Poisoned feather. Too short memory, too inept speakers (part of 3)

Previous articles in this series described how our newspapers painted a heavy proportion of Germans in Germany who ate whale meat and sawdust margarine. But immediately after our troops entered the territory of Germany, for some reason, it turned out that German citizens were not in absolute poverty, hunger and cold there, as Soviet newspapers reported just a year ago, but on the contrary, they bathed in luxury and enriched by the population of the occupied states [1]. Their apartments were crammed with “things and products that the German army plundered in all European cities” [2]. German citizens drank French wines, ate Dutch oil and Yugoslav canned food, bought Czech shoes, Bohemian crystal, French perfumes and Greek sweets on the cheap in special stores.

English fighter "Hurricane", supplied to the USSR under lend-lease. Then, in Pravda, they didn’t write about him at all what A. S. Yakovlev in his book "The Stories of the aircraft designer."

Moreover, even after the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet press tried to support the negative attitude of Soviet citizens towards the civilian population of Germany [3] and the soldiers of the German army, who, according to publications of Soviet newspapers, continued to rage, even being in captivity [4], they were “ morally corrupt ”!

Judging by the articles from our newspapers, all Germans, without exception, had such defects as stinginess and heartlessness. As an example, the essay of the famous Kukriniks "In Germany" [5], which painted a vivid picture of the heartlessness and greed of the Germans, who behaved while dividing abandoned repatriated property as a "pack of jackals": "A decent looking man in bowlers, with briefcases and with canes, curled and dressed in fashion frau eagerly attacked the abandoned rags of their former slaves and slaves. They attentively examined these cloths and, busily loading them with baby carriages, took them home. On a clear summer day, against the backdrop of neatly trimmed green trees, these scenes of vile German greed looked particularly disgusting. ” Meanwhile, there was no point in this. After all, we are now lined up with the "new Germany", and there was no point in writing like that.

As for materials about life in the countries of the warring Europe [6], in the first half of 1941, a picture familiar to the Soviet people took place there: “The lack of certain food products led to long lines in food stores in various parts of England. In the counties of Nottingham and Derby, one has to queue up to get cheese, eggs, fish or meat ”[7]. In Italy, "the sale and consumption of cream is prohibited," in Hungary, "the norms of products that the peasants can keep in themselves are set", and in Oslo, "for several weeks already there is no meat." From materials of a similar nature, Soviet readers could learn that the civilian population and military personnel of Great Britain were put on the brink of survival [8], “the wives and children of South Welsh miners give most of their food rations to their husbands and fathers so that they can do your job ”[9]. Judging by the publications of Soviet newspapers, social inequality in the UK was evident even during the construction of bomb shelters [10], while in America, as usual, there were cases of lynching of blacks [11].

Immediately printed materials and ardent anti-British orientation, for example, Hitler's speech [12], which said that “wherever England appears, we will beat it” [13]. As for the United States, this country was almost on the verge of revolution [14].

But immediately after the start of hostilities on the territory of the USSR and the conclusion of an agreement between the USSR and Great Britain on joint actions against Hitler's Germany 12 in July 1941, as if by a wave of a magic wand, publications of this kind disappeared from the pages of Soviet newspapers, and Blacks in the US, they immediately stopped lynching. So the picture of the Western world, painted by the Soviet media, has changed dramatically once again - that is, everything, like J. Orwell: “Oceania always fought with Ostasia!” At the same time, for example, it turned out that “brutal German fascism is surrounded by great on the industrial front, he is confronted by the mighty defense industry of the Soviet Union, the military industry of Great Britain and the dominions, the rapidly growing power of the United States of America ”[15]. Moreover, if in one place the power of the USA was called “growing”, then literally in a week it “grew” so that it deserved from Pravda an epithet “huge”, i.e. the newspaper wrote that “the great economic power of the United States is well known” [16]. Soviet newspapers printed articles from which it was possible to find out that the people of Great Britain who had just starved themselves in the past unanimously supported the Soviet people in their struggle against the invaders, and here and there organized rallies [17]. In honor of the victories of the Red Army and the conclusion of agreements between the USSR and Great Britain, the British deployed folk festivals [18]. Pravda did not recall the famine that reigned in England. But the newspapers began to create a positive image of the British military [19] and constantly told that ordinary citizens of the United States and Great Britain are showing a keen interest in our country [20].

If we talk about the nature of informing the Soviet population about life in the United States, here we can highlight the following pattern: the priority topic of most publications about this country in 1941 - 1945. was the buildup of the military power of the United States. Soviet central and regional newspapers regularly informed the population about the expansion of military production in the United States [21], while giving figures and details that amazed the Soviet readers with their accuracy. The population of the USSR regularly found out that “the US military industry released 2 more times more products in the past year than the military industry of all the Axis powers” ​​[22]. In order to convince Soviet readers of the invincible power of our allies, the newspapers used the following figures: “In 1943, 85 919 planes of all types were launched against 47 857 planes in 1942 ... There were 2 battleships in 45 000 last year, according to 11 15 tons of displacement each, 50 cruisers, 128 aircraft carriers, 36 convoy aircraft carriers, 56 destroyers, 23 convoy destroyers and 1945 submarines ”[1]. Data on the combat power of the US military continued to be published in detail in the pages of Soviet newspapers in 167: “The US naval ministry reported that the United States fleet currently has 37 59 combat ships, about 878 thousand airplanes and 3 24 airborne and auxiliary vessels. The number of warships is now more than 25 times the number of ships at the beginning of the war ”[26]. That is, Soviet newspapers informed Soviet citizens in detail about the development of the military sector of industry and the buildup of US forces. Another proof of this fact is the publication in the Soviet central [1944] and regional newspapers [XNUMX] information about deliveries under Lend-Lease, which even reported the number of millions of pairs of shoes supplied from the United States, Britain and Canada, i.e. given a completely secret , by military concepts, information! However, why it happened in XNUMX year, it is quite understandable. The fact that victory was not far off was obvious, and Stalin, on the one hand, needed to show his people how much the Allies supply us, and on the other, the same to show our enemies. Like, do not try, you can not win us!

One of the articles in Pravda about the growing US military power.

At the same time, propaganda of the US military-technical achievements, as well as their American scientific potential, was truly comprehensive in the Soviet press and took place not only on the pages of central and local newspapers, but also on a variety of magazines, including such a popular magazine as "Technology Youth". There, reports on developments and scientific discoveries made in this country were printed practically from number to number. And it is interesting that the newspaper “Stalin's Banner” began to put photos of the newest American warships and, in particular, the battleship “Washington” before the United States was attacked by Japan and turned into a war veteran and ally of the USSR [27].

Moreover, such propaganda itself was also supplemented by the life experience of the citizens of the USSR themselves, as well as soldiers and officers who directly owned information on this issue, since during the war they were constantly confronted with equipment and weapons supplied from England and the USA. These were Tanks and artillery, the famous jeeps, doji and studebakers, more advanced than Soviet cars, planes, radio stations, wheeled-tracked armored personnel carriers (which the USSR industry did not produce), while the Moscow air defense was carried out by the English Spitfire fighters ". From the USA, high-quality was delivered to the USSR aviation gasoline and industrial diamonds, multi-ton presses, stamping towers of the best tank of the Second World War, the Soviet T-34, many types of valuable military raw materials and metal. All this confirmed in the minds of people information from newspapers and magazines that the USA is the most advanced country in all respects and that newspapers report on its achievements is absolutely true!

Thus, it was our Soviet press, along with the direct contacts of Soviet citizens with citizens of Western democracies with industrial products of Western countries, created around the same US a halo of technically powerful and highly developed power, which it also had to fight after the war during the period of the persecution of "low worship" before the West. " It was then that, in contrast to the "pernicious" influence of the West, the Soviet Union would begin a struggle for priorities in scientific and geographical discoveries, in technical inventions and cultural achievements. However, time will be largely lost. Moreover, without realizing it, the Soviet ideologists will go in this struggle along the already beaten path and begin to repeat the theses and arguments of the Slavophiles, supporters of a special, Russian path to stories. That is, all those whom they in 1920 and 1930 years mercilessly scourged as great-power nationalists and chauvinists, which also will not go unnoticed among fairly intelligent and educated people whose opinions should not be neglected.

During the war years, it was completely overlooked that the United States and Britain were still countries with a different social and economic system from the USSR, and that today's friend could become an enemy tomorrow, which very soon was confirmed. The slightest change in the political situation in this case would lead to the need now not to praise his yesterday’s ally, but to scold him, and this would require the destruction of the previously established information stereotype of the population of the country, which is always an extremely complex and costly task. However, the Soviet leaders apparently piously believed in the power of both their newspaper propaganda and repressive bodies, and believed that all the costs of inept informing the population with their help could be successfully overcome. Therefore, no "praise" for such a powerful ally in this regard is now not excessive. For example, in 1943, publications in the Soviet press, for example, appeared on the decade of establishing diplomatic relations between the USSR and the USA, which were extremely optimistic in their content. In particular, they noted that “Soviet-American relations became more and more friendly throughout these 10 years, and“ Americans can rejoice in the friendship program with Russia that President Roosevelt began to conduct 10 years ago ”[28]. Moreover, the Soviet press no longer wrote about any proletarian revolution, which was about to break out in the United States, as well as about the plight of blacks and Indians. This topic immediately became irrelevant. But that the prospects for friendship between the United States and the Soviet Union in the postwar period are very favorable [29], in the newspapers were constantly reported. Moreover, in order to enhance sympathy for US citizens, they wrote that Americans are very interested in Soviet culture [30], admire the successes of Soviet medicine [31], and even began to celebrate memorable dates for citizens of the USSR [32]. At the same time, no measure was respected either in those years when our press predicted to the United States a complete collapse and quick death, or at the time when, by force of circumstances, England and the United States became our allies in the anti-Hitler coalition!

Such materials were also complemented by literary works, and, in particular, A. Kazantsev's science fiction novel “The Arctic Bridge” published in the journal “Technika-Youth”. The main theme of which was based on the idea of ​​Soviet-American cooperation, which began during the war, friendship and mutual understanding between our states [33]. It should be borne in mind that in its power the artistic word far exceeds the publicistic genre. That is, it is necessary to note the variety of means used to convey to the Soviet population the idea of ​​cooperation with the United States. Meanwhile, in real politics nothing of the kind was out of the question, and our leaders and propagandists should understand this and appropriately reflect this situation in the press, and not make it desirable.

