German invaders and Soviet Jews

According to the leadership of the Third Reich, the country was supposed to become racially clean. It should not have been “subhumans” - Jews, Slavs, “Gypsies”, etc. Therefore, the Jewish problem has become one of the important areas of work of punitive structures of the Reich. Initially, Jews were forced out of the country, forcing them to emigrate. To do this, various restrictive laws were introduced: Jews were deprived of German citizenship, the right to marry people of German origin, voting rights, service rights in state bodies (like other representatives of racially alien peoples), they were subject to high taxes, expropriated property. But this method could not completely solve the problem. Other countries tried to accept immigrants only if they had a certain capital.

After the outbreak of World War II, Jewish migration channels were blocked. In addition, soon most of Europe was under the control of Berlin. The Department of the Secret State Police (Gestapo), which was responsible for the Jewish question, made plans for the mass eviction of Jews from Europe. Previously, they decided to isolate the Jews in a ghetto on Polish territory, where they were brought from all over the empire. After the start of the war with the Soviet Union, this experience was extended to Soviet territory.

It should be noted that initially the military-political elite of the Reich did not plan the destruction of an entire people. The scale of the extermination of the Jews should not exceed the size of the liquidation of the population of other "subhumans". In the spring of 1941, on the eve of the attack on the USSR, Jews were equated with partisans, “communist instigators” and saboteurs. As a result, the Wehrmacht soldiers received the right to destroy them. At about the same time, the head of the General Directorate of Imperial Security (RSHA), Reinhard Heydrich, gave the command of the Einsatzgroup an oral order to exterminate all Jews, including those in the Communist Party. 2 July Heydrich softened the instruction - not all Jews were subject to extermination, but only party members engaged in civil service and radical elements (saboteurs, saboteurs, propagandists, etc.).

As a result, when the war began in the East, the killing of Jews became a favorite entertainment for the advancing German troops, as was the destruction of captured Soviet soldiers, violence against women. Pogroms, the destruction of synagogues, the killing of children, women, old people, adults, and bullying of them were commonplace in the Wehrmacht offensive.

The next wave of terror brought with them the Einsatz command of the SD. Their motive was not hatred, not a thirst for entertainment or profit, they did "work." Their actions against the Jews were fairly well regulated: only members of the Communist Party and “radical elements” were subject to liquidation. But in reality, the main principle underlying their activity is the ability to destroy anyone who seems suspicious, made any restriction a formality. Shot in batches of tens, hundreds of people. Executions have become commonplace. It must be said that they also shot Russians (including Little Russians and Belarusians), sought out and killed “loyal” to the Soviet authorities. From the SD readings, it is clear that at first the punishers shot the Jews more, but then the relationship between the Jews and representatives of other nationalities leveled off.

After the first wave of terror subsided, the process of “isolating” Soviet Jews began. People were driven into the ghetto. Those who were caught outside were immediately destroyed. Naturally, the process itself was accompanied by massive robbery and violence. Ghettos were created in large and medium cities. They represented fenced with barbed wire urban neighborhoods with double security: the German “order service” (internal security) created by the Germans and the local police (external). For the management of the ghetto, self-government bodies were established — Judenrates. The Jewish Council was responsible for the behavior of the Jews, their registration, accounting, resettlement, collection of contributions and other issues. For Jews, compulsory labor service was introduced, which covered people of both sexes at the age of 14-60. Among the Jews stood out "useful" - members of the "service of order", councils, workers, etc.

During this period, there was no talk about the total extermination of Jews. The Third Reich needed working hands. The question is that the Jews, like the Slavs, were recorded in the category of "subhumans", so it was considered useful to reduce their number. An interesting fact is that during this period the German command was not shy about destroying Soviet prisoners of war by thousands and hundreds of thousands, but preferred to entrust the cause of extermination of Jews to local Nazis. German intelligence services had old and well-established contacts with various kinds of anti-Soviet nationalist underground. The Nazis took into account perfectly well the fact that national separatists are completely controllable and hate “liquid Bolsheviks” (that is, Jews and Russians). 29 June 1941 of the year Heydrich, in one of the orders, gave instructions to quietly strengthen and guide the local anti-communist and anti-Jewish circles. It attached more importance to the fact that the population resorted to the most cruel measures against the Bolsheviks and Jews "independently."

Large-scale pogroms took in the Baltic States. As soon as the Nazi troops entered the territory of the Baltic republics, pogroms began there. Most of the people killed at the same time were killed not by the Germans, but by the local Nazis, who showed exceptional cruelty, sparing neither the elderly, nor women, nor children. Over one night on June 26, more than 1,5 thousand people were killed in Kaunas. After a few days, the number of Jews killed reached 4 thousand. In Riga, by the beginning of July, many synagogues were destroyed and 400 Jews were killed. According to the BD, there were difficulties in the extermination of Jews in Latvian territory at first. Thanks to the competent actions of the NKVD, before the war, they were able to deport a portion of local nationalists from Latvia. This created difficulties for the invaders to liquidate the Jews. True, the hitch was short. On July 4, members of the Latvian nationalist organization Perkonkrust (Thunder Cross) burned down Jews in a choral synagogue in Riga at 500. On the same day, the nationalists burned down and destroyed 20 synagogues and prayer houses.

In early July, 1941 was created by the Latvian Auxiliary Police Unit, Viktor Arajs. Sonderkomanda Araisa directly subordinated to the German SD in the Reichskommissariat Ostland and was engaged in the destruction of "subhumans - Jews, Russians, Gypsies, as well as the mentally ill. A detachment of up to 300 people destroyed thousands of people in the territory of Latvia to 26. In the summer and autumn of 1941, the members of the Sonja team of Arajs regularly traveled to the province to “hunt” on special buses painted in blue. They caught and killed Jews and communists, Gypsies. Only in Vilani on August 4, they destroyed about 400 Jews. The brutality of their actions was amazing even against the background of the atrocities of the Nazis. Jews were slaughtered to death with death, burned alive in synagogues, drowned, brutally killed in dwellings. Women were raped, abused, did not spare anyone, including young children.

Auxiliary police units from the Baltic nationalists took an active part not only in black deeds on the territory of the Baltic states, but also on the lands of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. At the end of October, the 12 Lithuanian police battalion arrived from Kaunas to the Belarusian Slutsk. His commander said that he had an order to “solve the Jewish question” in the city within two days. The objection of the German commandant about the speed of the operation, the need of a part of the Jews for production, the inexpediency of organizing a slaughter in front of the citizens, was ignored. According to the German commandant, the actions of the Lithuanian punishers “bordered on sadism.” A bloody massacre began in the city, mountains appeared on some streets from corpses, before killing people were severely beaten with “improvised means”, neither women nor children were spared. Along the way, there was a plunder of the population, and Russians and Belarusians suffered. Punishers broke into houses and enterprises where Jews lived and worked. People were beaten, killed, those who were not killed immediately were taken to the forest and shot. The German commandant was even forced to protect the property of the Reich from the dispersed punishers.

These actions allowed Berlin to draw several conclusions. The struggle against Jewry and communism made it possible to mobilize local nationalists, making them an instrument in the hands of the Reich. From nationalists, you can create auxiliary punitive units, very useful parts for the black work in the occupied territories. They know local conditions better, they act without sentiment. Local Nazis easily go to the action on the mass destruction of "subhumans", which relieves Germany of the blame for these actions. The creation of auxiliary units allows the release of part of the German troops for the front.

At the same time, Hitler's propagandists are stepping up the trend towards a radical solution to the "Jewish question." Jews are almost the main target of Nazi propaganda. The Nazis tried to split the Soviet people, to generate hatred for the "liquid-Bolshevik" Moscow. The occupied territory was flooded with leaflets, brochures, and anti-Jewish newspapers. Their essence was quite simple, it can be understood from these words: “Only a Jew can be a Bolshevik; For these bloodsuckers, there is nothing better if there is no one to stop them. Wherever you spit, there are only Jews around, in the city, in the village ... Even the smallest bloodsuckers had positions with great privileges. They lived in the best houses ... Real workers lived in small houses or barracks for livestock ... ”

Actions to eliminate the Jews were supposed to make propaganda against the “Zhidobolshevik” more relevant. Einsatzkommandy gradually began to move to the extermination of all Jews. In August, a punitive division entered into Belaya Tserkov '(Ukraine) - the Sonderkommando 4 of Paul Blombel. Their target was the Jews. If in July only men were shot, in August Jews were killed from 14 years and above. All Jews were driven into the camp yard, stripped naked and driven to the den, where they were kneeled down and shot. According to the memories of local residents: "There was a heart-rending cry and cry." After the adults were killed, after some thought, they decided to kill the children of 7-14 years. Only very small ones remained, they were locked away without food and water in a house on the outskirts. There was a question what to do with them. The command confirmed the order for their destruction. But even the butchers of the sondercommand refused to do this. Then they decided to entrust the "case" of the Ukrainian auxiliary police. The kids were shot in the woods.

The leadership of the Reich is gradually inclined to the decision on the total extermination of Jews in the occupied territories. According to the head of the "Jewish department" of the Gestapo Adolf Eichmann, his chief Heydrich told him that Hitler "ordered to physically destroy the Jews." Eichmann did not even immediately understand the essence of the matter, more recently his department was thinking about where to evict the Jews (there were even plans to deport them to Madagascar). Eichmann was sent to the East to see with his own eyes how the process is going. A senior Gestapo man who dealt with the problem of deportation and isolation of Jews, was so shocked when he saw the process of mass execution in Minsk that he felt bad: “The pit was full of corpses. She was full! ... It's terrible, what's going on there ... How can you just shoot at a woman and children like that? How is this possible? ... After all, it is impossible to do so ... People will either go insane, or become sadists, our own people. ”

European Jews were still going to be evicted from Europe. Only Soviet Jews were going to exterminate the polls. The action in Belaya Tserkov was a trial, the wholesale liquidation of Jews began everywhere. Neither the old men, nor women, nor children were spared, and the mixed families were also destroyed. September 19 fell Kiev, ten days later announcements appeared all over the city, in which Jews were ordered 29 September 1941 of the year to 8 in the morning to appear at the corner of Melnikovskaya and Dokhturovskaya with documents, money, valuables and warm clothes. People felt that they were waiting for eviction. Many were accompanied by Russian and Ukrainian relatives, friends, neighbors, since many families were mixed. Anti-tank and wire barriers with a passage guarded by the Germans and Ukrainian police blocked the street at the gathering place. Jews were allowed in groups on the other side, waiting, then letting new ones. When passing through the gate, documents, valuables, were taken from them, stripped. Only then people began to realize that they were not waiting for eviction, but something terrible. They heard shooting and screaming. People were led to a huge ravine - Babi Yar, and shot. People were killed until late in the evening, only on that day 33771 people were shot. The executions continued the next day, and later, a week later, a year. They killed not only Jews, but also communists, prisoners of war, Russians, Ukrainians, Gypsies. When the Soviet troops began to liberate Ukraine, the Nazis tried to destroy the traces of their crimes. The bodies began to burn. After the liberation of Kiev, Babiy Yar found a half-meter layer of ash and bones. The number of people killed there is unknown. Only some Jews number up to 150 thousand people.

October 16 Soviet troops were evacuated from Odessa. Romanians and Germans entered the city, universal arrests of Jews and mixed families began. The detainees were imprisoned in a powder magazine in the Strelbischensky field and October 23 began to burn. At the same time there were mass executions.

7 November 1941, on the anniversary of the October Revolution, SS formations and auxiliary police (including the Baltic) staged a pogrom in the Minsk ghetto. This ghetto was one of the largest in the occupied territory, second only in size to the Lviv ghetto. On the territory of the Minsk ghetto were more than 100 thousand people. Approximately 15 thousand people were driven to the area of ​​Tuchinka and shot. The slaughter continued for several days.

In the brutal killings of the Jews, not only were units of the SD, SS, auxiliary police, but also units of the Wehrmacht "distinguished themselves." A wave of bloody murders swept through the Crimea after Erich von Manstein's 11 Army entered. According to the German commander: “It is impossible to wage war in the East in ordinary forms. ... The Jew is the mediator between the enemy in our rear and the Red Army ... the Jewish-Bolshevik system in the USSR must be destroyed forever. ... Every soldier must be imbued with the need to ruthlessly revenge the Jews. " Only in Kerch more than 7 thousand Jews were exterminated. Most of those killed were old men, women, teenagers, children (men fought, worked in evacuated enterprises).

Wehrmacht soldiers staged another bloody massacre in Rostov-on-Don. November 21st tank an army under the command of Colonel General Ewald von Kleist broke into the city. After a short time, the Red Army was able to recapture the city and discovered traces of Hitler's crimes. People were killed only because they were Jews. Searched in houses, in cellars. They killed women, the elderly, children. “Before being shot, they scoffed at many, beaten, knocked out their teeth, killed many of them with rifle butts, crushing their heads. Pieces of skulls of these people were lying right on the street ... ”

According to some estimates, in just six months of occupation, approximately 1,2 million Soviet Jews were killed. Moreover, not only adults, but adolescents, small children. The final decision of the Jewish question for Berlin was a direct consequence of the war of extermination against the USSR. In the East, it was possible to do what was impossible in Western Europe. At first, the Jews were destroyed as communists, “commissars”, civil servants, a “subversive element”, then as Soviet Jews (in the West, this system was not introduced yet) and only from the beginning of 1942, it was officially decided that you can kill only because Jew.

German invaders and Soviet Jews

Mass execution on the seashore in Skедde, Libava (Lithuania), 15. 12. 1941. Jewish women are standing at the edge of the grave, just before the execution. In the execution, the Latvian platoon of the SD guard, the SS police department and its local police officer D. Dietrich and the Latvian battalion 21 police took part. On this day, 2350 Jews were killed.


Act, Stavyshche market town in the Kiev region, January 14 1944

“Two weeks after the seizure of the town, the Germans drove all the Jewish men - an 60 man - supposedly to work. They were taken to the Revukuh tract two kilometers away, forced to dig holes, and all were shot. After some time, they drove all the women with children — Jews — ostensibly for evacuation and were shot at the same place. They brought a man to the pit on 4 and shot him with a pistol. The babies were thrown alive into the pit. ”

The atrocities of the Nazi invaders 22 March 1944

“30 July 1941, the Germans occupied the city of Golovanevsk, Odessa region. Began a savage reprisal against the Jewish population. Around 100, Jews were shot on the spot, right in the city. Then a 800 man was gathered, taken by car under guard, taken to a forest a kilometer from the city, and all were shot. Among them were a lot of women and children. 12-15 girls were raped by Germans before being shot. On the outskirts of the city, the Germans took away from their mothers and threw small children alive into a well, which was filled almost to the top and was covered with earth. ”

Report of the Political Department of the 5 Guards Tank Army

“We, the residents of Dmitrovka (9 surnames), Bogodukhov district, Kharkiv region, testify that during the occupation of the village in 1941, the Germans gathered all Jewish population from neighboring villages during 3-4 days, drove it into a shed in a kolkhoz yard, they were beaten, mocked, every day they were taken to heavy road works, and a few days later everyone was shot, including small children. The girls were raped by groups of soldiers. There was a wild cry and cry. All were shot at least forty Jews.

The act of mass extermination of citizens of Mstislavl, 4 October 1943

In early October, 1941, all Jews were ordered to the market square on the orders of the chief of the punitive detachment. Men were separated from women. At first, 30 old men were taken, they were taken by car to Leschinsky ditch and shot there. From the Jewish women, the Nazis took away the young, drove out their district mages, there they stripped naked, raped, tortured, then shot. October 15 all the remaining Jews gathered in the yard pedagogical school. They read the sentence. After that, they took them outside, built 10 people in a row and drove to the Kogalny ditch, where at night the local population ordered pits to be dug by the Germans. First selected 50 men. They were ordered to deepen the pit, and then shot. After that, Jews were led to the pits by 10 and shot. First all men were killed, then women with adult children. Small children were thrown into the pits alive. Many were stunned by blows to the head. ”
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  1. +52
    2 May 2012 08: 24
    To hang this article on every house in Lviv, Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius. Let the "ss veterans" remember what they did. And people should know their "heroes"
    1. Aleksey67
      2 May 2012 09: 01
      Well, another Holohost, and the author could tell along the way how many citizens of this nation served in the Wehrmacht. And what is this for?
      I must say that they also shot Russians (including Little Russians and Belarusians), sought out and killed "loyal" to the Soviet regime. According to the estimates of the SD, at first the punishers shot the Jews more, then the ratio between Jews and representatives of other nationalities is leveled out.

      Russians, Little Russians and Belarusians from Germany did not demand and did not have gesheft after the war

      Israel demanded that Germany reimburse the costs of receiving 500 thousand refugees from Europe on its territory. Costs were estimated at $ 3000 per person, totaling $ 1,5 billion. In addition, a claim was put forward to compensate for the loss of property in the amount of $ 6 billion.

