Academic squeak


32 academician, corresponding member and professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences accused the director of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov in an attempt to justify the repression of 30's. “The appeal of a group of Academicians and Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences” can only be described as spitting in history of our country, in those who created the power of our Soviet science, the achievements of which our country lives up to now, who created the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and therefore its successor, the Russian Academy of Sciences.

December 22 appeared in the media “Appeal from a group of academicians and corresponding members of the RAS” or, as they themselves defined it, “comment to the interview with the director of the FSB A. V. Bortnikov”. The content comes down to a decisive protest "against the revision of the ideas about the inhuman and anti-people nature of repression." The authors and signatories call "all sensible people who do not want their children to survive the horrors of 30's, to join."

The appeal states that “for the first time after the XX Congress of the CPSU (1956 year), one of the highest officials of our state justifies the mass repressions of 30 – 40-ies, accompanied by unjust sentences, torture and executions of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.” It sounds wary. However, before we raise our voices in support of academics and associate professors who share their position with candidates, let us read the said interview.

Walking over corpses

The first thing that attracts attention is the question of the journalist “The attitude of society to the domestic special services is very ambiguous and has changed several times depending on the political situation. What does the FSB base on when evaluating the activities of its predecessors? ” Surely this is where the justification of the mass repressions of the 30 – 40-s takes place. Answering the question, the director of the FSB first of all notes: “Historical conditions should be taken into account. Our Fatherland has repeatedly become the object of hostile encroachments by foreign powers. The enemy tried to defeat us either in open battle, or relying on the traitors within the country, with their help, to sow discord, to disunite the people, to paralyze the ability of the state to respond promptly and effectively to emerging threats. The destruction of Russia for some is still an obsession. We, as security agencies, are obliged to promptly identify the enemy’s plans, preempt his actions and respond adequately to any attacks. In this sense, the most important criterion for evaluating our activity is its effectiveness. ” Is it not true? The USSR was destroyed precisely by “traitors within the country”, who ruined our Great Homeland, “by sowing distemper, disuniting the nations, paralyzing the ability of the state to respond promptly and effectively to emerging threats.” Recall 80 – 90. The consequences are so terrible that the tragedy of 30's fades against their background. Let us recall the wars in the post-Soviet space that were unleashed by all sorts of “fighters for the freedom of thought, word and deed”, in particular, by the “great” director Gamsakhurdia. How much blood is in the hands of the false Islamic "preachers" who were finally called their worthy name - the terrorists. How many lives were taken away by the "peacemaker" Shevardnadze and his heir Saakashvili. Maybe it was worth all these "fighters" to neutralize in a timely manner? And the Union would be preserved, hundreds of thousands of citizens would not be the victims of violent internal conflicts on the territory of our country (USSR). A simple question: what is more expensive - a few thousand high-handed villains, or millions of honest people, toilers? The answer is obvious. But for a normal person, and for those obsessed with ideas of their own exclusiveness, ready to go over the corpses for the sake of career, power and wealth, the answer will be different. It is worth recalling that the “fifth column” is not demonstrators with placards, but high-ranking officials and major businessmen. Only they have the authority and the ability to seriously influence the situation in the country, the actions of state structures, including the armed forces. Quisling, who paralyzed the possibility of organized resistance to Hitler’s invasion, before becoming a symbol of betrayal, was the Prime Minister of Norway.

So Bortnikov did not say anything special. The exact and honest answer, today actual, more than ever. And then the general stresses: “The priorities that are solved by the security agencies change depending on the nature of the challenges and threats that the state faces at different stages. That is, for example, the tasks of the Cheka were significantly different from the tasks of the KGB and even more so the FSB. This led to the logic of structural transformations of the special services, and methods of conducting operational work. ” That is, a clear demarcation line is drawn between the FSB and its predecessors. The Federal Security Service is not a “duplicate” of the NKVD or the Cheka in modern Russia.

Work on the denunciation

The final part of the answer to the question is very important: “Security officers cannot be considered in isolation from society, with all its pluses and minuses. Society is changing, and we are changing. ” It is appropriate to quote the appeal again: “Repressions also affected the scientific community, thousands of scientists and engineers were shot or died in the camps, which caused irreparable harm to Russian science and technology. Let us recall academician N. I. Vavilov, professor L. V. Shubnikov, professor S. P. Shubin, and many others. L. D. Landau, S. P. Korolev, V. P. Glushko survived by a miracle ... As a rule, these names are known to the general public. Unfortunately, few, except specialists, represent what a great number of remarkable scientists who advanced science in various fields were destroyed in the prime of their work. This is the brilliant theoretical physicist M. P. Bronstein, academician, geologist I. F. Grigoriev, accused of sabotage when searching for uranium deposits, Professor D. F. Egorov, a mathematician, one of the founders of modern functional analysis, died in prison. The heat engineering professor LK Ramzin, who invented the direct-flow boiler, the linguist E. D. Polivanov, the agronomist N. M. Tulaikov, the geneticist I. I. Agol, the philosopher G. G. Shpet, the designer of rockets G. E. Langemak. The leaders of the Pulkovo Observatory were repressed. The list is huge.

Losses are really great. But what are the reasons for the persecution? Not from the same finger they were sucked by the NKVD investigators. Most security officers did not know such names. Cases arose as a result of denunciations. And only sufficiently qualified people could write them - you need to have good training for a competent accusation of sabotage. That is, denunciations scribbled by the representatives of the scientific (engineering) world. Employees of the NKVD (Cheka, OGPU) - people who do not have sufficient qualifications in the subject area, which was to expose the enemy of the people, attracted to the expertise of figures from the desired field of knowledge, who gave opinions on the charges. So the blame for the illegal repression of scientists and engineers lies not only on the NKVD, but also on the colleagues of the victims. Some are not very clean experts settled scores with others. The same thing happened in artistic circles.

Someone would argue: the NKVD officers were obliged to investigate and identify false denunciations, not allowing repression against the innocent. This is true. However, tell me, citizens are converters: you have no mistakes in scientific research, do you always immediately find the truth? Remind how, until now, trying to throw mud at the same Einstein? How hard your opponents deal with opponents with hardware methods that have nothing to do with an honest dispute. Maybe you used such tricks? There are more than enough examples. Take, for example, the cases of poor official dissertations of high-ranking officials that have thundered in the media. However, unlike you, gentlemen scientists, General Bortnikov recognizes the problem: “Certainly, among the security officers, who, I repeat, were flesh of the flesh of the society at that time, there were very different people. This and, unfortunately, the opportunists, holding on to the principle “the end justifies the means.”

The NKVD employees, being an integral part of society, carried all its advantages and disadvantages: heroism and readiness for self-sacrifice, as well as radicalism inherent in that era, a tendency to quick, often emotional decisions, because Civil had just died down, and before that there was world, February and Great October revolutions, Russian-Japanese, 1907 uprisings, silent peasant war against landowners (this is how one can qualify continuous local revolts against feudal land tenure, gave attacks on manor successive cancellation of risings and executions guilty - "stolypin ties"). Indeed, from the beginning of the twentieth century to the end of 20, there was a continuous bloody struggle, in which a certain psycho-type of personality was formed, prone to quick, sometimes insufficiently substantiated decisions, based on personal ideas and even sensations. Look at the modern veterans who have gone through wars and armed conflicts of our time - from Afghanistan and Chechnya to Syria. These people, who have truly known what life and death are, are psychologically different from the rest. Many of them need rehabilitation. And then it was the norm.

Another point emphasized by General Bortnikov should also be taken into account: “Let us turn to the realities of those years. The Versailles world was regarded by the victor countries only as a temporary respite. Plans for an attack on the USSR were developed by them since the 20s. The threat of an impending war demanded from the Soviet state the concentration of all resources and the utmost exertion of forces, the speediest industrialization and collectivization. But society has not yet recovered after the civil war and devastation. Mobilization was very painful. ” Against this background, “within the OGPU, a conflict arose between chairman G. Yagoda and his deputy, S. Messing, who spoke in 1931, together with a group of like-minded people, against mass arrests. The bodies began to “purge”, which intensified even more after the assassination of S. Kirov in December 1934 of the year. At the slightest suspicion of unreliability, qualified employees were transferred to the periphery, dismissed or arrested. Their place was taken by people with no operational and investigative experience, but ready for a career to fulfill any instructions. This is partly due to the excesses in the work of the OGPU-NKVD in the field. In total, 1933 1939 security officers, including the first Soviet counterintelligence officers A. Artuzov, K. Zvonarev and others, were repressed in 22 – 618. Only in the period of the so-called Yezhovshchina, the personnel of the counterintelligence department of the General Directorate of State Security (GUGB) of the NKVD were updated three times. In March, the 1938 of the GUGB was completely eliminated. ”

The Cheka, since its inception, could not count on highly qualified personnel - it was not from where to take it. And after the cleansing it became even worse - people who had accumulated at least some experience got under repression. Therefore, the proceedings were conducted by inexperienced staff with corresponding flaws. I am not going to whitewash the unscrupulous security officers who filled the NKVD in the years of Yezhovshchina. But it was also unjust to blame everything on them - I repeat, this was society, including the scientific world.

Market repression

No one blames the current RAS for the fact that it cannot present the country with scientific achievements on a par with the USSR Academy of Sciences. Everyone understands what human losses science suffered during the years of the restoration of capitalism in our country. Meanwhile, it should be noted that academic circles must recognize a part of the responsibility for the counter-revolution and its monstrous consequences.

Who were the ideologists of the “market reforms”, that is, the restoration of capitalism? Reputable scientists from the Department of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Today, some of them are trying to distance themselves from the results of the social experiment that they have set on our country. They say they wanted a "different market". Scientists need to know that the market, that is, capitalism, is not “different”. So your recommendations, citizens, economists, even if based on good intentions, have caused tremendous harm to all the peoples of the USSR. Is it that created with the country in 90-e, including through the efforts of representatives of academic science, not repression? Isn't it time to answer for them?

You write: “Millions of Soviet people were in prisons and camps, many of them did not return. Entire nations were resettled from their historical places. ” It's true. General Bortnikov clarifies: “Even at the end of 80, the certificate of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs from 1954 on the number of convicted for counterrevolutionary and other especially dangerous state crimes, including banditry and military espionage, was declassified in 1921 – 1953 years - 4 060 306 people . Of these, 642 980 was sentenced to capital punishment, 765 180 was sentenced to exile and deportation. This is indicated by archival materials. ”

And now let's see what the followers of "scientifically based" recommendations on the restoration of capitalism have done with our country. We turn to the official data. From 1992 to the present, the indigenous population of Russia is shrinking from 800 – 945 thousand to 130 – 200 thousand people per year (positive demographic indicators of recent years have been achieved through migration from neighboring countries of Central Asia - the former Soviet republics). The peak of depopulation occurred in the period from 1994 to 2006, when the number of our fellow citizens decreased with the rate of 700 – 900 by thousands of people. The overall scale of net demographic losses exceeds 10 millions. The reason is a sharp reduction in the birth rate and an increase in mortality. The number of infants per thousand people has decreased from 17 – 18 in recent years of the previous government to 7 – 9 in the post-Soviet 15 anniversary. At the same time, the mortality rate has sharply increased. There were 10 – 12 people per thousand, it became 16 – 17. To this we must add the monstrous collapse of industrial production, accompanied by the loss of many critical technologies that we cannot recover today. The economic and technological ruin of Russia by the reforms turned out to be heavier than the Nazi invasion.