Here, however, it should be noted that during the war years, as in the previous time, Soviet newspapers reacted very sensitively to the slightest inconsistencies that arose on the foreign policy arena and the appearance of any contradictions between the USSR and the USA, which immediately caused the appearance of critical content in Soviet newspapers. . So, in 1945, they again began to publish materials about the plight of American workers [34], and only because the positions of our countries did not coincide on the issues of the postwar world order. Then, on the pages of Pravda, there was a lively controversy about Walter Lippman’s book US Military Objectives, in which he put forward his ideas in this area. According to the material published in Pravda [35], “Lippman divides the world into several geographical centers, around which he draws orbits: one around the US and calls it the Atlantic Commonwealth of Nations, the other around the USSR and calls it the Russian sphere” , the third - around China; He foresees the creation of the fourth in the future in the region of India and Muslim countries. ” Since this viewpoint was at odds with the foreign policy objectives of the Soviet government, it was immediately subjected to sharp criticism. For example, a certain A. Georgiev wrote that "the Lippmann orbits are sheer fiction," since "any attempt to build a world without and against the participation of the Soviet Union is fraught with dire consequences for humanity." Then Pravda published the answer by Lippman, who, however, was also subjected to severe criticism [36]. And in fact, by the way, in the end it happened. Lippman looked like in the water. But ... our leaders thought otherwise, therefore, in the newspapers he wasn’t only defamed then only by the most lazy journalist ...

Then in the Soviet newspapers began to appear critical materials about alleged anti-Soviet publications in the American and European press [37], the content of which was at odds with the image of our country as a democratic state and peacemaker created by the Soviet government in those years. For example, it was reported that “with persistence worthy of a better use, the American newspaper The New York Times has repeatedly stated that in Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary there are“ totalitarian regimes ”[38]. Articles have been published about the anti-Soviet sentiments of a number of American and British politicians [39]. However, at that time such articles appeared infrequently on the pages of Soviet newspapers and looked like a kind of “trial balloons”.

At the same time, on the pages of the Soviet press, the Soviet Union positioned itself as a certain point of intersection of all the world foreign policy interests of all countries, and caused either total hatred or the most unlimited love. There was simply no middle ground! And that's the sad thing. Now the same! What information portal you don’t look at, either we “pulled everyone”, or they offend and deceive us all. Very superficial, black and white vision of the world.

This was evidenced by such materials as the responses of the foreign press to events in the USSR, the vastness of which unwittingly made a strong impression on [40], and most importantly because these were the responses published in the press, they gave the full impression of their credibility, as well as the credibility of all other materials published in Soviet newspapers. First of all, it concerned those materials of foreign newspapers, which spoke about the success of our troops in military actions against the Nazis [41], and especially many of them appeared in 1941 - 1942. - and why exactly this period is also understandable. Of these, the Soviet people learned that "the Russians have millions of soldiers and enormous resources, their army is growing every day" [42], that "the Red Army is driving the Germans from their native land ... Russia is still the only front from which favorable information »[43]. And its invincibility, judging by the materials of Soviet newspapers, was recognized even by the Japanese and the Romanians [44]. And the technical and military equipment of our army at the very beginning of the war "exceeded all expectations" [45] of foreign journalists. It should be noted here that the materials of the foreign press with critical remarks about the conduct of hostilities by the Red Army never appeared on the pages of our newspapers. But in the period when our troops experienced military setbacks, no feedback from the foreign press on the course of the war was printed on our territory at all, as if they were completely absent!

Speaking about the nature of the presentation of materials of foreign press in the pages of Soviet newspapers, it is necessary to pay attention to the specifics of creating the image of Stalin as the head of the country, drawn in these messages. Although some researchers have noted a decrease in the number of praises addressed to the national leader during the war years [46], from the responses of the foreign press appearing on the pages of our newspapers, this is not completely visible. According to Soviet newspapers, it was characteristic of foreign media to enthusiastically respond to the role of Stalin in the management of hostilities [47], the military skill of the Soviet leader was known even in Mexico, as evidenced, for example, from numerous publications in Todo [48]. Soviet readers could once again be convinced that they had nothing to fear, because "Stalin's genius enlightened the world" [49]. It turned out that foreign journalists admired the personality of Stalin in the same way as the entire Soviet people. For example, it was reported that “radio commentator Henle said that Stalin’s comment on the important contribution of the USA and England to the war shows that Stalin is a great political leader and realist” [50], i.e. in other words, the foreign press was characterized by the same manner of presenting materials about the Soviet realities as the Soviet, although in reality this was far from being the case!

Sadly, the tendency of the Soviet media to consider everything happening in the world through the prism of domestic political events and their own view of life was not only ridiculous, but most importantly, it did not bring any benefit to the Soviet propaganda system in conducting campaign campaigns aimed at the enemy troops during the war years. On the contrary, it prevented her from achieving her goals. This is evidenced, for example, in his work F. Vergasov [51], who analyzed the methods and techniques of our propaganda against soldiers of the German army during the war years. In his opinion, in this regard, they were completely ineffective. Field Marshal F. Paulus also spoke about the ineffectiveness of Soviet propaganda against the soldiers of the German army: “In the first months of the war, your propaganda addressed in its leaflets to German workers and peasants dressed in soldier overcoats and urged them to fold weapon and run to the Red Army. I read your flyers. How many are transferred to you? Just a bunch of deserters. Traitors are in every army, including yours. It says nothing and proves nothing. And if you want to know who supports Hitler most of all, it is our workers and peasants. It was they who brought him to power and proclaimed the leader of the nation. It was with him that the people from the outlying lanes, the parvenya, became the new gentlemen. It’s clear that your theory of class struggle doesn’t always meet ends ”[52].

Interestingly, in 1945, Soviet newspapers very sparingly wrote about the nuclear bombardment of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki only because the coverage of these events was contrary to the foreign policy of the Soviet government of that time. In addition, publications about these events could destroy the image of the United States as a peacemaker created by Soviet newspapers if the Soviet people knew about the real consequences of these bombings. In particular, the central press did not post on its pages any materials relating to this topic, and, accordingly, the regional newspapers did not write about this either.

Sadly, but the fact that, along with numerous distortions of reality and absurdities, Soviet newspapers (naturally, following instructions from above), as in 30-s, went down to the most blatant lies and suppression of truly glaring facts, which, meanwhile, just should be used for anti-fascist propaganda.

For example, the Soviet press reported nothing about the terrorist attack on Stalingrad 23 August 1942. As by the number of aircraft participating in this operation, and by the weight of the bombs dropped on the city, this was the most massive German air raid on Soviet territory since the beginning of the war. The English historian A. Clark later wrote that some crews managed to make three sorties, and more than half of the bombs dropped on the city were incendiary [53]. Due to the fact that the summer was very hot and dry, the use of just such bombs to create massive fires was very effective. Almost 42 thousand buildings or 85% of the housing stock of Stalingrad were destroyed or burned, and how many people died in the process is impossible to count, because the city was overcrowded with evacuees and refugees.

“Tortured everything that could burn: houses, fences, trams, steamboats,” leads historian D. B. Khazanov [54] memoirs of the front-line writer A.V. Ivankina. - Burned oil spilled on the Volga. The fire roared, devouring everything and taking the remaining oxygen from the air, which, mixed with smoke, became unsuitable for breathing. Those who did not burn or did not receive severe burns, died of suffocation in the basements and rubble of burned houses. Fire trucks could not pass through some burning streets: they were so hot that there were instances of a gas tank explosion. ”

Meanwhile, what could these days learn from the reports of the Soviet Information Bureau? Yes, only that 23 August fights in the area of ​​Kotelnikovo, as well as south of Krasnodar continued, that the prisoner Erich Weykheld [55] reported that only a few people remained from his company and ... everything! And neither in the morning, nor in the evening reports from August 25 about the bombing of Stalingrad were reported! The most impressive was the letter from Enrico Kalluci to Milan on the battlefield, where he wrote that the Cossacks had attacked them ... a 200 man had died, and that the position of his unit was awful [56]. But again, the battles at Stalingrad were said very sparingly - the battles at Kotelnikovo and at the stanitsa of Kletskaya.

What or who was afraid of our government, secret this information, or rather drove it to the level of rumors and speculations? Of course, his people and the loss of credibility on his part. Meanwhile, in a similar situation - a terrorist raid on Coventry - Winston Churchill used his propaganda effect to the maximum. He not only addressed England, and his government organized comprehensive assistance to the inhabitants of the ruined city, but literally the whole country under his order was hung with posters with the inscription: “Remember Coventry!” In a similar way, we could do the same British, declare a national day of help to Stalingrad, start a fundraiser for its post-war reconstruction, install billboards on the roads with the inscription: “Remember Stalingrad!” That was the reason to instill confidence that “victory will be ours”, but ... nothing for it was not the kind was done. The newspapers were silent. Billboards did not appear.

And it can hardly be justified by talking about the fact that, “in the time of disaster, all means are good, if only they would raise the spirits of the masses and thereby bring victory closer”. No, not all! Not all, because after the war comes peacetime, people start to look around, remember, think and ... gradually, they completely no longer trust the "party press", and with it the government itself, to which it belongs! Needless to say, any paradoxes in modern mass media is a dangerous thing and those who are responsible for these same funds in the country need to know this and don’t forget about it!

To be continued ...

