Ivan Tsarevich and Koshcheev kingdom

The old, “revolutionary”, fairly tired 2017 year leaves, and it replaces the new, 2018 year - unknown, mysterious and unpredictable. Each new year, like any phenomenon of novelty, we expect with emotional excitement, in which timid hopes for the best are mixed with a noticeable proportion of cautious anxieties due to possible losses and losses. Therefore, I would like to quickly look beyond the time horizon and calm the heart and mind with some kind of definiteness.

Ivan Tsarevich and Koshcheev kingdom

Our New Year will no longer be like others, that this is the year of the upcoming presidential elections, which should and can decide a lot in the lives of Russians. In anticipation of future events, expected and unexpected, forecasts, assumptions, guesses, myths are now multiplying. Mostly positive plan, but with increasing internal tension. And, although we are quite old people and know well that in concrete terms, all our divinations are useless, we still wait for something and hope for something.

In terms of forecasts, the scientist world prefers not fortune-telling on the tea leaves, but structural analysis based on identifying general trends in the development of the country and the world. But they, these tendencies, are deeply hidden in the event pile, and therefore they are hardly perceptible even for the most sophisticated mind.

Our ancestors found a different approach to forecasting reality, using images suitable for the current moment.

Following this tradition, I decided to abandon the biblical and ancient Greek figurative symbolism and turn to Russian folklore. Proceeding from the fact that the cult of wealth reigns in the modern world, and in our country this cult acquired ugly and destructive forms, I planned to put the image of Koshchey the Immortal at the forefront of my forecast. This image found a full-fledged embodiment in a Russian fairy tale with the literary treatment of the romantic poet Vasily Zhukovsky (1783-1852) and the long title - “The Tale of Tsar Berendey, his son Ivan Tsarevich, the tricks of Koschey the Immortal and the wisdom of Mary Tsarevna, the Clergy, the Clergy, the tricks of Koschey the Immortal, and the wisdom of Mary Tsarevna, the Clergy, the Clergy, the Clergy, and the Holies, the Clergy, the Gods, and the tricks of Koshchey the Immortal and the wisdom of Mary the Tsar and the Tsar and the Tsar. daughters. "

After reading the story, I was shocked not even by the fact that the patron friend of Pushkin 200 years ago chose this particular Russian fairy tale for the education of the royal children, of which he was a mentor. And the fact that the Russian people expressed their unselfishly spiritual credo long before that. And he did not just express it, but rather, as it were, prophetically sketched all the fabulous peripetias with our present realities. At the same time, in the fairy tale, not only the plot line is symbolic, but also the details that add additional semantic accents to the narration.

The fairy tale states that in some ancient times there were two kingdoms - the kingdom of the simple man Berendey and the kingdom of the magician Koschei. Koschei, with cunning and magic, lured Berendey into a trap and literally snatched from him a promise to give to the service of his newly born son, Ivan the Tsarevich. In modern times, the difference between worlds, their essential anti-being, the machinations of the strong and the sacrifice of the weak are symbolic. Now everything is exactly as a thousand years ago. And 2018-th year in this regard, of course, will not be an exception. We are expected in it and struggle, and attacks, and a certain sacrifice.

Further, according to the story of the fairy tale, Berendey, faithful to the word, sends the son of Ivan, who has come of age, to serve Koschey. And he, giving Ivan Tsarevich one more difficult task than another, clearly sets himself the goal of finally destroying him. That is, Koschey, who personifies power and treachery in the fairy tale, does not need the service of an alien prince as such. He has one thing in mind - to maximally weaken the kingdom planned for sacrifice and deprive him of his future. With us, the United States is doing exactly that, and there is no hope that in the future, 2018, their policy towards Russia will change significantly. And we need to take it as a fact and act accordingly - precisely, firmly and quite definitively.

According to the tale, Ivan and Koshchei’s daughter, Marya, had to flee. The escape of Ivan and Mary from the kingdom of Koshchei may seem to someone a compromise with Evil and even a concession to him. And someone - a tragic, fatal mistake. But the “escape” to the Russian people seemed to be a salutary and the only correct solution. In addition, in the fairy tale, flight was only in form, and for Ivan Tsarevich it meant returning to his native kingdom — the kingdom of peace and goodness.

