"Oprichniki" as an alternative to "manual control"

Vladimir Putin said that "there will be no war." He supported his statement with information about the latest Russian weapons capable of inflicting absolutely unacceptable damage on any enemy.

This makes direct military aggression against our country unlikely.

Wickets for gold donkeys

However, as we know, according to legend, the impregnable strongholds of Constantinople fell because of the small gate, which they had forgotten to close.

In addition, you can recall the famous aphorism of Philip II of Macedon: "A donkey loaded with gold will take any fortress", which has long been the basis of the strategy of the West.

In other words, the issues of the country's internal security are no less relevant and important than aspects of foreign defense.
And here we must admit that there are many loopholes in our walls, where it’s not that a donkey, KAMAZ loaded with gold will stop.

And all these numerous breaks, troughs and wickets must be urgently sealed and locked. And it is here that it turns out that with the specialists who are able to carry out this colossal work, there is “tension” in the country.

This very clearly (and again) showed the tragedy in Kemerovo. It turns out that the only person in the power structures of the country who is able to talk with angry and outraged people, as well as carry out crisis management is President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

The inefficiency of the existing system of government, managerial impotence and the “wrong motivation” of officials create more and more loopholes and breaks, much faster than Putin has time to close them up.

The experience of successful reformers (not destructors, like Gorbachev or Yeltsin) who revived the country from the ashes, and brought it to a qualitatively new level, suggests that they need a cohort of like-minded people on whom they can rely, the most trusted powers.

Kinked sovereign

The most famous (and most slandered) such structure in the domestic stories was created by John IV the Terrible oprichnina. On the basis of which the sovereign Ivan Vasilyevich carried out the reorganization of the Muscovite state into the autocratic kingdom and laid the foundations of the future Russian Empire.

It should be noted that the image of Ivan the Terrible, as a cruel tyrant, a fierce sadist who surrounded himself with unprincipled bloodthirsty murderers and executioners, took root in the public consciousness. The ancestor of this view was the historian Karamzin, whose works were based on the testimony of foreigners, for one reason or another, who were in Russia during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, as well as the works of the prince - defector Andrei Kurbsky.

“The prince-traitor, who led Lithuanian detachments to Russia, became the founder of literature devoted to Ivan IV. ... A significant contribution to the creation of the image of the Terrible Tsar was made by the Livonians I. Taube and E. Kruse. Participating in the Livonian war, both were captured and with the beginning of the oprichnina involved in the diplomatic field. In the 1671 year, after an unsuccessful siege of Revel, they fled to Lithuania. In order to justify themselves in double treason in front of their new owners, in the narrative of life in Russia, they deliberately exaggerated the colors, interweaving the truth with obvious fiction, ”writes the famous Russian historian Yury Kondakov.

Another contemporary researcher Vyacheslav Manyagin adheres to a similar point of view: Taube and Kruse's “Memoirs” are wordy and detailed, but their clearly slanderous nature puts them outside the brackets of reliable sources. Serious scientific researchers do not consider them as such. Thus, R.G. Skrynnikov, a leading expert on the Russian history of this period, notes: “Four years after the trial, eyewitnesses to the events Taube and Kruse made a lengthy, but rather tendentious account of the events.”

At the moment, proved the failure of the majority of the charges against John IV and his closest servants.

The closest to the understanding of the image of Ivan the Terrible, the oprichnina he created and their significance in Russian life, according to a number of modern researchers, metropolitan John (Snychev) approached in his writings. "The oprichnina became in the hands of the king an instrument with which he sifted all Russian life, her entire order and way of life, separated the good seeds of Russian Orthodox conciliarism and statehood from the chaff of heretical ingenuity, foreign morals and oblivion of their religious duty," wrote Vladyka.

“With all the bias of the concept of Metropolitan John, many of the points put forward in his book are shared by modern academic researchers,” points out Yuri Kondakov, referring to the works of historians V.V.Shaposhnik and V.A. Kolobkov.

Replacing inefficient institutions of power

So, what was it - oprichnina?

Let's start with the reasons for its origin. All childhood and youth of Ivan Vasilyevich proceeded against the background of an unceasing series of boyar conspiracies, intrigues and insurrections that shook the foundations of the Russian state.

“Even in Grozny, before the oprichnina, landowners from the highest nobility met, who ruled and judged outright in their vast estates, without even reporting to the tsar,” wrote the historian VO Klyuchevsky.

To this we can add that the king, who concentrated in himself the full responsibility for what is happening in the country, seemed to such boyars a convenient screen, which deprived them of this responsibility, but left them with all their imaginary “rights”. The number of the most distinguished boyar surnames was small - no more than two or three hundred, but their share in the mechanism of governing the country was overwhelming. Their motivation was not the strength and greatness of the country, but personal wealth and the satisfaction of their own ambitions. For the sake of what, they easily went even for treason.

The situation became unbearable, but to correct it, the king needed like-minded people who could take over the administrative management of the country, which traditionally belonged to the boyars. In its unworthy part, it should have been removed from these functions.

The first attempts to create an alternative to the boyar government were the “elected glad”, where the sovereign gathered people close to him, like-minded people whom, as he supposed, you can trust. But it soon became apparent that they were also involved in boyar intrigues. The closest - Alexey Adashev and priest Sylvester changed the king and even found themselves involved in the poisoning of his spouse Anastasia. Andrei Kurbsky, as already mentioned, moved to the side of the enemy. Also entered and another voivode - Dmitry Vishnevetsky. Convinced of the ineffectiveness of his means, the sovereign takes an extraordinary step, culminating in the creation of the oprichnina, which was not at all an exclusively “anti-Boyar” instrument.
“The tsar in the decree on the establishment of the oprichnina made it clear that he does not divide the" traitors "and" Likhodeans "into any groups" neither by kind, nor by tribe, "nor by rank, nor by class," said Metropolitan John.

The term "oprichnina" had a long origin. That was the name of the inheritance, which the prince singled out, “to oprich” (except) for another land. However, in this case, the oprichnina meant the king’s personal lot. The rest of the state became known as the Zemstvo, which was governed by the Boyar Duma. The “special court” with its Boyar Duma and orders, partially translated from the land, became the political and administrative center of the oprichnina. In oprichnina was a special treasury. Initially, a thousand were taken into the oprichnina (by the end of the oprichnina - already 6 thousand), mainly service people, but there were also representatives of some old princely and boyar families.

Mouth and broom

The oprichniki had a special emblem in the form of a dog's head and a broom. This meant that the oprichnik had to gnaw the “sovereign traitors” and sweep the treason.

However, the punitive function was not the only one for the oprichnina and not the main one. A much more important area of ​​its activity was the creation of a new administrative system of the nascent empire, or rather, the correction and modernization of the old one. And the oprichnas of the land became the place of realization of the new model.

Another function facing the organization was military. The oprichnina consisted of a special, oprichnaya army - a kind of Life Guards with the person of the monarch. The selection was very tough, and only the “best people” had a chance to be admitted to the oprichnich regiments. They were staffed mainly from noblemen loyal to the tsar and children of the boyar “oprichnykh” volosts and counties. In 1565 it included 1000 oprichniki. On 20 March 1573. in the oprichnogo court of King John was listed 1854 man. Of these, 654 was the sovereign’s bodyguards.

By 70. the army grew to 5-6 thousand people. By its nature it was local. Oprichniki received for the service of the estate for temporary use and the "sovereign" salary. They swore allegiance to the king, pledged not to have any relations with the boyars of the land. Oprichnaya army was equestrian, in its composition was its own artillery. It had a regimental structure and was governed by the voivods, whom the king appointed personally, and an oprichnym (yard) order. The functions of this order were identical to the functions of the discharge order of the land.

