"I die, but I don't give up." How the Black Sea Fleet Perished

100 years ago, in June 1918, ships of the Black Sea fleet prefer death to surrender to the Germans. With a signal on the mast “I’m dying, but I don’t give up”, they hid under the water one by one.


18 February 1918, the Austro-German troops launched an offensive on all fronts. Young Soviet Russia did not have an army to stop the enemy. 3 March 1918, the Soviet delegation signed the Brest Peace. Russia pledged to immediately conclude peace with the Ukrainian People’s Republic (the Central Rada fell under the Germans) and recognize its peace treaty with Germany and its allies. Thus, Soviet Russia was losing Western Russian lands — the Baltic States, White and Little Russia. And the new boundaries were not clear. Moscow hoped for the imminent collapse of the German bloc and revolution, which would allow Brest to be canceled.

Meanwhile, the German troops entered Bravo in Kiev, and the Austrians occupied Odessa. The Germans quickly became convinced that the Rada did not represent anything, and the “troops” of the UPR had only a couple of thousand former soldiers, idlers and adventurers. Therefore, on April 29, “election” of Hetman P. Skoropadsky took place, which was to form a more effective colonial administration. And the Central Rada was dispersed by a German guard without a single shot. The UPR was replaced by the “Ukrainian State” - another ephemeral “state”. Skoropadsky tried to consolidate his position: a serduchny division was formed (Serdyuk from Tur. Sürtük "conductor, spy" or "angry, angry", guard of the hetman), the division of General Patnev in Kharkov, the 1-I infantry division created by the Austrians of the United States. in Vladimir Volyn, as well as several security and border hundreds. In addition, the hetman began to form and white troops.

The Austro-German occupiers took decisive measures to restore order in Little Russia (Ukraine). Landowners returned the land seized by the peasants, inventory, and livestock. Punishers carried out mass executions and repressions. However, this did not reassure the population, but only embittered him. Guerrilla and banditry adopted a new scale, which was not yet at the Central Rada. The whole gangster "armies" acted in Ukraine, like the formation of Makhno's father. The gangs of Green, Struk, Sokolovsky, Tyutyunin, atamanshi Marousi, etc., became very famous.

Fleet care in Novorossiysk

According to the agreement with Kiev, the Germans in April entered the Crimean peninsula. At the same time, the uprising of the Crimean Tatars began. The government of the Soviet Republic of Taurida fled from Simferopol. Some members of the government headed by A. Slutsky were captured in the Alupka area and executed.

The Sevastopol fortress at that time was one of the most powerful in Russia. In Sevastopol there were dozens of serfs and naval guns, there was a huge ammunition. Even without the support of the fleet, the fortress could withstand the enemy for a long time. And with the presence of the Russian fleet dominating the Black Sea, the capture of Sevastopol was almost impossible. But by this time the old army and navy in Russia had completely decomposed and collapsed, and the new armed forces had just begun to form. Therefore, there was no one to defend the city. Revolutionary and anarchic "little brothers" beat and bruised the bourgeoisie with pleasure, killed the officers, but in principle did not want to fight. Some thought where to escape, and others how to become “Ukrainians” and negotiate with the Germans.

March 27 Maritime General Headquarters (MGSH) sent the Central Committee of the Black Sea Fleet (Tsentroflot) a telegram on the need to transfer ships to Novorossiysk, so that the Germans did not fall into the hands. At the plenary meeting, Tsentroflot accepted the proposal of the Bolsheviks to immediately prepare the base in Novorossiysk, and bring the fleet to combat readiness as soon as possible. It was decided to staff only new destroyers, one cruiser and dreadnought battleship Volya (formerly Emperor Alexander III) and Free Russia (Empress Catherine II). The old ships due to the development of technical resources and lack of personnel remained in Sevastopol in storage.

As a result, a situation in prison released the former fleet commander Rear Admiral Mikhail Sablin. To save the fleet from being destroyed by the Germans, he ordered the red flags to be replaced with Ukrainian ones, and not wishing to do so before leaving the harbor before midnight, with the result that almost all 29 of April about midnight left and in the morning 1 reached Novorossiysk safely. Attempt by Sablina to negotiate with the German General von Koshem on behalf of the "Ukrainian fleet" did not lead to success. The Germans came close to Sevastopol and Sablin ordered the rest of the fleet to leave. The combat core of the fleet is gone: two dreadnought, the destroyers Kerch, Kaliakria, Shrill, Ardent, Loud, Hasty, Live, Lieutenant Shestakov, Lieutenant-Captain Baranov, Gadzhibey "," Hot "," Strict "," Sharp-witted "and" Swift ", auxiliary cruiser" Troyan ", 65 motor boats, 8 transports and 11 tugs.

During an exit from a bay the ships were fired by Germans from the tools established ashore and "Free Russia" received insignificant damages. The destroyer "Wrath" by mistake engine room ran aground and could not escape. Submarines and small ships returned to the South Bay. In Sevastopol, six battleships remained, two cruisers and other ships, many of which were defective and did not have personnel. The captain of 1 rank M. Ostrogradsky was instructed to prepare the destruction of ships not capable of transfer. Because of the panic and disorder in the port, only the Zavetny destroyer was destroyed. Ostrogradsky ordered the Ukrainian flag to be raised on ships unable to move.

Russian ships left on time. On the night of May 1, the German battleship Geben and the light cruiser Hamidie took up positions in front of Sevastopol. More 1916 and at the beginning of 1917, they would have become easy prey for the Sevastopol squadron, but now the Russian fleet has lost its combat capability. 1 May German troops entered Sevastopol. 2 May “Goeben” entered Sevastopol. The Germans raised the German flags on the Russian ships and appointed the captain of Ostrogradsky "the sea representative of the Ukrainian state." Ostrogradsky became naval minister of the hetman, and then moved to the white fleet. But neither Ostrogradsky nor the “Ukrainian Power” in Sevastopol had any real power. All controlled by the German Admiral Hopman. The Germans staged an unceremonious robbery of the property of the fleet and fortress (looting and looting flourished throughout the Crimea and all the occupied areas). The Prut cruiser (a former Turkish ship) was handed over to the Turks and taken to Constantinople.

Battleship "Free Russia" ("Catherine the Great")

The death of the fleet

The situation in Novorossiysk was alarming. Novorossiysk port was not adapted for the long stay of such an impressive squadron. Sablin received a telegram from German Field Marshal Eichhorn from Kiev demanding the return of the ships to Sevastopol, where to hand them over to the Germans. The German command demanded the transfer of the fleet from the leadership of the Soviet Republic, threatening with a further offensive on all fronts. German reconnaissance aircraft began to appear over Novorossiysk, and their submarines at sea. The city anxiously waited for the further advance of the German troops already occupied Rostov and Kerch. German troops really planned to take Novorossiysk. It was rumored that the Germans landed the landing corps in Taman, the fleet was demoralized and could not resist: there were constant meetings, the sailors deserted. Sablin went to Moscow to save the fleet and restore supplies, leaving the commander of the "Freedom" commander, captain of 1 rank Alexander Tikhmenev.