We in the 2014 year started this flight from the gilded kingdom of lies and deceit, but still hesitate whether we did the right thing. 2018-th year must finally convince us that we have no other way and that it’s time for us to return to ourselves, to our native kingdom.

According to the fairy tale, Ivan and Mary manage to slip away from Koshcheeva's chase, only with the help of the church. The theme of the church arose from the narrator to refer to the border between the two kingdoms. Saying to Ivan that it was at the church that the border of the Koscheev kingdom passed, Marya turned herself into a church, and made Ivan a monk. It seems that the church was taken by the narrator not only in religious terms. The symbolism of the Church among the Russian people was always broader and had a projection into the secular sphere, denoting the fortress of faith, high spirituality and ultimate purity of thoughts. It is faith, spirituality and uncomplicated intelligence that should come to the first place among Russians in 2018, allowing them to gain solid ground under their feet.

But the detachment of heroes from the Koshcheev chase was not the end of their adventures. Somewhere in the middle of the path from the border to the royal terema storyteller outlined the theme of oblivion. Marya strictly ordered Ivan not to kiss other babies, but he succumbed to the beauty of the child and broke the taboo. For which he was punished with complete loss of memory. The meaning of this reprise is, apparently, that with all our real or imaginary achievements in the upcoming 2018 year, we should not be complacent and forget the cruel lessons learned in previous years. While Koschey reigns on Earth, dreams of a fabulous life are irrelevant and destructive.

In general, the meaning of the fairy tale is to remind you of Good and Evil, their antipodal eternal coexistence, continuous mutual influence and uncompromising struggle. At one extreme here is the realm of Berendey, personifying simplicity, naturalness, honesty, decency, loyalty to duty. On the other - the kingdom of Koshchei, where everything is built on lies and deception, ostentatious magnificence, deceit and cruelty. Koschei, like the US today, is almost all-powerful, but, nevertheless, he is worried about the independence of the “neighbor” - Russia. Without risking to fight with him, he catches Berendey on an unquenchable thirst - on our eternal thirst for peace, goodness and material well-being.

Confronting Russia with the world of temptations has been going on for at least a thousand years. Anticipating the inevitable decisive clash between the Good and the Evil, the Russian people thought through various options for fighting the Evil Koshchei. Alexander Pushkin, an enthusiastic admirer of Russian fairy tales, in the prologue to the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" Tsar Koschey "languishes over gold." According to Pushkin, it turns out that due to an excess of gold, Koshchei should develop a disease - “consumption”. So in those days was called tuberculosis. This disease was considered incurable, and therefore it was assumed that Koschey would die without any help.

The idea of ​​forcibly eradicating Evil in the world was also used by our people. So, in another Russian fairy tale, wanting to destroy Koshchey, Ivan Tsarevich chased him, and he reincarnated now into a hare, now into a duck, then into an egg. In the end, Ivan overtook Koshchei, broke an egg and broke a needle, in which his curve, a deceptive little soul, was hidden. This idea seemed very tempting to Russian people. And since October 1917, we have been trying to implement it for 70 years. But it turned out that Evil, like Good, has the ability to revive. Hope for Koshchei's suicide or his natural death in 2018 is not necessary. It is not by chance that the people gave Koschey a nickname - the Immortal.

If we move from the old-old Russian fairy tale to the new-present reality of today, we should say the following. Yes, we recently broke away from present-day Koshchei, having been with him for more than two decades in the service and “crawling” in front of him for coaxing and for laughter “on all fours” (words from a fairy tale).

Forced to “escape”, we designated the new border with the kingdom of Evil as the Crimea and Novorossia. Moreover, we even taught a lesson to the present Koshchei in Syria. But, wallowing ourselves in body and soul in wealth, we did not return to our home at all. Now we are somewhere in the oblivion lane.

