The economic situation in the United States

The economic situation in the United States

Despite numerous assurances of US officials and pro-government "Washington" boys from the IMF and the World Bank group regarding the "sustainable recovery of the American economy" and "confidently overcoming the crisis," the real situation in the economy is still far from being ideal. from elementary balance. The American political elites, controlled by the large financial capital of Wall Street and the transnational industrial giants, not only do not discuss the real causes of the 2008 crisis, but by all means try to silence them. None of them even dare to raise the issue of the catastrophe to which the US and the entire world economy led the 40 anniversary of the unbridled domination of parasitic financial capitalism, realized in the interests of the international financial oligarchy and based on the construction of the dollar debt pyramid.

Against the background of the incessant talk about improving the financial and economic situation in the United States, the real situation in the economy remains extremely difficult: economic growth of 3% in the 4-th quarter. 2011 more than 67% was due to a record jump in material and technical stocks by 3,5% in the last 25 of the year. At the same time, the White House manages to maintain the level of economic and business activity solely due to the maintenance of record budget deficits - of the order of 9-13% over the past 4 years. The enormous emission pumping of financial markets by the Federal Reserve ($ 2,3 trillion over the last 3 of the year), coupled with unrecorded emissions (guarantees, sureties, etc.) in the amount of $ 13 trillion. allows you to keep borrowing rates at historically low levels (0,05-2%) and inflate bubbles in financial markets that mimic the revival of business activity and the recovery of the global economy.

Fig.1 Dynamics of public debt to GDP (in billions of dollars and as% of GDP)


At the same time, not a word is said about the existing structural imbalances and distortions in the American economy, which threaten with the exhaustion of the effect of emission flooding of financial markets with liquidity to plunge not only the American but the entire world economy into a phase of new global depression. At the same time, the existing monetary and financial system, based on uncontrolled and unlimited dollar emission in the interests of the largest international shareholder banks of the Federal Reserve and building a pyramid of unpaid debts, also will not stand under the onslaught of fundamental distortions.

We are talking about the exorbitant debt burden on the state (105% of GDP), White House's uncovered social and health care obligations (350% of GDP), perennial chronic budget deficits (10% of GDP over 3,5 years), and the trade balance (3,8% of GDP), excessive debt burden of the population (120% of disposable income), stagnation in the housing market (sales 4 times lower than 2006) and still extremely high unemployment (officially 8,3%, in reality at least 16,5%), which throws everything to the side greater number of american citizens etc Oocyte lumpenization and degradation of the population.

The report of the Federal Treasury on the dynamics of the state budget execution in February 2012 was completely disappointing. - despite the growing political crisis around excess spending, the federal budget deficit in February of this year exceeded $ 232 billion, which was 1,7 times higher than the level of November 2011g. and almost 4,5% surpassed the value of February of the previous year. In general, following the first 2 months, the US state budget deficit exceeded $ 259,4 billion. If the White House cannot step on the throat of the military-industrial complex and cut funding for military operations to "plant democracy" in the Middle East and Afghanistan, it risks provoke a full-fledged budget crisis and finally undermine the confidence of investors and other countries in the US currency. And this can already be a good enough reason to further destabilize financial markets and provoke a market crash.

Figure 2 US federal budget deficit

Source: Philadelphia Fed

Concern about shrinking consumer activity of American citizens, expressed in a slowdown in retail sales growth in large retail chains from 5,3% in early January, 2012 is causing quite strong concerns. to less than 2,3% in mid-March. And even the debt burden on the population, which has decreased from 135% to 115% of the size of disposable income, is not able to have a significant impact on the revival of consumer activity. Especially in conditions when the labor market, with the exception of the financial sector and certain sectors of the service sector (restaurants, hotels, tourism), still stagnates.

Moreover, if we correct the official data of the US Department of Commerce for real inflation (cleared of manipulations with hedonic indexes, the structure of the consumer basket and geometric mean smoothing), it turns out that the real retail trade in the US is at the end of 2006, despite 35% increase in public debt over the past 4 of the year, uncontrolled investments in financial markets of more than $ 3,2 trillion. and unrestrained talk about a bright future of the deindustrializing US economy, breathing its last, and the unshakable positions of "dollar imperialism".

The situation with the dynamics of retail sales and consumer activity looks absolutely awful, if the official and extremely politically correct data of the state statistical services on the population growth of the United States is adjusted. In this case, the increase in retail sales for the period 1990-2011gg. will be not widely advertised pre-election 48,2%, but much more modest 102,2%. Taking into account the real inflation, the increase at all will amount to barely noticeable 22,7%, while most of this increase is due to inflation of the debt burden on the population and jump in consumption of 20% of the most wealthy US citizens, while the standard of living of 40% of the least well-off population has decreased by 5 -10%.

Fig.3 Dynamics of real retail turnover in the USA

Source:, Bureau of Census

The next wave of optimism was triggered by a report by the US Department of Labor, whose experts continue to push for electoral optimism and continue to throw out, with rare zeal, those who receive unemployment benefits for more than 2 years or have lost all hopes of finding a permanent job. The natural result of the statistical perversions of the White House was the decrease in the US unemployment rate from 9,2% to 8,3% for the period from mid-summer 2011. However, an alternative estimate of the unemployment rate (U6 indicator), given by the Ministry of Labor itself and taking into account the “desperate unemployed”, indicates that the unemployment rate exceeds the 15% mark.

However, this assessment of unemployment causes skepticism - over the past 30 years, the US economic authorities, acting under pressure from the ruling class and the financial oligarchy, have changed the 3 times in the methodology for calculating employment indicators. If you resort to the methodology of the middle 1980-ies, which took into account part-time employment, desperate to find a job for more than 12 months and idle for economic reasons, then the unemployment rate goes beyond 22,5%. And this is quite comparable to being in a state of undeclared default. The only thing that saves the White House is part-time employment and social benefits for unemployment, supported by giant holes in the local and federal budgets.

At the same time, the average duration of being in the status of unemployed in the 2011. jumped from 37,4 to 40 weeks, and the proportion of the so-called chronically unemployed "jumped in the last 4 of the month from 42,2% to 42,6%. And this is in conditions where almost half of all 227 created in February 2012. jobs were due to a jump temporary employment in the services sector (+ 45 thousand places), as well as public health and social welfare (+ 61,1 thousand places). If in January of the previous year the growth of jobs in these sectors did not exceed 13,8 and 16,1 thousand places, respectively then by December 2011 it grew to 18,7 and 29,5 s. the places and at the beginning 2012g. and all doubled.

Figure 4 Unemployment Dynamics in the USA

Source: Department of Labor,

The situation in foreign trade is not much better, in which the United States continues to act as a net consumer of imported goods and services and, contrary to numerous statements by officials, can in no way reduce its excess consumption, which provokes increased distortions in the global economy. In other words, the US government artificially supports excessive consumption of final goods and services, which it is in principle not able to pay even theoretically. Sustainable US trade deficits began to form at the end of the 1960-1970-s, when the rampant flight of large industrial and financial capital, as well as the transfer of production capacity outside the country in search of cheaper labor, caused a drop in the production of marketable products in the US and chronic excess import over export.

It was in the second half of the 1960's. Treasury by agreement with bankers from Wall Street, among other things being the main shareholders of the American "printing press" represented by the Fed, began to expand emission pumping and expand debt burden. As a result, the ratio of gold reserves of the Ministry of Finance in relation to the emitted cash money fell from the 90-100% required under the Bretton Woods system to barely noticeable 10%, which provoked the inability of the US to fulfill its obligations to foreign owners of dollar reserves and exchange paper dollars for gold. In fact, in mid-August 1971g. during the famous Nixon speech about freezing the exchange of gold for US dollars defaulted and, apparently, lost the race of the USSR.

Figure 5 US Foreign Trade Deficit

Source: FRB St. Louis

After the abolition of the gold standard in August 1971g. and removing the "golden brake" from the emission pumping of the economy and inflating consumption into debt (known as "reaganomics policies", but prepared under Jimmy Carter), began the orgy of financial capitalism, which turned into "dollar hegemony", inflation of financial bubbles and unrestrained growth of debt burden . Only in the last 30 years, the level of government debt burden jumped from 40% to 105%, the ratio of debt to disposable household income increased from 55% to 115%.