The most important task of the oprichnich troops was the fight against internal sedition and separatist tendencies, the suppression and prevention of insurrections. And in this sense, the oprichnaya army can be compared with the modern Rosgvardia.

In addition, the guardsmen carried foreign service, guarding the borders of the state, and participated in the wars together with the Zemstvo army, being on the most responsible or dangerous sectors and acting as shock troops. At the same time, the oprichny regiments were united with the respective Zemstvo regiments (for example, the Big regiment of the oprichnich army with a large regiment of the Zemstvo, the oprichny advanced regiment with the advanced regiment of the Zemstvo, etc.) Oprichnaya army acted against an external enemy and independently. Despite its small number, it played a prominent role in defending Russia, for example, in the Battle of Molodi, in 1572, during which Tatar troops were defeated, and their commander Divey Murza was captured by oprichnik Atalykin.

"Oprichniki" as an alternative to "manual control"

In 1568, only guardsmen carried the guard of the southern border of the Russian state. The large, advanced and guard regiments were located in Mtsensk, and the regiments of the right and left hands and the Ortoulny (sentinel, reconnaissance) regiments were located in Kaluga.

Crisis managers of Ivan the Terrible

The already mentioned 600 oprichniki, especially close to the sovereign, were not limited to the function of bodyguards. If necessary, they performed the tasks of the tsar's entrusted delegates who carried out administrative, intelligence, investigative and punitive functions.

If necessary, each of the approximate guardsmen was ready to take over the leadership of military or civilian structures. So, for example, in September 1577. during the Livonian campaign, the king sent Prince Mikhail Nozdrovaty and Andrei Saltykov with the troops to the capture of the city of Smiltin.

The Germans and Lithuanians entrenched in the city refused to surrender, and the tsar's military leaders blocked the fortifications in no hurry to report to the tsar about the situation and about the negotiations with the besieged. Concerned sovereign sent to find out the situation on the spot of the oprichnik boyarsky son Pronu Bolakirev. Arriving at Smiltin at night, the tsar's spy stated the absence of a full-fledged military guard and many other omissions in service. The king, who received a report from him, "thought it was Kruchinitsa, but he sent Demenshu Cheremisinov, and ordered him to find what they were doing."

The famous oprichnik, D. Cheremisinov, endowed with the necessary powers, found out on the spot that in addition to the careless duty, the governors refused to release the Lithuanians from the besieged city along with their property, hoping to plunder it.

After the oprichnik, taking command of his own hands, allowed the inhabitants to withdraw their belongings, "immediately Lithuania was cleared the city." The governors were punished for non-fulfillment of the tsarist instructions — Nozdrevaty was beaten with a whip, and “for the non-service the emperor did not order to give Saltykov for giving.”

When necessary, the leadership of military operations was withdrawn from the hands of the governor and transferred to the entrusted guardsmen. In July, 1577. the royal governors moved to the city of Kes and "became dependent", that is, they began to argue about seniority.

But it only cost the commanders to begin to “fool”, as a confidant of the tsar, a wilder Daniil Borisovich Saltykov was authorized to lead the troops “past” the governor, that is, removing them from command. The princes who had just interfered with each other because of the places were all at once subordinated to the nobleman Saltykov, a man in comparison with them completely "young."

Not alone repression

Undoubtedly, repressive functions for the oprichnina were among the main ones. But what were the sizes of these repressions? One of the "eyewitnesses" - an Englishman, Jerome Garsey, claimed that in Novgorod in 1870, the guardsmen killed the 700 000 people!

The figure indicated by the Englishman was several times larger than the population of Novgorod of those times. Historian Nikolai Skuratov in his article “Ivan the Terrible - a look at the time of the reign from the point of view of strengthening the Russian state” writes: “It may seem to an ordinary, ignorant person in history who is not averse to sometimes watch a movie and read a newspaper, that the oprichniki Ivan the Terrible had killed half population of the country. Meanwhile, the number of victims of political repression of the 50-year reign is well known from reliable historical sources. The overwhelming majority of the victims were named by their names .... the detainees belonged to the upper classes and were guilty of very real, not mythical conspiracies and betrayals .... almost all of them had been forgiven under the crusading oaths, that is, they were persecutors, political re-offenders ”.

Famous Soviet historian Ruslan Skrynnikov and Metropolitan John. Both the one and the other indicate that 50-4 thousands of people were sentenced to death by 5 during the years of the reign of Ivan the Terrible.

In the same century, in other states, governments committed truly monstrous lawlessness. In 1572 during the night of St. Bartholomew in France, 30 000 was killed by Protestants. In England, for the first half of the 16th century, only 70.000 people were hanged for vagrancy. In Germany, with the suppression of the peasant uprising 1525g. executed more xnumx people. The Duke of Alba destroyed during the capture of Antwerp 100.000 and in Harlem 8.000 people, and in total in the Netherlands the Spaniards killed about 20.000.

That is, taking into account the realities of that time, John VI can rightly be called one of the most humane sovereigns of that century.

“In time, the boyars, with the help of the oprichnina, recovered from the arrogance of the estate, harnessed to the common burden. The testament of the king, written during the illness in Novgorod in 1572, testifies that the oprichnina was not considered as an independent value and its long existence was not originally intended. “And what did the oprichnina accomplish,” writes Grozny, “and then, in the midst of my children Ivan and Fyodor, they are as profitable as they are, let them do it, but they’re done the sample.” I supposedly showed my way as best I could, and I’m not constraining the choice of specific methods of action for you. Zemshchina and oprichnina eventually mixed up, and the latter quietly died off as the ruling class of Russia understood its religious duty, its place in the all-Russian ministry, ”wrote Metropolitan John.

37 year will not be

A kind of "guardsmen" of another great Russian reformer Peter the Great became his "amusing".

They were for him not only the guarantors of his personal security and an instrument in the struggle for power, but also a forge of personnel — military and administrative.

Vladimir Putin, of course, is in dire need of like-minded people on whom he could rely, and with whom he could entrust the resolution of important issues, and give him broad powers. However, not “United Russia”, not ONF, alas, are not suitable, for a number of reasons to solve these problems. So, the question of presidential "oprichniki", which can help our leader to clean up the management system and modernize it, is still open.

It should be noted that the “purge” of the state apparatus and the business community integrated with it does not necessarily have to look like the 37 year, “when the periods were huge, they walked long stages”.

Actually, Vladimir Putin has repeatedly said that he categorically rejects mass and large-scale repression as a way of governing the state, indicating that Russia may not survive this time.

The “cleansing” of the state apparatus can be carried out not by shooting, or by sending careless or unreliable officials, but by sending them to a “well-deserved” rest, or transferring them to positions where the damage from them will be minimal.

This approach will avoid repression, and even ensure the loyalty of the “cleaned up”, to the extent that they are capable of.

Unlike the beginning of the reign of Ivan Vasilyevich, law enforcement agencies in Russia exist, they are fully capable, and, as a rule, more effective than the authorities. That is, the repressive functions of the current “guardsmen” (if they appear) will not be needed, their main task will be crisis management and modernization of administrative structures. Which could lead the country out of the "manual control" mode.

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  1. +23
    April 3 2018 05: 27
    One of the greatest rulers of the Russian state.
    The first Russian tsar, a thoughtful reformer, a thunderstorm of the boyar oligarchy, a collector of land.
    1. +6
      April 3 2018 06: 39
      Quote: Flood
      One of the greatest rulers of the Russian state.
      The first Russian tsar, a thoughtful reformer, a thunderstorm of the boyar oligarchy, a collector of land.

      specify which ... past or present? what
      1. +28
        April 3 2018 07: 07
        . showed the tragedy in Kemerovo. It turns out that the only person in the country's power structures who can talk with angry and indignant people, as well as carry out crisis management, is Russian President Vladimir Putin.