      The United States, Great Britain, and France have stated that they are linked to Germany by the Paris reparation treaty and cannot demand new reparations. The USSR ignored the requirements.[193]

      Nevertheless, in September 1951, German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer announced his readiness to discuss the possibility of paying compensation, and on September 10, 1952, an agreement was signed under which Germany was to pay 3 billion marks in commodity form to Israel over 14 years. In addition, according to the Federal Compensation Act of September 18, 1953, certain categories of individuals and legal entities received the right to compensation, including 270 thousand Jews received compensation. Subsequently, a number of other compensation programs were adopted, according to which tens and hundreds of thousands of people received payments. The total amount of compensation paid amounted to more than $ 50 billion. [194]

      A number of governments, previously occupied by the Nazis and Nazi allies of Europe, decades after the war, also committed themselves to restitution of Jewish property, which was confiscated in 1939-1945, as well as the communist regimes of Eastern Europe after the war. Such programs, in particular, were adopted in Hungary, [195] Poland, [195] Norway, [196] Belgium [197] and Lithuania. [198]

      Substantial funds from Holocaust victims were appropriated by Swiss banks. On this occasion, several lawsuits took place in 1996-1998, following which Swiss banks pledged to pay $ 1,25 billion to Holocaust victims and publish a list of unclaimed accounts of the time to search for owners and heirs
      1. +25
        2 May 2012 16: 27
        If the Holocaust was recognized, then the genocide of the Slavs, who died five or six times more than Jews, must be recognized.
        1. +20
          2 May 2012 16: 47
          Dobrokhod Sergey,
          let's deal with the Holocaust a little. Here I am a resident of Israel whose grandfather and his brother, on the Jewish side, died near Moscow with arms in their hands, not everything is clear either, because they always talk about European Jews on the next anniversary of the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto , and about their destruction, and the Soviet, like some goods trying to denigrate Jewish veterans, still fought, and did not sit on their grandmothers, indeed, at the hands of the Nazis, both Slovenes and Muslims and Gypsies died, so we MUST REMEMBER, and not look for who is more died who paid less to whom, to whom not.
          1. Yoshkin Kot
            3 May 2012 12: 29
            um, and great-grandfather did not serve in CHON?
            1. Dust
              3 May 2012 12: 48
              Was it a "patriot of the Russian Land" who drew from the Vlasovites?
              Personally, my great-grandfathers served with Kolchak - and so what? That was a long time ago...
              Here are the grandfathers - in the Red Army!
              1. Yoshkin Kot
                4 May 2012 09: 36
                you don’t confuse a hedgehog and a snake, 37 years have changed a lot, those foreigners and homissaries thank God laid down next to their victims, their great-grandchildren hate Dzhugashvilli for this
        2. Insurgent
          2 May 2012 20: 15
          It’s not necessary to compare kago died more, if anything, the percentage of Jews died more
          1. Odinplys
            3 May 2012 01: 51
            Where did they die more ... at the front ... ??? And who told you that more ... Jewish propaganda ...
          2. Yoshkin Kot
            3 May 2012 12: 30
            Yeah, the death of one person is this tragedy, and tens of millions of these statistics?
        3. Odinplys
          3 May 2012 01: 48
          Dobrokhod Sergey,
          The genocide of the Slavs ... for at least 2 centuries it was fascist Nazis who were engaged in Jews ...
    2. Winter
      2 May 2012 09: 18
      Quote: Alexander Romanov
      To hang this article on every house in Lviv, Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius. Let the "ss veterans" remember what they did. And people should know their "heroes

      But they know! And they are proud! And do not mind repeating the "feats" of the grandfathers! .. And they would repeat the opportunity ...
      1. Odessa
        2 May 2012 09: 38
        How many such monuments are in the Baltic states and Germany? For normal people, these are Fritz and fascist. And for the Bunderstat .......
    3. 703-s
      2 May 2012 09: 41
      We are on the RUSSIAN website.
      How much attention is paid to the Jews?
      frankly gives propaganda !!!!
      1. Aleksey67
        2 May 2012 09: 47
        Quote: 703
        we are on a RUSSIAN site. Is there a lot of attention paid to Jews?

        Humble yourself, bro, they won the Second World War, rebuilt the economy, created the Commintern. And we, so appendages smile Well, there was Stalin who insisted on the creation of Israel wassat
        1. Odessa
          2 May 2012 09: 54
          Most Russians live in Russia, Ukrainians in Ukraine, Belarusians in Belarus. So why can not Jews have their own state? It’s good that Israel was created!
          1. teves
            2 May 2012 10: 11
            Hitler destroyed the strangers, Stalin-his. Feel the difference...
            1. Aleksey67
              2 May 2012 10: 15
              Quote: teves
              Hitler destroyed the strangers, Stalin-his. Feel the difference...

              Go to the tops, multi-Hungarian laughing
            2. +13
              2 May 2012 10: 22
              Hitler also destroyed his own. Do you think how you got to power?
            3. +20
              2 May 2012 11: 10
              Tevez, are you really yours? Such as you served in Galicia, but concentration camps guarded
            4. Indigo
              2 May 2012 11: 54
              What? We remember who Bella Kun is and who he is by blood, we remember who the compatriot is and their deeds in Crimea. We remember who hedgehogs and berry with comrades, Trotsky, etc. are. by the list. so that Stalin gave them a bullet for their actions. And if they are "their own", then you feel the difference (how are things with the national bank of Hungary - who rules the loan interest and how do they get it?) ....
            5. +6
              2 May 2012 13: 16
              In the Russian language there is an expression Tambov wolf to you comrade ...
            6. 755962
              2 May 2012 16: 01
              Quote: teves

              Hitler destroyed aliens

              The translator for Field Marshal Paulus was the Jew Kogan. Surrendered together with the field marshal. The Hungarian Jewess was Hitler's cook for a long time. Goering's adoptive father was a Jew, Epenstein, and Hermann loved him. The Jew Robert Ballin rescued the bleeding Goering during the Beer Putsch on November 9, 1923, later Goering provided services to Ballin in gratitude for the salvation. Several thousand Berlin Jews survived all the "repressions" and survived until the end of the war; many industrialists (Thyssen, Messerschmidt, etc.) were Jews.
              1. +6
                2 May 2012 16: 40
                According to the certificate on June 27, 1945, 5016 people were in Soviet captivity. Jewish nationality:, on the other hand, Soviet Jews made a significant contribution to the Victory. 150 Heroes of the Soviet Union:

                What are the different fates of one nation.
                1. Odinplys
                  3 May 2012 02: 20
                  Dobrokhod Sergey,
                  How many wolves do not feed, he still looks into the forest ...
                  They hate Russia and the Russian people ... Nazi fascists ...
              2. Odinplys
                3 May 2012 02: 12
                The fascist Zionists ... the same Rokshilds Rockefellers ... brought to power their Hitler ... They handed practically without a fight ... most of Europe ... and showed the way to ... Russia
                I think the destruction of ordinary Jews was part of the plan of the same Rofelers ... who then would believe that they had planned and started a war ... if they couldn’t defeat the USSR ... And under this guise, Israel also cried ...
                Indeed, at first ... many bewitched by the Holocaust could not believe it ... only everything secret becomes clear ...
            7. +7
              2 May 2012 16: 30
              Quote: teves
              Hitler destroyed the strangers, Stalin-his. Feel the difference...

              That in difficult times there were no such as teves. Did you feel the difference?
            8. Insurgent
              2 May 2012 20: 17
              if it weren’t for Stalin, you might be born
            9. Odinplys
              3 May 2012 02: 05
              Hitler ... is the fruit grown by the Zionists ... with the goal of enslaving Russia
            10. Yoshkin Kot
              4 May 2012 09: 38
              ice ax victim, you mine, he is my enemy
          2. TAN_a_TOS
            2 May 2012 23: 38
            in the wrong place created ...
            the Arabs will overwhelm you in the end.
          3. Odinplys
            3 May 2012 02: 03
            Israel was not created ... it was acupuncture ... in the most arrogant way ...
          4. Odinplys
            3 May 2012 02: 33
            And why the gypsies do not have their own state ... give them a piece of Israel of their own free will ... No ... do not want to ...
            You are acupuncture ...
          5. Yoshkin Kot
            3 May 2012 12: 32
            Russians live both in the Russian Federation, and in Ukraine, and Belarus, unfortunately, frotmans and kenzers with other bits and pieces still live in Ukraine
          6. 0
            3 May 2012 13: 04
            [quote = Odessa woman] So why can not Jews have their own state? It’s good that Israel was created!
            Please! Just explain to me why it was necessary to take foreign land for this?
            1. +2
              3 May 2012 19: 22
              Look, how the Jews got away with something, one had only to hint that they built their "superpower" on a foreign land! The cat knows whose meat it ate kosher!
            3 May 2012 15: 56
            Quote: Odessa
            Well, that created Israel!

            They took it from some and told them what is good here?
        2. Insurgent
          2 May 2012 20: 16
          You probably had children in the police, I think people like you were the first in the Sonderkommands at 41
          1. Odinplys
            3 May 2012 02: 23
            Answer the question why the Jew Hitler ... killed Jews ...
        3. Odinplys
          3 May 2012 02: 02
          In the World there is no fighter stronger than a frightened Jew ...
          The Soviet people fought ... the Soviet people perished ... they only reaped the fruits of victory ... and even these "bad" Germans were forced to make payments ...
          It was necessary to fight at the front rather than hiding in the farms ...
          1. +4
            3 May 2012 13: 14
            Quote: OdinPlys
            It was necessary to fight at the front rather than hiding in the farms ...
            Brother, you're wrong. I personally knew a veteran-Jew. All my breasts are in medals. Dear man. It's about the Holocaust of the "chosen" people. It turns out that the unelected could be destroyed with a clear conscience, and now the Hans repent for the chosen ones. The Slavs were also methodically destroyed. What is the "Ivotskaya tragedy" in Ukraine. In terms of scale and cruelty, Khatyn. Have you heard anything about it? I'm 99,9% sure no. And how many of these villages were destroyed throughout the occupied territory. Together with the Slavic population. Why has not the question been raised so far about the genocide and the "Holocaust" of the Slavs. And the Jews are the Holocaust! The Holocaust!
            1. Odinplys
              3 May 2012 17: 40
              Dear ... I understand what it is about ... And I know many Jews with orders ... only here, according to the military registration and enlistment offices, many awards are not confirmed ... And almost a day later, on the way to work, I pass by the burned Belarusian villages .. .and what Khatyn is not from the textbook I know ... and I have been there many times ...
              I know how my grandfather tweaked explosives in the form of coal ... attached mines to trains ... blew up a communications point with Hitler's headquarters ... during the Battle of Kursk ... And when he was arrested and sent to a concentration camp in germany ... the hope that he will never return ... I know who appropriated his exploits ... then he offered to get dirty and my great-aunt the partisan, suggesting that she should appropriate too much ... that he had safely left for Israel ... the "hero" fucking ... Like a grandfather successfully escaping from the concentration camp on the second attempt ... was captured by the British ... was transferred to the Union as a prisoner of war ... I know that, contrary to the tales of mass executions of people who arrived from captivity ... they figured out everything ... and he was offered a job in Moscow ... and there were many like him ... This suggests that the NKVD organs carried out inspections quite professionally ... Stalin did not shoot his own ...
              And I also understand very well ... That the destruction of the Slavic Peoples ... is still being carried out ... by the fascist national-Zionist movement ... And they must pay us for everything ... Both morally ... And materially ... And until they repent to the whole World for their crimes against humanity ... they are our enemies ...
        4. Odinplys
          3 May 2012 02: 38
          Do not ... we will not put up ... for this Zionist stench interferes with life ...
      2. Odinplys
        3 May 2012 01: 57
        quote = 703rd] we are on the RUSSIAN website.
        How much attention is paid to the Jews?
        propaganda frankly gives !!!! [/ quote]

        Propaganda ... no, this is not propaganda ... they have already bored the whole World with their "Holocaust" ... we will cry ... And to that tune ... they are engaged in the destruction of the Slavic Peoples ... and not only ...
      3. -1
        7 May 2012 11: 20
        Quote: 703
        We are on the RUSSIAN website.

        In Russia, there are about a hundred only indigenous peoples and plus peoples of the CIS countries, i.e., the Russian Empire ...
    4. +1
      2 May 2012 17: 43
      Speaking of Lviv ... maybe someone doesn’t know about the murder of Lviv professors % D0% B3% D0% BE_% D
      %B5%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2 и о участии националистов...
    5. Odinplys
      3 May 2012 01: 44
      Alexander Romanov,
      Who is able to answer the question ... why ... or for what ... they killed the Jews ...
      1. +2
        4 May 2012 10: 10
        I was "lucky" a few years ago to learn more about the life of Jews! the office of the office in which he worked was in the same premises with the Jewish religious community! I watched their lives for about a year! I’ll tell you wondered. One example, but typical. Parcels from Israel with free humanitarian aid for the not rich, usually elderly Jews, came to this community in the name of the predecessor. So this bastard sold them everything, kosher food, some clothes like secondhand clothes, and so on. And grandmothers bought. He rented part of the premises, he made candles for his rituals himself from cheap paraffin! shorter still the dodger. It was for this, for trying to deceive their own neighbor, for making money on everything, they ended up. I am not a Zionist, but I don't believe in stories about poor and oppressed Jews,
        There was even a story of my colleague who, by stupidity, left for ISRAEL, his stories were enough to understand what kind of state and people it was.
      2. Edward
        6 May 2012 17: 08
        For Kabbalah racism (Zionism) and for usury.
    6. Odinplys
      3 May 2012 02: 35
      Alexander Romanov,
      And still I would like to hear the answer to the question ... why did the Jews destroy the Jews Hitler ... ???
  2. valeroid
    2 May 2012 08: 30
    In the Soviet Union, their own Jews were not much loved either.
    1. +16
      2 May 2012 08: 53
      but nevertheless they also fought and defended our common homeland ... And as to the fact that only Jews suffered, then it is enough to remember Khatyn (I think most went there), Babi Yar and other places of genocide, camps where the Red Army soldiers were kept ... or just read excerpts from the "OST Plan".
      1. Odessa
        2 May 2012 09: 11
        Fascism passed through all nations, and over the Poles, Czechs, Italians and other Europeans, but the backbone of fascism broke the USSR. With all, despite the fact that both Kazakhs and Georgians also fought in WWII, then everyone "got it" until they defeated by common efforts the fascist wickedness. "Our friends" (USA), when they realized who was winning, only after that they joined the Soviet troops.
        1. Aleksey67
          2 May 2012 09: 17
          Quote: Odessa
          but the USSR broke the ridge of fascism. For all that, despite the fact that both Kazakhs and Georgians also fought in the Second World War.

          Ester, not only Kazakhs and Georgians fought in World War II, but practically all countries of Europe and the republics of the USSR, but according to Hollywood films, of course, the Jews won "Inglourious Basterds" for which they receive indemnity to this day smile
          1. Indigo
            2 May 2012 11: 56
            And I was still tormented by the question of who fought on the Turkestan front, and it was so obvious ....
        2. Georg Shep
          2 May 2012 12: 24
          It should not be forgotten that communism "walked" to an even greater extent not only through all nations and hardships, but also through our memory and hearts. How many in Russia and in other lands, the remains of our citizens and compatriots rest in unmarked and unkempt graves and burials. We must always remember this and pay tribute to their memory.
          1. Insurgent
            2 May 2012 20: 19
            The Bolsheviks saved Russia from the mediocrity of Nicholas 2
            1. Odinplys
              3 May 2012 17: 54
              That is, the Jews destroyed Nicholas 2 ... saved Russia ... ???
              You start to get pierced in your arguments ... an attempt on Nikolai2 and there is an attempt to destroy the Slavs ...
            2. Yoshkin Kot
              4 May 2012 09: 41
              yeah, ditching half of the country, and so, save, on Latvian bayonets and Jewish Mausers, from Russians, we still cannot return
          2. TAN_a_TOS
            2 May 2012 23: 41
            would you wash yourself ...
      2. Odinplys
        3 May 2012 02: 27
        Mostly the Slavs suffered ... but they howl differently ...
    2. Aleksey67
      2 May 2012 09: 03
      Quote: valeroyd
      In the Soviet Union, their own Jews were not much loved either.

      I would correct: They were not loved much winked And there was nothing to love them, the nation was an opportunist, peggers. Immigrate in packs wassat
    3. +8
      2 May 2012 10: 14
      Quote: valeroyd
      In the Soviet Union, their own Jews were not much loved either.

      Jews were loved and respected, but there was no life. There was even a proverb, not every train Jew and not every train Jew.
      1. valeroid
        2 May 2012 12: 49
        Of course it was too.
    4. Odinplys
      3 May 2012 02: 25
      There are no Jews of their own in the Union ... In Russia ... learn it at the genetic level ... and let the children drink with milk ... Otherwise, good luck ...
  3. Odessa
    2 May 2012 08: 46
    In the publication, the author emphasizes that only the Jews suffered the most. I do not agree with the author's point of view, in the Second World War almost all nations suffered to varying degrees from the Nazis, and almost all nations, a multi-ethnic population, including the Jews of the former USSR, took up the fight against the cursed horde. For that matter, Hitler had to start expressing anti-Semitic sentiments with his own wife Eva Braun, and I read somewhere that he was a Jew himself, hence the incomprehensible dislike of Jews. But Hitler was a tyrant, and tyranny was practically without nationality. There are no bad nations, there are vile scoundrels and scum who know how, under a “good excuse”, to organize and take away thousands. And on the eve of the holiday, they usually say, low bow to you veterans! Regardless of nationality! and creed, you are the winners!
    1. Winter
      2 May 2012 09: 15
      How much cattle is mixed in man! Indeed, before the war, all these punishers were normal people, but they said - it is possible! And that’s it! Blood is a drug ... A nightmare.
      1. +15
        2 May 2012 11: 30
        A person cannot be compared to a cattle or an animal - you cannot insult animals. Unfortunately, the person did not come up with words about himself that would replace the words: "brutalized", "oskotin", etc. Not a single, most ferocious predator would ever think to do what people do in relation to their own kind and the environment, and even more so in wartime. So it turns out that man is the greatest abomination on Earth.
        1. Odinplys
          3 May 2012 02: 49
          Even Pushkin wrote ... the death of Koshchei at the end .... That is, imbreeding ... or a clone ... Dolly the sheep ...
      2. Olegovich
        2 May 2012 14: 17
        Quote: Winter
        How much cattle is mixed in man!

