Troops of operational, police and security functions

Their reformation did not imply any decisions that "nightmare" the personnel.

Troops of operational, police and security functions

Reports of plans to create the National Guard on the basis of the existing internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "walked" through the media all last week. Our source in the Ministry of Defense even told about the alleged options to strengthen several army special forces of the future power structure, which, they say, will translate into the direct subordination of the president.

It was argued that the National Guard under the number of more than twice the current number of soldiers of the explosives. But the official confirmation of these plans did not happen. On the contrary, a spokesman for the head of government, Dmitry Peskov, categorically stated that it is not a question of creating a new structure.

Nevertheless, our publications have repeatedly noted the periodic revitalization of the discussion around this topic, which was first raised in 1990 year. Oleg Vladykin, deputy editor-in-chief of the NVO, asked General Nikolai ROGOZHKIN, Commander-in-Chief of the Interior Forces of the Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation, to express his view on the problem.

- I have served in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia since 2000, and this issue has never been discussed by us. Today, the troops are built and developed in accordance with the concept approved by the Supreme Commander.

- That is, the internal troops fully comply with the requirements of the time, and no fundamental changes in them are assumed. What then will be their development?

- Until 2020, it was decided to basically keep the current composition and structure of the internal troops. The optimal number of troops - 170 thousands of troops. Yet it cannot be said that they will remain completely unchanged. The President of the Russian Federation approved the Concept of construction and development of the internal troops of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia for the period up to 2020. Its consistent and phased implementation will allow the Ministry of Internal Affairs to have mobile, professionally trained troops of constant readiness. The provisions of the concept are based on a comprehensive assessment and forecast of the development of threats to the national security of the Russian Federation. Taking into account, of course, the fact that these estimates may vary in different periods.

But the three levels of the main tasks before us will remain unchanged:

1. The operational function is to counteract and liquidate illegal armed formations, wherever they are found, they would not manifest themselves.

2. The police function is to maintain law and order in the places where mass events and actions are held, to prevent and eliminate civil unrest.

3. Protection of important public facilities - large transport hubs, power plants, hazardous industries.

Meanwhile, we are constantly looking for new, truly time-appropriate ways and methods of applying troops.

We are improving them primarily in connection with the expansion of the possibilities offered by new weapons and technical equipment.

For example, there used to be no devices that could detect voids, night vision devices or the Radiobarrier perimeter security complex; now it is. Naturally, all this allows our units to more effectively search for gangster caches, caches with weapons and explosives, to prevent a covert approach to its enemy position.

In general, in the internal troops constantly tested the latest technical innovations. For example, our special forces will now test machines that are designed for use in two environments - in air and under water. Automated control systems and home-made unmanned aerial vehicles are also being tested. Not so long ago, an armored vehicle codenamed "Bear" entered the tests. He should replace heavy armored vehicles of the type BTR and BMP.

- Yes, it is very noticeable that the rearmament of the internal troops is conducted somewhat differently than in the units subordinated to the Ministry of Defense. For example, in the Russian army begin to increasingly supply foreign equipment and weapons. For example, Italian Iveco light armored vehicles are bought, and the Tigers who have been put to the troops earlier are being abandoned. You, on the contrary, use only "Tigers". Could you tell us about the priorities of the technical support of the internal troops?

- The range of military and special equipment purchased by us determines the need for such an optimization of the organizational and staff structure of the troops, which would allow them to fulfill the entire range of service and combat missions with guarantee. On this basis, domestic equipment is supplied to our parts, including the GAZ-2330 "Tiger" version. In 2004, in order to finalize the high-speed and small-sized cars produced by the Gorky Automobile Plant, development work was launched in the internal troops to create a special (police) GMS-2 Tiger-based armored vehicle.

The following requirements were identified in the paper: increase the height of the habitable compartment; bring the level of body armor from 3 to 5 protection class; equip with non-lethal weapons and other special equipment; obtain vehicle type approval. This vehicle successfully passed state acceptance tests and in 2007 was adopted by the Russian Interior Ministry troops. Purchased several dozen of these cars. Unlike the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the Main Command of the Interior Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia did not refuse to purchase "Tigers" in connection with the import engine used in it, and the insufficiently developed network of service centers for its maintenance. We have only suspended purchases for some time. And the manufacturer proposed to replace the imported power unit with the domestic YaMZ-5347 engine. This year it is planned to develop working design documentation and to produce a prototype of an improved car. Organizational and executive measures related to the adoption of the modernized SPM-2 for the armament of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are planned to be held in 2013 year.

