Fighting for World War II (part of 1)

Fighting for World War II (part of 1)

After the war, the United States decided to strengthen its position in the European market. To limit the economic possibilities of competitors, the Americans used the question of the military debts of the former European allies. After the formal entry of the United States into the First World War, they provided the Allies (primarily England, France, Italy) loans worth 8,8 billion dollars. The total amount of military debt, including the loans provided by the United States in 1919-1921, amounted to more than 11 billion dollars.

The debtor countries tried to solve their problems at the expense of Germany, imposing on it a huge amount and extremely difficult conditions for the payment of reparations. At the end of the First World War, the Treaty of Versailles was concluded, according to which the sum of reparations for Germany and its allies was determined. For Germany, this amount was 269 billion gold marks (equivalent to approximately 100 thousand tons of gold).

In the event of delays in the supply or repatriation payments, French troops entered the non-occupied territories of Germany several times. 8.3.21 French and Belgian troops occupied the cities of Duisburg and Düsseldorf. France was able to control the ports and receive accurate information on the total exports of coal, steel and finished goods from the Ruhr.

The London ultimatum from 5.5.21 set a reparation payment schedule for a total of 132 billion gold marks (22 billion pounds sterling), and in case of refusal, the Ruhr region was occupied as a response.

In the 1922 year, in view of the deteriorating economic situation in the Weimar Republic, the Allies refused to repay money, replacing them with in-kind payments (steel, wood, coal). Began the flight of German capital abroad and the refusal to pay taxes. This, in turn, led to a state budget deficit, which could only be covered by mass production of unsecured brands. The result was a collapse of the German currency - the “great inflation” of 1923, when for one dollar they were given 4,2 trillion. stamps. German industrialists began to openly sabotage the payment of reparation obligations.

9.1.23 the reparations commission stated that the Weimar Republic deliberately delayed deliveries (in 1922, instead of the required 13,8 million tons of coal - only 11,7 million tons, etc.). France used this as an excuse to send troops into the Ruhr Basin. In the period from 11 to 16 January 1923, French and Belgian troops numbering 60 thousand people (later the contingent was increased to 100 thousand) occupied the territory of the Ruhr region, taking the coal and coke production facilities located there as a "production collateral" as security fulfillment by Germany of its reparation obligations. As a result of the occupation, about 7% of the post-war territory of Germany was occupied, where 72% of coal was mined and more than 50% of pig iron and steel were produced.

This was expected by the Anglo-American ruling circles, in order to let France get bogged down in the venture, and proving its inability to solve the problem, take the initiative in their hands. US Secretary of State Hughes pointed out: "We must wait for Europe to mature in order to accept the American proposal. ”

In 1923, England, and in 1926, France was forced to sign an agreement with the United States to pay debts. At the same time, Italy, with a debt of 2,015 billion, had to pay about 20% of the amount at the rate of 0,4% per annum. Why? Because in 1922, Prime Minister Mussolini, the leader of the national fascist party, headed Italy, and the highest elite of the United States needed a new war in Europe to expand its zone of influence. The British elite thought to play this card with the Americans. They did not know that there was no place for them among the superpowers ...

In Germany at the beginning of the 20s, the United States and Britain rely on revanchist sentiments, as well as on the still not very well-known, but rapidly gaining popularity, politician Adolf Hitler - leader of the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany (NSDAP). By the end of 1923, by the time of the so-called beer putsch (a failed coup attempt by the NSDAP stormtroopers), significant steps had already been taken to bring the Anglo-American and German bankers closer together.

In the depths of the Morgan group, at the direction of the head of the Bank of England Norman, a program was developed for the penetration of Anglo-American capital into the German economy. This was preceded by active negotiations between friend Norman, the future head of the Reichsbank Mine and his British and American counterparts. The plan, which provides for a two-fold reduction in reparations and sources for their payment, was proposed by the American banker Dawes and adopted at a conference in London in the summer of 1924. In the same year, Germany was granted financial assistance from the United States and Britain in the form of loans to pay reparations to France.

Due to the fact that the annual payment of reparations went to cover the amount of debt paid by the allies, there was a "absurd Weimar circle". Gold, which Germany paid in the form of war reparations, was sold, mortgaged and disappeared in the United States, from where it was in the form of "assistance"According to the plan, returned to Germany, which gave it to England and France, and those, in turn, paid them the US military debt. The latter, having besieged it with interest, again sent it to Germany. In the end, everyone in Germany lived in debt, and it was clear that if Wall Street recouped their loans, the country would suffer complete bankruptcy.

Although formally loans were issued to ensure payments, it was actually a matter of restoring the country's military-industrial potential. The Germans paid for the loans with shares of enterprises, so that American capital began to actively integrate into the German economy. The total amount of foreign investment in German industry for 1924 − 1929. amounted to almost 63 billion gold marks (30 billion of them accounted for loans), and payment of reparations - 10 billion marks. 70% of financial revenues were provided by US bankers, most of them Morgan banks. As a result, already in 1929. German industry came out in second place in the world, but to a large extent it was in the hands of leading American financial-industrial groups.

“I.G. Farbenindustri "- the main supplier of the German military machine on 45% financed Hitler's election campaign in 1930, was controlled by the Standard Oil Rockefeller. The Morgans through General Electric controlled the German radio and electrical industry in the face of AEG and Siemens (by 1933, 30% of AEG shares belonged to General Electric), through ITT communications company - 40% of the German telephone network, except for this owned 30% shares of the aircraft manufacturing company "Focke-Wulf". Over the "Opel" was established control by "General Motors", which belonged to the family of Dupont. Henry Ford controlled the 100% stake in Volkswagen. In 1926, the second largest industrial monopoly of Germany emerged with the participation of Dilon Reed & Kº in Rockefeller Bank, the industrial monopoly of Germany, the Fereinigte Stalverke (Steel Trust) Thyssen, Flick, Wolf and Fegler metallurgical concern, and others.

The American cooperation with the German military-industrial complex was so intense and pervasive that by 1933, the key sectors of German industry and such large banks as Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Donat Bank, etc. were under the control of American finance capital. .

At the same time, a political force was being prepared, which was called upon to play a decisive role in the implementation of the Anglo-American plans to conquer most of the world. We are talking about financing the Nazi party and personally A. Hitler.

As the former German chancellor Bruening wrote in his memoirs, starting with 1923 years, Hitler received large sums from abroad. It is unknown where they came from, but they acted through Swiss and Swedish banks. It is also known that in 1922, in Munich, Hitler met with the US military attache in Germany, Captain Truman Smith, who made a detailed report about it to the Washington authorities (to the Military Intelligence Agency), in which he spoke highly of Hitler. It was through Smith that Ernst Franz Zedgvik Ganfshtengl, a graduate of Harvard University who played an important role in shaping Hitler as a politician who provided him with significant financial support and provided him with familiarity with high-ranking British leaders, was introduced to Hitler's circle of acquaintances.

