Pedigree of Soviet marshals


One hundred years ago, the Red Army and the Red Navy were created to protect the young Soviet Republic from external and internal enemies. 23 February 1918, the troops received their first baptism of fire, defeating German units that were breaking into the depths of Soviet Russia near Pskov and Narva. This day is considered to be the birthday of the Red Army, although there are still heated debates around the date.

A number of researchers believe that the troops were completely defeated near Narva. But in any case, the army was created in battles and more than once defended our Fatherland in the most difficult time.

1917 year was extremely difficult for Russia. The First World War was still going on, but the country was actually left without an army. After the February revolution, liberal democrats came to power. By proclaiming the slogan “War to the Victory”, at the same time, by their actions they destroyed the tsarist army, which was still fighting for combat. In the first decree of the Provisional Government in the army, the subordination was abolished, democratic management methods were introduced, which instantly decomposed discipline in the ranks of tired soldiers.

Imagine: a tough war is going on, and Guchkov is appointed first as Minister of War, a complete ignoramus in this matter, and since May 1917, Kerensky, a lawyer by education, who soon became chairman of the Provisional Government, proclaimed himself Commander-in-Chief.

Having granted independence to Poland, the government thus caused a parade of sovereignties on the national outskirts of the empire. Already at the end of March, the Central Rada was formed on the basis of nationalist parties in Ukraine, which soon proclaimed an independent “people's republic”. The nationalists in Transcaucasia, Central Asia, and the Baltic States, who were generously funded from abroad, stepped up their activity. The Russian Empire was falling apart before our eyes.

Feat royal generals

By October 1917, the Provisional Government had lost its control of the country. And this despite the fact that the revolution was almost bloodless. After the victory of the armed uprising in Petrograd, and then in Moscow, the triumphal march of Soviet power began. But already in December, England and France concluded an agreement on the preparation of an armed intervention and the division of Russia into spheres of influence. They were joined by the United States, Japan, and other countries - both opponents of Russia in World War I, and former allies. 14 states in 1918 year sought to share among themselves the skin of an unkilled Russian bear, counting on an easy victory. The young republic was in the ring of fronts. In such conditions, the Red Army was created. How it all echoes what happened to the USSR in 1991.

At the beginning of 1918, the interventionists did not want to hear about any independence of Russia, but, having received an unexpected rebuff and fearing revolutionary sentiment in their troops, they decided to support internal counter-revolution on certain conditions. It was intervention that was the decisive factor in the outbreak of the Civil War in Russia.

England, France, USA, Japan, other countries provided the armies of Kolchak and Denikin, Yudenich and Wrangel weapons and ammunition, equipment and uniforms, modern equipment, including tanks and airplanes.

There is a lot of talk about patriotism, and even those who only recently had considered the concept of “patriotism” the “last refuge of scoundrels”. Pseudo-patriotic films such as Admiral appear. Monuments to the leaders of the White movement are established. I'm not against. But I want to remind military historians and bring to the general public that the true reconciliation of true patriots of Russia, regardless of their class, took place even then, during the years of severe trials for our Motherland. Together they fought in the fields of the Civil War and defeated both the interventionists and the internal enemies of Russia.

Of the 150-thousandth Tsarist officer corps, 72 800 ex-officers served in the Red Army, and in the White Army only 35 thousand. By the beginning of 1919, former officers and generals of the royal army accounted for more than 53 percent of the commanders of the Red Army. It turned out over 600 officers and generals of the General Staff. From 100 army commanders 82 - royal officers and generals. From the 20 front commanders - 17 royal generals and officers. And the chiefs of staff of fronts, armies and divisions are all generals and officers of the tsarist army. Many are hereditary nobles.

