Why does AvtoVAZ work?


“There, in the distance, the plant smokes, rattling with iron, which nobody needs: neither drunk nor sober ...”

There is such a topic. Not even painful, but beaten by everyone (literally everyone!) - AvtoVAZ is called. As in Soviet times, it was accepted (and allowed) to laugh, for example, at marketers, nuns and deputies, so now there are two such “goals”: ​​AvtoVAZ and the Russian football team. Which, by the way, reflects the low level of many Russian comedians. (By the way, Petrosyan laughs at other topics. Even Petrosyan, Karl!)

But the "humorists" do not subside, so I would like to answer in full, that is, fully and fully deployed. About Russian football some other time, but about AvtoVAZ - here and now. The engineering topic is so close to the author professionally. And that same dear and beloved automobile plant is only a part of an iceberg. A huge such, but for some reason "unnoticed."

For some reason, all without noticing that iceberg, they attack the unfortunate Volga Automobile Plant and demonstrate a rare sense of humor, and yet everything is not so simple and not so straightforward. We must start with the fact that Western / Eastern manufacturers have not managed to oust AvtoVAZ from the Russian market, which is quite strange, given the difference in technology and financial capabilities.

As for state subsidies: today almost all car factories in Russia (truck manufacturers are also concerned) are about equal conditions - collect the same trucks in Russia, and you can even claim for budget money. And yes, the “big three” automakers in the United States (at least Chrysler and General Motors) claimed quite a lot for such money (and got it!), And the “top managers” of the bankrupt American auto industry's supergiant even flew to Obama for this money in a private helicopter, which infuriated him.

It is very strange that none of the “leading manufacturers” managed to make AvtoVAZ “better and cheaper” in Russia ... paradoxically this ... In principle, this plant acquired some mystical shade, and yet it was a stupid purchase of Fyat production passenger cars (at one time). What's the mystery here? Those car assembly plants that are being built today, for example, in Kaluga, differ very little in ideology. By ideology - no, by technology - yes (a lot of time has passed since that glorious era).

“The development of a car line”, of course, was already under Soviet conditions of austerity on consumer goods - but that is another question. And so, in principle, AvtoVAZ is a banal factory, and not a place for “concentration of dark forces” even once. Just in 60's so built and so organized production. Since then, another industrial revolution has happened and the size of automobile plants sharply "shrank".

So yes: with the "city-forming automobile plant" all one will have to do something. Such car factories are already a thing of the past - this is true, but it is rather strange to demonize this very production. There can be nothing so unbelievable in ordinary production. The trouble is that in the absence of their own production, imported goods tend to rise in price seriously - there were such problems with insulin.

The problem was precisely the "Soviet management" for decades, which led to certain "funny" results. Tens of thousands of people in Tolyatti and hundreds of thousands across Russia depended on AvtoVAZ as an employer ... such things. It was very difficult to say what was to be done with this, today Lukashenko faces a similar problem in the face of another Soviet auto giant - MAZ ... By the way, MAZ does not have assembly plants in Russia.

Leading the industry is not as easy as many think. AvtoVAZ was stupidly unlucky with the change of epochs: it turned out to be too many people who were no longer needed in such numbers, but the huge financial resources needed at the end of the 20 of the 20th century to develop new models were completely absent - hence the problem. Plus the "features" of the post-Soviet management - hence the results. Close everything and fire everyone at the end of 90's, and buying cars for foreign currency is certainly great, but not very practical.

In general, this very logic is rather strange and surprising - I could not understand it even once: when everyone starts to agitate for the purchase of imported cars. The point here is not just patriotism, it's about currency. No, in principle, if we had something like Holland or banana-lemon Singapore, then it is just understandable. People actively earn the currency for the country and their desire to spend it is quite understandable.

In Russia, everything is a little different. Few enterprises in Russia can boast that they are capable (without state support!) Of actively earning a currency. In large quantities, not one-time. By the way, yes, the very new assembly car factories, built recently in the Russian Federation, are now standing idle here and there. Demand within the Russian Federation fell. So our government had a wonderful idea - to redirect the stream of collected cars for export (global brands!). However, this idea did not meet with almost no understanding among the owners of the factories.

Paradoxically, they were created precisely for the Russian market. No, some small exports certainly take place, but in general it is sometimes easier to stop production. Some kind of one-sided globalization. What can we say about purely Russian factories: they can buy high-quality imported equipment and high-quality imported tools (for good money!). However, the products manufactured for them can be sold mainly within Russia, well, or if it is a defense industry - for the state / for export, but it is completely different story.

Somehow difficult, difficult and straining, we have things to do with earning currency. Somehow ambiguous. It is hard not to be surprised at such a “one-way” currency movement. It is like a great waste, but not so great earned. In the worst case, we simply have purchases of (endless) imported equipment and tools, at best, localization attempts, but again sales are planned inside Russia.
In any case, the system requires a constant external source of the same currency.

- And how much is the dollar / euro now?

- How much did your company earn those euro / dollars last year?

There is such an unpleasant feature in the work of Russian business: the guys love to boast of their own self-sufficiency: we, we say, make money for the country. However, most of them are very concerned about the issue with the exchange rate. The trouble is that in many respects they buy the “goods” over the hill: from Chinese consumer goods to tours to Turkish resorts. And they sell all this "happiness" just for rubles. Therefore, the question of the value of the currency for them is absolutely critical.

At the moment of crisis, this is manifested clearly and clearly: the currency jumps in price, the demand drops, the business begins to have problems ... That is, for the prosperity of the business itself, it is necessary that gas / oil / other raw materials are sold "over the hill", the currency has come to the country ... and then! This is where private business will flourish! On the sale of Sino-Turkish junk, bought for those same petrodollars.

You know, the fables about high-quality Western goods sounded good in the 70s, when they were actually manufactured in the USA, the EU and Japan. And, by the way, they were worth quite a lot of money if someone does not know! But in the USSR it was sold for a penny (I had to be able to get it!), Which gave rise to myths and legends about the western quality. No, it basically was, but it was quite expensive. By the way, and then it was full of cheap / third-rate goods on the world market, but for obvious reasons, the USSR did not buy them (the communists did not know how to trade!).

Today, Western brands are stamped in the third world, the quality has seriously fallen, and to say that something can be done in China / Turkey, but in Russia it isn’t frivolous. No there is a fundamental technological superiority. It's just hard and hard to produce something, but to buy, sell and make a profit is much easier.

In principle, something like this happened with “localized” production: when the ruble fell in 2014, it turned out that often the main item of expenditure from them was the purchase of imported components (much more than half of the costs, sometimes under 80%, sometimes more). When the national currency depreciated, this led to quite predictable consequences. You know, sometimes you communicate with such cadres, read interviews with them, and you get a very strange feeling: adults, and act like children.

Say, the state wants to have "production in Russia" - well, we will deploy what problems. In terms of SKD assembly / repainting ... and the type everyone is happy. And at all exhibitions such a manufacturer actively demonstrates products “made in Russia”. But then the “course of the euro” flies up and the horrible / heart-rending cry of the “Russian producer” is heard (as if he was pinched or something valuable). He also has foreign currency bills to pay ... and foreign currency loans. That is, the manufacturer, of course, "Russian", but here all its expenses are mainly not in rubles. Such is the ambush.

The old rule is: take loans in the currency in which you earn. Strangely enough, the same bad luck happened to AvtoVAZ under the wise guidance of Bo Anders. He found it difficult and stressful to develop the production of automotive components in Russia. Especially if there is an opportunity to purchase them abroad from experienced manufacturers and standard quality.

And then the foreign currency went up and AvtoVAZ started having childish problems with payback. Sanctions, the appreciation of the euro / dollar, the economic downturn in the Russian Federation, it is impossible to raise prices in rubles, and our currency components are ... pichalka.

No, of course, not everything is as bad and sad as it was at the end of 90. Russia provided itself with bread and became the largest exporter (warming also played a role), and the bourgeoisie built automobile plants here ... it’s possible to live. But the problem persists. Russian business (and the public!) Spends much more currency than it earns. This disproportion has developed, the whole trouble is that neither the king, nor God, nor Putin are obliged to provide us with currency. It is not spelled out anywhere - neither in the Bible nor in the Constitution.

Do you want to ride a German car assembly? Great, just great! Are you ready to earn the necessary amount in euros? Then go ahead! No, not Rosneft and not Vekselberg, but you personally! Usually, here in this place, opponents begin to get excited, to wave their hands and to prove something about the “oil producing country” (and splash saliva in all directions). And scream out loud, indignantly.

In general, if someone is not in the subject, then the export of oil / gas was created by the Soviet state to solve strategic government problems. Buying a Mercedes “German assembly” for Vasi Pupkin is not a strategic task and cannot be. The currency for such tasks should be earned by the Russian business (and the Russian manufacturing industry, which is now privately owned!). But this very business (as we have already found out) prefers not to earn currency, but to spend. I don't know, guys, how to help you, I just don't know.

It is accepted to laugh at the “import substitution” and “support of the domestic producer”. However, that same laughter would somehow be justified if those who were laughing for the most part earned a currency. But for the most part, the Russian population has learned to spend it. It must earn "someone else."

In principle, there is nothing new in these arguments - on this topic, Parshin witnessed 15 years ago in his own, which became the classic “Why Russia is not America” (can the whole country earn one jeep ...). Now we can finally conclude that the Russian model of “business” has reached a dead end. For normal operation, it needs an inflow of currency (for the purchase of imports) and solvent population / enterprises within Russia (for high sales) ... right here it will unfold! This is where he will show himself!

That is, the oil should be "high" and the dollar - "low." And the population is rather not even a “labor force”, but just “consumers” of goods and services (“cheap Chinese” produce everything, but “cheap Ukrainians” with Tajiks deliver on wagons / carts ...) And earn money and give people need work just "someone else." Business, on the other hand, likes to create endless vacancies for “sales managers”.

Why does AvtoVAZ work?

As a matter of fact, today we are witnessing the crisis of this “business model” itself, if not for the sanctions, it could live for some time, but the sanctions pressure and “low oil” simply destroyed its prospects. The “solution” to our wonderful business offers a brilliant one: cut wages, put everyone on a percentage and drive them into the fields ... increase sales ... Or let them die of hunger like flies. Something like this.

At one time, the "democrats" actively criticized the USSR for "raw materials exports" and the purchase of consumer goods for petrodollars, but just within the framework of the USSR / CMEA there was a super-powerful domestic production, which created a huge number of jobs. Which today is simply gone. Turner today is not very popular, as well as design engineers ... at least it’s not good to pay them (if measured by Soviet standards).

But everyone wants to “increase sales”. That is, these “wonderful people in expensive suits”, unlike the bad “commies” with their factories and plants, do not come to give work, they come for the money that “someone” has to earn for them. Imported goods are brought to Russia, sold, the proceeds are converted into currency and ... exported out of the country. Well, under the pressure of the “party and Medvedev” a certain “localization” took place, but in general, the direction of the currency movement is the same, albeit smaller. Yes, there was a certain export of finished goods from Russia, but not to say that we overshadowed Japan and Korea.

As before, the business is the sale of imported goods (bought for petrodollars) to the Russians. Everything seems to be good, but ... the "bottomless Russian market" has long been mastered. Further "dig" simply nowhere. Everything, gentlemen, is a dead end. And no one likes this simple idea ... after all, it is so good to “make money” in a very simple buy-sell cycle - it's so warm and comfortable there, if only there were no “nasty AvtoVAZ” with its own basins ... how everything would be great

I say, none of those who laugh at the jokes about AvtoVAZ himself currency does not earn (well, almost no one). And this is not going to do. A funny thing is life: very many men in the Russian Federation can popularly (by comparison!) Explain all the plus and minus of Japanese and German cars, but almost none of the “luminaries” own the art of making currency. In principle, no one is interested ... Why? There is a nasty Gazprom and a nasty Rosneft - so let them work like Papa Carlo, but we don’t have enough time ... For some reason, the majority of the population has a simple thought in their head that currency should be ...

Well, for almost the entire 20 of the 20th century, we didn’t have any currency for the broad masses of the population ... Forgot? In general, yes, to good (for example, to an excess of currency) you get used quickly, it is always difficult to wean. To understand what and how much that business is really capable of, which is “not a scoop”, it’s enough just one simple introduction: work as you wish, but petrodollars no more. Freedom is complete! Taxes are minimal, but all petrodollars (as planned) go for strategic goals.

It can be funny. This is approximately as a restriction on the sale of alcohol, first in kiosks, and then in stores. That is, if you can trade in vodka, then the business goes with a bang, if not ... then big problems begin. Unprofitable. In fact, historically, vodka is the basis of the Russian budget (the fleet, drowned by the Japanese under Tsushima, was built just for drunk money). And so, “grasping the neck of the bottle,” our business turned very well. Privatization of the vodka business was going with a bang. The movement in the opposite direction is very slow and is accompanied by loud cries of "victims". With cigarettes, by the way, the story is similar.

We have something similar with the consumer goods trade (we will include Mercedes here too) for petrodollars. The state did not undertake to supply them with business infinitely, and by itself it is not able to earn enough of them. "Pichalka". But if you don’t go into details, but to watch it as a whole (especially from the banks of the Moscow River), everything seems to be looking good ... and everything seems to work. But it is worth, for example, carefully to track currency flows like “grace” is dispersed by the cavity and uncomfortable questions arise.

And it can still work with confidence without oil money? Or at least work in general? For some reason, no one in this area (including those from active economic subjects) is particularly willing to think. It is difficult because it is difficult and dreary. They toiled around the clock, turning out the gear ... then spat and sold a ton of oil - something like that. And you know, that's exactly what strains very, very much. As it is sung in one famous song: “What will happen to the Motherland and with us?” The legendary and widely advertised business in the most paradoxical way does not undertake to solve complex and eternal questions, but clings to the most delicious things with a bulldog grip.

For example, in the sale of vodka or in the export of "waste of nonferrous metal", or in the oil business ... No to "stir up" a giant chip manufacturing factory ... or to start laying communications to remote areas of the country. It would be so cool, but no. It will not be our business to do this. Not interested. Here's the idea of ​​raising the dollar for a producing economy is good. Our product becomes cheaper. Unless, of course, this is our product.

And yet in the 1998 year, this was exactly the case: domestic producers dramatically benefited from the growth of the dollar. Their products sometimes became cheaper in currency at times. But in the 2008 year, everything was not quite so ... No rapid growth in production (albeit in individual industries) was somehow observed. Oh, the fact is that the equipment and components are bought abroad? The international division of labor, you say? Guys, are you busy with production or “gray imports”? What is your “added value”? Not negative by chance? (In the case of localization by unnecessary disassembly-assembly it happens.)

“Apofigey” such a scheme of work was “Sukhoi Superjet”, which was positioned as a new Russian aircraft. And why from imported components? And they are certified for the international market. For export this is important. Then it turned out that, having spent billions, we collect not the best and not the most modern aircraft, mainly for ourselves, but at the same time “bundling” is bought for the currency ...

That is, in fact, Russia's place in this “international division of labor” is stupid to be a consumer not in our manufactured goods? Not being the issuer of the dollar / euro? Unenviable fate, frankly. And such a scheme does not imply a high standard of living for the majority of the population. And the scheme itself is little by little falling apart: “cheap Chinese”, having accumulated capital, are no longer so cheap. All today, China has ceased to be a country ready to plow for a penny. And American banks refused to finance Russian business, and even Tajiks began to swing their rights ... Paradise suddenly began to fall apart.

The symbol of the ongoing process was the "Tajik uprising" in the shopping center "Moscow". Once there was a factory (State Bearing Plant number 1). And now the shopping center. And then the guards (either Moldovans or Ukrainians) beat the “carriage pusher” from Tajikistan ... They beat him so badly. And the Tajiks, respectively, rebelled. Ungrateful! And the comments are immediately heard in the Russian press, loud and angry, frankly, "anti-Tajik" comments ... Zastrastrat them and deport ... and then dig out and deport again ... Tajiks, they say, "began to pose a threat."

The problem is not in Tajiks, but in a very specific organization of the modern Russian economy, where in the former giant workshops, where thousands of highly skilled Russian workers worked, shopping centers are created, where "according to the laws of the market" economy, loaders from Central Asia ... who, living in inhuman conditions, pull on carts "high quality goods" from the Middle Kingdom and the land of the Turkish ...