        That's right!
        I will say more - it seems to me that an entire nation (or people) can be corrupted if we constantly talk about future victorious wars, about "injustice that must be corrected", about the inferiority and unworthiness of other people, about impunity. The general idea magnifies and unites. What an ecstasy the crowd of Germans had in documentary chronicles during Hitler's speeches! They loved him to death at that time. And only when they lost the war and ended up in a destroyed country, some saw their sight.
      3. +4
        2 May 2012 17: 49
        The power of people spoils, most are unable to resist animal instincts when they feel their impunity.
      4. Insurgent
        2 May 2012 20: 22
        I think a normal person will not kill even cats, dogs
        1. Odinplys
          3 May 2012 03: 00
          Normal will not be ... only on the Jewish torus ... so as not to be considered a murderer ... it is enough to kill with the wrong hands ...
          That is, if you dig a hole ... knowingly ... knowing that a blind person will fall there ... it’s not a murder from them ... such an excuse ... you had to take (see) the escort ... and the escort ... that is omniscient ... this is the type and should be a Jew ...
          What is happening today ... misleading whole nations ... for example, the same Iraq ... Destroyed a whole nation ... And how many more will die from strife ...
          This is the purely Zionist method of destruction ...
          Alien hands ... as stated in the article ...
          1. Darn
            3 May 2012 12: 59
            Cunningly, they accidentally did not learn from the Jesuits
          2. 0
            4 May 2012 21: 02
            lies, come on quotes
    2. Indigo
      2 May 2012 12: 04
      You know, but 250 thousand soldiers, officers and generals of the Wehrmacht were Jews and fought on all fronts of WWII. And they had rewards no less than that of this veteran.
      And the question arises - not one of them stood up for their own.
      The question is - was there a "boy"?, Or is it something phantom ...
      Goering alone is a purebred German. The commandant of Babi Yar - Maykovsky (semi-Jew) ...
      1. Vadim555
        2 May 2012 13: 08
        Quote: Indigo
        Indigo Today, 12:04 PM 0
        You know, but 250 thousand soldiers, officers and generals of the Wehrmacht were Jews and fought on all fronts of WWII.

        Jewish soldiers of Hitler

        Jews in SS units.
        1. Insurgent
          2 May 2012 20: 23
          Hey, Nazi, you’re sick on the head, then the Jews are to blame for you, who else are you who work, what good are you doing for the country's pile?
    3. Odinplys
      3 May 2012 02: 51
      How the Jews know how to make of their heroes ... we know that ...
  4. Aleksey67
    2 May 2012 09: 24
    To not think that I am anti-Semite, at least something is winked Before the following to your knees would become

    Twice Heroes of the Soviet Union

    Volynov, Boris Valentinovich
    Dragunsky, David Abramovich
    Smushkevich, Yakov Vladimirovich

    Heroes of the Soviet Union

    Abramov, Shetiel Semenovich
    Abramovich, Abram Grigoryevich
    Barsht, Abrek Arkadevich
    Belinsky, Efim Semenovich
    Belyavin, Evel Samuilovich
    Berdichevsky, Leonid Afanasevich
    Berezovsky, Efim Matveevich
    Beskin, Israel Solomonovich
    Birbraer, Evgeny Abramovich
    Birenboim, Yakov Abramovich
    Bluvshtein, Alexander Abramovich
    Bogorad, Samuil Nakhmanovich
    Brozgol, Nikolai Izrailevich
    Buber, Leonid Ilyich [2]
    Bumagin, Joseph Romanovich
    Bunimovich, Yuri Emmanuilovich [3]
    Vainrub, Evsey Grigorievich
    Vainrub, Matvey Grigorievich
    Weinstein, Boris Yakovlevich
    Weiser, Vladimir Zelmanovich
    Waxman, Isaac Fedorovich
    Valyanskiy, Mikhail Yakovlevich
    Vernikov, Yakov Ilyich
    Vilenskis, Wolfas Leibovic
    Vinogradov, Grigory Arkadevich
    Vikhnin, Zalman Davidovich
    Gallay, Mark Lazarevich
    Halperin, Anatoly Vladimirovich
    Halpern, Vladimir Ivanovich
    Gardeman, Grigory Ivanovich
    Garfunkin, Grigory Solomonovich
    Gelman, Polina Vladimirovna
    Helferg, Semyon Grigorievich
    Gitman, Lev Alexandrovich
    Gonchar, Grigory Moiseevich
    Gopnik, Haskel Moiseevich
    Gorelik, Zinoviy Samuilovich
    Gorelik, Solomon Aronovich
    Gottlieb, Emanuel Davidovich
    Hoffmann, Henry Borisovich
    Hrabsky, Mikhail Isaakovich
    Gurvich, Semyon Isaakovich
    Gurevich, Mikhail Lvovich
    Two-bearded, Isaac Shaevich
    Dernovsky, Grigory Borisovich
    Dolzhansky, Yuri Moiseevich
    Drizovsky, Semyon Borisovich
    Dyskin, Efim Anatolyevich
    Zholudev, Naum Ilyich
    Zindels, Abram Moiseevich
    Zlatin, Efim Izrailevich
    Illazarov, Isai Illazarovich
    Kazinets, Isai Pavlovich
    Kaplan, Lazar Moiseevich
    Kaplunov, Arkady Lvovich
    Katunin, Ilya Borisovich
    Konovalov, Vladimir Konstantinovich
    Kontseva, Zinovy ​​Abramovich
    Cordon, Shik Abramovich
    Korsunsky, Wolf Borukhovich
    Kotlyar, Leonty Zakharovich
    Kotlyarsky, Boris Moiseevich
    Kolpakchi, Vladimir Yakovlevich
    Kravets, Mordukh Pinhusovich
    Krasnokutsky, Chaim Meerovich
    Kreiser, Yakov Grigorievich
    Kremer, Simon Davidovich
    Krivoshein, Semyon Moiseevich
    Krichevsky, Ilya Maratovich
    Kudryavitsky, David Abramovich
    Kunikov, Caesar Lvovich
    Kuperstein, Izrail Grigorievich
    Leo, Boris Davidovich
    Leo, Efim Borisovich
    Leo, Rafail Froimovich
    Levin, Boris Savelyevich
    Levin, Semyon Samuilovich
    Levitan Vladimir Samoilovich
    Flying, Alexander Yakovlevich
    Libman, Mikhail Alexandrovich
    Lunts, Boris Grigorievich
    Makovsky, Joseph Isaakovich
    Manevich, Lev Efimovich
    Margulis, David Lvovich
    Margulyan, Lev Markovich
    Maryanovsky, Moses Froimovich
    Mashkautan, Shabsa Mendelevich
    Matz, Grigory Zelmanovich
    Melach, Efim Lvovich
    Medvedev, Dmitry Nikolaevich [4]
    Milner, Rafail Isaevich
    Molochnikov, Nikolay Moiseevich
    Nepomniachtchi, Mikhail Grigoryevich
    Orlikov, Alexander Mikhailovich
    Ocherit, Mikhail Iosifovich
    Pavlovsky, Rafail Semenovich
    Pavlotsky, Mikhail Arkadevich
    Papernik, Lazar Haimovich
    Peysakhovsky, Naum Grigoryevich
    Plotkin, Mikhail Nikolaevich
    Polyusuk, Nathan Mikhailovich
    Prygov, Vladimir Borisovich
    Rapeyko, Maxim Osipovich
    Rivkin, Boris Mironovich
    Ruvinsky, Veniamin Abramovich
    Sapozhnikov, Abram Samuilovich
    Sverdlov, Abram Grigorievich
    Selsky, Semyon Petrovich
    Serper, Joseph Lazarevich
    Smolyakov, Abram Efimovich
    Sokolinsky, Rudolf Moiseevich
    Spivak, Moses Leivikovich
    Sterin, Efim Ilyich
    Stratievsky, Natan Borisovich
    Tavrovsky, Pyotr Ilyich
    Tarsukov, Joseph Gavrilovich
    Temnik, Abram Matveevich
    Turyan, Pinhus Grigorievich
    Ushpolis, Grigory Saulievich
    Felsenstein, Mila Lazarevich
    Fisanovich, Israel Ilyich
    Forzun, Yakov Tsalevich
    Khasin, Victor Yakovlevich
    Khatskevich, Wolf Berkovich
    Kheifets, Semyon Ilyich
    Hibner, Juliusz Samsonovich
    Higrin, Boris Lvovich
    s, Moses Zalmanovich
    Tsindelis, Boris Izrailevich
    Tsitovsky, Efim Grigorievich
    Tchaikovsky, Joseph Efimovich
    Chapichev, Jacob Yehudovich
    Shandalov, Idel Abramovich
    Shapiro, Valentin Efimovich
    Shakhnovich, Moses Davidovich
    Shvartsman, Moses Froimovich
    Shevelev, Mark Ivanovich
    Shinder, Aron Evseevich
    Schneiderman, Mikhail Efimovich
    Stern, Grigory Mikhailovich
    Shuras, Kalmanis Mausovich
    Yudashkin, Hirsch Khatskelevich
    Yufa, Joseph Semenovich
    Yakubovsky, Israel Semenovich

    Full Knights of the Order of Glory

    Blat, Leonid Davydovich
    Bogorad, Grigory Abramovich
    Burman, Semyon Meerovich
    Gizis, Nikolai Lazarevich
    Globe, Lev Davidovich
    Zamansky, Boris Naumovich
    Minkin, Efim Lvovich
    Peller, Vladimir Izrailevich
    Roth, Eduard Nikitovich
    Sidler, David Mordkovich
    Shapiro, Shmuel Ziskovich
    Schillinger, Semen Elyashevich [5]

    Heroes of Russia

    Abramovich, Yuri Garrievich
    Adams, Arthur Alexandrovich
    Koval, Georges Abramovich
    Kolesnikov, Yuri Antonovich
    Cohen, Leontina Teresa
    Cohen, Morris Genrikhovich
    Chernyak, Yan Petrovich
    1. -23
      2 May 2012 10: 10
      Well, one of those listed did not throw a grenade under the tank ... And they did not serve in the infantry ... without comment ...
      1. Aleksey67
        2 May 2012 10: 27
        Quote: ward
        Well, one of those listed did not throw a grenade under the tank ... And they did not serve in the infantry ... without comment ...

        Just so Heroes do not give request And in Soviet times, it was impossible to buy, full cavaliers of the Order of Glory allocated separately
        1. +3
          2 May 2012 11: 31
          Well, I’ll say not lazy ... now on vacation ... looked at the whole list ... it's so easy to follow the link ... but for what they gave the Rank ... a relative went to Il ... in Stalingrad .. there they gave an asterisk for departures ... first for 5 ... then for 7 ... they shot it down on 11 ... never got it ...
          1. 0
            2 May 2012 18: 48
            I agree to all 100 ....
            Especially when my grandfather passed Stalingrad ... Freed Rostov, in fact, practically about him the story and the film "They Fought for the Motherland" ... Only the film Ooo very much softened what really happened ...

            And show me someone from this list who drank water from the river when it was red with blood and corpses floated on it?

            BUT ....
          2. Insurgent
            2 May 2012 20: 30
            And Kamisar Fomin, a Brest fortress Jew, that say a man found courage and took command over himself, although he had never before been in a war
        2. +1
          2 May 2012 12: 08
          Quote: Aleksey67
          It’s just that they don’t give Heroes of request. And in Soviet times it was impossible to buy, I singled out full cavaliers of the Order of Glory separately

          Jews heroed for their homeland - the Soviet Union. Then Stalin made a mistake - gave birth to the state of Israel, and the Jew had a different homeland. As Molotov’s wife, Polina Zhemchuzhina Golda Meir, said when Meir arrived on a visit to the Union: Finally, we have a homeland! Stalin hoped to have Israel about Soviet, but he miscalculated and got hemorrhoid with Jews. After this, repressions against Soviet Jews began: the case of doctors, the dispersal of the Jewish Antifascist Committee, the assassination of Meyerhold, the creation of Jewish autonomy in the middle of the Ussuri tigers ... The Jew was lucky, Stalin died. But after the appearance of Israel, the Jews became not loyal to the USSR. Of course, not all at once, and gradually until the apotheosis of not loyalty - the 80s. I wonder how many Jewish Heroes of the USSR appeared during the war in Afghanistan?
        3. consul
          2 May 2012 14: 38
          It’s just that they don’t give Heroes. And in Soviet times, it was impossible to buy, he singled out full cavaliers of the Order of Glory separately

          Of course, they just don’t give it. Grandfather Masgut from our village told how it was promised to the first who on the tank (he was a tankman) will enter the city (which he did not remember) will give the Hero. Two tanks entered (one of them is Grandfather Masgut), one of them did not have a Jew. As a result, the Hero was given to a certain Jew, to the subsequent bewilderment it was replied that they had no Jewish hero in part. After this story, I have an attitude of distrust to the laid out list.
          1. Insurgent
            2 May 2012 20: 32
            Firstly, partisans generally have a hard time getting a hero; they were on occupied territory, as it were
            1. Odinplys
              3 May 2012 03: 23
              In partisans, the Jews began to hide mostly after they realized that their native Hitler would destroy them anyway ... and then it worked out ... naturally the partisans did not let them sit idle ... they ran into those ... with a simple man it’s more difficult for them to come to an agreement ... either into battle ... or a traitor to the wall ...
          2. Odinplys
            3 May 2012 03: 19
            consul, And my grandfather talked about the appropriation of feats by the Jews ...
        4. Odinplys
          3 May 2012 03: 14
          In Soviet times, they were afraid to open their mouths ... God forbid the chosen ones will be offended ...
          Starting with Khrushchev ... what the hell were they doing in the USSR ...
      2. Dust
        2 May 2012 11: 15
        Boorish remark in the highest degree, by the way!
        A complete set of fame just like that? Hero Stars? It is not for you and not for us to judge them ...
        1. Dust
          2 May 2012 11: 32
          This is not rudeness?

          Well, one of those listed did not throw a grenade under the tank ... And they did not serve in the infantry ... without comment ...

          Is this the case? This is not an insult to the memory of Soviet citizens?
          1. -7
            2 May 2012 13: 19
            And you do not confuse God's gift with fried eggs ..
            1. Vadim555
              2 May 2012 13: 28
              Quote: ward
              ward Today, 13:19 new 0
              And you do not confuse God's gift with fried eggs

              This you confuse, knowingly or not, is another matter.
          2. Odinplys
            3 May 2012 03: 25
            Dust, No one offends the memory of Heroes ... and these fascist Zionists have done so much ... that they have no faith ...
        2. +6
          2 May 2012 11: 48
          Well, let's take the first on the list Blat Leonid Davydovich .... I received all three orders with the wording for merit ... You look at the status of the order ... everything is specifically written there ... The Germans buried me alive in a concentration camp ... caught after the escape ... awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the second degree posthumously ... the second two seriously wounded ... anniversary medal ... one grandmother raised 11 children alone ... second 5 .... and even grandfather is disabled ... they didn’t pay for the first pension in spite of the order ... they died in captivity ... the father of his wife more than ten times he went to hand-to-hand ... a medal for courage ... so where is empty and where is thick ...
          1. Dust
            2 May 2012 12: 02
            Only boys go to war for rewards!
            So these claims look weird!
            Awarded - it was deemed necessary, especially since the three Orders of Glory are not so easy to receive!
            Not awarded - so what? Someone died and fired without firing, there was simply no one to write about someone, millions fought, millions died. millions were crippled ...
            1. -2
              2 May 2012 13: 00
              This is right ... to whom the war ... and to whom ... dear ...
          2. Dust
            3 May 2012 12: 41
            I just went out of interest to look at the award documents:
            Blat Leonid Davydovich, first a sergeant, a signalman, received the first Glory out of three for fixing more than 200 communications impairments under enemy fire, during one correction he collided with an enemy group and destroyed it - a brief retelling, the picture was not copied for nothing. And it was too lazy to mess around .. .
            Is this not enough? Shame on you? I am ashamed of you!
      3. Alsa74
        2 May 2012 11: 28
        Well, I don’t know ....
        "Yes, and did not serve in the infantry ..."
        Abramov Shetiel Semenovich - Member of the Great Patriotic War in May 1942 as a platoon commander in the 242nd infantry division. On May 23, 1942, in a battle on the Southwestern Front, he was seriously wounded and was treated at a hospital in Novocherkassk. Healing aims at Stalingrad Frontwhere he fought in the 107th Infantry Regiment (76th Infantry Division) in the post reconnaissance platoon commander. September 27, 1942 was wounded a second time. After the third wound, he was again sent to the hospital for treatment.
        doesn’t sound heroic?
        1. -8
          2 May 2012 12: 58
          Well, you probably also paid for the date of assignment of the Rank ... not an offset ... God created people equal ... but some are more equal ...
      4. Vadim555
        2 May 2012 13: 09
        Quote: ward
        ward Today, 10:10 -5
        Well, one of those listed with a grenade under the tank did not rush ... Yes, and did not serve in the infantry... No comments...

        BEGHELFER Iov Iosifovich

        Rod in 1918 in Odessa.

        From the first days of World War II - a participant in the defense of Odessa. In one of the battles he was surrounded by Romanians, who tried to capture him. Since Private Begelfer's cartridges ran out, he entered into hand-to-hand combat and killed 22 (twenty-two) enemy soldiers with a bayonet and butt. After the battle, the foreman of the company had to replace Yasha (as his comrades called him) a rifle, which was broken into chips. “Odessa glorifies the name of her son’s son Job Iosifovich Begelfer,” the Pravda newspaper wrote about him (11.09.1941/1944/XNUMX). For this feat Odessa from Moldova was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. In XNUMX, he went missing.
        1. -6
          2 May 2012 13: 36
          Well, you wouldn’t have added the resolution of the military prosecutor’s office on this matter ... and there’s nothing on the feat of the people ... by the way, on the Odessa forums a lot of things are written about it ... Jews are written by the way .. so no offense ...
          1. Vadim555
            2 May 2012 13: 41
            Quote: ward
            Well, you would have decided to not decree the decision of the military prosecutor’s office about this ...

