Party leadership of the evacuated population during the Great Patriotic War. Studying PhD thesis ... (conclusion)

So our cycle of articles came to an end, and, in fact, not even articles, but the materials scanned from V. Solovyov’s dissertation, which I posted here in VO as his old friend and with his permission, practically without any comment. Because it's kind of historical document! A cast of the era, with all its pros and cons. And of course, it was very interesting for everyone to get acquainted with the materials of this work. Another thing is that the collapse of the USSR did not make it possible to turn this Ph.D. thesis into a doctoral thesis and consider this problem already on a national scale.

By the way, having looked through all the materials of this cycle, it is easy to see what good work the teachers of the history departments of the CPSU wrote in support of the party and the Soviet government. And the lectures on the basis of these works were also given to students by the RK and OK CPSU, and would any of us then try to “stumble” in something? However, no one would have wanted, well, what, excuse me, is a fool sawing a branch on which he sits and cutting a chicken that lays golden eggs for him? 280 p. salary to the candidate of historical sciences, senior lecturer, 320 p. - to an assistant professor plus service at a special clinic of the OK CPSU, plus money for lectures from the Knowledge Society and the Republic of Kazakhstan and OK CPSU (10 rubles for a lecture and 25 for a round table), some of them gave 10 and more lectures per month. At factories and in hairdressing salons, at pig farms and in pharmacies ... Add newspaper articles - from 5 to 25 p. and more than a month, TV shows - 40 p., although this was not for everyone. The result was 400 or more rubles per month - i.e. the salary of the second secretary of the OK CPSU, and in addition free trips to Moscow to the archives and Leninka, but really for sausage and sausages. Who would have neglected all this at that time? Therefore, to say that the teachers of the history of the CPSU “destroyed the USSR” is at least stupid. Already someone, and we just defended him like chain dogs, word for word broadcasting to the people the orders of the party and government from above. If there was an order — there is a concept of party discipline — they would take the machine guns and go to defend it (and what to do, you have to pay for preferences!), But there was no order. Gathered and said - "no longer needed." And if so, then ... officials are accustomed to obeying orders from above, and then why should we rush about? Well, we played one, now we will play another ...

Well, now, since we have reached the conclusion, I will have to change my rule not to comment on this work. In some places, just have to, because without this, well, can not do. Nevertheless, the original text of the dissertation research itself was not subjected to even the slightest revision, therefore both the style and the manner of presentation of the material by the author remained the same as in the 1986 year.

So, read ...


The new edition of the CPSU program, adopted by the XXVII Party Congress, emphasized: "The Great Patriotic War was the severe test of the new system, rallying around the party, displaying unprecedented heroism, the Soviet people and its armed forces inflicted a crushing defeat on Germany’s fascism - the shock detachment of world imperialist reaction." [1, c.126] K. Marx was deeply right, noting: "... the war makes a final sentence on social institutions that have lost their viability." [2, c.551] Results of the Great Patriotic War convincingly show that in the world there is no force that could crush the socialist state. (As you can see, Soviet historical science was not free at that time. It was necessary to refer to the opinion of the next secretary general, without which the work would simply not be released. The words of the secretary general were the measure of the truth of everything, Alpha and Omega - comment V.Sh.)

Appreciation of the feat of the Soviet people in the last war was given in the report of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, MS. Gorbachev at the solemn meeting on the occasion of the 40 anniversary of victory: "The feat of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War is great and unforgettable. The war years were infinitely much together - the pain of loss and the happiness of victory, the courage of fierce battles and the modest greatness of everyday work, the pasha victory raised high international authority of the Soviet Union. It caused a surge of patriotic feelings among the Soviet people. For us, victory was and will remain an inspiring source from which we will always draw energy for the realization of enormous sound plans, strengthening the power and further prosperity of the Motherland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. "[3, c.14] (Remembering these passages to MS Gorbachev, I remember my own mother, also a teacher of history of the CPSU, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor “As he says!” She exclaimed in the same 1985 year, “as he says!” “Mama — he hasn’t done anything yet,” I reasoned. “For now, only words!” But ... it was a voice crying in the wilderness. Then, when the "case" began, she no longer liked them. It’s just amazing how easy our people buy not even for money, I would just understand it, namely with words! - approx. V.Sh.)

Crucial in achieving victory over the enemy, according to VI. Lenin, is in the organizational activities of the Communist Party, its ability to mobilize and lead the working people. The loyalty of the Leninist position was revealed with particular force during the Great Patriotic War, when in the name of the defense of the socialist Fatherland the party acted as the inspiration and militant leader of our people.

On many buildings of our cities there are such signs. They indicate that during the war years there were located hospitals. There is it on the building of the Penza gymnasium №6.

By successfully relocating the productive forces to safe areas, the plans of the enemy were disrupted, counting on the occupation of industrial centers to undermine the economic power of the USSR. Issues of evacuation were solved at the highest party and state level. In the unprecedentedly difficult conditions of the first period of the war, the Communist Party and the Soviet state in a short time carried out the transfer of human and material resources and organized their use with maximum impact on the sites.

Bourgeois falsifiers, deliberately moving away from objective coverage of the war, try to prove that successful evacuation is in no way connected with the fundamental advantages of socialism, the leading role of Lenin’s party, but ideological opponents of socialism will not be able to distort history. A great work was done in the USSR to criticize bourgeois historiography of the leading role of the FPSU during the war years. The results of our study and the conclusions arising from the analysis of the problem under study contribute to the exposure of the concept of Western historians, discrediting the activities of the party in wartime, its role in the evacuation of the productive forces of the USSR, the implementation of economic and social policy. (Without mentioning the critics of bad bourgeois falsifiers, as indeed now, no scientific work could have done, they simply wouldn’t have missed it. But I wondered if I asked the author if he read at least one such falsifier, he frankly laughed. " What are you asking about? As if you weren’t there then? What books are “from there” and where would I get them and how would I read them? You know how it was: “I didn’t read, but I condemn!” And, By the way, note that there are no references in the work to the work of bourgeois falsifiers, but none of the reviewers I didn’t pay attention to it, that is, in serious scientific work there are NO REFERENCES to foreign authors criticized in it, but since these are “bourgeois falsifiers,” then it’s possible to do without page-based references. A priori, they are all “bad.” Something many articles on It reminded today, and they also say that the USSR died long ago. And this is what: its “scientific tradition”, or better to say, propaganda technique — using the ignorance of our citizens, pouring mud at foreign scientists just because it is beneficial for our powers. Although, yes, their political leaders sometimes make very illiterate statements. Well, so these are different things, a round cannot be equated with a salty one! - approx. V.Sh.)

The present study showed that, on the basis of Lenin's regulations on the leading role of the party in organizing the defense of the socialist Motherland, a system of directions, forms and methods of party leadership for the evacuated population was formed, the components of which are:
- development of a scientifically based concept, specific political, economic, social tasks and main activities of party, Soviet, Komsomol, economic organizations in matters of evacuation, deployment of productive forces, their involvement in the functioning of the entire economy, the struggle of the entire people, which ensured victory;
- determination of the role, place, responsibilities of evacuation authorities in solving the problem of population displacement, its material and domestic support and political education in new places of residence;
- organizational and political strengthening of the primary party organizations created from the newly arrived communists, increasing the vanguard role of party members, placing them in the decisive areas of administrative, economic and production work;
- the use of methods of persuasion, control, including in the form of discussions at conferences, plenums, meetings of party committees, bureaus, assets, party meetings of issues of work among evacuated citizens;
- study, generalization, dissemination and implementation of the advanced experience of the work of party organizations in managing the labor activity of immigrants, their ideological and political growth.