1. V. Shilkin. In Germany // Stalin's Banner. February 28, 1945. No. 41. C.1
2. B. Polevoy. In German houses // Pravda. March 16, 1945. No. 64. C.3
3. "May lilies" and weeds // Pravda. July 18, 1945. No. 170. C.4; Connections of German industrialists with American firms // Stalin's Banner. August 2, 1945. No. 153. C.2
4. Investigation of the issue of the behavior of German prisoners of war in the USA // Pravda. February 16, 1945. No. 40. C.4
5. True. July 6, 1945. No. 160. C.3
6. Economic difficulties in Europe // Izvestia. January 10, 1941. No. 8. C.2; Economic difficulties in Europe // Izvestia. January 19, 1941. No. 16. C.2; Economic difficulties in Europe // Izvestia. January 26, 1941. No. 21. C.2; Food difficulties in Europe // Izvestia. February 8, 1941. No. 32. C.2; Food difficulties in Europe // Izvestia. May 6, 1941. No. 105. C.2
7. Food difficulties in Europe // Izvestia. January 17, 1941. No. 14. C.2
8. Lack of meat in England // Stalin's Banner. January 5, 1941. No. 4. P.4; The reduction of food rations in the British army. // Stalin's Banner. March 5, 1941. No. 53. P.4; Reducing the norms for issuing products to teams and employees of the naval fleet England // Stalin Banner. March 6, 1941. No. 54. C.4
9. The situation of the English miners // Stalin's Banner. March 15, 1941. No. 62. P.4
10. American correspondents on the situation in England // Izvestia. January 3, 1941. No. 2. C.2
11. Lynching of Negroes // Izvestia. January 7, 1941. No. 5.C.2
12. Hitler's speech // Stalin's Banner. February 26, 1941. No. 47. P.4
13. Hitler's speech // Stalin's Banner. February 1, 1941. No. 26. P.4;
14. The strike movement in the USA // Izvestia. January 25, 1941. No. 20. C.2; Strike at a military plant // Izvestia. February 2, 1941. No. 27. C.2; Strikes in the USA // Izvestia. February 5, 1941. No. 29. C.2; The strike movement in the USA // Izvestia. March 23, 1941. No. 69. C.2; The strike movement in the USA // Izvestia. March 28, 1941. No. 73. C.2; Fighting the strike movement in the USA // Izvestiya. April 2, 1941. No. 77. C.2; The strike movement in the USA // Izvestia. April 10, 1941. No. 84. C.2; The strike movement in the USA. // News. April 13, 1941. No. 87. C.2; The fight of the police against the striking workers in the USA // Stalin's Banner. January 16, 1941. No. 13. C.4; The strike movement in the USA // Stalin's Banner. January 26, 1941. No. 21. C.4; Strike movement in the USA. // Stalin's Banner. March 4, 1941. No. 52. C.4; Bus drivers' strike in New York // Stalin's Banner. March 12, 1941. No. 59. C.4
15. Bottlenecks of the German industry // Izvestia. August 16, 1941. No. 193. C.2
16. Resources of US industry // Izvestia. August 24, 1941. No. 200. C.2
17. News. July 3, 1941. No. 155. C.1; The working people of England express their solidarity with the Soviet Union // Izvestia. July 15, 1941. No. 165. C.4; Powerful movement of solidarity with the Soviet Union // Izvestia. July 24, 1941. No. 173. C.4
18. Folk festival in England, dedicated to the Anglo - Soviet cooperation. // News. August 5, 1941. No. 174. C.1; Rallies in England dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the Red Army // Pravda. March 4, 1945. No. 54. C.4
19. OK, Britain! // Is it true. January 16, 1942. No. 16. C.2; An English soldier returns to his homeland // Pravda. March 16, 1945. No. 64. C.3
20. Teacher's seminars in England to get acquainted with the USSR // Pravda. March 13, 1942. No. 72. C.4; US Interest in the Soviet Union // Pravda. March 28, 1942. No. 87. C.4; Researchers' Conference in London. // Is it true. February 6, 1943. No. 37. C.4; US Interest in Soviet Culture // Pravda. May 31, 1943. No. 138. C.4
21. Military production in the USA // Pravda. January 18, 1942. No. 18. C.4; The pace of arms production in the United States // Pravda. January 26, 1942. No. 26. C.4; Arms production in the USA // Pravda. January 16, 1943. No. 16. C.4; Launching a new American aircraft carrier // Pravda. January 25, 1943. No. 25. C.4; Construction of cargo ships in the USA // Pravda. March 8, 1943. No. 66. C.4; The growth of the sea power of England and the USA // Pravda. May 13, 1943. No. 122. C.4; The growth of the US armed forces // Pravda. June 16, 1943. No. 151. C.4; Appropriations for the army and navy in the USA // Pravda. June 20, 1943. No. 155. C.4; Construction of cargo flying boats in the USA // Pravda. January 7, 1944. No. 6. C.4; US military spending // Pravda. January 15, 1944. No. 13. C.4; Construction of new powerful warships in the USA // Pravda. January 27, 1944. No. 23. C.4; Successes of the American aircraft industry // Pravda. February 18, 1944. No. 42. C.4; Arms production in the USA in January // Pravda. February 27, 1944. No. 50. C.4; Military production in the USA in February // Pravda. March 31, 1944. No. 78. C.4; Landing craft construction in the USA // Pravda. April 2, 1944. No. 80. C.4; Appropriations for US naval needs // Pravda. April 14, 1944. No. 90. C.4; The US economy in the first half of 1944 // Is it true. August 9, 1944. No. 190. C.4; Arms production in the USA // Pravda. January 5, 1945. No. 4. C.4; Expanding the US Naval Construction Program // Pravda. March 10, 1945. No. 59. C.4; Production of new heavy-duty bombers in the USA // Pravda. March 21, 1945. No. 68. C.4
22. Arms production in the USA in 1943 // Pravda. January 5, 1944. No. 4. C.4
23. Arms production in the USA // Pravda. January 30, 1944. No. 26. C.4
24. US Navy // True. January 4, 1945. No. 3. C.4
25. On the supply of weapons to the Soviet Union, strategic raw materials, industrial equipment and food by the United States of America, Great Britain and Canada // Pravda. June 11, 1944. No. 140. C.1; On the supply of weapons, strategic raw materials, industrial equipment and food to the Soviet Union by the United States of America, Great Britain and Canada // Izvestia. June 11, 1944. No. 138. C.1
26. On the supply of weapons to the Soviet Union, strategic raw materials, industrial equipment and food by the United States of America, Great Britain and Canada // Stalin's Banner. June 13, 1944. No. 116. C.1-2
27. Stalinist Banner. October 29, 1941. No. 255. C.2
28. Decade of establishing diplomatic relations between the USA and the USSR // Pravda. November 17, 1943. No. 283. C.1
29. Prospects for US-Soviet trade // Pravda. February 13, 1944. No. 38. C.4; American-Soviet friendship rally // Pravda. January 28, 1945. No. 24. C.4
30. The growth of American-Soviet cultural ties // Pravda. October 22, 1944. No. 254. C.4
31. American newspaper about the successes of Soviet military medicine // Pravda. February 19, 1944. No. 43. C.4
32. Celebration in the USA of the 25th anniversary of the Red Army // Pravda. February 25, 1943. No. 56. C.4; Preparations in the USA for the Day of the Red Army // Pravda. February 20, 1944. No. 44. C.4; Meeting in New York in honor of the Red Army // Pravda. February 24, 1944. No. 46. C.4; Celebration in the USA of the 27th anniversary of the Red Army // Pravda. February 24, 1945. No. 47. C.4; Meeting in the USA in honor of International Women's Day // International Review // Pravda. July 8, 1945. No. 162. C.4
33. See Youth Technique. No. 9.1943. pp.15-25
34. Strike in the USA // Pravda. July 28, 1945. No. 232. C.4; The strike movement in the USA // Pravda. November 1, 1945. No. 261. C.4; The strike movement in the USA // Pravda. November 5, 1945. No. 265. C.4; The strike movement in the USA // Stalin's Banner. October 17, 1945. No. 206.C.2; The struggle of American trade unions for higher wages // Stalin's Banner. October 17, 1945. No. 206. C.2
35. A. Georgiev. About Walter Lippman's book "US Military Targets" // Pravda. March 16, 1945. No. 64. C.4
36. About the book by Walter Lippman "US Military Targets" // Pravda. April 20, 1945. No. 94. C.4
37. International Review // Pravda. July 8, 1945. No. 162. C.4; Competition of slanderers // Pravda. July 16, 1945. No. 169. C.4; International Review // Pravda. September 30, 1945. No. 234. C.4
38. International Review // Pravda. September 9, 1945. No. 216. C.4
39. Hysteria of Mrs. Claire Luce // Truth. July 14, 1945. No. 167. C.4; Welles' article on German policy // Pravda. July 25, 1945. No. 178. C.4
40. The press of Latin America about the combat successes of the Soviet troops // Pravda. January 20, 1943. No. 20. C.4; Australian newspaper about the successes of the Soviet troops // Pravda. January 21, 1943. No. 21. C.4; Iranian press about the victory of the Red Army near Stalingrad // Pravda. February 8, 1943. No. 39. C.4; Syrian press about the offensive of the Red Army // Pravda. February 16, 1943. No. 47. C.4; Responses abroad to Comrade Stalin's May Day order // Pravda. May 5, 1943. No. 115. C.4; Canadian press about the decision of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR // Pravda. February 4, 1944. No. 30. C.4; Comments of the newspaper "France" to the decisions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR // Pravda. February 5, 1944. No. 31. C.4; Swiss newspaper about the victories of the Red Army // Pravda. February 23, 1944. No. 46. C.4; "Times" about the successes of the Red Army // Pravda. February 28, 1944. No. 51. C.4; Mexican press about the successes of the Red Army // Pravda. March 11, 1944. No. 61. C.4; Responses abroad to the decisions of the Crimean Conference of the Leaders of the Three Allied Powers // Pravda. February 15, 1945. No. 39. C.3
41. English military observer about the great successes of the Red Army // Izvestia. July 26, 1941. No. 175. C.4; Foreign press notes the valor and military art of the Red Army // Izvestiya. July 27, 1941. No. 176. C.4; Foreign press about the combat operations of the Red Army // Pravda. January 7, 1942. No. 7. C.4; Foreign press about the combat operations of the Red Army // Pravda. January 9, 1942. No. 9. C.4; The successful offensive of the Red Army in the assessment of the foreign press // Pravda. January 19, 1942. No. 19. C.4; Yugoslav newspaper about the 27th anniversary of the Red Army // Stalin's Banner. February 24, 1945. No. 38. C.2
42. Foreign press about the new victories of the Red Army // Pravda. January 5, 1942. No. 5. C.4
43. Foreign press about our successes at the front // Pravda. January 16, 1942. No. 16. C.4
44. News. July 6, 1941. No. 158. C.1; News. August 26, 1941. No. 201. C.1
45. Canadian press about the successes of the Red Army // Pravda. January 6, 1942. No. 6. C.4
46. ​​Lomovtsev A.I. The media and their impact on the mass consciousness during the Second World War: Diss ... cand. ist. Sciences. Penza. 2002.p.130
47. True. February 7, 1943. No. 38. C.4; Responses abroad to the report of the Chairman of the State Defense Committee Comrade I.V. Stalin // Pravda. November 8, 1944. No. 269. C.4
48. Articles about Comrade Stalin in a Mexican magazine // Pravda. March 25, 1944. No. 73. C.4
49. True. January 14, 1945. No. 115. C.3
50. Responses of the foreign press and radio to the May Day order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Marshal of the Soviet Union Comrade I.V. Stalin // Pravda. May 5, 1944. No. 108. C.4
51. Vergasov F. Russia and the West. Formation of foreign policy stereotypes in the minds of Russian society in the first half of the twentieth century / / Chapter IV. The image of the West in the context of world wars. www.pseudology.org
52. Blank A., Khavkin B. The second life of Field Marshal Paulus. M.1990.S.173
53. Clark A. Barbarossa. The Russian-German Conflict 1941-1945. London, 1965. P.225.
54. Khazanov D.B. Stalingrad: August 23, 1942 // Military History Journal. 2009. No. 12. P.14.
55. Stalinist Banner. August 25, 1942. No. 200. C.2.
56. Ibid. August 26, 1942. No. 201. C.2.

