Russia 1917-1918: The Plowed Field of Democracy

By the end of spring 1918, it finally became clear that the defenders of the Constituent Assembly were ready to unleash a civil war in Russia. Even taking into account the fact that the Bolsheviks, in alliance with the Left Socialist Revolutionaries and anarchists, had dispersed the Constituent Assembly illegally, his complete failure as the highest authority in Russia became the logical ending of the domestic liberal experiment. But it began very brightly when, in addition to the Soviets, there existed various kinds of democratic meetings, numerous committees and even the Pre-Parliament.

Already by the fall of 1917, Russia had moved to such an extent that the October coup almost all over the country was perceived almost as a given. Subsequently, it even allowed singling out entire paragraphs in textbooks under the “triumphant march of Soviet power” stories. At the same time, even before the coup, and even in cooperation with the leaders of the Soviets, the Provisional Government did not manage to prepare the real ground for the elections to the Constituent Assembly, from which, it seemed, much more was expected of what it was really capable of.

Russia 1917-1918: The Plowed Field of Democracy

After the Leninists came to power, the process of preparing for the elections was by no means spilled, and it was the Bolsheviks who finally gave him the green light, knowing full well that they could hardly expect victory in a hard confrontation with the Socialist-Revolutionaries and other left-wing parties. . The elections did take place, the meeting was assembled, but the “founders” did not even begin to discuss anything that the country and the people really needed at that time.

The Constituent Assembly ... After the fall of the monarchy, it seemed to many that, as soon as it was elected, all the horrors and problems caused by the revolution would be left behind. Even the Bolsheviks and Left Socialist Revolutionaries, who formed the Soviet government of the people's commissars, did not go to the abolition of the elections to the Constituent Assembly. But the dispersal of the "constitutional" in itself, of course, completely illegal, only confirmed that the idea of ​​"Russian parliamentarism", unfortunately, had exhausted itself much faster than it was born.

It is hardly possible to call successful the preparation of elections to the Constituent Assembly, especially in the then Russian top. It must be admitted that political parties, including the Bolsheviks, and even after the October revolution, were very active in this regard. But the actions of the executive power, the notorious Provisional Government, in fact, limited themselves to the convocation of two large meetings — first the Moscow State, then the Petrograd Democratic. Their representativeness is still not by chance that historians have doubts; moreover, only the second of them made at least some real step towards representative democracy — it was proposed to form a so-called preparatory parliament.

The first attempt to lay the foundation for the future of the “Russian parliament” was made by the Kerensky Cabinet immediately after the July events. The failed left-wing coup showed that under the pressure of the Soviets, which were rapidly becoming the patrimonies of the RSDLP (b) and their fellow travelers, it would be more difficult to retain power every day. Under the conditions when re-assembling the old Duma would be just insane, the idea of ​​convening a single, albeit advisory body, seemed to be in the air. And practically the idea arose to gather not in the left Petrograd, but in a more calm and conservative Moscow.

It was written more than once that in those days, and not only in the two capitals, various kinds of conferences and congresses, party or professional, were held almost daily. However, all of them lacked a single unifying principle. Clearly not enough and status. In this regard, the Provisional Government also made a bid to convene a State Conference, capable of uniting all those who not only support the executive branch, but also do not really want the country to roll to the left. A State Meeting was scheduled for August 12-15 at the Bolshoi Theater.

By that time, the right-wing press had already managed to choose its hero, declaring General LG. Kornilov, there is no "not yet the savior of the fatherland," but a man capable of bringing order. This was done, among other things, at the suggestion of “public figures” who gathered in the First Throne just a few days before the State Conference - from 8 to August 10. The number of these “public figures included several hundreds of specially invited entrepreneurs and merchants, rural leaders and officers, party and trade union functionaries. Among them were such figures as Ryabushinsky and Tretyakov, Konovalov and Vyshnegradsky, a group of cadets led by Pavel Milyukov himself, senior military officials - Brusilov, Kaledin, Yudenich and Alekseev, as well as a number of army and front-line soldiers' commitments loyal to the Provisional Government.

The meeting of “public figures” not only adopted a number of documents indicating positions on the eve of the State Conference, but also welcomed Kornilov with enthusiasm. “God help you,” the telegram said, “in your great deed to re-create the army and save Russia.” The situation on the eve of the forum at the Bolshoi Theater was tense. It was rumored that Kornilov was ready to speak out against the government, and at the same time posters with greetings to the general were hung around the city. For the sake of ensuring the security of the government and the delegates to the meeting, the Moscow Council, then still not a Bolshevik one, promptly formed the Provisional Revolutionary Committee. Representatives of all parties worked in it, including the Bolsheviks Nogin and Muralov.

A hasty selection of 2500 delegates gave the expected result - the majority among representatives of trade and industry, trade unions, zemstvos, the army and fleet, surprisingly, the cadets and monarchists composed. The left parties planned to sabotage, but still did not dare to completely abandon the All-Russian rostrum.

On the eve of the opening of the meeting, a general strike was planned, and although the soldiers 'and workers' Soviets of Moscow voted against it, the city met the delegates unfriendly. Trams got up, there were almost no cab drivers, restaurants and cafes closed. Even at the Bolshoi Theater, the buffet did not work, and in the evening Moscow was plunged into darkness — even the workers of the gas enterprises were on strike.

Against this background, many delegates said that the government does not ensure the restoration of order and does not guarantee the security of the person and property. In fact, the final slogan of the meeting can be called the statement of the Cossack ataman Kaledin: "The plunder of state power by central and local committees and Soviets should immediately and sharply put a limit."

The program of government actions adopted at the meeting also looked extremely rigid: the liquidation of the Soviets, the abolition of public organizations in the army and, of course, the war, to the bitter end. And ... almost no word about the land. If we talk about preparations for the convocation of the Constituent Assembly, then at the State Conference it was actually failed. But the meeting participants, apparently without even realizing it, planted a time bomb under the Provisional Government. The support that they expressed to Kornilov was perceived by him, and by all his associates, as almost universal. Did this also push the general to a final break with Kerensky and Co.?

Arrival Kornilov in Moscow were waiting for 14 August. He arrived at 13, he was organized a noisy meeting with a guard of honor, an orchestra and loyal Turkmen in red dressing gowns. Having traveled, following the example of the kings, to pay homage to the Iversk Icon, he then spent the whole day at the hotel, meeting with his supporters and the press. The next day I spoke at the meeting, did not frighten anyone, but did not inspire, gathered a standing ovation on the right and whistles and shouts on the left.