This photo in red "circle" shows the location of this memorial plate on the wall of the gymnasium. It is interesting that during the war its building was two-storied, but then it was built on another floor. To the left of the sign is a fir tree, which I had to plant when I was a student of the 9 grade of this school. Then another school. Never in those years did I ever think that I would ever see her so huge!

The high effectiveness of party influence on the evacuated population was achieved when the components that made up the system were used simultaneously, regularly, which allowed in practice to master the Leninist style of leadership.

The study of issues related to the activities of party organizations of the Kuibyshev, Penza and Ulyanovsk regions among the evacuated population makes it possible to draw the following conclusions:

Party organizations in the region during the wartime quickly solved the most difficult economic, social and political-educational tasks in connection with the stay of evacuees. Party committees regularly addressed the issues of satisfying household needs and spiritual needs of immigrants, created a system of providing ongoing material and financial assistance, contributed to the development of various additional sources of supply, children’s facilities that provided residential and residential buildings were provided with special attention and care, provision of food, industrial goods. The locals, brought up by the party in the spirit of friendship and mutual assistance, launched a movement to provide comprehensive voluntary assistance to evacuees.

Recreating an objective picture of systematic assistance to about 380 to thousands of immigrants is a worthy rebuff to bourgeois ideologists, contributes to dispelling the fabrications of the essence of the party’s social policy during the war years, its organizational skills in creating the necessary conditions for an evacuated population for life and work. (If only one example of what those perverts were writing at the time was “bourgeois ideologues”, at least one! - V. Sh. Comment)

Having joined a friendly family of workers of the Middle Volga region, evacuated citizens with deep faith in victory worked in the national economy. Party organizations led the industrial training of immigrants who did not have working specialties, giving them the opportunity to take an active part in the productive pile, for which courses, training and production combines were opened, and studies were conducted at the machine tool, in technical circles, and tractor brigades.

The labor collectives of the arrived enterprises, with the assistance of the party, Soviet, economic organizations, workers of the region, in a short time, put the evacuated factories and plants into operation, began to produce the products necessary for the front. The completion of the restoration of the majority of redeployed enterprises made it possible for evacuated aviation industry workers to take the initiative of the All-Union Socialist Competition for over-fulfillment of the plans that unfolded since May 1942.

Patriotic undertakings were born at the enterprises that arrived: the movements of two-three hundred men, thousanders, Komsomol youth brigades, and so on. Evacuated workers put forward new forms of socialist labor: front-line decades, monthly, multi-staging, mastering related professions, salute weeks, pre-holiday and front-line watches, and others. Party committees among the arriving workers organized work aimed at saving raw materials, working time, for which months were used to collect rationalization and inventive proposals, material and moral encouragement, visual agitation, oral propaganda.

The practice of party leadership in competition during the war years among large masses of evacuated workers became an integral part of the treasury of the experience of implementing the economic policy of the party. Nowadays, its value and value has not faded due to the tasks set by the ХХУП congress, June / 1986 / Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU to make the most complete use of achieving scientific and technological progress, increasing the efficiency of social production, strengthening labor discipline, increasing its productivity, saving material , labor and financial resources, in the matter of activating the human factor, in a word, in realizing the possibilities and advantages of real socialism.

The party mobilized the evacuated population located in rural areas to participate in agricultural production. Quite a few leading workers who worked out a record number of workdays came out of the ranks of the immigrants, many evacuees were promoted to managerial positions on collective farms, state farms, and MTS.

Party organizations conducted versatile ideological and political work among the arriving population aimed at fostering patriotism and internationalism. The communists systematically acquainted the settlers with the situation on the fronts and in the whole country, conducted conversations, meetings with soldiers, drummers of the labor front, organized international events. Much attention was paid to individual work. The goal of ideological and political education was that no one should feel alone in a new place in order to direct the energy and knowledge of visiting people to the great cause of victory over the aggressor.

Studying the experience of organizing the party among the evacuated population contributes to the military-patriotic education of the Soviet people, careful attitude to this experience, inheritance and further development of what was achieved by older generations of Soviet people is one of the conditions for successful progress along the path of improving socialism and ensuring the country's security. The new edition of the CPSU Program states. "An important task of ideological and educational work remains military-patriotic education, the formation of a readiness to defend the socialist Motherland, to give it all its strength, and, if necessary, life."
(Well, how can I refrain from commenting? There was both military-patriotic education, and Marxist-Leninist institutions, and a bunch of propagandists at all levels, but for some reason nobody in 1991 died for the “socialist Fatherland”. I guess I remembered the anecdote about the newspaper Trud and Soviet Russia. And, by the way, today even those who are fighting for it now write their comments not from the dugouts of the partisan detachments Back in the USSR and the True Stalinist, but from completely different places , much more comfortable and safe, receive pensions and wages are not from the party funds, and from the Ministry of Finance "the anti-people regime of the oligarchs" and ... they live very well for themselves! - V.Sh.

Thus, in the years of the Great Patriotic War, the Communist Party was enriched with the experience of organizational work under extreme conditions, which became a solid foundation, a serious guarantee for the successful post-war leadership of socialist construction. As noted in the political report of the Central Committee of the CPSU of the HHUP Party Congress: "The party activists, all the Communists must master the great traditions of Bolshevism, be brought up on these traditions." [4, c. 84] (They should have been, but ... they did not take possession! Neither the assets, nor all the Communists! - V.Sh. comment.)

The analysis of the problem of organizing the party’s activities among those who arrived in the Middle Volga region on the evacuation of citizens during the war makes it possible to make some recommendations aimed at improving party work, economic strengthening of the country, further scientific development of the problem, improving the educational process at the university, political education of workers, expanding knowledge Soviet people on the history of their homeland.

We love to gossip that, they say, the memory is not saved, the youth do not know anything, the work in schools with patriotic education is put out of their hands badly. Here in the 6 school, even its Victory Garden was laid, and the situation is as it should be with this work. And for the time being, no one has passed a copper board with an inscription about what kind of garden it is!

I. For successful activity of party organizations it is advisable to use: forms and methods of managing evacuated population that justified themselves in 1941-1945 years - efficiency, complexity, scientific soundness in solving social and economic problems, the ability to rely on workers, the high personal responsibility of the communists for the work assigned , sensitive attitude to the needs and needs of people; b / experience in managing the socialist competition of evacuated workers, from which you can borrow militancy, purposefulness, timeliness in summing up, a clear definition of specific, practical tasks for each participant, the ability to achieve coordination of actions of party, Komsomol and trade union organizations, allowing to increase the effectiveness of competition, to eliminate formalism in his organization, pull the lagging behind to the level of the foremost.

2. Party organizations to prepare conditions and fight for the transfer of work brigades to genuine self-financing. To ensure that the level of earnings of each worker directly depends on his personal contribution and on the concrete contribution of the collective to the increase in social wealth. (And why such a conclusion No. 2? It is clear that at that time everyone was delirious about self-financing. But did the party fight for it during the war years? What is this conclusion based on? - approx. V.Sh.)

3. Scientists studying the period of the Great Patriotic War should continue to cover the activities of the CPSU (b) (the author wrote the CPSU, but I could not help but correct. Which CPSU in 1941 - 1945? - approx. V.Sh.) among the evacuated population. Documentary sources found in the archives, periodicals, revealing this direction of the organizational work of the party and published in various publications, must be collected and published in the form of thematic collections or separated into an independent section in collections devoted to the activities of the party during the war years. (In general, I propose to devote a volume to this topic in the new 100th history of the Second World War. The only question is when and who will write it? - approx. V.Sh.)

4. Conduct a historiographic study of the problem of the leadership of the CPSU (b) (why open all archives for free access, otherwise many are closed until 2045! - approx. V.Sh.) by the evacuated population during the Great Patriotic War, which will make it possible to more fully represent the degree of study of the topic, to outline the prospects for further work, to give a reasoned, timely rebuff to bourgeois falsifiers. To prepare for publication a recommendatory index of literature on the problem on the scale of the regions, the USSR, and several countries.

