Transformation of Russia into the kingdom of truth

Is it possible to break the enemy strategy aimed at the destruction of Russia and the Russian people? Is it possible in conditions of enemy superiority in resources and the impossibility of destroying an enemy scenario with military force?

Of course! But for this you need to get out of the framework of the game imposed on us. At present, Russia and all post-Soviet republics are developing within the framework of the unjust concept imposed upon us after the destruction of the Soviet project and the Soviet Union. We have become part of an unjust, predatory system, a Western project, and a system of capitalism. At the same time, not as the core of the capsystem, but as a colonial periphery, a "pipe" that supplies the world with resources.

Our civilization became a victim of enemy aggression during the third world war, that is, the cold (information) war. Since ancient times, the masters of the West have waged informational, cultural, and “hot” wars for foreign raw materials, energy, and human resources. For a thousand years they received a decent response from our ancestors, but they did not abandon their goals, but changed only the methods to achieve them: they switched from direct military aggression (hot war) to information (cold) war. At the same time, at the stage when the victim is disoriented, weakened and morally broken, they are ready for a traditional war. All this we have seen in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

Yes, we lost in the third world war. The Soviet project of creating a just society was destroyed, Great Russia (USSR) was destroyed, our country and the united Russian people were divided into parts. Millions of people died and were dispossessed during the socio-economic genocide and local conflicts. But the war is not over. She grew into a fourth world war. The masters of the West are guided by an unfair concept of living arrangement. - the enslavement of humanity with the aim of the eternal domination of the few "chosen". As a result, the peoples of the victims of Western information aggression:

1) the holistic perception of the surrounding world is destroyed, of everything that happens around, the archaization, barbarization and digital debilization of society takes place. People are deliberately thrown into the past, to the archaic, and they are made slaves to information devices. The connection with the surrounding nature as part of the cosmos, of the entire universe is broken. There is a formation of a fragmentary, kaleidoscopic, clip consciousness, which is easily conducted for manipulation from the outside, various “fakes”, “flash mobs”. Critical, analytical thinking becomes a rarity. People begin to manage through the subconscious, through the media, the Internet.

2) at the same time collapses historical self-awareness. History gives an integral picture of the world, develops analytical abilities, and a critical attitude to information. A positive historical myth forms a whole people that can repel the threat. Therefore, true history is replaced by false myths. For example, we see how, after the destruction of the USSR in the West and in our country, a new history of the Second World War is forming, where the Soviet people are deprived of the role of the winner of European Nazism and fascism. The winners are the United States and England. Communism and Nazism are on the same level as Stalin and Hitler. Moreover, someone is already talking about Hitler, as the defender of Europe from the "red plague".

Another good example is Ukraine. Literally in a hundred years (in the historical process, a very short time) created the "Ukrainian people" and the state of Ukraine. But since ancient times, in the territory of today's Ukraine-Ukraine lived Russian-Rus. And Kiev is one of the ancient Russian capitals. A thousand, five hundred, two hundred years ago, Russians lived on this territory. Nothing has changed now. People simply fool heads, zombie them day after day, inspiring them with black myths about “Ukrainians” and the “great history” of Ukraine. Although the “history of Ukraine” is a part of the general history of Russia-Russia and the Russian people. At present, thieves-oligarchs who plundered and continue to plunder the national wealth and unwilling to answer for their crimes, and the Nazis, have settled in Kiev. They submit to our enemies in Brussels, London and Washington. These enemies of the people pillage the Russians with the Russians and get their thirty pieces of silver for it.

Thus, the true story is destroyed, replaced by historical myths. It allows to set off people, peoples among themselves, to manipulate them;

3) the bond with God is broken (universal mind), nature. It is replaced by religions, creeds, sects, which collide with each other and wage an irreconcilable bloody war in the interests of the “elect.” All within the framework of the ancient strategy of "divide and conquer." For example, religious strife is one of the main factors that allowed the opening of the Middle Eastern front of world war. Muslims were set against Christians (“crusaders”), Sunni Islamists were confronted with Shiites and Alawis, etc. Muslims. At the same time, such conflicts are distinguished by extreme bitterness, intransigence and big blood, the genocide of opponents on religious grounds;

4) the normal human needs for food, clothing, housing, physical, intellectual and spiritual development (demographically determined needs) are destroyed, and then replaced by the need for money (the cult of the "golden calf"), for material things (degradation-parasitic needs). Created a society of consumption, extermination and self-destruction. This society is purposefully implanted and manifested in unlimited unnatural needs, irrepressible adherence to fashion. This ensures the dependence of people "(" chains ") on the owners of information flows and" owners of money. "

At the same time implanted low, bestial instincts, undermining the physical, intellectual and spiritual health of the person, destroying the gene pool of race and nation. A man made in the image and likeness of God is turned into two-legged cattle. Hence the course towards the destruction of morality, the family, the propaganda of all kinds of perversions and indecencies.

As a result, people are imposed on someone else's unfair concept of living arrangement, which leads to the degradation and destruction of the Russian civilization and the Russian people (and of all mankind). The rate of Western owners on parasitic degradation needs, social parasitism has already led all of humanity to a global biosphere-ecological crisis, the beginning of human degradation, its involution (moving back), the extinction of the white race and the crisis of biblical concept. This is the basis of the current global crisis, turning into a world war.

This is not to say that the owners of the Western project do not understand this. They understand that the current degradation-consumer model and biblical concept have exhausted themselves. It can not consume all of humanity as the "golden billion", poisoning the planet with its waste. For example, China’s attempt to catch up with the West in consumption has already poisoned a large part of the country. We see a similar picture all over the planet. Thus, Russia, having adopted the degradation-consumer model, has already experienced signs of a large-scale environmental crisis. If nothing is done, then consumers will “eat” the Earth. And the Earth as a living system will respond with a large-scale “sweep”. Hence, the increase in various kinds of natural disasters and natural anomalies is a kind of warning of the planet. It is impossible to live like this anymore! People should be creators, creators, not consumer animals endowed with the mind that is used to increase consumption.