Meanwhile, in the "terrible" 30-th Russia's population has grown from 93 million people to 112 million. That is, an average increase in 1,9 million people per year. Today’s capitalist Russia does not even dream of such figures. And this, by the way, is the main indicator of the well-being of the population: if it multiplies, then life as a whole is perceived as comfortable.

Once again: those economists, political and public figures, journalists, who persistently promoted "market ideas", are responsible for the consequences of their implementation. Therefore, as a citizen of the USSR, I can blame the NKVD, the KGB, the FSB for only one thing - an ineffective struggle against such reformers and false scientists. Although this is not entirely reasonable, after all, as General Bortnikov recalled in an interview: “The team of reformers that came to power, headed by M. Gorbachev, despite the proclamation of perestroika, openness and publicity, retained the ban on the operational development of representatives of the party elite. The Central Committee of the CPSU did not even react to the information of counterintelligence about the acquisition by foreign special services of “agents of influence” in the allied authorities ”.

We can not ignore another position of appeal: "Before the war, the army was defeated." It is ridiculous: the “crushed” Red Army alone reflected the first, most terrible blow of United Europe led by the Third Reich, disrupting the Barbarossa plan at the very beginning, and completely combatant and well-trained French army, acting together with the English expeditionary force, surrendered Wehrmacht two weeks after the attack of one of Germany back in 1940.

Still, something needs to be clarified. First, there was an anti-Soviet conspiracy, and the rehabilitation commission, which worked at the beginning of 90, does not deny this. Secondly, the number of repressed. The share of the “cleaned out” top commanders was really great - up to 65 percent. However, with respect to the rest of the figures are different. In Volkogonov - 36 761 with the proviso: "Some of them were, however, only dismissed from the Red Army." As the analysis of archival documents shows, the majority of army officials were expelled from the Armed Forces for reasons not related to trustworthiness, but for drunkenness, non-performance of official duties, other misconduct. For political reasons, people were arrested from 1937 to 1939, the 8122 year of a man, and about 10 thousands more were fired. Meanwhile, by 15 June 1941, the number of command and commanding personnel of the USSR Armed Forces was 439 143 man. That is, about five percent (slightly over two percent arrested) of officers were subjected to repressions and dismissal for political reasons. Even if we take Volkogonov’s dubious figure, it turns out that the percentage of repressed and dismissed people is less than nine percent.

Why are the huge losses of our army in the first months of the war? The answer lies in the analysis of the composition of military equipment. Number tanks in our Armed Forces from 1932 to 1940 increased by almost an order of magnitude. The same dynamics in combat aviation. Where to recruit so many commanders in an incredibly short time - in eight years? These years should have included - for the middle-level command staff - at least the time of training at a military school and academy. This is already six years old. I do not even mention the Academy of the General Staff with its two years of training. When was it to serve and gain experience? This is the main reason for the lack of competent commanding staff of regimental-corps units. Training did not keep up with the pace of building up arsenals. Academics and corresponding members should also know such simple things.

Insignificant minority

And yet, why does our elite dislike the Stalin era so much? The answer can be found in General Bortnikov: “A large number of the defendants in those cases are representatives of the party nomenclature and the leadership of the law enforcement agencies, steeped in corruption, repulsive outrage and lynching.” That is, the blow of the NKVD largely fell on the presumptuous elite. Ivan the Terrible is still hated for the same thing.

In conclusion, let me remind you that the science of our country reached its highest peak during the Soviet period. The USSR Academy of Sciences, the largest organization of its kind, which made a tremendous contribution to world progress, was created precisely in the 30s under Stalin. And the contribution of the same NKVD to the formation of the USSR Academy of Sciences is very large. Suffice it to recall Arzamas-16. It was created under the personal guidance of Beria. Lavrenty Pavlovich is still commemorated there with a kind word - I personally heard when I came to this research center at the end of 90's. With the beginning of the “reforms” of the RAS (which the USSR Academy of Sciences turned into, having lost a significant part of its potential in the republican branches, which turned into sovereign academies of the separated republics), a series of blows was inflicted, the last of which deprived it of the authority to manage its material resources them in phano, seriously undermined its potential. Modern RAS - a pitiful shadow of the great Academy of Sciences of the USSR. She suffered as much from capitalist restoration as the other key organizations in our country. Today, the preservation and revival of the RAS is a national task. Therefore, I certainly support the open letter of 397 scientists to the President of Russia with a request to cancel the last reform of the RAS, the most important part of which was the creation of FANO.

Against this background, the Appeal of a group of Academicians and Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences can only be described as spitting in the history of our country, in those who created the might of Soviet science, whose achievements we live in until now, who built the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and therefore its successor RAS. It is gratifying to know that the signatories of the appeal are all 32. This is an insignificant part of the academy.
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  1. +19
    19 January 2018 05: 59
    Apparently, those 32 academicians have nothing more to do, but ...
    1. +19
      19 January 2018 07: 56
      Quote: Knowing
      Apparently, those 32 academicians have nothing more to do, but ...

      from what? there is something: In the Ural State Economic University (Ural State Economic University) a very unusual secret toilet was discovered at the administration. And this is not just a sanitary room, there is a real Versailles, with gold, marble and small ruffles. The toilet is always closed, only those who have a special key can get into it. And it just so happened that the spy who made these photos got there.
      1. +7
        19 January 2018 08: 27
        Quote: Andrey Yurievich
        revealed a very unusual secret toilet at the administration

        It was there that they discussed their resolution to the Director of the FSB, communicating with persons with low moral standards, apparently ... feel
        1. +6
          19 January 2018 12: 29
          This university has no relation to the RAS.
          1. +8
            19 January 2018 17: 19
            These academicians must be checked for the consistency of their scientific work. And then cormorant for nothing, but in fact the majority in their sciences know no more than cleaners.
            1. +1
              19 January 2018 22: 29
              It is a pity that Siavkov’s ancestors were not shot, and his parents didn’t wander around children's special homes. I think he would not write such articles. I respect Stalin, but if everything he did was right, then you need to continue this and start with people like Sivkov and Semin. I will not write very much, but most of the aircraft designers "created" in the camps, Korolev and all the creators of our atomic bomb were sitting. Rokosovsky, Meretskov, Gorbatov ... sat. The author is either sick or needs to crank with him and his family what they did with the families of Primakov, Kashirin, Egorov, etc.
              1. +4
                20 January 2018 04: 27
                Captain, swallow the poison ...
              2. +2
                21 January 2018 02: 09
                The petty-bourgeois clown tells us about respect for Stalin. It's funny
              3. wax
                21 January 2018 19: 37
                They sat. But they worked, not being distracted by the problems of everyday life. In the "sharashka" a lot of things have been done. A historian would be found to study this unique, the reasons for its creation and the effectiveness of activities.
            2. +1
              20 January 2018 07: 44
              Able to check?
      2. +8
        19 January 2018 11: 25
        to keep from the rector the cost of repairing this bathroom according to the estimate and to expel to hell ...
        1. +1
          19 January 2018 23: 40
          And such everywhere with the rectors. This is now a status thing.
      3. +8
        19 January 2018 11: 47
        And the roll of paper is on the tank. "But there are still, comrades, we have certain shortcomings!" © am
      4. +2
        20 January 2018 01: 10
        Toilet paper is cheap ....
        1. +1
          20 January 2018 09: 27
          Quote: gladcu2
          Toilet paper is cheap ....

          But for free, the toad strangles to buy normal.
    2. +10
      19 January 2018 08: 17
      Quote: Knowing
      Apparently, those 32nd academicians have nothing more to do,

      This is a very normal and even positive situation. Director of the FSB, expressed his point of view. (which is not only him). A group of Academicians expressed their disagreement with his thesis. This is the “Public Dialogue". And not when Navalny and Ksyusha swear at the intelligence level of their target audience
      1. 0
        19 January 2018 08: 34
        Normal and positive. But where in this scheme to tie the author of the article?
        1. +1
          19 January 2018 08: 42
          Following the principle of "Do not shoot the pianist, he plays as best he can," I can say that the author does not maintain the standards of the opposing parties.
          1. +14
            19 January 2018 09: 53
            In response to such dissatisfaction with all sorts of different, albeit sort of steadfast, it is worth publishing documents on which cases were initiated. Look, according to Vavilov, what rumors have not been launched, but in reality? After all, there is theft covered with high-sounding reasoning, and nothing more. Like the case of Korolev and many others, * innocently ..... *. And after all, many of those who are settled know about the real merits of such * innocently .... *, but they continue to lie. Apparently trying on themselves. It is a pity that impunity and irresponsibility today corrupts to a complete * loss of shores *.
            1. wax
              21 January 2018 20: 10
              Nikolai Vavilov was handed over by his opponent, a rising scientific star, future academic VASKHNIL Trofim (Ukrainian. Trokhim) Denisovich Lysenko. The philosophical base for Novation Lysenko was created by another future academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Isaac Izrailevich Present. This couple, with the support of other "intellectuals," was able to destroy in the 30s and 40s a whole area in biological science - genetics, together with its outstanding scientists. Theft, you say, Vasily 50? And is it only the NKVD that is guilty of not understanding the scientific meanness?
      2. +5
        19 January 2018 10: 16
        A large number of persons involved in those cases are representatives of the party nomenclature and the leadership of law enforcement agencies, mired in corruption, who committed arbitrariness and lynching

        If you change the word party name to. . . . . . . . . (well, at least for effective managers) and we are faced with the image of the current state apparatus.
      3. +23
        19 January 2018 10: 17
        In total for the period (from 1921, to February 1, 1954), the OGPU Board, the NKVD Troika, the Special Conference, the Military College, the courts and military tribunals sentenced 3 people, including of whom were sentenced to death executions of 777 people ..... This includes both the Basmachi and the Forest Brothers and Bandera and Vlasovites ........ Of course they were illegally repressed, but it is NOT MUCH in comparison with how much they lost the country during the Gorbachev and Yeltsin so-called reforms (millions) that's where the real genocide was .... so who the real executioners are are so many heaps of so-called shit democrats and liberals tearing the country to shreds ...
        1. +5
          19 January 2018 10: 26
          Quote: Black
          but it is WITHOUT SMALL in comparison with how much the country lost during the Gorbachev and Yeltsin reforms (millions) that’s where the real genocide was