In 1930, a new reparations payment plan was adopted, which was called the Young Plan. Jung's plan provided for a reduction in the total amount of reparations from 132 to 113, 9 billion marks, the payment term was provided for in 59 years, the annual payments decreased.

For the final resolution of the issue of reparations, a conference was convened in Lausanne, which ended with 9.07.32 signing an agreement on Germany buying out for 3 billion gold marks of its reparation obligations with repayment of redemption bonds in 15 years. The Treaty of Lausanne was signed by Germany, France, England, Belgium, Italy, Japan, Poland and the British dominions.

This agreement was not enforced because after Hitler came to power in Germany 30.1.33, the payment of reparation payments was discontinued. After World War 2, Germany began to make payments on the reparation payments mentioned above. 4.10.2010 d. The German Federal Bank made the last payment.

Since the fall of 1929, after the collapse of the US Stock Exchange provoked by the US Federal Reserve Service, a new phase of the strategy of the Anglo-American financial community has begun. The Federal Reserve Service and Morgan’s Banking House decide to stop lending to Germany, inspiring a banking crisis and economic depression in Central Europe. In September, 1931, England abandoned the gold standard, deliberately destroying the international payment system and completely blocking the financial oxygen of the Weimar Republic.

However, a financial miracle happens with the NSDAP: in September, 1930 as a result of Thyssen's large donations “I.G. Farbenindustri and Kirdorf Party receives 6,4 million votes, ranks second in the Reichstag, after which generous injections from abroad are activated. The main link between the largest German industrialists and foreign financiers becomes Schacht.

4.1.32 held a meeting of the largest English financier Norman with Hitler and von Papen, at which a secret agreement was reached on financing the NSDAP. This meeting was also attended by American politicians Dulles brothers.

14.1.33 met Hitler with Schröder, Papen and Kepler, where Hitler’s program was fully endorsed. It was here that the issue of the transfer of power to the Nazis was finally resolved, and on January 30, Hitler became the Reich Chancellor. Now begins the implementation of the next stage of preparing Germany for the new war.

The attitude of the Anglo-American ruling circles to the new government has become extremely benevolent. When Hitler refused to pay reparations, which naturally called into question the payment of war debts, neither Britain nor France made any claims to him about payments. Moreover, after a trip set by the Reichsbank Mine in the USA in May 1933 and meeting with the president and major bankers, America allocated new loans to Germany for a total of one billion dollars. In June, during a trip to London and a meeting with Norman Schacht, he was seeking an English loan of 2 billion dollars and a reduction and then termination of payments on old loans. Thus, the Nazis got what the previous governments could not achieve.

On 28 February 1933, Germany’s external debt was 23,3 billion marks (5,55 billion dollars). During 1934, this debt was written off at 97%, which saved Germany 1,043 billion marks. American banks, to which Germany owed 1,788 billion dollars, agreed to concessions, since they received 13 billion dollars only for the placement of bonds according to the Dawes and Jung plans. The United States pushed Germany toward development.

In the summer of 1934, Britain entered into an Anglo-German transfer agreement, which became one of the foundations of British policy towards the Third Reich, and by the end of the 30-s, Germany was becoming the main trading partner of England. Schröder’s Bank is becoming Germany’s main agent in the UK, and in 1936 its New York office merges with the Rockefellers' home to create the Schröder, Rockefeller and Kº investment bank, which Time magazine called the “Berlin-Rome economic promoter ". As Hitler himself admitted, he conceived his four-year plan on the financial basis of a foreign loan, so he never gave him the slightest anxiety.

In August 1934, the American Standard Oil acquired 730 acres of land in Germany and built large oil refineries that supplied the Nazis with oil. At the same time, the most modern equipment for aviation factories, which will begin production of German aircraft. Germany received a large number of military patents from the American firms Pratt and Whitney, Douglas, and Bendix Aviation, and the Junkers-87 was built using American technologies. By 1941, when World War II was raging, American investments in the German economy totaled $ 475 million. Standard Oil invested 120 million in it, General Motors - 35 million, ITT - 30 million, and Ford - 17,5 million.

American bankers do not need peace in Europe, but war is needed. Not for that they spent billions of dollars. Something that resembles our recent past, when, using the "politics of chaos", peace in the countries of North Africa and the Arab world was practically blown up ....

As a result, spending on the German armed forces increases. While German military spending in 1932 amounted to 0,254 billion dollars, in 1936 and 1939 this amount was 3,6 and 4,5 billion dollars, respectively.

With 1933-34 in the foreign policy of England and the USA, the idea of ​​"appeasing" Germany at the expense of Eastern Europe and the USSR comes to the fore. Americans would not mind a defeated Soviet Union grab pieces of the Far Eastern and Northern territories. But as always, I wanted to do it "by someone else's hands."

At dawn 7 March 1936, the 19 infantry battalions of the German army and several military aircraft were transferred to the Rhineland. This was the first attempt to try to destabilize and redraw the calm in Central Europe. Hitler later said: "48 hours after the march to the Rhineland were the most exhausting in my life. If the French had entered the Rhineland, we would have to retire with pursed tails. The military resources at our disposal were inadequate even to provide moderate resistance».

In the sources of information it is mentioned that the German troops, upon entering the Rhineland, did not even have cartridges and shells. The French for the pants were held by the Americans and the British. The French did not know then that the indicated countries were preparing to sacrifice them ...

Separate negotiations between the United States and Britain with Germany in November 1937 showed the German leadership that neither Britain, nor the United States, nor France would intervene if Austria, Sudeten and Danzig joined, if these changes did not lead to war in Europe. Attempts Austria find support in England and France turned out to be vain. 12-13 March, March 1938, Austria was annexed by Germany. European democracy surrendered the first sovereign country to the Nazis.

Please note that the time in question is somewhat reminiscent of our time. Then they also tried to be guided not by the principles of security and not by assuming war, but on the contrary - the gradual incitement of a world fire. The press also distorted information: black was spoken to white, and white to black. It was possible to blame and not submit evidence. European civilization once again slipped to the threshold of a world war. And again, as before the first war, everything happens according to a scenario written in the USA. And again, on the sidelines of England ...

11-19 March 1938, Poland began to put pressure on Lithuania in order to get diplomats to establish diplomatic relations and recognize Vilna region as Polish territory. These ultimatum were supported by Germany, interested in the return of the German Memel (Klaipeda). The intervention of the USSR and the refusal of France to support the actions of Poland limited the Polish demands only to the establishment of diplomatic relations. The USSR at that time helped Lithuania to preserve its integrity. We see that at that time Poland was ready to become the same aggressor as Germany.

The aggravation of the situation in Czechoslovakia in April-May, 1938, also demonstrated the reluctance of England and France to interfere in the affairs of Eastern Europe. Britain and France, and behind their backs — the United States — were preparing for Hitler a corridor for a campaign against the USSR. Therefore, the proposals of the USSR on holding military negotiations with France and Czechoslovakia from 27.04.38 and 13.05.38 were not accepted, since it would be "bad luck if Czechoslovakia survived thanks to Soviet help". The armed forces of Czechoslovakia and the USSR could easily dispel the German troops at that time. But the Anglo-Americans did not need it ...