There are also vacancies for “local” as security guards and “managers” for sales, the very nishtyak that the undemanding citizens of the Central Asian republics are carrying in their carts. Lepotta ... In fact, there is a primitivization of the economy, its degradation and the inevitable declining standard of living. Even so, no matter how much you tell tales about the endless "increase in sales", as a way to increase wealth (Increase at the expense of whom? Underground gnomes?). The economy of the 150-million country (the largest in the world!) Cannot consist mainly of "Tajiks" and "truckers", "guards" and "managers". I forgot about the "top managers", I'm sorry. "Top Manager" - it's like a cherry on a cake, although not the cake itself ...

Who else would bring to us a simple idea that the main thing is not the size of the salary, but the desire to achieve the goal? And the money for the employee is not fundamental from the beginning, the main thing is the correct organization of labor ... the employees of the Magnit network will not allow to lie.

In the country, there will be an increase in unemployment and a decline in living standards. What, in principle, is already happening. And social unrest, and interethnic clashes, when "sturgeon will be finally cut."

Production is difficult and hemorrhoid, but this is actually the only way to increase employment and wages. This is the only way to create mass “expensive” jobs. And only that “production” can be considered as a production without quotes, which receives bonuses from depreciation national currency. Paradoxically, in Turkey (today we are bringing grain to Turkey, and exporting machines for bending metal!) And especially in China (where almost everything is produced), the development takes place according to this scenario, and we will all try to call Ramshan to order with Dzhamshutami ...

Vain efforts. The only real way to massive increase in welfare is production and export high-tech products with high added value. The fact that we have learned to laugh at AvtoVAZ is wonderful, simply wonderful ... but when people laugh, they learn making money currency is better than they are able to spend, we will simply not stop.

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  1. +20
    23 November 2017 06: 39
    Question to the article. What cars do we have in first place in sales? Well, are you homegrown "comedians" and "businessmen" ready to sell their mother for money? That's all! The question has disappeared.
    1. +16
      23 November 2017 07: 21
      Quote: 210ox
      What cars do we have in first place in sales?
      Well, it depends on which region to take. I’m Lada Priora, like any Grants, Vesta, etc. I saw only in pictures on the Internet, live never. We simply do not have such cars.
      1. +3
        23 November 2017 09: 31
        . I’m Lada Priora, like any Grants, Vesta, etc. I saw only the pictures on the Internet, live even once.

        You will have to send Medvedev to X Ray th ....
        Imagine - you are standing in a traffic jam, and next to Xray and in it is Medvedev ...

        Do not you then run into the AvtoVAZ salon?
      2. +22
        23 November 2017 11: 01
        Quote: Greenwood
        Well, it depends on which region to take. I’m Lada Priora, like any Grants, Vesta, etc. I saw only in pictures on the Internet, live never. We simply do not have such cars.

        And this is in what region of Russia there is such a place? ... Even here in the Far East, people who drive on auto trash bought at the time from Japanese garbage dumps, prefer cars from a car dealership. And the Japanese take the truth not right-handed people, and Koreans, and about HORROR, CHARLES! buy NIVA, PATRIOTS, as well as VESTA, and another product of the Russian automobile industry.
        Have you ever wondered why you started to harass the domestic auto industry so much? And I’m sure that rarely anyone thought about it. And you yourself remember to buy a car in the late 80s and early 90s, and even more so a new one was a problem. And then happiness was allowed to import second hand, and even 8 one-time second, and it’s not expensive. People had money, after all, they didn’t live so badly under the Union, and people started to grab everything. Or rather, someone had enough money for that. Well, what about the car dump they brought it, but I have a car. Yes, they brought down a little price to AvtoVAZ, he began to sell new models, but the trouble for the population, having spent their savings on auto-rubbish on a normal new car, not everyone had enough finances, and fairy tales went about a durable and stainless German car, about an unkillable suspension and an eternal Japanese engine ... Once again I say this tales in favor of the poor. maybe he really changes the car every 3-4 maximum for 5 years, not from hand to hand, but from the salon bought a train, sold, took a new one, and so on ... If there is no money for a new Kruzak or Gelentvagen, take a second-hand one. take Patriot or Priora from the salon. Again lack of finance? Well then, to your car dump, there are a bunch of brand new cars 20-25 years old and practically without mileage on asphalt.
        1. +7
          23 November 2017 14: 10
          Quote: Fitter65
          And in what region of Russia is there such a place?
          Vladivostok. We have quite a few left-handed cars, but these are the same Japanese, only from car dealerships, or luxury Europeans. Many new right-handed Japanese (destined for the domestic market) are also imported, without a run in Japan and almost new 2012-2016.
          Quote: Fitter65
          buy NIVA, PATRIOTS, as well as VESTA, and another product of the Russian automobile industry.
          Patriots in Vlad are state structures. He worked in the civil service, we had several official patriots. The drivers spat on them.
          Quote: Fitter65
          So what if they brought a car from a car dump
          Are you sure with DV? Have you seen how a Japanese car dump looks like?
          Quote: Fitter65
          Again, take Patriot or Priora from the salon.
          Why take Priora from the salon when you can take Camry 2005-06 in excellent condition?
          1. +7
            23 November 2017 16: 11
            Quote: Greenwood
            Why take Priora from the salon when you can take Camry 2005-06 in excellent condition?

            Well, don’t tell me, my niece Toyota-AURIS took me in Vladik in 2008, 3 years ago. I won’t lie the interior and the engine body haven’t changed yet. The generator is 4 times, the box is automatic 2, pump 5, drive 4, it’s suspension how to change the oil, when I was on a NIVA, I wound up even less often in such a chigir. Her husband bought another 2106s of his own for fishing trips of the 80s, there are less costs. The truth is, zagryadyak, they have a Japanese girl. By the way as they took in Ussuriysk, they left it on the coastal rooms.
            Quote: Greenwood
            Are you sure with DV? Have you seen how a Japanese car dump looks like?

            Yes, Komsomolsk-on-Amur. It’s not possible for me to go abroad because of the type of service. But by what I saw in Ussuriysk, Khabarovsk, I will not lie in Vladik, only in Artyom. Therefore, due to the condition of those cars that I’m running around in the East, I’m not one of those fables that someone is telling someone. About real cars from the passenger compartment, there is no word at all, by the way, the VOSTOK-DV salon was opened in Komsomolsk already a year ago, the company Vladivostokskaya oversees it, as well as in Khabarovsk, which means that in Vladik it opened earlier and still works, it hasn’t faded, but why ??? If it’s interesting whoever worked on this site in Komsomolsk to Vostok-DV, 57 POLYARNAYA street, the truth is still the auto center, but there are already spare parts, there is also the center of SUZUKI, but mostly boats, motors and so on. AvtoVAZCenter stood at the entrance to Komsomolsk on the Amur highway, there were service stations and so on, there was a car shop and a gas station in front of it. So this gas station has changed 3 owners over the past 3 years, the car shop has been changing the sign almost every six months. AvtoVAZ and it’s worth, but the site has become a bit sweet, and disassembling Japanese cars on them Oriy appeared, and tire service. But the center itself then resisted
            Quote: Greenwood
            And in what region of Russia is there such a place?

            Honestly, in many news from the Far East region when Vladik is shown, patriots and priors and others often flash. We also saw a sharp increase in the number of Germans in the village: 3 Mercier slightly larger than Camryuha in size, 2 Volkswagen, one of them is Tuareg 16 years old this white, but Kruzakov did not increase, Safarik became one less, Pyzhikov by 2, Kanterov-4, well, 3 of them were changed to KIA-bongo, One to PATRIKAP, plus 1 more Patriot, + 1 grant, + 2 MARK -X, 1-Tundra. That is, people take what they can, so to argue that it’s better I just don’t want, My friend is now 100th Ruzakov 2008 European Imported from Finland, though he bought his Chela in Novosibe ... As the costs of consumables oil filters, the same with my Patriot, well, fly snapped his spring-normal, right ?! This iron is not insured here. When I lost my boot in the taiga on the Patriot, the log didn’t jump out successfully. But now I have all the Japanese owners, it’s Russian equipment. My neighbor is in the garage with my Forrester’s son, Kaldin’s wife, daughter Vince , he drives a PATROTE himself. My son is asking how it is, but he needs to go to the taiga, they’ve got mine, but it seems like Pyzhik was both Datsun and NIVA !!!. Everything says PATRIOT-better. Therefore once again I’m repeating that everyone is glad that he has one, I don’t want to haul not our auto industry, not Japanese, both had to be repaired in dos Al ...
            1. +5
              23 November 2017 17: 29
              Quote: Fitter65
              The generator is 4 times, the box is automatic 2, the pump 5, drive 4, the suspension is like changing oil, when I was on a NIVA I used to wiggle in such a chigir even less often. Her husband bought 2106 more for fishing trips VAZ-80 -x years-less costs. True, it’s a bitch- they have a Japanese girl. By the way, as in Ussuriysk they took, they left it on the coastal rooms.
              Well, FIG knows. I have Kaldin in 2002. I own it for 4 years, I wanted to buy something fresh a couple of times, I didn’t. For all the time I changed only the pads and the radiator, well, the technical fluids. I checked the brake system just the other day, there were no problems.
              Quote: Fitter65
              About real cars from the passenger compartment, there is no bazaar from the word at all, by the way, the VOSTOK-DV salon was opened in Komsomolsk as a year ago, the company Vladivostokskaya oversees it, like in Khabarovsk, which means that it opened earlier in Vladik and still works, it didn’t burn out, and why ??? If you are interested, find out who worked on this site in Komsomolsk to Vostok-DV, 57 POLYARNAYA Street, there is still an autocenter nearby, but there are already spare parts, there is also the center of SUZUKI, but mostly boats, motors and so on.
              Yes, it's all clear. We also have a lot of car dealerships near Artyom, there are even Mercedes-Benz. Just the percentage of purchase of such machines is still extremely small compared with the secondary from Japan.
              Aunt bought 2003 Acura MDX left-handed Canadian assembly, drove as much from Moscow. Everyone twisted a finger at the temple, supposedly what for. As a result, they were right. There are permanent problems with the engine and electrics, more than 150 tyr have been dumped into repairs. Kapets.
              Quote: Fitter65
              We, too, somehow abruptly in the village, the number of Germans jumped 3 Merc a little more than a camryuha in size, 2 Volkswagen, one of them is a 16-year-old white Tuareg, but Kruzakov didn’t increase,
              Well, in Vlad, every second person seeks to transfer to Kruzak, the dream of a lifetime is direct.
              Quote: Fitter65
              To be honest, in many news from the Far East region when Vladik is shown, patriots and priors, and others, are not infrequently flashed.
              Patriots are found on the roads, but they are most often bought by government agencies. And in my office I know that they are acquired under the pressure of the Central Office in Moscow, otherwise they would have bought used Kruzakov or Safari.
              Quote: Fitter65
              I’m asking my son how it’s like that, but he really needs to go to the taiga, they’ve got a new one from me, but it seems like Pyzhik was both Datsun and NIVA !!!. Everything says PATRIOT-LUCH.
              Well, I don’t know. I also have several acquaintances who can’t get out of the taiga, they say nothing better than the good old frame Cruiser 80. Unkillable car.
              Quote: Fitter65
              Everything says PATRIOT-Luch.
              I had a chance to go on business trips on a departmental Patriot in 2016, though a passenger. A lightly dressed passenger in the back seat has every chance of freezing in the winter, because the door is siphoned (!!!). How's that?!?!?! On an almost new car that had not been in an accident.
              1. 0
                23 November 2017 17: 51
                Are you from the city of Artyom?
                1. 0
                  25 November 2017 16: 56
                  I am from Vladivostok.
              2. +1
                24 November 2017 14: 26
                Greenwood yes, the trouble with Acura was back in the 2000s, you would first read reviews about it, in Canada - you also grabbed a lot of grief from this - Acura from Honda Canada
                1. 0
                  25 November 2017 16: 56
                  Well, I was against the purchase. After all, there is a Honda MDX.
              3. 0
                29 November 2017 12: 55
                Quote: Greenwood
                I had a chance to go on business trips on a departmental Patriot in 2016, though a passenger. A lightly dressed passenger in the back seat has every chance of freezing in the winter, because the door is siphoned (!!!). How's that?!?!?! On an almost new car that had not been in an accident.