5. For historians of the Middle Volga region to prepare and publish collections of memoirs of communists, Soviet, Komsomol, trade union activists, economic leaders, the settlers themselves, and other participants in the evacuation events of the war years. When republishing works on the history of regions and party organizations in the region, the work of party and Soviet bodies among the evacuated population should be more fully disclosed.

6. For university professors of the departments of history of the CPSU to develop a special course "Organizing activity of the Communist Party among the evacuated population during the Great Patriotic War of 94I - 945", the reading of which should be introduced at the historical faculties of universities and pedagogical institutes, which will allow students to present in a complex the problem of leading the party process evacuation and the work of the Soviet rear during the war years. (Poor us, poor! Our lectures at that time were already evaluated according to 62 parameters !!! And the lecture lasted 90 minutes. Count how many minutes it took for each parameter? And then they advise mentioning the evacuees ... He himself understood what he was offering ? - approx. V.Sh.)

7. In order to increase the effectiveness of the education of young people in the course of All-Union campaigns to places of military and labor glory of the Soviet people, the Komsomol committees should single out in a special direction the collection of materials on nationwide assistance to evacuated citizens who arrived from different republics, on the contribution of immigrants to the victory.

8. For Soviet bodies, enterprise administrations, party, Komsomol, trade union committees to organize expositions in local history, factory, factory museums that demonstrate the organizational work of the party during the war years to transfer productive forces, create normal conditions for the evacuated population to live and work in places of accommodation.

9. Ideological workers constantly improve the forms of ideological and political education of the working people, enrich and diversify the topics of their speeches, using material from the history of the evacuation of productive forces, assistance to immigrants, and the labor activity of evacuees in the Soviet rear in wartime.

10. When forming the content of files, archive employees are invited to observe the thematic principle as clearly as possible, including documents revealing the work of the party and the state among the evacuees, as independent storage units, and where this is not possible, be sure to indicate their full content in the title of files. Employees of the State Archives of the Penza Region, following the example of their colleagues from Kuibyshev and Ulyanovsk, should single out the documents of the department of the regional executive committee on the economic organization of the evacuated population into an independent fund. (And where can I get money for this? - approx. V.Sh.)

The experience of the CPSU in guiding the armed defense of socialism is of international importance; it entered the treasury of the international labor and national liberation movement as a warning to the aggressive forces of imperialism, which are striving to destroy the socialist state and social system.

The Party and the government are unswervingly pursuing a peace-loving policy, the essence of which lies in the words of V.I. Lenin: "... we promise the workers and peasants to do everything for the world, and we will do it." [5, c.343] The CPSU is making great efforts to ensure that the fruits of the creative labor of the Soviet people are under reliable protection, and our people had the opportunity to carry out ambitious plans to improve socialism and the gradual transition to communism. “The leadership of the CPSU and the Soviet state will do everything to ensure that our people have the opportunity to work in conditions of lasting peace and freedom” [6, c.347], MS Gorbachev said in a speech at the close of the XXUP CPSU Congress.

But no final conclusions do not want something. And so everything is clear to those who carefully read it. Well, he knows how it all ended in 1991 year ...

Использованная литература:
1. Materials of the XXIP Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. M., Politizdat, 1986.
2. Marx K. New revelations in England. - Marx K., Engels F. Soch., Vol. P.
3. Gorbachev M.S. The immortal feat of the Soviet people. M., Politizdat, 1985.
4. Materials of the XXIP Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. M., Politizdat, 1986.
5. Lenin V.I. Report on foreign policy at a joint meeting of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Moscow Council. May 14, 1918 - Poly, coll. cit., v.36.
6. Materials of the XXIP Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. M., Politizdat, 1986.
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  1. +9
    4 December 2017 06: 13
    Hmm ... all of this is sad ... The CPSU was unable to change itself in accordance with the changed world ... the Chinese Communists turned out to be more insightful in this regard and are now striding ahead of the rest.
    Well, RUSSIA, using the remnants of the Soviet past, is moving towards a happy capitalist future, nowhere for the next ..17 year.
    1. +5
      4 December 2017 06: 49
      .Since there were already articles about the 1952 congress, where the name of the party changed, which shows how and in what direction the party began to change after the Second World War.
    2. 0
      4 December 2017 19: 50
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      and RUSSIA, using the remnants of the Soviet past, is moving towards a happy capitalist future, nowhere for the next ..17 year.

      By 2117 year?
  2. +9
    4 December 2017 08: 15
    ..a really for sausage and sausages.
    ..Without sausage and article there wouldn’t be ... smile
    If there was an order - there is the concept of party discipline - they would take the machines and go to defend it (and what to do, you have to pay for the preferences!)
    ... Oh ... But now, the bulk of the “color” propagandists have changed, and what to do, you need to earn money for sausages and sausages .. I already gave an example of how one propagandist wrote two books about the Kronstadt mutiny, the first one was published in Soviet times and it was written in the style of "youth threw us on Kronstadt ice", the second in the post-Soviet era is "sorry, they tormented the fighters with the Soviet power" .. When did they tell the truth ...?
    1. +9
      4 December 2017 09: 07
      I recall an old joke
      On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution, the country hosts a lot of events at various levels, here is one of such events - a meeting of pioneers with the old Bolshevik. They came to Krasnaya Presnya and the old man began to tell:
      - In 1905, there was a barricade at this place. A young guy stood on it with a red flag in his hands and spoke the right words about freedom, equality, fraternity ...
      Grandfather was silent
      -What happened next, grandfather?
      -And then our esaul ordered: "Checkers bare!" .....
      1. +2
        4 December 2017 10: 34
        If this is an anecdote of the time, then he is talking about the changes that took place in the party after the death of Stalin, but which began during his lifetime.
      2. +10
        4 December 2017 13: 06
        you’ll laugh — but in 1977 exactly what happened in the city — we unveiled a monument to the fighters for the revolution, called on the old Chapaevist — and he turned out to be a sapozhkovets (Sapozhkov’s detachment separated from the Chapaev’s division — he was considered a rebel and an enemy of the Soviet regime) and turned him over to the mountain something like "we are sitting near Shipov - and here the Chapaevtsy are jumping - well, we started shooting at them." After this, my grandfather was quickly carried away from the rostrum by the arms ...
        1. +4
          4 December 2017 15: 19
          I won’t laugh, my grandfather himself was a Chonov man. And who am I after that - the grandson of the hero or the grandson of the punisher?
          1. +3
            4 December 2017 20: 04
            You are just a grandson.
            1. +3
              4 December 2017 21: 38
              What a wonderful answer!
            2. +5
              4 December 2017 23: 01
              I’ll add from myself - a good person and a pleasant conversationalist drinks
              1. +2
                5 December 2017 02: 59
                Thank you all for your kind words !!! And do not get it wrong: I am not ashamed of my grandfather, I am proud of him, and sometimes even envy !!!
                1. +1
                  5 December 2017 08: 32
                  Why are you ashamed? There was such a Finnish sniper Simo, and then unpronounceable. He killed more than 500 Soviet soldiers, and even all 700. He is asked - and the torment of conscience? And from the answer: I did what I was ordered and as good as I could! Within the laws of war - the argument is iron. They shot him, he shot them! He didn’t burn villages, he didn’t hang out partisans.
                  1. +4
                    5 December 2017 09: 11
                    Quote: kalibr
                    Within the laws of war - the argument is iron.
                    -in the framework of the laws of war - the girl from Changbang burned so normally on the run ....
                    What is the American army ashamed of? They fought with the enemies - well, by chance the girl got a little napalm ... Well, she got burned a little, but she didn’t die by chance (filmmakers saved) -
                    how many burned - who did not receive help, we will not know

                    formula "I was ordered !!" - in Nuremberg did not work
                    1. 0
                      5 December 2017 10: 41
                      Worked and how! It is enough to get acquainted with his affairs. Accident in war is not excluded, as is the redundancy of the use of force. Therefore, war is a crime. Even a fair war in defense of their homeland, too ... happens and miss and burn houses. Flies should be distinguished from all-purpose cutlets.
                      1. +4
                        5 December 2017 13: 04
                        An accident in the war? When they dropped “Fat Man” with “Baby”, did the civilians happen to be there by accident? When did Cologne / Coventry / Guernica get bombed?
                        If you cover your eyes with your palm - "we accidentally destroyed the village here completely, but everything is within the framework of the order! Outside the order we are not foot, no, no !!"