          You with such an opinion and figures, appear on liberal sites .... so much about yourself unexpectedly learn bully
          1. +2
            19 January 2018 11: 41
            Quote: Chertt
            You with such an opinion and figures, appear on liberal sites .... so much about yourself unexpectedly learn

            Well, I hope you guys won't betray me smile
            1. +2
              19 January 2018 19: 56
              We somehow together went out against nine chocks. It was terrible to go out, and then somehow everything was laid out, rolled out, and they were also forced to remove it after themselves.
          2. 0
            20 January 2018 00: 25
            Quote: Chertt
            Quote: Black
            but it is WITHOUT SMALL in comparison with how much the country lost during the Gorbachev and Yeltsin reforms (millions) that’s where the real genocide was

            You with such an opinion and figures, appear on liberal sites .... so much about yourself unexpectedly learn bully

            If this touched your family, I think you would write differently. And what is there 642 thousand of strangers. not relatives ... nonsense. could have been more. Stalin has many services to Russia. but repression cannot be attributed to merit. During the Second World War, Soviet prisoners of war there were more than 5 million people !!! And they helped the Nazis according to various estimates from 800tys. people, up to 1.5 million people Yes, there were fewer directly in combat units at the front, but there were hundreds of thousands in the police, in the Khiva. The Germans allocated rear protection during the most difficult years of the war on the territory of the USSR to 12 divisions. This is about 150 thousand people. According to the Soviet Military Encyclopedia, more than 1 million underground workers and partisans operated in the rear of the Germans. If you believe the patriots who write in VO cheers, the partisans drove the Germans in the rear as children. But when you read the memories of the partisans, the picture is completely different. A huge number of dissatisfied and offended by the Soviet authorities fought or assisted the Germans as a “Khivi”, made it possible to free the Germans from rear operations. These liberated fell to the front and killed our soldiers.
            1. +4
              20 January 2018 06: 28

              I would remember all those whom you grind the 90s ... All my friends and acquaintances who drank, ended their suicide, did not return from shuttle trips, disappeared without a trace.
              I would recall to you pensioners who rummaged in garbage bins.
              I haven’t even told you half.
              The rest, you are a smart guy and you’ll think of it yourself.
            2. 0
              20 January 2018 15: 49
              what problems? take German prisoners of war and confront the choice of either starving to death in the camps or serving with us. Now about the German guard divisions-bravo. So we don’t take other units into account? the same Slovaks of the Hungarians and others .. and the noise battalions Polish Baltic and Russian too .. they mean we don’t count .. the police, we also don’t think .. with such mathematics you can go for a walk ...
      4. +3
        19 January 2018 12: 38
        However, unlike you, gentlemen, scientists, General Bortnikov admits the problem: “Of course, among the Chekists, who, again, were flesh from the flesh of the society that had developed at that time, were very different people. This and, unfortunately, opportunists, adhering to the principle "the end justifies the means."

        March 23, 1989 the first elections were held for the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR.
        Father says: you need to ask your grandfather about repression.
        - He's not the boss in appearance.
        - Grandfather served in the prosecutor's office.
        And the grandfather had his 28th birthday. We arrived, presented shoes, sat down at the table. grandfather drank a stack over his 80th birthday ("the head will make a noise anyway").
        I remind my father: you need to ask about repression.
        Father asks the question "Have you participated?"
        -And who, how, when. why?
        - This is who wanted to curry favor.
        And he went to drink the pill "from the head."
        The pig will find dirt. and what did the man seek, how did he live ?.
        In 2015, I asked my aunt, 1933: what was said about my grandfather?
        - Nothing bad, but my childhood friend Kolya (her husband) was taken away from his father, the chairman of the collective farm, and no one knows where.
        These are the pies with kittens for Memorial.
        Who wanted to build socialism, built, who wanted to hang-hang, drown kittens, drowned and strangled (according to Bulgakov).
        I believe that the contradictions from the 19th century that have come to us (and that led to the three revolutions, we have not overcome for 50-70 years, but for 30-40 years.
        Can these terms be called an achievement?
        He served as a tank driver in Rybnitsy 4 g. (Father was born in Balta) Wanted to stay on extra urgent.
        "Grandfather in December 36 was demobilized from the Red Army, went to work for the Markov peat enterprise
        , and in January 37, according to the party recruitment, they were called to the prosecutor’s office ”
    3. +13
      19 January 2018 11: 10
      Quote: Knowing
      Apparently, those 32 academicians have nothing more to do, but ...

      If denunciations were in use today, they would be happy to scribble them, and if not, all that remains is to write "protest letters"
      1. +1
        19 January 2018 12: 35
        There is concern in society, and its academics have expressed it. At least - not indifferent. And the current security forces must remember that they are under close attention, without statute of limitations.
        1. +1
          19 January 2018 15: 32
          This would be a "society", denouncing the cannibalistic policy of "civilized humanity" and encouraged them to repent over the next 100 years with the return of all that they have gained by robbing and destroying peoples. Then I would understand - they are not indifferent.
    4. +2
      19 January 2018 11: 49
      It is time to equip the next "philosophical ship" for these academics. am
      1. +4
        19 January 2018 14: 44
        The “philosophical steamboat” is a shameful phenomenon even among other “exploits” of burrowing revolutionaries. At one time, the philosopher Socrates condemned the mob to death, though they were later killed with stones. There are few examples in history of such an attitude towards the intellectually chosen; these examples, like the “philosophical steamboat”, will not disappear from human memory.
        1. +3
          19 January 2018 18: 59
          dream .. we have already sorted the composition of this steamboat .. you are not the chosen one, you are sent ..
        2. +5
          19 January 2018 20: 05
          so in order not to sit on such a steamboat, he’s foolish to shit any intellectually elected to his country. And it is good that this in memory remains as a warning to others.
    5. +3
      20 January 2018 08: 38
      Quote: Knowing
      Apparently, those 32 academicians have nothing more to do, but ...

      Personal sanctions close. Straw need to lay.
  2. +25
    19 January 2018 06: 01
    The rocket designer Langemak and comrade Glushko dashed a denunciation at the Korolev ... All of these academics, by and large, were knocking at each other! But then Korolev and Glushko later brought mankind into space, and where did these 30 academicians who drove the little note take us to?
    1. +17
      19 January 2018 06: 32
      Quote: Finches
      and where did these 30 academicians who drove the little letter take us to?

      apparently, not there at all ... "Susanins" damn it! the paid system gave birth to monsters, now many of the "academics" can be promoted on the fact of illegal enrichment, that is, simply under the article "bribe". facts is the sea. here and recall 37god- somewhere inside, anxiously visible from the "scientists" ...
  3. +7
    19 January 2018 06: 06
    There are 32 signatories of the appeal
    here they were felled!
    1. +3
      19 January 2018 07: 45
      You proclaim the truth, Orthodox! ..
    2. +4
      19 January 2018 09: 57
      Quote from Uncle Lee
      here they were felled!

      You, dear man, have now froze stupidity
      1. AUL
        19 January 2018 10: 47
        That's right, in their shackles and in penal servitude on the stage, such wretches! And you’re what you’ve thought up - to have your own opinion! Yes, and express it publicly! How is it possible? They don’t watch TV? Everything is clearly said there!
    3. +2
      19 January 2018 11: 02
      Well, how would you have to go yourself?
      1. AUL
        19 January 2018 16: 04
        I'm not an academician! What am I for? laughing No.
  4. +7
    19 January 2018 06: 07
    The author did not understand the cannibalistic essence of political repressions and did not understand their reasons. However, he had no time to think. He needs to write ... A profession like that ...
    1. +7
      19 January 2018 07: 13
      He does not know that the bulk of the repressed - 60% - are peasants (they knocked on each other, huh. Many did not know how to write!). And how many nuns shot? Not male priests. Women !!! And usually the severity of the punishment did not match the guilt of the accused. This is a crime against the people. The policy was like that. And those who write, “let's cut it”, first of all think that I would not be affected. Concerned everyone!
      1. +12
        19 January 2018 07: 27
        Quote: kalibr
        Many did not know how to write!

        And there was no need to write, a neighbor whispered where necessary and my grandfather went for 6 years to cut down the forest ..... Well, at least he returned.
      2. +9
        19 January 2018 09: 17
        How many nuns shot? How many peasants?
        And did these academicians even say a word about them?
        1. +3
          19 January 2018 11: 16
          As for the nuns, I will try to answer soon. We in Penza came out a mortrologist of convicted and executed clergy. There are all the numbers, facts, biographies. More 2000 people. Only in Penza and the region.
          1. MrK
            19 January 2018 12: 02
            Quote: kalibr
            More 2000 people. Only in Penza and the region.

            And what did they do in Penza and the region of 2000 priests?
          2. +3
            19 January 2018 20: 15
            And do you believe that? maybe you still believe what the churches say? ;-)
            The truth is that a fierce enemy is better than a friend dur @ k
        2. +1
          20 January 2018 00: 40
          Quote: groks
          How many nuns shot? How many peasants?
          And did these academicians even say a word about them?

          I don’t know how many nuns were shot, but only in the Tambov region. the Bolshevik guys liquidated and sent to the North about 120 thousand people of peasants during the suppression of the uprising. Here it is true love for the Russian people.
          1. 0
            20 January 2018 15: 50
            documents? or are you lying out of habit again on your blue eye?
      3. BAI
        19 January 2018 09: 47
        Or maybe if the NKVD would use the US practice of the 30-s, and not act secretly, there would not be so many victims?

        Women !!!

        Speaking of women. The far left is a woman, the same democratic States.
        1. +4
          19 January 2018 11: 17
          That is, if they can, then even more so? And here the USA, and Germany ... we are talking about a country that built a society more advanced, based on higher principles.
          1. +3
            19 January 2018 20: 18
            In a perfect society, there is no place for any garbage, which logically proceeds from the very concept of the word "perfect".
          2. +1
            21 January 2018 02: 18
            You completely collapsed from the oak and hit your head against anti-Soviet? Do you even remember in which country, with what population, with what level of education, with what public consciousness, in what conditions this society was built.
        2. 0
          20 January 2018 00: 44
          Quote: BAI
          Or maybe if the NKVD would use the US practice of the 30-s, and not act secretly, there would not be so many victims?

          Women !!!

          Speaking of women. The far left is a woman, the same democratic States.