                Well, about the siphon door, I’ll say one door must be closed. You excuse me for being rude, but I won’t believe such rubbish. I have Patriot Limited 2008 and I don’t siphon somehow from the word at all, though I had to put an additional seal on the tailgate . But here I just drove into the reserve Kia-bongo. Regarding the freezing passenger in the back seat, I agree if the street is below zero and you left Patriot on the street with the engine off and the passenger in the back seat, then the chance to freeze is 100%. Well or if interior heaters do not work for you. On Mine There are 2 (TWO) patriots and if we go somewhere further than 30-40 minutes, then everyone takes off their outer clothing, but if I go more than a hundred and outside the window below 20, then the sides in the luggage compartment are fogged up, and after about 30 the rear heater is turned off, the front one is in 50% ito mode due to the fact that there is no heating of the front glass. And the most interesting thing about all the shortcomings of the Patriot is very knowledgeable people who have never exploited it, at best they traveled by a passenger. at about the level of my neighbor. He drove in the year 16 in the fall of Gaia, spring th 17 changed the shock absorbers, the natural process, isn’t it?. Well, in September, he changes them again, well, I help you yourself understand, garages, a day off, nothing to do. I say- Something you often changed them. He answered me "Yes, what do you want on our roads, you can kill any Japanese woman! Well, what can I say if we don’t have a real fountain. Well, about a week and a half after the next walk, I flew into the taiga and I have a rear right amor. I went and bought , slowly changing. A neighbor arrives on his Gaia, what did he say first thing guessing? If you omit the binders then t something like this, in Russia we can’t make normal cars, I would buy a Japanese woman and there wouldn’t be any problems ... That is, it turns out he changed the Amor, it’s the Russian road, I changed the rear shock absorbers for the first time after 85 thousand, it's a bad Russian machine.Logic iron ...
        2. 0
          28 November 2017 17: 38
          I’m from a distant place, now in St. Petersburg, I had to ride in the eight, now in the West, I would have the opportunity to buy a ten-year-old, but they don’t think about them and therefore they replace parts with blocks and kill the car
      3. +3
        23 November 2017 11: 35
        I spoke like that with a businessman from the Arkhangelsk forests, like you go for 10, the answer is, wait for a foreign car to wait 2 weeks, they will bring it wrong, a simple breakdown and a month of inactivity)))
      4. 0
        24 November 2017 14: 12
        Your region - probably West Germany, or - I see only what I want to see?
      5. +1
        24 November 2017 19: 20
        In my small town - 27.000 inhabitants, already a lot of West, Iksrey ride. Even West saw the cross, although it was only on sale. In the east, the Japanese, Korean auto industry is naturally prevalent. I was in Buryatia and there are only Japanese, Koreans. When you first come to the east from the west, you get the feeling that you are in another country. At least in Ulan Ude there was such an impression, and cars played a major role in this.
      6. +1
        24 November 2017 22: 51
        In London or Vladik:
        The stump is clear across the country when China, Korea and Japan are two hours away ...
        Over the sea, heifer is half. Fortunately for local producers, 90% of the population lives from the Volga to the Ob. Well, repair the Japanese junk ... However, Chinese trash (parts) are inexpensive. Too bad they break at the wrong time.
        1. +3
          25 November 2017 16: 59
          Quote: pafegosoff
          Well, repair the Japanese junk ...
          Some people obviously do not know what junk is ...
    2. +13
      23 November 2017 08: 07
      The first car was a VAZ-21063. Faithfully served for 15 years. Then the roads were (or rather it was not at all) not compare with the current. Second Nissan Vanet. I had 9 years, during this time 50000km passed, 4 engine kapitalki. I sold it. Now the VAZ-2115 2004, 160tys.km passed. Changed the front struts and the generator. I travel through the mountains mainly in the summer. I like the car. 4 years ago I bought a diagnosis for my son and sometimes I help him. I want to say that foreign cars mostly go to repair and repairs are more expensive than Lada at times.
      1. +5
        23 November 2017 10: 38
        [quote = woron333444] Now VAZ-2115 2004g, passed 160tys.km [/ quote]
        Visiting a fairy tale ... No, of course, I don’t know much, but excuse me, it's hard to believe!
        In the mountains ... [
        quote = woron333444] I want to say that foreign cars mostly go to repair and repairs are more expensive than Lada at times. [/ Quote]
        Watching what foreign cars! I have Elantra, bought in 2010 and not on any VAZs, were not standing nearby! Not by expenses, not by level of comfort ..
        And, still, I had a youth, Tavria feel , so I, too, told everyone what a wonderful car ... The only question is income.
        1. +8
          23 November 2017 15: 12
          invisibility Today, 10:38. Why is visiting a fairy tale? VAZ shock absorbers go over 100 thousand in potholes, silent blocks more than 200 thousand, on the shoulder 300 thousand without a motor. Rubber really does not have time to wear out and is killed not yet erased. Yes, and car service masters drive VAZs. I ask: why? Both ours and strangers break. But repairing others is more expensive. Like this! And VAZ spare parts on every corner, but on strangers it is necessary to wait. Yes, and on potholes, you can fly on a VAZ without braking (bumps are easily swallowed), and foreign cars crawl like turtles. In general, foreign cars are complete shit! Count how many kilometers you do MOT and how much it costs. Through speed bumps you fly easily at VAZ at 80 km per hour, while on a foreign car you stupidly slow down. Also through the railroad tracks. Light through our glass on headlights is better than on foreign cars. And it doesn’t matter what type of drive you have, rear or front. For comparison, it is not necessary to buy a bunch of cars. It is enough to drive in different taxi cars. Our ride and light are better than foreign cars.
          1. +4
            23 November 2017 15: 52
            Sorry, but you can argue on every point ...
            Shock absorbers for 100 thousand, and silent blocks for 200 thousand, I have not seen .. About the engine is not at all a conversation, because it all depends on the style and quality of the oil, if it was manufactured in a quality factory. About speed bumps, I’d better not say anything .. I didn’t do it in the salons on principle. The price for it is just what is called a business in Russian. We take money and don’t do a fig, But this is probably the topic for another article.
            Not long ago, I was able to compare the almost complete repair of the chassis on the Prior and Elantra. No difference whatsoever. Absolutely. And the level of comfort?
            And look at the price of Vesta and Solaris. Solaris will also cost less ..
            I’m not trying to fault our vases .. But if possible, I would prefer a foreign car ..
            1. +4
              23 November 2017 16: 33
              invisibility Today, 15:52. *** Shock absorbers of 100 thousand, and silent blocks of 200 thousand, have not met. *** In terms of not met? Went more or less? But shock absorbers and silent blocks really care for our bumps. About that, you can agree. And even a simple repair with unwinding on the headstock. Running gear repair. It depends on what you mean by that. Replacing shock absorbers? Balls? Silent blocks? For comfort. Our VAZ is quite happy with me. Ride under 200, it will already be a plane. But for our roads what is needed. Elastic impenetrable suspension and good light quite suit me. Everything else is already pampering. All ABeEs are not needed and are not required at all for driving. But heating the mirrors, windshield, lowering and locking with high ground clearance is desirable (necessary) to have as standard. These functions are really necessary.
              1. +1
                23 November 2017 17: 07
                Do not nursing the runs you have indicated. This is my personal experience. If the shock absorbers 100 thousand can agree, then there are no silent blocks.
                Key phrase - you are satisfied. It is most important.
                Personally, it’s not comfortable for me in vases, it’s not convenient, and it's not about 200 speed ... (I didn’t sit in Hreias)
                Chassis changed almost everything except CV joints ... And it so happened that a relative was doing repairs on the prior. It was possible to compare prices for s / h.
                I didn’t say about locks and a lowering, because Elantra has no such good .. and she does not need it in FIG .. winked And as for the ABS, here you are wrong. A very useful thing, if used correctly .. You can slow down with light jerks, but this does not cancel emergency braking on slippery roads ..
                1. +4
                  23 November 2017 17: 23
                  invisibility Today, 17:07. *** Do not nursing the runs you have indicated. This is my personal experience. If the shock absorbers 100 thousand. I can agree, then there are no silent blocks. *** I can not agree. From personal experience, all this nurses. Even a constant velocity joint can pass a hundred. But I am changing the entire drive. Blocking and lowering will not interfere with liquid or quicksand. I don’t feel like running around with a shovel or cable. ABS is in my right leg. On slippery roads, do not block the wheels. If blocked, you need to slightly release the brake. Not everyone is able to do this psychologically. They will slide, spin, but the brake will not be released. Although when you release the brake control is restored.
                  1. +1
                    29 November 2017 00: 54
                    Old 9th 1991, not the first owner, and after several years I think the past got out (but they did not bad) IF IF I did not rot the body, the rest suits me. But as I said earlier the essence of the issue is income.
            2. +1
              29 November 2017 20: 49
              "Shock absorbers of 100 thousand ... have not met" ... And how long have you had a Russian car in use? 8 release of the early 90's? Starting from Kalina-1 (and maybe even earlier), VAZ dramatically changed its quality. On my Kalina, native racks have already passed more than 150 along our provincial "roads." Do die, it seems they’re not even going to.
              As for the engines: I came across 15 with mileage a little over 700000 (seven hundred thousand). The owner took from the salon. He claims that he is not capital. And so far he does not see any prerequisites for this.
              About Solyarka cheaper Vesta is you generally a "finger in the sky." Compare the same configuration and everything will immediately fall into place.
              Well, about the maintainability of Korean engines and the "reliability" of the suspension is a separate song.
          2. 0
            23 November 2017 16: 33
            Quote: Region 34
            And VAZ spare parts on every corner, but on strangers it is necessary to wait.

            Well, here you can argue, some generally funny parts are not available for sale separately or a repair kit, or a complete assembly. This is when I had a Niva-brake cuff, I’m sorry, but there is a repair kit 100 rubles , oh and now there are no repair kits, there are only cylinders assembled-260, it really was a long time ago. A recent example changed the tie rods on the Patriot (not eternal, as sometimes it is necessary in Japanese) I went to the toe to adjust, they can’t turn off the adjusting fitting stuck, okay, I removed it in my garage with a vise, gas keys and unscrewed such a mother, screwed the thread into the gum, went shopping (on the bus) and you won’t believe it, there’s such a little thing everywhere, but only with steering gear . The fitting is 250 rubles and assembled with a thrust of 1250. I changed the front brake pads, everything remains to be fixed and drive, but the "hand of the young surgeon" trembled and hooked the cuff on the cylinder-cuff separately, but the repair kit was not set for 1230 XNUMX is the cheapest, pity. Moreover, that the Japanese, the Koreans that our price is not so much run up.
            1. +3
              23 November 2017 16: 46
              Fitter65 Today, 16:33. Cuffs in brake cylinders reminded of Soviet times. You can of course put new cuffs. but I prefer to change the whole block. So more reliable than constantly removing and changing parts one after another. Well, of course, without fanaticism. Otherwise, you will have to change the car after each ashtray filled with cigarette butts. hi
              1. +1
                23 November 2017 17: 00
                Quote: Region 34
                Otherwise, you will have to change the car after each ashtray filled with cigarette butts.

                For me it is not permissible luxury yet laughing And by
                Quote: Region 34
                but I prefer to change the whole block. So more reliable

                it depends on what and how. It’s just that at one time, when I was working as a car repairman, people with different problems came, sometimes I took it myself, but after a couple of questions it wasn’t cheaper, I sent people to shops ... Just the cost of parts that on the VAZ and on Toyota became the same. Moreover, sometimes the “contracted” parts from Japan look an order of magnitude worse than those that stood before the replacement. In the Far East along the road, almost every 100 meters there are ads like “BUY CAR IN ANY CONDITION” .One of the coastal firms bought cars, dismantled the parts of the soap outwardly, and voila, here comes the contract part from Japan itself ...
                1. +1
                  23 November 2017 17: 10
                  Today, 17:00. ***. One of the coastal companies bought cars, dismantled them, brought the soap parts outwardly and, voila, here’s the contract part from Japan itself ... *** I think they are trying to do such tricks not only with imported cars. You are simply amazed when they tell how in the second-hand shop people collect spare parts, and then put them in a car service. Although the quality of other new spare parts is not very high quality (thanks to the lack of GOST).
        2. +1
          25 November 2017 12: 03
          [quote = invisible] [quote = woron333444] Now the VAZ-2115 2004, 160tys.km passed [/ quote]
          Visiting a fairy tale ... No, of course, I don’t know much, but excuse me, it's hard to believe!
          In the mountains ... [
          quote = woron333444] I want to say that foreign cars mostly go to repair and repairs are more expensive than Lada at times. [/ Quote]
          Watching what foreign cars! I have Elantra, bought in 2010 and not on any VAZs, were not standing nearby! Not by expenses, not by level of comfort ..
          And, still, I had a youth, Tavria feel , so I, too, told everyone, what a wonderful car ... The only question is in income .. [/ quote]
          And what you can’t believe, the modern VAZ engine cares for its 200 km.
          I myself had a VAZ 21114
          With a 1.6 engine 16 valves, another cat was 90 hp. Sold it with a mileage of 184 km. I didn’t do anything with the piston.
    3. +4
      23 November 2017 10: 18
      Quote: 210ox
      That's it! The question has disappeared.

      Oh, now the machine, Vesta-Kros, is entering the market, the future of which is more than promising and I would really like it to be, all these stories about AvtoVAZ were already perceived as "historical jokes."
      1. jjj
        23 November 2017 11: 38
        In the third year of operation, both the "German" and "Japanese" shake remarkably. And if the car is bought on credit and "last", then the owner becomes a slave to the machine
        1. +4
          25 November 2017 15: 23
          Honda Airwave at auction in Japan, 2010 release. Now is the year 2017. Mileage is already 116000km. Costs - replacement of oils, filters and two bulbs. All!!!!! I brought it in the summer of the 14th. Additionally, I installed steel engine protection from below, set the running lights on the tumanki in the afternoon to drive. The only minus is the right wheel on the track. On the diagnosis, they recommended cleaning the throttle, all living things. I want to take a SUV, more, but it's a pity to give such a sweetie. Prior to that, went to Kaldino 2001 and Crown 1995, 90th Mark, bought with it. They have something for me in spare parts during operation, not much and not expensive. I sold the crown on the odometer 400 thousand km, how many were twisted there before me I do not know, there was a second title. I didn’t eat a drop of oil! And what are you confusing people with your tales here? All friends and acquaintances go to Europeans or Japanese, everyone is happy. Who can take new, who can not with mileage. Close this AvtoVAZ and put a church there so that the place is cleared. When I bought mine, I gave 500 of the customs duty of 200tr. If customs bribes were canceled, foreign cars would have become much cheaper, then AvtoVAZ would have sold nothing at all, and due to the introduction of draconian duties, the prices of foreign cars are artificially raised and money is constantly poured from the budget into the plant. That money would have been put on the road, there would have been fewer pits and good foreign cars.
          1. +2
            25 November 2017 15: 26
            And my wife bought a Mazda Demio 2009, now running about 60. replaced the front pads and attachment belt, even I did not like him. Also steel protection from below. And if I had cars from AvtoVAZ 2009 and 2010? How many times would I have repaired them ???
            1. 0
              29 November 2017 21: 06
              Yes, as much.
      2. +7
        23 November 2017 13: 32
        own X-Ray ....
        The first six months in our city ALL they turned their heads after - in spite of the fact that there were enough other cars of all kinds. Then it became familiar, and West became a lot
        It turned out to be a very good car - despite the children's sores that AvtoVAZ needs to pay tribute to, it heals and is quite shocking.
        Any other COMPARATIVE picking automatically on 180-200 thousand more expensive come out (even collected from us) Vesta / X-Ray ...
        Vesta station wagon is already in the salons - our taxi drivers watched, praise .. By the way, taxi drivers -who goes to a dalnyak - all without exception switched to Vesta, (one already has 218 mileage, without global repairs (front struts twice, strut / traction, suspension elastic bands and that's all ...))
        1. +3
          23 November 2017 14: 14
          Quote: your1970
          By the way, taxi drivers-who goes to a dalnyak-all polls switched to Vesta, (one already has 218 mileage, without global repairs (front struts twice, strut / traction, suspension elastic bands and all ...))
          In our city, taxi drivers are polls on fresh Priuses, but they cut Fitach.
          1. +2
            23 November 2017 14: 40
            Quote: Greenwood
            Quote: your1970
            By the way, taxi drivers-who goes to a dalnyak-all polls switched to Vesta, (one already has 218 mileage, without global repairs (front struts twice, strut / traction, suspension elastic bands and all ...))
            In our city, taxi drivers are polls on fresh Priuses, but they cut Fitach.

            there is a nuance - they only reach us killed in the trash for Prius, and for some reason no one rushes to buy new ones ...
            And yes, like the former customs officer - I I KNOW why are they on NEW drive cars and How much does it cost... and about annual sweeps ...
          2. +1
            24 November 2017 06: 17
            Quote: Greenwood
            In our city, taxi drivers are polls on fresh Priuses, but they cut Fitach.

            Glad for them, it remains only to find out where you have it? And how much is yours in those Primus, yes Fitah?
            1. +2
              25 November 2017 17: 00
              Quote: svp67
              where do you have it?
              I wrote above. In our country, this is in Vladivostok, a city that does not mentally tolerate the domestic auto industry.
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. 0
                26 November 2017 17: 17
                Quote: Greenwood
                Quote: svp67
                where do you have it?
                I wrote above. We have it in Vladivostok, a city that mentally does not tolerate the domestic auto industry.
                - it’s just that he hasn’t reached you yet .. On my character I would have planted not 4 Euros per cube on the Green Corner - but 50-100-150-200 Euros per cube so that they would stop traveling on illiquid assets / designers / drowned
              3. 0
                29 November 2017 21: 13
                "... a city that does not mentally tolerate the domestic auto industry." This is not mental. This is just a selfish question. Half (if not more) of Vladivostok feeds from the importation and resuscitation of "designers" from narrow-eyed ones, so the promotion of the VAZ is a direct threat to many illegal (sometimes, but much less often and legal) jobs and the income of small-town "Don". "Just business is nothing personal."
    4. +1
      23 November 2017 11: 39
      do not generalize, then
    5. +5
      23 November 2017 20: 56
      Have you drivers (from the French stoker) even understood what the article was written about ??? That you all ran into a discussion of any automobile crap .... Material about the state of the economy ... Do not it is not clear.
  2. +7
    23 November 2017 06: 39
    Who else will convey to us a simple idea that the main thing is not the size of the salary, but the desire to achieve the set goal? And money for an employee is not fundamental initially, the main thing is the correct organization of work ... the employees of the Magnit network will not let you lie. <= .... This is what it is .. crying
    1. +3
      23 November 2017 10: 32
      It was a forgotten tag * sarcasm *. smile
    2. +1
      23 November 2017 15: 18
      Fight Today, 06:39. Correctly the author wrote. The ratio of the work and the salary of Magnit employees (and other networks) speaks more about the charity of workers in favor of the store than in favor of remuneration. hi
    3. +1
      23 November 2017 19: 53
      Quote: Fight
      Who else will convey to us a simple idea that the main thing is not the size of the salary, but the desire to achieve the set goal? And money for an employee is not fundamental initially, the main thing is the correct organization of work ... the employees of the Magnit network will not let you lie. <= .... This is what it is .. crying

      Tander AO and Celta LLC together are the Magnit retail chain (retail), a magical country where they work for an idea, not for money, and not because employees want it that way, but most likely the other way around. (But there is some truth, the author of the above article has)
  3. +15
    23 November 2017 06: 39
    No rapid growth of production (albeit in individual industries) was somehow observed. Ah, the fact is that equipment and components are bought abroad? The international division of labor, you say? Guys, are you generally engaged in production or “gray imports”?
    VAZ is no longer VAZ, but the assembly shop for the Lego constructor. our probably there is only air. even the "superjet" nervously smokes aside ..Among the suppliers of automotive components are:

    Daewon - seats,
    Koito - lighting fixtures,
    ZF - AMT transmission settings and calibration, steering gear with rods, radiator mounts,
    BROSE - manual and electric windows,
    Valeo - climate control, alarm, parking sensors, drives and generators, starter, fog lights,
    Continental - tires,
    Bosch - wiper drive, hydraulic units, wheel speed sensors, generator, accelerator pedal,
    AE2 - interior and exterior details,
    Edscha Automotiv - new generation hinges,
    Magna - inside rearview mirror
    Contitech - condenser pipe assembly for the VAZ engine,
    TRW - brakes and exhaust ventilation deflectors,
    Lear - body electronics control unit EMM,
    Visteon - radiator,
    Kiekert - trunk lock. Import substitution ...
    1. +16
      23 November 2017 07: 16
      And the output is still "Lada". lol
      1. +14
        23 November 2017 08: 09
        Then he once wrote about BMW. In Germany, only a screwdriver assembly, and components China. The Germans themselves spit, but collect, because cheap accessories.
        1. +3
          23 November 2017 11: 37
          moreover, downs on the BeMeVe conveyor work, a tax credit for them, what a wow))
        2. +3
          23 November 2017 12: 11
          woron333444 Today, 08:09 ↑
          Then he once wrote about BMW. In Germany, only a screwdriver assembly, and components China.

          sorry, but this is nonsense. nonsense like a lie
          1. +3
            23 November 2017 12: 18
            A friend of mine in 1990 left for Germany. We communicate on Skype. Last year, he complained about the quality of components. And there’s an article by BMW’s chief manager about BMW production. They came to China in 1998. Since 2005, 75% of components from China. And Mercedes in 2002 came to China and since 2003, 100% Chinese.
            1. +3
              23 November 2017 13: 51
              your friend is not in the subject. I work in Germany on this topic. believe me just a word.
              in short - BMW and all others purchase components (from 70% to 90% of the production depth) from all over the world, incl. and the Chinese. but mainly German, European, Amerov and Canadian manufacturers with a minimum share of re-exports from China.
              1. +1
                23 November 2017 16: 22
                Quote: vlad_vlad
                I work in Germany in this subject.