Thus, since August 1919, the Eastern Front was commanded by Vladimir Alexandrovich Olderogge, the “Red Baron”, Major General of the tsarist army. It was under his leadership that the troops finally defeated Kolchak. At the same time, another important red front — the Southern — was led by Vladimir Nikolaevich Egorev, lieutenant-general of the tsarist army. The troops under his command stopped and defeated Denikin’s armies, which were rushing toward Moscow. From the autumn of 1918, the Northern Front was headed by Dmitry Pavlovich Parsky, Lieutenant-General of the Tsarist Army, and in the spring of 1919 of the year in this post he was replaced by Lieutenant-General Dmitry Nikolaevich Nadezhny. Under their leadership, the Red Army threw the Anglo-American-French interventionists from the Russian North.

The leaders of the White movement, under the leadership of foreign curators, tried to act in concert and simultaneously from different sides. In October, 1919 of the Year, on Petrograd, unexpectedly moved his troops Yudenich. He was met by the 7 Army under the command of Sergey Dmitrievich Kharlamov, a colonel of the tsarist army, and a separate military group under the command of Sergey Ivanovich Odintsov, the major general of the tsarist army. By the middle of November, Yudenich’s troops were defeated, and the remnants fled abroad.

Money for Russia

The headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, headed by Lieutenant-General of the Tsarist Army, Mikhail Dmitrievich Bonch-Bruyevich, was created to lead the Armed Forces. It was under his command that the Red Army was created, and its units, advancing towards the German units, were headed by Lieutenant-General of the Tsarist Army, Dmitry Pavlovich Parsky. In many ways, thanks to him, we celebrate February 23 as the birthday of the Red Army.

At the end of 1918, the post of Supreme Commander of all the Armed Forces of Soviet Russia was established, a Field Headquarters was created for operational management of fronts and armies, and the All-Russian main headquarters for providing fronts and armies with all the necessary and training reserves.

Sergey Sergeyevich Kamenev was appointed to the post of commander-in-chief, who had a good account of himself as commander of the Eastern Front, colonel of the tsarist army, officer of the General Staff. The Chief of the Field Headquarters was Pavel Pavlovich Lebedev, Major General of the Tsarist Army, and the All-Russian General Staff was headed by Major General of the Tsarist Army Alexander Alexandrovich Samoylo.

Naval General Staff of the Russian fleet almost in full force at the beginning of 1918, he sided with the Soviet government and now led the Worker-Peasant Red Fleet throughout the Civil War.

Here is what Admiral Vasily Mikhailovich Altfater, his first commander, wrote in the application for admission to the RKKF: “I served until now only because I considered it necessary to be useful to Russia where I can, and as I can. But I did not know and did not believe you. I still don’t understand much now, but I made sure that you love Russia more than many of ours. And now I have come to tell you that I am yours. ”

Of the representatives of the higher generals of the tsarist army, a special body was created - the Special Meeting under the Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces of the Republic, which included almost all full generals of the Russian army (the current rank is General of the Army). They are Alexey Andreevich Polevanov, Andrei Meandrovich Zayonchkovsky, Vladislav Napoleonovich Klembovsky, Alexey Alekseevich Manikovsky and the most prominent commander of the First World War - cavalry general Alexey Alekseevich Brusilov.

After the end of the Civil War, all these people served in various positions, worked in military academies and colleges, transferring the rich experience and knowledge of young people, and developing Soviet military science. In the prewar years, a theory of deep offensive operations was developed, using which we won the Great Patriotic War.

It is impossible not to name two more names: Sergey Georgievich Lazo, also a former officer of the tsarist army, and Alexey Alekseevich Ignatiev, count, the personal page of the empress (“The General of the Two Powers”). Lazo in 1920 year was the head of the Military Revolutionary Headquarters for the preparation of the uprising in Primorye, captured by the Japanese invaders. The Japanese managed to grab Sergei Georgievich, they cruelly tortured him and burned him still alive in the furnace of a locomotive. Since 1912, Ignatiev served as a military attache in France, and through him during the First World War, military purchases of weapons, ammunition and equipment for the Russian army were carried out. After the February Revolution, he transferred the remaining money - 225 million gold rubles (2 billion dollars at the current exchange rate) to his personal account and did not give this money to either the Provisional Government, or the allies, or the White Guard. But when diplomatic relations were established between France and Soviet Russia, he came to the Soviet embassy in Paris and gave a check for the full amount with the words: "This money belongs to Russia." Ignatiev was restored to military service in the Red Army, he was given the military rank of Lieutenant General. It was he who initiated the creation of Suvorov military schools.