        It’s like giving black and white to write like that! Vladimir Putin Did not go out at a rally to the indignant people, as they did not demand there! He sat nearby and watched it, doing nothing. When a small group went to the morgue from the rally, he rushed after her. And already in the morgue, several people from the people met, and a crowd of officials with guards and Putin at the head.
        I would not evaluate this as a brave deed.
        1. +14
          April 3 2018 07: 18
          Quote: Stas157
          He sat nearby and watched it, doing nothing

          good laughing good
          That is, nothing at all. Just here - sitting next to.
          Quote: Stas157
          I would not rate it as a brave deed

          1. +9
            April 3 2018 07: 34
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            That is, nothing at all. Just here - sitting next to.

            Of course, it wasn’t just sitting next to him. I was afraid scared! I will give my own comment:
            Quote: Stas157

            Yes, he was simply frightened, looking with horror at this crowd. But to do, nevertheless, something had to be done! And so, so as not to lose face, he rushed to the morgue for the initiative group as soon as he found out about it. And there, already in the usual surroundings of bodyguards, officials, and rare representatives from the people who had healed between them, he was already talking.

            Do you have a good morning Jack? It’s amazing, but you didn’t start your comment with rudeness! Good morning to you!))
            1. +16
              April 3 2018 07: 37
              Quote: Stas157
              I will give my own comment

              Well, then I’m mine:
              Quote: Golovan Jack
              The number of “daughters of an officer” (as well as “engineers”) spamming day-to-day on the Internet ...

              ... just rolls over.
              Continue to practice soldering. So far - no luck No.
              1. +12
                April 3 2018 08: 06
                Quote: Golovan Jack
                Continue to practice soldering. So far - no luck

                What did you see inaccuracy of my message? Give a video (everything was filmed there!), Wherever the Guarantor would take matters into his own hands, speak ardently at a rally in Kemerovo, and thereby quench the excitement and degree of mistrust among people! Was it?
                There were screams, roars: - Where is Putin ?? Since he is here, why doesn’t he come out ?! ... But, unfortunately, there was no way out.
                1. +12
                  April 3 2018 09: 53
                  Quote: Stas157
                  What did you see inaccuracy of my message?

                  I did not speak about unreliability. I talked about, ahem ... a kind of bias. And not this particular “message”, but all yours (and, to the heap - not only yours) in the aggregate.
                  There is an impression that a certain team is working, the task of which is to drive the wave. For any reason (and without).
                  The only good news is that this "brigade" ... does not shine with special talents, to put it mildly.
                  Quote: Stas157
                  Where is Putin ?? Since he is here, why doesn’t he come out ?!

                  There was no need for a politician, but a psychologist. And not to the crowd, but to each of her, ahem, components, individually.
                  And some, especially zealous, just needed a personal police officer ...
                  And where does Putin seem to be here?
                  I do not understand request
            2. +1
              April 8 2018 01: 29
              And HE sat and listened to Tuliev spinning about 200 agitators who raised the city to a rally, HEARD NOODLES from the Emergencies GENERAL, that EVERYTHING was done to save the victims, And after that, he only threatened that it would not end. SO WHAT?!
              Several generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergencies left the post. And without loss of ranks and awards! .... Maybe I'm bloodthirsty - but this is a betrayal of the motherland and a simple concealment of a crime!
        2. +6
          April 3 2018 10: 55
          Quote: Stas157
          I would not evaluate this as a brave deed.

          Who told you stupidity that the president should be brave?
          What should he do to prove his courage to such citizens?
          Throw on the loophole? Fight the bear?
          As for me, this is something from the masterpiece Lincoln vs. Zombies.
          1. +7
            April 3 2018 11: 59
            You're not right. Salvador Allende ... Fought to the end.
          2. 0
            April 8 2018 01: 32
            And do not take the hell out of a tug ... especially all the more time!
        3. KAV
          April 3 2018 17: 00
          Quote: Stas157
          He sat nearby and watched it, doing nothing.

          That is, you were there, they drank honey beer, it flowed from your mustache, didn’t get into your mouth?
          Quote: Stas157
          I would not evaluate this as a brave deed.

          And who are you, in general, so that your ratings are interesting to someone?
      2. +2
        April 3 2018 07: 48
        Quote: Dead Day
        Quote: Flood
        One of the greatest rulers of the Russian state.
        The first Russian tsar, a thoughtful reformer, a thunderstorm of the boyar oligarchy, a collector of land.

        specify which ... past or present? what

        Think as you feel comfortable.
        Otherwise, the pressure rises.
      3. +3
        April 3 2018 10: 32
        Quote: Dead Day
        specify which ... past or present?

      4. +3
        April 3 2018 14: 51
        Quote: Dead Day
        Quote: Flood
        One of the greatest rulers of the Russian state.
        The first Russian tsar, a thoughtful reformer, a thunderstorm of the boyar oligarchy, a collector of land.

        specify which ... past or present? what

        Each in their own way, but both are good!
      5. +1
        April 3 2018 22: 41
        Well, obviously not the current one. Once the first Russian tsar ..
        Quote: Dead Day
        Quote: Flood
        One of the greatest rulers of the Russian state.
        The first Russian tsar, a thoughtful reformer, a thunderstorm of the boyar oligarchy, a collector of land.

        specify which ... past or present? what
      6. +2
        April 4 2018 09: 20
        The “cleaning up” of the state apparatus can be carried out without shooting, or expelling careless or unreliable officials, but sending them to a “well-deserved” vacation, or transferring them to those posts where the damage from them will be minimal ...

        O how! I did not understand this. This makes no sense. What's this? "Untouchability"? Recognition of weakness?
        Well, then the current guarantor (of something there, obviously the untouchability of the oligarchy and “their own”) did not stand by the great names of Russian history.
        We’ll stop waiting for what we want.
        1. +1
          April 4 2018 09: 28
          By the way, in the context of the topic, so to speak.
          U I.V. Stalin, so to speak, the historical idols were Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great ...
          Hence the scale, efficiency, and an adequate understanding of the situation, reliance on forces and means of implementing the decisions made.
          Level! .. Which is not reachable by current leaders.
          And, sometimes it seems that V.V. Putin himself does not claim at all to this level.
    2. w70
      April 3 2018 07: 06
      Grozny himself abolished the oprichnina when he saw that they were only scratching their tongues and stealing much like the current ones
      1. +3
        April 3 2018 07: 48
        Quote: w70
        Grozny himself abolished the oprichnina when he saw that they were only scratching their tongues and stealing much like the current ones

        Delusion comes from ignorance and gullibility.
        1. +3
          April 5 2018 15: 15
          The abolition of the oprichnina was largely a consequence of the events associated with the invasion of the Tatars in 1671. Then, having forgotten how to fight and learned only the habit of robbing civilians, the oprichniks for the most part simply did not appear at the assembly points. It is enough to say that of the six regiments that came out to meet the enemy, five were formed from representatives of the Zemstvo. In August of the following year, an event occurred, after which the long-awaited cancellation of the oprichnina followed. The Battle of Molody, in which Russians and Tatars fought fifty kilometers from Moscow, without the participation of the guardsmen, was brilliantly won by the Zemsky army led by the princes Vorotynsky and Khvorostinin. She clearly showed the worthlessness and empty burdensomeness for the state of this privileged military-political structure. - Read more on FB.ru: http://fb.ru/article/256443/nachalo-i-otmena-opri
          Quote: Flood
          Delusion comes from ignorance.
          1. +1
            April 6 2018 11: 12
            Quote: naidas
            The abolition of the oprichnina was largely a consequence of the events associated with the invasion of the Tatars in 1671. Then, having forgotten how to fight and learned only the habit of robbing civilians, the oprichniks for the most part simply did not appear at the assembly points. It is enough to say that of the six regiments that came out to meet the enemy, five were formed from representatives of the Zemstvo.

