Why do we need to finance America?

I have already written about many “weirdness” in the activities of our Central Bank, some of which are due to the fact that its leadership, on the one hand, in a shameless way tramples on the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, on the other - that the laws that define the work of the Bank of Russia initially "Strange" provisions.

Why do we need to finance America?

We find one of these “oddities” in the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation” in the article 22. It reads: “The Bank of Russia is not entitled to provide loans to the Government of the Russian Federation to finance the federal budget deficit, or to buy government securities upon their initial offering, unless this is provided for by the federal law on the federal budget. The Bank of Russia is not entitled to provide loans to finance budget deficits of state extra-budgetary funds, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets. "

It is obvious that it is better for the state not to bring the budget to a deficit and not to resort to borrowing. But if there was a shortage, then borrowing is inevitable.

Usually they are carried out in the form of issuing government debt securities (primarily treasury bonds) and placing them on the market.

It is known that most countries of the “golden billion” live in conditions of chronic state budget deficits. So, in France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece, members of the European Union, the deficits chronically exceed the bar in 3% of GDP (which was set as the maximum allowable by the Maastricht Agreement of the 1992 of the year).

The very same United States, from which our economic liberals like to take examples, in recent years had a budget deficit approaching 1 a trillion dollars. And in 2011, he made a record amount of 1,3 trillion. dollars, or 8,9% of US GDP.

The US Treasury issues bonds, which are used to plug budget “holes”. And here it works in close tandem with the Central Bank, which is called the US Federal Reserve System (FRS). Under today's rules, the Fed cannot directly acquire US Treasury bonds, but it is not prohibited for it to invest in those Treasury securities that are already traded on the financial market. What the Fed and enjoys. Since the financial crisis 2007-2009. The Fed began working on a “quantitative easing” program. The American Central Bank began to work as a "vacuum cleaner", sucking the treasury and mortgage securities from the market. At the end of 2014, the work of the “vacuum cleaner” stopped, by which time the Fed balance sheet was inflated to the value of 4,5 trillion. dollars (23% of GDP). At the same time, 95% of all assets comprised a portfolio of treasury securities and mortgage bonds purchased or guaranteed by federal agencies. In short, the US Central Bank does not just “secure” the treasury and the federal budget. He devoted himself entirely to the support of the US state financial system. I do not give my estimates right now, for good or for bad. I simply state the facts in order to compare the Fed with the Central Bank of Russia.

Let's look at the balance of the Central Bank of Russia as of the end of 2016 of the year (data of the annual report of the Bank of Russia for 2016 of the year). Total assets - 28.974,1 billion rubles. (rounded out 29 trillion rubles). Of these (billion rubles.): 1) precious metals - 3.747,5; 2) loans and deposits within the country - 4.175,1; 3) Securities of foreign issuers and deposits in foreign banks - 18.005,1.

From another source (“Overview of Bank of Russia Asset Management in Foreign Currencies and Gold”), I specify that the securities of foreign issuers in the total amount of the third position are 77,6%, and deposits in foreign banks are 22,4%. It turns out that in absolute terms, the Bank of Russia's investments in the securities of foreign issuers amounted to 13,97 trillion at the end of last year. rub.

It turns out that Bank of Russia’s investments in assets that are physically or legally outside of Russia amounted to more than 62%, including investments in foreign securities - more than 48%. For comparison: the assets with an indisputable orientation to the country's economy (precious metals, loans and deposits within the country) accounted for only 27%.

An institution with a similar balance structure does not dare to call the language “Bank of Russia” or “Central Bank of the Russian Federation”. Foreign securities appearing in the statements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are, first of all, US Treasury bonds (in recent months their volume has consistently exceeded the bar of 100 billion dollars).

It turns out that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation together with the Federal Reserve are helping the US government to close the “holes” of the federal budget. It can hardly be considered an exaggeration, when the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is called the “branch of the Fed”.

As far as I know, the European Central Bank (ECB), which forms its assets at the expense of debt securities issued by member countries of the European Union, is also roughly structured. The Fed buys US Treasury securities, but it does without Treasury securities of EU member states. The ECB’s investments in US Treasury securities are modest, focusing on European ones. But the Central Bank of the Russian Federation accumulates treasury papers and American and European. But at the same time ignoring the needs of the state under the name "Russian Federation".

For three years, the budget of the Russian Federation is reduced to a deficit. This deficit is being closed at the expense of our sovereign wealth funds — the Reserve Fund (almost completely exhausted) and the National Wealth Fund (NWF). But one could use the American (European) model: buy the Central Bank debt securities of the Russian Ministry of Finance. An impossible! Article 22 of the Federal Law on the Central Bank does not order!

Most of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation reduce regional budgets with a deficit. Today, many of them resort to plugging budget “holes” at the expense of commercial bank loans. Credits are taken under usurious interest and finally drive regions into debt bondage. Why shouldn't the Central Bank come to the rescue and stop this usury chaos? - Again, article 22 does not order: “The Bank of Russia is not entitled to provide loans to finance deficits ... of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation”.

The monetary authorities of the country (the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance of Russia) are telling us that we don’t have any alternative to investing in the securities of Western countries. We will understand the points.

First, by buying US Treasury bonds, the Central Bank of Russia indirectly helps to finance Washington’s military preparations against our country (after all, the huge US budget deficit is due, first and foremost, to military spending).

Secondly, the assets of the Bank of Russia in foreign currency are under the Damocles sword of economic sanctions. At any time, almost 2 / 3 assets of the Bank of Russia may be frozen.

Previously, the monetary authorities appealed to the economic arguments. Like, investments in foreign currency and treasury securities provide income. But this is even funny to talk about. According to the Bank of Russia annual report, its profit last year amounted to 43,7 billion rubles. And this is with assets of the Central Bank equal to 29 trillion. rub. It turns out that the profitability of Bank of Russia assets is equal to 0,15%. As they say: the indicator "at the level of plinth." Not today or tomorrow, an office called the Bank of Russia can become unprofitable in general.

Let us turn to the last “Review of the Bank of Russia asset management activities in foreign currencies and gold” (2017 year, issue 4). There is a picture of the return on the Bank of Russia's foreign currency assets for the period from 31.03.2016 to 31.03.2017 for certain types of currencies (%): US dollar - 0,54; British Pound - 0,55; Canadian dollar - 0,63; yuan - 1,22. But assets in the currency called “euro” generally showed negative returns: minus 0,38.

If we open the reference books of Rosstat, we will see that with all the failures and problems, most sectors of the real sector of the Russian economy have asset profitability ratios ranging from 2 to 4 percent. There are some industries with lower values ​​(for example, equipment production - about 1%), there are with higher ones (for example, the extraction of energy resources - about 7%). Any sensible person will say that it is more profitable to invest funds in the domestic economy of the Bank of Russia (in the form of loans) than to buy US and other Western countries treasury bills.

It would seem that the arguments already given (political and economic) are enough to radically restructure the work of the Bank of Russia and change the structure of assets in favor of their own, rather than overseas economy.

But the fact that the Bank of Russia does not do this only proves once again that it deserves the name “US Federal Reserve Branch”. But since the Bank of Russia, apparently, does not intend to take any arguments, its activities must be strictly regulated by law. By imposing restrictions or even bans on the purchase of debt securities issued by other states.

I would also like to draw attention to the extreme "opacity" of the procedures for preparing and making decisions on the placement of Bank of Russia assets in foreign currency. I could not find any official regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia on this issue. The only thing that the Central Bank reports to the “uninitiated” on this account is contained in a periodical called the “Overview of Bank of Russia Activities in Asset Management in Foreign Currencies and Gold”. Each issue contains the first part entitled “Principles of Asset Management in Foreign Currencies and Gold, and Financial Risk Management.” We read: “The Bank of Russia has a multi-level collegial system for making investment decisions. The Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia defines the objectives of asset management, a list of permissible investment instruments and a target level of currency risk. The collegiate body of the Bank of Russia, accountable to the board of directors, responsible for the investment strategy, makes decisions on the level of interest and credit risks and determines the list of counterparties and issuers. The implementation of investment decisions made by the structural units of the Bank of Russia. " And all in the same spirit (https://www.cbr.ru/publ/Obzor/2017-04_res.pdf). “Ritual” text “about nothing”. The Bank of Russia is not going to disclose its “internal cuisine”.

Meanwhile, some kind of “leakage” from this “kitchen” is happening. As the saying goes, “you can't hide a sewed bag”. Here is one “surprise” from the practice of managing Bank of Russia assets in foreign currencies. In the already mentioned periodical “Overview of the Bank of Russia ...” for some time, a new position has appeared in the statistical review of the Bank of Russia currency assets. It is called "investments in non-government securities." In all documents and official statements of Central Bank officials concerning international reserves, only treasury papers are mentioned. But in the “Review of the Bank of Russia ...” (a document that only narrow specialists read), some “non-government securities” are also mentioned. Most often, this title hides stocks and corporate bonds. But in no document or publication, the Bank of Russia does not disclose what it is he buys. Here are the statistics of the value of the Bank of Russia's foreign currency assets in the form of “non-government securities” (billion dollars, at the end of the year): 2012 g. - 2,4; 2013 g. - 3,5; 2014 g. - 4,9; 2015 g. - 20,3; 2016 g. - 32,1. Finally, at 31.03.2017, this indicator amounted to 33,9 billion. In relation to the total amount of gold reserves of the Bank of Russia, the share of non-government securities was 2015% at the end of 5,2, 2016% at the end of 8,2 and 31.03.2017% at 8,4.

Apparently, the Bank of Russia is being drawn into gambling on the stock market, but does not announce it loudly. In principle, the International Monetary Fund does not recommend the central banks to engage in such dangerous games, advises to adhere to the principles of "conservative investment."