The natural outcome of unleashing the financial oligarchy that controls the printing press of the Federal Reserve was a massive redistribution of assets and national income: the share of the financial sector in corporate profits in the US jumped from 4% in 1947. to 45% in 2007g., and the share in the country's GDP has expanded from 2% to 17%. In fact, taking into account the scale of the redistribution of assets and national wealth in favor of the financial oligarchy, as well as control over a critical part of the financial assets of the state, the population and the corporate sector, it can be a question of the dominant position of large transnational financial capital in the economy and politics of the USA - up to 30% in GDP and 50% in profits.

Figure 6 The share of the financial sector in corporate profits and US GDP (%)

Source: BEA

The dominance of large financial capital, which actively parasitized on the emission pumping of financial markets and the lifting of restrictions on cross-border capital flows, led to the overflow of capital from low profitable real sectors of the economy and basic science to speculative operations on financial markets with high returns. At the same time, according to the report of the Comptroller of Money Circulation at the US Treasury, in the hands of 4 key US banks are concentrated more than 98% of the total derivatives market, which became the main tool for manipulating financial markets, commodity exchanges, and, consequently, the global economy.

The scale of concentration and centralization of bank capital in the hands of the largest and most influential banking groups is most clearly manifested in the following examples - from the beginning of the 1980's. the share of assets attributable to banks with total assets exceeding $ 10 billion jumped from 27% to 82%, and their share in total banking sector profits increased more than 4 times - from 20% to 87%. At the same time, despite the overall growth in the number of banks with assets exceeding $ 10 billion, the list of the largest shareholders of the Federal Reserve and prime dealers, determining the fate of the American and the entire world economy, as well as the situation in the currency and financial markets, has not undergone almost any changes. As before, control over the printing press and the issue of the dollar is in the hands of an international financial cartel, whose interests are often diametrically opposed to the interests of the state, the population, and industrial capital.

Separate attention should be paid to the relentless conversations of supranational ruling elites and the “Washington boys in short pants” from the IMF and World Bank serving their interests that the rapid growth of the debt burden on all sectors of the US economy (from 110% to 370% of GDP over the last 40 years) not conducive to lowering US financial stability and destabilizing the financial system It is clear that large transnational financial capital, as well as international monopolies, in whose interests financial globalization was carried out under the banner of "dollar imperialism", does everything possible to keep silent about its parasitic existence - instead of acting as an instrument for financing capital investments and means of ensuring expanded reproduction and realization of the investment potential of the industry, financial capital mutated into an independent predatory faction of capitalism, parasitic on the decay of the world economy.

Figure 7 The share of banks in total assets of the US banking system, depending on the size of assets

Source: BEA

For more than 40 years, the only net recipient of interest payments on loans in the United States (and the situation is similar throughout the world) has been the banking sector, whose net interest income for the last 40 years (with the abolition of the gold standard) jumped from $ 15 to $ 650 billion . (4,5% of GDP). At the same time, the total interest payments on loans from the US government and the non-banking corporate sector are based on 2009 only. exceeded $ 300 and $ 315 billion (4,2% of GDP).

The situation is no better for the ordinary citizens of the United States, whom the propaganda of the Washington Regional Party Committee has managed to record as one of the main beneficiaries of the rampant financial capitalism - net interest payments of the population in 2009. passed for $ 190 billion. At the same time still in 1989g. At its peak, the net interest incomes of the US population exceeded $ 220 billion. Since then, the financial system has completely gone out of control of the state and society and functions solely in the interests of itself and its main owners, realizing the lion’s share of national income and wealth in favor of financial oligarchy.

Fig.8 Net interest income of US economic entities

Source: BEA

Since the beginning of the 1970's. The annual US foreign trade deficit jumped from $ 15 billion to $ 551 billion in 2008. - i.e. 36,7 times. At the same time, over the past 12 years, the US imports of goods and services exceeded exports by $ 350-600 billion or 3,5-5% of GDP. In other words, annually throughout 2000-2011. The United States received a good loan from all the rest of the world at a rate of a few percent of its GDP, which, coupled with an increase in the debt load, made it possible to maintain the illusion of an increase in the welfare of the population. Following the 2000-2011g. the cumulative accumulated deficit of US foreign trade exceeded $ 7,37 trillion, which is almost half of the GDP of the "empire of good" in 2011. - $ 15,3 trillion

Chart 9 Devaluation of paper currencies relative to an ounce of gold

Source: Reuters, BMG

The "imperialism of the dollar" and the system of global comprador bribery of national elites allowed the American management class, which is one of the main centers of power within the global management class, to draw most of the previously independent countries of the world into a system of unequal foreign economic exchange. In other words, over the past 40 years of domination of dollar-based financial capitalism in exchange for selling off real goods and resources (oil, gas, metals), exporting countries in the United States receive from them unsecured dollar bills (or numbers on computer accounts) in such a volume without loss you can only invest in the debt securities of the US government. This contributed to the inflow of financial capital in the United States, the further inflation of bubbles in the consumer and financial markets, as well as the growth of imbalances in excess consumption. It is not surprising that, coupled with the effect of overvalued relative to the real purchasing power of the dollar rate, this allows the US, with its contribution to world GDP at 18,5%, to generate about 40% of global final demand and maintain the share of the dollar in the international settlement system above the 55-60% .

In other words, throughout all the 40 years of uncontrolled emission pumping of the world economy and financial globalization, realized in the interests of a narrow circle of the largest international banks-shareholders of the Federal Reserve and the rest of the largest Central Banks, all other countries lent and free of charge to the system of unequal foreign exchange. continue to lend to the United States, exchanging resource for non-resource, commodity for non-commodity, physical for virtual, i.e. real capital is fictitious. Over the past 12 years alone, the United States has thus received a net commodity credit of $ 6,7 trillion. (44,6% of GDP), and for the period since the cancellation of the gold standard and the monetization of debt, the accumulated deficit of US foreign trade exceeded $ 8,5 trillion. In many ways, this artificially inflated due to the expansion of credit and the imposition of the world's only reserve currency in the face of the dollar consumption and helped create the illusion of rising living standards of American citizens and for the time being to cover the crisis state of the American economy, which has become, in fact, bankrupt.

Figure 10 Accumulated US Trade Deficit

Source: BEA

At the same time, worthless dollar bills obtained as part of such a non-equivalent exchange are also permanently depreciated in 6-10 years during periodically provoked stock and stock market crises, which contributes to the depreciation of debts and the burning of excess dollar money supply. Only since the cancellation of the gold standard and the launch of the global dollar issue flywheel, the US currency depreciated 7 times, and since the creation of the Federal Reserve (headquarters of the international banking cartel) the dollar's purchasing power has fallen more than 23 times.

Since the removal of the "golden brake" and the elimination of all sorts of restrictions with the uncontrolled emission of the dollar and other reserve currencies, there has been a process of so-called "inflation of petrodollars", expressed in the ubiquitous growth of quotations on the financial, commodity and currency markets, creating the illusion of reviving the global economy and the turbulent development of business activity. However, in fact, there is an unbridled depreciation of "paper" currencies, manifested in the "inflation of financial assets" - the issue of key reserve currencies was finally untied from the real economy and increase in commodity security, which triggered a general inflation of financial bubbles.

Fig.11 The purchasing power of the American dollar (1967g = $ 1)

Source: Bloomberg

For more than 40 years, the overwhelming majority of countries of the so-called "periphery of world dollar imperialism", which has entered into the system of international division of labor imposed by American TNCs and global banks on the rights of colonial banana republics and suppliers of cheap labor, lend free of charge to their material and labor resources US and support the purchasing power of the depreciating dollar. In fact, the liberalization of foreign economic relations, which is imposed on the frankly colonial and predatory "Washington Consensus", is aimed solely at simplifying the access of global monopolies and international banks to the markets of previously independent countries and their subsequent financial and economic colonization.

As the experience of Eastern European countries and former member countries of the USSR shows, the monstrous deindustrialization of the economy, the collapse of high-tech industries, the degradation of science, technology and technology becomes the logical outcome of the thoughtless lifting of restrictions on cross-border capital movements and following the recommendations of “Washington boys” production potential, lumpenization of the population and the slide of national economies into a state of medieval feudal archaic. It is precisely this that demonstrates with utmost clarity the example of the Eurozone covered by the debt crisis, which reflects the deep crisis of the whole European integration project, which was colonial in nature. Neither Greece, nor Portugal, nor even Spain, within the framework of the existing system of division of labor, have any sources for existence - they simply cannot offer competitive products to the European market and compete with Western European industrial giants.

