How Russia donated Finland’s statehood

The Swedes and the Roman throne intervened in the relatively peaceful confluence of the Rus and Finnish tribes, which led to the inclusion of the Finns in the Russian multiethnic civilization. Rome is a constant and implacable enemy of Russia and the Russian super-ethnos.

Rome at that time was the main "command point" of the Western project and civilization, directing its development, that is, constant expansion, expansion in order to capture and absorb foreign territories and resources, turning previously free peoples into "two-legged tools" serving spiritual and secular feudal lords , "Gentlemen." Rome was the conceptual center of the Western world, shaping the unjust concept of the domination of a few “chosen” parasites over the masses. The ideology of enslavement was framed as a distorted Christianity - Catholicism, where only the form remained from the original teaching of Christ. It became the essence of social parasitism and slave creation of a global civilization.

Russia and the Russian people have always been the “bone in the throat” of Rome and the West, since they initially had their own concept of development - on the basis of social justice, conscience and truth. And such an alternative ruined the plans of world domination and could sooner or later lead to the collapse of the global slave-owning order, which is being built by Western "masons". Therefore, the masters of the West, Rome, for centuries waged an implacable and incessant struggle with Russia and the super-ethnos of the Rus. First, in the course of several centuries of stubborn struggle, they crushed the "Slavic Atlantis" in the center of Europe - the western core of the super-ethnos of the Rus - tribal unions known by the names of the Venets - the Venetian - vandals, lutus, obodrit-bodhrich, ruyan, raven-raven, prus-prus and t The Slavic Russian towns became Germanic castles-burgas, slavnorussy partly destroyed in the most severe wars, partly turned into slavery, partly assimilated, depriving faith, language and culture (in particular, many of the current Austrians and Germans are our own brothers, descendants Trat language and identity Rus), part of the subjugated and turned into people "second class" condemned to a heavy dependence and the gradual loss of their identity. Part of the Slavs were able to subordinate to the "Western matrix" - through the loss of faith, the adoption of Catholicism, the distortion of the language, the introduction of foreign traditions and dynasties, etc. In particular, this was the "recoding" of the Croats and Polyana-Poles, becoming the worst enemies of those Slavs-Rus who have retained their "I".

Rome did not stop there and continued the “onslaught towards the North and the East.” With the eastern core of the Rus, Rome broke off. The Falcon dynasty (Rurik) was able to unite scattered lands and tribal alliances into a powerful empire-power, which crushed the Khazar kaganate, challenged the Romean (Byzantine) empire and did not let Rome move further to the East. Rome did not reconcile and continued the struggle, trying in one way or another to destroy Russian civilization and Russian superethnos, which prevented the West from becoming the "king of the mountains" on the planet.

In particular, Scandinavian tribes were subordinated to Rome, although initially they brought a lot of harm to Christian missionaries. After that, Rome threw Sveev-Swedes into Finns, Karelians and Russians. Germanic, Danish and Swedish feudal lords, including spiritual ones, methodically advanced in the Baltic States and Finland. In 1240, Mr. Yaroslavich defeated the Swedes on the Neva River, temporarily halted the movement of the enemy. In the 1293 year on the shores of the Bay of Vyborg was founded Swedish fortress of Vyborg. Veliky Novgorod possessed a great deal of power, but its top preferred monetary and trade affairs, and therefore could not organize the proper repulse against the Swedish invaders. The Russian “base” princes have long been mired in their quarrels and quarrels, and also paid little attention to the northern outskirts of Russia.

Thus, the Swedes were able to capture the Finnish outskirts of Russia. Nevertheless, the Swedes managed to occupy only the southern and part of central Finland. This is indicated by the conditions of the Orekhovsky world (also the Orekhovetsky world, the Noteberg world), concluded on August 12 1323 in the Novgorod fortress Oreshek, after 30 years of hostilities. Under the Orekhov Peace Treaty, the western part of the Karelian Isthmus and the Savolax region adjacent to it were relegated to the Kingdom of Sweden, the eastern part of the isthmus with Korela (now Priozersk) remained part of the Novgorod land. For the first time, the state border between the Swedish Kingdom and the Novgorod Republic was officially established, which ran from the Gulf of Finland along the Sestra River, in the north to Lake Saimaa and then in the north-west to the Kayano Sea coast (Gulf of Bothnia).

