Notes of the Colorado Cockroach. Separatists from the Kiev morgue and holidays, holidays ...

Greetings to you, my dear and old friends! Greetings to those who for the first time saw the headline with the Cockroach. I hope you will become my good friends or opponents. True, those who are against my thoughts, I also love. They are like a pebble in a shoe. On the one hand, they prevent us from going normally, but on the other hand, they remind you that you are not standing still, not soured in your routine, but you still move in space and time.

Do you think the cockroach has aged? Worse began to greet? And you will be right. Indeed, aged for another year. More precisely, he became wise for another year. The word somehow turned out strange. I do not know if there is such a thing in Russian, or I, as often happens, again "invented" something. But not only me. We have here the whole country from the celebrations begins to swell.

Probably the most important celebration will be November 21. We did find our own November 7! In a sense, we will celebrate our own revolution. Not Russian, but Ukrainian! Yesterday on the TV screen showed the tragic face of our guarantor. He told us how we didn’t spare our lives for the fluidity and independence. How rushed to the bullet "Berkut" and under the Molotov cocktails on the same side. And then, after several tragic theatrical pauses, he declared that now we will also have a revolution museum. He even handed over some cardboard to the architects who would build it. On 3 million hryvnia!

Here I sit now and think. Too bad you got rid of the king. Do not think about cockroaches. Moskalsky egoism. If this had not happened, I would have written a petition to the king. "I ask you to fill this man, this one and these two!" And the problem would be solved by a couple of Cossack hundreds ...

There is still a new / old holiday. Rada adopted the law and the celebration of Catholic Christmas. Now we have December 25. True, as the potatoes will be planted by the hornies, it is not clear yet. This output due to 2 May has appeared. Anyway. Europeans do not need planting potatoes. We will buy in the store. But "correcting health" after May Day will be problematic ... By the way, do not think that this is the end of our "adventures."

I declare quite responsibly that quite legitimate demands have already appeared among Ukrainian Muslims. "And are we red? Our Ramadan should be a day off too!" At least I already heard that. And I think the problem will be solved. I even know at the expense of what holiday. We are Europeans! And celebrate the end of the Second World War on May 8. So 9 may not be needed. The only obstacle that stops Radu is that the date of this very Ramadan is “floating”. Like Easter Christian.

Think Tarakan sbrendil? Right now. You probably do not know, but we no longer have such a thing as the "Great Patriotic War"! Quietly, without pomp and fanfare, we officially refused Victory. In the law on the status of veterans, more precisely in the amendments to this law adopted by 14 in November, such a concept no longer exists. Now we have only the second world in the documents ... Eh, the revolution of mankurts ... It's disgusting.

Tell me, why is the human world so arranged? Wise men more often open their eyes to see him, and fools their mouths to tell which one is wrong. And they follow fools ... If people have forgotten, can I recall the materials of the Nuremberg Trials and the Canaris Memorandum of November 12 of 1939 of the year? Just about the revitalization of our nationalists in the "struggle" against the Poles and the Jews? It was after him that our hero began to study in the Nazi camps. It turns out that we started the war in 1939 ...

In Mariupol, just in time for this event, they walked with the demolition of the Alley of the cities-heroes of the Great Patriotic War. But this is logical. There was no such war, it means that there were no hero cities. And what do you think, who came to protect the monument? Old men and old women. And that is because the rumors spread in the city that there will be a monument to Petliura on the site of the Alley. The rest is absolutely no such events. A monument still put. Petlyura is our everything. Sometimes I wonder, probably, the conscience was invented by evil people so that she tormented the good ones ... Or was this very conscience invented especially for cockroaches?

Once heard the phrase "God sees everything ...". But it really sees everything. But who? My relationship with God is somehow not very good. He himself, myself. Sometimes we meet. But here's what is happening in the country today, it seems to me, his hands (or whatever he has) deal. People in Ukraine are rapidly disappearing. Do not leave or die there in the ATO. Ukraine is simply dying out.