The meeting ended in nothing. Particularly disappointed was his main initiator, Kerensky, who admitted: “It’s difficult for me, because I fight the Bolsheviks with the Left and the Bolsheviks, and they demand from me that I rely on one or the other ... I want to go in the middle, but they don’t help me.” Kornilov, clearly overestimating the "nationwide support", with the departure from Moscow, continued to drag the troops to the agitated Petrograd. A few days later, Riga suddenly fell, in which they immediately blamed those who "led the work on the collapse of the army," although modern historians are inclined to a much more terrible version. Riga passed the supreme command in order to have in their hands an even stronger argument in favor of taking tough measures.

And then there was the Kornilov revolt, in the suppression of which there was no way to overestimate the role of the RSDLP (b) and the Red Guard detachments created by it. After that, Kerensky went on to create the next, even more left-wing coalition cabinet, as well as the Directory.

Against such a background, the proclamation of Russia as a Republic looked somewhat strange. But the idea to reanimate the State Conference in the form of a Democratic Conference, of course, now with the participation of representatives of the Soviets, looked quite logical in the autumn of 1917. Someone she seemed to be saving. It is significant that at the time of convening the Democratic Conference, the Bolsheviks managed to take control of the Moscow and Petrograd Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies, and the latter was headed by none other than Leo Trotsky.

The new All-Russian deliberative forum, which lasted for nine days - from 14 to 22 of September (according to Art. Style) 1917 was already held in Petrograd. He was very different in composition from the State Conference. Here the right, led by the Cadets, could no longer count not on the majority, but even on relative equality with the Social Revolutionaries, the Mensheviks, the Trudoviks (once among them were Kerensky) and the Bolsheviks. Of the 1582 delegates who were hastily and according to completely unthinkable sometimes principles elected throughout Russia, exactly one third represented the Social Revolutionary Party - 532. Add to them the 172 Menshevik, the 136 Bolsheviks and the 55 Trudoviks, in order to understand why such authorities as Milyukov or the millionaire minister Tereshchenko called the new meeting "empty-headed".

However, this did not in the least prevent them both, just as, by the way, several dozens of other “rightists” could safely get into the pre-parliament formed at the meeting. It was this way immediately after the formation that the Council of the Republic was called - a temporary body, called upon, above all, to prepare elections for the Constituent Assembly. In the meantime, before the elections, as if to replace him, at the same time giving greater legitimacy to the Provisional Government, under which the chairs had already obviously swayed.

The formation of the Pre-Parliament is almost the only real achievement of the Democratic Conference. Everything else really looked more like an empty talker, because the delegates did not reach a common opinion on the issue of power or war, although even the Minister of War among the "temporary" A. Verkhovsky said: "Any attempts to continue the war will only bring the catastrophe closer." Even the most right-wing delegates of the Democratic Conference were not reminded of the not so old decisions of the State Conference, where it was proposed to disperse the Soviets and liquidate army democracy, fearing to be immediately accused of pursuing dictatorship.

The Pre-Parliament was elected on the basis of the 15-percentage representation of political parties and public organizations, which a little later, at the insistence of the Provisional Government, were supplemented by representatives of the so-called qualifying organizations and institutions (local and business associations, trade unions, etc.). As a result, with the total number of 555 deputies in the Council of the Republic, 135 Social Revolutionaries, 92 Mensheviks, 75 Cadets, 30 Popular Socialists turned out to be. The right SRs N. Avksentiev was elected Chairman of the Council.

The Bolsheviks received only 58 mandates in the Pre-Parliament and a few days after the start of its work, they made an unexpected demarche - they declared a boycott. In conditions when the rapid Bolshevization covered not only Moscow and Petrograd, but also many provincial Soviets, this directly indicated that there was again diarchy in the country. And the inability to “lower” any decisions down to the places quickly turned all the activities of the Council of the Republic into nonsense.

The Leninist Party, with the tangible support of the left wing of the Social Revolutionaries, was no longer hiding, preparing an armed uprising against the Provisional Government, and in the Pre-Parliament threw all attempts to put forward allies to the allies, as well as the adversary. Many, in fact, engaged in the salvation of their own people and states. This caused Pavel Milyukov’s bitter grin a bit later: “The Council had two days left to live,” and these two days were filled with worries not about the worthy representation of Russia abroad, but about somehow coping with the newly-flushed internal squall that threatened to flood everything ".

The October revolution led not only to the actual, but also to the legal curtailment of the activities of the Council of the Republic. Incidentally, he held his regular meeting at almost the same time when the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets was in Smolny. And, as Miliukov stated with no less bitterness: “No attempt was made ... to leave an organized body or group of members to react to events. This was reflected in the general consciousness of the powerlessness of this ephemeral institution and the impossibility for it, after the resolution adopted on the eve of the resolution, to take any kind of joint actions. ”

The irony of the story! The Bolsheviks literally yearned to give legitimacy to the very II Congress of Soviets. They twice offered to discuss the issue of its convocation not somewhere, but in the Pre-Parliament. But that was before the boycott. And then there was October 1917, elections to the Constituent Assembly, the beginning and the pitiable ending of his work.
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  1. +5
    April 27 2018 05: 58
    By the end of spring 1918 of the year it became completely clear that the defenders of the Constituent Assembly are ready unleash a civil war in Russia.

    Information for the author: GV began on October 25, the day of the Thief: in the very first days, THOUSAND Russian citizens spilled blood. battles with the invaders of power took place in Moscow, Petrograd, Kiev, Kazan, Irkutsk, Omsk, Kaluga. VOR rejected vast areas of Russia — Don, Kuban, Ural, Little Russia, Wed. Asia. The center was immediately left without bread, there was a famine. In November, the so-called SNK RECOGNIZED the state of civil war in the so-called dectrete.
    Such things could be known ...

    Author: "The Bolsheviks, in alliance with the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries and Anarchists, dispersed the Constituent Assembly illegally, the complete failure of it as the highest authority in Russia became the logical ending of the domestic liberal experiment"

    The author, where is the logic: CSS was forcibly dispersed and therefore .... failed?!.

    And they were dispersed: freedom of the people, the will of the people, freedom of choice, freedom of speech, assembly, parties, opinions.
    Article minus.
    1. +4
      April 27 2018 08: 49
      Quote: Olgovich
      By the end of spring 1918 of the year it became completely clear that the defenders of the Constituent Assembly are ready unleash a civil war in Russia.

      Information for the author: GV began on October 25, the day of the Thief: in the very first days, THOUSAND Russian citizens spilled blood. battles with the invaders of power took place in Moscow, Petrograd, Kiev, Kazan, Irkutsk, Omsk, Kaluga. VOR rejected vast areas of Russia — Don, Kuban, Ural, Little Russia, Wed. Asia. The center was immediately left without bread, there was a famine. In November, the so-called SNK RECOGNIZED the state of civil war in the so-called dectrete.
      Such things could be known ...