In May, 1938, England and France stepped up pressure on Czechoslovakia in favor of transferring border areas of Germany. The British were afraid that the intransigence of Czechoslovakia could lead to a US-German rapprochement. The US, for its part, through the ambassador in London, 20.07.38 hinted to Berlin that, in the case of cooperation with them Washington would support the German requirements for England or would do everything to meet the German requirements for Czechoslovakia.

29-30 September 1938, England and France transferred the Sudetenland to Germany in exchange for declarations of non-aggression. As a result of this agreement the system of military alliances of France fell apart. The plan of weakening France began to be gradually implemented. France could be left alone in a fight with Germany, and therefore she held herself to her “ally” England ...

21-22 October, Poland began to probe for the normalization of Soviet-Polish relations.

October 24 Germany proposed Poland to resolve the problems of Danzig and the “Polish corridor” through cooperation under the Anti-Comintern Pact. However, Poland continued the policy of balancing between Germany and the USSR.

On November 26, the German embassy in Warsaw learned that the Polish telegraph agency intends to publish the official Polish-Soviet declaration in a few hours. Two hours later, the text of the declaration became known. The German ambassador was amazed and postponed the planned trip. Reporting the text of the declaration to Berlin, he emphasized in his report that the declaration was caused by the economic needs of Poland and in his political formulations was unequivocally directed against Germany.

27 November was signed a communique on the normalization of relations. The Polish leadership was afraid loss of independence at rapprochement with Germany. On the same day, the Polish government and the German embassy waited for the reaction of Berlin with bated breath.

November 28 in the Berlin newspapers could read the explanation that the Polish-Soviet declaration was really necessary, because the relations between the two countries could not be more tolerant. Polish government circles took this reaction with great relief. On the same evening, the press department of the Polish Foreign Ministry told all German correspondents in Warsaw by telephone: “The following comments on the Polish-Soviet declaration are classified material and are given only to German correspondents. Can only be used without specifying the source. The tension between Poland and the Soviet Union during the past months has reached a level that the public could not guess, because her attention was too busy with Czechoslovak events ... "

December 1 at the reception of the German ambassador to Poland by Ribbentrop revealed that Ribbentrop had not yet received any instructions regarding the policy that Germany would take towards Poland. Then it turned out that Ribbentrop was not personally able to appreciate the significance of the Polish-Soviet step. He was very surprised when he was once again informed that this step was primarily directed against Germany. "Actually, I was most offended by the Poles for not informing us before that"He answered ...

In October, 1938 - in March, 1939 held secret Anglo-German negotiations. 15-16 March signed a cartel agreement by industry representatives from both sides.

Since October 1938, France has also tried to improve relations with Germany.

Since the fall of 1938, Germany has begun to build economic relations with the USSR. 19.12.38 was extended to 1939 the year of the Soviet-German trade treaty.

5-6 January 1939 was the visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland to Germany. Beck showed flexibility and Germany’s territorial claims were not accepted. Accept Poland offers Germany and she was among the allies of Germany in the war with the USSR. She really wanted to be among the equal allies of Germany, but it was not profitable for England and the United States.

Special Post RU RKKA 10.2.39: "According to the German diplomatic circles in Warsaw, the conversation between Hitler and Beck, when visiting the last 5.1.39 Berchtesgaden, had the following content.

Beck was apparently dissatisfied with the conversation with Hitler and still believes that the main goal of German expansion remains the East and that therefore Hitler does not intend to make any concessions to Poland. The only satisfaction is that, in his opinion, Poland is not immediately threatened, and therefore it still has time to prepare for defense.
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12 January Hungary announced its readiness to join the Anti-Comintern Pact.

February 19 was signed by the Soviet-Polish trade treaty.

From the end of February, Poland begins to develop a plan ("Zahud") of the war with Germany.

In mid-March, England, France and the United States have information about Germany’s preparations for the occupation of Czechoslovakia, but the guarantors of the Munich Agreement did not provide for any countermeasures. As in the case of Ukraine in 2014, the "guarantors" do not guarantee anything. Real Dzheltemeny - I want to give the floor, I want - I will take.

14.03 - Slovakia declared independence.

15.03 - German troops entered the Czech Republic.

21.03 - England has put forward a proposal to sign the Anglo-Franco-Soviet-Polish declaration of consultation in the event of aggression. On the same day, Germany again offered Poland to resolve the issue of the transfer of Danzig and the “Polish corridor” in exchange for joining the Anti-Comintern Pact with the prospect of anti-Soviet actions. Poland continued to "tack" between Berlin and Moscow. Paris and London tried to unite Poland and Romania in a single alliance - Poland was not going to worsen relations with Berlin, so she refused.

21-23 in March Germany, under the threat of the use of force, forced Lithuania to hand over the Memel region to it.

Special Post 22.03.39: "The Germans are negotiating with the Poles about the seizure of Lithuania and part of Latvia (with Libau) in compensation for the Polish corridor. The following demand was made to the Lithuanian Foreign Minister Ribbentrop in Berlin: “The issue of Klaipeda requires urgent resolution. Before 25.3.39, Lithuania must surrender to Klaipeda without resistance; otherwise we will not stop within the borders of Klaipeda. ” The response must be reported no later than 21.3., And 22.3. A commission must be sent to Berlin to sign the conditions.

The 17-00 21.3. the Lithuanian cabinet decided to yield to power, surrender Klaipeda without a fight and send a commission to Berlin
... "

Special Post 23.03.39: "England reaction is rated by Berlin weaker than expectedtherefore Germany decided to expand its operations in Eastern Europe by joining Klaipeda and hitting Romania...

Due to the ease of success in Czechoslovakia and Lithuania, the sequence of actions changes and instead of pressing on the West decided to eliminate the resistance of the Poles... According to information emanating from the same Lithuanian circles, Slovakia will not be turned into a protectorate, but will remain a formally independent, but in fact subordinate to Germany, country. This is intended to ensure that other countries - Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and even Poland - could also ask Germany for similar protection. Poland in the event of a possible agreement between the USSR, France and Britain should remain on the side of Germany, for which she is promised some territorial cuts
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There is no Soviet threat for the indicated countries, but they are being handed over and forcibly pushed back into Hitler’s camp.

March 23 signed a German-Romanian economic agreement. Poland begins the latent mobilization deployment of four divisions and one cav. brigade.

1 April Berlin threatened England to terminate the Anglo-German naval agreement 1935 of the year, if London did not stop surrounding Germany.

Special Message, 1.04.39: "The Polish army on 1.4.39 brought to 1100000 people. This army size ensures that peacetime units are brought to wartime states.... »

On April 3, OKV Chief of Staff Keitel informed the commanders-in-chief of the ground forces, the air force and the navy that a draft was prepared.Directives on the uniform training of the armed forces for the war on 1939-1940. "And the draft plan of war with Poland (" Weiss "). By 1 May, you must submit your thoughts on the use of troops against Poland. Fully complete war preparations to 1.09.39 Mr.