There is a hope of awakening from oblivion after 18 in March of 2018, but this hope is fragile, and most importantly - it does not find real confirmation in practical life. Evil today is very strong, and it is with its infinite wealth. Besides Koschey is not alone. According to the fairy tale, besides Marya, with him there were, in complete dependence on him, 29 daughters. And so far we have not been able to really “tear” at least one of the allied countries from the USA. We do not have “our own” Marya-princess. In the time of timelessness, we lost all our loyal friends-allies: some betrayed us, others pushed us away.

Therefore, the main task in 2018 for us is the conquest of faith and complete allied trust from at least one of the largest countries in the world. Those could be China, India, Germany, Japan, finally. And best of all - to enlist the support of all four countries at the same time. We must work seriously in the New Year in this direction. Time concessions Koscheyu over. For allies go only to a firm and reliable partner. From now on, we must respond firmly and decisively to any dirty trick of Koshcheya-USA. Only in this way can we convince others of our reliability and acquire faithful allies.

But the power of Evil is not only in him and not in his “daughters”: she is in our weakness.

Over the thirty years of our timelessness, Koschey has managed a vile snake to climb into all our thoughts and into our souls. He poisoned our mind by making it speculative, and seduced our souls by making them limp and flabby.

Therefore, the most important task for us in the 2018 year and in the coming years is our own purification from Evil and spiritual return to ourselves. Moreover, the purification will be deep and comprehensive. And it is necessary to start it in 2018 from the very beginning - from our border, designated by the Church in the fairy tale.

Over 30 years, not only ourselves, but also our Church, have undergone major changes. Koshcheev's temptations and temptations left their mark on her. These metamorphoses, perhaps imperceptible to a humble flock, are striking the eyes of others, especially those who are concerned about the general decline of morals in our country. Even from the church hierarchs today one can hear the words about the "liberalization" of the elite part of our church organism. All this suggests that our church now, perhaps more than ever, is in dire need of Saul, who would be transformed into the apostle Paul — the spiritual core of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Following the Church, our Bohemian culture, a non-initiating society, a corrupt political system, an elite-stricken liberalism and each of us, feverishly between the temptation of wealth and the threat of poverty, require internal cleansing. In the lunar calendar, the upcoming 2018 year will be marked by a dog. Admittedly, the dog symbolizes qualities such as loyalty, honesty and generosity. These qualities have always impressed not only the Russian people, but also all the citizens of our country. Because of this, we can consider 2018 year as our year - the year of Russia.

The coming year, by all indications, should be the Year of the political outcome of the protracted conflicts in Syria and in Ukraine. It is possible that he may turn into the Year of Russia's moral victory in South Korean Pyeongchang.

There is no doubt that it will become the Year of payment by Russia of all the debts of the Soviet Union and its own obligations. After 2018, we’ll owe nothing to anyone. On the contrary, many will be indebted to us, and first of all the United States of America, which seriously owes us a lot and in many ways.

As for the presidential election, their intrigue is not in the name of the future head of the Russian state, but in the presence of his mature, sighted will and in choosing the vector of the sovereign policy. If some cataclysms do not happen (and they are not excluded!), Then Vladimir Putin will become president again. Power he will get without much effort. Efforts will be needed after the elections ...

The symbol of the year - the Dog is distinguished not only by internal quality, but also uncompromising attitude towards enemies. And those should be considered as annoying external enemies, and their own "foe". To them we must include treachery, meanness and baseness. It seems that the fabulous Ivan Tsarevich personifying Russia who is personifying it’s time to get out of his numbed oblivion and return to the realm of his father Berendey - the realm of honor, dignity, kindness and justice.

As for Koshchei, then, in spite of all his tricks, let him live in his golden kingdom for the time being. If he himself does not "wither away" and does not stop his evil insane attacks, then it will be possible, after all, to think about his ill-fated fate with the whole world.