To be continued ...
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  1. +5
    April 3 2018 05: 19
    Recently I got to George Orwell - one to one! Ministry of Truth
    1. +9
      April 3 2018 06: 55
      Who are you talking about?
      What information portal you will not look at, either we "pulled everyone", or we are all offended and deceived. Very superficial, black and white vision of the world
      it reminds me of the current attitude of many Russians to events in the world!
      It was positioned as a certain point of intersection of all world foreign policy interests of all countries, and caused either total hatred or the most boundless love.
      [Now, isn't that the opinion of many of our compatriots about the role of Russia in the world?
      And about Comrade Stalin and his reign, I’ll say, “It is enough for one to close one’s eyes so that they open for millions” (c).
      1. +12
        April 3 2018 09: 07
        I read the third part with interest, began to read the second and was dumbfounded ...
        ... just a rare luck for the propagandist. I had this photo turn into huge billboards
        You might think that a propaganda writer seeing such a photograph - just squeals with joy. I’m asking you not as a journalist, but as a person - are you overdoing it?
        1. +5
          April 3 2018 09: 25
          although I’m not the author of the article, I’ll say your opinion if all moral and ethical principles are discarded, the propagandist will be happy with such a photograph. for: The Great Soviet Encyclopedia defines propaganda as the dissemination of political, philosophical, scientific, artistic and other views and ideas with the aim of introducing them into the public consciousness and activating mass practical activity. The main elements of the propaganda process: its subject (social group whose interests the propaganda expresses), content, forms and methods, means or channels of propaganda (radio, television, print, lecture propaganda system, etc.), object (audience or social communities targeted by propaganda). Decisive for understanding the process of propaganda are the social interests of its subject, their relationship with the interests of society as a whole and of individual groups to which propaganda is addressed. This determines its content and has a significant impact on the choice of forms, methods and means of propaganda.
          The task of the propagandist is to direct the anger of the people in the right direction and this photo is the best fit for its tasks!
          and once again confirms the atrocities of the Nazis, which were printed in the media and transmitted by people in conversation!
          1. dSK
            April 4 2018 00: 49
            "Holy Fathers" said that without "holy love" :
            responsibility turns into cruelty;
            education - duplicity;
            power is cruelty;
            wealth is greed;
            faith - fanaticism;
            mind is cunning;
            truth - becomes a critic.
  2. +6
    April 3 2018 06: 12
    Moreover, about no proletarian revolution, which was about to break out in the United States

    Of course, because this was burned in 1941-1942gg. The Soviet state was built under the slogan "Unite the proletarians of all countries!" and the anthem of our country was the "International." Therefore, one can understand the somewhat naive (but not ridiculous, as it is written in this article) attempts by Soviet propaganda to turn to the proletarian consciousness of German soldiers ...
    suddenly, for some reason, it turned out that German citizens did not stay there in complete poverty, hunger and cold, as the Soviet newspapers reported only a year ago, but on the contrary, they bathed in luxury and enriched themselves

    You see, in 1944, Soviet journalists did not have the opportunity to visit a German family ..
    only because the coverage of these events was contrary to the foreign policy of the Soviet government of that time.

    Because a brutal and bloody war has just ended, in which the USA was an ally of our country and everyone believed that the long-awaited peace and friendship between the countries had come. And they still did not realize the effect of the bomb on later life ...
    For example, the Soviet press did not report anything about the terrorist attack on Stalingrad on 23 on August 1942.

    Yes, because the war has been going on for a year. Leningrad was already ... Already touched the whole country.
    Billboards .. Here's a topic for you to think about - why not set up the latest events throughout the country? So that everyone sees? What do you think?

    What can I say? If a person sits down to read a book with an opinion already formed about it (he does not like the author’s surname or name), then there will be no benefit from reading. And if you also undertake to write a review, then nothing good will come of it ..
    You can also say about my comment, of course, but this is the third (!) Article ...
    1. +6
      April 3 2018 06: 34
      /// THIS IS ALREADY THIRD ARTICLE /// :: Not at all! Not a third. Autoror wants to create a feather bed from his poisoned feathers and recline on it.
      1. +1
        April 3 2018 07: 03
        Dmitry! Needless to say, you would not have read this at all, and even had no idea what was published in Pravda at that time. As I wrote here, this is a chapter from a book that will be published in one of the publishers of the country.
        1. +3
          April 3 2018 07: 30
          And if you read, then ---- what? My attitude does not change. Fursov’s words that socialism weren’t studied then were just recalled. And even if they studied (these are my assumptions) then in pieces, scraps .... And this is very sad.
          1. +2
            April 3 2018 08: 55
            And if you read, then ---- what? My attitude does not change.

            Your not, but you are not alone here, thank God. And then information and reflection on it in any case develops the brain.
            1. +4
              April 3 2018 12: 46
              everything has its time.
              equate modern citizens and from 60 years of the peasants to people from 30 years-STUPID.
              K 39 D ELIMINATED !! ILLITERACY!! Both Basmachism (cf. Asia) and in the Caucasus were preparing to cut the giaurs (?)
              Gavrilka Popov and Sobchak equated all peasants with Sovi intelligentsia-- AND WHAT?
              I do not write further - there is no fundamental knowledge.

              is there an opportunity now for the GDP (Kiriyenko, Vaino) of Nabiulina to "wise" by 5-9% of the economy \ year ?? ??
              and after 10 years it is necessary to break the "Pepsi generation" under the new tasks of the state. different from liberal "world peace"
            2. 0
              April 4 2018 13: 55
              Quote: kalibr
              information and thinking about it in any case develops the brain

              That's what, Vyacheslav Olegovich! Already the third article from the EAST WIND about South Africa. The theme slides to English writers and correspondents. Maya now even got an interest in them to learn, read, better! Although I knew about them, I did not remember somehow. But we also need about our volunteers. Sorry if I distracted you.
        2. +2
          April 3 2018 10: 31
          Quote: kalibr
          Needless to say, you would not have read this at all, and even had no idea what was published in Pravda at that time. As I wrote here, this is a chapter from a book that will be published in one of the publishers of the country.

          Thank you very much, Vyacheslav Olegovich, everything is very interesting.
          Instant change of shoes in the air at 180 degrees (propaganda) - really amazing!
          You wrote about the silence of the Sovinformburo about the tragedy of the bombing of Stalingrad, and what was said about the terrible defeats of the encirclement of 1941-42? Nothing too!
          What was said, for example, about the worst boiler in the history of wars, the Kiev boiler? Silence and lies.
          NIB Summary for September 25th:
          On September 24, fascist wastelands from the main command of the German army erupted in yet another regular fake. Now they are no longer satisfied with dozens of waved pen "destroyed" Soviet tanks and thousands of "captured" Red Army soldiers. The German public is so used to such nonsense that it can no longer be surprised at such a lie that is usual for fascists. Given this, the Nazis decided to lie more fun. To their own joy, they solemnly broadcast about the seizure of 570 Soviet tanks and 380 thousand prisoners in the Kiev region.

          Of course, the Nazis did not capture or destroy any 570 tanks, and no 380 thousand prisoners were taken.

          He who knew how to read, of course, understood who was lying. But even the Nazis were mistaken, the losses were about 600 thousand prisoners!
          How could you relate to informing your citizens SO? request
          Quote: kalibr
          These are chapters from a book that will be published in one of the publishers of the country.

          We are pleased to read
          1. +1
            April 3 2018 17: 44
            This war Germany, too, did not really like to tell the truth.
            The official announcement of the surrender of the 6th Army was made a day after Strecker surrendered. Goebbels himself read the address: “From the Führer’s headquarters, February 3, 1943. The Wehrmacht’s high command declares that the battle for Stalingrad is over. Field Army Marshal Paulus, faithful to his duty, was completely destroyed by superior enemy forces. But this sacrifice is not in vain. The army died, so that Germany can live. "

            Declaring that the entire 6th army was destroyed, the Nazis deliberately went to deceive. Nowhere was it mentioned that ninety thousand Paulus soldiers, led by their commander, were captured. However, this figure has repeatedly sounded in the messages of the Soviet government, and it was repeated by the media around the world.
            Now about the letters during the battles in Stalingrad.
            Goebbels, however, foresaw the occurrence of such a problem and ordered the seizure of letters coming from the 6th Army, on December 17 he wrote in his diary: "It is necessary to confiscate these letters in the future, since they serve the interests of Bolshevik propaganda in Germany."
            1. 0
              April 4 2018 06: 34
              Quote: Squelcher
              Goebbels himself read the address: “From the Führer’s headquarters, February 3, 1943. The Wehrmacht’s high command declares that the battle for Stalingrad is over. Field Army Marshal Paulus, faithful to his duty, was completely destroyed by superior enemy forces. But this sacrifice is not in vain. The army died, so that Germany can live. "

              The point is clear.
              And about the much larger-scale destruction of the 700th group of ours near Kiev, not a word was said to the people. Also, not a word was said from the same encirclement near Uman, Smolensk, Vyazma, Kharkov
    2. +3
      April 3 2018 08: 05
      Quote: tasha

      suddenly, for some reason, it turned out that German citizens did not stay there in complete poverty, hunger and cold, as the Soviet newspapers reported only a year ago, but on the contrary, they bathed in luxury and enriched themselves

      You see, in 1944, Soviet journalists did not have the opportunity to visit a German family ..

      yeah, and the ability to write was good So they wrote. then they changed their shoes and again wrote the exact opposite. "Oceania has always fought with .."
      1. +3
        April 3 2018 08: 25
        There is such an interesting thing - as a manual for the operation of the Tiger tank.
        Everything is painted there: how to service, ride, shoot, etc. things necessary for the tankman.
        So the Germans even there almost through a page the Germans managed to attach naked women ....
        Indicator? Yes!

