Weapon 2100 of the year?

The discussion of sensational still does not stop. news about the plans of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The fact is that not so long ago at a meeting of the Government, Minister of Defense A. Serdyukov mentioned the creation of a certain program providing for the development weapons on "new physical principles." There were no official detailed comments, but the news became popular and discussed. Understandably, any new technology always attracts attention, and besides, the very “new physical principles” by the efforts of some unscrupulous citizens have become a term for designating a deliberately disastrous pseudo-scientific projecting. Nevertheless, not a single army in the world would have refused a fundamentally new weapon systems, surpassing or supplementing the existing ones. Therefore, in many countries, work has already been going on for a long time in such areas that only a few years ago were considered the lot of science fiction.

Serdyukov spoke about the creation of a whole series of fundamentally new weapons: "radiation, geophysical, wave, genetic, psychophysical, and so on." It all looks pretty fantastic. However, often the fiction of today is commonplace tomorrow. Let us try to consider and analyze the principles, prospects and problems of the above-mentioned weapons of destruction from a far perspective.

Beam weapon

This category includes a fairly wide range of means of destruction. In particular, the mirrors of Archimedes, with which, according to legend, he repulsed the Roman attack, can be recognized as beam weapons. fleet. As more modern representatives of this class, we can recall lasers and directional microwave emitters. Both of these technologies are widely used in industry and everyday life, but things have not yet reached full-fledged combat use. The number of experimental combat laser systems can be counted on the fingers (Soviet Sanguin, Compression, A-60 aircraft and American systems of the YAL type), and even less microwave ones. However, both directions are not actively used as the main damaging means. So, lasers are used to direct guided ammunition, and microwave radiation is used in detection systems. At the same time, all this is an "auxiliary tool."

However, lasers and microwave emitters can be used as a striking tool. Their main advantage lies in the extreme simplicity of targeting: the radiation does not deflect like a bullet and can “beat” to a greater distance. Thanks to this radiation weapon, slightly simpler guidance systems are required, and in addition, it is possible to transfer more energy to targets than in the case of using traditional kinetic ammunition. But behind every plus there is a minus. The main problem of all emitters that could be put into service, is nutrition. A light or microwave radiator consumes so much energy that it is necessary to allocate special generators for it. It is unlikely that it will please potential users. In addition, from any radiation you can hide. The well-known Faraday cage protects against radio waves, and protection systems against lasers have long been known - smoke screens and powerful searchlights of the corresponding radiation range. It turns out that the high costs of creating combat emitters can be “compensated” by the enemy by much cheaper methods. Therefore, there is nothing to do on the battlefield so far, as well as in the estimates for the purchase of weapons. But in the study of this area is worth investing, because the study of light or microwave radiation will have non-military "dividends".

Geophysical weapons

Another vundervaffe modernity. From time to time there are messages about its development and even application. But in actual fact they all turn out to be rumors. Moreover, today there is no reliable information regarding at least research in this area. On the one hand, this may be secrecy, and on the other, a banal lack of interest in a less promising direction. However, the dictionary definition for geophysical weapons has long existed. These are the means by which a person can affect inanimate nature in such a way that natural disasters begin on the attacked territory. From here, one can derive some sort of classification and divide geophysical weapons into lithospheric, hydrospheric, atmospheric, and climatic.

There is no evidence of the existence of systems capable of influencing the geophysical state of the planet and causing catastrophes, which, nevertheless, does not prevent some citizens from asserting the opposite. So, for example, it is often said that the American ionospheric research station HAARP (located in Alaska) is in fact a means of influencing the atmosphere and natural phenomena. In this conspiracy theory, there are also allegations that the tsunami in the Indian Ocean 2004 of the year or the anomalous heat wave in Russia of the 2010 was caused by the HAARP complex. There is no convincing evidence or refutation of this. Interestingly, rumors about the use of HAARP as a geophysical weapon are most common in the post-Soviet space. In turn, in the United States and Canada similar things tell about the Russian complex "Sura", located in the Voronezh region.

Of course, theoretically a person can arbitrarily influence the course of some processes in the atmosphere or hydrosphere. In practice, this will require enormous energies, which humanity does not yet have. Thus, during the work of the HAARP and “Sura” complexes, the northern lights can form in the sky. However, after the cessation of radiation, it quickly disappears. For long-term preservation of the effect, as well as for the transfer of the required amount of energy through the atmosphere, we need more powerful transmitters and electricity generators. The situation is similar with other subspecies of geophysical weapons.

There is, however, an alternative way to create geophysical (lithospheric or hydrospheric) weapons. It looks simple: a nuclear or thermonuclear charge of the appropriate power is installed at the desired point of the ocean floor or the crust of the Earth. The installation point must be found in such a way that the detonation of the ammunition will lead to the appearance of a powerful tsunami or earthquake. Such projects have long been haunting the minds of scientists, military and politicians. Still, one click on the button and the enemy has far more important problems than the war with your country. And the earthquake in the background of your confrontation will look like just an accident. Hotheads stops the practical realization of the idea. Finding points for laying nuclear charges is not a quick and difficult task, moreover, it is still not possible to accurately calculate the consequences and the effect of the detonation may not meet the expectations and will not recoup the costs of the project. Simply sprinkling enemy territory with atomic bombs will be much easier and cheaper.

Gene weapon

This category of “weapons of the future” implies an attack not of the enemy itself, but of its genome. Most often, it is proposed to damage the adversary's gene code with the help of viruses or bacteria specially bred in the laboratory, which to some extent unites the biological weapon with the biological one. The effect of a gene weapon is that specially created sequences of nucleotides are introduced into the genome of the soldiers or commanders of the enemy, leading to improper functioning of the organism. In particular, in a similar way, in theory, it is possible to cause a serious violation of human health or even a complete disabling of it.

Despite its apparent effectiveness, genetic weapons are hardly applicable against armies in real conditions. The main snag lies in exactly how the human body "works" with gene information. For example, the immune system monitors the behavior of cells and tries to destroy those whose genetic information is damaged. However, with a large number of damaged cells, the body will no longer cope with their destruction, as is the case with cancer. Another problem with a gene weapon is its speed. Even with the successful introduction into the human genome of artificially created information, it may not have an impact on his body and "emerge" only in future generations. For military use, such tools are not very suitable, although they may be useful for long-term “clearance” of territories. A special case of this version of the gene weapon can be considered the so-called. ethnic gene weapon. It is no secret that representatives of different nationalities have differences in hereditary information, and this, with a certain approach, can allow the creation of pathogens that affect only carriers of certain elements of the genome. But such a version of the gene weapon is not fast-acting, and, in addition, due to agents that carry the information being introduced (viruses or bacteria), it can be recognized as a type of biological weapon that has long been banned.