And Russia, unfortunately, over the past 22 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union has also been acting as a raw materials appendage and supplier of skilled labor for the United States, the European Union and, more recently, China. Over the past 20 years, more than $ 750 billion has flowed out of the country only according to official statistics of the Bank of Russia, and given the “gray” and frankly criminal withdrawal of capital, this figure exceeds $ 1,5-2 trillion. Taking into account lost capital gains and the multiplicative negative effect of 2-fold fall in GDP, 60% industrial collapse, 5-fold compression of capital investments, 10-fold fall in high-tech industries and the extinction of 15 million people total losses will exceed $ 3,5-4 . If we add to this figure the devouring of national wealth from the sale of irreplaceable natural resources in the amount of $ 3,3 trillion, then the sum of Russia's direct economic losses from one-sided and defective embedding into the global division of labor carried out in the interests of Wall Street banks and the largest international banks will exceed $ 7 trillion mark

Fig.12 Russian export commodity structure

Source: Rosstat

Only in the last 20 years, the share of mineral raw materials and primary processing products in exports jumped from 26% to 92%, the share of manufacturing industries in GDP fell from 36% to 16,1%, production volumes in the processing industries are 20% below 1990g levels, and in mechanical engineering, machine-tool construction and instrument-making, the output does not reach 40-55% of the level of the late USSR. At the same time, in most manufacturing sectors, especially in investment engineering, equipment manufacturing and light industry, the load level has fallen from 82-87% to 30-45%. And no matter how much the Russian authorities would talk about their intention to get off the “oil needle” and carry out “modernization,” the process did not go any further than replacing light bulbs in doorways and digging out a potato field in Skolkovo.

If the Russian authorities really want to break out of complete economic, political, financial, ideological, and scientific and technical dependence, then it is necessary to reorient the entire model of the Russian economy in the shortest time possible from eating up the natural resource rent to maximizing scientific, technical, infrastructural and industrial rent. And for this it is necessary to declare a war on systemic corruption at the highest level, to limit the arbitrariness of the raw material monopolies that terrorize the manufacturing industry and the population of extremely high tariffs and make the overwhelming majority of non-primary sectors of the economy unprofitable. It is necessary to untie the ruble emission from the inflow of petrodollars and foreign loans as soon as possible, as well as to start the mechanism of crediting the domestic economy and refinancing the national banking system so that the money supply is formed in accordance with the needs of domestic producers, rather than games of global speculative capital.

“Dollar imperialism”, which pumped out juices from the world economy in the interests of large transnational financial and industrial capital, is gradually choking under the weight of the structural imbalances and contradictions generated by it. Unlike 2008, when the collapse of the existing monetary and financial system, based on the hegemony of the dollar and the US government’s pyramid of debt, was prevented, it was possible only thanks to the launch of the printing press and the unprecedented scale of flooding financial markets with cheap liquidity ($ 13 trillion, taking into account off-balance emission in the United States alone), to prevent the collapse of the "imperialism of the dollar" by monetary methods today will not work. The level of US government debt jumped from 65% to 105% of GDP, and half of the eurozone countries are already in technical default - Italy, Spain and Portugal manage to refinance previously taken debts solely due to the issue of the financial market from the ECB in the amount of $ 1,4 trillion. for the last year.

The world economy and the international monetary and financial system are at a standstill and are on the verge of collapse - the more the world's largest central banks flood financial markets with cheap liquidity in the interests of transnational financial capital, the larger the bubbles in financial markets and the more severely the real economy suffers from growth costs and the faster the real standard of living of the population falls.
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  1. +22
    April 4 2012 11: 37
    The photo is the first beautiful, only change our flag, and even better, hang the USSR flag.
    1. Jaromir
      April 4 2012 12: 09
      The USA has no debts at all, because they are not going to give them back! There is America of skyscrapers, which has all these charts on eggplant, and there is one-story America, which is bent and eventually bent! .. And it’s obvious that America’s skyscrapers don’t give a damn about one-story debts ...
      1. Igorboss16
        April 4 2012 12: 38
        they have one way out, to start some sort of regional war, only this will save them
        1. Atlon
          April 4 2012 13: 28
          Regional will not save even once. Only world!
          1. Igorboss16
            April 4 2012 15: 04
            if they want to, we’ll have to wipe them from the face of the earth, of course, unfortunately, together with the whole world, but you can try to defuse their missiles in the mine with the help of hackers or a tactical high-altitude nuclear explosion that burns the entire power system, because they will have to use nuclear weapons, in any case
          2. Sergh
            April 4 2012 20: 28
            Yeah Atlon, let’s start with me, I’ll completely ruin it, right now the hunting season will open, we can go to Amers, only we need to register a line in the law, yeah, right now I’ll pick up the ammunition armor-piercing, otherwise I see they go to the armor in Afghanistan, well We can do something more interesting, for an amateur ....
          3. +2
            April 4 2012 23: 26
            And the world will not save them all the more. A couple of core explosions in space and there are no satellites, and without satellites America is not sighted, brainless and becomes uncontrollable, and then the usual shooting of Earth's parasites by the rest of the world will begin. They themselves are most afraid of the global mess. And now they are not allowed to unleash the regional, because she can grow into a world.
            1. Igorboss16
              April 5 2012 07: 24
              Yes, she and the companions are stupid laughing
      2. +25
        April 4 2012 12: 40
        America can walk along the edge of the abyss for as long as it wants, Only the "evil" will of creditors can push it down. The trouble is that, falling, America will drag the whole world with it and these same creditors in the first place. Everyone understands that they are feeding parasites, but it is scary to rid yourself and the whole world of them.
        One thing is good: if the states finally get everyone and finally fill them up, then it will be easier for us than others, we are not a pampered nation laughing
        1. YARY
          April 4 2012 12: 45
          And about what awaits the world in this case, it’s well said but, with one amendment,better horror end than horror without end!
        2. Sasha36543
          April 4 2012 16: 26
          "How long does the string hang, but the end will be."
        3. +1
          April 4 2012 23: 39
          Everything has gone since WWII. Money fell on the US military-industrial complex, and the war ended, and the factories were working and working, and the Cold War was invented, and local wars, everything goes in the furnace of this engine.
          But the locomotive has already run out of all amortization periods. The locomotive is starting to peddle. The question is how to safely stop this? In an accident, it will be bad for all of us, too.
          In America, many people work quite hard. Many work in two jobs, and this is their honor. And there are enough parasites both there and in Russia.
    2. vadimus
      April 4 2012 13: 12
      To ruin them to hell with a dog, let them experience all the charms of their politics!
    3. +9
      April 4 2012 13: 44
      The Lord’s paths are not confessed .. Who knows - maybe the flag of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics will hang there!
      1. snek
        April 4 2012 14: 13
        Quote: Igorboss16
        they have one way out, to start some sort of regional war, only this will save them

        Quote: Atlon
        Regional will not save even once. Only world!

        I understand where the "ears" of such thinking grow from. Indeed, during the first and second world wars, the states were incredibly rich at the expense of Europe. This is explained by the fact that Europe was then a world industrial center and as a result of massive destruction, etc. capital flowed to where it is quieter and there is also at least some kind of industrial base - the United States. Plus the help for which Europe (and us during the Second World War) had to pay in gold. But now such a trick will not pass. The world war will look very boring today - a few minutes of fun in the form of bright spots and dust mushrooms, and then years of dismantling the rubble and treating those who were unlucky enough to survive in the post-nuclear hell. Regional conflict - well, America has long been involved in two - Afghanistan and Iraq. So far, this has not helped the economy much. Of course, the current Iraqi government easily sells oil and agrees to buy US weapons and equipment, but this hardly covers the costs of maintaining the occupation forces.
        Quote: Ardent
        The USA SHOULD BE DESTROYED! And about what awaits the world in this case, it’s well said, but with one amendment, a terrible end is better than horror without end!