                Are Germans or migrants working at automobile factories in Germany?
                1. +3
                  23 November 2017 16: 45
                  all who have the qualifications work at the factories. the Turks or Serbs who were born here and fathers and grandfathers are already working at this factory, are immigrants? but of course the majority of Germans in factories work with whole dynasties.
                  for simple and uncomplicated work, they hire untrained European "guest workers" - usually many Greeks, Spaniards, etc.
                  if you mean refugees from Syria, then refugees should not work at all until status is confirmed.
                  1. 0
                    23 November 2017 17: 54
                    Quote: vlad_vlad
                    all who have the qualifications work at the factories.

                    And how is the selection system built, how is the qualification confirmed? And how is it “accepted" in Germany: all my life at one factory, or is there a turnover?
        3. +1
          26 November 2017 01: 01
          Quote: woron333444
          Then he once wrote about BMW. In Germany, only a screwdriver assembly, and components China. The Germans themselves spit, but collect, because cheap accessories.

          and if you also take into account that the gelding belongs to the Arabs, thenooooooooooo .......... !!!!! wink wassat wassat wassat laughing laughing laughing
      2. +13
        23 November 2017 10: 24
        Quote: Greenwood
        And the output is still "Lada".

        The company bought a Mercedes plant AvtoVAZ. Reconfigured production, start the conveyor. . . Bam! at the exit of the Lada!
        Dismantle the equipment, drove the new one from Germany, installed, adjusted, launched. ! ! ! Lada again!
        Why all the plant personnel are dismissed, workers from Germany are brought in, they are established, checked, and launched. ! At the exit again - Lada!
        There is a hill near the plant; ch. engineer and director of the plant (both with the prefix Ex .. Look at all this. Engineer to the director:
        - And I told you - the place is damned! ! ! And tty all "hands from the ass, hands from the ass"
        1. +4
          23 November 2017 11: 38
          Rest on a hill and drink "Zhigulevskoe")))
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. +1
          26 November 2017 01: 02
          Quote: Stroporez
          Quote: Greenwood
          And the output is still "Lada".

          The company bought a Mercedes plant AvtoVAZ. Reconfigured production, start the conveyor. . . Bam! at the exit of the Lada!
          Dismantle the equipment, drove the new one from Germany, installed, adjusted, launched. ! ! ! Lada again!
          Why all the plant personnel are dismissed, workers from Germany are brought in, they are established, checked, and launched. ! At the exit again - Lada!
          There is a hill near the plant; ch. engineer and director of the plant (both with the prefix Ex .. Look at all this. Engineer to the director:
          - And I told you - the place is damned! ! ! And tty all "hands from the ass, hands from the ass"

          write before that the Arabs bought a Mercedes !!! laughing laughing laughing
    2. +5
      23 November 2017 07: 31
      Quote: Dead Day
      Import substitution ...

      And what else to expect from a semi-screwdriver, French-Japanese enterprise? request
      1. +1
        23 November 2017 07: 57
        (as stated in the article)

        . Strangely enough, the same bad luck happened to AvtoVAZ under the wise guidance of Bo Anders. He found it difficult and stressful to develop the production of automotive components in Russia.

        Well, yes request

        It is possible, but this decision has its own "minuses"
        1. +4
          23 November 2017 08: 05
          Quote: Olezhek
          It is possible, but this decision has its own "minuses"

          And there was no need to deploy anything - there was a production of automotive components! It’s just that Bu Anderson delivered AvtoVAZagregat impossible conditions to continue the contract with VAZ. And not only him. hi
          1. +10
            23 November 2017 09: 26
            Quote: Ingvar 72
            It’s just that Bu Anderson delivered AvtoVAZagregat impossible conditions to continue the contract with VAZ. :

            These conditions concerned quality, corny, which homegrown suppliers could not fulfill. And Bo Andersen wanted to optimize production. Reduce unnecessary workers, which attracts the wrath of Chemezov. That Bu radical did not undertake - he was given hands. As a result, we have what we have. Expensive and low-quality cars that do not have any demand abroad. Where there are no subsidies for them.
            By the way, the establishment of the production of a breakthrough model of Vesta in Izhevsk, the merit of the dismissed Chemezov, Bu Andersen.
            1. +6
              23 November 2017 11: 29
              Quote: Stas157
              These conditions concerned quality, corny, which homegrown suppliers could not fulfill.

              I absolutely agree with you, Bo Andersson tried to use domestic components, so he approved the 1,8 VAZ engine so as not to depend on the Renault-Nissan 1,6 engine, but the suppliers of auto components simply refused to improve the quality, using the monopoly on the Russian market, they said - take it there is, he cannot launch new production, as the author of the article says, he is neither the Minister of Industry, so he had to resort to import. And in order to sell cars abroad for foreign currency (the lack of which the author speaks of) they must be of high quality. This is where there is a dead end, there is no order in the country, the directors of automobile component factories do not want any improvement in the quality of their products, they want instant profit and here the state is on their side, the state needs the plant to work and people to be employed, and what this factory produces and how, few people are interested.
              1. +2
                23 November 2017 15: 07
                The main thing here is that no one is burning with the desire to let Russian-made cars for sale to their countries. On a website aunt complained about Volkswagen. Having bought an automobile of the Kaluga plant before moving to Germany, she ran into a registration problem. It’s just stupid to Kaluga Volkswagen cars or something they don’t appropriate at the factory, or they don’t give out a piece of paper with some data.
            2. Fox
              23 November 2017 12: 35
              Quote: Stas157
              And Bo Andersen wanted to optimize production.

              og ... and still sleeping ... he got 4,5 billion rubles according to a simple scheme, having created a consulting daughter and transferred grandmothers he dumped over a hill breaking the contract. As Artyakov did at the time.
            3. 0
              23 November 2017 19: 57
              Quote: Stas157
              These conditions related to quality.

              Absolutely NO.
            4. 0
              29 November 2017 21: 18
              "And also Bo Andersen wanted to optimize production. Reduce unnecessary workers ...". Yeah. In Russia. And in their homeland, create jobs.
      2. +4
        23 November 2017 13: 00
        1. Where did you get that semi-screwdriver? The level of automation at the VAZ is higher than that of many foreigners.
        2. Where did you get that French-Japanese? The French and Japanese in total own a little more than half of the alliance. The remaining half is Russian.
        3. None of the foreigners does not complex to use imported components. Why should we complex?
        1. +1
          23 November 2017 15: 59
          Quote: Perun's grandson
          The level of automation at the VAZ is higher than that of many foreigners.

          This is not so, automation at the VAZ is low. Low also in Chinese factories, where the state’s policy is against automation, since it is necessary to employ as many people as possible, we think the same policy.
          Quote: Perun's grandson
          Where did you get that French-Japanese? The French and Japanese in total own a little more than half of the alliance. The remaining half is Russian.

          To be precise, VAZ is controlled by offshore (!) Companies Alliance Rostec Auto BV - 64,60% (Amsterdam, a joint company Renault and Rostec, the share of Rostec in it is 17,55%) and Renaissance Securities Limited - 24,09% (Cyprus, through three knees controlled by Mikhail Prokhorov), all the rest have less than 5% of AvtoVAZ shares.
          Quote: Perun's grandson
          None of the foreigners does not complex to use imported components. Why should we complex?

          We are complex because (my opinion) we ourselves can do no worse, and when you do the sanctions yourself, you don’t care, and you don’t have to buy them abroad for currency, as the author of the article says, in general yours is always better.
          1. +3
            23 November 2017 16: 53
            Quote: SERGUS
            This is not so, automation at the VAZ is low.

            Welding and body painting are one automatic line. Mechanical assembly is also continuous production lines. On the assembly line - yes, the percentage of manual labor is large. But there are also industrial robots in some places.

            Quote: SERGUS
            We are complex because (my opinion) we ourselves can do no worse, and when you do the sanctions yourself, you don’t care, and you don’t have to buy them abroad for currency, as the author of the article says, in general yours is always better.

            Of course, we can produce the whole range of components ourselves.
            The question is not whether we can or cannot. The question is expediency.
            The Germans / French / others can also produce all components at home, but they buy where there are 2 important conditions:
            1. the manufacturer will be able to master the release in the given volumes in the given short terms
            2. The final price is not higher than the specified values
            Therefore, at this stage, vazovtsy are striving for unification with Renault in terms of components - their production has already been established and they are relatively inexpensive due to the large production volumes.
            1. 0
              23 November 2017 17: 58
              Quote: Perun's grandson
              Mechanical assembly is also continuous production lines. On the assembly line - yes, the percentage of manual labor is large.

              Nobody says that everything is done there with a chisel and a hammer, but the degree of automation is far from western plants, and not as high as you say.
              Quote: Perun's grandson
              The Germans / French / others can also produce all components at home, but they buy there

              There is one “but”, sanctions are not introduced against France.
            2. 0
              23 November 2017 20: 03
              Quote: Perun's grandson
              Welding and body painting are one automatic line.

              That latno? belay And the men on the "carousels" with "ticks" what are they doing? Androids to see! laughing Do not put until the "Varangians" automation - manual labor is cheaper.
        2. +1
          23 November 2017 20: 00
          Quote: Perun's grandson
          The level of automation at the VAZ is higher than that of many foreigners.

          Were you at the VAZ? I was. So do not talk about automation. She was higher in the Union.
          Quote: Perun's grandson
          The French and Japanese in total own a little more than half of the alliance.

          You yourself answered your question - they have a controlling stake.
          Quote: Perun's grandson
          Why should we complex?

          To close their enterprises in order to feed strangers? belay
    3. +2
      23 November 2017 12: 54
      Ha! Now buy it all and assemble the car. What is listed here is only 20% of the car.
      1. +4
        23 November 2017 15: 29
        It does not matter! The main thing is to loudly crow about "Russian car junk", and that it is time to close the plants.
        And if they close it, they crow no less loudly about "overdue the entire auto industry."
        The main idea is understandable, "Putin walk in," and "against crooks and thieves."
        They are children.
    4. +1
      24 November 2017 14: 36
      VAZ is no longer VAZ, but the assembly shop for the Lego constructor. our probably there is only air. even the "superjet" nervously smokes aside ..
      Sawed - like this, for example - Airbus, the picture will pleasantly surprise you ....
    5. 0
      25 November 2017 17: 16
      Speaking of imported components in new vases.
      So that’s the answer why their products became like cars and even drive, and the latest versions started to collect good reviews. wassat Of all there, only the badge with sails is riveted at the factory)))))))) Well, such a foreign car ... I'm sorry, you can try to buy a domestic auto industry. Only then spare parts and consumables for the currency to buy anyway?
      1. 0
        26 November 2017 08: 52
        What are you doing in life?
        Probably a world-class specialist (and higher!)
        And for you to earn currency - how to drink water?
        The main drawback of foreign cars from the point of view of the author is the cost of foreign currency on these.
        Well, jobs are not created with us.
  4. +8
    23 November 2017 06: 41
    Often the ability to smoothly explain, explain fairly simple processes with uncomfortable * political correctness * words and concepts.
    AvtoVAZ was built to saturate the market with cars. The fact that the auto giant began to * master * crime was a purposeful operation of the then KGB, as well as anecdotes and closed letters to regional committee-district committees. This resulted in a frank feeding of future personnel for criminal authorities and gangs that frolic in the nineties with shooting and other pranks. Cultivation of Berezovsky was a difficult process in London, it was revealed that he was supervised and guarded by immigrants from the KGB from the very beginning of his career, one of them was even publicly poisoned with polonium. Close contacts with crime, which they themselves cultivated, came from * state structures * did not even hide.
    Today, criminals have become respectable from being less public, the realization that they are nobody without a state makes them develop at least somehow. Elementary survival makes you think and plan not only for today.
  5. +5
    23 November 2017 06: 50
    All right. But unfortunately, our state (government) is not interested in the economy. Hence the problems.
    Another WTO problem! Focused on the collapse of our economy.
  6. +5
    23 November 2017 07: 03
    This model of the economy was developed in Latin America in the 70s. This model was called neocolonism.
  7. +1
    23 November 2017 07: 05
    with pleasure I take it Russian, if it is good in quality (you can even get more expensive), basically I don’t take any Polish, Baltic; but AvtoVAZ ... had the “pleasure” of driving this hemorrhoids on wheels. Thank you, I don’t want to. problems with second-hand "Japanese" many times less. they say West Cross says nothing in terms of price / quality, but it will have to be evaluated at least after half a year.
    Threat and of course, it makes sense to talk about the football team? she is not there - a herd of some kind runs for good money.
    1. +2
      23 November 2017 07: 14
      Quote: K0
      with pleasure I take it Russian, if it is good in quality (you can even get more expensive), basically I don’t take any Polish, Baltic; but AvtoVAZ ... had the “pleasure” of driving this hemorrhoids on wheels. Thank you, I don’t want to. problems with second-hand "Japanese" many times less. they say West Cross says nothing in terms of price / quality, but it will have to be evaluated at least after half a year.
      Isn’t it easier to take what wins in terms of price / quality and not look at the manufacturer? All the same, we live under capitalism, competition there, the invisible hand of the market, that’s all .... lol
      1. +3
        23 November 2017 07: 17
        Quote: Greenwood
        Isn’t it easier to take what wins in terms of price / quality and not look at the manufacturer?

        not easier. I prefer to invest my money in Russian goods. like most people in capitalist countries, prefers to their own.
        Yes, and there are just things that our people can do (yes the same shoes, for example), and there are things that stupidly can't - home PCs. or software - databases like 1C: Bookkeeping or antiviruses are ours at the world level, but the OS is a curve (like almost all) crap on linux. such a "good" is not necessary, thank you.
        1. +3
          23 November 2017 07: 19
          Quote: K0
          like most people in capitalist countries, prefers to their own.
          That is the people in the United States shifted to economical Japanese.
  8. +7
    23 November 2017 07: 12
    Western / Eastern manufacturers have failed to oust AvtoVAZ from the Russian market, which is rather strange, given the difference in technology and financial capabilities.
    The author, I remind you that in the 90s, before the introduction of duties on the import of imported cars, right-handed Japanese women were even brought to Moscow. In the mid-00s, 200-300 thousand cars a year passed through Vladivostok customs. In our Far East, 95% of motorists drove them (though even now the situation has not changed much). Due to the introduction of duties in Vladivostok in 2008, motorists rallied. And if you imagine that the predatory import duty will be canceled or at least reduced by 50%, and AvtoVAZ will lose endless cash infusions from the state, then imported cars (both new and used) will quickly displace AvtoVAZ products and your vaunted AvtoVAZ will go to landfill story.
    1. +8
      23 November 2017 08: 05
      The author, let me remind you that in 90's, before the imposition of import duties on imported cars, right-handed Japanese women even took to Moscow. Through Vladivostok customs in the middle of the 00-x passed on 200-300 thousand cars per year.

      90 is generally a glorious little time ... there was so much good ..