The “world government” cannot allow such a thing, since we still cannot leave the earth's cradle, we are all in the same boat. They are trying to solve the system crisis by “resetting the matrix”, within the framework of an unfair concept of living arrangement, that is, at the expense of others:

1) reduce the consumption of raw materials of the planet by reducing the demographically determined needs of the majority of the population, saving resources for the “chosen” and conserving part of the reserves and territories of the planet. Hence the massive dire poverty of a large part of the population of Africa, Latin America and Asia, a sharp reduction in the middle class in the countries of the “golden billion”. Support for "green" movement, the creation of various reserves, protected areas and territories. At the same time, the "diamond million" is getting richer, controlling more and more resources and capital;

2) significantly reduce the population of the planet. This is achieved through the outbreak of World War II, various regional and local conflicts, famine, diseases, drugs, poisoned food and water, destruction of the human reproductive function, propaganda of "safe love" (without children), various perversions, etc .;

3) restoration (at least partial) of the biosphere of the planet in the following way: a sharp reduction in humanity and control over its reproduction; a sharp decrease in industrial output, the transition to new technologies, resource-saving, environmentally friendly; concentration of hazardous industries in strictly defined zones of the planet, so as not to ruin the health of the "elect"; destruction of nuclear potential, chemical and biological weapons in all countries, primarily Russia. However, this is done not for the general well-being, but to preserve the domination and welfare of the world mafia.

Transformation of Russia into the kingdom of truth

On Kalinov bridge. Painter. I. Ozhiganov

It is impossible to break the enemy strategy within the framework of the "chess" (or "card") game imposed on us. In this game, our "partners" have all the trumps. The game and the rules of others. In order to resist the millennial enemy, you need your own concept of development, one with the Russian "matrix-code" project and a great goal. The “Russian Matrix” is social justice, the domination of the ethics of conscience, truth and love. The society of service and creation, where a person is a creator, a creator, a minister. The great goal is the society of the “golden age”, communism (as a commune-community of people living according to conscience).

Therefore, the actions of Moscow in the framework of the model imposed on us and the new world war going on on the planet (the informational part is already “hot” in Syria) cannot lead to victory. To turn the tide in their favor, it is necessary to act from the standpoint of a fair concept of development, living arrangement. To continue its Scythian-Russian line of development, Russia-Russia as the heiress of the tradition of the great northern civilization, the legendary Hyperborea and Great Scythia. Holy Russia as the heir to the Russian-Horde empire "from sea to sea", a family of peoples living on the basis of ethics of conscience, where the spiritual is higher than material, the general is higher than private and justice is above the law. The goal is the transformation of Russia into the realm of truth.

The basis for the re-creation of great Russia is preservation of culture, people and territory. The preservation of Russianness and language is the preservation and restoration of a special, autocratic Russian civilization, which is neither the West nor the East. The preservation and enhancement of the people is the preservation of the territory that our ancestors have built for more than one millennium. The project of the Russian Union (USSR-2) with the reunification of the Russian Federation, Little and White Russia. In domestic politics, liberals should become a thing of the past and give up the dominant place to the broad Popular Front of the left-patriotic and right-patriotic (national) forces.

Among the priority activities:

1) "new oprichnina"
- squeezing the enemies of the people out of government and business. In addition, the social parasites that robbed the USSR and Russia after the counter-revolution of 1991-1993 should become a resource for modernization, a program of re-industrialization and the reconstruction of the industrial base of great Russia (USSR);

2) new industrialization - a program aimed at restoring the productive potential of the destroyed in the years of "restructuring", "reform" and "optimization". In the financial system - refusal to link to the petrodollar, the euro or the “golden yuan”, the Russian ruble must be tied to Russian resources (energy), making it the most stable currency in the world. You can not change the real resources of the country on the American or European paper;

3) Russian Billion Program. The task is a steady increase in the number of the Russian people and other peoples of the multinational Russian civilization. Half or more families should have 3 or more children. Large families should receive the full spiritual, informational and material support of the state and society, to become the elite of society. Associated programs - “Russian manor”, ​​the majority of the population should live in their homesteads, in their own plot, with a garden and garden. “Russian village”: the majority of the population should live in villages, towns (not archaic and subsistence farming, but with all the achievements of civilization), be connected with their land, their homeland. Megacities are the death of a person as a spiritual being, the destruction of his spiritual and physical health, the destruction of Russian society as a whole;

4) people's health and education. Without high-quality human capital and personnel, we cannot stand. The basis is the best Soviet school and mass physical education, and not the division of schools into "elite" and for slave-consumers, and a degraded professional sport. Destruction of drug mafia, drug production and drug distribution system in Russia. Sustained reduction in alcohol and tobacco consumption. Restoration of the production of healthy food and beverages;

5) support of high combat readiness of the Armed Forces of Russia until the defeat of the “world government” with its unfair concept of dividing humanity into “chosen” and “two-legged guns”. Preservation and development of nuclear missile potential.

The course and development of the fourth world war will with unstoppable force contribute to the victory in Russia of a fair concept of development. If social parasites and Westerners retain their positions, then a new unrest will become a reality.
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  1. +11
    April 3 2018 05: 53
    Very much the concept of truth. Each interprets it in its own way. And preferably in its favor.
    An article from a series of good wishes.
    1. +7
      April 3 2018 06: 13
      Our civilization was the victim of enemy aggression during the third world war, that is, the cold (information) war

      When there were cons to the articles, it was easier - put a minus and went on. There was no third world war fool
      1. +3
        April 3 2018 17: 44
        Quote: populist
        Our civilization was the victim of enemy aggression during the third world war, that is, the cold (information) war

        When there were cons to the articles, it was easier - put a minus and went on. There was no third world war fool

        fool Is there a US Medal for Victory in the Cold War? fool
      2. 0
        April 3 2018 23: 25
        Put a minus, passed ... Gyyyy.

        You have a level. Rzhu nimagu patz steel.
      3. 0
        April 4 2018 10: 48
        Everyone looks at war differently. If you count. that immediately after the end of the great Patriotic and World War II at 45. Preparations began for an attack on the Union. And then the imposition of sanctions on the creation of NATO and other delights in the form of wars around the world (Angola, Vietnam, Korea, where the Union and the States collided in one way or another) as a result of which the union collapsed in which all of Europe participated. It can be said that 3 or 4 world Russia in the person of the Union lost. Now comes I would say preparation for 4 or 5 depending on where to count the war. And perhaps we can say that it has already begun.
    2. +18
      April 3 2018 06: 24
      That is, you are an opponent of good wishes? And I sincerely believe that the author is well done. Many people have complete confusion and confusion in their heads, so let them venerate, maybe at least for five minutes their minds will be streamlined.
      1. +10
        April 3 2018 14: 03
        Quote: Lynx33
        That is, you are an opponent of good wishes? And I sincerely believe that the author is well done. Many people have complete confusion and confusion in their heads, so let them venerate, maybe at least for five minutes their minds will be streamlined

