How to stop the breakthrough of the army group "Got"

The offensive of the Goth army group began on the morning of December 12 1942. Operating from the Kotelnikovo area in the general direction to the northeast, the Germans delivered the main attack on a narrow section of the front along the Tikhoretsk-Stalingrad railway.

Here came the 6th and 23rd tank divisions of the 57th Panzer Corps, which were opposed by the 302nd and 126th Rifle Divisions of the 51st Army. Connection with the Paulus group was planned southwest of st. Tundutovo.

Breakthrough Soviet Defense

The Soviet Stavka and the command of the Stalingrad Front expected that the enemy would strike the main blow from the Nizhne-Chirskaya area. This was the most logical step. From Kotelnikovo to the inner ring of the encirclement of the German army was 110 km, Nizhne-Chirskaya was closer on 45 km. This ensured the success of the first strike of the German strike force. For the offensive, the German 6-I tank division was divided into three motorized infantry groups and one strong armored group of Günesdorf (commander of a tank regiment). The armored group consisted of a tank regiment and infantry battalion on armored personnel carriers. Subsequently, with the spread of armored personnel carriers, the formation of armored groups became the usual solution for German mobile units.

After artillery preparation, the enemy broke through the defenses in the band of the 302 Infantry Division at the gun station Kurmoyarsky. The German armored group not only broke through the defenses and marched forward, but also attacked Soviet forces in the rear of the Upper Apple. With the onset of darkness, the advanced units of the 6 Tank Division entered separate sectors towards the southern bank of the r. Aksai, and the 23-I tank division — to the area north of Nebykov. The success of the first day of the offensive even surprised the Germans. H. Scheubert, commander of a tank company in the 6 Division, wrote: “Given our own strength, fully confirmed by the success of the breakthrough, we still expected more resistance, if not at the most advanced, then later in the lowland near Nebykovo station. However, this lowland used for the railway to Stalingrad and limited to deep beams could hardly be bypassed by motorized troops, which gave the defenders certain advantages. ”

The command of the army group "Don" believed that the main task was solved - the Soviet front was broken. Further development of the offensive will not cause problems. However, the enemy underestimated the strength of Soviet mechanized connections in this area. The defense of the 302 Infantry Division collapsed, its broken units retreating in small groups. In the defensive orders of the 51 Army, a large breach was formed. A.I. Eremenko demanded that the commander of the 51 Army, Major-General N. I. Trufanov, hold the line occupied by his troops and restore the position in the sector of the 302 th rifle division. The 235 I flamethrower tank brigade and the 87 Infantry Division were sent to reinforce the army from the front reserve. Also, December 12 was decided to deploy the 4 th mechanized corps on the Kotelnikovsky direction. The hasty action of the Soviet command is evidenced by the fact that all the armored units were thrown at the reflection of the enemy strike. Thus, the 235-I separate flamethrower tank brigade was originally intended to suppress the knots of resistance of the German infantry in the area of ​​Stalingrad. Flame-retardant tanks should not be used as linear machines. But now they had to face with enemy tanks.

How to stop the breakthrough of the army group "Got"

German transport planes Yu-52 (Ju 52 / 3m) 1-th squadron 1-th special-purpose squadron (1.KGrzbV1) deliver cargo to the surrounded parts in Stalingrad. Photo source:

December 13 Germans have developed an offensive. 6-I tank division captured the bridgehead on the river. Aksai at Zalivsky, from here part of the forces advanced to the farmstead of Upper Kumsky and captured him. The 23-I tank division, advancing from the Nebykov area, also went out to the river, seizing a bridgehead at the railway and highway bridge at Kruglyakov. In the book of Scheibert it was noted: “In seven hours, the Gunersdorf group advanced 25 km, capturing ... the crossing over the r. Aksai and creating a bridgehead depth to 10 km. She was far ahead of the main forces of both her own and the 23 division ... The advancing 23 tank division, while crossing, Aksay encountered resistance from Russian tanks and was forced to ask for help from the 6 tank division. To this end, two tank companies of the 6 Tank Division were moved into the strip of the 23 Division. By the end of the day, we managed to create two more bridgeheads on the northwestern bank of Aksai. ”

The command of the Stalingrad Front on December 14 planned to launch a counterstrike on the flanks of the enemy grouping that had broken out ahead. It was supposed to strike in converging directions in two groups. The first consisted of the 4 th mechanized corps, the 235 th tank brigade, the 234 th tank regiment and the 87 th rifle division. The 13 tank corps was to attack this group. To support mobile troops, 100 fighters and attack aircraft of the 8 Air Force were allocated.

Thus, with the release of troops of the army group "Goth" to the river. Aksai there was a real danger of breaking through the outer front of the encirclement and access to the encircled Paulus army. At the turn of the river. Aksai-Esaulovsky launched a fierce struggle, the outcome of which largely depended on the further development of events on the Soviet-German front. The German General Mellentin evaluates the significance of these battles: “During this period, events full of tragedy took place, historical the value of which is difficult to overestimate. It will not be an exaggeration to say that the battle on the banks of this unknown river led to the crisis of the Third Reich, put an end to Hitler’s hopes for the creation of an empire and was a decisive link in the chain of events that predetermined the defeat of Germany. ” Indeed, the fate of the 6th German army, the possibility of rebuilding the German front near Stalingrad, the outcome of the 1942 campaign and the future of the 1943 campaign depended on the outcome of this battle. The Wehrmacht was desperately trying to maintain a strategic initiative.