None of the above has been subjected to repression. And those who are younger have made a worthy contribution to the victory of the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War. Boris Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov, Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky, Fyodor Ivanovich Tolbukhin, Leonid Aleksandrovich Govorov - officers of the tsarist army who became Marshals of the Soviet Union.

Was there a conspiracy?

After the Civilian country began to restore the destroyed economy, but the leadership of the USSR was well aware that the enemies will not leave us alone, a new war is inevitable. And it will be of a fundamentally different character, it will require modern weapons and equipment, it will be a war of engines. Speaking at a party and business asset in 1931, Stalin said: “We are lagging behind the advanced countries of the West by 50 – 100 years. Either we run this distance in 10 years, or we will be crushed. ”

Therefore, solving the daunting tasks of industrialization, the collectivization of agriculture and the cultural revolution, the Soviet leaders laid in their decision and the military component. Thus, the plans of the first five-year plans envisaged the creation of such an industrial base so that our Armed Forces could wage war with the largest power in the world in the west or in the east and win it, and then with a coalition of states.

Before the final solution of this task, we did not have two years, but judging by the course and results of the Second World War, when we confronted virtually all of Europe in the west and were forced to have a significant grouping of troops to prevent possible aggression from Japan in the east, and the group of troops in Transcaucasia and Iran, our management plans were mathematically accurate.

Collectivization has allowed a dramatic increase in agricultural productivity and ensure a steady supply of food to both the population and the Armed Forces, despite the considerable loss of territory during the war. And the cultural revolution is to raise a generation of people who are boundlessly devoted to their homeland, heroes and creators.

The Red Army was not born from scratch, gradually absorbing the best features of its predecessor, albeit in new historical conditions, with different ideologemes. Soviet military art is not an empty phrase. Many people now ask a legitimate question: then what are the reasons for our failures in the initial period of the war, why did we suffer such huge losses and were forced to retreat to Moscow and Stalingrad? The answers were different. This is both a surprise attack and serious mistakes in the tactics of our troops, in the organization of anti-tank defense and control. For example, according to our pre-war views, the artillery was supposed to be located on the tank-inaccessible directions. Therefore, the German wedges almost unhindered burst into the depths of our defenses and, carrying with them motorized infantry, surrounded significant groupings of our troops.

This and lack of training, especially command personnel, their lack of combat experience. The Germans, having two years of experience in waging war, gained a huge advantage in this.

Let's think about it: only from September 1939-th to June 1941-th, we had again formed 125 divisions, opened 77 military schools and 10 academies. Command personnel was sorely lacking. Training, combat coherence were insufficient.

Some historians claim that one of the main reasons for the defeat was the massive political repression of the Red Army commanding personnel in the prewar years. I declare with confidence that this is a blatant lie. Even while studying at the MV Frunze Academy at lectures on the history of wars and military art, I found out that there was still a conspiracy to overthrow the Soviet regime, led by Marshal Tukhachevsky. Therefore, most conspirators were convicted quite deservedly, and most importantly, in strict accordance with applicable law.

Alas, it was not possible to avoid judicial errors. For example, General K. Rokossovsky was convicted on a false denunciation. But these errors were corrected already then. Konstantin Konstantinovich was rehabilitated back in 1940, and he met the Great Patriotic War as the commander of the mechanized corps. For all the prewar years - from 1936 to 1941 - for political reasons, 2218 people from the command and political personnel of the Armed Forces of the USSR were convicted, which in June 1941 was 0,5 percent of their total. Although, of course, every life is invaluable and unique.