            Firstly, the oprichnina was created not so much as a military force to confront an external enemy, but as an internal tool to counter the boyars. This is a well-known fact. And she fulfilled this primary task, although not without flaws.
            Already in our time, it is obvious even to a student that the integrity of the state is threatened not only by external but also internal forces. The latter are sometimes even more so.
            The extreme number in the oprichnina was up to 6000 people, if my memory serves me right. And, of course, she could not put more sabers than zemstvo. What could she oppose to the Krymchaks, the number of troops of which in that campaign was estimated to have started from 40 thousand goals?
            I do not provide links. Since I think that you yourself are able to understand the material.
    3. +7
      April 3 2018 08: 03
      Quote: Flood
      The first Russian tsar, a thoughtful reformer, a thunderstorm of the boyar oligarchy, a collector of land.

      the area of ​​Russia increased 6 times! under Grozny. and a judicial system has appeared in Russia.
      1. +1
        April 3 2018 14: 02
        So we throw the slogan "GIVE A CHECKER"?
    4. -1
      April 3 2018 14: 13
      The struggle for power between the head and the environment of state power is always presented with a plentiful "sauce" of the prevailing market trends. In troubled times, this struggle for state power assumes a clearly expressed character, which is what we see ... And in Russia, in this struggle, abundant blood was shed only on the advice of overseas advisers - "Germans", most often English. And Ivan-4, pretending for years to the hand of the English queen with wedding correspondence, English ambassadors as chief advisers in the oprichnina and other bloodletting (like Peter-1, Bolsheviks, Stalin ...), Never did Russian catholicity resort to the extermination of entire families and layers, which means that most of the bloodshed took place under the real fundamental influence of foreign enemies of Russia ...
  2. +6
    April 3 2018 05: 49
    In Russia, the efficient administrative apparatus does not add up. Crises in the state only confirm this. The reasons for not being revealed are not being studied.
    All forms of crisis management. Cause. Party leadership. New nobility give temporary success but then become stiff in their dogmas and become a brake and lead to regression.
    1. +19
      April 3 2018 06: 04
      And all these numerous breaks, troughs and wickets must be urgently sealed and locked. And it is here that it turns out that with the specialists who are able to carry out this colossal work, there is “tension” in the country.

      How so? belay Managed for eighteen years, but didn’t create normal managerial personnel? Looks not fate ... No.
      1. +7
        April 3 2018 07: 52
        Quote: populist
        And all these numerous breaks, troughs and wickets must be urgently sealed and locked. And it is here that it turns out that with the specialists who are able to carry out this colossal work, there is “tension” in the country.

        How so? belay Managed for eighteen years, but didn’t create normal managerial personnel? Looks not fate ... No.

        Cadres are not created, but educated and trained.
        And in order to have these same cadres now, it was necessary to take up youth eleven years ago.
        1. +9
          April 3 2018 11: 11
          Quote: Flood
          had to take on youth eleven years ago

          They took up her. Now to be a gangster is already unfashionable wink
          1. +9
            April 3 2018 13: 40
            Tell this to the apologists of AUE in Siberia.
      2. +6
        April 3 2018 12: 02
        Quote: populist
        How so? Managed for eighteen years, but didn’t create normal managerial personnel? Looks not fate ...

        that is, both Ivan the Terrible and Peter I, and Joseph Vissarinovich, their “guards”, did not create their reign at all, but at the beginning. The author clearly has a logic problem
    2. +2
      April 3 2018 06: 13
      Quote: apro
      All forms of crisis management. Reason. Party leadership. New nobility. Give temporary success but then become stiff in their dogmas and become a brake and lead to regression

      I agree. and such a thing as:
      And here we must admit that there are many loopholes in our walls, where it’s not that a donkey, KAMAZ loaded with gold will stop.
      will call at any form of government, because I will always be dissatisfied and unkind.
      until they invent a way to read thoughts it’s unlikely that anything will change)
    3. +4
      April 3 2018 07: 12
      Quote: apro
      In Russia, the efficient administrative apparatus does not add up. Crises in the state only confirm this. The reasons for not being revealed are not being studied.
      All forms of crisis management. Cause. Party leadership. New nobility give temporary success but then become stiff in their dogmas and become a brake and lead to regression.

      Shaw, again oprichnina?
      But what about the new (old) president with his energy and huge plans?
  3. +4
    April 3 2018 05: 51
    About Grozny, I agree that, to put it mildly, not everything is so simple! But for what kind of reforms did Peter 1 call the great reformer?
    And as for the modern à la oprichnina, this author just offers one more structure for bribery!
    Manual control is not removed by increasing the controlling state apparatus, but by its decrease and the development of civic consciousness !!!
    1. +4
      April 3 2018 06: 09
      Quote: K.A.S.
      But for what kind of reforms did Peter 1 call the great reformer?

      army (obviously backward at that time), navy (one might say it was not at all), production. cannibalistic methods? that is yes.
      1. +3
        April 3 2018 07: 07
        Quote: K0
        cannibalistic methods? that is yes.

        and also: shaving beards, wearing wigs and “pantyhose”, powdering snouts, smoking tobacco, taking overseas ..- the controversial dude was ... Yes
      2. +4
        April 3 2018 08: 33
        and what did Peter invent in the army? what production, what and how? the fleet was needed to solve immediate problems! the fleet as such appeared in Russia under Catherine 2. It’s not necessary to think that before Peter there were stupid rulers, they just gradually reached the goal. and Peter was jumping!
        Tsar Petka mutilated Russia, for it was he who instilled in Russians a worship of Europe and developed a sense of inferiority among the Russians! By the way: an intelligent person would cut through a door, not a window!
        I do not understand. why do people who admire Peter and Stalin scold the current government? There is not enough blood and slavery, or a whip and shackles?
        and again they are comparing Peter and Stalin, with all my negative attitude to the latter, it is impossible not to recognize his achievements (not about talking methods)! Just compare what Petya and Stalin left!
        1. +4
          April 3 2018 09: 01
          What did Peter invent in the army? He replaced the old army with the army of the "new system." The old army was not without flaws, of course, it was necessary to improve it. He improved. The mastery of weapons of the old army was replaced by new technology. Petrovsky soldier was able to perform as many as three moves with his gun. As many as THREE! Considering that the soldier managed to shoot only once, many two, and then the gun turned into a spear. This is instead of training in the possession of edged weapons of damned retrograde ...
          The great general talents of this master were not slow to appear - I had to redeem him from the Turks for breathtaking amounts of gold. And so on...
          1. +4
            April 3 2018 09: 11
            here is ed yes-ah-ah-ah-ah! regiments of the new system were until Peter "History of the Russian Army
            "Regiments of the foreign system" ("regiments of the new system") - military units (regiments), formed in Russia in the XNUMXth century from servicemen, "hunting" free people, foreigners, Cossacks and other mercenaries, later from well-to-do people, following the pattern (organization, training) of the Western European armies. During the Petrine reforms, these regiments were used in the formation of the regular Russian army. "(Wika)
            And in many other "endeavors" of Peter you will see. that they took place long before him! they were simply carried out gradually adjusting and modernizing to local conditions, and Peter stupidly copied. without worrying about how this will work, ask what happened to the weavers after that. how did he start weaving a cloth of a certain width?
            leadership talent. is it a squad detachment? or win the battle with 72 guns against a 4-gun army?
            1. +5
              April 3 2018 09: 33
              Quote: K.A.S.
              leadership talent. is it a squad detachment? or win the battle with 72 guns against a 4-gun army?