The head of the Soviet government, V. Lenin, did not intend to hand over the fleet to the Germans, but Russia could not fight either. On May 24, Chief of the Marine General Staff E. Behrens presented a report to the head of the Soviet government to Lenin, which said: “Germany wishes to take control of our fleet at any cost. Further attempts on our part to resolve the issue by negotiations under the above conditions give only Germany the opportunity to gain time and obviously will not lead to anything. Our vessels in Novorossiysk will fall into the hands of not even Ukraine, but Germany and Turkey and will create these in the future their domination on the Black Sea ... All these conditions show that the destruction of ships in Novorossiysk must be done now, otherwise they will undoubtedly and probably completely or partially fall into the hands of Germany and Turkey. Lenin signed on the report of the Marine General Staff: "In view of the hopelessness of the situation, proved by the highest military authorities, the fleet must be destroyed immediately." In May, the secret directive signed by Lenin was sent to the commander and chief commissar of the Black Sea Fleet 28 in May with the order "to drown all the vessels of the Black Sea Fleet and commercial ships in Novorossiysk." At the same time, in order to gain time, the Council of People's Commissars sent an open telegram to the fleet about the need to transfer the ships to the Germans. And encrypted - Tikhmenev, with a categorical requirement to flood the fleet.

Later, in the years of the victory of "democracy", the myth was created in Russia that the Bolsheviks, by malicious intent, destroyed the fleet. In fact, the Soviet government complied with the recommendations of military experts (officers of the former Tsar's fleet), who feared strengthening the fleet of Germany and Turkey at the expense of Russian ships. It should be remembered that the final fate of the fleet was not decided by Lenin's telegram. At this time, the farther from the center, the greater the anarchy and partisan. In particular, the chairman of the Kuban-Black Sea Republic, A. Rubin, demanded not to execute the decision of the central government to flood ships and promised to take over the supply of the fleet. Also, the delegation of the republic promised to resolve the issue of allocating ground units for the defense of the city, but eventually left and did not appear again. Fleet sailors made their own decisions. Tikhmenev revealed to the teams the content of the instructions of Moscow and the following days passed in a general discussion of the future fate of the ships. Deciding what to do: let the ships to the bottom or return to Sevastopol? 14 June passed a vote: 939 sailors voted for Sevastopol, 640 - for flooding, about 1000 - abstained. About dreadnoughts distribution of votes was as follows: on the “Will” for the return - 360, for the sinking - 140; on “Free Russia” for the return - 350, for the drowning - 340.

On July 15, Commander Tikhmenev announced that the referendum had won the bid to go for Sevastopol, discarding the abstentions (demanding to wait or fight). Most of the officers supported him, the lesser, led by the commander of the destroyer "Kerch" senior lieutenant Vladimir Kukel (grandson of Admiral Gennady Ivanovich Nevelsky), considered the surrender of ships to the Germans as the highest disgrace, and continued to agitate for flooding. They evaluated the voting results as “majority against submission”. Tikhmenev ordered to begin preparations for the departure. Teams of some destroyers, in particular the Ushakovsky Division, ignored the order, others began to prepare, but expressed doubt in this decision. Many sailors, opponents of the transition to Sevastopol, left the ships at night. On the morning of June 16 was ordered to breed pairs, which many destroyers did not perform. Having learned about the decision to go to Sevastopol, the townspeople flooded the port and the piers, urging the teams to stay. June 17, fulfilling the order of the commander to follow to the Crimea, six destroyers and the battleship "Volya" began to go on an external raid. Nine destroyers refused to leave. The “Free Russia” battleship also remained, unable to separate the pairs. When all the departed ships began to anchor on the outer roadstead, after them on the destroyer “Kerch” a signal was raised: “To ships going to Sevastopol: shame on the traitors of Russia”.

Representatives of the Soviet government Glebov-Avilov and Vakhrameyev arrived at Volya, but could not convince Tikhmenev to scuttle the ships. He appointed care on 10 evenings, trying to divert also "Free Russia". But attempts to replace her engine team with officers and civilian craftsmen failed. At night, the Tikhmenev compound — Volya, the destroyers Daring, Hasty, Restless, Ardent, Living, Hot — in tow at the auxiliary cruiser Troyan and the floating base of high-speed boats Cross, departed in Sevastopol.

The battleship Volya leaves Novorossiysk for Sevastopol. In the foreground - the destroyer "Kerch"

By the morning of June 18, the full crew (about 130 people) remained on Kerch, with general disarray and wobbling, Senior Lieutenant Kukel managed to save most of his ship's crew. On the "Lieutenant Shestakov" were collected up to fifty sailors from different ships, on the rest of the destroyers - less than 10 people on each. It was decided to use the "Lieutenant Shestakova" as a tug, and "Kerch" - as a torpedo. The destroyer "Lieutenant Shestakov" began to tow the ships to the site of flooding. The Kerch torpedo sank Fidonisi, after which all the other ships were sunk by the discovery of the Kingston and the undermining of key mechanisms. With the signal on the mast "I die, but I do not give up," one after another they hid under the water.

It was the turn of the battleship "Free Russia". With five cable destroyers, Kerch fired two torpedoes around the ship: one exploded under it, the other passed by. The battleship kept afloat, only a column of black smoke rose above the conning tower. The third torpedo, although it landed in the stern of the ship, did not receive significant damage as a result, roll and trim were missing. And after the explosion of the fourth torpedo in the area of ​​the aft turret of the main caliber (305-mm guns), the battleship still did not sink. The fifth torpedo, aimed at the center of the ship, suddenly turned back. And only the sixth projectile completed the case. June 19 and Kerch were flooded at the Kadosh lighthouse near Tuapse. His latest message is: “To everyone, to everyone. He died by destroying those ships of the Black Sea Fleet, who preferred the death of the disgraceful surrender of Germany - the destroyer "Kerch". After the sinking of the destroyer, Kukel reached Astrakhan, where he joined the ranks of the Caspian Flotilla.

The fleet that had gone to Sevastopol was transferred to the Germans. 19 June "Will" and other ships came to Sevastopol. At the request of the Germans, the ships were delivered in Streletskaya Bay of Sevastopol. Crews sent ashore, ships partially disarmed. By early July, on some ships raised German flags. First of all, the Germans captured the floating workshop "Kronstadt", displacing 16400 tons. In fact, it was a floating factory. Subsequently, Wrangell will sell it to the French, and he will serve in the French Navy under the name "Volcano". The cruiser "Memory of Mercury" Germans will turn into a barracks. The Germans will deploy the destroyer R-10 (formerly “Sharp”), the submarine, then the destroyers “Happy” and “Captain Saken”.

After the defeat of Germany in the First World War, the ships came under the control of the Entente. They transferred them to the White Army, and many ships returned to Novorossiysk, and later became part of the Russian squadron under the command of Rear Admiral M. Kedrov. The White movement was joined by Tikhmenev and Sablin. The battleship Volya headed the White Black Sea Fleet and was renamed General Alekseev. After the defeat of the whites, the ports of Crimea left a whole white fleet: one dreadnought - General Alekseev (formerly Emperor Alexander III), one old battleship, two cruisers, ten destroyers, four submarines, twelve minesweepers, 119 transports and auxiliary vessels. France has designated the Bizerte base in Tunisia as the base for the Wrangel fleet. The entire 33 pennant got to Bizerte. And the rest of the white court simply sold. A little later, they sold half of the ships that came to Bizerte. The sale of fleet remnants dragged on until the 1922 year. Due to the huge losses inflicted by the German submarines on the Allied merchant fleets, the demand for transport ships was extremely high. Russian tranporta, passenger ships “Dobroflot” and ROPiT (Russian society of shipping and trade), icebreakers, craft workshops, tugs were literally a great success. Warships were not in demand - the war was over and demobilization and reductions were going on in all combat fleets. However, the guns and ammunition sold all to the last barrel and projectile.