Happy New Year, dear friends!
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  1. +11
    30 December 2017 05: 59
    There is no doubt that it will become the Year of Russia's payment of all debts of the Soviet Union and its own obligations. After 2018, we owe nothing to anyone. On the contrary, many will be indebted to us, and first of all, the United States of America, which seriously owes us a lot and in many ways .. An interesting thesis, as well as about the fact that “in 2014 we started our way home” .. The author, perhaps from Crimea? If yes, then it’s understandable. And if not, then why not in 2012 or 2004? Why? The power is the same, its actions are neither shaky nor fallen .. What's the way home? Even the vector is gone. The same trust in "partners" and fidelity to the commitments imposed on us by liberals and imperialists .. We must return in a new capacity to the old relations between people who were before the collapse of the USSR. But this does not seem to happen. And with these people in power there is nothing to hope for "returning home". .
    1. +5
      30 December 2017 07: 52
      this is exactly how the article says:
      Over the thirty years of our timelessness, Koschey has managed a vile snake to climb into all our thoughts and into our souls. He poisoned our mind by making it speculative, and seduced our souls by making them limp and flabby.

      why not remember the Asian fairy tales that killing a dragon himself can become a dragon ....
    2. +11
      30 December 2017 08: 01
      What is the way home? .... We must return in a new quality ... "return home" ...

      I recalled the lines of Yunna Moritz.

      Longing for the fierce homeland
      At home! .. With longing for two
      We beat and beat the crypt door
      Where walled up alive!

      Longing for home, like air
      It doesn’t let us suffocate
      At home! .. Longing for bitchy
      Events - back to front.

      There is so much homesickness
      At home! .. For the clouds
      The look goes away - its road
      And there is homesickness.

      Here is such a slightly abstract philosophical view of what's behind the 2018 clouds of the year. As our grandfathers said: "We will wait and see what the coming year is preparing for us."

      By the way, happy birthday to the country of everyone who comes from the Soviet Union!
      95 years ago, 30 December 1922 years, a new state appeared on the world map - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
      1. +5
        30 December 2017 09: 32
        And it’s good that the “Soyuz” did not become any less parasites on the neck of the Russian People !!!
        1. +4
          30 December 2017 10: 02
          Health !!!!!!!!!!!!
        2. +18
          30 December 2017 10: 09
          Quote: No pasaran
          And it’s good that the “Soyuz” did not become any less parasites on the neck of the Russian People !!!

          It is impossible to consider fourteen Soviet Republics as parasites of the RSFSR. All together there was one organic whole, more whole than now the modern RF itself with its subsidized republics. Then the cooperation between different parts of the USSR was much more effective. And everyone developed (GDP growth) is much more dynamic than Russia today. That is, the RSFSR then, along with the "parasites", developed faster than Russia today without parasites!
          Although there were certainly excesses. Where without them! Different Baltic states and Georgia got a little more than the main republic.
          1. +10
            30 December 2017 12: 48
            The Baltic states and Georgia? And you know that of the 15 (!) Union republics, only the 3 (!) Republics were self-sufficient! Including Russia! Give the 12 republics everything else? I am in such (comparable) cases, ready to hit in the face! The United States believes that they own the world, but the United States is extremely reluctant to accept anyone into the American state! Puerto Rico can serve as an example! Do I regret the demise of the USSR? Not !!! But I regret the demise of socialism! Young morons cannot understand this, but I have lived enough under socialism and under new Russian capitalism — I can draw an objective conclusion!
          2. 0
            31 December 2017 15: 36
            Well, yes, the Georgians worked very efficiently.
        3. +10
          30 December 2017 10: 29
          Oh well! And the Russian people began to die throughout the former territory of the USSR .. And industry collapsed .. And they plundered ... the site blocks the word. And the former party workers steal ... And they started kicking us for no reason. What is HERE good?
          Quote: No pasaran
          And it’s good that the “Soyuz” did not become any less parasites on the neck of the Russian People !!!
    3. +5
      30 December 2017 13: 49
      severely ordered Ivan not to kiss other people's babies, but he succumbed to the beauty of the child and broke the taboo. For which he was punished by a complete loss of memory. The meaning of this reprise, apparently, is that for all our real or imaginary achievements in the coming 2018, we should not be complacent and forget the brutal lessons learned in previous years.
    4. +3
      30 December 2017 13: 50
      The vector of 2014 - there are interests and they need to be realized! This is the "return home". It is NO longer possible with anyone to make friendships and alliances, just as you can’t drink with the first person you meet. From a new perspective, Russia's participation in various international alliances should be reviewed: WTO, Council of Europe, PACE, Union State with Belarus. The last alliance already smells bad - since Lukashenko’s power has slipped into Russophobia, pro-Russian journalists are judging, constantly begging for something. In some ways, one should distance oneself from Kazakhstan, since the Cyrillic alphabet is objectionable to him. You should not be kind to those who are friends in words, only when it is profitable, and oppresses and squeezes the Russians - you need to strictly indicate the need for decent behavior, and not like the Russian Foreign Ministry.
      1. +5
        30 December 2017 19: 26
        KAZAK STAN is a Russian land. Half of the population are Russians. All cities have ancient Russian names. Also with the Baltic states.
  2. +1
    30 December 2017 06: 00
    That's why Koschey in the kingdom, so that presidential candidates do not doze off .... Sometimes it seems that for every liberal there should be a personal scribble .... In order to think not only about their business partners .... And about country and people ... I understand that utopia, but I want the new year of the dog to be more positive .... With a new reptile ... oh. Year ... drinks hi
  3. +2
    30 December 2017 07: 08
    "After 2018 year ..."? Hmmm ... We owe nothing to anyone when we don’t need anything from anyone! This is unlikely to be measured by the 2018 year!
    1. +1
      30 December 2017 09: 14
      Quote: Nikolaevich I
      We owe nothing to anyone when we don’t need anything from anyone!