      Author: "The Bolsheviks, in alliance with the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries and Anarchists, dispersed the Constituent Assembly illegally, the complete failure of it as the highest authority in Russia became the logical ending of the domestic liberal experiment"

      The author, where is the logic: CSS was forcibly dispersed and therefore .... failed?!.

      And they were dispersed: freedom of the people, the will of the people, freedom of choice, freedom of speech, assembly, parties, opinions.
      Article minus.

      Olgovich, as usual, deceives readers by issuing a decree on the arrest of leaders of the civil war for its recognition. The text of the decree is easy to find.
      The main thing is not to be confused with decrees on civil defense and civil marriage laughing
      1. +1
        April 27 2018 09: 23
        Quote: APIS
        Olgovich, as usual, deceives readers by issuing a decree on the arrest of leaders of the civil war for its recognition.

        You do not understand Russian? The decree was called
        Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars V. Ulyanov (Lenin)

        That is, the "civil war" is recognized by the foreign tourist himself
        Quote: APIS
        The main thing is not to confuse with decrees on civil defense and civil marriage

        Do you have such problems? Maybe you- Murzilka to begin? hi
        1. 0
          April 28 2018 16: 26
          Quote: Olgovich
          Quote: APIS
          Olgovich, as usual, deceives readers by issuing a decree on the arrest of leaders of the civil war for its recognition.

          You do not understand Russian? The decree was called
          Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars V. Ulyanov (Lenin)

          That is, the "civil war" is recognized by the foreign tourist himself
          Quote: APIS
          The main thing is not to confuse with decrees on civil defense and civil marriage

          Do you have such problems? Maybe you- Murzilka to begin? hi

          In addition to the title in the decree, there is a TEXT! Although, in my opinion, is this unnecessary for you?
          The decree applies to the participants and organizers of the Kornilov rebellion. Try to find the text in Moldavian (Romanian) language. Learn a lot of interesting things
    2. +3
      April 27 2018 08: 52
      The will of the people was to work harder to get less, in short all the power to the oligarchs. The people supported the Bolsheviks, that none of the people ran to his defense. Stop inventing what wasn’t.
      1. +1
        April 27 2018 09: 26
        Quote: hhhhhhh
        The people supported the Bolsheviks, that none of the people ran to his defense.

        Dull, stupid FALSE. The Bolsheviks lost the election. And there are more elections, after US-NOT there were 70 long years, for the Bolsheviks were afraid of them like fire!
        Quote: hhhhhhh
        Enough for you

        You, dear, to you, and not to "you"
        1. +3
          April 27 2018 10: 23
          Quote: Olgovich
          You, dear, to you, and not to "you"
          On the Internet, everyone is equal. I express only subordinates. You work for me?))))) Not at all. It’s even amazing how everyone wants undeserved privileges.

          Quote: Olgovich
          Bolsheviks LOSE Elections
          What does it mean? Not a single person was in the CSS? The thing had to be done, not talk conversations.
          There were no violations in the elections? Was the time allocated correctly for the televised debate? There were no stuffing and juggling?
          “You know, comrades,” says Stalin, “what I think about this: I believe that it does not matter who and how to vote in the party; but what’s extremely important is who and how will count the votes. ”

          Would you vote on June 22, 1941, how would civilized Europe surrender?
          Quote: Olgovich
          more choices, after the CSS -NOT it was a long 70 years

          lies, chose the general secretaries, and other other. Democratic centralism in the party charter.

          Imagine the liberals came to power not in 1991, but in 1917, for the beginning of 30 years of hopeless fall and hopelessness, while there was no Soviet legacy to plunder in 1917. Or are there any objections?
          You should be closer to the people.))))
          1. +1
            April 27 2018 10: 42
            Quote: hhhhhhh
            On the Internet, everyone is equal. I express only subordinates. Do you work for me?)

            Yeah, logic fool
            Quote: hhhhhhh
            Not at all. It’s even amazing how everyone wants undeserved privileges.

            Privileges? belayRules of communication, nothing more:
            formal appeal in modern Russian is made using the second person plural of “you”, addressed to one respondent. In written speech, the pronoun "you", addressed to a particular interlocutor, in certain cases is capitalized.
            Quote: hhhhhhh
            What does it mean? Not a single person was in the CSS? The thing had to be done, not talk conversations.

            belay How else to explain that the Bolsheviks lost the election? Those. scored far fewer votes than the same Socialist Revolutionaries?
            Quote: hhhhhhh
            There were no violations in the elections? Correctly distributed TV debate time? Did not have stuffing and juggling?

            Oh Mommies ... belay lol
            Everything further in such a spirit-WITHOUT me! No.
            1. +4
              April 27 2018 10: 58
              Is there no equality on the Internet? On the Internet, everyone is equal. The forum rules do not say anything about YOU.
              Those who lose should shut up?
              You believe unconditionally in the infallibility of elections in the Constitutional Council. The 1996 elections were also legitimate?)))
              A constituent assembly would not save Russia.
              1. The comment was deleted.
                1. +2
                  April 27 2018 11: 55
                  What is our inequality with you?
                  The constituent assembly was dispersed by a handful of adventurers led by Lenin. Or am I wrong? Could a constituent assembly refuse to pay royal debts?
                  1991 did not prove that there would have been no success then.
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                    1. +3
                      April 27 2018 12: 18
                      Squirrel, Arrow and Gagarin in orbit? So these are not successes.

