The German command focused on "extremely active" defense and "a sense of superiority of the German soldier over the Russian"

19 November 1942 began a counteroffensive by the Soviet forces at Stalingrad (Operation Uranus). The idea of ​​a strategic offensive operation was to break through the defenses of the German army with flank attacks, surround and destroy the main forces of the Stalingrad enemy group directly outside Stalingrad.

The troops of the Southwestern and right wing of the Don Front broke through the defense of the 3rd Romanian army in several sectors. Developing the offensive in a southeasterly direction, the mobile formations advanced 35–40 km in the first two days, repelling all the enemy’s counterattacks. On November 20, the Stalingrad Front went on the offensive, which broke through the defenses of the German 4th tank Army and the 4th Romanian Army. The situation near Stalingrad has radically changed.

The situation before the counteroffensive

The battle of Stalingrad was of great importance both during the Great Patriotic War and World War. The Soviet army still held back and ground the main forces of Germany and its satellites on the Eastern (Russian) front. Trying to achieve a decisive victory during the 1942 campaign of the year (to crush the Soviet armed forces and the USSR), the German leadership used the resources of not only the German economy, but also the economies of its satellites, as well as the occupied countries. The German military-industrial base continued to increase its capacity and, compared to the previous year, the production of military equipment in 1942 increased by 1,5 - 2 times. The forcible use of millions of foreigners and prisoners of war as labor allowed the leaders of the Third Reich to free men of military age from the German economy and form new divisions from them. Despite the enormous losses suffered by the German troops in the fight against the USSR, the number of German divisions continued to grow. By the fall of 1942, the Soviet-German front had 266 divisions, including the 72,5 divisions of the allies and satellites of the Third Reich. Thus, compared with the beginning of the war, the Hitler command additionally attracted a significant number of divisions to the Soviet-German front.

The main and most combat-ready part of the divisions of the German Empire was shackled by heavy fighting on the Eastern Front. In addition, the most trained and experienced cadres of the Wehrmacht died there, which led to a qualitative deterioration in its composition. At a time when the Soviet Union was bleeding to death, Britain and the United States were in favorable conditions, carried out further mobilization of their economies and the construction of armed forces in order to achieve their victory in world war (Anglo-Saxon block). The masters of the United States and England unleashed a world massacre, set the Germans and Russians free again, and waited for the moment when two great powers, exhausted by a fierce fight, could be finished, and establish their own "world order."

The level of military production in the USA and England was significantly ahead of the production of the countries of the German bloc. In 1942, the United States and Great Britain had everything they needed to deploy offensive operations in the European theater, having superiority over the enemy. At the same time, Germany and its allies did not have enough forces in the West to sustain American and British troops in the event of an invasion of France. Their main, best forces were bound by fierce battles in the East. That is, the conditions for the landing of the Allies in Europe were the most favorable. However, they were in no hurry. In the summer of 1942, when the martial law of the Soviet Union was extremely difficult, the American and British leadership did everything to stay away from real war.

JV Stalin in his memorandum to William Churchill wrote: “As a result of an exchange of opinions in Moscow that took place on August 12 p. I found that the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Churchill, considered it impossible to organize a second front in Europe in 1942. As is known, the organization of the second front in Europe in 1942 was predetermined during a visit to Molotov in London, and it was reflected in the agreed Anglo-Soviet communiqué published on June 12. year

It is also known that the organization of the second front in Europe was aimed at diverting German forces from the Eastern Front to the West, creating in the West a serious base of resistance to the German fascist forces and thus alleviating the position of the Soviet troops on the Soviet-German front in 1942. It is quite clear that the Soviet command was building a plan for its summer and autumn operations in the hope of creating a second front in Europe in 1942. It is easy to understand that the refusal of the Government of Great Britain to create a second front in 1942 in Europe delivers a moral blow to the entire Soviet public, counting on creating a second front, complicates the position of the Red Army at the front and damages the plans of the Soviet command.

It seems to me and my colleagues that the 1942 year represents the most favorable conditions for creating a second front in Europe, since almost all the forces of the German troops, and moreover the best forces, are diverted to the Eastern Front, and in Europe there are a small number of forces left, and worse . It is not known whether 1943 will represent the year with the same favorable conditions for creating a second front as 1942 will. We believe, therefore, that it is in 1942 that it is possible and should create a second front in Europe. But I, unfortunately, failed to convince the Prime Minister of Great Britain of this, and Mr. Harriman, the representative of the President of the United States at the talks in Moscow, fully supported Mr. Prime Minister. ”

14 August 1942 In Churchill, in response to IV Stalin for this memorandum, he proposed that the planned operation of the Anglo-American forces in North Africa be proclaimed as a second front. However, such a proposal to deploy hostilities far from Europe and the more vital centers of Germany could not replace the real opening of a second front in Europe. Indeed, when the British-American forces landed in French North and North-West Africa in November 1942, and then followed their offensive against the Italian-German forces, this did not pull a single German division out of the Soviet-German front.

At the same time, the leadership of England and the United States traditionally knew how to avert their eyes very well, to deceive the public in their own countries and in the world (voices were growing louder and demanding to help the heroic Soviet people). To calm public opinion, the myth of the inaccessibility of the Atlantic Wall was created and later inflated in every way the importance of the fighting in North Africa. As a result, nowadays a western man in the street can recall victories in Africa, El Alamein, and think that the German bloc was defeated by heroic American and British soldiers, and the Russians, at best, were partisan somewhere in the forests and marshes of Siberia.

German forces in the west were extremely weak. The German general B. Zimmerman, the wartime permanent head of the operational department of the headquarters of the Western Front, that is, a very well-informed person, later wrote: “We can say without exaggeration that the Eastern Front was persistently pumping out all combat-ready living force from the German armies in the West and military equipment ... To hide the real weakness of the German defense system in the West, Hitler ordered to complete the construction of fortifications along the English Channel during 1942 ... but everywhere to finish them e succeeded, not to mention the equipment of the "Atlantic Wall" weapons. " The commander-in-chief of Army Group West, Rundstedt, in a report submitted to him by OKW noted that “in the Western theater of operations, the majority of German soldiers are too old. Often in the service were officers with artificial limbs. One battalion was formed from people suffering from ear diseases. Later, the whole 70-division was equipped with soldiers who had gastric diseases and needed a special diet ... There was an acute shortage of heavy weapons, especially tanks. "

During the entire 1942, the German air forces in the West had only 400 combat-ready bombers and up to 200 combat-ready fighters. The Atlantic Wall as an impregnable barrier preventing the United States and England from opening a second front in Europe did not really exist. He was only the fruit of the propaganda of the German Nazis and the Anglo-American racists. General Halder, in his book “Hitler as a commander,” wrote: “Was it possible to repel an invasion and thereby create the basis for the conclusion of an honorable peace? Did the “German fortress” have the hope of grinding the strength of its opponents on their ramparts? Not. We must finally get rid of these fairy tales resolutely ... This was clear as early as the beginning of 1942. ”

Thus, Britain and the United States had excellent chances to land their armies in Europe and significantly reduce the duration of the war (and Russian losses). But they were not going to do this - the exhaustion of the USSR and Germany was in their strategic interests. As during the First World War, Western democracies only pretended that they were “allies” of Russia. Russia and Germany had to collapse, exhausted by a fierce battle, and the United States and Britain to establish their world order. However, the enemies of the Russian people miscalculated. Further developments showed all the fallacy of calculations for the death or at least a significant weakening of the Soviet Union.