      Self-isolation is the path to degradation and death.
      Globalization is the distribution of labor, as the most effective way of managing, an objective process. Countries that do not fit into this process, such as Ukraine building a mono-ethnic state, run the risk of being marginalized and disappearing altogether. Russia cannot but participate in this, at least on the basis of the size of its territory and the natural resources that we have.
      Managing the globalization process according to the Western scenario has failed. Russia (Putin) managed to intercept this process, and this will be all the more obvious in the 2018 year, as if the forces that nominated Grudilin for the election did not interfere.
      All a Happy!
      1. +5
        30 December 2017 10: 04
        Boris good !!!HEALTH hi FAMILY !!!
      2. +7
        30 December 2017 10: 14
        Do not confuse the plug with the bottle! self-isolation is out of the question! This is wonderful. When it is possible to sell everything to everyone! But it is very important to have self-sufficiency! We can afford to buy something “on the side” cheaper, provided that we can at any time establish production of such at home. There are countries where they produce part of the necessary products, despite the fact that these products are more expensive than imported ones! But under the law it is necessary to produce "as much interest" within the country, no matter what! Take China as an example ... this country with established "global" production is currently adopting the concept of "domestic consumption"! And this means that with this concept. The country must necessarily have the ability to produce everything! But tell the Chinese about "self-isolation" .... and they will spit in your face!
        1. 0
          30 December 2017 12: 08
          Quote: Nikolaevich I
          China ... accepts ... the concept of "domestic consumption" ...

          Not certainly in that way. It is possible to ensure domestic consumption at the expense of external products, as in our 90 “Bush Feet” provided us with domestic consumption.
          Quote: Nikolaevich I
          ... And this means that ... a country must ... produce everything

          First of all, the state should provide us with our security - financial, food, industrial, military. In all other areas of activity of the state should be at a minimum.
          1. +4
            31 December 2017 02: 45
            Okay ... let's not quarrel on New Year's! Happy holiday!
            1. +2
              31 December 2017 09: 32
              You, the collective of VO and all members of the forum with the upcoming. drinks
              1. +3
                31 December 2017 09: 45
                Mutually! All the best! fellow good drinks hi
  4. +7
    30 December 2017 07: 52
    I agree, the Russian Orthodox Church is still that "serpentarium" .... https://ru-compromat.livejournal.com/470841.html winked
    1. +3
      30 December 2017 13: 32
      Do not touch faith! Not a cat thing!
      1. +2
        30 December 2017 20: 10
        "Faith" has nothing to do with the church and it is clearly written in the New Testament ("..... do not build me earthly palaces, but build me heavenly temples .....") .... wink
        1. dSK
          31 December 2017 23: 46
          Quote: Cat Marquis
          build me temples of heaven
          For a more accurate link, it looks like a flood.
          1. +1
            1 January 2018 21: 43
            "Link?" What kind of link does a Christian need? he, as it were, the "new testament" and the gospel by heart should know ...
            1. dSK
              2 January 2018 00: 36
              A chronic habit of lying leads to pathological mental disorders that are very difficult to treat with medication. hi
              1. +1
                2 January 2018 13: 14
                By yourself, do not judge others ....
      2. The comment was deleted.
  5. +1
    30 December 2017 08: 18
    There is no need to be a Messing to say prophetically - it will not become easier to live in 2018. The author develops a common sense - you need to be friends with the West:
    Therefore, the main task in the 2018 year for us is to gain faith and complete allied confidence from at least one of the largest countries in the world. Such could be China, India, Germany, Japan, finally. And the best thing is to enlist the support of all four countries
    But even the author, imbued with the central policy of the party, was already mistaken - you can’t win trust and friendship! Ukraine is evidence of this. Friendship needs to be SERVED. The promise of these countries was given to us - Donbass and Crimea. Otherwise, you will not see friendship ...
    1. +3
      30 December 2017 08: 58
      Quote: Leader of the Redskins
      Friendship needs to be SERVED.