In the Soviet Union, they remembered the feat of the Black Sea sailors who entered in spite of the traitors-commanders. In 1980, on the 12 kilometer of the Sukhumskoe highway of Novorossiysk, the Monument to the sailors of the revolution “I die, but not give up!” Was opened by sculptor Tsigal and architects Belopolsky, Kananin and Havin. On the far side of the road stands the 12-meter-high granite monument of a kneeling sailor. On the sea side there is a cube with a thank-you text and a “I die, but not giving up!” Signal inside, as well as ship pointers with direction and distance to the sites of their flooding with an accuracy of one hundredth of a mile.

"I die, but I don't give up." How the Black Sea Fleet Perished

Monument to the sailors of the revolution "I die, but I do not give up"
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  1. +7
    20 June 2018 05: 38
    100 years ago, in June 1918, the ships of the Black Sea Fleet preferred death to surrender to the Germans.
    Here, all the same, it is worth adding the word "part", not all of the Black Sea Fleet then died, but only part of it. The rest of the fleet died in a foreign land, in Bizerte
  2. +6
    20 June 2018 06: 14
    But by this time, the old army and navy in Russia had completely decayed and fell apart, and new armed forces had just begun to form
    There was no order to defend Sevastopol! And the army was demobilized according to Brest betrayal
    They decided what to do: launch ships to the bottom or return to Sevastopol?

    Interestingly, the most logical option, to fight, was not even considered.
    “I'm dying, but not giving up!”

    The slogan is appropriate in battle, not in peace.
    1. +11
      20 June 2018 06: 32
      The funny thing is that the “whites” ran the first to surrender .. That would have fought. But no.
      1. +8
        20 June 2018 06: 49
        Quote: Andy
        The funny thing is that the first “white” fled to give up

        belay fool
        Reds surrendered the day after seizing power Oct 26 1917 year: reading so-called peace decree.
        All whites at that time fought at the front.
        1. +3
          20 June 2018 14: 22
          between a peace decree and Brest-Lithuanian for six months, not one day
          1. +2
            21 June 2018 06: 20
            Quote: Tlauicol
            between a peace decree and Brest-Lithuanian for six months, not one day

            And? belay
            By the way, not six months, but 4 months.
            1. +1
              21 June 2018 06: 23
              but not 1 day, no?
              1. +1
                21 June 2018 10: 16
                Quote: Tlauicol
                but not 1 day, no?

                Not alone.
                1. +1
                  21 June 2018 10: 22
                  and who then "gave up on the next day"?
                  1. +2
                    21 June 2018 12: 08
                    What are you talking about!
                    I said: read the so-called "decree" about the world: "peace, friendship, chewing gum to everyone and everything."
                    But how did our enemies perceive it?
                    Ah, how your unequivocal VICTORY in the East and is an opportunity tear Russia apart and win in the West
                    Austrian-Hungarian Foreign Minister Chernin wrote to Chancellor Gertling 10 November 1917:
                    “The revolution in Petrograd gave power to the hands of Lenin and his supporters. If Supporters of Lenin Succeed in Proclaiming the Promised truce, then we will win a complete victory in Russian sector of the front. Truce will destroy this army, and in the foreseeable future it will not be possible to revive it at the front. Since the Bolshevik program includes a concession to the right to self-determination to non-Russian peoples of Russia, the question of the future of Poland, Courland, Livonia and Finland must be resolved during peace negotiations. Our task will be to do so so that the desire for separation from Russia is expressed by these nations. I can’t even list the possibilities as militarypolitical ones that will appear with us if we can nowfinish with the Russians.

                    Someone bleated about universal peace, and the occupier celebrated VICTORY, cynically, um, using suckers.
    2. +10
      20 June 2018 06: 58
      Quote: Olgovich
      Interestingly, the most logical option, to fight, was not even considered.

      The military, the Shobes of Vi, knew that they were obliged to obey the decision of the country's leadership, and not to fight at their own discretion and contrary to the peace concluded
      1. +8
        20 June 2018 08: 01
        The military, the Shobes of V knew, were obliged to obey the decision of the country's leadership

        This was very well demonstrated by the German sailors, flooding the High Seas Fleet at Scapa Flow on June 21, 1918.
        The army, navy and state interests became victims of the new authorities of Russia - thinking only about how their party would not be trampled from power.
      2. +5
        20 June 2018 08: 13
        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
        The military, the Shobes of V knew, were obliged to obey leadership countries, and not fight at their own discretion and contrary toan excluded world

        1. What "leadership"? belay Nobody is a "guide" except German occupiers not recognized. Neither in the world, nor in the country. Or do you know a country (other than rogue invaders) that has recognized the "leadership"? Tell me! Yes
        2. According to the concluded peace, the ships should have stood in the PORTS, that is, in the Sevastopol.
        3. Drowning with the slogan "I'm dying, but I don't give up!" during the WORLD it looks, at least, strange
        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
        shobi vi knew
        1. +5
          20 June 2018 10: 25
          hi Hello Andrey!
          Quote: Olgovich
          Drowning with the slogan “I'm dying, but I don’t give up!” During the WORLD, it looks, at least, strange,

          So part of the fleet that went to Sevastopol went not to give up ???
          1. +1
            20 June 2018 12: 00
            Hello Sergey
            Quote: Serg65
            So part of the fleet that went to Sevastopol went not to give up ???

            The surrender occurred much earlier - 3 March 1918.
            1. +3
              20 June 2018 12: 20
              Quote: Olgovich
              The surrender occurred much earlier - 3 March 1918.

              Well, if this is the way to approach the question, then the run-up to the change took place on 2 on March 1917, organized by Guchkov and Shulgin! And having released Gin from the bottle, they decided to give a handout to the people in the form of all sorts of freedoms, which led to the 3 of March of the 1918 of the year!
              1. +3
                21 June 2018 06: 27
                Quote: Serg65
                Well, if this is the way to approach the question, then the run-up to the surrender took place on March 2, 1917. Guchkov and Shulgin organized this!

                Nothing happened in terms of continuing the war of Russia until the Victory.
                Quote: Serg65
                And having released Gin from the bottle, they decided to give a handout to the people in the form of all sorts of freedoms, which led to March 3, 1918!

                Remember what even the Ulyans admitted in April 1917: "Russia is the freest country in the world!"
                And this was real freedom, unlike the empty chatter about it after the Thief.
                1. +2
                  21 June 2018 07: 00
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Nothing happened in terms of continuing the war of Russia until the Victory.

                  laughing Oh Andrey, Andrey! And how do you differ from the communists? Yes, nothing! We read here, we don’t read here, I’ve wrapped a fish here! After the "democratization" of the army, what nafig continuation to victory ???
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  "Russia is the freest country in the world!"

                  laughing So Lenin, as Kerensky’s best friend, could he say something else? wassat Both of one wallet received denyuzhki!
                  1. +2
                    21 June 2018 10: 30
                    Quote: Serg65
                    After the "democratization" of the army, what nafig continuation to victory ???

                    And what prevented the fight before the Victory? Germany was already dying of hunger.
                    Let the army even disappear-WHAT would happen?
                    The Germans had neither the strength nor the means to even occupy everything. Serbia-ALL occupied, Romania-almost all. And they winners in the war with all the consequences.
                    And the Germans simply got lost in the vastness of Russia. It was impossible to sign the world and feed the Germans!
                    By the way, tell us the DIFFERENCE of the rights of a soldier in Russia at the EAP, prescribed by Kerensky, from the rights of today's soldier
                    Quote: Serg65
                    So Lenin, as Kerensky’s best friend, could he say something else? Both of one wallet received denyuzhki!