The German command focused on "extremely active" defense and "a sense of superiority of the German soldier over the Russian"

German soldiers during the fighting in Stalingrad. Photo source:

German plans for the winter campaign

Heavy losses at Stalingrad and the Caucasus; the length of the main forces of Army Group "A" and "B" (front to 2300 km); the problem of supplying troops with the immense remoteness of their strategic rear, the inability to create a full-fledged road network and the intensification of the partisan movement; active actions of the Soviet troops in other strategic areas, which deprived the enemy of the opportunity to transfer his troops from the Army groups "North" and "Center" to the southern wing of the Soviet-German front. In the face of these facts, the headquarters of the German ground forces was forced on October 14 1942 to order the German forces to go over to the defensive, with the exception of Stalingrad and small areas in the Tuapse and Nalchik areas. The German High Command set the task for the troops on the Eastern Front to "by all means keep the achieved lines."

The upcoming winter campaign should create the prerequisites for the continuation of the offensive in 1943 in order to "permanently destroy" the Red Army. The High Command demanded that the troops: at all costs hold the winter position; lead an active defense, not allowing the enemy to calm down and misleading him; in the case of attacks by Soviet troops, not to allow the slightest withdrawal or operational retaliatory maneuver; cut or surrounded parts must defend until help arrives. Equipment positions proposed to complete before the onset of frost. Emphasis was placed on "extremely active" defense and "a sense of superiority of the German soldier over the Russian" in order to preserve the offensive rush of troops and at the same time prevent the Red Army from "partially" seizing the initiative. It was also proposed to provide intensive reconnaissance in order to keep abreast of events occurring at the front and in the rear of the Soviet troops in order to avoid the situation in the previous winter, when the Red Army unexpectedly went on the offensive by large forces (Moscow Battle).

Thus, the German High Command believed that the winter months would preserve the prerequisites for the continuation of the Wehrmacht offensive on the Eastern Front from the spring of 1943. In winter, the troops had to strengthen their defensive positions and conduct active defense in order to prevent the Russians from seizing the initiative. At the same time, conducting measures to prepare for the winter of solid defense, the enemy paid particularly great attention to the central sector of the Soviet-German front, where Army Group Center was constrained by the vigorous actions of the Soviet troops. The German command believed that it was here that a major offensive of the Red Army was being prepared. In mid-October, German intelligence noted 1942: "The enemy apparently is preparing a major winter operation against the central army group, for which he should be ready around the beginning of November."

In general, the command of the Wehrmacht did not expect a large counter-offensive of the Red Army near Stalingrad. The German Foreign Intelligence Division of the Eastern Intelligence 6 in November gave the following prediction: “The main direction of future Russian operations against the German Eastern Front is becoming more and more apparent in the band of Army Group Center. However, it is not yet clear whether the Russians intend, along with this, to conduct a major operation on the Don or whether they will limit their goals in the south for the reasons that they will not be able to succeed simultaneously in two directions due to lack of strength. ” The Germans had certain guesses about the upcoming Russian offensive in the south. But the main thing they did not know: the scale and time of the strike, the composition of the shock groups and the direction of their strikes.

Hitler also insisted on completing the operation in Stalingrad itself, although it had already announced “victory” in advance. 8 November 1942 of the year at the party congress Hitler announced: “I wanted to reach the Volga at one particular point ... By chance this city bears the name of Stalin himself. But I didn’t want to go there for that reason ... I went there because this is a very important point. Through it transported thirty million tons of cargo, of which nearly nine million tons of oil. There was flooded wheat from Ukraine and Kuban for shipment to the north. Manganese ore was delivered there ... I wanted to take it, and - you know, we don’t need much - we took it! Only a few points remained unoccupied. Some people ask: why don't you take them quickly? Because I do not want a second Verdun there. I will achieve this with small shock groups. ”

On November 17, two days before the start of the Soviet counter-offensive, Hitler ordered the 6 Army to break through to the Volga in the factory part of Stalingrad. Paulus told his troops: "I am convinced that this order will cause new inspiration in our brave troops." It is clear that this order in the bloodless, exhausted by the hardest fights in the "Red Verdun" German forces could not cause any inspiration. The shadow of inevitable death has already hung over them.

German soldiers surrounded by Stalingrad

Army Group "B"

A group of armies "B" operating on the 1300-kilometer front on the Voronezh and Stalingrad directions under the command of M. Weichs had 6, 2 field armies and 4 tank armies, 8 Italian, 2 Hungarian, The 3 th and 4 th Romanian armies (by November 1 there were 82 divisions and four brigades). The main strike force of the fascist German forces - the 6-I and 4-I tank armies - was drawn into protracted battles in the Stalingrad area. From the air, the German troops supported the 4 air fleet.

The left flank, located at Army Group Center, was the 2-I German army under the command of Hans von Zalmuth, operating in the area north-west of Voronezh. Here in the 210 km wide strip there were 14 divisions. More to the right, mainly at the turn of the river. Don, defended 2-I Hungarian army under the command of G. Yani. With the width of the occupied band of 190 km, it included 12 divisions, including two German ones. Then followed the 8-I Italian Army, General Italo Gariboldi, with the 180 km width, she had 10 Italian and two German divisions. To her right was the 3-I Romanian Army Petre Dumitrescu, who acted in the 170-km-wide strip and had 10 divisions. Next were the German unions: 6-I army of Friedrich Paulus as part of the 16 divisions with the width of the sector 140 km; then the 4 Tank Army of G. Gotha, whose three German divisions acted on the sector in 50 km. Seven part of this army Romanian divisions with a width of approximately 200 km were located along the bend of the Volga, south of Stalingrad, stretching to the south of the hilly elevation, Yergeni. Around November 20, it was intended that these Romanian troops, who were subordinate to the command of the 4 tank army, should be allotted K. Constantinescu to an independent 4 Romanian army. Almost had no interaction with this army 16-i motorized division, which was, however, included in the 4-th tank army. It provided the flank of Army Group “B” and controlled a sector approximately 300 km wide, up to the Terek, where the 1 Tank Army operated.

The troops of the German 6th Army were drawn into the struggle for Stalingrad by their main forces, and the 4th Panzer Army, adjoining them from the south, also dealt a blow to Stalingrad. In the offensive battles of October - November 1942, the formations and units of these armies were thoroughly exhausted and bloodless. The sedentary and poorly equipped Romanian divisions were tasked with providing the flanks of the main strike group. The front line of Army Group B was greatly extended, which created a problem in command and control. In addition, there were problems of a coalition nature. In particular, Romanians and Hungarians were hostile to each other (territorial, historical dispute between the two countries). What became the basis for the deployment of the 8th Italian army between the 2nd Hungarian and 3rd Romanian armies. Among the weaknesses, it can also be noted that the armies of the German allies, which were inferior to German troops in armaments and equipment, command personnel and combat readiness, were assigned wide bands, while German troops in the region of Stalingrad concentrated on a relatively narrow section. German divisions, a small number of which were part of the Allied armies, could not significantly affect their combat effectiveness, in addition, they partially transferred their artillery units and combat engineer battalions to Stalingrad, where the most difficult battle took place.