        You know, when I look at the fate of my ancestors, who experienced famine, civil and Great Patriotic, I think that the present times cannot be called "horror without end" and the country is far from in the best shape, but how could it be better to spend energy on then to make our country more prosperous than to sit and wish them to live in the same shit as we do?
        1. Nymp
          April 4 2012 14: 53
          Quote: snek
          Indeed, during the first and second world wars, the states were incredibly enriched at the expense of Europe.
          This is clear to everyone (well, except that the zombie trolls do not get it) To whom is war and to whom is mother dear! If we add that the Nazi designer opened the way to space for them, then this is not a hospitable picture ...
          1. Neighbor
            April 4 2012 16: 49
            The final is close - another year or two and .......... ec! Recall - the last crisis - when houses and apartments in Amerikos.sosii - sold at $ 200. And then no one took it.
            Amerikoso.sii - waiting for the fate of MMM. They can’t get away from it now.
            1. kNow
              April 4 2012 16: 53
              Quote: Neighbor
              Amerikoso.sii - waiting for the fate of MMM. They can’t get away from it now.

              I suggest sending Mavrodi- there as a weapon of mass destruction. Kill them completely
              1. CaptainBlack
                April 4 2012 19: 46
                One hundred pounds !!! good
                1. 755962
                  April 4 2012 23: 50
                  To begin with, let's go through history: on December 23, 1913, the Federal Reserve System was created, which is an association of US private commercial banks. It was she who, from December 23, 1913 to this day, has been printing the former American, and now federal dollars, and gives them a loan to the American government (who does not believe to check:

                  It was on December 23, 1913 that the Federal Reserve System took a long-term lease for 99 years for a printing money machine.

                  July 22, 1944 in Bretton Woods, noble people decided to make dollars an international reserve currency, at a price of $ 35 per troy ounce of gold.

                  On March 16, 1973, the gold content of dollars was canceled at the Paris Conference.

                  Since then, dollars have become simple wrappers, which are printed by a group of individuals and for which the United States has gained space-sized debt from the whole world.

                  By the way, 99 years (by international agreement) is a long-term lease term. If we consider that on December 23, 1913 the Federal Reserve system leased a printing press for 99 years, then the lease term expires on December 23, 2012.
    4. rolik
      April 5 2012 00: 13
      And under the first photograph it was necessary to place another.
      The Founding Fathers of America stand, as Lenin usually stands in our country, and with outstretched arms point to a huge stone ass. And the signature under the poster "You are going the right way ... gentlemen!"
      And in order to go out worthily, in their opinion, back to where the founders send them. Our cunning American friends began to think about how to deceive once again, sorry for the soft tone that the whole world they owe. And they, it seems to them, have found a successful way out. Which ask?
      This exit is called - AMERO. In the photo you can see a sample of a bill of the North American Union issued by the Fed in 2009.
      The text written on the banknote - reads: "Banknote of the Federal Reserve."
      Above the words "United Federation of North America" ​​are depicted: a blue flag and three white stars on it, representing Canada, Mexico and the USA. It is written below that "This note is legal international means of payment North American Union, establish and formally adopted pursuant to the Law of missile defense of free trade and restore the economic position of the central bank, which APPROVES THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM OF THE UNITED STATES, MEXICO AND BANK BANK OF CANADA". For the successful implementation of this worldwide scam, only the consent of the central banks of the three countries for the complete transfer of control to the Fed bankers is required. It’s easier with Canada, a conservative party led by Stephen Harper won the election there. This gentleman said that he would accelerate the process of converging the economic systems of the United States and Canada, as well as integration in the field of security, expressed in his own declaration of February 11, 2011, which is called “Without Borders: A Common Vision on the Perimeter of Security and Economic Competitiveness”. But with Mexico it’s a bit more complicated, they are reluctant to even talk about the unification of banking systems. Apparently well aware of which neighbor they will have to cooperate with. And the states have less and less time, since the drain of American money has begun. And China is the first to do this, but so far holds debt obligations.
      We also began to take certain steps, let us recall the recent BRICS meeting.
  2. Uralm
    April 4 2012 11: 38
    usa country bankrupt. only complete and ... from this does not recognize
    1. +19
      April 4 2012 11: 45
      So, what is next? Everyone is silently sitting, and they continue to print money for themselves. It's time to demand a return of debts.
      1. HOUSES
        April 4 2012 12: 19
        Yes, who will give you that? If only devalued green paper or gold kilogram bars with tungsten pigs inside. There is nothing to give them. The end will still be, and most likely it will be a kid. The longer the world sits on this green paper, the louder the women will be in a disaster.
        1. andrklimanov
          April 4 2012 12: 47
          it is worth liquidating the FED, the RESERVE (to which the US owes) and the US will write off all debts, they will say "deal with it. THIS IS A PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, WE HAVE NOT HERE" and no one dares to argue with them. since they surrounded the whole world with their military colossus.
          I think in the end there will be something like that
          1. admiral
            April 4 2012 13: 19
            But it would be - beautiful !!! Ask from Bolivar, but he is dead! ..
      2. Uralm
        April 4 2012 12: 54
        The paradox is that they can never repay debts!
        All the tales about their super duper economy, tales for the dumb. excessively smart. When it is necessary they turn away and that’s it. Will print collars! This was already visible 10 years ago. Looks like many are fixated on a green piece of paper
    2. +9
      April 4 2012 11: 55
      Quote: Uralm
      usa country bankrupt. only complete and ... from this does not recognize

      Greetings, colleague! All this is recognized in the western ruling circles and they are far from it, but to say it out loud is SCARY! This is a social cataclysm. That's why they say a lot and beautifully about any growth of chips and other positive things (which lasts until the next day), as mantras are read. Bernanke (an eloquent name, by the way. - Ben Shalom Bernanke), speaking to students of the Higher School of Economics in the states, insolently cast a shadow over the wattle fence, indicating many reasons for the fall, but not the greed of the Fed. And the people are the same, guesses, but are afraid to realize that the situation is approaching critical.
      1. +11
        April 4 2012 12: 08
        Well, their "sustainable recovery of the American economy" and "impressive performance" of the financial market warm my soul. Likewise, external enemies are not needed, and no printing press will help. States more and more resemble a "snake devouring its tail" ...
      2. Uralm
        April 4 2012 13: 35
        Judging by the actions of the United States, they are also really aware of what is coming. The truth is, there is something that they use. As always they did. everyone will be in. "democracy" go on. Until the world is full of minds. The first step was taken by Venezuela, the second China.
      3. Inzhengr
        April 4 2012 14: 03
        Quote: esaul
        denoting the many causes of the fall, but not the greed of the Fed

        Their "greedy" FRS gives denyushku at 1,25%, and our "humane" central bank at 8% since December 26, 2011 like. That people are muscled to powder about the greed of the Fed. If you write an article about our same indicators, it would look like "near death".
        1. Inzhengr
          April 4 2012 15: 22
          And do not minus, otherwise I will tell everyone what the rate of our central bank was a few years ago (((
        2. +7
          April 4 2012 15: 51
          Quote: Engineering
          Their "greedy" FRS gives denyushku at 1,25%, and our "humane" central bank at 8% since December 26, 2011 like. That people are muscled to powder about the greed of the Fed. If you write an article about our same indicators, it would look like "near death".

          Our Central Bank is not subordinate to Russia, that is, it is not state.
          Read the Law on the Central Bank.
          A key element of the legal status of the Bank of Russia is the principle of independence, which is manifested primarily in the fact that the Bank of Russia acts as a special public law institution with the exclusive right to issue money and organize money circulation. It is not a public authority, however, its powers, by their legal nature, relate to the functions of state power, since their implementation involves the application of state coercive measures. The functions and powers provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” are performed by the Bank of Russia independently of federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments. The independence of the status of the Bank of Russia is reflected in Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in Articles 1 and 2 of the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”.
          The state is not liable for the obligations of the Bank of Russia, as well as the Bank of Russia for the obligations of the state, if they have not assumed such obligations or unless otherwise provided by federal laws. The Bank of Russia is not liable for the obligations of credit organizations, and credit organizations are not liable for the obligations of the Bank of Russia, unless the Bank of Russia or credit organizations assume such obligations

          From wiki

          It would be logical to invest CBR money in the Russian economy, lending to enterprises and individuals not at 16-20% per annum, as it is now, but at 5-6%. Then the profit from the investment of state funds would be higher, and Russian enterprises and citizens could more easily bear the credit burden. Everyone would benefit.