          You don’t take offense at me for Christ’s sake, but I’m Russian and I don’t care what they did to their women in America. It is not interesting for you Russians to compare Russians with slaves and natives. but it disgusts me. Let the Americans even burn their citizens, I do not care, I'm interested in my people. But it’s important for you, non-Russian citizens or representatives of non-indigenous peoples, to justify your crimes.
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. +1
            21 January 2018 16: 21
            Once again. You are not Russian ever. And once again, the Russians just differ in that they do not care.
      4. +1
        19 January 2018 19: 03
        Vyacheslav knocked ... my neighbor was an uncle Kolya ... a kingdom of heaven to a peasant. so a 12-year-old boy in the village was involved in the war with an illiterate woman ... she was methyl in his place. so the district chairman called and said that the guy would urgently the city sent, otherwise in the morning I will come for him .. and there were such scammers and organs ... people are not angels after all ..
    2. +8
      19 January 2018 07: 39
      Quote: tasha
      The author did not understand the cannibalistic essence of political repressions and did not understand their reasons. However, he had no time to think. He needs to write ... A profession like that ...

      It doesn’t reach the author that when about 1900 people are shot in peace in peacetime in 1937 (XNUMX), this is the height of abnormality and savagery.
      This has never happened anywhere and never.
      The executed, by the way, are mostly men, and this -Shot several armies- on the eve of the war. "Good" preparation for war!
      And if the authorities had such difficulties in everything — in justice and in communicating with the outside world, etc. — you just had to GO and let other normal people do it. Nobody entrusted this authority with anything.
      1. +18
        19 January 2018 08: 46
        Quote: Olgovich
        The shot, by the way, are mostly men, and these are the shot several armies on the eve of the war. "Good" preparation for war!

        Well, yes, it would be better if these collaborators managed to merge the country. Learn materiel, amiable, and learn history from authoritative sources that operate on documented evidence, and not from false liberal libel.
        1. +9
          19 January 2018 08: 50
          Quote: Antianglosaks
          Well, yes, it would be better if these collaborators managed to merge the country.

          What kind of collaborators? fool The vast majority are justified,
          Quote: Antianglosaks
          Learn materiel, amiable, and learn history from authoritative sources that operate on documented evidence, and not from false liberal libel.

          My dear man, you yourself should follow your advice, and not believe the lying Bolshevik nonsense
          1. +3
            19 January 2018 19: 09
            how is this who? your idol, Vlasov. whose bigography you repeated, though on a considerably smaller scale .. and yes the loop has passed you ... but God's mills are grinding slowly ...
      2. +4
        19 January 2018 09: 32
        Quote: Olgovich
        It doesn’t reach the author that when about 1900 people are shot in peace in peacetime in 1937 (XNUMX), this is the height of abnormality and savagery.

        I agree - wildness! But where does this figure come from - 1900 people a day? Actually, actually half as much - 1937 people were sentenced to VMN in 353074, and 1938 in 328618.

        But almost 1000 people a day is a lot!
        This issue is discussed in detail here:
        1. +3
          19 January 2018 10: 02
          Quote: andj61
          But almost 1000 people a day is a lot!

          The main executions were from September 1937 to September 1938, i.e. exactly calendar year.
          So consider.
        2. +3
          19 January 2018 20: 33
          This help already popped up here. there are other documents that even Memorial could not dispute.
      3. +13
        19 January 2018 09: 44
        Tales of Solzhenitsin have already been thoroughly disassembled. Trillions of the executed do not succeed.
        1. +5
          19 January 2018 10: 22
          Quote: groks
          Tales of Solzhenitsin have already been thoroughly disassembled. Trillions of the executed do not succeed.

          Trillions really weren’t, but I still have a question: how many people need to be destroyed innocently in order for this to cease to be considered a crime?
          1. +5
            19 January 2018 12: 12
            forty-eighth Innocent - preferably not at all. But this does not happen. In general, as much as they committed the corresponding crime. Now, if you start to comply with existing (!) Laws, then how many officials should sit? All? And the top officers? Half or all too? Will it be a crime or is it a crime that they are still free?
            1. +3
              19 January 2018 14: 02
              The question was rhetorical) There are two indisputable facts: there were repressions and many innocent citizens became their victims. And juggling with numbers on the bones: a million, a hundred thousand or ten thousand were killed - in my opinion it looks too inhuman.
              1. +5
                19 January 2018 16: 41
                What does it mean - was killed? How many innocent?
                Here Aksyonov Jr. still demanded to rehabilitate Aksyonov Sr. And no way. He demanded to familiarize himself with the case file. Satisfied. Then he literally said the following: "I would not have rehabilitated such a person."
            2. +3
              19 January 2018 23: 56
              I fully support! And even if we add here ordinary citizens who routinely break the laws, but do not consider this to be such - smoke in hospitals, chat on the phone while driving buses and others, then a couple of new nuclear submarines could be fined.
        2. +4
          19 January 2018 10: 42
          And he did not write about trillions. This is the site of the opera the "historians" tell you a lie.
      4. +3
        19 January 2018 10: 42
        It's not about numbers. They are known to be very controversial, and are, in fact, the main arguments of the accusers of the lies of those who write about the millions of landings in the camps.
        We managed to agree to the point that everyone was put in charge of the case, because it was really crooks and thieves.
        I inform you - this does not happen in real life from the word at all. How much% will be planted for an unfair denunciation for personal gain, or in other interests? What this will be written in the criminal case is completely irrelevant, but most likely it will be written that the person involved in the case is a crook, a thief, and in general wanted to destroy the USSR.
        In this regard, the question arises - how many people should be imprisoned according to unfair sentences, so that singers about the beautiful USSR would stop singing about "everything was fair"?
        One ?, Two? Thousand? How many? Because they were all the same - this is how the world works and human society in any country.
        1. +5
          19 January 2018 11: 24
          The ancient Greeks believed that the injustice committed by one servant of the law to a certain extent dishonored the law itself. Alone! And here are hundreds of thousands of dishonored by this law, several million affected by it. And all is not enough, however ... And again the refrain - yes there were repressions, but what successes ... Germans for some reason do not say: Yes, Hitler burned people in furnaces, but he built some autobahns. And we get it like that!
        2. +3
          19 January 2018 12: 16
          Once again I recommend reading Kisunko’s autobiographical book. There, and about the rocket launcher’s partner, by the way, and about dispossession, and about much more interesting things. So his father was imprisoned and shot. And the whole family knew the specific culprit. but mother G.V. blamed everything ... Beria.
      5. +9
        19 January 2018 11: 18
        Olgovich, come on, you! Katya Medici with her crazy son Karl N9 sent about 30 thousand people into the world in one night, only because those psalms sang a little differently! And if you recall the fun days of the French Revolution, then in a year, the brave Jacobins sent 40 thousand under the guillotine’s knife ... And the Frenchmen don’t sprinkle ash on their heads! And here you have made repentance!
        1. +3
          19 January 2018 11: 36
          Quote: Finches
          And here you have made repentance!

          Well, what repentance, Eugene?
          Infinitely sorry PEOPLE, our compatriots with you, fellow citizens.
          Imagine how much it was million destroyed destinies, families, tragedies! Russian, first of all.
          Some trio of ignoramuses in a matter of minutes decided the fate of people — and this is in a country where more recently there was one of the best and most humane judicial systems in the world, including jury trials! This is a huge step back.
          It's about Memory about those innocent people and the understanding that this should not be repeated.
          1. +6
            19 January 2018 12: 36
            Hey - a demagogue, but you had to ditch more? To leave all the Trotskyists free, they would still have a few adventures, in the style of innocently injured Tukhachevsky was denied. And we would be crushed by the whole world. Nothing that none of us would write anything here? Due to the lack of nature.
            1. +5
              19 January 2018 12: 56
              Quote: groks
              Hey - a demagogue, but you had to ditch more? To leave all the Trotskyists free, they would still have a few adventures, in the style of innocently injured Tukhachevsky was denied. And we would be crushed by the whole world. Nothing that none of us would write anything here? Due to the lack of nature.

              Heard by the Trotskyists lol What are your endless “woulds” worth? Nothing!
              But to ruin people, on the basis of lawless so-called "ships" and triples ANYONE is impossible! That is what even the laws of the USSR said.
              If someone is surrounded by endless enemies and is constantly being pursued, he needs to retire and give way to healthy people
              1. +5
                19 January 2018 13: 55
                Which are endless? Without the "would" Trotskyists killed a few people?
                If you now start to comply with the laws, then there will not be enough triples. And even deuces. Probably need units.
                You are in the next topic so outraged by the deportation of the militia. But not the three of them are expelling him - and the good of those full ships?
                1. +3
                  19 January 2018 14: 43
                  Quote: groks
                  Which are endless? Without the "would" Trotskyists killed a few people?

                  Leninists, Trotskyists, Marxists, etc. — all of them are smeared in one world. They all ruined
                  Quote: groks
                  If you now start to comply with the laws, then there will not be enough triples. And even deuces. Probably need units.

                  Why this empty chatter when talking about the 30s? Yes
                  Quote: groks
                  You are in the next topic so outraged by the deportation of the militia. But not the three of them are expelling him - and the good of those full ships?

                  The triples had no appeals
                  1. +1
                    19 January 2018 16: 46
                    They all ruined
                    Already flew into space the first, as they ruined.
                    Why this empty chatter when talking about the 30s?
                    And why the Akhedzhak suffering according to the traitors?
                    The triples had no appeals
                    AND? Now you can appeal.
                    1. +1
                      20 January 2018 09: 35
                      Quote: groks
                      Already flew into space the first, as they ruined.

                      Thanks to the Russian imperial scholars and the Imperial Universities, who have learned Kurchatov, Korolev, etc.
                      Quote: groks
                      And why the Akhedzhak suffering according to the traitors?

                      Who recognized traitors? Those who later also recognized as traitors? Which, in turn, are again traitors?
                      Quote: groks
                      AND? Now you can appeal.

                      It is possible this way and that, but there is a chance for JUSTICE. Then, it WASN’T. Unclear again?
                  2. +1
                    20 January 2018 06: 55

                    You’ve ruined everything and continue to ruin. It is because of you that 22 million citizens of the Russian Federation live on funds below the subsistence level. And speaking not in disguised language, these people are slowly dying out.

                    Although the USSR was not perfect, it was viable. Modern liberal capitalism is certain death. First, the weak die, then the strong die.
                    1. +1
                      20 January 2018 09: 08
                      Although the USSR was not perfect, it was viable.

                      And for some reason it ended. So, not so viable. And the task is to determine what was wrong.
                    2. +1
                      20 January 2018 09: 46
                      Quote: gladcu2
                      You’ve ruined everything and continue to ruin. It is because of you that 22 million citizens of the Russian Federation live on funds below the subsistence level. And speaking not in disguised language, these people are slowly dying out.