After the Orekhovsky Peace, several more Russian-Swedish conflicts occurred, but in all cases in the new peace agreements the borders roughly corresponded to the Orekhovsky peace. Only at the conclusion of the Tyavzinsky peace treaty in 1595, the land of Kayan (Esterbotnia) withdrew to Sweden. Then, in the Time of Troubles, the Swedes were able to grab a significant portion of the northern lands of Russia. By the Stolbovo Peace Treaty of 1617, the Russian cities of Ivangorod, Yam, Koporye, Korela, the whole Neva and Oreshek with the county withdrew to the Swedish kingdom. Stolbovsky world completely cut off Russia from the Baltic Sea.

During the Northern War King Peter was able to return to Russia and the Baltic states Western Karelia. According to the Nishtadt peace treaty from 30 in August 1721 of Russia "for all time" moved part of Karelia (part of Kexholm District) located north of Lake Ladoga, with Vyborg, Ingermanland from Ladoga to Narva, part of Estland with Revel, part of Lifland with Riga. , Ezel and Dago islands, and islands of the Gulf of Finland. A new line of the Russian-Swedish border was set up, which started west of Vyborg and went from there in a northeast direction in a straight line to the old Russian-Swedish border that existed up to the Stolbovo world. In Lapland, the Russian-Swedish border remained unchanged.

Sweden twice, in 1741 - 1743 and 1788 - 1790, attacked Russia, trying to take revenge and throw off its shores of the Baltic. But the Swedes were both beaten. In 1743, Abossky peace was concluded. A part of Kümenigord and Neyshlot Lena with the Fortress of Nyslott and the cities of Vilmanstrand and Friedrichsgam withdrew to the Russian Empire. As a result, the border was moving away from St. Petersburg, and thus the danger of the enemy attacking the Russian capital was reduced. During the war 1788 - 1790. a significant part of the Finnish nobility wanted to separate from Sweden and go into Russian citizenship. However, Catherine the Great was too busy with the war with Turkey and did not take advantage of this opportunity. The Welsh Peace of 1790 only reaffirmed the inviolability of the establishment of the Nishtadt and Abos peace treaties, while maintaining the status quo and immutability of the pre-war borders.

The new Russian-Swedish war 1808 - 1809, in fact, caused England. In June 1807, Russia and France concluded the Peace of Tilsit. The agreement was extremely beneficial for St. Petersburg. Napoleon did not demand either territorial or monetary compensation for the stubbornness of St. Petersburg in anti-French policy. Russia received a 5-year respite from the war with France. Moreover, Napoleon even allowed Russia to expand its holdings in the west. In the future, Russia could get even more in the north and south-west. It is clear that this situation did not suit London, where they hoped to wage a big European war until the last French and Russian soldier, and then get all the benefits from this conflict.

The British government decided to punish Petersburg, which ceased to fight for the interests of England. They decided to strike Russia in the Baltic. To do this, it was necessary to take control of the Danish Straits. Not counting the neutrality of Denmark, the British armada with a landing corps in early August 1807 approached Denmark. On August 8, British Ambassador Jackson appeared to Crown Prince Regent Frederick and stated that London knew for certain Napoleon's intention to force Denmark into an alliance with France, which England could not allow. To ensure that Denmark does not enter into an alliance with France, the British demanded that they transfer the entire Danish fleet and allow them to occupy Zealand, the island where the capital of Denmark stood. The Danes refused. Then the British fleet attacked Copenhagen. During the shelling killed thousands of civilians, half of the city burned down. Meanwhile, a British landing party surrounded the Danish capital. On September 7, Danish General Peyman signed the act of surrender to Copenhagen. On September 21, the English fleet headed for their native shores, taking with them the confiscated remains of Danish fleet. At the end of October 1807, a Franco-Danish military alliance was concluded, and Denmark officially joined the continental blockade.

After that, London received "cannon fodder" in the fight against Russia. The British government concluded an alliance with Sweden in February 1808. England pledged to pay the Swedes 1 million pounds monthly during the war with Russia, no matter how long it lasted. Also, the British promised Sweden auxiliary 14-th. corps to protect the western borders of Sweden and its ports, while the Swedish army will fight on the eastern front with the Russians. In addition, the British promised support at sea, to send a large squadron to the Baltic. Formally, the Swedes themselves gave a reason to start the war. 1 (13) February 1808, the Swedish king Gustav IV, informed the Russian ambassador in Stockholm that reconciliation between Russia and Sweden is impossible as long as Russia holds Eastern Finland. A week later, the Russian Tsar Alexander answered the challenge of Sweden by declaring war.