          In turn, low interest on loans would quickly revive the Russian economy, as industry, agriculture, etc. would take loans for development and modernization more actively. And this would lead to a decrease in the cost of production and services, and, therefore, to lower prices for their sale to end consumers, i.e. increase competitiveness in the global market. Sales are growing - profit is growing. Everything is simple! So what's the deal? Why in Russia are such high interest on loans? Everything is simple again. The point is bank interest, i.e. the same percentage under which the Central Bank of the Russian Federation gives loans to state and commercial banks of the country. only the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has monopoly rights to print money. Other banks borrowed this money from him at interest. In turn, in order to receive its share of profit, any state or commercial bank raises the interest rate on lending to legal entities and individuals. So, today's 9,5% of the Central Bank is turning into 16-20% and higher for end borrowers of cash. Remember, before there were 50%, and 80, and even more than 200%!
          It is bank interest that turns industrial capital into speculative and generates inflation.
          In a normal credit and financial system, the amount of loan interest on a loan should be equal to ZERO, and the growth of the “money supply” should be limited by the growth of GDP - gross domestic product. If someone printed quietly to cover the budget deficit, then it can be simple. But if someone has established a loan interest of more than 5%, then this is just a crook, well, in a scientific way - a money-lender, even more in a scientific way - a “banking entrepreneur”, well, and absolutely in a foreign way - it's a gesheftmacher.

          “Who controls the release of money, controls the government. It doesn't matter which puppet sits on the throne in the British Empire. The person who controls the issue of money in Britain controls the British Empire, and I control the issue of money in Britain. ”

          Nathan Rothschild

          1. +6
            April 4 2012 15: 53
            Why the normal Russian word Д_У_Р_А_К was removed from the text
            1. +3
              April 4 2012 20: 57
              Quote: Ascetic
              Why the normal Russian word Д_У_Р_А_К was removed from the text

              Well, that has not yet been warned, I have two warnings for this word drinks
    3. Atlon
      April 4 2012 13: 33
      Quote: vadimus
      To ruin them to hell with a dog, let them experience all the charms of their politics!

      Quote: Uralm
      usa country bankrupt. only complete and ... from this does not recognize

      This is all clear, this is all true ... Only one thing, but ...
      There is no "American" policy in the world. This is all fiction. One policy is the policy of the Committee of 300 (the secret world government). By and large, the K-300 does not give a damn about anyone and everything. Including America. I'll tell you more: America will die without fail and guaranteed, for only one reason. Because Russia has not died. In the 90s, they did not pressurize. It was a miscalculation of the K-300. The question of where the future home of the Masonic world government will be is now being decided. In Russia or China? And they've already written off America, so ... Amen ...
      1. yurchen
        April 4 2012 15: 36
        why Switzerland is bad for you, all the same, this heiress of the Templar ideology is not going to drown economically, and the wealthy US elite is glancing at Brazilian lands, and China now seems to be forced to remain as a tool for managing global processes with the help of introduced American financiers, in general, everything can change dramatically, there are weather reasons for this, after all, the onset of climate imbalance
        1. Bashkaus
          April 4 2012 16: 00
          Switzerland is bad in that it does not have a nuclear arsenal capable of destroying all life on earth in an hour)))
          1. yurchen
            April 4 2012 16: 11
            Switzerland has a very unusual policy - the policy of "neutrality", and it does not "shine" in the world in terms of creating problems for others, it does all its "machinations" quietly, without showing off, it is like "Elusive Joe"
      2. Uralm
        April 4 2012 16: 50
        And why am I always saying that the president in the USA is a nominal person ?!
  3. +8
    April 4 2012 11: 39
    Thinking! Why haven’t I seen such detailed reports in Russia? All some abstruse phrases of experts and representatives of banks on TV !!!
    1. snek
      April 4 2012 14: 21
      But because in our economy, not everything is so smooth.
      Russia in 2011 again became the world leader in the export of hydrocarbons. According to the results of the year, 242 million tons of oil and 204 billion cubic meters were sent to neighboring countries. m of gas, as well as 125 million tons of oil products. State revenues from this type of export amounted to almost 322 billion dollars, an increase of more than a third compared to 2010. In the future, Russia expects only to increase these indicators.
      (took from here -
      In short, all our achievements are largely the result of the sale of oil and gas, which we sell more and more every year. We still have about 20 years of oil left (perhaps more if relatively large deposits are still explored elsewhere). Of course, there is more than 100 years of gas reserves, but if you increase production every year, this period can be significantly reduced.
      In short, we now live by selling unrenewable resources: what our ancestors left us and what we will not leave to our descendants. And it would not be so scary if all the money received went into the development of industry and science, but this is not observed.
  4. oiuy
    April 4 2012 11: 39
    Help, the boss is all gone, the plaster is removed, the client is leaving! Apocalypse one of these days, stocking up on biscuits and stew ... poor Americans, maybe Moscow will shelter them all? .. When this "chas" is over ... Surkov does not leave everyone alone here too laughing
    1. +13
      April 4 2012 11: 44
      How is the weather in Canada? Doesn't freeze? laughing
      1. Jaromir
        April 4 2012 12: 12
        Quote: Joker
        How is the weather in Canada? Doesn't freeze?

        The sky is blue over Canada, clouds are floating, so it looks like Russia, but this is not Russia! .. No.
        1. +3
          April 4 2012 13: 03
          П good see you live! )))
        2. HOUSES
          April 4 2012 14: 27
      2. serge
        April 4 2012 14: 58
        Over the whole of America, a cloudless sky.
    2. Vanek
      April 4 2012 12: 06
      Quote: oiuy
      maybe Moscow will shelter them all?

    3. 0
      April 4 2012 13: 45
      And you are Nostardamus ... however
    4. Nymp
      April 4 2012 14: 47
      Quote: oiuy
      poor Americans, maybe Moscow will shelter them all ?.
      Yeah, bring down the taiga to Siberia!
      Quote: oiuy
      Apocalypse the other day, stock up on breadcrumbs and stew.
      Watch the film by Mikhail Leontyev "The Big American Hole" and "The Big American Hole-2" I only warn you the film for smart people!
    5. Uralm
      April 4 2012 17: 21
      What are you doing? another wise guy? Smart tongue stick your partner in one place and don't be smart
      Only in the west to see such stupid, Where are they climbing ?!
  5. +9
    April 4 2012 11: 43
    One question for the Americans. When will you repay debts? And then something was quiet. What the hell are those debts with bankruptcy? They need to allocate 1 ruble to the defense industry, and let the rest be given to pay debts. I don’t understand that everyone has quieted down, it’s necessary to take out debts from them, to have enough hegemony to induce. Ras sell your weapons, dissolve the army, and then already played too. They live and arm the army at the expense of others and still boast that they are the strongest. Everything has been bought from you on credit, only the loan has already expired. Drive grandmas laughing
    1. kNow
      April 4 2012 11: 46
      Their debts consist of candy wrappers. They will print - they will distribute debts. Only what will we do with this green toilet paper?
      1. freedom
        April 4 2012 12: 20
        Then my friend, just a piece of gold, at the rate.
        1. HOUSES
          April 4 2012 12: 43
          I read an article here recently (unfortunately I didn’t bookmark it). The comrade doubted the authenticity of the gold kilogram made in usa, it turned out to be two grams lighter. When sawing thereof, several tungsten rods fused into the ingot were found. With such debts, they will not have enough tungsten. The crooks.
          1. HOUSES
            April 4 2012 13: 00
            Somehow like this.
          2. freedom
            April 4 2012 21: 32
            Upon receipt of debts, we will check each bar. in case of fraud - an ingot both on the hump and on the hump ...
            And they deceived the Chinese.
        2. +3
          April 4 2012 13: 11
          What do you want tungsten for?
          1. Tyumen
            April 4 2012 19: 12
            Judging by the indignation, on the cores. wink
        3. kNow
          April 4 2012 15: 57
          Work on your own - national currency
      2. +3
        April 4 2012 13: 04
        You do not know what to do with toilet paper?
        1. kNow
          April 4 2012 15: 58
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          You do not know what to do with toilet paper?