There are other reasons, but the main one is that on 22 on June 1941, a military vehicle of unprecedented power fell on our country, a blow which no state in the world could have withstood. One quarter of this force was enough to defeat the French armed forces along with the British expeditionary force in a day's 44. In addition to Germany, Finland, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Spain, Slovakia and Croatia entered the war with the Soviet Union. Volunteers from all countries of Western Europe fought on the Soviet-German front. Of these, legions were formed, then transformed into divisions: "Wallonia", "Flanders", "Charlemagne", "Netherlands", "Denmark", "Bohemia and Moravia" and others. More than half a million soldiers and officers from these countries were in Soviet captivity.

In the resistance movement in occupied by the fascists of France, about 20 thousands of French were killed. And on the Soviet-German front, fighting on the side of the fascists, more than 50 thousands. In the battle for Moscow, the Germans specifically sent French volunteer units to the Borodino field.

Confessions of enemies

The war on the territory of the Soviet Union for fascist Germany was fundamentally different from the campaign in Western Europe, our units and units fought bravely, causing enormous losses to the enemy.

Here are some entries in the diary of the Chief of the General Staff of the Land Forces of Germany, Colonel-General F. Halder:

4 July. The headquarters of the Goth tank group reported that 50 percent of the standard number of vehicles remained in the ranks;
13 July. Losses in tanks are on average 50 percent;
23 July. In some compounds, officer officer losses reached 50 percent;
1 August. In reserve, the main command divisions - 0.
The fact is that almost all of the German reserves were linked in combat with the surrounded formations and units of the Red Army. The encircled troops chained themselves to the 50 divisions (26%) of the Army Groups Center, South and North, which prevented them from building up their efforts in the Moscow, Kiev and Leningrad strategic areas.

We all know that the Soviet aviation in the early days of the war lost a huge number of aircraft, including at airfields. And at the same time, during the first month of the war, Soviet pilots shot down 1284 enemy aircraft in air battles. For comparison: during the entire period of the air attack on England, the Germans lost 1733 aircraft.

The courage and heroism of Soviet soldiers and officers in 1941 not only thwarted the strategic plans of the Wehrmacht for a blitzkrieg, but also became the basis for a decisive counteroffensive near Moscow. In the future, the Red Army troops acted not only courageously but skillfully. The famous German commander Field Marshal Manstein was forced to admit in his memoirs that on the Soviet-German front the Wehrmacht lost one and a half times more divisions than the Red Army.

The Soviet commanders, gaining combat experience, utterly surpassed the praised German generals. In March, Goebbels wrote 1945 in his diary: “I got the impression that we are not able to compete with such leaders at all. Stalin has every reason to honor, just like movie stars, the Soviet marshals, who showed outstanding military ability. The Fuhrer totally agrees with me. ”

It should be noted a huge contribution to the victory of the Communist Party. During the war she became truly belligerent. Three million communists died on the fronts. But in the same years more than six million people joined the party. “Please consider me a communist” is not a propaganda invention of Soviet ideologues, but the true convictions of the soldiers of the Red Army and the Navy, who, joining the party, received the only privilege of being the first to rise in the attack.

In the autumn of 1945, with the permission of the Soviet government, Western experts came to our country to assess the extent of the damage caused to our country by the Nazis. They visited Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk, other major cities, as well as large industrial facilities (Dneproges, Zaporizhstal) and concluded: “To restore the cities, factories, power plants of the Soviet Union destroyed by the fascists during the occupation take at least 25 years. ” I do not doubt the competence of these Western experts, but I want to say with pride that they were mistaken many times. Six months later, the Dneproges gave electricity, and Zaporozhye Metallurgical Plant smelted the first tons of steel. During the first post-war five-year plan, the USSR almost completely restored the national economy destroyed by the war, canceled food ration cards, laid the foundations for a breakthrough into space.

All this is due to the socialist mode of production, when enormous human, technical, financial and other resources are concentrated on solving specific national economic problems. The Soviet army, as it began to be called from 1946 onwards, acquired a nuclear weapon. Its organizational and staff structure, combat and mobilization readiness system, management were improved. New types of Armed Forces were created: the Air Defense Forces and the Strategic Missile Forces. The army and navy became reliable guarantors of freedom and independence of our Motherland.