                    Then he simply stated the situation.
                    By the way, stating that this did not suit him, he declared, in fact, war and freedom and the EaP, the personification of which was Kerensky.
        2. +8
          20 June 2018 10: 41
          Great article. Almost verbatim presentation of the lecture for students of the 1980 sample of the year.
          I especially liked the passages:
          The Germans staged an unceremonious robbery of the property of the fleet and the fortress

          The author believes that the Germans should have sent fleet property to Petrograd by echelons?
          The head of the Soviet government V. Lenin was not going to surrender the fleet to the Germans

          That is, to surrender half of the European territory of the country in order to maintain power of the RSDLP (b) is no problem, but the Black Sea Fleet, which they themselves promoted, was somehow not comme il faut.
          What is the article about, what has been learned in it by those who have heard about the Great October Socialist Revolution? Did the writer's itch become unbearable or did the journal “Communist of the Armed Forces” catch my eye?
          Comrade Samsonov, you forgot to highlight your main thoughts in bold text!
          1. +4
            20 June 2018 11: 15
            Quote: Army 2
            but the Black Sea Fleet, which they themselves had promoted, was somehow not comme il faut.

            My dear Armeec, you are not careful! The author cites throwing in the head of Lenin in an article ..
            Lenin was not going to surrender the fleet to the Germans, but Russia could not fight. On May 24, the chief of the Naval General Staff, E. Berens, presented to the head of the Soviet government Lenin a report saying: “Germany wants to take control of our fleet at all costs. Further attempts on our part to resolve the issue by negotiations under the above conditions give only Germany the opportunity to gain time and obviously will not lead to anything. Our ships in Novorossiysk will fall into the hands of not even Ukraine, but Germany and Turkey and thereby create their dominance in the Black Sea in the future ... All these conditions show that the destruction of ships in Novorossiysk must be done now, otherwise they will undoubtedly and probably be completely or partially fall into the hands of Germany and Turkey. Lenin signed on the report of the Naval General Staff: "In view of the hopelessness of the situation proved by the highest military authorities, the fleet should be destroyed immediately"

            Those. Behrens made Lenin walk along the razor's edge !!!
          2. 0
            20 June 2018 21: 27
            Hands off Samsonov! The author of the best articles about WWI and WWII on HE is worthy of deserved respect, despite his political preferences. I always put a plus to the author
            1. +6
              21 June 2018 00: 00
              Quote: jktu66
              Hands off Samsonov!

              Well, in the future we will kick laughing
              1. +1
                21 June 2018 14: 05
                Slightly, but possibly in the stomach))))) (O. Bender)
        3. +5
          20 June 2018 11: 23
          Quote: Olgovich
          Which "leadership"?

          Which actually runs the country. And who recognized him there is already the tenth case.
          In general, if we ignore the illusions, then the situation was like this - the German army is on the verge, while our army, which could repulse it, is not. And by the way, it’s not that the Bolsheviks are guilty, they didn’t come up with order No. 1. Come in, who wants, take what you want. But those who climbed to the top somehow agreed that not all would be taken. The battle is an excellent occasion for the Germans to denounce this treaty and take everything.
          Quote: Olgovich
          According to the concluded world, the ships had to stand in the PORTS, i.e. in the Sevastopol.

          Right. But still, some of the ships self-flooded - it was a good option, which did not leave the ships in the hands of the Germans, but still did not become the basis for the resumption of hostilities
          1. +2
            20 June 2018 11: 49
            Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
            Which is actually Directs country. .

            In fact, does NOT rule the country: voting on the topic: trip to Sevastopol or flooding instead of simply executing an order: convincingly proved it.
            Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
            And who recognized him there is already the tenth case.

            Destiny rogue countries: without loans, help, contributions, this is not the tenth case, but the millions of people who died of starvation in 1922, never before seen in Russia.
            Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
            that was the situation - the German army was on the verge, while our army, which could repulse it, was not.

            The army was demobilized according to Brest betrayal. Forgot? So read the text!
            Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
            And by the way, it’s not that the Bolsheviks are guilty, Order No. 1 not they come up with.

            And they too. By the way, the original does NOT exist, but is printed on a purely Bolshevik Izvestia printing house
            Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
            Come in, who wants, take what you want. But those who climbed to the top somehow agreed to not all were taken.

            What kind of nonsense? belay The Germans took everything, to which they had the strength to reach, if not in the know. And no “agreement” did not stop them. And the so-called large “government” they needed only to collect resources for Germany where the Germans could not physically reach.
            Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
            But still, some of the ships self-flooded - it was a good option, which did not leave the ships in the hands of the Germans, but still did not become the basis for the resumption of hostilities

            1 .. Spruce ships, in the end, did NOT go to the Germans, but also served the Fatherland, in contrast to the self-flooded.
            2. What are the "fighting" in Russia in the conditions of the Spring Offensive of Germany in France March 21 - July 18, 1918.? What are you speaking about? belay
            1. +2
              20 June 2018 12: 01
              Quote: Olgovich
              Stranded ships, in the end, did NOT go to the Germans, but also served the Fatherland, in contrast to self-flooded.

              laughing Andrey, you are not fixable !!! Who on June 18 of the 1918 of the year could give a one hundred percent guarantee that the ships would not serve the Germans and would become the property of the Add.army ???
              1. +1
                21 June 2018 06: 35
                Quote: Serg65
                Quote: Olgovich
                Stranded ships, in the end, did NOT go to the Germans, but also served the Fatherland, in contrast to self-flooded.

                laughing Andrey, you are not fixable !!! Who on June 18 of the 1918 of the year could give a one hundred percent guarantee that the ships would not serve the Germans and would become the property of the Add.army ???

                The fact that Germany was kirdyk was not seen on June 18 only by a blind man. And Russia is not the Bolsheviks who signed the betrayal. And the fleet returned to legitimate Russia automatically.
                1. +2
                  21 June 2018 07: 08
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  The fact that Germany kirdyk did not see 18 June only blind man

                  Yeah ????
                  Here is an excerpt from the protocol of the allied representatives of England, France and Italy!
                  ... the transfer to the disposal of Germany or any alliance of ships of the Black Sea Fleet now located in Novorossiysk would entail a significant deterioration, in our view, of the situation in the Mediterranean Sea.
                  Even if these ships were not particularly active, the very fact of strengthening the enemy fleet in the Black Sea by two dreadnought, 12 destroyers of the latest type and many auxiliary vessels would force the current masters of the Mediterranean to significantly increase naval forces blocking the Dardanelles and put them in a disadvantageous position our Thessaloniki front, as well as our maritime communications with the Far East.

                  Therefore, the destruction of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet, in order to prevent their transfer into the hands of our enemies, is extremely important and highly useful for ensuring the successful end of the warriors.

                  In your opinion, Andrei, In this Entente were all little-chilled? good
                  1. +1
                    21 June 2018 10: 35
                    Quote: Serg65
                    In your, Andrei, In this Entente were all little-chilled?

                    Where is it with me? belay
                    I repeat, if you have not considered:
                    The fact that Germany kirdyk did not see 18 June only blind man.

                    Show me (document, speech, decision, etc.) where at least someone from the Entente, at that time, doubted his victory!
                2. 0
                  21 June 2018 07: 10
                  Yeah, coming back Yes like in scapa flo
            2. +9
              20 June 2018 12: 14
              Quote: Olgovich
              In fact, it does NOT rule the country: voting on the topic: a campaign in Sevastopol or flooding instead of simply executing an order: they convincingly proved this.

              I can only redirect you your own words
              Quote: Olgovich
              What kind of nonsense?