          From colored paper - only hemorrhoids
    2. Sasha36543
      April 4 2012 16: 30
      Not all at once, the debtor has too many weapons, but sooner or later he will pay for everything.
    3. Liberal
      April 4 2012 20: 56
      One question for the Americans. When will you repay debts? And then something was quiet. What the hell are those debts with bankruptcy?

      became quiet because everyone they owe should be forgiven. What are they worried about ... The dollar is the main reserve world currency, the leading world powers are buying US Treasury bills, the US Army and Navy are the most powerful on planet Earth - who will present them for their debts? laughing
  6. Cripple cross
    April 4 2012 11: 44
    Not very strong in economics, but some graphs can be understood without any scholarship. In the USA, a booty, just covered with jeans on which a hole is about to be rubbed, and this booty will turn into a naked * OPU!
    1. freedom
      April 4 2012 12: 22
      And a little later in the blue laughing
  7. +10
    April 4 2012 11: 59
    Surkovskaya propaganda you say - walk the flaw, - you next
  8. +6
    April 4 2012 12: 05
    All this speaks of one thing, a grandiose crisis is coming soon. How much you can inflate a financial soap bubble while printing candy wrappers.
  9. dark silver
    April 4 2012 12: 09
    it’s time for them to come and this cannot but please comrades drinks
  10. zol1
    April 4 2012 12: 15
    We should live so badly!
    1. Bashkaus
      April 4 2012 16: 04
      No, thanks!
  11. Dmitry.V
    April 4 2012 12: 17
    You have to pay for everything, and the United States will pay. And the obvious thing on the graphs is that during the collapse of the USSR they had serious leaps.
  12. +10
    April 4 2012 12: 39
    I do not want to draw parallels with the Soviet agitation prop. Regarding the decay of America and the West. But it really reminds. Of course, now the situation is different and the world is different. But I do not think that the United States will be bent. Well, the economic crisis, well, the financial crisis. Yes, where it was not. Get out and another gesheft will do it. The only thing that can be is to squeeze your people. But a little. Since the whole world plows on them. In short. This is what I am for. Do not hope that we will sit here for a while, and then all enemies will self-destruct and grace will come. We will have to solve all our problems ourselves. Problems with comprador, pro-Western power. Problems with the 5th column. And to solve them, in constant opposition with a strong, uncompromising enemy in the person of the United States.
    1. +6
      April 4 2012 13: 18
      + Friend! laughing Article-minus! Advise the government all the best, all the experts are around! And you try to do it. Are you tired of these horror stories for people. Or are the thieves and enemies all sitting in the government? They themselves chose! They don’t understand the depth of the abyss without the author? As far as I know, the steps gradual steps are being taken in this matter. But it is not noticeable to the layman’s eyes, there is a drop in dollar assets and an increase in gold reserves.
    2. Atlon
      April 4 2012 13: 39
      "And to solve them, in constant opposition to a strong, uncompromising enemy in the face of USA Committee of 300. "
  13. Ty3uk
    April 4 2012 12: 52
    Excellent and very competent article, plus!
  14. Vanek
    April 4 2012 13: 05
    In my "Beware of the car"
    - You generally live in the world by proxy. You don’t have anything. You are a starving man.
    1. +6
      April 4 2012 14: 06
      Unfortunately, the US has everything it takes to dominate. A printing press, eleven AUGs, thousands of missiles and planes, smart, an elite grip. Which will not give up the interests of her country for other people's Tugriks. Do not underestimate the enemy. We Russians also have our trump cards. But the main thing - the ability to mobilize the highest - is included only when there is a clear mortal danger. And when the danger is creeping, sweet-spoken, we mess. And other trump cards - hard work, patriotism, creativity - are not in demand now.
      1. Vanek
        April 4 2012 14: 24
        Yes, I am - to joke. And I agree with you.
  15. +5
    April 4 2012 13: 10
    Gentlemen, you tell me one thing, there’s no point in preparing pickles for jam! recourse
    1. HOUSES
      April 4 2012 14: 32
      Only large cucumbers.
      1. +1
        April 4 2012 16: 05
        explain the thought feelotherwise I’m lost
  16. Arc76
    April 4 2012 13: 30
    From an economic point of view, the article is from the category of "fan of alternative history". The SP agency holds the sovereign rating of the US economy at AA + as stable with a good outlook. The move from a higher AAA rating is indeed due to the growing budget deficit and it is not clear how the Fed is going to deal with it. But as long as this rating remains so high, the United States will remain a very attractive country for investors.
    1. admiral
      April 4 2012 14: 04
      Although the rating of the joint venture is attractive to investors, it is still not an indicator! Who feeds the girl, he will spend the night! ..
      1. Arc76
        April 4 2012 14: 09
        It’s difficult to blame SP for bias, it was it that was the first in the history of the world economy to lower this rating.
        1. admiral
          April 4 2012 14: 38
          If the joint venture held this rating contrary to obvious indicators, it would have lost confidence. And by lowering it, the joint venture killed two birds with one stone; this did not affect the US economy, but the level of trust only increased! And now when the joint venture lowers the ratings of other countries, few people have doubts about their objectivity! The devils work beautifully!
          1. Arc76
            April 4 2012 14: 45
            I want to report to you that this is an absolutely non-politicized organization, otherwise stock market speculators and investors would not use it. A highly specialized, professional tool. But I will not convince you.
            1. Churchill
              April 4 2012 15: 30
              The main satanic trick is to convince people that Satan does not exist!
              1. +4
                April 4 2012 16: 41
                To a question about ratings. there is a joke.

                There are two Georgians in the clinic:
                -Wah dear, like a family, like health. why so sad?
                - I'm coming from the doctor. The doctor forbade drinking wine.
                - Wah, so what, I also forbade me to drink wine, but gave him 300 rubles, he allowed it.
                1. Arc76
                  April 4 2012 19: 04
                  It’s ridiculous of course, but generally speaking, professional players use the SP ratings, who absolutely do not care about the American economy, and the main thing is to make a profit.
                  1. +3
                    April 4 2012 20: 49
                    Here they are the same three hundred rubles. Who pays the one and orders the music.
                    It will be necessary to lower the dollar exchange rate for the demand for goods; they will lower the rating again.
                    1. Arc76
                      April 4 2012 21: 01
                      Do you know the structure of the rating assignment? And who will need it, as I understand it, you think that "Stadart and Poors" is under external control. I can disappoint you, this is one of the three most reputable rating agencies in the business world, and its reports and assignments of ratings in open weekly reports, with all the analytical calculations and justifications.
  17. +2
    April 4 2012 13: 39
    Well, how many painkillers you don’t eat, cancer will still drive into the coffin!
  18. +5
    April 4 2012 13: 56
    As I remember now, it was forty-five years ago ... they bought a telly ... the whole yard was packed into an apartment ... it was the first telly with a large screen on our street ... so it turned on, the news ... The first words the announcer ... Decaying capitalism ... So many years have passed, and he is decaying and decaying ... Why so long ... so we all keep it on our neck ... and we have a strong neck ... for a long time enough ... And this is very sad ..
    1. Arc76
      April 4 2012 14: 25
      Gold words.
      1. Churchill
        April 4 2012 14: 48
        Well, they invented preservatives, because this west, the infection, does not rot as much as it mummifies! ..
    2. +3
      April 4 2012 16: 45
      All parasites are tenacious. No helminth living organism voluntarily leaves.
  19. Nechai
    April 4 2012 13: 59
    Quote: Atlon
    Regional will not save even once. Only world!

    Pavel, I agree. They implement it in the strategy of controlled chaos. The idea is simple, to rip up permanent conflicts of varying intensity throughout the ball. Leading to regression and degradation. And using their "insular" position more or less stable position in themselves. There is no mention of any civilizational development. Only the most severe control. Approximately as their science fiction writers represent it as a mega corporation that controls everything and everyone.
    Quote: Joker
    It's time to demand a return of debts.

    When does the Fed expire? To have time ... feel
    Quote: andrklimanov

    Actually, all real assets from this emergency have long been withdrawn.
    Quote: Vanek

    "It's funny, but not funny" - in Altai, someone is intensively buying up land. In protected areas. And they are built without attracting much attention. If not for the scandalous disclosures of pedophiles, no one would have known anything at all. And even then they hushed it up. There is such an entity - Asmolov bears the last name I listened to his passages on these crimes - guys! it's ALIEN!
    1. Atlon
      April 4 2012 14: 05
      Quote: Nechai
      Only the most severe control. About how their science fiction is represented by a mega corporation controlling everything and everything.

