Boyko Borisov: Thanks to Russia for the liberation from the Ottoman yoke, but now we are the West ...

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov made an indirect appeal to Russia. This appeal was made simultaneously with Bulgaria’s European partners - through the newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung. According to Boyko Borisov, Bulgaria greatly appreciates the common culture and stories with Russia, appreciates the fact that the Russian troops at one time liberated Bulgaria from Ottoman rule. But at the same time, Borisov said that Bulgaria sees its way exclusively to the west.

Boyko Borisov: Thanks to Russia for the liberation from the Ottoman yoke, but now we are the West ...

From the statement of the head of the Bulgarian government:
Our cultural and religious ties are important. Bulgaria has not forgotten that thousands of Russians died during the liberation of our country from the Ottoman Empire. We say thank you for it, and that's fine. But at the same time there can be no doubt that we have already become part of the EU and NATO. We have proven that Bulgaria is a loyal and disciplined member of these unions. You can not talk about any choice of "Russia or the West." We are part of the EU, part of NATO. And history, economics, traditions are one thing, western guidelines are a decision that we consciously made.

At the same time, Borisov, answering the question of why Sofia did not support Britain in the case of accusing the Russian Federation of "Skripale poisoning," noted that London should provide real evidence.

We remember how their prime minister, Tony Blair, talked about chemical weapons in Iraq without providing evidence. Then he publicly apologized for this.