Only this year and according to official (!) Statistics, we have lost 150 thousands of people. In the past, more than 200 thousand ... There is death, but no birth! 100 people were laid in a coffin, and 64 was taken from maternity hospitals ... God does not want Ukrainians to continue living in Ukraine. Our egg heads have calculated that by 2050, the Ukrainians will have less than 5,5 million people.

We even have a theory about this. Why stimulate fertility? Children should give birth to strong people. Which can not only give birth, but also grow, feed, give education. Why does the country have children from weak parents? Ukrainians must be strong! Ugh, an abomination what. He himself wrote and became disgusted himself. One thing pleases, I did not invent it. And not in Ukraine. Much earlier, came up with another "superman". Earth him reinforced concrete.

Somehow not very fun today in my heart. I'll tell you one history from your human life. Old, but true. In 1066, William the Conqueror, at the head of the Norman army, landed in England. There distance, by modern standards, nothing at all. The English Channel crossed it. Here Wilhelm and decided to make a tour of England.

And it was necessary for such a thing to happen that this very William jumped off the coast unsuccessfully. Paw then two. Well, I buried my nose in the sand. The tourist group, in the sense of the Norman army, is terrified. People then were generally superstitious. "Get the hell out of here! Good luck will not be!". Valim - in the sense of falling off the coast and back to Europe. Right now ...

And Wilhelm wanted to plunder ... see England. And what the rogue thought up. "Glory to the Lord! I have English land in my hands!" Well, then everything went according to plan. The physiognomies of the warriors also stumbled into the sand. Many then the English knew this story. Or recognized before his death ...

In the Ukrainian version, this story sounds a little different. You already know about the daily grenades of Ukraine. This is our tradition. Every day, blow up a grenade somewhere. So that the people do not forget that we have a war. Well, about a volunteer who brought three “Flies” as a gift to his school from the ATO area. To the school museum. And while examining the exhibits, I accidentally pressed a button ... The head teacher and the librarian immediately went to the atoshniki. But this is a volunteer. But the warriors of light we have heroes.

In Konstantinovka guys gathered for a drink, snack. Fine. You see, any warrior of light has ... I mean, has something to fight. Well, the host showed the guest a grenade. It seems that the forces of darkness will go, and I will ... Pull out the check and ... Naturally, then, show. And for some reason it is not inserted back.

Thanks ATO! As a result of competent actions of the hero, everyone at the table survived. The hero threw a grenade into the street. There and pulled. Fortunately no one was around.

When meeting God, thank you for saying that we were not born in Azerbaijan. There, they say, grenades grow right in the trees. That's where it's scary to really live. This is any volunteer can break and "click on the button." Brrr ... Although, probably, Azerbaijanis are peaceful people. Or do not know what the grenade is intended for. Or know, but know how to use. Not a grenade, head.

Generally need to drink less. Or do not drink at all. In a sense, alcohol. I will quote you the Kiev police report. Understand why I wrote like that. "On November 15, the Vasilkovsky police station received a statement from a 24-year-old man that two unknown people attacked him at night and, using physical violence, satisfied their sexual passion in an unnatural way." "The victim in the supermarket ATB-market met with two unknown persons who offered to take alcoholic beverages together, to which the latter agreed."

This is what causes the use of alcohol with the unknown ... Hmm. But I always keep the intrigue. That you were in good shape. Therefore, "we continue the conversation," as old Karlsson used to say in a famous cartoon. So, the victim was ... 24-year-old police officer. What is it then that turns out? Are we really geyrop?

And the policeman was a hero. Another would be kompleksovat. I would try to hide information from law enforcement agencies. And this statement and wrote the details of the crime told. New police! What would the old police do? In a quiet way would have figured out Gopnik. Hard. And the police will be looking for the law. Long. Only here the thought in my brain stuck. How many of these same Gopnik will want to repeat the feat of this couple ...