Swedish real help in the war against Russia Englishmen have failed (or did not want). All their successes on the Baltic in 1808 year were reduced to the destruction of the ship "Vsevolod" and the seizure of the boat "Experience." The Russian armed forces successfully defeated the Swedes on land and at sea. Russian troops occupied all of Finland, in the spring of 1809, the Aland Islands occupied the ice on the ice and entered Swedish territory. In the meantime, a coup d'état took place in Stockholm. Guards overthrew King Gustav. The new king was elected uncle Gustav Duke of Sudermanladskogo, who came to the throne under the name of Charles XIII. 5 (17) September 1809, the Friedrichshagh Peace Treaty was concluded. All Finland, including the Aland Islands, departed to Russia. A new frontier lay on the Tornio River (and its tributary Muonio), dividing the Swedish province of Västerbotten. North of Västerbotten a new frontier passed through the province of Lappland. The border to the sea passed in the middle of the Gulf of Bothnia and the Aland Sea.

Map of Finland showing the borders of Russia and Sweden at different times under the treaties

After the conclusion of peace, the Grand Duchy of Finland was formed with its own constitution, which became part of Russia. More 12 February 1808 was published the appeal of the emperor Alexander Pavlovich to the Finns, compiled by F. F. Buksgevden. The appeal contained a promise to convene a Sejm and at the same time proclaimed the accession of Finland to the Russian Empire "along with the rest of the conquered provinces of the Russian state." March 16 Alexander I declared that Finland "is recognized as a region weapons conquered and joins forever the Russian Empire. " It was enshrined in the manifesto of 20 March 1808 of the year "On the conquest of Swedish Finland and on joining it forever to Russia." Finland joined Russia as an ordinary province. However, in the highest charter, signed by Alexander 15 in March 1809, it was said: “Having entered into possession of the Grand Duchy of Finland by the will of the Most High, we recognized for the benefit of again approving and certifying religion, fundamental laws, rights and advantages, by which each state of this principality ... according to constitutions they have been used up to now, promising to keep them in their unbreakable and immutable strength and action. ”

Thus, by the act of 15 in March 1809 of the year, the emperor of Russia actually proclaimed the restriction of monarchical power in Finland. The decision was quite conscious. In September, 1810, Alexander wrote: “My intention with Finland’s structure was to give this people a political existence, that it was considered not enslaved by Russia, but tied to it with its own benefits.” Emperor Alexander took the title of Grand Duke of Finland and included in the imperial title the name "Grand Duke of Finland." In the official documents said nothing about the formation of the Grand Duchy of Finland. The term “Grand Duchy of Finland” first appeared in the Code of Laws of the Empire, which was MM Speransky.

So Finland got into the “prison of nations”. This figurative expression of Lenin about Tsarist Russia became an axiom both for Soviet historiography and for Western liberals who fiercely hated the USSR. However, was Russia a “prison” for the Finns? If you compare the position of the imperial Russian people, who bore the brunt of the great power, its economy, communications, and shed blood defending the general building of the empire, and the Finns, it turns out that the Russians were enslaved, and not the Finns and other ethnic groups from the national suburbs empire.

Since the time of Peter the Great, the Russian monarchs began to preserve the old order in the national margins attached to the Russian Empire. This affected Estland and Kurland, where the privileges were kept by the German (Ostsee) nobility, the Kingdom of Poland - the Polish gentry still retained an advantage not only over the Polish peasantry, but the West Russian population (which eventually led to the uprisings), Turkestan and the Grand Duchy of Finland. Moreover, the population of these areas to receive benefits that could not dream of the inhabitants of the interior provinces of Russia. The relief was in taxes, customs control, military conscription, troop admission, and so on. The western outskirts of Russia were, in fact, "free economic zones."

