"Soft power" of the West in the era of Peter the Great

The tragedy of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich is largely associated with the so-called. great game, the game of Rome and the West as a whole against the Russian kingdom. The masters of the West sought to subjugate Russia and use it to their advantage.

During this period, the Roman throne tried to unite the European powers against Porta in order to stop the powerful Ottoman power, which smashed its spear against the walls of Vienna. The anti-Turkish alliance decided to involve Russia. Moscow was necessary for Rome to penetrate into Asia. In addition, Moscow was interested in the papal throne from the point of view of the struggle with the Protestants, England, which at that time was becoming the new "command center" of the West. The old "command post" of the West - Rome, tried to maintain its influence, and England - to expand its sphere of influence. If Rome was based on the ancient concept of enslaving humanity with the help of religion (ideology), control over science, art and historythen England - with the help of financial and economic priority, trade and industrial, scientific and technological superiority. At the same time, Rome and London had one goal - world domination (later the USA will inherit it from the British). Rome and England equally looked at Russia - as an obstacle and booty, which still needed to be weakened (killed), processed and redrawed in their own interests. If England relied on trade (economic interests), then Rome - on religion. Russia had to bow to the West. The current state of affairs in Russia did not suit them.

Even under Ivan the Terrible, Jesuit Antonio Possevino visited Russia. However, the Russian Tsar, even at the end of his rule, was no weaker than the Jesuits. He managed to take advantage of the Jesuit mission, making peace with Stefan Batory. However, as the matter touched Orthodoxy, he immediately forgot about diplomacy and replaced the papal envoys.

Realizing that the problem cannot be solved right away. Rome decided to take Russia with the help of appropriate informational, ideological processing. So, Possevino developed a program for the conquest of Russia-Russia (Russian civilization). The main thing in it was the creation of special schools in the spirit of Latinism and the conversion to the union of Russian West Russian regions. Catholic seminaries were created in Vilna and Polotsk "for Russians from the Kingdom of Poland and for those who were captured in Muscovy ...". It was about teaching Russians in Catholic schools. The corresponding "programming" (coding) of the Russians took place in them, which turned into "anti-Russian" and worked already in the interests of Rome (the West).

Later, using the same model, they created “Ukraine” - as an “independent” state and “Ukrainians” - as “separate” from the Russian people. The goal of the West is the dismemberment and weakening of the united Russian civilization of the Russian superethnos, as the main enemy of the West on the planet. At the same time, some Russians turn into a kind of “orcs” (spoiled elves, if you use images from the “Lord of the Rings”), who lost their roots and self-awareness and are used by the “dark forces” - the masters of the West, in the struggle with the remaining Russians.

The Russians, who have lost their Russianness, but at the same time retaining the main attributes of the Russian person - language, cultural attributes, etc., become an excellent tool of the West in the war with Russia. In the Russian state, they are perceived as “their own”, easily integrated, and occupy important positions. But at the same time, they retain a foreign entity - they are “Westerners” and in one way or another try to direct Russia along the Western path of development, subordinate the Russian people to the masters of the West. Including with the help of Western education, fashion, propaganda of Western languages, culture, customs (for example, holidays), etc.

There are currently a lot of such “Russian-Westerners” in the government and cultural sphere (“elite”). These people believe that the fate of Russia is the role of a "pipe" and a "settler-testing ground" in the global world. Therefore, it is necessary to accept, “optimize” the remaining remnants of the legacy of the Soviet empire - science, education, the nuclear and space industries, the armed forces, the military-industrial complex and abandon the nuclear weapons. Become a part of the “global community”, be a semi-colony, sit and not rock the boat. Young people should totally learn English and various specialties of “two-legged guns” in order to have a chance to “dump out of rashki” and get a chance to become a second-third person in the “civilized world”. Their children in the second or third generation will be full-fledged Americans, Canadians, British, Chinese, etc. The remaining Russians do not fit into the “market” and will be “optimized.” How rapidly the current Small Russia (Ukraine) is dying out. Somewhat slower, but the Russian Federation is moving in the same way.