        I fundamentally disagree. After reading this - it is unclear whether the author is sick or drank a lot yesterday or re-read science fiction. The author is against the theory of consumption, but it is not clear what offers to go into the field and pray to the ancient Gods? In general, fun yellow reading. It has nothing to do with reality.
        1. +5
          April 3 2018 15: 11
          Well, about the ancient gods, he certainly went too far, but in general the message is correct, there is no single national idea as such, which we would like to achieve, only it can unite people. As it was in Soviet times: you give the five-year plan for three years and raced .... And most importantly, people understood what they worked for, that this same five-year plan for three years was only an intermediate goal. And now the meaning of our existence in this world has been stolen from us. When there is no distant global goal in life, a person not only works poorly for the good of society, but also works through his arms for himself. And if at the same time you’re still taking note that you are working for the benefit of a billionaire who will steal the money you earned and take away to the west, you don’t want to live at all.
          1. +6
            April 3 2018 18: 01
            Quote: Lynx33
            And most importantly, people understood what they were working for, that this very five-year plan for three years was only an intermediate goal. And now the meaning of our existence in this world has been stolen from us.

            Do you need to be told on TV that communism will soon be? Nobody stole the ideology (or tell someone). The people stopped believing in fairy tales. And the ideology is simple ... and complex. Make yours and your family's worthy and diverse. This is my ideology ... harder, of course, than confronting America or building Communism .. but I try.
          2. +1
            April 4 2018 19: 33
            Quote: Lynx33
            Well, about the ancient gods, he certainly went too far, but in general the message is correct, there is no single national idea as such, which we would like to achieve, only it can unite people. As it was in Soviet times: you give the five-year plan for three years and raced .... And most importantly, people understood what they worked for, that this same five-year plan for three years was only an intermediate goal. And now the meaning of our existence in this world has been stolen from us. When there is no distant global goal in life, a person not only works poorly for the good of society, but also works through his arms for himself. And if at the same time you’re still taking note that you are working for the benefit of a billionaire who will steal the money you earned and take away to the west, you don’t want to live at all.

            Who did you vote for?
          3. 0
            April 4 2018 21: 39

            The issue is not that there is no motivation to work for an uncle. The fact is that capitalism as a system based on lies. This system encourages lies at all levels and all walks of life. It starts with the family and ending with the state.
            1. 0
              April 5 2018 09: 23
              Quote: gladcu2
              The issue is not that there is no motivation to work for an uncle. The fact is that capitalism as a system based on lies. This system encourages lies at all levels and all walks of life. It starts with the family and ending with the state.

              Clarify what your belief is based on .. (votes in the head do not count). You lived in the USSR and were crystal honest .. and now you're lying in your family and at work, because Putin is to blame, I understand you correctly? Or .... I'm starting to understand ... Obama is to blame, right ???
        2. -1
          April 4 2018 10: 25
          With 1972
          You yourself are yellow, or rather, a mattress, with a blue-speckled speck - well, where it gets its 30 pieces of silver! ...
          Now it’s different in any way - all bets are on the table, and you’ll go ahead, wait ...
          1. 0
            April 4 2018 16: 22
            Quote: Ehanatone
            You yourself are yellow, or rather, a mattress, with a blue-speckled speck - well, where it gets its 30 pieces of silver! ...

            Well, judging by your Russian language, you have little to do with Russia. Hello to the brotherly Tajik people! And this .. learn Russian, it will come in handy for you, you should work here, for us.
    3. +5
      April 3 2018 07: 20
      Quote: apro
      An article from a series of good wishes.

      Yeah ... to the President by courier mail ...
    4. +14
      April 3 2018 08: 31
      It can also be argued that there is no absolute truth, the concept of justice is different for everyone, etc., in order to giggle, and not try to understand the essence. The author, in my opinion, a bit overdone with the emotional component. But the essence of the article is absolutely true: we will undoubtedly lose by playing by the rules of others, without economic, moral, or military superiority. And to win in this situation it is only possible to start living according to the laws of truth and justice, conscience. No matter how relative these concepts may seem. It seems to me that there is a certain universal basis for these concepts, at the level of the subconscious or something, accessible to everyone and everyone. So the country that will be the first to throw these ideas into the world will be invincible, even if at first it does not possess either economic or military power. Great ideas raised peoples to great deeds and achievements, attracted, received followers in neighboring peoples and countries, aroused at least respect from them. From examples right away: Arabs and Islam, communism and the USSR. And no need for jokes - what happened to them !? Even 70 years that the USSR needed for Russia to survive, I'm not talking about several centuries of the caliphate. To live in truth, in fairness, no matter what ridicule they - these concepts - caused, the country's only chance to survive and maybe stop the negative development of civilization, maybe save it now, and not when the golden billion remains, which is not worth saving, because in the rest of it he will come up with ways to enslave the majority of the survivors. Is humanity really designed to consume, to eat, roughly speaking, as much as possible and see the goal in this? In my childhood, they sang: "And apple trees will bloom on Mars." And we were sure that soon humanity would be on Mars. Who is faster - we or the USA. And now ???? And now - the advertisement!
    5. +10
      April 3 2018 08: 54
      Holy Russia as the heir to the Russian-Horde empire "from sea to sea", a family of peoples living on the basis of an ethics of conscience, where the spiritual is higher than the material, the general is higher than the private and justice is higher than the law.
      As the saying goes, "And then Ostap suffered." laughing The author is where you "saw" justice in Russia under the Golden Horde. Not otherwise than the series "Golden Horde" lay on your soul. laughing
      1. +9
        April 3 2018 09: 55
        Generally interesting in fact. That’s what the author’s idea is - USSR2! It is interesting how the author tries to cross the hedgehog and the Great Hedgehog, and the Great of Russia turns out to be the USSR ?! And the USSR is the kingdom of truth and justice! Of course, the collapse of the USSR is a disaster for tens of millions of people! It is not possible not to grieve for this event, to be silly to rejoice for the restoration of the union in its former existence. The USSR was not Russia! And the Russian Federation was not Russia! It is sad to see how the author at the same time talks about Russia - the USSR and the destruction of historical self-awareness. But didn’t it collapse in the USSR ?! Namely Russian identity? Even sadder. when the author cites Ukraine as an example and rightly speaks about the creation of pseudonation of Ukrainians! But wasn’t Soviet power the skirmisher of this process? It was a fact that issued his Soviet power! Was it not in the USSR that the process of creating all this Ukraine with the right to exit was completed? Reading about the destruction of ties with God, the substitution of religions for God in the context of the USSR-Rus-kingdom of truth, an unprepared reader can easily get off the roof! If the author holds an equal sign between religions, creeds and sects, and all this simultaneously leads to religious wars, who and what, then, for the author, God, the connection with which the capitalists are breaking (globalists would be more correct to say)? And in all honesty, the connection with God also didn’t provide for that ... So what does the author call for in the context of reconstruction - the creation of the USSR2 and the struggle of enslaved peoples ?! He himself writes that to communism! I can continue what the author forgot to say or was shy about - to the world revolution! How else? A “normal” non-Bolshevik goal! By the way, they are now talking a lot about Russia, Russia, Russians, Slavs, God ... But let me, my dears, all this is not only not provided for by the classics of Marxism - Leninism, but it is also harmful and generally subject to destruction - reformatted by the hegemonic proletariat !!!! Read your classics! And in general, either remove the cross or put on your pants !!! God forgive me; you cannot say otherwise!
        1. +2
          April 3 2018 14: 08
          Quote: Oper
          Great Russia is it the USSR ?! And the USSR is the kingdom of truth and justice!