Most often, this practice led to negative consequences, such as the preservation of the power of the Poles in the Western Russian regions in the sphere of management, culture, education, etc. But this was not enough for the Poles, and sooner or later they formed a conspiracy and revolted. In the late USSR, they also went on the same vicious path - giving priority to the development of national suburbs, at the time when the indigenous Russian regions stopped developing and lost the most active young part of the population who went to the “construction sites of communism”, mastered personnel education, culture, health care in the republics, etc. As a result, it turned out that the population in the national suburbs bore less imperial power, but benefited from the use of common goods, and the local population schivaemaya Ethnocracy took an active part in the collapse of the Russian and later Soviet empire.

A similar system has developed in Finland. Alexander gave Finland a royal gift - he conveyed the Vyborg province to the Grand Duchy, which was annexed to Russia under Peter I. At that time, it seemed like a purely formal gesture. In Soviet times, Khrushchev also presented Ukraine with a Crimea. After all, no one then could have thought that the powerful Russian empire would collapse, and Petrograd would be threatened by an enemy attack because of the loss of Vyborg and Finland as a whole. Later, the USSR also did not think that the Union would be destroyed. And Ukraine-Little Russia with the Crimea - the primordial Russian lands (Kiev is the ancient capital of Russia!) Will be “independent”, and that in Odessa, Kharkov, Kiev and Sevastopol can be provided by NATO troops.

Russian emperors naively believed that the population of the new territories would be infinitely grateful and forever remain loyal to the throne. In addition, the Romanovs deliberately headed for rapprochement with the Western monarchist houses and the aristocracy. The Baltic (German) and partly Finnish (that is, Swedish) nobility became part of the Russian elite stratum.

Thus, the Romanovs deliberately refused to conduct deep integration of connected national borderlands. Later, some attempts at Russification were made (for example, under Alexander III), but they were late, non-systemic, and did not lead to success. This policy gave several failures, for example, in the Crimea and the Kingdom of Poland, where, under the threat of losing these regions, the Russian government was forced to take the path of Russification. But in general, as already noted, these measures were clearly insufficient for their full integration with the rest of the empire.

How Russia donated Finland’s statehood

Alexander I Declaration, March 1808

To be continued ...
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  1. +4
    8 December 2017 07: 10
    A rather successful and not bad article and essentially very balanced (+) Although I would like to use Russian-language terminology even more, otherwise the obscure term “Baltic Sea” constantly sounds, it is still not clear what language the term is taken from and what it means. Indeed, in Russia-Russia, the term Varyazhskoe Sea was used more often and longer, and it is a more understandable term and clearly Russian-speaking. And it turns out that in the territory of Ostland (or Estonia = eastern lands) there are incomprehensible statesmen with a non-Russian term “Balta”, then “Balta” - if you abandon the term “Baltika” (appeared quite recently, somewhere in XIX- th century) then everything immediately falls into place, which is very useful for a more complete understanding of the past of Russia.
    1. +3
      8 December 2017 09: 40
      Quote: venaya
      A rather successful and not bad article and essentially very balanced (+)

      I especially liked this one:
      “So Finland fell into a“ prison of peoples. ”This figurative expression of Lenin about tsarist Russia became an axiom both for Soviet historiography and for Western liberals who fiercely hated the USSR. But was Russia a“ prison ”for the Finns?”
      In the "prison of the peoples" of Finland allocated a WONDERFUL CAMERA fellow Plus, the Finns were presented with a “nook” in the form of the Karelian Isthmus (with Vyborg) belay
      Constitution, self-government, own police, NO TAX (to the metropolis), lack of serfdom! In a word - unfortunate Finns crying
      1. +1
        8 December 2017 13: 53
        Kamrad Proksima (something Latin, but what?) You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT: if you look at the privileges given to Finam or the Bukhara region (Emir of Bukhara) and compare with the “supermars” (if Russia is a “prison of nations” then the Russian “overseers”) and inevitably I want to switch places.
        1. jjj
          8 December 2017 16: 19
          Well, Finland was not an integral part of Russia, but was directly controlled by the emperor. As soon as the bourgeois republic was proclaimed in Russia in the summer of 1917, Finland, de jure, became a free state. The Bolsheviks had to either conquer a neighbor or legally recognize a fait accompli. What actually was done
      2. +2
        9 December 2017 06: 39
        "The constitution, self-government, its own police, NO TAX (to the mother country), lack of serfdom! In a word - unfortunate Finns"