Returning to the Possevino plan, other points should also be noted: the use of foreign merchants, who should have laid the thought in Russian consciousness about the possibility of the emergence of the Catholic Church in Russia; use as scouts, Catholic translators, interpreters at the embassies. The plan also included the use of foreign doctors, the appropriate selection of books, etc. The Jesuit Order became the stronghold of the dilapidated Roman Catholic Church. It was a mixture of spiritual-political, military institute and intelligence-sabotage special services.

The secret war against Russia went stage by stage and did not stop with the change of the popes or rulers of the Western powers. This is the strength of the Western world - the education of the elite in the spirit of the Western "matrix". Each generation of the elite continues the project, a cause that was founded and started many hundreds of years ago. Popes and cardinals, great emperors and kings, presidents and prime ministers are leaving, and the thousand-year-long war continues. Western "masons" are building the building of a "new world order" - a global slave civilization.

In the late XVI - early XVII centuries. the masters of the West managed to achieve serious success. The ruling dynasty of Rurik was destroyed. Boris Godunov began to impose Western orders. Smoot began in Russia. In the retinue of the impostor False Dmitry, who occupied Moscow, were the Jesuits. It is not known for certain whether the Jesuits themselves invented and raised an impostor, or skillfully took advantage of someone else's notion (the direct boyars of childbirth, including the Romanovs, were the direct culprits of the beginning of the Troubles). One way or another, the impostor was successfully used as a military weapon against Russia, using the expectations of ordinary people who demanded justice. In Russia, they succeeded in setting the Romanov (Rimsky) family on the throne, which began to carry out a pro-Western policy. Peter the Great was only the crown of this policy. In particular, Aleksei Mikhailovich and Nikon staged a pogrom on the Russian Orthodox Church, split the Russian people, and with fire and sword wiped out the "fiery" essence of the Russian faith. Then his son Peter Alekseevich completed the process of turning the Orthodox Church into the role of servants in the state, the essence was replaced by the form. In turn, the degradation of the Russian church was one of the causes of the 1917 disaster of the year. The Russian state has lost its "connection with the sky", spiritual nourishment. Now she kept only on the sacredness of autocratic power and the army. These two pillars have consistently rotted to the 1917 year, and the Romanov empire died, almost destroying the Russian civilization and the Russian people under its rubble.

At the end of the seventeenth century, several Jesuits arrived in Moscow. They settled in the colony of foreigners who were in the Russian service. With the support of the famous Westerner, Prince V. V. Golitsyn, Catholic missionaries managed to attract Russian children to study. This phenomenon could not please the then champion of "Russianness" patriarch Joachim. He drew the attention of tsars Ivan and Peter Alekseevich to the hotbed of western infection. In 1688, the Jesuit colony was escorted from Russia. However, the charge d'affaires of the German Emperor Curtius stood up for the Jesuits. He argued that for Russia itself it was beneficial to have a colony of people in Russia who, without receiving a government salary, would educate Russian children. General Patrick Gordon joined the Jesuits. Jesuit school restored. It is worth noting that first approached by Prince V. Golitsyn, and then the closest associate and comrade of Peter the Great, Patrick Gordon studied at a Jesuit school.

Among the closest friends and relatives of P. Gordon was Pavel Meneziy and Franz Lefort. Menezius studied at the Scottish Jesuit College. This Jesuit alumnus and adventurer, who was looking for happiness (wealth and power) in Russia, had extensive connections abroad. He took a special place under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, in 1672 he was sent with a diplomatic mission to Berlin, Vienna, Venice and Rome. In Moscow at that time there were already people who were seeking the union of Catholicism with Orthodoxy. There is an opinion that the head of the ambassadorial order, the boyar Matveev, directing the embassy of Menezia to Rome, had a secret desire, through establishing strong contacts with the papal throne, to achieve the union of churches. Then Menezius became one of the first educators of Peter Alekseevich. He was particularly involved in military "fun", which is increasingly fascinated by the young prince. As is well known, the “amusing” troops of Peter in the future will become the basis for the Russian guard - the regiments of Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky, which were created by relatives of Menezia Gordon and Lefort.