                        For some reason, it seems to me - that the girls didn’t care: during a just or unjust war, they poured water on her with napalm, she survived by accident
                  2. +2
                    5 December 2017 14: 51
                    The Urengoy knee was shocked by the difficult conditions. Why be ashamed.
                2. +6
                  5 December 2017 10: 42
                  my grandfather served in the structure of the NKVD, and his brother crushed the "forest brothers" as part of the same NKVD. Before the balts to me exactly not ashamed. am
        2. 0
          21 March 2018 12: 54
          There was no other story - everyone will not choose another fate and now

          antivirus 2 Today, 08:52 New
          father studied at Yves Energy Inst and "lived, 3 students in an apartment in 52-55 years, on the Worker Village", it is nearby. "The owner of the house was Konnik-Chapaevite, came with Furmanov, Ivanovo weavers"
          There were 2 rooms in the house, in one of the owners (I remember by association that Gorky’s grandfather and grandmother are small. Puny (?) As it should be for a jockey rider — it’s easier for a horse, a grandmother is a large, tall, high-born), 2 sons grew up and lived separately already, their room was rented out. in 55 g, dormitories were built on the Paris Commune, and resettled there.
          I didn’t write it down and, after several years, I forgot the names of the owners of the square.
          "He said," they did everything right. so now we live like that. "I understand how --- I was pleased with my life in the 50s and my life.

          father showed

          !!! fist from chest level vertically down, like a saber from a saddle on foot !!!

          It is necessary to look at the living conditions in the center of Russia which supported the Bolsheviks.
          They fought for the lives of their children (each), saved from hunger and disease.
          The north, the less likely it is to survive the winter without Tambov bread.
          there was no single nation, the process of creating a Russian-Russian nation has not been completed yet.
      3. +18
        4 December 2017 15: 39
        And I like another joke.
        V.I. Lenin peeks into the beer stall of Petrograd and tells the seller: "Pour me a couple of liters of beer with me."
        To which the seller says: "We do not let go of bottling."
        Ilyich: “And I’m not at the Spill, but at Shushenskoye”)
    2. +3
      4 December 2017 09: 30
      parusnik My grandfather joined the party in 1918, but in 1920 he did not go with the food detachment, since he buried his mother. They said "no" - a ticket to the table. And the second time he entered already in 1940. Probably in the 80s someone could say “I won’t go,” but I would definitely hear “a ticket to the table”. And lose all of the above after that? Are you out of your mind? No one would go for it!
      1. +9
        4 December 2017 10: 10
        Again a joke
        A call to the village church, the father picks up the phone
        - Father, good afternoon! They worry about the village council. We would have benches for a party meeting ...
        -I'm not giving it! Last time I gave it - they all scribbled with foul language!
        - Then figs to you, not pioneers in the church choir!
        - But figs to you, not the monks at the subbot!
        - Then figs to you, not Komsomol members to the procession!
        - Then figs to you, not the nuns in the bath!
        -But for this, father, and you can put a party card on the table!
      2. +4
        5 December 2017 23: 06
        Petty bourgeoisie, however. And a lie in places that casts doubt on everything.
        We had a doctor of sciences in our laboratory - the head of the laboratory. when I passed the medical commission in speleology, he also passed the commission there before the business trip to the UK. We sat in one line.
    3. +3
      4 December 2017 09: 34
      parusnik So what to do? You won’t erase a word from a song! Especially when I traveled regularly ...
    4. +7
      4 December 2017 10: 29
      There are also 2 books with opposite declarations at home, one is recent. About the streets of Petersburg. I want to return it back.
      What is wrong with sausage? Well traveled, so what? In this century, traveled to Finland for household appliances, but in Turkey for rags. They always travel somewhere, which is not clear from this.
      1. +3
        4 December 2017 16: 55
        Quote: Reptiloid
        What is wrong with sausage? Well traveled, so what? In this century, traveled to Finland for household appliances, but in Turkey for rags. They always travel somewhere, which is not clear from this.
        -cream butter -which was made in our village-brought to Moscow (1200km) - from where they then brought back (another 1200 km) who had already traveled to Moscow
        Penza sweets were brought to Kazakhstan, where we bought them and sent to an aunt in Penza. The situation was similar with their proprietary tincture, which Penza could not buy, but in the same Shipova she stood on display windows for no one who needed anything (was more expensive than vodka) -and we bought it and sent it to my aunt.
        1. +2
          4 December 2017 17: 04
          And the thing is that you talked about socialism ---- ah went! And I'm talking about capitalism! But cars were also distilled from Germany and from the Finns! And no one rebels and doesn’t dream of overthrowing him and doesn’t cry on this basis?
        2. +8
          4 December 2017 23: 13
          Quote: your1970
          -cream butter -which was made in our village-brought to Moscow (1200km) - from where they then brought back (another 1200 km) who had already traveled to Moscow

          It’s better to go to Moscow for sausage than at work. laughing
    5. +3
      4 December 2017 11: 31
      Quote: parusnik
      one propagandist wrote two books about the Kronstadt rebellion, the first was published in Soviet times and written in the style of "youth threw us on Kronstadt ice", the second in the post-Soviet era, "sorry, they fought against the Soviet regime.When they told the truth...?

      Then, when it became possible to speak. Everything is logical.
      1. +5
        4 December 2017 13: 54
        About the same thing, you can tell in different ways ... Somewhere, something can’t be finished, somewhere something superfluous to say ... Somewhere to embellish, somewhere to denigrate .. For example, for A. Bilzho -Z. Kosmodemyanskaya is a psycho, for me a heroine .. Or S. Bandera is now a 404 hero in the country. And before that he was not a hero. Logically? When the truth was said when he was not a hero or when he became a hero? .. If the second, then it turns out they said then when it was possible to say ... before that they were forbidden .. Is that all logical?
        1. +2
          4 December 2017 14: 42
          Quote: parusnik
          About the same thing, you can tell in different ways ... Somewhere, something can’t be finished, somewhere something superfluous to say ... Somewhere to embellish, somewhere to denigrate .. For example, for A. Bilzho -Z. Kosmodemyanskaya is a psycho, for me a heroine .. Or S. Bandera is now a 404 hero in the country. And before that he was not a hero. Logically?

