Strategic pendulum. Part of 5

The results of the Battle of Galicia were impressive. This battle is one of the brightest Russian victories. weapons. The operational design of the Battle of Galicia was an attempt by the 4's armies of the South-Western Front to secure the encirclement of the main forces of the Austro-Hungarian army on the Russian front. Forms of operational maneuver were - breakthrough, actions on communications and flank coverage. The result was expressed in inflicting a serious defeat on the main enemy forces - but the operational environment of his forces, primarily as a result of the changed strategic deployment of the Austrian armies, was not achieved. The operation is interesting by the maneuver of the Russian 5 Army, which effectively applied communications and flank coverage of the enemy forces opposing other armies of the South-Western Front.

N.N. Golovin, comparing the operational work of the Russian command (primarily in the person of the front headquarters officer M. V. Alekseev) with similar activities of the command of the French and German armies, noted that there is “full right to put it strategically on a par with the best representatives and the French and German General Staff " [Golovin N.N. From stories 1914 campaign. Days of the Battle of the Galician Battle. C. 113.].

The battle is interesting with a series of oncoming fights and energetic maneuvers, many of which were successful for Austro-Germans. In many ways, the outcome of the operation for opponents was predetermined by the skilful operation of operational and strategic reserves. The Russian High Command was able to properly manage the reserves, forming the 9 Army, and entering it into battle on the northern flank of the battle. Focusing the 9 Army as a strategic reserve near Warsaw, the Russian Stake, after an unsuccessful turn of affairs on the South-Western Front, implemented a railway maneuver, strengthening the right flank of the 4 Army in the region of Lublin, which made it possible to overcome the negative situation on the northern flank of the Galician battle. .

Arrival on the Vistula of the German 9 Army and the flood on the river. San forced the Russians, stopping the pursuit of the Austrians, to move on to solving other strategic tasks. But, if the German command had chosen coalition interests, the strategic situation and the results of the battle of Galicia could have been different than the solution of their immediate tasks. F. Conrad von Gettsendorf stated: “According to the agreement, the Germans had to assemble east of the Lower Vistula, north of Thorn, at least 12 divisions, which were to advance through Mlava in the direction of Sedlec, while we were moving to Lublin. We have fulfilled our commitment; The Germans only collected nine divisions of the northeast of Thorn and moved them not to the southeast, but far to the northeast, to Gumbinen, where they were defeated. After that, they turned and want to attack from the Bischofsburg-Gilgenburg line, but it is already late, because while we are only one transition from Lublin, they are removed from Sedlec by ten transitions. As a result, the whole burden rests on us, and we have on the neck, east of Lviv, superior forces of the enemy ... We are not obliged to give the Germans special gratitude " [Golovin N. N. The Battle of Galicia. The first period. C. 360-361.].

What are the conclusions for this fateful battle?

The structure of the troops involved was determined by the colossal scale of the operation.

After August 10 Austrians in Galicia deployed 4 landshturmennye Brigade (1- in 1-yu, 1- in 3-2 and Armies - in Kevessa group later 2-Army), 12 marching teams (1- in 1-yu, 3 - in 4, 6 - in 3 and 2 - in 2 army), 2 drove infantry divisions (in 3 and 2 army) and 2 army corps (4 and 7) - 4 infantry divisions) - in the 2 th army. Austrian marching brigades were brought into battle as independent combat units, but did not have their own artillery.

In addition to the second-order parts and cavalry, the 18 and 3 Caucasian Army and Guards Corps, 16 and 14 Army Corps, Guards Rifle Brigade, and other units approached the Russians. The result of the gain to the time of the Gorodok battle for the Russians was the formation of the 9 Army (9 infantry divisions and 4,5 cavalry divisions) and the reinforcement of the already operating troops on the 3 division — the entire 12 infantry divisions. The gain is planned, but the use of these compounds is redistributed according to the situation.

For the Austrians, reinforcement was expressed (counting 2 brigades per division) in 10 infantry divisions (mostly unwanted and unplanned reinforcement). But what was most valuable is that the entire 2 army instead of the Serbian front hit the Russian - the allied aspect of the Battle of Galicia was expressed in the figure - 8 infantry divisions (17-I, 31-I, 32-I, 34-I, 20-I , 38-infantry, 43 landshturmennaya division, 35-I, 40-I, 102-I, 103-I landshturmennye Brigade - because of their weakness 4 team counted for the division; 2 cavalry divisions - 1-I and 5-I) drawn from the Balkan theater, and also at a crucial moment.

In the long run, the Germans were forced to reanimate an Austrian ally, strengthening their presence on the Russian front at the expense of the French. The timely support of the Austrian armies would have cost them fewer units.

Losses in a strategic-scale battle involving well-trained personnel (mostly) troops were very significant.

Losses of the Austrian troops amounted to [Feldmarchal Conrad. S. 903.]: 3 Army - up to 109, 4-I and 1 Army - on 90, 2-I army - up to 33 thousand people. Total - 322 thousand (including 100 thousand prisoners) people.

The combat strength of the Galician armies of the Twin Empire reduced by 45% - and amounted to only about 400 thousand people (in the 1 army - 125, 2 army - 100, 3 army - 70 and 4 army - 100 thousand. person [Ebd. S. 805.]).

M. Auffenberg recognized the loss of many compounds to 50% composition [Auffenberg-Komarow M. von. Aus Österreich-Ungarns Teilnahme am Weltkriege. S. 284.]. The 3 Army suffered the greatest losses, having taken the brunt of the superior army group of the Southwestern Front on the southern flank of the battle, and the troops of the northern armies 1 and 4 were heavily hit, while being transferred during the battle and parts of the 2-I army was shabby relatively weak. Only a month later, Austria-Hungary managed to restore the size of the Galician armies - bringing it to 803 thousand. [White A. Galicia battle. C. 276.].

Strategic pendulum. Part of 5

Austrian infirmary

Galician breakdown reflected on the further fate of the Austrian army, backfired during the events on the Balkan front.

Losses of the South-Western Front - 230 thousand soldiers and 94 guns (up to 40% of the group). F. Konrad Gettsendorf noted that during the battles of Komarov, Krasnik and Lvov, the Austrians captured up to 40 thousand prisoners [Feldmarchal Conrad. Op. cit. S. 768.]. The heaviest casualties fell on the shoulders of the armies of the northern flank — 4, 5, and 9. For example, the Grenadier Corps has lost up to 70% composition [White A. Galicia battle. C. 321.].

The ratio of Russian and Austrian losses shows approximately the same quality of cadre troops and the fact that the Austrian army was a formidable opponent. Such heavy losses partially explain the sluggish pursuit of Austrians by Russian troops - and the Austrian army was never destroyed.

Quartermaster General of the German Eastern Front, M. Hoffmann, describing the state of the Austrian army after the Battle of Galicia, noted the enormous losses of an ally, explaining the fact that the mass of 40 divisions could fit on the western bank of the Vislok - between the Vistula and the Carpathians. The irreparable loss from which the Austrian army was never able to recover during the entire war was the death of most of the young cadre officers and long-term noncommissioned officers. [Hoffman M. War of Opportunities. C. 37.]. E. Ludendorff also, in turn, noted the fact of the death of the color of the military officers who cemented the multinational army and the best and bravest soldiers. [Ludendorff E.S.77.].