                      You coffin since 1917:
                      -10 million in the Civil Slaughter organized by you ,,
                      -unknown in the WORLD the famines of 1933 (7 million), 47 (1,5 million) years with cannibalism, carnivore and eating were falling,
                      - millions of exiled peasants without trial, oh, 6 million dead,
                      -0,60 shot in 1937,
                      millions of disfranchised
                      - the level of consumption for food, clothing, housing in 1913 was reached only to 1960 years,
                      -the extinction of Russian since 1964.
                      -91 year after -Your YOUR comms did, as in 917.
                      1. +1
                        20 January 2018 22: 03

                        I understand that I feed the troll. But if I didn’t feed him, then there would be no opportunity for people to open their eyes to a liberal lie.

                        I don't care how many millions you draw in the fact of mass killings. This is all a lie. And the proof of this lie is in the FACT itself, which is both difficult to prove and difficult to refute.

                        In this case, when the definition is difficult, they turn to the logic of life, and in particular to the definition: "who needs it."

                        So, on the false fact of mass killings, the reincarnation of capitalism was created. The most deadly system. Because, like any person working under capitalism, he works for his slow but sure suicide.

                        And you Olgovich, advertise this system.
                    3. +2
                      21 January 2018 08: 34
                      Quote: gladcu2
                      I understand that I feed the troll. But if I didn’t feed him, then there would be no opportunity for people to open their eyes to a liberal lie.

                      Troll speaks of trollism! belay lol
                      Quote: gladcu2
                      I don't care how many millions you draw in the fact of mass killings. This is all a lie. And the proof of this lie is in the FACT itself, which is both difficult to prove and difficult to refute.

                      So violet-believe me or not, FACTS - they exist regardless of your faith, because. they are objective reality.
                      Quote: gladcu2
                      So on a false fact massacres created the reincarnation of capitalism. The most deadly system. Because, like any person working under capitalism, he works for his slow but sure suicide.

                      What nonsense ....
          2. +1
            19 January 2018 13: 38
            It's a pity people! But to make of this an all-Russian tragedy with constant snot, I think - is harmful! Harmful for the future of Russia, its new generations! Only as a page of history - for study and conclusions, but no more!
            1. +1
              20 January 2018 07: 15
              Sorry for the people!

              I’m sorry for people ... In my head right away it seems like the continuation of “Well, okay, women still give birth ...” This is someone's grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers, mothers ...
              You understand, no one requires anyone (who, by the way?) To crawl on his knees with moaning "Forgive me."
              Personally, I’m just against the scumbag bastard, walking past the monument to the victims of repression, she said: "But these are traitors, the fifth column ...".
              1. +1
                20 January 2018 09: 48
                Quote: tasha
                Personally, I’m just against the scumbag bastard, walking past the monument to the victims of repression, she said: "But these are traitors, the fifth column ...".

                What about and SPEECH! hi
      6. +2
        19 January 2018 20: 21
        about 1900 a day, I laid out the math a month ago. Even if we use the "Zionist" Wikipedia, then from the figures that are given there, 1900 even a year with difficulty turns out, which is normal for the state after one war, and in anticipation of another.
        1. +1
          20 January 2018 09: 54
          Quote: Spez
          about 1900 a day, I laid out the math a month ago.

          Help Pavlova
          Quote: Spez
          which is normal for the state after one war, and in anticipation of another.

          Nowhere and NEVER in the world, neither before nor after the wars, this was not .. And almost EVERYTHING is justified. A triple, etc. recognized, illegal.
          1. +1
            20 January 2018 22: 00
            By whom? Those who destroyed the Union and destroyed.
    3. +14
      19 January 2018 07: 56
      Quote: tasha
      The author did not understand the cannibalistic essence of political repressions and did not understand their reasons. However, he had no time to think. He needs to write ... A profession like that ...

      That's about the cannibalistic essence - you wrote it very correctly. The main point. And all sorts of historical facts are there - this is secondarily.
      1. +7
        19 January 2018 08: 10
        And you wrote a not very smart thing. And a silly picture was inserted.
        We are talking about mass repressions of the 30-40's.
        Imagine some scumbag tapping a citizen on the head with a pipe. The lawyer of this scumbag trying to justify him says: “Just think, by pipe. Chikatilo generally ate people. And in general, this citizen is an adulterer and a villain in life ...”. Here is the logic ...
        1. +6
          19 January 2018 09: 38
          The picture is correct and appropriate. It is absolutely impossible to compare the incomparable; called "victims of repression" and the multimillion-dollar loss from reform and subsequent decades of stagnation!
          1. +5
            19 January 2018 10: 48
            It’s good to reason, looking at the pictures, when it didn’t concern you.
            For example, my family was affected. And many others. At the same time, we were not members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, but were simple hard workers or military or office workers.
            And honestly, I know the story of my grandfather firsthand. And I will not allow anyone to say about him that he was an anti-Soviet element worthy of the camp.
            This I am for you - today's idealizers, “historians,” who personally never took this ass.
            1. +7
              19 January 2018 11: 11
              Neither my family was affected, nor the families of my relatives. And I don’t know ANY of the relatives and friends whom these “repressions” would have touched. So this is known only from the book of the traitor Solzhenitsyn.
              1. +4
                19 January 2018 11: 38
                Quote: Vasya Vassin
                Neither my family was affected, nor the families of my relatives. And I don’t know ANY of the relatives and friends whom these “repressions” would have touched

                Does it occur to you that you do not know such ones because the repressed did NOT leave descendants? They were NOT allowed to do this!
                1. +2
                  19 January 2018 11: 52
                  I am sure that this is a far-fetched problem. All these "repressions" are nothing more than dirty methods for career growth among the party apparatus. And their size is disproportionately small and insignificant against the background of losses over the past thirty years.
                  1. +3
                    19 January 2018 13: 03
                    Quote: Vasya Vassin
                    I am sure that this is a far-fetched problem. All these "repressions" are nothing more than dirty methods for career growth among the party apparatus.

                    Dispossession of money (4,5 million peasants) - what kind of games are the apparatus?
                    Operation 37-38 was called in the KULATSKAYA documents, i.e. apparatchikov there was a scanty amount
                    1. +3
                      19 January 2018 13: 42
                      You do not confuse peasants and fists, these are different things. And I don’t believe these numbers, bandits, murderers, thieves will be written down there now ... And what were the obvious anti-Soviet advisers, enemies of the Soviet regime? Everyone does not need to bend under one comb and poke me in numbers.
                      1. +3
                        19 January 2018 14: 50
                        Quote: Vasya Vassin
                        You do not confuse peasants and fists, these are different things

                        Yes? Well so give judicial the definition of "fist" and the punishment of the Criminal Code of the USSR for this. You can not? No, what kind of crime is this fist? WHERE the MILLIONIONED Courts children fists?
                        Quote: Vasya Vassin
                        And I don’t believe the numbers

                        We must not believe, but try to LEARN
                        Quote: Vasya Vassin
                        Yes, and that there were no obvious anti-Soviet, enemies of the Soviet government? Everyone does not need to bend under one comb and poke me in numbers.

                        There were no VESSELS that could only determine who the criminal was and who wasn’t, not the decisions of the Politburo.
                        The numbers are scary, fear them, it's understandable
                2. +2
                  19 January 2018 20: 37
                  Yes, but no. It's just that some people are fortunate not to communicate with those whose ancestors were traitors. Maybe luck is inherited ...
                  1. +1
                    20 January 2018 09: 58
                    Quote: Spez
                    It's just that some people are fortunate not to communicate with those whose ancestors were traitors. Maybe luck is inherited

                    Are they lepers? Millions of "traitors" are justified. So real traitors are those who set up a system that allowed the destruction of millions of innocent
                    1. +2
                      20 January 2018 15: 56
                      you-yes. leprosy. your brain sharpens your poison .. and you smuggle it .... it's just a pity you can’t put you in quarantine. it's bad .. because the patients are physically closed for some reason so as not to infect. and that's why with the mentally infectious do not arrive, it is not clear ..
              2. +7
                19 January 2018 11: 51
                Neither my family was affected, nor the families of my relatives.

                Hmm, surprisingly the same. Both grandfathers at the front disappeared. And here is a familiar teacher !!!! history offended - her grandfather and grandmother were exiled to Severodvinsk. The funny thing is, they spent the war there. I don’t remember something “repressed” anymore. Everyone has died at the front. But judging by the "numbers", the repressed should be without exception for everyone, where are they?
              3. +3
                19 January 2018 11: 56
                Consider yourself all lucky. But I know about this from the history of my family on both lines - both grandfather and grandmother.
                1. 0
                  21 January 2018 23: 02

                  Maybe you are lying, like all liberal moral ones, about unhappy repressed relatives. After all, there are not so many of these complaining witnesses. But it is comparable in number to those successful and advanced, who receive the main benefits from the liberal capitalist system.

                  Then it turns out that lying to you is financially beneficial.

                  Liars crying innocently repressed.

                  I hate lies and liars.
        2. +5
          19 January 2018 12: 38
          tasha Once again, again. How many current officials need to be imprisoned / executed, according to current laws? If suddenly they begin to execute. Will this be mass repressions?
          1. +1
            19 January 2018 13: 01
            Let's do it. Your question is you and answer it. Conduct an approximate calculation of the number of current officials who need to be imprisoned / executed. And then, you know, mentioning a female organ is not a burden to bear. Now I’ve been clutching something and a little tired ...
            1. +2
              19 January 2018 20: 38
              The drain is counted.
              1. +1
                20 January 2018 06: 18
                Your comment has been read.
          2. +1
            20 January 2018 10: 13
            Quote: groks
            How many current officials must to plant / shoot, according to current laws?

            Now there are no plans to kill people, which may be "necessary"?
            Quote: groks
            If suddenly they begin to execute. Will this be mass repressions?

            It will be just the execution of the LAW,
            Decisions of triples, deuces, etc., are officially recognized illegal by the Supreme Council of the USSR and the Russian Federation. The law and the rehabilitation of illegally repatriated persons are in force.
            Respect Russian Legislation!
    4. +7
      19 January 2018 08: 09
      Quote: tasha
      The author did not understand the cannibalistic essence of political repressions and did not understand their reasons. However, he had no time to think. He needs to write ... A profession like that ...

      The author reviewed the comments of the FSB director.
      I am sure that he (the director) knows more than anyone else. Maybe enough already to distribute Khrushchev?
      Go deep into the question and you will discover a lot for yourself. Just do not accept this. After all, they hammered into your head about the 37th.
      1. +5
        19 January 2018 09: 02
        Quote: BecmepH
        . Maybe enough already to distribute Khrushchev?

        Maybe it’s already enough berryfood, nobility, beryovshchina to spread?
      2. +4
        19 January 2018 09: 22
        The author reviewed the comments of the FSB director.