            I don’t know anything about the prosecutor’s office.
            If you have infa (albeit in a free presentation) share.
            1. +1
              2 May 2012 14: 45
              Well, I told you where to see ... Odessa city forum ...
              1. Vadim555
                2 May 2012 15: 12
                Quote: ward
                ward Today, 14:45 new 0 Well, I told you where to look ... the forum of Odessa

                Looked, found.
                Apparently "crap", link to Wiki and broken
                1. -3
                  2 May 2012 23: 25
                  In general, as in a fairy tale, everything is more fearsome and frightening ... and the year of birth of 1893 and 1918 and the name Yakov Shlemovich ... and there is no award sheet ... I don’t even know what to think ... You don’t really bother ... I I climbed a little according to the given surnames .... everywhere there are all sorts of oddities ... In Russia, Jews are different than abroad ... they don’t climb ... who weaned ... who himself understood ... so what we have with them ... peace ... friendship ... chewing gum ...
                  1. Vadim555
                    2 May 2012 23: 58
                    Quote: ward
                    In general, as in a fairy tale, everything is more and more frightening ... both the year of birth of 1893 and 1918 and the name Yakov Shlemovich

                    Many people still know and remember about Jacob Begelfer in Odessa.
                    The very fact of the feat is beyond doubt (Odessa is a "big village, everyone knows everything"), especially since Odessa was in a blockade and the news was passed from mouth to mouth.
                    250 Donetsk miners armed only with sapper shovels and grenades (there were simply no rifles) at a critical moment saved the coastal battery from being captured by the Nazis, and so, all of Odessa knew about it, but they didn’t write about it anywhere. And what, wasn’t that either?
                    Come on!
        2. Odinplys
          3 May 2012 03: 34
          Ooh, a Jew, and even from Odessa ... No further telling ... from the same opera ...
          In the World there is no fighter stronger than a frightened Jew ...
      5. Insurgent
        2 May 2012 20: 27
        Do not judge by yourself Lev Rokhlin, a Jew, but refused the hero
        1. Odinplys
          3 May 2012 03: 37
          That's why he refused ... so that people like VI ... wouldn’t cling to him ... but don’t smear ...
    2. Odinplys
      3 May 2012 03: 10
      No knees ... because I talked with them ... and with order bearers ... and with heroes ... who, according to the military commissariats, haven’t got a single medal ... and for their holiday their costume is torn ...
      And they all say the same thing ... (our money ... their heads) ....
  5. +7
    2 May 2012 09: 52
    The article is good, instructive, of course with an emphasis on the genocide of the Jews, but on the other hand, the author does not say anything that they did not touch the rest, this question is simply covered.
    Of course, there is nothing to love the Jews, but no one raised them to the rank of animals to slaughter them like in a slaughterhouse.
    1. 0
      2 May 2012 13: 39
      Shibesgoy ... Saturday Jewish cattle ... not a Jew doing work for Jews on Saturday ... and without comment ... plus ..
    2. Odinplys
      3 May 2012 03: 38
      In all countries where Jews settled in large numbers, they lowered their moral standard, commercial honesty, isolate themselves and are not amenable to assimilation. They ridiculed and tried to undermine the Christian religion. They established a state in the state and, in case of opposition to them, seek to mortally strangle the country financially. If we, through the Constitution, do not exclude them / from the United States /, then in less than two hundred years they will rush in large numbers, gain the upper hand, swallow the country and change the form of our government. If you do not exclude them, then in less than two hundred years our descendants will work in their fields to provide them with food, while the Jews will rub their hands in money-changing offices. I warn you, gentlemen, that if you do not exclude the Jews forever, your children will curse you in your graves.

      BENJAMIN FRANKLIN / 1706-1790 / American physicist and politician. From a speech in the discussion of the US Constitution in 1787
      + + + 100
  6. +8
    2 May 2012 11: 04
    The animal hatred of the Nazis for people of other nationalities is simply amazing! "Cultural nations" exterminated even little children, in the name of their crazy ideas, this is not even moral ugliness, but something else.
    1. Odinplys
      3 May 2012 03: 40
      Yes, just do not forget ... that the Nazis ... This is the fascist Zionists ...
  7. +5
    2 May 2012 11: 04
    The biggest human losses suffered by China, 50 million people
  8. +4
    2 May 2012 11: 08
    The author focuses on the beating of Jews by nationalists of different, so to speak, nationalities. Although this is a shortcut launched by cosmopolitan internationalists. In reality, it was not nationalists who took part in the extermination of Jews and other actions of the Germans, but collaborators of different nationalities, and even Jews (see the story of Boris Steufon). Nationalists who came to Kiev to liberate, how naively they assumed from Bolshevik slavery, were very quickly shot in Babi Yar (Olena Teliga, Oleg Olzhich), the leaders of Ukrainian nationalists ended up in Sachsenhausen, among them S. Bandera, who lost his brothers there, the confessor of the nationalists, Metropolitan Sheptytsky sheltered Jews. The accusation of the tragedy of Jews, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians strongly "smells". For these peoples suffered the most from fascism, and only the Germans paid money for the suffering of the Jews.
    1. Vadim555
      2 May 2012 13: 20
      Quote: Aeneas
      leaders of Ukrainian nationalists ended up in Sachsenhausen, among them S. Bandera

      How the Germans “punished” Bandera for rats

      OUN in the initial period of occupation
    2. Odinplys
      3 May 2012 03: 47
      In our city, the Jews decided to erect a monument ... with the inscription ...
      "In honor of the saviors of the Jews" ... just like that, without commas and periods ...
      Instead of thanking the people who saved them .... they saved the World’s salvation with ease ...
      I had to pick up the veterans ... Failed ...
    3. -1
      3 May 2012 13: 28
      Quote: Aeneas
      leaders of Ukrainian nationalists ended up in Sachsenhausen, among them S. Bandera
      Goebbels is resting! Yes Sachsenhausen was a death camp, people were killed there, the average life time is 1-3 weeks! HOW could Bandera survive!? Yes, he lived in a separate building, on a special ration and NO ONE was going to destroy him! The Fritz needed him for further fruitful cooperation. Because he swore allegiance to Hitler personally!
  9. Dust
    2 May 2012 11: 28
    If the article as an addition to the Holocaust theory - then it was not worth writing ...
    The theory of the Holocaust is largely a Zionist invention, there is no particular desire to repeat - there is more dispute between two nationalist theories that initially worked quite successfully ...
    Hitler did not plan the extermination of the Jews, the option with the Zionist organization of the departure of the "correct" Jews to the Promised Land, preferably away from Germany, was more beneficial to him, the Jews of the USSR were largely "wrong", spoiled by Soviet life, in some ways their ideas competed with Zionist, therefore the "wrong" Jews did not enjoy special love on the part of the "right", no one expressed special objections to the destruction of the "wrong" ...
    Then the situation got out of control - and the helpers turned out to be completely frostbitten, and the channels of possible expulsion were blocked ...
    On closer examination, doubts arise whether the Germans themselves killed so many people, or their "allies" - on the hands of the Russians themselves, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Balts, and further in the order of the blood of their fellow citizens the sea! And atrocities were terrible!
    1. Dust
      2 May 2012 11: 33
      Though read to the end. before putting a minus?
      1. axmed05
        2 May 2012 12: 48
        I read to the end I wanted to put a plus, read this
        Quote: Dust
        On closer examination, doubts arise whether the Germans themselves killed so many people, or their "allies" - on the hands of the Russians themselves, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Balts, and further in the order of the blood of their fellow citizens the sea! And atrocities were terrible!
        and put a minus.
        1. Dust
          2 May 2012 15: 31
          You want to say that the Russian police gave flowers to everyone? Or have you forgotten some in the Balkans? And the atrocities of Ukrainian nationalists? And Belarusians in France? And about the atrocities of the Baltic states, a simple retelling of their activities is scary to read ...
          This is an extremely unpleasant story that I would very much like to forget about, but still you need to remember! There were also such pages - and there's nothing to be done about it!
          By the way, there was information that somehow a former punisher was brought to some Suvorov school for a lesson in patriotic education - he shared his fighting experience with the younger generation ...
          1. Odinplys
            3 May 2012 03: 51
            Quote: Dust
            On closer examination, doubts arise whether the Germans themselves killed so many people, or their "allies" - on the hands of the Russians themselves, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Balts, and further in the order of the blood of their fellow citizens the sea! And atrocities were terrible!

            This is called a subtle Jewish divorce ...
            1. Dust
              3 May 2012 12: 30
              So I’m Russian, just too smart for many of the inhabitants here ...
              This is not a divorce, it is called an objective look at current events! Is it your fault? Are you looking for simple solutions? So they do not exist in nature ...
        2. 0
          4 May 2012 11: 02
          Quote: axmed05
          I read to the end I wanted to put a plus, I read this Quote: Dust Upon closer examination, doubts arise whether the Germans themselves killed so many people, or their "allies" are in the hands of the Russians themselves, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Balts and further, in the order of the blood of their fellow citizens, the sea ! And atrocities were terrible! and put a minus.

          study the history, here they wrote about Khatyn, so Khatyn was burned by Ukrainian nationalists who served in the SS, my friend’s fact, read the story!
  10. +14
    2 May 2012 12: 37
    In 1933, Hitler came to power in Germany with his anti-Semitism, elevated to the rank of state policy. What did he want? In the long term - so that only Germans live in Germany. (But this is in perspective, in fact, until the end of the war, Hitler did not remove all Jews, not only the most important sectors of the economy, but even from the army.) In Germany, an atmosphere of restrictions and even bullying was created for Jews - this Hitler stimulated the departure of the bulk of Jews From Germany, in principle, he didn’t care where they left - to Brazil or the United States. But it was not all the same to the Zionists, Hitler was an invaluable gift for the Zionists, they immediately supported him and established close relations, as they were interested in the Jews traveling exclusively to Palestine.
    The union of Zionists and Nazis could not fail to form. Both political ideas set themselves the goal of creating mono-ethnic states: the Nazis - for the Germans; Zionists - for the Jews. And these states were built on different continents, absolutely not interfering with each other, in connection with which the Nazis willingly made an alliance with the Zionists, and through them with international Jewry

    "Let us recall a little-known event that very colorfully illustrates the close cooperation of spiritual brothers. At the beginning of 1935, a large passenger steamer set off from the German port of Bremerhaven for Haifa. Its name" Tel Aviv "was inscribed on board in huge Hebrew letters, and on the mast of the same steamer a Nazi flag with a swastika was flying proudly. The ship bound for sunny Palestine belonged to a prominent Zionist, and the captain was a member of the National Socialist Party. (American Historical Review Ns 4,1993) Needless to say: an absurd picture! of all its external absurdity, it very accurately reflects the real relationship between the Zionists and the Nazis.
    The "Zionist work" has never been more effective and fruitful than in Germany in 1933-38. The young Berlin rabbi Joachim Prind, who later moved to the United States and became the head of the American Jewish Congress, in the book "We, the Jews", published in the German capital in 1934, frankly rejoiced at the National Socialist Revolution, which ended assimilation, and Jews will become Jews again. "

    American historian, Jew by nationality V. Prussakov
    When in 1935 the Congress of the National Socialist Party and the Reichstag adopted and approved the Nuremberg racial laws, the "Judische Rundschau" hastened to approve them.
    Germany's interests coincide with the goals of the World Zionist Congress ... The new laws give the Jewish minority their cultural and national life ... Germany gives us the happy opportunity to be ourselves and offers state protection for the separate life of the Jewish minority, "

    But the alliance of the Zionists with the Nazis concerned not only cultural and economic issues. In 1937, representatives of the Jewish militant organization "Haganah" met in Berlin with Adolf Eichmann, who was in charge of the Jewish question in Germany, and in the same year Eichmann visited the "Haganah" in Palestine. It was agreed that "Haganah" will represent the interests of Germany in the Middle East. And in 1941, the Jewish terrorist organization "Lehi" (Lochame Cheryth Israel), led by Yitzhak Shamir, the future prime minister of Israel, signed an agreement with Germany on a joint war with England.

    June 22, 1941 Germany finally begins to implement its plan for the acquisition of living space - it attacks the USSR. And on the territory of the Soviet Union, the Germans begin to destroy Soviet Jews - not needed by the Zionists internationalists. It would seem that all world Jewry at that time was to defend its Soviet half-brothers and sisters, or at least keep silent. But the Zionists and world Jewry were not silent.
    Defeated by Yeltsin in the early 90s, the Anti-Zionist Committee, before that, in 1985, released a collection "White paper of the anti-Zionist committee of the Soviet public". (M., Legal Literature). The following is reported in the collection on this subject
    "For the first time in an official government document-note of the NKVD of the USSR" On widespread robberies, devastation of the population and monstrous atrocities of the German authorities in the captured Soviet territories "dated January 6, 1942, cases of" brutal violence and massacres "were reported. The world learned about the" terrible massacre and the pogroms perpetrated in Kiev by the German invaders. "Along with the details of the tragedy that took place in Kiev, the note also speaks of other nightmarish massacres of unarmed and defenseless Jews. The World Zionist Organization immediately reacted to this document by announcing it .. . "Bolshevik propaganda" '.
    On April 27, 1942, the NKVD of the USSR again promulgated a note in which numerous facts of atrocities were cited, factual material allowed our government to come to the conclusion that "the Nazis' reprisals against the peaceful Soviet population eclipsed the bloodiest pages of human history." And the Zionist leaders, on behalf of their organizations, continued to make statements, in fact, denying the reliability of information about the Hitlerite genocide. Hiding the truth objectively played into the hands of the Nazis.
    In the statements of the so-called "Jewish Agency" dated September 7 and July 28, 1942, information exposing the bloody atrocities was still called "implausible fiction". December 19, 1942 The Soviet government published an official document "The Implementation of the Plan for the Extermination of the Jewish Population of Europe by the Hitlerite Authorities", based on an analysis of a huge amount of factual material. And international Zionist organizations, guided by their narrowly limited position, in every possible way resisted the spread of the truth about Hitler's crimes and their true scale.
    D. Joseph, who acted in 1942 as director of the political department of the "Jewish Agency", motivated the position of the leading figures of international Zionist organizations as follows: if we report that millions of Jews were exterminated by the Nazis, we will rightly be asked: where are those millions of Jews, for whom we demand to create after the war a national hearth on the land of Israel? "How did the treacherous nature of the position of the Zionist elite manifest in this case? It was, of course, not a question of whether it was possible through public speeches and protests to directly influence the fate of people doomed But, of course, information about the atrocities of the Nazis was supposed to additionally mobilize spiritual and material resources in the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition, so hiding the truth objectively played into the hands of the Nazis.
    However, the Zionist bosses were of little concern. One of the leaders of the World Zionist Organization (WZO) spoke with fantastic cynicism at a meeting of its executive committee on February 18, 1943: "Zionism is above all - and this must be proclaimed every time the mass extermination of Jews can divert our attention from the Zionist struggle" " ...
    1. +15
      2 May 2012 13: 14
      But let’s follow the example of the ancients to ask the question - who benefited from the Second World War? The main warring countries suffered human and material losses that are not comparable with any acquisitions. In particular, several hundred thousand European Jews who did not see Palestine died from epidemics and starvation caused by the death of Germany in concentration camps, and plus the Germans killed several hundred thousand Soviet Jews at the insistence of the Zionists.
      But as a result of the Second World War, the British Empire is cracking, in 1947 it abandons the mandate to govern Palestine, in 1948 Israel was formed and since then pumps and pumps gold from Germany and from whom it can for the victims that he did not suffer, from Germany, which was his ally. This must be able to
      In 1945, Stalin in Potsdam tried to convince the Allies to entrust Germany with reparations in favor of the USSR destroyed by the war in the amount of $ 15 billion, an ally of the United States and Great Britain refused this modest request. But then they overlaid Germany with reparations in favor of Zionism
      The state of Israel is not viable without massive outside assistance. The main sources of his funding: official US aid, support for international Jewry and German "compensation". By 1992, the FRG had paid Israel (as well as Jewish organizations), according to official statistics, 85,4 billion German. stamps, the actual figures are much higher. This should also include German free deliveries of various goods. Nahum Gold-mann, longtime chairman of the World Jewish Congress, writes in his book The Jewish Paradox: “Without the German compensations that were paid in the first 10 years after the founding of Israel, the state would not have been able to develop half of the existing infrastructure: the entire railway fleet, all ships , all power plants, as well as most of the industry are of German origin "

      Israeli political scientist M.S. Agursky, who studied the processes in the pre-war USSR, concludes
      : "... up to the thirties, the main and almost exclusive enemies of Zionism in the USSR were the Jews themselves ... the Zionists, both within the USSR and in Palestine, saw not the Soviet political system itself as the main culprits of these persecutions, but the so-called Evsection and, in general, communists of Jewish origin "
      . And is it any wonder that the German Nazis, allies of the Zionists, gathering Western European Jews to camps to send to Palestine, at the same time in collusion with the Zionists so mercilessly destroyed the Soviet? AND immediately after the war ended, in 1946, under the banner of the fight against anti-Americanism, the US Zionists carried out a total massacre of Jewish internationalists. Not only were the Rosenberg spouses, whose innocence was recognized today in the United States, the father of the atomic bomb Oppenheimer was removed from all posts. Thousands of communist Jews lost their jobs and even served in prisons. Hollywood was cleaned so thoroughly that even Charlie Chaplin was forced to emigrate from the United States.
      Were the Zionists themselves united?
      The first of them and the least influential in the world are fanatical statesmen who personally agree to live in Israel, agree to build and protect it personally, and who it would be more correct to call them not "Jews", but "Israelis". These are ordinary citizens of their state, for today, as citizens, perhaps the best citizens among the citizens of "civilized" countries.
      The second, also obvious part of the Zionists is those influential Jews towho live in all countries of the world and are not going to move to Israel themselves. In the host countries, they own money, they form public opinion, their lobby determines the policies of these countries, the Jewish plebs of these countries obey them, since they also get crumbs from Zionism. They can be called "overseas Zionists", i.e. living outside Palestine, today outside Israel.
      Let's ask ourselves the question, which of these Zionists is more important, who calls the tune in the state of International Jews? The answer is obvious - Zionists abroad. This is understandable even from a purely human point of view: the Israelis determine the policy of a tiny country, and the overseas Zionists determine the policy of peace. We can see today that the Israelis do not like the position of "our little brothers". Nevertheless, they can only get angry, but they themselves are not able to do anything. Overseas Zionists have every reason to believe that they know better than the Israelis what Israel needs and what they do
      But the rest of the foreign Zionists are free from each other and even in matters of Israeli politics allow themselves to have their own opinions. And in the main question - in the question of their existence, foreign Zionists are competitors to each other at the stage of their worst enemies. The main income for foreign Zionists is provided by everything related to trade: trade interest, bank lending, stock speculation, lawyer services. The power of foreign Zionists in the host countries is seized with the help of this money and is intended to increase it. In the world, the number of buyers is limited, and to expand their trade you need to capture someone else's. And foreign trade is also owned mainly by the same foreign Zionists, but only from other countries. Therefore, there can be no peace between foreign Zionists: having chosen all the trade zones of the world that have not yet been developed, they bite into each other's throats, and tales of their peaceful coexistence are nothing more than tales.
      Trade with money. And the one whose money is traded has a huge advantage. Firstly, he prints them for trade and at 3 cents of the cost of the newly printed bill receives 100 dollars of real goods. Secondly, his banks lend to trade in those areas in which they trade for this currency. Thirdly, his company is always with working capital for procurement. Thus, in free world trade, the fight of trade competitors among themselves looks like a fight of currencies with each other. But in essence it is, of course, about the Marx fight for profit, and this fight is ruthless and merciless, no matter how you disguise it.
      After the British Empire transferred all of its gold and foreign exchange reserves to the United States, the United States began to conduct these supplies under Lend-Lease (it seemed to be leasing them out for free). But the lend-lease was not free, as it required a "reverse lend-lease", i.e. the same free supplies of raw materials to the USA
      .In total during the war, the United States supplied military materials to the belligerent countries worth $ 46 billion under Lend-Lease, but already then received goods back from Great Britain for $ 30,3 billion; from the USSR - by 9,8; from France - by 1,4; from other countries - by 1,5; a total of more than 43 billion, i.e. in practice, this "aid" was also conducted in cash. As a result of the war, the USSR owed the United States only 772 million (i.e., about 7%) and was going to give it back if the United States had granted it the status of a favorable trading partner321. For the interest-holders in the United States, it was an idyll - all the expenses on the war in Europe, during and after the war, Europe was obliged to return, thereby devaluing its currency and strengthening the dollar. And with the entry of the United States into the war with Germany, the Americans had to hang their military spending on their dollar, weakening it by this.