Soviet gunners go at 76-mm regimental gun model 1927, mounted on a snowy road in the area of ​​Stalingrad

The Soviet Stavka saw this threat well. Already in the evening of December 13, the original plan of Operation Saturn was canceled with access to Kamensk-Rostov. Now the main attack was directed not to the south towards Rostov, but to the south-east, to Morozovsky. That is, a larger-scale operation, with cutting off the withdrawal paths of Army Group A in the Caucasus, was canceled. It was necessary to prevent the escape of the 6 Army of Paulus. Therefore, the 6 th mechanized corps was handed over to the Stalingrad front to use it against the German assault force, which was torn to the rescue of the Paulus army. The next day there was another major change in plans. Late in the evening of December 14 with a directive addressed to Vasilevsky, Stalin demanded that, in view of the changed situation in the south, the implementation of the first stage of Operation Ring to defeat Paulus’s blocked army was postponed. 2-th Guards Army was offered a forced march to move south and position in the rear of the units operating against the enemy Kotelnikovsky group.

Thus, in the event of the defeat of the mechanized corps of the Stalingrad Front, fresh forces had to stand in the way of the German strike force, including the Malinovsky Guards Army. The problem was that by the evening of December 13, when the Germans reached the line of the river. Aksai, 2-I Guards was still on the way. Some troops were still moving in echelons, some were on the march to the unloading area. December 15 2-I Guards Army was on the march, smeared on iron and dirt roads. Only by the evening of December 16, the army of Malinovsky had reached the level of the unloaded echelons 120 (they were unloaded north of Stalingrad) from 156. And from the places of unloading it was necessary to still go to the area south-west of the city. Trailers were traditionally immediately lagging behind, there was no fuel for vehicles, there was no connection between the parts. That is, if the Goth army group had broken through the Volsky Mechanized Corps and other troops, it would have been a disaster - the Germans would have the opportunity to beat Malinovsky’s selective army in parts (more than 90 thousand soldiers).

On the morning of December 14, a fierce battle unfolded with a new force. German troops sought to develop success in the area of ​​the farm Upper Kumsky, which became the main node of the struggle. Here are located the most convenient roads from south to north to Stalingrad. The path to the enemy from the north was blocked by the 1378 th infantry, 234 th tank regiments, 235 th flamethrower tank and 20 th separate fighter brigade. From the air of the attacking enemy, Soviet attack aircraft, which operated in groups of 4 — 6 aircraft, attacked. As a result, the 4 th mechanized corps of General V.T. Volsky, advancing towards the advancing German troops, fought in the area of ​​Upper Kumsky and Vodyansky. The 13 tank corps came right up to the enemy in the Biryukovsky racket area and, joining the battle, pulled over part of the forces of the 23 tank division. Thus, throughout the day, the 51 Army waged heavy battles with the advancing Goth assault group. X. Scheubert noted that 14 in December 1942 was the day of "the beginning of the three-day tank battle in the Kalmyk steppes, one of the biggest and fierce tank battles of the second world war."

On the same day, the troops of the 5 Shock Army launched an offensive against the enemy operating in the Rychkovsky, Verkhne-Chirsky area. After a stubborn battle, Major-General P. A. Rotmistrov’s 7 Tank Corps, 258-th and 4-th Guards Rifle Division discarded the Germans from the bridgehead, which facilitated the position of the 51-th army in the Kotelnikov direction.

Tankers of the 24 of the Soviet Tank Corps on the T-34 armor during the liquidation of the group of German troops surrounded at Stalingrad

15 December fierce battles continued. The 4 th mechanized corps (at that time it had more than 100 tanks) with reinforcement units led the battle for the Upper Kumsky farm, inflicting a counterstrike on the elongated wedge of the 6 th tank division. The armored group of the 6 division was in a difficult position. She had little infantry, the bulk of the infantry divisions were still on the southern coast of Aksai and covered the flanks. In the second half of the day, our troops drove the Hitlerites out of the Upper Kumsky farm and drove them to the r. Aksay. X. Scheiber, describing this fight, remarks: "Our mood was very nasty ... Rage, depression, combined with doubts and nervousness, took possession of us." Citing an excerpt from the combat magazine of the 11 Tank Regiment, he writes: “By order of a division, the town (Upper Kumsky — A. S.) was evacuated. Under the cover of darkness, the Gunersdorf group retreated to the south to replenish its ammunition and fuel. This day was worth a regiment of heavy victims. " Thus, our troops were able to stop the enemy at the turn of the river. Aksay.

Continuing the fight

16 December, both sides were preparing for the continuation of the battle and the struggle was on separate sections. The troops of the Stalingrad Front stubborn defense did not allow the exit of the enemy to the river. Myshkov, ensuring the approach and deployment of the 2 Guards Army. The fighting took place in the area of ​​Verkhne-Kumsky and Zhutov 1. The most fierce battles were in the Upper Kumsky area. Here, the German 6 Panzer Division was opposed by the 1378 Infantry Regiment under the command of Lieutenant Colonel M. S. Diasamidze, reinforced by the 1 Division of the 1058 Artillery Regiment.