We often hear that the gene modification of organisms used in the food industry was also created as a gene weapon. However, this version is quite easily refuted by elementary knowledge from the field of biology. For example, for human digestion, it does not make any difference what kind of nucleotide sequence is hidden in the nuclei of the cells of the plant eaten. Gastric juice will break all food substances into a safe (assuming proper cooking) chemical “soup”. Also, do not forget the fact that special methods are used for introducing altered DNA into the cell, which cannot be reproduced in the conditions of an ordinary kitchen, and even more so in the stomach and intestines. Thus, the only way to use GMO in food, capable of claiming the proud title of a weapon, is to cultivate plant varieties that produce toxins dangerous for humans. Only such plants are subject to the Chemical and Toxin Weapons Convention. And it is unlikely that any country will allow a clearly dangerous product to its food market - at the moment food with the use of GMOs is paid so much attention that it will be very, very difficult, if not impossible, to introduce something dangerous.

Psychophysical weapon

The term “psychotropic weapon” is more commonly used to refer to this category, but in general both names are equally correct. The essence of such systems is simple: some apparatus, through some kind of influence on the human brain, causes specially provoked reactions. This may be a pleasure or euphoria, and maybe panic. Most often, psychophysical weapons appear in conspiracy theories and science fiction. With regard to the real world, then it studies in this direction are conducted, although without much success. Perhaps the reason for this lies in the need for contactless human exposure. In favor of this version is the fact that in the field of psychotropic substances there are far greater achievements than in the field of apparatuses for influencing the psyche.

It is argued that psychotronic systems can destabilize the behavior of the enemy and even control it. However, the notorious Helmholtz resonator still continues to remain a mockery of conspiracy therapists. It should be noted, now all the same there are systems that can be called a psychophysical weapon with a big stretch. The fact is that the installation of LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) is still more physical than a psycho-weapon. The essence of its action is to emit a narrow sound of high volume. A person who has come under the direct influence of LRAD begins to experience painful sensations from loudness (physical impact), while those outside the directed beam are forced to endure a very unpleasant squeak (psychological impact). It is noteworthy that soon after the first reports of LRAD, there were no countermeasures against this installation. Simple protective earpieces significantly reduce the noise level, and a sufficiently sized metal sheet can reflect sound waves and direct them to the installation operator.

An alternative to LRAD may be infrasound emitters. With the correct frequency of the signal, they can cause the enemy pain throughout the body or even panic fear. Similar systems have also been developed in various countries, but nothing is known about the practical application, or at least about the prototypes of ready-made military devices. Perhaps potential customers preferred simpler and more familiar solutions to psycho-physiological weapons.

Alternative kinetic weapons

Currently, the main means of throwing ammunition designed to hit a target with the help of its energy, are various gunpowder. They have fundamental flaws: limited calorific value and energy release, as well as demands on a relatively strong barrel that will withstand the explosive release of gunpowder energy. Problems with the barrel for more than a decade have been solved by using recoilless guns, but to preserve the kinetic characteristics of the missile ammunition, this requires a significant increase in the powder charge. It remains only to strengthen the trunks of weapons and guns. As a solution to the problem of increasing the energy of a propellant charge, so-called pneumoelectric ammunition. In them, instead of gunpowder, a specially selected metal, ignited by an electric igniter, burns. Burning heats the inert gas (also located inside the liner), and he, expanding, pushes a bullet or projectile. Theoretically, this type of ammunition can significantly improve the characteristics of firearms. But it has such poor practical prospects that, to date, pneumoelectric cartridges do not exist even in the form of laboratory samples.

But other alternative ways to disperse a bullet / projectile not only exist, but also actively shoot. Since the mid-nineties in the United States are working on rail guns (also used the term "railgun"). They do not need a barrel or gunpowder. The principle of operation of such a weapon is simple: a missile metal object is placed on two rails. They are supplied with electricity, under the influence of the Lorentz force that has arisen, the projectile accelerates along the rails and flies in the direction of the target. This design allows you to achieve much higher flight speeds and ranges than gunpowder. But still, it is not a panacea - for the operation of a rail gun requires a large amount of electricity, which makes it not quite a good option for replacing firearms. However, by the end of this decade, the Pentagon plans to conduct the first test firing of a railgun mounted on a ship. As they say, wait and see.

An alternative to rail guns is the Gauss gun. It also works on electricity and has quite interesting indicators. The principle of its operation differs from the railgun: the acceleration of the projectile occurs by alternately turning on several solenoids located around the barrel. Under the action of their magnetic field, the projectile accelerates and flies away into the target. Gauss cannons are also somewhat attractive to the military, but they have one serious drawback. At the moment, it was not possible to create a sample of such an installation, the efficiency of which would exceed 8-10%. This means that less than a tenth of the energy of the battery or generator is transmitted to the projectile. To call the device with such characteristics energy-efficient just does not turn the language.

Information weapon

Perhaps the simplest and most effective “weapon of the future” today. Information weapons can be divided into several categories depending on the nature of its use. Thus, computer weapons, namely, special software (software), is intended to disrupt the work of the enemy’s computing systems, which in modern conditions will undoubtedly be an effective diversion. These can be specially written viruses that are introduced through “holes” in the software used or so-called. bookmarks. In the latter case, the malware is initially in the target and just waiting in the wings when he is told to start work. Obviously, the introduction of malware into the enemy’s systems is not an easy task, but it’s worth it. For example, disabling or disrupting the operation of communication systems and information processing of air defense troops can make a country defenseless in the literal sense of the word. There have not yet been such major sabotage attacks as military systems, but a few years ago Iranian targets were subjected to cyber attacks. Then the virus Stuxnet drank a lot of blood to the system administrators of Iran. There is information that it was “Staxnet” that led to delays in the technological process of uranium enrichment.

From the concept of cybernetic attack follow the requirements for the defense in the computer sphere. The most common at first glance anti-virus program in this case becomes the most real means of civil defense. Of course, more serious software is needed to protect strategic objects. In addition, to reduce the likelihood of attacks requires the use of special assemblies of operating systems. The fact is that a virus written to be implemented in one version of the operating system may not work at all or malfunction in another. If for extorting money with the help of Internet terrorists blocking programs, this is not a serious problem (they take what is called quantity), then specialized malicious programs are required for precise attacks of a specific computer center.

However, information weapons can be used not only against enemy computers. As such, you can recognize the good old propaganda. It is already clear that this means of instilling the necessary thoughts is not a bit outdated and even gains more and more weight. It is believed that propaganda was mainly supported by widespread access to the Internet.

Question of choice

We do not know what types of “alternative weapons” will be developed by Russian science in the future. As you can see, all of the above systems and methods have both pros and cons. Some types of alternative weapons are fundamentally possible in modern conditions, and some in the distant future will be pure fantasy. Despite the fact that the term “new physical principles” has long become a kind of scientific joke, one should not forget about truly new technologies. However, there is one serious problem in the development of revolutionary new ideas: as soon as any direction becomes quite widely known (for example, nanotechnology in recent years), there are immediately a lot of suspicious characters who are not promised to get a star from the sky, just give them of money. So it was before, it is so now, and so it is likely to be in the future. Therefore, when creating and developing new technologies, special attention should be paid to the distribution of funds for research, so that they do not fall into pseudoscientific hands. And do not be kept on sky-high promises. In this case, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be able to see fully autonomous Tanks with artificial intelligence and a rail gun, soldiers in exoskeletons and with Gauss guns, as well as planes invisible in all radiation spectra.
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  1. +18
    31 March 2012 08: 11
    Fiction is good, of course.
    But in moderation.
    For a long time the main weapon will remain - "the man with the gun."
    Because without retention and control of the territory, the rest of the actions are gang raids.
    Here, however, we must pay tribute to the "man with the pen." Because, it is with them, with the writers - and everything begins.
    And the mind - and madness.
    It turns out - there are two main ones. As it was - "With a feather and a sword".