                      One phrase and character appears in all its splendor. Such in Hitler's wagon train dragged precisely with such ideas
                    2. +3
                      April 27 2018 13: 04
                      Your education is the main success of the Bolsheviks.
                      How many gene pools were killed by the Bolsheviks? Number.
                      White terror also destroyed the gene pool. The interventionists also destroyed the gene pool.
                      What are the successes of the Russian Federation since 1991? flight of the remains of the gene pool.
                      1. The comment was deleted.
                    3. +4
                      April 27 2018 13: 38
                      Explicit - a sharp improvement in the standard of living of the population. Never in the USSR did the population live as well as in the Russian Federation. The rest is little interesting bullshit about a white bull
                      The inhabitants of Chechnya have never lived so happily in the USSR as in the 90s. Especially the 90s were liked by the inhabitants of Grozny.
                      You tell me about the "holy 90s" when there was nothing to feed the child.
                      The Bolsheviks in Russia fought with the Russians. With the Russian army.
                      To whom was this army subordinate? Certainly not Russia.
                      Tens of millions. And this is quite official data.
                      How many relatives did the Bolsheviks have? I don’t have much. Here the Germans killed both grandfathers, they are 27 million.
                      Official data on executions say 800 thousand, but not tens of millions. The “Gulag Archipelago” is fantastic, and it’s stupid to refer to it.
                      1. The comment was deleted.
                    4. +2
                      April 27 2018 14: 02
                      Germans? And who allowed them that?
                      Great Britain and France. The US has given money and technology. IBM is the clearest example.
                      You didn’t tell me anything new. I also thought about you in the 90s. Only in the majority it turned out to be a lie, and there are much more homeless people and convicts in the USA than happy people, the rest eat drugs for happiness. (The Pulitser Prize was given for chanting an epidemic of drugs in a particular city in the USA)
                      Our difference. You stayed in the lies of the 90s, and I move on.
                      You are a loser in the Cold War, and I am the Winner, the heir to the Winners.
                      May 9, 1945 is the Victory Day of the USSR for you under the leadership of the Bolshevik Stalin, or what?
                      1. The comment was deleted.
                2. +2
                  April 27 2018 14: 52
                  Why not the Zimbabweans? Or not Martians?
                  In Munich, the agreement was not signed by the Martians or Zimbabweans. It is quite specific French and British. The Bolsheviks did not start World War I, but the Second World War continued that war.
                  No one has canceled foreign trade.
                  IBM supplied calculating machines for managing concentration camps until May 1945.
                  Where does such "knowledge" come from?
                  UN reports.
                  Wow! Are you American?
                  You lost the Cold War to the Americans. I understood you correctly?
                  Germany and its satellites in Europe were defeated by the Anti-Hitler coalition.
                  The Germans believe that they were defeated by the Russians.
                  When Germany signed the surrender, Alfred Jodl pointed to the American and French representatives and asked: “Did these ones defeat us too?”

                  What date are you celebrating Victory Day? Or your surrender to the Americans forbids you to do this?
                  1. +2
                    April 27 2018 15: 43
                    Quote: hhhhhhh
                    In Munich, the contract was signed

                    And what does the agreement in Munich have to do with the events of June 22.06.1941, XNUMX?
                    To the events of the second half of 1941?
                    To the events of 1942?
                    To the events of 1943?
                    Can we blame Adam and Eve for everything? Like, are they all to blame?
                    Quote: hhhhhhh
                    IBM supplied calculating machines for managing concentration camps until May 1945.

                    Why lie?
                    Quote: hhhhhhh
                    UN reports.

                    Can you provide scans or links to them on the UN website?
                    Quote: hhhhhhh
                    You lost the Cold War to the Americans.

                    I AM? Why me? I did not fight with anyone. Yes, and the Cold War did not exist, these are fiction zhurnalyug.
                    Quote: hhhhhhh
                    The Germans believe that they were defeated by the Russians.

                    Did you come up with this yourself?
                    In addition, the anti-Hitler coalition included SOVIET (USSR).
                3. +2
                  April 27 2018 16: 27
                  Wikipedia IBM and the Holocaust

                  You have not changed the first training manual, so you spar on it. )))))
                  What are you stupid there.)))) Rzhaka. You are proof of American stupidity.
                  1. +1
                    April 27 2018 16: 37
                    Quote: hhhhhhh
                    You are proof of American stupidity.

                    Gramophone stuck in my head?
                    Explain to me then why "American stupidity" was able to conquer the whole world and for almost 80 years has kept it in its possession?
                    Socialism from birth to collapse lived only 64 years.
                    The USSR "lived" only 69 years.
                    Quote: hhhhhhh
                    What are you stupid there.)))) Rzhaka.

                    What can be said about someone who so “figuratively expresses his thoughts”?
        2. +2
          April 27 2018 11: 51
          Quote: Olgovich
          Everything further, in that spirit, WITHOUT me!

          Well, if without you, then what do you climb into all sorts of holes without soap?
          1. 0
            April 27 2018 13: 29
            Quote: Seeker
            Well, if without youwhat are you in all sorts of holes Do you climb without soap?

            Nope, at all lol holes too, without me! Yes
    3. +4
      April 27 2018 09: 11
      As soon as Russia begins to live better, immediately a bunch of liberal rot comes to the surface, which believes that it can now rule the country. As already proved, liberal rot cannot rule the country.
      1. +1
        April 27 2018 10: 48
        Quote: Wend
        As soon as Russia begins to live better, immediately a bunch of liberal rot comes to the surface, which believes that it can now rule the country. As already proved, liberal rot cannot rule the country.

        Liberal Bolsheviks can be called a stretch.
        1. +4
          April 27 2018 11: 42
          Quote: Olgovich
          Quote: Wend
          As soon as Russia begins to live better, immediately a bunch of liberal rot comes to the surface, which believes that it can now rule the country. As already proved, liberal rot cannot rule the country.

          Liberal Bolsheviks can be called a stretch.

          And what does the Bolsheviks have to do with it? To ruin Russia. they didn’t start at 1917.
          1. 0
            April 27 2018 13: 31
            Quote: Wend
            А at what are the Bolsheviks here? To ruin Russia. they didn’t start at 1917.

            You mentioned the word "rot" ...
            1. +2
              April 27 2018 14: 43
              Quote: Olgovich
              Quote: Wend
              А at what are the Bolsheviks here? To ruin Russia. they didn’t start at 1917.

              You mentioned the word "rot" ...

              I wrote "liberal rot."
              1. +1
                April 28 2018 07: 54
                Quote: Wend
                I wrote "liberal rot"

                The results (1991g) showed rot.
                1. 0
                  April 28 2018 08: 59
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Quote: Wend
                  I wrote "liberal rot"

                  The results (1991g) showed rot.

                  The result showed not rot, but utopian ideas.
                  1. +1
                    April 28 2018 11: 36
                    Quote: Wend
                    The result showed not rot, but utopian ideas.

                    Because of utopianism, rot formed ...
                    1. +1
                      April 28 2018 11: 54
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      Quote: Wend
                      The result showed not rot, but utopian ideas.

                      Because of utopianism, rot formed ...

                      Rot among people comes from human nature. It was this kind of rot that made the first revolution in the 1917 year.
                      1. +1
                        April 28 2018 14: 44
                        Quote: Wend
                        Rot among people comes from human nature. Just such rot made the first revolution in 1917.

                        And again, they went to the Bolsheviks:
                        "February. Revolution made the proletariat"
                        "People on the street were led Bolsheviks"

                        Short course of history of VKPBE "
    4. BAI
      April 27 2018 09: 58
      Information for the author: GV began on October 25, the day of the Thief: in the very first days, THOUSAND Russian citizens spilled blood.