The Germans could not penetrate the Soviet defense. Mr. Durr noted: “The December 16 attack of the corps tanks that were part of the Gunersdorf brigade at the top. Kumsky ended in failure. In Upper Kumsky, they were surrounded by part of the 6 armored division. The attack was reflected in the massive use of new, well-disguised anti-tank weapons by the enemy. ”

The German command did not abandon attempts to break through to their own. The encircled Paulus army was to deliver a counter strike when the forces of Gotha approaching it approached a distance of 30 km. The shock group was 50 km from the target, it seemed that a little more and the problem would be successfully solved. On December 17, the 6th, 17th (which completed the transfer to the combat area) and the 23rd Panzer Divisions, supported by infantry formations, launched an attack in the Verkhne-Kumsky area. German tanks and motorized infantry supported by aviation, fiercely tried to break through the rivers Aksai and Myshkova - tributaries of the Don. The terrain was difficult for battle - the steppe was cut by deep ravines and ravines, covered with deep snow.

6-I and 23-I armored divisions struck to the north, so that, bypassing Zagotskot, again seize Upper Kumsky. At the same time, motorized infantry with the support of assault guns was advancing from Zalivsky. However, the Germans, having advanced a little, soon met with fierce resistance and could not take Zagotskot. Overcoming the stubborn resistance of the Soviet soldiers, the enemy still came to the Upper Kumsky, but here again he met a strong anti-tank defense. Despite the support of aviation, the German tanks could not advance further. Here the defense was kept by the gunners of the artillery battalion of the 59 mehbrigade and the 383 of the anti-tank artillery fighter regiment. Strong counterattacks by our tank crews - the 55-th separate tank regiment of Lieutenant Colonel A. A. Aslanov - forced the enemy to return to their original positions.

Scheubert noted: “The Russians made an attempt to cut off our escape route. They acted that day very skillfully. And we, under the threat of coverage, were compelled to withdraw under the cover of darkness. Guided by tracer bullets, we retreated to the south, halfway across the motorized infantry of our division. The whole enterprise turned out to be a blow. ”

Also on this day, the 360 th mechanized brigade and the 1378 th rifle regiment distinguished themselves, repelled a number of fierce frontal attacks of the enemy in the collective farm area. March 8 and 130,1 Heights, 137,2. As a result, the German troops could not capture the Upper Kumsky this time. The 20 fighters of a separate anti-tank artillery brigade under the command of Major P.S. Zhelamsky fought heroically. Tank fighters defended at 146,9 height, at s. Thunderclave. The brigade, restraining the enemy, suffered heavy losses. On the same day, units of the 13 tank corps of Major General T. I. Tanaschishin were fighting to the west of Kruglyakov. Despite serious losses, the 4 Cavalry Corps continued to fight.

The troops of the 2 th Guards Army of the 17 December with the help of two divisions and one mechanized corps were just beginning to focus on the defensive line. By order of the commander of the Stalingrad front, the 87 th rifle division, the 4 th cavalcore corps and the 4 th mechanized corps with all the reinforcement means were subordinated to the commander of the 2 th Guards Army. The troops of the 2 Guards Army were assigned the task of smashing the enemy’s Kotelniki grouping on the approaches to the outer fortified contour of Stalingrad, with the immediate task of reaching the Aksai River.

Soviet attack aircraft Il-2 take off on a combat mission at Stalingrad

Soviet artillerymen, at the rate of sergeant Bardadymov, are firing at enemy subsidiaries and subordinates on the outskirts of Stalingrad from an 152-mm howitzer ML-20 howitzer 1937 of the year

On December 18, the enemy threw an 17 tank division (54 tank) pulled up to the battle area. Forcing the river. Aksai in its lower reaches, in the area of ​​Generalovsky, the Germans advanced to the collective farm named. March 8, in 7 km west of Upper Kumsky. It housed the headquarters, the political department and the medical unit of the 36 mekhbrigad 4 mehkorpusa. They came under the blow of the enemy. The death of all people was avoided, but the settlement had to be left. In the evening, our troops regained their position, knocking out the enemy. On this day, the German 6 Panzer Division resumed its attack on the Upper Kumsky. Attacks of German tanks and motorized infantry were supported by massive strikes of assault and bomber aircraft. The 1378 Infantry Regiment under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Diasamidze took the brunt of the attack and repelled three enemy attacks. Fighters of the 382 anti-tank artillery regiment and all other units and units of the 4 mechanized corps also fought bravely.

In the course of a fierce clash, more than once, Soviet soldiers showed unique examples of heroism worthy of historical paintings. So, among them were 24 fighter, defending the height of 137,2. The rifle company of the 3 battalion of the 1378 rifle regiment under the command of Senior Lieutenant N. P. Naumov, together with a platoon of anti-tank guns that had joined her at night, repelled the Germans one by one. Our soldiers destroyed 18 tanks and many enemy soldiers and officers. Only in the afternoon, the Germans managed to seize the height of the 137,2. Heroes have died the death of the brave. By the end of the day, the enemy that had broken through had been thrown off by the attack of the AASlanov tank regiment and the reserve part of Diasamidze, and the defense at 137,2 was restored.

In the evening of December 18, a radiogram came from the front headquarters addressed to General Volsky, informing him of the decision taken by the Supreme High Command to give the corps the title of the Guard. The 4 th mechanized corps was converted to the 3 th Guards mechanized.

Thus, the 18 of December, the Germans could not break through the Soviet defense, faced with violent resistance from the Soviet troops. “The 6 Tank Division,” writes G. Dörr, “slowly moved forward to the south-eastern outskirts of Upper Kumsky; however, on this day they failed to master it. ” The path to Stalingrad for the troops of Manstein was closed.

