War of extermination

War of extermination

In their moral degradation, the German invaders, having lost their human appearance, had long since fallen to the level of wild animals.
Joseph Stalin, November 6 1941

In modern Russia, recalling the Great Patriotic War, they talk, write and shoot films about the causes of the war, military operations, mistakes of the Soviet command, they pay a lot of attention to the “fault” of Stalin. There are authors who justify the occupiers, collaborators, blacken the partisans, underground fighters. In their works, the USSR looks almost worse than the Third Reich, or stands on the same level with it in atrocities. They say that the arrival of the Germans was greeted by local residents with joy, and people lived under the invaders better than under the “bloody dictator” Stalin.

At the same time, they often forget that this war was very different from the others - previous and subsequent ones. It was a war to destroy our civilization and the whole nation. By the fall of 1941, the German leadership was generally planning to complete the operation to destroy the Soviet armed forces and occupy the European part of the USSR through the Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan line. Almost immediately after the seizure of territory, the Germans, with their inherent rationalism and practicality, began to "develop" the land. The methods of this “mastering” were planned in as detailed as the plan of the military campaign. Naturally, adjustments could be made in the course, but the essence did not change. Captured spaces were cleared of "racially inferior" residents of the USSR.

Thank God, and our people (and the leadership of the Union), that the Nazis failed to implement the plan of "blitzkrieg". He crashed on the firm political will of Moscow, the fierce resistance of soldiers, sailors, border guards, pilots, gunners and tankmen, the general power of the state, which our enemy underestimated. Therefore, the Nazis were able to realize only a part of their plans. But even this part is horrified by its scale and brutality of the methods of the occupation regime. According to the most modest estimates of the 70 millions of Soviet citizens, who were under the fifth invaders, every fifth did not live up to the Victory.

The Nazis methodically destroyed the Communists, employees of state bodies, prisoners of war, partisans, members of the underground, Jews. Virtually the entire occupied territory was turned into a giant death conveyor. Destroyed by direct methods, through the use of overwork, food restrictions, lack of basic medical care. Not only mature people became victims, but also children, old people. The Soviet army, advancing, met whole "death zones" into which cities, villages and villages were turned.

According to the USSR Chief Prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials of Lev Smirnov, Soviet soldiers everywhere encountered crimes of unprecedented cruelty: “At the mass graves where the bodies of Soviet people, killed by“ typical German methods, ”rested, the bodies of teenagers swayed in the kilns of giant crematoriums, where those killed in the extermination camps were burned, on the corpses of women and girls who were victims of the sadistic inclinations of the fascist gangsters, on the dead bodies of children torn in half ... ” According to the American representative of the prosecution Taylor: "These atrocities took place as a result of carefully calculated orders and directives issued before or during the attack on the Soviet Union and were a coherent logical system."

War of extermination

6 June 1941, the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht OKW issued a secret order ("Decree of the Commissioners"), which ordered the elimination of captured commissioners (political leaders). The order was signed by the field marshal, the chief of staff of the High Command, the German armed forces, Wilhelm Keitel. This order was supplemented by a number of orders. For example, the special order No. 1 of the OKW chief to the 21 directive No. 19 of May 1941 reported that the fight against Bolshevism "requires strict, decisive measures against Bolshevik agitators, partisans, saboteurs and Jews ...". 2 July 1941 was issued a special directive by the Reich General Security Directorate, signed by the head of the RSHA Reinhard Heydrich. She was addressed to the chiefs of the SS and the police in the occupied Soviet territories of the USSR and reported that workers of the Comintern, employees of the highest and middle rank, as well as the most active lower rank employees in the Communist Party, Central Committee, regional and district committees, commissioners, Jews ( party members and civil servants), as well as various radical elements (saboteurs, saboteurs, propagandists, arsonists, murderers, etc.).

22 June Hitler's hordes attacked the USSR. On the fourth day of the war the Germans entered Baranavichy. The German soldiery crumbled around the city, killed for a sidelong glance and behind closed doors. Four of them fell into the hands of the Soviet Red Army burned alive. In one of the villages near Borisov, the Nazis "had fun": 36 women and girls were brutally murdered, more were raped.

In Bialystok, the 309 police battalion, which entered the city after the Wehrmacht formations, was engaged in “appeasing" the population. First, the soldiers defeated the liquor stores, and then began to collect the Jews who lived in the city. The Nazis were not satisfied with the pogrom and began to shoot the detained Jews. They killed houses, on the streets, in the city park. The survivors were driven into the central synagogue and set on fire. Grenades were thrown at the windows, those who tried to escape were shot. As a result, only in the synagogue they killed up to 700 men. Wehrmacht officers surprised by these events, the habits of them were not there, were outraged. But there was no punishment, the police carried out their duties.

4nd Commander tank Colonel-General Erich Göpner said in an order to the troops: “The war against Russia is an essential part of the struggle for the existence of the German people. This is a long-standing struggle of the Germans against the Slavs, the defense of European culture from the Moscow-Asian invasion ... This fight should be aimed at ruining today's Russia, and therefore should be waged with unprecedented cruelty ... ” And the troops followed these orders.