          good lol
          1. +1
            April 3 2018 14: 38
            And for the truth they killed, not always so strangers
    6. +1
      April 3 2018 11: 43
      Quote: apro
      Very skolsky concept is true

      Not only slippery, but also dangerous. Truth seekers often destroy families, wear out the allocated budget in search of the irrelevant (but simply interesting).
      This is a category in which one either needs to know the measure or (in forced order) live such a transparent life that everyone will know about each other down to petty thoughts.
    7. +2
      April 3 2018 17: 46
      Quote: apro
      Very much the concept of truth. Each interprets it in its own way. And preferably in its favor.
      An article from a series of good wishes.

      Whoever has a conscience doesn’t slip with the truth. True, this is not a law, in order to interpret it in their favor.
      1. dSK
        April 4 2018 09: 41
        Quote: Mavrikiy
        Whoever has a conscience is with the truth will not slip.
        The mighty Russian language built by Cyril and Methodius on Gospel. "Our cause is right," however, correct ...
        "Then the King will say to those right side Him: come, blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I hungered, and you gave me to eat; thirsty, and you made me drink; I was a wanderer, and you accepted Me; was naked, and you clothed me; was sick, and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came to Me. Then the righteous will answer him: Lord! when did we see you hungry and fed you? or thirsty, and got drunk? when did we see you as a wanderer and accepted you? or naked and dressed? when did we see you sick, or in prison, and came to you? And the king will answer them: verily I say unto you, since you did this to one of these lesser brothers of mine, you did to me. " (Matthew 25: 34-40)
    8. +1
      April 3 2018 22: 41
      To all this opus there is one capacious and good concept - schizophrenia. Knights on the viburnum bridge, after 0,7 on the nose.
      1. +2
        April 4 2018 10: 13
        Quote: Maksus
        To all this opus there is one capacious and good concept - schizophrenia. Knights on the viburnum bridge, after 0,7 on the nose.

        You rushed to make a diagnosis. From the beginning - "who are the judges?"
        An avatar betrayed you with your head. The patient escaped from the asylum in a white coat with an endoscope and is he a doctor?
        1. +1
          April 6 2018 00: 22
          Never guessed with an avatar never)
      2. +2
        April 4 2018 10: 31
        1. 0
          April 6 2018 00: 23
          Ehanatone, Dyrak himself)
    9. 0
      April 4 2018 10: 13
      [B] [/ b]
      Of course, for people like you ...
      In fact, we really already have nowhere to go - in the framework of the imposed rules, we won’t win (what is the Skripals case)
    10. +1
      April 4 2018 10: 39
      I do not agree, though she is always alone. But thoughts are a slippery concept.
  2. +5
    April 3 2018 06: 21
    Many beech in the article barely read !!!
    I want to ask a question: Alexander, in this article you are convicting, calling, demanding, but what did you personally do to ensure that Russia was transformed into a kingdom of truth?
    A lot of theses in the article are, to say the least, controversial !!!
    1. -1
      April 4 2018 10: 16
      Please, at least one point ...
      1. 0
        April 4 2018 10: 40
        Quote: Ehanatone
        Please argue at least one point ...

        We argue - will not argue.
        He can barely read, but think, then write, read again, and so on. Either the battery dies, or the bulb goes out.
  3. +9
    April 3 2018 06: 26
    A lot of words. There will be no return to the past. And such a pastoral picture, which the author utopia draws (just Manilovism). The Soviet Union collapsed, because the old senility sat in the Kremlin, but our elite was decayed. We just need (as we are trying to do (another question, it turns out or not) a sovereign state with a developed economy, an independent judiciary, and a constitution that safeguards precisely our national interests. And no export of ideologies (again, let’s slide into the good part we’ll feed the world for free.) And with our historical identity, everything is not bad with us, otherwise we would have long ago split up into regional independent principalities.
    1. 0
      April 3 2018 08: 32
      And you have so straightforward a recipe for conversion! winked
    2. +3
      April 3 2018 14: 09
      Quote: Sergey985
      The Soviet Union collapsed, because the old senility sat in the Kremlin, but our elite was decayed.

      Yes, yes, all are bad, except for the people.))) And the traitors and senility and enemies .. And the people, where did he look and support these?)))
      1. 0
        April 3 2018 15: 04
        And what about the people? We have that, the people chose the leadership of the country during the USSR ???? Who told you such nonsense?
        1. +2
          April 3 2018 17: 51
          Quote: Sergey985
          And what about the people? We have that, the people chose the leadership of the country during the USSR ???? Who told you such nonsense?

          And the people are not only Uncle Vasya. These are the ministers and the army and the police and the KGB.
          If tomorrow one person says that Russia no longer exists and everyone must pay tribute to the West, you will also whine and pay, because traitors? And how then did you differ from serfs in those days? NOTHING. What the master will say, so be it.
      2. +1
        April 3 2018 15: 26
        Well, here I also agree with Sergey985, if in the second half of the reign of Brezhnev, himself and his senile environment would be expelled from the government, the USSR would not fall apart and there would be no perestroika.
        1. +2
          April 3 2018 17: 57
          Quote: Lynx33
          if in the second half of the reign of Brezhnev, himself and his senile environment would have been expelled from the government, the USSR would not have collapsed and there would have been no perestroika.