For us, this seems like a matter of ordinary. But for that era, it was an unheard of innovation. It is difficult to imagine that Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible entrusted the upbringing of his son to a Catholic. Then they took it very seriously, right up to the death penalty. But time did its. Changed attitude to foreigners. Step by step, foreigners “entrenched themselves” in Moscow and penetrated into the environment of the Romanovs. The Russian kingdom ceased to be a closed state. On the other hand, many foreigners honestly served Russia. Or thought that they serve her, turning Russia to the western path of development. The same Meneziy was a member of the Chigirin campaigns and the Crimean campaign 1689 of the year. When Peter’s unity began, he showed affection for Menezius, was at his home.

The closest associate of Menezia was Patrick Gordon. Until the death of Menezia (1694 year), both maintained and valued their family ties, often acting together. Career Gordon went uphill even with the favorite of Princess Sophia, Prince V. V. Golitsyn. Gordon also had extensive connections in the West, closely following the local events. So, among his friends was Guasconi - a merchant and secret agent of the Jesuit order. In addition, Gordon did not break ties with his homeland. He was personally known to the English kings, Karl and Jacob. Thus, in 1686, the king of England and Scotland, James II, granted Gordon the rank of extraordinary British envoy to Russia, but the appointment was not approved by the tsarist government, since he remained in Russian military service. In the 1689 year, a few weeks before Peter's victory over Sophia, Gordon very quickly turned to his side. At the same time, Peter, who was very jealous of Sophia Golitsyn’s entourage, very well received the Scotsman. As a result, from the very beginning of the sole reign of Peter, Gordon found himself in the inner circle of the young king.

Another interesting personality surrounded by Peter Alekseevich is Franz Lefort. As a young man, he left Switzerland and went in search of happiness. Hired to serve in Russia, found patrons in the face of Gordon and Menezia. Through his patrons, Lefort became close to the powerful princes V. V. and B. A. Golitsyn. Then Lefort also moved to Peter's side in time. A talker and a merry fellow, a clever and well-read narrator, Lefort won the friendship of the young king, becoming one of his closest associates.

"Soft power" of the West in the era of Peter the Great

Franz Lefort. Dutch engraving, 1698

Thus, shortly after Peter’s famous escape to the Trinity, all three — Menezius, Gordon, and Lefort — entered the closest circle of the young king. You can, of course, naively think that all three were true patriots of Russia. But history shows that this is impossible. Given their connections, it is clear that "Germans" deliberately introduced to the entourage of Peter, to adjust the course of his reforms in the right direction. And their personal aspirations, ambitions contributed to this.

As the organizer of various entertainment Lefort had no equal. In addition, with Peter he had not such a big age difference as Paul Meneziy and Patrick Gordon. Franz arranged banquets that often lasted for three days and three nights. Their participants were women from the German Quarter, some of them were “free natures”, not constrained by the Russian “house-builder”. The king liked to visit these fun parties. Petr Alekseevich often visited the house of Lefort - 2-3 dined with him once a week. Often spent the night. Conversations were different: from serious, to military-political topics, to the most obscene. Until the morning, the music thundered, couples danced, wine flowed and conversations were conducted. And the Russian tsar, previously guarded by tradition, felt at ease here.

“The free feasts here, where, in clouds of tobacco smoke, everything was wide open,” wrote the Russian historian M. P. Pogodin, “the music thundered, various intricate games were played out, merry songs were heard that stirred the blood, and the heated couples would fall until midnight ; where women and girls, dressed not in our own way, with half-open or open breasts and bare shoulders, with a tight waist, in short skirts threw sweet glances, smiled coquettishly at all ambiguities, and were not too strict about military treatment, suggested almost kissing and hugs ... Peter, tired after the day's work and worries, was addicted to evening amusements, with kind comrades, to a fun campaign, on the German way, to free treatment with the fair sex, until midnight and midnight. ... Maybe here he tasted early and other pleasures, and laid the foundation of different habits. A well-known German settlement after the rioters' riots occupied a significant place in his moral education ... ".

In this way, The "Germans" quickly took the Russian tsar into circulation, corrupted him, accustomed to bad habits. In particular, handsome Lefort introduced Peter to his mistress Anna Mons, whom the king was very fond of (she was the favorite of the king for more than ten years). The king, apparently, was very fond of the German charmer. She could even become the future empress, following the example of the cook Martha. But she didn’t differ by a wide mind, went on a spree, what angered the sovereign and he lost interest in her.