The strategic result of the operation was important.
The strategic goal of the Russian troops was to defeat and destroy the core of the Austro-Hungarian army, which made it possible to withdraw one of the key states of the German bloc from the war. In the first part, the goal was achieved, but the second part, for objective reasons, is not. The strategic goal of the enemy’s actions is also to crush the main forces of the Russian army (that is, the troops of the Southwestern Front) and thereby create the decisive prerequisites for a victorious end to the war. The Austrian army was supposed to be the backbone of the Eastern Front, active actions to withdraw Russia from the war. But its main forces suffered a heavy defeat, she was drained of blood and began to demand regular support from the Germans. The proportion of German troops on the Russian front increased. German successes in East Prussia were leveled, and the 1914 campaign ended in favor of the Entente. The Germans actually exchanged Russian 2,5 corps in East Prussia for almost the entire Austro-Hungarian army.

The operation changed the situation not only in the south-western strategic direction, but also on the entire Russian front as a whole.

The German bloc has lost economically (oil resources) and a strategically important region - Galicia. The Russians were preparing to force the Carpathians and were located at the borders of Hungary.

The Austrians' huge mistake was the desire to act on two main fronts, in connection with which they made a fatal strategic mistake: the 2 Army was not enough in Galicia. German-Austrian strategy in 1914 was destroyed by the game on two fronts and the desire to be strong in all theaters. At the same time, F. Conrad Gettsendorf did everything in his power to win the battle. He fought hard and hard. In the course of the persecution, the Russian fortress Peremyshl was blocked and the defense along the San river was overcome. But Gettsendorf managed to competently implement the maneuver of withdrawal and consolidate the front.

The main features of the strategic art of the Russian army in this operation were: 1) effective use of the strategic reserve (its role was performed by the appropriate troops of the 2 echelon), structured in the form of the 9 army; 2) is an effective High Command railway maneuver.

Huge and moral significance of victory. This was the first turning point in the 1914 campaign.

If the victory of the British and French on the Marne dispelled the hopes of the Germans for a decisive victory in France with one blow, the Battle of Galicia buried the enemy’s hopes of holding the Russian front only with the forces of the Austro-Hungarian army and small German contingents until a decisive victory in the West.

Winston Churchill noted how France and Britain were counting on Russia - and the rapid mobilization of Russian troops and their swift onslaught on the German and Austrian fronts were necessary to save France from destruction. [Churchill W. World crisis. M. - L., 1932. C. 39.].

British statesman D. Lloyd George described the significance of the Galician victory in the light of its significance for the Anglo-French allies: “The Russians were advancing in Galicia. The central powers stopped. We could use this time to recruit and equip troops. ” [Lloyd George D. Military Memoirs. M., 1934. Tm 1-2. C. 252.].

British Foreign Minister E. Gray noted that the energy and exceptional sacrifice with which Russia, having carried out its offensive, will never be forgotten, in the autumn of 1914 saved allies [Budberg A.P.C. 8].

E. Ludendorff stated: “In Galicia, the situation was already unfavorable. The main Russian forces marched against the Austro-Hungarian armies and defeated them east of Lviv in late August. ” [Ludendorff E.S.61.]. E. von Falkenhayn explained the winding down of German operations in the East Prussian theater of operations, including the events in Galicia and Poland — the Austrian army retreated from Sanaa, and there was a serious threat to Silesia. The capture of Silesia by the Russians, even temporary, was unacceptable - Germany was losing powerful sources of power for its industry, which very soon made the continuation of the war unthinkable. The approach of the Russians to the Czech Republic was also dangerous - it could lead to internal unrest in the Dual Monarchy, which paralyzed the military power of the latter. The Balkan powers, first of all Turkey, could not stand on the side of the German bloc. [Falkengine E. von. C. 28.].

German military historian O. von Moser stated bitterly the severe defeat of the Austro-Germans in Galicia: “despite the most courageous, even desperate strategic and tactical chess moves of the Austro-Hungarian army and the deployment of reinforcements from the Danube and Sava armies, but belated. The Austro-Hungarian army was very disorganized thanks to three weeks of deadly battles ... Austro-Hungarians suffered, in addition to those killed and wounded, enormous losses by prisoners, as well as guns and other combat weapons. This failure caused the premature undermining of confidence in the high command, which was especially dangerous under the peculiar and tense internal political circumstances of a double monarchy, when the best and most fresh forces of the Austro-Hungarian army were unsuccessfully donated to the super-bold enterprise. The Russian armies persistently pursued the Austro-Hungarian army, weary and shaken in the most significant parts of their bodies, and threatened it in the middle of September with new coverage of both flanks, especially the southern. The Carpathian passes were an open gateway to the invasion of Hungary, as they were not protected by any fortifications of peacetime. ” [Moser O. von. Decree. cit. C. 38.].

Austria-Hungary in Galicia and Russia in East Prussia actually sacrificed in the interests of their coalitions, their allies. France was able to dispose of such a "gift" more skillfully.

The movement pattern of the strategic pendulum of the Galician battle looked like this.

Using the leakage of information about the strategic deployment of his Galician armies (perhaps by organizing this leakage), F. Conrad von Gettsendorf retained the deployment pattern, but carried it westwards to 100 km. And the covering maneuver of the Russian 4 and 5 armies was paralyzed by counter coverage. In fierce battles, the Austro-Hungarians managed to defeat the right flank of the Southwestern Front, throwing it east - and it is difficult to say what would have happened with these associations, if not for the talent of P. A. Plehve.

In the south, the left flank of the Southwestern Front (3 and 8) of the army on the Golden and Rotten Limes defeated the Austro-Hungarian cover (3, and then 2 of the army), occupied Lviv and began to lean north - through Rava-Ruska going out on communications of the enemy's strike force.

The commander-in-chief, Nikolai Nikolayevich, organized a railway maneuver by transferring significant forces of reserves and arriving troops to the Lublin area.

F. Conrad von Gettsendorf took a chance - by implementing a beautiful maneuver. He launched the 4 Army advancing to the northeast to the southwest, and began a concentric attack on Lviv by the forces of the 3 Army. But in the tense chaos of the Gorodok battle, the front of the southern armies of the Southwestern Front resisted, and a new offensive (after the concentration of reserves) of the northern flank forced Conrad to complete the operation.

But the Austrian army, unlike the Germans, was able to fulfill its part of the Schlieffen plan: the front in the east was preserved, and longer than for 9 weeks - as required by the German bloc.

But the Galician victory saved Serbia (the 2 Army found itself on the Russian front) - and the very fact of its existence for another year as a belligerent alongside the mighty Austria-Hungary is the most important achievement of the Russian troops. It was possible to preserve the Balkan front of the Entente, and this is a great merit of Russia. The significance of the Battle of Galicia in the context of the preservation of the Balkan Front and Serbia in the ranks of the Entente is difficult to overestimate.

It was the Battle of Galicia as the central battle of the 1914 campaign on the Russian front that helped the Russian army win the 1914 campaign and therefore the entire war.