In addition, on the basis of "Tigra", the command-staff vehicle GAZ-233036 P-145 BMA was developed and successfully used in the troops. And at present, state tests of the service combat reconnaissance vehicle of the internal troops (SRMD), also developed on the basis of the Tiger, are organized and carried out. In 2012, the opening of the ROC was planned for the development of a special machine for radiation, chemical and biological intelligence of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The car is also planned to be created on the basis of "Tiger".

The professionalism, equipment and equipment of the special forces of the VV have grown very noticeably in recent years.

- Everyone knows that internal troops are most active in carrying out specific combat missions in the North Caucasus. The NVO editorial office even receives reports on the concentration of sufficiently large internal forces in Dagestan. Nikolay Evgenevich, could you somehow clarify this situation? What are the features of the operational construction of a group of troops in this troubled region? What is the real state of affairs in the North Caucasus and, in particular, in the Republic of Dagestan?

- Analysis of the information received by the main headquarters of our troops shows that in the North Caucasus region there is a difficult operational situation. The grouping of internal troops in this region mostly consists of units and subunits of operational and special-purpose reconnaissance. However, about any 30 thousands of our soldiers in Dagestan, as reported recently in the media, there can be no question. The 102-I brigade of internal troops is regularly deployed in Makhachkala, some of its units are stationed in Kizlyar. The number of brigade is about 2,5 thousands of people. Well, about half a thousand more are accounted for by the units seconded to the region that are part of the joint task force. In total, all the soldiers of the internal troops on the territory of Dagestan are almost 3 thousands of people.

Indeed, recently the Republic of Dagestan has become the center of terrorist activity. There are 70% of the total number of manifestations of a terrorist nature in the North Caucasus. The greatest activity of bandits is noted in the cities - Makhachkala, Izberbash, Kaspiysk, areas - Kizlyarsky, Tsuntinsky, Karabudakhkentsky, Sergokalinsky. Naturally, there, employees of local internal affairs agencies are regularly involved in conducting our military activities. All these forces are quite enough to purposefully identify and systematically destroy carefully disguised cells of the gangster underground. In order to stabilize the situation in the areas of greatest activity of the bandit underground, five consolidated task forces are deployed. As of 1, January 2012, in Dagestan, gangsters committed 417 illegal acts of a terrorist nature. However, during the 2011 year, 368 thugs were neutralized in the region with the participation of internal troops, 804 thugs were arrested.

I think that these very telling figures actually became the main prerequisite for injecting disinformation through the media about the increase in the number of internal troops in Dagestan. Local journalists in Dagestan are under the strongest pressure from the bandit underground, within which there is now open panic. The bandits feel cornered. And as a result, there are reports in the press about a "full-scale war" allegedly unfolding on the territory of the republic. Amazing facts are given about the introduction of as many as two divisions of internal troops into Dagestan, in which the advance of huge tank columns. Well, firstly, tanks in service with our troops have long been gone. Secondly, we checked: was there any movement of any tanks on the territory of Dagestan on the eve of those publications? It turned out that it was just once ... The tank company of the 136th brigade of the Ministry of Defense transported its combat vehicles on wheeled trailers to the training ground. A dozen regular tanks of the army unit were to operate in a planned company tactical exercise. But this banal episode of the army's combat training, inflated to an incredible size, was "stuck" to the internal troops. Although everything could be easily checked by calling the well-known telephones in the operational headquarters of the power structures in the region. Apparently, verification, truthful information was not needed in this case. It was necessary to thoroughly stir up the local population, to provoke its protests against any movement of the internal troops and police. In this sense, the planned replacement of personnel, when some teams of servicemen are diminishing, and some are arriving, can be presented as "building up forces in the region." But I did not give orders for such actions and I do not see any need for this.

- So, apart from the forces and means that are there now, nothing more will be attracted there?

- No, they did not attract, we do not attract and we will not attract any additional forces of internal troops to Dagestan. And what goes there, well, let them carefully consider and more honestly report to Moscow, in their editorial offices. After all, other "observers" can not even really tell that "in a column of 10 km in length" can fit. It was very incompetently done, everything was mixed up.