        And this is also the difference in the approach of different peoples to the media - and the instruction in this situation is also the media ...
        1. +2
          April 3 2018 08: 58
          During the war years, the Japanese sent patriotic leaflets to their soldiers - "we will die for the emperor," etc. So there was a porn on the back. The soldier will not throw her away. And tired - turn over and read.
    3. +3
      April 3 2018 10: 35
      Quote: tasha
      You see, in 1944, Soviet journalists it was not possible visit a German family ..

      Firstly, in 1944 was already in East Prussia.
      Secondly, did not visit, do not know, do not write!
      1. +1
        April 3 2018 11: 15
        Secondly, did not visit, do not know, do not write!

        This appeal should be addressed to modern journalists.
        The press of that time was a powerful means of propaganda. Advocacy ... What they say - that’s what they wrote about. For example, the tasks and duties of war correspondents of that time were clearly and clearly outlined in the Regulation approved by the Propaganda and Agitation Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.) And the Main Political Directorate of the Red Army.

        And it seems to me somewhat inappropriate to ironize over those people and their work ...
        1. +1
          April 3 2018 11: 24
          Quote: tasha
          This appeal should be addressed to modern journalists.

          To everyone and always
          Quote: tasha
          the tasks and duties of war correspondents of that time were clearly and clearly defined in, for example, the Regulations approved by the Propaganda and Agitation Department of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Main Political Directorate of the Red Army.

          Show where it says the obligation to LIE.
          Quote: tasha
          And it seems to me somewhat inappropriate to ironize over those people and their work ...

          What irony is it .....
          1. +1
            April 3 2018 11: 38
            To all and always ....
            Show where it says the obligation to LIE.

            Regarding the LIE ... Of course, there were distortions of facts, there were invented heroic episodes .. So what? These people have not been around for a long time, just as there are no their readers ...
            1. 0
              April 4 2018 06: 42
              Quote: tasha
              Of course, there were distortions of facts, there were invented heroic episodes .. So what?

              Never mind!
              The task of the press is to describe REAL events, and not to compose TALES. Tales is a section of fiction.
              Quote: tasha
              These people have not been around for a long time, just as there are no their readers ...

              That is yes. And what can no longer be discussed now?
              1. +1
                April 4 2018 07: 37
                The task of the press is to describe REAL events, and not to compose TALES.

                The tasks of the Soviet press were clearly stated in documents, for example, in the Regulation I mentioned ... Distortions, exaggerations, etc., were not widespread or were used for propaganda purposes. Why, for example, are you not picking on Sovinformburo reports? What's the point? Am I amusing myself and jumping on bones?

                It is possible and necessary to discuss the past, only it is necessary to understand that it is the past ... How, how can you judge people of that time for their deeds and actions? We can only draw conclusions and try to understand why this happened ...
                If you are in a good mood, read my comments on this series of articles and perhaps you will understand why I'm grumbling and resentful .. wink
                1. 0
                  April 4 2018 09: 45
                  Quote: tasha
                  The tasks of the Soviet press were clearly stated in documents, for example, in the Regulation I mentioned.

                  The task of "lying" is nowhere. But it was precisely they who lied, deliberately misleading. And the goal does NOT justify the means, it is an axiom. Challenge?
                  Quote: tasha
                  Why, for example, are you not picking on Sovinformburo reports?

                  How is it not to find fault? I quoted a false report on September 25, 1941 about the lies of the Germans. Is it OK to inform fellow citizens that the Germans were more truthful?
                  Quote: tasha
                  Am I amusing myself and jumping on bones?

                  I don’t understand what are you talking about?
                  Quote: tasha
                  How, how can you judge people of that time for their deeds and actions?

                  Elementary: ALWAYS we will discuss and condemn with us Napoleon, Kal 12, Kaiser, Vlasov, Hitler.
                  Quote: tasha
                  If you are in a good mood, read my comments on this series of articles and perhaps you will understand why I am mumbling and resenting

                  I read, but, alas, I can’t understand ... The truth must always be told to its citizens, because they WANT this and have the right to it.
                  1. 0
                    April 4 2018 10: 05

                    I dispute.
                    Already tired of repeating - Propaganda
                    I read, but alas, I can’t understand ...

                    It happens ... 20 \ 80 wink
                    The truth must always be told to its citizens, for they WANT this and have the right to it.

                    One can argue on this topic endlessly ... On the problem of "lies for salvation" a myriad of copies has been broken. But you still did not understand the essence of my claims to the author.
                    We exchanged views, did not understand each other, well, okay. Let's end here.
                    Sincerely ...
                    1. 0
                      April 5 2018 05: 01
                      Quote: tasha

                      Under this slogan, the Jesuits burned and killed millions. Just like Hitler and Paul Sweat.
                      Quote: tasha
                      On the problem of "lies to save" broken copies of countless numbers.

                      To deceive a child or a sick person with the deception of tens of millions of people going to DEATH is blatant.
                      Quote: tasha
                      We exchanged views, did not understand each other, well, okay. Let's end here.

                      Yours! hi
    4. +1
      April 3 2018 20: 22
      Quote: tasha
      Therefore, one can understand the somewhat naive (but not ridiculous, as it is written in this article) attempts by Soviet propaganda to turn to the proletarian consciousness of German soldiers ...

      that the Soviet propaganda apparatus was under this influence for a long time and the past wars taught nothing recourse
      Quote: tasha
      You see, in 1944, Soviet journalists did not have the opportunity to visit a German family ..

      however, this did not prevent them from writing the hungry existence of a German family until 1944.
      Quote: tasha
      Yes, because the war has been going on for a year. Leningrad was already ... Already touched the whole country.

      touch it then, but not everyone in the rear knew about it, at best, at worst - some were still captivated by the illusions of "civilized Germans"
      A correct article, Soviet propaganda always lost its war, because it was based on illusions, to put it mildly ...
  3. +1
    April 3 2018 07: 06
    Quote: tasha
    Billboards .. Here's a topic for you to think about - why not set up the latest events throughout the country? So that everyone sees? What do you think?

    Do you ask a question and want an answer? But I ask you to clarify - what events do you mean? Event occur different. For example, I saw such a “Grudinin our president”, Or “Vote for the LDPR”, or “Linoleum of different sizes. Sale” ... now there are a lot of billboards. Explain what you want ...
    1. +2
      April 3 2018 08: 12
      set billboards on the roads with the inscription: “Remember Stalingrad!”

      In the last article, you offered stands with the executed Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. In this - with the destroyed Stalingrad. And then Grudinin or linoleum?
      For example, "Remember Kemerovo."
      However, now they put social billboards.
  4. +12
    April 3 2018 07: 07
    Dear Colleagues! I am not a supporter of many of the author's ideological worldviews, but let's give credit: the series of essays "Poisoned Feather" was made by a professional in this field. The fact that she was missed through the prism of socio-political views of V.O. Shpakovsky (he is the author for that) does not make it less interesting, and the labor costs for writing it are less colossal.
    1. +3
      April 3 2018 08: 21
      // Give him his due .... ///: A strange turn of speech ... The author writes articles, as he himself said ---- earns. We read completely disinterestedly and for free.
      1. +1
        April 3 2018 19: 43
        A well-known author at VO created a co-author - a literary Negro, or rather, a Negro. The author shares earnings?
      2. 0
        April 3 2018 22: 44
        Dmitry, you will excuse me, for God's sake, but you generally speak what language, speak, write? One gets the impression that the "pigeon rushen" ...
        1. +1
          April 4 2018 14: 43
          Quote: 3x3zsave
          on "pigeon rushen" ...

          No! It’s more correct to say ““ pigeon transport ”, because I spend a lot of time in transport. Well, sometimes I can’t help myself --- I write there. And in the car, and on the bus, and on the train ... Well, personally, I can contact you in one of the oldest languages ​​!!!
          מדבר אל עצים ו אבנים
          Good luck!
  5. +4
    April 3 2018 07: 09
    Quote: tasha
    What can I say? If a person sits down to read a book with an opinion already formed about it (he does not like the author’s surname or name), then there will be no benefit from reading. And if you also undertake to write a review, then nothing good will come of it ..

    At your service, after each article, links to relevant materials are given. That is, you can re-read all this yourself, come to other conclusions, make selections of quotes, and publish them. It will be a very interesting job, I hope.
    1. +3
      April 3 2018 08: 21
      If ... I made money from this or felt an irresistible craving for writing articles, I, no doubt, took your advice into account. But .. "Chukchi is not a writer, Chukchi is a reader." I only have an opinion on what I read wink
  6. +7
    April 3 2018 07: 45
    Does propaganda work differently somewhere? A sense of proportion and taste is not from the propagandist’s tools.
  7. +9
    April 3 2018 07: 57
    And that’s sad. Now the same thing! What information portal you will not look at, either we "pulled everyone", or we are all offended and deceived. A very superficial, black and white vision of the world.
    ... Vyacheslav Olegovich, the last time you wrote to me that you were doing a “debriefing” so that the mistakes of the past would not be repeated today .. As you can see, they are repeated ... You wrote it yourself ... In addition, it seems that after the article I read that the Western press didn’t do that, it was sincere and honest ... Although still in the West they believe that bears walk around in Russia, and Russians drink vodka and play "grandmothers" ... And those propaganda companies that were unfolded after the crash of Boeing over Ukraine and the last "fresh" case of Skripal, it speaks of the impartiality and decency and democracy and independence of the Western press ... They do not have a "Ministry of Truth" ... You excuse me, as I always write with dope and on a booze ... laughing
    1. +2
      April 3 2018 08: 17
      Why such Western media? And because Vyacheslav Olegovich does not educate them. But it would be necessary. First, only expose. Good morning, Alex.
  8. +1
    April 3 2018 08: 47
    Quote: parusnik
    Excuse me, as I always write with dope and booze ...