7-12 April Italy occupied Albania.

12 April England and France gave security guarantees to Turkey to prevent its rapprochement with Germany.

13 April England and France gave security guarantees to Greece and Romania.

14 April 1939. The English government proposed to the Soviet government to make a public statement that “in the event of an act of aggression against any European neighbor of the Soviet Union, which would resist (aggression), it will be possible to rely on the assistance of the Soviet government, if it is desired, what assistance will be rendered in the way that is most convenient».

In this sentence no obligation of england and france in the event of a direct German attack on the USSR, although in relation to each other, both Western powers were already bound by mutual aid commitments. According to the British draft, the Soviet Union was to assist (ie, fight) against the aggressor in the event of an attack on any of the USSR’s European neighbors, provided that Soviet assistance "would be desirable."

A sort of Russian sepoys ... And after the new war, English and French soldiers will come and finish off the remaining German, Russian and other East Slavic ...

The USSR’s European neighbors were Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Romania. The last two states had guarantees from Britain and France, and, therefore, by rendering assistance to them, the Soviet country could count on fighting against the aggressor in alliance with two other great powers. However, in the event of a fascist attack on Finland, Estonia or Latvia, the British proposal did not give the Soviet Union any reason to count on their support. Meanwhile, for the USSR, the German attack on the Baltic countries, because of their geographical location, was no less dangerous than its attack on Poland and Romania. By tying the Soviet Union with an obligation to help the Baltic states, the British proposal left England and France “free hands”.

On April 15, the US president suggested that Germany and Italy promise not to attack the 31 country mentioned in his message in exchange for support on the issue of equal rights in international trade.

Special message. Ramsay, 17.04.39: “Within the next year or two years, German policy will be exclusively focused on French and British issues, taking into account all issues related to the USSR. Germany’s main goal is to achieve such political and military power as England I had to without war, recognize Germany’s demands for hegemony in Central Europe and its colonial claims. Only on this basis will Germany be ready to conclude a long peace with England, even renouncing Italy, and starting a war with the USSR.

In the near future, according to the secretary, the most dangerous development of events in Europe is expected, since Germany and Italy must hurry get the better of England, because they know that in two years it will be too late due to the fact that England has large reserves ... "

28 April Germany terminated the Anglo-German Maritime Agreement 1935 of the year and the non-aggression pact with Poland 1934 of the year.

April 30 Germany unofficially informed England and France that if they did not convince Poland to compromise, then Berlin would establish relations with the USSR.

9-10 May 1939, in response to the Soviet proposals, Poland said it would not agree to an alliance with Moscow. Probably, the Poles were advised by "friends" from England and France.

14-19 may undergo French-Polish negotiations on military convection. France promised support for Poland in the attack of Germany.

Special message. Ramsay, 5.05.39: "As the German Ambassador Ott found out in the Japanese General Staff, the difficulties in the Japanese government itself in connection with the negotiations on the conclusion of the Japanese-German-Italian alliance are confirmed by the fact that Arita and the marine circles put forward their plan to form an alliance that provides sufficient security and guarantees that are included in that case if the union is brought into action against England or America ...

Marine circles and Arita refuse to conclude such a pact, which would openly indicate that it is directed not only against the USSR, but also against England and other countries. Arita and the marine circles, in addition to the official text of the union pact of the three countries, constitute a special secret addition to it. In this secret supplement, the articles of the Covenant will be expanded to include actions against any country. They want to avoid open friction with England and America, without publishing such a text of the pact, which clearly states that it is directed not only against the USSR ...

The General Staff cannot take responsibility for splitting the present government because of differences of opinion and hopes that the German side will also insist on the main articles of the agreement. Ambassador Ott telegraphed to Berlin ...

Special Post 5 Management of the Red Army 9.5.39: "2.5.39 Dr. Kleist, the closest employee of the German imperial foreign minister and member of the Bureau of Ribbentrop, stayed in Warsaw. In one of his conversations, Kleist painted the following picture of the political situation:

“According to Hitler’s own statement made in a conversation with Ribbentrop, Germany is currently experiencing a phase of its absolute military consolidation in the East, which, despite ideological considerations, must be achieved by any means necessary. The merciless cleansing of the East will be followed by the “western stage”, which will have to end. defeat france and england, whether by military or political means. Only after this will it be possible to count on the feasibility of defeating the Soviet Union....

If Poland does not agree with the German proposals and does not capitulate in the coming weeks, which can hardly be assumed, then in July-August it will be subjected to military attack. Polish General Staff hopes that hostilities can begin in the fall, after the harvest.

By surprise, we hope to crush Poland and achieve quick success. The great strategic resistance of the Polish army must be broken in 8-14 days. The attack on Poland must be fought simultaneously - from the German eastern border, from Slovakia, the Carpathian Ukraine and East Prussia ...

This whole project causes only one concern in Germany - possible Soviet response. In the event of a conflict, we want under any circumstances to achieve the neutrality of the USSR ...

We are of the opinion that the conflict with Poland can be localized. England and France are still not ready to speak on the side of Poland. If we break Poland’s main resistance in a short time, England will demonstrate fleetFrance rattles weapons for his line Maginot - this case will end. If, contrary to expectations, the European war, in connection with the statement against Poland, would be a likely factthen we will know that the German strike against Poland will serve the Western states only reason for war against Germanythat proactive war against Germany is decided...

The German command is convinced of its victory, the decisive moment of which will be for our aircraft. According to the calculations of German military experts, all British ports can be destroyed within six hours. The devastating effect of German aviation has so far been demonstrated only once: in the Spanish Civil War near Gernicky. The success was awesome. The city was leveled. In this light, the conquest of France and England is not too difficult. America will not be in time with its intervention, and the Soviet Union will be neutral ...

The international situation and the actions of countries in the near future are predicted quite well. Germany at this time is more afraid of the Red Army than the armed forces of Britain and France.

20.05. Germany proposed the USSR to resume economic negotiations.

The Soviet side hinted at the need to bring the relationship of "political base".

Berlin from London received information about difficulties in the Anglo-French-Soviet negotiations.

France probes Germany’s position on improving relations.

21.05. Germany decided not to rush things in Moscow.

22.05. signed "Steel Pact" between Germany and Italy.

24.05. England decided to maintain negotiations in Moscow for some time.

23-30 May. English-Polish negotiations. London promised to provide 1300 combat aircraft and undertake aerial bombardment of Germany in the event of aggression against Poland.

27.05. Moscow has received new Anglo-French proposals: an agreement on mutual assistance for 5 years and so on.

30.05. Having learned on the proposals of the USSR from Britain and France, Germany specifies in Moscow what the phrase about the “political base” means.

31.05. At the session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, V. Molotov criticized the position of Britain and France in negotiations that did not want to give guarantees to the Baltic countries [about aggression against these countries].

2.06 resumed Soviet-German economic contacts.

The USSR presented Britain and France with a new draft treaty.