Although some Central Banks are already involved in these games. I wrote on this topic, calling the Bank of Japan and the National Bank of Switzerland the most active buyers of corporate securities among central banks - both stocks and bonds. Thus, at the end of the first quarter of this year, the SNB's investments in shares exceeded $ 80 billion, and half of this amount fell on the securities of American companies. The Swiss National Bank (NSB) buys shares in American companies such as Apple, Exxon Mobil, Johnson & Johnson, AT&T and Facebook. The NBSh justifies this policy by the fact that, they say, investments in ordinary treasury securities (both American and European) no longer give almost any "navar". Experts are quite correct in assessing this kind of NBS policy as a significant support for American business. And this is in addition to the fact that the NBS is providing significant support to the US government (buying US Treasuries). As it turns out, the Bank of Russia decided to keep up with the most gambling central banks. But if the NBS and the Bank of Japan are "transparent", they do not hide what they buy and in what volumes, then the Bank of Russia in this respect turns out to be a top-secret institution.

By the way, let me remind you that the Central Bank has already been convicted of gambling once. I am referring to the purchase of US securities issued by the mortgage agencies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. No one (except for the “initiated”) in Russia suspected that the Central Bank of Russia could deviate so much from the principles of “conservative investment.” It ended pitifully: during the financial crisis 2007-2009. These American papers have collapsed, the Central Bank has suffered serious losses.

And here I am again returning to article 22 of the Federal Law on the Central Bank. Taking into account the above, I propose to leave it in its previous form, replacing only a few words: instead of “Government of the Russian Federation”, put “governments of other countries”.

The new edition will read as follows: “The Bank of Russia is not entitled to provide loans to other governments to finance the federal budget deficit, or to buy government securities upon their initial offering, unless this is provided for by the federal law on the federal budget.”

However, I would add the 22 article as amended to the article prohibiting the Bank of Russia to engage in gambling with securities of non-state issuers. And this ban should equally apply to corporate papers of both foreign and Russian origin. In general, the central bank should be strictly forbidden to engage in any games in the financial markets and in a decisive way to turn it face to the real sector of the domestic economy.

In the meantime, the words of the famous Charles-Louis Montesquieu come to mind — the financiers support the state in the same way as the rope supports the hanged man. How can you not think ...

PS Ay, "people's choices", did you hear me? If heard, then act. If necessary, I am ready to assist you in ensuring that we finally have the normal law on the Central Bank.
131 comment
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  1. +50
    16 December 2017 15: 14
    Why do we need to finance America?

    Answer: all rich people in Russia do not think of their residence on the territory of the Russian Federation, they see their whole future outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and since everything there is controlled by the United States and its allies, everything is done to ensure that they (the United States and its allies) not to "anger" and get in the future from them "indulgences" to live in "convenient countries" and to preserve their wealth.
    1. dSK
      16 December 2017 15: 44
      "The Central Bank should generally be strictly forbidden to engage in any games in the financial markets and resolutely deploy it facing the real sector of the domestic economy.
      Two hands for! The Central Bank is concerned about the growth of its "profit" and the corresponding bonuses and bonuses, like a "private shop", which it essentially is. hi
      1. +28
        16 December 2017 15: 56
        Quote from dsk
        Two hands for!

        The whole country is FOR !! But until the power changes. everything will continue this way.
        1. +2
          18 December 2017 05: 35
          Quote: the most important
          itata: dsk
          Two hands for!

          The whole country is FOR !! But until the power changes. everything will continue this way.

          The whole country is in favor, and the Central Bank is against, and nothing can be done. Unfortunately, we do not have Soviets, where everything is decided by voting.
          1. +6
            18 December 2017 08: 23
            Under the Soviets, the management of such a central bank would have long been sorted out. Each one has a bonus in the form of complete confiscation of all property and a bonus in the form of 20 years of resort camps.
            1. 0
              22 December 2017 21: 22
              our Central Bank works so that the Russian Federation does not have a budget deficit, but only a surplus
              grow a little
      2. +17
        16 December 2017 18: 02
        Quote from dsk
        Central Bank is concerned about the growth of its "profit"

        The Central Bank is a private bank that does not meet the Russian government. the bank itself, or rather, responds to some kind of overseas uncles.
        1. 0
          22 December 2017 21: 24
          The Central Bank is responsible only to the President and the Prime Minister, and its FSB controls in the person of Bortnikov
          so historically 25 years ago, so that the country is not torn to shreds
    2. +12
      16 December 2017 16: 26
      The way it is. It is enriched here, and then they live there.
    3. +6
      16 December 2017 19: 25
      Quote: Monster_Fat
      Why do we need to finance America?

      Answer: all rich people in Russia do not think of their residence on the territory of the Russian Federation, they see their whole future outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and since everything there is controlled by the United States and its allies, everything is done to ensure that they (the United States and its allies) not to "anger" and get in the future from them "indulgences" to live in "convenient countries" and to preserve their wealth.

      Very convincing comment! ... hi
      1. +18
        16 December 2017 20: 27
        Actually, Chubais answered this question “why should we,” or rather “why,” in the mid-2000s, he then answered the question “why is Russia not only that does not impede the export of capital and removed the restrictions on its export introduced by the government of Primakov and Gerashchenko, she herself also strengthened the withdrawal of her money by purchasing foreign securities, answered honestly and point-by-point: 1-withdrawal of money abroad is a kind of "guarantee" -a guarantee that Russia will always follow in the wake of the "western "politicians within the" framework "allowed by her western" partners "; 2 of this money will be paid to those foreign and Russian persons, banks, companies, funds, etc. that may lose their assets or otherwise suffer if Russia will again change its political system and begin, for example, nationalization; 3-part of this money will be used to pay off emergency debts, loans and other obligations of the Russian government, if such should arise.
        1. dSK
          16 December 2017 20: 58
          When Russia will give birth to a new Dmitry Donskoy - will be with her National Bank, and not a branch of the overseas Central Bank. hi
    4. +2
      16 December 2017 21: 47
      “All rich people in Russia do not think of their residence in the territory of the Russian Federation” - Yes, all 7 million are direct.
      1. +9
        17 December 2017 01: 04
        For me, a rich man is one who can buy and maintain such a “toy” as an ocean yacht worth at least $ 10 million. Some believe that the "rich" is the owner of a cottage in the "green zone" worth about $ 1 million. And what is your criterion of "wealth" in order to count 7 million "rich" in Russia (approximately every 10th of the total able-bodied population)? winked
    5. 0
      18 December 2017 09: 39
      Monster_Fat December 16, 2017 15:14
      Why do we need to finance America?
      Answer: all rich people in Russia do not think of their living in Russia .. "
      Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski? He died ..... but his work on the collapse of Russia is continued by descendants ....
      I recognized you .. With the resurrection !!
      What shisha are the Russian Armed Forces revived for? What shish and new plants are being built. cities. roads and much more?
  2. +49
    16 December 2017 15: 53
    Why finance America?
    Then, after the defeat in the Cold War, we have its semi-colony, which demonstrates a type of independent foreign policy (in order to overwhelm citizens in the wake of patriotism, and maybe even worse ...).
    And without internal independence there is no external. The Central Bank is a foreign agent, and even the money supply we want, we do not have the right to print ...
    1. +10
      16 December 2017 16: 21
      Quote: squeeze
      even how much money we want - print we have no rights

      we have no rights - from now on, in more detail, please. With links to laws, on the basis of which "we do not have."
      I will listen to you with pleasure.
      PS: the cries of Kotonosov and other "economists" will not count.
      1. +14
        16 December 2017 18: 09
        Quote: Golovan Jack
        We have no rights - from now on, more details, please. With links to laws, on the basis of which "we do not have."

        read this article from the law on the Bank of Russia and think:
        Article 22. The Bank of Russia is not entitled to provide loans to the Government of the Russian Federation to finance the federal budget deficit, to buy government securities at their initial placement, except as provided for by the federal law on the federal budget. The Bank of Russia is not entitled to provide loans to finance budget deficits of state extra-budgetary funds, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets.
        1. +10
          16 December 2017 18: 35
          Quote: Maki Avellievich
          ... except as required by federal law on the federal budget ...

          It reads correctly like this: it is not obligated to finance any Wishlist of the government (which is correct).
          But, "if the Party said it is possible" Yes
          What is bad here, explain?
          And for a smaller tyulka than the Government of the Russian Federation, there are kombanki ...
          Read. I did not find anything terribly creepy. I’ve looked badly, probably laughing
          1. +13
            16 December 2017 20: 09
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            It reads correctly like this: it is not obligated to finance any Wishlist of the government (which is correct).
            But, "if the Party said it is possible"
            What is bad here, explain?
            And for a smaller tyulka than the Government of the Russian Federation, there are kombanki ...
            Read. I did not find anything terribly creepy. I’ve looked badly, probably

            if the government has some kind of strategic plan that should be credited, then the "state" bank will not find support. Well, you can ask for money, and then the card will fall.
            for example, someone will conceive industrialization and the bank will not give money for this matter.
            and not because the project will not pay off, but maybe just because it will pay off. and strengthens the country. But is it overseas someone needs?
            1. +10
              16 December 2017 20: 19
              Quote: Maki Avellievich
              if the government has some kind of strategic plan that should be credited ...

              ... then the Government should submit an appropriate draft budget to the Duma (having justified this project worthy), the Duma - to approve this project, and SovFed - to approve ... and - voila - here is a longed for loan from the Central Bank.
              Quote: Maki Avellievich
              for example, someone will conceive industrialization and the bank will not give money for this matter

              See the procedure above.
              There is such a Gridasov. He’s a lot of what he’s thinking. But under his "ideas" I would not give a penny.
              This is an analogy, if that Yes
              Quote: Maki Avellievich
              ... and who overseas needs someone?

              Shiz mowed our ranks (s)
              1. +5
                16 December 2017 21: 05
                Quote: Golovan Jack
                There is such a Gridasov. He’s a lot of what he’s thinking. But under his "ideas" I would not give a penny.
                This is an analogy, if that
                Quote: Maki Avellievich
                ... and who overseas needs someone?
                Shiz mowed our ranks (s)

                1. Well, everyone has their own Hydrasov.
                2. Do you think that between the leading countries there is no struggle for resources / power?
                no direct and no direct action?
                I think if it was only my schizophrenia, then there would be a little less suffering in the world, but alas, no.
                1. +12
                  16 December 2017 21: 20
                  Quote: Maki Avellievich
                  Do you think that between the leading countries there is no struggle for resources / power?