          You know better, of course, what would happen. But from myself and my environment I know that everyone wildly yearned for change. Even then it was clear HOW the West lives and how we are. I had a chance to live in Germany, my father served there, and saw a difference in living standards. And then the envious glances of ours when he walked in foreign clothes. I remember both "Birch" and tape recorders "Sharp". And I really wanted a change .. Just then, like TODAY, the government does not care how people live. Personally, I will not be fed up with patriotism. And I think the Western system is more attractive to the people .... like the whole world believes. The USSR model was not supported by any country in the world. Yes, and what is now stopping the Soviet Union from doing it - one thing is, no one wants it .... well, nagging retirees do not count.
      3. 0
        April 3 2018 19: 58
        Yes, the ideas of gerontocracy dominated in the USSR, now the ideas of JUVENARCHIA are in honor. What's better? But nothing. We need acmatic power, the power of middle-aged people (the ancient Greek Aristotle used to say). those who are from 50 to 60 years old. Governors, ministers in their 30s are toys in the hands of passions, rogue, lack of everyday experience.
    3. -1
      April 4 2018 10: 37
      With 985
      He was falling apart for his 30 very young - I hope for this all of his ikattsa will have 30 more generations ...
  4. +4
    April 3 2018 06: 56
    The course and development of the fourth world war will be ...
    The author began well, but by the end of his narration he signed up (spoke up). The third has not yet begun (although the author believes that it was cold and ended not in our favor), and the author already sets the tasks for the fourth.
  5. +5
    April 3 2018 08: 08
    Very kind and correct words, it’s a pity that the article was not written by the Prime Minister or the President
    1. +3
      April 3 2018 10: 55
      The president and prime minister are realists and not storytellers! They, by definition, cannot write such articles!
    2. +4
      April 3 2018 14: 10
      Quote: aybolyt678
      Very kind and correct words, it’s a pity that the article was not written by the Prime Minister or the President

      And the style is much poorer than you do not campaign company?))) They didn’t carry that there))) Maybe this is a draft of the MOST)))
  6. +7
    April 3 2018 08: 09
    I am for it!
    1. +2
      April 3 2018 08: 42
      And I say NO !!!
      1. +3
        April 3 2018 16: 03
        Quote: K.A.S.
        And I say NO !!!

        1. 0
          April 3 2018 16: 19
          Quote: free
          Quote: K.A.S.
          And I say NO !!!


          and why?
          1. +1
            April 3 2018 20: 50
            Quote: K.A.S.
            Quote: free
            Quote: K.A.S.
            And I say NO !!!


            and why?

            Are you happy with everything?
            1. 0
              April 4 2018 08: 27
              Quote: free
              Quote: K.A.S.
              Quote: free
              Quote: K.A.S.
              And I say NO !!!


              and why?

              Are you happy with everything?

              And you are not happy with everything?
              1. +1
                April 4 2018 09: 28
                Quote: K.A.S.
                Quote: free
                Quote: K.A.S.
                Quote: free
                Quote: K.A.S.
                And I say NO !!!


                and why?

                Are you happy with everything?

                And you are not happy with everything?

                I’m not happy with a lot, not all. But on the contrary, I’m happy with a lot. But for people like me, people are ordinary people who just want to live humanly. And who is yours? Don’t you believe what people like me? And you Have you seen Solovyov’s speech on the Federation Council, have you looked to the end? Does this mean that you can be opposed, of course, your right. That's just who will ask you.
                1. 0
                  April 4 2018 10: 22
                  Is this the people who voted for Putin? Well then, this people lives for me humanly and suits a lot!
                  Do you know what prevents a bad dancer? Maybe it’s the matter in you, but are you simply hiding behind the people?
                  1. 0
                    April 4 2018 11: 24
                    Quote: K.A.S.
                    Is this the people who voted for Putin? Well then, this people lives for me humanly and suits a lot!
                    Do you know what prevents a bad dancer? Maybe it’s the matter in you, but are you simply hiding behind the people?

                    Yes, the people are bad ... I voted for Putin ... But I didn’t ask you! How to live further - that! Huh?
                  2. +2
                    April 4 2018 19: 40
                    Quote: K.A.S.
                    Is this the people who voted for Putin? Well then, this people lives for me humanly and suits a lot!
                    Do you know what prevents a bad dancer? Maybe it’s the matter in you, but are you simply hiding behind the people?

                    The people are good! Many didn’t go to the polls, who do you think? Percentist 76 is inflated! One step from love to hate. Volokolamsk and Kemerovo showed this very well. And the people will not end up fooling, he (the people) no longer asks him to begin to demand in power. By the way, do you postpone a ticket? Do you work for the good of the state? What have you already done?
  7. +3
    April 3 2018 09: 06
    The goal forms the function, the function forms the organ. When the target is destroyed, then the function and organ are subsequently destroyed.
    Religion (purpose) gives rise to morality (function), morality (function) gives rise to civilization (organ).
    With the loss of faith in God, religion is destroyed. first degenerates into ideology and then civilization begins to crumble. We have seen this in our country twice. Orthodox civilization collapsed in the seventeenth, and when faith (pagan) in the bright future collapsed in the eighties, the communist ideology collapsed and statehood inevitably collapsed in the ninety-first year. Now we are witnessing the completion of a cycle of civilization based on the ten commandments of Moses on the entire planet, with the simultaneous birth in Russia of a renewed civilization on the nine commandments of Christ. The process is painful, but extremely interesting.
    Ultimately, survivors will see what was said two thousand years ago. Humanity has received two vaccinations. Political and economic measures are now not being resolved, and religious hierarchs are engaged in politics, instead of doing what they people pay money for.
    1. +6
      April 3 2018 13: 23
      Religion is primarily moral. Called to stop the predator, which is essentially a human being, it did not cope with its task by creating in its midst the same hierarchy as the secular institutions of feudal society and having adopted all the vices of bandit groups (prince-kings-kings and their criminal squads modern) In the USSR, this problem was solved almost perfectly, society with the "predators" struggled quite effectively with a wonderful tool - the law prohibiting enrichment and stepping on one’s neighbor. Having thus realized several commandments, postulates. Yes, not right away, but through blood and slaughter (someone knows a different way?) Led society to an understanding - the public good (read every member of the society) is higher than the selfish interests of a predator and put it in place by tearing out claws and teeth.
      The decrepit political bureau missed the moment of renewal, did not adjust to the changing conditions, and allowed the Russian throne an outright foe with whose arrival and replacement of key power figures by him, decomposition began. The predator grinned again and jumped.
      A couple of decades, both our children and grandchildren will finally inculcate the slave psychology of the consumer and the ideology of the predator - who has stronger claws - that is right. And then the Freemasons will not make much effort ......
      1. 0
        April 3 2018 15: 08
        Not really, but generally true.
  8. 0
    April 3 2018 09: 21
    Transformation of Russia into the kingdom of truth