    I'll add more. For some reason, it was the "field" weapon, the weapon based on the effects of the physical field, that was overlooked. What is commonly called - teleportation, telekinesis, levitation ...
    Or in terms of fantasy - martial magic.
    1. +15
      31 March 2012 08: 28
      Greetings, Igor. In general, you are right, I just want to note that the information about the new weapon has passed, as they say, from above. Logically, such statements are not born from scratch (none of the politicians will want to make themselves a visionary or a fool). Most likely, there are already some specific developments.
      1. +6
        31 March 2012 08: 34
        Of course have. Therefore, they stated.
        To accelerate - competition.
        And the "field" was missed - especially for.
        Are there fools in CERN?
        1. Neighbor
          31 March 2012 10: 22
          I have long said that developments in the creation of such types of weapons were still in the USSR. Just for the time being - they are deeply classified, or exist in 1-2 copies. Enough Shock Force to see all the parts. A series - geophysical weapons - show - a car drives out on the basis of Kamaz - it’s some kind of box and they say that this unit is capable of causing earthquakes of any magnitude within a radius of 500 km !!! Moreover, I am sure that some of these weapons have already been used. America openly accused Russia of their hurricane Katrina. Russia America - in the drought of 2011. And the earthquake in Georgia - 6 points - 2 days after the end of the war 08.08.08. And Yapov shook - only the Kuril Islands began to pound!
          We just don’t know much. Tesla back in what year over which experiments he conducted - how many years have passed - they invented such a thing there - it’s scary to imagine.
          In general, by 2100, there will be no more wars! For development will reach such a level - that in 5 minutes any superpower will be able to destroy not only the aggressor, but the entire Planet. In addition, there will be no oil. There will be fusion power plants. Nana technology around. There will be saucers flying - only already openly, and not right now - around the world they see - only nobody (except presidents and military men) knows what it is. Settlement and development of other planets will begin.
          I sincerely hope that by that time - from America-Sosia - all that remains is to remember it! am
          It’s a pity - we will not live to see those bright times !!! crying If only urgently everyone quit drinking, smoking, swearing, eating Toko vegetables and running in the morning? laughing
          1. +16
            31 March 2012 12: 28
            In the meantime, let’s get around the rubber bomb, which if dropped, it will jump for ten years and crush the enemy.
            1. Salavat
              April 1 2012 10: 17
              Quote: alexneg
              In the meantime, let's get around the rubber bomb
              and there’s another cast-iron bomb - the radius of destruction is equal to the radius of the bomb
            2. rolik
              April 2 2012 13: 44
              We will do the scariest thing. We’ll fire Serdyukov, we’ll introduce him to the state’s Defense Ministry and that’s all, after 2 years, even bombs will not be needed laughing
        2. VAF
          31 March 2012 10: 36
          Quote: Igarr
          Of course have. Therefore, they said. To accelerate - competition.

          Somewhere it was already "... and on Mars apple trees will bloom"!

          Quote: Igarr
          Are there fools in CERN?

          Of course not! good

          But not only the Skolkovo Center and NA-NA-CHU "master finance" !!! lol
        3. SSR
          31 March 2012 23: 13
          In Cern .. who just doesn’t sit ...
          but do not confuse meatballs with cutlets.
          but it turns out Cern gave birth to development .. blah blah blaster ....
          in general .. particles by particles ... development by development.
      2. VAF
        31 March 2012 10: 27
        Quote: Dmitriy69
        such statements are not born from scratch (none of the politicians will want to make themselves a visionary or a fool)

        Don't you think that this is being done because so far we have nothing, REAL, except for the Strategic Missile Forces, and there is an ordinary "horror story" going on?

        Quote: Dmitriy69
        Most likely, there are already some specific developments.

        They were, and what are they and I will hope in the future, if the state will lead and science!

        I’m not giving a very correct example, but remember Lavrenty Pavlovich, everything worked and everything was created!
    2. VAF
      31 March 2012 10: 33
      Quote: Igarr
      Fiction is good, of course.

      I agree, you +!

      But somehow I was taught, it is true a long time ago and in the Union that planning is good, but only from the realities of reality at the time of planning, but in the future it is only perspectives in the field and nothing more!

      And so today it only remains to "tell" that the Death Star is already on its way !!! wassat
    3. AER_69
      31 March 2012 10: 43
      Creating a railgun is now not a problem at all.
      And so far only a nuclear reactor can be used as an energy source.
      If they want, then our designers will be able to put in a tank and a small nuclear reactor. This will seriously weigh the tank, but this problem will be even easier to solve than the installation of the reactor itself.
      1. +1
        31 March 2012 16: 14
        There are also unipolar generators.
        1. siroytora
          April 9 2012 08: 02
          This requires the 19th century, and woodcutter carpenter Gramm. The very idea of ​​a "non-reversible machine" is now considered heresy and pseudoscientific conjectures. And after that they still whine that fundamental science is little funded. Drive them all in the neck so that progress is not slowed down.
    4. Kamaz
      31 March 2012 12: 45
      For a long time the main weapon will remain - "the man with the gun."

      Nah, No matter how many wars there were, no matter what weapon they fought, always a point in the battlefield will be put by a man with a rifle in his hands (well, or with a gun ...)
      1. snek
        31 March 2012 13: 34
        Quote: Kamaz
        No matter how many wars there are, no matter how weapons are fought, always a point in the battlefield will be put by a man with a rifle in his hands (well, or with a gun ...)