      And who should earn friendship - us or they?
  6. +10
    30 December 2017 08: 25
    The year 2017 is coming in its place for the new year 2018 - unknown, mysterious and unpredictable.
    ... They will not stop stealing in the New Year, the war in Syria will not stop, the World Cup will take place .. New taxes will appear, prices will rise .. Yes, more pensions will be increased by an average of 300 rubles ... Happy New Year, dear friends!
    1. 0
      30 December 2017 13: 17
      Completely ready! But why do you have to wait for the new year? And to celebrate the New Year?
      New Year is for those who are waiting for new joys.
      1. +3
        30 December 2017 16: 05
        But why do you have to wait for the new year? And to celebrate the New Year?
        ... I still believe in miracles .... What if a miracle happens? ... With the Coming of all the best, in the New Year!
  7. 0
    30 December 2017 08: 43
    Quote: A. Afanasyev
    ... Pushkin's patron friend 200 years ago chose this particular Russian fairy tale ...

    A tale of lies, but a hint in it, a good lesson for a good fellow.
    In the poem A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (second semantic row) about what was, what is and what will be http://fs-kob.org.ua/control-priorities/first/220
    1. dSK
      1 January 2018 21: 58
      Quote: Boris55
      Tale is a lie, but a hint in it

      Quote: Alexander Afanasyev
      the cult of wealth reigns in the modern world, and in our country this cult has acquired ugly and destructive forms
      “Since 2018, the sale of alcoholic energy drinks in Russia has been completely prohibited. These include products with an alcohol content below 15% and tonic additives. To produce such drinks is allowed only for export.." So we will protect our population, but we will leave the “loophole” and cover it with “concern” for the local producer. If there is production, there will be sales within Russia in dozens the "left" circuits. And the neighbors will not say thanks that the Russian "power engineers" are poisoning their children.
      1. +2
        1 January 2018 22: 13
        Quote from dsk
        but let’s leave the “loophole” and cover it with “concern” for the local producer.

        Well, well ... in North Ossetia ... what kind of freemen was there for the production of vodka and alcohol ... came uncles in strict black suits, then uncles in camouflage with AK and voila, now if there is a leftist, it’s only out of condition and inside republics, the rest of the "left" scheme, cost a lot.
        1. dSK
          2 January 2018 00: 49
          Hello Vlad! "Neighboring" kids let them drink too much (the recipe is designed for them), but after all, many people will come to work as they grow up in Russia. Alcoholic "barons" do not consume their swill, prefer natural overseas cognac.
          1. +1
            2 January 2018 08: 25
            Quote from dsk
            Alcoholic "barons" do not consume their swill, prefer natural overseas cognac.