        And we gave them all this (s)
  2. dSK
    8 December 2017 07: 19
    In Rome, the Vatican is the capital. Quote: "Rome is a constant and implacable enemy of Russia and the Russian superethnos."
    1. +1
      8 December 2017 07: 39
      dsk: In Rome, the Vatican is the capital.
      Why, the Vatican began to be built only in the XNUMXth century, until that time it was not mentioned. Once in the Vth century, the tribe of northern Pomorsian Russ “Poles” (Vandals) defeated Rome under slave-keeping then pure, since then they have been taking revenge on the Russians all over the planet, forbidding the Russian language and even their own name. All this described in the article comes from there, from those times, that is, much earlier, before the construction of the Vatican.
      1. dSK
        8 December 2017 09: 38
        Hello Vyacheslav!
        Quote: venaya
        much earlier

        Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky 900 years ago sent the Vatican ambassadors to hell and put their knights in their place. Four times I went to the capital of the Golden Horde, paid tribute, because then the forces were not equal, but I did not bow to the Horde idols, and the khan could not insist. Not the material soul is the foundation of man, because unlike the mortal body, it is "eternal". The whole subsequent history of Russia - the struggle for conservation Orthodox faith. And this does not mean that our ancestors were stupid and limited in comparison with the "civilized" Rome. hi
  3. 0
    8 December 2017 07: 47
    When they write about the Russo-Swedish war of 1808-1809, they always blame England, that’s why it’s wicked .. It’s wicked, I don’t argue .. But they never say that the Finnish aristocracy, which was the second grade in the Kingdom of Sweden, played a big role essentially helped Russia in this war, for this it became an equal to the Russian aristocracy .. Simple Finns resisted the Russian troops .. Organized partisan detachments, attacked wagon trains, individual detachments of the Russian army .. Thaddeus Bulgarin noted: "All Finnish villagers are excellent arrows, and in every house there were guns and bastards. Strong pedestrian and horse crowds were formed, which, led by pastors, landmans ... and Finnish officers and soldiers ... attacked weak Russian troops, hospitals, and killed the mercilessly sick and healthy ... The outrage was in full force, and the people's war was in full swing with all its horrors ".....
  4. +3
    8 December 2017 10: 24
    Given that Russia borders 18 countries and two semi-recognized republics, the series of articles on the creation of statehoods has long and lasting prospects. Partial difficulties may arise with the delivery of the statehoods of Japan, the USA and China, but, I think, the author will solve these issues. Do not forget about Cuba.
    I would also like to see a separate article about that period in the history of Russia, when "social justice, conscience and truth."
  5. +4
    8 December 2017 11: 35
    Another exacerbation of the third hypostasis of Samsonov.
    Well, honestly, there are practically no questions regarding the factual set out in the article. One could make a few remarks, or rather, additions, during the medieval period of the struggle for the Eastern Baltic, but this "Russian superethnos", "Slavic Atlantis" and the like pearls cause me such a spill of bile, "I have such a personal dislike, even eat I can not". smile
    The father of the "superethnos" and other pseudoscientific nationalistic nonsense should once and for all cut off a few points on his nose or in any other place.
    1. The differences of peoples are determined by the climatic conditions in which they live, since it is precisely the living conditions that dictate to people the nature of their occupation, form customs, culture and all other aspects that distinguish one nation from another. Changes in climatic conditions and, as a consequence, economic conditions determine the migration of people.
    2. Russians, Germans, British, French and other peoples of Europe and not only have common ancestors of the Indo-European language group, while all the existing nationalities equally moved away from their ancestors both in terms of language, and in terms of customs, culture, etc. The Russians are no closer to their ancestors common with the British and Germans than the British and Germans. Equally dissimilar.
    3. Since ancient times, people have earned their daily bread both by their own labor and by robbing the results of this labor from their neighbor. The struggle for the distribution of the products of labor is the only engine of history, not someone’s conspiracies or someone’s great mission. There are no right and guilty people in this fight, only weak and strong ones. And the Russians in it are no different from the rest - just as they are trying to subjugate to themselves everything that is outside the boundaries of their influence, like the Anglo-Saxons, Chinese, Zulus or some Polynesians. Some differences exist only in the practiced methods of submission, but the goals are the same for everyone.
    4. Persistent attempts to prove the "exclusivity" of any nation - American, German or Russian - are the way to nowhere, to non-existence. “Exceptional” nations do not exist. The last time this was proved by the example of the German nation in 1945. It was worth the proof of more than 70 million human lives, and 27 million of them are ours.
    Personally, I am not opposed to nationalism, if by this term we mean respect for one’s roots, the desire to preserve and increase the heritage of ancestors, knowledge and understanding of one’s customs, language, mentality. But I am categorically against "militant nationalism," proclaiming the superiority of one nation over the rest. I already remember, I compared Samsonov with Hitler, I have to repeat this comparison. What Hitler did for Germany, Samsonov is trying to do for Russia.
    I have a huge request to the team of authors working under the pseudonym "Samsonov Alexander". Dear, expel from your collective this something, a Nazi, broadcasting about the "Russian superethnos" and the "Western project", which should turn everyone into slaves. Suppose that under the name "Samsonov Alexander" articles of exclusively historical content are printed on the VO, without these foul smelling seasonings.
    1. +2
      8 December 2017 12: 23
      This is really a civic position. I join !!!
    2. Zug
      8 December 2017 12: 40
      The phrase- "national justice and equality" also distorted -Now, do this equality only you can’t see it-Challenge of dreams of profit and money-grub, Cottage and Car! "- Don’t pay extra, shit, throw it, fool around everywhere and. Just a penny in your pocket-Both the state and the person with regards to -8 thousand per salary card, the rest in an envelope, then we are surprised at the poverty of pension ...
    3. +2
      8 December 2017 14: 51
      Quote: Luga
      .. make a few comments, or rather additions, on the medieval period of the struggle for the Eastern Baltic, but this "Russian superethnos", "Slavic Atlantis" and the like pearls cause me such a spill of bile, "I feel such personal dislikeI can’t even eat "