        The author surveyed the appeal of 32's academicians, corresponding members and professors of the Russian Academy of Sciences to be more precise. And he surveyed completely without thinking. Also, without thinking, your comment is written ...
    5. +4
      19 January 2018 10: 22
      The author did not understand the cannibalistic essence of political repressions and did not understand their reasons.

      The author just figured out, the fifth column was cleaned up, no matter what slogans they covered. As for the scientific community, in this terrarium even today do not build the same mores and illusions about this ..
  5. +5
    19 January 2018 06: 43
    Have you noticed that in the last couple of years the image of the NKVDshnik (KGB officer) on our screens has changed ?. Previously, everyone was a beast, but now they have acquired a human face!
    I thought it was no coincidence. With whom is the KGB man associated with us?
    It seems that this is due to the upcoming elections ...
    1. +1
      19 January 2018 07: 55
      This is due to the upcoming creation of the super-ministry of the MGB ...
      Any reform must be prepared, its purpose is to justify .. and even more so the reform as a result of which all the oversight functions will go to one group of people
  6. +13
    19 January 2018 07: 55
    The peak of depopulation occurred in the period from 1994 to 2006, when the number of our fellow citizens decreased at a pace of 700-900 thousand people.
    ... Very softly and no one wrote denunciations and there were no executions. They simply created the conditions for population decline ...
    1. +6
      19 January 2018 09: 36
      Quote: parusnik
      The peak of depopulation occurred in the period from 1994 to 2006, when the number of our fellow citizens decreased at a pace of 700-900 thousand people.
      ... Very softly and no one wrote denunciations and there were no executions. They simply created the conditions for population decline ...

      So this is the result of the rule of the liberals in the 90s - quietly, calmly, and the people are dying out - they did not fit into the market, as Chubais said! am hi
    2. BAI
      19 January 2018 09: 52
      A.B. Chubais: “What are you worried about these people? Well, thirty million will die out. They did not fit into the market. Do not think about it - new ones will grow”
      The democrats planned to destroy 30 million - democratically, without repression and denunciations. Stalin is resting.
      1. +5
        19 January 2018 11: 10
        He is our Russian, Chubais, not from Mars. Guess so many more such "Chubais" within the meaning of the statements may be among us. And what will happen if they suddenly have real power. Will they pity the rest?
        Personally, I have a very recent example of a story with the director of a kindergarten in the city where I live. It turned out that due to baby food, this lady managed to build herself such a nice mansion, and other tasty buns. And what do you think - even a shadow of understanding flashed across her when she was taken for a train?
        No, all the same arrogance, and a state of impunity. Particularly impressed by the argument - "I have my own children, I work for them."
        Right tears in the eyes.
        This loving mother did not even think that she should, at least on duty, feed other children.
        And how interesting are these in our society? And if such a person came to power, especially to law enforcement officers - that’s all. write is gone. He will feed himself and his own children at all costs, and you the rest - even if you die everything. State thinking.
    3. GAF
      19 January 2018 11: 01
      Quote: parusnik
      . Very softly and no one wrote denunciations and there were no executions. They simply created the conditions for population decline ...

      But what about Chubais and others like them - democrats after all. Why hands dirty. Before the war, there was personnel cleaning, and the population was growing in number and the country was being built. And then cleansing the territory from the "superfluous". There is a video on the Web - Zhvanetsky in the editorial office of Ekho Moskvy amuses the audience. Like, we live in the wrong country. It is necessary to clean the territory and build on it a new beautiful state, where the remaining will not be life, but raspberries. There is a video in which Zhirinovsky proposes to build a state in the territory up to the Urals - 20 million Jews to be gathered from around the world and 30 million Russians. That will be such a country! (Almost literally)
      Here with these same academics and start cleaning. There is plenty of garbage in it, not only 32 signatories.
  7. +13
    19 January 2018 09: 15
    It is gratifying to realize that there are only 32 signatories of the appeal. This is an insignificant part of the Academy.

    First you just need to look at the list of names of these 32 academicians, and then add the epithet - an insignificant part.
    Maybe one of these has made more than 320 scribblers for the country and the people!

    Bortnikov - Director of the FSB.
    And he somehow can’t easily agree not only with indiscriminate accusations, but even with obvious facts.
    The honor of the uniform, you see.

    And the fact is that the current generation of heirs to the Cheka, the OGPU, the NKVD, the MGB and the KGB of the USSR are far from being holy advocates of the rule of law - this is a fact.
    Any citizen of our Great Country can approach the regional administration of the FSB and look at the transport on which "clean hands, a warm heart, a cold mind" arrive at work.
    At least thirty years, you need to collect salaries and not spend to buy these cars.
    But their wives do not travel much cheaper.
    And children in paid schools go to school.
    And the guys do not go on vacation to Arkhipo-Osipovka in the Krasnodar Territory, but to Hurghada, Antalya or Mallorca.
    And their apartment houses are not very poor.
    In luxury homes.
    Of course, not everyone lives like that.
    But is there anyone to look up to?

    And the generals who are retiring, do not immediately come off the trough?
    Where are they going? To the security service of some bank. He will sit for a year, two or three, and only then, on free bread, on a summer cottage, to plant flowers.

    I once had a friend. He died, the kingdom of heaven to him.
    Colonel of the FSB.
    He crashed in his car.
    Slower than 200 did not go.
    I asked him, why are you rushing like mad?
    And he is with a grin, and who will tell me or do what?
    I'm the king here!
    What about God?
    Yes, where is that God, he says.
    I don’t know where God is, but I know that my friend is in the cemetery.
    It is with this worldview that the heirs of Felix Edmundovich live.

    The current generation of employees is the jackal flock, which at the sight of prey comes into a rage.
    How many cases are known as people were squeezed property, inspiring them not committed crimes.
    Personally, I know about a dozen.

    And it’s not surprising that the academics, also not the lambs of God, are also down to the snout, but they also decided to be outraged.
    And they did not pass this bitter cup of communication with our special services.
    They did not immediately become great?
    And how many times have they been persuaded to become sexots? Knocking on your co-workers?
    Yes. And among academics there are villains who seek to drown their neighbor.
    But not all the same?

    Bortnikov should not go into the history of special services, but explain an interesting paradox.
    Why are the children of current and recently retired generals going to study at the FSB Academy?
    What kind of service is it that pulls them there like bees for honey?
    Halo of mystery? Feeling of struggle for law and justice?
    Yes, to hell there.
    The race at the Gelendvagenahs showed that the new generation of future FSB officers, the children of the current leaders of this department, are in their essence ABSOLUTELY not burdened with any moral principles.
    They go to work the HOST of life. Our life.
    This is the worst thing that can happen.

    When the villain and the bastard comes to power, lawlessness begins here.
    So no one insured us from repeating previous excesses.
    Most likely the opposite.

    This is the horror of what awaits our country.
    1. 0
      22 January 2018 00: 09
      It is probably not rational to condemn the FSB-KGB employees in terms of their wealth.

      These guys have to keep the frisky owners of life in check. Legalized crime. The capitalists, in short.
  8. BAI
    19 January 2018 09: 35
    The enemy tried to defeat us either in open battle, or relying on traitors inside the country, with their help to sow confusion, to divide people, to paralyze the ability of the state to respond to emerging threats in a timely and effective manner.

    This is a key phrase. Those who are shaking Russia from the inside understand that sooner or later the state and special services will be forced (at least for their own self-preservation) to move from words to deeds. Moreover, before my eyes an example of Ukraine.
    Therefore, such a collision with Bortnikov. Thank God that even the head of the FSB adequately assesses the situation. There is an economic war, which at any moment can develop into a "hot" war, real. And there is no place for traitors.
  9. +1
    19 January 2018 10: 25
    Once again: those economists, political and public figures, journalists who persistently promoted “market ideas” are responsible for the consequences of their implementation. Therefore, as a citizen of the USSR, I can accuse the NKVD, the KGB, the FSB of only one thing - the ineffective struggle against such reformers and false scientists.

    Here I agree with the author. But I add, every official, every government should be responsible for the consequences of its activities.
    Create a commission, finally announce the official conclusions. How many shot, repressed. How much is right, how much is wrong.
    If someone wrongly condemned someone in the 30's, voice it. Why is there still no generalized information and everything has to be found out literally bit by bit? Why do the data vary from a few hundred thousand to tens of millions of executed?
    I believe that if, for example, Kolchak was guilty of war crimes, the court refused to rehabilitate him, then this should be an official position and no monuments to him. If Mannerheim had a hand in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Leningrad residents, it means a bolt to him, and not a memorable bas-relief.
  10. +1
    19 January 2018 10: 34
    Quote: Vasily50
    In response to such dissatisfaction with all sorts of different, albeit sort of steadfast, it is worth publishing documents on which cases were initiated. Look, according to Vavilov, what rumors have not been launched, but in reality? After all, there is theft covered with high-sounding reasoning, and nothing more. Like the case of Korolev and many others, * innocently ..... *.

    I wouldn’t be so excited. Documents and cases were also written by people who, oddly enough, could also do this for certain purposes. That is, the content of such cases does not necessarily correspond to reality.
    This thing works both ways.
  11. +2
    19 January 2018 11: 15
    Quote: demo
    The current generation of employees is the jackal flock, which at the sight of prey comes into a rage.