However, the enemies were not appeased. A fierce cold war was unleashed against the USSR and its allies. Through the efforts of Western intelligence services within the country, the “fifth column” has grown. Huge financial resources were thrown against the USSR — Baker recalled the US Secretary of State at that time: “To destroy the Soviet Union and win the Cold War, we spent trillions of dollars.”

After the collapse of the USSR, the army began to interfere with the "democrats" who seized power. As a result of ill-considered reforms, it was brought almost to collapse, just like the country. From able to repel the aggression of any geopolitical opponents, the army turned into an army, unable to effectively fight even with militant groups. Politically, it was justified by the fact that democratic Russia had no enemies left.

We must learn from this the necessary lessons. Today, the military-political situation in the world is seriously aggravated and resembles the one that took shape before the Second World War. The US and its allies are acting against Russia more and more resolutely and brazenly, unleashing a civil war on the very borders of ours, in Ukraine, openly supporting terrorist organizations in Syria. Russia is almost declared enemy number one, economic and political sanctions are imposed against it.

By deploying a missile defense system around the perimeter of the Russian Federation’s borders and implementing the concept of a fast global strike developed earlier (, the United States plans to neutralize our strategic nuclear missile weapons, and finally by the actions of the ground forces defeat the army, for which additionally placed in the Baltic States and Poland 1300 units of armored vehicles. More than ever, the country faces the challenge of further strengthening our Armed Forces, the defense industry and military science.

It is necessary to restore the military districts, to recreate the combined-arms, divisions and regiments in the Ground Forces, to revive the Navy, to strengthen the VKS. It is necessary to provide them in sufficient quantities with modern WWTE. So, create a new industrial base of the defense industry. And time for this, as well as before the war, is sorely lacking. We need new managers, competent initiative professionals. You may have to think about the ways of transition to a mobilization economy (for more details, see the article “Zero Reserves” on page 05). Our government sees a way out of this situation in the further privatization of state-owned enterprises, which was announced at the next Gaidar Forum. This is hardly a reasonable solution.

The question is again, as before the Great Patriotic War: either we will solve these tasks, or they will crush us.
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  1. +2
    27 January 2018 15: 18
    The question is again, as before the Great Patriotic War: either we will solve these tasks, or they will crush us.
    .... I always want to hope for the best ..
    1. +4
      27 January 2018 18: 29
      It is necessary to restore military districts, recreate combined arms, divisions and regiments in the Ground Forces, revive the Navy, and strengthen the airborne forces. It is necessary to provide enough of them with modern weapons and military hardware. And that means creating a new industrial base for the defense industry. - from article

      Pancake! Just that this is a liberal government, with the same political leader V.V. Putin, less than 10 years ago, all this broke, disbanded, destroyed, you can say "to zero", creating from the Army, able to withstand the aggressor - the armed forces of "constant readiness" against terrorist organizations.
      And now they come to their senses, and with the same liberal Government, with the same political leader and President V.V. Putin will restore all this, which they themselves destroyed ?!
      No, are they all right with thinking and reason? Explain this phenomenon to me.
      1. +2
        27 January 2018 18: 36
        Unfortunately, I’m not a psychiatrist ... I can’t explain this phenomenon to you ... But a lot is also not clear .. Not long ago they scolded Serdyukov for the collapse of the army, and now they say that it was intended to be so ... allegedly misleading ... introduced ... Probably the same thing and Roscosmos missiles fall on purpose, so conceived .. Yes, and the rest probably the same ...
        1. +4
          28 January 2018 01: 12
          But a lot is also not clear .. Not long ago they scolded Serdyukov for the collapse of the army, and now they say that it was intended to be that, they say, KPP ... they were misleading ... - parusnik