            This is so. But now they have seized the neck of the neck, for the production of unaccounted for.
  8. +6
    30 December 2017 09: 07
    Funny allegory. Blessed is he who believes. Alas, I want to hope for the best, but it doesn’t work out. I don’t know what should happen in order to clear our society. Maybe it's better to just start with yourself? To become better, cleaner, kinder? In the coming year, I sincerely wish everyone victories, above all over themselves, their shortcomings, passions, and evil inclinations. Maybe then really the country will change?
    “To live in a civilized country, you do not need to leave Russia. Moreover, make a revolution in it. Just don’t rubbish, don’t swear, start driving according to the rules on the roads, don’t give bribes, don’t take bribes, don’t drink alcohol and don’t smoke, don’t betray your loved one, respect the culture and learn the history of the motherland, respect the elderly. And you yourself will not notice how you find yourself in a civilized state. ” M. Zadornov.
    1. 0
      30 December 2017 13: 22
      You set the correct vector.
      Well, let's WIN. Each. Only BELIEVE is necessary.
    2. dSK
      1 January 2018 22: 11
      Hello Alexey Borisovich!
      Quote: AleBors
      “To live in a civilized country, you do not need to leave Russia. Moreover, make a revolution in it. Just don’t rubbish, don’t swear, start driving according to the rules on the roads, don’t give bribes, don’t take bribes, don’t drink alcohol and don’t smoke, don’t betray your loved one, respect the culture and learn the history of the motherland, respect the elderly. And you yourself will not notice how you find yourself in a civilized state. ” M. Zadornov.
      He joked, hochmil, praised idols, and died as worthily. hi
  9. 0
    30 December 2017 10: 32
    Netanyahu drank with Semyon and Denis for the New Year (learning Russian) https://youtu.be/8OuKVjMBG9s
  10. +3
    30 December 2017 10: 40
    Quote: Leader of the Redskins
    The author develops a common sense - you need to be friends with the West:

    That's just about the West, the author does not say anything - "China, India, Germany, Japan", these are the countries in question, well, unless Germany will represent the whole West. It is not necessary to be friends with anyone, Russia has friends (army and navy), but it is necessary to cooperate, as with equal partners, if this is beneficial primarily to Russia. And we don’t have to worry about self-isolation, we are not introducing sanctions, therefore import substitution is very useful for Russia, and when the bourgeoisie are convinced that Russia can do everything on its own, then the sanctions will be eliminated. Good luck to Russia in the upcoming 2018!
  11. 0
    30 December 2017 11: 11
    Therefore, the main task in 2018 for us is to gain faith and complete allied confidence from at least one of the largest countries in the world. Such could be China, India, Germany, Japan, finally. And the best thing is to enlist the support of all four countries at the same time.

    Therefore, the most important task for us in the 2018 year and in the coming years is our own purification from Evil and spiritual return to ourselves. Moreover, the purification will be deep and comprehensive. And it is necessary to start it in 2018 from the very beginning - from our border, designated by the Church in the fairy tale.

    Ah, I love poets!
    Funny people.
    I always find in them
    A story familiar to the heart -
    Like a pimple student
    Long haired
    Talking about worlds
    Sexual expiration of languor.
    Sergey Yesenin "The Black Man"
  12. 0
    30 December 2017 11: 11
    Quote: 210ox
    There is no doubt that it will become the Year of Russia's payment of all debts of the Soviet Union and its own obligations. After 2018, we owe nothing to anyone. On the contrary, many will be indebted to us, and first of all, the United States of America, which seriously owes us a lot and in many ways ..