    Not all, we will be fair. Probably not all.
    But those that are a pack will be more than enough to spoil the normal impression.
    And most importantly - why did some decide that then, in the USSR, it was different? There such a flock was even more dangerous.
  12. 0
    19 January 2018 11: 38
    as I understand it, most likely in the list of 32x academicians, either the majority or all are academicians from 90x and the beginning of 2000x when ranks, diplomas, etc. sold almost underground passages? and apparently they decided to resort to the Sicilian defense, apparently a lot of skeletons in the closets are hidden ...
  13. +1
    19 January 2018 12: 40
    We also know how we become academicians. Not for nothing that Putin a couple of years ago "understood" this issue. Either do business, or write scientific dissertations. The further you read about these "repressions", the more confident that everything was correctly done at that time. The fact that the “roof” of people is demolished after the war was understood after Afghanistan, and there was not just a war, but a civil one, where one half looked at the other through the scope. But the personality cult of Stalin is no worse and no better than Khrushchev’s voluntarism.
  14. +3
    19 January 2018 13: 09
    Maybe it was worth all these “fighters" to be neutralized in a timely manner? And the Union would have survived, would not have been victims of violent internal conflicts on the territory of our country (USSR) hundreds of thousands of fellow citizens. A simple question: what is more expensive - a few thousand presumptuous villains or millions of honest people, workers? The answer is obvious \\\\\\\\\\\
    Here I am about the same!
    In 91 it was necessary to reel on the caterpillars not three drunks, but the entire Moscow hapota that gathered on the square.
    Led by EBN.
  15. +4
    19 January 2018 14: 03
    torture and executions of hundreds of thousands of innocent

    after this phrase, you can flush 32 academicians into the toilet -
    frank lies with emotional anguish

    I want to note one thing that few people are clearly aware of. The civil war in 18 did not end; only WWII completed it. And active actions were transferred to social processes, including repression. People continued to actively settle scores using “organs” by denunciations.
    There were excesses, there were mistakes, there were tragedies (but not hundreds of thousands!), And Bortnikov correctly said that without the active work of the security guards it would have been much worse.

    ps I lived in the city that Bortnikov built
  16. +2
    19 January 2018 15: 03
    Quote: urman
    A simple question: what is more expensive - a few thousand presumptuous villains or millions of honest people, workers? The answer is obvious \\\\\\\\\\\

    No less simple question - who separates the villains from millions of honest workers? Well, how will he turn out to be a villain?
    And after all, such a scoundrel rolls these very millions under the very good need of preserving the Homeland. And you won’t dig in, and you won’t prove it, because he is strenuously proving to all his superiors that he is doing everything right, and you are just one of millions of honest workers.
  17. 0
    19 January 2018 15: 15
    It's time, it's time for RAS sharazhki ....
  18. 0
    19 January 2018 16: 44
    Why trifle: write about the fact that the 80s and 90s are worse than the Second World War, Civil, WWII, Napoleon's invasion and the Mongol invasion. So solid will be.
  19. 0
    19 January 2018 17: 18
    And what do you want? Now, from the RAS, only moaning is heard that the academics have been cut off from the budget and therefore they can not do science in any way, without money (although money will be allocated for science), but it is necessary to manage economic activity and real estate, otherwise nothing. Therefore, they compose letters, there is nothing more to do. And our cultural figures? The director was stealing money for hundreds of millions of budget money, and they almost signed a letter in his support, but how about we are a special caste, you can’t touch us.
  20. 0
    19 January 2018 17: 48
    Oh how the little ones twitched
    1. 0
      19 January 2018 17: 56
      What are the disadvantages?
      Those whom the Soviet government spread rot, or the remnants of the deafening ruins of the USSR?
      It is not necessary to answer, everyone is clear.
      It was about such fighters for the purity of the ranks in your face that I wrote above - ready to gobble up millions for a great purpose.
  21. +3
    19 January 2018 17: 50
    Interestingly, and someone they had the initiator of this scribble. Is it not Chubais by chance? At the forum of the Jewish Gaidar, who ruined the entire industry in the country with the drunkard, an interesting incident happened a day ago with leaflets. Clear and instructive. I have the honor.
  22. +4
    19 January 2018 18: 31
    A peasant is a person in my understanding who himself or with his family works on the earth. If a person uses the labor of laborers, then this is a fist. Such hatred was not casual among the rural poor towards such citizens, who were enriched by their labor. Perfectly this state of affairs was described by Sholokhov in the Don stories. So I am sending you to the classic ... It’s very bad that these bloodsuckers are now spoken of as “salt of the earth,” which they mercilessly watered with sweat after work. It was not in vain that a revolution arose if the people lived well, crunching French rolls, then no Lenin would raise him to the barricades.
  23. +3
    19 January 2018 18: 59
    It is worth respecting the director of the FSB, A. Bortnikov, and a group of scientists who have publicly expressed their opinion about the tragic period in the history of our country - the years of mass repression. Well done not afraid.
    Repression was carried out for many years, from the 20s to the 50s. Their peak occurred in the prewar years. Certainly not one normal person can speak that cannibalistic period without indignation. There was fear in society. It is not known who will be the next victim: friend, colleague, relative. It is unclear who will write the denunciation on you, thinking that he will save himself, or remove the competitor. This atmosphere did not arise by itself. This is the work of the glorious state security and party bodies, which worked hand in hand, trying to overfulfill plans. Moreover, it was the party organs that initiated the mass repressions and brutal treatment of people. Full of horror! Sometimes the question arises, and who really were the enemies of the people.
    And all the more, people who in these conditions created new equipment, especially military, are respected. Tank builders, aircraft builders, rocket launchers and many others were simply cut down in layers. Very few managed to stay alive. Their deputies took the place of the taken and stubbornly continued the work. The same tragedy was the consistent destruction of foreign intelligence personnel. And they also have to be prepared for years. As a result, the state remained almost blind before the war. In the precedents of the destroyed army commanders, you need to understand that the most trained personnel were cut down, and in their place in the suddenly increased army became inexperienced young people, constrained by fear and not understanding which of their comrades can be trusted and expect punishment for any independence (special officer here) . That's how they prepared for war.
    He is simply shocked by his ignorance from the article “One cannot ignore another provision from the appeal:“ Before the war, the army was defeated. ” This is ridiculous: the “crushed” Red Army alone repelled the first, most terrible blow of the United Europe, led by the Third Reich, frustrating the Barbarossa plan at the very beginning ... ” Otherwise, as a mockery of the real situation, this cannot be appreciated. It is a pity that the author was not able to personally participate in the reflection of the “most terrible blow”.
    On the other hand, the border troops that were part of the state security system honorably fulfilled their duty. It is difficult not to acknowledge the merits of the security services of the rear during and after the war. Although here it was not without atrocities.
    Of course, the state security organs played an outstanding role in the creation of domestic nuclear weapons. These are intelligence materials, close supervision of scientific research, creation of an industrial base. They played an equally important role in the initial stage of the creation of rocket technology. By the way, the real leader of these areas was L.P. Beria. Well, he was harsh! Here is a "highly effective manager !!!"
    The attitude of society towards domestic special services has repeatedly changed depending on the political situation regarding knowledge of the real situation.
    I have worked all my life creating rocket and space technology and cannot give more than one example when the KGB / FSB would have broken the lives of any of us. Moreover, very often the employees of this department, working together with us, seriously helped, and sometimes in solving practically “unsolvable” problems. In serious industries, in modern conditions, regime service must exist and work in different forms. This is not always pleasant, even often interferes. But the amazing thing is, when we began to work with other countries, we were convinced that there, especially in the USA, special services workers are rare duralomas compared to ours.
    Terrible times in their cruelty were in the history of other countries, including those that teach us humanism and democracy. The storms thundered, there were monuments, history books.
    It seemed that if we had a couple, we would reduce the intensity of passions; you cannot return the dead and you will not punish the guilty. So the story is not black and white, it is all. But she is ours. And don’t have to reopen wounds that have not yet healed. It's time to build the future, given the past mistakes and tragedies.
    But alas, after reading the comments on the article, you can see how much more there is ignorance of history, anger, desire to punish. This is extremely disappointing.
    1. +1
      19 January 2018 19: 52
      you forgot about the one hundred million destroyed by Stalin and Beria ... how tired of this nonsense already ...
      1. Cop
        20 January 2018 10: 33
        Quote: faiver
        .... you forgot about the one hundred million destroyed by Stalin and Beria ... how tired of this nonsense already ...

        Why not 99 or 101?
    2. Cop
      20 January 2018 10: 45
      Quote: KLUTSALS
      ... I worked all my life creating rocket and space technology and I can not give more than one example when the KGB / FSB would break the life of anyone of us ....

      But what about Sakharov?
      1. +2
        20 January 2018 15: 59
        and what happened to him? did the KGB give him a fool-woman? at least take an interest in when it started with him and how ...
        1. Cop
          20 January 2018 17: 16
          Quote: long in stock.
          and what happened to him? did the KGB give him a fool-woman? at least take an interest in when it started with him and how ...

          Yes, it looks like you should have shown interest ..... First, the KGB removed it from secrets (work), and then generally recommended sending it to the link .... This is not breaking the ts. his life as mr claims KLUTSALS?
          1. 0
            21 January 2018 17: 42
            really ... it means to protest against the water of troops in Afghanistan, it’s necessary .. only inaudible about his protests against the war in Vietnam .. the man personally supported the Jackson-Vanik amendment .. that is, he opposed his country’s place with its enemies .. It would be equivalent if, for example, Petlyakov appealed to Hitler with an appeal to kill more the Communist citizens of his country in order to overthrow the regime .. well, well done .. what's next? in order to rehabilitate the Tatars, to fuse a couple of vigorous loaves for the enemies? ah yes well done ... of course such a person needs to be allowed everything ... oh well ... I completely forgot that I was talking with a creature who claimed that millions of Soviet soldiers died in the Finnish war .. well .. the new homeland needs to bend ..
            1. Cop
              22 January 2018 01: 06
              Quote: long in stock.
              ... that means to protest against the water of troops in Afghanistan is necessary .. only inaudible about his protests against the war in Vietnam ..
              But did those who in America protested against the Vietnam War also protested against the introduction of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan? Something I did not hear. I always thought that they were interested in what was happening in their country.
              .... against her country’s place with her enemies ..
              But didn’t those who leaked us the secret of the "vigorous loaf" didn’t do the same?
              ... for the sake of the rehabilitation of the Tatars, to fuse a couple of vigorous loaves for the enemies?
              They did not have to be deported. You didn’t have to rehabilitate nowadays. It was necessary to young Tatars and Tatars, about whom there was no information that they collaborated with the Germans, to summon ALL to the army, and to rifle units. Well, if someone refused, then this is a completely legitimate reason for giving them to the tribunal. Most of them would never return to their homes. Who would die, someone would get married or get married., Someone would enlist somewhere. Well, the so-called "guide", their public and religious figures, would have to go to the evacuation on the ship ..... Well, with the ship at sea, anything can happen .......... Do so Koba would not have this problem now ....
              oh yes well done ... of course such a person needs to be allowed everything ... oh well yes ... I completely forgot that I was talking with a creature who claimed that millions of Soviet soldiers died in the Finnish war .. well ... a new homeland needs to bend. .
              Well, firstly, my homeland is old. You do not pay attention to the flag. I’m just going through a Finnish proxy (unless you know what it is, of course). Well, and secondly do you mean a doll of them? There were several of them.
              1. 0
                22 January 2018 09: 42
                I don’t cook .. here I have one homeland, you have several .. about what you can talk with such a person ..
                1. Cop
                  22 January 2018 21: 53
                  Quote: long in stock.
                  I don’t cook .. here I have one homeland, you have several .. about what you can talk with such a person ..