      It is very interesting to read some comments from the collective of authors under the code name "Lugsky" about the spill of bile and deep personal hostility especially towards the particular ethnic group against which their post is directed. Particularly striking is the complete ignorance of the authors of the post in the basic definitions, the complete confusion between such basic concepts as "people", "nation", "ethnos" (yes, even "superethnos", even though personally to me the prefix "super" is not pleasant, because foreign origin). He himself only today wrote about greater attentiveness in articles when using terms such as “Baltic Sea”, there was no such sea in the Middle Ages, according to still preserved documents there was then the Varyazhsk Sea, although other, but only Russian-speaking terms were used earlier. And where did it come from and who coined the term "Baltic" in languages, by the way, from what language did he come to us? Does anyone know the meaning of this word, because the science of linguistics here was powerless, that is, it does not give any clear explanation for this term, as well as its origin. How much more can you spoil the Russian language by introducing incomprehensible, unimaginable terminology to anyone? The term "Indo-European language group"- what kind of cuttlefish is it? It seems that the term" Europe "comes from Aramaic languages, though it made its way north into Latin and Greek, only Aramaic languages ​​themselves are not included in this very group, that is, again a problem, the term is clearly strange, And as for India, for the first time the earliest dialects of the Russian language made their way that way 25 thousand years ago, later, 3,5 millennia ago, a dialect of Russian called Sanskrit again made its way, and all from the north, north, and not from the west (not from the "Europe" which then was still not in sight). And another pearl: "I already remember, I compared Samsonov with Hitler, I have to repeat this comparison .."And I remember already comparing the activities of" Luga "on the site with Hitler's similar activities. And what, should I repeat this again? In general, please try to write by the team of authors under the name" Luga "for each sober, but you can’t count them, it requires a long time and volume of space. Such completely sober people and, moreover, those who are responsible for their words are not able to write. Please write less bile with less drunkenness, and preferably in the case, without not sober glitches.
      1. 0
        8 December 2017 16: 01
        Quote: venaya
        How much more can you spoil the Russian language by introducing incomprehensible, unimaginable terminology to anyone?

        Zelo is meaningful venaya, and about the sea Varyazhskoe tale and other divas are wondrous. This husband is in sorrow a great Russian language for the sake of it, although he should be kept clean, his tongues will not be trash.
        So are we supposed to speak now?
        I already told you - write (and better not write) and speak whatever you want, but let normal people speak in normal modern Russian, where the Baltic Sea is the Baltic Sea and Germany is Germany and the Germans live in it.
        Quote: venaya
        try to write chillingly

        Quote: venaya
        the science of linguistics was powerless here,

        Quote: venaya
        write less bile with less drunkenness, and preferably in the case, without not sober glitches.