It is worth noting that the corps of Volsky so successfully fought with the armored "fist" of the enemy, as he was already a real mechanized unit, that is, he had full mobility. The situation was also fundamentally different from the summer of 1942, when Soviet mobile armored formations, poor in infantry, could not independently restrain mechanized formations of Germans. Now the Soviet mechanized corps had tanks, infantry, and some artillery.

December 19 battle continued with the same force. After a strong artillery and air preparation, the Germans continued their attacks. 17-I and 6-I tank divisions, despite the losses, gnawed their way in the area of ​​Werne-Kuma. The situation was extremely tense. From 7 to 15 hour. 30 min. Soviet guards repelled 5 German attacks. Separate groups of enemy tanks made their way to the areas of Nizhne-Kumsky and Chernomorov. 59-I and 60-I brigades were in the semicircle, the enemy tanks broke through to the rear of the battle formations of the corps. General Volsky decided to give orders to the brigades to leave the settlements of Verkhne-Kumsky and the collective farm to them. March 8 and start a withdrawal to a new line of defense. By evening, the 4 units of the mechanized corps began to focus at the turn of Chernomorov - Chapura - Gromoslavka. They retreated with fighting, restraining the onslaught of the enemy. At night, separate groups of soldiers and commanders continued to retreat to the new line of defense. So, on the night from 19 to December 20, the 1378 Infantry Regiment left the encirclement, the units of which moved to the Gromoslavka area.

The violent resistance of the body of Volsky and other parts played a role. While they were bleeding to restrain the enemy’s strike force rushing forward, the 150 echelons of the 2 Guards Army arrived and unloaded in the Stalingrad area. Its compounds occupied the defense on the north bank of the river. Myshkov: 98-rifle division of 1-th Guards Rifle Corps - in the area Nizhne-Kumsky, Ivanovka, 3-I Guards Rifle-Division 13-th Guards Rifle-Corps - in the area Ivanovka, Kapkinka, height marked 104,0. The 2 Guards Mechanized Corps was concentrated in the rear of these divisions. However, the army of Malinowski reached the line of defense after the 180-kilometer march, carried out in severe weather conditions. In addition, part of the equipment was still on the way; there was a shortage of ammunition. But there was no other way out; the advance units immediately fought with the enemy.

As a result, the Soviet troops in these fierce battles achieved undoubted success. The time for concentrating the 2 Guards Army was won. The Soviet mechanized units were able to close the gap during the battle of Upper Kumsky, and behind them, even before the arrival of the army, Malinovsky created a fairly strong barrier. For him, the troops of the 5 shock army and the forces that had previously blocked Paulus’s army were used. In fact, on the “Winter Thunderstorm” plan a big and fat cross was put.

The only time period when Goth's troops could be successful was the period from 14 to 16 December. If, at that time, the German assault force had broken the resistance of the 4 th mechanized corps, the 6 German tank division could have broken through to the meeting point, accessible from inside the “boiler”. If Volsky’s mechanized corps had been defeated at that time, the enemy’s 57 tank corps would have had the opportunity to make its way to Stalingrad. However, the Soviet mechanized case withstood a terrible blow.

An important factor was also the attacks of the Don Front, which linked the main part of the tanks and part of the strike power of Paulus 6. Manstein himself already understood that the Red Army had retorted the deblocking blow. He reported to Hitler: “It would be impossible for the 57 tank corps to unite alone with the 6 army, not to mention maintaining this connection. The last option is the breakthrough of the 6 Army in the south-west direction. At least most of the troops and moving weapon army will be saved. " However, the Wehrmacht had not yet lost a whole army, and the command of the 6 Army itself had not yet seen the possibility of a complete catastrophe in order to abandon the wounded and almost all the property and go for a breakthrough in order to preserve the army’s core capability.

The chief of staff of the Don group of the army, Schulz, had to persuade the command of the 6 Army to break through, while there was still a chance, and regardless of the success of the deblocking group. In the negotiations that took place on December 20 between the Chief of Staff of 6 Army Schmidt and Schultz, he said that “The point of view of Field Marshal (Manstein) is such that the advance of the 6 Army should begin the sooner the better. You can’t wait for Goth to get closer to Buzinovka ... ” However, Schmidt and Paulus waited. The command of the 6 Army considered that the accumulation of fuel required an 5 - 6 days to launch an offensive. That is, the attack of the 6 Army could have followed no earlier than December 25-26. And the chances of success of the breakthrough quickly decreased with each passing day.

Soviet soldiers at the T-26 tank on the outskirts of the liberated village near Stalingrad

To be continued ...
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  1. +11
    15 December 2017 06: 13
    Thanks to the author ... refreshed the events of those years ...
    the film HOT SNOW ... was shot on these events ... in general, according to the history of the Second World War, you can shoot thousands and thousands of block busters with special effects for fighting for souls such as KOLYA from URENGOY ... there you must definitely show the cruelty of the German fascist soldiers and fair retribution over them.
    1. +4
      15 December 2017 09: 54
      1. Cat
        15 December 2017 13: 31
        Not only, in the story "Son of the regiment" are other events described?
        1. +2
          15 December 2017 19: 12
          Quote: Kotischa
          Not only, in the story "Son of the regiment" are other events described?