On the other hand, it’s kind of lucky. They didn't kill the cop. And then trouble would be for relatives. You do not understand what I am writing. But this is a fact from the life of the capital of our Motherland. In the Shevchenkovsky district of Kiev a strike took place ... of the workers of the morgue! Pathologists refused to perform autopsies, issue death certificates and generally work.

It's cold for them to understand. And there is no hot water since summer. "The room, which the morgue shoots in the next medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, is also cold. Students and teachers in jackets and fur coats stroll along the corridors, and only the Vice-Rector sits in his office in a suit." Here is the patriot pro-rector. And the rest of the separatists. They would ask the corpses how they feel better. In warm or in cold.

I, by sinful deed, ran down there to look. Trench dug meters on 200 ... Pipe sought. You have to be so stupid. The pipe does not see. Well, completely rotted. So what? Archaeologists won dig and find. And the communal services are our elite ... Give them everything new. One so answered the question about the new pipe. When it is finally brought: "... when it is brought, and in the morgue, respectively, heating will appear - a philosophical question." Dots in front of the phrase mean not Ukrainian swear words of this "Emanuel Kant".

Some readers now thought about why the separatists called these same morgue workers. Purely as a law-abiding citizen of Ukraine. President Poroshenko said: "Farewell, unwashed Russia"? He said! And what does this mean in a particular case? And that means that the dead are washed! And, they are not Russia! Although, who knows, maybe soon the corpses will go on strike. "Let us quietly bury ourselves!" Oh, already goosebumps ran, as this picture presented.

Now I will write to you really about Peremog. You know that the GOLIX cryptocurrency on the Zimbabwean stock exchange after the arrest of President Mugabe has almost doubled compared to other exchanges? 134 999 dollars! Estimate how many millionaires in this very Zimbabwe now appeared. Especially when you consider that your own money is not there and are using American dollars and South African randas. Now many Ukrainians urgently change their bitcoins for these holixes. This is how you can "climb" in January 2018-th ... Interestingly, but in Russia with this how? Or do you still remember MMM? Lenya Golubkova?

Or another peremoga. You remember, I wrote to you about the private border in Transcarpathia. Our border guards revered and decided to conduct a special operation to seize this very border in the ass. In a sense, return it to the state. Well, 16 November started the operation. Moreover, taking into account the experience of the ATO, they decided to conduct the offensive in two main directions.

First, hit Mukachevo. Remove the paper from the officials. Check how the border was sold. More than 60 employees of the military prosecutor’s office, more than 150 employees of the State Border Service’s special units, more than 70 of the counterintelligence officers of the Security Service of Ukraine, and 70 units of motor vehicles and special equipment. Also involved a helicopter.
Further, as the clerk of the new ATO, I quote an official document:

"It has been established that throughout 2015-2016, officials of the General Directorate of the State Geocadal Committee in the Transcarpathian region and the Beregovo district administration subordinate to it, abusing power and official position, acting in the interests of an organized group of persons, committed unlawful actions regarding the re-registration of land located in the border Thus, it was alienated into private ownership over 140 hectares of land. Former official was suspicious. "

Secondly, they hit the border itself. In Mukachevo, in the sanatorium "Karpaty", on Thursday, 16 in November, law enforcement officers detained a resident of Bolshaya Biygan Gorvat Attila, nicknamed Docs in the smuggling case. Then again a summary of the fighting:

“The so-called“ private border ”in Transcarpathia is a series of land plots allocated to private property by village councils of Transcarpathia within the predominantly Beregovo district. On these lands they are supposed to be engaged in agriculture, plant corn and raise pigs. But in reality these land plots used as a bridgehead for smuggling. They were equipped with observation towers and were controlled by representatives of “hunting” societies or self-defense units with weapons. It is about 134 hectares of land in 5 km along the border line. According to different versions, not only local officials, but also prosecutors can be involved in the fraud. "

I want to finish today the news culture. Moreover, directly related to Russia. You know how many friends of Ukraine are among the creative intelligentsia of Russia. They sleep right and see how to come to us and take our hryvnia from the people.

