Female denuding - nation extinction detonator

Female denuding - nation extinction detonatorThis is the conclusion of the academician-doctor who prepared the first Soviet cosmonauts and wrote a monumental study of stress ...

To get acquainted with Leonid Aleksandrovich Kitaev-Smyk I was prompted by a wave of publications on the Islamic Internet: a secular scientist independently came to terrible conclusions about the effects of modern fashion on the exposure in the female fashion. Yes, I thought, it’s one thing when theologians talk about such a delicate subject (and people far from religion think: “Here again about the hijab!”), And another thing when the modern analyst and experimenter cites arguments , and from the sphere altogether non-humanitarian: he began as a doctor and pharmacologist. At the meeting he brought a unique monograph, the result of his many years of work "The Psychology of Stress: The Psychological Anthropology of Stress." But in order not to succumb to stress, we drank Chinese tea and had the following conversation:

- The volume of your book is more than 900 pages, but only 4 pages are written about the influence of female outcrop as stress for men and the 1 graph is given. I understand that this is the sum, summing up of numerous experiments. But how did you yourself come to such a problem, what prompted you to tackle such a strange topic?

- I will not say the details, this is too personal. But one thing I will inform you: I myself went to the hospital, I was seriously ill.

I was visited by another scientific insight. And I began to investigate this phenomenon. Now in the book is the result: the chapter 3.1.8. “Oncological diseases of“ sexual stress ”. The whole book is devoted to various aspects of such a multifaceted phenomenon as stress, but among other things I wanted to understand the causes of oncology in men and women. Over the past decades, the disease of adenoma (benign tumor) and prostate cancer as an epidemic have affected men in European-American civilization . By the beginning of our century, adenoma is found in 40% of men, and in those older than 40, this is already half. In the US, pathologists revealed prostate cancer in 80% of men who died over the age of 60. In other words, many of them simply did not live to see the tragic manifestations of this disease. But the paradox: in Muslim countries there is no such growth of male oncology!

- But why? It would seem that Western countries have a more developed medicine and, in general, a higher standard of living.

- I came here to what conclusion. In countries dominated by “consumer society,” in recent decades, women's clothing has become the norm, emphasizing and revealing women's charms, in scientific terms, the secondary sexual characteristics of a woman. Became obsessive everyday naked female bellies and navels, as a symbol of what is below ... Just seductively annoying covered with stretch jeans, rounded shapes and more and more open neckline ...

I look at it as a physician, as a physiologist: all these are sexual signals that arouse lust in men. On average, an urban man sees such “signals” on 100-200 once a day - and from this he has lust, without getting a realization, is forced out into the subconscious. He does not seem to notice him, but at the same time the blood receives androgens. However - and it is here that the key to understanding the process (!) - androgens are thrown into the blood not in large (that is, oncologically safe) quantities, but with an average dosage that is carcinogenic.

As a result, often excited, but unsatisfied man gets from within his body such a carcinogenic, destructive attack, which leads to a cancer outcome.

- Sorry, but according to this logic, it turns out that any excitement should lead to sexual intercourse?

- Yes, this is the mechanism inherent in nature. Eros between a man and a woman is an instrument of the reproduction of the genus, it is in all manifestations of benefits and beneficial to the body. Therefore, by the way, religion encourages marriage and matrimonial relations.

I will give an example from the life of animals for clarity and understanding of physiology. The female instinctively seeks a better male, more capable of reproducing viable offspring - and at the same time rejects, rejects the worst males. But the lust of those still remains ... it is not satisfied and suppressed ...

The content of androgens in their blood is kept mid-high, that is, oncologically dangerous. They eventually lose potency, and then they develop cancer. This mechanism rejects weak, "not the best" males.

And in science, data are now accumulating that similar processes occur in humans. Therefore, the fashionable underlining of female charms, which provoke sexual desire in men, can be considered as the creation of "sexual stress." Because of it, a complex intra-organism complex of “sexual rejection” is turned on, culminating in impotence and even cancer. - And here is the explanation why the rich and developed nations of the West are dying out? - Yes, of course, this is one of the most important mechanisms. I made such a conclusion and I try to publicly bring it to everyone: fashion that exposes women leads European ethnic groups to depopulation (extinction). Their place on earth is replaced by peoples who preserve the chastity and secrecy of their women and thus also protect their men. First of all, these are the peoples of Islam.