        "And these people forbid me to pick my finger in my nose ..." smile In the sense of "this person also tells me about the purity of the Russian language ..." wassat
        As for the terms - I, it was, suggested that you agree them before continuing the discussion, starting with the term "people", there was no answer. request Actually, this is not surprising, since the substitution of these very terms is your favorite pastime.
        For sim, goodbye and do not forget to take medication on time. My regards. hi
      2. 0
        8 December 2017 18: 09
        "He himself only today wrote about greater attentiveness in articles when using terms such as the Baltic Sea, there was no such sea in the Middle Ages, according to the still preserved documents there was then the Varangian Sea, although other, but only Russian-speaking terms were used earlier."
        In addition to attentiveness in use, attentiveness in reading is also necessary.
        There are several hypotheses regarding the origin of the toponym “Baltic Sea”, but the fact that mare Balticum has been used in the Middle Ages since Adam of Bremen in the “Acts of the Archbishops of the Hamburg Church” is well known.
        Just this information, obviously, did not get into parallel worlds.
    4. 0
      8 December 2017 17: 33
      I completely agree. If we remove the “lame” part, where all these are, I don’t know what adjectives to designate, so we’ll mark as “hhuuzz” judgments about the superethnos, Atlantis, etc. the article is not so bad, but when you first read "superethnos, R1A1 and the like - you just don’t have much desire to read further. hi
  6. Zug
    8 December 2017 12: 30
    Oh, thank you, I live in Karelia, from under the Border Condush my wife is born, and this topic is so relevant for us!
    I look forward to continuing something must come out without fail!
    1. 0
      8 December 2017 16: 09
      Quote: Zug
      I look forward to continuing something must come out without fail!

      I recommend the site see the section "Our Library", I think you will find a lot of interesting and useful things for yourself.
      1. Zug
        8 December 2017 18: 50
        Thanks! I read it!
  7. +3
    8 December 2017 13: 29
    The Romanovs did not make mistakes of the USSR: they carried out the Russification, and the USSR-CORENIZATION. Not seeing the difference is amazing! Accordingly, with them the Russian regions also developed the outskirts, and WITHOUT the creation of the never-existent so-called "republics" -states
    1. 0
      8 December 2017 19: 06
      Only here, attempts to Russify Finland led to a reverse reaction - the growth of Finnish national identity, which the Finnish nationalists took advantage of. And after the revolution, on the national outskirts of the empire, Ukraine, the Baltic countries, Armenia, Georgia began to declare independence without any Bolsheviks ... The Bolsheviks only faced the consequences, and they had to come up with a new formula that could unite the country. Then, if you are a Russian nationalist, then, of course, you selfishly support Russification. And if you were a Finn, how then? I don’t think you would be for it. By this logic, you should support the Ukrainian, Latvian, Estonian Nazis, building their "national" state.
  8. +1
    8 December 2017 13: 59
    Quote from dsk
    Hello Vyacheslav!
    Quote: venaya
    much earlier

    Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky 900 years ago sent the Vatican ambassadors to hell and put their knights in their place. Four times I went to the capital of the Golden Horde, paid tribute, because then the forces were not equal, but I did not bow to the Horde idols, and the khan could not insist. Not the material soul is the foundation of man, because unlike the mortal body, it is "eternal". The whole subsequent history of Russia - the struggle for conservation Orthodox faith. And this does not mean that our ancestors were stupid and limited in comparison with the "civilized" Rome. hi

    Here I agree with you: we had MORE SOULS, and the "advanced" dogmas prevail + MAMON (mani-mani).
  9. 0
    8 December 2017 14: 51
    The author, with pleasure, read your article and although I do not always agree with you, but I agree (with a small addition): Rome and England ALWAYS DO NOT LOVE OUR SPIRITUAL OWNERSHIP. Then I remembered the late Zadornov, when he said that for whom the main thing: we say: "NO SHOWER, SHOWER save", and in America they say: "not a single ass, take your ass, etc. Of course he copied a little, but The essence is transmitted.
    I am a peace-loving person and against any racial harassment, but remember where the Rothschilds "hold the bump"? Where does Mamon dominate?
    Comrades, don’t be angry, but according to my Lenin there was an ABSOLUTELY ALIEN history and culture of RUSSIA, when he declared about the “prison of peoples”

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"