      If the war ended without US participation, in the post-war world, the British Empire was obliged to include all military expenses and debts, paying off their post-war taxes, to include British goods in the price. And from the price of American goods, by reducing taxes, the military debts of other countries returned to the United States would be excluded. This would have dramatically affected the competitiveness of American goods and would have caused a rush of confidence in the dollar.
      Thus, the fact that Hitler declared war on the United States was beneficial only to those who were planning to trade for pounds after the war, going to give loans with these pounds, etc., i.e. it was beneficial only to British interest-makers, among which the main role was played by English foreign Zionists
      according to G.V. Smirnova, in 1942, the USSR, through the mediation of US President F. Roosevelt, entered into a secret and, most likely, verbal agreement with American foreign Zionists and received a wide variety of assistance from them, having provided assistance in organizing Israel after the war
      The Zionists, like card cheaters, first let the victim - Hitler - win. And then the first deception followed - during the attack on Poland, Great Britain declared war on Germany, although based on the behavior and way of thinking of Hitler, she clearly should not have done this. But Hitler was already on the hook and, apparently, continued to believe the Zionists. And they have already played a game with him "as soon as possible": if Hitler attacks not the British Isles, but Africa, Great Britain will immediately make peace with him as soon as Hitler enters Palestine; as soon as Hitler declares war on the United States, Britain will immediately make peace with Germany. In short, the Zionists "threw" Hitler. Perhaps, and because they themselves could not predict how the war would proceed. After all the fact that the USSR did not fall in the first 8 weeks of the war was a surprise to the whole world.
      World War II had an aspect of civil war in the state International Jews - war between the pound and the dollar. At the beginning of the war, the United States flashed in Iraq and remained unreasoned that Europe had proposed to the angry Muslim countries to switch from dollar to euro in oil payments. In other words, Western Europe has swung at weaning the foam from the dollar. The question is how long has Europe embarrassed OPEC countries with this proposal, and is the US strike on Iraq a warning strike in response to the euro?
      1. +13
        2 May 2012 13: 26
        After all, the dollar for the United States is a matter of life and death. If the dollar ceases to be an international currency, the United States will perish. One person engaged in productive labor in the United States will not feed and provide 9 parasites with vital goods. The nature of wars has changed. The Hebrew Marx claimed that the imperialists were waging wars for markets, but they were non-Jewish imperialists and they did not consider productive labor a shame for themselves. Jews turned out to be more cunning than Marx. They say today the Russian market under the fifth of the USA, the Russian government - puppets of the USA. And what American goods do we see on the Russian market? Chicken legs (a gift from Yeltsin) trying to compete with the Dutch and Brazilian; a meager percentage of cars from the United States, which are no longer trying to compete with Japanese and German; computer programs from which only lazy does not make pirated copies; yes films from Hollywood, standard, like buttons on a fly. Is it not enough to argue that the United States has captured the sales market of the former USSR labor?

        But on the other hand, the United States handed the former USSR its dollar, the printing of which costs them nothing, and this dollar provides for commodity flows and its interest on them. In order for the world to use the dollar, the United States must even fight, they have nowhere to go.
        And one more conclusion that suggests itself from the reviewed history - the most effective weapon of war even then was the press. The salvation of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War was largely the fact that in 1937-1938. among the "fifth column" that were repressed were collaborators. This greatly affected the primitiveness of the German printed propaganda literature. And radio receivers throughout the USSR were seized and replaced with loudspeakers. Poor Goebbels wrote in his diary in August 1941, that the state of permeability of German propaganda in the USSR "is directly opposite to the situation in France last year. France was a liberal state, and thus we had the opportunity to infect the French people with ideas of defeatism already in the winter of 1939-1940. Then they collapsed...." Gorbachev made the USSR liberal, consequences visible to the naked eye

        Control over the press is control over society, since the overwhelming thoughtless part of any society (the crowd) can be instilled with anything: you can pass off a victory for defeat, an aggressor for a victim, a war for oil - for a war for freedom. Controlling the press itself is quite simple - with money. For money, a "free journalist" will broadcast what is ordered with the most "honest" and "independent" look. Moreover, if he receives money in foreign currency or stores it in another country, he does not need to be ordered - he will automatically wage a propaganda war against "his" country in favor of the state on which the safety of his money depends. Once the ORT columnist Leontyev innocently rebuked his colleagues, who thoughtlessly rejoiced at some defeat of the United States: they say, why are you happy if the dollar falls, all your savings will be lost. Today there is no need to have only Jews as journalists. The same Orthodox Dorenko will protect the United States better than American Jews - after all, he has an estate there, money, there is his future homeland. And in Russia all these posners, Kiselevs, Svanidze are on a business trip - they are carrying out a combat mission. Moreover, for the United States, they all together are cheaper than one strategic bomber, and they destroy and weaken Russia more efficiently than all the US Air Force - and absolutely sincerely
        1. +6
          2 May 2012 13: 47
          Benya Lazer was sent due to the fact that the process of Jewish assimilation was rampant in Russia ... this is precisely the main reason for the pressure of the so-called Western world on Russia ... and you Asket unfortunately are right at one hundred percent ... plus. ..
        2. Bunny
          2 May 2012 14: 17
          Quote: Ascetic
          And in Russia, all of these Posner, Kiselev, Svanidze are on a business trip - they carry out a combat mission. Moreover, for the United States, they all together are cheaper than one strategic bomber, and they destroy and weaken Russia more efficiently than all the US Air Force - and absolutely sincerely

          No matter how they complete the task, nothing shines on them in their new homeland - they are kamikaze, and they will lie down here! Solzhenitsyn was also enough for the Americans, who caught his breath and opened his hail there, but not so much about the horrors of communism as about the internal problems of America itself! That's why they gave him access to all the archives and drove him into the Vermont forests, away!
        3. -2
          2 May 2012 15: 13
          Ascetic, Write less letters - brevity is the sister of talent.
          But as a result of the Second World War, the British Empire is cracking, in 1947 it renounces the mandate to govern Palestine, in 1948 Israel is formed and since then it has been pumping and pumping gold from Germany and from whom it can for the victims that it did not suffer , from Germany, which was his ally. This must be able to

          Please write to us how thanks to what Holocaust India, Pakistan, Syria, Jordan, etc. gained independence. and do not forget to write about restitution and how much the USSR exported from Germany. On the railway in Armenia, wires are still suspended on fasteners with a swastika.
          1. Vadim555
            2 May 2012 15: 43
            Quote: professor
            Please write to us how thanks to what Holocaust India, Pakistan, Syria, Jordan, etc. gained independence. and do not forget to write about restitution and how much the USSR exported from Germany.

            No need to juggle.
            Quote: professor
            refuses the mandate to rule Palestine, Israel was formed in 1948 and since then it has been pumping and pumping gold from Germany and from whom it can for the victims that it did not suffer, from Germany, which was its ally. This must be able to

            It's about Britain and Palestine.

            The end of the Nazi Reich-1945
            What is the relationship?
            1. -3
              2 May 2012 16: 10
              What is the relationship?

              That's it. The British Empire collapsed and on its ruins were national entities like Israel and Jordan. With or without Stalin, with and without the Holocaust, but Israel would have formed there anyway.
          2. +8
            2 May 2012 16: 04
            Quote: professor
            write about restitution

            In Russia and other post-Soviet republics, Memorial Day for victims of fascist terror is celebrated only in religious organizations. The issue of compensation and restitution of Jewish property has not been discussed and no legislative documents on this subject are yet available. Meanwhile, this issue cannot be considered closed. Russia, as the legal successor of the Soviet Union, and the republics included in it, on the territory of which a significant number of economically active Jewish population lived, are obliged to compensate material losses to the victims of the Holocaust or their heirs. First of all, it could not be all Jews, but the needy victims of the Holocaust. A certain number lives / lived in Russia and the post-Soviet republics. Such an act would not only be a sign of help, but also the recognition of the Holocaust as a crime against humanity, but without a doubt would contribute to the growth of the political importance of the country

            My webpage

            Now give Russia restitution to you (since the USSR had earlier refused). There were no other victims and there was not one Holocaust. There is nothing to blame if the erysipelas are crooked Hitler’s case in Israel lives and thrives in relation to all other nations, a policy of real genocide is carried out. It would not hurt to take restitution from the Zionist government of Elzin and the entire fifth column for the genocide of the peoples of Russia.
            1. -3
              2 May 2012 16: 17
              You still can’t read? sad Germany paid the restitution of the USSR, but it does not bother you (it bothers when they pay Israel). Now Germany pays pensions to former USSR citizens forcibly deported to work, regardless of their citizenship, but you do not see this either.
              What do you see here?

              Does this look like anything?
              1. +7
                2 May 2012 16: 38
                Quote: professor
                Does this look like anything?

                And this is how they beat you up in the Mossad? I sympathize ... Was the soft tissue torn with a "Cornet"? Here are the most natural fascists. Do not worry, accept Judo Morin and everything will pass
                Well, especially for such "Soviet Judas" like you, the next post,

                Imagine yourself in the shoes of an ordinary Soviet citizen. Who suddenly realized that his country was far from perfect. There are cards, and camps, and hunger and cold ... The communists, again, are still scum.
                Did he become a traitor from this thought? Not yet. Well, since I have not yet, let's go down this slippery ladder.
                The Soviet citizen decides: he is not for Stalin. He owes nothing to this ghoul in a tunic. He is for Russia as a whole. Which has nothing to do with Soviet power. More precisely, not even to the Soviet government, but to the Soviet occupational anti-people regime.
                The next step. A Soviet citizen realizes himself to be a citizen of the world: he sees no reason to bind himself with outdated concepts of patriotism. You have to be a good person and love people, and Homeland ... and what is homeland? Homeland remembers you only when it needs to receive debts from you.
                Move on. Why not a citizen of the world work for some other state? Not against the USSR - of course not. Just work in good conditions for a decent salary. After all, he is not obliged to fight against his own country, right? In a world of more than two hundred countries. And the war may not start. Or maybe Germany and the USSR will even be allies, huh?
                We continue the descent. Command still orders our "citizen of the world" to fight against their compatriots. Of course, solely to free them from the bloody Soviet regime. A citizen of the world, of course, agrees. He imagines himself a kind of liberating warrior who will clean out the red plague from the country and hoist the civilized fascist flag over the Kremlin. Russians should be among the free peoples of Europe for their own sake. Is not it so?
                And, finally, in the process of doing work, a citizen of the world is faced with the need to make real vileness already. Torture, hang, kill. Burn alive. Fulfill orders, no matter how inhuman they may be.
                The descent is over. The fall has come to a logical end
                Situations in life are different, and it is not worth going to blame those who wanted to live a little longer. I want to ask a different question.

                Tell me - at what point should they begin to be considered traitors? At the moment when they decided to stick their Russian passport to hell? At the moment when they came to join the army to our most likely opponent? At that moment, when they took the oath and promised to faithfully serve a foreign state? The moment they shot the first Libyan or Syrian? At the moment when they hung the first Russian?
                1. -2
                  2 May 2012 16: 44
                  Wow, how many letters and even there are acquaintances, but I don’t read so many copy-past, MOSAD does not recommend it. bully
                  Well, in fact, as I see it, there is nothing to answer, it is understandable. wink
                  Lastly, the non-existent Cornet. wink
                2. chukapabra
                  2 May 2012 16: 52
                  Quote: Ascetic
                  Tell me - at what point should they begin to be considered traitors? At the moment when they decided to stick their Russian passport to hell? At the moment when they came to join the army to our most likely opponent? At that moment, when they took the oath and promised to faithfully serve a foreign state? The moment they shot the first Libyan or Syrian? At the moment when they hung the first Russian?

                  Probably at the moment when they rejoiced over the victory over Georgia (with which they have been together for 300 years), or at the moment when they gave the star to the hero Kadyrov, when they drove gas to Ukraine 2 times more expensive than Germany, or abandoned compatriots in the countries of the former union, where they spread rot, maybe those who export loot from Russia for 100 billion. per year under the guidance of your beloved GDP. Understand yourself, be an example to others before teaching others.
                3. Marat
                  2 May 2012 18: 18
                  Stanislav, I welcome you! As always, it is informative to read your detailed comments. I support your point of view! Ven Seremos and but Pasaran, comrade Ascetic! Break through!
            2. Vadim555
              2 May 2012 16: 40
              Quote: Ascetic
              Hitler's case in Israel lives and thrives in relation to all other nations, the policy of the very real genocide is being pursued.

              CREATORS OF THE HOLOCAUST IN ACTION. Germany 1940 - Israel 2009.
              1. -1
                2 May 2012 17: 15
                And weakly comment on each pair of photos so that we are all convinced of the inconsistency of this propaganda from "Moscow III Rome"? wink
                And where did the second part of the left world famous photograph go?

                1. +2
                  2 May 2012 17: 27
                  June 12, 1957 M.I. Gurevich was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. The designer became a laureate of the Stalin (State) Prize six times (1941, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1952, 1953). And in 1962 he was awarded the Lenin Prize. This "record" of his in the number of prizes was not beaten by anyone, not even the "favorite of the gods" Konstantin Simonov. In addition, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1964), M.I. Gurevich was awarded 4 Orders of Lenin, 2 Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of the Red Star, and medals.
                  another honored hero, or Mila, we must remember, It's just that the people here are distorting the word Jew, there are a lot of comments, well, the Jews did nothing for Russia.
                  1. +2
                    2 May 2012 23: 53
                    But Mikoyan is not at all involved in business ... more modest comrades ...
                    1. +3
                      2 May 2012 23: 59
                      they were two inseparable people. Mikoyan insisted only on working with Gurevich. Speech is different. All the same, Jews did something useful for Russia or not
                2. Vadim555
                  2 May 2012 17: 45
                  Quote: professor
                  professor Today, 17:15 new 2
                  A little comment every couple of photos so that we are all here to be convinced of the inconsistency of this propaganda from "Moscow III Rome"?

                  Comments about what? The fact that German Nazism was the work of Zionists, and that German Nazism was prepared by Zionists as an instrument against the USSR.
                  Or about the doctrine of the Nazis who ranked other nations as the highest scattering, in contrast to the Jews, who consider themselves only people, and all the rest goyim i.e. not people?
                  1. -7
                    2 May 2012 17: 51
                    who consider themselves only people, and all the rest goyim i.e. not people?

                    I release the rest of the opuses, but the interpretation of the word "goy" interested me. I naively thought that this was just the name of any non-Jew, but it turns out about how fellow . Is this the Dahl dictionary like that? Where did the firewood come from? From the third of Rome?
                    1. Vadim555
                      2 May 2012 20: 02
                      Quote: professor
                      who consider themselves only people, and all the rest goyim i.e. not people?

                      I release the rest of the opuses, but the interpretation of the word "goy" interested me. I naively thought that this is just the name of any non-Jew, but it turns out how

                      And didn’t you hear about the torus? Well, of course, what goyim, what kind of torus? laughing

                      To update memory
                      1. -2
                        2 May 2012 20: 32
                        I not only heard about the torus, but also saw it and I don’t remember something like that there. Do you have a specific link to this paragraph in the torus?

                        One copy-paste page is inserted here, another half an hour’s video of propaganda, but is it scientifically popular in any way?
          3. 0
            3 May 2012 17: 20
            Quote: professor
            about restitution and how much the USSR exported from Germany.
            So you tell us how much and what the Nazis exported from the occupied territories, even exported chernozem, how much they burned, blew, destroyed, and then talk about what the USSR exported from Germany. At the same time, enlighten, and what did the Nazis take out, destroyed and burned in Israel that the Germans still pay you and apologize?
            1. Vadim555
              3 May 2012 17: 27
              Quote: revnagan
              Yes, and at the same time enlighten, and Well, the Nazis took out, destroyed and burned in Israelthat the Germans still pay you and apologize?