                  No. I guess the exact opposite Yes
                  Quote: Maki Avellievich
                  no direct and no direct action?

                  Of course there is. Both on the one and on the other hand (I'm talking about the USA and the Russian Federation now).
                  Quote: Maki Avellievich
                  I think if it was only my schizophrenia ...

                  No offense, just by the way had to.
                  But the cries of "Central Bank as a branch of the Federal Reserve" and "US agents in the Central Bank", which had been imposed on their teeth, were already somewhat fed up, to be honest.
                  Yes, the power and influence of systems (the Fed and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation) ... are simply incomparable.
                  At the same time, the Russian Federation still survived (in the late 90s, I honestly expected the collapse of the Russian Federation, everything went to that), and intends to live on.
                  That I, as a citizen of this country, cannot but rejoice.
                  That's all request
              2. +5
                17 December 2017 09: 52
                Quote: Golovan Jack
                There is such a Gridasov. He’s a lot of what he’s thinking. But under his "ideas" I would not give a penny.

                And what is the best investment in US securities?
                1. +15
                  17 December 2017 09: 56
                  Quote: saturn.mmm
                  And what is the best investment in US securities?

                  Better than what? Than Gridasov? Yes, almost everyone laughing
                  For the hundredth time, for you personally:
                  - these papers are highly liquid. They can always be sold (not necessarily the United States, the same Chinese will continue to willingly buy them on the list) and receive cash. Or cashless, if desired.
                  - these papers, in contrast to the bucks lying "in the bank" (glass), bring at least a small, but still income. Just because they are.
                  Tales of the possibility of "blocking" (that’s right these seconds!) The USA of these bamagh belonging to the Russian Federation, leave Kotonosov and other alarmists.
                  All hi
                  1. +4
                    17 December 2017 11: 26
                    Quote: Golovan Jack
                    Better than what? Than Gridasov? Yes, almost everyone

                    Buy securities from a country with a chronic budget deficit?
                    Quote: Golovan Jack
                    the same Chinese will continue to willingly buy them on the list), and get cash.

                    The lion's share of China's economy is tied to the United States, they have nowhere to go to support the dollar.
                    Quote: Golovan Jack
                    - these papers, unlike the bucks lying "in a bank" (glass)

                    And where did you get that the other fate of those dollars is a glass jar?
                    Quote: Golovan Jack
                    bring at least a small, but still income.

                    It seems to be like income, but it seems to be not, the United States annually increases its state debt by a trillion or one and a half, which erodes that percentage that has been credited over the year for securities
                    Quote: Golovan Jack
                    Tales of the possibility of "blocking" (that’s right these seconds!) The USA of these bamagh belonging to the Russian Federation, leave Kotonosov and other alarmists.

                    Why fairy tales? Will the McCains, who are no better than Gridasov, gather in Congress and decide to block and the Fed blocks, or refuses?
                    1. +9
                      17 December 2017 11: 57
                      So. You have already been told that "should go" laughing
                      Blocking “Russian” treasures is a blow to the reputation of the treasure market as such. There are now somewhere around 6.5 trillion. hanging out. “Russian” of them - a little more than a hundred lard.
                      Can you figure out the percentage yourself?
                      But when China worries (and it inevitably worries in that case), the treasure market can become very bad ...
                      Everything is built on trust, dear.
                      Quote: saturn.mmm
                      Buy securities from a country with a chronic budget deficit?

                      Nevertheless, interest is regularly paid on them and, I repeat, (censorship) they are highly liquid in the world market.
                      Quote: saturn.mmm
                      And where did you get that the other fate of those dollars is a glass jar?

                      Suggest an alternative. "Investments in own industry" - not to offer. This is a gold and foreign exchange reserve, not a budget. These are, you see, "different pockets."

                      Quote: saturn.mmm
                      what erodes that percentage that ran over the year for securities

                      Rave. The percentage is fixed, the face value of the paper is fixed. There is no “erosion” and cannot be.
                      saturn.mmmgo already ... read ABC learn how to ... I’m tired of you, answer questions higher, alternatively smart negative
                      1. +3
                        17 December 2017 12: 51
                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        Blocking “Russian” treasures is a blow to the reputation of the treasure market as such.

                        Come on, as blocking the Iranian, they didn’t particularly ruin the reputation, but you yourself point out the meager Russian percentage.
                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        Can you figure out the percentage yourself?

                        I can, if you can’t tell me that, I’ll figure it out for you.
                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        But when China worries (and it inevitably worries in that case), the treasure market can become very bad ...

                        He was already worried, this shows the sale of US securities by China, but is not yet ready to jump off the needle.
                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        Suggest an alternative. "Investments in own industry" - not to offer. This is a gold and foreign exchange reserve, not a budget. These are, you see, "different pockets."

                        Different pockets of some trousers. With developed industry, why keep such a gold and foreign exchange reserve?
                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        Rave. The percentage is fixed, the face value of the paper is fixed. There is no “erosion” and cannot be.

                        You went to the bank and made a contribution at 2% a year later come and take your money and profit at 2%, it seems like you have become richer by 2% but this year the state increased its money supply by 20% not because GDP grew by these percentages in debt, with a dream that tomorrow will grow, so have you become richer or not?
                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        I'm tired of you already

                        Suggest you go?
                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        answer your questions

                        And who is Vysh? If you are tired, don’t torture yourself, don’t answer, because you can learn everything by reading the current policy of the Russian Central Bank.
          2. +6
            16 December 2017 21: 26
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            Read. I did not find anything terribly creepy. I’ve looked badly, probably

            The Bank of Russia is not entitled to provide loans to the Government of the Russian Federation to finance the federal budget deficit, buy government securities

            foreign securities can buy and government securities not. Does this seem normal to you?
            1. +11
              16 December 2017 21: 30
              Quote: Maki Avellievich
              foreign paper can buy

              Foreign papers which can be converted into currency... the term "foreign exchange reserves" remember, think ...
              Quote: Maki Avellievich
              and there is no state

              And these papers do not interfere in the gold and foreign exchange reserve ...
              Quote: Maki Avellievich
              Does this seem normal to you?

              I would have already interrupted this flame, in the second round we went already ...
            2. 0
              20 December 2017 12: 43
              Quote: Maki Avellievich
              foreign securities can buy and government securities not. Does this seem normal to you?

              You are distorting. The Central Bank cannot buy government securities bypassing the budget, and not at all. These are very different things.
    2. 0
      18 December 2017 10: 28
      "" "kipizh December 16, 2017 15:53
      Why finance America?
      Then, after the defeat in the Cold War, we are its semi-colony, which demonstrates a type of independent foreign policy .. "" ""
      An apologist for the theory "Russia is occupied and pays tribute to the winners" and her preacher Fedorov has been sitting in the Duma for ten years ... and everything is in the "" occupied "" Russian Duma .. wink His work is like that. and sits for her .. in the Duma
  3. +2
    16 December 2017 15: 53
    Are we financing? is a controversial issue. For Russia, $ 100 billion is a lot. But when compared with the American economy, the American budget is an insignificant fraction of a percent.
    Of course, our capitals can and should be withdrawn, but I think the Russian economy will not see them, they will cut it, they will withdraw it to their personal accounts. It’s necessary to develop some kind of measures, because they will go to the sand! CORRUPTION SIR !!! recourse hi
    1. +9
      16 December 2017 18: 11
      Quote: fa2998
      Are we financing? is a controversial issue. For Russia, $ 100 billion is a lot. But when compared with the American economy, the American budget is an insignificant fraction of a percent.

      not in this case. when countries invest money in American securities they provide such insurance. try rock the boat in which your money is, a lot of money ...
      1. +4
        16 December 2017 21: 05
        If you think about what is cash, cash?

        Conditionally, this is an opportunity to buy industrial machines, equipment.

        And if there is a reorganization?

        Then who needs this money?
  4. +8
    16 December 2017 15: 57
    "... In the meantime, the words of the famous Charles Louis Montesquieu involuntarily come to mind - financiers support the state in the same way as a rope supports a hanged man. How not to think about it ..."

    Indeed, there is something to think about, and to everyone who at least once held the "Russian" ruble in their hands ...
    The state, by virtue of its natural restriction of state. the borders have always limited the freedom of movement of private, banking capital, and speaking without gimmicks, the insatiable aspirations of bankers - money-lenders to seize someone else's property.
    How much bank capital exists, so much is the struggle of states with the financial corporations of bankers. In our particular case, this is the struggle of the Fed, hidden under the guise of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, not against the government (the government of the Russian Federation are proteges of the Fed), but against Putin, who represents in his person the leader of the National Liberation Movement from the power of foreign, banking capital of the Federal Reserve System (or rather ANTISYSTEMS) The United States, which itself has long been mortgaged and re-mortgaged by this private banking corporation of usurers by "their" government ...
    See the root. The Fed is preparing the same fate as the USA for us, acting in Russia through its agent, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation ...
    And while the Fed-Central Bank is printing money in Russia, laws are not a decree for him.
    Only having achieved sovereignty, Russia and its peoples will be able to get rid of the vile humiliation and, as a result, complete destruction.
    Sovereignty. Russia. Putin
    1. +10
      16 December 2017 16: 31
      Quote: cedar
      The state, by virtue of its natural restriction of state. the borders have always limited the freedom of movement of private, banking capital, and speaking without gimmicks, the insatiable aspirations of bankers - moneylenders to seize other people's property

      Rave. USA (China, Japan ...) - restrict investment in foreign economies? Including banks? cedarAre you in the mind?
      Quote: cedar
      In our particular case, this is the Fed’s struggle, hidden under the guise of the Central Bank

      Well, again ... an old song about the main thing ... Who told you that the Central Bank is someone's branch there? Kotonosov? Spit in his face ...
      And you will not bring anything else to prove this (very controversial) position ... well, either you’ll sit in a puddle, leading ... wait, sir wink
      Quote: cedar
      See the root. The same fate as the USA ...