              as I understand it, you wrote down all his achievements in the "experience of the ancestors", and all the failures - personally him?)) a brilliant move)) here’s a link to the plate with the wars and their results, briefly (the site of the link crushes)
              Quote: K.A.S.
              regiments of the new system were until Peter "History of the Russian Army

              you do not confuse separate regiments and a full-fledged army, no? so can you call the number of these "regiments" and compare with the size of the army under Peter?))
              Quote: K.A.S.
              the fleet as such appeared in Russia under Catherine 2.
              During the Second Azov campaign of 1696 against Turkey, for the first time, the Russians put forward 2 battleships, 4 fire vessels, 23 galleys and 1300 plows

              The Baltic Fleet of Russia was built during the Great Northern War of 1700-1721.
              , i.e. before it was essentially nonexistent.
              In 1725, the Russian fleet had 130 sailing ships, including 36 battleships, 9 frigates, 3 snyavs, 5 banders and 77 auxiliary ships. The rowing fleet consisted of 396 ships, including 253 galleys and scampavae and 143 brigantines. Ships were built at 24 shipyards including shipyards in Voronezh, Kazan, Pereyaslavl, Arkhangelsk, Olonets, St. Petersburg and Astrakhan.

              it’s like that “quick.”
              PS if you think that I belittle the actions of Alexei Mikhailovich - this is not so. but you insolently say that under Peter they say nothing appeared, everything was already to him. already warps.
              if we begin to disassemble production (the number of new manufactories of various kinds opened under Peter), then there will not be enough space.
            2. +1
              April 3 2018 12: 23
              regiments of the new system were up to Peter
              Yes, it's just a name like that. It was used by many for many reasons. Like the villages of Zarechye. To hell with districts in Russia, and all are different.
              1. +1
                April 3 2018 15: 23
                so I didn’t understand, and would Peter be without Peter 1? Yu. Latynina argued the opposite - there wouldn’t be Peter of Russia;
                1. +1
                  April 5 2018 11: 26
                  Quote: megaKritik
                  so I didn’t understand, and would Peter be without Peter 1? Yu. Latynina argued the opposite - there wouldn’t be Peter of Russia;

                  We do not forget Sweden. Poland would collect the leftover from the buffet.
                  And yet, yes, Ukraine certainly would not have been.
    2. +2
      April 3 2018 07: 57
      Quote: K.A.S.
      Manual control is not removed by increasing the controlling state apparatus, but by its decrease and the development of civic consciousness !!!

      Civic self-awareness is based on the organizing principle and the perfectly functioning law. It cannot be otherwise.
  4. +4
    April 3 2018 06: 02
    “Over time, the nobility with the help of the oprichnina was cured of the estate arrogance, harnessed to the common tax.
    And when will our "boyars" harness?
    not “United Russia”, not ONF, alas, they’re not suitable,
    and there’s nobody to lean on ...
    We will have to revive the GDP of the oprichnina ...
    1. +3
      April 3 2018 06: 05
      What selection criteria to establish for the oprichniks. For example, "Robbed the Loot" has not been canceled.
  5. +5
    April 3 2018 06: 06
    And whom to put in the guardsmen? I understand the reason, this is a way of managing the proteges of the president (tsar) - and now there is an instrument of the president’s representatives in the regions, what did they put on the wrong ones? I think those who will spit on the oprichniks only from whom they spit in the regions as soon as they hear them. New ones will not break through, or they will come the same, and we will feed twice as many officials. hi
  6. +14
    April 3 2018 06: 11
    Nonsense. "Normal" laws are needed. Remember L. Ponomarev. For two years this school lived behind the "hill", it was pouring mud on Russia and getting a salary of the State Duma deputy!
    Now let’s remember Vasilyev. Sitting? No. They confiscated ALL the property that was stolen? No. Only the confiscation of ALL “acquired by excessive labor” from all relatives of the defendants will stop corruption and theft a little. Let them knock on their relatives who steal. In the West, this system works fine .
    I repeat, normal laws and their implementation.
    1. 0
      April 6 2018 10: 31
      Quote: victorsh
      Only the confiscation of ALL "acquired by excessive labor" from all relatives of the defendants will stop corruption and theft a little. Let them "knock" on their relatives who steal. In the West, this system works fine.
      -in Germany in 2015 was excited 42 000 cases of corruption! the system may not work, since there are so many cases?
  7. +6
    April 3 2018 06: 19
    And it’s better, so as not to harm the country, take the city of Moscow into a cause! Here, restore order there, plant thieves, perpetrate corruption, and there we will all see. lol hi
    1. 0
      April 5 2018 15: 23
      Quote: fa2998
      take the city of Moscow to the cause! Here put things in order, plant thieves, pluck corruption

      They don’t steal in Moscow, they agree in Moscow. (See Putin’s case, Vasilyeva’s case, etc.)
  8. +3
    April 3 2018 06: 33
    Poor unfortunate hedgehog! Even he understands that the state should be governed by smart and responsible people who do not have a craving for gold hands, expensive watches and are able to resist the poison of power. As they will be called, commissioners or guardsmen are the tenth matter.
    Where to get these? The article is not written. Grow in incubators or cadet corps. Yes. But time, time. The country is still large, there are still people in it. So you have to choose from them ...
    Take as a basis the past competition "Leaders of Russia" (they promise to make it annual). But only expand the scope and select from competent managers those who are “offended by the power”. If it’s fast ..

    And do not forget about Mausers, this is a must ... wink
  9. +4
    April 3 2018 06: 43
    Most of the guardsmen fell into severe disgrace from Ivan Vasilievich. The king at the end of the reign did not like to remember about his "Rosgvardeytsev".
    1. +8
      April 3 2018 07: 22
      Quote: samarin1969
      The king at the end of the reign did not like to remember about his "Rosgvardeytsev".

      I still don’t like to remember them. I hope that the current guardsmen will in the end suffer the same fate as the past. This is necessary! With such an acute budget shortage, and an increase in the tax burden on ordinary people, the tsar finds considerable funds for a huge personal army armed to the teeth! This suggests that he is not sure of the loyalty of the real army, in the event of an internal boom, and is not ready to spend any money on his safety.
      1. +12
        April 3 2018 07: 27
        Quote: Stas157
        This is necessary! With such an acute budget shortage, and an increase in the tax burden on ordinary people, the tsar finds considerable funds for a huge personal army, armed to the teeth

        Somewhere on the fence I read the hope that the Americans on the orange revolution in Russia up to 30 lards of evergreen killed raccoons allocated ... Ukraine, I recall, cost about five wink
        The number of “daughters of an officer” (as well as “engineers”) spamming day-to-day on the Internet indirectly confirms these rumors.
        I assure you, oh daughter Engineer - Rosguard "on the circle" will cost much cheaper.
        And she has tasks not only (and not so much) of you, dear ones, to nag. Others have mainly tasks. Get scared Yes
        1. +10
          April 3 2018 08: 23
          Quote: Golovan Jack
          I assure you, about the daughter of an engineer, the Rosguard "in a circle" will cost much cheaper.