      The question was asked in the article for fans of foreign cars - how are they planning to earn the currency they need to purchase them?
      Or a question to the wrong address?
  9. +3
    23 November 2017 07: 13
    Very short article, thought is extremely compressed !!!
    As we work, we live and build such cars.
  10. +8
    23 November 2017 07: 21
    Well, about cheap Chinese, the author is a little off topic for about 6 years, I would google how much the same mid-level engineer in Shenzhen gets, more than his colleague in Zamkadye. Nobody has been working there for a bowl of rice for a long time. But the fact is that the production of components didn’t work for us. After all, how interesting it was with the same camryuha, in the fat 2000s, at the old rate, it cost 8-10k bucks more than in the USA, and when they built the Toyota plant in St. Petersburg, they promised to remove this difference, but it didn’t take off, the reason is from our components there are conditionally rugs and glass. But the production of components had to be established in the same fat 2000s, who would risk opening it now when there is no demand ?! So far, a dead end.
    1. +4
      23 November 2017 07: 59
      "cheap Chinese ended" something like this in the article and written
      A s / n in the sensible factory in the PRC above - because there it is there is production and it develops
    2. +1
      23 November 2017 08: 00
      After all, how interesting it was with the same Kamryukha, in the fat 2000 with the old course, it cost 8-10k bucks more expensive than in the US, and when they built the Toyota plant in St. Petersburg, they promised to remove this difference, but it did not take off, the reason the same, from our components there conditionally mats and glass.

      Then this is import, not production - only business
      1. +1
        23 November 2017 10: 39
        Well, that’s what we were talking about when we started attracting foreign manufacturers, then we had to finish the job so that the level of localization was at least 80%, to develop the production of components. Then all the conditions were - privileges from the government (special eco-zone), site, the main thing was - DEMAND. But the moment is lost.
        1. +1
          23 November 2017 15: 37
          Nix1986 Today, 10:39. The comment is correct. But the question. What is needed for this? But we need strategy and planning (not in the sense of blunt planning by the will of the wind). But this is not even in thought. All hope for an invisible hand (current) that will do everything herself. Straight Vovka in the distant kingdom. Will you bend your fingers for me !? Yeah! laughing
    3. +3
      23 November 2017 11: 39
      For a plate of rice they don’t work, but (for ours) 10 thousand rubles work with pleasure. And with us make someone work for the top ten. They were given technology for production, but as it was from the word "Chinese", it remained. And they lack the mind to develop the technology they are given. Just stamp a bunch of shit. Take Lifan for example. The car for two to three years and to release. But we have so many fans of Lifans divorced, and then scolded the Chinese, but for some reason not themselves.
      1. +2
        23 November 2017 12: 58
        For them, only 10 former peasants in the north of the country work for our XNUMX, and we need certified doctors for a little more (I think everything is clear about the state’s priorities):
        1. +2
          23 November 2017 14: 29
          I have a daughter-in-law on an ambulance, 12-13, and if on a part-time job, for some reason they pay 50% of the norm instead of paying overturners.
          1. +3
            23 November 2017 18: 19
            Oh why on this site such data? Don't you understand what you’ve done ?! Immediately every second news that you need a fleet of 8 aircraft carriers and thousands of armatures. And you about some doctors. If you are a patriot, then you will just drink aspirin, and if it doesn’t help, you will bequeathed the body to feed dogs for dog handlers laughing
          2. +2
            23 November 2017 21: 55
            In the article it is written: "..." Solution "our wonderful business offers a brilliant one: cut salaries, put them on a percentage and drive them into fields ... increase sales ... Or let the flies die of hunger ..." Everyone is busy with it - from Himself , DAM and Golodets, to the most drunken measure of the city of Novocherkassk. And when the national anger still ripens, introduce some international forces. Well, then the scribe then Zamkadia, and this is achieved.
        2. +1
          26 November 2017 01: 10
          Quote: Nix1986
          For them, only 10 former peasants in the north of the country work for our XNUMX, and we need certified doctors for a little more (I think everything is clear about the state’s priorities):

          no need to whistle about certified doctors !!! fool wink laughing laughing laughing
          1. +4
            26 November 2017 01: 21
            Quote: Nikolai the Greek
            no need to whistle about certified doctors !!

            I came from my sister a couple of hours ago (she is a nurse), so she said that we have one doctor at 2-4. Is it a lot or a little? recourse
            1. +1
              26 November 2017 01: 29
              Quote: mordvin xnumx
              Quote: Nikolai the Greek
              no need to whistle about certified doctors !!

              I came from my sister a couple of hours ago (she is a nurse), so she said that we have one doctor at 2-4. Is it a lot or a little? recourse

              Guidelines for calculating the needs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in medical personnel for 2014

              tongue tongue tongue laughing laughing laughing
              1. +4
                26 November 2017 01: 54
                You entu piece of paper roll up and put in the anus to the calculator ZAO Codex, and then ask him, once a doctor for two thousand people at least, is it a lot or a little? Let him explain in plain Russian.
                1. +8
                  26 November 2017 02: 00
                  Quote: Mordvin 3
                  You entu piece of paper

                  Greek rode across the river (already emergency, yeah)
                  He sees a Greek - there is cancer in the river (uh, yo .. no comment .. sorry for the "river")
                  Greka put his hand into the river (in ... eccentric, right?)
                  Cancer by the hand of the Greek DAC ... (well, rightly so, dragging that ...)

                  Vladimir hi
                  1. +5
                    26 November 2017 02: 18
                    Cancer doesn't like the Greeks
                    Breaking their comfort
                    Passing Greeks
                    Hands of all sorts ... wassat
                    1. +9
                      26 November 2017 02: 24
                      Quote: Mordvin 3
                      Cancer doesn't like the Greeks
                      Breaking their comfort
                      Passing Greeks
                      Hands of all sorts ...

                      Essss !!! I didn’t know, I’ll remember .. I’ll remake it - the third line is not in the subject, or not in time ... I do not understand yet ...

                      I offer it for now, temporarily -
                      "passing through the river ..."
                2. +3
                  26 November 2017 02: 25
                  Quote: mordvin xnumx
                  You entu piece of paper roll up and put in the anus to the calculator ZAO Codex, and then ask him, once a doctor for two thousand people at least, is it a lot or a little? Let him explain in plain Russian.

                  Smarya who sets the standards !!! wink Yes laughing laughing laughing

                  How I experienced the achievements of Austrian medicine
                  And why is such a treatment contraindicated for a Russian person

                  I'm sitting in line at a Vienna clinic. Blood is there to check. ECG. And some garbage got inflamed on the finger and does not pass. It hurts.

                  This time I do not need to see the doctor himself. Only to the laboratory. Therefore, I expect less. Just an hour and a half. This is in the lower reception. Where everyone, having received electronic numbers in the registry, is waiting for them to light up on the scoreboard.

                  Well, upstairs, actually in the reception room - nothing at all. 25 minutes Usually, if you go to the professor, then you can get lost for three hours at the bottom - and even less than two - I don’t remember. Well, at least upstairs for an hour. So here in Vienna it is accepted. At least in the other clinic where I was, I sat about the same.

                  But the professor himself has the speed of admission, at least put him on the Olympic Games. Six to seven minutes - if you're very lucky. Well, that is, if you really bend. And so he fits in five. He shakes your hand and asks how are you, even at the doorstep. In order not to lose time. What you have time to say on the way to the chair (two meters) is yours. At the table, the professor no longer listens to you. He looks at your tests on the computer, and there he stuffs a recipe. Then he smiles radiantly and holds out his hand:

                  - Aufiderzeen.

                  - But wait! - you scream. - And here's me! And stabs! And when I, then it is ...

                  But he already jumped up, grabbing you politely under the elbow. And he smiles at someone else. Who enters the door.


                  wassat wassat lol lol lol
                  1. +8
                    26 November 2017 02: 28
                    Quote: Nikolai the Greek
                    How I experienced the achievements of Austrian medicine

                    The sun ... are you a boy, or a little girl?
                    And then I somehow got lost, you read ...
                  2. +4
                    26 November 2017 02: 36
                    For a year in 95, the doctor took about half a minute taking the scale out of my eye. A week ago - about five to eight minutes, the whole eyeball was ripped open, it still aches. Bastards. And this is not some garbage on your finger.
    4. +2
      26 November 2017 01: 08
      Quote: Nix1986
      Nobody has been working there for a bowl of rice for a long time.

      and long ago, all the Chinese became engineers ??? wassat wassat laughing laughing laughing
  11. +21
    23 November 2017 07: 28
    Oh, Egorov hooked on my native Togliatti and AvtoVAZ! laughing So why did the article turn out on average about nothing? Advise is not fate? Well, or at least climb the Togliatti sites?
    We must start with the fact that Western / Eastern manufacturers have not been able to oust AvtoVAZ from the Russian market
    They bought it, Olezhek, bought it! wink And they ruined the entire scientific and technical base. Yes, she was, do not be surprised. Now the "new products" of AvtoVAZ are not quite, how to say domestic. And about the "unnecessary people" in production, so it's generally a pearl! How many unnecessary people have been cut - as many as 80000 people with a hook! Previously, the plant worked not only for profit, but also to provide people with life in a single-industry town. Kindergartens, motels, and many other social objects were held by AvtoVAZ. Maybe that's why he was not very profitable?
    Regarding the quality of automobiles - there is always rage about our cars being cans. Call me a car class "Kalina" for the same money? Well, we do not produce a business class, understand. request
    1. +3
      23 November 2017 08: 02
      They bought it, Olezhek, bought it!

      I will not say that this is a minus / tragedy.
      Today, it is extremely difficult to survive just by a car factory - guys from MAZ (not sold to anyone!)
      they will not let you lie - the plant is quietly dying
      1. +4
        23 November 2017 08: 08
        Quote: Olezhek
        the plant is quietly dying

        Oleg - Plant (MAZ) is dying from the inability to develop production, that is, due to a very limited sales market. hi
        1. +2
          23 November 2017 09: 03
          i.e. due to a very limited sales market

          Or rather: because of the very limited volumes of the market where it is regarded as a commodity.
        2. +3
          23 November 2017 15: 53
          Ingvar 72 Today, 08:08. Why is MAZ dying due to a very limited sales market? I look at the tracks today spar columns of long-range fighting. And the bulk are imported. Maybe it’s not a limited market? Maybe you need to promote your own MAZ, not foreign cars (albeit second-hand). Foreign cars, this is the support of someone else's business. Why support competitors?
          1. +7
            26 November 2017 12: 32
            Quote: Region 34
            Foreign cars, this is the support of someone else's business

            Golosovanie ruble in action. I have a friend, he has two mafia ... one Renault, the second - I do not remember ... but certainly not MAZ.
            Both are trucks, yes Yes
    2. Fox
      23 November 2017 12: 39
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      Oh, Egorov hooked on my native Togliatti and AvtoVAZ! laughing So why did the article turn out on average about nothing? Advise is not fate? Well, or at least climb the Togliatti sites?
      We must start with the fact that Western / Eastern manufacturers have not been able to oust AvtoVAZ from the Russian market
      They bought it, Olezhek, bought it! wink And they ruined the entire scientific and technical base. Yes, she was, do not be surprised. Now the "new products" of AvtoVAZ are not quite, how to say domestic. And about the "unnecessary people" in production, so it's generally a pearl! How many unnecessary people have been cut - as many as 80000 people with a hook! Previously, the plant worked not only for profit, but also to provide people with life in a single-industry town. Kindergartens, motels, and many other social objects were held by AvtoVAZ. Maybe that's why he was not very profitable?
      Regarding the quality of automobiles - there is always rage about our cars being cans. Call me a car class "Kalina" for the same money? Well, we do not produce a business class, understand. request

      I’ll add: they killed the machine tool industry and the toolkit !!! killed my native KVC!
    3. +4
      23 November 2017 15: 49
      Ingvar 72 Today, 07:28. Well, VAZ does not produce a business class. Why? There was no team? Won Luzhkov something puffed with a Muscovite. A motorcade can’t master something. Why? Or maybe it is not necessary? Question. To whom? Production is not necessary. People are not needed. Does the country itself really need? Maybe work is going in that direction? In whose interests is Russian policy pursued? Maybe politics is led by Chubais? Well, how much will die out! They did not fit into the market! After all, all the accomplishments and defeats come from the leadership. And in whose interests does leadership guide? Maybe this is not about the economy? Maybe it's in politics?
      1. +1
        27 November 2017 16: 05
        Quote: Region 34
        Maybe this is not about the economy? Maybe it's in politics?

        I always thought: "I need a currency, I need a currency!" And, in fact, why? I understand if the country is small and there are no critical resources in it. Then, yes, you have to buy abroad. In Russia, everything is there. The problem is that EVERYTHING is not given to organize as it should for people. But it already rests on politics. Business is an automaton. He is stupid and merciless, growing on the basis of chaos. Devours himself when the markets end. Long-term prosperity is possible only when considering the business as an auxiliary tool, and not as the head of the entire system.
  12. +3
    23 November 2017 07: 51
    You say turners are not in demand? Oh well...
    1. +2
      23 November 2017 08: 04
      And those who are ready to “demand” turners are ready to pay them according to Savetsky standards ???
      Taking into account social programs and other things ???
      1. +3
        23 November 2017 09: 35
        When they paid for those days, half the country whispered in the kitchens about how bad it was with us and how great it was with them. Now there is a unique opportunity to compare both systems in one generation, but no one has given the “save” button and will have to live in new realities!
      2. +1
        23 November 2017 12: 35
        The cousin’s husband has his own production of filters plus machines for an individual order. He has four workers. So, he said that every Friday he pays everyone 400 euros each, whether there are orders or not. Just a few understand that today the main value is not equipment, but qualified personnel.
        1. +2
          23 November 2017 16: 00
          dzvero Today, 12:35. This does not threaten Russia. We have a different approach. No work, no money. Just like that, nobody pays anyone. I do not like? Go on There will be others. There’s a queue behind the gate! Even if there is no one behind the gates.
          1. +1
            23 November 2017 17: 59
            We have the same smile I heard it myself. I just gave an example that not many 'businessmen' understand the value of personnel. After all, this is a small company. He will miss them, then others with such qualifications and responsibilities cannot be found. So he pays them regularly, and then compensates himself with orders.
            As for the situation in Russia, I suspect that in the next ten years an acute shortage of competent and skilled workers and engineers will naturally arise. It’s just that at the expense of the population you have a kind of “airbag”; we reserve this burned out almost overnight.
            1. Alf
              23 November 2017 19: 04
              Quote: dzvero
              As for the situation in Russia, I suspect that in the next ten years, an acute shortage of competent and qualified workers and engineers will naturally arise

              No need to wait ten years, this problem has already arisen. It’s just that our dear government solves it with a very peculiarly-low salaries and old equipment, according to the principle “I do not like it,” went out.
  13. +4
    23 November 2017 08: 41
    We must start with the fact that Western / Eastern manufacturers have not been able to oust AvtoVAZ from the Russian market, which is rather strange, given the difference in technology and financial capabilities.
    Whose AvtoVAZ is it? Is Renault-Nissan and the director a Swede or can it still be considered Russian?
    1. +3
      23 November 2017 13: 10
      Quote: Gardamir
      Whose AvtoVAZ is it?

      A little more than half of the alliance's shares are with foreigners, a little less than half is ours.
      And then, as in the parable of a half full / half empty glass wink
  14. +4
    23 November 2017 08: 45
    Talyatti Automobile Plant is a private enterprise of the Renault company! If so it is beneficial to the owner, maybe we will not stick our nose out of our business? let's stop living hastily with one foot in capitalism with the other in developed socialism, as it is unstable!
    1. +5
      23 November 2017 09: 27
      Let's not stick your nose in their affairs?

      In the end, we live in a free country! laughing And we can discuss everything that comes to mind!
  15. +10
    23 November 2017 08: 50
    “Apofigey” such a scheme of work was “Sukhoi Superjet”, which was positioned as a new Russian aircraft. And why from imported components? And they are certified for the international market. For export this is important. Then it turned out that, having spent billions, we collect not the best and not the most modern aircraft, mainly for ourselves, but at the same time “bundling” is bought for the currency ...

    This is a fundamentally incorrect example. There are not so many airplanes in the world of manufacturers and the choice is very simple, either the best that you can buy for the money is taken for a new plane, or there is nothing to do at all, because sales will be zero. Wait until someone invests tens of billions in complex developments and this will give no one results. And this applies to all manufacturers, even the Boeing is no longer American at 100%. In aviation, everything is very expensive and very strict. This iPhone can be bought in a store, it will burn and to hell with it, no one can buy an airplane without a million pieces of paper confirming all kinds of parameters. Typically, SSJ is also exported, that is, foreign currency investments are at least partially returned directly, and the native Aeroflot saves on dollars.