          Others - it describes the autumn of 1944, Belarus.
          It was the middle dead autumn night. It was very damp and cold in the forest. A dense fog rose from the black forest swamps littered with small brown leaves.
          But least of all in this dead, dead hour thought about beauty woodland thickets three soldiers returning from intelligence.
          These words extremely struck Vanya. Of course, he heard many times the conversation that the army was advancing on East Prussia, that East Prussia was already Germany, that soon Soviet troops would set foot on German soil.
          - Where is Germany, uncle? Where is the border?
          - Yes, here she is. Here it is, ”said Kovalev, showing over his shoulder with pliers with the appearance that he seemed to show a familiar alley to a stray passerby. - Behind this skyscraper. Five kilometers from here. Not more.
          1. Cat
            15 December 2017 20: 21
            Thanks for clarifying!
    2. +2
      18 December 2017 12: 39
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      .them must necessarily show the cruelty of the Nazi soldiers and fair retaliation over them.

      And do not forget that in one trench, for the Soviet Motherland, citizens of a huge country fought for whom the words "Homeland", "Debt" and "Honor" were not an empty phrase.

      By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 22, 1942 for exemplary performance of command missions on the front of the battle against the German invaders and shown courage and heroism to Lieutenant Colonel Diasamidze Mikhail Stepanovich, commander of the 1378th Infantry Regiment of the 87th Infantry Division of the 2nd Guards Army Of the Stalingrad Front, was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 981).

      Diasamidze Mikhail Stepanovich was born on March 29 (April 11), 1913 in the village of Vani (now a city in Georgia). Georgian.
      Newspaper "Red Star" December 24, 1942 years devoted to the heroes an editorial. In it, in particular, it was said: “The feat accomplished by this regiment overlaps all ideas of human endurance, endurance, military skill. Regiment Diasamidze was subjected to 30 counterattacks in five days. All of them were undertaken with five and six times superior forces. The Germans threw on the regiment’s positions, up to 8 thousand bombs, continuously fired on battle formations from the air, and no less than shells fired at the border of the regiment and artillery.
      This truly diabolical pressure of infantry, artillery, tanks and aircraft still did not give the enemy any result. All counterattacks were repulsed. At the same time, the regiment destroyed over 40 tanks, 26 armored vehicles, and many other equipment. Not a single enemy tank broke through to Stalingrad. In the midst of the fighting near Verkhne-Kumsky, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief sent a telegram: "I am proud of your hard struggle. Not a step back! Present distinguished fighters and commanders for government awards. I. Stalin."
      The news of this telegram instantly flew around the position of the regiment, inspired the soldiers. They fought with even greater tenacity. Exceptional steadfastness was shown by the soldiers who defended the height of 137,2, which went down in the history of the Battle of Stalingrad as the "height of Diasamidze."

      It is a pity that it is impossible to remember all Heroes of the Great Country by name ...
  2. +6
    15 December 2017 06: 14
    Thank you for the article. Honor and glory to our soldiers who broke the ridge of the fascist spawn!
  3. +4
    15 December 2017 07: 30
    Photo: Soviet soldiers at the T-26 tank on the outskirts of the liberated village near Stalingrad
    ... Helped, old man ...
  4. +4
    15 December 2017 09: 03
    The "winter thunderstorm" of the Nazis was largely a gamble: only three divisions led the offensive, and only one was a full-blooded 6th division. . They had half as many tanks and soldiers as ours.
    They wanted to take with skill, but ours turned out to be more wise and skillful.
    Beginning December 12, the operation actually ended already December 15that the Germans themselves admitted:
    that day, Colonel General Wolfram von Richthofen, commander of the Luftwaffe in the south of the Eastern Front, wrote in his diary: "The prospect of the liberation of the 6th Army is increasingly disappearing." Erich von Manstein noted in his letter asking him to send him new combat-ready formations for battles around the Stalingrad boiler (December 15!) That “There is no more reason to hope for a breakthrough of the 4th Panzer Army"If he does not get extra strength.

    our already everyone knew how!
    1. +5
      15 December 2017 12: 39
      By the evening of December 12, the 4th mechanized corps of V. Volsky had 44 “thirty-four” and 50 light T-70s on the move. Another 37 T-34 and 29 T-70 were listed in the repair.
      In the 13th tank corps of T. Tanaschishin, 28 T-34s and 21 T-70s were operational that day.

      So we had more tanks ???
      Of the 250 tanks with which Goth began a breakthrough to Paulus, a little more than a hundred remained in service. The only chance they could win was a counter strike from the 6th Army from inside the boiler, but Paulus, as you know, did not dare to take it.

      250 tanks for you - not enough??
      1. +2
        16 December 2017 10: 20
        Quote: hohol95
        By the evening of December 12, the 4th mechanized corps of V. Volsky had 44 “thirty-four” and 50 light T-70s on the move. Another 37 T-34 and 29 T-70 were listed in the repair.
        In the 13th tank corps of T. Tanaschishin, 28 T-34s and 21 T-70s were operational that day.

        So we had more tanks ???
        Of the 250 tanks with which Goth began a breakthrough to Paulus, a little more than a hundred remained in service. The only chance they could win was a counter strike from the 6th Army from inside the boiler, but Paulus, as you know, did not dare to take it.

        250 tanks for you - not enough??