          Perhaps you are right, Golovan. Having another army armed to the teeth and with good contentment is much cheaper (and easier!) Than to improve the life of your own people. The ratio of redistribution of national wealth (1% - 75%) must be supported with bayonets.
          1. +3
            April 4 2018 01: 07
            Quote: Stas157
            need to support bayonets.

            Do not worry, the current bayonet-knives - they are humane, "tolerant" - so, slightly pat. laughing And, now, the tsarist king at sunset rested solely on the "savage" tetrahedrons of 1870 ... however, he could not resist, slipped. Yes And yes, if you, as you say, are glad for the country's prosperity and national happiness, are you afraid of some hypothetical bayonets? Yes, you have a direct road to the Duma, SF, or even ... wassat . The main thing is do not turn anywhere. Yes
          2. +2
            April 5 2018 11: 31
            Quote: Stas157
            Having another army armed to the teeth and with good contentment is much cheaper (and easier!) Than to improve the life of your own people.

            Well why. Modern realities offer alternatives:
            1. American bases on sovereign territory in order to avoid the cost of maintaining the army. True, this option, unlike the middle of the last century, no longer guarantees the economic well-being of the occupied people
            2. endless armed disputes within civil society, followed by the collapse of the country in the territory, which will soon become mandated. But this option does not bode well for the citizens of your beloved country
            What do you choose?
  10. +7
    April 3 2018 07: 07
    I was pleased with the "Cleansing" of the state apparatus, it is possible to carry out without shooting, or exiling careless or unreliable officials, but sending them to a "well-deserved" vacation, or transferring them to those posts where the damage from them will be minimal. " Well i.e. according to the logic of the author, stolen chelard, Well, go to retire or where the thread to a quieter place - an official in reg. Pension Fund Branch laughing Actually, this is what happens with Serdyuk and this is called the impotence of the legal system, and not what the author invented there.
  11. +8
    April 3 2018 07: 51
    The inefficiency of the existing system of government, managerial impotence and the “wrong motivation” of officials create more and more loopholes and breaks, much faster than Putin has time to close them up.

    Excuse me, isn’t the president of the country the main part of this impotent and inefficient system of power?
    Vladimir Putin undoubtedly has an acute need for like-minded people on whom he could rely

    The “cleaning” of the state apparatus and the business community integrated with it does not necessarily have to look like the 37th year, “when huge periods wandered into long stages.”
    In fact, Vladimir Putin has repeatedly said that he categorically rejects massive and massive repression

    That is, all these Dvorkovich-Medvedev-Shuvalovs surrounding the GDP, aren't they like-minded people? Why is he keeping them near him?
    "Cleaning" without repression is just ridiculous.
    there are law enforcement agencies in Russia, they are quite capable, and, as a rule, more effective than power structures ... their main task will be crisis management and modernization of administrative structures