    Now no, now everything is reasonable. But you remember the fable "Elephant-painter." You can’t interfere with everything in a heap and the "Truth" 1941-45, and our present and the West. They don’t do that. And if you really want to, then ... yes ... everything is about the same there, and sometimes worse. The truth about bears and a samovar is no longer written for a very long time. J. Orwell wrote about the same shortcomings of the British press during the war years. But again, pushing diverse things into one material is bad. Jumble is called.
    1. +6
      April 3 2018 10: 09
      And if you really want to
      , ... And here I really want to .. I need to be objective .. "A true artist, must tell the truth" ... If you already undertook, "conduct a debriefing", then carry out completely, not only your actions, but the actions of the enemy .. And then the previous articles are one-sided .. That's what the Soviet press is biased .. so having described all this in detail, add a couple of lines that the opposite side was no better. And it looks so impressive .. that the USSR’s Tokmo acted in a similar way, and his friends "were objective..Here is a simple example of the Polish press during the preparation of the Munich agreement, its pages were only filled with the fact that the USSR was only thinking about how to absorb poor democratic Poland .... People of the" free world "help .. Although for the section Czechoslovakia, Poland did a lot ... First, she herself did not allow the passage of Soviet troops through her territory, persuaded Romania, provoking a government crisis, as a result of which the supporters of collective security were forced to file an bid .. It's just nothing more than an example .. And Yeralash, you wouldn’t succeed ... if you would add a couple of lines about the Western press ..
      1. +4
        April 3 2018 11: 05
        But I have different comparisons than Alexey’s. It’s hard for me to have the newspapers of that time, but this is also difficult. The author writes about the shortcomings of the socialist media. And now, well, the USSR --- is destroyed, to the delight of the author !!!!! finally, prosperity came, as the author had written earlier. This means that the media have become right, good, the country is gradually civilizing, improvement is coming, the coming of a brighter future, and it, as the author wrote, is behind Urengoy’s stakes. So why not compare with today's media ????? NOT to explain what their ++++ are compared with the Soviet ones. What is better than today's truthful news than what happened during the USSR?
        And I used to ask about perestroika mass media and did not get an answer! That's what!!!!!
        1. +3
          April 3 2018 12: 56
          The only difference Dmitry, alas, is that today, if you wish, you can find other sources of information, not necessarily in the media. You can find different sources, you can compare them. Then it was impossible. And I don’t see any special achievements. But there are certainly more truthful messages. In percentage terms, I would call the figures 80 and 20. Moreover, for all segments of the population. Another thing is who takes what from where. Then you did not have to choose. That’s the whole difference, Dmitry. Am I spelling out?
  9. +1
    April 3 2018 08: 50
    Quote: tasha
    If ... I made money from this or felt an irresistible craving for writing articles, I, no doubt, took your advice into account. But .. "Chukchi is not a writer, Chukchi is a reader." I only have an opinion on what I read wink

    Well, there's nothing to be done. But it is a pity that a person smart and attentive to details does not have the opportunity to use the links in the text. Then why and for whom am I writing them?
    1. +1
      April 3 2018 09: 00
      Heh, links and not only I use. But it's about something else ...
      come to different conclusions, make selections of quotes, and publish them.
  10. 0
    April 3 2018 08: 50
    Quote: tasha
    However, now they put social billboards.

    You said...
    1. +3
      April 3 2018 09: 05
      During the war years, posters were the equivalent of modern stands. And some posters in terms of impact were quite consistent.
      1. +1
        April 3 2018 09: 27
        Not a single poster can be compared with a photograph!
        1. +4
          April 3 2018 09: 41
          Just like it does not compare, for example, the 1950 TV of the year with the 2017 TV. So this is not a reason to mock at the designers of that time and write something: "But a magnifying glass with water is ridiculous ... We had to make a diagonal of 50 centimeters ...". wink
          1. 0
            April 3 2018 12: 52
            I’m not writing about 3D technology. The photograph was in 1941. And the "cows" are sacred only in India.
            1. +3
              April 3 2018 15: 39
              I do not know. You, a person with great journalistic experience, who has eaten more than one dog on PR technologies, are not very flattering about your colleagues in the workshop, working in very difficult conditions, under severe military censorship and tough party leadership. Moreover, the working methods and methods have changed and developed since that time, as I think, and taking into account your “after-knowledge” you are still trying to correct them .. This is not good, it's ugly. And they can’t object to you ....
              1. 0
                April 3 2018 16: 35
                So, after all, Yakovlev’s colleagues in the workshop cannot object to him criticizing their planes? It turns out that the technique can be criticized (and people), but what people did not write? Your logic is strange. It turns out that the person carried something does bad and dies, then this can not be said?
                1. +1
                  April 3 2018 16: 39
                  Strange weird, which already is ... wink
                  Inter-workshop disassembly in memoirs is one thing. But your articles and textbooks are another completely different. I am convinced - you are not taking those examples, not those ...
                  And without any hint. There are so many journalists .. but there are no aircraft designers ... wink
                  Memoirs, by the way, are about contemporaries ...
  11. 0
    April 3 2018 08: 52
    Quote: Reptiloid
    And this is very sad.

    You see, you said that. So not everything is so bad!
  12. 0
    April 3 2018 08: 53
    Quote: baudolino
    Does propaganda work differently somewhere? A sense of proportion and taste is not from the propagandist’s tools.

    And so sorry! Because all the same works well and without lies and exaggerations.
  13. +8
    April 3 2018 08: 59
    German citizens drank French wines, ate Dutch oil and Yugoslav canned goods, bought Czech shoes, Bohemian crystal, French perfumes and Greek sweets at cheap prices in special stores.
    And the fat is Ukrainian in their diet WHERE? Did you hide everything? Here you are greedy ... The author, trying to show all the mediocrity and wretchedness of Soviet propaganda, is slipping himself God knows where. The population in Germany lived very well due to the packages from the front, in which the valiant soldiers of the Reich, when personally and when CENTRALIZED, sent various "local delicacies" home. But with the loss of these territories, these delicacies were lost already in 1944, that is, at the time the spacecraft entered the territory of Germany, the CARD system worked, but the most important thing happened in internal economic relations:
    First of all, coupons were introduced for essential products: meat, fish, bread, fats (not butter), sugar, salt, some vegetables, milk. Prices for dairy products, by the way, have not been regulated for a very long time. For example, yogurt and ice cream could be found almost always, because at the highest level it was decided that during the heat these products soothe.
    In addition to the normalized distribution, there was also free sale. However, all provisions cost a lot of money and were not always available. If at the beginning of the war trade in the country was carried out with the help of money, then by the beginning of 1944 the market switched to non-cash trading - barter. So, for example, 10 cigarettes were changed for 50 grams of meat, goose - for 3 bottles of cognac.

    I explain that the population, I apprehend the catastrophe, refused money by switching to barter. Not all of them were "curly", far from all ..
    And further..
    From the USA it was delivered to the USSR .... multi-ton presses stamping the towers of the best tank of World War II, the Soviet T-34
    To the author, for information. T-34 towers were stamped at ONE UZTM plant, the famous UralMash
    In the middle of the month, at a meeting of the plant’s design and technological services, a group of OGK designers (Chief Designer L. Gorlitsky) proposed using the 34-ton press used to stamp turbine blades for the production of tower parts T-10000 and KV.
    So this 10 ton press was installed at the enterprise in the summer of 000 !!!!!!!! and it is delivered from GERMANY !!!
    And now explain to me whether it is possible to destroy the myth of someone else's lies with a lie?
    1. +1
      April 3 2018 09: 32
      It is very good that you have discovered this. But the presses were also supplied, as were the machines for boring shoulder straps under a larger diameter tower. So the error is small. And in the text of the book after verification this will be fixed. But nevertheless, you yourself will see the newspaper Pravda for June 11, 1944. "Message from the Sov. Government ..."
      1. +2
        April 3 2018 10: 51
        Quote: kalibr
        as well as machines for boring shoulder straps under a larger diameter tower. So the error is small.

        So write about those machines, about the press, why write?
    2. +7
      April 3 2018 10: 54
      Quote: svp67
      The author is trying to show all the lack of talent and the wretchedness of Soviet propaganda itself rolls down God knows where.

      In your opinion, does the author allegedly encroach on the sacred, accusing the Soviet media of lying and unprofessionalism? The terms "mediocrity" and "wretchedness" I understand that way. I think this is not in the article.
      The author, unlike many commentators, is well aware that simplifying the facts, selective and tendentious presentation of them, manipulating the emotions of consumers of information, as well as outright lies are the main tools of any propaganda, whether it is German, American, Chinese or Soviet. Therefore, it seems inappropriate to say that he puts a lie in reproach of Soviet propaganda.
      As for non-professionalism, everyone, including the author, is well aware of the results of Soviet propaganda during the war: mass heroism in the rear and at the front, an extensive guerrilla movement, and general hatred of the invaders.
      The author allows himself to criticize the Soviet propaganda, and expressing his opinion, says that:
      for propaganda it is inappropriate to use a lie that is easily verified.
      The propaganda vector should not change too drastically, too often, and so frankly.
      for propaganda, true informational occasions, such as those associated with the atrocities of the enemy against Soviet citizens, were not widely and creatively used.
      Quite constructive criticisms, not indisputable, well, so argue, if you do not agree, and do not hang tags.
      The article is not about “valentines”, “harricains” or presses for stamping towers, not about their comparative characteristics and the value of lend-lease, not about food stamps and cards, their presence or absence, but about the most effective methods of propaganda.
      1. +4
        April 3 2018 11: 10
        Quote: Luga
        The article is not about “valentines”, “harricains” or presses for stamping towers, not about their comparative characteristics and the value of lend-lease, not about food stamps and cards, their presence or absence, but about the most effective methods of propaganda.

        Which is conducted by a "poisoned pen" ... Bravo !!!! Just wonderful
    3. +3
      April 3 2018 16: 16
      Quote: svp67
      German citizens drank French wines, ate Dutch oil and Yugoslav canned goods, bought Czech shoes, Bohemian crystal, French perfumes and Greek sweets at cheap prices in special stores.

      And all this luxury was plundered to the Germans in the conquered countries. For some reason, the author forgot to mention this. A minus article, for hushing up and distorting the facts.
      1. 0
        April 3 2018 16: 33
        Why mention that everyone already knows?
    4. +2
      April 3 2018 16: 35
      Quote: svp67
      So this 10 ton press was installed at the enterprise in the summer of 000 !!!!!!!! and it is delivered from GERMANY !!!