    And then it turned out that the plane was very much for sale. Unlike some others, like the Tu-334, which is outdated in the drawings, but is "venerated." However, the Tu-334 is also a business in obtaining subsidies from the state for eternal salvation.

    Yes, and the car can be both resold under its nameplate, and put on it a German gearbox with a Japanese on-board computer. The degree of localization, even in 50%, is better than no production at all.

    Actually, the USSR also bought a lot of things abroad, including AvtoVAZ. Yes, for the currency, I bought technologies that were then mainly used for domestic sales. Because then, apparently, it was more profitable than taking resources from something else for completely independent creation of automobile production.

    The only real way to a massive increase in welfare is the production and export of high-tech products with high added value.

    The author, for this I could immediately put a minus, but there is no such feature. Because in the same Turkey they also understand that for their well-being they need to sell something high-tech, which means with high added value. Even in Chad they understand this. Everyone understands this, and everyone wants to live well. And no one will give us, for example, just close the domestic market and force the same Aeroflot to take only the Tu-204, we will immediately receive an answer in the form of similar actions, for example, they will not sell us something we need, or will not let us in to your market. So before you write pseudo-banal platitudes, you should think. Politics is the art of the possible. Want Crimea? We'll have to endure the arrivals of those who do not want us to have Crimea. Want your own aircraft industry? Have to do something with the Boeing and the watermelon, they will resist. It was in Germany in the 45th that it was possible to require the Germans to sign anything, but now it’s not the 45th, but before the 45th there is always the 44th and the 43th ... when you have to overcome resistance. And it doesn’t always end, as in 45, sometimes it turns out 1905. So you need to think before starting openly hostile actions against someone, whether it be military or economic.
    1. +5
      23 November 2017 09: 01
      Because, in the same Turkey, they also understand that for their well-being, it is necessary to sell something high-tech, which means with high added value. Even in Chad they understand this. Everyone understands this, and everyone wants to live well.

      Even in Russia, not only everyone understands this ...
      few people understand it laughing
      Standard solution ((repeated a million times) to close AvtoVAZ am and buy foreign cars "over the hill"
      The issue of earning the required currency is not considered in any way.
      Do not believe me?
      Look at any autoforum.
      1. +6
        23 November 2017 09: 37
        Autoforum thinks in terms of machine quality. Although over the past years AvtoVAZ has also learned how to make decent cars for itself, people still live in the 90s.

        Any narrow-profile office, even an Internet forum, thinks exclusively unidirectionally. Although without a VAZ, the price of German cars will undoubtedly increase.
  16. +1
    23 November 2017 08: 54
    The problem was precisely in the "Soviet management" for decades, which led to certain "funny" results.

    In my opinion, the process should have taken place by 2010-15
    20 years is not enough. It's a lot . another 50 million people did not have enough time to “train” money.
  17. +15
    23 November 2017 09: 15
    And why attacked AvtoVAZ? First, you show a foreign car for 700k rubles with a complete set of Vesta? You will find a fig. If only the old sob, looking good just outside. And here it is not necessary to compare a new car with a guarantee with this junk, where spare parts can only be found on order from the same old cars.
    Most of the population simply can not afford a car for one and a half to two million. And do not poke at 800-900k on the prices of foreign-made salons - you will first find this very minimal package. In general, I doubt that such exists in the gland.
    And for maintenance, there is generally no cheaper VAZ. Spare parts on every corner and repair - a penny.
    1. +4
      23 November 2017 09: 39
      AvtoVAZ is like Putin destroying a country. Soon it’s 18 years since it can’t ruin everything. People stuck their heads in the 90's.
      1. +1
        23 November 2017 19: 34
        "Yes, Putin is ruining the country, and new factories are being built. He is ruining the country, and everywhere new buildings, subways, bridges, cities, districts, and everything contrary to Putin ...."

        omg, this is from the same tale of liberals that the Soviet people defeated in spite of Stalin ...
    2. +2
      23 November 2017 14: 38
      Cars in Russia and, for example, in the USA, cost the same. Only here the minimum wage is 10 times different.
  18. The comment was deleted.
  19. BAI
    23 November 2017 09: 44
    AvtoVAZ drove itself into such a state. Instead of improving machines and production, increasing sales, he, under the conditions of monopoly, stupidly raised prices and pushed preferences to himself.
    Example: 2000 crisis. A dozen from the dollar equivalent of 10 fell to 000 and demand for it increased sharply (my brother worked at my Vazov car dealership). What did AvtoVAZ do? Instead of increasing production, it began to stupidly raise the price to 5700. And sales immediately fell.
    What then did AvtoVAZ do? Work on the machine? No again. He began to push through and sell the increase in duties on used foreign cars.
    What about pricing? Before the crisis of 2014, one of AvtoVAZ’s tops said that the cost of the grants was 50 rubles. And they sold it for 000. Not a single foreign manufacturer makes such an extra charge. Quality and specifications are 350, and the swing is 000. Naturally, another trade failure.
    But this is in Russian time. And in the Soviet? How many years were five and seven produced in an unchanged form? And how has any model in the West (in the very far East) changed during this time? Look at the BMW of any series (several completely different cars that have the same name) and the unchanged top five.
    Education models. In the West, a new model - a new car. At AvtoVAZ (such a feeling) - a new color. Who will call the penny and two, three and six different models (in pairs) - five, four and seven, - eight and nine, - ten, eleventh and twelfth. Etc.
    AvtoVAZ ruined monopoly, inability and unwillingness to work in a competitive environment. By and large - the road is there for him. (Although I still have a VAZ-2101 of 1972 in perfect condition (but the mileage is small), I became a member of the family, helped out many times and never failed).
    1. +2
      23 November 2017 13: 21
      Quote: BAI
      Example: 2000 crisis. A dozen from the dollar equivalent of 10 fell to 000 and demand for it increased sharply (my brother worked at my Vazov car dealership). What did AvtoVAZ do? Instead of increasing production, he began to stupidly raise the price to 5700.

      The logical desire for profit in conditions when the plant had huge debts to banks.
      In the 90s, the top ten were put on the conveyor by tremendous efforts in spite of the "liberal reforms" —conscious economic strangulation of industry. Have you forgotten what three-digit inflation the liberals have arranged for us? And how can inflation be repelled in a few years by the huge costs of organizing production? Only 2 ways:
      1. increase the price (and this is when dumping used foreign cars)
      2. to release this model for a long time, until it pays off costs
    2. 0
      23 November 2017 21: 09
      Quote: BAI
      Instead of increasing production, it began to stupidly raise the price

      I remember that. And Z \ P workers from what to pay? Sotsialka - VAZ contained the floor of the city. Forced measure was. But there was still a bust - the bosses' appetites grew the same. Well, theft generally flourished, the same share in the price of a car. request
      Quote: BAI
      one of AvtoVAZ’s tops said Grants cost 50

      I heard this bike. Rumors not confirmed by anything.
      For the rest, I agree, except for this -
      Quote: BAI
      there and the road to him

      In general, are you serious? Then your city has the same goodness! negative
  20. +5
    23 November 2017 09: 57
    AvtoVAZ had a good chance with Bu Andersson. Not allowed.

    ... Mr. Andersson got the most unenviable share: to stand at the head of a troubled enterprise with the status “a la city-forming” during the period of the historical market collapse.

    He did what they were not used to doing in Russia — he built himself into the market economy by market methods.

    But who will give him?

    It is impossible to throw off the balance of unnecessary people and the area (see. "The risk of social tension"), people who have not been thrown off the balance will have to be fed from the non-replenished treasury (see. "Demand collapse by half and revenue drop"). Hence the constant maneuvering between the impossibility of making capitalism (see "Optimization of costs and personnel") and forced reconciliation with dense socialism (see "Ban on mass cuts").

    That is, you must simultaneously prank without panties, but in a cross.

    In a generalized form, this dialogue invisible to the masses looked something like this:

    - Do you need to improve the balance of the enterprise? A third of the staff are on the street. Socialism died in the ninety-first, the demand for specialists regulates demand. No demand - the door is there.

    - It is impossible! Responsibility of business to the people.

    - You do not want social tension? OK, nobody goes outside. Losses will feed state coffers.

    - Well no. Earn!

    - OK. The capacity of the entire market is +/- 1 million units, our share is 18%, so for the production of 180 cars in total we will leave the staff. The rest are on the street.

    - No, we do not need reductions!

    - Ah well! Feed the unabridged out of federal pocket.

    - Oh, that's it!

    Climb up the tree, not pricks ass, did not work. Andersson was fired. Everything is logical. This is Russia.

    Do not hold them angry, Mr. Andersson. It's just not accepted here. Here it is possible for years to collect unnecessary wagons in obscure quantities, endlessly borrowing, knowing for sure that one day he will come, he will benefit from the money, fill up the gaps with stability and fill up holes with subsidies.

    Efficiency, competition with foreign countries, a turn around for export - this is not about here, Mr. Andersson. Here the State Planning Commission, the five-year plans and the times of Kadannikov are warmly recalled. It does not matter that since then time has run far ahead. It escaped somewhere, not here. You tried to catch up a little, thanks.

    Only it does not need anyone.

    Your temperament, diligence and work for our industry as a whole is a great honor for Russia. She just didn't get it.

    Not yet mature.

    Good morning, Comrade Major!
    1. +1
      23 November 2017 11: 28
      - It is impossible! Responsibility of business to the people.
      - You do not want social tension? OK, nobody goes outside. Losses will feed state coffers.
      - Well no. Earn!

      Well, something like this ... There is such a tricky thing - the release of a car for one employee of a car factory.
    2. +1
      23 November 2017 13: 04
      I also consider Bu the only person at the VAZ who started doing the right thing.
    3. 0
      23 November 2017 21: 11
      Quote: KrolikZanuda
      AvtoVAZ had a good chance with Bu Andersson. Not allowed.

      Quote: Nix1986
      I also consider Bu the only person at the VAZ who started doing the right thing.

      Where do you live, gentlemen, comrades?
  21. +5
    23 November 2017 09: 58
    There is an ugly Gazprom and an ugly Rosneft - even though they work like Carlo’s dads, we don’t have enough time ... For some reason, the majority of the population have a simple thought in their heads that the currency should be ...
    Well, Rosneft, Gazprom and others are pumping out the wealth of the country, which should belong to the population by good, and not to the leadership of these same companies.

    Not to “stir up” the giant factory for the manufacture of microcircuits ... or to lay communications in remote areas of the country. It would be so cool, but no. Our business will not do this. Not interested. Here, in theory, the dollar appreciation for the manufacturing economy is a blessing. Our product is getting cheaper. Unless, of course, this is our product.
    Such factories and works on laying communications require investments, and the interest on loans from our banks is much higher than foreign ones, therefore such projects are unprofitable for private owners, and not at all because they are not interesting! Our economic policy of the state is aimed at strangling its production, and not at its development, the same Glazyev regularly speaks about this. it’s not at all the local “lazy" people
  22. +4
    23 November 2017 10: 00
    Dear author of the article!
    It’s nice, of course, that you are a patriot of your own factory, but still I would like to draw your attention to the fact that, as it was already said by one person, if for foreign cars lower duties by 50% and remove state support to the Russian auto industry, I doubt that ours, Russian people, will not take the opportunity to buy a foreign car instead of painfully native and kissed Lada. What will happen to AvtoVAZ is another question.
    Foreign cars, say, more expensive? Well, I don’t know if there is Renault Logan, and if the question arose for the person what to take - Lada Grant, or Renault Logan, at about the same price, then I’m more than sure that the choice would be for Renault.
    Moreover, I am sure that if the same Solaris and Vesta cost the same, the choice of our citizens would also be quite obvious.
    And not only from the fact that "TAZy - garbage", but because there is no faith in these products.
    I personally, like a motorist, do not.

    With respect to your patriotism.
    1. +3
      23 November 2017 11: 26
      It's nice, of course, that you are a patriot of your own factory, but still I would like to draw your attention to the fact that, as has already been said by one person, if for foreign cars to reduce duties by 50%

      It's nice when they want to “solve” the production problem in Russia by lowering duties.
      And, by the way, does your enterprise earn a lot of currency?
      So, for anteres. Or do you hope for rubles to buy something over the hill?
    2. +2
      23 November 2017 21: 15
      Quote: Fuzelir
      And not only from the fact that "TAZy - garbage", but because there is no faith in these products.
      I personally, like a motorist, do not.

      6 years skated on the Opel Astra. I ride the same amount on Kalina. The cost of a kilometer-hour in Kalina is several times (!) Cheaper. And this is not faith, but an objective comparison. hi
  23. +4
    23 November 2017 10: 03
    For some reason, all without noticing that iceberg, they attack the unfortunate Volga Automobile Plant and demonstrate a rare sense of humor, and yet everything is not so simple and not so straightforward. We must start with the fact that Western / Eastern manufacturers have not managed to oust AvtoVAZ from the Russian market, which is quite strange, given the difference in technology and financial capabilities.

    If they laugh, then there are reasons for this.
    "To oust the VAZ from the Russian market" stupidly would not allow the state. Duties on foreign cars just for this and invented.
    1. +1
      23 November 2017 11: 19
      "To oust the VAZ from the Russian market" stupidly would not allow the state. Duties on foreign cars just for this and invented.

      You dear misunderstand something ...
      And why should the world concern not create in Russia super-efficient production according to world standards and not take the share of the VAZ?
      What does the duty? Why does not one of the mega-giants manage to work effectively in Russia, making cars cheaper and better than AvtoVAZ?
      What is the problem?

      Duties ... duties ... duties ... sad
  24. +1
    23 November 2017 10: 17
    The Volzhsky plant was 10 years behind in terms of technology, when in the 90s they did not invest in development and new equipment and riveted on what was. With the advent of a foreign "investor" they began to produce cars more or less, I consider the same Kalina to be a successful car for its segment.
    With a stable investment in new technologies, VAZ will soon be able to “give birth” to something suitable and competitive even for export.
    The company bought a Mercedes plant AvtoVAZ. Reconfigured production, run the conveyor ... Wham! At the exit of the Lada! They dismantle the equipment, drove the new one from Germany, installed, adjusted, launched ... again Lada! All plant personnel are dismissed, workers from Germany are brought in, established, inspected, and launched. Pancake! At the exit again - Lada! There is a hill near the plant; ch. engineer and director of the plant (both with the prefix Ex). Look at all this. Engineer to the director: - And I told you - the place is damned !!! But all "hands from w ... hands from w ...".
  25. +2
    23 November 2017 11: 10
    The right article, the right one, we do not have an economy and production, we have consumer buy and sell no more, while no one earns foreign currency himself, but he wants to buy imported one, and that’s the problem.
  26. +5
    23 November 2017 11: 13
    Quote: Dead Day
    VAZ is no longer VAZ, but the assembly shop for the Lego constructor.

    Regardless of the VAZ, I say right away, because I myself was engaged in the manufacture of various trailed equipment. Automotive industry involves the broadest cooperation and this applies to any complex production. VAZ all the more now it is the property of the Renault concern (Nissan seems to have split off). For a car to be cheap, components and components must be cheap. Cheap components are those that are replicated by millions of pieces and are sold at the same time. Naturally, this requires a market of 15-20 million consumers. The plant, which produces several thousand a year, will not stand the competition simply. He will not collect the necessary amounts for updating the machinery, for new projects and so on. And the quality of the low circulation of products will be unstable, but nobody will bother with equipment.
    I now work at a home-grown factory, we make garden equipment. The machines are still Soviet, universal. From CNC only plasma cutting, from import components, but of our manufacture. It's nice that we do something ourselves.
    As for the VAZ cars. Cars in terms of ownership are good, repair costs are low, in terms of comfort, of course, you should not expect from Grants at a cost of 400 thousand rubles per million. If briefly so.
  27. +4
    23 November 2017 11: 23
    I did not understand, but where in the article about AvtoVAZ?
  28. +2
    23 November 2017 11: 46
    of all the cars that I had, sorry, the worst of all are the VAZ “seven” and “nine” models, at least do something and one day a week they took it from me, there were no such problems with the Izhevsk Muscovite before the Lada, with three different Volga after there were no Lada either, even with the 469 UAZ there were no such bunts, I generally am silent about the subsequent Germans and Japanese women.
    How to earn currency to drive a foreign car? Yes, no way - such a concept as "Bank" for hundreds of years, went and bought the currency if it is needed.
    Do you speak Japanese used trash? current models of the VAZ do not reach thirty-year-old Japanese women.
    I live in Yakutsk, the temperature in the summer is up to + 40, in the winter I remember the coldest weather -62, with the advent of the right-handed Japanese, VAZ cars here essentially died out of acroma niva (but this is a separate segment), the consumer votes in rubles, and I have never imagined a car from AvtoVAZ I can’t buy it, you can remember Putin’s trip on a viburnum with two or three spare cars ....
    1. +3
      23 November 2017 12: 42
      Quote: faiver
      current models of the VAZ do not reach thirty-year-old Japanese women.