There were German murderers and local associates. 30 June the Germans took Lvov. The Nachtigall battalion entered the city (it was part of the German commando division Brandenburg 800), which was formed mainly from members and supporters of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (Bandera movement). Roman Shukhevych commanded the battalion directly. The officers of the Abwehr (military intelligence and counterintelligence of Germany), who prepared this battalion, had no reason to complain about his military and political training, but further events confused even the hardened German intelligence officers. Ukrainian Nazis staged a real massacre in the city. "Yids" and "Muscovites" were brutally killed. Spared neither women nor children. Later, SS units joined the “hunt”, which entered the city a little later. Only in the first days in the city more than 4 thousand people were killed.

Similar reprisals took place all over Western Ukraine. They were killed only because the person was a Jew, a Pole, a Moskal or a Bolshevik. They did not lag behind the Ukrainian Nazis and the SS fighters and Wehrmacht soldiers. In the dormitory of a Lviv garment factory, they raped and killed 32 young women. Drunken soldiers caught the girls on the streets of Lviv and dragged them to Kosciuszko Park, where they were raped, many were disfigured and killed. Priest V. Pomaznev tried to call the soldiers to reason: he was beaten, his beard was burned and he was slaughtered.

The 1 SS Panzer Division “Leibstandard SS Adolf Hitler” “distinguished itself” in atrocities — it was part of the 1 Panzer Group under the command of Colonel-General Ewald von Kleist. On the night before the invasion of the Soviet Union, the elite fighters were explained how to behave in the war of extermination: “Break the Russian skull and you will protect yourself from them forever! You are the infinite lord in this country! The life and death of the population is in your hands! We need Russian spaces without Russians! ”In one of the settlements near Rivne, the SS units encountered particularly fierce resistance and suffered significant losses. After the capture of the village, the angry Nazis drove several dozens of old women and children, and shot them. Soon the division commander Josef Dietrich issued an order not to take prisoners, to shoot them on the spot. Behind the division there were special teams that destroyed the village behind the village, people hiding in basements and cellars, “smoked” with grenades. After the division remained "desert".

The seizure of the Baltic republics was very swift, so few had time to evacuate. On the day when the Germans entered Kaunas, local Nazis staged a massacre in the city. Lithuanian nationalists competed with the SS in cruelty, in a few days more than 4 thousand people were killed, houses and synagogues were defeated. By July 11, according to SD data, 7800 Jews were exterminated in Kaunas. Local nationalists rendered the Germans great help in finding not only Jews, but communists, Red Army men.

In Riga, immediately after the capture of the city began mass arrests. Workers who welcomed in the 1940 year, joining the USSR, representatives of Soviet and party institutions, in general, all ordinary people from other republics, were arrested. They mocked, arrested, and most often, they did not return home, they were taken to the forest and shot. During the 2-3 weeks, approximately 12 thousands of Jews and as many Russians were exterminated. In addition, concentration camps, “death camps,” were quickly established in the Baltics. They destroyed not only local residents, but also brought people from other regions of the USSR.

For the mass destruction of civilians in the territories occupied by the Third Reich, operational (punitive) special-purpose groups were created - the Einsatzgruppen der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD security groups (SD). Einsatzgrupp followed the units of the Wehrmacht advancing to the east and responsible for the security of the rear, “cleansing” it from Communists, Jews, Gypsies, “asocial elements”, Soviet intelligentsia, etc. In May 1941 of the year was created four einsatzgruppen. They divided the front line by geographic principle: group “A” - the Baltic republics were in their area of ​​responsibility (zone of advance of Army Group “North”); Group “B” - Minsk, Smolensk, Moscow Region (Army Group “Center”); Group "C" - the area of ​​Kiev; Group "D" - the southern part of Ukraine (Army Group "South"). In addition, established Sonderkommando (him. Sonderkommando, a special team), they were used in close proximity to the front line.

Einsatzgruppeni noted in the mass destruction of the Jewish population. It was worked out a certain method for the destruction of Jewish communities. After the first pogroms and massacres, in which local residents often took part (this was typical of the Baltic States and Western Ukraine), the Jews were ordered to move to a specially created ghetto (isolated residential areas). On the day appointed for the slaughter, the Jews were ordered to gather in the central square of the settlement or in a building. Then, as a rule, under the pretext of being sent to work, or resettlement, they were sent to the place of execution. At the same time, the places of residence of the Jews were cordoned off by units of the Wehrmacht, and the soldiers searched the house behind the house, destroying those who were hiding. So, in Kiev, in literally two days - 29-30 of September 1941 of the year, more than 33 thousand people were destroyed.

The exact number of people killed in this way is unknown. Only Jews in the USSR were killed up to 2 million people. By the end of 1941, the Einsatzgruppen group reported the following data: Group A - more than 249 thousand murdered Jews; Group B - more than 45 thousand people; Group C - 95 thousand killed; Group D - 92 thousand killed Jews.

During punitive operations, the occupiers did not stand on ceremony with the local “racially inferior” population. The connections of the SS cavalry brigade under the command of Fegelein at the end of July “pacified” the Belarusian villages of the Starobinsky district. In two weeks, only one brigade regiment destroyed a 6509 man and 239 arrested. In August, the 221 and 286 security divisions carried out punitive operations in the Ivatsevichi area and around Lepel, and the 162 and 252 infantry divisions in the Bogushevsky region. As a result, 13788 civilians and 714 military were killed only in the Bogushevsky district, not counting the destroyed settlements.