    "The kingdom of truth," - by definition, utopia. You can certainly say that the idea should be partly utopian. But only partly. It is unlikely that any significant number of modern (more than once burned on promises) people will believe in the idea of ​​a "kingdom of truth". Accordingly, no one will go to fight for such an idea.
  9. +1
    April 3 2018 09: 43
    I have not read fairy tales for a long time, and now I am honored! Russian folk, blissful, round dance, Ukrainian fairy tale!
    1. -1
      April 4 2018 10: 41
      Even you are reluctant to answer - you seemed to be sober before ...
  10. +1
    April 3 2018 10: 04
    Transformation of Russia into the kingdom of truth

    Bravely, how much are you ready to hear the truth about yourself?
    1. +1
      April 3 2018 10: 27
      Well, depending on who will say it! And then you see it is funny from pro ... ducks to listen about chastity. And it’s easy and pleasant to listen and speak the truth! Only this should be mutual!
      In general, it is common for Russians themselves to tell themselves the truth about themselves! Repent and sprinkle ash on your head! This feature of the Russian people infuriates me !!!
      No one can tell the truth about their country as Russians do!
      1. 0
        April 3 2018 15: 21
        Yes, we have our story, for each new generation a new one is being written, and you are talking about the truth.
    2. 0
      April 3 2018 11: 49
      Quote: karish
      how much are you ready to hear the truth about yourself?

      Again, it depends on constructiveness, argumentation
      And let it reflect on the responsibility of the speaker. For example - a word of slander (or lack of argumentation. Arguments) - term / searches / seizure of information storage facilities / session of compulsory procedures from a psychiatrist. How do you like it? wink
  11. BAI
    April 3 2018 10: 25
    It feels like "horses mixed up in a bunch, people."
    In one heap, there is a distortion of the history of the war, and a connection with God (the universal mind) - a link is possible, where is their existence proven?
    And this:
    To counter the millennial enemy

    Who is the millennial enemy? Dark forces? By and large, the West of Russia (Rus) began to sabotage only with Ivan the Terrible, before that it was like petty skirmishes, but even taking into account Alexander Nevsky it was only hundreds of years.
    1. +1
      April 3 2018 10: 45
      Or maybe it's those who defeated
      (not until the end)
      Prince Svyatoslav?
      They will not fit?
    2. 0
      April 3 2018 17: 13
      1242-2018 is not a thousand of course, but close already.
  12. 0
    April 3 2018 11: 28
    Does the author suggest a revolution? In all other cases, this is just a discussion of nothing.
  13. +1
    April 3 2018 11: 50
    It is possible, but not with those who usurped power in our country once.
  14. +1
    April 3 2018 12: 12
    The time has come for geniuses. We have accumulated a lot of problems. And living without a goal is not interesting. We need our own MOSES at the present time! And most importantly ... do not wait for the manna of heaven!
  15. +2
    April 3 2018 12: 49
    Quote: K.A.S.
    The president and prime minister are realists and not storytellers! They, by definition, cannot write such articles!

    Of course, realists, of course they won’t say it, much less they won’t, they have a handful of friends and everything is fine. It’s bad near the Russian hinterland, where they make ends meet with great difficulty, where in the 21st century they live with leaking ceilings, ready to fall on the heads of children and old people, where mothers are forced to make choices every day — to buy food or a new thing for the child and still pay an exorbitant amount communal payments.
    1. 0
      April 3 2018 17: 04
      Go to the hinterland help mothers [quote = Essex62] [quote = К.А.С] to make a choice - to buy food or a new thing for a child and still pay exorbitant utility bills. [/ Quote] Make a roof! Does someone forbid you?
      They always take care at a distance and for payments and for mothers with children, but they themselves do not do anything! Of course it's so good to live when everything can be blamed on the president
      I’m not the president’s friend, I live in the outback and I’m certainly not great, but good!
      By the way, the roof leaked! So the management company will have problems! Or do you suggest that I blame the president for leaking my roof?
  16. 0
    April 3 2018 13: 20
    The West declared Russia a total war. he will receive it. the first and main thing is to remove the 5th column from power and restore order in the country. after that they will never risk attacking us.
    1. +2
      April 3 2018 16: 47
      Quote: tank64rus
      Apad declared Russia a total war. he will receive it. the first and main thing is to remove the 5th column from power and restore order in the country. after that they will never risk attacking n

      Take care, otherwise it’s impossible without you. So go straight to the Kremlin and clean up ...
      1. 0
        April 3 2018 17: 07
        Why so? You are not correct, the mission is obviously not feasible and meaningless.
  17. +3
    April 3 2018 13: 31
    Nonsense. And, most importantly, the author himself does not understand what acts in the paradigm of those whom he hates - in the paradigm of the shadow "world government", which robs the weak and lives off of them. Well, the author, whose MOSC is stitched with the same paradigm (he mistakenly calls it “biblical,” mistakenly because it is satanic), the author proposes to wrap everything with the opposite sign, he proposes to create a Russian kingdom that will live by humiliation and robbery those who are humiliating and robbing now. And he gives this bullshit as "truth and love." The author is a hypocrite and a satanist. Like those whom he hates. Love is different ... God is different. God is Love, not the hatred and revenge by which the author is poisoned! It is these vices that Russia’s enemies ascribe to Russia, speaking of revanchist, revisionist Russia. Such a crazy Russia would be a gift to them. It is such a Russia that would be swept away by the reciprocal hatred of the rest of the world, which simply does not want to see the second scum. The second scumbag competitor. This is not our way!

    The author essentially promotes the paradigm of Satanism from world government.

    We don’t need such hockey (s)
    1. +2
      April 3 2018 14: 05
      Tortured to sweep. We are very hockey to the point. This counter-hatred received more than once in the wort and, with a howl and fear, rolled back.
      Yes, the author has resorted to God and biblical truths out of place, he mixed everything together. Emotions overwhelmed apparently.
      And about the hero A. Bykov’s hero said well "......... with great love I’ll write, the ruins of the Reistag are satisfied ..........." (C / F "Only old people go into battle ") Love is not forgiveness, we will not forgive them anything. And the Russians do not want to rob anyone, we won’t give ourselves.
    2. +3
      April 3 2018 14: 09
      I agree with you comrade. The string of neo-fascism gleams. The time for new ideologies has come for Russia and I think we will see and hear quite a few “ideological mutants”.
      1. +1
        April 3 2018 14: 25
        Glad there are People with Understanding here)
        I call it the time of Love. Not revenge, not hate.