Estonia and Latvia were against guarantees from Britain, France and the USSR.

07.06. Latvia and Estonia have concluded non-aggression treaties with Germany.

06-07 June. Britain and France spoke in favor of an agreement with the USSR.

08.06. Germany has achieved from the USSR agreement on the resumption of economic negotiations.

12.06. Moscow notified London that without guarantees the Baltic countries would not agree to sign the treaty.

13.06. Britain probed Germany’s position on the curtailment of the arms race, the economic agreement and the colonies.

15.06. Berlin hinted to London that the British guarantees of Poland provoke Germany to use force and need to withdraw them. The final version of the Weiss plan has been prepared.

16.06. The USSR again demanded that Britain and France reciprocate and guarantee the Baltic countries or conclude a simple tripartite agreement without guarantees to third countries.

17.06. The economic contacts of Germany and the USSR failed. Germany considered the proposals of the Soviet side too high.

21.06. A new Anglo-French proposal of the USSR followed.

22.06. The USSR again proposed the conclusion of a simple tripartite agreement.

27.06. England once again probed the position of Germany on the subject of negotiations.

The economic contacts of Germany and the USSR failed. Germany again considered the proposals of the Soviet side too high.

28.06. Germany declared the need to normalize Soviet-German relations.

In June, during the regular Anglo-French negotiations, it's decidedthat the allies will not help Poland. They will try to keep Italy from entering the war and will not take blows to Germany.

During the Anglo-Polish negotiations, it turned out that England will not be supply the latest military equipment, and the credit for military needs requested by the Poles was cut from 50 to 8 million pounds sterling.

Germany still has not received a firm answer: what will Britain and France do in the case of the German-Polish war.

01.07. Britain and France agreed with the USSR proposals on guarantees to the Baltic countries.

Moscow hinted to Berlin that "nothing prevents Germany from proving the seriousness of its desire to improve relations».

03.07. The USSR refused to guarantee the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Switzerland, putting the condition of guarantees the conclusion of bilateral agreements with Poland and Turkey [we are talking about non-aggression].

07.07. Germany decided to resume economic contacts under Soviet conditions.

08.07. Britain and France noted that the treaty as a whole was agreed, but a discussion about “indirect aggression” began.

Germany agreed to a secret meeting with the British.

Special Post 5-th Office of the Red Army 9.7.39: "I present the translation of the material characterizing the future plans of the German aggression against Poland, expressed by the head. Eastern Division of Ribbentrop Kleist in the conversation with our source in the period between 17 and 19 in June of this year.

The material in some part develops and complements Kleist's previous statements regarding the policy of Germany towards the Soviet Union and the position of the latter in the upcoming German-Polish conflict. Germany's attack on Poland, according to Kleist, is planned in August - September, while, according to his previous message, should occur in July
... »

10.07. England decided to reach a compromise with the USSR on the basis of mutual concessions, but "providing free hand so that you can declare that we are not obligated to enter warsуbecause they disagree with her interpretation of the facts.". It turned out that Moscow is not making concessions.

17-19.07. Poland was visited by an English general, W. Ironside. Made sure she will not be able to resist the German offensive for a long time and they did nothing about strengthening Poland’s defense. Everything goes according to plan...

18.07. In Berlin, continued economic contacts between Germany and the USSR. The USSR made some concessions.

19.07. The British leadership decided to never recognize the Soviet formulation of "indirect aggression", but to go on further negotiations in order to impede Soviet-German contacts.

22.07. Germany decided to resume the political probe of the position of the USSR.

23.07. Britain and France agreed to the military negotiations proposed by Moscow, and 25.07 notified her.

24.07. Germany once again probed the USSR, offering to take into account Soviet interests in Romania and in the Baltic States in exchange for the refusal of the treaty with England.

22-25.07. An agreement was reached on an informal meeting in Schleswig Germany and England.

We learned about these contacts in France and 24.07 passed information to the press.

The author used materials from the article. Yuri Rubtsov "The credit for the world war, Hitler took from America."

The ending should ...
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  1. -5
    12 August 2018 07: 35
    Finally, the article provides an analytical grouping of facts, in contrast to their unsystematic presentation in the topic of the beginning of the Second World War.

    The only drawback is the suppression of the reason for pumping Germany up with American money and satisfying its territorial claims, namely, the existence of a threat of communist expansion on the part of the USSR.

    Whether it is now, the Russian Federation is an ideological center of basic social values ​​and state sovereignty, not only in Europe but throughout the world. Therefore, the NATO bloc over the past 26 years has actually disarmed in terms of conventional weapons.

    Ideology is the basis of war.
    1. +18
      12 August 2018 08: 25
      "" "" ...... The United States and England had neither the strength, nor the spirit, nor the honor to fight the regular army of Germany. These two parasitic formations consisted of cowardly (but wealthy and armed to the teeth) Neanderaloid archanthropes. And so England and the United States in Europe (and not only) fought with the civilian population. They “fearlessly” destroyed cities and towns where there were no military units. Hospitals, maternity hospitals, almshouses, factories, schools, universities were bombed "heroically" ... On February 8, 1945, the Anglo-American heavy aircraft bombed peaceful Dresden for many hours and wiped it off the face of the earth. Why did the geeks choose this big city? Because there were no anti-aircraft guns, guns and military units capable of responding with fire to fire. And so it was everywhere - the destruction of the civilian population, robbery and export. And the preservation of the German divisions on the principle: you do not touch us, we you, and then together we will beat the Russians.
      The brutal degenerative "allies" showed their fangs and claws. And yet, all this horde of the West, which embarked on the victorious path of Great Russia (USSR), did not dare to strike her. Why? Because then no one would have stopped Russia, Russia would have swept away the Anglo-American occupiers with Nazi shortcomings in the Atlantic, and in a month or two would have completed its heroic campaign on the ruins of London and Washington. To the joy of humanity freed from the Beast from the Abyss of Russia, Russia would forever end the Clan of Degenerates, the monstrous Symbiosis of Parasites ... It would be fair, humane and right ........

      ....... England and the USA, these warmongers, parasites-observers, following the results of the Second World War, having brought ridiculous single casualties, turned out to be the main winners and appropriated up to eighty percent of the fruits of the Great Victory won by the Russian People ... . "" ""
      1. -1
        13 August 2018 20: 24
        Quote: gla172
        The United States and England had neither the strength, nor the spirit, nor the honor to fight the regular army of Germany. These two parasitic formations consisted of cowardly (but rich and heavily armed to the teeth) Neanderdeloid archanthropes.