Loved punishers and "have fun." Rape was a massive phenomenon in this war. In the town of Shatsk, Minsk Region, all the girls were raped, then they were naked expelled to the square and forced to dance. Those who refused were shot. In the village of Rekty all the girls were taken to the forest, raped and killed. In the village of Lyady, a German soldier first looted houses, and then the Germans demanded 18 girls to “entertain” the command. When the order was not executed, they took it away. The girls, among them were 13-14 summer, raped and killed. In the village of Berezovka, Smolensk region, the Nazis raped and took with them all the women and girls aged 16-30 years. In the village of Hills under Mogilyov, German sadists grabbed six girls. They were raped, then their eyes and breasts were cut out. One was torn with tilted trees.

They loved Hans and Fritz to photograph their "exploits". In this regard, they resemble the current globalizers - NATO soldiers. Complete impunity leads to brutality. Enough data was preserved to understand that atrocities and massacres were the norm for the German occupiers.

Under the city of the Island, the German Air Force bombed a train on which children were taken out. The planes not only bombed the train, but also arranged a hunt for scattering children. Another squad was bombed near Mogilyov: the children fled into the forest, and German tanks got out of it. This was the SS division "Reich" - they began to crush children. No wonder Adolf Hitler spoke of the need for the development of a “defacement technique,” ​​that is, the elimination of entire racial units. For the Germans, there was no longer any difference whom to kill - the enemy’s soldiers or children, they cleared the “living space” for themselves.

The office of Paul Joseph Goebbels worked well. Virtually every German soldier managed to instill that the war in the East is very different from the military campaigns in the West. In the East, they fought against the Russian-Jewish Asiatic hordes, which are worse than rabid animals, nonhumans, who cannot be taken prisoner. The destruction of prisoners of the Red Army took place everywhere. Often they were not just killed, but also scoffed - they poked out their eyes, ripped off their bellies, cut out stars on their bodies, crushed them with tanks, etc. Wounded Red Army soldiers, during their retreat, if it was not possible to pick them up, they asked to kill them in order not to fall into the hands of the Nazis.

The advancing German troops carried with them hell. In the village of Bely Rast, Guderian tankers were entertained by shooting at 12-year-old Volodya Tkachev, who became a “living target.” In the city of Ruse, a brothel was staged in a cinema, forcibly driving girls there.

During the counteroffensive of the Soviet troops near Moscow, the Red Army soldiers found many traces of the monstrous atrocities of the Nazi soldiers. Scorched villages, destroyed cities, where the Germans destroyed almost the entire infrastructure. In the villages there was not a whole house. Women, old women and children hid in the woods, in dugouts and near fires. Men were hijacked for engineering work and shot during the retreat. In a number of villages, the entire population was burned down. Military censorship detained letters from soldiers, which described the atrocities of the Nazis. The actions of the invaders were so terrible that it was simply not possible to tell the whole truth. The internal affairs authorities recorded more and more new cases of atrocities by the occupiers. The reality was worse than any newspaper truth.

It is amazing how the Soviet soldiers were able to maintain the highest level of discipline in enemy territory. They saw with their own eyes the hell that the Hitlerite hordes brought to the Soviet land.
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  1. Dust
    April 25 2012 08: 31
    Yes, in my opinion, all the wars for Russia and the Soviet Union were to destroy - no one was going to pity us ...
    It was fought in the West in order to just rob and for fun ...
    1. Lech e-mine
      April 25 2012 16: 26
      this is how the Fritz killed our ancestors
  2. Sergeev
    April 25 2012 08: 43
    The man inside is a beast in its essence, and there are many examples of this.
    1. +6
      April 25 2012 16: 01
      Not a man is a beast, but an animal principle or animal consciousness. The fact that we are related to animals. But man also has reason (it is not for nothing that a reasonable man is called). And the duty of man to develop this mind, and not be like an animal.
  3. +13
    April 25 2012 08: 45
    they still dream of destroying us.
    1. Salavat
      April 25 2012 11: 38
      they are now destroying us. the imposition of an alien to us thinking, mentality, lifestyle, denigrating our glorious history ...
  4. +9
    April 25 2012 08: 55
    And while they are alive, it will last 100-200-300-1000 years.
    1. Vadim555
      April 25 2012 21: 10
      Quote: Strezhevchanin
      And while they are alive, it will last 100-200-300-1000 years.