        Yeah, especially in ancient Rome, where a man with a rifle could solve any conflict at all. (just kidding, I understand that we are talking about more modern conflicts).
        Well, if seriously (to what extent this is applicable to fantasy) to speculate about what will happen in 2100, then, in my opinion, in the expression "man with a gun", it is just a person who falls under the greatest influence. Over the past decade, one can see an incredible take-off in the development of UAVs, which, from rarely used reconnaissance aircraft, have become full-fledged routinely used (which is important) striking vehicles. Yes, I know that attack UAVs were developed and even put into service in the USSR back in the 70s, but then they were sort of exotic and were not really used anywhere - that similar was the radio-controlled teletanks of the 30s.
        Look at how many drones (both in number and variety of types) have been built and put into service over the past ten years and compare with the number of conventional military aircraft (again, in terms of the number of machines themselves and in terms of variety) built during the same time. The fact that by 2100 (and, most likely, much earlier) unmanned fighters will appear, personally, I have no doubt that the machines will be able to withstand 20-30 multiple overloads (and more if necessary) and there is no need to spend several years and a lot of money on their training. War requires maximum efficiency and highly qualified machines simply do not leave a chance here for a person (I'm talking about a prospect of almost a hundred years). Of course, "handing over" an expensive aircraft to a computer may seem almost insane, but even now piloting modern cars is a symbiosis of a computer and a person.
        On land and at sea, although it is slower, most likely robots will also gradually occupy military "niches" of people. Of course, there will be no cinematic terminators, but unmanned tanks (imagine what opportunities open up in the design in connection with the reduction of the required armor space). There may appear walking, albeit rather 4-legged platforms, such as the existing robot Big Dog, which is already undergoing tests.
        I consider such a development to be inevitable. Take the air defense systems - which are then largely simply forced to act automatically, since the human reaction no longer meets the complexity of the tasks.
        1. +2
          31 March 2012 17: 53
          Guys ...
          "The Man with the Gun" is a film of the Soviet era, if anyone does not know. A film about the Red Army, about its formation.
          I meant, by and large - just an armed man. Human warrior.
          What wonderful unmanned and automated systems do not take - everywhere the BEGINNING is man.
          Only a person who is able to think, think contrary to established patterns is capable of fighting and to set a task mechanics.
          I do not think so.
          I am sure about that.
          therefore, always and everywhere - a man will fight.

          As a supplement.
          A beautiful epic cycle of the space opera - "Berserker" by Fred Saberhagen. Well, how formidable machines are, they are capable of fighting on chronolines.
          The ordinary bioplasma vessel — man — wins as a result.
          Yes, whatever fantasy you take .... iron is iron.

          Also ... if nature has endowed us with the ability to harm HER ... really, it will allow those who are subordinate to it - harm us.
          It does not happen.
          1. snek
            31 March 2012 19: 52
            War (I mean the process itself, and not its cause and effect), if you remove all the idiologization and poetic adornments, is logistics. It takes several grams of lead to move from the barrel of your weapon to the body of the enemy, you need several kilograms of explosives to appear in a certain metsa (transport hub, for example) and detonate. In the future, machines are significantly effective in the implementation of such logistics tasks. People, of course, will not go anywhere - guerrilla groups will remain, especially in poor countries, in high-tech (among which, I hope, we will remain in 2100) countries, machines will still dominate the front lines. I draw such a conclusion on the basis of current trends in the automation of everything and everything that takes place in military affairs. A simple example - an automatic loader in a tank - is replacing a person with a robot. Here, of course, reading the mechanics, but now the technique is capable of much more.
            1. +1
              31 March 2012 20: 13
              Here was such a task, at one time, for programmers - to write a program that would print itself ..
              I don’t know - they decided it, if not. I'm not a programmer. It seems there were private decisions.

              And here it’s interesting for me - the UAV (in the assault version) decided to fly on its own. Well, go ahead. And on the basis of what will he decide on the use of weapons? ... and, suddenly, there haven’t been any reasonable people on Earth for three hundred years?
              Is he flying? What for????
          2. 0
            31 March 2012 22: 11
            We understand you.
            I also think that until the infantry passes, the territory cannot be considered conquered. bully
    5. 755962
      31 March 2012 20: 27
      Quote: Igarr
      it is with them, with writers, that everything begins.

      Jules Verne.Man largely guessed (shaped) our present. Of his 108 predictions, 98 came true. Herbert Wells.Of 86 predictions, 77 came true - escalators, power plants, airliners, video equipment ("The Sleeper Awakens" 1899). Laser weapons, biological weapons, direct injection of nutrients into the blood ("War of the Worlds" 1898). Telephone answering machine ("People are like gods" 1923). He prophesied traffic jams back in 1923.Robert HeinleinAlso a little bit of a prophet. In his achievements: projection of space tourism ("I have a spacesuit - ready to travel" 1958). Solar powered transport (1940), 3D television, and screen saver for monitors (1961), GPS navigation (1963), pocket phone, microwave oven, scanner and much more.Ray Bradbury.Fahrenheit 481 (1951) is a treasure trove of election. In particular, it describes a pocket device that can be opened from the touch of the owner's finger, with the functions of an advisor and assistant, has a radio connection, a player, a PDA.
      1. +3
        31 March 2012 21: 01
        Isaac Asimov, Alexander Belyaev, Ivan Efremov ...
        vectors ... of human breakthroughs.
  2. vadimus
    31 March 2012 08: 23
    Kuzkina mother! show her!
    1. Igorboss16
      31 March 2012 09: 27
      Of course, I understand their desire to be better than others, but what will the use of at least geophysical weapons turn into, probably the next global catastrophe when millions of civilians die, because it is not aimed at some point like a bullet or a bomb, but for whole countries we need it? I personally want to live in peace, unless it is a deterrent
    2. VAF
      31 March 2012 10: 38
      Quote: vadimus
      Kuzkina mother! show her!

      And they have all been shown, the rest are still being created!
    3. 755962
      April 1 2012 16: 01
      Quote: vadimus

      Kuzkina mother! show her!

      1. io_stalin
        April 1 2012 18: 20
        Yes, yes, the power was doubled twice, and so it was enough laughing
        We decided not to make the case out of non-radioactive U238, which reacts under these conditions.
        That would be a firework !!!!!!!!!!!!!
        (USA, by that time the thermonuclear detonated only in the barn lol )

        But now in Lebanon they find zones of abnormal radioactivity inside large funnels.
        They talked about ultra-small thermonuclear munitions winked

        The original bomb was rejected due to the extremely high level of radioactive contamination that it was supposed to cause [7] - it was decided not to use the "Jekyll-Hyde reaction" in the third stage of the bomb and to replace the uranium components with their lead equivalent. This reduced the estimated total power of the explosion by almost half (to 51,5 megatons).
  3. Brother Sarych
    31 March 2012 08: 34
    It was time to present the real results of the reform - and so they began to hang up another carrot, and in the very distant future!
    Ek bent - a genetic weapon, psychophysical, geophysical ...
    How does that sound! And, most importantly, no one will be able to ask how this shit should work in order to guarantee the defeat of the enemy, and not on their own ... to read with all the dope!
    1. 0
      31 March 2012 08: 38
      The results of the reforms we will see no earlier than 15-17 years.
      I will explain
      1 New brigade staffs will be formed (light / medium / heavy)
      2 Troops will be saturated by 40-60% with new weapons
      3 Those officers who studied new equipment and tactics will be released and enter into force.
      4 And most importantly, Local conflict.
      1. Brother Sarych
        31 March 2012 09: 17
        How many students study at the school, huh? And who by this time will be released. if there was no reception?
        Where will the weapons come from - after so many years of desolation at the defense industry enterprises? Well, if in ten years they will be able to restore what has been destroyed, if the concept does not change ...
        1. 0
          31 March 2012 09: 42
          3 years so far unfortunately
          This year, the reception resumes, I'm talking about old releases
          Um, what about the news about arms purchases almost every day?
          And almost 40 ships in shipyards?
          1. Brother Sarych
            31 March 2012 10: 07
            Maybe I'm confusing what, but for three years it's kind of like a sergeant of a new sample?
            And two people at the Academy and both from the guard? And dozens of pilots all over Russia, and then from the BB and border guards?
            Such a replenishment of new officers that it just becomes terribly ...
            Weapons purchases are mainly about plans for what they will buy, and about a few units. received in part ...
            What are these 40 ships? With boats and semi-pleasure yachts bearing the big name of coast guard boats together? There was already a debate about this - the figure seems to be solid, but in real life only two or three warships came out ...
            Shipbuilders seem to be pleased that they began to make more normal warships, but when will they go into operation? And how much will they change the situation if you spread them on 4 fleets?
            Personally, I fundamentally do not like this position - who can Russia hope for. if not for your army and navy?
            1. VAF
              31 March 2012 10: 18
              Quote: Brother Sarich
              Personally, I fundamentally do not like this position - who can Russia hope for. if not for your army and navy?