        In order to fight with the United States or Germany’s BI, it was first necessary to create a military-navy, which could more or less fight with these countries on arvs. The main sources of almost all types of raw materials were under the control of the British, Americans and French. Particularly problematic for Germany was the situation with the supply of oil and petroleum products. In Europe itself, with the exception of the USSR, things were worse than that, and everything could be purchased anywhere outside of Europe, it was under the control of the British and Americans. And sea communications through which it was possible to import petroleum products to Germany were also under the control of the British and Americans. The oil that was extracted in Romania, even for Germany alone, was too little for a full-scale war in Europe. Hitler foolishly began to wave his fists. He was lucky many times, both in the case of Czechoslovakia and in the case of passivity of the BI and France when Germany attacked Poland. Then he was very lucky in France, but forever, too, this could not continue.
    2. +2
      12 August 2018 09: 02
      Quote: Operator
      The only drawback is the suppression of the cause of Germany pumping up American money, namely, the existence of a threat of communist expansion on the part of the USSR.

      The only reason for American loans in Germany is the extremely large profits that they brought to corporations and US banks, because in Germany there was an abundance of cheap and at the same time very skilled labor force.
      . Wars, including world, were in the world even when no communists existed. And WWII is called just a continuation of WWII, when the Germans tried for the second time to achieve goals that they could not achieve in WWII.
      The author writes about the diabolical machinations of the United States in Europe after the WWII, but forgets that the United States pursued an official policy during this period isolationism, in accordance with which the Treaty of Versailles did not even sign and withdrawn from international politics: did not work in the League of Nations.
      States that seek to rule the world do not.
      Ideology is the basis of war.

      The economy is the basis of all wars
      1. +5
        12 August 2018 12: 52
        Quote: Olgovich
        And WWII is called just a continuation of WWII, when the Germans tried for the second time to achieve goals that they could not achieve in WWII.

        The Second World War took place only because a country like the USA did not have time to redistribute the world following the results of the First World War. The USA is the main customer and organizer of the Second World War and its main culprit.
        Quote: Olgovich
        that the USA during this period pursued an official policy of isolationism

        Just a fig leaf to cover for American imperialism. Like we (the USA) do not meddle in "your" Europe, and you (Europe) do not meddle in "our" Latin America, as always, the Americans threw everyone and took Europe and Latin America for themselves.
        1. 0
          13 August 2018 13: 00
          Quote: Setrac
          The Second World War took place only because a country like the USA did not have time to redistribute the world according to the results of the First World War

          Winner I couldn’t catch time in WWI!
          Quote: Setrac
          USA - main customer and organizer of World War II and her main the culprit.

          Names, passwords, appearances, DOCUMENTS, DECISIONS, ORDERS USA - on the table! But without "incited", "incited" lol etc.
          Quote: Setrac
          Just a fig leaf to cover up American imperialism.

          No, this is real US policy from mid-19th to mid-20th.
          1. -1
            13 August 2018 18: 17
            Quote: Olgovich
            The winner in the WWII Could not be in time!

            They are the same victors of the WWI as the French - the victors of the Third Reich.
            Quote: Olgovich
            Names, passwords, appearances, DOCUMENTS, DECISIONS, ORDERS USA - on the table! But without "incited", "incited"

            What evidence do you need? The United States sponsored the war industry of the Third Reich and Japan, generously shared technology, for FREE.
            1. 0
              14 August 2018 05: 51
              Quote: Setrac
              What evidence do you need?

              I wrote some DOCUMENTS, DECISIONS of US authorities, etc.
              Quote: Setrac
              The United States sponsored the military industry of the Third Reich and Japan, generously shared technology, for FREE.

              They LENDED, not "sponsored" any production and wherever it brings PROFIT.
      2. -3
        12 August 2018 13: 25
        The only reason for American loans in Germany is the extremely large profits that they brought to corporations and US banks, because in Germany there was an abundance of cheap and at the same time very skilled labor force.
        All because of the money? You do not have to simplify. Stalin comparing Churchill and Roosevelt said that one doesn’t shun to get into someone else’s pocket for a trifle but the second works for large. The aim of the Amers is to overwhelm the English. vmv. making money is good but managing money is even better.
        Quote: Olgovich
        States that seek to rule the world do not.

        The devil always strives to show that he is not. And his actions are always only good.
    3. +7
      12 August 2018 10: 15
      Well, yes, the USSR after 1928 threatened Europe so much, so threatened ... that it started collectivization and industrialization and, in a strange way, Hitler came to power at the same time ... the Kremlin’s hand reached out and influenced the elections in Germany ... through hackers. ..ah ... strange coincidences. I’ve only been living for a long time to believe in coincidences. It’s just that the arrogant Saxons saw the first results of the five-year plans and got stupefied from what they saw. And from fear that EVERYONE will see the benefits of socialism.
      1. +9
        12 August 2018 14: 35
        The Soviet Union, unlike Poland, did not start to jack up on trifles, but became engaged in domestic politics and economics, which by the year 35 was already obvious, a much wiser and more robust choice. And this is a direct merit of Stalin, who suppressed in the top leadership a group of frostbitten adventurers (Trotskyists, a military conspiracy, canceled mass repressions and settling accounts with the help of the NKVD (it was Stalin who turned them off rather than started) and others) and drew a tough line on the country's development .
        1. -1
          13 August 2018 07: 20
          Quote: yehat
          direct merit of Stalin

          In my opinion, Stalin’s namesake, the merit of Stalin was that he threw the Anglo-Saxons beautifully, but Joseph Vissarionovich didn’t manage to fully finish his game, and it didn’t work out because Adik Schiklgruber angered the Anglo-Saxon bankers, rubbing him in your ears a tale of the greatness of Germany and its greatness in particular!
      2. -2
        13 August 2018 07: 11
        Quote: besik
        It’s just that the arrogant Saxons saw the first results of the five-year plans and got stupefied from what they saw

        laughing It's fun, they built it themselves, pumped money with the USSR themselves, and then they got scared !!!! good
    4. +2
      12 August 2018 10: 50
      You can also ask the question: why did England and France, according to the paragraphs on the treaty with Poland, declare war on Germany and the USSR after the invasion of Polish territory on September 17 -no?
      1. +7
        12 August 2018 12: 54
        Quote: Huumi
        You can also ask the question: why did England and France, according to the paragraphs on the treaty with Poland, declare war on Germany and the USSR after the invasion of Polish territory on September 17 -no?

        And you can also ask the question why Poland did not miss the Soviet troops to help Czechoslovakia?
      2. avt
        12 August 2018 13: 38
        Quote: Huumi
        You can also ask the question: why did England and France, according to the paragraphs on the treaty with Poland, declare war on Germany and the USSR after the invasion of Polish territory on September 17 -no?

        You can, well, if history is not taught in terms of negotiations in Moscow with representatives of these same
        Quote: Huumi
        England and France
        which appeared without supporting documents to sign any agreements, right before the arrival of Ribbentrop, then kaaa anesna is possible.
      3. +4
        12 August 2018 13: 44
        Quote: Huumi
        You can also ask the question: why did England and France, according to the paragraphs on the treaty with Poland, declare war on Germany and the USSR after the invasion of Polish territory on September 17 -no?

        Because, as late as the evening of 16.09.1939, the Polish government in full force left the country, thereby disavowing the capacity of its country as an independent state. Poland has become an administrative-geographical entity.