Due to various entertainments, “public women”, and Anna Mons, Peter’s trips to the German settlement became more frequent. The same link will destroy the legal marriage of Peter to Lopukhina, and will cause the young Russian Tsarina to link to the monastery. Thus, the "Germans" will destroy the most important connecting thread of Peter with Russia - the family and the legitimate wife. And this will greatly facilitate the "processing" of the king by his "friends."

In addition, listening to Lefort, the king was increasingly inclined to the thought of visiting Holland and other European countries. He was so fascinated by her that he even accepted her sea flag, changing only the order of colors. From that moment on, Western symbols and colors began to dominate in Russia. And this is a very serious factor. Russia is trying to subordinate the "Western Matrix".

Peter himself long believed that he was able to use the personal talents of the “Germans”, their energy and knowledge - for a big cause, for the good of Russia. From them, he learned a lot about Western Europe, its achievements in the field of science, technology and military affairs. The “Germans” worked in the creation of the “new Russia”. You can not clean up with a score and the Russian environment of the king. Many statesmen understood the need for reform and modernization of Russia. They considered it useful to take something from Europe to create a powerful Russian state.

Peter’s “friends” continued the work of forming the king’s worldview. In 1697, Peter, as part of the “Great Embassy,” travels to Europe. Franz Lefort was among the leaders of the embassy. The obvious side of the embassy is known even from school textbooks. But there was a secret, hidden side. In the book of G.V. Vernadsky “Russian Freemasonry in the Time of Catherine II” it is noted: “In one manuscript of the Public Library it is said that Peter was accepted into the Scottish degree of St. Andrew, with the commitment that he would restore this order in Russia, which he did (in the form of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, established in 1698), leaving the epancha green, as it should be, but instead of the green ribbon, he made a blue ; his written commitment existed in the past century in the same box where he was received, and many read it. ” Obviously, he introduced him to the Masonic Lodge of Lefort. “Among Lansky’s manuscripts,” writes Vernadsky, “there is a fragment of a gray paper on which the following message is written:“ imp. Peter 1 and Lefort were taken to the Templar in Holland. ”

An indirect sign that this is true is the architecture of the future capital of Russia - St. Petersburg, which is replete with Masonic symbolism. Petersburg became the center of westernization of the Russian empire, the place of residence of its Westernized elite - the “nobles-Europeans”.

Peter in 1698 year. German artist G. Kneller

To be continued ...
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  1. +1
    27 February 2018 05: 59
    A common story ... Influence agents ... Glass beads ... Nothing new in the last thousand years ...
    1. avt
      27 February 2018 09: 52
      Quote: Vard
      . Nothing new in the last thousand years ...

      And why come up with if the old perfectly fulfills everything ??
      "Germans" deliberately introduced to the entourage of Peter, to adjust the course of his reforms in the right direction.
      Petsyu of the future No. 1, actually, corrected "his official dad -" Silent ". ALL the so-called Euroopean reforms were laid down by him and introduced harshly, just cruelly, like with the reformation of the church, when they came in so that they needed authority from the outside — to resolve the conflict and TWO times called the Patriarch of Antioch to Moscow - to ordain the highest church composition so that the population would accept them as authorities, and then with such things as faith, then they did not joke. In the German dress for children, Lesch, “The Quietest” dressed the house, the theater started. Son Fedya and daughter Sofa actually conducted a course ... evolutionarily, well, they were violent, so these are the times, but in moderation. blood poured like water. Actually, it was with him that Katya’s end, the second, and the fortress of the peasants was formed into natural slavery.
      1. +1
        27 February 2018 11: 42
        A set of words . What does the theater have to do with it? Where did you get that the children of Alexei Mikhailovich in childhood wore a bourgeois dress? There was a regular reform whose goal was not to lag behind the more advanced, in the sense of knowledge, west. Theater, universities, changing clothes to a more comfortable (but not German) should have certainly been. At the same time, nobody taught Petka to plump, to blindly worship the West, etc. It’s just that Sofya needed to keep it with him, and not flush it on foreigners who taught him bad things. Although in fact a radical change in his worldview occurred after a trip to Europe, and before that he was quite a good king.
        1. 0
          27 February 2018 15: 40
          Odnarkrovets, take the book of Buganov "Peter the Great and his time" and there read who his teachers were
          1. 0
            27 February 2018 17: 10
            Quote: Monarchist
            Odnarkrovets, take the book of Buganov "Peter the Great and his time" and there read who his teachers were