              Mortier did not comply with Napoleon’s order to seize the royal family during 100 days. By your logic, Napoleon did not actually lead France laughing
              Quote: Olgovich
              Rogue Country:

              What does this have to do with the events described? :)
              Quote: Olgovich
              The army was demobilized according to Brest betrayal. Forgot? So read the text!

              The army at the time of the Brest Peace was completely decomposed, largely demobilized independently (that is, deserted) and long ceased to exist as an organized force. That is, the demobilization of the army in the Brest Peace only gave legal grounds to what has already been done. In fact, the army destroyed the Provisional Government, which abolished unity of command. Did not know?
              Quote: Olgovich
              And they too. By the way, the original does NOT exist,

              Yeah, and the Bolsheviks brazenly faked memoirs of all kinds of white officers :)))) And a bunch of documents from the government, which described the state of the army, too. And reports to Lenin about the state of the army after the Bolsheviks came to power ....
              Quote: Olgovich
              Stranded ships, in the end, did NOT go to the Germans, but also served the Fatherland, in contrast to self-flooded.

              Yeah, like scrap metal with blown up boilers in Sevastopol and a gloomy rebuke in Bizerte
              Quote: Olgovich
              A so-called great they only needed a “government" so that they could gather resources for Germany where the Germans could not physically reach.

              This, in general, is complete nonsense, but to refute you need too much writing - you can’t even get by with an article
              1. +1
                21 June 2018 08: 06
                Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                Mortier did not comply with Napoleon’s order to seize the royal family during 100 days. According to your logic, Napoleon didn't actually lead France

                What ended 100 days, remember? Yes Non-fulfillment of orders, i.e. lack of effective leadership.
                Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                What does this have to do with the events described ?:

                belay It has to do with Your phrase that non-recognition by anyone of Bolsheviks. "leadership" is the tenth. As you can see, no. By the way, she, the phrase, also has nothing to do with events.
                Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                The army at the time of the Brest Peace was completely decomposed, largely demobilized independently (that is, deserted) and long ago ceased to exist as an organized force.

                The army was demobilized by the Bolsheviks before Brest. Fulfilling the main thesis of Ilyich about the elimination of the army. You could know that
                Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                That is, the demobilization of the army in the Brest Peace is only gave legitimacyI am to what has already been done.

                Do you even understand WHAT to write: The ENEMY gives legality domestic decisions of the country ?! belay lol
                Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                In fact, the army destroyed the Provisional Government, which abolished unity of command. Did not know?

                You open up new amazing horizons in history: show the VP document on his destruction of one-man management in apmiya. Yes lol At the same time, by the way, look for decrees of the so-called "SNK" on the election of commanders, the abolition of ranks and the organization of soldiers' committees.
                Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                Yeah, and the Bolsheviks brazenly forged memoirs of all kinds of white officers :)))) And also a bunch of documents from the government, which described the state of the army.

                Not clumsy: Can you show the original Order 1? No? And the one that published it Bolshevik Printing house of Izvestia can you refute? Also no? What then are your words about the non-involvement of the Bolsheviks in this Order?
                By the way, they implemented it in every way
                Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                Yeah, like scrap metal with blown up boilers in Sevastopol and a gloomy rebuke in Bizerte

                No, they served the Fatherland, fighting the usurpers of power and saving Russian people from them during the evacuation from the wild massacre that those in the Crimea arranged.
                Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                This, in general, is complete nonsense, but to refute you need too much writing - you can’t even get by with an article

                Don’t bother, right: just read the text of Brest betrayal in the sections that indicate WHAT should give and acknowledge Russia. Read and secret(!) supplementary agreement.
                This is my answer to all your failed story hi
                1. +1
                  21 June 2018 14: 10
                  Come on, all of you bark! Do we change something from what we could? I emphasize from what it was?
                  So why these empty hassles? Everyone has an opinion that has developed over his life, and it’s difficult to break it. Yes, and why?
                  1. 0
                    22 June 2018 10: 17
                    Quote: aakvit
                    Come on, all of you bark! Do we change something from what we could? I emphasize from what it was?
                    So why these empty hassles? Everyone has an opinion that has developed over his life, and it’s difficult to break it. Yes, and why?

                    I will explain why: when I see that the counterarguments are not co-operative, I am convinced that I am right.
          2. +4
            20 June 2018 14: 41
            But the Germans never reached Novorossiysk.
            And, of course, they couldn’t land any landings there.
            from the realm of fiction.
            Therefore, the flooding of the fleet was just a minute manifestation of panic and nothing more. Would not twitch and wait.
            1. +9
              20 June 2018 15: 23
              Quote: voyaka uh
              But the Germans never reached Novorossiysk.
              And, of course, they couldn’t land any landings there.
              from the realm of fiction.
              Therefore, the flooding of the fleet was just a minute manifestation of panic and nothing more. Would not twitch and wait.

              a week later, a German-Turkish squadron entered Novorossiysk.
              And Tikhmenev spoke directly with Krasnov in correspondence regarding the surrender of the fleet to the Germans.
              And so, all is well, beautiful marquise: red - cowards and traitors, white - furry patriots
            2. +4
              20 June 2018 17: 27
              Quote: voyaka uh
              But the Germans never reached Novorossiysk.

        4. 0
          20 June 2018 14: 24
          Those. Sablin and Tikhmenev, having entered the service of the Bolsheviks, did not recognize the leadership?
      3. +1
        20 June 2018 09: 33
        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
        The military, the Shobes of Vi, knew that they were obliged to obey the decision of the country's leadership, and not to fight at their own discretion and contrary to the peace concluded

        The subject has a diagnosis of Novodvorskaya brain)))
      4. +2
        20 June 2018 14: 07
        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
        Quote: Olgovich
        Interestingly, the most logical option, to fight, was not even considered.

        The military, the Shobes of Vi, knew that they were obliged to obey the decision of the country's leadership, and not to fight at their own discretion and contrary to the peace concluded

        Is it legitimate? "Leadership of the country" - dispersed the constituent assembly and plunged the country into a civil war?
        1. +1
          20 June 2018 14: 28
          Those. Sablin entered the service of an illegitimate government after October? Well done sailor, always sensed where the wind is blowing
        2. +5
          20 June 2018 20: 41
          Quote: DimerVladimer
          Is it legitimate? "Leadership of the country" - dispersed the constituent assembly and plunged the country into a civil war?

          On the legitimacy of Soviet power.
          The actions of the Soviets of workers', peasants' and soldiers' deputies in 1917 were legal because they expressed the interests of the majority of the people - workers and peasants.
          But the Provisional Government was a self-proclaimed body that illegally appropriated power in the state. No one has chosen this government. And although it appropriated the functions of the legislature, it did not have the right to do so. Legislative power can only be obtained as a result of popular will.
          The only elected body of then-Russia were the Soviets.
          Thus, in October 1917, the legislative power represented by the All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies, which were soon joined by peasant councils, changed the executive branch: the Provisional Government was replaced by the Council of People's Commissars.
          From the point of view of law - everything happened legitimately. The Congress began work on October 25 at 22 hours 40 minutes, the Provisional Government was removed on October 26 at 2 hours 10 minutes, and at 5 in the morning the Congress announced the transfer of power into the hands of the Soviets. Therefore, all other "governments" opposed to the Bolsheviks, especially during the civil war, were illegal. Nobody elected them.
          The Constituent Assembly would be legitimate if it recognized the decrees of the Soviets of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers' Deputies On Peace, On Land. And since it refused to accept them, that is, rejected all the wishes of the majority of the people, so the All-Russian Central Executive Committee dismissed the constituent assembly. Everything is legitimate too.
          1. +1
            21 June 2018 08: 40
            Quote: Alexander Green
            The actions of the Soviets of workers', peasants' and soldiers' deputies in 1917 were legal, because they expressed interests most people - workers and peasants.