        Popularly, in 2's words - there was no one to declare war! Or was it necessary to declare war on Germany? lol
      4. +3
        13 August 2018 20: 22
        Can. And that will be the right question. Especially in the light of today's hysteria about the outbreak of war. On September 17, 1939, a meeting of the Heritage of the Majesty was held and it was decided that these events should not be regarded as aggression against Poland. The argument was convincing.
        It is also interesting to know why the Polish ambassador to the USSR refused to accept the note of the Soviet Government. He also named the reason.
        For all Russophobia. On September 17, 1939, the USSR did not enter the war and did not attack Poland. This was recorded in London.
        Additionally. V. Molotov had a rather heavy and dark humor. Therefore, he used the phrase "the ugly brainchild of the Versailles Treaty." It was a terrible blow to the solar plexus .. After all, at one time the British Foreign Secretary George Curzon was indignant about the Baltic states "What else do these Versailles freaks want".
        1. +3
          13 August 2018 20: 35
          Warsaw left
          President Moscitsky - September 1, 1939
          Government - September 5, 1939
          Commander-in-Chief Rydz Smigly - September 7, 1939
          The government left the country on September 17, 1939.
    5. +9
      12 August 2018 13: 32
      Quote: Operator
      Finally, the article provides an analytical grouping of facts, in contrast to their unsystematic presentation in the topic of the beginning of the Second World War.

      The only drawback is the suppression of the reason for pumping Germany up with American money and satisfying its territorial claims, namely, the existence of a threat of communist expansion on the part of the USSR.

      Whether it is now, the Russian Federation is an ideological center of basic social values ​​and state sovereignty, not only in Europe but throughout the world. Therefore, the NATO bloc over the past 26 years has actually disarmed in terms of conventional weapons.

      Ideology is the basis of war.

      I do not agree with you.
      Analysts in the article at least. Pure chronology. And not all. The role of Poland in the Czechoslovak events is absolutely not reflected. Namely, based on them, Churchill called Poland "the European hyena", and, perhaps, this is what determined the fate of Poland. She was no longer perceived as an ally. It was made fuel and a springboard for Germany, an open door for a dash to the East.
      It was the military-political idiocy of Poland that opened the door to the Second World War.

      Your second statement is not supported by anything. Even from this article it is clear that the efforts of Soviet diplomacy during this period were aimed not at fomenting a "world revolution", but at building multilateral collective security systems in Europe. Mutually binding system. And on the conclusion of economic agreements with neighbors. Where is the place for "communist expansion by the USSR", I do not understand. Do you want to spread responsibility for the war? In the spirit of unafraid liberals?

      The third is simply absurdity. Look at the dynamics of US military spending, NATO’s main strike force. And Europe’s behavior is the impudence of an aging kept woman. Trump will quickly bring her to life.

      And the last thing. According to the definition of ideology, "ideology" cannot be any basis. It can only be a tool. Any war is based on economic reasons. Since war is money, money, and again money, at the end of it there should be an understandable economic benefit that will cover all costs and give a colossal profit. Otherwise, simply, no one will fight.

      And I liked the article itself. Competent approach. And its "disadvantages" are the format costs. This article is not a monograph. Let's see what conclusions the author brings us ...
    6. +2
      12 August 2018 13: 39
      Quote: Operator
      Finally, the article provides an analytical grouping of facts, in contrast to their unsystematic presentation in the topic of the beginning of the Second World War.

      After the publication by the author of the 17-series study "The Unexpected War of Hitler's Germany with the USSR" with an unexpected "ending", vague doubts begin to plague the adequacy of the conclusions that follow in the last chapter of this opus ... recourse
      Respected editor. sorry author! Maybe better about the reactor? wassat
      Let's lay out, without hesitation, your main thought prepared for the finale!
    7. 0
      12 August 2018 14: 27
      you are too fixated on ideologies
      the real and main reason for the actions of the USA is the expansion of its interests in those places that were weak and accessible for the export of capital and for making big profits. At first it was South America, China and European porridge, then the United States reoriented its interests due to Japan and the short-sighted actions of England to destroy the remnants of the British Empire. But the USSR was generally insignificant in the plans of the USA.
  2. avt
    12 August 2018 08: 40
    good I ran well on the texture, dynamically like that.
  3. -7
    12 August 2018 09: 02
    Dear author, what does the Fed have to do with the economic crisis of 1929? She decided to shoot herself in the leg? )))
    When Hitler came to power, everything is right, but Stalin’s ban on Telman’s joining the coalition with the Social Democrats is not mentioned. Then history would most likely go in a different direction.
    1. avt
      12 August 2018 12: 30
      Quote: Krasnodar
      Dear author, what does the Fed have to do with the economic crisis of 1929?

      Sit down, two. In general, it is really strong! bully Indeed - how is a financial institution that has steered money since $ 1913 in relation to the economy and crises in particular? wassat Yes, and in fact privatized with the participation of the same Morgan.
      Quote: Krasnodar
      but Stalin’s ban on Telman’s entry into a coalition with the Social Democrats is not mentioned. Then history would most likely go in a different direction.

      bully Hitler would probably cry then and probably left for some kind of monastery - paint watercolors.
      1. 0
        12 August 2018 14: 08
        Quote: avt
        Hitler would probably cry then and probably left for some kind of monastery - paint watercolors.

        And what would he have left?
        1. 0
          12 August 2018 22: 38
          the course of history does not depend on the whims of individuals - they are influenced, guided and limited by heaps of outside forces, processes are formed by history, not people. From how Telman jumped, a lot of details would change, but very few key points.
      2. -8
        12 August 2018 14: 53
        So why did the Fed provoke a crisis in the economy? To lose money?
        And as for Hitler - I think that the Communists in power would deal with him. Probably.
  4. -7
    12 August 2018 12: 05
    Quote: Olgovich
    The economy is the basis of all wars

    This is a purely concrete communist idea. bully
    1. avt
      12 August 2018 12: 31
      Quote: Operator
      Quote: Olgovich
      The economy is the basis of all wars
      This is a purely concrete communist idea.