      The Fed is the same Central Bank. USA only. With their rights (by no means unlimited) and obligations (not ephemeral at all).
      That the US dollar is accepted as one of world reserve currencies (but the ruble is still not) creates a certain difference in the capabilities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the US Federal Reserve. No more.
      The Fed is not preparing any "fate" for the US. Not capable because... request
      Quote: cedar
      And while the Fed-Central Bank is printing money in Russia, laws are not a decree for him.

      This clinic is already, sorry ...
      Quote: cedar
      Only having achieved sovereignty, Russia and its peoples will be able to get rid of the vile humiliation and, as a result, complete destruction

      And that too.
      Quote: Definition
      State sovereignty is the property of the state to independently and independently of the power of other states exercise its functions on its territory and beyond, in international communication. State sovereignty is manifested in the supremacy of state power, in its unity and independence

      Show me at least one point here on which the Russian Federation is not a sovereign state.
      1. +9
        16 December 2017 19: 46
        Golovan Jack
        The Fed is the same Central Bank. USA only.
        You are mistaken here.
        The US Federal Reserve is not at all the same Central Bank as the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (if you mean it).
        The US Federal Reserve is a collection of precisely the largest privately owned global banks (financial tycoons, which, in essence, have privatized the functions of the state in the USA), led, in fact, invariably from England. I won’t go into details. But Robert Kennedy was killed in Dallas precisely due to the fact that he encroached on the restoration of the sovereign right of the United States as a state to issue treasury bonds themselves, primarily $$.
        Who told you that the Central Bank is someone's branch there? Kotonosov? Spit in his face ...
        You don’t like Katasonov, read the foreigners of “13 banks that rule the world” by Simon Johnson and James Kwak with a foreword by Viktor Vladimirovich Gerashchenko.
        1. +9
          16 December 2017 20: 11
          Quote: Tatiana
          I won’t go into details

          Go into details, do mercy ...
          Quote: Tatiana
          read the "13 banks that rule the world" by Simon Johnson and James Kwak with a foreword by Viktor Vladimirovich Gerashchenko

          On occasion, I read it. I remember something about the 2007-2009 crisis in the United States.
          How sideways does this relate to the Fed - kill, I don’t understand request
          1. +2
            16 December 2017 20: 46
            Golovan Jack
            On occasion, I read it. I remember something about the 2007-2009 crisis in the United States.
            It seems that you did not read it, but simply held it in your hands for viewing.
            Let me remind you of its contents.
            Foreword Gerashchenko
            Introduction: 13 Bankers and 13 Bankers.
            1. Thomas Jefferton and the Financial Aristocracy
            2. Non-American oligarchs.
            3. The rise of Wall Street: 1980-
            4. Greed is good: seizing power
            5. Best deal ever
            6. Too huge for a crisis
            7. American oligarchy: six banks
            1. +9
              16 December 2017 21: 05
              Quote: Tatiana
              It seems that you did not read it, but simply held it in your hands for viewing

              Wrong impression.
              Thanks for the content, I remember something ... I don’t understand only one thing: TatyanaWhere is the Fed? recourse
              1. +3
                16 December 2017 21: 31
                Golovan Jack
                I don’t understand only one thing: Tatyana, where is the Fed here?
                Ha! Strange you, however, are Roman! Yes, it's all inside the book with dimensions of approximately 25 x 16 cm in the number of 368 pages!
                I’m telling you that the US Federal Reserve System is a system of several privately owned banks in the USA, which are only contracted by the US state to issue $$ and thereby replace the functions of the US state central bank. Therefore, there is no state central bank in the United States at all!
                1. +8
                  16 December 2017 21: 38
                  Quote: Tatiana
                  The US Federal Reserve System is a system of several privately owned banks in the United States that are only contracted by the US state and thereby replace the functions of the US state central bank

                  Vika (Vika !!!) is lying that
                  The Federal Reserve Act determines that the Fed consists of regional federal reserve banks that have the status of an independent legal entity, but administered by the President-appointed Board of Governors of the Fed.

                  In general, the entire Fed system is an independent federal agency of the US government

                  Tatyana, this is a hint. I would be behind you ... from sin laughing
                  1. +4
                    16 December 2017 21: 53
                    Golovan Jack
                    In general, the entire Fed system is an independent federal agency of the US government
                    Vika does not lie, but says everything is absolutely correct! Only the true meaning of what has been said does not reach you. You, Roman, simply do not understand the mechanism of these relations between the US Federal Reserve banks and the US government. Do not understand how it works for them. It just doesn’t fit in your head, what SUCH can do at all!
                    Therefore, I sent you to the book "13 banks that rule the world", since you do not trust Katasonov. True, this book is more likely for professionals, but nonetheless. You will probably fall asleep above her. You need to think about it, but you will be lazy. You, Roman, want to get everything quickly and with a swoop. Well, laugh on! As they say, you can’t put a scarf on someone else’s mouth! hi
                    1. +9
                      16 December 2017 22: 01
                      Quote: Tatiana
                      Well, laugh on!

                      Nah ... I’ll go and walk the dog, and sleep .... without a book Yes
                      Weekend, well, you need to sleep well, well ...
                      But I still do not understand the demonization of the Fed.
                      True, I read a book a long time ago. I am aware of the role of banks as a kind of "metasila" that governs everything and everything.
                      Actually, this is capitalism - where resources (money, communications, etc.) - there is also a "center of power."
                      In the Russian Federation, they tried to form a similar “banking mafia” at one time ... The Berezovskys are all different there. They were not allowed to do this.
                      But this is all a hard offtopic in the topic "Why should Russia finance America?" request
                      Incidentally, Russia does not finance America tongue
                      1. +4
                        16 December 2017 22: 07
                        Golovan Jack
                        By the way, the Russian Federation does not finance America
                        You may not call it financing, as you please. Other authors simply say the same thing differently - that after the collapse of the USSR, Russia simply pays the "tribute" to the USA in the person of the US Federal Reserve!
                        Ha! Choose what you like best! winked
          2. +2
            18 December 2017 06: 01
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            Go into details, do mercy ...

            I will try to go into details from afar. You probably know that there is such a process - evolution. Basically, this is adaptability aimed at maximum independence from environmental conditions. The animal world, man, Power is evolving. Here is a pack of wolves. The leader answers personally. Here is a tribe of people - there, the guard takes over. The further the evolution of human society goes, the more difficult it is to get to the leader. Nowadays, real power uses fake leaders, and it itself is invisible. The evolution of power has made it possible to be simply invisible. Therefore, you will not find specific culprits, our problems.
      2. +7
        16 December 2017 21: 12
        Quote: Golovan Jack
        Show me at least one point here on which the Russian Federation is not a sovereign state.

        if the state does not control the issue of its volut, does it mean that it has complete sovereignty?

        ps you give psychiatric diagnoses left and right (I personally "schizu")
        can learn a little materiel before so categorical reasoning?
        1. +9
          16 December 2017 21: 46
          Quote: Maki Avellievich
          if the state does not control the issue of its currency

          The Russian Federation does not control the issue of the ruble? belay
          Quote: Maki Avellievich
          you give psychiatric diagnoses left and right

          So you substitute yourself (see above) ...
          Quote: Maki Avellievich
          can learn a little materiel

          Stop. I just imagine the materiel. But what are you talking about when writing (writing)
          Quote: Maki Avellievich
          the state does not control the issue of its currency

          - I sincerely do not understand. And who then controls its emission? Really ubiquitous Fed? wink
      3. +6
        16 December 2017 22: 29
        In Russia, the budget is made up in US dollars with an eye to oil prices. In the United States, any product made on its territory, whether it is sold in the United States or "over the hill" will be priced in dollars, so when we have so much ruble then there will be sovereignty. When the budget filling will depend on the quantity of goods produced, and not on the sale of oil barrels, then there will be sovereignty. And when we stop buying sewing needles and bicycles in China, and we drive our own, it is also sovereignty, as well as cars and stuff with the mark made in RF then - Sovereignty ... Sausage from meat, cheese from milk ... and a lot what, what determines sovereignty.
        1. +9
          16 December 2017 23: 06
          Quote: Stin U
          In Russia, the budget is made up in US dollars

          Not true
          Quote: Stin U
          with an eye on oil prices

          It is what it is...
          Quote: Stin U
          In the USA, any product made on its territory whether it is sold in the USA or “over the hill” will be priced in dollars

          And not even in the USA, and not on its territory in international settlements, goods are usually valued (in particular, and) in dollars.
          Because the dollar is one of the so-called reserve currencies, and is guaranteed to be accepted for payment by any company (or private individual) anywhere in the world. That's it.
          Quote: Stin U
          that's when we have so with the ruble ...

          Soon it will be, unfortunately. China and the renminbi have some success, but the share of the renminbi in international settlements is still about 2%, in total.
          Ruble to this - as to Beijing in the knee-elbow. So it is.
          Quote: Stin U
          When the budget filling will depend on the quantity of goods produced, and not on the sale of oil barrels ...

          Strictly speaking, deeply do not care what exactly to sell. If the same oil is sold for rubles (and such work is underway) - there will be non-dollar filling of the ruble.
          In order to sell goods abroad, these goods must be competitive. In terms of quality, price, brand promotion, finally. In the Russian Federation, such products are still being produced ... to the ugliness of a little.
          Quote: Stin U
          And when we stop buying sewing needles and bicycles in China ...

          Why, sorry? The whole world buys "made in China", and not at all steamed ...
          Quote: Stin U
          Sausage from meat, cheese from milk ... and a lot of things that determine sovereignty.