                  Why then say ...?
  24. +3
    19 January 2018 19: 52
    But it’s interesting, for what kind of discoveries and achievements did they receive their academic titles, what did they make so great for the country? And yet, when our scientific thought, which softly sleeps and eats sweetly, finally, once and for all, write the real history of the Russian state, and not enemies of the state and Russophobia, and the children will study it according to their textbooks, not Soros, given that according to the Slavic calendar, our state is now more than 7000 years old? And when, at last, we officially stop talking about repressions, giving the actual, documentary figures, not Western propagandists and homegrown revisionists or they, like Khrushchev, feel and understand their wretchedness, venality and insignificance before the achievements and professionalism of those leaders and are afraid of them even dead before enuresis.
  25. +2
    19 January 2018 23: 12
    Quote: siberalt
    It is time to equip the next "philosophical ship" for these academics. am

    Drop who will do it now? "There are no others, but those are far away ..." winked
  26. Cop
    20 January 2018 10: 29
    ...... The answer can be found in General Bortnikov: "A large number of persons involved in those cases are representatives of the party nomenclature and the leadership of law enforcement agencies, mired in corruption, who committed arbitrariness and lynching" .....

    One would like to ask Mr. Bortnikov, why were they then tried for espionage?
    .... Therefore, as a citizen of the USSR, I can accuse the NKVD, the KGB, the FSB of only one thing - the ineffective struggle against such reformers and false scientists .....

    Mr. author, how are you going to fight them then?
    1. +1
      20 January 2018 10: 38
      why then did they judge them for espionage?
      - Kina need to watch less ....
      1. Cop
        20 January 2018 11: 06
        Quote: faiver
        - Kina need to watch less ....

        And you were probably present at interrogations .......
        1. +1
          20 January 2018 11: 24
          Well, at least I didn’t do it ... hi
          1. Cop
            20 January 2018 11: 49
            Quote: faiver
            ... well, at least I didn’t do it ...

            Well, one does not interfere with the other .....
            1. 0
              20 January 2018 12: 09
              those. am I about a hundred years old?
              1. Cop
                20 January 2018 12: 50
                Quote: faiver
                ...those. am I about a hundred years old?

                Well, you know better. You are personally familiar with each of the one hundred million people shot by the "bloody gebe".
                1. 0
                  20 January 2018 16: 00
                  It seems that it’s you who personally know each innocently convicted ..
                  1. Cop
                    20 January 2018 17: 19
                    Quote: long in stock.
                    It seems that it’s you who personally know each innocently convicted ..

                    Would you justify your conclusion or does the USE not allow it?
                    1. 0
                      21 January 2018 17: 47
                      Well, you obviously do not even have an ege ... when a woman writes on the Internet that she is not married, this is a diagnosis ..
                      1. Cop
                        22 January 2018 01: 14
                        Quote: long in stock.
                        Well, you obviously do not even have an ege ... when a woman writes on the Internet that she is not married, this is a diagnosis ..

                        Oh ... yes, I look from the lack of female attention in any way suffer. Do you have congenital modesty or physiological problems? But I really don’t have an exam, I was still graduating from a Soviet school. And she knew how to teach .....
  27. +3
    20 January 2018 12: 53
    For the “democratic” public, even the very possibility of objectivity in considering the activities of the special services of that period is unbearable. This cannot be by definition, for it is criminal and the point. Of course, when applied to academics, hysteria is somehow not in person, but their political essence is paralyzed by the voice of reason. The result is the notorious letter. It is not necessary to think that the Democrats have entrenched only in the Academy, where they are still absent, and moreover, they themselves are not going to repent for the results of the past decades. This is also a kind of taboo - everyone knows, but they are silent.
    1. 0
      21 January 2018 14: 50
      The special services and the authorities themselves need to sit down and objectively evaluate their activities.
      And the results, frankly, are not very. In the 30s, the so-called "special services", kissing the boots of the "Master", put above the interests of the country. As a result, enemies were found anywhere, but not where needed. The result - everyone knows: the "treacherous and sudden" attack of Germany on the USSR, as well as disorganization in the army, which was excessively ideological and intimidated by political workers.
      In the 70s-80s, the all-powerful KGB strenuously caught cockroaches, but blinked an elephant: a rotten "elite" that merged the country without blinking an eye. So maybe now it’s better to think about it.
  28. +1
    21 January 2018 19: 58
    And what kind of toilets do these "academicians" have? The appeal was written. The 20th Congress was the congress of the victorious party nomenclature. Who "exposed" the "cult" of Stalin. Yes, Khrushchev who was one of the activists of the "purges". Academics must also know about the "red barons" of the party in the 30s and their plots, the plots of Tukhachevsky and Gamarnik in the Red Army, etc., if they are academics. On secret annexes to the materials of the 20th Congress that finally and undividedly consolidated the power of the party nomenclature. And there is still much where you need to work as a scientist for the people, and not for the "elite".
    1. 0
      22 January 2018 15: 26
      there is work for Patrushev and his department! Big job!
  29. 0
    22 January 2018 09: 49
    Nope. I don’t suffer ... and yes, the Soviet school taught well. but it apparently didn’t affect you .. I wrote for information about the Internet status for nothing ... plus a picture in your office .. it’s bad that you are not married at this age .. and with children, as I understand it, too neochen. from and write all heresy about the innocently killed .. well at least weaned you and your kind to write about the broken jaw of the queen ...
    1. Cop
      22 January 2018 22: 12
      Quote: long in stock.
      Nope. I do not suffer ...
      Why then my whole profile .... "trampled"?
      and yes, the Soviet school taught well. but this apparently did not affect you ..
      Well, why not affected? Even as it affected ... At school I studied well, the average mark of the certificate is 4,5. And secondary secondary school graduated with honors. Yes, and I have a university diploma with an average score of 4,65. So with education I’m all right. But about you I can’t say this ....
      I knowingly wrote about the status of the Internet ... plus a picture of yours ..
      That is, if I wrote that I breed cacti, then this would not hurt your vanity?
      it’s bad that you are not married at that age .. and with the children, as I understand it, also very.
      Listen, where do you come from? Is it really so unified state exam on your "IQ" affected? Is it necessary to marry in order to have children, and even more so to live with someone?
      from and you write all heresy about the innocently killed .. well at least weaned you and your kind to write about the broken jaw of the queen ...

      Well, against the backdrop of millions of starvation, Korolev’s broken jaw is truly innocence ...
      PS Well, since we touched on the diagnoses .... Have you been thrown into the reserve for drinking or for smoking weed?
      1. +1
        23 January 2018 07: 51
        I was written off due to injury ... but you are not married at this age for what diagnosis?
        1. Cop
          23 January 2018 19: 30
          Quote: long in stock.
          I was written off due to injury ...
          I sympathize .... sometimes it happens.
          and you are married to that age for what diagnosis do not take?
          And why is it mine .... well, in the sense ... are you so interested in life?
          1. +1
            24 January 2018 09: 20
            from the point of view of the diagnosis .. remember Novodvorskaya was also not married. Here and carried all nonsense ..
            1. Cop
              24 January 2018 20: 10
              Quote: long in stock.
              from the point of view of the diagnosis .. remember Novodvorskaya was also not married. Here and carried all nonsense ..

              What knowledge do you have in medicine ... If my memory serves me, Novodvorskaya was Jewish and she had no children, and she seemed to live with her mother. And I have everything in order with this, and I'm not Jewish. Let me ask you, well, if of course your injury (or you still had a concussion) will allow you to answer, but which one, as you put it nonsense, carried?
              1. +1
                24 January 2018 20: 55
                about the first, how do you know that you are not Jewish? and why is Novodvorskaya Jewess? nonsense already ... and about the Tatars this is generally an epic feil ... to call into the army those who have just collaborated with the Germans ... let's not go where you don’t have anything understand .. what is it like when a part takes up defense at the forefront and in it fighters either shoot each other or run towards the enemy ... don’t you think that there isn’t even a red diploma to understand what this will lead to. but the most important thing is yours the statement that the Red Army needs to be taught from the Winter War book .. you have so many anti-Soviet dope in your head that it prevents you from thinking. and yes .. it’s strange that you don’t know that children should grow up in a full-fledged family .. although .. they can grow and grandmother while mom decides with whom it is more convenient for her to live. and this happens ..
                1. Cop
                  25 January 2018 00: 28
                  Quote: long in stock.
                  about the first, how do you know that you are not Jewish?
                  And how do you know that you have a wound, not a concussion? And if you were injured, then you received it while doing your duty, and instead of smoking, played football “fenka”?
                  and why Novodvorskaya Jewess?
                  So she herself said this in one of her speeches. And where is the nonsense?
                  ... nonsense .. and about the Tatars this is generally an epic feil .. to call into the army those who have just collaborated with the Germans ..
                  I talked about those who did NOT cooperate ..... Does your name Amet-Khan Sultan say anything? And there were many of them. In his memoirs, he told how with great difficulty he managed to save his family from deportation. But all the relatives of those who collaborated with the Germans from 17 to 60 should have been called up to the front. And there they should be scattered for 1-2 people per unit. Yes, and it was possible to warn behind the scenes, what is fraught with their transition to the side of the enemy for their relatives. Where would they run after that, and even in 1944? If you had done so, you would not have to pass a law on rehabilitated peoples.
                  let’s you not go where you don’t understand anything ..
                  And first, let’s say this, you’ll recover, and then you will press the keys ....
                  .... to teach the Red Army from the book Winter War ..
                  Here in the book "Winter War" author: Shushakov showed HOW it was possible to fight. And in the book “Stalin’s Flattering Victory,” the author: Irincheev Bair showed HOW they fought. Read them and compare. And then think, it was necessary to learn or to hell with them with 126875 killed, dead from wounds and frozen. The Finns in their sources indicate that more than ten thousand Red Army soldiers have just frozen.
                  ... you have so many anti-Soviet dope in your head ......
                  Yes, you still live with the advice. And so this is your nonsense, not mine.
                  ..... it is strange that you do not know that children should grow up in a full-fledged family ..
                  Why did you decide that I do not have a full-fledged family? My children have long been adults and they did not stop the lack of a certificate of marriage for their father and mother, to become successful in life. What such a simple thought does not reach you? It’s just right to think that you were really sent to the reserve by shell shock
  30. +1
    22 January 2018 09: 55
    Everything is logical, these “academics” are the first in line for cleaning, so they are trying to stop the threat.
    In this RAS, such a mess is going on, most of the "fake" functionaries from science no more
    1. 0
      22 January 2018 15: 24
      From the language removed!
      One would like to ask: "And who are the judges?"
  31. 0
    22 January 2018 15: 23
    "Recall the 80s and 90s. The consequences are so terrible that the tragedy of the 30s fades against them. Recall the wars in the post-Soviet space that were unleashed by all kinds of" fighters for the freedom of thought, word and deed ""
    “A large number of persons involved in those cases are representatives of the party nomenclature and the leadership of law enforcement agencies, mired in corruption, who committed arbitrariness and lynching
    There’s nothing to add! More clear! And the Second World War won only due to the timely landing of corrupt officials. It’s scary to imagine what these ghouls could do.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"