            At different periods he had different teachers.
      2. +5
        27 February 2018 11: 47
        I am not tired of being amazed at your manner of expressing yourself, as if you had just before the drinking companions in a beerhouse read in a soft-cover book with a large print: "petya", "lekha", "katya", "sofa". Stalin and Lenin, go, "axes" and "new" dignity. And most importantly, for this vulgar clowning around it is difficult to understand what, in fact, they wanted to say.

        Quote: avt
        Actually, it was with him that Katya’s end, the second, was completed, the fortress of the peasants in natural slavery

        What legislative act of the time of Peter Alekseevich was it framed?
      3. +4
        27 February 2018 13: 50
        Young man, how do you like the Russian language to distort: ​​Petsya, European ... Lesha, Sofa. Shame ... Or do you like some dashing familiarity want to show that you know this topic well? What can be shown in this way is the universal power of one's mind. I spent a lot of time in disputes on the Censor with those who were stubborn from that side and I see that our ignoramuses and stubborn are not different from those there.
  2. +17
    27 February 2018 06: 51
    To begin with, it’s worth understanding what soft power is.
    And what was this in that era
    And was there?
    1. +17
      27 February 2018 07: 42
      To begin with, it’s worth understanding what soft power is.

      Yes, it’s clearly worth starting
    2. 0
      27 February 2018 13: 38
      Although “soft power” is the term in recent history, it has been, is, and will be! Prior to this, it was called an "agent of influence", even earlier "Freemasonry", even earlier it relied on religious "revolutions", breaking traditional value systems with swords, which is Culture. Examples? - Yes please! The adoption of Christianity by the Frankish king Clovis, eventually cultivating the "Romans of the Germanic nation" as an intermediate result. The Baptism of Russia is also a Byzantine soft power, the result of which the papists also made good use of in the end. Another example of “soft power” is the adoption of Latinism by the Polish prince Meshko in 966 and the surrender of their lands to the flax of St. Petra, in exchange for a short-term (!) Expansion of his possessions, a stab in the back to the Slavic Slavs. The consequences of this - the death of Slavic Europe, and slurp these "Polish consequences" of the consequences so far. Soft power is expansion at the conceptual and mental level, visible at a lower ideological and religious level, and periodically spurred roughly on the military-political level. In my opinion, everything is clear. Either "become a Chinese", or at a cost as "not fit" into the market, borrowed alien values, degenerative dogmas imposed on the ethnic group.
  3. +1
    27 February 2018 08: 59
    It is absolutely natural that Rome tried to influence Russia in its own interests.
    But the fact is that he did not succeed in this.
  4. 0
    27 February 2018 09: 08
    Synopsis of history with nodal points: Uniatism - schism - Peter's reforms.

    There probably is no point in comparing the pro-Westernism of the Rurikovich and the Romanovs.
    1. 0
      27 February 2018 11: 43
      Rurikovich were a pro-Russian elite, and the Romanes a pro-Western elite. Actually, after the Romanovs, we have all the pro-Western elites.
      1. +2
        27 February 2018 12: 08
        And what is the pro-Russian Rurikovich and the pro-Western Romanovs (for example, the same Peter), what is the difference expressed?
        1. +1
          27 February 2018 13: 39
          How, you do not believe a person with a pseudo-consonant? Do not believe him, whom to believe, this is the ruler of the covetous!
          1. 0
            27 February 2018 14: 30
            Quote: Dimmih
            How, you do not believe a person with a pseudo-consonant? Do not believe him, whom to believe, this is the ruler of the covetous!

            I told you, even the level of the ANSHLAG does not pull. Go book with jokes, buy something.
            1. 0
              28 February 2018 04: 44
              You don’t poke me, I’m not Ivan Kuzmich, I told you that too.
              1. 0
                28 February 2018 13: 04
                If you decide to discuss me with other forum users, then I myself will decide to contact you on You or You. Have more questions?
        2. 0
          27 February 2018 14: 29
          Quote: Gopnik
          And what is the pro-Russian Rurikovich and the pro-Western Romanovs (for example, the same Peter), what is the difference expressed?