          What stuff in your head, dear ...
          1. +5
            17 December 2017 07: 52
            I’m giving myself a glimpse of this “stuffing” - such a life.
            To begin with, the “ruble” is not a Russian currency, but a candy wrapper printed by the Central Bank for domestic consumption, which has nothing to do with Russia, the Ministry of Finance. Initially, from the moment the Central Bank of Russia appeared, the Bank — the Central Bank of Russia “was written in QUOTES (!), It appeared under the RSFSR in 1991, and Russia (RF) in 1993. When and how quotation marks disappeared from the name of the bank knowledge. On the banknotes themselves, as well as on coins, the Russian state symbols are absent (there is an eagle of the Provisional Government).
            So, the conclusions are yours. Thanks for the feedback.
            Stuffing is ripe, I'll go cutlets fire. I’ll go back to continue.
            Sincerely, yours is Yuri.
          2. +2
            17 December 2017 08: 21
            “In order to sell goods abroad, it is necessary that these products are competitive. Finally, in terms of quality, price, brand promotion. In the Russian Federation, such products are still being produced ... it’s very ugly.”
            But, my friend, I’m not talking about this, not about the competitiveness of goods on the foreign market, that the American doesn't give a damn where his goods will be sold, about the fact that in any case he will receive DOLLARS (!!!). Even if the product is completely not competitive, selling it he will receive a dollar. But Russia, in order to get the same dollars, you have to be competitive. Feel the difference. If you, in some state of Utah, buy a "handful of sand", "roadside dust" you will pay a DOLLAR to the seller. (Believe me - he will not take the ruble).
            Regarding the "sausage" and "cheese" (well, my mincemeat, if you will) if they are from meat and milk, and not from palm oil and soy, they will be competitive. But they are sold to us at the price of NATURAL products. And how else to make a dollar from a candy wrapper? When fake whiskey or cognac is pushed to us, this is also a conversion of candy wrappers into dollars.
            And, the Budget in dollars is making up, only for Us, in public, they give out wrappers. If it were otherwise, gasoline would have fallen in price like oil on the international market, and therefore products and other goods. Gasoline is not a small component in prices.
          3. +3
            17 December 2017 09: 14
            "Strictly speaking, I don’t give a damn what exactly to sell. If the same oil is sold for rubles (and such work is underway), there will be a non-dollar filling of the ruble."
            There will be no dollar filling ... work, damn it, is underway ... In order to fill the ruble with something, first of all it is necessary to abolish, DESTROY the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. To make RUBLE convertible, real currency, an exchange unit (I mean - exchange for goods and services) is a trifle, how to wet two fingers in iced tea. It would be a political will. But it’s just NOT in the Russian leadership!
            And with such a President and the Cabinet with the Duma and the FS will never be. As in the cartoon - "... we are not so badly fed ...".
            And this oil was given to you ... The welfare of Europe and the USA do not depend on the prices of raw materials. In Europe, by and large, there is no raw material at all. Putin should not deal with import substitution (the word is what they came up with), but with INDUSTRIALIZATION !!! On a new one, they broke so much, although there was no war. In a new way, as in the 20-30s, as after 1945.
            Here !, what a Country they brought to! But with such a Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Russia has only one way, the plan is Africa-2, resources have already been taken from the people, birth rates are at zero, education and health care reforms are doing their job, there is no industry. Will Russia and its people stand another term of Putin?
            I doubt it. It’s a pity I won’t live, although it may be a bit more pity - there is less shame, the deceased has no disgrace ...
            1. 0
              18 December 2017 06: 11
              Quote: Stin U
              Make RUBLE convertible, real currency,

              Take a look around. look at the plastic windows from Germany, cars from Japan, clothes from China .... what has been done with us ??? Nothing!! where to get the money? The money you want is a measure of labor. You need to protect the domestic market. It is necessary to leave the world market, otherwise it is impossible !! Though convert.
            2. 0
              18 December 2017 08: 36
              Quote: Stin U
              There will be no dollar content ...

              Non-dollar filling ... And where is Labor in filling the Ruble ?? Something I did not see in your comment the main problem. Example: we will sell oil for rubles, exchange them for dollars or yuan and buy goods. What is changing ???
          4. 0
            18 December 2017 06: 06
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            The whole world buys "made in China", and not at all steamed ...

            but he (the world) is soared from total unemployment. Especially We.
      4. 0
        17 December 2017 10: 12
        Quote: Golovan Jack

        Rave. USA (China, Japan ...) - restrict investment in foreign economies?

        Tell the people what the US foreign exchange reserve and its composition are.
        1. +9
          17 December 2017 10: 17
          Quote: saturn.mmm
          Tell the people what the US foreign exchange reserve and its composition

          Tell the people where you think I think (what) you need to go.
          I won’t feed anymore, the limit has been reached.
          1. 0
            17 December 2017 12: 03
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            I won’t feed anymore, the limit has been reached.

            Perhaps I have not approached you tactfully.
            At the beginning of 2017, the United States did not even enter the top ten countries in the gold and foreign exchange reserves and the bulk of this reserve in gold.
        2. 0
          18 December 2017 06: 19
          Quote: saturn.mmm
          Tell the people what the US foreign exchange reserve and its composition are.

          I'll try to answer for Golovanchik, here, maybe a little bit outdated, but relevant infa: http: //doctormike10.livejournal.com/
    2. +8
      17 December 2017 06: 49
      Well, hello there ... Cedar, started for health, finished for peace ... Putin is sovereignty. (?) It really doesn’t reach that the Central Bank and Putin are one, or rather, like our coat of arms - two heads of one body. State mutants. The Central Bank is responsible for the collapse of the financial system of Russia, and Putin for the failure of the economic and social component of the country. Look how they “get along” at the meetings (Putin - Nabiulin) directly “Sherochka with Masherochka”. And if a question arises, then Putin directly answers that he fully supports the activities of the Central Bank !.
      For me, LOVE for the Motherland, the desire for its prosperity is the period from 1945 to 1965. And your Putin, in tandem with the Central Bank, has reduced Russia to the position of COLONY, the "raw materials appendage." Another "term" of Putin and Russia, not only as a sovereign state, as a geographical entity will not.
      And whoever shouts - “Putin is our president” is the ENEMY of Russia. Putin has a clear project - Africa-2, natural resources have already been taken away from the People, the Fed has completely subordinated the financial system, education has been reduced to staggering, there is no industry. It remains the main thing to destroy the phobia - the RUSSIAN SPIRIT, which was sung by A.S. Pushkin. I won’t survive, and Putin will have enough of the next term to end the “Russian Spirit”. Do not create illusions about Putin. Remember the words of Jesus about "wolves in sheep's clothing" - JUDGE IN CASES ... IN CASE!
      1. 0
        18 December 2017 08: 30
        Quote: Stin U
        See how they "get along" at the meetings (Putin - Nabiulin) directly "Sherochka with Masherochka"

        actually, in the recent past, Nabiullina was listed in the president’s personal aides ... And I like something about what they are doing .. for example, closing unnecessary banks. Infuriates speed, or rather slowness. Enrages the presence of Kudrin, Chubais ... But Nabiullina - normal.
  5. +5
    16 December 2017 15: 57
    With a high degree of probability there are secret agreements between the authorities of Russia and the USA and the USA and Europe on obligatory payments of reparations by Russia. Perhaps these agreements relate to the incorporation of Russia's power elites into Western elites, perhaps something else. But in any case, it says that Russia is deprived of sovereignty.
    1. 0
      16 December 2017 21: 49
      "On Compulsory Payments of Reparations by Russia" - Chushnyatina, there is an external debt, it is being closed.
      1. +2
        16 December 2017 22: 30
        "About non-payment of reparations by Russia" is full of nonsense, external debt is relatively small and the authorities for some reason invest everything in treasure. Are there facts other than "emotional orgasm"? Or you, as Turbris, knowing everything about everything.
        1. 0
          17 December 2017 16: 12
          There are facts and expenses
        2. +2
          17 December 2017 16: 15
          And China probably pays the same reparations to Europe and the USA - investing in securities?
          1. +2
            17 December 2017 16: 38
            smile Dear Vadim 327! I’m writing to you not about the expenses of the Russian Federation in general, but about the external debt of the Russian Federation, which, as the author rightly notes, is relatively small. Do not confuse round with soft. I don’t know if Katasonov is a good economist, but in my opinion, he asks one very fair question: why invest the bulk of the funds in the Treasury if they have low profitability and are constantly in danger of freezing lately? Despite the fact that I am unemployed, I still have savings that I also invest in various areas, and, to be honest, it doesn’t occur to me to invest in financial instruments with low returns and, moreover, with the constant threat that will they be taken from me?
            Regarding the way of Europe. I think you will not argue that the whole of EUROPE is PUMPED BY AMERICAN MILITARY BASES? If you don’t argue, and it turns out that Europe is also partially deprived of sovereignty and it also has to be paid, albeit not for reparation, maybe I didn’t spell this word correctly, but a certain contribution for the opportunity to use, say, the dollar system, as well as China. But again I say, this is talking about a partial loss of sovereignty.
            1. 0
              17 December 2017 21: 44
              “US government bonds are a super-liquid security that is used to invest long reserve money, because, in fact, the USA is the largest economy on the planet, and there are simply no analogues to their bonds with the same level of risk and profitability. They create reserves from these bonds, they "It’s almost not connected with politics, it’s necessary so that the reserve fund contains liquid securities that bring low profitability and have almost zero risk." At the expense of withdrawing deposits - the United States are not yet complete idiots to lose the remaining investors - they are aware that a chain reaction will go on.
              1. 0
                18 December 2017 09: 58
                Dear Vadim237! Katasonov in the article above gave you an example of the yield on these securities. Regarding super liquidity, I agree that the entire financial system is created by the Americans and accordingly works for them.
                By the way, now I understand why our Central Bank is so stubbornly buying Treasury. They think just like you that the USA is not complete idiots. And the United States does not even operate on such criteria! They operate profitably / not profitably. And at one point, investments in these securities will freeze! And I assure you, there will be no chain reaction - everyone else will be promised "goodies", and Europe and China will shut up - this is not their problem. It is impossible to resist the adversary and at the same time try to use his financial system. Then either remove the cross or put on your underpants. So it turns out that Russia is deprived of a part of sovereignty.
    2. 0
      17 December 2017 16: 58
      Quote: andrej-shironov
      With a high probability