      Why are there science fiction ... The Bilderberg Club and the Committee of 300 are not fiction for a long time. It’s quite a reality ... It seems like since 1876
    2. 0
      April 4 2012 21: 04
      Quote: Nechai
      and in Altai someone is buying up intensively. In protected areas

      Valera, can I talk about this in more detail?
  20. +3
    April 4 2012 14: 01
    Thanks for the article and for the graphics!
  21. +5
    April 4 2012 14: 03
    US states parasite controlled by a handful of Jews through the Fed! The United States will be saved only by war and certainly a little nuclear (other weapons can be used, but always with the same destructive force), but on a different continent. Therefore, US Jews will sacrifice their fellow tribesmen to Israel. When attacking Iran, Israel will use nuclear weapons, it simply will not have another choice. Really the Fed Jews, once again, everything will get away with it ..... .....
    1. Tyumen
      April 4 2012 19: 25
      Quote: Vladimir 70
      US Jews will sacrifice their fellow tribesmen of Israel.

      And then what, all over again? And who will be Moses?
  22. +5
    April 4 2012 14: 19
    Otvetka brains e..t.
    Your ardent post in the Roman style is worthy of several pluses, respect :-) Horror will come soon! Not one economy of the world that has fallen into such a trap can dictate conditions for a long time
  23. Bat1stuta
    April 4 2012 14: 50
    the collapse of this monster with the name of the United States is inevitable ... yes, it will be difficult at first, I have no doubt about it. but maybe then it will live easier, we will throw this parasite off our shoulders ... request
  24. thatupac
    April 4 2012 14: 50
    I am not strong in the economy, but I know that the United States will get out to the last. Until China wants to.
  25. savelij
    April 4 2012 14: 57
    We do not need to look at America, but do business in our own country! Where is America, where is Russia! We need to pay attention to affairs in our country, improve the economy, living standards, medicine, and education. If Russia is strong, then America itself will fall apart!
    1. thatupac
      April 4 2012 14: 59
      What a joker laughing
  26. laurbalaur
    April 4 2012 16: 02
    The article is a huge plus!
  27. +2
    April 4 2012 16: 12
    It remains for them to buy up, keep what they are doing, the world reserves of precious metals, and then after 10 years to introduce a new currency, this will be argamedon, if correctly written, for all
  28. +2
    April 4 2012 16: 21
    Everything in the article is like that. To the author +. And all around the Americans are silent because militarily they are still stronger than the majority on the planet. It would be different - they have long demanded everything in full! After all, everyone has long understood everything.
  29. Uralm
    April 4 2012 17: 00
    And "bang" will be 100 percent. I wonder how much Russia lost during the crisis? Well, not less than $ 300 billion. Let the entire government of Russia lie. The economist himself. 300 billion is at least another
    Why ours are feeding amers, and I do not understand. and no one but the authorities to see! Either their economists are all either stupid, or everyone is working for "democracy"
  30. escobar
    April 4 2012 17: 26
    The article is called - hand over the bucks
    1. Liberal
      April 4 2012 21: 00
      True Americanophobic patriots generally cannot have any dollars. Why do they need these dirty pieces of paper with portraits of foreign presidents?
      1. Vadim555
        April 5 2012 02: 02
        Quote: Liberal
        Liberal Yesterday, 21:00 p.m. Real patriotic Americanophobes have no dollars at all. Why do they need these dirty pieces of paper with portraits of foreign presidents?

        For memory!
  31. Uralm
    April 4 2012 17: 43
    There are no economists in Russia, g. But one thing remains, all smart ones have sold out.
  32. patriot2
    April 4 2012 18: 27
    It is difficult to admit that Russia is now a raw materials appendage of the states and Europe, but the facts are stubborn. Where are you the development strategies of the Russian economy, where? Government, aw, wake up!
    Article +
  33. malera
    April 4 2012 18: 30
    Quote: thatupac
    We do not need to look at America, but do business in our own country! Where is America, where is Russia! We need to pay attention to affairs in our country, improve the economy, living standards, medicine, and education.

    I agree.
    Quote: savelij
    If Russia is strong, then America itself will fall apart!

    God forbid. Russia will be the first to suffer from this. When a skyscraper collapses, a nearby low-rise building is not easy to survive. (to whom are you going to sell hydrocarbons?)
  34. Uralm
    April 4 2012 18: 37
    Take it easy. don't be dumb and so sick
  35. r.anoshkin
    April 4 2012 18: 53
    And the men do not know! Putin was told? Otherwise the stabilization fund will be eaten away. And the Americans will not know anything without us, they sweep new cars instead of crackers and stew. While the fat one dries, the thin one will die. All these crashes and crises are a cheap distraction. Any Russian knows much more about "their" crises and problems than "victims".
  36. modron
    April 4 2012 19: 04
    The Americans are on the side, they have a large fleet who will find someone to rob. And rich people, too, will not die of hunger, even with the loss of half of their capital, but if we take away 20-30% of our pensioners, it will be possible to completely dismantle the FIU since there will be no one to pay the pension!
  37. Prophet Alyosha
    April 4 2012 19: 08
    Jokes, jokes, but we have no right to leave without retaliation the weakening beast that humiliated us and our Motherland for 20 years!
    A soldier comes down the hill
    With family meeting ahead.
    Medal for the capture of New York
    I see on his chest.
    I see his daughter Tanka
    He drives two geese to the river,
    Where from the tower of the NATO tank
    Son Fedka catches crucians.
  38. Stasi.
    April 4 2012 20: 00
    But America could have collapsed, not the USSR. Here is a chronicle of events. The economic situation in the United States was dire. 1975-76 years - an attack of catastrophic inflation in America. The Fed has to raise interest rates, stifling production. 1979 - Ayatollah Khomeini's revolution breaks out in Iran, after which oil prices skyrocket by 90% enriching the USSR and hitting the Western economy. "Reaganomics" is beating in fits of agony. Liberalization does not help: in 1982. profits of US corporations fall 26,5%. For the first time since 1921, General Motors has suffered colossal losses. In 1986. there is a crash on the New York Stock Exchange. In September, the English magazine The Economist writes: "If in 1981 the world owed the United States $ 141 billion, then in 1986 the United States owed the world $ 246 billion." Monday 19 October 1987 shocked the USA. On that day, American ships attacked an Iranian oil platform in the Persian Gulf. Panic hit the New York Stock Exchange, stock prices plummeted and the US corporation lost $ 560 billion from this. The dollar itself staggered. The US President had to personally reassure the business world. It was on that day that the Americans realized: they needed the destruction of the USSR, which would be capable of spewing out flows of cheap raw materials, technologies, valuable specialists and cash into the world. Otherwise, their economy entered a protracted crisis that led the country to ruin. The bill for the United States went on for months. In the second half of 87g. For the first time since the early 1930s, the largest US banks announced quarterly losses. The Dow Jones index collapsed by 508 points. A few weeks after that, The Wall Street Journal reported that the market was on the verge of collapse. The collapse was avoided because the new head of the Fed, Alan Greenspan, implemented secret recommendations. but it was all just a reprieve. Only a miracle could save the Yankees. And it happened. In 1987. the book of General Secretary Gorbachev is published "Perestroika and new thinking for our country and for the whole world." In fact, it was the doctrine of the complete foreign policy surrender of the USSR.
    1. Arc76
      April 4 2012 21: 10
      And remind me if you are such a connoisseur of the world economy, in what year the Saudis brought down the oil market and how this affected the incomes of the USSR. And please write a comparative analysis of labor productivity in the USSR and the USA, say the year for 1985. The results will unpleasantly surprise you.
  39. valery dv
    April 4 2012 20: 10
    If the Americans read this blog, then there would be laughter on the whole planet. You are happier that they are not up to the likes of many on the blog who are tearing up their last shirts, they’ll shout: America is coming soon. Are you tired of shouting? 70 years have been screaming. Americans don’t wish Russia to evil, believe me, I’ve been living here for many years. Some bloggers say something that even al Qaeda will never say. Because of the few throats in the blog, 85% of the world's population do not like Russia. there are reasonable people, I’ll just like to shut up throats with throats until it's too late.
    1. +2
      April 4 2012 20: 44
      Firstly. better shake home before it's too late.

      secondly, ordinary Americans do not want to be, but the government is very.

      third. and how many percent of the world's population do not like Americans, and for what if America is so good.

      fourthly, you are right that even al-Qaeda will not say what your ambassador for fix mcfol in Moscow allows himself to do.

      And in the fifth, our throats are not yours alone; either McCain or Brzezinski are worth anything. and in classmates in general your compatriots in America with reflashed brains, with whom there’s nothing to talk about.