      Subtlely noticed, and most importantly for sure!
  5. +14
    April 25 2012 09: 02
    Eternal memory for all tortured, killed! And we do not forget all the atrocities of these civilizers.
    1. Lech e-mine
      April 25 2012 16: 30
      this happened in RUSSIA wherever a German soldier was — Fritz killed people on colossal scales.
      1. 0
        April 26 2012 10: 38
        Not only German soldiers, but also all other invaders - Poles, Mongol-Tatars, French, Swedes ...
  6. taurus
    April 25 2012 09: 33
    Surprisingly, it is amazing how the very cultural and highly developed nation in all respects, the Germans were, managed to turn into such animals in just a few years of competent brainwashing. It becomes terribly from the realization of this fact. And it gets even worse when you realize that all this can be repeated in our time
    1. +15
      April 25 2012 11: 18
      Quote: taurus
      they managed to turn several years of competent brainwashing into such animals.
      No, not for several years. Since the time of the crusaders, the "knight-dogs" the Germans behaved like this in the occupied territories. And what did they do in Belgium during World War I! Read "I have the honor" by V.S. Pikul. This is the civilized Europeans in And there has always been a question whether we are or they. Today nothing has changed. Only the forms of warfare have changed. Moreover, our leaders sold out to the enemy and surrendered our interests in bulk.
    2. Lech e-mine
      April 25 2012 16: 33
      this photo hit me hardest in the soul - Fritz takes life from mother and child
  7. +25
    April 25 2012 09: 34
    "Mister" Guskov showed that all this is communist propaganda. And the fascists were the noblest warriors, unlike the "brutalized" Soviet Army. How does the earth wear it? God willing to live, I will gladly add my spit to millions of others on his grave! It is unlikely that they will decorate it with anything more decent.
    1. Lech e-mine
      April 25 2012 16: 39
      noble Germans - soldiers have fun, so to speak (shooting of Serbs in Yugoslavia)
    2. -1
      April 26 2012 10: 41
      Just a bunch of shit
  8. +12
    April 25 2012 09: 51
    It was they, from impotence, they could not bring the Russian person to their knees and force them to renounce their Homeland, that they killed everyone and everything, because they became scared.
  9. +17
    April 25 2012 10: 33
    This article is a development of the thoughts of the previous one - "The mythology of the Third Reich: racial theory."
    It should be noted that all the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis in our country, in their eyes, had moral justification in the superiority of the Nazis over the "subhuman", where they included almost the rest of humanity.
    German "superhuman" our grandfathers and fathers put in place. But, unfortunately, the idea of ​​self-selectivity, superiority of individual races, nations, peoples or religions over others has not sunk into oblivion since then and poses a serious threat to many regions of the planet and humanity as a whole.
    And although this idea today does not manifest itself openly from a position of strength, it is gradually maturing in many countries, disguising itself as protecting the rights of certain categories of the population, highlighting these categories in a privileged position and forcing the rest into a discriminated position.
    Illustrating the collapse of the policy of multiculturalism, a box shows a plot where a teacher asks a black student: “You and your girlfriend (white) answered in the same way. However, I will give you a higher score. Do you know why? ”She joyfully:“ Yes, because I have black skin color, ”and laughs briskly.
    And no one noted that such facts are the same racism, only with the opposite sign. Since the essence is the same: the races are again not equal, only in the opposite direction. Legitimate inequality of races is carried out, their ranking by providing someone with unearned privileges.
    A similar picture is observed today in Russia. Individual nations and nationalities have privileges both in individual regions and in the country as a whole: their additional national authorities, their national systems of protection of rights, national advocacy, etc. But the state-forming people do not have this, therefore, in fact, they are discriminated against. And all this is state policy.
    Therefore, in any conflict, when the victim is Russian, it is a domestic conflict. If the victim is from another people, then this is Russian chauvinism, Russian fascism, Russian natural savagery, etc.
    We really have a huge centuries-old experience of coexistence of different peoples and religions. But if we use it only as a mantra, then this will not bring good.
    Sooner or later, the accumulating popular discontent with the injustice of the state system may explode and then it will not seem to anyone.
    It is necessary to take adequate and timely measures to implement not declared, but real equality of all peoples in the country, including, first of all, before the law.