      Probability has no shares. You wanted to say with great confidence.
  6. +15
    16 December 2017 16: 01
    Dear Valentine repeatedly showed this work of the Central Bank against Russia. Also academician S.Yu. Glazyev exposed the subversive role of the Central Bank. I am surprised that we have the Academy of Sciences, there is an economic branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, there are respected economic and financial research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, why the President and the FSB do not hear them. It's time to put things in order. The country's money should work for the Russian economy. Enough of the Russian Federation fed the Ukrainians and the Warsaw Pact country. What this has turned out thanks to the labeled, wino and US agents (young reformers) is visible to everyone. 1% of the population owns 95% of the country's wealth, more than 20% of the population live below the poverty line, university graduates cannot find work in their specialty, guest workers filled the country. The annual GDP growth rate is around zero. I have the honor.
    1. +11
      16 December 2017 21: 57
      Putin is confidently turning Russia into Africa. He has become proficient in "reforms." He will look at the African continent - the richest region, the richest in all respects, but how? In what conditions does the indigenous population live? Another “term” of Putin and Russia is Africa-2. Today the RICHES of our Country are already taken from the people. Putin has been at the helm since 1999, but even before that date, he played a significant role behind the curtains. So - since 1999, well ... What has become better and in what way has he and his policy succeeded? I take a terrible, difficult period for the country, from 1945 to 1955, that’s where the devastation is !!! But the country survived - it rebuilt rebuilt and restored cities, factories and factories. It was difficult, but they did atomic weapons (expensive pleasure). And already 1957 - the first Earth Satellite.
      Here they are - scales, on one bowl 1945 - 1965, on the other Putin’s 1999 - 2018 ... You feel the difference. The period of CREATION and the period of DESTRUCTION and RIPPING. Comments are unnecessary ...
      1. +1
        17 December 2017 16: 56
        Wah, that sounds good! Your words, yes cast in gold, hanged apot at each polling station.
    2. 0
      16 December 2017 21: 59
      Well, firstly, not one percent owns 95 percent of the country's wealth, but 11 and the poor, we have 14% of the population, by the way, this “poor” team is very motley: families with many children, people with disabilities, low-skilled workers, the unemployed, etc. - the scum of society: prisoners, drug addicts , loafers and drunks, and also the so-called chronic poor - that is, a person has the opportunity to improve his financial situation, but people do not use them - they leave everything as it is.
      1. +2
        17 December 2017 09: 26
        Well, from the fact that some 14% are ... The National Guard already has to shoot these 14% and all the short-lived. What is there.
        No 20 million and no problem. Poverty and poverty are over.
        Garbage. Why take off ...
        Is this your plan?
        Offer to the Duma Edrossy will be in favor.
      2. 0
        17 December 2017 17: 07
        Quote: Vadim237
        Well, firstly, not one percent owns 95 percent of the country's wealth, but 11 and the poor, we have 14% of the population

        Name the source of these figures, as well as the criteria of "poverty" and "wealth", please. Just don’t talk about official statistics, please. In addition, tell us how the distribution of "wealth of the country" is changing and who actually stands behind these "11 percent." By the way, to control the "country" you just need a controlling stake, which is much lower than 50%
        1. 0
          17 December 2017 21: 39
          I am one of these 11% - one out of 7 million, a substantial profit per year - you can earn high-tech and no one controls me - I pay taxes and live happily ever after. You can consider yourself rich with an annual income of more than a million rubles.
  7. +9
    16 December 2017 16: 14
    Kotonosov - fttopku ...
    If necessary, I’m ready to assist you in order to finally have a normal law on the Central Bank.

    That is, all the nonsense written above is written for the sake of only one - "let me go to the trough !!!"
    Ftopku, definitely Yes
  8. +10
    16 December 2017 16: 48
    Quote: Golovan Jack
    Show me at least one point here, according to which the Russian Federation is not a sovereign state.

    Read the article. There point on point, the point drives ...
    And if you read it, then everything is useless ...
    1. +9
      16 December 2017 18: 00
      I always carefully read what I write comments on. The article, I repeat, is partially "niocom", partially - complete nonsense (a la replenish the gold reserve with bonds of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, og fool )
      Quote: cedar
      There point on point, the point drives ...

      I repeat - the cries of Kotonosov and other alarmists do not count.
      This is one of the "unrecognized" who wants to become "recognized", no more. The argument in the article is at the kindergarten level ... however, the local people (an-mass) willingly hawks this bourd ... everyone’s personal affair ...
      I repeat the question:
      Quote: Golovan Jack
      State sovereignty is the property of the state to independently and independently of the power of other states exercise its functions on its territory and beyond, in international communication. State sovereignty is manifested in the supremacy of state power, in its unity and independence

      Show me at least one point here on which the Russian Federation is not a sovereign state.

      PS: see already at the root, cedar laughing
      1. +2
        16 December 2017 22: 34
        wink Particularly touched in the definition of unity and independence of state power. Golovan, if you already grabbed the tops from the treasury of France for the mass, so please, start thinking with your own head and not with the television.
      2. +1
        17 December 2017 10: 45
        Quote: Golovan Jack
        complete nonsense (a la replenish the gold reserve with bonds of the RF Ministry of Finance, og

        It’s strange, why in the USA they don’t consider this nonsense?
        Fed Functions
        Current Fed Functions:
        acting as a central bank
        maintaining a balance between the interests of commercial banks and national interests
        supervision and regulation of banking institutions
        consumer credit protection
        money management (with often conflicting goals: minimizing unemployment, maintaining price stability, ensuring moderate interest rates)
        ensuring stability of the financial system, control of systemic risks in the financial markets
        providing financial services to depositories, including the US government and official international institutions
        participation in the functioning of the system of international and domestic payments
        elimination of liquidity problems at the local level.

        About the Fed. US reserve baths
        Federal Reserve Banks provide banking services to depository institutions and the federal government. They service the accounts of depository institutions and provide a variety of payment services, including collection of checks, electronic transfer of funds, distribution and accumulation (collection) of funds (paper and coins). For the federal government, reserve banks act as fiscal agents (an institution that manages state funds, including: managing state accounts allocated to reflect tax and other budget revenues, as well as for public spending; storing official government reserves; managing external and internal public debt, in particular, organizing the placement of government bonds and other similar government securities; the role of such an agent is played by the central bank of the country
        1. +10
          17 December 2017 10: 54
          saturn.mmm, You operator- Not a relative, by any chance?
          The reserve (in the USA and in the Russian Federation) is called foreign exchange. Incidentally, this is exactly what he is. Yes
          And to lie there is only what can be turned (quickly and without hemorrhoids) into currency or gold.
          Quote: Golovan Jack
          complete nonsense (a la replenish the gold reserve with bonds of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation ...