              Here I am completely by your side +!
            2. +3
              31 March 2012 12: 15
              Maybe I'm confusing what, but for three years it's kind of like a sergeant of a new sample?
              EMNIP 2,7 for sergeant
              VVUZ 5 years \
              And two people at the Academy and both from the guard? And dozens of pilots all over Russia, and then from the BB and border guards?
              And where then is the relative preparing to act? Lies and go))))
              Weapons purchases are mainly about plans for what they will buy, and about a few units. received in part ...
              Oh yes what are you saying http://topwar.ru/10024-itogi-2011-goda-v-kartinkah-vvs-chast-1.html
              [bWhat are these 40 ships? With boats and semi-pleasure yachts bearing the big name of coast guard boats together? There was already a debate about this - the figure was pretty solid, but in real life only two or three warships came out ...]
              Do you need 10 eagles on stocks? Are you ready to live without pants I'm not.
              In real life, we see how our new ocean fleet is being re-created
              Shipbuilders seem to be pleased that they began to make more normal warships, but when will they go into operation? And how much will they change the situation if you spread them on 4 fleets?
              Only two fleets of the SF and TF are important; the rest of the puddle is where old ships can be sent.
              Personally, I fundamentally do not like this position - who can Russia hope for. if not for your army and navy?
              Therefore, we have such a fat GOZ 2020
        2. VAF
          31 March 2012 10: 20
          Quote: Brother Sarich
          if in ten years they will be able to restore what has been destroyed, if the concept does not change ...

          10 years will not be enough, because destroyed and sold all that is possible for scrap!
      2. VAF
        31 March 2012 10: 16
        Quote: leon-iv
        The results of the reforms we will see no earlier than 15-17 years.

        Unfortunately, the results of these "reforms" are already visible now and unfortunately they are very disappointing!

        Therefore, we are trying in every possible way and method to give what is left of the army (brigades, bases, etc.) at least something new and modernized!
        1. +3
          31 March 2012 12: 17
          What is wrong with them.
          My friends and acquaintances got better.
          Oh yes, the cropped parts were cut.
          in the valley on the plain a regiment rode in one car.
          Don’t be afraid of the gray wolf, we are a cropped regiment.
    2. VAF
      31 March 2012 10: 40
      Quote: Brother Sarich
      It was time to present the real results of the reform - and so they began to hang up another carrot, and in the very distant future!

      Again +!
      And not just in the distant, but in the very distant, which none of us will ever see, even though I want to live all as long as you wish !!! drinks

      And especially when this "crap" "pours from the lips of Taburetkin" !!! am
      1. +1
        31 March 2012 12: 27
        yes yes to what taburetkin brought
        http://www.sdelanounas.ru/blogs/15489/ бида бида
        2 veteran air force
        As you considered a raid.
        1. VAF
          31 March 2012 14: 00
          Quote: leon-iv
          As you considered a raid.

          And you about this notorious new order!

          Let me remember. It was long ago:

          1. For fighters and FBA -50 hours.
          2. Long and strategist -60 hours
          3. BTA-75 hours
          4. Helicopter-50 hours

          At the end of the year, an order was issued to enroll in length of service in preferential terms for two years.

          When participating in a database, it does not depend on the number of sorties and the number of flight hours — two years a year, and the time from entering the Parts List
          participating in the database (the same order but already MO) before the expiration of the participation in the database for three days for the flight personnel and two days for technical and ground personnel.

          With the class, the same one flight to the database in any conditions at least during the day, at least at night - offset for confirmation.

          In the year of retraining for a new type-year for two automatically, but the class is not!

          Therefore, there has always been an acute problem from the beginning of the school year to "grab" your 4th landings in M ​​/ M weather at night (what if war is not expected this year?) And you can safely "smoke" all year!

          For navigators, it was easier for them to count "visits", so when performing the 3rd and 1st laps from one refueling or flying to the RP and flying around the RTS, the navigators easily managed to confirm their class, to our envy, because I got only 2 e landing!

          Well, the "edge" M / M was always pulled up, whoever needed it, at the beginning of the planned everyone with the 2nd class was launched, well, then "a sharp decrease in the M / M weather according to meteo data" and then all of us, with the 1st class nightly 150 / 1,5-200/2 or 100 / 1,0 in the AZP immediately "typed"!

          So, if in your own words without treasury!

          And now, in my opinion, the raid rates are very hot!

          Well, imagine 10 Tu-160s flying, 30 crews in a regiment and how much it needs to fly. so that everyone has their own 130 hours ??? Complete nonsense!

          So also scribbled by type ???
          And if it will still be possible for the BTA, but not the An-12 and 22 all the more, then ON STRATEG 95-M OR 142 where these 150 hours will be taken ??

          I am not talking about whistles and FBA helicopters at all, it's just unrealistic!

          But the "savings" are obvious - you have not confirmed a year for two 100% of the allowance to the monetary content for special conditions you immediately lose!

          And so, and here they were happy, how great it was that everything was raised, of course it's great, who would argue, but if "... somewhere they gave it, they will definitely take it away in another place, because free cheese is only in a mousetrap "!!!
          1. +3
            31 March 2012 18: 06
            How sad to read you ...
            Although far from flight specifics ... I still understood what I was talking about.
            What stupid inventions .... and how they can be easily treated .. if desired by the commanders.
            In the Navy, in my time .. the same garbage .. was.
            Why was all this invented, who defended this dissertation?

            So it is thought - from poverty, or what? From unwillingness to answer - for combat training? Fear of standing?

            It seems to me that with the introduction of this professional army, "rubbing glasses" will go professionally. I wouldn't want to.
            Atlon was right in his appeal - the professional army must fight.
            And then it will turn on .... - natural selection. The engine of progress.
            1. VAF
              31 March 2012 18: 43
              Quote: Igarr
              I still understood what I was talking about.

              This is understandable if a person visited the army, regardless of the type or type of troops it was always the same!

              Well, it's sad that this is what it is and nowhere "this" can not be hidden by any plans about "Star Wars"!

              Ever since the time of Suvorov, commanders with soldiers were sitting at their quarters and ate porridge from one pot, and now ???