    As an illustration of similar facts.
    From the article: “On 22 of June Hitler’s hordes attacked the USSR. On the fourth day of the war, the Germans entered Baranavichy. The German soldier was scattered around the city, they were killed behind an oblique look and behind closed doors. Four of them fell into the hands of the Soviet Red Army alive. ”
    I want to remind you, when the Soviet Union collapsed, there was a message that in Uzbekistan, the local population doused four Russian soldiers (also four) with gasoline and set them on fire.
    There is something to think about. And it is necessary to demand adequate action from the authorities.
  10. lukaviy
    April 25 2012 10: 33
    Tin! Here he is - an example of how the so-called real civilized people turn into animals if they give the go-ahead for atrocities and they have the realization that they will not be punished for this. I read in an article that after a war a German pilot, while in prison, told another that at first he was not comfortable killing civilians, and on the 4th day they were hunting for women and children without remorse. Quite a bit of time was required.
    But Soviet soldiers, as far as I know, did not turn into animals and did not scoff at civilians. Although here they just then, in this case, could be understood.
    1. Lech e-mine
      April 25 2012 16: 55
      Such is the reality-Fritz killed all prisoners before leaving (women are looking for their relatives) ROSTOV-ON DON
    April 25 2012 10: 38
    The author is a huge plus. An article in history books. As well as an introduction to all articles promoting liberalism and universal values.
  12. +12
    April 25 2012 10: 42
    I wonder which bastard put the article minus?
    1. +6
      April 25 2012 13: 08
      Surely representatives of the liberal or human rights troll-part of the members of the forum.
  13. +8
    April 25 2012 10: 59
    Article plus. There would be more such articles telling about the realities, about what these bullshitters bring to the world and our country.
  14. Alex63
    April 25 2012 11: 22
    The Great Patriotic War is a war for the very existence of our state. The memory of those killed in this war is sacred. And the very fact of the appearance in Russian cinema and literature of various "masterpieces" distorting the truth about the War, allowing various kinds of fantasies and speculation, sometimes denigrating and throwing mud at the Russian soldier frightens, alarms and outrages. The Great Patriotic War - Liberation War. And you can only tell the truth about her. And the truth is that the Russian soldier saved the world from Hitler at a terrible cost, putting his life, the life of his family and friends on the altar of VICTORY. Still boys, who had never even kissed a girl, went to the front and died, giving their lives for the lives of those who are now turning the entire history of this War upside down. The Great Patriotic War is not for fantasies on a free topic. We must once and for all point these dreamers to their place in life.
  15. mnn_12
    April 25 2012 11: 39
    All the same, Stalin and the then leaders are to blame. If the leadership was at the height of the historical moment, Kiev would not have taken to Moscow and Leningrad would not have reached the Nazis. If the most capable pre-war commanders, the most talented military engineers and specialists themselves were not shot or sent to the camps, if clear and numerous intelligence signals were not criminally ignored, the USSR would not have lost at least 20 million people. Political opponents rastrelivat one thing and a completely different war with the Wehrmacht.
    They magnify Stalin only because the people kept the victory at the cost of inhuman efforts and terrifying losses - this is supreme stupidity and a complete misunderstanding of historical processes. And a misunderstanding of history is scary because it means that mistakes of the past will be repeated in the future.
    1. +5
      April 25 2012 13: 22
      Well, Zhukov or Rokossovsky, Konev, Kuznetsov, etc. were not shot, and it’s hardly capable commanders.
      Stalin cannot be called an idiot either, and why do you think that intelligence signals were ignored? Is it really impossible to look at all these events, not through the prism of a democratic-Wikipedia vision of history, but from a slightly different angle, not let down by the media and the neo-educational systems.
      The price of victory is terrible, it’s not a secret, but what would be the price of losing fortunately (some people think unfortunately) we don’t recognize and we should be grateful for this, and not look for negativity and delve into the slops of our past.
      1. mnn_12
        April 25 2012 17: 54
        Dear Dreadnought
        I did not call Stalin an idiot, but they will release the ego from responsibility for what happened from June 22, 1942 to September 1942 - this is unacceptable! No one talks bad about Zhukov or Rokosovsky here, and the atom says that there were few such wonderful commanders at the beginning of the war. War ograts only with one or two brilliant generals igrats impossible. It is necessary to have personnel at all levels prepared.
        And the fact that Stalin ignored intelligence data - read, this Russian and Soviet historiography does not dispute at all.
        For example, teach what happened to the main developers of the legendary Katyusha ...
        The Second World War had many heroes, but they will call the great man who allowed more than 20 million victims to die, provided that (as a number of stats say here) the Soviet army was not inferior to the German army in the year 1941 - this is a loss of reality.
    2. biglow
      April 25 2012 18: 35
      Give the names of capable commanders, talented engineers and specialists whose evil Stalin shot and poisoned in prison, and even ate some?
      1. mnn_12
        April 25 2012 19: 30
        Dear biglow,
        I think you are a young man. Please read here the published materials. Learn the history of the development of Katyushas, ​​for example, and the one subordinate to Voroshilov who was shot but who managed to advance Katyush in the Red Army immediately before the start of the war. It seems that it was Tukhachevsky but I can’t guarantee it. Teach and what happened with the development of unique miniature submarines in the Black Sea. Only one such submarine was built and used in the Black Sea and caused the Hitlerites many problems. The developers of this boat were shot. These are examples that I know but have not systematically studied. Est founding that many think. Biography Queen know?
        Teach you more about cleansing the Red Army commanders before the war. A lot of materials on this topic. The films "Burnt by the Sun" are not only fictional fiction.
        1. Alex63
          April 26 2012 01: 19
          I can’t understand where you came from, what kind of flag you have. Before discussing Russian history and the history of the Soviet state here, one must at least possess knowledge, and then be clever. We read the populist statues of the current graphomaniacs, fed by the authorities and argue. Read the Real History of our state. Read Zhukov, Rokossovsky, other military leaders. There is no praise of Stalin. There is an objective assessment of the events. To talk about that time, you had to live then. It is still unknown where you would run if you heard your neighbor speak disrespectfully of Stalin.
          1. mnn_12
            April 26 2012 10: 59
            Dear Alex,
            Reality is always more complex and difficult to fit within the framework of primitive ideological and propaganda schemes. I do not know what you mean by "real history" but no one can change the historical facts. Here is not to assess and not to propaganda but to the simple facts of history. And the facts when they say propaganda (Western, Russian, liberal, and what else is there) should be silent. And the facts are as follows - the war began, the red army was unprepared and at the end of 1941 the Wehrmacht was at the gates of Moscow, and you know well what happened in Leningrad. Zhukov appeared in the battles for Leningrad and Moscow. The question is - what were these leaders before Zhukov and Rokosovsky who were supposed to prevent the Nazis at the gates of Moscow? Who gave completely inadequate orders in the first days of the war?
            Yes, Zhukov and Rokosovsky did not praise Stalin because they knew the truth. And there are many who try to praise him.
            About objective assessments - yes, I did not live then. Did you live then? Did you starve in Leningrad, attacked tanks with rifles? Were you a participant in the Kharkov office of 1942? Hit the prisoners of war by the Nazis? Were you among those who somehow survived under Hitler's occupation?
            Think about it before the greats of Stalin ...
          2. Galina
            April 26 2012 23: 18
            I don’t understand why are you minus the Bulgarian? He does not give a negative assessment of the history of our state (alas, the former). And what does not praise Stalin - well, look at your conscience and tell me honestly whether this historical person is a persona grata. But you yourself know how many mistakes (to put it mildly) were made by this head of state. Definitely praise or, conversely, blaspheme it would be simply primitive.
        2. +2
          April 26 2012 02: 31
          A more successful example than "Burnt by the Sun" and you can't invent it on purpose ... This raises a big question about your knowledge of this topic.
  16. Salavat
    April 25 2012 11: 53
    "Even the final defeat as a whole cannot be viewed as something absolute, for a defeated country often sees in it only a transient evil that can be corrected in the future by subsequent, political relations." Clausewitz.
    However, the defeat of the USSR in that war could become that absolute evil that cannot be corrected by any political relations. but the more time passes, the less people realize that the enemy had to be defeated at all costs. either we or they - a third was not given.
    The article is a huge plus.
  17. +7
    April 25 2012 12: 07
    It would be great to apply the methods of civilization that the invaders applied to our people to the Guskovs and similar geeks who put such articles as a minus. I would love to see it. Although they probably hope to be with the civilizers, only the results of the Second World War showed that, in the end, they find themselves where they belong, on the gallows ...
  18. +19
    April 25 2012 12: 08
    For mnn_12.
    You will bother to provide sufficient evidence of your passage on the theme of the capture of Kiev, the execution and conviction of the most talented commanders of the Red Army. I can give worthy examples of the need to destroy Dybenko, Frinovsky, Blucher, Stern.
    Or maybe these "great commanders" would help defend against the Nazis: Berzin, Shefris, Mezis or Alksnis with Vatsetis.
    Do not read and listen to Goebel's propaganda and Shelenberg's "memoirs". Moreover, the sobering up of the fascists themselves came quickly enough. Speer proposed to Hitler at the end of November 1941 to conclude an armistice with the USSR, the Fuhrer himself in April 1942 recognized the quality superiority of the Red Army. There are many more. And the most important thing is MY ARMY took the lair of the fascists by storm, and until 1994, parts of my ARMY were in Europe. And it could have continued even longer if not for the betrayal of a few scoundrels.
    1. +5
      April 25 2012 13: 25
      Quote: AK-74-1
      And most importantly, MY ARMY stormed the lair of the Nazis