Another serious problem was the lack of maneuverable reserves. In the operational reserve of Army Group “B” there were only the 294-I infantry division, the 22-I German tank division and the 1-I Romanian tank division. In Germany itself, new connections were being formed, and mobile connections were in France. However, the enormous length of the already occupied territory of Russia and the front of Army Group “B” did not allow, in case of a sudden crisis, to timely tighten the necessary forces. The transfer of only one tank division required 80-90 railway trains. The railway lines connecting Germany with the Eastern Front were overloaded, most of the railway lines were single-track and not everywhere were converted to a narrow gauge, there were not enough wagons and other equipment. Therefore, it took about three weeks from the time of the loading order to the arrival of a single division from Western Europe to the place of hostilities in Russia.

The Red Army go on the attack on the enemy at Stalingrad

To be continued ...
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  1. +5
    20 November 2017 07: 23
    The masters of the United States and England unleashed a world carnage, again pitted the Germans and Russians, and waited for the moment when it would be possible to finish off the two great powers exhausted by a fierce battle and establish their own “world order”.

    You may notice that Hitler also wanted to establish his world order.
    Interestingly, by the way, who set him against England if she set him against the USSR? request Or .... is it that England was set against Germany in 1939 (she declared war on Germany)? request
    And in the United States, who set Germany (she declared war on the United States)?
    Set against themselves?
    1. +3
      20 November 2017 08: 40
      Quote: Olgovich
      And in the United States, who set Germany (she declared war on the United States)?

      Germany declared war on the United States due to the entry of the United States into the war with Japan, an ally of Germany.
      By the way, someone said (TV program "red project" on TVC) that the United States has not officially declared war on Germany.
    2. +24
      20 November 2017 08: 57
      Olgovich, again you are in the forefront? And again, demonstrate complete non-knowledge of history? And who financed the so-called "German miracle"? Who gave money to Hitler? And then, no one said that feeding a rabid dog, this dog one day will not bite off the hand of a lactating one. England, together with France, and with them the United States, put all of Europe under Hitler with one goal: to deploy the frustrated Germanic beast to the East, the same “drang nach Osten”. France, in the end, also had to be surrendered, moreover, it was surrendered almost without a fight. Then Hitler was simply tired of the fact that he would be dictated by conditions from London and he decided to throw his creditors. No matter how strange it may look, but the United States continued to finance Hitler through the third countries until the end of the war, they eventually harbored the bulk of fascist criminals. As a result, England lost the status of "an empire over which the sun never sets", and the United States from a second-rate power turned into a superpower. The outflow of English gold in the United States has done its job. Yes, there was not only English gold, how much did the USSR pay with gold for a “free” lend-lease?
      Or you are stupidly stupid that you are unlikely, or as always spray your Russophobic feces, not particularly bothering with knowledge of WWII history.
      However, whoever pays for the girl dances her, right? What is your comment today? Although, in the place of your masters, I wouldn’t give you a penny broken for such hackwork. laughing
      1. +3
        20 November 2017 09: 16
        Quote: Varyag_0711
        England, together with France, and with them the United States, put all of Europe under Hitler with one goal: to deploy the frustrated Germanic beast to the East, the same “drang nach Osten”. France, in the end, also had to be surrendered, moreover, it was surrendered almost without a fight. Then Hitler was simply tired of the fact that he would be dictated by conditions from London and he decided to throw his creditors. No matter how strange it may look, but the United States continued to finance Hitler through the third countries until the end of the war, they eventually harbored the bulk of fascist criminals. As a result, England lost the status of "an empire over which the sun never sets", and the United States from a second-rate power turned into a superpower.

        This is where the field of activity for our media, documentary filmmakers and other information figures at all levels.
        My opinion is that Europe, if they wanted it, wouldn’t have been surrendered to the Nazis just like that - but then what would be the resources of the Nazis to attack the USSR ?! Perhaps there is also a time factor - the USSR was actively carrying out rearmament and modernization of the army. One more year or two and the probability of the victory of the 1st European Union over the USSR would significantly decrease.
        The role of Western capital in record periods of economic recovery in Germany is hardly disputed by anyone.
        I would say that England did not lose the status of "empire", but handed over the baton to the USA for a number of objective reasons :)
        1. +19
          20 November 2017 09: 43
          Igor, everything is correct. The fact that Stalin in two five-year periods overcame the technical and technological backwardness of the USSR from the leading world powers was a shock to Western capital. After all, we have overcome the gap, which by their standards was insurmountable. Stalin showed how effective the Soviet labor system can be. No country has made such a leap in the world, and not a single Western system has been capable of such a thing. This could only be done in Russia. Peter the Great did something similar, perhaps that’s all; I don’t remember more such examples.
          And England did not just pass the baton to the USA. Hitler clearly showed how unstable the position of England was, despite the status of a leading naval power. So the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers decided that it would be more reliable to transport capital overseas; the USA has no competitors there. Well, not Canada, however, with Mexico, in fact, will be able to take everything that has been acquired by "overwork" from the USA.
          1. +7
            20 November 2017 09: 59
            Peter the Great did something similar, perhaps that’s all; I don’t remember more such examples.

            Alexei, nevertheless, do not forget another person, Ivan the Terrible. At that time, his struggle with localism changed the course of history. What the pride of the lords led to, we remember, but it would have been worse for us. We, as a state, as an ethnos would not exist. Not for nothing, with such hatred of these people, both our liberals and Western partners.
            1. +13
              20 November 2017 10: 30
              Alexander, my respect! hi I never forgot about Ivan the Terrible, as well as about Catherine the Great. I put Peter on a par with Stalin only because technological breakthroughs occurred during them. In no case, without detracting from the dignity of all the other worthy rulers of Russia, technical and technological breakthroughs with the game of catching up with the West, we passed only under Peter and Stalin.
              The rest I agree. Ivan the Terrible is the actual creator of the fact that under Peter the first he will become the Russian Empire from the Moscow kingdom. Although, again, from the point of view of creating a full-fledged professional army, Ivan the Terrible is a pioneer. Shelves of the new system, his brainchild.
              1. +7
                20 November 2017 10: 34
                Quote: Varyag_0711
                Ivan the Terrible is a pioneer. Shelves of the new system, his brainchild.

                For the sake of truth, much was laid down under the father of Peter 1.
                And the fact that, with frenzy, the enemies of Russia beat Alexander Nevsky, Ivan the Terrible, Peter 1, Catherine 2, Stalin, a symptom, they don’t need Russia which, when developing, puts itself in the rank of a Great Power.
              2. +5
                20 November 2017 11: 02
                Quote: Varyag_0711 technical and technological breakthroughs with the game of catching up with the West, we passed only under Peter and Stalin.