      The civil war began on February 27, 1917 - the February Revolution, when thousands of policemen were killed in St. Petersburg. Why is the decree later? When the Bolsheviks came to power, then from afar. It was necessary to stop the civil war, NOT THEIR BEGINNING.
      1. +2
        April 27 2018 10: 46
        Quote: BAI
        The civil war began on February 27, 1917 - the February Revolution

        Only with you. Even the Bolsheviks did not even think of saying such a thing.
        Quote: BAI
        in St. Petersburg, thousands of policemen were killed.

        Moody FALSE.
        Quote: BAI
        It was necessary to stop the civil war, NOT THEIR BEGINNING.

        They started, recognized by them, see decree.
        1. 0
          April 27 2018 11: 53
          you wrote further without me?
        2. BAI
          April 27 2018 12: 03
          Moody FALSE.

          You lie as always, as always unfounded.

          Killed police officers, March 1917
          (c) Archive TSGAKFFD St. Petersburg
          After the fall of power, their fate was sad. Here is what their superiors write about this:

          Those atrocities committed by the rebellious mob against the ranks of the police, the corps of the gendarmes and even combat officers cannot be described. City dwellers hiding in basements and attics were literally torn to pieces, some were crucified against the walls, some were torn into two, tied to the feet of two cars, some were chopped off with checkers. There were cases when the arrested police officers were not brought to places of detention, but were shot on the Neva embankment, and then dumped corpses in the hole. Who of the police officers did not have time to change into civilian clothes and hide, those were mercilessly killed. One, for example, the bailiff was tied with ropes to the couch and burned with it alive.

          These days, groups of people unknown to anyone wandered around the city, carrying out almost general searches, accompanied by violence, robbery and murder, under the guise of an alleged search for counterrevolutionaries. Some apartments were plundered completely, and the looted property, up to and including furniture, was openly loaded on carts and was taken away in front of everyone. Not only government agencies, but also private houses and apartments were completely destroyed. For example, Count Fredericks' own house was looted and completely burned.

          Such examples could be given as many as needed. Kerensky called all this at that time "popular anger."

          The Extraordinary Investigation Commission of the Provisional Government, which investigated this issue, came to the conclusion that the total number of “victims” in Petrograd was 1656 people of both sexes.
          This figure appeared after studying the statistics of hospitals and hospitals, where it was ordered to take all the wounded, as well as the corpses of the dead.

          Nevertheless, this number is not final: there were judicial executions, the bodies went to the ice-hole, relatives of some of the victims were buried on their own, without going to the morgues. The total number of losses between the end of February and the beginning of March 1917 alone in Petrograd can be estimated at 2000-2200 people, and that with a huge share of error.
          In total, there were much, much more deaths across Russia - we do not take into account clashes in Moscow, the Volga cities and the Urals, the killing of officers at the front, just casual casualties - of passers-by, which was hit by a bullet during urban battles.

          The dead in Odessa. March 2017

          For your information - during the February Revolution in St. Petersburg there were street fights.

          Petrograd. Foundry Avenue. February 1917

          There, at the same time - a different perspective.
          As I said earlier, sacrifices on both sides:

          It should be noted that
          It is known that the clashes in Kronstadt were triggered by the Finnish nationalist organization Schutskoristo. (“In the vast majority of cases,” eyewitnesses testify, “the initiators of this massacre were not their sailors, but some outsiders dressed as sailors.”)
          Deeply conspiratorial, this organization operated in Kronstadt for a very short time, then quietly disappeared.
          “These victims,” one of the nationalists Spitberg cynically admitted, “were needed in the name of revolution. We were afraid that the Baltic Fleet, which did not immediately join the Kronstadt uprising, would take a counter-revolutionary position under the able political leadership of Nepenin. This consideration forced us to rush to dig a ditch between the officers and sailors.
          Between them was supposed to lie blood. Only then would their relationship become irreparable; the officers would always look at the sailors as murderers, and the latter, for fear of retribution, would hold on to the revolution stronger ... ”
          According to the Shutskorites, these sacrifices will inevitably “push the revolution forward,” which will ultimately lead to the collapse of Russia and Finland becoming independent.

          One of the gangs of Finnish nationalists armed with weapons from Russian military depots.
          They don’t even hide, they feel quite confident - in the authorities, not in the police.

          Thus, the anarchy caused by the February revolution provoked the Civil War in Russia before the October Revolution.
          And this is a documented fact, in contrast to unsubstantiated, false statements.
          1. 0
            April 27 2018 13: 52
            Quote: BAI
            You lie as always, as always unfounded.

   are sad lied about THOUSANDS of dead policemen in St. Petersburg.
            Your sheet confirms your lie, there is NO SINGLE number of police officers at all.
            The first estimates of the number of those killed, wounded and sick during the February revolution were carried out registration bureau of the All-Russian Union of Cities in March 1917. Their results were published in "Vedomosti public urban governance". According to these materials, during the February events, 266 people died and 988 people were injured, including police officers and gendarmes 19 and 48 people respectively. In addition, 42 dead and 16 wounded were not identified, and 64 people went missing (including police officers).

            So, in March 1917, relatives searched for the city I. Droshport, who was killed on March 1, 1917, whose body disappeared without a trace. Apparently, these figures are incomplete, because they do not take into account the dead, whose bodies were dumped into the Neva and other rivers and canals of St. Petersburg. In particular, the bodies of several police officers surfaced in May 1917. In addition, according to the recollections of the workers, the bodies of some of the shot policemen were buried in pre-dug pits.

            (Altogether we can talk up to a hundred police officers killed in Petrograd)

            Quote: BAI
            Thus, the anarchy caused by the February revolution provoked the Civil War in Russia. to October revolution.

            Are we talking about FACTS? And where does YOUR estimates of the presence / non-presence of GV after February then?
            Let me remind you once again: NONE of your "leaders of the GW after February declared HE. And no one of the famous contemporaries declared. This is a fact. Yours and others like you today's "logical" build-eggs are not worth a damn.
            PS when stealing other people's articles, please refer to the source hi
            1. BAI
              April 27 2018 14: 01
              Let me consider your hysterical cries, not confirmed by anything, a recognition of my innocence. Hysteria is the only thing left when there is nothing more to present.
              Can you refute at least one photo?
              1. +1
                April 27 2018 14: 20
                Quote: BAI
                Let me take your hysterical ,

                belay fool lol
                Quote: BAI
                unconfirmed, recognition of my innocence.