          I will present my view on the issue raised.
          The fact that "Serdyukov" carried out the plan by the political leader V.V. Putin and his entourage, in the reform of the Army, I think no one doubts. It just cannot be otherwise.
          The question is why did they do it? I don’t believe that they did not understand the deed and its consequences. They understood and knew. Then for what?
          In my opinion, the “reform” of the Army was done to destroy the traditions, ideology, and spirit of the Soviet Army in it, especially among the officers and commanders. In order not to be there such as generals Rokhlin L.Ya., Sobolev V.I., Admiral Komoedov V.P. and others who passed on the traditions of the Soviet Army to the younger generation of officers who did not agree with the existing social and political structure of the state.
          To do this, dozens of the oldest military schools and academies were mercilessly destroyed - to eradicate traditions, the legacy of Soviet officers, of Soviet power. To make the Army a support of the already capitalist oligarchic power, a submissive war machine, if necessary, suppressing the people who disagree with the oppression of the oligarchs, their power. They were afraid of the old, in the spirit of the Soviet Army. This is the main thing.
          And the second, already less significant, reduce the Army in order to save a shrinking budget, because of the naive calculation that there will be no serious war with the West-USA, since they (the top, "elite") are already capitalist Russia, "of one blood" with the "elite" of the West, they seem to have nothing to conflict with, and wanting to join this world "elite" of mankind.
          But they miscalculated in their calculations, because they did not take into account the essence of capitalism - imperialism, the competition of transnational campaigns (mainly American) and more developed capitalist states against other states and their national campaigns - the national bourgeoisie - for raw materials and sales markets.
          And when they realized this miscalculation, they began to strengthen the Army and the defense industry, and restore what they destroyed.
          But will they have time now? They will create, not even a material resource of defense and the Army, but the spirit of patriotism, ideology, and nation-wide defense of oligarchic capitalist Russia.
          And not only, by the way, among the people, but also among their bourgeois oligarchic class. As recent events show, such as the refusal of some banks to finance the defense industry of Russia, the massive export of capital with the purchase of hundreds of oligarchs, including from the Kremlin’s entourage, very expensive Maltese passports, in order to get out of the sanctions lists of the West and the USA, which actually declared war on Russia. It's cold so far. But with a tense military component in Ukraine, and on the entire Western border of Russia.
  2. +1
    27 January 2018 16: 03
    On February 23, 1918, the troops received their first baptism of fire, defeating the German units near Pskov and Narva, tearing deep into Soviet Russia. This day is considered to be the birthday of the Red Army, although there is still heated debate around the date.
    And what is the argument? It’s enough to just read the article by V.I. Lenin, “A hard but necessary lesson”, published in the evening of February 25, 1918 in Pravda
    Week February 18-24, 1918, from the capture of Dvinsk before taking (beaten back then) Pskov, the week of the military offensive of imperialist Germany on the Soviet socialist republic was a bitter, offensive, difficult, but necessary, useful, beneficial lesson.
    That is, there was the flight of Dybenko, with his "claws" and the abandonment of Pskov, but there was also the feat of liberating Pskov ...
  3. +4
    27 January 2018 16: 35
    "... Until the final solution of this problem, we did not have two years, but judging by the course and results of the Second World War, when we opposed virtually all of Europe in the West and were forced to have a significant grouping of troops to prevent possible aggression from
    Japan in the east, as well as groups of troops in the Caucasus and Iran, the plans of our leadership were mathematically accurate ... "
    It has now become fashionable to say that we fought with the whole West. And during the war, we did not write and did not say so. Then people were more honest and wrote that the USA, England, France, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Albania, Yugoslavia, Greece, Portugal and a number of other European states fought against us - conscience did not allow. Apparently there are people who will write about the "Silesians" in the German army about the volunteers of the European countries in the SS divisions, but these were volunteers citizens from the states occupied by the Germans. . We need to talk about the Romanian troops, Hungarian, Italian and Finnish troops and remind them of this cup than on the 9 of May. So we fought not with all of Europe, and even more so with the world. And all our lies on this occasion make it possible to expose us to the laughing stock and loss of authority in the countries that fought with us against fascism.
    The author is obliged to think that he is writing, you cannot set up the whole world against us. VO is not a private correspondence between Madame Zi-Zi and her lover.
    1. +9
      27 January 2018 17: 51
      But what about when you read Meretskov that the Flanders division opposed our troops in a certain place, and that is part of the Netherlands? And Pavel Luknitsky, the correspondent of TASS in besieged Leningrad, following the advancing our troops, noted that all signs on the signs were made in Spanish and only lower in small letters in German. The French also noted more than once. And for the encirclement and liberation of Novgorod, the Volkhov Front troops had to walk several tens of kilometers along the ice of Lake Ilmen with light weapons, so that without much effort they could defeat the Latvian division and enter Great Germany in the rear.
      So where is the lie?
      1. +1
        27 January 2018 18: 14
        Igor, you are actually right: the Nazis were among the “paddling pool” and among the Spaniards, as well as the so-called “Vlasovites” (though specifically the ROA and Vlasov appeared on the Eastern Front in 1945). So we fought against ourselves?
        1. +6
          27 January 2018 19: 52
          Well, you really do not go to extremes. The ROA was not a state entity, and all of this European riffraff was supported by its governments. The Poles won the Craiov Army, which hit Rokossovsky in the back, and the Ludov Army, which really bravely fought side by side with the Red Army. The Czechs, Estonians and other Latvians had the same thing. And arguing about this is pointless. Also, how to call a LIEND that we did not oppose these European countries. Hi Rotmistra, children's naivety does not color you.
          1. 0
            28 January 2018 17: 01
            those. was the Flanders division formed at the direction of the Dutch government? laughing
            1. 0
              28 January 2018 20: 59
              Quote: faiver
              those. was the Flanders division formed at the direction of the Dutch government? laughing