                Yes. That's just, objectively, the greatness of Stalin is still not comparable in history with anyone. I am writing, this is without emotion, consciously. Peter the Great, tried to make a capitalist revolution from above, but did not succeed and feudalism remained until the overthrow of the monarchy, and Joseph Vissarionovich, fulfilled his task, built socialism. Respectfully!
                1. +15
                  20 November 2017 11: 12
                  Alexander, absolutely agree and agree! Without emotion and without embellishment, Joseph Vissarionovich is the greatest figure at the helm of Russia. Well, politics, like history with white gloves, is not done. Now the bakers will come running and will wring their hands and sprinkle their heads on the hell, screaming at the billions of dollars in victims and that neither achievements nor victories earned at such a high price are needed.
                  And that is characteristic, the West is completely in solidarity with them. In their opinion, it was necessary as in the 1940s the French acted, just let Hitler go and not resist. Only now, the DBs do not understand that they would still be burnt in gas furnaces of ALL, without exception, like biom trash, or they would be allowed to go to organs.
                  1. +6
                    20 November 2017 11: 34
                    Scum, there is no other word! For centuries, they need to bless the USSR for saving them from the fate of the Jews. I doubt that Hitler would have stopped, at least he didn’t have, after the defeat of Europe and the seizing of their colonies, real competitors. This, we now perceive the United States as a superpower, and then, they were still only on the rise. The fact that German scientists would create nuclear weapons, in the collapse of our country, by 1945, is most likely a reality. Would there be moral restraints for the Nazis to not apply? It’s even funny to discuss.
                2. +4
                  20 November 2017 11: 14
                  Quote: avva2012
                  Yes. That's just, objectively, the greatness of Stalin is still not comparable in history with anyone.

                  For the first time, in the History of Russia, it was possible to create an unbreakable safety belt on the territory of Russia itself.
                  But none of the previous Rulers succeeded, although they had such a dream.
                  1. +7
                    20 November 2017 11: 40
                    For the first time, in the History of Russia, it was possible to create an unbreakable safety belt on the territory of Russia itself.

                    Yes, Vlad, and such an influence on the World as the Soviet Union had in the history of Russia did not. What is it, "not one gun in Europe will fire ...", a third of the globe looked around with hope for our country, and the rest with fear (I do not mean peoples). All the moneybags sticky then came out. How much money, grinding their teeth, did they have to put into social programs for their peoples ?! The poor did not eat, the nights did not sleep.
              3. +2
                20 November 2017 16: 32
                Ivan the Terrible is a pioneer. Shelves of the new system, his brainchild.

                Guys, why are you ?? belay regiments of the new system after the Troubles appeared! belay Guys, I, of course, understand everything, but maybe Grozny enough to "pull the icon" to the place and out of place? drinks
                1. +6
                  20 November 2017 17: 22
                  Quote: Mikado
                  regiments of the new system after the Troubles appeared!

                  Which however does not detract from his reforms.

                  A centralized command and control system for troops is being created through special bodies - orders (Razryadny, Streletsky, Pomestny, Pushkarny, etc.). All the functions of managing the local army were assigned to the Rank Order, which kept records of the warriors, painted (discharged) them on the regiments, conducted reviews and determined their suitability for service, participated in the appointment of the governor. In case of war, the main ranks of the Rank Order were under the king and created a kind of "general headquarters".

                  Posted by: Vladimir Rogoza
                  1. +1
                    20 November 2017 17: 36
                    I, Vlad, are not talking about reform. Reforms - let reforms, God be with them. About this, so many more fingers will be broken about the keyboard, that mom does not grieve. I mean that do not ascribe too much to John. hi otherwise we’ll soon agree to the point that he personally discovered Antarctica, and converted penguinopithecists to Orthodoxy with the help of the oprichnina request it will be so! one inaccuracy will give rise to another!
                    1. +4
                      20 November 2017 19: 31
                      Quote: Mikado
                      About this, so many more fingers will be broken about the keyboard, that mom does not grieve. I mean, do not ascribe too much John

                      And .. about this .. well, it’s not worth it. But it’s impossible to belittle his merits.
                      Quote: Mikado
                      personally discovered Antarctica, and penguinopithecus converted to Orthodoxy using the oprichnina

                      Hahahaaa !! laughing Colleague, you just described one person here who describes our whole history exactly)))
                      1. +2
                        20 November 2017 19: 59
                        The respected Marat opened the penguinopithecus when he broke spears with apologists for the Russian-built Chinese wall. drinks I just added a little laughing Well, that's all there is, the farther into the forest, the thicker the partisans. drinks This is how I laugh, well, and you laugh: There is a legend that even went around historical books (I won’t call it so as not to spoil the authors' karma). Say, one serf in the time of John invented wings and flew at them some distance. The king of humor did not understand, and ordered him to chop off his head (this is already in the famous film, he put him on a barrel of gunpowder - "let him fly"). fellow Opponents of Ivan will say: "Ivan the Terrible - the strangler of Russian aviation". negative Proponents of Ivan will say: "Ivan the Terrible - the creator of Russian air defense". soldier drinks But actually .. there were no wings! This is an artistic story "Wings of a Serf" of the late 19th century, from which a legend has already "crawled out". request
                        That is, as it were, there are very controversial moments in history, and you can argue endlessly (while respecting the opinions of others!), But in some things accuracy is needed. hi
                      2. +3
                        20 November 2017 20: 15
                        damn it, and I was wrong. The "Demonic Flyer" the story was called. And “Wings of the Serf” is already a film based on motives. wink
                        And I’m sorry, please! hi drinks
                      3. +3
                        20 November 2017 20: 55
                        Quote: Mikado
                        And I’m sorry, please!

                        Thank you, very colorful and humorously described. laughing good
              4. +3
                20 November 2017 16: 51
                Varangian, I almost agree with you: Stalin is more appropriate to compare with Peter the Great: this level of achievement. I don’t want to beg Ivan the Terrible’s merits, but it’s fair to recall his predecessors: Daniil of Moscow began to raise Moscow in the most difficult period, after Batu. Simeon the Proud ensured peace and stability to the Moscow Principality, and it is difficult to find a greater good for the state and people. Ivan 3 threw off the Tatar yoke. So Grozny had predecessors. And much good that Grozny accomplished is Adashev's merit. And Peter didn’t come to an empty place either: the so-called “foreign regiments” in Russia began to be introduced by his stepsister of the government of Sofia, and Yaroslav the Wise began to ask about education, and under Aleksey Mikhailovich a semblance of a popular image began, at least Russia the level of education of the population before Peter was the first in the first five guaranteed! These are the receivers of Peter the Great who sent greatness to the forest: Catherine 1 (the “portoya” port was erased by the terribly educated one), but she also had the “chicks of Petrov’s nest” with her, Elizaveta Petrovna she had a talented favorite Shuvalov
                1. +3
                  20 November 2017 16: 57
                  Catherine 1 ("portoya" erased erased portki)

                  this is you, dear Monarchist, still A.B. They did not read Shirokorad, "Northern Wars of Russia." He used much more obscene vocabulary there with respect to her ... The term "portoya" would be a compliment. fellow
                  1. +4
                    20 November 2017 17: 25
                    Quote: Mikado
                    The term “portoya” would be a compliment.