    Most likely it will be a year of war. Too much hatred, soon it will grow into violence. And the US needs to write off its debts.
  13. +3
    30 December 2017 11: 41
    "Wake me up in a hundred years, and ask what is being done in Russia. And I will answer - they drink and steal." (Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin 1826-1889).
  14. +3
    30 December 2017 17: 32
    The author, I apologize, but complete nonsense, and even far-fetched. Kashchei have long been in power in the kingdom of Berendey, order such articles here.
  15. +6
    30 December 2017 18: 39
    That is, there will be no deprivatization? Sad
  16. +1
    31 December 2017 08: 47
    It seems to be something like this, but not so. You talk about Russianness and stuff, and talk about the year of the Dog (Chinese calendar). Do you know anything about our calendar? And the word calendar came from two words: Caledas gift. Our God Coleda gave us this and this is the most ancient calendar. And nowhere is a word about it. False Peter 1 destroyed it (it would be 7526 years now) You say: Our church. C what fright is she ours? Is it necessary to believe in order to be a Rusich and bow to the Jewish god Yahweh. Read the Bible only carefully and you will see so much abomination that Hitler is simply beautiful. Recently they erected a monument to the Hagan Vladimir (this is the one who baptized Russia). And still the emblem of Ukraine is the Khazar tamga. With the same success, you can put a monument to false Dmitry in front of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky. My answer is this: until we return to our Slavic worldview, nothing will happen. And yet, this church has nothing to do with Orthodoxy. It is called: Russian Christian Orthodox Church of the Greek Rite (or Byzantine). Orthodoxy is not a faith. If this is the same, then we can say: hey Orthodox Muslims listen, listen and do not say that you did not hear.
    1. dSK
      1 January 2018 03: 50
      Quote: Sasha333
      Our God Coleda
      If this is yours, cut an idol from the deck and worship it. And we are brothers and sisters in Christ, we have thousands of nationalities and we believe:
      1. I believe in the unity of God the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.
      2. And in the unity of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, even from the Father born before all ages; Light from Light, God is true from God is true, born, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, imzh all of being.
      3. For our sake, man and ours, for our salvation, came down from heaven and embodied from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became human.
      4. But crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and the sufferer, and buried.
      5. And it was risen on the third day according to the Scriptures.
      6. And ascended into heaven, and the Father is seated at the right hand.
      7. And the packs to come, with glory, judge the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end.
      8. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-giving, And from the Father proceeding, And from the Father and the Son we bow and glorify, having spoken the prophets.
      9. In one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
      10. I profess one baptism for the remission of sins.
      11. Tea of ​​the resurrection of the dead, 12. and the life of the next century. Amen.
      1. dSK
        1 January 2018 04: 03
        Gospel of the day (1.01.2018/9/42) - Mark 50: XNUMX-XNUMX "And whoever seduces one of these little ones who believe in Me, it would be better if they would hang a millstone on his neck and throw him into the sea.
        And if your hand tempts you, cut it off: it is better for a crippled one to enter life than to go with two hands into Gehenna, into an inextinguishable fire, where their worm does not die and the fire does not quench. And if your foot tempts you, cut it off: it is better for you to enter the life of a lame man than to be thrown into hell with two legs, into an inextinguishable fire, where their worm does not die and the fire does not quench. And if your eye tempts you, pluck it out: it is better for you to enter the Kingdom of God with one eye, than to be thrown into hell with two eyes, where their worm does not die and the fire does not quench.
      2. The comment was deleted.
        1. dSK
          1 January 2018 08: 57
          Quote: Sasha333
          Sami got lost and drag others.

          You cannot even turn Russia into a Novgorod principality even with the help of entities that have cognized the universe and are at a higher stage of development. And with the Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Virgin Mary fully will recover.
          1. 0
            4 January 2018 08: 16
            I asked a Christian fanatic a question: Is there life on other planets? He says no. I tell him that there are billions of stars in our galaxy, and billions of galaxies in the universe. To which he replied, do not stick your nose where you should not go, forgive your sins. That's how you answer when there is nothing to say. But another hurt me, and what sins, did I rob someone or kill? I try to help everyone and that’s it. You are just pathetic little people, and your priests live on the last penny that your grandmother brought.
          2. 0
            10 January 2018 11: 35
            And I say nonsense, prove it.
  17. +2
    31 December 2017 09: 42
    The old tale of the main thing, fed up with your tales to the left, when will things be? How much can you escape into the realm of good and justice on the spot without taking a step! There are no enemies you need with such rulers!
    1. +2
      31 December 2017 11: 16
      If you want yourself good, do it yourself! And what about the government?
      They ask for mercy, but reproaching the server is not good.
      1. 0
        31 December 2017 12: 43
        Quote: Victor N
        If you want yourself good, do it yourself! And what about the government?
        They ask for mercy, but reproaching the server is not good.

        Are you suggesting that I replace the government, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, and the law with lynching? Is it a provocation or stupidity on your part?
  18. +2
    31 December 2017 10: 28
    Well written! Anyway, ours will take!

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

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