              Of course, his decision could not have done.
    2. +7
      27 January 2018 18: 18
      but these were volunteers citizens from German-occupied states.
      ..Type they were forcibly called ...
      Albania, Yugoslavia, Greece
      ... Yes, it allowed ... they just talked about the Nazis .. and talked about the honest people of the countries you mentioned who fought against Nazism ..
      So we fought not with all of Europe, and even more so with the world
      ... You want to say that in France, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, the Netherlands, weapons for the Wehrmacht were not produced ...
      The author must think that he writes don’t think that you write ... Rotmister, here you like to put everything upside down ...
    3. 0
      27 January 2018 18: 21
      Rotmister, I agree with you: on. EVERYONE SHOULD THINK, after all, everyone who reads us. There, even Mr. Trump read our materials, but where is the guarantee that our materials do not use to denigrate us?
    4. +6
      27 January 2018 19: 00
      Quote: captain
      Then people were more honest and write that the USA, England, France,

      Yes, then it was more honest. It’s just that people in Europe still remembered who really won the war. Resistance to a greater extent showed the Germans a muzzle in their pocket. Yugoslavia and Greece are an exception. The Poles were in an ambush, the level of resistance was scanty.

      Well, the allies until the middle of 1943 in the land battles fought with no more than a dozen German divisions (in Africa with 4, the 5th incomplete “GG” appeared in the battle before). And how many formations of European "volunteers" fought against us (including against our partisans.)?

      Quote: captain
      And all our lies about this make it possible to make us a laughing stock

      Well, with whom are they laughing?
      Quote: captain
      not thanks to the CPSU, but thanks to the citizens of the RSFSR.