              But this is a big Jewish secret. laughing
    2. Oleg0705
      2 May 2012 20: 56
      Hitler was an invaluable gift for the Zionists, they immediately supported him and established close relations, as they were interested in the Jews traveling exclusively to Palestine.
    3. Oleg0705
      2 May 2012 21: 02
      Quote: Ascetic
      The union of Zionists and Nazis could not fail to form. Both political ideas set themselves the goal of creating mono-ethnic states: the Nazis - for the Germans; Zionists - for the Jews.

      seems like the truth or?
  11. +11
    2 May 2012 13: 30
    in Poland there was a concentration camp. I do not remember the name. but by order of Hitler it was razed to the ground at 42 or 43. The main guard and executioners were the Ukrainian Nazis, the black shirts called them because of the color of their uniforms. I will describe the last episode before liquidation according to the stories of witnesses from all sides (Germans, Poles, local residents and policemen) Drove the composition there were children under the age of 5 years. A few thousand. The so-called our compatriots proposed not to spend ammunition to dig alive. Which they did. You can not love the Jews. But this is not even atrocity. I have no words. Even Hitler ordered everything to be equalized by bulldozers.

    maybe enough to procrastinate who was the hero more. and who the bastard. This is an endless topic. because it justifies the destruction of one nation of any Jews, Russian Ukrainians, Germans, Germans. it’s the same Nazism. I’m already over forty, my father is Jewish and my mother is Ukrainian. And both of my grandfathers fought. The Jewish died. The Ukrainian remained alive. You think that’s why I am so tolerant. I can’t stop the atrocities. There is no justification. Germans left our city (from the words of my great-grandmother) in the evening the Germans came and explained that they should get more water since they received an order to burn everything before retreat. All the next day he (the soldier) threw a torch. but my blades quickly put out.
    1. 0
      2 May 2012 14: 04
      Not long ago I was in the Czech Republic ... Terezin is a strange concentration camp ... nothing to do with others ... there was Jewish self-government ... the commandant was responsible only for the perimeter ...
      1. +10
        2 May 2012 14: 19
        each person has an instinct for survival itself .. there was cannibalism in the famine. The man brought to the state of an ordinary animal does not control himself. But if you still want to find. That all Jews are scum, well, please, your right. All Jews are Jordanian. medals and orders were bought. etc. With the Holocaust, too, things are not so simple. Soviet Jews are not very connected. since most bought military tickets and went to defend their homeland. I also forgot party cards.
        1. 0
          2 May 2012 14: 50
          Well, again, money is for fish ... You probably know what a synagogue in Russia is ... there are no windows ... here .... I have a bunch of Jewish acquaintances and even one rabbi ... wise people ... by the way ... his favorite joke ... ends ... don't stick your head out ...
          1. +5
            2 May 2012 15: 04
            Quote: ward
            ... don't lean out ...

            is it like a joke, or personal? I don’t know how the synagogue looks inside I / I am Orthodox, but I do not like lies
            1. +1
              2 May 2012 23: 55
              And then what are you doing in Israel .... this is not a question ... this statement ...
              1. +1
                3 May 2012 00: 01
                I live. I work.
        2. Odinplys
          3 May 2012 04: 47
          Leave everything ... everything to the last ... for your tribe is rotten ... And we do not need you in Russia ...
    2. Odinplys
      3 May 2012 04: 43
      Musol is not mush ... but there is not a single Jew ... wishing Russia prosperity ...
      It’s just not in nature ...
      1. Yoshkin Kot
        3 May 2012 12: 11
        well, that I’m not guaranteed that I’m not one, the same Wasserman is quite a decent person, but on the whole I agree
  12. Vanek
    2 May 2012 13: 31
    Read application (acts).

    It would be my will to sterilize all the chances. To live and watch how others live, those whom they killed. And with the death of the latter, ask: - Well, how?

    Then destroy all records and everything that would remind of the existence of Germany. As if there wasn’t her - Germany.

    Read: "they threw small children alive into the well"
    I have a son 2 years 8 months and 2 days. That's when I read such things - Crying.

    1. Yoshkin Kot
      3 May 2012 12: 10
      um, tell you what the Jews did in Russia? or not worth breaking your world of narcissism?
      to remind you of food detachments seizing GRAIN during the famine in the Volga region? IN THE VOLGA REGION? how many hommissaries burned people alive in the churches? rotting children in the camps?
      CREATION! all Jews need to be sterilized, as I recall the stories of my grandfather, so cry!
      1. Vanek
        4 May 2012 14: 14
        Grandma said that the grandfather, when he came from the war, never spoke about what he saw. Yes, he did not talk about the war.
        Usually those who did this are told. You see, when you were beaten, you don’t tell: - they beat me. And on the contrary, when you beat someone: - We, yesterday there gave 3,14dzuyuley. So they beat, they beat them.
        Like a heroic act. And if even the girls are nearby then in general, the hunt before them is high ... to scoot. So they tell.
    2. 0
      2 December 2012 17: 36
      I agree completely .. I also have children .. This should never be forgotten ..
  13. chukapabra
    2 May 2012 13: 41
    Two Jews left Russia - one to Israel, the other to Germany. A year later they
    > phoned:
    > - Izya! You have no idea how lucky I am. I live in Haifa, I have my own
    > shop, all ours here, the weather is great - I'm happy! ! !
    > - Abrasha! How lucky I am! .. I live in Munich, I work in a local crematorium.
    > You won't believe: I BURN GERMANS! ! !
    1. Odinplys
      3 May 2012 04: 53
      Wait another five years ... The Germans are recovering ...
  14. 8 company
    2 May 2012 15: 40
    Stalin clearly favored the Jews. In addition to supporting the creation of Israel, his closest associates were Lazar Kaganovich and Leva Mehlis, and he entrusted Mehlis with the most important task - stripping in the Red Army. And Leva Mehlis did not disappoint the owner, cleaned up honestly, only the top commanders from brigade commander to marshal more than 500 were destroyed before the war. On the site in the Encyclopedia section you can see the lists of names of executed military leaders with short biographies.
  15. +3
    2 May 2012 18: 44
    To summarize: the State of Israel was created by the Zionists who settled in the United States as a "sacrificial ram" (for some reason, the US Zionists themselves do not strive for the "promised homeland," but "beggar" Jews from other countries are coming). It's like raising a boar. First, they cherish, feed, give water to water ... then bam and the owners themselves killed. Israel will be sacrificed for the glory of world Zionism, then another "holocaust" will be declared, and militant Iran will be named the culprit.
    1. +4
      2 May 2012 19: 10
      Yes, I do not blame all persons of Jewish nationality (the bulk of the Jews honestly did their duty), I do not deny the Holocaust ... But we must directly say that Hitler (deserves the most severe condemnation) is a consequence, and the reason is Zionists of the USA and England.
    2. Odinplys
      3 May 2012 04: 57
      Vladimir 70,
      That's right ... Fascist Zionism lives on that ...
  16. zevs379
    2 May 2012 19: 02
    In the 1st World Jews were not destroyed as a people. But after what the Jews did in Russia after 17, the whole world understood where they were going. Therefore, Adolf aloizych received power. What he was doing is an abomination. But what can I say what the bronshtein and others like him did?
    I think Russia needs to speak clearly - was the genocide of the RUSSIAN people by Jews in the years 17-18-19 or not?
    1. Vadim555
      2 May 2012 20: 11
      Quote: zevs379
      I think Russia needs to speak clearly - was the genocide of the RUSSIAN people by Jews in the years 17-18-19 or not?

      Obrezantsy minus you, that is, believe that-there was no genocide of the Russian people.
      But their virtual Holocaust is extolled to heaven.
      By the way, Adika was made Fuhrer for American (Jewish) money.
      1. zevs379
        2 May 2012 20: 40
        Quote: Vadim555
        By the way, Adika was made Fuhrer for American (Jewish) money.

        Here is one more proof that for the sake of the gain, the mother will sell her native.
        (Genesis Ch. 12. As Abram came to Egypt and gave his Sarah to the harem of Pharaoh)
        1. 0
          2 May 2012 20: 43
          About a man calling Hitler diminutively affectionately to me personally everything is clear. The Hitler Jugen regiment arrived. sad
          1. zevs379
            2 May 2012 20: 48
            The Hitler Jugen regiment arrived.
            When there is nothing to say, it is necessary to ridicule. Congratulations, you are the true son of your people. am
          2. Vadim555
            2 May 2012 21: 10
            Quote: professor
            professor Today, 20:43 new -1
            About a man calling Hitler diminutively affectionately to me personally everything is clear. The Hitler Jugen regiment arrived.

            Personally, I write names and appeals (you) to bad people with a small letter.

            Professor, you have a better military-technical topic.
          3. phantom359
            3 May 2012 00: 58
            Professor, our views on certain events, technical issues do not coincide, but here I completely agree with you. To do this with women and children (and prisoners of war) is not subject to any excuse. Especially when people in uniform do this and call themselves soldiers. I understand that war has its own laws, but this does not fit into any framework.
            1. Odinplys
              3 May 2012 05: 08
              The Zionists have no laws ... nothing has changed today ... Enemies of the Peoples of the World ...
          4. Odinplys
            3 May 2012 05: 05
            You ... Mrs. Fuhrer do not like you ... you are almost relatives ...
        2. Vadim555
          2 May 2012 21: 14
          Quote: zevs379
          zevs379 Today, 20:40 new 0
          Quote: Vadim555
          By the way, Adika was made Fuhrer for American (Jewish) money.

          Here is one more proof that for the sake of the gain, the mother will sell her native.
          (Genesis Ch. 12. As Abram came to Egypt and gave his sarah to the harem of the pharaoh)

          He planted it repeatedly, and then also brazenly robbed the victims.
      2. Odinplys
        3 May 2012 05: 02
        Let the minus be not the point ... It is important that not only their opinion is heard ... It is important that our People began to understand ... that the Zionists ... Hitler ... the "holocaust" ... one field of berries ...
    2. Dust
      2 May 2012 21: 13
      No, there was no genocide of the Russian people! It was a civil war ...
      1. zevs379
        2 May 2012 21: 39
        Quote: Dust
        No, there was no genocide of the Russian people! It was a civil war ...

        Dear Dost! The civil war began after the Cheka began to destroy the "class aliens." When did the first clashes between the Reds and Whites begin?
        1. Dust
          2 May 2012 21: 55
          Actually, I thought everyone knew that the Red Terror began after the white - so past your cash register your comment ...
          1. Yoshkin Kot
            3 May 2012 12: 01
            turkey, thought the same! What do you think, what to call the drunken and corrupted deserters from the army and navy who robbed, raped and killed the "bourgeoisie"?
            childish prank?
      2. Odinplys
        3 May 2012 05: 10
        The destruction of the Russian people is happening today ... only the methods are changing ...
        1. Yoshkin Kot
          3 May 2012 11: 59
          common methods, Bolshevik methods, permanent struggle against Russian "chauvinism"
    3. Yoshkin Kot
      3 May 2012 12: 06
      and in Germany they frolic Hitlerism did not appear from scratch
  17. chukapabra
    2 May 2012 19: 40
    Quote: zevs379
    I think Russia needs to speak clearly - was the genocide of the RUSSIAN people by Jews in the years 17-18-19 or not?

    Jews made up 4% of the population of the Russian Empire, how did 4% arrange genocide?
    In the Russian Empire in 1917, more than 100 peoples lived, not counting small ethnic groups.
    According to the 1897 census (during which the question was asked not about nationality, but about the native language), Great Russians accounted for 43,4% of the population (80,5 million people), Little Russians - 18,4% of the population (33,4 million people). .), and Belarusians - 4 million people. All of them were officially considered "Russians", hthe number of people, thus, amounted to 117,9 million people [9].
    Together, the Slavic peoples (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, as well as Poles, Bulgarians and others) made up about 75% of the population of the empire:
    Russian language - 55,667 million (44,3%)
    Ukrainian language - 22,381 million (17,8%)
    Polish language - 7,931 million (6,3%)
    Belarusian language - 5,886 million (4,7%)
    Jews were a significant national group - 5,2 million people (4,1%) [9].

    Maybe the Russians also participated in this, or they, like an obedient herd, carried out orders under the direction of the Jews. Perhaps it’s easier to blame the Jews, and the bribes are smooth. Well, the Jews are accustomed to this (accusations of all sins), but if this makes you feel better, there is no problem. Whatever the child would entertain, if only not with his hands.

    During the Civil War, from 8 to 13 million people, including about 1 million soldiers of the Red Army, died from hunger, disease, terror and in battles (according to various sources). Up to 2 million people emigrated from the country. The number of street children sharply increased after the First World War and the Civil War. According to some reports, in 1921 there were 4,5 million street children in Russia, and according to other sources, in 1922 there were 7 million street children [88]. The damage to the national economy amounted to about 50 billion gold rubles. Industrial production fell to 4-20% of the 1913 level.
    [edit] Losses during the war (table)

    Loss category Number (thousand people) [89]
    Total killed and died of wounds 2500
    Red Army 950
    White and National Army 650
    partisan detachments 900
    Died as a result of terror 2000
    from red terror 1200
    from white terror 300
    from partisan terror 500
    Starvation and epidemics died 6000
    10 died in total
    Emigrated 2000

    It is clear that the numbers in thousands
    1. zevs379
      2 May 2012 20: 27
      Quote: chukapabra
      Jews made up 4% of the population of the Russian Empire, how did 4% arrange genocide?

      Yes, I argue that the Jews came up with a division into workers, peasants and bourgeois, thereby deceiving the illiterate sections of the Russian population (ideological sabotage) and, with the support of the lumpen, they were able to destroy the best part of the Russian people (nobles, officers, Orthodox clergy).
      This is genocide. Check the lists of employees of the Cheka and the GPU. Were there many Russians there?
      Note I do not give numbers, I do not distort. Search analyze yourself. I really hope that the truth will triumph. Just take ideology and analyze.
      Good luck!
      1. -1
        2 May 2012 20: 52
        Quote: zevs379
        Yes, I argue that the Jews came up with the division into workers, peasants and bourgeois

        interesting version, I have 27 years of work experience in the stars, I always thought that I was a worker, and now?
        1. zevs379
          2 May 2012 21: 09
          And you are told that a rich farmer is an enemy, a fist and a world-eater, you need to destroy him as a class? Now read Lenin (Blanca)
          1. +2
            2 May 2012 21: 23
            I don’t want it, I made a note of it back in the 80s. By the way, the thesis of Lenin is land for peasants, factories for workers, and if you remember the story, just the class that you called fists (according to your farmer) appeared thanks to and not contrary to Lenin, but dispossession began after his death
            1. Vadim555
              2 May 2012 21: 49
              Quote: igor67
              which was called fists (according to your farmer) appeared thanks and not contrary to Lenin,

              Fists appeared as a result of Stolypin's reforms.
              1. +2
                2 May 2012 22: 11
                let's not confuse, the Stolypin reform, after 17 the land was taken from the nobles and handed over to the peasants (fixing the land with a land decree), before that the land mainly belonged to the nobility, and the peasants rented the land more prosperously. but dekulakization began later, with a civil war
                1. Vadim555
                  2 May 2012 22: 42
                  The consequence of Stolypin’s reforms was the appearance of a private landowner in the village, primarily due to communal lands.
                  Disposal of money began as early as 30 years.

                  2. The essence of agrarian reform

                  a) Goals and objectives of the reform

                  If we briefly characterize the essence of the Stolypin agrarian reform, we can say that it consisted in canceling the remaining redemption payments and giving all peasants the right to freely leave the community and secure allotment of land in inherited private property

                  1. 0
                    2 May 2012 23: 30
                    and what I wrote .only in my own words.
                2. Yoshkin Kot
                  3 May 2012 11: 52
                  the nobles ???? what are you! but what about two-thirds of the arable land that was seized from the peasants? my mother’s grandfather? (pre-revolutionary lands) and his neighbors, drunks and parasites robbed him? and the robberies bashfully called food surpluses, with hunch-bearing atammans-gummissars? and CHON from Latvians their lackeys?
              2. Yoshkin Kot
                3 May 2012 11: 54
                fists? you shamefully don’t take your eyes away, these were hardworking toilers, your great-grandfather was a loafer from a comedian? didn’t he accidentally eat and drink about what he had stolen?
            2. Odinplys
              3 May 2012 05: 20
              Dvoeshnik ... or you are being taught your truth ...
            3. Yoshkin Kot
              3 May 2012 11: 56
              land to the peasants? Yeah, they drove them into collective farms, work for sticks, factories - workers? yah! is it true? but for some reason I saw that the owners of the country were slave owners from the Politburo!
          2. Dust
            2 May 2012 21: 59
            I am sure that you have not read and do not even know at least three or four names of his works! And they didn’t see the complete meeting in my eyes ...
          3. Yoshkin Kot
            3 May 2012 11: 57
            before being destroyed, take a trip to the Russian village and make sure
            1. 0
              3 May 2012 19: 44
              Quote: Yoshkin Cat
              before being destroyed, take a trip to the Russian village and make sure
              Under the USSR, there were 6 collective farms and 2 state farms around the city, a millionaire collective farm. Almost everyone has their own paramedics stations, kindergartens, schools, collective farmers have equipment for almost all. "Niva", "two", motorcycles. Bread factories, meat processing plants , con
              servicing, brick factories. Farmers went to sanatoriums, rest houses. If you tell me that ALL peasants had all this, and even more, until 1917, I will agree with all your attacks against the Soviet regime. And now, on the site of these farms - ruins. I hope that in Russia, under the liberal democratic regime, this is not so.
        2. Odinplys
          3 May 2012 05: 18
          And now you have become ... an id ...
          1. -3
            3 May 2012 09: 57
            Yes, it’s become. And I feel fine. And you just envy. There is such an expression, I am a Jew. and you could not
            1. Yarbay
              3 May 2012 10: 06
              Igor Ya Vas podderjivayu !!
              S4itayu 4to ne evreyi vinovati a sami te kto kri4at bol6e vsego !!
              Takim kak i gitleru nujen VRAG-ponyatniy neobrazovannomu 4eloveku!
              Ya ne soglasen so mnogimi deystviyami Izrailya kak gosudarstva, no ne s4itayu evreev vragami 4elove4estva!
              s uvajeniem
              1. -1
                3 May 2012 10: 15
                Thank you, dear. People are poisoning politicians. Simple people have nothing to share.
                1. Yoshkin Kot
                  3 May 2012 11: 49
                  Yeah, and you are so "simple" they take envy! no "simple" hack it on your nose, "difficult" you are ours
              2. Yoshkin Kot
                3 May 2012 11: 48
                that is, all of these Rosenfeld brackets and other shtetl rabble are just darlings?
            2. Odinplys
              3 May 2012 15: 32
              It doesn’t happen ... are you either a Jew by nationality ... ??? or a traitor ... in Russian ...
              And what would the Russian dream of becoming a Jew ... Yes, you fell from the Oak ...
        3. Yoshkin Kot
          3 May 2012 11: 57
          the key word is division, do you have children that plow at the machine? and if you don’t, what family should be divided?
      2. Dust
        2 May 2012 21: 16
        Well yes. it turns out that there is a bourgeoisie and the proletariat and the peasantry-it's all living .. fiction? What else can you think of?
        You are not even anti-Semite, you are just ....
        1. zevs379
          2 May 2012 21: 20
          Quote: Dust
          Well yes. it turns out that there is a bourgeoisie and the proletariat and the peasantry-it's all living .. fiction? What else come up with? You are not even anti-Semitic, you just ....