Say, internal troops are assigned tasks that they should not perform in a head-on battle on large areas of open ground, but army units. Our units are well trained in a variety of ways and methods of countering terrorists, bandits, hooligans, etc. We are able to act pointwise, on land, in the air, on water and under water, in the forest and in populated areas. And the actions “front to front” are not even foreseen. No, very precisely, selectively, pointwise - according to the identified groups of armed gangsters who hide in houses, in caches, run through mountains and forests. And they, by the way, are well aware of these our skills. Because we beat them, weave and we will beat.

But the peoples of Dagestan waste their nerves and do not need to excite them with vain information, they have enough problems and contradictions. We, on the contrary, assist them in overcoming these problems. After all, law-abiding citizens of Dagestan even ask for the presence of security forces in troubled areas, especially in the mountain villages and villages.

- Let's move now to the police function of internal troops. Everyone saw that in the past six months, the protest movement in major cities acquired an unprecedented scale. It did not go unnoticed by the fact that at the recent numerous rallies in Moscow the mutual relations of security forces and participants of mass actions were distinguished by mutual correctness. Does this mean that the rules and methods of action of the forces of law and order at the demonstrations have undergone some changes?

- There were no innovations either in the rules, or in the methods, or in the tactics of the actions of the personnel of the internal troops at the demonstrations. The legal framework on the basis of which internal troops are deployed has remained unchanged. Our troops have always performed the tasks assigned to them, based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 27-FZ 1997 of the Year “On the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation”, federal constitutional laws and other regulatory legal acts of the federal bodies of state power.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation”, internal troops were, are and will be the guarantor of stability in Russia.

Law enforcement troops protect the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen from criminal and other unlawful encroachments regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership of public associations, as well as other circumstances .

Domestic troops may not resort to treatment degrading human dignity.

Any restriction of the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen by military personnel of internal troops in the performance of their official duties is permissible only on the basis of and in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

- Unfortunately, some hotheads periodically urge the protesters to move to more decisive speeches, to “storm” actions, to civil clashes with ideological opponents. What is the algorithm of forceful actions of the police and internal troops with such adverse developments? Where is the border beyond which arrests of participants of actions begin, the use of special equipment and special equipment?

- Military units and operational units and special motorized military units of the Interior Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are attached forces and carry out tasks in accordance with the “Law Enforcement Plan in public places” developed by the operational headquarters during a mass event. This plan also includes measures to prevent civilian clashes, as you called them.

The main methods of action of the troops, with the participation, together with the internal affairs bodies, in the protection of public order and ensuring public safety during mass events are cordoning off the area where the events are held, as well as carrying patrol and inspection service.

It seems that the security forces and civil society activists were finally able to establish the correct relationship.

What are the main tasks of protecting public order and ensuring public safety during mass events? Prevention and suppression of possible crimes, violations of public order that threaten public security. Preventing the weakening of the protection of public order in the territory where mass events are not held directly. In the event of a real threat to the life and health of citizens, as well as property of individuals and legal entities, or unlawful acts committed by participants of a public event, during protest public actions, measures are taken to terminate the event. In the event of non-compliance with the termination requirements of the event, the police, in cooperation with the additional and attached forces, take measures to terminate it. And they act strictly in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, I would like to note that the Federal Law “On the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” prohibits engaging military units and operational units (those that neutralize gangs) and special motorized military units to prevent gatherings, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing having a non-violent nature. Even if the above activities are carried out without the relevant permission of the executive authorities.

- How does the reform of the internal troops differ from what is being done in the Ministry of Defense?

- I would not like to draw any parallels between our colleagues and us. They have their own wedding, we have our own. We carried out the reform since 2004 year. It has already ended with us, the plan of the commander-in-chief for the development of internal troops has been approved. Our reform did not bring in any "nightmarish" personnel decisions. Everything was planned, thought out, optimized, built. Now the troops work only to improve their structure. Therefore, we have planned everything, we have executed all the decisions of the Security Council, all the orders of the Supreme Commander, the Minister of the Interior.

- Why have you not outsourced into your troops, which has become so widespread, if not to say all-inclusive, in the Armed Forces?