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  1. +18
    2 February 2018 06: 08
    Strategic victory. At the right time and in the right place.
    And our army fully suffered and deserved it!
    1. +18
      2 February 2018 09: 04
      The era of large-scale battles, sweeping maneuvers and serious results.
      1. +18
        2 February 2018 12: 12
        And cool consequences - I would add
    2. 0
      6 February 2018 16: 33
      And where is it strategic? The salvation of Serbia? By stupid "frame" exchange?
      1. +15
        6 February 2018 22: 43
        The Balkan Front, as the history of the WWI showed, was almost key in a certain sense.
        The catastrophe of Serbia in the year 15 - what are the consequences. And in 1918. the house of cards of the Four fell also from the Balkans.
        Russia saved the Balkan Front and foiled the game of A.-V. on 2 fronts (both frustrated and the German game on 2 fronts). Only for this reason Gal. the battle is strategic. A.-v. Destroy of course failed, what to do.
        But I will answer the question why strategic by quoting Sergei Pereslegin (I really like his complete thoughts and honed formulations) about the Battle of Galicia:
        "One of the largest battles of the war, comparable in scale and consequences to the Battle of Marne ...
        This is one of the most glorious pages of Russian weapons.
        Purpose of operation:
        - for the Germans - the difficulty of deploying Russian armies in left-bank Poland,
        - for the Austrians - the flank cover for operations on the Serbian front, gaining time to complete the Schlieffen maneuver in Western Europe,
        - for the Russians - the defeat of the Austro-Hungarian armies, securing the Vistula-San line as a basis for a future offensive against Germany or Austria-Hungary.
        In this battle, despite the excellent command of the troops from Konrad von Getzendorf, Austria-Hungary is completely defeated. After the battle of Galicia, it essentially ceases to exist as an independent state.
        Towards the end of the Battle of Galicia, it became apparent that Schlieffen’s plan, performed by Moltke, had collapsed. "
        Is not that enough?
        In my opinion, it’s enough and less so that the operation is called strategic
        1. 0
          7 February 2018 10: 58
          The GUGSH plan under the letter "A" was not implemented. So it’s quite enough to call the Galician operation a strategic defeat for the Russian army (with operational success).
          If the plan is Schlieffen, then it is still at the redevelopment stage Moltke Ml. because of thirst to protect Vost.Prussia.
          You know, I respect Sperm Whale, but he is still not quite right.
          1. +15
            7 February 2018 11: 59
            but he is still not quite right.

            Sperm whale - as I understand it, call S. Pereslegin?
            Well, then in your opinion, not only he is wrong, but even then a whole galaxy of military historians and generals - from Golovin and Bely to modern
            1. 0
              7 February 2018 16: 13
              Well, let’s say, turning parts from Poland is a very sad fact. In general, it’s just that Conrad’s plans were better worked out, and ours got serious problems in Galicia. As a result, there was a victory, but ... If the lack of an assessment of the enemy could somehow be countered by reserves, then Przemysl got a problem. Although there were no attempts to actually bring cavalry into battle, when the AB troops began to withdraw, no attempts were made.
              As a result, the Austrians "pushed" out of Galicia, but no more. Although against the backdrop of a fight in France, our actions really look great, albeit in the Nazarov Formula.
  2. +19
    2 February 2018 06: 55
    The attitude towards their allies on the part of Russia and Germany is very revealing.
    As the result of the operation - which became a major success of the whole Entente.
    And E. Gray was absolutely right in saying
    energy and exceptional sacrifice with which Russia, having carried out its offensive, saved the allies in the fall of 1914

    And the enemy did not help any beautiful maneuvers.
    Thanks for the loop!
    1. +18
      2 February 2018 13: 30
      I hope at least the Serbs remember and appreciate this important episode of our common history
      1. 0
        7 February 2018 11: 00
        Well, I came across a photo of how American instructors teach Serbs about NATO standards. It seems that NATO’s standards also include killing Russians?

        For me, that the Serbs, that the Bulgarians are nice in communication and absolutely selfish in politics.
    2. 0
      6 February 2018 16: 36
      How did not help? Very much. A-B escaped defeat, pulled most of the RIA onto itself, thinned the “frame” well and drained our warehouses. So who won from this is a big question.
  3. +9
    2 February 2018 07: 30
    The candle burns quietly in the car
    The candle burns quietly in the car
    And all the soldiers sleep sweetly
    And the ambulance rushes quickly
    Just hear the wind in the wires
    A burnt soldier sits,
    With your head bowed to your chest.
    Longing for a distant homeland
    Keeps him awake.
    "Why, mother, why, dear,
    You gave birth to me,
    Awarded with the fate of the unfortunate
    Overcoat gave me a gray?
    I served four years
    And I thought that I would go home
    But then a strict order came to us -
    All come to war.
    And here comes our bloody battle
    And blood pours from the wounds in the chest
    Pouring over a ragged overcoat
    The poor thing lies without a hand.
    Here the nurse approaches him:
    "Let's bandage you."
    And he will quietly say to him:
    "And I will die for my homeland."
    The candle burns quietly in the car
    And all the soldiers are sleeping sweetly.
    And the ambulance rushes quickly
    Just hear the wind in the wires.
    Author unknown. Soldier song of those times ....
    1. +19
      2 February 2018 13: 31
      Pamper beautiful texts)
      1. +16
        3 February 2018 21: 19
        And if you also like texts transposed to music - listen to Verstakov’s old and good song “Once upon a time we were officers”. There by the way there is a verse about PMV and the words "In gray overcoats in Galicia gray")
        Download does not work here, but you can download)
        1. +16
          3 February 2018 21: 50
          Thank you for the tattoo
          I will do so hi
    2. +2
      6 February 2018 17: 57
      Mayakovsky to you.

      But not that cannonade, -
      sighed yet
      and stalled.
      Got out with white.
      - do not! -

      No one asked
      so that there is a victory
      drawn to the motherland.
      Armless stub of a bloody dinner
      what the hell is she ?!
      Last mounted on a bayonet.
      Our go to Kovno,
      human meat is chopped.

      And when they calmed down
      all who attacked
      lay down
      battalion on the battalion -
      death ran out
      and danced on the carrion
      Skeleton Ballet Bearing Taglioni.

      Sock wind.
      Moved the hats
      caressed on the dead two hairs,
      and further -

      Fifth day
      in the shot head
      trains unscrew a bend bend.
      In a rotting carriage
      for forty people -
      four legs.
  4. +14
    2 February 2018 07: 46
    The main features of the strategic art of the Russian army in this operation were: 1) effective use of the strategic reserve (its role was performed by the appropriate troops of the 2 echelon), structured in the form of the 9 army; 2) is an effective High Command railway maneuver.
    Huge and moral significance of victory. This was the first turning point in the 1914 campaign.
    How strikingly differed for the better in the actions of the Russian army in the first year of the 1914 war from the actions of the Red Army in the first year of the Second World War 1941
    1. +2
      2 February 2018 08: 29
      Quote: Olgovich
      How strikingly differed for the better in the actions of the Russian army in the first year of the 1914 war from the actions of the Red Army in the first year of the Second World War 1941

      How strikingly the conditions of the WWII and the enemy of tsarist Russia differed from the conditions of the WWII and the enemy of the USSR.
      By the way, to recall how the WWII ended for Russia, and WWII for the Soviet Union?
      1. +14
        2 February 2018 08: 49
        Quote: rkkasa 81
        How strikingly the conditions of the WWII and the enemy of tsarist Russia differed from the conditions of the WWII and the enemy of the USSR.

        Certainly: the Kaiser army was ALWAYS considered STRONGER than Hitler's and the front was longer in the WWII of the Russian Army than in the Red Army in WWII.
        Quote: rkkasa 81
        By the way, to recall how the WWII ended for Russia, and WWII for the Soviet Union?