      Come on.
      30 years ago, budget Japanese women were equipped in the same way as budget Lads were equipped at that time.
      Now the budget Japanese women are equipped in the same way as the budget Lads are now equipped.
      But in order to give out wishful thinking, some do not hesitate to compare cars of different classes and different price categories.
      For reference: 30 years ago machines and air conditioners worldwide were placed only on premium cars.
      1. 0
        23 November 2017 14: 22
        The equipment is the same, only the quality is different.
        1. +1
          23 November 2017 18: 59
          Quote: Bosch
          The equipment is the same, only the quality is different.

          And it is precisely because of the poor quality of our cars that Nissan hangs its nameplate on the VAZ Kalina and sells it under the Mi-Do brand wink
      2. +2
        23 November 2017 14: 53
        Quote: Perun's grandson
        30 years ago, budget Japanese women were equipped in the same way as budget Lads were equipped at that time.
        I do not agree. The difference between Japanese cars is that many elements that are considered by the Europeans and Americans to be signs of a middle or business segment in Japanese cars were even put on budget options. The same electric windows, for example, are in almost every Japanese of the 90s.
        Quote: Perun's grandson
        30 years ago, machines and air conditioners all over the world were installed only on premium cars.
        laughing They made fun, thanks. My uncle in the early 90's took a Corolla FX 1989, freshly brought. There was already an automatic transmission, air conditioning, power windows, steering wheel adjustment, and even the former owner put a radio with a CD player. There were also airbags, but I don’t remember that. Is it considered premium? lol

        Quote: Perun's grandson
        Almost all Japanese cars imported to Vladivostok from the late 80s were on the machine. We have many in the city just do not know how to ride a box. Box - the lot of lovers to feel the speed, all sorts of street scrappers, etc.
        1. +2
          23 November 2017 17: 19
          Quote: Greenwood
          My uncle in the early 90's took a Corolla FX 1989, freshly brought. There was already an automatic transmission, air conditioning, power windows, adjustable steering wheel

          And how much did such a new Corolla cost in the early 90s? 2 times more than any Lada or even more expensive?
          1. 0
            23 November 2017 18: 12
            and no one is talking about a new one - it’s written the 89 car, but a right-handed Japanese woman under the age of 10 will plug any new VAZ car into her belt ...
            1. +3
              23 November 2017 18: 50
              Quote: faiver
              and no one is talking about a new

              "Shut up" only when incorrect comparison.
              It is correct to compare cars of the same age and one price category. Cars of different price categories incorrectly. More expensive products are usually more functional, more convenient, etc. It is obvious.
              But Russophobes love to compare discounted old foreign cars with new our cars "for the same price." It’s silent that foreign cars were initially of a higher price category and became “for the same price” only after a markdown of 2-3 times as a result of wear and tear.
              1. +1
                23 November 2017 19: 29
                love Russophobia labels to hang others? apparently not from a big mind

                and as for wear - take an interest in how often Japanese cars change and why ... and at the same time what kind of wear they have there, we sometimes have new cars in worse condition than their used
              2. +1
                23 November 2017 19: 37
                Correctly compare cars of the same age and one price category. Cars of different price categories are incorrect to compare.

                Absolutely sure
      3. +1
        23 November 2017 18: 15
        the bottom line is that at the price of new Lada you could buy a far from budget right-handed Japanese car 5-10let with full forcemeat ... and these cars go much better than new Lada
        1. +1
          23 November 2017 18: 54
          You yourself write that you compare Lada with a far from budget Japanese.
          Do incorrect comparison of cars of different price categories and on the basis of these frauds are trying to prove that our cars are supposedly worse.
          1. 0
            23 November 2017 19: 24
            I compare for the money - Ixrey Vesta costs about 800 thousand, for this money I’d better take a Japanese 2010-2012 and I won’t know grief ...
            1. +1
              23 November 2017 22: 49
              No money for a new one - buy a used one. This is your personal choice. But where does the imaginary backwardness of our car industry.
    2. +1
      23 November 2017 14: 17
      Quote: faiver
      with the advent of right-handed Japanese vazovskie cars here essentially died out
      - foreign cars became extinct in Kazakhstan, cleanly, at first they equalized the duties, and then the crisis hit, and now the second wave. And now they go to buy Zhiguli to us - and those who are on old foreign cars are seeking a showdown ...
      Do not promise-in a word....
  29. +3
    23 November 2017 12: 37
    Quote: invisible
    I have Elantra, bought in 2010 and not on any VAZs, were not nearby

    I will say the obvious:
    New Elantra costs 2 times more expensive than any of the Ladas.
    What is the point of comparing things with a difference in cost in 2 times, because the more expensive the thing, the more it is invested in: functionality, comfort, resource, etc.
  30. The comment was deleted.
  31. +3
    23 November 2017 13: 26
    I have nothing against VAZ, BUT why is it now imported components, and the build quality remains the same? Not to mention the old story with Kalina, when it turned out that under her hood, CATS climb and often die when the engine starts. Complaints were written, but the VAZ refused to put the shields, which any car service freely set, but for a considerable fee.
    1. 0
      23 November 2017 19: 30
      when it turned out that CATS climb under the hood and often die when the engine starts.

      Kote sorry, I do not argue ...
      1. +2
        23 November 2017 21: 38
        Show me a car that a cat can climb under the hood. The hood is closed. Except Kalina
  32. +1
    23 November 2017 13: 40
    Vesta is quite a foreign car ... the main thing is that they changed the Soviet platform and switched to a new one.
    The destiny of our auto industry is the purchase of a license or the production of foreign cars at our facilities. This is demonstrated by GAZ and VAZ and KAMAZ. The main thing that is being done with us and our people.
  33. 0
    23 November 2017 14: 13
    The legendary and widely advertised business paradoxically does not undertake to solve complex and eternal issues, but it clings to the most delicious with a bulldog's grip.

    And where is the paradox? The same sentence is the answer. It is simpler, more profitable and safer to engage in buying and selling than producing something ...
    The dollar has increased against the ruble - it has become cheaper to produce something from us than to ship from China.
    Here's another thing - let's move on to settlements with China in rubles-yuan, the ratio will be slightly more profitable than the ruble-dollar - and you can forget about your own light industry ...
  34. +1
    23 November 2017 14: 19
    In Soviet times, if they hadn’t given tanks to everyone, but made Zhiguli out of this metal, VAZ and allies would have worked around the clock. There was a demand, there would be a development. And so people half a life stood in line for the machine, and therefore there was stagnation for forty years. And now it’s too late to drink Borjomi, the VAZ produces obsolete cars, and the government maintains the coma state of the VAZ through import duties, and is engaged in protectionism.
    1. +1
      23 November 2017 17: 12
      Quote: Bosch
      VAZ produces obsolete cars

      And what is the moral obsolescence of Grants, Largus, Vesta and X-Ray?
      Quote: Bosch
      the government supports the coma of VAZ at the expense of import duties, is engaged in protectionism

      VAZ is now located in absolutely equal conditions with more than a dozen foreign car factories in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kaluga, etc.
  35. +3
    23 November 2017 15: 21
    And I personally moved from Santa Fe to X ray and did not regret it even once ...
    For those for whom the car is not a "checkerboard and go" is a very decent choice ... Now I’m struggling with a toad so that in general I can’t change the new Hrey for West Cross (in general, what the doctor ordered) ... We learned to work slowly, I have than to compare. And the fact that now there is a high squeal and scream ... is for the most part "show off and snobbery" (and inability to count money) Who cares about the whole story by reference.
  36. +1
    23 November 2017 16: 38
    to become intelligible - I agree. The meaning is clear and generally corresponds to prevailing reality. Nobody wants to work in production. However, this is not the most important thing. When there was growth, caused by the fact that the population after the devastation did not have anything and needed to be updated - it was very easy to work. You could sell anything, the main chip was to sell as expensive as possible. On growth heaps of "Creative" and other levels of managers rose, who boasted of their successes. However, as soon as problems arose, all these managers put their tongue in one place and can’t do anything, because they really don’t know how to work.
    Here for an example. I work in a large factory that sells products all over the country with a very high added value. When it was growing, everyone was in chocolate and rejoiced. Now came kryndets. Production really had to be reduced to the maximum. All these managers, fuckers can’t do anything, and only know how to blame what on the workers. However, the workers both worked and work, only get less for it.
    But I'm talking about something else. In our town, in the wake of not only our production, but also a couple of neighboring similar directions, they dragged a large, fully formed production from Moscow, completely using Western technology, and launched it, having lured a decent percentage of skilled workers from local resources. However, if local guys started their business from scratch and no matter how we scolded them, but they are fighting for their companies, the same newcomers died before the age of 14. As soon as the market was full, the standard template schemes stopped working - everything - goodbye to everyone - we closed. But everything was beautiful - the latest Western machines, trained managers in Italy and Germany ...
    In the same place where I work, the same problem that the author noted is too much foreign raw materials.
  37. +1
    23 November 2017 17: 52
    In the article, AvtoVAZ was chosen as a clear, unnecessary example of a waste for nothing, in my opinion, too recklessly. Suffice it to say that at the end of October, the Tolyatinsky plant reached operating profit, i.e. if it weren’t for debt settlement, he would have been in the black. Also:

    Sales growth in the Russian car market year-on-year is 15,4%, with 34,8% of the market share. And while AvtoVAZ earns currency:
    AvtoVAZ's export revenue in the first half of the year compared with the same period last year, increased 1,8 times to 4,84 billion rubles. The share of exports in total revenue increased by 1,6 percentage points to 4,6%. The export of finished Lada machines increased slightly - by about 5% to 10 120 pcs. At the end of 2017, AvtoVAZ expects to increase exports by at least 50%, said company president Nicolas Mor, i.e. up to 26 thousand, approximately.
    So AvtoVAZ is making the same currency.
  38. +1
    23 November 2017 18: 00
    why all this ... I go to Niva 4x4 and are quite happy with this masterpiece of the Soviet automobile industry, although today it’s not cheap, but it’s still angry, the main thing is to decide what you need to show off or a vehicle in specific living conditions ...
  39. 0
    23 November 2017 23: 43
    The problem is not that producers need the currency, but that it is needed
    to everyone else, up to pensioners. Because of the weakness of the ruble, everyone prefers to save dollars.
    1. 0
      24 November 2017 11: 10
      Don’t speak for everyone, I have rubles from Gref, in our country everything can be bought for these without problems. Some are always certainly not enough, but enough for me.
  40. 0
    24 November 2017 10: 52
    By the way, even then it was full of cheap / third-rate goods on the world market, but for obvious reasons the USSR did not buy them (the Communists could not trade!).

    Then the position of the government was this, the citizens of the USSR deserve only good goods from abroad, because of which only high-quality goods were allowed inside, because of which there was a myth that everything Western is much better than Russian. Only after they started importing cheaper junk did it become clear that it was just a myth, but it was already too late.
  41. 0
    24 November 2017 11: 02
    I am not a driver, the main thing for me is to go, and that on a Mercedes, not of a representative class, of course, or Kalina is no difference. Own, donated by Italians, the car industry should be like a fork with a spoon, but its luminous))).
  42. 0
    24 November 2017 11: 13
    1. It is necessary to prohibit propaganda on Russian products, manufacturers.
    2. To tighten laws on the genocide of the population (non-payment of wages, manufacturers of poisonous products, and other fraudulent schemes where Russian citizens suffer).
    3. Exporting abroad, traitors rejected by patriotism (whoever buys and believes that imports are better than ours, those who go abroad to rest and acquire foreign property, thieves).
    - And if so, everyone believed that in the next five years there would be improvements and changes in the economy. But our government is engaged in ridiculous laws to collect more money from a population that is not there, and if there were any, then most ordinary citizens would invest in the Russian economy, buying our goods, even if they are worse, they will be better and safer with development!
  43. 0
    24 November 2017 11: 18
    Production is difficult and hemorrhoidal, but this is actually the only way to increase employment and wages.

    And you yourself were engaged in production? You can’t imagine how difficult it is to organize production under the conditions of Russian laws, there are no problems with trading with our laws, but here you are. Believe me, I worked in a private office which for competitiveness, I only stocked CNC machines, the performance is crazy, the costs are negligible. But, you have no idea what the conclusion of contracts with suppliers of light, gas, water. What are the predatory conditions of the monopolists? But even this could have been dealt with if it had not been for the predatory interest on loans eating up all the profits. This office was closed in the 2008 year, when the bank simply stopped giving loans, thereby organizing massive bankruptcies of many small firms. For information, at that time those offices that did not take loans did not suffer at all.
    1. 0
      24 November 2017 11: 56
      You have no idea how difficult it is to organize production in the conditions of Russian laws.