          Facts (i.e. truth) are objective things. Estimates of facts are subjective things.
          The facts of Bandera's crimes are objective truth, his assessments are subjective by someone. But what does the truth have to do with it?
          1. +2
            4 December 2017 14: 57
            Facts, too, can be presented or not presented in a different order; from this, the picture can change to the diametrically opposite
          2. +3
            4 December 2017 15: 32
            The facts of the crimes of Bandera are objective truth, his assessments by someone are subjective
            ..Yes no one .... they just do not recognize .. smile How can a “hero” be a criminal? smile
        2. +9
          4 December 2017 15: 07
          And then the question naturally arises: what truth can be said today? laughing

          Truth is always subjective, for it is dependent on existing internal criteria and human values. Unlike truth, truth does not depend on subjective evaluations. The truth is that Bandera is a terrorist, since he participated in organizing a terrorist act against the Minister of Internal Affairs of Poland, and Bilzho is a mentally ill person with a mutilated psyche! laughing
          1. +2
            4 December 2017 17: 34
            Quote: BMP-2
            And then the question naturally arises: what truth can be said today? laughing ! laughing

            Announce the entire list? I assure you Vladimir, this list will be very small and tend to decrease. At the same time, mountains of lies about Soviet people about the USSR are growing. I recall some shots from a film of the last century MONEY COUNTRY. Unpleasant Associations
            1. +3
              4 December 2017 18: 28
              Dmitry, that’s all - links of one chain in a topic that we discussed a bit earlier. Do not find? wink Obviously, this problem also needs to be solved ... For example, the release on the screens by the centenary of the revolution of the infernal Matilda and the surreal Trotsky is clearly not something that could bring closer to an understanding of historical truth and justice ...
              1. +2
                4 December 2017 20: 18
                Yes, Vladimir! They move further away from the historical truth, probably, it would be easier and more fun to learn history, but if there are such glitches about Trotsky, for sure who will ask why this is? What did you accept? Or what was sick? The picture has developed! You can laugh at our story !!! SUCH a PR move. And it turns out that we have demons and monsters, and villains in history. Probably Vyacheslav Olegovich, something similar, such a technique, described in his book. True, I did not watch the film about Matilda and I will not.
                But parallels come to mind. That about the innocent Germans. That's about the praise of the White Bohemian business executives. About a year ago, the article was. If Medvedev knew about this, he might have shared it at a meeting with modern Czechs .... He would have said a good word ....
                1. +1
                  4 December 2017 21: 30
                  In my opinion, Dmitry, neither Matilda nor Trotsky would have caused any particular irritation or joy if ... I would have a pension of 1000 euros, and you have an average salary of 3250 dollars. You would say - and I do not care what and how it was, some white, red, oh, it was so long ago, but I still feel good.
                  "Such a PR move!" - No, Dmitry, this is a bad PR move. Good things are done differently. And this is not in the book "Internet Journalism and Internet Advertising", and in the book "PR Design and PR Promotion" is not about it, but it will be released in March. But ... this will be in the book "Public Opinion Management Technologies". I'm working on it now. I have already written 40 pages. I hope to finish it by May. Then read ...
                  1. +2
                    4 December 2017 22: 05
                    About Matilda --- I did not look and I will not. And disproportionate fuss annoys for an insignificant reason. At the same time, again, the chatter of what is important. Who was with whom asleep 100 years ago. Did you sleep or sleep? That is the question? Is there really nothing more important?
                    Vyacheslav Olegovich, You already know without me that not everything is measured by money, and even by status, and there are your own examples. And as for the white and red ones, I don’t give a damn and what about the salary here? That is why for some reason our very rich people are kind to the topic of white and red?
                    And I have recently had some surprise in connection with your other long-standing article .. My favorite is about an armored train .. But it turns out that even here on the website some people didn’t read the article and mistakenly think about the Vlasov flag. And in other places even more so. . After all, you are right, and why such errors are possible? So I advised one, I obligated my relatives to read, but this is not enough.
                    1. 0
                      5 December 2017 08: 26
                      The difference in income is very large and it outrages people, Dmitry, and rightly so. If you had more income and opportunities, you would not be particularly worried about either white or red. And I don’t know about the reverent attitude of the rich. "Just all of my friends ..." do not care about the means. They are interested in it ... It is clear that my friends are not Abramovich or Sechin, but I do not think that this is important to them. Everyone has the same psychology, as you will receive another million dollars.
                      But just enlightenment helps. The more people read, think about it, the better, isn't it? Exactly!
                      1. +1
                        6 December 2017 04: 52
                        Quote: kalibr
                        ........ And I don’t know about the reverent attitude of the rich. "Just all of my friends ..." do not care about the means. They do it ... It’s clear that my friends are not Abramovich or Sechin, but I don’t think it’s important to them. Everyone has the same psychology ........!
                        Keywords here ----- DO NOT KNOW, DO NOT THINK. What was it about then? I understood that you, Vyacheslav Olegovich, have long received your million $$$$$ and you immediately became a different person
                    2. +3
                      5 December 2017 13: 32
                      Quote: Reptiloid
                      And as for the white and red ones, I don’t give a damn and what about the salary here? That is why for some reason our very rich people are kind to the topic of white and red?

                      I think that Vyacheslav Olegovich is simply saying that if a person’s basic needs are met, then people will not pay attention to many little things. Obviously, not for everyone, money is the main thing in life. And Vyacheslav Olegovich himself agrees below that justice is more important to him than money. But “red” or “white” is not a test for color discrimination, it is precisely how to understand justice and what is considered fair.

                      And, apparently, the further we move away from the events of 1917, the more temptation arises for those in power to romanticize pre-revolutionary Russia, evoking steady regret and guilt for "Russia that we have lost." It’s clear that regret and guilt
                      two emotional states that make a person more susceptible to manipulation. But is it worth it?

                      Ps: I don’t know if the Nekrasov school is currently studying "Who should live well in Russia." In my opinion, this work removes all questions about justice ...
                      1. +2
                        6 December 2017 05: 10
                        Quote: BMP-2
                        just regret and guilt are two emotional states that make a person more susceptible to manipulation. But is it worth it?
                        Ps: I don’t know if the Nekrasov school is currently studying "Who should live well in Russia." In my opinion, this work removes all questions about justice ...
                        If you recall the history of Russian unrest from the very beginning and the reaction of the Russian people ------ I think that it will not succumb, no matter how different figures try.
                        To be ashamed and repent ----- a white project. At present, in connection with the events of the 90s, he is constantly spreading. Shamed, repented for Katyn, then they must always repent. Such a wish.
                  2. +3
                    5 December 2017 03: 21
                    Sorry, Vyacheslav Olegovich, this thousand euros was given to you !!! Even if it were available, everyone would be unhappy, albeit with other, but, one or another circumstances. "There is a radio, but no happiness!"
                    1. 0
                      5 December 2017 08: 20
                      Yes, it was! Anyone who hurts, he says that. I looked at European grandmothers and grandfathers in Europe, calculated how much I would have done with this money and I want the same. And discontent - yes, no one argues. It was and will be.
                      1. +3
                        5 December 2017 10: 28
                        Vyacheslav Olegovich, let's be honest: this thousand would be enough for you in the conditions of Penza, in Dresden it is a living wage. You are trying to combine "... a horse and a trembling doe."
                2. +1
                  6 December 2017 19: 16
                  For some reason there is no way to respond to your comments, which are below. request Add here. smile
                  Believing in the people and their potential is right. Is it difficult to lead people astray? Hmm ... And who is the people? These are the people. And people by their very nature tend to change: if our beliefs were unchanged, we would still believe in Santa Claus and good wizards! laughing And if someone also pushes - then changes can easily go in the wrong direction ...