            Quote: Alexander Green
            But the Provisional Government was a self-proclaimed body, unlawfully arrogating power in the state. This is government nobody chose

            Quote: Alexander Green
            The only the elected body of the then Russia were the Soviets.

            Quote: Alexander Green
            Thus, in October 1917, the legislative branch of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers and Soldiers' Deputies, which were soon joined by peasant councils, changed the executive branch

            Lies: not changed, but captured
            Quote: Alexander Green
            С legal point of view - everything happened legitimately. The Congress began work on October 25 at 22 hours 40 minutes, the Provisional Government was removed on October 26 at 2 hours 10 minutes, and at 5 in the morning the Congress announced the transfer of power to the Soviets

            1. Legal All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the 1st Congress of Soviets recognized the so-called The 2nd Congress of Soviets is simply a "Bolshevik Assembly", and not a Congress, because the Bolsheviks fraudulently they called, basically .... their own Bolsheviks. And the 1st Congress supported the VP.
            2. The decision to overthrow the VP was made by some lousy Petrosoviet, which did not represent anyone at all, not even the 2nd so-called congress.
            3. the peasantry REFUSED to participate in the 2nd "congress", and this is 85% of the country!
            4. What right gives the right to an armed seizure of power and slaughter? fool
            Quote: Alexander Green
            Therefore, all other "governments" opposed to the Bolsheviks, especially during the civil war, were illegal. Nobody elected them.

            The Bolshevik was the FIRST, by armed means, to attack the airspace of Russia recognized by ALL, by unleashing a civil massacre, which immediately set themselves OUTSIDE the Law.
            Quote: Alexander Green
            The Constituent Assembly would be legitimate if it recognized the decrees of the Soviets of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers' Deputies On Peace, On Land. And since it refused to accept them, that is, rejected all the wishes of the majority of the people, so the All-Russian Central Executive Committee dismissed the constituent assembly. Everything is legitimate too.

            Brad: The CSS was the TOP legislative authority of Russia, which RECOGNIZED even more. TEMPORARY ( to CSS) so-called "government") of the Bolsheviks-SNK.
            1. +1
              21 June 2018 16: 42
              Quote: Olgovich
              Lying. Lying. Lying. Lying,...

              Halva, Halva, Havva ... Well, what has not become sweeter? How not to reject everything, but it was, and still will be!
              1. +1
                21 June 2018 16: 45
                This is exactly how not to refute, but your lie was and will continue to lie, because "God's dew"
                1. +1
                  21 June 2018 21: 00
                  Quote: Gopnik
                  This is exactly how you don’t refute, but your lie was and will continue to lie,

                  Do you deny it? - Just distort and slander.
              2. +1
                22 June 2018 10: 18
                Quote: Alexander Green
                and that was, and still will be!

                It never was and never will be! lol
                1. +2
                  22 June 2018 20: 49
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  It never was and never will be!

                  There is a good life tip: Never say never.
                  1. 0
                    23 June 2018 06: 32
                    Quote: Alexander Green
                    There is a good life tip: Never say never.

                    Not that case!
                    For you are practically gone and there are no new ones for you. Absolutely! lol
                    1. +1
                      23 June 2018 06: 59
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      For you are practically gone and there are no new ones for you. Absolutely!

                      Firstly, the rumors about our "death" are greatly exaggerated, and secondly, you are likened to the satirist M. Zadornov, who all dreamed of closing America, he even had a globe on which it was not. And what? Zadornov died, and America lives.
                      So take better advice and calm down with your anti-Soviet hysteria.
          2. +1
            21 June 2018 11: 14
            Quote: Alexander Green

            On the legitimacy of Soviet power.
            The actions of the Soviets of workers', peasants' and soldiers' deputies in 1917 were legal because they expressed the interests of the majority of the people - workers and peasants. ........
            The Constituent Assembly would be legitimate if it recognized the decrees of the Soviets of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers' Deputies On Peace, On Land. And since it refused to accept them, that is, rejected all the wishes of the majority of the people, so the All-Russian Central Executive Committee dismissed the constituent assembly. Everything is legitimate too.
            Soviet power was able to save and restore the country. But the plans were different.
            /// Ukraine and the Baltic states should be separated from Russia
            All White Guard governments in Russia should receive the help and recognition of the Entente.
            The Caucasus is part of the problem of the Turkish Empire, but the Caucasus must be placed under international control.
            Central Asia should be a mandated territory ------ a protectorate of the Anglo-Saxons.
            It goes without saying that in Russia (actually cut off to the territory of Great Russia) there should have been a new (that is, not Soviet) government. /// This is part of the 6th Russian paragraph of the Charter of Peace, which was made by Colonel House on instructions from the President of the United States Wilson, who read it out in New York on September 27, 1918.
            House went further, recommending a separate independent Siberian republic, not connected with the rest of Russia. At the same time, the European part of Russia dreamed of dividing into 3 parts. However, the White Guards did not report on such plans.
      5. +2
        20 June 2018 19: 50
        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
        Quote: Olgovich
        Interestingly, the most logical option, to fight, was not even considered.

        The military, the Shobes of Vi, knew that they were obliged to obey the decision of the country's leadership, and not to fight at their own discretion and contrary to the peace concluded

        sometimes, extremely rarely, but a situation arises when the order must be called into question. (Naturally, not at the level of a company, battalion, regiment (why the hell are we ruining ourselves?) But at this level even the regiment may not know that the death of hundreds will save the lives of thousands.) But sometimes this situation arises. And before the army commander there is a dilemma to fulfill the order or go against the tide. There are many examples in history. Heroes who disputed the order and won, and "traitors" that disputed the order and lost approximately equally. Do we have the right to judge their decisions? Yes, to disassemble, see errors, indicate - no doubt.
        But to blame?
  3. +2
    20 June 2018 08: 03
    By the way, the Caspian flotilla in those years was subordinated to the Black Sea Fleet
    Important article, do not forget history lessons
  4. 0
    20 June 2018 08: 13
    and here the cough are to blame!
    managed to inherit everywhere
  5. +2
    20 June 2018 08: 52
    I don’t even know how to comment on this article. In addition to sadness and pain, this story does not cause anything. The most militant fleet, actively operating the entire war against the enemy, not having suffered even a single tiny defeat in that war, and having himself imposed his will on the enemy, died so ingloriously ... tens of millions of rubles spent on defense and defense of the southern borders of the Fatherland are simply stacked on the seabed .
    How sad it all is.
  6. BAI
    20 June 2018 10: 11
    "Ships going to Sevastopol: a shame on the traitors of Russia."

    This signal, it was also necessary to add on the monument, in addition to "I'm dying, but I don't give up."

    “I'm dying, but not giving up!”
    This fate for warships is more worthy than
    And the rest of the white ships simply sold.
    1. +3
      20 June 2018 10: 29
      The Russian fleet is not lucky ... As the sailing era ended with the self-flooding of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol, so it (the fleet) was not marked by any loud victories, and nowhere ... And the Black Sea Fleet even earned a contemptuous mocking nickname - "self-propelled" ...
      1. +4
        20 June 2018 11: 17
        Quote: Snail N9
        he (the fleet) was not marked by any loud victories

        Well yes, to blame, so to blame! What really is there !!!!
      2. +1
        20 June 2018 12: 12
        And there is. There were some victories over the Turks before the Crimean War of 1854. But after that, continuous failures, incl. and WWII. A similar situation was in the Baltic. The conclusion is that fleets do not know how to fight in closed seas.
        1. +4
          20 June 2018 12: 57
          Quote: Lena363
          But after that, continuous failures

          Those. Elena actions of the Black Sea Fleet in the first world continuous failure?
        2. +6
          20 June 2018 17: 30
          Quote: Lena363
          But after that, continuous failures

          Given the fact that the Black Sea Fleet in WWI demonstrated exemplary combat work, having completed almost all the tasks assigned to it, solid failures exist only in your education
          1. -1
            20 June 2018 18: 01
            Yeah, "demonstrated" .... now this phrase from the article crosses out everything that he "demonstrated:" On May 2, "Goeben" entered Sevastopol ".... Everything is a" curtain ".... Yes
            1. +6
              20 June 2018 18: 54
              Quote: Snail N9
              Yeah, "demonstrated" ....