One of these artists somehow managed to infiltrate to Odessa. Konstantin Raikin. Probably fell for your press. Type Odessa - Russian city. Right now, twice. In short, I decided to play in the musical and drama theater. Vasilko play. "Above the sky skit ..." is called. Is Ukraine a farce? I went on stage and started. Yeah ...

The guys from the Right Sector came and kicked Raikin like a mongrel. He ran off the stage. And all this caricature was broadcast live by the main Odessa pravosek Sergey Sternenko. Separatists from the hall were outraged. And the patriots stood their ground. The police came running. Sent to the same place where Raikin fled. Democracy is here.

Somewhere I have already seen. Only shirts were not black, as in our case, but brown. And they shouted not “Ukraine ponad usyo”, but “Deutschland uber ales”. But I'm interested in another. How your liberal channels will tell it. As Konstantin Raikin himself will say about this. Hey, Moscow liberal-advanced intelligentsia, what do you say?

Well, that's it. It is enough for you today to "stir up thoughts", and for us to "pull a nerve." Be that as it may, life goes on. Life is generally strong. People have come up with asphalt to win the grass. And she, this grass is growing! Through asphalt, through concrete grows. And after the grass and the bushes-trees go ... And then the living creature returns. Today, it seems to many that the asphalt in Ukraine has won ... But there are blades of grass, thin, frail, almost white due to lack of light. And they will break the asphalt of fascism and misanthropy ...

Yes, I almost forgot. Then I read that there were almost no cockroaches in Russia. Well, you are naive. I told you about our family three years ago. We are older than you! So wiser and more adapted to life. Try to eat concrete. And we can. So, nowhere Russian cockroaches are not gone. Live happily ever after. Only not where you hung all these wires of computers and cell phones. We do not need this crap, from which benefits only for doctors and undertakers. Want to see our Russian brothers - forward to the collectors with warm water and heating pipes. Our people live there like at a resort.

I say goodbye to this. The pipe is calling! I mean, the kitchen smells good. It is necessary to remove the sample and portray her husband dying of hunger. Cockroach loves when I'm "dying of hunger." And to you good luck and health. Understanding what is happening around. Love and joy every day. Be yourself happy and give happiness to everyone around you.
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  1. +4
    25 November 2017 08: 17
    As they said in one old Soviet film: "The Adventures Continue" ... We have the same adventures, only the scope is not the same .. for little things so far ...
    1. +10
      25 November 2017 11: 10
      The talkative Kostya Raikin shut his tongue in the ass. He is a hero in “totalitarian” Russia, and in a democratic Ukraine a primitive coward. Actually, like all this liberal bastard.
      1. +2
        25 November 2017 11: 57
        For the "suffering" of K. Raikin in Odessa, he was given a new grant for performances ... Something like that ... wink
        1. +7
          25 November 2017 12: 50
          It would be better if he was given in his clumsy face from the heart and from a U-turn. Deserved, clown.
        2. dSK
          25 November 2017 21: 43
          Quote: parusnik
          For the "suffering" of K. Raikin in Odessa, he was given a new grant for performances ... Something like that ..

          Whose son is richer? "The son of Yuri Nikulin, Maxim helped restore the bombed-out circus in Lugansk. And the son of Arkady Raikin, Konstantin, on the contrary, himself demands money from the state for his theater, although he has a business."
          “In May 2015, Maxim Nikulin, general director and artistic director of the Moscow Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, arrived in Lugansk and visited the destroyed building. His father Yuri Nikulin opened this circus in 1971 ...... Argumenty i Fakty weekly No. 47 22/11/2017. As they say: "Two big differences." hi
          1. +2
            26 November 2017 07: 40
            And who is this Kostya Raikin? I know Arkady, but I’m hearing about this for the first time.
  2. +8
    25 November 2017 08: 38
    the tragic face of our guarantor