                  And another problem is that there will always be those who want to take advantage of this potential "for free." Vyacheslav Olegovich writes about one aspect, but there are others: social psychology, behavioral economics, communication theory, reflexive management ... In general, a lot of tools have been invented for influencing beliefs and human behavior. It is clear that sooner or later - justice will prevail. But there is a problem here: once having seen the light and realizing that they were being manipulated, many can no longer return to that initially correct path, since then one must admit that he made a mistake 30 years ago and made the wrong choice. And people - really do not like to admit their mistakes. Is there any way to protect myself from imposed errors? Yes, in principle - it is possible. Here, as our classic Vyacheslav Olegovich says, enlightenment helps. As they say, enlightened - means armed! laughing
                  As sources confirming my words, I can cite such as:
                  R. Chaldini "Psychology of influence", D. Arieli "Positive irrationality", D. Gusev "Ears wave the donkey." The last thing - well, very funny, although it is built entirely on scientific knowledge and the laws of social behavior.
          2. +1
            5 December 2017 11: 08
            Quote: BMP-2
            And then the question naturally arises: what truth can be said today? laughing

            Truth is always subjective, for it is dependent on existing internal criteria and human values. Unlike truth, truth does not depend on subjective evaluations. The truth is that Bandera is a terrorist, since he participated in organizing a terrorist act against the Minister of Internal Affairs of Poland, and Bilzho is a mentally ill person with a mutilated psyche! laughing

            The terrorist acts of Bandera is an objective reality and they are the objective TRUTH.
            Their ratings are already subjective
            1. +2
              5 December 2017 13: 03
              Nikita, I seem to understand what you are talking about: that is, you probably want to say that truth is always objective. Well, then we just have a slightly different interpretation of the meaning of the word. Yes Well, that is, Nikita, you agree that the terrorist acts that Bandera organized against Gadomsky, the secretary of the Soviet Consulate Mailov, the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Poland Bronislaw Peratsky, and further terrorizing the population are a fact and the truth. But then, under what sauce is this served - whether it is a "struggle for independence", or "terrorism", or simply hate - these are subjective assessments. Well, I wrote about this, and it’s good if you understood my idea in that way. Yes
    6. +1
      4 December 2017 21: 37
      That is why, dear parusnik, at that time I wrote books only on children's technical creativity ...
      1. +5
        4 December 2017 21: 58
        That's right, but now it makes no sense to write such books, the PC-creation has replaced .. yes, and the fees are not the same .. for similar books ... Descendants of the Red Army, became masters .. There was a need to otmazatsya from their past ... I like the phrase from the book Shield and Sword. When cadets interrogate each other in a German intelligence school. You were a union member? Yes, it consisted, forcibly ... Our bright present somehow reminds this intelligence school ... And in form and content ..
        1. +3
          5 December 2017 13: 36
          Strange, I do not remember this episode at all. what Must be reviewed!
          1. +2
            5 December 2017 14: 06
            It’s better to re-read ... There is this episode in the film .. Weiss-Belov walks around the barracks, watches cadets working .. As a result, a fight breaks out and he commits a punishment, one for not showing the proper stamina, and the second for illegal methods. ..
            1. +3
              5 December 2017 14: 14
              Thank! I believe that the classics, like any weapon, should be kept in perfect condition! Yes I heard that memory is not perfect, but so that ... request Okay, I’ll work on the restoration and elimination of the gaps! hi
        2. +3
          6 December 2017 05: 36
          Quote: parusnik
          . I like the phrase from the book Shield and Sword. When in a German intelligence school cadets interrogate each other. You were a union member? Yes consisted, forcibly .....
          This phrase struck me at the time, because I knew a lot about trade unions and my family has a friend ---- a former leader of the trade union committee. Then he neighed. Then he forgot about the episode for a long time.
          And as for the comparison with the intelligence school, there are many things in common, yes.
          try to survive at all costs, total submission to the enemy,
          complete dependence on the enemy, being on someone else's territory, stupid traitors hope that it will be possible to persuade the enemy to mercy.
  3. +1
    4 December 2017 08: 24
    The dissertation itself is typical of pre-perestroika times, in 1986 all this was not perceived, as the materials of the XXVII Congress, were also inattentively studied or, more correctly, before (before perestroika) there was at least the appearance of study. By this time the Komsomol meetings had almost ceased, seminars on Marxist-Leninist training turned into an empty formality. The country rolled into the abyss.
  4. +5
    4 December 2017 10: 29
    By the way, having looked through all the materials of this cycle, it is easy to see what good work the teachers of the history departments of the CPSU wrote in support of the party and the Soviet government. And the lectures on the basis of these works were also given to students by the RK and OK CPSU, and would any of us then try to “stumble” in something? However, no one would have wanted, well, which, excuse me, saws the branch on which he sits and cuts a chicken that lays golden eggs for him? 280 p. salary to the candidate of historical sciences, senior lecturer, 320 p. - Associate professor plus service at a special clinic of the OK CPSU, plus money for lectures from the Knowledge Society and the Republic of Kazakhstan and the OK CPSU (10 rubles for a lecture and 25 for a round table), some of them gave 10 or more lectures per month. At factories and in hairdressing salons, at pig farms and in pharmacies ... Add newspaper articles - from 5 to 25 p. and more per month, TV shows - 40 p., although this was not for everyone. As a result, it turned out 400 or more rubles per month - i.e. the salary of the second secretary of the OK CPSU, and in addition free trips to Moscow to the archives and Leninka, but really for sausage and sausages. Who would have neglected all this at that time? Therefore, to say that the teachers of the history of the CPSU “destroyed the USSR” is at least stupid. Already someone, and we just defended him like chain dogs, word for word broadcasting to the people the orders of the party and government from above.
    And you can also trace from these dissertations how the party turned from “leading and directing” into vergi, and its ideological apparatus into a huge whistle, into which all the worked out steam left.
    That would be someone who wrote a dissertation. When the moment arose when the party that created the country became a stone on the neck of this country and finally drowned it. Like Gogol: "I gave birth to you, and I will kill you!".
    But this is not the 90s and not the 80s. It started earlier. I remember the 70s well. And those epithets with which the neighbor awarded the party district committee in conversation with his father. And the neighbor is a noble machine operator, Hero of Socialist Labor, a deputy of the Supreme Council. But he operated mainly in obscene language when discussing party leadership in agriculture.
    So maybe in the storerooms where the dissertation “Decomposition of the party and perestroika as the apotheosis of this process” has been preserved.
    1. +3
      4 December 2017 10: 48
      Quote: Curious
      When the moment arose when the party that created the country became a stone on the neck of this country and finally drowned it.