    Colonels zarcharchenki of all levels, joyfully rubbing their hands in anticipation of new nishtyakov bully bully bully
  12. +4
    April 3 2018 08: 20
    Do not confuse faithful like-minded and faithful performers. The former are capable of clever initiative, while the latter are imprisoned for implicitly conducting a given course. The state needs both of them, but for the stable development of the country they must be in a clear hierarchy - the first from above, and the second from below. Oprichnina, as a model of using mostly performers, made it possible to achieve some short-term goals, but didn’t play “for a long time” precisely because of her, originally laid down, blind “thoughtlessness”.
  13. 0
    April 3 2018 08: 46
    ABOUT! Look, it’s beginning to reach! It just won’t work. Representatives of the president are now. Something they manage to solve, they are really effective if they are chosen correctly. But in order to solve the problems that need to be solved at this level, something is missing. The president does not have such power to give it to his representatives. Do you understand?
    He has no such power. Yes, he is popular, people trust him ... this is categorically, absolutely not enough for REAL power in the state. Then democracy was planted around the world so that no one could oppose anything to the monarchy and oligarchic cryptocracy, which sow the poisoned seed of this disastrous mechanism on the planet.
    Democratic power is good to steal. The state cannot be magnified by it ...
  14. +5
    April 3 2018 08: 56
    All our officials under Putin are shifting from place to place, new ones with experience in managing production are not visible, there is no personnel ladder by which people enter the government. The main thing, as with kings, is that when born from an official, you will be an official, the son of a general will be a general, and a prosecutor will be a prosecutor. We already have dynasties of bureaucracy, in the absence of responsibility, what not to lead? And it should be: in order to become a minister you need a deputy for 2-3 years, before that the director of the enterprise 3-5 years, before that ...
    1. +1
      April 5 2018 05: 00
      And how was it in Soviet times? The farm collapsed, they give you another. He fell into the nomenclature and from there they will no longer be released until his death.
      1. +1
        April 8 2018 00: 29
        Do not you know. don't tryndi! Flew out, with a whistle, up to the republican authorities!
        1. +1
          April 8 2018 05: 43
          I, unlike you uneducated, lived at that time and I know how it was.
          1. +1
            April 11 2018 16: 30
            Whom they drove out with a whistle, and whom they transferred to the "millionaire" collective farm, where this "translator" destroyed it.
  15. +7
    April 3 2018 08: 59
    The article is interesting, but if I correctly understood the analogies, in addition to personal devotion to the Tsar, modern "guardsmen" should be competent in managing the estate entrusted to them. The most striking example is D. Rogozin, who oversees the Cosmos !!! Absolute incompetence in the development of space and the complete absence of positive results. Another example is Serdyukov!
    1. 0
      April 8 2018 00: 40
      N, Rogozin is not so competency. Given all that is happening in this area, at the moment. In addition to Roscosmos, where he has a "mess" in general, he also has control over the Arms and Defense Industrial Complex and at the moment, in my opinion, he is dealing with this ....
  16. +5
    April 3 2018 09: 41
    It turns out that the only person in the country's power structures who can talk with angry and indignant people, as well as carry out crisis management, is Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    As far as I remember, VV Putin just did not go out to people in Kemerovo. Peskov dissuaded that the president is a concrete person, but it’s impossible to talk with a crowd of thousands
    1. 0
      April 8 2018 00: 54
      GDP has never been able, and will never be able to talk with the "crowd." This was already proved by his experience with communication, with relatives of the victims, after the tragedy of Kursk submarine. And his annual "Straight Lines", where he is without a prompter - just a picture ...
  17. BAI
    April 3 2018 09: 57
    The term "oprichnik" is rather compromised. I would not introduce it or draw analogies in modern realities. Although we can expect everything, after all, the police were revived, although for the majority of the population (I think so) this name is associated with the traitors of the war years. Those who remember the pre-revolutionary policemen are simply no longer alive by age.
  18. +3
    April 3 2018 10: 22
    I read the article with interest. It does not hinder to once again recall history, especially such a period as the “cause”, which has been in memory since school years.
    Separately for Stas157. Perhaps it’s enough to smear your hatred of a certain person according to all the comments? The absence of "guardsmen" does not give the right to "boldly" hang everything on the president.
  19. +2
    April 3 2018 11: 04
    About the fact that Putin did not go out to the people at the rally in Kemerovo ... You would like the president of the country undergoing regular provocations and outright threats, including terrorism, to go out to people at the rally, among whom there were many provocateurs and people covered faces ?! Tortured to wait !!!
    If you read many of the comments here, you will have the lasting impression that a sufficient number of comrades is not that the oprichnins in their most severe forms are worthy - they still beg for it! Keep up the good work! "... ask. and it will be given to you; seek and find ..." Mandatory!
    1. 0
      April 8 2018 01: 44
      Is it OK with his level of protection ... Yes, and look how this meeting was cordoned off by the police ...
  20. 0
    April 3 2018 11: 24
    Quote: vlad007
    The article is interesting, but if I correctly understood the analogies, in addition to personal devotion to the Tsar, modern "guardsmen" should be competent in managing the estate entrusted to them. The most striking example is D. Rogozin, who oversees the Cosmos !!! Absolute incompetence in the development of space and the complete absence of positive results. Another example is Serdyukov!
    I agree with you about Rogozin and strongly disagree with Serdyukov. It was Serdyukov who brought the army to a new level, I just watched it. The commanders who dragged everything in a row and who used the labor of conscripts sharpened their teeth on Serdyukov. My neighbor, the general, didn’t finish building the house, but conscripts and building materials were built for him, he died of a broken heart after Serdyukov closed this shop. And he did not do any cleanings, but he covered the bench - this is the skill. That would not have stolen yet. I think there are such among the 150 million in Russia. AA under Shoigu degradation is slow, but degradation.
  21. +1
    April 3 2018 11: 35
    What does the author suggest? Bring some good oligarchs from another galaxy?
    I don’t understand - why didn’t this bacchanalia end after Putin’s election? Putin is a great president under oligarchic capitalism. But in these conditions it is impossible to solve any problems of our country.
    That would not have stolen yet.
    Apparently, Serdyukov was given a license for a certain share, if only he would bring order. But for some blondes, the agreed share was exceeded.
  22. +2
    April 3 2018 11: 41
    Exactly, we need an oprichnina to drive the country into turmoil later, cheers.
  23. +3
    April 3 2018 12: 26
    This is not even an article in the full sense of the word. This is a compilation. For the most part, the ideas of T. "Izborsk club". This meeting is organized under the wing and guardianship of the famous singer of the "fifth empire", Prokhanov. A distinctive feature of this "club" is that in reflections "on the fate of the country" and its historical path, futurists, political scientists, political strategists, priests, psychologists, a doctrine of "all the know" like Dugin take part ... There’s nothing, in fact, historians themselves laughing Therefore, the output is ultra-conservative imperial "patriotism", 80 lvl. denseness.
    I would not take this material seriously, because in addition to a simple and dull idea, it also sins with factology.
    Well, the author is a compiler ... this is his bread ...
    1. +2
      April 3 2018 13: 18
      The only adequate koment on the "scribble" of Tsu, but for the rest ... well, do not show your education, at Wikipedia level ...
      Yes, Grand Duke Ivan the Terrible, increased his country by 6 times!
      Can someone else say at the expense of whom?
      Or the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (mind you, not Lietuvinsky!), During the campaigns of this ruler, having lost up to 50% of his population, he is also a traitor to Russia !? Okst, so these are your current "little brothers" Belarusians, and in those days, an independent state!
      Enough to rewrite history and once again arrange a great wise srach, along the way with your own fabrications, offending brothers, neighbors and everyone else.
      1. +2
        April 3 2018 14: 12
        Yeah, they have offended you no strength! It’s enough for you to carry nonsense from the series Ukraine is an ancient Russian state Rus Ukraine! You are all about independence ... Well, so be it! Pushing Egyptian potatoes under the guise of Belarusian is independence ?! Or, so that you do not take offense, we better just not notice the little pranks of the great descendants of the Grand Duchy ?! How funny you are ...
        1. +6
          April 3 2018 15: 28
          And what was the name of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania fully respected ?! I will answer you myself - the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russian, Zhimit and others! About Belarusians, the story is generally silent! ON is abbreviated! Do you like to call this principality Lithuanian? Well, then to me, Russian, so what? The territory of this principality was located on the territory of present-day Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus. For a long time competed with the Moscow principality for dominance in Eastern Europe. And for you it’s especially on purpose — during the strengthening of the GDL under Prince Gediminas, Russian influence generally prevailed here! The official paperwork was conducted in Russian. Lithuanian writing did not exist at that time! They were part of the principality and the land of the present Smolensk region.) The Orthodox population prevailed. In general, the trend was towards the new Russian statehood in the southern and western lands of the former Kiev state. And by the way, about the "bad" Ivan the Terrible so "cruel and bloody" ... Such a prince of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Algirdas, the son of Gediminas and the Russian mother know ?! So he increased the ON by 2 times due to the accession of Kiev, Novgorod - Seversky, Right-Bank Ukraine, etc. He fought with Moscow along with Prince of Tver Mikhail but unsuccessfully! And would you like him to be lucky ?!) And the last thing you heard about the monument "Millennium of Russia"? There are 109 figures of outstanding figures of the Russian state on the monument. So, among the Department of State People on the eastern side of the monument, the beginning figure of Yaroslav the Wise is Vladimir Monomakh, Gedemin, Olgerd, Vitovt, princes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russian, Zhimit and others!
          And you stop people powdering their brains!
      2. +2
        April 3 2018 14: 59
        Quote: badboy453
        Can someone else say at the expense of whom?
        Or the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (mind you, not Lietuvinsky!), During the campaigns of this ruler, having lost up to 50% of his population, he is also a traitor to Russia !?

        First of all, how to understand "up to 50%"?
        Is this from the category of discounts in the store? And what, 5 - it's after 50, not after.
        Let's be serious. What sources or research do you rely on to voice this figure?
        Secondly, the Lithuanian aristocracy has grown so much intertwined with the Polish one and has become Catholicized that it is not necessary to seriously consider the top of the pro-Russian one. Otherwise, the Polish gentry in Russophiles will have to be written down.
      3. 0
        April 3 2018 20: 09
        You decided to beat Prokhanov with your nonsense?
  24. +1
    April 3 2018 14: 06
    The number of noble boyar surnames was small - it did not exceed two or three hundred, but their share in the mechanism of governing the country was overwhelming. Their motivation was by no means the strength and grandeur of the country, but personal wealth and the satisfaction of their own ambitions. For the sake of what, they easily went even to treason.

    This is about what times?
    1. +4
      April 3 2018 16: 18
      And about everything, especially about the vague, who are now in the yard.
  25. 0
    April 3 2018 14: 59
    What is the article about?
    "Presidential personnel reserve
    The Presidential Program for the Management Training for the National Economy Organizations of the Russian Federation (the Presidential Program) is the government funding program for the express management training for business, implemented in Russia since 1997.
    The goal of the program was announced the formation of a managerial potential capable of ensuring the development of enterprises in all sectors of the Russian economy.
    The official objectives of the program:
    annual retraining in Russia and abroad of 5 senior and middle managers;
    creation of a (federal) personnel reserve for work in senior management positions in organizations of the real sector of the country's economy;
    creation of a unified information database of all program participants in order to ensure their most effective further cooperation. "

    None of the writers heard about this?
    1. +2
      April 3 2018 20: 53
      Heard. Graduates of this program are now breaking through the remnants of the Soviet system. Effective managers are the fruits of this very program.
    2. 0
      April 8 2018 01: 55
      Yeah, we heard, only in the yard in 2018! And the GDP in farits is A. Kudrin, the closest friend, etc. .... Continue further or speculate yourself ....
  26. 0
    April 3 2018 15: 34
    And where is Ivan the Terrible? To introduce oprichnina.
  27. +3
    April 3 2018 16: 33
    [quote = sergo1914 laughing ] The Presidential Program for Management Training for the Organization of the National Economy of the Russian Federation (Presidential Program) - express financing public funding program laughing managerial training for business, implemented in Russia since 1997. [/ quote]
    Poorly it is implemented, 30 years the same faces from the TV. laughing hi
    1. +1
      April 3 2018 20: 25
      Quote: fa2998
      muzzles from the TV