- I am happy for my colleagues that they have the opportunity to introduce this form of support for the troops, and they have achieved such high results in its implementation.

As for the internal troops, there is a slightly different way of life, life, daily routine. Explosives are troops of constant readiness, which must at any time be used, applied, moved into any region of our country. Therefore, the principle of self-sufficiency, self-sufficiency of those organizational and staff structures that we have is the basis for ensuring the vital activity of the parts. We travel to all areas of our country with our chefs, our financiers, our club cars, our electrical specialists, etc.

True, we have a number of places where we use funds and forces from outside, in particular, in providing communal services in some garrisons. Where there is such an opportunity and where there are those firms that meet the requirements that we make to them. As for food supply, canteen workers, some technicians, we rely solely on ourselves. Everything turns out well. Today it meets the requirements arising from the tasks performed by the troops.

- It seems that you manage to solve the problem of providing servicemen with housing much more successfully than is possible with other security agencies?

- No, we still have a problem in Moscow that is difficult to solve so far. Due to the fact that we cannot buy apartments here with the allocated money, it is expensive. And for our own construction, we had no sites. Although in almost all regions, including now Moscow, we began to receive platforms for organizing construction at our own expense. And we do not ask for a transfer of the deadlines for the provision of housing to servicemen, although we have heard that colleagues from the Ministry of Defense are requesting this opportunity. We will do everything according to previous terms - by 1 in January 2013, we will provide all those in need with permanent housing, by the beginning of 2014, with service housing.

But this does not mean that they have provided it today, and that’s it. After all, from year to year we need people in need of permanent housing and in service as well. Ideally, this is the case: there are a certain number of people who are entitled to housing - roughly speaking, 170 thousand - and these 170 thousand should have the necessary amount of permanent housing, the other part - service. But when he goes from the tenant of a service apartment to the position of permanent recipient, then this official will be taken by someone else, and for new applicants for permanent housing they have to build houses. Therefore, in the foreseeable future, as long as military units exist, this problem will also exist. At least until 23 year. Because we have to provide housing for military personnel who signed the contract in 2004. So consider: we must meet this deadline by the deadline. Well, those who signed a contract after 2005, they will receive housing mortgage.

- Where and how are professional personnel trained for internal troops?

- Currently, the system of training officers for internal troops consists of educational subsystems, including:

1) training officers in four military institutes of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with qualification “specialist” with higher professional education (training period 5 years), for one specialty the qualification (degree) “bachelor” (training period 4 year) will be conferred specialists and bachelors receiving full military vocational training;

2) training officers at the expense of the number and budget of the internal troops on the basis of three military training and scientific centers and 10 military schools of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for 56 military registration groups. The annual number of graduates is 600 – 650 people;

3) further training of officers with higher military operational and tactical training under professional retraining programs in military educational institutions of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Ministry of Defense of Russia with their receiving additional professional education and additional qualification (training period 10 months);

4) officers with higher military operational and strategic training at the Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, also with a training period of 10 months, to replace the highest military posts of the heads of operational-territorial associations (regional commands) of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

- They say that the Ministry of Internal Affairs refused to introduce many of the innovations that the Ministry of Defense introduced. This is true? Why?

- This is "talk." Our colleagues have their own vision of the organization and training of personnel in universities, meeting the requirements that they make to their graduates. The internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have their own requirements for graduates, so the system of training and organization is tailored to that.

In 2011, the network of universities of internal troops was optimized in accordance with the Concept of Construction and Development of Internal Troops:

- the educational institution was reduced (the North-Caucasian Military Institute of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia);

- since September, military education has been translated to new federal state educational standards;

- Organizational and regular measures have been carried out, which provide for a reduction by one degree of regular and official categories of commanders of cadet divisions.

- Well, how do you assess the quality of the current recruiting resource, its ability to master the training program in one year of service? What service tasks (of the most difficult and responsible) do conscript servicemen have to solve in our problematic time? Is it time to completely transfer the military units of the internal troops to the contract principle of manning?

- In the autumn 2011 call of the year for the recruitment of internal troops received a young replenishment - 20 thousand 342 person, which amounted to 100% of the planned.

The young recruitment was distributed among the regional commands, formations, military units and military educational institutions of higher professional education of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia based on the priority assigned to their service and combat tasks.