      ??? CPSU in 41-45 years? And did the citizens of Ukraine and Belarus, and in the other republics, lie on the stove? Well, I understand, Saturday, well, if you drink, then have a bite, and if you do not bite, and for the keyboard, this is a perversion.
      Well, can you not know that without an organizer and an inspirer (and this is serious), just citizens are a crowd, capable of little.
  4. +4
    27 January 2018 16: 56
    "... However, the enemies did not appease. A fierce Cold War was unleashed against the USSR and its allies. The" fifth column "grew up through the efforts of Western special services inside the country. Huge financial resources were thrown against the USSR - the US Secretary of State of those years Baker recalled:" To destroy the Soviet Union and win the cold war, we spent trillions of dollars. "
    After the collapse of the USSR, the army began to interfere with the "democrats" who had seized power. As a result of ill-conceived reforms, it was brought almost to collapse, as was the country ... "
    Dear author, in general, the Soviet Union ruined the leaders of the CPSU, well, there were no shit in the Soviet Union. Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Yeltsin and other glorious sons of the CPSU fell a huge country. All that our people conquered with their blood, the leaders of the CPSU distributed to the nationalists. Distribution began with 1918g. and in 1945 they won the war against the fascists not thanks to the CPSU, but thanks to the citizens of the RSFSR. More precisely, as the President of Uzbekistan Karimov said; the war was won thanks to the Russians. This was not said by me, but by the president of Uzbekistan, who was the first secretary of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan. I think he knew better than you the truth in this matter.
    1. +2
      27 January 2018 18: 04
      Commander, your words are confirmed by Comrade Stalin, remember his famous toast: "for the great Russian people." He was a realistic and thoughtful person and did not compose fairy tales such as: "the Communist Party won or something like that"
      1. +10
        27 January 2018 22: 53
        When my father commanded the calculation of the 45-mm gun, the calculation was: Russian, Ukrainian, Moldovan and Pole. So the Soviet people nevertheless won the war drinks And Stalin called himself Russian. "So shtaaa" (c) laughing
    2. +7
      27 January 2018 18: 09
      Quote: captain
      More precisely, as the President of Uzbekistan Karimov said; the war was won thanks to the Russians. This was not said by me, but by the president of Uzbekistan, who was the first secretary of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan. I think he knew better than you the truth in this matter.

      In the Great Patriotic War he won Soviet people who had socialism, the socialist system, the Soviet Union, the Soviet Army and Navy, the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the popular leader I.V. Stalin.
      What about Karimov? ... And what about Karimov? ... He also read the same as you rubbish from anti-Soviet waste paper.
      1. +1
        28 January 2018 14: 29
        Add the words of the classic:
        “A rifle battalion came down from the mountain. With a song unfurled by the banner of the regiment, in torn quilts, broken American boots, and dirty bandages. But their faces were cheerful, kind, RUSSIAN, although Kalmyks, Chuvash, Armenians, and Uzbeks walked in the ranks. " Gubin A.T.
    3. +3
      27 January 2018 18: 29
      Distribution began in 1918.
      ... Tell us about the Brest peace concluded by the Ukrainian Rada with the Germans in February, according to which Ukrainian nationalists sent German troops, tell us about the Kuban Cossacks in Taman, who swore allegiance to the Kaiser and the Germans occupied Taman .. What did the Japanese do in the Far East? Bolsheviks supported ..
      and thanks to the citizens of the RSFSR.
      ..Two people by the way did not enter the RSFSR and the USSR, but there were Uzbeks, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Ukrainians, Belarusians, and other citizens of different nationalities of the USSR at the front ...
    4. wax
      27 January 2018 20: 55
      No one has yet succeeded in abolishing the role of the individual in history, as well as the role of the masses by the personalities led.
  5. 0
    27 January 2018 19: 30
    "... And the cultural revolution is to raise a generation of people who are infinitely devoted to their homeland, heroes and creators."
    The patriotism of the "cultural revolution" cannot be ascribed. Our ancestors died and defended their homeland from the "class brothers" from Europe. The courage and patriotism of the peoples of our country were brought up on a thousand-year history.
    I would like to ask the author - where did these "heroes and fighters" go in the 70-80s when the State collapsed? ...
    1. +5
      27 January 2018 22: 44
      At the end of the 70s, the superstructure began to crumble, as the base was destroyed in the 60s. And without an economy, any state is a colossus with feet of clay, alas.
  6. +1
    27 January 2018 21: 19
    Great stuff.