        For Russia, the WWII ended in victory (we read the Treaty of Versailles), the RSFSR WWI lost, and the Second World War won.
        PS loser of the war the so-called "Sovnarkom" -Only ONE of several Russian governments, recognized only by themselves ...the occupiers hi
        1. +3
          2 February 2018 09: 34
          Quote: Olgovich
          the Kaiser army was ALWAYS considered STRONGER than Hitler's and the front was longer in the WWI of the Russian Army than in the Red Army in WWII

          This is what was the Kaiser army stronger than Hitler? In armored vehicles? In artillery? In aviation? The only thing that army is sometimes considered stronger in the infantry.

          III Reich attacked the Soviet Union, it is a large part of continental Europe. Some countries that in WWII pulled back some of the forces in the WWII, on the contrary, were one way or another on the side of the Germans. And as far as I know, about 75% of German forces in WWII fought on the eastern front. In WWI, the East accounted for about a third of all German forces.
          Plus, the Bolsheviks had only about 20 years to recover from the war and intervention, and to industrialize the country.
          Quote: Olgovich
          For Russia, WWII ended in victory

          For Russia, the WWII ended with a massive desertion of soldiers, two revolutions and the collapse of the country, which the Bolsheviks then had to collect in pieces.
          Quote: Olgovich
          the so-called "Sovnarkom" -Only ONE of several Russian governments, recognized only by the invaders

          Before writing nonsense, google first what occupation and occupiers are.
          1. +13
            2 February 2018 10: 37
            Quote: rkkasa 81
            This is what the Kaiser army was stronger Hitler’s? In armored vehicles? In artillery? In aviation? The only thing that army is sometimes considered stronger in the infantry.

            Comrade, if you don’t even know this, then it’s sad
            Quote: rkkasa 81
            Plus, the Bolsheviks had only about 20 years to recover from the war and intervention, and to industrialize the country.

            Quote: rkkasa 81
            For Russia, the WWII ended with a massive desertion of soldiers, two revolutions and the collapse of the country, which the Bolsheviks then had to collect in pieces.

            The Bolsheviks destroyed the country — ALL INDEPENDENCE — under THEM; ALL the wild retreats of 1918 — upon THEM; during the VP, this was NOT.
            Quote: rkkasa 81
            Before writing nonsense, google first what occupation and occupiers are.

            ONCE AGAIN for tankers: the so-called "SNK was recognized ONLY by OCCUPIENT AGGRESSORS: Germany, A-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria.
            No one else recognized him, nor did he in Russia (see election results in the Constitutional Court).
            1. +3
              2 February 2018 12: 46
              Quote: Olgovich

              And did everyone have the same level of development? And did everyone have GV and intervention?
              Quote: Olgovich
              The Bolsheviks ruined the country-ALL INDEPENDENCE-under them

              Quote: Olgovich
              ALL the wild retreats of 1918

              And the Great Retreat of the 15th, is it also the Bolsheviks?
              Quote: Olgovich
              with VP, this was NOT

              Quote: Olgovich
              if you don’t even know this, then it’s sad

              I understand that you are sad, but to the question - This is what was the Kaiser army stronger than Hitler? In armored vehicles? In artillery? In aviation? The only thing that army is sometimes considered stronger in the infantry. “You never answered.”
              PS And if it does not bother you, please answer another question:
              How many victories did the Russian army have over Kaiser? At least one, comparable to the battle of Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk was?
              But Teterin is still searching, cannot find.
              1. +8
                2 February 2018 13: 49
                Quote: rkkasa 81
                And all had industry at the same level of development? And all had GV and intervention

                Not. ALL-there were no Bolsheviks-and there was, accordingly, no intervention and civilian. Did you catch it?
                Quote: rkkasa 81
                And the Great Retreat of the 15th, is it also the Bolsheviks?

                Not. After him, there were NOT retreats, practically. The defeat of the Bolsheviks is the facts, if that.
                Quote: rkkasa 81
                The Bolsheviks ruined the country-ALL INDEPENDENCE-under them

                Learn and you won’t LIE.
                Quote: rkkasa 81
                with VP, this was NOT

                so do not lie.
                Quote: rkkasa 81
                This is what was the Kaiser army stronger than Hitler? In armored vehicles? In artillery? In aviation? The only thing that army is sometimes considered stronger in the infantry.

                In aviation and armored vehicles laughing
                Quote: rkkasa 81
                How many victories did the Russian army have over Kaiser? At least one, comparable to the battle of Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk was?

                The Russian (and not Russian) army had remarkable victories: read the Oleinikov-Battle of Galicia, Lutsk breakthrough, etc. The Austrians are Germans if they did not know.
                At the same time, the Russian army did not even have a military disaster of unprecedented never in the world 1941-42, like Sovestskaya and even Minsk, it did NOT take, SAVING Russia from the devastation of 1941-44.
                1. +2
                  2 February 2018 14: 25
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Not. ALL-there were no Bolsheviks-and there was, accordingly, no intervention and civilian. Did you catch it?

                  Why did not everyone have GV and intervention, this is a separate conversation. In the meantime, we ascertain the fact - the Bolsheviks inherited a backward agrarian country, which even after the war and the intervention was seriously affected. I'm glad that at least it came to you.
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  And the Great Retreat of the 15th, is it also the Bolsheviks?

                  Thank God that the Bolsheviks are not at fault for this.
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Austrians are Germans if they did not know

                  Austria-Hungary didn’t roll around with Germany. So again you messed up.
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  She didn’t even give Minsk

                  Firstly, it surrendered one of the most developed regions of the empire - Poland. Plus the Baltic states. And secondly - WWI, this is not WWII. Different conditions, equipment, different speeds, unit mobility, etc.
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  In aviation and armored vehicles

                  Everything is clear with you, Mr. Starball.
                  1. +6
                    2 February 2018 15: 00
                    Quote: rkkasa 81
                    Why did not everyone have GV and intervention, this is a separate conversation.

                    Therefore, it was not that the Bolsheviks were NOT.
                    Quote: rkkasa 81
                    . In the meantime, we ascertain the fact - the Bolsheviks got a backward agrarian country, which even after the war and the intervention seriously suffered

                    The Bolsheviks seized the country and destroyed its economy. It’s a pity that it did NOT reach
                    Quote: rkkasa 81
                    Austria-Hungary didn’t roll around with Germany. So again you messed up.

                    Very "authoritative" opinion. You read, specialists: soldier, Oleinikov, maybe then you will understand something.
                    Quote: rkkasa 81
                    Firstly, it surrendered one of the most developed regions of the empire - Poland. Plus the Baltic states.

                    ONE region? You read Order 227-THAT passed the USSR. To the Baltic states? belay - To school, dear man - at least study the history of the holiday February 23-battles under NARVA lol
                    Quote: rkkasa 81
                    . And secondly - WWI, this is not WWII. Different conditions technology, different speeds, mobility units, etc.

                    Well, it’s necessary, but Napoleon didn’t read you: in just THREE months, he occupied Moscow.
                    Quote: rkkasa 81
                    Everything is clear with you, Mr. Starball.

                    To school, amateur
                    Quote: rkkasa 81
                    , to school, comprehend at least the basics.
                    1. 0
                      2 February 2018 16: 09
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      Why did not everyone have GV and intervention, this is a separate conversation.
                      Therefore, it was not that the Bolsheviks-was not

                      Well, well, at least do not argue with the fact that GV and intervention, this is a separate conversation.
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      The Bolsheviks seized the country and destroyed its economy.