                    Which Ekaterina do you call the Great? Obviously you are confused, Ekaterina 1 may also have a port and other things, but you don’t know about the achievements of Ekaterina 2 ...
                    Well, at least so.
                    On November 17, 1796, Catherine II died. The 34-year reign of the empress was marked by both setbacks and notable successes. In particular, 144 cities were built and 78 military victories won. During her reign, medicine, education and science actively developed.

                    Read more:
                    Or so.
                    1. +3
                      20 November 2017 17: 46
                      Which Ekaterina do you call the Great? Obviously you are confused, Ekaterina 1 may also have a port and other things, but you don’t know about the achievements of Ekaterina 2 ...

                      Personally, I do not confuse anyone. wink Check out my comment and to whom I replied. hi it is clearly written there - Catherine I. And he mentioned the opinion of her modern historian. laughing without specifics. Do you want to - read, the book is on the "milter". Yes
                      1. +3
                        20 November 2017 19: 32
                        Quote: Mikado
                        Am clearly written - Catherine I.

                        Sorry .. I did not read it carefully))
          2. +1
            20 November 2017 09: 59
            Quote: Varyag_0711
            So the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers decided that it would be more reliable to transport capital overseas; the USA has no competitors there. Well, not Canada, however, with Mexico, in fact, will be able to take everything that has been acquired by "overwork" from the United States.

            But how can the Rothschilds and Rockefellers feel comfortable when the only country that can destroy the United States is Russia? .. Without Stalin, but with GDP. But at the same time state. Russian money is invested in American securities and other "securities".
            At the same time, the Cold War 2.0 is in full swing ...
      2. +2
        20 November 2017 09: 58
        Quote: Varyag_0711
        Olgovich, again you are in the forefront? And again, demonstrate complete non-knowledge of history? And who financed the so-called "German miracle"? Who gave money to Hitler? And then, no one said that feeding a rabid dog, this dog one day will not bite off the hand of a lactating one. England, together with France, and with them the United States, laid the whole of Europe under Hitler with one goal, to deploy the frigid German beast to the East, the same "drang nach Osten." France, in the end, also had to be surrendered, moreover, it was given almost without a fight. Then Hitler just got tired of being dictated by conditions from London and he decided to throw his creditors.

        Threw loshkov, all the same? He bit his hand giving ... But who, by the way, then set him against the USSR, if he had attacked .... the setters before? belay Or setters and fought back and .... set against (including on themselves lol ) - at the same time ?! belay What an exciting "multi-path" looms!
        You- develop a theme, develop! Do not stop. Yes! Yes
        1. +6
          20 November 2017 10: 25
          Quote: Olgovich
          But who, by the way, then set him against the USSR, if he had attacked .... the setters before? Or setters and fought back and .... set against (including themselves), at the same time ?! What an exciting "multi-path" looms!

          Olgovich, you saw solid 2 points in history at school, and then, without having learned lessons, without reading Churchill, for example, continue to delight us with your delights that have nothing to do with real History.
          You claim that Hitler Germany is not a product of England with the United States?
          In 1934, Standard Oil will build gasoline plants in the Reich, and the American companies Pratt-Whitney and Douglas will transfer a number of patents to German aircraft builders. In general, the level of annual American investment in Germany increases to 500 million dollars a year. It is generous Western investment that will become the basis of the "German miracle", turning Germany into the economic leader of Europe.
          Interestingly, the financing of the regime of Hitler by the United States continued even during the Second World War. So, in the summer of 1942, the New York Herald Tribune made a scandal when it came out with the headline "Hitler's Angels - Three Million Dollars in a US Bank." The “Hitler's Angels” meant the top leaders of the Reich Goebbels, Goering, and others. They were contributors to the New York bank Union Banking Corporation (UBC), which, according to journalists, became “the main organization for laundering Nazi money.” The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was forced to conduct an investigation, which revealed that American investment allowed the German Steel Trust to produce half of the pig iron produced in the Third Reich, more than a third of the steel sheet, explosives and other materials necessary for the war.

          Don't like the link?
          Well, find another.
          Hitler took a loan for World War II from America, the US Federal Reserve System and the Bank of England funded the world war, says Yuri Rubtsov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, academician of the Academy of Military Sciences, member of the International Association of Historians of World War II.

          Yuri Rubtsov identifies 4 stages of the implementation of the US strategy aimed at establishing absolute control over the financial system of Germany in order to manage political processes in Central Europe:

          Again not to your liking? Well then, we'll find more.
          In a November 1922 report to the Washington authorities, Smith made the following recommendations regarding Hitler’s group. Speaking of Hitler, Smith argued:

          “Its main goal is to defeat Marxism ... and to ensure that the workers support the nationalist ideals of the state and property ... The clash of party interests ... showed the impossibility of ridding Germany of the current difficulties through democracy. His movement seeks to establish a national dictatorship by non-parliamentary means. After coming to power, he will demand that the requirements for reparations be reduced to a realistic figure, but after that he undertakes to pay the agreed amount to the last pfennig, declaring it a matter of national honor. To accomplish this task, the dictator needs to introduce a system of universal maintenance of reparation payments and ensure its support by all the forces of the state. His power during the period of fulfillment of reparation obligations should not be limited to any legislative or popular assembly ... ”

          To convey the meaning of his proposal to colleagues from the Washington Office of Military Intelligence, Smith added Hitler’s personal assessment: “In a private conversation, he showed himself to be a strong and logical orator, which, combined with frankness, a fanatic makes a very deep impression on a neutral listener”

          In general, to develop a theme in the likeness of you, to lie, gossip and myths to justify Hitler is your responsibility, because Hitler is essentially your ally, he hated the Red Russia as much as you do now, so in those years, you probably would consisted of the staff of the notorious Dr. Goebbels, along with a number of odious individuals
          Goebbels subordinates quite frankly noted in internal documents: “Propaganda of decay is a dirty business that has nothing to do with faith or worldview. In this case, the result itself is decisive. If we succeed in gaining the confidence of the enemy by pouring mud on our Führer and his associates, our methods and our worldview, and if we manage to penetrate the souls of the enemy soldiers that have opened up for us, to cast into them the corrupting slogans (it makes no difference whether they are Marxist , Jewish or intellectual slogans, if only they were effective), this will be achieved much more than the most intelligible sermon on the Bolshevik danger and the plutocratic system. "
          How do you look alike. 70 years have passed, and the methods are the same. Https: //
          1. +2
            20 November 2017 10: 35
            The topic of "mnogohodovochki" -You, alas, is not disclosed! request

            Write MORE! lol
            1. +6
              20 November 2017 10: 54
              Quote: Olgovich
              Theme "Mnogohodovochki"

              If so, then you would not be fussing about deleting a comment.
              Comparing you with the figures of the same office and your fuss with a slander, I immediately showed that I did not hit the eyebrow, but in the eye.
              Those who want to understand who supplied, armed the Third Reich, will easily find information.
              As well as information about the 6 principles of Goebbels propaganda that you operate on here.
              Take offense once again, scribble another denunciation, it absolutely does not change my and many others, my attitude towards you and others like you.
              1. +1
                20 November 2017 12: 04
                Quote: badens1111
                If that were the case, then you would not have fussed about deleting the comment. Comparing you with the figures of the same office and your fuss with a slander, you immediately showed that I did not hit my eyebrow.