      You, excuse me, you want to aggravate?
      Or what? wink
  44. 0
    24 November 2017 11: 25
    A lot of words, where is the conclusion? It cannot be considered a conclusion to produce more high-tech products and sell them over the hill more expensive.
    the conclusion from all descriptions of our problems is that in an open market, our economy is uncompetitive. So far or forever is another matter. With thousands of different mechanisms, open borders make our production unprofitable and natural way for us never to rise.
    The solution to the problem is moderate closeness, active protectionism and compensation for our losses due to oil and gas rents. Not the export of money, but their active investment in the country, even if the market recognizes such investment as unprofitable. There must be a political decision to make production in our country profitable due to protectionism and state. infusions.
    And one more question for the author. If we can produce high-tech products ourselves, then why do we need export? We’ll do everything ourselves and no dollars are needed.
    Secondly, no matter what we do, they will not let us sell at the real price. Why do we need export for nothing or export capacities idle due to sanctions?
    Thirdly, the upcoming robotization and automation of production dramatically reduces the requirements for mass and serial production. It is quite possible that it is becoming possible to produce everything even for relatively small countries - there would be resources. And why do we need to participate in the discriminatory division of labor with the West? Again, no export is needed.
    The West will not allow us to export high-tech products to the territories it controls. Moreover, America even seeks to replace coal, oil and gas from Russia with its own. In the near future, our export opportunities will be reduced to our borders and the borders of our allies. Again, hopes for export should be abandoned, and production should be developed exclusively for domestic consumption.
    This is not our choice and not our goal, but life does not leave another recipe for survival. This is a difficult choice and a relatively poor life for the oligarchs, but work and salaries for the people. And in the future, the heyday and power of the country.
  45. PPD
    24 November 2017 13: 08
    I don’t even know what to say here !!!!!
    Firstly, about the efficiency, a lot of money was poured into AvtoVAZ.
    Like, poor little thing at a loss, is that how? Doing a car for 300000, selling for 200000?
    Although if you recall the "golden parachutes" is not surprising.
    They set the task for Andersen to bring Vaz to a normal level. And what to do, yes only buy normal spare parts in other countries. What else can you do? Changed, of course. Taz again at a loss !!
    If the price of components has risen, the machine itself is getting more expensive. Let's argue? In a family of 2 cars, 1 of them has a “magnificent 5 Lada” for 7 years. I’m not going to sell. It’s just interesting. For all the years of production, the power steering has not appeared. Is it expensive or boring? Head to think, improve design-WHY? The foreign car has already surpassed 2 times its mileage. There hasn’t been close to anything like 5 there. Once every 5 minutes I went to the country, the brake lamp began to flash. Everything was covered, like the rules. Already (I got home well) on the hydra, they put on plastic pipes — one of them cracked! And what if I went to the nadal? True, I am truly glad X-ray Vaz is doing something! But something needs to be done with these problems. The foreign car is written for my wife, but it’s clear that I’m doing something. There was a Lada salon nearby, there’s nothing to do, it’s worth it. This ray is worth it (even the salons appeared on VAZ-pinch me, great). Neither a clean machine, Zhigulists will understand me, I opened the gas tank hatch, yeah, everything like mine is open to all the winds by 5. Drain, I don’t want to. The seller advises (mock or something) put burrowing. Yeah, the price tag is almost 5r, but do I have to put something else? I’m kind to him, but do you know how much gasoline I and all the Lada cars poured in the yard? And what did we just not put? Shut up. Well, how does he know, in the courtyard of the LADA salon, the employees' cars are standing and not a single LADA !!
  46. SerZh1972
    24 November 2017 14: 57
    1) The author - look at least at the Chinese Haval - you will immediately understand the whole difference.
    2) In a country where the boyars prefer to lease real estate and get money from it (because the business that they once squeezed out is already ineptly ruined) nothing else could be expected.
    3) and now the example of South Korea
    The impetus for the large-scale development of the country's national automobile industry was direct government intervention in industry problems in 1974.
    The government program was based on two fundamental principles: export orientation and concentration of capital. The government encouraged the creation of large companies, mainly large family multi-disciplinary holdings, the so-called "chaebol". These enterprises received huge privileges. First of all, access to cheap loans and wide tax benefits. In accordance with the government’s decree, four companies got the right to manufacture cars: KIA, Hyundai Motors, Asia Motors and ShinJu (on the basis of which Daewoo Motors was later created, and KIA merged with Asia Motors).
    In exchange for privileges granted to automobile companies, specific requirements were put forward. So, the Korean government introduced a standard according to which each of the existing companies had to achieve an output of 1980 thousand units per year by 50.
    At the first stage, the government imposed a high tariff on the import of foreign cars (importing cars became almost impossible) and allowed the import of duty-free components (imported mainly from Japan).
    At the next stage, the state creates an organization of Korean car manufacturers (Korea Auto Industries Cooperative Association or KAICA), which could in turn impose a ban on the import of any components (in order to obtain permission, the importer needed to prove that similar products could not be manufactured in Korea). By this time, the Korean government recommended that automakers use at least 90% of the components of national production. This led to the fact that foreign automakers (mainly Japanese) were forced to sell their technology, otherwise they completely lost the market for components.
    The Korean government acted as a good investment company with competent top managers: a business was bought, investments were attracted, and when the business developed, became effective, competitive (liquid), it was successfully sold. The automotive industry remained profitable, and Korea, in the difficult period for it, attracted the financial resources of a private business (largely foreign) for the country that were necessary.
    And no miracles.
  47. 0
    24 November 2017 15: 03
    Colleagues, the article is not about whether the VAZ is good or bad! The article is about what is really meant by "import substitution." And I agree with the author, for today we have a darkness of trading companies and scant production. This is if we talk about small and medium-sized businesses. All over the world there are small workshops, workshops on a variety of topics. And at us everything stopped at printing houses and bakeries with tandoor! It is obvious that the development of production instead of trade alone depends not only on the will of people. But without cheap loans, without removing bureaucratic barriers, without preferential taxation can not do.
    1. +1
      24 November 2017 20: 10
      We probably have the easiest taxation in the world, and the production in Russia is complete, from pins to rocket engines, nuclear reactors and satellites. Something we do not produce, but not because they can’t, it’s just not profitable to produce it.
  48. +1
    24 November 2017 20: 31
    A lot of letters, but why AvtoVAZ I did not understand. The author understands absolutely nothing either in economics, or in production, or in psychology. Article on the deuce.
  49. 0
    25 November 2017 10: 56
    AvtoVAZ came into profit this year and I think the trend will only intensify, Grant, Kalina and Vesta are selling well, if only VAZ could produce C-class cars, and then D-class and all the rest ...
  50. +1
    25 November 2017 12: 42
    The article is absolutely correct. But our government itself does not allow developing not only small but also big business. Around obstacles and bribery. I know firsthand, I have experienced in my own skin. Under the current government, this is not real. We need economic reforms, but who will do them? Medvedev, or what? Do not make me laugh. We need a normal government that understands something in the economy and in industry. And we have solid managers who, in addition to earning dough, do not think about anything.
  51. +2
    25 November 2017 22: 20
    Nice factory and good cars. Inexpensive. Those who can buy more - buy.
    And talking about some kind of Japanese or European quality is ridiculous. It's not the quality that decides, it's the service.
    In the USSR, I struggled in the garage myself, but now I don’t even change the wheels myself.
  52. +1
    25 November 2017 22: 22
    Quote: vissarion
    Economic reforms are needed, but who will do them?

    Economic reforms usually mean the formula “give your wife to your uncle, and go to hell.”
    No reforms are needed. You need a slow, steady forward movement and working on mistakes.
  53. +1
    25 November 2017 22: 23
    Quote: Sergey Kiryushin
    because today we have a darkness of trading companies and a meager production company.

    Yes, this is a global trend.
    Selling is more difficult than producing.
  54. +1
    26 November 2017 00: 32
    Quote: pafegosoff

    I'll tell you two things - I have a 30-year-old Toyota Litais, produced in 1987, it runs every day in multi-million St. Petersburg, the hardware is original. 4 (four, Karl) friends have new Patriots from the showroom (Sport 2008, pickup truck 2011 and 2 regular “Comfort” 8 and 9 years old), next year everyone will sell their Patriots, because the windshield frames and sills have not rotted yet only on pickup truck. When we bought it, yes, the car was very good, but the same Sport, the last one in St. Petersburg, full anticorrosive, fully equipped with air conditioning and a full-power Euro-5 engine, 580 thousand rubles in 2008, and now in 2017 it rotted belay in general, the doors have holes in the bottom, the sills, the windshield frame at the hood in the corners, the hood and rear firecracker have already been repainted before, the car is 9 years old, it has seen nothing but asphalt, stock. WHAT THE FUCK is this necessary? I myself have an 8-year-old UAZ 31519 for wood on meter-long slippers with quinoa and whales in the Republic of Kazakhstan and bridges, and even then it rotted less, although it did not crawl out of the swamps.
    1. +1
      26 November 2017 21: 13
      The private auto mechanic who repairs my cars refuses to take the Patriot for repairs at all. I drove the Niva for a long time (from 1992 to 1997). I have fond memories of this car. But the fact remains: since 1997, I have only bought imported cars: Audi, Mazda, Subaru. And not because I have any prejudices against the domestic automobile industry, but solely for practical reasons.
  55. +1
    26 November 2017 00: 39
    Quote: Perun's grandson
    VAZ is now on absolutely equal terms with more than a dozen foreign car factories in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kaluga, etc.

    I agree. The current VAZ has already greatly improved its attitude towards production. And at the same time, foreign manufacturers, having transferred factories to third world countries, have reduced the quality of their products catastrophically; a 3-7 year old foreign car today is still a “bucket” and no longer wins anything over VAZ. Consumer society and the cycle of disposable things are in action :(
  56. 0
    26 November 2017 01: 57
    in the brow it struck on the scribblings they talked off or something good
  57. 0
    26 November 2017 16: 09
    I live in the south of Yakutia, I drive a Mazda, I work as a foreman, 10 percent of the workers at a construction site are Russian, I’ve heard a lot of fairy tales about priority development areas, it’s good, it’s winter, the crossings and roads are straightened out by the frost, but everything is fine
  58. 0
    27 November 2017 12: 37
    Is VAZ a domestic car? What is the nationality of the president of AvtoVAZ? Who owns the controlling stake in this company? Who creates the design of Lada cars? What alphabet is the name written in? The article describes where to buy components.
    And finally, what do we care about this foreign company, with a bad reputation, Italian roots and poor product quality, which only disgraces our country, instilling the stereotype that Russian means unreliable?
    As for the employment of workers and the city of Togliatti itself, this is another issue that can be resolved in isolation from VAZ.
    1. 0
      27 November 2017 15: 51
      Renault and Nissan together own a little more than half the shares of the alliance.
      Since a little more than half, they appointed their own person as president.
      The design is created by a whole team, most of whose employees are local.
      The letters are purely marketing, moreover, designed for foreign sales.
      It is indeed written about the components that in X-Ray and Vesta, to reduce costs, they used a Renault platform and, as a result, components unified with Renault. It doesn’t hurt to say that these models are designed in Russia and manufactured in Russia.
      It was not the foreign company’s reputation that was spoiled, but the Russian one’s. There was deliberate, false persecution. By the way, expensive baiting. Can you guess who coordinated and paid for this expensive persecution?
      It’s better not to mention quality at all. Modern VAZ cars will be of better quality than many modern foreign cars. Google about “controlled wear” and read reviews on the forums about the service life of modern foreign cars.
      Employment of not just workers, but highly qualified workers and engineers. And how do you propose to solve this issue?
  59. 0
    27 November 2017 14: 30
    “Then it turned out that, having spent billions, we were assembling not the best and not the most modern aircraft, mainly for ourselves, but the “equipment” was bought for foreign currency...”

    Well, you can forget and just buy imported Boeings and Airbuses for foreign currency. Would this be better?
  60. 0
    27 November 2017 16: 26
    I drove all sorts of cars, I counted - there were 10 units. owned, foreign and domestic. Of the imported ones, I liked the Mitsubishi-Holland - I was the second owner, drove it for 10 years. I saw it recently, still on the move! Of ours, the Niva is a truly indestructible car (maybe I got one!), The Niva-Chevrolet is also strong, was 5 years old, sold it to a local priest, drives, happy! What I wanted to say is that the way you look after the car, it will repay you! Just as a woman loves affection, so does the car care and lubrication! In terms of price range, domestic ones are of course more affordable, I took everything from interior. With them everything is simpler, but the “childhood diseases” on them have not been eliminated for decades, the same rubber seals on the doors (I’m a fisherman and a hunter) I don’t drive on asphalt a lot, but the dust in the cabin is not very pleasant. Nowadays on cars (made in Russia) the ride, whatever you say, is more convenient, service, spare parts have improved, mileage without repairs has increased significantly. So no need to scold AvtoVAZ, everything will get better!
  61. 0
    27 November 2017 19: 47
    I wanted to ask so much that I even registered on the site... Why did the majority start talking about cars? It seems like the idea is different - we want to live like humans, which means we need to create a product ourselves. Unfortunately, AVTOVAZ no longer creates the product itself - the French do it. And the worst thing is that they consistently cut off those Russian and imported (BOSH, for example) manufacturers who make components in Russia (and do not assemble them like LEGO). But in general, the song is not about him, but about... Those who cannot produce anything themselves will have no place left on the political map of the world. What does AVTOVAZ and our cars have to do with it? In order to buy something you need (Solaris!), do you need to sell something unnecessary? (oil or gas!) ...
  62. 0
    27 November 2017 23: 08
    Parshin wrote an excellent excuse for the hands-on leaders of the Russian Federation. His follower Kolya Starikov goes further.
    Author, tell me, how do the leaders of the Russian Federation earn foreign currency? Do they send raw materials abroad? Or is high-tech invented in offices?
    In general, what kind of high-tech can we talk about? If there is no ideology that sets goals for the development of the country. And inventors do not know about popular areas. High-tech products are conceived decades before production begins.
    P.S. Production technology is honed and perfected by hard workers. And somehow I doubt that VAZ is creating at least some conditions for this.
  63. 0
    28 November 2017 00: 40
    If the article is not marked “2 copies to Putin’s office,” then there is no point in wasting nonsense on this site. All the steam from this article has gone down the drain.
  64. 0
    28 November 2017 11: 16
    I have been saying for a long time why Russia needs to produce its own cars, televisions and other household appliances and small electronics. For what?? Let the Asians do this little thing, let the machines do it, but the Russians need more of the latest weapons to protect such a vast territory with its limitless resources from vultures and other Western wickedness
  65. Say
    28 November 2017 16: 11
    We need our own auto industry. So as not to stand on tiptoe, waiting for foreign handouts.

    But government regulation on it should be strict.
  66. 0
    28 November 2017 19: 41
    Maybe it’s still possible to make it easier and trade what is bought for rubles, and not for green candy wrappers, thereby supporting someone else’s economy?
  67. 0
    28 November 2017 22: 29
    What is the article about? About sadness? About everything and nothing.
  68. 0
    28 November 2017 23: 08
    And for maintenance, there is generally no cheaper VAZ. Spare parts on every corner and repair - a penny.

    yeah? Classics and chisels - yes. What about Vesta or X-Ray? Let me tell you a big secret: dozens of analogues have long been in full swing for popular foreign cars by the Chinese, Koreans, Turks, Poland, etc. and the price of analogues is often cheaper than VAZ ones, with the same or better quality. In some places it gets to the point of insanity - it’s cheaper to rebuild the suspension on a Toyota than to rebuild the suspension on a West.
  69. 0
    29 November 2017 12: 31
    If it weren't for the title, I wouldn't have read the article. Everything is clear with our “business”. However, I expected to hear a full analysis of how, with what, thanks to whom, and ultimately why the plant lives. The analysis includes both economic, social and political components. But alas, this is not in the article. However, we can think about a number of simple known numbers and figure something out. I have already written about this on a couple of forums and I will repeat it again, with reservations for possible changes... Under Komarov, the plant had the most complex and unnecessary logistics, more than 1200 enterprises worked for the plant in the country!!! Boo Anderson, who was mentioned here, accomplished a great thing: as a result of almost military action, the number of suppliers was greatly thinned out and reduced to 700+, logistics were cut down and simplified (how many children who were split off from such a free piece were left without personal business!) Now, according to data for 14 or 15, out of the entire population of the Russian Federation, just over 20 million people worked in the real sector of the economy. Those. out of 8 people, only 1 actually makes money from their products. Next: 700 suppliers, let there be 100 (+-) people in each company, a total of 700 thousand people working for one plant. Or every 29th (roughly) of those who actually bring money to the country and feed others works for AvtoVAZ. Thus, this is not only a city-forming plant, but also an enterprise that is built into the economic system of the country and which is simply unrealistic to throw out! I'm not even talking about the social component, blowing it up would cost us all dearly. This is one of those teeth “in the mouth of our bear” that allows us to snarl and still stay afloat.
    It’s somehow vaguely short, but I hope the overall message is clear.
    And yes, AvtoVAZ, albeit a little, sells cars abroad and earns the same currency. Or, at a minimum, its products are bartered for some other strategic purposes. From the latter, the sale of several hundred West and Largus to Cuba for taxis. The first batch has already started.
    From myself: because I work as a deputy in the transport department, and I can say with full responsibility that the LADA is a normal, good-quality car. And in order for it to become cheaper or not become more expensive, the guys need to make their own normal components, and not melt oil seals from the factory on old machines... But this is precisely a question for those who do not want businesses to engage in production development. Those who wanted and were able, rebuilt and included the number of suppliers of the plant, the rest were reasonably told - goodbye.
    1. 0
      30 November 2017 10: 49
      From myself: because I work as a deputy transport department

      It's a shame we never got to listen the chief transport department... C
  70. -1
    1 December 2017 22: 58
    Avtotaz is complete guano, and its products are the same rubbish.
    Taz's new "brand new crap" cannot be compared with a foreign car, even 30 years ago.
    The proof is one, all European and Japanese meals are scooped up by Russian buyers.
    This is probably due to stupidity, our fools did not read this “imperishable” article on VO...
  71. 0
    30 October 2018 09: 39
    The apogee of this operating scheme was the Sukhoi Superjet, which was positioned as a new Russian aircraft. Why from imported components? And they are certified for the international market. This is important for export.

    SSJ is an incorrect example; no one in the world assembles an airplane completely on their own anymore. And SSJ is an attempt to enter a market where there is ultra-tough competition in the conditions of an extremely small number of manufacturers. Either you roll out an aircraft that you can sell for export, and which can fly in foreign airspace, i.e., it doesn’t matter what Aeroflot orders, if the machine does not meet the requirements, then it simply will not be allowed into their skies, or you you don’t do anything, because with hundreds of planes for purely domestic transportation, there is no point in fenced off the factories. It is impossible to wait until 100% of the necessary components and software are developed.

    But a car is a different matter; you can drive around Moscow according to Russian standards, not European ones.
  72. 0
    30 October 2018 09: 43
    And yes, there are no complaints about the SSJ specifically as an aircraft; it is quite a modern machine in terms of performance characteristics, fortunately the Sukhoi Design Bureau understands these issues no worse than Boeing. Aircraft of the same class from different manufacturers now turn out to be approximately the same both externally and in terms of performance characteristics; there the struggle has been going on for a long time for units of percent growth.