                      What for ? So that the Olgovich had something to write about in?
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      You VO-read, specialists: soldier, Oleinikov

                      Are these the same experts as Olgovich and Poruchik Teterin? No, I won’t.
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      ONE region? You read Order 227-THAT passed the USSR

                      Again :
                      PMV, this is not WWII. Different conditions, equipment, different speeds, unit mobility, etc.
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      Well, it’s necessary, but Napoleon didn’t read you: in just THREE months, he took Moscow

                      There is no solid front line, the offensive is a relatively narrow strip.
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      to school, comprehend at least the basics

                      Happy for you. You are there at school then do not forget about us, write at least sometimes, together we will laugh.
                      1. +6
                        2 February 2018 17: 03
                        Quote: rkkasa 81
                        Well, well, at least do not argue with the fact that GV and intervention, this is a separate conversation.

                        WHAT IS SEPARATE? The Bolsheviks and this horror-inexpressible whole!
                        Quote: rkkasa 81
                        What for ? So that the Olgovich had something to write about in?

                        No to You they wrote.
                        Quote: rkkasa 81
                        Are these the same experts as Olgovich and Poruchik Teterin? No i won't

                        It’s clear that you won’t: you have nothing to object to.
                        Quote: rkkasa 81
                        PMV, this is not WWII. Different conditions, equipment, different speeds, unit mobility, etc.

                        Once again: EVERYTHING is the same, even a war on two fronts, as well as a statement of fact by everyone: WWII-CONTINUED WWII.
                        Quote: rkkasa 81
                        There is no solid front line, the offensive is a relatively narrow strip.

                        What does this have to do with mobility? belay
                        Quote: rkkasa 81
                        Happy for you. though neighing.

                        I am worried about you: Have you, hm, for a long time RZHETE? belay Yes
                  2. +1
                    2 February 2018 16: 03
                    Kerensky hid the still powerful starships from the Big Oviks.
                    ferried to the USA.
                    Because they are the first in space to become. Gagarin did not fly, only Izvestia propaganda
                    he is Olgovich! what disappeared should he say?
      2. +14
        2 February 2018 09: 02
        Quote: rkkasa 81
        How strikingly the conditions of the WWII and the enemy of tsarist Russia differed from the conditions of the WWII and the enemy of the USSR.

        Of course they were different. The Kaiser army was much better trained than the Wehrmacht. The Kaiser officer corps has been forged for decades. Unlike the Wehrmacht, hastily deployed from the Reichswehr.
        Plus, Russia also held the Caucasus Front.
        And Russia, unlike the USSR, entered the war not as an outcast, but as part of a coalition, which, as it were, hints at the quality of imperial diplomacy.
        Quote: rkkasa 81
        By the way, recall how the WWII ended for Russia, and

        For Russia, the WWII ended as part of a victorious alliance of powers. And the shameful Brest peace has already been signed by the RSFSR.
        1. +3
          2 February 2018 10: 54
          Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
          The Kaiser army was much better trained than the Wehrmacht. Kaiser officer corps has been forged for decades

          And the officer corps of the Wehrmacht, it was not based on the Kaiser for an hour? WWII veterans in the Third Reich Armed Forces from the principle did not take?
          And how many victories did the Russian army have over the Kaiser? At least one, comparable to the battle of Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk was?
          Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
          Russia also held the Caucasus Front

          Against a "very" developed, and strong Turkey.
          Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
          that as if hints at the quality of imperial diplomacy

          To plunge into a world massacre for the interests of bourgeois of all stripes, while being a backward agrarian country, in fact a supplier of cannon fodder, this does not hint, it directly speaks of the poor quality of Russian diplomacy.
          And the fact that the Soviet Union for a long time almost alone fought with the combined forces of almost all of Europe is not his fault, but the fault of “smart” Western politicians. And the fact that he won, and did not fall apart like RI, is a very vivid proof of his strength.
          1. +11
            2 February 2018 12: 55
            Quote: rkkasa 81
            And the officer corps of the Wehrmacht, it was not based on the Kaiser for an hour?

            Kaiser officers served in the 17th Reichswehr. The officer, and, more importantly, the non-commissioned officer corps of the Wehrmacht was forced from people who had been excommunicated for long XNUMX years. So the quality of their training can be assumed.
            Quote: rkkasa 81
            And how many victories did the Russian army have over Kaiser

            There were. Warsaw-Ivangorod operation. Prasnyshskaya operation. Vilno-Youth operation. Defense of Riga.
            Quote: rkkasa 81
            Against a "very" developed, and strong Turkey.

            Which, regardless of your irony, successfully repelled the Anglo-French landing in Gallipoli, and drove the British across the Middle East.
            Quote: rkkasa 81
            To plunge into a world massacre for the interests of the bourgeois of all stripes, while being a backward agrarian country,

            But these words show that you either: a) neglect your homeland — Russia, or
            b) you just don’t know your native history.
            The First World War was inevitable, in view of German claims to the colonies and, more importantly, to the Russian Baltic states and Ukraine. The Russian government had a choice — to enter the war with the Allies or to wait for the Germans to finish off with France and hit us. Nicholas II, being a clever man, chose the first option.

            Quote: rkkasa 81
            it’s not his fault, but the fault of “smart” Western politicians.

            No, this is exactly the fault of the leadership of the USSR, who did not support France in May 1940.
            1. +1
              2 February 2018 14: 41
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              Wehrmacht non-commissioned corps was forced from people who had been excommunicated for long 17 years

              Firstly, not all non-commissioners were excommunicated; and secondly, six years is enough to train non-commissioned officers.
              And for example, for the Luftwaffe, personnel were successfully trained until the 35th year.
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              Warsaw-Ivangorod operation. Prasnyshskaya operation. Vilno-Youth operation. Riga Defense

              No - no, the question was this:
              Quote: rkkasa 81
              And how many victories did the Russian army have over the Kaiser? At least one, comparable to the battle of Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk was?

              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              successfully repelled the Anglo-French landing in Gallipoli

              Well done Turks, I'm glad for them, just like you. But still consider that Turkey = Germany, this is not serious.
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              The First World War was inevitable, in view of German claims to the colonies and, more importantly, to the Russian Baltic states and Ukraine. The Russian government had a choice — to enter the war with the Allies or to wait for the Germans to finish off with France and hit us.

              Did the Germans somehow indicate their claims to our Baltic States and Ukraine? Maybe some kind of note was sent to us, or something else?
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              this is exactly the fault of the leadership of the USSR, who did not support France in May 1940.

              Mr. Rezun?
              1. +8
                2 February 2018 19: 02
                Quote: rkkasa 81
                Firstly, not all non-commissioners were excommunicated; and secondly, six years is enough to train non-commissioned officers.

                I agree. But the growth in the armed forces of Germany was huge. And the number of trained non-commissioners was not enough.
                Quote: rkkasa 81
                At least one, comparable to the battle of Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk was?

                What do you mean by the word "comparable"? By the number of troops? Or significance for the outcome of the war?
                Quote: rkkasa 81
                Did the Germans somehow indicate their claims to our Baltic States and Ukraine?