      Andrew, subscribe to each phrase +++!
    2. Alex63
      April 25 2012 15: 28
      And this could go on even longer if not for the betrayal of several bastards.
      I agree that as a result of the betrayal of several villains who stood and stood at the helm of our state, we lost Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, Transcaucasia, the Baltic states, gave up Russian lands on the Amur and gave hope to the Japanese on the Kuril Islands. Except as high treason, this can not be called. And after that we choose them to lead our country?
    3. mnn_12
      April 25 2012 18: 07
      Dear AK,
      Do not even talk badly about your army, the other way round - this is truly a wonderful army of Eesli who managed to survive and defeat after the defeat of June 22, 1941 to September 1942. The details of the capture of Kiev are not important to me here. It is important that, provided that (as a number of stats here affirm this) the Soviet army was not substantially inferior to the German army in the youth of 1941. The Wehrmacht managed to almost destroy the USSR Air Force, took Kiev and reached Leningrad and Moscow, this means first of all one thing - complete and criminal unpreparedness the highest Soviet leadership - Stalin, Voroshilov ...
      1. +2
        April 25 2012 19: 58
        about what the "true Aryans with a Nordic character" experienced first-hand

        Dear Frida, Walter and Gunther.

        Again I managed to write you a letter, now I have almost no time - we have been on the march for many days and there is no longer any time for letters. Today is the first calm day, whether it will be so tomorrow, we do not know, sometimes we go back, because here, near Moscow, the devil knows what is going on. The Russians exerted all their strength - they had a lot of planes that constantly bombed us, and tanks that crushed everything underneath. They are so strong that our tanks can’t do anything, and only artillery and heavy anti-aircraft guns destroy them.

        Today we lay in one village, which was fired on the eve. Everything is turned around here. Wreckage of cars, wagons, guns everywhere, piles of dead horses. Many killed, and among ours too. Five soldiers were injured in my company, a corporal, two non-commissioned officers and a lieutenant were killed. He destroyed a Russian tank and that very day he himself got a bullet in his head when they took this village. If the war nevertheless ends and we return home, then we probably won’t even be able to describe what was happening here. The second battalion was completely crushed by tanks, I would not want to be there ... I hope the Lord will continue to keep me and we will see each other again at home. Now it’s cold again, and it is snowing again, why did they start a war here ...

        November 25.10.1941, XNUMX
        We are located 90 km from Moscow, and it cost us a lot of people killed. The Russians still show very strong resistance, defending Moscow, this can easily be imagined. Until we come to Moscow, there will be more fierce battles. Many who still don’t think about it will have to die. So far, we have two killed by heavy mines and a 1-shell. In this campaign, many regretted that Russia was not Poland and not France, and that there was no stronger enemy than the Russians. If another six months pass, we are gone because the Russians have too many people. I heard that when we finish Moscow, they will let us go to Germany.
        (From the letters of the soldier Sim3.12.1941
        For over three months now I have been in Russia and have already experienced a lot. Yes, dear brother, sometimes the soul goes straight to the heels when you are a hundred meters from the damned Russians and grenades and mines are torn around you.
        (From a letter from the soldier E. Zeigardt to his brother Friedrich, city of Hofsgust.) She is Baumer.)

        November 5.12.1941, XNUMX
        This time we will celebrate Christmas in Russian “paradise”. We are again at the forefront, hard days for us. Just think, Ludwig Franz is killed. It hit him in the head. Yes, my dear Fred, the ranks of old comrades are thinning and thinning. On the same day, 3.12, I lost two more comrades from my department ... Probably, they will soon release us; my nerves completely lost. Neugebauer is obviously not killed, but seriously wounded. Feldfebel Fleisig, Sarsen and Schneider from the old first company are also killed. Also the old sergeant Rosterman. 3.12 also killed our last battalion commander, Lt. Col. Walter. Anft is still wounded. Bortush and Koblishek, Mushchik, Kasker, Leibzel and Canrost are also killed.
        (From a letter from non-commissioned officer G. Weiner to his friend Alfred Schaefer.)