    1. 0
      25 November 2017 11: 59
      In the interval between a sip and a snack, the camera managed to snatch a Ukrainian guarantor. The poor man didn’t even have time to sniff his sleeve.
    2. +2
      25 November 2017 14: 48
      Quote: izya top
      izya top

      Hi Andrew.
      And the caption under the picture: "Yohma! Right now, like a fart!". bully
  3. +14
    25 November 2017 08: 45
    Thank you, Cockroach, for the story, interesting thoughts and good wishes! God grant you all the best! hi
  4. +5
    25 November 2017 08: 52
    Quote: Cockroach Okoloradsky
    But what is happening in the country today, it seems to me, his hands (or whatever he has) is the matter.

    "Verily, Allah does not change what is with the people, until they themselves change what is with them." (Quran 13: 12)
    “... the kingdom of God will not come in a noticeable way, and they will not say: behold, it is here, or: behold, there. For behold, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17: 20-21)
    "Everything happens in the best way consistent real morality and ethics of all participants in the process "
    As a confirmation of the veracity of these quotes - Crimea. This Crimeans opposed the Maidan Maidan, and where were the rest? Quietly took a queue for lace panties? Well, and how, everyone had enough? And another quote from the song: "No one will give us deliverance, neither God, nor the king and not a hero. We will achieve liberation with our own hand".
    1. +2
      25 November 2017 10: 37
      Yes, everything goes to that - there is a "separation" (not from separatism, but from the word Separation) of Ukrainians, regardless of nationality if it can be identified in them at all. Someone "throws this uzhos" and leaves "for their homeland" to Russia, someone "eats a toilet" to "clean the toilet" in Poland, but only the elderly, the "weak" (body or spirit) and the Nazis (rabble) remain . We see when the process of "filtering" occurs - the Lord will "clean up" the territory from the "litter". That's just possible, unfortunately, with a "litter" can and "Cockroaches" clean out. feel Who then will understand why you are not in the ranks of “asinizers”, maybe “are you a disguised counterpart?” lol .
      So the farther away the less I believe in the optimism of cockroaches, maybe they really "feast" in the heating mains, and the unknown force Streets - carried out a "final solution to the cockroach issue." laughing
      In any case, we are the Chyuloveks - not cockroaches, you can’t drive us to feast on heating mains angry soldier , our Head does not allow "to say his word" yet, but even ordinary Chyuloveks have long been impatiently "teasing a club", well, that "club of a people's war" which is still "terrible and merciless" (c).
  5. +7
    25 November 2017 10: 40
    Thanks, Cockroach, as always on top.
    We are waiting for the continuation of cockroach stories. Good luck and health!
  6. +2
    25 November 2017 11: 51
    Thank! That's just getting sadder articles. I wish you more patience and strength ...
  7. +1
    25 November 2017 11: 55
    laughing You’re smart! lol
  8. 0
    25 November 2017 12: 09
    laughing Good girl! HIHITIN You #OURShtarakash! lol
  9. +1
    25 November 2017 15: 06
    Oh Tarakanych! Just yesterday you remembered)))
  10. 0
    25 November 2017 18: 53
    It’s a pity that you can’t shake a cockroach's foot laughing Good luck to you! good
  11. 0
    25 November 2017 21: 48
    I wish you good health and spiritual strength, Cockroach!
    And the story turned out to be very sad today ... eh. sad
  12. 0
    27 November 2017 05: 35
    Thanks cockroach. Again pleased with his opus. Although there is not much joy in your writing. But living with humor is easier. Greetings and all the best to you and the Cockroach.
  13. 0
    28 November 2017 00: 23
    and with grenades not bad)) and bitter and funny, as they say
  14. 0
    29 November 2017 11: 41
    unfortunately they also thought about the COCKROACHES
    & plc = WEB & tkn = * x3IRjTbDJNPxJ0MAPSfi59dKf6s I hope you won't have any problems