                The Germans talked about this in journalism and the Reichstag.
                The lans of revising the existing geopolitical balance in the East of Europe developed in Germany even before the official creation of the Pan-German Union and independently of it. In 1888, the German philosopher Eduard Hartmann appeared in the Gegenwart magazine with an article entitled “Russia and Europe”, in which the idea that vast Russia was dangerous for Germany was held. Consequently, Russia must be divided into several states. First of all, it is necessary to create a kind of barrier between Muscovite Russia and Germany. The main components of this barrier should be the so-called. “Baltic” and “Kiev” kingdoms.

                The “Baltic Kingdom”, according to Hartmann’s plan, was to be composed of the “Ostsee”, that is, the Baltic, provinces of Russia, and the lands of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania, that is, present-day Belarus. The "Kingdom of Kiev" was formed on the territory of present-day Ukraine, but with a significant expansion to the east - up to the lower reaches of the Volga. According to this geopolitical plan, the first of the new states should be under the protectorate of Germany, the second - of Austria-Hungary. At the same time, Finland should have been transferred to Sweden, Bessarabia to Romania. This plan became the geopolitical justification of Ukrainian separatism, the kindling of which was intensely worked at that time in Vienna.
                The borders of the states that were supposed to be separated from the body of Russia outlined by Hartmann in 1888 practically coincide with the boundaries of the Ostland and Ukraine Reichskommissariat outlined in 1942 by the Ost plan.

                Quote: rkkasa 81
                Mr. Rezun?

                No, any school history textbook.
                1. 0
                  2 February 2018 19: 56
                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  the growth of the armed forces of Germany was huge. And the number of trained non-commissioners was not enough

                  The growth in the number of aircraft of the Soviet Union was also huge.
                  From 600 thousand in 32m to 5 million by June 1941.
                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  What do you mean by the word "comparable"? By the number of troops? Or significance for the outcome of the war?

                  Both in terms of numbers and importance. In comparison with the USSR, RI didn’t lie around here.
                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  The Germans talked about this in journalism and the Reichstag

                  You can say anything. Once again - did the Germans somehow outline their claims to our Baltic States and Ukraine? Maybe some kind of note was sent to us, or something else?
                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  any school history textbook

                  I would not be surprised if in the Russian Federation today they really write in textbooks that the USSR is to blame for the defeat of France.
                  True, there is no faith in today's textbooks.
                  1. +4
                    3 February 2018 07: 23
                    Quote: rkkasa 81
                    The growth in the number of aircraft of the Soviet Union was also huge.

                    And what do you mean ... owls. union? belay
          2. +10
            2 February 2018 16: 23
            Quote: rkkasa 81
            At least one, comparable to the battle of Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk was?

            No, thank God! Yes There was neither the Moscow nor Tsaritsyno battles, because they DID NOT ALLOW the invasions of the 1941 model, the ruin and devastation of Russia to the VOLGA.
            By the way, there was no Petrograd blockade with hundreds of thousands of victims of hunger, nor Vyazemsky. defeat, neither the Kiev, nor the Kharkov disaster, nor Rzhev.
            And there was no terrible famine of 41-45 g in Russia.
            1. +1
              2 February 2018 16: 37
              Quote: Olgovich
              At least one, comparable to the battle of Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk was?
              No, thank God!

              That is, in your opinion, is it good that RI was liquidated in PMV? E-uh, my friend, yes you are a Russophobe as I look, and maybe even quietly sympathize with the Bolsheviks!
              1. +9
                2 February 2018 17: 08
                Quote: rkkasa 81
                That is, in your opinion, is it good that RI was liquidated in PMV?

                Liquidated in the Bolsheviks in WWI (read Brest) Yes
                Russia is-I won (read Versailles)
                Quote: rkkasa 81
                yes you are russophobe like me I'll see

                Then you have a neigh, then hallucinations ..... request
                What's wrong with you? We are not losing you ?! belay
                1. 0
                  2 February 2018 17: 26
                  The Bolsheviks just won (see the surrender of Germany)

                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Then you have a neigh, then hallucinations .....

                  1. +4
                    3 February 2018 07: 25
                    Quote: rkkasa 81

                    Myself, don’t remember already? lol
              2. +10
                2 February 2018 19: 03
                Quote: rkkasa 81
                it is good that RI was liquidly laid bare in WWI

                Dear, so to speak about their homeland, which in those years did not allow the Germans to either Moscow, Kiev or St. Petersburg, at least disrespect for it. And for the most part - frank Russophobia.
                1. +1
                  2 February 2018 20: 01
                  Well, why do so frankly lie? After all, it was Olgych who was glad that RI had not been able to win a single victory over the Germans, comparable to the victories of the Red Army near Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk.
                  1. +4
                    3 February 2018 07: 38
                    Quote: rkkasa 81
                    R P liquidated in PMV
                    could write only bitten by Bolshevism and ill, respectively, Russophobia. fool
                    1. +17
                      3 February 2018 14: 41
                      I support you Olgovich and Lieutenant Teterina in many ways
                      And some comrades really do not understand the facts (they have an equal sign between Internet links of different quality and collections of documents)
                      And, speaking about us, that “Austrians and Germans are not distinguished at all,” they themselves poorly understand the subject. Not for nothing did Soviet historians use the term AUSTRO-GERMANS. It was only in the summer and autumn of 1914 that only one German corps supported the Austrians. And after the Battle of Galicia, German troops, supporting an ally in Galicia, already resembled the shape of a corset. Of course, the filling of this corset at different periods was different, but it remained a "corset".
                      This is how the Austro-German forces in Galicia are shown by April 1915 (Strategic outline):
                      German help became urgently needed there. Therefore, to strengthen the Carpathian front was sent, not counting the South Germanic army, which continued to hold its positsk, consolidated Beskydy corps under the command of the gene. Marwitz.
                      In Bukovina, cavalry gene. Marshall (5 German Cav. division and 10 Austrian cav. division) actively supported the Austrian forces operating there. Adjoining them German Linsingen’s southern army held back Russian attacks. Further to the Beskids, the Austrian II and III armies were located, supported by Germanic The Beskydy Corps of Marwitz. Adjacent to them, stretching to the upper reaches of the Vistula, Mackensen's army group of XI Germanic and IV Austrian armies with Germanic Besser’s division, and before Pilica - I Austrian army and army detachment Voirs ...
                      Despite the reinforcements received, the Austrians asked for further support ...

                      And the creation of such a corset (highlighted by its German props in bold), the diversion of significant volumes of GERMAN troops is the result of a Galician victory
                      So I also give you advice - do not waste time with such characters. They don’t even pick up the phone — the telephone they themselves gave.
                      1. 0
                        6 February 2018 16: 50
                        What do you want? There were more of ours, parts were trained better, resources were not saved. Surprisingly, the Austro-Hungarian army not only did not fall apart, but was able not only to avoid defeat, but also to stabilize its front.
                2. 0
                  6 February 2018 16: 51
                  Homeland, which ditched a bunch of people for completely alien interests? Do you know how insulting it is?
        2. +2
          2 February 2018 16: 04
          Russia that we lost
    2. +3
      2 February 2018 10: 31
      The Battle of Galicia, as the central battle of the 1914 campaign on the Russian Front, contributed to the Russian army winning the 1914 campaign, and therefore the entire war.