        1. mnn_12
          April 25 2012 21: 10
          Dear mechanic,
          I agree that "true Aryans with a Nordic character" got theirs. I alone do not agree to exalt Stalin for bringing the side to the brink of destruction, for allowing these horrible sufferings of the peoples of the USSR. If the country's leadership was in place, then the equivalent of the battle for Moscow should have taken place, if not at the Brest Fortress, then somewhere closer to Minsk or Kiev.
          1. +1
            April 26 2012 12: 20
            mnn_12 Yesterday, 21: 10
            I only disagree to magnify Stalin for bringing the side to the brink of destruction, for allowing these terrible sufferings of the peoples of the USSR
            -------------------------------------------------- -----------------
            Your understanding of the history of war is based on a media point of view, therefore it has nothing to do with reality.
            We won this terrible war only because we were lucky with the leader of the country, who not only laid the foundation for the Victory, having understood that Western democracies would not enter into an alliance with the USSR and concluded the Non-aggression Pact absolutely necessary for the Victory with Germany. But he was able to mobilize the country to war with the combined forces of Europe and bring it to victory.
            In World War I, our monarch turned out to be too weak, and Russia is still reaping the fruits of that defeat.
            1. mnn_12
              April 26 2012 13: 52
              Dear Kosopuz,
              I am talking about facts that neither Soviet nor Russian historiography disputes. I am not discussing the feasibility of the Ribentrop-Molotov Pact here. Yes, there was a victory and no one disputes this. The question of the price of victory and historical responsibility is the loss of more than 25 million people. The fact is indisputable that the Red Army was completely unprepared for the German attack and this responsibility lies with Stalin. He ignored intelligence signals (Sorge for example) and the result was more than 25 million victims and numerous destruction. If Esli has a loss of life, the army that met the Wehrmacht in 1941 was destroyed until sometime in the fall of 1942.
              These facts are not interpretations, not propaganda. I understand you do not like them, but this does not change their reliability. And they must be known so that they do not repeat again and again the same mistakes ...
  19. patriot2
    April 25 2012 12: 18
    I agree with you and the article.
    THE VICTORY OF THE USSR IN THE GREAT PATRIOTIC 1941-1945 historical fact and the HOLY VICTORY OVER THE Fascist ungodliness of the peoples of the USSR.
    And if in Russia a person disagrees with this, then Russia may come to an end.
    Attitude towards Victory in the Second World War is a litmus test for each candidate for the President of the Russian Federation. Now we will have - Putin, his attitude to this is correct.
    And the history of the Second World War should be taught in schools, as a separate subject; and it is imperative to introduce basic military training following the lesson from the history of the Second World War. And then patriotism in children will develop from this.
  20. Ahmar
    April 25 2012 12: 32
    It is simply amazing how Soviet soldiers were able to maintain the highest level of discipline on enemy territory.

    today comes insight - it was necessary to answer the same atrocity, so that it would be remembered forever - that they sow, they will reap !!!
    1. +11
      April 25 2012 12: 36
      The Soviet-Russian soldier was always distinguished by philanthropy, a sense of brotherhood and mutual assistance. You don't need to be like pigs, you just need to understand what these "pigs" have done in my country.
    2. Salavat
      April 25 2012 12: 51
      Quote: Ahmar
      had to answer the same atrocity