We are deeply studying the arriving personnel. It would be great if military personnel with higher characteristics in terms of educational attainment, physical development and state of health would arrive in the army.

In pursuance of the List of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation from 11 in August 2011 of the year No. 8887, the recruitment of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to 1 in January of 2016 will be carried out in a mixed way - by military servicemen undergoing military service by conscription and by contract. During this period, a phased reduction in the number of servicemen undergoing military service by conscription and a simultaneous increase in the number of servicemen undergoing military service under the contract is envisaged. Thus, before 1 in January of 2016, the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia should move mainly to the contract method of recruiting, however, in separate formations and military units it is planned to preserve the recruitment of conscripts.
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  1. +5
    April 16 2012 11: 37
    It seems to me that all the talk about creating the National Guard stems from the desire to subordinate to the President (and only him!) All the best special forces of the GRU, VV, FSB. Only then will his hands be untied for making significant domestic political decisions. The only question is which side the newly elected President will take: on the side of the people or the elite?
    1. Neighbor
      April 16 2012 16: 01
      Until 2020, it was decided to basically maintain the current composition and structure of the internal troops. The optimal number of troops has also been determined - 170 thousand troops. Nevertheless, it cannot be said that they will remain absolutely unchanged. The President of the Russian Federation approved the Concept for the Construction and Development of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the period until 2020. Its consistent and phased implementation will make it possible to have mobile, professionally prepared troops of constant readiness in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The provisions of the concept are based on a comprehensive assessment and forecast of the development of threats to the national security of the Russian Federation. Given, of course, the fact that these estimates may change at different periods.

      But the three levels of the main tasks before us will remain unchanged:

      1. The operational function is to counteract and liquidate illegal armed formations, wherever they are found, they would not manifest themselves.

      2. The police function is to maintain law and order in the places where mass events and actions are held, to prevent and eliminate civil unrest.

      3. Protection of important public facilities - large transport hubs, power plants, hazardous industries.

      Carefully read this clippings - and everything will become clear! Everything will go on the shelves.
      Such troops are needed - for it will be well-trained, well-armed and equipped with professional troops. Ready at any time to provide where necessary and necessary - in which case.
      1. 755962
        April 17 2012 00: 24
        A National Guard may be created in Russia, which will report directly to the president of the country, reports Nezavisimaya Gazeta. Sources of the publication claim that the task of the National Guard will be to ensure the country's security and protect the constitutional order.
    2. Prophet Alyosha
      April 17 2012 05: 49
      The trouble is that we do not have a national elite now, because it is not the elite of the pack in power, concerned only with personal enrichment. The elite must be the bearer of the national idea and are ready to sacrifice their lives for the Motherland. Is the current "elite" ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of the Motherland?
  2. dred
    April 16 2012 11: 55
    I wonder why reduce the number of internal troops?
  3. +3
    April 16 2012 12: 36
    Well, the tasks are the same, (initially the task of the National Guard was to clean up the streets), that is, against the background of reductions in the Ministry of Defense, in fact, another police unit is being created ...
    1. +2
      April 16 2012 12: 45
      It is believed that these throwings are explained by the extremely low loyalty of the security forces of the current government ... no one wants to fight for the oligarchs, who, moreover, quickly lose their money from the country ... this also explains the sharp increase in money allowance ... and an attempt to create mercenary units ... plus ..
      1. +1
        April 16 2012 13: 24
        Quote: ward
        no one wants to fight for the oligarchs,

        Absolutely, imagine a battalion commander getting up from a trench with an appeal for his homeland! For Abramovich! I am not so
        1. +3
          April 16 2012 14: 13
          Then it’s not for the homeland, but rather for Gazprom.
        2. +3
          April 16 2012 16: 13
          Quote: Vadivak
          Absolutely, imagine a battalion commander getting up from a trench with an appeal for his homeland! For Abramovich! I am not so