      and 15 year? victory?
      and the failure of the offensive 17 g?
      1. +21
        2 February 2018 12: 11
        Oh nice man))
        This is how I understood the victory of the whole Entente. The campaign of 14 years is the victory of the Entente, it is a fact.
        At the age of 14, the German-Austrian blitzkrieg was broken.
        In the year 15, all attention turned to Russia and the year the Allies rested - having solved all the material and organizational issues. In 16, the Entente seized a strategic initiative.
        I agree on 17 years old - instead of a victorious year due to Russia's degradation - a hitch.
        And the victorious year was only the 18th.
        But yes, the author is right - having thwarted the plans for the fleeting war of the Fourth Bloc in the campaign of 14 years (then improvisation and the war of attrition followed — and then it was useless) Russia actually won (or at least laid the main preconditions) the whole war.
        The campaign of 14 years was the most important - it took many years to prepare for it. And then impromptu and throwing the current moment.
        1. 0
          6 February 2018 16: 48
          It's a shame that I won not for myself. Maybe it was necessary to send to hell with these Franco-Belgian lenders?
          1. +15
            6 February 2018 22: 50
            What do lenders have to do with it?
            A million times already sounded at VO - it was a question of national security.
            Yeah, you could sit - wait until the allies were spread and then survive the 41st year, 27 years earlier. In one mug against three.
            They really wanted us) And they would have started to undress after the pogrom of the English-French))
            The abandonment left us alone, and with the allies - a good chance. Central on 2 fronts could not fight for a long time.
            1. 0
              7 February 2018 16: 17
              We confuse the Germans arr. 1914 and arr. 1941 year. Well, the French would have gotten a snot (if only the Maltz had sobered up). They would have reassured the Serbs (their Wishlist to dominate the Balkans, even ours already interfered). And then what? Germans Poland (Villas already had their Poles and migrant workers from the Kingdom of Poland already stood across their throats). There would be an ordinary European war with limited goals, but we tried to make this war total.
              1. +15
                7 February 2018 17: 36
                The French wanted to zero - it was about Paris.
                In addition to Poland, it was about the Baltic states, Finland (very likely), the Turks wanted Transcaucasia.
                In general, what they wanted from us is evident on the basis of the Brest disgrace.
                1. 0
                  7 February 2018 18: 48
                  In 1871, to zero - it suited us.
                  Baltic States - most likely they could defend it.
                  Finland is a parasite that does more harm than good (by the way, it is formally independent anyway).
                  Poland - and so it had to be released.

                  I’m thinking about whether these losses were worth 20 years of peace, for which it would be possible, without distortions, to make the transition to a new formation.

                  Yet Durnovo in his note did not really sin against the truth.
                  1. +15
                    7 February 2018 19: 07
                    Finland is a profitable strategic region. Safety St. Petersburg, fleet base.
                    By the way, only taking Finland out of the war and based on Finland did our submariners in 1944-45 really be able to act effectively.
                    Poland - 2/3 of all coal and much more. Even letting go. How to let go. One thing is the king from the Romanov dynasty (as they wanted), another thing is the Hohenzollern (they passed the Bulgarian experience).
                    I don’t know if they would defend the Baltic states. This is not about hostilities on its territory (they would go along the entire border) - but about peace following the outcome of the war alone with three empires. Three for one is a minimum. But the Germans + still forced the defeated Anglo-French to plow themselves. Then exactly 41-1 years.
                    Well, peace doesn’t cost anything at all - this is the main thing) Would you give us these 20 years of peace? Also not fools, but we have 1/6 sushi
                    1. +1
                      8 February 2018 10: 59
                      1. The benefits there are in question. An airbag is the Nishtad border (which modern repeats as a whole).
                      2. Coal is still not quite true.
                      3. I do not think war is inevitable.
                      4. We only dream of peace. I agree.
      2. 0
        6 February 2018 16: 46
        This is the same as sculpting from the 1916 campaign - successful. A-B army is not defeated, and even pulled forces from Poland.
        1. +15
          7 February 2018 06: 43
          This is the same as sculpting from the 1916 campaign - successful.

          Why not successful?
          If you look from the point of view of the entire coalition - then nothing. Eve of victory
          1. 0
            7 February 2018 11: 03
            If in a coalition, then the success is quite significant. Although for the Empire, the acquisition of new territory worsened the possibility of transport maneuver.
            "Do not believe allies - allies are scum!"
    3. 0
      6 February 2018 16: 38
      True, the Germans did not consider the Eastern Front as the main one, and the Austrians competently “slowed down” the steam rink. Which then panted, sniffed, whistled and fell apart.
    4. 0
      7 February 2018 11: 01
      The superior army was unable to inflict any significant defeat on the enemy in the East. Prussia, nor in Galicia (compare the loss of the parties). Art.
  5. +17
    2 February 2018 08: 32
    Great article! What is particularly pleasing, unlike most studies on the Battle of Galicia, the article correctly emphasizes the importance of this battle, not only for the outcome of the Austro-Russian confrontation on the Eastern Front, but also for the outcome of the entire war. The author — my deep appreciation for the work done!
  6. +20
    2 February 2018 08: 52
    On the one hand, when there is a senior partner in the coalition (Germany in the Fourth Union), this is good. They act more quickly. For the Entente, where there was no senior partner, I had to agree, which led to procrastination and loss of time (and in war, the loss of the pace of death is similar).
    On the other hand, such a senior partner, seemingly cementing the block and acting in his interests, can make mistakes and press the younger ones. Not seeing the obvious and not wanting strengthening of Austria, the Germans rolled a promising offensive of the Austrians in Trentino 1916 (Konrad then also very much asked for help). They didn’t give a damn about the Battle of Galicia (the East Prussian pigsties turned out to be more important) - and in the end they punished themselves.
    1. +1
      6 February 2018 16: 40
      What for? Conrad did an excellent job - all the pressure of the RIA A-B pulled over. Having taken the strongest blow, the Austrians proved that they know how to fight.
  7. +19
    2 February 2018 10: 02
    How Lviv girls cling to our fighters))
    So much for the conquerors in quotation marks)
    Russian soldier is a soldier liberator
    Everywhere and forever
    1. +18
      2 February 2018 10: 21
      And Toko, a Russian soldier, feeds and port the recent enemy and shares the shag with him wink
      1. +18
        2 February 2018 10: 22
        Watering, not flogging))
        1. +18
          2 February 2018 12: 14
          Yes, sharing bread with one's neighbor - albeit a recent enemy, is ours)
  8. +21
    2 February 2018 12: 47
    N.N. Golovin, comparing the operational work of the Russian command (primarily in the person of the front headquarters officer M. V. Alekseev) with similar activities of the command of the French and German armies, noted that there is “full right to put it strategically on a par with the best representatives and the French and German General Staff "

    And it is right
    Both the Headquarters and the command of the Southwestern Front turned out to be on top.
    Austria-Hungary in Galicia and Russia in East Prussia actually sacrificed for the interests of their coalitions, their allies.

    And the efforts of these two countries have traditionally been underestimated. Neither their allies, nor their later descendants.
    1. +20
      2 February 2018 14: 05
      And the efforts of these two countries have traditionally been underestimated.

      It is generally not surprising.
      Instead of one, a bunch of countries
      And instead of another, another country emerged (and not only ANOTHER, but also considerably thinner territorially).
  9. +19
    2 February 2018 13: 33
    Both photos and text are interesting
    Auto repair shop what)
    In backward Russia))
  10. +19
    2 February 2018 14: 24
    Not only the swift conduct of the East Prussian operation influenced German planning
    But the defeat of the main forces of Austria-Hungary - in Galicia. After all
    In the future, the Germans were forced to revive the Austrian ally, strengthening their presence on the Russian front at the expense of the French.