      Moreover, these presses the company "Hydraulik. Dortmund" released only 4 pieces. And two of them went to the USSR.
  14. +6
    April 3 2018 09: 15
    "time will tell" and similar "talk shows" on other channels, the program "time" is terrible rotten burps of "our" propaganda. I’m sorry when they consider me an idiot. I don’t watch TV and I don’t advise you, except for shit from the screen not pouring.
  15. 0
    April 3 2018 09: 26
    Quote: Proxima
    You would think that a propaganda writer seeing such a photograph would simply squeal with joy.

    Not from joy, but from anger. Anger fair. But what prevents it from being used for the good of the country?
  16. 0
    April 3 2018 09: 34
    Quote: svp67
    But with the loss of these territories, these delicacies were lost already in 1944, that is, at the time the spacecraft entered the territory of Germany, the CARD system worked, but the most important thing happened in internal economic relations:

    You might think you didn’t read the article, or read in fragments ...
  17. +3
    April 3 2018 09: 36
    "... multi-ton presses punching the towers of the best tank of World War II, the Soviet T-34 ... "
    Over the entire production period of the T-34 tank of stamped towers, 2050 pieces were produced (according to other sources - 2670). Let me remind you that about 34 tanks were released during the war years. Ironically, these towers were stamped on the press of the German company Schleman.
    1. +2
      April 3 2018 09: 47
      It will be necessary to point out this to my graduate student. Thank!
      1. +1
        April 3 2018 21: 10
        Quote: Curious
        Over the entire production period of the T-34 tank of stamped towers, 2050 pieces were produced (according to other sources - 2670). Let me remind you that about 34 tanks were released during the war years. Ironically, these towers were stamped on the press of the German company Schleman.

        Quote: kalibr
        It will be necessary to point out this to my graduate student. Thank!

        Mr. "author", how to understand this? So you did not write this article?
    2. 0
      April 3 2018 11: 31
      Quote: Curious
      Ironically, these towers were stamped on the press by the German company Schleman.

      Rather, "Hydraulik. Dortmund" - for the 10000-ton press originally delivered to the Uralmash was this particular company. The second 10000-ton press of this company and the 15000-ton press of "Shleman" stood at NKMZ and YuBZ, were evacuated to the Urals during the war, and then only questions.
      Before the war, the leading stamp-building company in Europe was the German "Shleman". We ordered all the forging and pressing equipment for our auto and aircraft factories from the Germans. One of these presses, a unique fifteen-thousanders "Shleman" (15000 tons effort), bought just before the war in Germany (1940), worked at the Southern Armored Plant (Mariupol Ilyich Plant). They managed to evacuate him to the Urals in October 1941 from under the very nose of the Germans.
      However, it was at Uralmash and not at another plant that the molds were stamped, i.e. turrets "T-34" from sheet armor "medium hardness" 45 mm thick (there is no information about the desired 60 mm, although before the war experimental towers of 60-75 mm were also stamped). Not so many towers were stamped (about 2050-2060 units), but precisely at the moment of the greatest exertion of forces in 1942, exactly when tanks were needed most of all.
      It is interesting that the German "dozen" stamping towers "T-34" are working for Russia to this day. From 1933, 75 years to 2008, This is the quality of German technology.
      It was not possible to establish what exactly the "tag" of the "Shleman" company was stamped during the war, although there were plenty of cases. New rollers were forged for rolling armor, shafts for rolling mill stands, blanks for huge gears were stamped for them, mine equipment for newly opened mining industries necessary for the needs of the front.
      It is likely that "Shleman" worked at the Chelyabinsk Forge and Press Plant, which supplied the Red Army with wheels for military equipment, tank and aircraft forgings.
      It was not possible to establish where the "ten" of NKMZ went. Apparently the whole war lay idle, because of the parts removed from it for the repair of "dozens" of Uralmash. Or maybe repaired, contributed to the struggle with the ancestor country.
      © guns.ru
      1. +2
        April 3 2018 12: 56
        Quote: Alexey RA
        This is the quality of German technology.

        You are mistaken, such is the quality of our mechanics and engineers. I found the petty press made in Madagascar not from our dope, all these years only the stoic miracles of mechanics supported him in life, only they understand when the MECHANISM dies feel
  18. BAI
    April 3 2018 11: 20
    And why is the author sure that his conclusions are the ultimate truth?
    For example:
    Sadly, but the fact that, along with numerous distortions of reality and absurdities, Soviet newspapers (naturally, following instructions from above), as in 30-s, went down to the most blatant lies and suppression of truly glaring facts, which, meanwhile, just should be used for anti-fascist propaganda.

    For example, the Soviet press did not report anything about the terrorist attack on Stalingrad on August 23, 1942. Both in the number of aircraft involved in this operation and in the weight of bombs dropped on the city, this was the most massive German air raid on Soviet territory since the outbreak of war.

    Why write about this during defensive battles?
    To emphasize the weakness of Soviet air defense and the effectiveness of German aviation? To sow panic in front of German aircraft? After all, they did not write about the raid on Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) and did it right. It is absolutely correct that during the war the focus was on successes, not failures. A detailed study of such events in the open press should be done after the war, and not during the hostilities. By the way, it is quite possible that “Remember Coventry” resulted in the further destruction of Dresden (which is now (in many sources) cited as an act of senseless cruelty). Other people's crimes are not an excuse for their own.
    The Soviet press reproaches:
    Interestingly, in 1945, Soviet newspapers very sparingly wrote about the nuclear bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki only because the coverage of these events was contrary to the foreign policy of the Soviet government of that time.

    And how else should the press operate? Going against your government’s foreign policy during the war?
    And reproach the Soviet press that it flexibly reacted to a change in the international situation?
    Of course, we must admit that in some cases propaganda was inept. But this is not the fault of Soviet journalism, but its misfortune. There were few professional journalists, the training was conducted only by the Moscow Institute of Journalism (hereinafter - GIH, VKIZh) from 1921 to 1938, then it was closed. But already during the war they realized the importance of journalism:
    During the war years, the training of war correspondents was conducted at special courses. But already during the Great Patriotic War, the formation of a university system for training journalistic personnel began. In 1941, the Institute of Journalism in Sverdlovsk joined the Ural State University as a faculty. In 1944, the faculty of journalism was established at the Belarusian University, in 1946 the journalism department was opened in Leningrad, in 1947 - at Moscow University.

    People without experience and education worked as they could. And they gained experience at the front, under the bullets. They did things as they considered necessary at that time.
    1. +3
      April 3 2018 13: 24
      Quote: BAI
      And how else should the press operate? Going against your government’s foreign policy during the war?
      And reproach the Soviet press that it flexibly reacted to a change in the international situation?

      There is one more question - what did Soviet journalists know about the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? We have paid little attention to the war on the theater of operations.
    2. +1
      April 5 2018 08: 01
      By the time the Second World War began, 33 years of Soviet education had passed. And now, ---- 100 years. During this time, both the population and the journalists have changed. And there is no longer that country. So the author’s behavior ----- condemnation of socialist journalists and the victorious people by his adversary ---- capitalist PR
  19. +2
    April 3 2018 11: 25
    High-quality aviation gasoline and industrial diamonds were delivered from the USA to the USSR multi-ton presses stamping the towers of the best tank of World War II, the Soviet T-34, many types of valuable military raw materials and metal.

    The 10000-ton press on which the T-34 stamped towers (“molds”) were made was German.
    The main forging and stamping press of the USSR with an effort of 10000 tons (<dozen>), was purchased at the insistence of the chief engineer of Uralmash V. Fidler
    Although Germany could also produce "thirty" (30000 tons of press), for the USSR 10000 tons, the press was unique.
    Total German firm (<Gidravlik>) produced 4 units, 10000 tons of steam-hydraulic presses. Two of them were purchased by the USSR.
    The press was installed on Uralmash and Novokramatorsky Machine-Building Plant (NKMZ).
    In the USSR, only German "dozens" could forge rolls for rolling mills, including armored ones, cylinders of the first Soviet hydraulic presses for new metallurgical and metal-working plants, bottoms of some types of steam boilers, shafts of ship steam turbines and hydroelectric power plants, stamp blades for airplanes, and steam turbines being mastered by the Soviet industry.
    When NKMZ was evacuated in the country, only "ten" of Uralmash remained in operation. In September 1941, an accident of "dozens" brought the tank and aircraft industry of the USSR to the brink of paralysis. Only taken from "dozens" of NKMZ, which were out of order on the "ten" of Uralmash, allowed to eliminate the disaster.
    In addition to the above, the German press stamped T-34 towers, and processed other parts of tank corps.
    © guns.ru
  20. 0
    April 3 2018 12: 44
    Quote: BAI
    Of course, we must admit that in some cases propaganda was inept. But this is not the fault of Soviet journalism, but its misfortune.

    It is very good that you understand this. But the result from this did not get any better.
  21. 0
    April 3 2018 12: 47
    Quote: BAI
    By the way, it is quite possible that “Remember Coventry” resulted in the further destruction of Dresden (which is now (in many sources) cited as an act of senseless cruelty)

    Yes, and it could be. So what? What would Remember Stalingrad hurt us?
    1. BAI
      April 3 2018 13: 53
      The same blows were inflicted under different conditions.
      The British won the air battle for England in 1940. And quite rightly considered their Air Force stronger than the German. For them, Coventry is an unfortunate, insulting accident, an attack whose consequences could be minimized. This is to some extent a personal insult.
      The dominance of the German Air Force on the Soviet-German front until 1943 was undeniable. The Air Force and Air Defense of the Red Army could not prevent the destruction of Stalingrad. It was utter hopelessness. Therefore, the message about the destruction of Stalingrad (Stalin's chips did not save the city of Stalin) was impossible for ideological reasons and the military, as I wrote:
      To emphasize the weakness of Soviet air defense and the effectiveness of German aviation? To sow panic in front of German aircraft?

      You cannot advertise the success of an enemy if you cannot adequately respond.
    2. +1
      April 3 2018 21: 04
      I think that if “Remember Stalingrad” billboards were hung around the country in the 13th year, in the 17th there would be no “Kolya from Urengoy” problem. By the way, Vyacheslav Olegovich, notice the polarity reversal of such linguistic idioms. 40 years ago there was a positive - "Seryozha with Malaya Bronnaya", now negative, the above. Also the result of propaganda ...
  22. +5
    April 3 2018 12: 51
    English fighter "Hurricane", supplied to the USSR under lend-lease. Then, in Pravda, they didn’t write about him at all what A. S. Yakovlev in his book "The Stories of the aircraft designer."
    Aftors, what the hell did they write this paragraph? Now I have to look for what Pravda wrote and what Yakovlev wrote? am
    1. 0
      April 3 2018 23: 57
      I support. However, you can guess that “Pravda” praised (while there was lendlis, and Yakovlev was ... (when the war was already over). In the book “Baltic Sky” there is a very unflattering about Hurricanes (book and film are two big differences :-) .
  23. 0
    April 3 2018 12: 59
    Quote: parusnik
    Here is a simple example of the Polish press during the preparation of the Munich agreement, its pages were only filled with what the USSR was only thinking of absorbing poor democratic Poland.