                The rightness is proved by FACTS, not your empty chatter and stolen other people's articles.
                1. Thousands of "killed" policemen in St. Petersburg, as you lied, no.
                2. GV in February did not start, her contemporaries did NOT know. Your vision of the situation is understandable, respected (as an opinion) but insignificant.
                3. "Stealing is a sin!" (C)
                For sim ...
                1. BAI
                  April 27 2018 18: 22
                  For sim ..

                  Here I agree with you. Allow to take your leave - stocks of beads have run out.
    5. +1
      April 28 2018 03: 52
      "The author, where is the logic: CSS was forcibly dispersed and therefore .... failed?!."
      We are being liberalized at every corner that the union collapsed, it means it was stillborn, they have no complaints about logic. Nothing itself falls apart ...
  2. +4
    April 27 2018 07: 06
    The events of 1917, and January 1918, and 1953, 1991,1993, XNUMX, ..., ... showed that the listing of names and lists of "deputies" does not solve anything in history. Everything was decided by the number of “bayonets and sabers”. And the people ... it’s not difficult to convince anything (see the list of years).
    1. 0
      April 28 2018 03: 56
      You lied, the collapse of the union was organized contrary to the wishes of the people, read the results of the referendum. And the people supported the Bolsheviks with bayonets and their lives.
  3. +7
    April 27 2018 08: 02
    All authors of publications about the * constituent assembly * from which they unanimously recognize it as both * legitimate * and almost the only and * legitimate * authority.
    When the conspirators in a warring country made a coup and arrested the king, they were considered conspirators. But once you clicked the cry for * constituent assembly * how do they become * legitimate *?
    It turns out just like in modern RUSSIA. If a thing was stolen from me, then during resale it already becomes * a legitimate acquisition *. The conspirators seized power and declared themselves rulers and convened a * constituent assembly * which was to * establish * temporary workers in power.
    But what a howl rises when the Bolsheviks demolished temporary workers. But it’s temporary started a civil war and sold out RUSSIA. This temporary denied citizens of Russia universal suffrage.
    1. +2
      April 27 2018 08: 54
      US and EU observers found the Constituent Assembly elections legitimate. No. So they are not democratic even once. Navalny, again, was not allowed.))))
      1. 0
        April 27 2018 20: 40
        ... and Navalny is so young and young February ahead ..
  4. +1
    April 27 2018 09: 44
    the complete failure of him as the supreme authority in Russia became the logical ending of the domestic liberal experiment

    The constituent assembly worked for exactly one day, after which it was dispersed by the Bolsheviks. But the author managed to discern signs of failure for this one day of work. Big-eyed
  5. +17
    April 27 2018 10: 09
    What is democracy in 1918?
    On the contrary, almost all parties were covered, newspapers were closed.
    Red terror and rampant extrajudicial repression.
    Well, it was precisely those who unleashed the Civil War who dispersed the Constituent Assembly. That is, he violated the will of the people.
  6. +3
    April 27 2018 11: 17
    Quote: hhhhhhh
    The will of the people was to work harder to get less, in short all the power to the oligarchs. The people supported the Bolsheviks, that none of the people ran to his defense. Stop making you up

    If you take the trouble to read something on this topic, rather than expressing your thoughts in the form of slogans, you will probably find out that despite the active participation of the Bolsheviks (they did not interfere with the elections) in the Constituent Assembly elections, they lost miserably with the Socialist Revolutionaries. The Socialist-Revolutionaries scored almost 50% of the vote. The Bolsheviks did not score 25%. This is about supporting the people if that ... And this is despite the fact that voters could be all citizens who have reached the 20th anniversary, including women. Also involved were citizens of 18 years of age doing military service. A total of 44 and a half million voters voted. Here you have the support. Well, then began the reduction of competitors and physical! The cadets were recognized as enemies of the people. They deprived them of deputy seats, were arrested and shot! What next? And then there was the sabotage by the Bolsheviks of the work of the Constituent Assembly and even (you’ll be very surprised) they did not adopt the Land Law as a public property! This is just for example. Well, then the Bolsheviks simply did not let deputies into the Tauride Palace and simply dispersed the Assembly! So where is the support of the people? Was it possible at all, as it was to agree with the Bolsheviks after such actions ?! and who started the civil war? And have not the Bolshevik leaders openly called for it ?, Well, if you take as proof how you do it, for the support of the Bolsheviks, that no one allegedly ran to defend the Assembly, I can give you the following example. Despite the fact that most Soviet people voted to preserve the USSR, the country ceased to exist! And the same can be said - the people did not run to the defense and did not go into the partisans! Does this mean that most people wanted collapse and subsequent bacchanalia ?! Yes, of course not! And who provoked the subsequent bloody conflicts throughout the Union ?! Yes, those who dispersed it! Exactly the same way, those who broke up the Constituent Assembly and staged a civil massacre! How could you agree with them ?! And the last thing - it is very difficult to call the Social Revolutionaries who won the elections liberals!) They are more likely socialists - democrats, heirs of Narodism. To make it clearer to you, revolutionaries but not Marxists.
    1. +2
      April 27 2018 11: 38
      If someone else continues to doubt who organized the civil war, pushed for it and considered it simply necessary, get acquainted with the Marxist dogma about the DICTATURE of the proletariat! The "Manifesto of the Communist Party", etc. is also interesting. You will learn about the basis of the political dominance of the proletariat, namely, the FORCED (just such and no other) overthrow of the bourgeois class. I also recommend studying Leninist dogmas! Well, at least to begin with the fact that, according to Lenin, civil war is the inevitable companion of the socialist revolution! Read Ilyich’s article “Partisan War” of 1906. You will learn that Marxists do not stand on the basis of the social world, and the class struggle must inevitably result in a civil war! From a Marxist point of view, any moral condemnation of a civil war is UNACCEPTABLE! I also recommend reading the article of Lenin "On the defeat of his government in the imperialist war" of 1914! You dear ones will be interested in such a slogan as a guide to action - we will turn the imperialist war into a civil war! I perfectly understand that so many non-Bolsheviks know all this very well without me! However, they are silent silently - it is painful for these slogans and dogmas to overlap, just with the dreams of the present "our" liberals! Well, I can recommend those fans of Bolshevism who don’t know this - learn the works of their classics! You might wonder what was happening ...
      1. +2
        April 27 2018 11: 58
        Case for small:
        1) How to overthrow the bourgeoisie non-violently? Can I have an example theory? Enough even at the level of manufacture, even the scale of the state will not affect.

        civil war is the inevitable companion of the socialist revolution!