                WHAT happens to you. comrade baden? belay request
                Quote: badens1111
                As well as information on the 6 principles of Goebbels propaganda, which you are operating here.

                Yes, yes ... This is for you from the classics:

                : On the third move, it turned out that the grandmaster plays eighteen Spanish parties. In the remaining twelve blacks used the obsolete, but rather true defense of Philidor. If Ostap found out that he plays such sophisticated games and is faced with such a tried and tested defense, he would be extremely surprised. The fact is that the great combinator played chess for the second time in his life.

                Quote: badens1111
                Take offense again, scribble another denunciation, it absolutely does not change mine and many others, the attitude towards you and your kind

                What is this? belay lol
                You CAN’t offend me, t badenza, have mercy! Than? request
                The denunciation is "" who is sick of what, he speaks about that "? lol
                You return to the topic of the article, comrade, otherwise some incidents happen .... lol
                1. +3
                  20 November 2017 14: 19
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  You CAN’t offend me

                  Excuse me ... Sorry, but there is a Russian proverb about you-I was looking for a knife man, but ran into a hedgehog.
                  There is another, everyone knows, remember.
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  You return to the topic of the article, comrade, otherwise some incidents happen ....

                  But on the topic, you like this one -Https: //
                2. +3
                  20 November 2017 20: 11
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  You CAN’t offend me, t badenza, have mercy! Than?

                  Well, what a Zen of the 80th left! lol And here I can! Is it true, Olgovich? (Quote from yours, badens (y) is the same 1111, said, lead,?) laughing Have you been offended for a long time? Are you bored? To begin? (I have no time, but I will make an exception for you.) bully
              2. +4
                20 November 2017 19: 56
                Quote: badens1111
                Comparing you with the figures of the same office and your fuss with a slander, I immediately showed that I did not hit the eyebrow, but in the eye.

                You're right. Olgovich note snitch and sneak. If he feels that his "chocolate speck" will not do with preliminary caresses, he "knocks the Gestapo (crossed out) to the moderators like a hare on the drum" (c). Be careful with the passenger.
                1. +4
                  20 November 2017 20: 28
                  Threat. I think, on occasion, in the Gestapo he would knock with the same zeal.
          2. +5
            20 November 2017 11: 15
            Personal thanks to the Site Administrator V. Smirnov for returning the comment.
            Regards, Vlad.
        2. +16
          20 November 2017 10: 41
          But who, by the way, then set him against the USSR, if he had attacked .... the setters before?
          Not only that, the troll is also illiterate. Let it be known to you that on September 3, 1939, the Great Britain and France declared war on the Third Reich, and not vice versa. So it was not Hitler who attacked them, but they against him. Yes, but the attack was soooooooo strange and generally the period from the declaration of war by England and France to Germany, before the German attack on France is called a STRANGE WAR ...! Does this not tell you anything? Oh yes, you didn’t know that. request
          Running to school, to study, to study and to study again, two-man student!
          1. +2
            20 November 2017 13: 41
            Quote: Varyag_0711
            Not only that, the troll is also illiterate. Let it be known to you that on September 3, 1939, the Great Britain and France declared war on the Third Reich, and not vice versa. So it’s not Hitler who attacked them, but they

            1. It was Germany that declared war on the United States
            2. You would have ignorant to know that an attack on Poland meant a war with England: on August 25, 1939, 2 days after the conclusion of the non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union, it was signed pact between Poland and Great Britain on general protection. The agreement contained mutual promises. in providing military assistance in case one of the parties is attacked by a third party
            What happened.
            Quote: Varyag_0711
            Running to school, to study, to study and to study again, two-man student!

            Running to the library, individual: at school they may even be silent about this! lol
  2. zav
    20 November 2017 07: 50
    It follows from the book of the chief of the German General Staff Zeitler that he was fully aware of the possibility of a Russian offensive near Stalingrad and hardly mentioned the threat to the Center group. According to him, he repeatedly told Hitler about the vulnerability of the 6th Army and insisted on the withdrawal of troops. Again, according to Zeitler, it was thanks to his efforts that the German units from the North Caucasus were timely withdrawn after the Stalingrad disaster.
    1. +3
      20 November 2017 09: 01
      Quote: zav
      Again, according to Zeitler, it was thanks to his efforts that the German units from the North Caucasus were timely withdrawn after the Stalingrad disaster.

      I wonder what Zeitler thought about the suicidal attack of Germany on the USSR (before the attack)? There is an opinion and evidence that it is. intelligence before the attack, for some reason, did not correctly count the number of divisions and mobilization resources of the USSR ... Self-confidence or misinformation?

      I have an opinion that there were behind-the-scenes negotiations of Nazi Germany with the so-called "Western elites" and perhaps agreed that they would support Germany in its war with the communist USSR. But cheated. Hitler realized this when it was already late. Maybe Hess flew to Britain to try to agree ... In general, unproven conspiracy theories :)
      1. 0
        20 November 2017 09: 44
        and in Sweden and other countries, "negotiations" were ongoing.
        if you consider "You deceived Germany, compensate for the costs of the war with the USSR" - they answered them "There is a lot of valuable, these are your problems, you could never correctly colonize savages"
  3. +3
    20 November 2017 10: 26
    Emphasis was placed on "extremely active" defense and "a sense of superiority of the German soldier over the Russian", .......
    Well then! "Proud Aryans" ... "blond beast" ... "superhuman"! It is unfortunate that the author did not show pictures of the time where these "Aryans" are shown in straw "ersatz boots" and with women's shorts on their heads ...
  4. +2
    20 November 2017 10: 58
    Well, by golly, I would put the article “plus” if it weren’t for these entries, highlighted, as the author likes, in bold. I mean pearls like
    However, the enemies of the Russian people miscalculated. Further development of events showed all the erroneous calculations
    which appear to be clearly a foreign inclusion in the text, which is otherwise not bad. The feeling doesn’t leave me, even kill that one competent and clever person writes the main part of the article, the one that bears in itself its meaning, after which this text somehow absurdly gets to the other - an exalted provocateur who is spraying with saliva, who, without really thinking both in the meaning of the written and in the grammatical construction,
    At a time when the Soviet Union was bleeding, England and the United States were in favorable conditions, further mobilizing their economies and building armed forces in order to achieve their victory in world war (Anglo-Saxon bloc).
    "decorates" the article with its cliches, the set of which has long ended, as a result of which they are used both for the second and third times.
    The first author wants to express his gratitude, the second, as was said in some circles, “kill yourself up the wall.”
  5. +1
    20 November 2017 11: 59
    The chip of the German command, both large associations and more tactical small units, was the complete uncertainty of the result (vague orders of the type reach ----- the Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan line there and you will spend the night or advance in the direction of Gadiukino until Wednesday, and on Thursday turn to Zmeyukino - -In the Wehrmacht were commonplace). Kill God I do not understand where the Germans were going to advance after the capture of Kursk in July 1943. Publications and studies contradict each other - in some they write about a powerful attack on Voronezh, in others about an attack on Rostov with the aim of releasing the 17th army, and in the third about an attack on Tula and ... Moscow
    1. +3
      20 November 2017 13: 35
      Quote: nivasander
      .. Kill God I do not understand where the Germans were going to attack after the capture of Kursk in July 1943. Publications and studies contradict each other - in some they write about a powerful attack on Voronezh, in others about an attack on Rostov with the aim of releasing the 17th army, and in the third about an attack on Tula and ... Moscow