    Fine good
  11. +5
    2 February 2018 15: 34
    The result is analyzed, visual and impressive.
    Oh, if at the end of 14 - beginning of 15 years. managed to make peace when ours chopped off Galicia, spent Sarykamysh and bit off half of East Prussia.
    France is saved, the British landed - and let the Germans practice. And we have put in place a strategy for the Great Rearmament Program)) The Austrians and the Germans are good people, I feel sorry for them (especially the Austrians)
    Sibling monarchies, unlike these democrats
    1. +18
      2 February 2018 19: 18
      But there were attempts to negotiate at the end of the 14th year.
      The Austro-Hungarian emissary came to Petersburg. It seems that they even agreed to transfer Russia to Galicia.
      And during the war, the Kaiser made similar attempts.
      About one of these writes the British military agent Hanberry Williams
      “The Minister of the imperial court and inheritances, Count Frederiks ... said that he received a message from the Count of Eilenburg, the clerk of the Prussian court (a post similar to that held by Fredericks in Russia) that the Kaiser was persistently looking for a way to return the friendship of the Russian Emperor - they say how It’s regrettable that they are forced to fight, etc., trying to actually incline Russia to an agreement with Germany.
      This message, Fredericks said, was laid on the table to the Emperor; upon reading the Emperor allowed the letter to be thrown into the fire and promised that other similar letters would fly there too. “This is my answer to the Kaiser,” he said.
      Allies must not forget loyalty to Russia
      1. 0
        7 February 2018 11: 07
        Yes, dividing it into areas of exploitation during the years of intervention, they perfectly thanked.
    2. 0
      7 February 2018 11: 05
      They would take Przemysl, close the passes in the Carpathians, and by regrouping they could stabilize the front with the Germans. And on a buoy of scum allies.
  12. +4
    2 February 2018 19: 36
    The German-Austrian strategy in 1914 was ruined by a game on two fronts and the desire to be strong on all theater operations.

    Bismarck's testament was safely forgotten
  13. +1
    2 February 2018 19: 45
    Quote: Olgovich
    It’s clear that you won’t: you have nothing to object to.

    Yes, no, just reluctantly feed the trolls once again. I already did you a favor with Teterin today.
    Quote: Olgovich
    All the same

    The tops of the tree went wild ...
    Quote: Olgovich
    What does this have to do with mobility?

    Quote: Olgovich
    Have you already, um, RZHETE?

    Every time I read your kamenty.
    1. 0
      3 February 2018 13: 12
      You are right, dear rkkasa 81, only in vain you argue with them, these people don’t understand the arguments, they don’t understand the facts and they don’t look at the scoreboard, but they don’t distinguish between Austrians and Germans)) So do not waste time on them, my advice to you.
  14. +18
    2 February 2018 21: 25
    Great era. Great heroes. It is a pity that the heroes die first. After significant victories and not only defeats, huge losses of human resources.
  15. +17
    2 February 2018 22: 08
    To the question of how foreign policy moments influence the balance of power and the balance of power.
    When it became clear that joining the war against England and Japan could reduce the volume of troops assigned to protect the Baltic coast and the Far East - this affected the saturation of the Russian front with additional corps.
    The 9th Army was formed in the Warsaw area with a promising task of attacking Poznan and Breslavl. But really, the Grand Duke took advantage of the successful configuration of railways in Russian Poland and concentrated a new large operational association on the northern flank of the Battle of Galicia.
    And this transfer has become one of the most successful strategic railway maneuvers in the history of the wars of the 20th century!
    1. 0
      6 February 2018 16: 43
      Yeah, and for the sake of tactical success, love strategic prospects. The Germans did not have so many troops in Silesia. Although looking at picking in the East. Prussia ... This is probably still the right decision.
  16. +17
    3 February 2018 07: 55
    The German bloc has lost economically (oil resources) and a strategically important region - Galicia.

    Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions are very important oil regions.
    One of the main sources of oil in Europe.
    The attack in Poland in 1939 was also one of the tasks to seize oil reserves in the southeast of then-Poland - in Galicia (just the Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions of present-day Ukraine).
    And now the Poles lick their lips on the western regions of Ukraine ...
  17. +16
    3 February 2018 08: 57
    Strategically, everything was right
    It’s a pity that the Austrians just didn’t circle, didn’t completely format it - the hetter turned out to be Getzedorf.
    The pendulum is very interesting - like a tug of war
    Or blankets))
    1. 0
      6 February 2018 16: 42
      The cunning were those who ordered the siege 11 "in France, and by 1914 they did not have time. As a result, the siege of Przemysl, and the whole operation - a dog under the tail.
  18. +16
    3 February 2018 11: 04
    Good cycle
    Similar to the author, and more
    Happy Holidays!
    Day of Rev. Maxim the Greek, practically the patron saint of writers and publicists love
    1. +17
      3 February 2018 20: 39
      Thank you!
  19. +16
    3 February 2018 13: 40
    An important victory over the Austro-Germans (4 Austrian armies and the Silesian Corps).
    And no matter how much you say, new facets of the remarkable victory of Russian weapons are opening up.
    And that's great
  20. +16
    4 February 2018 09: 53
    Normal operation results
    Sorry did not translate into something political
    In vain the war dragged on, and so very impressive
  21. +2
    4 February 2018 12: 07
    On the material trophies of Russian troops in the Battle of Galicia.
    The most iconic recorded trophies of the Battle of Galicia taken in battle are as follows:

    Lublin-Kholm operation - 51 guns
    Offensive of the 4th, 5th and 9th armies- 84 guns

    Total Northern Flank of the Battle - 135 guns

    Galich-Lviv operation (incl. The city of Galich, Mikolaev) -169 guns
    Gorodok battle - 54 guns

    Total southern flank of the battle 223 guns

    Obviously, the trophies taken on the southern flank of the Battle of Galicia are richer. But the armies of the Austro-Hungarian Empire opposed the armies of the Southwestern Front on the northern flank at the first, most important stage of the battle, and without victory in this combat area there would have been no general success.
  22. 0
    6 February 2018 16: 44
    Quote: Square
    Bismarck's testament was safely forgotten

    And Stolypin’s covenant was forgotten even faster. Although Stolypin and the loser, but a smart person who grasped the essence.
    1. +15
      6 February 2018 22: 45
      He is not a loser
      One of the outstanding statesmen of Russia
      Rather, we are losers)
      In a sense
      1. 0
        7 February 2018 16: 20
        And where is he outstanding? If Mordka hadn’t shot him, he would have been kicked out. The reform did not pass. For he didn’t realize that it was necessary not only to invest "administrative indulgences" in his agricultural holdings, but also real funds.
        1. +15
          7 February 2018 17: 38
          He is outstanding though because he had a good agrarian reform (I don’t even take others).
          And this created a reserve - that then there was someone to dispossess, they only trampled bread during the Civil War, and came to the level of 1913 in 1940.
          1. 0
            8 February 2018 11: 02
            Agrarian and covered. It turned out that for the reform of agriculture, it is necessary not to administratively redraw the community, but to carry out the process of mechanization.
            Level 1913 - it’s not very clear what came to him. Here we can soon say that the issues that became acute in 1913 were decided only by 1940.

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“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"