              Exactly. Learn history, find out what the Black Sea Fleet has achieved. It helps :))) And I am lazy to tell 33 times. In principle, the plans included a detailed series of articles on the achievements of the Black Sea Fleet in WWI, but this is not yet coming soon.
  7. +5
    20 June 2018 11: 06
    The author touched on an interesting topic, this topic still has dark spots and is not fully understood! In particular, the article does not disclose the role of Raskolnikov in the sinking of the fleet. The general desertion of ship crews, for example, the destroyers Fidonisi and Captain-Lieutenant Baranov, was left completely without crews, and the Fidonisi was looted by Novorossiysk marauders in crowds standing in anticipation of easy money! The drowning of “Free Russia” abandoned by its commander, captain 1 rank Terentyev, in my opinion, puts an end to the opinion of many experts about the poor survivability of “Sevastopol”.
    1. 0
      20 June 2018 11: 18
      The Black Sea battleships were built according to a different, slightly modified design.
      1. +1
        20 June 2018 11: 21
        Quote: bnm.99
        The Black Sea battleships were built according to a different, slightly modified design.

        what Are they radically different from the Baltic?
    2. 0
      20 June 2018 11: 34
      There is such a book by Sirchenko, which was published in Soviet times (in the 60s) and is called “I'm dying, but I don’t give up” (very small circulation), everything is written in detail that is connected with the flooding of the fleet. It also describes how Kerch drowned ships and how torpedoes she had, didn’t go out of the apparatus, then didn’t explode, then changed course .... described and hits in the battleship — some were such that it seemed that the explosive did not react completely ... Read ... interesting .. And by the way there is still a book by Thor Victor. Gold of the Kuban Rada. - Rostov-on-Don, 2005. there he puts forward a version about finding gold on the destroyer Loud. “At the bottom of the Black Sea, four miles east of Myskhako ... at a depth of 43 meters lies the destroyer Loud, flooded by the crew at the beginning of the day on June 18, 1918. The mystery of the single flooding of this ship attracted the attention of many historians. To this day she is not solved to the end.
      Why commander e.m. The “loud” senior lieutenant N.A. Novakovsky intended to return to Sevastopol with the squadron of captain Tikhmenev, took the ship to an external raid, and then suddenly fulfilled the demand of the revolutionary sailors and flooded it with Myskhako?
      There is an absolutely unbelievable version that the part of the gold of the Kuban Rada, which unpredictably fell into the hold of its destroyer, was blamed for such fluctuations of Novakovsky ... "
      Next, three pages describe this version.
      1. 0
        20 June 2018 11: 57
        By the way, the last "Kerch" was also flooded .... well, right, some kind of rock .... sad
        1. +2
          20 June 2018 12: 22
          Quote: Snail N9
          By the way, the last "Kerch" also flooded

          what And where was the last "Kerch" flooded?
          1. 0
            20 June 2018 12: 30
            Sorry, flooded the "Ochakov". There was a fire at Kerch.
      2. +1
        20 June 2018 22: 39
        Quote: Snail N9
        If such a book by Sirchenko, published back in Soviet times (in the 60s), is called “I'm dying, but I don’t give up” (very small circulation), everything is written in detail that is connected with the flooding of the fleet.

        A feature film was filmed about these events. Unfortunately, I do not remember its name.
        1. +2
          21 June 2018 00: 29
          Quote: There was a mammoth
          A feature film was filmed about these events. Unfortunately, I do not remember its name.

          The film is called "The death of the squadron" based on the play of the same name by A. Korneychuk, played by actors Livanov, Martynyuk, Korkoshko.
  8. +4
    20 June 2018 11: 44
    Some kind of mess of facts and delirium. If not for the title, it is generally not clear what the article is about, what the author, in fact, wanted to say. What is this "scripture" related to history?
  9. +1
    20 June 2018 14: 31
    Few people remember, but in the spring of 18, 7 British submarines that broke through to the Baltic Sea and arranged a demonstration workshop for our fleet remained in Helsingfors and were flooded by the crews as the Germans approached ...
  10. +5
    20 June 2018 16: 58
    The article is superficial. It is not written how many ship-ships are flooded. The names are not listed. The nuances of flooding are not shown - but they were. It is not described how the destroyer Loud was killed - but this is interesting! It is indicated what happened to the ships that left, but NOTHING is written what then happened to the sunken ships. But there is also a lot of interesting things. And about the person named F.F. Raskolnikov - does the author know nothing? But he played an important role there. In short - weak, not informative and frankly careless
  11. +4
    20 June 2018 19: 32
    Of course, maybe this is not funny, but ... Somehow it became popular to sink ships (warships) on the Black Sea instead of giving battle and letting it die ... But in battle, not dumbly drown for ... built for money taxpayers .. And here is the drowning of the fleet in the Crimean War, and this one is the “Anniversary” of the heroic drowning, and even on the orders of Mr. Ulyanov-Lenin .. No, there’s something in this, of course, but I don’t have much of a Heroic either I see that they got their fleet drowned in Scapa Flow, but they don’t make a show of it. I’m silent about the further `` Heroic '' history of the Black Sea Fleet of the Red Army Navy `` valiantly '' who threw the guys in vests to die on the rocks of Chersonesos at 42 -m (by the way, Lymez, by the operation of Dynamo, pulled everyone out of Dunkirk, having lost a lot of ships - and for ours, although for me Judas Oktyabrsky is not ours, iron was ALWAYS more valuable than people). I summarize since the time of Ushakov the Black Sea Fleet was only able to flood itself, which not at all ... Heroism, yeah
    1. +4
      20 June 2018 20: 21
      And how many British pulled out during the attack on the Dieppe? Operation "Anniversary" if you prefer!
      How many???
      1. +1
        21 June 2018 19: 17
        Crest I do not like the Angles; this is the historical ENEMY of my Russia but ... The actions of HMS in WW II in my opinion and the actions of the Black Sea Fleet, Baltic Fleet and Pacific Fleet are not comparable in principle. Yes, they had failed missions (and Dieppe too) but .. .A remember the convoys to Malta when only the arrival of the convoy (each operation Pedestal aha) prevented the view of the inevitable surrender of the island (the population simply had nothing to feed) but the fleet came (the phrase is unfamiliar to you; the Fleet is not here?). I don’t want to draw parallels with Leningrad, but ... But the Tallinn crossing, the `` evacuation '' of Sevastopol and the Black Sea landings, alas, there are no words, only mats, but .. If you are in the subject - your options are “why so” and if not then ..
        PS The British, by the way, did not forgive Lord D. Padley for abandoning the PQ-17 and his ostracism as a result of the sailors abandoned in the ocean brought him to the grave already on the 43rd. There is no information, but maybe someone got his own for Dieppe ... Oktyabrsky received the GSS, and Tributs, too. Draw conclusions.
        1. +1
          21 June 2018 22: 22
          Would you personally conduct the Tallinn operation much better?
          Oktyabrsky received the GSS, and Tributs, too. Draw conclusions.