          ... because the bonds of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation the above requirements do not satisfy. Absolutely. Generally. At all laughing
  9. +6
    16 December 2017 16: 56
    It is necessary not only to amend the constitution, but also to break all explicit and secret treaties with the United States, concluded since 1776. If the price of this would be a thermonuclear war, then our people should be ready to pay such a terrible price for the freedom of the motherland. Here, many laugh from the North Koreans, who are ready to lay their heads for ideas more, but I sincerely respect these people for their strength of mind. If the population of Russia behaved similarly, then there would be an order of magnitude less problems. A person who is ready to die in battle for his ideals is much stronger than the fat amoeba-like creature from 3.14ndostan or geyropa fighting for the loot and the possibility of preferential education at the university. Many residents of Russia, unfortunately, have lost their self-esteem, exchanging it for material goods. The spirit of money-making makes people weak, cowardly and prone to betrayal. A significant part of the inhabitants of megacities will exchange a computer keyboard for a Kalashnikov assault rifle only under the threat of execution, and there will be no soldiers from them.
    The whole root of our troubles lies in one phrase: “If only there was no war!”. This postulate began to drive into the heads of Soviet citizens in the late 60s, destroying people's willingness to defend their honor, their faith and their ideals with weapons in their hands. Even then, a bomb was laid under the state, which exploded in the 91st year. The elite gradually surrendered the country's position abroad, fearing a confrontation with the West. Arms restriction treaties in the early 70s were signed precisely on our initiative, i.e. we already in every possible way began to avoid a collision, although we had nuclear parity. The USSR relied on the peaceful existence of two systems and ... lost. Throwing away the idea of ​​a world revolution, we gave the initiative to our enemies, who immediately began to crush us in our sphere of influence. The Vietnam War was the last battle of the superpowers when we inflicted significant damage to the main enemy, and then one retreat went. The Soviet elite had to rest against the horn, but to maintain the position of the country, even if the population of the ball would be halved.
  10. +11
    16 December 2017 18: 18
    Do not judge Katasonov strictly. For a long time and unsuccessfully, he fights against the wall where people receive millions a month, or even a day. Try to drive the pigs away from the feeder.
    We were all trapped. This happened in several stages.
    On the first: in article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, the not very clear phrase was written: “Protecting and ensuring the stability of the ruble is the main function of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which it carries out independently of other public authorities.”
    It is unclear about, first of all, the provision that the Central Bank should be responsible for the stability of the ruble. Modern money is primarily a legal tender, and therefore its stability is determined by the possibility of acquiring goods, property and services in the country at more or less stable prices. These things are not very dependent on the Central Bank.
    Next, how to understand protection and resilience? Obviously, that currency is stable, which does not depreciate and is not revalued in more or less modest limits. The Central Bank in any country in the world cannot independently provide this without interaction with other authorities, primarily financial. Let me remind you that the State Bank was created in the Russian Empire by the Ministry of Finance and was subordinate to it. The same thing continued in the USSR: the Chairman of the State Bank was a member of the government, if the Minister of Finance was a member of the presidium of the government, otherwise he was the Deputy Minister of Finance. And this is economically justified: for a normal state, its budget and additional opportunities for lending to government spending are more important than the profit of bankers.
    The experience of independent actions of our Central Bank both in 1998 and in 2014 showed that it rather spoils than improves the situation with the national currency. For some reason, this company believes that inflation can be reduced by raising the interest rate. In fact, they simply ignore (do not know?) The well-known formula for determining the forward, that is, the future exchange rate.
    Let's say today the dollar is worth 58.71 rubles. The interest rate of our Central Bank is set at 7.75%, and the discount rate of the Fed is 1.5%. This means that a competent transaction per year will be concluded based on the future exchange rate of no less than 1,075 / 1,015 * 58,71 = 62,2 rubles. This means that for 2018 inflation has already been set - about 6% per year.
    I will give an excerpt from a book on banking law in the United States; sometimes it would be worth learning from them. So: “The main and oldest form of consumer protection with a thousand-year history is the limitation of loan interest rates set for borrowers. The Bible gives a reference that the practice of establishing loan interest rates that differ from prevailing rates is to be condemned as improper business practice, which is close to moral damage.
    In the United States, interest rate regulation was generally the responsibility of the states. There were differences between states not only in the size of maximum rates, but also in the types of loans provided. Many states considered this problem so important that they fixed restrictions on usury in their constitutions, and not in ordinary legislation. ”(US Banking Law. M, Progress, 1992, p. 497.).
    So: if in a country gross incomes grow by 1,8% over a year, then interest rates cannot be made even at 6, as the president promised us for young families on mortgages.
    Let's go further. Our banking system is not the only one in this world. Big and tricky it’s easier to borrow in the West at 1-2 percent, and then we play through at 15-20. Yes, and get a margin on the course. Is it in vain that Gref is afraid of Western sanctions?
    The second point in our legislation on the monster, which is called the Central Bank, although it is essentially not a bank. A bank, by definition, is a credit institution. Our Central Bank, unlike the Central Bank in other countries, does not lend to either the government or commercial banks. But he issues and selects banking licenses, that is, performs the functions that the US does not perform the Fed, and the Financial Controller Service.
    But this is not enough for our “regulator”. In 2013, he was transferred by law the functions of managing financial markets, that is, that the US Securities and Exchange Commission is subject to authority in the same States. From that moment on, it was possible to put an end not only to banks that, at the specified interest rate, are not able to engage in honest credit activities, but also to financial companies, including insurance, pension and others. The fact is that financial markets in which companies can borrow money at lower interest rates than banks are competitors to banks. And therefore, the wild situation is with the placement of our shares in Western markets, which creates the possibility of seizing Russian enterprises with foreign capital. We cry about the fact that capital is being taken out of the country. But the fact that in the past (2016) year with direct foreign investments of 15 billion more than $ 60 billion was exported from the country in the form of foreign capital income for these investments, for some reason they keep quiet.
    And in general, it came to a ridiculous point. The Central Bank of Russia sets tariffs for OSAGO ?? !!
    So, brothers, do not judge economists strictly, but especially those who are trying to explain to society what is happening in the country. In order for our economy to begin to breathe, we must first change the laws and regulations in the financial and credit sphere. And this is not easy. When Napoleon Bonaparte was invited to sign the law on the creation of the Bank of France in 1801, he doubted and said that the hand of the one giving the money is always higher than the hand of the one taking it. But the law was signed when he and his large family were offered shares of the bank. Even the French commander-in-chief was weak on money. What can we say about the current.
    1. +6
      16 December 2017 21: 28
      Our Central Bank is our ENEMY! ... and the one who supports him is the ENEMY!
      1. +2
        17 December 2017 16: 19
        Yes, everyone would have such an enemy who transfers 95% of his profit to the budget.
        1. 0
          18 December 2017 10: 00
          smile I am embarrassed to ask: and on whose money does he earn this same profit?
  11. +5
    16 December 2017 18: 41
    "Liberation est perpetuum mobile" ©
    Liberation est perpetuum mobile. Translation into Russian: While liberals rule the Central Bank, financing of the “partners” will last forever.
  12. +7
    16 December 2017 18: 57
    but it’s better not to say: “the financiers support the state in the same way as the rope supports the hanged man. How not to think about it” ...
  13. +4
    16 December 2017 19: 10
    "... financiers support the state in the same way that a rope supports a hanged man ..." I would replace the word "financiers" with the words "central bank" and "government."
  14. +3
    16 December 2017 20: 47
    A person who does not understand the meaning of the Central Bank is trying to analyze it. After words about the misunderstanding of why, why the Central Bank cannot finance the budget deficit, we can no longer read. Rave.
  15. +7
    16 December 2017 20: 55
    The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has nothing to do with Russia at all! The introduction of articles on the Central Bank and the Law on the Central Bank into the Constitution is nothing more than a DIVERSION against Russia. It is thanks to the Central Bank and its financial policy that the Russian economy is located where it is located. It is necessary to return to the model of the financial system of the USSR. All economists and savvy financiers understand this, but for certain reasons openly say "shy." Because, with a quiet glanders, "commercial" banks will begin to disappear, but the "powers of the world" of Russia are not afraid of this. They are afraid that it will not be possible for Russia to withdraw funds.
    It’s scary to realize that today almost 50% of GDP annually leaves the country offshore. Putin and others like him are afraid of at least some kind of minimal return. They are afraid that Russia will prosper, and that the People will live with dignity. Neither have their tasks.
  16. +3
    16 December 2017 22: 36
    Show Putin this article. And then our poor little Tsar-father doesn’t know what the Central Bank is doing under his nose.
  17. +2
    17 December 2017 01: 04
    I am writing specifically for people like the author of an article who think they are smarter than everyone !!!! At the very beginning of his presidential career, in October 2000, Putin amended the relevant bill, thanks to which the Central Bank was to be actually nationalized. So even the deputies of the Communist Party did not support this bill. They gave hands to the budding President immediately.
    So this is why you all decided that the person who at the very beginning of his career tried to nationalize the Central Bank abandoned this idea. Everything has its time. He learned the lessons. The Russian Guard has been removed from the control of the government. Candidates from United Russia have been able to dilute their people, well, and much more. Wait ....
    1. +2
      17 December 2017 01: 32
      Why wait? When will one thief be replaced by another, only in uniform? There was only one hitting Navalny on the multimillion-dollar real estate of “relatives” of Shoigu, so that the Rosreestr began to issue extracts in which there was no information about the owner.
      1. +1
        18 December 2017 01: 35
        Here, let's give more details once the facts are thrown. What information about the owners was in extracts from the Unified State Register and which disappeared?
        1. 0
          18 December 2017 21: 28
          ask your friend to file an application with Rosreestr to receive an extract for your, let’s say, apartment on his behalf and when he receives it you will not see information about the Owner there. Information about the owner is primarily his name. Now information about the owner is indicated only if the owner has applied in person.
    2. +2
      17 December 2017 07: 32
      U ... bye - bye ... what is on the BB. Forgot, you NeSvyatoy, that Putin is, we come from the KGB, and not just, even the RESIDENT was ... Forgot how Stirlitz Müller hung noodles on his ears? And, regarding "Noodle" Putin will give any head start.
      Judging by your comment, NeSvyatoy, you have enough on your ears. Only, here's the trouble, noodles on the ears cannot replace brains. Although, as you know, many get this phenomenon.
      Sorry, if I offended you, this is not so much about you as "Putin is our President."
      1. 0
        18 December 2017 01: 38
        Well, judging by your comments, you have noodles on your ears from a Yale graduate under the "Yale World Fellows Program" where much more.
    3. 0
      18 December 2017 10: 01
      And how much to wait? Putin is already 17 in power.
  18. +3
    17 December 2017 01: 27
    Violation by the Bank of Russia of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is not a problem of the bank, but the problem of the guarantor, as is now customary to say, of the Constitution - of President of the Russian Federation Putin. But this does not bother him at all. And at the last press conference, this problem was not even raised.
    1. +1
      18 December 2017 12: 24
      Quote: Apollo
      And at the last press conference, this problem was not even raised.

      Maybe there is no problem? What is the essence of the problem? The Central Bank didn’t give anyone money? So this is not his job.
    2. +3
      21 January 2018 23: 01
      Quote: Apollo
      Bank of Russia violates the Constitution of the Russian Federation

      I apparently missed something in this life.
      What specific articles of the Constitution did the CBR violate?
  19. 0
    17 December 2017 05: 03
    ".... In the new edition, it will read as follows:" The Bank of Russia is not entitled to provide loans to governments of other countries to finance the federal budget deficit, to buy government securities at their initial placement, except as required by the federal law on the federal budget "....
  20. +4
    17 December 2017 07: 16
    Thank you for the article.
    Valery Katasonov is already in the title of the article, as if secretly giving an answer. Well, no such question would arise if it were otherwise. Here we are, God forgive us, Yeltsin slipped the Constitution under the guise of the “Kremlin Maidan”. A, WE AND ARE GLAD - CELEBRATING.
    An article on the Central Bank in the Constitution is enough to declare it ANTI-PEOPLE, ANTI-STATE, ANTI-RUSSIAN.
    And if the President is her GUARANTEE, then Putin falls under the indicated definitions.
    1. +1
      18 December 2017 12: 28
      Quote: Stin U
      And if the President is her GUARANTEE, then Putin falls under the indicated definitions.

      I do not like Putin - vote for your candidate, and Vladimir Vladimirovich and I will continue to build the Great Country !!!
  21. 0
    17 December 2017 09: 56
    There is the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation”, where there is article 22. Question: where do blue jackets look, watching for compliance with the rule of law, where do loafers-sitters from the Okhotny Ryad take place, when there is such DUKE concocted by advisers from behind the hill ??????????????????????????????????????????????
  22. 0
    17 December 2017 09: 56
    Europe is tired of hostility with Russia, and Russia has not yet rested from friendship with Europe.
  23. +10
    17 December 2017 13: 32
    Quote: saturn.mmm
    Quote: Golovan Jack
    Blocking “Russian” treasures is a blow to the reputation of the treasure market as such.