          Divisions have always been, but it was the Marxist Jews who preached for the destruction of one class by another.
          And in your opinion, if anyone is telling the truth is anti-Semite?
          1. Dust
            2 May 2012 21: 58
            To be an anti-Semite one must at least be on the topic and be interested in this issue, and not retell all sorts of cheap stupidities - everything is far from as simple as you think ...
            1. Yoshkin Kot
              3 May 2012 11: 47
              Yeah, I’m for example an anti-Semite and at the same time a Zionist, I believe that Jews should all live in Israel, it won’t stop them from shaking, otherwise they have too much stolen
              1. Dust
                3 May 2012 12: 21
                You, old man, are an ordinary mu .. eccentric. not anti-Semite! One must think there, and not repeat nonsense ...
              2. -1
                3 May 2012 19: 49
                Quote: Yoshkin Cat
                it won’t stop them from shaking, otherwise they have too much stolen
                Yeah, plunder the loot ... Somewhere already heard this ... But those anarchists "revolutionaries" were bad, they offended your ancestor, but you are good ...
        2. Yoshkin Kot
          3 May 2012 11: 46
          Yeah, General Denikin, grandson of a peasant, General Yudenich, son of a peasant, General Kornilov, son of a Cossack,
          not tired of carrying the gummy socialist?
      3. Odinplys
        3 May 2012 05: 16
        I support ... Only for the truth you need to stand ... Death ...
        Remember ... power is in Truth ... and Truth is ours ...
    2. +1
      2 May 2012 23: 37
      Of course I'm sorry ... 83% in the Jewish authorities after the revolution ... is it a lot or a little ...
      1. -1
        2 May 2012 23: 50
        many. but why so many people still remember the Soviet era on this forum. And I am free training. medicine. 25 rubles per month payments for an apartment. right now I’m plowing for 12 hours. what would the children have like everyone else.
        1. -1
          3 May 2012 00: 05
          Yes, it’s hard for Jews to live in Israel ... would you go back to your historical homeland ...
          1. -1
            3 May 2012 00: 09
            I’ve been working for 15 years in my historical homeland. . on Tu95 which you have flying engines collected. rotators 24ki. repaired and salary what. there was nothing to pay for the apartment
            1. -1
              3 May 2012 00: 42
              I was completely confused. Did you feel good before or now ... or you feel bad at all ...
              1. -1
                3 May 2012 09: 46
                Yes, generally bad. When I lived with you who do not remember. And not grateful. They are Veterans. They are designers and engineers ..
            2. Yoshkin Kot
              3 May 2012 11: 40
              it is clear Judas betrayed his homeland
          2. Odinplys
            3 May 2012 05: 27
            What are you saying ... chur them ... let everyone leave ... the faster ... and the further away ... Just not to stink ha ... y
          3. Yoshkin Kot
            3 May 2012 11: 43
            nah? dumped so dumped, but do not forget to pay money, for being taught at the expense of the robbed and humiliated Russian people, the first batch of Jews in Germany was sent to study in the "well-fed" 1921, destroying the Russian educated class of officers, teachers of doctors, engineers
      2. Odinplys
        3 May 2012 05: 25
        The condition for financing the revolution was the establishment of power by the fascist Nazis, Zionists ...
        One C ... decree the bracket ... how many people put ...
      3. Yoshkin Kot
        3 May 2012 11: 44
        um, what if for every one killed by a Jew, or at the command of a Jew, a Russian is killed one Jew? why will they cry in the "world"?
    3. Odinplys
      3 May 2012 05: 12
      By deceiving ... and pitting the same Peoples ...
  18. +1
    2 May 2012 22: 46
    That we are all about Jews, that their asses are inlaid with brunettes. Many more Slavs perished than Jews and there is nothing to get stuck in the Holocausts. Fascism is a disaster for all mankind, and not just for Jews. Some kind of Jewish egoism turns out.
  19. 0
    2 May 2012 23: 11
    One of the points of the Zborovsky treatise in 1649 provided for a ban on Jews to live on the territory of the Cossack autonomy. Why? Because the Poles handed over to the Jews Orthodox churches. Maybe from here there is still such a dislike for Jews in Little Russia?
  20. phantom359
    3 May 2012 00: 36
    Here is the result. when an overstretched and offended (Versailles world) nation is given complete freedom of action. This is the most natural subhuman. Killing and raping civilians is the last thing. This is for those who like to suggest to the Wehrmacht that it’s not at work, to blame everything on the SS troops and henchmen. Especially at the top of the Reich everything is entirely Aryans two meters tall with blue eyes. ki.
  21. Odinplys
    3 May 2012 05: 36
    In all countries where Jews settled in large numbers, they lowered their moral standard, commercial honesty, isolate themselves and are not amenable to assimilation. They ridiculed and tried to undermine the Christian religion. They established a state in the state and, in case of opposition to them, seek to mortally strangle the country financially. If we, through the Constitution, do not exclude them / from the United States /, then in less than two hundred years they will rush in large numbers, gain the upper hand, swallow the country and change the form of our government. If you do not exclude them, then in less than two hundred years our descendants will work in their fields to provide them with food, while the Jews will rub their hands in money-changing offices. I warn you, gentlemen, that if you do not exclude the Jews forever, your children will curse you in your graves.

    BENJAMIN FRANKLIN / 1706-1790 / American physicist and politician. From a speech in the discussion of the US Constitution in 1787
    + + + 100

    Let what the ga ... of Russia want ... to return to their homes with their children ... Amen ...
    1. phantom359
      4 May 2012 00: 26
      Odinplys, I agree. 5 points.
  22. chukapabra
    3 May 2012 07: 08
    Quote: OdinPlys
    . If we, through the Constitution, do not exclude them / from the United States /, then in less than two hundred years they will rush in large numbers, gain the upper hand, swallow the country and change the form of our government. If you do not exclude them, then in less than two hundred years our descendants will work in their fields to provide them with food, while the Jews will rub their hands in money-changing offices. I warn you, gentlemen, that if you do not exclude the Jews forever, your children will curse you in your graves.

    Another anti-Semite. They did not rule out the constitution, more than 200 years passed, and .... Another prophet of horseradish. By the way, provide the original link to the text., That is, here who quote the torus never having seen it and talk about windowless synagogues.
    1. Vadim555
      3 May 2012 12: 02
      Quote: chukapabra
      Another anti-Semite. They did not rule out the constitution, more than 200 years passed, and ....

      Is everything all right in America? Is it hard to turn on the brain and see everything?

      Quote: chukapabra
      By the way, provide the original link to the text., And that is, here that the torus quotes never having seen it

      You can see this Talmud, but a rare rabbi saw the whole torus.
      I'll try mommy
      Judaism Short Course
      1. chukapabra
        3 May 2012 12: 19
        Quote: Vadim555
        You can see this Talmud, but a rare rabbi saw the whole torus.

        To the garden with his delirium. In Israel, the Torah is a general education subject; every home has it.
        The Torah is an Old Testament if you have heard what it is.
        The Old Testament - the first, oldest of the two (along with the New Testament), part of the Christian Bible, the ancient Jewish Holy Scriptures (“Jewish Bible”), the common sacred text of Judaism and Christianity, considered the Old (Sinai) Testament as a synonym for Torah is the law binding on the Jews.

        Quote: Vadim555
        I'll try mommy

        don't even try
        1. Odinplys
          3 May 2012 15: 52
          Quote: chukapabra
          don't even try

          Correct the hunchback grave will correct ...
          And this all goes ... May God be in time for Iran ... Terrorists and a murderer are you times ..
        2. Vadim555
          3 May 2012 16: 42
          Quote: chukapabra
          To the garden with his delirium. In Israel, the Torah is a general education subject; every home has it.

          How did you, the Jews, get the whole world with your serpentine distortions and lies.
          The Old Testament (the five books of Moses) is included in the Torah, with the OT being secondary.
          The Torah includes more than 50 books, more than half of which are available only to the Levites of a high degree of initiation.
          Access to the entire Torah has-units.
          Also, the Torah is not quite a "document" of direct action, it is accepted for execution through the interpretations of the rabbis. (The Jewish Encyclopedia)
          Everything, you are free!
          1. chukapabra
            6 May 2012 06: 55
            Quote: Vadim555
            How did you, the Jews, get the whole world with your serpentine distortions and lies.

            You're right, do not go to the garden, go into the field, scatter manure, there is a place for you. A connoisseur of horseradish.
            Quote: Vadim555
            high degree Levites

            Though I understood what I wrote? And then who are the coens ?,
            1. Vadim555
              6 May 2012 14: 10
              [quote = chukapabra] Quote: Vadim555
              high degree Levites
              Though I understood what I wrote?And then who are the coens?, [/quote]

              Jewish Nazism in its purest form.

              As you know, all the Jewish people are divided into “coenes” - high priests, “Levites” - priests at the Temple and “Israelis” - all the rest.

              Of these, the coens are the most privileged and respected caste, which is believed to have come from Aaron, the brother of Moses. They, like the Levites, were supported by the people, themselves only sending services, which, we agree, is also not a simple matter. Truly, this is who could fully declare about himself: “Our service is both dangerous and difficult” ...


              If you fell in love with the Talmud, you completely lost your mind

              "The world's population can be divided into Israel and all other nations,
              taken together. Israel is God's chosen people: this is the main dogma "
              Rabbi Cohen, 1986


              Wait for the god-chosen moshiach.
    2. Odinplys
      3 May 2012 15: 44
      BENJAMIN FRANKLIN / 1706-1790 / American physicist and politician. From a speech in the discussion of the US Constitution in 1787

      Chukamymra ... Why do not you link ....
  23. 0
    3 May 2012 07: 34
    Quote: valerei
    So, it turns out that man is the greatest abomination on Earth.

    It depends on the choice of man himself, to be his cattle (or worse) or to be the man that God created him.
    Quote: OdinPlys
    I warn you, gentlemen, that if you do not exclude the Jews forever, your children will curse you in your graves.

    I will not tire of repeating - such "simple solutions" as nationalism are not an option, although it is very tempting for some with its "simplicity".
    Jews are a special people. Among them, a huge percentage of talented people, but they mostly use their talents for good. Unfortunately.
    Nevertheless, there were Jews who served God and people, and not their idols (wealth, power) and stupid fantasies (world domination), and they brought huge benefits to all of humanity.
    My tongue doesn’t turn to speak badly about Jews, because I'm a Christian. Although they themselves did not accept Christ.
    1. chukapabra
      3 May 2012 08: 27
      Quote: Magadan
      My tongue doesn’t turn to speak badly about Jews, because

      This is really a problem. laughing given that Christ, all the apostles were Jews, and religion itself was born in Israel.
      Quote: Magadan
      Although they themselves did not accept Christ

      Have you been obliged?
      Each nation has its own faith, and this does not make them good or bad (unless of course cannibals, or some kind of Satanists) In the end, GOD is one if you understand what it is about and monotheistic religions.
      1. Yoshkin Kot
        3 May 2012 11: 39
        yeah, you have time to gag it to muslims when they open your throat, my God is not their god
        1. chukapabra
          3 May 2012 11: 41
          Quote: Yoshkin Cat
          gu, you have time to gossip this muslims when they open your throat, my God is not their god

          One means one for all and why share it, mine is yours, mine is better - yours is worse
      2. Vadim555
        3 May 2012 11: 44
        Quote: chukapabra
        chukapabra Today, 08:27 a new 0 Quote: Magadan
        My tongue doesn’t turn to speak badly about Jews, because
        This is really a problem considering that Christ, all the apostles were Jews, and religion itself was born in Israel.

        Not in Israel, but in Judea

        Quote: chukapabra
        Have you been obliged?
        Every nation has its own faith

        That's right.

        Matthew 15_ 22-28:
        “And now, the woman of the Canaanite woman, coming out of those places, shouted to him: Lord have mercy on me, son of David, my daughter is cruelly mad. But he did not answer her a word. And His disciples, having entered, asked Him: Let her go, because he cries for us. He answered and said: I am sent ONLY to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And she, coming up, bowed to Him and said: Lord! Help me. He said in response: it is not good to take the bread from the children and toss the PSAM. She said: Lord! But the dogs also eat the crumbs that fall from the table of their masters. ”
        Only after these words did Jesus say to her, “Great is your faith,” and healed her daughter.
        1. chukapabra
          3 May 2012 12: 36
          Quote: Vadim555
          I am sent ONLY to the lost sheep of the house of Israel

          As follows from the text, Jesus said this (the woman was clearly Jewish, because there were simply no others)
          In general, what is the meaning of the post put, you yourself understand what you read?
          Christianity arose in Palestine in the 1st century A.D. e. as one of the apocalyptic messianic movements within Judaism, which was based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and faith in his resurrection from the dead. The separation of Christianity as a special religion, distinct from Judaism, accompanied by conflicts both with traditional Judaism of that time and within the Christian community itself, has been going on for several decades [2]. There is no doubt the similarity of some of the ideas, beliefs and cult practices of early Christianity and its modern apocalyptic movements in Palestinian Judaism, such as the Essenes. However, the direct connection of the first Christians with communities like Qumran remains unproven. There is also no single point of view among scholars on the extent to which the early Christian sermon (kerigma, or, more precisely, kerigmas of different groups of early Christians at different times) reproduces the kerigmus of Jesus Himself [49]. In the history of early Christianity, a number of key points can be singled out, such as the performance of the “Hellenists,” the beginning of the sermon among the Gentiles and the Council of Jerusalem of XNUMX years, each of which made Christianity more and more incompatible with Judaism. At the same time, in its development Christianity relied to a very large extent on the ideas of modern rabbinical Judaism[3].

          In how it turned and then the rabbis inserted three kopecks
          1. Vadim555
            3 May 2012 13: 18
            Quote: chukapabra
            As the text implies, Jesus said this ( the woman was clearly Jewish, because there were simply no others)
            In general, what is the meaning of the post put, you yourself understand what you read?

            Canaanite, Syrophoenician (Mat.15: 22, Mar. 7:26). The Canaanites, crowded by the Jews during and after the conquest of Palestine, in large numbers moved to the north of Palestine, to Syria and Phenicia, and eventually mixed with native tribes, albeit similar to them. Thus, mentioned in ev. Matthew the Canaanite was a Syrophoenician who lived within the Phoenician cities of Tire and Sidon. She was a Gentile, but had great faith in Christ.

            Bible. Old and New Testaments. Sinoid translation. Bible Encyclopedia .. arch. Nicephorus. 1891.
      3. Odinplys
        3 May 2012 16: 01
        Quote: chukapabra
        given that Christ, all the apostles were Jews, and religion itself was born in Israel.

        Well, firstly, not Christ ... but Jesus ... since Christ is an eternal spirit ... and he simply cannot be a Jew ...... Secondly, who said that Jissus and the apostles ... Jews. .. now give a link to the scriptures ... And who wrote the scripture ..
        Religions have nothing to do with God ... they were created ... by your "writers." ... for the purpose of divide and conquer ...
        Well ... yes ... these are warts on the body of the People ...
        1. chukapabra
          3 May 2012 20: 10
          Quote: OdinPlys
          .Secondly, who said that Jissus and the apostles ... Jews

          Well, certainly not Russian wink although I read somewhere that Jesus came from the Ukrainians.
          Well, of course, only a Ukrainian could be born in Israel (Bethlehem), from a mom and dad a Jew, be circumcised on the 8th day, live in Israel for 33 years, die and resurrect there and still be Ukrainian, but all the apostles, of course Slavs, well, who else? They came to Israel directly from the Kremlin.

          Jesus in Christianity is the Messiah promised in various Old Testament prophecies.
          From the point of view of Christian theology, these prophecies indicate the time of his arrival, describe his family tree, circumstances of life and ministry, his mission, death and resurrection from the dead.
          Thus, the Messiah must be a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Descend from the tribe of Judah (Gen. 49:10). Be the "root of Jesse" and a descendant of David (Zar 2: 4) [10].
          The text of Genesis 49:10 indicates that the Messiah should come before the loss of self-government and legislation by ancient Judea [11].

          Disputes about the ethnicity of Jesus are still ongoing. Christians can say that Jesus was born in Galilee, where the mixed population lived, so he might not be an ethnic Jew. [19] But The Gospel of Matthew says that Jesus' parents were from Bethlehem of Judea, and only after his birth moved to Nazareth [/ color].
          Of the gospels: When a Samaritan woman asked Jesus: how are you, being Judahth, are you asking me to drink, Samaryanka? (From John, Conception BI = John 4: 9) He did not deny his belonging to the Jewish nation. In addition, the Gospels are trying to prove the Jewish origin of Jesus: according to the genealogy, He was a Semitic (Luke 3:36), an Israeli (Mt. 1: 2; Lk. 3:34) and a Jew (Mt. 1: 2; Lk. 3:33).
          The gospel of Luke says that Mary was Jewish. Jesus mother was a relative of Elizabeth (Luke 1:36), the mother of John the Baptist, and Elizabeth was from the Aaronic family (Luke 1: 5) - from the main Levitical family.
          It is authentically known that the entrance to the Jerusalem temple behind the fence of the balustrade was forbidden to non-Jews under pain of death (Jos.AJ.XV.11: 5; BJ.V.5: 2; VI.2: 4; cf. Acts 21:28). Jesus was a Jew, otherwise he would not have been able to preach in the Temple, on the walls of which there were inscriptions: “Not a single foreigner dares to enter the prison and the fence of the sanctuary; whoever is captured will become the culprit of his own death»[20].
          According to The gospel of Luke, according to the Old Testament tradition, on the eighth day of the birth of the Infant, they circumcised and gave Him the name Jesus, named by the angel before his conception in the womb. The 40-day-old baby Jesus was brought by his parents to the Temple of Jerusalem to perform the ritual of sacrificing two doves and two dove chicks, “signifying that every male firstborn child is dedicated to the Lord” (Luke 2: 22-24).
  24. Patriot
    3 May 2012 10: 15
    Learn materiel, Russians.