        The comrade is not aware that from our side 234, 235 tank regiments, the 2nd Guards Mechanized Corps (hereinafter - 2GMK) and the 7th Tank Corps participated in the battle. belay Count it!
        1. 0
          18 December 2017 15: 12
          According to the entry in the Journal of Combat Operations of the Stalingrad Front for 28.11.42 (TsAMO, f. 48, op. 451, d. 112, pp. 98-100), the brigade as of the indicated date included KV-8 - 23, TO -34 - 11, T-34 - 3. That is, only 37 units. Apparently, this number does not include tanks of the 506th flamethrower tank battalion, which at that time fought in Stalingrad and did not participate in the battle of Verkhne-Kumsky. But there, in addition to the 235th flamethrower tank brigade, the 234th separate tank regiment and the 4th mechanized corps attached to it were also noted.
          The 234th separate tank regiment at the time of formation on 16.11.1942/39/23 had 34 tanks - 16 T-70s and XNUMX T-XNUMXs!
          7th Panzer Corps on 03.12.1942/24/64 - 34 KV, 69 T-70, XNUMX T-XNUMX!
          In total, get more! BUT in technical quality - the situation is bad! A lot of T-70 with minimal capabilities to deal with German armored vehicles!
          And the capabilities of the KV and T-34 also "fell below the plinth"!
          1. +1
            18 December 2017 15: 24
            Quote: hohol95
            In total, get more! BUT in technical quality - the situation is bad! A lot of T-70 with minimal capabilities to deal with German armored vehicles!
            And the capabilities of the KV and T-34 also "fell below the plinth"!

            Much more, but the quality, I agree, is not very. But among the Germans, the only division (6th) was full.
            The Germans generally had few infantry, from 30 to 40% of ours, some of them were generally Romanians.

            but the Germans had the initiative, and that means a lot: they were waiting for them at Chirskaya, and they hit at Kotelnikovo.
            But ours-RIGHT! And it was a worthy victory over a worthy opponent.
            1. 0
              18 December 2017 15: 30
              But it was only the Goth Group that had about 250 tanks and self-propelled guns!
              The total number of armored vehicles in the Army Group Don is about 650!
              Against - 330 from the Red Army !!!
  5. +11
    15 December 2017 09: 56
    I read and even tingled at my fingertips - what a terrible tension of forces! Intelligence was late, who in the rear was often unknown, the supply was interrupted or was absent, the order "227" was sent over the soul! And the people survived!
    Low bow and eternal memory!
    What an abyss today is in education, if Koli-Urengoy did not even have an internal protest when he read his / other abomination from a piece of paper! Indeed, in preparation for his speech, he must have read the text more than once, achieving good diction and intonation.
    But the main trouble is that the "masters of life" OPENLY intervened for him and those who prepared that bitch understood that there would be nothing for them. You can even grin at a general outrage, such as "Yes, you all go!"
  6. +5
    15 December 2017 10: 05
    Yes ... Stalingad is one of the most bloody. As I will once again Volgograd, be sure to visit Mamaev Kurgan. Holy place. He traveled twice in Volgograd and was never on Mamaev Kurgan. The plans in the summer of 2018 to come to the Belgorod region to honor the memory of our tank crews. Anniversary of the Battle of Kursk.
    At the expense of Kolya from Urengoy. If, as he says, he is interested in the Second World War, then let him take a closer look at such materials as on this site, he will look at old Soviet films, “They Fought for the Motherland” or “Hot Snow,” for example. I think I would have grown wiser and carried such nonsense.
    1. +4
      15 December 2017 13: 36
      It is unlikely that Kolya "Urengoysky" will read or watch it - in his "devices" sheer America ... And he will not grow wiser, that's for sure ....
  7. +5
    15 December 2017 10: 39
    By the evening of December 12, the 4th mechanized corps of V. Volsky had 44 “thirty-four” and 50 light T-70s on the move. Another 37 T-34 and 29 T-70 were listed in the repair.
    In the 13th tank corps of T. Tanaschishin, 28 T-34s and 21 T-70s were operational that day.

    Such were the “powerful” cases ...
    If our corps converged with the Germans on the same field in the oncoming battle, it would have looked spectacular, and would have ended tragically for our tankmen. In reality, fortunately, the situation evolved differently. The command of the German group, rightly not believing in the stability of the Romanian troops on their flanks, tried to advance on a wide front, thereby ensuring the security of their supply routes. Naturally, each individual advancing campaign group was not so strong at the same time.
    On December 13, the Germans reached the Aksay River. Now they were separated from the Paulus encirclement by the Myshkova River. On this day, the 13th building of Tanaschishin came under the “skating rink”. As a result of the battle, 20 T-34 and 16 T-70 remained in it (plus three tanks of the type not indicated in the report).
    The 4th mechanized corps entered the battle later, on December 15, 1942, at the Verkhne-Kumsky farm.
    A fierce battle was fought all day for the farm and neighboring heights: Volsky's tankers and motorized rifles tried to drive the Germans out of Verkhne-Kumsky, the enemy fiercely resisted, constantly turning into counterattacks. Worse than others, they had to move forward to the Vodyansky farm, the 36th mechanized brigade, which was supported by the 158th separate tank regiment and the 482nd fighter-anti-tank artillery regiment. Having collected, according to parts reports, up to 70 tanks, the Germans took Vodyansky, crushing the 1st and 2nd battalions of the 36th mechanized brigade defending them. The remnants of the brigade moved to the collective farm area of ​​March 8th. In order to somehow compensate for the resulting shortage of infantry, Volsky was transferred to the submission of the 1378th regiment from the approaching 87th Infantry Division.
    By evening, in the 4th mechanized corps there remained 21 “thirty-four” and 36 T-70s. But on the other hand, the German advance detachment of the 6th Panzer was knocked out of Verkhne-Kumsky and even moved back behind Aksai.
    But that was only the beginning. The advancing 6th and 23rd German tank divisions were finally joined by the 17th arrived, which allowed Goth to concentrate his forces on the site beyond Aksay. The main battles unfolded over the heights near Verkhne-Kumsky and the nearby collective farm “March 8”. But the Germans failed to break through the defense of the 4th mechanized corps and other parts of the 51st army. On the contrary, their tank fist quickly melted away - for example, two tank companies remained in two tank companies of the 6th division campaign group attacking Verkhne-Kumsky.
    Finally, on the night of December 16-17, the tankers of Raus reported that Verkhne-Kumsky had been taken. The corps command, believing that the Russian defense in this area was broken, the next day led the combat groups of the 6th Panzer Division from the farm to the aid of the 23rd Panzer. However, on the morning of December 18, the remaining 17th Panzer was surprised to find that the Russians continued to fight.
    At 5 am on December 19, the Germans, with the support of aviation, launched a new offensive. But only after six hours of battle they managed to break through the defense of the 4th mechanized corps. Already at dusk the strike group of the 6th Panzer captured the bridge over Myshkovka. But by this moment, units of the 5th shock and approaching 2nd guard army had already managed to form a new line of defense. And the German tank divisions during the week of battles greatly “sank” in numbers. Of the 250 tanks with which Goth began a breakthrough to Paulus, a little more than a hundred remained in service. The only chance they could win was a counter strike from the 6th Army from inside the boiler, but Paulus, as you know, did not dare to take it.
    The fate of the Winter Thunderstorm was decided by those four days that Volsky and his 4th mechanized corps won for the Red Army. Victory went dearly. On December 22, only 11 “thirty-four” and 8 T-70s remained in the building. Volsky summed up the December battles on January 1 of a new year, 1943.