        For Russia to open precisely a new global project, universal values ​​from God are needed, for the place of Satan has already been taken. There is no other alternative than Love. Of course, no one has canceled self-defense, but Satanists very often confuse it with motives of hatred and revenge. Revenge is not self-defense. This means that you are one field berry with Satanists. This is not our way. Our path (the only one) is the path of Love. It was his Putin who voiced in the most general form in recent interviews. May God grant him good luck in the first steps. Do not take revenge on anyone. And we must defend ourselves!
        1. dSK
          April 4 2018 08: 58
          Quote: askme
          way of love

          "Holy Fathers" said that without "holy love":
          responsibility turns into cruelty;
          education - duplicity;
          power is cruelty;
          wealth is greed;
          faith - fanaticism;
          mind is cunning;
          truth - becomes a critic.
  18. +3
    April 3 2018 13: 52
    Yes, we lost in the third world war. The Soviet project of creating a just society was destroyed, Great Russia (USSR) was destroyed, our country and the united Russian people were divided into parts. Millions of people died and were dispossessed during the socio-economic genocide and local conflicts. But the war is not over. She grew into a fourth world war.

    Either the spring aggravation, or the author tries himself on the field of science fiction novels for teenagers ... Why lay this nonsense here ???
  19. 0
    April 3 2018 14: 31
    If the people will know the whole truth, how to manage such a people ???
  20. +2
    April 3 2018 14: 50
    It seems that Samsonov’s war is in the head. After all, the story of the undeclared war of the Westerners against Russia was invented and cultivated mainly by some Russians, probably in order to convince themselves of their exclusivity.
  21. +5
    April 3 2018 15: 09
    We do not have an official ideology! We don’t know where we are going, we don’t know our goals, the world does not understand us, the world cannot equal us, because there are no clear concepts! Only if we build equality, fraternity, justice, equality and further down the list, to the rank of our aspirations, only then those who are looking for it all, there will be a beacon on the whole planet, there will be light, there will be hope!
    1. 0
      April 3 2018 15: 32
      Without Love, all you wrote is empty sound and hypocrisy. And Love, its Essence, has no form, cannot be conveyed in words, but only by deeds (at present). This is divine revelation in its purest form. Like Mother’s Love. And what Russia has been doing in recent years is just such a revelation of Love from Russia for the world ....

      Russia-does not humiliate, does not revenge, does not impose. Russia - protects, protects, helps, unites disunited people. This is Love from God. But he does not insert into the BOSK all the steel count of the ideologies of Satanist fanatics. The world will have to go round for a long time before the words of love will be formulated for everyone in the form of tablets that are understandable to everyone. Because while people speak the language of hate, the language of Love does not arise. As long as Love is perceived as weakness, as a deception, there will be no words of Love, such is the Law ... So for now, only the Cases of Love, from those to whom it is Given ...
    2. 0
      April 3 2018 15: 49
      there’s not enough of a lighthouse for all of us ..... The Union was ruined (they used to say utopian ideas about communism), but they didn’t give a new idea .... you want to call it a dream, or faith, but a person must believe and hope in something and go to this .... otherwise kirdyk ......
  22. +2
    April 3 2018 15: 46
    Of course, too much about Scythia, the Horde-Russian civilization from sea to sea ..... But in general, everything is correct, it seems certainly utopian, but everything is true !!!
  23. 0
    April 3 2018 17: 09
    The author spoke out emotionally, but correctly. It is impossible to explain briefly, all the more so to people fooled by propaganda, the meaning of which is so bad when people are well. The arguments about how and why the USSR collapsed are not consistent. As a person from the people I will say: the people could not do anything, it was a process organized by certain forces. And proposals for a "one-story" Russia are the only way to strengthen the country. The author is well done.
  24. +1
    April 3 2018 18: 08
    The "Russian matrix" is social justice, the rule of ethics of conscience, truth and love - THIS IS FANTASY! The question is - DO WE HAVE IT NOW? No? And then what are you talking about with your plans? Natural nonsense verb ...
  25. 0
    April 3 2018 18: 17
    What kind of civilization is it if it is a victim? So civilization was weak and could not stand the competition. And, therefore, we must now think what to do in order to survive, and does not seek to destroy the small that remains, the smaller is mocked. And do not live yesterday, but go forward. It seems that we still have many dreams of serfdom.
  26. 0
    April 3 2018 19: 03
    Yes, we lost in the third world war. They destroyed the Soviet project for creating a just society, destroyed Great Russia (USSR), divided our country and the united Russian people into parts. Millions of people died and were destitute during the socio-economic genocide and local conflicts

    I wonder if our President agrees with the author’s conclusions, especially when he pathetically opened the Yeltsin Center to his predecessor? lol
  27. +1
    April 3 2018 19: 47
    Alexander, the transformation of Russia is impossible without removing the current comprador power. Everything else is just a war game.
  28. 0
    April 3 2018 19: 52
    You can’t bring the matter to the fourth world war. In the third, “cold” world war, the Russian people lost Great Russia (USSR), however much in the fourth we lost Moscow Russia (RF). We must "save the people" to recreate the Great Russian people, and only then begin to reunite the Great, Small and White Russia. Moreover, you need to work with the Eurasian people "Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Kyrgyz, etc.) But the throw for the Caucasus from Russia is unnecessarily geopolitical. The Caucasian ridge is the geographical border of the Great Russian, Slavic-Turkic civilization. 40 years ago Great Kazakh Olzhas Suleimenov thus interpreted the idea of ​​Asia.

  29. 0
    April 3 2018 21: 08
    I think for the renewal (Awakening) of Russia it is necessary to transfer the capital from Maskvabad. Hood-thread in the middle. There are many places in the Altai steppes ... And missile defense is not necessary for protection ...
  30. 0
    April 3 2018 21: 14
    Alexander, ready to subscribe to your every word. You, as always, very honestly and accurately state your thought. If only all this is not left only with good wishes, I want to believe that our society and the authorities have come to this.
  31. 0
    April 3 2018 21: 16
    Quote: Vladgashek
    You can’t bring the matter to the fourth world war. In the third, “cold” world war, the Russian people lost Great Russia (USSR), however much in the fourth we lost Moscow Russia (RF). We must "save the people" to recreate the Great Russian people, and only then begin to reunite the Great, Small and White Russia. Moreover, you need to work with the Eurasian people "Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Kyrgyz, etc.) But the throw for the Caucasus from Russia is unnecessarily geopolitical. The Caucasian ridge is the geographical border of the Great Russian, Slavic-Turkic civilization. 40 years ago Great Kazakh Olzhas Suleimenov thus interpreted the idea of ​​Asia.