      You wanted to say "guardsmen"? Crisis managers of Putin?
  28. +16
    April 3 2018 18: 35
    Oprichniki ...
  29. +1
    April 3 2018 19: 24
    Dear Boris! You confidently jumped over local propagandists to lick power! wink You come first. Sure. So you have to be able to lick it! Delighted! I’ll just add from myself: in our state and with our power, everything is open for donkeys loaded with gold! Even the walls!
  30. +1
    April 3 2018 20: 50
    "Vladimir Putin undoubtedly has an acute need for like-minded people on whom he could rely, and whom he could entrust with the solution of important issues, and give broad powers to this."
    A like-minded person appears if he shares your thoughts (ideas). What is such a new idea that GDP offers so that it unites the people? Anyone say that? Maybe I didn’t catch something?
    The main idea since the beginning of perestroika is profit. The entire elite, with few exceptions, is united by this idea. And what do you want? A person sits in the sovereign’s chair and begins to provide life for his family within the framework of the current system and ideology. The main thing is profit. All honestly.
    Until an idea that unites everyone is born, there will be no filter for dropping out when trying to get into the “chair” not for the interests of the cause, but for the interests of personal insatiable “stomachs”.
    1. 0
      April 8 2018 02: 09
      The President of the country should not worry how much they will receive, his boyar and other close associates, from the decisions made by him, while he should be determined only by the expediency of the policy at the moment and the benefit received for the state in these conditions.
  31. +4
    April 3 2018 21: 22
    Vladimir Putin, of course, has an acute need for like-minded people on whom he could rely, and with whom he could entrust the solution of important issues, and give broad powers to this.
    people worked already 18 years old the most important boss. And all he had was plenty. Almost tsarist constitutional powers, the Pocket Duma led by Edrom (with the ideology of “we will say as Putin”), the presidential administration, the FSB-MVD-National Guard, TV with Solovyov-Kiselev, Gazprom and Rosneft. The Patriarch called him Your Excellency, smaller sneaks - just the Savior. Guberov personally appointed, ONF advised, with Wolves and Therapist riding a motorbike. People fooled into the polls and voted as much as 70. It seemed that what else was needed to calmly meet old age? But the vigilant author Boris Dzherelievsky noticed the tsar of Hope Tsar, his epic loneliness and lack of like-minded people. Having rummaged in the dusty past, the author easily found the right one. Oprichnina! The most it! Only without dog heads, and in white collars. Give 100500 guardsmen! Long live the crisis managers! And then it’s sad, it turns out that we have a crisis. Getting up from the knees ended in a landing on the ass?
  32. +1
    April 3 2018 21: 39
    On the rack would be the author, but bats, bats. Maybe dope will not write.
  33. +2
    April 4 2018 04: 12
    An excellent article. To the author +. Comparison with the current situation in Russia, the only difference is that betrayal and betrayal are an order of magnitude greater. We hope that the National Guard of the GDP, together with the Russian patriots, will clear sedition from the state authorities. And not only that, and therefore the sanctions and the old Teresa struggling with the Skripals in hysterics. I hope I don’t have to wait long. The time will come and we will not see Posner with his filthy programs and the lying pseudo-historians Svanidze slandering the Tsar., Pivovarov burned the library, Sabchak's Horse face with its 2 Sodom.
    1. +2
      April 4 2018 13: 46
      "Article" is utter nonsense, designed for consumption by an undereducated population.
      1. Oprichnina launched serfdom in its most difficult corvée form. Local land tenure appeared with unfree people. All this was distributed to the serving oprichnina nobility for "sovereign service." Oprichnina and serfdom are two sides of the same coin, and they cannot exist without each other IN PRINCIPLE.
      2. Oprichnina caused the growth of the "feeding" system. When they approached, they planted them “looking” at the territory - “feeding” from it performing state functions.
      3. The “effectiveness” of the oprichnina’s army can be characterized by only one event: the burning of Moscow in 1571 by the Crimean Khan.
      4. Oprichnina entailed
      - land desolation
      - mass exodus of peasants to the southern borders "to cossack" (read robbery)
      - famine with episodes of cannibalism in the late 16th century.
      - crisis of power in the era of Godunov
      - The mass demonstration of peasants and Cossacks under the leadership of a quick combat serf, Ivan Bolotnikov.
      - and how the apotheosis of all this: paralysis of power and foreign intervention.
    2. 0
      April 5 2018 16: 04
      Quote: slaventi
      The time will come and we will not see

      I agree with you and will not see Rower.
    3. 0
      April 8 2018 02: 29
      Do not be naive!
  34. +1
    April 5 2018 11: 56
    Well, an article, like a block of malachite - you can cut anything out of it. You can, for example. Stone flower to do. And you can - a toilet, Asian type.
    "..Vladimir Putin, of course, has an acute need for like-minded people on whom he could rely, and with whom he could entrust the solution of important issues, and give broad powers to this ...."
    Here nakoy, one asks, the rower on the galleys is like-minded Let's write further with a capital letter - Rower. to make it clearer.
    The galley rowers wanted one thing - at first to blame for freedom, as you like. There was just one mind - to beat the guards-overseers, to repent and bring down "from this Rashka" .. oh, I was mistaken from the galley.
    And if it didn’t work out for a couple of years, then all the unanimity came down to the question - devour plenty and evade work.
    Now let's look at the Rower team. Fell them and there is no need already, then what? There is only one thing left - to devour and evade.
    What we are great and watching all this time. All this gang-brethren in the power structures is only concerned with one thing - to fill the belly, pocket, bins, bills ... what else can be filled there ... you mean your own - and do not hit finger by finger further. For there is no need!
    Everything else - Rower will do! He himself said so. From the screen. So why should any shells strain.
    That's what you want to regard, but I watched the video where Putin ended up. it looks like in the Kemerovo morgue, or something, with some people. He said that we are investigating everything. Snapped at someone, they say there are no untouchables.
    And I focused on his gaze.
    And honestly, I didn’t like his look.
    This is how a wolf, driven into a corner, looks - it’s also possible to resist, but it’s clear that this is the “Arctic fox”.
    So looks a man who sees that everything is in vain. That all these gestures are wasted. Or almost for nothing.
    So he looks - a rower in the galleys - who realized that he will never succeed in escaping, and that he will have to put his life for empty work, under pain of death.
    Why, indeed, should the President at least personally rake the "Augean stables"?
    Some clerks, general directors are there, only the mop thrown out of their hands, some guards who do not know how to take themselves from idleness - and the President is the last person responsible for everything. Isn't it strange?
    And where are all these like-minded people?
    Who is already behind the hill of the belly warms. Who from the chair of the governor quietly moved into the chair of the local Duma. And some, second persons, so to speak, were not even visible on the screen. But they started so amicably, lowered that galley into the water, in the Marquise puddle. They tightly chopped ropes, the earth went into the distance ....
    As a result, everyone ran away. There was only one Rower. Without like-minded people.
    Very annoying.
    Because, who knows whom, but Vladimir Vladimirovich knows better than others how to find a bunch of like-minded people. How to create a TEAM.
    But no.
    What is the reason? Maybe there is no problem - to form a team of like-minded people. Because such a team needs to set a GOAL.
    Is there a GOAL? We will answer each to himself. And we will understand.
    And to tell you the truth, I was annoyed for our Guarantor, as I saw him where the CHILDREN died.
  35. +1
    April 7 2018 06: 39
    The author crafty, “streamlined” walks through the most important division of the country into “guards” and “zemstvo” and “forgets” to report the differences, how did these two parts differ and what ultimately led to this.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"