      The happiness you started with Wall Street will see what happens next. The farther into the forest .... and more .. we, unlike America, do not trade tungsten instead of gold. Already European countries are withdrawing gold reserves from you.
    2. with
      April 4 2012 21: 08
      Quote: valery dv
      If there are rational people here, I’ll just like to shut up throats with throats before it’s too late.

      And these are all your wishes ??? wink
      And you really downs !!! feel
    3. rolik
      April 5 2012 01: 45
      You know, but we won’t believe you. According to you, we scream for 70 years, and staff members for more than 100 years have been sharpening a knife on us. So, do not soar the brain of a peace lover. All peace-loving US policy, in its actions and not in words.
    4. Uralm
      April 6 2012 20: 38
      valery dv
      Are you down or who ?!
  40. Liberal
    April 4 2012 20: 51
    Well, patriots - have already run away, replaced enemy dollars with euros or even yuan? Although why should the yuan-conscious patriots if there is a native wooden ruble ...
    Hurry, soon ... soon the damned imperialists will be covered with a copper basin laughing and then the Russian Federation will definitely turn into a world leader in the field of nanotechnology and the ruble will become the new reserve world currency! laughing

    "Counselors and reformers! Enthusiasts and reformers!
    For God's sake, calm down! American democracy is two hundred years old. And all these years, American democracy has been weakening. All these years she has been predicted to die soon. All these years, life has become more expensive. All these years, blacks scare us to death.
    And the shops are still full of food. And millions of books are still sold out. And the brilliant music still sounds, And thousands of art galleries open their doors every day. And luxurious cars are rushing by. And the number of refugees from all over the world is still growing. "(c) S. Dovlatov
    1. rolik
      April 5 2012 01: 49
      200 years in world history, it’s like your bunch in an open field, it’s not heard and does not stink. It is necessary to open the tote "How many pins .... this will still hold out." Do you want to tell me?
      1. Liberal
        April 5 2012 13: 20
        What does world history have to do with it? laughing What does world history have to do with the power of the United States, with the dollar as the world's reserve currency, an excellent army and navy with bases all over the planet ??

        "Do you want to tell me?"

        Che you say it does not matter. After the shame of Professor Panarin with his predictions about the imminent collapse of the United States (he even announced the date - 2009 laughing ) who even broadcast on federal Russian channels, you can talk to anyone and anything. Only the USA is becoming stronger from year to year, the US population is growing, migrants from all over the world are striving for it, leading states are buying pieces of paper from their treasury, and American patriots can only dig out impotent rage.

        Have you changed the yuan dollars yet? Hurry up, because the damned USA will soon fall apart! fellow
  41. Nechai
    April 4 2012 20: 56
    Quote: Uralm
    There are no economists in Russia

    So where they cook it. And those who teach in our Universes there.
    Quote: Prophet Alyosha
    ... Medal "For the capture of New York" ... Where from the tower of the NATO tank Son Fedka catches crucians.

    Alexei! Well done! +5000 !!!
    Quote: Tyumen 35
    And then what, all over again? And who will be Moses?

    I’m embarrassed to ask ... Is the presence of Moses in every beginning necessary? And then wander around ... You need to rob, and not look where they are not ...
    1. +2
      April 4 2012 21: 07
      Quote: Nechai
      And then what, all over again? And who will be Moses?

      I agree, Valera, if you go along with me, the driver, and we’ll find the tower drinks
  42. Bob
    April 4 2012 21: 05
    "If the Russian authorities really want to break free from complete economic, political, financial, ideological and scientific-technical dependence ...."
    For this it is still very important - NOT TO JOIN THE WTO. Otherwise, the WTO, like a spider, will suck out of the Russian economy all the "uncompetitive" enterprises (practically all except mineral raw materials, metallurgical, etc.) enterprises and destroy the Russian agriculture and industry, put the working Russians in the position of asking the state their slaves to the state in the truest sense of the word.
    I must say a clear NO to Russia's WTO accession and integration of the country into the world order, the purpose of which is to subjugate everyone and everything to the will of the world government in the face of a handful of international oligarchs, as well as to eliminate borders between states and at the same time destroy the states themselves and their sovereignty.
  43. Nechai
    April 4 2012 21: 08
    Quote: Uralm
    There are no economists in Russia

    So where they cook it. And those who teach in our Universes there.
    Quote: Prophet Alyosha
    ... Medal "For the capture of New York" ... Where from the tower of the NATO tank Son Fedka catches crucians.

    Alexei! Well done! +5000 !!!
    Quote: Tyumen 35
    And then what, all over again? And who will be Moses?

    I’m embarrassed to ask ... Is the presence of Moses in every beginning necessary? And then wander around ... You need to rob, and not look where they are not ...
    Quote: Stasi.
    In 1987. the book of General Secretary Gorbachev is published "Perestroika and new thinking for our country and for the whole world." In fact, it was the doctrine of the complete foreign policy surrender of the USSR.

    Pavel, why did Andropov need to get to the helm so much? Run this project. Bourgeois Russia is joyfully accepted into a friendly European family. And Eurasia forrevor! But it did not grow together. Some kind of rogue bourgeois turned out. Europe is ready at its choice, for a while, to take ostarbeitars into service. And he wants to annex Russia, but without a population. The project is failing. And the faster it doesn’t just understand
    "elite", and will work out the following program (they are masters of the program to write, to execute somehow it does not work, yet) with which the people agree.
  44. patriot2
    April 4 2012 21: 27
    The collapse of the dollar as a world currency is inevitable. The whole world knows that he is not provided with anything. The accumulation of the dollar in the treasury of the state can lead to a financial collapse of the country after the collapse of the state financial system. The collapse of the Amerov financial system is very close. Only within the framework of BRICS is it possible to switch to a new unit of account between developing and affiliated countries. Otherwise, the collapse in the financial world will bring great shock to everyone after the collapse of the dollar.
    Perhaps the states are pulling this moment to destroy the global financial system with the least loss for them and the maximum for other countries.
    States never do anything just like that - only for their own benefit. Well, a financial oligarchy using a dollar instrument for the benefit of yourself. In a certain state of affairs, they will do what they intended. What they will transfer their assets to, getting rid of a weak dollar is the question.
  45. +1
    April 4 2012 21: 59
    Arkxnumx- Credit rating expresses view Standard & Poor's regarding the creditworthiness of the issuer as a whole or its ability and willingness to meet specific financial obligations in a timely manner and in full Opinion!!!.The US emintent is not happy yet.
  46. suharev-52
    April 4 2012 23: 18
    It can be clearly seen on the graph how, due to Russia, the curve goes into plus in the late 80s. For this, Mishka is tagged and held in high esteem in the West. If it were not for the surrender of the country then, we would not be sitting in shit now. Here, some people really like America and life in it. Of course it’s just wonderful to live off others. But all is good when that ... ends. So what are we waiting for. And the end of the tan will be oh how not good for the whole world. I'm afraid that the world's population will be reduced and .... significantly. So I wish all forum users one thing - to SURVIVE in the upcoming Apocalypse. Sincerely.
  47. Coba
    April 4 2012 23: 34
    for Liberal RU Today, 20:51
    And the shops are still bursting with grub.

    For the bottom of GMOs, chemistry. The consequence is obesity, accelerated medicine.
    And millions of books are still being sold.

    Name at least one philosopher SSHA larger than Hemingway,
    all of their literature is somewhat superficial.
    And brilliant music still sounds

    From his own: jazz, rock, reggae ... Symphonic? Who is heard?
    And thousands of art galleries open their doors daily.

    From my own (not bought up for sale): kitsch, avant-garde, cubism ... I would not call it - this is definitely art.
    And rush the stream of luxury cars. And still the number of refugees from around the world is growing.

    This is the only thing in which I agree with the flattered Yankees Sergei Dovlatov. In the United States there is no millennial war of power and its own people.
    The conveyor and robots stamp the pieces of iron in unlimited circulation. Colt tended to be frail and greedy. And so two hundred years ago, rivets in shipyards were hammered with a steam hammer, and in the most frozen country, housing and communal services are still hammering the globe with shovels.
    1. +1
      April 5 2012 05: 42
      I will continue the theme, the amers themselves have not heard about Hemingway, they have "over the precipice in the rye" almost war and peace.
      The whole world was spoiled by madonnas and armageddons of the savior x ... you, into the furnace of their dream!

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"