"Syrian-North Korean-Soviet" tank observed in Syria

On the Internet recently appeared a picture of an unusual fighting vehicle, which is in service with the Syrian government forces, reports Messenger of Mordovia.

"Syrian-North Korean-Soviet" tank observed in Syria

Over old soviet a tank experts from the DPRK worked, and then Syrian engineers also contributed to the modernization of the combat vehicle.

“At first, the T-55 received a North Korean laser range finder (mounted above the 100-mm cannon, its photo clearly shows its box) and an improved fire control system, with a wind sensor and a ballistic computer. As a result, the tank significantly increased the accuracy of firing from a cannon, “- writes the author of the material Dmitry Lemeshko.

Many of the specialists who first saw this development in 90 for the first time were surprised at the relatively high level of equipment from the DPRK at that time.

The author notes that the modernization work was carried out long before the start of the Syrian conflict.

During the fighting, the T-55s of the Syrian army suffered the greatest losses. "It is not surprising that these tanks were equipped with the optical-electronic countermeasure system "Sarab-2" ("Mirage-2"), nicknamed "Birdhouse". This system allows disrupting the guidance of guided anti-tank missiles missiles, including American TOWs,” the article says.

According to military experts, it would be nice to install protective screens on tanks that can neutralize rocket grenades, against which the Mirage is powerless.
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  1. 0
    2 February 2018 13: 10
    Technical thought does not stand still, we should also install "Shtora-1" and "Afganit". Yes
    1. 0
      2 February 2018 13: 16
      But how did he get there, a tank from the DPRK?
      1. +1
        2 February 2018 19: 34
        Voentorg ...
      2. 0
        3 February 2018 01: 49
        Could specialists from the DPRK go on a “vacation” to the warm sea with glands for modernization to send, so that tanks could not be pulled through a half ball, goods-money-goods what
    2. +6
      2 February 2018 13: 16
      During the fighting, the T-55 of the Syrian army suffered the greatest losses. “It is not surprising that the optical-electronic counteraction complex Sarab-2 (Mirage-2), nicknamed the Birdhouse, was installed on these tanks. This system allows you to disrupt the guidance of guided anti-tank missiles, including American TOW »

    3. 0
      3 February 2018 12: 28
      Quote: Spartanez300
      Technical thought does not stand still

      Indeed, some people don’t have to ... But North Koreans have everything in order.
  2. +1
    2 February 2018 13: 11
    “Initially, the T-55 received a North Korean laser rangefinder (mounted above a 100 mm gun,
    - It remains to invite the Papuans to install a six-barrel boomerang for installation on the third floor.
  3. +6
    2 February 2018 13: 22
    Everything is logical, not only Russia uses Syria as a testing ground. Only in a real combat situation is the ability of the armed forces to conduct high-tech military operations, electronic warfare, tested. And as the Supreme said ... increase the efficiency and reliability of equipment, create new-generation weapons samples, improve the Armed Forces, and increase their combat capabilities.
  4. +3
    2 February 2018 13: 24
    “They looked like tanks, but instead of an artillery tower, each one had a tall trellised cone with a dull, rounded object on top. They walked quickly, gently rolling over on irregularities, and they were not black, like tanks of unfortunate fines, not gray-green, like army tanks of a breakthrough - they were yellow, brightly fun-yellow, like guards patrol cars ... "(A. and B. Strugatsky," Inhabited Island ") laughing laughing
  5. 0
    2 February 2018 13: 53
    Quote: Shurik70
    But how did he get there, a tank from the DPRK?

    My question was torn off my tongue. But is it exactly the North Korean "mirage"? Somehow, he even doubts:: “modernization work was carried out long before the Syrian conflict,” this is what happens: Eun “borrowed a friend and said:“ you hush him. ”Why did“ Vestnik ”keep silent about him before?
  6. +1
    2 February 2018 19: 44
    I'm not talking about others, but I admire the people of the DPRK. They are oppressed, but they grow stronger!
    1. 0
      2 February 2018 20: 36
      It’s the same with us.