    How do you know that? Can you give me a link to their newspapers of that time, the name of the article (s), the names of the authors and pages? That is just the point, that in scientific research it is impossible to add a “couple of lines” for the amusement of the crowd.
  24. BAI
    April 3 2018 14: 42
    And let's use the materials on the Military Album site and look into the eyes of those who have “too short a memory” and who are “inept rhetorician”.

    A group of Soviet correspondents at the Reichstag.

    Group portrait of Soviet war correspondents. War correspondents: Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov (28.11.1915-28. 08.1979), Viktor Antonovich Tyomin (21.10-1908), Evgeny Genrikhovich Krieger (01.1987-01.03.1906), Joseph Pavlovich Utkin (1983-14.05.1903) . Returning from the partisan region, on November 13.11.1944, 13, I.P. Utkin died in a plane crash. The plane crashed near Moscow.

    Soviet front-line correspondents (from left to right): Oscar Kurganov, correspondent of the newspaper Pravda (real name is Esterkin, 1907-1997), Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov (1915-1979) from Krasnaya Zvezda, Izvestia newspaper staff: Evgeny Genrikhovich Kriger (1906-1983) and Pavel Artemievich Troshkin (1909-1944).

    Portrait of Vladimir Petrovich Stavsky, special correspondent for the Pravda geset (real name is Kirpichnikov, 1900-1943).
    From an article by N. A. Lobkovskaya “Front-line girlfriends” published in the collection “An order was given to him to the west”:
    When it got dark, they returned to their company and learned the terrible news: Stavsky was killed ...
    It happened so. Vladimir Petrovich came to the 1st company and found out that on the site of her defense there was a wrecked German Tiger tank. Stavsky was fired up by the idea of ​​pulling him to the rear. Asked for an escort. They crawled to the very front edge. The captain accompanying Stavsky left Vladimir Petrovich in a shelter, and he crawled to see which side is most convenient to approach the tank. Vladimir Petrovich waited a little, but could not stand it and crawled after the captain. It turns out that they were watched by an enemy machine gunner. He missed the captain, and Stavsky mortally wounded a machine gun burst. With a weakening hand, Stavsky pulled out a party ticket from the gymnast’s pocket, certificate of a deputy of the Supreme Council of the USSR and began to tear them with his teeth so as not to hit the enemy. And he died, dropping his head on tattered documents ... "
    Doesn't the episode from the Living and the Dead remind anyone?
    Among the correspondents were women.

    Special photo correspondent of the front-line newspaper "Red Army" Natalia Fedorovna Bode is photographed on a broken German dive bomber Yu-87
    Pay attention to the order straps. And not to think that she received them in the rear

    The calculation of the Soviet anti-tank gun during the fighting on the Kursk.
    This is not a production, the explosion is real, it is really at the forefront.
    Of course, you can do more, but the size of the comments is limited.

    And a little about the importance of front-line printing:
    Napoleon: “Four hostile newspapers can cause more sensitive damage than 100 thousand soldiers in an open field”

    Clemens von Metternich: “A XNUMXth army cannot conquer a country and its borders faster than a dozen feathers of Napoleonic journalists”
  25. 0
    April 3 2018 16: 30
    Quote: BAI
    You cannot advertise the success of an enemy if you cannot adequately respond.

    It is impossible to advertise, but adequately respond by means of the information war completely. It is only necessary ... to be able to!
    1. BAI
      April 3 2018 16: 47
      1. Who could be able there?
      There were few professional journalists, the training was conducted only by the Moscow Institute of Journalism (hereinafter - GIH, VKIZh) from 1921 to 1938, then it was closed. But already during the war they realized the importance of journalism:
      During the war years, the training of war correspondents was conducted at special courses. But already during the Great Patriotic War, the formation of a university system for training journalistic personnel began. In 1941, the Institute of Journalism in Sverdlovsk joined the Ural State University as a faculty. In 1944, the faculty of journalism was established at the Belarusian University, in 1946 the journalism department was opened in Leningrad, in 1947 - at Moscow University.

      There were no trained personnel!
      2. But if your remark applies to them:

      Soviet war correspondents Mikhail Sholokhov (foreground left), Yevgeny Petrov and Alexander Fadeev (foreground left to right). Western front.
      For me, excuse me, it seems that Sholokhov, Simonov (in another photo, above), Fadeev were more qualified than you.
      Oh yes, we can also say that this person also did not know how to work.

      Front-line portrait of the Soviet poet Evgeny Aronovich Dolmatovsky. From 1939 to 1945, Dolmatovsky, as a war correspondent, was in the active units of the Soviet army. In 1941 he was surrounded and taken prisoner, from which he fled again to the front (these events are reflected in the novel “Green Brahma” written by him).
      1. +1
        April 3 2018 21: 20
        You know, since it came to photocores. For example, Eugene Chaldean. One of his most famous works: reindeer on earth tattered with shells, above it is a sky with a flying fighter, a stop. But as done, still the heart is torn to pieces!
  26. +3
    April 3 2018 17: 23
    Quote: BAI

    And why is the author sure that his conclusions are the ultimate truth

    Because the poisoned pen is in his hands.
  27. +1
    April 3 2018 21: 25
    Article minus. The fact is that the author makes the same mistake in all his works - he looks at the events of those days with today's eyes. Today we know that the Soviet Union almost withstood the onslaught of the whole of Europe and won. But who knew that at that time?
    There was a war and there was always censorship, and I believe that all normally thinking people understand that during the war not everything can be written. A word inappropriately spoken by a correspondent could lead to panic, defeatism and other negative influences, both in the rear and at the front, and could give out information that constitutes state and military secrets.
    The USSR won, and there is a contribution to this victory also of those correspondents whom our prolific author is so hard trampling into the dirt in his article.
    1. 0
      April 3 2018 21: 54
      Sorry, but what events do you look at at the events of the Hundred Years (Thirty Years, Seven Years, and even the Seven Day) War?
      1. +1
        April 4 2018 16: 37
        Quote: 3x3zsave
        Sorry, but what events do you look at at the events of the Hundred Years (Thirty Years, Seven Years, and even the Seven Day) War?

        I did not think that you all understand literally. Figurative expression "watch with today's eyes" means that the author considers and criticizes past events from the standpoint of today's knowledge. At that time, our fathers and grandfathers did not have our knowledge. A vivid example: today's bribe-tellers accuse Stalin of allegedly not believing Sorge that the war would begin on June 22, which is why we were defeated in the initial period of the war. But I'm sorry, today we know that the war began on June 22. And then? Sorge was bombarded with telegrams to Moscow (do not take it literally too) that the war would begin then, then, but the beginning of the war was constantly being postponed.
        1. +1
          April 4 2018 21: 57
          I do not understand everything "literally." Once again I repeat: many of the author’s socio-ethical imperatives are not close to me, but as a professional I respect him very, very much.
          1. +1
            April 4 2018 23: 37
            Quote: 3x3zsave
            ... but as a professional I respect him very, very much.

            Well, respect your health, why did you need to wedged in with a question about the "eyes"?
            In PR, he is probably a professional, he advertises himself 100%, but this publication showed the lack of any professionalism. The author does not adhere to the elementary principles of studying and sanctifying historical events.
            In historical science there is such a principle - "The principle of historicism", which provides for the consideration of every phenomenon and the evaluation of each era in terms of its historical features and capabilities, only then can we correctly understand everything that happens in past times.
          2. +1
            April 5 2018 07: 43
            Quote: 3x3zsave
            I do not understand everything "literally." Once again I repeat: many of the author’s socio-ethical imperatives are not close to me, but as a professional I respect him very, very much.

            And why repeat it endlessly, because no one asks about it.
  28. 0
    April 4 2018 09: 38
    multi-ton presses stamping the towers of the best tank of World War II, the Soviet T-34

    Particularly touched ... lol
    1. BAI
      April 4 2018 09: 53
      Especially, given the fact that the author positions himself as a connoisseur of tanks:
    2. 0
      April 4 2018 10: 15
      Campaign, the author mixed the German press, used to stamp "molds", and American machines for processing shoulder straps. But with the latter - yes, we must pay tribute; without LL, it would be impossible to switch to the release of T-34-85 (more precisely, this could only be done in Sormovo).
      However, before the war, the release of the T-34 was provided in many respects with imported equipment. Of the 253 machines requested by STZ as necessary for the production of T-34s, 107 were imported:
      - screw-cutting “Heydsireich and Garbeck” 13 pcs., “Beringer” 11 pcs., “Dr. Brown” 1 pc .;
      - turning and rotary "Niles" 35 pcs .;
      - turning and multi-cutting “Guishold” 11 pcs .;
      - revolving "Heinemann" 18 pcs .;
      - Dental "Maag" 2 pcs.;
      - gearshakers “Reinecker” 6 pcs., “Lorenz” 3 pcs., “Pfauter” 1 pc.;
      - universal grinding "Schmalz" - 1 pc .;
      - intra-grinding "Wotan" 1 pc .;
      - slot grinding “F. Werner "3 pcs.;
      - grinding “Glisson” 1 pc.

      This is how the Reich strengthened the defense power of the USSR. laughing
  29. +1
    April 9 2018 10: 21
    Awesome article, thanks Vyacheslav for the cycle.
  30. kig
    April 11 2018 11: 43
    and who are the rhetoricians? They pushed smart words here, not so much in our way, in a simple way
  31. 0
    25 July 2018 18: 48
    Honestly, not a shisha has changed over the past 150 years. As the media were a lying mouthpiece of power, they remained. As the authorities and media hucksters used in their selfish interests, nothing has changed. My attitude towards those media outlets that proclaim opponents of the government’s actions by the eReF “the fifth column”, “Ukrainian propaganda”, etc. has changed especially strongly. Vesty.ru and gr. Kiselev.

    Among these muddy types, Comrade Comrade breaks through with a light ray. Poddubny with reports from hot spots, but he has not been seen for a long time, the agenda for sweat-bites is different.