        And not just socialist. Any. My personal opinion.

        according to Lenin

        And not only Lenin believed in relation to Russia. France, Austria, Germany, Holland, England, China, Cuba. Wherever there were revolutions (at least bourgeois, at least socialist) - everywhere a civil war.
        1. +2
          April 27 2018 12: 11
          Well, if everything is so simple and right, why deny that the Bolsheviks started the civil war ?! They could not win the election ... Vladimir Ilyich could not wait until the next and peacefully criticize the authorities, as Zyuganov quietly creating his oligarchic clans ?! Is that right, Timur?
          1. +1
            April 27 2018 12: 47
            That's right, Igor.
            True, I did not quite understand where you saw that in my message I denied that the Bolsheviks started the civil war. We have not talked about this yet.
            I can agree with you that the Bolsheviks were interested in a civil war, but what is called in the historiographical science "civil war" (in the world) began earlier than October.
            But let's get back to my questions, please.
            1) How to overthrow the bourgeoisie non-violently? Can I have an example theory? Enough even at the level of manufacture, even the scale of the state will not affect.
            It’s just that I always did not understand the claim that everything happened as it happened. And I am always curious about people who hold such an opinion as they see a way to resolve social (class) contradictions.
            1. +2
              April 27 2018 13: 19
              You, Timur, apparently did not understand the meaning of what I wrote!) I will explain - I answered people who completely deny the outbreak of the civil war by the Bolsheviks, which led to completely tragic consequences! I am sincerely glad that you agree with me.
              As for the other (even more peaceful) way of creating a revolution, I’m sorry I don’t give advice!))) I consider the process itself as harmful, but claims can be made against individuals and their groups who have arranged all this!
              1. +1
                April 27 2018 15: 11
                Andrei, as I understand you, the Bolsheviks are bad, they did not accept the election results and started a civil war?
                And from here we can continue - if they had accepted, then the Socialist-Revolutionaries would have fulfilled their election program and life would have gone their way, there was no civil war due to the lack of reasons for it?
                1. +2
                  April 27 2018 15: 39
                  I’m not Andrey if you are contacting me. If to me then history has no subjunctive mood. Do I have to endlessly comment on the same thing? In my comments I cited the words of Lenin in the articles he wrote. This is only a small fraction of what the leader of the proletariat said about the necessity of a civil war! I think you yourself are able to conclude what is good and what is bad. Just in case, I’ll say one thing - war is always bad. Civil war is generally a disaster!
                  1. +1
                    April 27 2018 17: 42
                    Igor, of course. Sorry that the name is confused, apparently hovering in the clouds.
                    In my comments I cited the words of Lenin in the articles he wrote. This is only a small fraction of what the leader of the proletariat said about the necessity of a civil war!

                    But you quoted these words for a reason? With these words you opposed hhhhhhh (not sure if the pseudonym is correct, or as it is now called, cited) in terms of the "incorrectness" of the Bolshevik actions. Is not it so?
                    Then you should have your idea of ​​how to act? His, as I understand it,
                    Regarding, how else (even more peaceful) way to arrange a revolution, I'm sorry I do not give advice
                    according to your subsequent messages, no.
                    I think you yourself are able to conclude what is good and what is bad.

                    Concepts - bad and good can be left for exalted ladies. Always, I repeat, "necessary or not necessary" always prevails. War is bad. And what to do when you cannot do otherwise? Have you ever wondered what could have happened if you had adopted the Bolshevik declaration on the rights of workers? And why didn’t they accept her? (this is an even more important question)
              2. +2
                April 27 2018 19: 33
                And what is the cause of the civil war? It is impossible, as they say, all sorts of White Guards, not very smart - that Lenin was pinned from the massacre. In fact, the thesis of the civil war had concrete grounds - this is the intransigence of the forces against which the revolution is taking place. The revolution - because the revolution, because there are forces that are irreconcilable - there are examples of the Japanese "revolution" or Turkish, where Asians simply printed in newspapers that the king, with priests and nobles, goes to the railway station. And all this was accepted - and there were also irreconcilable forces - this is samurai, or the breadth of the Ottomans in Turkey. And if you write about the outbreak of war on purpose, you don’t even invent such miracles even in fairy tales - suddenly everyone stood up and went to hang the bourgeois on poles. The bourgeois were needed by the Country of Soviets, they are good bookkeepers, dress beautifully, know smart foreign words. They were given time to adapt - of course they sabotaged. These issues have already been considered for a hundred years, from the French Revolution, from the American, from the English Revolutions - there were already laws and the inevitable conclusion about intransigence - from which the civilian was obtained, in all absolutely revolutions, except for the Azitic, strange, and not everywhere. And not just to Lenin at night an angel flew in and whispered about the civilian. He had all the experience of the world - except for Russia and Germany, this business has already happened in every country inhabited by more than no sheep. The second was Marx’s instructions - directly instructions - that the bourgeoisie are not persecuted, but if they are rebels, they are persecuted. For what Lenin gave time — he released all of the prisons, all of these future “heroes” of B. affairs, and they sat growing cartridges, learned to swear, gnaw on seeds, squat with boys, go unwashed - in general, they got used to it. But they didn’t get used to it - and Lenin cursed that instead of working to create an ideal country, he had to butt with this stupidity, some kind of troops to create - but why did they surrender to him, these problems? But he also very perspicuously studied reality, and immediately made one of his unmistakable conclusions that it would be civil in Russia, and that it would be necessary so that it would not fall like snow on his head - and immediately talk about it and consider it inevitable. This is better than then running "oh, our civil happened."
                1. +1
                  April 27 2018 21: 42
                  Quote: kan123
                  it is the intransigence of the forces against which the revolution is taking place. A revolution is a revolution because there are forces that are irreconcilable

                  I’ll tell you one secret thing, in fact, the October Revolution did not exist. This is an invention of the Bolsheviks. In fact, the creeping Bolshevik coup of October 17 - January 18 has clear signs of a reactionary one. Those. there was not a revolution, but a phenomenon of the opposite nature. Not jerking forward, but jerking backward.
                  Therefore, all your subsequent reasoning, they are not worth a damn.
      2. +1
        April 27 2018 19: 46
        It was precisely Marx who wrote, in the manifesto, that the bourgeoisie does not have to be hanged — that one must look at the circumstances. In RI there were very specific circumstances for the civilian - this is the Entente and the country for the fourth year in the war - there were no non-military people left there.
        How did the civil revolution of the Republic of Ingushetia differ from the American "liberation of blacks" - but nothing. They did not differ at all from October. Both in England and in the USA there was an implacable class. That's what you think about. In England, the parliament was rigidly divided into industrialists and "farmers" —sobsno tsarist system — it is purely agrarian. In the USA, the same thing - collective farmers from the south will stand up to industrialists from the north.
        The whole mistake of perception is that the history of the CPSU and well-wishers from abroad - derive the usual reform - the demolition of priests and nobles of the Republic of Ingushetia, which happened all over the world, at that time, beyond the framework of this global reform. This is not so - it is all one and the same, even by formal grounds. - collective farmers, the village wets urban and vice versa.
      3. +1
        April 28 2018 04: 08
        An old man is walking down the street, he sees a guy sitting on a branch and sawing it. You fall, the old man tells him. And goes on. After a minute, the young one catches up with him and shouts - it’s you who kicked!