      Well, if you read only the title of Marx's work, Capital, without even opening it.
      1. +1
        12 August 2018 12: 36
        Well, if you recall the name of Marx's father (Mordechai), then you can understand his passion for monetizing everything and everyone.
  5. +1
    12 August 2018 12: 46
    "Horses, people mixed up in a heap" and only the insidious Angly-Saxons and their overseas cousins ​​hang a terrible shadow over this very heap, consisting of facts mixed with the author's fantasies.
    The roots of the Second World War go back to those problems that arose before the First World War and which it still didn’t solve, that is, at a time when the role of the USA in European and world politics was meager.
    Moreover, the Versailles world order, designed just by European politicians, first excluded the USSR and the USA - the two largest powers, without which ensuring stability in Europe by the middle of the XNUMXth century. it was already impossible, secondly, the new state demarcation completely destroyed the economic ties in Central and Eastern Europe.
    The Versailles Principles had too much politics and too little concern for the economic order.
    Europe was not ready for a joint solution of financial and economic problems, so the next war was a matter of time.
    1. avt
      12 August 2018 15: 15
      Quote: Curious
      The Versailles Principles had too much politics and too little concern for the economic order.

      bully Nothing that the signatory marshal-winner of the Franks said at all - "This is a truce for 20 years."?
      1. 0
        12 August 2018 18: 04
        Nothing what? What is the contradiction?
        1. avt
          12 August 2018 18: 20
          Quote: Curious
          What is the contradiction?

          well if
          Quote: Curious
          world order
          Quote: avt

          THAT, yes, actually -
          Quote: Curious
          1. 0
            12 August 2018 21: 32
            Doesn't equal. First, Foch did not sign the Treaty of Versailles, he signed the Compiegne truce.
            Secondly, at that moment it was only his private opinion, for he did not participate in the preparation of the Treaty of Versailles, despite all his merits. Foch was not the only one who criticized this treaty, he criticized it, and the United States did not even ratify it and concluded a separate one in disagreement with it. But all this does not change the very essence of Versailles and its significance for further history.
            In general, it is better to study such questions from serious literature, and not from articles of the level of "Pioneer Dawn", which was published by the author.
  6. 0
    12 August 2018 14: 07
    Another conspiracy therapist.
  7. +4
    12 August 2018 14: 24
    Another point not noted in the article. In the spring of 1933, US President Roosevelt
    "suddenly" realized the need to establish diplomatic relations with the USSR. what
    interestingly, a couple of months after Hitler came to power in Germany. Apparently
    well understood that it was a big war, which would definitely require
    participation of the USSR. Rather, even so - competently preparing for this war.
  8. +2
    12 August 2018 15: 02
    Written - 24 comments. Only 10 is visible. Where are the others?
  9. +3
    12 August 2018 16: 00
    But with the last comment from Curios you can not agree. The US is very
    involved in the elaboration of the conditions of the Versailles peace. You can, for example, read
    biography of then president Woodrow Wilson. The classics were right
    it is said that the First World War is an attempt to redistribute an already divided world,
    It is the whole world, not just Europe. So the main participants set
    goals are not fully achieved, it took the Second World War. Wrestling
    goes redivision of the world today. This is visible to the naked eye.
    1. -2
      12 August 2018 18: 20
      The fact that the President of the USA was present does not mean that he was deciding something there. Yes, Wilson had his own program of eternal peace, only it was not interesting to anyone. Wilson's "Fourteen Points" only annoyed US allies. Georges Clemenceau said: "Monsieur Wilson tires me with his fourteen points; even the Lord had only ten."
      The Versailles world is a purely European product.
      1. +4
        12 August 2018 21: 23
        The United States did not achieve its goal in Europe by washing (an international treaty), but by skating (financial policy).
  10. +5
    12 August 2018 19: 40
    Even as I decided. The lender always has the opportunity to set conditions for debtors.
    And always uses this opportunity.
    1. -2
      12 August 2018 22: 04
      Yes, and so everything was decided successfully, that the USA did not even ratify the Treaty of Versailles because it did not suit them and signed a separate one.
      1. +2
        12 August 2018 22: 18
        The entire agreement or part devoted to the creation of the League of Nations?
        1. -2
          12 August 2018 23: 09
          Open the Wikipedia to the supersport, it says there.
          1. +3
            12 August 2018 23: 17
            Thanks for the advice. I will definitely use it.

            The United States (represented by its resident Wilson) signed the Versailles Treaty along with everyone else .... another thing is that the Democrat Wilson in 1918 lost a majority in Congress. He refused 2 times to ratify the treaty.

            In this connection, the United States in 1921 signed a separate peace treaty with Germany in which there were all the same provisions of the Versailles treaty in terms of reparations, etc., with the exception of items relating to the creation of the League of Nations
    2. +5
      12 August 2018 22: 17
      Read at your leisure how many loans taken during the 1st World France, England, Italy to the USA were returned ... or not returned
      1. +2
        12 August 2018 23: 15
        So, what is next? According to early estimates, the United States returned from 25 to 10%. And the conditions of Versailles just played an important role in this. Did the Americans set up this for themselves?
        1. +2
          12 August 2018 23: 28
          My post about returning loans was addressed to this comrade ...

          Today, 19: 40
          Even as I decided. The lender always has the opportunity to set conditions for debtors.
          And always uses this opportunity.
          1. 0
            12 August 2018 23: 33
            Sorry, accepted at my own expense.
            1. 0
              12 August 2018 23: 40
              The system for some reason so unsuccessfully distributed the answers hi
              1. +1
                13 August 2018 00: 11
                Yes, after the "reconstruction" it became uncomfortable.
                1. +3
                  13 August 2018 00: 30
                  By the way, on the topic of discussion.

                  There is one aspect of the war and the peace treaty, which is not given importance in Russian literature. And he played one of the main roles in the fact that the winners, especially France, exposed Germany so depraved and humiliating conditions.

                  Namely, that war was the first in which the media played an important role. Propaganda from all sides took prohibitive forms. The enemy was demonized in all ways, monstrous crimes, cruelty, etc. were attributed to his soldiers. Public opinion was pumped to the limit with propaganda. And after the end of the war it played a huge role. The electorate thirsted for "revenge". Here the elected politicians had to go too far and because of this. with well-known consequences ...

                  In Italy, the discrepancy between the expectations of the electorate with the results of the peace treaty and the piece of cake that came out brought Musollini to power for a couple of years ...
                  1. 0
                    13 August 2018 01: 29
                    One example of "demonization".
                    On April 17, 1917, the Belgian newspaper L'Independance belge, published in London, reported that a corpse processing factory had begun working near the Belgian city of Koblenz, occupied by the German army. The bodies of the dead German soldiers arriving there were processed into oil for lubrication and feed for pigs. The report was accompanied by evidence of the cooking of the corpses. L'Independance belge referred to the Dutch Leiden, which, however, did not publish any information on this matter. On the same day, the British Times and Daily Mirror reprinted this article, comparing it with the information of the reporter for the German edition of the Lokal-Anzeiger that he happened to smell not the most pleasant smell near the front line. When translating the note into English, several mistakes were made, as a result of which the horse carcasses turned into corpses, and the glue turned into quicklime used for disinfecting corpses. The next day, talk about the next atrocities by the Germans swept all of England.
                    The system studies of the influence of exclusively public opinion on the conditions of the Versailles Treaty have not met.
  11. +4
    12 August 2018 22: 46
    Special thanks to the author for the photo in the article.
  12. -1
    13 August 2018 18: 25
    amusing conspiracy thesis ...
    True, "Standard Oil" was abolished in 1911. and why is war necessary if profits can be obtained anyway?
  13. 0
    26 September 2018 07: 39
    I didn’t understand, if the U-87 was built according to American patents (a clear hint that the American simply gave the Germans this dive), why did the Americans themselves not have at least something like that? Is the author too thick to try to show how the Americans prepared Adolf for valuable dogs?

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"