      I also can not understand. Yes, even if they took Leningrad and even Moscow! .. That the war would immediately end ?!
      My amateurish opinion is that the Nazi elite considered one thing, but in fact it turned out another. When the illusions began to dispel, it was too late. The people of the USSR rallied in the war against Nazi Germany. The mobilization of human and economic potentials of the USSR were greatly underestimated by the Germans. Fraternal Germans "west" supported the USSR, seeing that he would in any case (at least not lose) - the first six months of the war showed this.
      I conclude that the military power of Nazi Germany (in fact almost all of Europe), whose economy, which received a huge leap at the expense of Western capital, was aimed at a suicidal war with the USSR and otherwise it couldn’t be!
  6. The comment was deleted.
    1. +17
      20 November 2017 12: 48
      kojak Today, 12:14
      So many lies of propaganda that I don’t even want to distract.
      Well, do not answer.
      “The masters of the USA and England unleashed the world carnage” - the USSR and the Reich unleashed the carnage and even divided Europe into spheres of influence:
      That’s why, it’s not worth answering for you, you would have said nothing would have passed for a clever ... laughing laughing laughing
      and therefore the USA sent millions of tons of food and military equipment to the USSR?
      Remind me whose presidential candidate said this phrase: "If we see that Germany wins, we must help Russia, and if Russia wins, we should help Germany, and thus let them kill as much as possible."
      No, not yours? So they would be silent about the "help" of the USA. They helped Hitler with the same zeal.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +13
          20 November 2017 14: 23
          kojak Today, 13:51 ↑
          And this was before Hitler and Stalin divided Europe or worse?
          Yeah, then all the same, Hitler and Stalin divided Europe? Nu-nu, your comments are all more wonderful and wonderful ... laughing laughing laughing Have you heard anything about Chamberlain? And remind me, a citizen of not our country, but who gave it to Hitler of the Sudetenland? And who with Hitler stepped on the Czech Republic, not Poland, not? Who did not let the Soviet troops through their territory when Stalin wanted to prevent the Czech Republic from being divided? Who gave Hitler the Anschluss of Austria, again Stalin?
          You have a “good” look at those events, it’s direct American, I would say. I see here, I don’t see, but here I’m wrapping up fish.
          And yet, for those who can’t get down on an armored train, Stalin did not select anyone’s territories in Europe. All that we returned was occupied before us. We took away our own territories from Poland, Finland, and Romania, I don’t say anything about the Baltic states, we bought them with giblets, even under Peter the Great, having paid for this not sickly money for those times.
          So you would sit in your mattress and not shine.
        2. +2
          20 November 2017 15: 54
          Something is a little old, I became, apparently, forgot what, what. This is when we tested German technology in 20, or what? Ah, Hitler, and where, do not tell me? Reason considered?
        3. 0
          21 November 2017 06: 51
          Quote: kojak Before you assisted Hitler in testing military equipment at Soviet training grounds or later?

          "... The bravest of the brave too often were led by the most infamous of the infamous! And yet there always have been two Poland: one fought for the truth, and the other creeped into meanness." Winston Churchill on the Polish leadership of the 1938-1939 sample
          Telegram from Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Beck to Polish Ambassador to Great Britain E. Raczynski 9 June 1939. "In connection with Strang's departure to Moscow, I ask you to declare to the Foreign Office that through Paris we have become aware of the content of the Soviet response to the last sentence and that our point of view remains the former, namely:
          1. We cannot agree to mention Poland in the treaty concluded between the Western powers and the USSR.
          2. We consider the principle of rendering assistance to the attacked state by the Soviet Union, even without the consent of the latter, in regard to Poland unacceptable, and for other states a dangerous violation of stability and security in Eastern Europe. Establishing the amount of assistance to the Soviets, in our opinion, is possible only through negotiations between the attacked state and the USSR.
          Establishing the amount of assistance to the Soviets, in our opinion, is possible only through negotiations between the attacked state and the USSR. As a comment, I ask you to add that, in our estimation, the USSR is not specifically interested in this stage of negotiations, and giving too much publicity to the negotiations will therefore always put Russia's partners in an uncomfortable position. "
          On May 10 on May 1939, during a visit to Warsaw, Deputy Foreign Minister V.P. Potemkin said in an interview with Polish Foreign Minister J. Beck that "the USSR would not refuse to help Poland if it wished it."
          On May 11, on November 1939, in an interview with the USSR Foreign Minister, Polish Ambassador V. Grzybowski, in accordance with the instructions received from Warsaw, expressed a negative attitude towards the issue of concluding a mutual assistance pact between the Soviet Union and Poland.
          On 25 on May 1939, the Soviet Plenipotentiary in Poland, P. I. Sharonov, again said in an interview with Yu. Beck that the USSR was ready to help, but “to help tomorrow, you must be ready today, that is, you must know in advance about the need to help” .
          After the non-aggression pact concluded between Hitler Germany and Poland on the 26 of January 1934, the French newspaper Echo de Paris wrote about the “secret Polish-German agreement”, and the publication Püpuler in the article “Pilsudski and Hitler” directly pointed to the following : “The most significant question is: at what cost did Pilsudski and his gang conclude an agreement with Hitler? Will Poland leave Germany freedom of action on the Austrian question? “In return, will she accept Germany’s“ technical ”cooperation for action in Ukraine, which she has long dreamed of?” On the 16 of March, the 1934 of the year, the English news agency Wick announced that there was an agreement between Poland and Germany to attack the Soviet Union, and already jointly with Japan.
          Report from the Polish Ambassador to Germany, J. Lipsky, to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Poland, J. Beck: "... the Chancellor (Hitler) received me today ... The conversation lasted over two hours.
          ... Regarding the Hungarian demands, I specifically highlighted the issue of Transcarpathian Rus, emphasizing the strategic moment in relation to Russia, the communist propaganda carried out in this territory, etc. I had the impression that the chancellor was very interested in this problem , especially when I told him that the length of the Polish-Romanian border is relatively small and that by means of a common Polish-Hungarian border through Transcarpathian Russia we would create a stronger barrier against Russia. In addition, I pointed out regarding Transcarpathian Rus that this territory, which Slovakia does not claim to, was given to Czechoslovakia only as a mandate, that its population is at a very low level and is very mixed, and that Hungary has the greatest interest in it. Clarifying our point of view regarding the immediate area that Poland (Teszyn) is interested in, I noted: ... at this point we would not give up on the use of force if our interests were not taken into account .... 3. The Chancellor, in full confidence, emphasizing that I can draw the appropriate conclusions from this, brought to my attention that already today, if between Poland and Czechoslovakia it comes to a conflict on the basis of our interests in Tieszyn, the Reich will be on our side. Later in the conversation, the Chancellor persistently emphasized that Poland is the primary factor protecting Europe from Russia. ... we have completely free hands behind the line of well-known German interests;
          ... that he was struck by the idea of ​​solving the Jewish problem by emigrating to the colony in accordance with Poland, Hungary, and maybe Romania (here I replied that if this finds a solution, we will put him (Hitler) a beautiful monument in Warsaw). I dictate the above report before the courier leaves after I return by plane from Berchtesgaden, so I ask you to take into account possible inaccuracies. 20 September 1938 Mr. Joseph Lipsky".
    2. 0
      20 November 2017 13: 16
      You can also see the arrows in Africa (during the Boer War) and in Latin America
    3. +5
      20 November 2017 13: 41
      Quote: kojak
      So many lies of propaganda that I don’t even want to distract. “The masters of the USA and England unleashed the world carnage” - the USSR and the Reich unleashed the carnage and even divided Europe into spheres of influence:

      Oh how! All that does not combine with the propaganda of the United States and Co - lies and propaganda! Do not tell with your cliches with which the Internet is full ... Give sensible arguments.
  7. +1
    20 November 2017 14: 29
    “At a time when the Soviet Union was bleeding, England and the United States were in favorable conditions, further mobilized their economies and built armed forces to achieve their victory in the world war (Anglo-Saxon bloc). The masters of the United States and England unleashed a world carnage, again pitted the Germans and Russians, and waited for the moment when it would be possible to finish off the two great powers, exhausted by a fierce battle, and establish their own “world order”.
    The desire to be a historian and write on global topics does not fit into such maxims at all.
    "War is nothing more than a continuation of politics, with the involvement of other means." From the essay “On War” (part 1, 1832) of the Prussian military theorist General Karl von Clausewitz. All. Throughout the history of mankind, wars have been fought "in order to achieve his victory.". Waging war for some other purpose is nonsense. And attempts to imagine any of the more than 15 wars in the history of mankind in a different way are nothing more than verbiage. All of them were conducted with the aim of "achieve your victory.".
    And the art of diplomacy, of which war is a part, is to outwit the other side and use it to their advantage. The other is not given, until it was and is not. Will there ever be a big question. And acting as a subject of international politics with a different approach is to doom yourself to failure in advance.
  8. +2
    20 November 2017 14: 52
    I am far from recognizing the theory of the worldwide conspiracy of the Anglo-Saxons. But what they did was aerobatics in politics. Bleed your opponents, and sit out with small losses. Bravo! I would like to have a government capable of such a thing in Russia.
  9. 0
    20 November 2017 15: 41
    For me, the most interesting thing in the article is the Germans' assessment of our army and our general readiness. Very curious - the Germans were doomed because they absolutely did not understand the enemy. They knew a lot about us, but understood almost nothing. And after all, the Germans lived for centuries in Russia, did business here, owned land, simply lived and worked. And still did not understand anything! Hitler and his generals acted as if they were tainted. And this is the strangest and most incomprehensible thing for me in the Great Patriotic War.
  10. +1
    20 November 2017 16: 01
    In the course of the German in the foreground, Lange LP-08 "Artillery model." (maybe I'm wrong)
  11. +1
    21 November 2017 06: 24
    and "a sense of superiority of the German soldier over Russian"

    I ended up in one of the regiments of the 62 Army, which in July defended the approaches to the city, and later Stalingrad itself. Of course, there are practically no us in July companies and battalions left. The company I got to consisted of 15 – 17 people, and the second lieutenant commanded it. Everyone was happy with the reinforcements of a dozen fighters, although even now the company did not reach a full platoon ......... The attack begins suddenly. Large-caliber guns fall silent, hit 75 graph paper and mortars. Under their cover, several groups glide between the rubble. All advancing Germans are in camouflage uniforms, and helmets are also painted off-white. They do not shoot and, apparently, they have already comprehended the wisdom of urban battle. No shouting, no noise - a silent throw. Our people don't shoot. Maybe they don’t see? I put my head in the hole and shout to Mishka: - Fritz are coming! Tell the others! ”“ We know, ”the second number answers solidly. - Let’s get closer. This "closer" almost turns into a tragedy. From two places jets of fire immediately strike. I have not yet encountered flamethrowers, a terrible sight. A hissing fire lines the burning stripes. But the Fritz hastened or wanted to drive ours even deeper into the cellars, and then burn everything to the ground. From embrasures and shelters at the same time snarling machine guns and two or three light machine guns. The fire is dense, but German machine guns, including one large-caliber, are also beating in our direction from the ruins of the house. A bear appears next to me. The embrasure is littered, and he has nowhere to shoot. We release all six PCA discs in ten minutes. Too aggressively climb Fritz. Remains a rifle and grenades. But the distance for the grenades is too big. I shoot from a rifle, and Bear, panting, stuffs disks. In the nervous atmosphere of the battle, cocking a tight spring and inserting cartridges into the disc is a long matter. Under the cover of machine-gun bursts and while we were busy with machine guns, the Germans were moving closer. A familiar hiss makes us stupidly shy away deeper into the ruins. The flamethrower jet almost reaches our position with a swirling tongue of flame. I do not know the technical data of German knapsack flamethrowers, probably meters 50 – 70. Another breakthrough - and we will be fried alive. I see a flamethrower and next to him are several more Fritz in camouflage uniforms. They make dashes and disappear behind the twisted concrete slab. Grenades lie in a gas mask bag. All in a row: old RGD-33, light RG, recently entered service. Both are weak. I make two "lemons". I throw them, then I start throwing all the other grenades. Most explode near the stove, but the lungs of the XG-42 achieve their goal. I expect a flash of an exploding flamethrower, but instead I barely manage to dodge the machine-gun fire. Bear tossing and turning next, clutching his cheekbone with his palm. The bullet tore a tuft of skin and stunned his partner. The flamethrower still lights up, and the two survivors from the assault group flee to their own. They are randomly beaten from machine guns, but both Germans disappear among the brick rubble. In any case, the attack is repelled. Sergeant Shchus appears and sends a command to the company lieutenant to immediately open fire from the PTR at machine-gun points. ....... I recaptured on the strip of the right bank for eight or nine days and was wounded a day before the start of the offensive of our troops near Stalingrad. During this time, twice received a replenishment, many of the guys from the battalion died, including the junior lieutenant-battalion commander, senior sergeant Schus. Misha, my partner, was wounded by a machine gun burst. I myself fell under the shell burst. He interrupted his right hand, broke his fingers, and tore off his hat with a piece of skin and hair. They did not manage to dress properly, and I lost a lot of blood. They bandaged them again in the medical unit under a cliff, where hundreds of people like me were waiting in line for the crossing. The Volga slope protected the coastal strip only from shells. Mines continued to crumble. I lay on my back. After another explosion that swept away several wounded, he suddenly regretted that he had not written a letter home. However, now it was not important. If that - will be reported. The arm was very sore. - from the memoirs of the sergeant-armor-piercer of the 62 Army V.K.Shevchenko Сталинград. Так началось мое второе хождение в Сталинградскую битву.
  12. 0
    21 November 2017 18: 36
    I read exactly until the moment:
    Anglo-Saxons pitted Germans and Russians

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"