      In my opinion, this moment arose immediately after the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks. You can treat the old party members in different ways (Trotskyists, deviators, opportunists, etc.), but still they were educated, cultural, and ideological people. And with the victory of the Bolshevik government, crowds of illiterate ragged people literally surged into the party. And in the end, by the time of the collapse of the USSR - the party asset was a bunch of opportunists, boors, ignoramuses.
      1. +4
        4 December 2017 12: 06
        It's just that the human factor was not taken into account in the theory of Marxism-Leninism. The descendants of those who seized power - no matter what way - automatically become "golden youth," "elite," etc. Stratification of the people is inevitable. And if at the same time this fact is denied, then the country is doomed.
        Those. initially, Lenin and Marx pointed the wrong way.
        1. +4
          4 December 2017 12: 18
          And the worse is that this fact was not simply denied - it was clouded. They spoke one thing, did another thing, thought and dreamed of something else. Have you seen Sophia Loren? ...... and drank Coca-Cola? That was the collapse.
        2. 0
          5 December 2017 08: 17
          What you wrote is obvious to any sane person. But ... trying to come up with some kind of "restrictive mechanisms." But ... when it comes to children 90% send any mechanisms to ... And bundle ...
          When I worked at the Department of History of the CPSU, associate professors married and married only in their circle - husband, assistant professor, wife, assistant professor (or senior teacher). You could marry your student (if she’s pretty and smart) and help her ... become an assistant professor! Only one married a worker and ... everyone looked at her and condemned her. And she never invited him to our cathedral party. "Love is evil ..."
          But after the 91st went "mixed marriages." And no one is surprised! Wife - professor, husband sells furniture, wife - Art. teacher - husband is a theater artist, associate professor - crane operator - the issue price is money (and love ... probably). And they also tell me that there were no feudal survivals in the USSR ...
      2. +4
        4 December 2017 12: 22
        As one of the factors - yes, I agree. However, it would be a big stretch to talk about the fact that in the management of the Russian Empire before and after that, very often highly educated, highly cultured, highly qualified and high-minded people would be a stretch. Obviously, the fundamental reason was laid somewhere at the design stage. The cleaning mechanism was not reliable. Or did not after Stalin. As a result, they are now trying in every possible way to prove that the wrong principle was laid in the foundation, which led to the collapse. The principle is correct, the incarnation has let us down.
        1. +2
          4 December 2017 12: 42
          There were many foreigners in the administration of the Russian Empire, many were quite qualified people, but completely alien to everything Russian, hence the problems of governance, plus there were many Masons. Therefore, imperial Russia was doomed.
          As for the degradation of the party itself, V. Shpakovsky was right - Lenin drew attention to this, and under Stalin he continued, he also had concerns about this. Well, then it went like a snowball, it was impossible to stop. They did not take into account that the essence of man since the creation of the world does not change and cannot change.
        2. +4
          4 December 2017 23: 19
          The cleaning mechanisms were. ONLY after the Second World War the nomenclature, on the pretext of improvements, remade it all!
          I have no doubt that Vyacheslav Olegovich knows about this.
      3. +3
        4 December 2017 13: 10
        Quote: bober1982
        And with victory Bolshevik power - crowds of illiterate ragged people literally surged into the party. And in the end, by the time of the collapse of the USSR - the party asset was a bunch of opportunists, boors, ignoramus.
        - Does the date difference not bother you, 70 years of the date gap? What first to at the time of the collapse of the USSR was 90 years old?
        1. +3
          4 December 2017 13: 24
          And how did modern party members differ from their predecessors? Nothing.
          Such a dissertation, as in this article, could be written using the editorials of Soviet newspapers.
          1. +2
            4 December 2017 21: 22
            The fact of the matter is that the author used 1120 sources - from archival documents that had not previously been put into scientific circulation. I have 126 of them in my dissertation, and he has - how many. That is, of course, this is a very solid study in spite of my comments. And then ... now I have become "so smart", and then in 1986 it seemed to me a model of historical research.
    2. +4
      4 December 2017 11: 20
      So I also somehow doubt that Vyacheslav Olegovich, during his party propaganda activities, could lead agriculture, at least on the scale of a dozen hectares.
      1. +5
        4 December 2017 12: 30
        I could manage agriculture, at least on the scale of a dozen hectares.

        he did not direct. He "removed" potatoes from these tens of hectares in a pleasant company of other researchers and creative intelligentsiawink All according to the Doctor, only the stick of the Good Monk was not. laughing drinks
        1. +2
          4 December 2017 13: 06
          It is one thing to assemble, another is a process from beginning to end.
          1. +5
            4 December 2017 13: 10
            It is one thing to assemble, another is a process from beginning to end.

            well, if he had been there for another fifteen years, he would have learned from a potato collector to be a tractor driver, then an agronomist, then maybe ... everything can be ... what (yes, one combine has somehow grown up to the general secretary - this real "social elevator" fellow ).
            1. +3
              4 December 2017 14: 49
              Well, yes, but the weaver is up to the Minister of Culture.
              1. +7
                4 December 2017 14: 51
                Well, yes, but the weaver is up to the Minister of Culture.

                well, I’m not going to judge her contribution to the country and culture (I have scant ideas about her, honestly recourse ), but at least .... not ruined. request
    3. +4
      4 December 2017 11: 23
      It is interesting that the echoes of this process were somehow voiced by my supervisor, but ... I did not understand him then !!! I’ll write somehow, as we did science ...
    4. +4
      4 December 2017 11: 49
      That would be someone who wrote a dissertation. When the moment arose when the party that created the country became a stone on the neck of this country and finally drowned it.

      eternal theme ... what both for the dissertation and for discussion .. hi
      1. +4
        4 December 2017 11: 54
        So eternal that Zhukov’s articles on historical paranormalities seem like a breath of fresh air.
        1. +4
          4 December 2017 12: 02
          between us, Anton: I see nothing wrong with Zhukov’s articles. His cycle is unbroken, he writes well, plus .. variety! request yes, in something "breath of fresh air". hi
          1. +3
            4 December 2017 12: 08
            Absolutely agree! But there are opponents (people quite respected by me), with one I was discussing today. What I definitely won’t do anymore is to debate with the Doctor on political issues.
            1. +3
              4 December 2017 12: 24
              What I definitely won’t do anymore is to debate with the Doctor on political issues.

              why so? polemics develop the mind, although little is known of disputes where one side fully accepts the point of view of the other. The main thing is not to pass on to personalities and insults (even if they are veiled), which is what our “debaters” often commit. wink and the rest - why not argue?
              By the way, something is not there ... what
              1. +3
                4 December 2017 12: 40
                His last post to me was at 9'59msk. And the rest ..... I learned his position, I set forth my vision of the issue, everything else is “debate on the sidelines”.
                1. +17
                  4 December 2017 15: 42
                  I put a plus sign in the article
                  I read with interest
                  The author is probably a graduate student of Vyacheslav Olegovich?
                  1. +4
                    4 December 2017 18: 32
                    What are you, no! My older friend! 2 years earlier I defended myself and worked with me at the department. I studied with him, and he with me ...
                    1. +15
                      5 December 2017 17: 42
                      Clear hi
                      In general - a colleague
  5. +4
    4 December 2017 11: 26
    Quote: bober1982
    And with the victory of the Bolshevik government, crowds of illiterate ragged people literally surged into the party. And in the end, by the time of the collapse of the USSR - the party asset was a bunch of opportunists, boors, ignoramuses.

    Lenin wrote about this in his article “On Our Revolution”: “A giant petty-bourgeois wave arose and captured the conscious proletariat not only in numbers, but also ideologically, infecting it with petty-bourgeois views on politics.” And to recall how the number of workers in cities increased from 27 to 41? Otkedov took so many of them? And from the village, of course ...
    1. +3
      4 December 2017 11: 34
      They wanted to walk in boots, and not in bast shoes - that’s all consciousness.
  6. +3
    4 December 2017 11: 29
    Well, how can one resist comment? There was a military-patriotic education, and the institutions of Marxism-Leninism, and a bunch of propaganda lecturers at all levels, but for some reason no one went to die for the “socialist Motherland” in 1991.

    In 1941, they went to fight for the Fatherland. How they went to fight for it throughout the thousand-year history of Russia. No wonder Stalin remembered the Russian colonels and victories (and this after the destruction of all the main monuments to the victors in the Patriotic War of 1812).
    And in 1991, they didn’t go for socialism.
    There are no contradictions, therefore.
  7. +4
    4 December 2017 16: 22
    I read and became bitter. Which country have lost. And how everything was thought out by the United States. I can say, I’m not taking the early period, but 1989: the liquidation of nine defense ministries; closing of enterprises producing consumer goods. I will not list further. The KGB and the ideological services of the CPSU surrendered the country. I have the honor.
    1. +2
      4 December 2017 18: 36
      Yes, this is our youth with you, and yours is even more so than mine. I just started working in 1977, and in 1985 I went to graduate school. Then, as you were already ... But neither you nor I could do anything ... There simply wasn’t the slightest opportunity then, was it? And after the fight they don’t wave their fists. But I don’t agree about the United States. It turns out - they are smart, and we are fools, they pedril everything, but we don’t pedrim a fig ... It really doesn’t happen. Empires are not destroyed only outside, it is also necessary inside that everything decays ... And again ... they are smart - if so. Then what ... are we getting started? Again on the same rake? "Guys, dear, teach us, we won’t go out of your will?" Is that right? How are the Japanese after 1945?
      1. +2
        5 December 2017 06: 11
        And why do you, Vyacheslav Olegovich, not recall the words of the founders about the petty-bourgeois consciousness and that the Socialist revolution in Russia took place too quickly and the society did not go the way from feudal to capitalist society?
        1. 0
          5 December 2017 08: 05
          But I don’t see the point, the point. They are the words - 1991 - an event.

          bober1982 Yesterday, 11: 34 ↑
          They wanted to walk in boots, and not in bast shoes - that’s all consciousness. - Here is an exhaustively described man who described your dictatorship of the proletariat.
          1. +2
            5 December 2017 13: 43
            So if it had not been for 6 years in a row just words not for the night of the aforementioned “first president”, maybe there would have been no “event of the year 1991”? Ah, Vyacheslav Olegovich? wink
  8. +4
    4 December 2017 22: 20
    About our unfortunate teachers of the History of the CPSU
    I quote Shpakovsky: “... to say that teachers of the history of the CPSU“ destroyed the USSR ”is at least stupid”.