              Even the cottages and then the command of the ZVO, and to ordinary officers, again, at best, a dormitory, or go take off?

              Only if earlier everything was extremely simple and "allowances" were for real deeds, now everything is at the mercy of the commanders.
              Well, about the 400th order, I am generally silent, because. no normal words.

              Look and read what a commander can do now (paragraph 1 and 2, thank God without him, but the same is true) !:

              additional payments
              1. For the length of service (monthly)
              From 2 to 5 years - 10%, from 5 to 10 years - 15%, from 10 to 15 years - 20%, from 15 to 20 years - 25%, from 20 to 25 years - 30%, 25 years and more - 40% cash
              2. For classroom qualifications (monthly)
              3rd grade - 5%, 2nd grade - 10%, 1st grade - 20%, master - 30% for military positions
              3. For work with information constituting a state secret (monthly)
              In the amount of up to 65% of the salary for military posts.
              4. For special conditions of military service (monthly)
              In the amount of up to 100% of the salary for military posts
              5. For the performance of tasks directly related to the risk to life and health in peacetime (monthly)
              In the amount of up to 100% of the salary for military posts
              6.For special achievements in the service (monthly)
              In the amount of up to 100% of the salary for military posts
              7. Award for conscientious and efficient performance of duties
              Up to three salaries per annum
              8. Annual financial assistance
              In the amount of at least one salary of cash support
              1. +3
                31 March 2012 19: 18
                Ehhhhhhh ...
                n. 1, 2, 8 - well, they do not need comments.
                and the rest is how much paper ..... to die?

                Correctly A. Bushkov emphasized in his novel "Piranha" ... "... service is 80 percent of formal replies and explanatory notes .."
                1. VAF
                  31 March 2012 19: 44
                  [quote = Igarr] and the rest is how much paper ..... to die? [/ quote]

                  Yes, close to a hundred kg, so it's okay, when the database is there without talking, but when the "peaceful" reality, then problems, tk. we like in the song "... after all, pilots don't need shoulder straps, pilots and marshals fly"

                  And here’s the picture, I’m depriving him of something and for something, and tomorrow I’m in his back cabin for an instructor ???

                  The situation is not pleasant !!!
                  However, the same story from a past life!

                  And I have all Bushkov, I read about Mazur with great pleasure, and the film was staged ugly, many digressions + 4 episodes were combined, the plot was distorted and Mashkov does not "pull" the role of Mazur at all!

                  quote = Igarr] "... service is 80 percent of unsubscribes and explanatory .." [/ quote]

                  And if it’s a special prerequisite or as a new incident, then only 1 meter 80 by 2 meters 20 and 5 pieces no less and all with ink !!! crying
                  1. 0
                    31 March 2012 20: 01
                    Yes ...
  4. patriot2
    31 March 2012 08: 35
    The word is not a sparrow. It is impossible to disclose the fullness of secret developments in this area. The theft of even ideas - can greatly harm the developers of new types of weapons, so open babble from the rostrum is just the sound of the fact that we, too, are not standing still.
    In general +
  5. +4
    31 March 2012 08: 48
    It looks like we really will fight the 22 century with stone axes ...
    1. marauder
      31 March 2012 11: 26
      I don’t know how 3 world, but in 4 world we’ll fight with stone axes.
      1. 101
        31 March 2012 23: 13
        4will not be There will be local conflicts For example, battles for a small meadow or red hill
  6. 916-th
    31 March 2012 09: 07
    Inclined to agree with Brother Sarych:
    It was time to present the real results of the reform - and so they began to hang up another carrot, and in the very distant future!

    More specifically, then:

    1) mastering really "new physical principles" requires the development of fundamental science. What is its current level and what are the financial investments in fundamental research, I think, is self-explanatory. All that can really be done here now is to turn over the old Soviet groundwork.

    2) the development of new technologies based on already known principles. This is applied research, which also requires capital investment.

    Is anyone aware that capital investments are being made in fundamental and applied science? Share the news.

    And so, some words, "projections" into the future, designed to divert attention from the present day. Do you remember how Ostap Bender extorted money from the Vasyukov chess players, giving them noodles about the chess capital of the world, New Vasyuki? Very much like that.
    1. VAF
      31 March 2012 10: 43
      Quote: 916
      hanging noodles on their ears about the world’s chess capital New Vasyuki? Looks very much like that.

      You definitely +!

      Especially for Ostap Ibrahimovic! An example will definitely not be in the eyebrow but in the eye !!! good
    2. siroytora
      April 9 2012 07: 47
      Quote: 916
      mastering really "new physical principles" requires the development of fundamental science. What is its current level and what are the financial investments in fundamental research, I think, does not require explanation. All that can really be done here now is to turn over the old Soviet groundwork.

      Our RAS will devour more money than the entire military budget and will not choke. With technological dedication, the mountain gave birth to a mouse. An example is already there, the Skolkovo is the largest, most expensive device in the world. Now, if someone gets a snooze for electricity and magnetism, then let them demand anything. To begin with, a monument of gold. Perhaps on horseback. And so crap on crap, and crap drives.