    Maybe you have the word Moscow and Russian synonyms? I'm against!
    1. 0
      April 3 2018 22: 44
      We definitely have a problem with the capital. starting with rubbish from millions of inhabitants and ending with all means. that lead through it. It is necessary to change the vector of development. otherwise we’ll lose territory first. (everyone should move to Moscow). and then the country.
  32. +1
    April 3 2018 22: 50
    Russia is invincible and immortal!
    Nothing can destroy Russia. Russia is eternal and invincible. Russia is not a nut for you, according to which you knock, and it will crack. Russia is a pillow by which you knock, and only dust will go, but nothing will come of it. Russia is a caramel stuck in the teeth, which you chew, you risk being left without teeth and without crowns. Russia is reinforced concrete of Stalingrad. Russia is Moscow, impregnable in winter frosts, from which I want to run away without pants on the Smolensk road. Russia is a strong, intelligent and patriotic people, an equal, which is not present in the whole world. Russia is endless fields and huge cities. Russia is fools and bad roads. Russia is such a vast territory that when the conqueror comes here, he does not have the strength to comprehend its vastness and he perishes here.
    Go Russia!

    Mind does not understand Russia,
    No yardstick to measure:
    She has a special feature -
    You can only believe in Russia.

    And yet, despite the fact that Russians are the most divided people in the world. And, despite this, the most not broken and not killed people.

    Russians are a great nation of gods and lower races do not understand. Even in a humiliated state, Russian is incomparably higher than all other nations. God is not afraid to be humiliated, because he cannot be humiliated and insulted, he is merciful and all-forgiving - this is so similar to a Russian person. And I say in advance, howling and insulting - you are lower.

    Moreover, Russians are those who think in Russian, speak Russian, live with Russia in one breath, this is a person of any nation and class.

    And no chauvinism. Go Russia!

    And, of course, the most powerful core in the Russian nation is the Slavs. They are the ones who drag the whole nation on their hump. It is they who remain the eternal symbol of the Russians for centuries, it is they who die first in all battles against our enemies, it is them who die most, well, and of course, all the sins for everyone living in Russia fall precisely on them, they are like the Phoenix bird reborn and revive Great Russia for centuries.

    Russians are warriors at the genetic level, formed in natural selection, as a result of a long history of wars in our territory, not only men, but also women and children.

    Go Russia!
  33. +1
    April 4 2018 11: 08
    While there is no ideology - it is useless.
  34. +2
    April 5 2018 09: 17
    I was always wary of these fans of Dolboslavia, supporters of the Horde heritage, ancient Rus and so on. Because such visionaries, give them power, can’t do anything real from this program, and everything will come down to a simple one - “the struggle against religion and there is another worldview”, as a result, the chaos will be complete. With the monarchists, however, the same situation is good projects, but in fact they will only pull the country into the past, copying the Russian Empire of the end of the decline.

    I did not understand, the author calls for a rally around Putin, or not ?! And then all the articles on the military in recent years, devoted to the war with the West, etc., are reduced to this thesis fellow
  35. kig
    April 7 2018 11: 19
    If you follow the author’s ideas, you must urgently create the Ministry of Truth and begin to search for enemies of the people.
  36. -1
    April 7 2018 11: 39
    Quote: Lynx33
    Well, about the ancient gods, he certainly went too far, but in general ...

    So confusion and reels begin. One doesn’t like about the "ancient gods" ... although in general it seems to be ... different "justice" is different ... although in general, the third "something else" is not so ... although in general ... And so on, until Gorbachev-with-Yakovlev appears and everything flies into the abyss.
    If your great country didn’t have enough to defend it ... then at least now they listened to the Chinese. Right Comrade Stalin said: Lenin left us such a country, but we all asked ... whether!
    Although he corrected his shortcomings, it’s too late for us to drink Borjomi.
    Military intillicence, damn it!
    Lenin is not for you - at once I would have taught you to love the Motherland !.
  37. -1
    April 7 2018 13: 26
    Quote: Stirbjorn
    I did not understand, the author calls for a rally around Putin, or not ?! And then all the articles on the military in recent years, devoted to the war with the West, etc., are reduced to this thesis

    Tooting! Although it is not only here, but also in all official media.
    As if you are against theft and demon limit in the country - it means that you have sold your people to Achent West, against our beloved Russia, and you dream of getting a rotten cookie from the lustful little arms of Borys Johnson .... They cunningly turned it over.
    Although who invented such a canoe? Yes, the same Piyar managers fed by Western funds and special services and who had previously consulted Yeltsin with Chubais, and now have smoothly switched to serving the new owners.
    Gentlemen, comrades, Putin (no matter how great and mighty) is not Russia. And to love him as well as his homeland is not necessary!
    It was very cleverly invented: if before young people did not want to join the army (what is the point of protecting the good of Rabinovich and Vekselberg with their lives) ... now you don’t have to save the oligarchs from the people - and keep our beloved Nenko Russia! Straight tears welling in his eyes ... and what kind of scoundrel will not go for it in fire and water?
    And the fact that Rabinovichi and Vekselberg joy for cheering for such a new folk fun cheeks ... They then from Russia have not gone away. They also rob the people and the country ... but already under patriotic slogans. Now, Russian youth is proudly going to defend their homeland ... but in fact, to protect their loot already from world hegemony.
    In Russia itself, they no longer see a danger to the stolen. It remains only to send the entire Russian people in a single impulse to the global defense of their fur stores.
    Here is Jerusalem!
  38. +1
    April 7 2018 18: 57
    Mystification and historical voluntarism on the heroism of the Russian people, as it were ... That's it !!! What else is there? Honestly, no one wants to write about the natural death of the USSR .. How and why .. Be sure to bring enemy forces .. But what kind of strength. They themselves and just collapsed, and in fact rejoiced until ... u..chki .. Brotherhood and happiness on their faces. Everything! The end of the CPSU ... and then what ??? And then HORROR and Shame ..., A huge, instant stratification of the Society, like wolves to each other ... What other enemy forces are needed ??? Themselves, themselves, .....
  39. +1
    April 12 2018 14: 14
    Alexander, the copy of "Dead Water", although there is a warning that citing in any form remains on the conscience of the citing person, but posting a compilation article without reference to the source is somehow unclean. And the Russian-Horde empire is from a completely different opera.