          The Rurikovichs built their world, and the Romanovs the western. Simply put, for the Rurikovichs, the western way of life was never that light where to strive, the opinion of the West did not mean ANYTHING. . For the Romanovs and all the following elites, including the Soviet (except for the Stalin era) and the current, it is the Western way of life that is the cornerstone, the opinion of the West is very important and they are heeded. This is so brief.
  5. +8
    27 February 2018 09: 24

    Recently met on sale here such a toilet paper - "Tutorial English." Very comfortably. Allows you to combine business with pleasure.
    Why not expand the theme. It seems to me that the "multi-roll" of the "Masters of the West" would have enjoyed success with buyers and would have increased sales.
    1. +1
      27 February 2018 13: 41
      This I think for the contingent, which one of my former bosses called "special units", not for sane people.
  6. +4
    27 February 2018 09: 48
    Quote from the author: "... Later, by the same model, they created" Ukraine "as an" independent "state and" Ukrainians "as a" separate "people from Russians. The purpose of the West is to dismember and weaken the unified Russian civilization of the Russian superethnos, as the main opponent The West is on the planet, with some Russians turning into a kind of “orcs” (spoiled elves, if you use images from The Lord of the Rings), who have lost their roots, self-identity and are used by the “dark forces” - the masters of the West, in the fight against the remaining Russians . "
    Question to the author; Lenin and Trotsky played a huge role in the creation of Ukraine as a state, did they fulfill the plan of the "West"? Moreover, these two comrades handed over to Ukraine lands that the Russians repulsed from the Turks in blood. They also gave the Russian people, apparently for Ukrainization.
    1. +2
      27 February 2018 11: 45
      Quote: captain
      Lenin and Trotsky played a huge role in the creation of Ukraine as a state, did they fulfill the plan of the "West"? Moreover, these two comrades handed over to Ukraine lands that the Russians repulsed from the Turks in blood. They also gave the Russian people, apparently for Ukrainization.

      Of course . Where did they get the money? Where was their party headquarters? Who invented the Marxist and international ideology?
    2. +3
      27 February 2018 13: 58
      Apparently, they are the supreme orcs. I don’t know how you want, but my opinion is that it is not worth the serious historian to refer to such films. It’s rather in the style of reporters who have no materials, but they need to “cut down” some money. Such will retell the content of The Lord of the Rings and the elves and the matrix and trait of the bald
      1. 0
        27 February 2018 19: 50
        What does the movie have to do with it? Is war and peace just a movie, do you think?
  7. +3
    27 February 2018 10: 20
    Enemies are around, how scary it is to live, in order to subjugate Russia, the insidious west made Russia ten times stronger than it was before, but if we lived according to the patriotic usual it would be great, though then someone would have conquered us, but command centers would have broken off
  8. +3
    27 February 2018 11: 27
    Even someone could believe this, if we forget about the obvious contradiction - Holland is a Protestant country that has long fought for independence from the Catholic throne, and Masonic lodges are also an attribute of Protestant societies. And knowing the relationship of Catholics and Protestants at that time, all the talk about Rome, the papal table, etc. look pretty funny.
  9. The comment was deleted.
    1. +4
      27 February 2018 12: 31
      All thought, well, who, who is good about "this" write? And then he waited ...
    2. +3
      27 February 2018 13: 26
      Kamrad Luga, you perfectly retold the "creations" of the author
      1. +1
        27 February 2018 23: 12
        Quote: kalibr
        All thought, well, who, who is good about "this" write? And then he waited ...