    You must honor your masters. Those who, after the collapse of the USSR and the arrival of ebn occupied our country. And, in the end, everywhere do not spit in our country, the circumcised ones are in charge.
    And about Germany’s money for the suffering of the Jews, you’re right. Of course, trimmings for a civilized Europe are far more valuable than Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians. If we had a different government, popular, and not anti-popular, then it would have expressed to Germany everything that it thinks. For, to pay the injured Jews money and not pay several times more affected Slavs, GREAT JUSTICE.
    But, personally, this tells me only one thing. The majority of the world’s powers are headed by the Russian authorities, and they always and everywhere defend the interests of their relatives.
    1. chukapabra
      3 May 2012 11: 46
      Quote: Patriot
      The majority of the world’s powers are headed by the Russian authorities, and they always and everywhere defend the interests of their relatives.

      You will not understand the Sidorovs <then the Americans control us and we cannot take a step without their permission, then we control the whole world and everything is under our thumb. You will sort it out among yourself, and then somehow with a unified position and with claims to us.
      1. Odinplys
        3 May 2012 16: 11
        Everyone has different positions ... the enemy is one ... Fascist Zionism .... Jewish Nazis ...
  25. Yoshkin Kot
    3 May 2012 11: 37
    um, do not consider this to be an excuse for the crimes of the Nazis, but there is a lot of blood on the Jews themselves, and it would not hurt them to instill a sense of guilt before the Russian people, (their "exploits" cost us dearly in the 20th century) just like the sense of guilt before the Jews was instilled in the Germans ...
    they robbed and killed many Russians in the 20th century, and the presence of "decent" people among them does not relieve the ethnos of responsibility for atrocities
    1. chukapabra
      3 May 2012 12: 07
      Quote: Yoshkin Cat
      they robbed and killed many Russians in the 20th century,

      Please, an example, at least one, of a pogrom by Jews against Russians. I think a pogrom of Russians against Jews should not be cited
      Pogrom (from smashing - “destroy, destroy”) - mass violent actions directed against any group of the population on religious, national or racial grounds; inspired, as a rule, by extremist organizations or the police. Characterized by physical attacks and the destruction of homes, businesses and religious buildings. Often accompanied by torture and murder, mutilation, destruction and robbery of property, rape.

      in modern history, Jewish pogroms in Russia in the XNUMXth and early XNUMXth centuries were especially widespread. It is in connection with the mass pogroms in Russia that the Russian word "pogrom" included in most European languages.[1]

      whether something similar was done by the Jews in relation to the Russians, you hate the Jews (and this is in the blood of many, just out of envy
      Four waves of pogroms are usually distinguished: pogroms of 1821-1871, 1881-1884 after the death of Alexander II, during the revolution of 1905-1907 and during the Civil War in Russia. The first pogroms in Odessa (1821, 1859, 1871) and Akkerman (1862) were carried out by local Greeks mainly on the basis of trade competition and rumors of Jewish involvement in the killing in Istanbul of the Greek Orthodox patriarch Gregory. [3] [15] [16]
      After the assassination of Alexander II by the Volunteers on March 1, 1881, a major wave of pogroms swept across the southern part of Russia. [17] [18] Pogroms also continued in the 1890s. [3]
      April 6-7, 1903 there was a major pogrom in Chisinau. 43 people were killed, 39 of whom were Jews, 586 were injured, more than 1500 houses were destroyed (more than a third of all Chisinau households). [19]
      During the Russian Revolution of 1905-1907, a mass wave of pogroms again took place in Russia, the largest of which were pogroms in Odessa and Rostov-on-Don. In October 1905, up to 690 pogroms took place in 102 settlements. The victims were of different ethnicities, but most were Jews.. [20] During the October pogroms of 1905 more than 800 Jews were killed (not counting those who died soon after the consequences of the pogroms); property damage was estimated at more than 70 million rubles. In Odessa, more than 400 Jews died, in Rostov - more than 150 [21], dozens died in other cities. [3] A number of pogroms also took place in 1906, pogroms ceased by 1907. [3]
      The most massive pogroms in Russian history occurred during the Civil War in Russia. Pogroms during this period were carried out by Ukrainian nationalists, “green” formations, White Guards and parts of the Red Army. According to various sources, for this period came from 887 to more than 1500 pogroms. Between 50 and 200 thousand Jews died. About 200 thousand were wounded and crippled. Thousands of women were raped. About 50 thousand women became widows, about 300 thousand children remained orphans. [22] [23] [24]
      1. Odinplys
        3 May 2012 16: 27
        chukapabr]Please, an example, at least one, of a pogrom by Jews against Russians. I think a pogrom of Russians against Jews should not be cited

        Organization of a coup in 17 ... and, as a result, the destruction of millions ... Russians ...
        Organization of the Second World ......
        Al-Qaeda either did not stand nearby ... or there is a train ... a Dov structure ... financed by the Zionists ....
        And what the Germans are guilty of before the Jews ... the whole elite of the Nazis are the same Jews ... were financed by the same Zionists ... well, what they did by the wrong hands ... they sowed death ... so this is their method of work ...

        But what pleases ... The Germans wake up ... after the hypnosis of the "Holocaust" ... Russia got on its feet ... And I think by the methods of Great Stalin ... we will be able to cleanse Russia ... from this infection .... And already not far away...

        ] chukapabyou hate Jews (and it’s in the blood of many, just envy

        And that’s all you can say in your defense ... ??? Too many addicts are obtained ... Only envy is the trait of the people ... of the Dovsk people ...
        And yet who of you. Will give an intelligible answer ... for what reason ... you are so "loved" by many Peoples of the World ...
        1. chukapabra
          3 May 2012 19: 04
          Quote: OdinPlys
          Organization of the Second World ......
          Al-Qaeda either did not stand nearby ... or there is a train ... a Dov structure ... financed by the Zionists ....
          And what the Germans are guilty of before the Jews ... the whole elite of the Nazis are the same Jews ... were financed by the same Zionists ... well, what they did by the wrong hands ... they sowed death ... so this is their method of work ...

          And it's all?
          We also killed Lenin.
          Quote: OdinPlys
          And yet who of you. Will give an intelligible answer ... for what reason ... you are so "loved" by many Peoples of the World ...

          Russian is written in white for you out of envy.
          1. Odinplys
            4 May 2012 00: 54
            Quote: chukapabra

            Russian is written in white for you, out of envy.

            Russian in white VI ... do not know how to write ... You write lies ...

            So "smart ... ???" ... zhi ... dy .... To the question why ... or why you are so "loved" by the Peoples of the World ... No answer
        2. -1
          4 May 2012 21: 14
          I’m reading and wondering)) I didn’t read dumber))) what good is it ... that .. who’s body, who got up off your knees))) tell the Chechens) they will laugh ... I think the Jews did more for Russia than such m .. .ki like you))) and others ...
          1. Odinplys
            5 May 2012 18: 38
            alex shnajder,
            For that ... pogo ornanism ... and such you ... fuck you ...
            To destroy the Slavic peoples ... the Jews did a lot ... and even more ... Fascist Zionists ...
            1. 0
              5 May 2012 19: 57
              yeah, the dreamer only thinks about you ...
    3 May 2012 16: 08
    The policy of the state (no matter which) is one thing, but the common people is another. It seems to me that the negative that spills over to Israel is reflected in the Jewish people as a whole, this is wrong. The article talks about one thing, and discussions are absolutely about another!
  27. -1
    4 May 2012 20: 53
    Guard sergeant D. Cooger has already knocked out a 2 tank

    Read more:
  28. 0
    5 May 2012 07: 25
    It seems to me that the negative that spills over to Israel is reflected in the Jewish people as a whole, this is wrong.

    For some reason, these simple truths do not reach many. Everyone wants a simple solution like "beat the Jews ..." or "enough to feed the Caucasus."
    The problem of Russians is that we rush from one extreme to another. I’ll ask Russian overly nationalistic and loveless Jews - bring at least one great Russian figure of the level of Lomonosov, Suvorov, Nevsky, Ekaterina 2, etc., who would be just like you said. I doubt very much that they are what you thought.
    And the showdown between Jews and Palestinians is an ancient story, somewhere around 3000 years have passed, and it’s better for us not to get into it with advice.
  29. +1
    5 May 2012 12: 25
    Innocent children in paradise, and fiends in hell! I believe in it! And be there forever!
  30. Patriot
    5 May 2012 13: 51
    [quote = chukapabra]
    Quote: You will not understand the Sidorovs <then the Americans control us and we cannot take a step without their permission, then we control the whole world and everything is under our heel. You will sort it out among yourself, and then somehow with a unified position and claims to us. [/ Quote]
    [quote = chukapabra] chukapabra

    Yes. I confirm my words that the majority of the world powers are headed by the masses of power, and so they always and everywhere defend the interests of their relatives. And America, this is a country where these anti-Russian forces are most concentrated in the face of the bigwigs of banks and business. As they say, Wall Street and the Fed steers people, bribes people, changes the legitimate authorities in objectionable countries, sponsoring the opposition from nowhere. Examples - Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Syria - on the way. And what does it cost them to launch a printing press for a couple of billion dollars and that’s it. Here's what I’ll tell you - America’s Main Power is the US DOLLAR, and as soon as the countries of the world begin to move away from the dollar, the situation will get out of the control of the United States. And then America will really die. But, as they say, a wounded beast is doubly dangerous, and the United States is clearly aware of the fact that if the situation does not change, they will soon end. And, I’m afraid that seeing the demise of the United States soon, they can unleash new wars that flow into World War 3 in order to survive again on the blood and deaths of other countries. Well, almost exactly the same as it was in World War II, in the situation of the previous global systemic crisis of the US economy. When they clashed 3 other industrial centers in the war - the USSR, EUROPE and JAPAN, they practically destroyed them, while remaining the only and almost untouched industrial giant. And how much they welded on the supply of weapons ... So, just as World War 2 was beneficial to America, so World War 3 was vital for them. And, if you also take into account the fact that ameika is in control of clans, try to imagine how much blood is on their hands from the outbreak of World War 2 !!!
    I have long come to the conclusion that the state of Israel does not have a right to exist. And, in the United States, you just need to overthrow the current government - Wall Street puppets.
    By the way, at the moment there is information that one of the main reasons for the destruction of the Gaddafi regime was his desire to unite the oil-producing countries of Africa, with the subsequent complete departure from the US dollar and the introduction of a new regional currency on the territory of these countries. And the main MASON principle is SHARE AND POWER, they firstly did not allow the unification of countries, and secondly after that they overthrew the regimes in the countries of this region one after another.
    These are the pies, the doggy dear Ghossians.
    1. 0
      5 May 2012 16: 26
      and you didn’t think that there are Jews patriots of Russia ... or you (anti-Semites) have a monopoly ... or a Jew living in Russia directly receives orders from Zionist Washington .... every morning on the radio))) the truth is ridiculous ...
      1. Odinplys
        5 May 2012 19: 20
        alex shnajder,
        A Jew living in Russia ... and considering himself a patriot ... at least should not yell about it ... and realizing ... what they have done ... fascist Zionists ... Nazis of his blood ... repent to the people. ..And wait for the forgiveness of this very People ... Doing everything for the prosperity of Russia ...
        1. 0
          5 May 2012 19: 59
          yeah, he can still pay indemnities))) a person who is proud should not hide anything, a person is determined by humanity and his actions .. but it’s not at all its origin ... if you don’t think so, I feel sorry for you ...
          1. Odinplys
            6 May 2012 00: 46
            alex shnajder,
            From women ... doves you will wait for repentance ... this is understandable killers and thieves with mother’s milk sucked hatred of the Russian People ...
            And do not repent publicly .. wake up to pay ... I don’t know how with your indemnity ... But with blood ... using your own methods ...
  31. -1
    5 May 2012 20: 03
    and of course, you can always find the guilty .. from the west, the Anglo-Masons from the east, the Chinese from the south of the Caucasus and the Georgians and the Turks — maybe to get a picture of the world you need to leave the village a bit .. travel a bit to see the world and then talk about enemies .. then sit on the ass smoothly and watch TV ... I look here a lot of such figures are interesting in real life to see who is worth what.
    1. Odinplys
      6 May 2012 00: 53
      alex shnajder,
      All global wars unleashed against Russia ... steps taken by the fascist Zionists ...
      Therefore, it is not necessary to try to win over the sympathy of other nations ... Muslims and I will find a common language ... with the Zionists never ...
  32. 0
    5 May 2012 20: 32
    my friend was beaten by his Korean mother, beaten because he looks like a Vietnamese or someone else’s thread there, five Slavic-type characters attacked a guy who is 1,50 in a jump ... the guy has been in a coma for 2 weeks ....
    he probably didn’t read reviews here, maybe he should have repented because his eyes were narrow or for occupation by the Chinese in the Far East .... people be people
    origin does not solve anything .... just be human!
    1. Odinplys
      6 May 2012 00: 59
      alex shnajder,
      Do not confuse the criminal household ... with the evil of the world ... fascist Zionism ... Although basically ... at the head ... of such groups ... are ... zh ... dy ...

      In all countries where Jews settled in large numbers, they lowered their moral standard, commercial honesty, isolate themselves and are not amenable to assimilation. They ridiculed and tried to undermine the Christian religion. They established a state in the state and, in case of opposition to them, seek to mortally strangle the country financially. If we, through the Constitution, do not exclude them / from the United States /, then in less than two hundred years they will rush in large numbers, gain the upper hand, swallow the country and change the form of our government. If you do not exclude them, then in less than two hundred years our descendants will work in their fields to provide them with food, while the Jews will rub their hands in money-changing offices. I warn you, gentlemen, that if you do not exclude the Jews forever, your children will curse you in your graves.

      BENJAMIN FRANKLIN / 1706-1790 / American physicist and politician. From a speech in the discussion of the US Constitution in 1787
      + + + 100
      1. 0
        6 May 2012 19: 37
        the fact is that they beat me for something like a narrow-eyed one (so this is not criminality ..
  33. evolus
    6 May 2012 12: 47
    The archives give a lot of interesting information, Of the German troops captured near Moscow, 150 thousand ethnic Jews. Of the 26 million dead in World War II. 17,5 million civilians of the Union. At the expense of Germany, find and read an analogy dr. F.K. Vibe

    "Germany and the Jewish Problem"

    Dr. Fk wiebe

    Institute for the Study of the Jewish Problem. Berlin (30s)

    Transfer. Steve Trofimova

    Translator's note: when you read this book about the situation in Germany until 1933, you see today's Russia in it. The year 1918 for Germany is also what 1991 was for Russia.
  34. 0
    7 May 2012 06: 51
    You are arguing here about which nations are more ugly than other, current liberals and human beings using these conflicts push ideas of juvenile justice, when bureaucrats can calmly come to your house and take your child away because they don’t like your standard of living or because that you put a child a belt for a deuce in mathematics !!!!
    And yet these general homosexuals want to introduce a law for the development of our children prohibiting "discrimination" of homosexuals and telling them in class about what homosexuals are, in general, "good guys" !!!!
    Wake up you all at last! What damn Chinese, what Caucasians, what Jews ??? !!!
    Fight with the aforementioned freaks, and not with those who have a skin and eye shape of a different color. Join Against Juvenile Thugs !!!!:
  35. 0
    7 May 2012 12: 26
    Now I’ve dug up an interesting fact on the network ... for four years, Medvedev made 115 foreign visits to 52 countries .... but he has never been to the state of Israel ... why would it ... ??? This does not indicate that the Jews are not so united ... friendship is friendship ... and tobacco apart ... maybe all the attacks on Russia through this, including ... our Jews are the most kosher .... here .. .
  36. Georadarhead
    12 May 2012 03: 49
    Dear forum users!

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    We will purchase georadar equipment for cash, or we will rent it (with all necessary documents drawn up).

    Possible budget - up to 200 thousand rubles.

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    Consider all the offers!
    Of course, first of all - the most budgetary options are accepted.

    Thank you.
  37. peterskiy
    9 September 2013 15: 29
    I, like all Russians ... will also ... attack the Jews ...
    and in any case, and so on and so on., I scold the government .. and they only wink at each other and quietly snarl .. (as it seems to me).

    But I understand that this is an eternal "struggle" unsuccessful "... and it is not so necessary ... the path is hopeless ... in no where ... the methods of physical destruction of Jews are especially not acceptable ...

    The struggle for survival, the massacre of species, special weapons ..

    . On the one hand, from birth, Jews:
    classes, culture, tolerance and study, do not smoke or drink .. revere elders, tolirance, humanity .. and other virtues ... prayer and reading of sacred texts
    incredible power ...

    on the other hand, among older Jews:

    .... lies, deception ... lies ... theft .... half dog ... murders, a blow from around the corner ...
    .that is their venality ... the mother will not regret it, for business .. and give out a single-believer for her husband .. for anyone who is interesting for the gesheft
    .. (well, I do not call for this, just stating)
    the power of this weapon, destructive ... no one survives.
    This is clearly seen by the Yeltsin oligarchy ...

    their Marx ... (fiercely hated Russian Russia) but said well ..
    "there is no such crime ... which would not be committed for the sake of profit"

    Well, we .. Russian
    .... scolding them, we hate, are ready to wipe them into powder
    we even enviably envy .. we will blame them for everything, we demand from the authorities ... but the thing is in us ourselves.
    only competition

    ... without limiting the choice of "weapons" to achieve our, Russian goals ... we can "talk" with them ..... and that's for sure
    we will be with amazing results ... this is the worst thing for them.
    Adequacy of methods ... and only adequacy .. and then .. and fanasia can be added ... and also without restrictions .. the main choice of target .... to defeat ..... and mercilessly ...

    but will not crush us:

    our laziness .... and tales of moral principles: the fight against evil, the values ​​of good and justice ... they threw a stone at you .. and you answer with bread
    Yes, and will we resist:

    from drugs .. drunk, harmful to us all Western culture, etc. they podsodyvali for over 20 years.

    we should at least start trying, well, at least someone ... time is playing against us ... it’s necessary to move .... and to us, Khan ...

    ..this is the only way ... to the freedom and prosperity of Russia.
    Perun and Svarog will help us .... but they expect from us ... actions
    if I’m wrong or offended anyone, I don’t understand the problem ..
    I apologize ... but these are my thoughts.