    Come on, somehow blocking Iranian especially reputation is not spoiled ...

    More can be from the moment when US Blocked Iranian Debt Obligations? And the amount that was blocked? wink
    Quote: saturn.mmm
    Quote: Golovan Jack
    But when China worries (and it inevitably worries in that case), the treasure market can become very bad ...

    He is already worried, this shows the sale of US securities by China, but is not yet ready to jump off the needle

    You obviously live in some other Galaxy ...
    In June, China increased investments in US Treasuries by $ 44,3 billion compared with the previous month to $ 1,15 trillion, according to the US Treasury

    Everything in the Central Committee of the CPC is completely idiots and pests, and they should all be shot laughing
    Quote: saturn.mmm
    Quote: Golovan Jack
    Suggest an alternative. "Investments in own industry" - not to offer. This is a gold and foreign exchange reserve, not a budget. This is, you see, "different pockets"

    Different pockets of some trousers. With developed industry, why keep such a gold and foreign exchange reserve?

    Oooooooo, how everything is running ...
    Count, the "developed industry" has been built for years and decades. And the "exhaust" from it turns out ... well, not this very second, I would say.
    And money for emergency expenses may be required ... but as usual, "yesterday".
    This is the reason for the gold and foreign exchange reserve.
    China, with its developed industry, has a little more gold reserves (yeah, "a little" ... in the RF gold reserves) of three trillion (trillions, Karl!) Dollars. At the same time, a little more than one trillion (a third of the gold reserves of China, Karl!) Are the same treasuries.
    Exactly, in the CPC Central Committee ... everything is bad with them, in short request
    Quote: saturn.mmm
    Quote: Golovan Jack
    Rave. The percentage is fixed, the face value of the paper is fixed. There is no “erosion” and cannot be

    You went to the bank and made a contribution at 2% a year later come and take your money and profit at 2%, it seems like you have become richer by 2% but this year the state increased its money supply by 20% not because GDP grew by these percentages in debt, with a dream that tomorrow will grow, so have you become richer or not?

    In the elderberry garden, and in Kiev Poroshenko ... Did the states increase the money supply in circulation? 20%? belay You have a fever, hike ...
    Quote: saturn.mmm
    Quote: Golovan Jack
    I'm tired of you already

    Suggest you go?

    Nooooo ... I suggest you stick it off. The questions you ask are widely covered ... yes, almost everywhere.
    Spending time on your training is not interesting for me .... request
  24. 0
    17 December 2017 14: 31
    The offer is good. But who will listen to him from those in power? Everything suits them. Do you think they themselves do not know to whom the Central Bank is subordinate? They know very well.
    1. +2
      17 December 2017 16: 34
      The Central Bank belongs to the budget of Russia, since it deducts there 95% of its profits. And by the way - if all these 108 billion are returned to Russia, no one who is screaming here, with an intelligent face, about the betrayals of the Central Bank and the government, will not see this money, but they will not feel their effect in the economy, since this money will instantly fall into the reserve fund and the national welfare fund, until the next crisis will be there, a dead weight.
  25. +2
    17 December 2017 19: 14
    In the general list of the largest creditors of the United States, Russia in May 2017 of the year took 13-place, rising one line and ahead of Singapore. Japan, which holds about $ 1,11 trillion in US government bonds, has remained the leader since January 2017. On the second line - China (a little more than $ 1,1 trillion), on the third - Ireland ($ 295,8 billion).

    US government bonds are a super liquid security that is used to invest long reserve money, because, in fact, the United States is the largest economy on the planet, and there are simply no analogues to bonds with a similar level of risk and return. From these bonds create reserves, they are taken as collateral. It is almost not connected with politics, it is necessary in order to have liquid securities in the reserve fund, which bring low profitability and have almost zero risk.

    1. +2
      18 December 2017 13: 40
      Quote: A. Privalov
      In the general list of the largest creditors of the United States, Russia in May 2017 of the year took 13-place, rising one line and ahead of Singapore. Japan, which holds about $ 1,11 trillion in US government bonds, has remained the leader since January 2017. On the second line - China (a little more than $ 1,1 trillion), on the third - Ireland ($ 295,8 billion).

      US government bonds are a super liquid security that is used to invest long reserve money, because, in fact, the United States is the largest economy on the planet, and there are simply no analogues to bonds with a similar level of risk and return. From these bonds create reserves, they are taken as collateral. It is almost not connected with politics, it is necessary in order to have liquid securities in the reserve fund, which bring low profitability and have almost zero risk.

      Attachments state budget funds of his country into an alien economy (and, as we all understand, also unfriendly) country - when there is a hole in a hole in your own economy ... Does it look more fun?
      ... it certainly is super-liquid ... and most importantly - valuable! but - the paper is all right! .. Trump showed the whole world what the words of the Americans, their promises, and their many times multiplied and even more many times divided by zero standards, including respect for the so-called. "international law"; it is for Americans - an empty phrase!
      The situation (I want to call it "situevina ...): North Korea" bombed the United States with its missiles cut down with a stone ax ... but with nuclear warheads !!! Damaged, bastards ... well, not critical, they didn’t significantly destroy either industry or the agricultural sector ... but here’s the country's governance system - and that’s what the Americans are doing now in Russia, in Europe - and around the world ( controlled chaos, well?) - into the trash ... And what will China do with its treasuries? and at the same time Russia?
      ... you can also tell the situation - the United States is a country with an extremely unstable political system ... SuperTramp will come as a dictator, he will say - well, people, you’ll goof off! We are updating - eight out of ten such "people" are letting in organic fertilizers! two - Schaub for a divorce, reboot ... It’s quite a Hollywood plot, huh? And, most importantly - where is Russia with its "treasuries"? sends "two out of ten" humanitarian aid? ...
      So, whatever you say and do not suck: the so-called. "Treasury" - not deferred money, but still - investments in a foreign economy! And relevant and reliable, with general stability in the world ... which the US is actively shaking !!!
  26. +1
    18 December 2017 01: 20
    Why finance the USA? And we do not finance. This is the United States financing us, but on a residual basis. The Russian Federation is a subsidized region.
  27. +2
    18 December 2017 03: 18
    While the power will be replaced by the country will be gone. Our guarantor put in key places related to the finances of outright saboteurs and the so-called sleeping. the question arises - who is Putin himself?
  28. 0
    18 December 2017 08: 57
    One emblem of the Central Bank says a lot
  29. 0
    18 December 2017 12: 18
    Because Vladimir Vladimirovich knows best!
    And for him all of Russia! Who is against Putin-the enemy of Russia !!!
    Secondly, our embezzlers will plunder everything and you won’t have time to wave their eyes, they take bribes in millions of dollars, they appoint space wages to themselves. You trust them want to keep all the money in the country ???
    And American securities are a global financial instrument, and we are still part of the system ... thank God, for those countries that are not in the system are the poorest countries in the world!
    Divan troops - discuss virtual wars with America, and economists - discuss the economy, and what do you think, which of these two groups is the most intelligent President of Russia listening to?
  30. 0
    18 December 2017 13: 34
    In fact, everything is going to our victory over America, we can say that nothing is being transferred anywhere, this is a distracting maneuver. Today a part has been transferred, tomorrow everything will be ours. The Americans did not have long to suffer, we will cure them of liberalism and their arrogance !!!
  31. 0
    18 December 2017 16: 09
    Quote: Monster_Fat
    For me, a rich man is one who can buy and maintain such a “toy” as an ocean yacht worth at least $ 10 million. Some believe that the "rich" is the owner of a cottage in the "green zone" worth about $ 1 million. And what is your criterion of "wealth" in order to count 7 million "rich" in Russia (approximately every 10th of the total able-bodied population)?

    Tell me, American, what is the strength? Is it in the money? laughing
  32. 0
    18 December 2017 18: 06
    I don’t know how it is and what will happen next ...
    I only know that our special services need to make every effort to ensure that at the time of "Ch" not to let all nabiulin, chubais, kudrin and other "effective managers" disappear abroad ...
    I hope they manage to intercept these gavriks along the way and arrange for them to conduct a military field trial similar to the trial of Mussolini.
    I agree even for this good thing for the country to donate a considerable piece of rope!
    1. +1
      19 December 2017 09: 00
      While Putin in power there will be no hour "H"
  33. V
    18 December 2017 18: 31
    Katasonov Valentin always tries to convey information holistically, for which many thanks to him.
    I would like to add that seigniorage, under the USSR, has always been 100% state-owned. In the 90s, seigniorage was 75% of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and 25% of the Russian State. At the moment, seigniorage is 50% of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and 50% of the Russian State.
    Those who own seigniorage do not make any comparisons against the owners of the weapons and drug business, because this is the highest income on the planet.
    “Let me manage the money in the country, and I don’t care who sets the laws there.” © Mayer Amschel Rothschild.
  34. +1
    18 December 2017 21: 46
    Quote: Petr1968
    Maybe there is no problem?

    Then what is the article about? I see you only read the headline ...
  35. 0
    18 December 2017 22: 00
    Quote: Petr1968
    The Americans did not have long to suffer ..

    Yes nuuuuu? How long is it? The United States has been "burying" for 20 years now, but the dying man still does not die.
    It’s fun to read your thoughts ...
  36. The comment was deleted.
  37. +1
    19 December 2017 18: 16
    This is a question for the fake patriots of the Russian Federation, who put monuments in the Russian Federation to the enemy of Russia and the Russian people Boriske Yeltsin and protect them from the people who do not want to see them on their land
  38. +2
    19 December 2017 21: 10
    Question: if investing in US securities is not so profitable, why does China buy them in large quantities (first place)?
    1. 0
      19 December 2017 23: 32
      This is the same question - about which there is not a word in the article.
  39. 0
    20 December 2017 22: 52
    Why do we need to finance America?
    And "they" are going to live there! sad