brilliance, detail and critical. Thank you and look forward to continue! hi good
  22. +4
    18 August 2018 23: 42
    Already on January 24 (the day when the notification of the breakdown of diplomatic relations was officially received in St. Petersburg), the commanders of foreign hospitals “secretly” informed Vsevolod Fedorovich Rudnev about this unfortunate event.

    Dear, Author! You did not mention another channel of information through which Rudnev received news of the outbreak of war with Japan.
    On January 26, at 8 hours and 40 minutes, the Russian ship “Sungari” arrived at Chemulpo raid, on which an American military attache arrived from Shanghai. He said that the war will begin on January 27. Yes, this message is not from the immediate superiors, it is not necessary to believe him, but in the absence of communication with the higher command, Rudnev should have taken him seriously.
    Steamship "Sungari": Built 16.09.1898 / 10.1898 J. Scott & Co., Kingshorn (building number 103).
    1 gt; 415 x 72,39 x 10,39 / 5,09 m; 5,33 1 ind. l with.; 200 knots 11,5 VTR 2-cylinder, 3 screws. Commodity and passenger ship.

    In the photo "Sungari" in the combat structure of the Japanese fleet.
    Rudnev probably thought that one "Varyag" was not enough and he decided not to blow up and leave more to the Japanese and "Sungari". On it, the kingstones were opened and it was podzhit. The steamer "Sungari" was raised by the Japanese on August 6, 1904, and on June 25, 1905, it was renamed the auxiliary cruiser "Matsue-maru".
    I don’t know, comrades, maybe I’m wrong, but for some reason there was a persistent feeling that one word was floating in the air above Chemulpo raid - treason!
    It was not for nothing that the chief navigator of the Varyag, EA Berens, recalled that he was expecting arrest and trial on his native shore!

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