    “At present, in the corps brigades, there are 70–90 active fighters for each motorized rifle battalion ... 482 IPTAP has lost all its materiel and is being restored. The remaining 3 45-mm guns were transferred to 59 mbr ... In the battles that took place, the tank regiments lost all of their materiel, the remnants of the materiel of the combat vehicles were transferred to the 7th tank corps and partially sent for repair. ”
    The Soviet command noted the success of the corps by reorganizing it into the 3rd Guards Mechanized Corps. This happened on December 18, 1942. The German strike did not reach the goal, and the 6th Army surrounded in Stalingrad was doomed. After about a month and a half, the Paulus soldiers will hoist the white flag of surrender.
  8. +2
    15 December 2017 10: 55
    On May 15, 1941, the German Ju 52 invaded Soviet airspace and, flying unnoticed by the Białystok – Minsk – Smolensk route, landed in Moscow at the central airfield near Dynamo Stadium
    1. +7
      15 December 2017 11: 07
      Thanks for the reminder ... But let me remind you too ...
      On January 28, 1970, one MiG-21 “laid out” Israel’s air defense at low altitude overcame the sound barrier above Haifa leaving the city without window panes ...
      1. +2
        15 December 2017 11: 46
        interesting girls are dancing
        and North Korea was not marked by his boat in California?
        one rocket in Hollywood and all the power of propaganda to ashes
        1. +1
          15 December 2017 12: 07
          Invaluable benefits for the Luftwaffe on the eve of the war were reconnaissance flights of German aircraft over the USSR from the "team" of Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Rovel. This squadron was formed in 1937 and initially operated from the Staaken airfield, violating the air borders of the Soviet Union in the regions of Crimea and the Caucasus. In the arsenal of the "special team" were first distant reconnaissance aircraft He 111 and Ju 86P, and later eight Do 217A-0 were added to them. In 1939, with the permission of the Horthy government, the detachment moved to the Budapest airfield in Romania and from there it was already able to fly over Ukraine all the way to Kiev and Odessa. German aerial reconnaissance was especially active since the fall of 1940, when they were provided with bases not only in Romania, but also in the territory of the former Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Finland and Poland. From October 1939 until June 22, 1941, fascist pilots violated the USSR’s air borders about 500 times and scouted with impunity all western parts of the Soviet Union from the Baltic to the Black Sea.

          Air war over the USSR. 1941
      2. 0
        15 December 2017 14: 21
        I don’t remember, I don’t know, I didn’t hear
        1. +2
          15 December 2017 14: 33
          Remember, find out, ask around and listen ...
      3. 0
        15 December 2017 14: 23
        I mean what, it was like with Rust after half a century
        1. +3
          15 December 2017 14: 30
          About Rust - banned him to shoot!
          And after its flight, MI-24 helicopters began to be attracted to fight low-flying violators of the USSR borders and they landed and wrapped many "followers of RUST" !!!
          At least 5 forced intruders are known to land. In one of the cases, the pilot of the intruder did not respond to the signals, but after a warning fire he followed the helicopter. When approaching, the intruder tried to “escape”, but the Mi-24 crew took a higher place and “pressed” the plane to the runway. The pilot and the plane are arrested.