          Okay. And with km and against whom is this supposed war. Which is exclusively for the "oligarchs" but not if not for Russia, its citizens? It's hard for me to imagine such a war.
          1. +1
            April 16 2012 21: 46
            Well, as an option ... our oligarchs will borrow ... and then there’s another crisis ... there’s nothing to give .... and the Amer court bailiffs will come for them ... an interesting fact is the estimated value of the property belonging to Prokhorov three times decreased ... an effective manager ... straight from a joke ... how to become a millionaire ... plus ..
  4. +1
    April 16 2012 13: 29
    The article clearly and unambiguously states that no "national guard" will be created. There are plans to reform the Interior Ministry of Russia for several years. No, people continues to procrastinate on this favorite "conspiracy" theme. About creating something big and terrible. What is this? It will be, it will not be, and what it will consist of, and what it will do and how the poor people will suffer under the yoke of this "guard". May be enough?
    1. +3
      April 16 2012 14: 06
      Quote: Viking
      The article clearly and unambiguously states that no "national guard" will be created.

      Once, Yeltsin, or as the people say, Ebn clearly and unequivocally promised to lie on the rails, but put all of Russia on the rails. So everything can be
      1. +3
        April 16 2012 14: 30
        That is, to the scribblers inventing such "sensational news" from "sources close to such a person" or, in other words, from the ceiling you want to believe and discuss their nonsense? That's why they clearly grasp what the "People" wants to hear. But the official interview of the Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Rogozhkin, where he clearly answers questions, dotting the i's not a fig is not a normal source of normal and not fictional information? All the same, I want to play "scarecrows" what else will these come up with just to annoy the people. Oh, damn it.
        1. +1
          April 16 2012 15: 32
          Quote: Viking
          But the official interview of the Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Rogozhkin, where he clearly answers questions by dotting i not fig is not a normal source of normal and not fictional information

          Alex, promising doesn't mean getting married, here is an example from Rogozhkin’s official interview

          In March 2006, reporting on plans to reduce the MVD to 140 thousand by 2011, Rogozhkin said: "Today, the number of internal troops is about 200 thousand." In March 2008, after all the “cuts”, the group of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs still amounted to “about 200 thousand military personnel”. The “reductions” were so successful that when it was decided to stop them in December last year, the numbers remained the same as in 2006 .....
          1. 0
            April 16 2012 16: 07
            Quote: Vadivak
            in December last year, the number remained the same as in 2006 .....

            This is bad? A decision was made to reduce from 200 thousand to 170. But it’s not stupid to take it down by 30 thousand in one day. And as a result of reforms, while raising the level of training and equipment. For more than 20 years, troops have not come out of conflicts, starting with Karabakh and Sumgait.
      2. +1
        April 16 2012 14: 42
        Maybe it can, but why? Ministers of power departments are appointed personally by the president and additional levers of "influence" are simply not needed
    2. +2
      April 16 2012 14: 38
      Greetings, Alex, I agree with you completely, only these stuffing comes not from the people, but from the side of the bolt, our white-orange "opposition"
      1. 0
        April 16 2012 14: 48
        Quote: Old Rocketman
        only these stuffing comes not from people, but from the side of the bolt, our white-orange "opposition"

        But something even on our site, where in general not the most stupid people are going and then actively rushed to succumb to this topic. Even to what is clearly and unequivocally said - that no one needs it.
  5. 0
    April 16 2012 14: 11
    There is no smoke without fire..........
  6. Nechai
    April 16 2012 14: 55
    Quote: Viking
    That is, to scribblers inventing such "sensational news" from "sources close to such a person"

    Quote: Old Rocketman
    but from the side of the bolt, our white-orange "opposition"

    That Temka has been paid for unambiguously. Scribes will not "create" without money. The question is whether it is a probe or provocative operation.
    "Workers of the pen. Though writing, but sometimes no less dangerous than the gangster".
    1. +1
      April 16 2012 15: 40
      Quote: Nechai
      That Temka has been paid for unambiguously. Scribes will not "create" without money.

      Valery, you are in vain minus, follow the link, an article from the "independent military review", the author of the article is a reserve colonel (military journalist) Oleg Vladykin, a person absolutely loyal to the authorities, there is no conspiracy theory here
  7. +1
    April 16 2012 16: 20
    "Professionalism, armament and equipment of special forces of explosives have grown in recent years, very noticeably." - against who?
  8. +1
    April 16 2012 16: 51
    Quote: taseka
    The professionalism, equipment and equipment of the special forces of the VV have grown very noticeably in recent years.

    Yes, the bearded inhabitants of the Dagestan mountains may not really like this. By the way, here is the answer against whom.