      strongly disagree! no need to be compared to barbarians, imagining themselves civilized people. we were and should be better. evil breeds evil, violence breeds violence, and there will be no end to it. evil must be answered only with justice.
    3. mnn_12
      April 25 2012 18: 20
      Dear Ahmar,
      Do not expect someone to write about this on this site. Such crimes were also with the Soviet army (in the region of East Prussia for example), but they in no case can be compared either as a maschab or as systematic and systematic with a Wehrmacht crime. For Bulgaria I can say - everything was really civilized. The troops of Marshal Tolbukhin was very disciplined, but the main thing was deep cultural and historical ties.
    4. +1
      April 26 2012 13: 34
      The Germans already remember and do not want evil to return to their homes - this is the official policy of the country and revanchism in Germany, as well as racism, are keen on the law there.
    5. 0
      April 29 2012 01: 58
      You’re being minus. And I think that such actions are justified. Each (adequate man), after receiving on the left cheek, will try to pile in full.
  21. Volkhov
    April 25 2012 12: 52
    The article is absolutely true, moreover, the Nazis managed to infiltrate the Soviet leadership, harm and then destroy it, pretended to be communists and domestic Zionists, organized the destruction of the SA, the removal of machine tools and gas with oil to Germany, the rapists continued to corrupt young people through a culture of sex and a desire to prostitution, for this the rural economy was destroyed, sadists became bandits and cops, genocide and burning of villages continued in the interests of black realtors, Abwehr agents repainted military equipment in their gray rat color so that the souls of our ancestors would not be recognized from above, war heaters sow hatred, cooking a new war, disastrous for Russia, the Nazis conceal the onset of a natural disaster so that the inhabitants of the Russian plains would be drowned, as they wanted to do with Moscow. Be vigilant, down with the last of the possessed!
  22. Manshtein_1
    April 25 2012 13: 44
    The war was one of the most correct and fair. SACRED. For life, for freedom. Comrades, perhaps many will disagree with me, but nevertheless I think that we trampled their snake tribe a little in the 45th. What would they ... still remember with trembling us, for all that they have done to us. And it will be fair with respect. We did not come to them, but they came to us.
    1. +1
      April 26 2012 13: 38
      Nevertheless, relations with the Germans, sworn enemies, are much warmer and better than with allies in arms - the Poles, who can not calm down anything in relations with our country.
  23. broken
    April 25 2012 14: 48
    but if we trampled on them what we were better than them ??? the same animals ... but if you think about it, now the West is propagandizing that we were no better than the Germans and in some cases even worse .... we need to promote the real (true) the story
  24. +4
    April 25 2012 15: 31
    And we, nerds, they restore cemeteries on our land !!! From these freaks a trace should not remain on the sacred Russian land! No cross, no knoll, no pebble of a grave !!!
    1. Tyumen
      April 25 2012 22: 01
      You're not right. Nothing should be forgotten. Otherwise they will remain
      only the cemeteries of our soldiers in Europe, and who knows what about them
      next generations of Caucasians will weave their children ...
    2. 0
      April 27 2012 08: 26
  25. +2
    April 25 2012 16: 08
    A very good article. In history textbooks, common phrases hurt.
    And as for the commanders - so they squabbled among themselves and Blucher, and Tukhachevsky, and Yakir and others. They were then planted at the beginning on denunciations of each other.
    PS And yet, what a bastard minus article set?
  26. +3
    April 25 2012 16: 19
    So I wonder all the time, what is our leadership going to cultivate patriotic citizens if they allow abuse of history?
    Normal films about the war have forgotten how to shoot, and if something comes out on the screen, it’s usually a snotty love story in military scenery, or some kind of nonsense like the creativity of the director-besogon ...
    1. Lech e-mine
      April 25 2012 16: 43
      as long as we remember the crimes of the Nazis, none of our leadership will be able to drown out our desire for the truth of history.
      1. +1
        April 25 2012 18: 17
        I subscribe to every word.
  27. +3
    April 25 2012 19: 44
    In some countries, Holocaust denial is a criminal offense. So we need to introduce a criminal punishment with a real term of imprisonment for denying the results of the Great Patriotic War, acquitting and denying Nazi crimes, denigrating the Liberation Army, for insulting and humiliating veterans
  28. Angellight
    April 25 2012 20: 17
    After reading this article, there is a huge desire to burn the whole Germany to hell with the geeks and descendants of the soldiers who killed us during the Second World War.
    1. Salavat
      April 25 2012 20: 58
      Quote: Angelight
      there is a huge desire to burn the whole damn to Germany

      fear God, we must be better than them.
      Without in any way justifying military aggression and crimes against civilians, I would like to say that German soldiers were thoroughly brainwashed by Nazi ideology and propaganda. they are the "superior race", we are the "Untermensch". the Germans themselves also became a bargaining chip in the political games of the rulers of the world. they were just used too.
      1. Angellight
        April 25 2012 22: 03
        That was my opinion. These creatures do not deserve a different attitude (I mean German soldiers).
      2. Tyumen
        April 25 2012 22: 05
        Well done! That's right. SUCH could happen to any people.
        And it did happen. It all depends on the ideology of the rulers. I think
        You yourself know examples.
  29. +5
    April 25 2012 21: 12
    Many thanks to Alexander for the article.
    Unfortunately, all these facts have been hushed up recently, both abroad and here. Moreover, this article is just a small trickle compared to the river of lies that flows on the Red Army, and in Russia, no less than in the West. What can I say, if the wonderful (I would even say - great) Soviet documentary "The Great Patriotic War", in which a lot of time is devoted to the above facts, has never been shown on TV since 91 (however, like many other similar films) ... It seems that there is a taboo on such works on Russian television. I even have a suspicion that the majority of the younger generation does not know anything about this at all.
    So such articles need a sea.
  30. +4
    April 25 2012 21: 38
    Now the United States is pursuing the same policy! How much grief and suffering the damned Yankees brought!
  31. -1
    April 26 2012 03: 23
    Author, thank you for the article. It is correct that you wrote. But the rest .... what are you doing? ... Earn "points" on this ???? You procrastinate once again the same truth, proved more than once, that the war has been won by us.
  32. vylvyn
    April 26 2012 07: 18
    Burn all these bastards forever in hell
  33. +2
    April 26 2012 18: 31
    It is necessary in children to cultivate a love for their Fatherland in spite of the injustice surrounding us - they were ... and left, but the Fatherland remained. Set an example of their Sailors, Chapaevs, Talalikhins, Kozhedubov. We have a lot of them. And for all sorts of demarches of the Baltic states and the like - do not buy their goods, the same sprats. Because PENSIONS TO FORMER GREEN BROTHERS, FORMER ESES, BANDERS are paid by the state (ESTONIA, LITHUANIA, LATVIA, UKRAINE) from the receipt of money, including for trade with Russia, which means OUR MONEY! Who needs their fucking product in Europe? So let the paw suck. I OFFER TO HOLD A MONTH ON THE BOYOT OF GOODS OF THE ABOVE FREEDOM STATES SUPPORTING FORMER EXECUTION! am am am
  34. +3
    April 27 2012 08: 35
    1. 0
      April 29 2012 02: 00
  35. Gorsten
    1 May 2012 15: 12
    "For what Soviet people fought" - in this book all the listed examples. Atrocities. The author rewrote a few words in other words. But all the same, well done.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"