          I did not live at that time and did not participate on an equal footing with October or Tributs! In addition, they had their headquarters! At headquarters there are still people who made decisions!
          Many controversial decisions were made before the war! Who before the war thought that it was necessary to build more minesweepers? Who could have thought of turning the Baltic Sea into a “soup with dumplings” due to the huge number of mines exhibited?
          And during the war, the main forces and means were thrown to land! And the enemy defeated our fleets from land, from the air and from under the water (mine landings)!
          There is a good book about the Tallinn crossing and the beginning of the blockade of Leningrad -
          The tragedies of the Gulf of Finland A.V. Platonov!
    2. +1
      20 June 2018 23: 08
      Of course, maybe this is not funny, but ... Somehow it became popular to sink ships (warships) on the Black Sea instead of giving battle and letting it die ... But in battle, not dumbly drown for ... built for money taxpayers.

      I’ll answer to your proposal to “heroically” die in battle -
      "Black Sea Tsushima": modern disputes about the drama of centuries ago
      Text: Sergey Novikov June 16, 2018
      Secondly, it was possible to refuse to comply with orders coming from Moscow, declaring the intention to “fight to the last shell”. In this case, it was necessary to organize a "circular" defense of Novorossiysk. Such plans were hatched, in particular, by the head of the Kuban-Black Sea Soviet Republic, Abraham Rubin.
      How serious was the potential of these alternatives? We will try to answer this question using an approach tested in the framework of the so-called alternative history. The essence of this method is simple. In each specific case, it is necessary to find out what would happen if events had developed not in a manner known to us, but in a completely different way. What would happen to the fleet, for example, in the event of its “heroic” defense in the port of Novorossiysk? The events of those years give reason to assert with great certainty that the Germans in this case would have got the ships abandoned by their crews to their fate. Only not in Sevastopol, but in Novorossiysk. As a rule, numerous rallies of "determined" Black Sea sailors continued until the appearance of enemy units on the horizon. After that, the brave “defenders” invariably dissolved in the fog. And this fact should not be interpreted as a manifestation of cowardice and banal cowardice. No, it was just that the ships of the Black Sea squadron cut off from the supply bases were not operational and, under the circumstances, could not be regarded as a serious force capable of withstanding the German offensive. Being defenseless from the sea, the fleet could not count on the strength of the land rear. At the Taman Peninsula, at the invitation of local Cossacks, dissatisfied with the agrarian policy of the Soviets, a German infantry regiment landed. From the Don bridgehead, the Volunteer Army was preparing for a rapid jerk. Despite the statements of the Soviet leaders about the "brilliant" successes of the red units at the front, the sailors were forced to doubt this. And they did it right. Indeed, already on August 26, 1918 Novorossiysk was occupied by the White Guards. Thus, the “defensive” idea in the light of the situation that really prevailed at that time does not appear to be an alternative, but only an irresponsible chatter of the outcasts from the revolution.

      It turns out that it was NOTHING and SOMETHING to fight!
      Novorossiysk was not the port where the fleet could replenish supplies and carry out necessary repairs!
      1. +1
        21 June 2018 08: 49
        Quote: hohol95
        After all, already on August 26, 1918 Novorossiysk was busy White Guards.

        Released Yes
        1. +1
          21 June 2018 09: 30
          They were so well released that they got to Bizerta ...
          1. +1
            22 June 2018 10: 22
            Quote: hohol95
            They were so well released that they got to Bizerta ...

            HB Flag at the Kremlin, look!
            And - always remember who and where you came!
            And someone disappeared nowhere ....
            1. +1
              22 June 2018 10: 54
              And do you observe the TWO-HEADED EAGLE on the golden field depicted on the Flag flying over the KREMLIN?
              I do not see!
              The last flag of the Russian Empire. White-blue-red with a black two-headed eagle on a gold field in the upper left corner which was the personification of the slogan "Unity of the King with the people." It was created on the initiative of the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II during the First World War in 1914. The following excerpt from the journal "Annals of War" 1914-15. describes this event: “The holiness of the soul of our people in this difficult year is accompanied by its complete merging and unity with the thoughts and feelings of the Sovereign Emperor. That is why His Imperial Majesty deigned to personally witness about this to the whole world, and from now on, as a sign of close unity of the Orthodox The Tsar with His faithful people, in the Russian national flag, the Imperial Standard (a yellow square with a black, Russian coat of arms) will forever flaunt between the white and blue stripes (on a quarter of the total size for each). This is the Great Tsar’s mercy to the entire Russian people. "
              1. +1
                22 June 2018 11: 41
                Quote: hohol95
                And do you observe the TWO-HEADED EAGLE on the golden field depicted on the Flag flying over the KREMLIN?

                I am watching the flag White Guard and the Russian government and States.

                But I definitely don’t see another there.
                You can see in the photos of the departed of the past
                1. +1
                  22 June 2018 12: 42
                  In what heraldic documents is this reflected and legalized?
  12. +2
    20 June 2018 20: 17
    On April 22, 1918, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of Soviet Russia Georgy Chicherin sent a note of protest to the German government: “Advancement to Crimea is a significant violation of the Brest Peace, as it is an invasion of the borders of the Soviet Republic. The invasion threatens our Black Sea Fleet, which may lead to clashes caused by the interests of the fleet’s self-preservation ... ”, to which German Ambassador to Moscow Count Wilhelm von Mirbach replied:“ The imperial government considers itself compelled, due to the attack of the fleet from Sevastopol against Kherson and Nikolaev, to move there troops and occupy Sevastopol. "
  13. +6
    20 June 2018 21: 06
    My opinion is, whatever the situation in the country would be, whatever the government, legitimate, not legitimate or none at all. But to go voluntarily to surrender the fleet to the hands of the enemy is a betrayal.
  14. +2
    22 June 2018 16: 15
    a myth was created in Russia that the Bolsheviks destroyed by malicious intent
    This is not a myth. After reading how much we lost after 17, we can safely say that Bolsheviks almost destroyed Russia
    1. +1
      22 June 2018 20: 53
      Quote: Imobile
      After reading how much we lost after 17, we can safely say that the Bolsheviks almost destroyed Russia

      Are you sure you didn’t read myths?
  15. +2
    23 June 2018 03: 37
    The author did not indicate a further fate: Sablin, Tikhmenev and Kukel. I allow myself to briefly highlight the fate of the latter. After the Civil War, he continued to serve the Soviet government in various positions, the last chairman of the district executive committee, and in 1940 he was repressed, one of the charges: "the behavior in the civil war is doubtful." Rehabilitated under Khrushchev
  16. 0
    28 June 2018 05: 24
    Red-bellied bastards! All ruined
  17. +1
    29 June 2018 21: 31
    Quote: Royalist
    The author did not indicate a further fate: Sablin, Tikhmenev and Kukel. I allow myself to briefly highlight the fate of the latter. After the Civil War, he continued to serve the Soviet government in various positions, the last chairman of the district executive committee, and in 1940 he was repressed, one of the charges: "the behavior in the civil war is doubtful." Rehabilitated under Khrushchev

    Svyatoslav, thanks for the information about Kukel.
    So Comrade Stalin didn’t forget about him, he repaid according to "merit"! And the indictment is not directly in the eyebrow, but in the eye. I respect laughing
    To all of them, Stalin wrote out a one-way pass - to the other world. And he did it right. There is one road to such “heroes," toward the wall. hi