      “... if we reconsider the issue, now solid considerations in favor of postulating the ether can be put forward.”
      / P. Dirac Nature, U, 166,1951 /
      “... what was considered emptiness in physics is actually a kind of medium. Whether we call it the old "ether", or the more modern word "vacuum", the essence of the matter does not change ... "
      / D.I. Blokhintsev. Philosophical Issues of Modern Physics. Published by the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1952, p. 393.
      “... Einstein’s theory of relativity ... doesn’t explain all the problems associated with elementary particles, and what you need to look for further ways ...”
      Yukawa and Heisenberg. Geneva International Conference, 1956./
      “... The vices of modern theory (elementary particles) are deeply inherent in it, and can only be corrected by creating a new theory that fundamentally differs from the existing one”
      / "Questions of Soviet science." Ed. USSR Academy of Sciences, M., 1957, p. 6.
      “... the foundations of the existing theory need a drastic revision ...”, “... that modern relativistic quantum mechanics ... is essentially lame ...”
      / Acad. L.D. Landau "Nature", 10.1958, p.21.
      "Questions of Philosophy", 12, 1959, p. 155 /
      “... The difficulties of modern theoretical physics are fundamental in nature precisely because it relies on the theory of relativity - this basic physical theory, along with quantum mechanics.”
      / A.K. Maneev. To the criticism of the theory of relativity .. 1960 /
      “In reality, the dramatic position in physics has survived to the present day, and precisely because they accepted A. Einstein’s recommendation to“ completely forget about ether and never mention it. ” From that moment, “the theory of physical phenomena was forced to develop in the direction of immoderate mathematical abstractions, many phenomena began to seem“ strange ”and mysterious to her, and the further, the more unsolved problems began to accumulate in this theory”
      “Uncertain remain, in particular, the most serious errors associated with the interpretation of the laws of motion of material objects with high speeds. This area of ​​physics in recent decades has become one of the most important in physical science and has achieved significant success. However, the successful development of the theory of motion with high speeds is hindered by the Einsteinian interpretation of the laws of fast movements, widespread among physicists, and the Einsteinian understanding of the essence of physical theory. The interests of physical science urgently require deep criticism and a decisive exposure of the whole system of theoretical views of Einstein and his followers of Einsteinians in the field of physics, and their individual philosophical statements are not easy. The idealistic views of Einstein and Einsteinians lead physical theory into a hopeless impasse. Exposing reactionary Einsteinism in the field of physical science is one of the most urgent tasks of Soviet physicists and philosophers ”
      / Philosophical questions of modern physics, I.V. Kuznetsov (p. 46), ed. USSR Academy of Sciences, 1952 /.
  7. +1
    31 March 2012 09: 11
    As they say, the Russian harnesses for a long time, but goes fast. If this trend in development continues, then we will soon catch up with the United States and overtake while they finish their "miracle" F-35 smile
  8. dred
    31 March 2012 10: 47
    From the mouth of a stool, everything sounds crafty.
  9. Volkhov
    31 March 2012 10: 48
    Fiction has long come into reality and the latest tools are tested at the highest level.
    - genetic weapons hit the Kremlin and management is genetically related;
    - the psychophysical hit the police - physically developed psychos organize torture in Kazan and not only;
    - geophysical stand - Vladivostok bridges, causes of deflection and fires are extremely interesting
    - radiation, it is also informational - mobile phones and other equipment close to the body - their radiation density and information content are quite capable of suppressing both physiology and the logic of thinking.
    As for army equipment, like any colony, we will have what we will allow, regardless of the place of development.
    1. +2
      31 March 2012 13: 51
      (-) for the "colony". But everyone is entitled to their opinion. For other positions (+). Yours faithfully
    2. +3
      31 March 2012 18: 25
      Well .... catches ..
      I won’t put a plus ... but on a minus - if only a minus of a minus.
  10. +2
    31 March 2012 11: 15
    "Leakage of information" from the Ministry of Education, our side's response to a similar statement recently made abroad on new types of weapons. bully
  11. balamut_x
    31 March 2012 12: 08
    What are the "new physical principles"? Physics is the same for us and for everyone else there is the so-called "standard model" on the basis of which our understanding of the surrounding reality is built, there are fundamental laws such as the finiteness of the speed of propagation of electromagnetic radiation or the law of conservation of energy to bypass which is unlikely to succeed another matter not a complete understanding of how it all works and here I have a specific example, in my opinion our designers still do not fully understand on what principles the stealth technology is built in the Americans
    1. Volkhov
      31 March 2012 16: 32
      Physics is the same in nature, and the "standard model" is an artificial limiter, going beyond which gives "new physical principles", only the enemy has been using them for 70 years, and has a proven technique, while on the eve of the war we have hints and vague doubts. That is why I am also for the world - not all hedgehogs are afraid of naked women, technical parity is needed.
  12. +3
    31 March 2012 12: 34
    The "Stealth" technology was justified in a simple CANDIDATE work of a Russian scientist. But we, as always, did not pay attention to this. I wonder how many scientists the West pumped out of Russia during the "reforms?" How many scientists were in military universities before and remained after the carried out " optimization. "Because the scientific schools created for decades have been destroyed. Therefore, such statements are like statements about the" successes "of military reform from the realm of fantasy.
    1. VAF
      31 March 2012 19: 16
      Quote: tank64rus
      The "Stealth" technology was substantiated in a simple CANDIDATE work of a Russian scientist

      Absolutely, the creator of the famous “invisible” F-117A aircraft, known as “Stealth” Bey Rich himself confirms that he got the idea of ​​creating “Stealth” from a magazine article by a Soviet scientist, which, apparently, was blotted out by the Soviet military.
      In 1966, the Soviet physicist P. Ufimtsev published materials of his scientific work on the reflection of electromagnetic waves from the edges of various surfaces.
      An article came up with a radar specialist who worked in Burbank (California) at the Lockheed plant. He immediately appreciated its significance and brought it to Rich.
      "...." The Stealth technology just fell into my hands. I was damn lucky .... "- Rich admitted.

      But the stealth technology, as it turned out, was developed not by the Americans, but by the Germans back in World War II.
      The first turbojet aircraft, rightfully ranked among the most non-standard combat projects carried out during the Second World War.
      The plane, with which the Nazis were going to change the course of the war, began to be created in Germany in 1943, when the advantage in the air of Soviet and Allied fighters became obvious.
      Then Hitler's order appeared to build a fundamentally new bomber - fast and invisible to radar.

      The machine was given the designation “Go-229” (after the designers - the Horten brothers), and in early summer 1944 a contract was signed for seven prototypes and 20 pre-production aircraft.
      When tests of the aircraft began in January 1945, the handling met the most optimistic expectations.
      In March, the nose wheel began to be cleaned in flight, which allowed to increase speed to 795 km / h.
      Behind the futuristic look of the Go-229 fighter-bomber is a powerful Junkers Jumo-004B turbojet engine, as well as four 30-mm guns.
      The aircraft is capable of carrying 2 tons of warheads.
      It turned out that the plane “invisible” to the radar was a mixture of charcoal dust, which covered the plane. She did not reflect, but absorbed electromagnetic radiation.
      Do not end the war in May 1945, who knows how much grief this plane could have caused.
      After the division of Germany between the USSR and the USA, secret documents regarding the development of the Go-229 fell into the hands of the Americans, who continued to develop the invisible aircraft.
      1. CARTRIDGE
        31 March 2012 20: 07
        Then not everyone had radars
  13. Wolkin
    31 March 2012 13: 19
    While we dream of the weapon of the future, the weapon of the present is successfully used against us. You all met its names in kiosks, these are "Jaguar", "Screwdriver" and their various modifications. The soldier is mowing down from school. Soon there will be no one to recruit into the army. In combination with other types of "velvet" weapons, the effect of this weapon can be equated with weapons of mass destruction.
  14. +2
    31 March 2012 14: 11
    And the solution is simple, now it's our turn to "SOI" and other "Peanuts" with "Rape" to twist. Let be they now my head hurts.
  15. Odinplys
    31 March 2012 15: 38
    Nevertheless, information weapons are the power of the greatest defeat ...
    And also greed and envy ...
  16. vozn_ser
    31 March 2012 16: 19
    Quote: Igarr
    An alternative to rail guns is the Gauss gun. It also works on electricity and has quite interesting indicators. The principle of its operation differs from the railgun: acceleration of the projectile occurs by alternately turning on several solenoids located around the trunk.