        The fact that Lenin understood the inevitability of a civil war does not mean that he wanted it.
  7. +1
    April 27 2018 12: 10
    Russia 1917-1918: The Plowed Field of Democracy

    Damn, well, here's how much you need to explain to home-grown "pesateli" that "democracy" is a rather high stage in the development of bourgeois community.
    Not his first step.
    Before democracy, even bourgeois society still needs to be valued.
    Step by step.
    There are general canons for the development of any society, including and bourgeois.
    First, the stage of authoritarianism, when the old, feudal idea is eradicated.
    Then ....
    No matter what then. The important thing is that democracy is only later, later.
    1. +2
      April 27 2018 16: 34
      Democracy is a junk from Ancient Greece
      1. +1
        April 27 2018 16: 38
        Quote: hhhhhhh
        Democracy is a junk from Ancient Greece

        Ancient Greek democracy and modern have nothing in common except the name.
        1. +2
          April 27 2018 16: 46
          Similarly, those who have money determine who to go to fight.
          Who was asked in Britain by France and the United States to go to war in Russia? Maybe there was a referendum?))))
          Democracy is a fairy tale for rogues. so that they do not excite.
          "We proceed from the self-evident truth that all people created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, which include life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness. "- blacks and women too people?
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. +2
              April 27 2018 17: 20
              And they are embarrassed to ask, "went to fight in Russia"?
              Attacks of light cavalry have never been? It was of course.
              "Democracy" is a certain level of development of society. And its members.
              What is the development of democracy in the United States if they vote in the 21st century according to the rules of the 19th century.
              What is the development of democracy in the United States if Putin decides to whom to be president in the United States.
              Get involved.
              1. The comment was deleted.
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. +1
                    April 27 2018 21: 48
                    Quote: hhhhhhh
                    October 25, 1854 during the Crimean War. Light cavalry attacks.

                    You would remember something more ancient.
                    Quote: hhhhhhh
                    Current people agreed more than 200 years ago. Sorry. Those who agreed long ago died. In addition, blacks and women did not give anyone the right to vote. When agreed.

                    It does not matter. When agreed, then agreed as if forever. Therefore, observe to this day.
                    Quote: hhhhhhh
                    Ask any American, he will answer you, Trump Americans chose the Russians.

                    Any American will more likely “remember” that Russians live in Africa. Where elephants are harvested for the winter.
                    And then he will prove to you with Newton’s bin.
                    1. For some reason, only scoops are “interested in the international situation”. Instead of building roads and cleaning toilets. Why, they themselves do not know.
                    2. Russia Americans are not interested in principle. They can hardly remember where Canada is and where Mexico is. The rest of the world is not interesting to them.
  8. The comment was deleted.
  9. +1
    April 27 2018 16: 32
    And then, during the war, the losses of the USSR amounted to 42 million people. A fifth of the pre-war population of the USSR.
    American bots went in cycles
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +2
        April 27 2018 17: 21
        This is where so many people in the USSR have disappeared? 42 million, well, you and lie
        1. +1
          April 27 2018 17: 24
          Quote: hhhhhhh
          This is where so many people in the USSR have disappeared? 42 million, well, you and lie

          Read the report on the losses of the USSR in WW2 on the basis of declassified data from the USSR State Planning Committee, voiced in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
          19 million military personnel + 23 million civilians.
          1. 0
            April 27 2018 21: 23
            link come on.
            1. +1
              April 27 2018 21: 49
              Quote: hhhhhhh
              link come on.

              And what, have the search engines already canceled?
              1. The comment was deleted.
                1. The comment was deleted.
              2. The comment was deleted.
                1. The comment was deleted.
              3. 0
                April 28 2018 08: 28
                Where is your evidence ????
          2. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        April 27 2018 17: 23
        Who is smart in the Duma?
        1. The comment was deleted.
  10. +3
    April 27 2018 17: 05
    I read the argument erupted in the comments. Respected hhhhhhh you lost it. They just performed in different categories, and they crushed you with facts
    1. +2
      April 27 2018 21: 21
      What are these facts? The opponent spits fakes from the 90s. Not a single fact.
      What do you find by fact?
      May 9, 1945 Victory Day. This is a fact.
  11. +2
    April 27 2018 19: 10
    Lenin found himself in a tragic situation, with this dispersal of the founding party - the whole of Europe turned its back on him, and to be honest, no one still believed in the people. The workers pulled out the whole situation, and the founders were accused of overclocking Lenin abroad. So the emphasis should have been on the fact that the founder did not represent anything at all. Lenin in correspondence, in response to criticism of the "right democrats" of Europe, wrote that if they started talking in Russia about some kind of election, constituent assembly, this would have caused homeric laughter. For this he invited these figures, and they walked with crooked squeamish faces, these "Marxists" European parliamentarians. It was wild to them that Lenin gathered all sorts of bakers, janitors, and other gopniks, and tried to make the government out of it. After all, the fact that the intelligentsia abandoned these unwashed people of their own - the people answered in the same way - and this is apparently the whole collapse and attempts of the VR. government, and white business. This contempt has become expensive, these bourgeois. And Europeans despised all of Russia in general - they didn’t even try to figure it out - for them it was a cattle country, it remained for it - it’s ordinary racism, dumb Europeans who live like themselves, compose fairy tales to themselves, and believe in them. there were no methods left at all, these intellectuals, except for “men to hang on poles, the more the better” - that’s all the democratic meetings, and vr. government and academic. a committee in which the whole bastard had already dug in - it was already illegitimate, it was necessary to hold elections again - from whom? From the same intelligentsia who betrayed the people.
  12. 0
    April 28 2018 16: 06
    Quote: Wend
    Rot among people comes from human nature. It was this kind of rot that made the first revolution in the 1917 year.
    And again, they went to the Bolsheviks:
    "February. Revolution made the proletariat"
    "People on the street were led by the Bolsheviks"
    Short course of history of VKPBE "
    Yes, do not tell. This is an elementary rewriting of history.