        Quote: Monarchist
        Kamrad Luga, you perfectly retold the "creations" of the author

        Thanks for your kind words. I will try to please you further smile
    3. +5
      27 February 2018 13: 43
      Nope, it wasn’t the case. They lured Peter and replaced him with Fruit Dutch. Our original one was destroyed, and Fruit was returned and he, Lokhod, here we are from the third Rome, the second Babylon got rid of. And the fact that the Swedes won, so it was not, the propaganda of the Vatican.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. 0
          28 February 2018 04: 50
          Boy, I’ll tell you again, it’s indecent to poke at strangers. About my daughter ... I will explain to you in a fatherly way, gently, I am silent about your family, and you forget about mine, it’s indecent to drag a family into a srach on the forum. And yet, avoid the forum to write to people what you can’t say in person, it’s wrong. If only we would meet in person and you charge me something about my daughter - I will tickle you so much that pile more horses.
          1. 0
            28 February 2018 13: 06
            Have a desire to meet? I can arrange it.
    4. The comment was deleted.
      1. 0
        27 February 2018 14: 38
        And also the section "Undereach" and there you and the like to send.
        1. 0
          28 February 2018 04: 51
          Look at my previous answer to you, maybe you will understand why. But rather, no, they are such conscripts ...
          1. 0
            28 February 2018 13: 07
            I answered you above. You’re just like our neighbors “but we are for sho”
    5. The comment was deleted.
    6. +3
      27 February 2018 22: 17
      Quote: Luga
      Spring is coming ...

      Quote: Luga
      Samsonov has a new aggravation.

      In my opinion, Samsonov’s exacerbation is permanent and does not correlate with the changing seasons, from the word “completely”.
      1. +3
        27 February 2018 23: 00
        I think that a person is simply ready to write any blizzard for money, if only they would pay. Tomorrow they will pay for something else - they will turn 180 degrees.
        1. +2
          27 February 2018 23: 16
          Quote: Curious
          I think that a person is simply ready to write any snowstorm for money

          And who pays for this? Not that I’m very jealous, but ... there’s not much. smile
  10. +4
    27 February 2018 12: 08
    The topic of zhydarias is not disclosed, in the furnace. Samsonov signed up.
  11. 0
    27 February 2018 13: 23
    Quote: Gopnik
    I am not tired of being amazed at your manner of expressing yourself, as if you had just before the drinking companions in a beerhouse read in a soft-cover book with a large print: "petya", "lekha", "katya", "sofa". Stalin and Lenin, go, "axes" and "new" dignity. And most importantly, for this vulgar clowning around it is difficult to understand what, in fact, they wanted to say.

    Quote: avt
    Actually, it was with him that Katya’s end, the second, was completed, the fortress of the peasants in natural slavery

    What legislative act of the time of Peter Alekseevich was it framed?

    The authors have not yet had time to compose
    1. 0
      27 February 2018 14: 39
      No, you just don’t want to know the story.
  12. +1
    27 February 2018 15: 30
    I already wrote that the "creation" of the author is more to the face of the writer: he can fantasize as he pleases, and the PRESENT HISTORIAN has no right to fantasize.
    Comrades, remember how the author, when talking about the teachings of Tsarevich Alexei, referred to Neugebauer, who himself had become a hofmaster of his highness’s court, in reality this “teacher” was only involved in assets and demanded that the Tsarevich’s entourage be removed from Russians and replaced with: “those who know foreign languages and customs "(the author tells us that the" Germans "filled the entire Courtyard) and ended with the Decree of Peter:" To a foreigner Neugebauer for many of his frenzies, which was written by the Hofmaster of His Highness, and why we do not like the teacher and the Chancellor, and the people who live near under the prince, he scolded and called barbarians to refuse service and go to him without vacation where he wants "that is, they threw him out to ... mother.
    If the author believes this witness, then you can refer to him in a refutation of the author’s writings: "the king and those offered to him treat them with scrupulous and brave (foreign) officers, like puppies, with the help of slaps, sticks, whips and thousands of other similar insults .. Major General Brost (Bruce) was supposed to take Narva by attack, without artillery, gunpowder and cores. When he didn’t succeed, they put this capable gunner for five months in fetters. “Apparently, Peter had a total eclipse, which he decided storm the fortress without guns.
    The author tells us passions about the villains of the "Germans" (then the nationality of foreigners did not differ), namely, the foreigners built the Tula arms factory, thanks to them we have a photo, and the "radish" Bruce FIRST started taking care of ordinary soldiers.
    Comrades, I recommend you a book: Filimon "Jacob Bruce" and there you will read a lot of interesting things about this outstanding person. By the way, Franz Lefort met Peter 1 only when Peter took refuge in the Trinity Lavra. Again, a bad foreigner Gordon, one of the first to greet his regiment to help Peter and Lefort served in a regiment near Gordon. Gordon, Leslie, Craig, Bering, Kruzenshtern, Wrangel and many other others honestly served Russia and it makes no difference to me who they were: Russian or not. "Not the patriot of Russia who has a Russian surname, but the one who fights for Russia" ("Russian Disabled" 1914)
    1. 0
      27 February 2018 17: 22
      Quote: Monarchist
      The author tells us passions about the villains of the "Germans" (then the nationality of foreigners did not differ), namely, the foreigners built the Tula arms factory, thanks to them we have a photo, and the "radish" Bruce FIRST started taking care of ordinary soldiers.