    New to me too! On the Internet, a lot of schemes for building. lol

    A Gaussian gun consists of a solenoid, inside of which is a barrel (usually a dielectric). A projectile (made of a ferromagnet) is inserted into one of the ends of the barrel. When an electric current flows in the solenoid, a magnetic field appears, which accelerates the projectile, "pulling" it into the solenoid. In this case, the projectile receives at the ends of the pole symmetrically to the poles of the coil, because of which, after the passage of the center of the solenoid, the projectile is attracted in the opposite direction, i.e. slows down. But if at the moment the projectile passes through the middle of the solenoid, the current in it is turned off, the magnetic field will disappear and the projectile will fly out from the other end of the barrel. But when the power source is turned off, a self-induction current is generated in the coil, which has a reverse current direction, and therefore changes the polarity of the coil. And this means that when the power source is suddenly turned off, the projectile that has flown through the center of the coil will repel and gain further acceleration. Otherwise, if the shell has not reached the center, it will slow down.

    1. 0
      31 March 2012 18: 34
      Wait a second ........

      where is the quote from? what kind of Igarr spoke of a Gaussian gun as an alternative to rail?
      Where is it?..
      Show .. please.
      1. io_stalin
        April 1 2012 19: 12
        For young chemists, physicists of the USSR, this is a passed stage.
        Wind an enameled wire on a tubular dielectric with a diameter of 20 mm, turn in, insert a chisel.
        When turned on in 220v, if the dielectric is securely fixed ....
        A chisel will fly lol
        Far and powerful ...
        Breaks through 12th plywood!
        This will happen if you have a bug instead of traffic jams.
        Then, going to the landing you will hear: "Do you have light?"(C) 198x g.
  17. SenyaYa
    31 March 2012 16: 48
    The soldiers would be dressed, shod and fed .... and they are all about super weapons !!
    31 March 2012 20: 12
    In the picture, it would be possible to draw a disk, not F-35 smile
    1. +1
      April 1 2012 00: 26
      It's a hint. While the file is finished, the combat lasers will appear. wassat
  19. mind1954
    April 1 2012 02: 46
    Yes, I do not believe the impudent bluff of this scum!
    The only thing you can expect from them is microwave spotlights
    to disperse the demonstrators!
  20. r.anoshkin
    April 1 2012 08: 25
    Well, I don’t believe it! The railgun except for a scam is no longer associated with anything .. They swell money, and as a result the bed is crawled (the soldier is sleeping, and she crushes the enemy) or the heated gene stool is warm, the Russian sat down, the Chinese sat down -the smoke has gone. Equip the usual weapons in the required quantity and quality first.
    1. 0
      April 1 2012 19: 46
      not why it is possible to do something. Only it will be the size of a battleship and it needs a personal nuclear reactor. laughing
  21. +2
    April 1 2012 10: 44
    Heh ... I read it, and I don’t even know how to relate to it ...
    At the end of the Cold War, the Yankees frightened the leadership of the Union with the "paper goat" of "Star Wars", and they were led, believed, millions went into dead-end branches ...
    So there are developments from Soviet times for anybody, at least proving "deadlock" or "promising" ... But even here a serious approach is needed, because all kinds of "false scientists" who can write anything were enough and enough under any government and in all the time.
    So I think that this is either our "counter-battery fight" on "scarecrows" launched against the States, or there really is something positive behind this, or another powerful "cut" is coming ... request
  22. 443190
    April 1 2012 10: 59
    Yes, our Minister of Defense can say anything ... But it looks like he created only one new weapon - POOR !!! While all countries were arming and developing, this eagle, in company with similar ones, successfully finished off the remnants of what was inherited from the USSR .... Continuous reforms ....
  23. Dmitry.V
    April 1 2012 11: 36
    I want to add a little, the laser beam is invisible, and will go on burning everything in its path.
    Geophysical weapons are possible and exist, of course I don't really believe in the transmissions, but in the "military secret" they said that there is such a bomb, it is dropped and by an unknown chemical reaction can cause a lot of rain, forming floods.
    And about the information weapon, or rather harmful programs, at the moment, and for the future, it will most of all harm the creators in the Pentagon.
    1. +5
      April 1 2012 11: 52
      The laser beam will reach exactly the point where its energy is absorbed. Until the first, as a rule. The beam is visible in a gaseous medium, more precisely, it is invisible only in a vacuum, where it has nothing to show disperse effects (scattering) on.
      There are no high-energy lasers with a continuous stream of radiation.
      And what you wrote is from S. Snegov ... a biological woman, the so-called. Good horror story.
      An unknown chemical reaction from which it rains, silver azide was initially atomized. Then it turned out that it was enough to spray the cement - and the moisture falling in the form of rain begins to condense on the grains of cement dust. And the whole trick. Extremely cheap and efficient (well, flights, of course, require money).
  24. +2
    April 1 2012 13: 07
    When the Americans in the 80s threw in millions for the development of laser and electromagnetic weapons, our leaders then also said that the projects were "bad" and they would not succeed. SDI is in the process of being completed today. The weapon has already been tested and is being produced.
    Discuss the next "bunch" of Serdyukov? After all, dollars turn a blind eye to this figure, and in his head there are only combinations for the sale of MO property. It is he who sleeps and sees - how to strengthen the country's defense? Don't make people laugh.
    1. 0
      April 1 2012 15: 21
      Come on, come on .... And what did they go into the series?
      Disposable satellites with chemical and thermonuclear pumping? belay
      Laser carriers? belay
      Satellites with missiles? belay
    2. 0
      April 1 2012 17: 18
      and you tell me what kind of rocket launchers do the Omerikachegov to withdraw such devices then talk.
      1. 0
        April 1 2012 19: 42
        Quote: leon-iv
        what are the omega

        Exactly, I somehow forgot about it lol
        Against the background of this problem, one can not even think about scattering a laser beam at long range laughing
  25. 0
    April 1 2012 14: 10
    holiday number 01.04))))
  26. io_stalin
    April 1 2012 18: 47
    The virus works with managed microcontrollers.
    A virus that can break popular SCADA systems and trigger actuators ...

    We should have one! And the means of struggle!
    Iran has already been punished!
  27. +1
    April 1 2012 19: 32
    Weapon 2100 year
    I do not believe that humanity will reach
  28. Aleksey67
    April 1 2012 19: 35
    The weapon of 2100 is a stone ax and a club. Since after TMV, nothing else shines for humanity. recourse
  29. Felix200970
    April 1 2012 19: 35
    But by and large it doesn’t matter: what a machine gun, what vodka (railgun, seismic weapon), just to knock down. laughing
  30. wk
    April 2 2012 03: 03
    read ... it seemed that the article was rewritten from the magazine "Yunny Technik" in the early 80s .... well, did you want to load a serious site with such a loaf?
  31. 0
    6 February 2015 22: 55
    All of these samples in the foreseeable future will at best be in the form of laboratory samples.
  32. 0
    20 October 2018 17: 01
    Quote: Aleksey67
    The weapon of 2100 is a stone ax and a club. Since after TMV, nothing else shines for humanity.

    This is unlikely - now, from 2018, it is gradually becoming clear that TMV will not be able to destroy the emerging distributed high-tech design and production tools, such as 3D printing and small-scale organic and inorganic synthesis, and, most likely, the war of the future after TMV will be a war of simple self-propelled microrobots, drones and dodgy mines; their hideouts, minidots and underground tunnels and will be printed with concrete by other minicomputers: most of all it will look like the old movie "Screamers".