          By the way, in May 2015, the journalist of the Zvezda TV channel on the same plane as Rust had, Cessna tried to fly from the Kaliningrad region across the western border of Russia towards Moscow in order to repeat the German’s “feat”. In less than a minute, the Mi-24 appeared nearby, which, with a stream of air from the propellers, “blew” the plane several tens of meters closer to the ground and forced it to land. “If Rust faced such a pressure, it would hardly have decided to fly further,” the journalist shared his impressions of the flight.
          1. 0
            15 December 2017 14: 49
            What does it matter how many generals flew after that, and no courage was enough to bring down the insolent
            1. +3
              15 December 2017 14: 57
              So maybe these generals should have been sent to retire for a long time?
              Of course, then they arranged a “witch hunt” - many “got it” because of the cowardice of individual commanders!
              Many were inclined to interpret what happened as "the impotence of Soviet air defense." Is this so, and how did Rust manage to fly through almost the entire European part of Russia with impunity, let’s try to figure it out.
              What did Rust count on, making his crazy flight at first glance? First, international treaties prohibit the destruction of sports aircraft, which included Cessna, which landed on May 28 on Red Square. Thus, this already gave Rust great guarantees that he would not be shot down.
              Secondly, the flight of Rust occurred 4 years after another incident with a South Korean Boeing that was shot down in the Far East, which gave rise to US President Ronald Reagan to call the USSR an "evil empire" and led to the escalation of anti-Soviet hysteria.
              After that, the attitude towards intruders invading Soviet airspace became softer. The country's leadership has taken the course "to prevent further provocations." In other words, scapegoats in all stories of this kind were made by the military.
              And it is not surprising that over the past 4 years there have been more than 500 cases of violation of the Soviet air border. Note that the lion's share of this list falls on sports aircraft such as "Cessna" and "Piper", none of which were shot down. The leadership of the Soviet air defense clearly followed instructions to refrain from repeating the 1983 incidents.
              1. +1
                15 December 2017 15: 13
                Yes, Gorbachev took off all of him it was convenient
                1. +2
                  15 December 2017 15: 15
                  He’s hunchbacked and ... HUMPY ...
            2. +3
              15 December 2017 15: 52
              Yours then "spit" on many contracts - the main security of the Promised Land!
              BOEING-727. TRIPOLI – ALEXANDRIA
              The aircraft was hit at an altitude of 6 thousand meters by Israeli F-4E Phantom II fighters.
              February 1, 1973 on the Sinai Peninsula in the vicinity of Ismailia as a result of an attack by Israeli air force fighters crashed the Boeing 727-224 of the Libyan company Libyan Arab Airlines.

              When approaching Cairo, the plane fell into a dust storm, which forced the pilots to navigate only by instruments. After communicating with the landing aerodrome, it was discovered that the board deviated southward by about 70 km. As a result, the Libyan side was over the territory of the Sinai Peninsula, occupied at that time by Israel. The plane was spotted by Israeli radars, and after a couple of minutes two F-4E Phantom II fighters were lifted into the air.

              Israeli pilots tried to contact the crew of the Libyan plane, but the connection did not work. Then the fighters shook their wings, giving an international sign to follow them, and one of the fighters even launched a warning rocket. However, the Libyan plane continued to fly towards Alexandria. Israeli fighters attacked the plane. The damaged board decided to urgently land. Landing on hilly terrain, the car got damaged, broke and caught fire. Only a few passengers managed to survive.
    2. +2
      15 December 2017 11: 55
      If you don’t know, then the British made reconnaissance flights over the territory of the USSR back in 1940 -
      It is interesting that in 1940 the British also engaged in aerial espionage over the USSR from the Habbaniya airfield in Iraq. On March 30, a twin-engine Lockheed 12-A high-speed aircraft was flown from there, which was piloted by Australian Sydney Cotton. The task of the crew of four was aerial exploration of oil fields in the Baku region. At an altitude of about 7000 m, Lockheed made several circles above the city, while aerial cameras recorded the surrounding area on film. A couple of shots were clicked on board the aircraft with ordinary cameras crew members. Five days later, this English plane without identification marks appeared over Batumi, and this time it was difficult for him to escape the fire of Soviet anti-aircraft artillery. All images taken over the USSR were placed at the disposal of the command of the British and French armed forces. Already in January 1940, their headquarters developed a plan for the destruction by bomber aircraft of oil wells in Baku, Grozny and Batumi in order to destroy the military potential of the Soviet Union. “An attack on the Caucasian oil fields is the most effective way by which we can strike at Russia,” said Marshal Newall, chief of the British Air Force headquarters. In turn, the French Prime Minister Daladier proposed simultaneously sending a squadron to the Soviet shores to block communications in the Caucasus from the sea.
      The plan of attack on the Baku oil fields appeared among the Anglo-French allies in September 1939, when Germany unleashed a war with Poland. His obvious goal was to weaken the military power of the Soviet Union and attempt to send the German armies further to the East.
      It was originally planned to send three squadrons of twin-engine high-speed bombers Blenheim Mk IV to the airfields of Syria and Iraq. For the intermediate landings of the aircraft, Turkish airfields were provided, as was agreed with the Turkish government. Subsequently, the bombardment forces could be quickly increased, and even used to carry aircraft attacks form aircraft carriers. The possible casualties among the Soviet civilian population did not bother the Allies, as did the outbreak of war with the USSR. Later, the English historian A. Taylor noted: “For Great Britain and France to provoke a war with Russia, when they were already at war with Germany, was a real craziness, and this suggests a more sinister plan: to direct the war along an anti-Bolshevik course, so so that the war against Germany can be forgotten or even finished. ”
      The Soviet government was aware of the Anglo-French plans for the Caucasus and therefore took the necessary measures to strengthen the air defense of the Baku oil fields. Additional anti-aircraft guns and several fighter regiments were deployed there.
    3. +2
      15 December 2017 19: 41
      It was a deal. It seems that this landing was the last straw that overflowed the IVS patience cup - and the top of the Red Army Air Force began to be cleaned.
  9. 0
    16 December 2017 12: 21
    Eternal memory to the Soviet fighters!