    I don’t see anything stupid in this. Most of them contributed to this collapse. If they were literate communists and teachers and would read K. Marx and V.I. Lenin would have known that the dictatorship of the proletariat, which Khrushchev expelled from the CPSU Program in 1961, was supposed to exist until the full establishment of communism.

    Shpakovsky's second quote: “When I asked the author if he had read at least one such forger, he openly laughed. “What are you asking?” Like you weren’t there then? What books are “from there”, and where would I get them and how would I read them? You know how it was: “I haven’t read it, but I condemn it!” And, by the way, note that there are no references to the work of bourgeois counterfeiters, but none of the reviewers paid attention to this. I.e in serious scientific work there are NO LINKS to foreign authors criticized in it, but since these are "bourgeois falsifiers", then you can do without page links "

    This suggests that the work is not serious, a dummy written just to get a bread card (the so-called diploma of a candidate of historical sciences at that time).
    All really serious works had references to foreign sources and their citation.
    Look through, for example, the following works, and you will see that almost on every page there are links and quoting of foreign falsifiers:
    1. Criticism of modern bourgeois and revisionist concepts on the problems of the world revolutionary process / Edited by A.P. Sheptulina et al.-M.: Higher School, 1979.- 343 p.
    2. The political economy of modern monopoly capitalism. In two volumes, Vol. 1 / Ans. ed. Acad. I.N. Inozemtsev.- M.: Thought, 1979.-455 p.
    1. +3
      5 December 2017 06: 14
      So it turns out that the dictatorship of the proletariat could be the most prohibitive mechanism that was mentioned above, but forgotten, like that.
      1. +1
        5 December 2017 08: 02
        The prohibitive mechanism of people who are sweeter than carrots have not seen anything and until 5 years old cow manure has been kneaded ... will not lead to good!
        1. +3
          5 December 2017 09: 42
          Quote: kalibr
          The prohibitive mechanism of people who are sweeter than carrots have not seen anything and until 5 years old cow manure has been kneaded ... will not lead to good!

          You write as if this happened as a result of their undeveloped imagination or bad inclinations, and not as a result of forced circumstances. Here they stopped these circumstances !!! And by the beginning of the Second World War there was literacy, industry, conflict, metro, healthcare, and therefore they defended their homeland from the Nazis, not life, but they stood on death! Do you mean this when you write, "" will not lead to good "". ???
        2. +2
          5 December 2017 13: 46
          Well, it depends on what and how to prohibit! Yes
          1. +1
            5 December 2017 14: 42
            And for me, Vladimir, this topic is very difficult. But I see that many have forgotten, or at the time when they were studying, this is not the emphasis. I still know little, read a little about it. But it was so --- elections to government from labor collectives. The labor collective could easily recall their chosen one! But the salary was not deputy, but the one that I taught in the team. Everyone can assume that it is forbidden. And, of course, the one who graduated, taught the history of the CPSU, knows best about thisM. Even in the last century.
            1. +3
              5 December 2017 15: 34
              My respect, Dmitry! hi I agree: the topic is far from simple, and it’s unlikely to indicate the reason why the system crashed, if only because it could be a whole set of factors. Yes, many make an absolutely hasty and illogical conclusion: they say that if socialism could not defend itself, then the system itself was initially unviable. And from here - the conclusions that both “personnel are not the same”, and the selection system is “not the same”, and “cleaning methods are wrong” ... But all this is only one side of the coin. The point of view of the person who taught the history of the CPSU, with all due respect to his intellect and experience, is just one of the possible ones. Yes
  9. +1
    5 December 2017 07: 41
    Quote: Alexander Green
    Most of them contributed to this collapse.

    How, if they honestly performed their duties?
    1. +1
      5 December 2017 12: 26
      Quote: kalibr
      How, if they honestly performed their duties?

      The road to Hell is also lined with good intentions.
  10. +1
    5 December 2017 07: 58
    Quote: Alexander Green
    This suggests that the work is not serious, a dummy,

    This indicates your bias in judgments. You are comparing the incomparable. Before writing, you need to re-read the name of the work. It is dedicated to the party leadership of the evacuated population, and not to criticism of propaganda. And the author approached the disclosure of this topic in an exhaustive way. And this passage shows ... "how it was." That is, a person, like you, has stitched a string to any bast. The similarity of 100% - just to spit. And in both cases, spitting was liquid. Not solid. That's all.
    1. +2
      5 December 2017 12: 37
      Quote: kalibr
      This indicates your bias in judgments. You are comparing the incomparable. Before writing, you need to re-read the name of the work. It is dedicated to the party leadership of the evacuated population, and not to criticism of propaganda.

      You don’t even understand that I am criticizing. These are your words: "... note that there are no references to the work of bourgeois counterfeiters, but none of the reviewers paid attention to this. I.e in serious scientific work, NO LINKS criticized by foreign authors in it ...
      This is your passage I appreciated. Where is the spit? It was you who tried to spit in the Soviet regime, write that "...since these are "bourgeois falsifiers," then you can do without page links "posing as the installation of the official Soviet ideology ..
  11. +1
    5 December 2017 10: 30
    Quote: Reptiloid
    And by the beginning of the Second World War, there was literacy, industry, conflict, metro, healthcare, and therefore they defended their homeland from the Nazis, not life but death! You mean this when you write, "" will not lead to good. "?? ?

    Dmitry, and now the naked savages in Africa also defend their homeland, ride the subway when they are in Russia, use electric bats — but they are savages anyway. Consciousness, mentality. We need the CENTURY, the life of THREE generations in conditions of stability to develop a certain consciousness. Standing to death is one thing, there is no need for a special mind, but building a society of a higher type in comparison with the Western one is not so simple. The Mongols conquered a more developed Russia, but how did it end? They conquered a more developed China, and how did it end? The peoples of the low-level intellectual environment can build missiles and subways. They may triumph over peoples of a higher level environment, but they will never eventually win or take over the culture of the vanquished. And that will be their defeat! Is it really incomprehensible, or am I very abstrusely explaining myself? It is not the achievements of individual scientists that play a role, but MASS CONSCIOUSNESS. And we have it - mother-mother-mother ... Yesterday I ask tech students - what is an operetta and how is it different from an opera? Nobody knew!!! He did not recognize a single aria, did not know a single name. As a result, they can turn out specialists, yes! And build a subway and launch rockets. But a low level environment. And they will never surpass those who know how to enjoy ballet, opera and operetta, and by ear they can say that this is the seventh aria of Jim Kenyon from the operetta Friml and Stotgart's "Rose Marie". They will always be down ...
    1. +2
      5 December 2017 11: 49
      Well, yes, yes! Of course, if you follow your footsteps, then a resident of St. Petersburg or Moscow or London will always be higher than a resident of Penza !!!!! HA HA HA !!!!!!. And for 2 %% of the population of Russia, for whom the nights were so delightful in Russia, the fact that you distinguish something from something there ----- do not care !! !!!!. And the iconic words "" will sound! ON STABLE! Fuck it! "" Well, maybe there’s still more dentistry! ""
  12. 0
    22 February 2018 23: 24
    Author, but where is the point?

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"