      Well, yes, it was impossible to build these plants without Peter's “reforms”. How interesting Stalin managed to create industry by inviting foreigners and at the same time not lie under them mentally and physically.
      It’s ridiculous to write about the care of soldiers. What type before that when they were Alexei Mikhailovich in shackles or were they recruited for 25 years shaved?
      Quote: Monarchist
      Again, a bad foreigner Gordon, one of the first to greet his regiment to help Peter and Lefort served in a regiment near Gordon.

      It would be better if he did not.
      Quote: Monarchist
      Gordon, Leslie, Craig, Bering, Kruzenshtern, Wrangel and many others honestly served.

      They did not serve, but led. In all countries, foreigners served precisely with the locals, and in the Republic of Ingushetia, starting with Peter, they were appointed to lead them. It was Lisyansky who sailed first to Alaska and independently returned to St. Petersburg, but Bering was appointed to lead the expedition. If Lisyansky would not have managed it? Undoubtedly. For you, of course, there is no difference who directs (thinking imposed by pro-Western elites who considered everything Russian to be lower than European), but for other countries and peoples this is important. And so for all the miraculous foreigners.
      1. +1
        1 March 2018 18: 38
        Quotation: blooded man
        It was Lisyansky who sailed first to Alaska and independently returned to St. Petersburg, but Bering was appointed to lead the expedition.

        V.I. Bering (1681-1741) and A.I. Chirikov in 1725-1730 and 1733-1741 led the 1st and 2nd Kamchatka expeditions.
        I.F. Krusenstern and Yu.F. Lisyansky (1773-1837) made the first Russian circumnavigation in 1803-1806.
        V.I. Bering and Yu.F. Lisyansky NEVER sailed together, especially since Yu.F. Lisyansky was born 32 years after the death of V.I. Bering.
  13. +1
    27 February 2018 15: 32
    Quotation: blooded man
    Rurikovich were a pro-Russian elite, and the Romanes a pro-Western elite. Actually, after the Romanovs, we have all the pro-Western elites.

    And the Soviet elite is also pro-Western?
    1. 0
      27 February 2018 17: 24
      Quote: Monarchist
      And the Soviet elite is also pro-Western?

      Naturally. Except for the Stalin era of course. Before Stalin there was a revolution and a struggle for power so that this period can be crossed out although Lenin and Trotsky took all the ideas of building a state from the west and put them into practice. Hence the "Great Russian chauvinism" and the "prison of peoples."
  14. +1
    27 February 2018 19: 37
    We are stupid and naive driopithecus, and cunning Anglo-reptiles play with our kings like pawns. wassat
  15. 0
    1 March 2018 00: 20
    I immediately realized Samsonov. But something is so mixed up people horses ... Godunov / Smoot (by the way after his death and reform, he was normal if it were not for the explosion of the volcano and climate change with hunger and cold)
    and "German debauchery" if Peter remained faithful 10 years to his mistress!
    Sometimes some kind of composition with snippets ..
    Maybe in the heading Opinion? All the same, here the subjective is more historical ..
    a .. England remembered then not Rome, but Madrid competed ... the capital of His Catholic Majesty .. who became the main Catholic ram in the west and Poland in the east. Rome itself rolled up ... And Peter took the most from the Dutch, as the most trading. With England, he did not quite work out.
    Hypothetically, besides him, there was no one with a cruel hand to make RI ... iron and blood

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