“But there are peoples in Africa, Asia and South America, where they go not only half-naked, but just naked ... There is a hot climate there ... How are they?”

- And I will ask a counter question: do such peoples in general live long and individuals in particular? Is their culture and civilization high? Understand: the cult of the naked body, who seized the ancient Greeks and Romans, led them to extinction. Where are they now? Deleted from the map of the planet. Moreover, they are erased not so much by military actions, as they are destroyed from the inside. What the Bible and the Koran say about the inhabitants of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah is one of many examples. They went through self-destruction, violating the laws of nature and breaking its natural mechanisms (by the way, “sodomy,” homosexuality is the ultimate expression of that hedonism, the domination of sensuality, to which exposure to clothes leads).

But the peoples who observe the traditional values ​​of their ancestors are still alive. These are Muslim ethnic groups, but those, by the way, were also the ancestors of the modern Slavs. Look at the women's clothing of the XIX century in all Russian peoples: women's clothing covers the body with spacious, long-faced dresses, sundresses, never fitting the figure and in no way emphasizing the chest. These clothes are bright, festive, multicolored (often with an abundance of red), but by decorating a woman, she attracted a man ... without erotic appeals. Recall the old Russian expression “goof off”, that is, accidentally throw off a handkerchief, open hair, which means “make a mistake, do something stupid, which should be urgently corrected.” Look at the old Russian frescoes, icons and manuscripts, portraits of women of the last century, images of peasant women - you will see the culture of chastely beautiful women's clothing!

And many women of the XXI century literally dig the grave for men's health with their bare legs and deep cuts. Each beauty, going on a date in a topic, makes only one thing - a lucky one, and ten on the way - people with disabilities. Strippers in general can be called "weapons mass destruction ”, already turned the Western civilization into a society of sick men.

- But what can be specifically done so that Russia does not imitate the West in its extinction? Here, in fact, the difficulty is that we are a huge country with dozens of different nations and religions. Is it possible for everyone to do something together, so as not to disappear, like the ancient Greeks?

- Very simple. There are mechanisms to influence fashion as an expression of Beautiful and Prestigious - they are owned by the leaders of the nation, in particular, through the media. If they give a signal: “we will return the fashion a little bit back to the traditional forms of our peoples!” - and everything will be fine. I repeat: the culture of clothing was among all nations that adhere to religious traditions.

No need to call for thousands of years ago in the "golden age" - it is enough to return the optimal balance of beauty and health, found a true understanding of the purpose of clothing. So everything is in the hands of our leaders: will they show an example? I assure you: even the Chinese, who are now sheathing the whole world, will, according to our order, supply not “Western fashion”, but what we ask!
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  1. +26
    8 November 2017 06: 03
    Where did it come from? From the medical journal? And why here, and not at Maxim?
    1. dSK
      8 November 2017 07: 02
      In Christianity there is such a thing as "mortal sins." The theologian Aleksey Ilyich Osipov (http://alexey-osipov.ru/) often says that it is a sin to violate God's commandments, when a person sins, he harms himself first of all. The payback for sin is the reduction of life, up to premature death.
      Fornication - violation of the seventh commandment - "Do not commit adultery."
      1. +23
        8 November 2017 07: 39
        Quote from dsk
        "Do not commit adultery."

        and "verbiage" is not a sin? you start getting out with your sermons ... go to church to work, or to a church TV channel.
        1. +9
          8 November 2017 09: 23
          you start to get with your sermons ...

          Hehehe ... On the thief, the hat is on ... laughing
          1. +14
            8 November 2017 12: 10
            The article is interesting. However, not all the laws of the historical development of society should be explained by this phenomenon in political science.
            In general, pornography is also a means of destroying the people and society as a weapon of the post-war West against the USSR and the countries of socialism.
            Pornography at the physiological level excites a surge of sexual activity in the brain and in the body as a whole, but without the ability to satisfy it then there is a glut of information, which is expressed in subsequent prolonged impotence in men. A real woman not only does not excite them, but even pornographic images are already indifferent to them.
            Therefore, couples should never watch pornographic films and photographs! For this, in the end, leads young heterosexual couples to divorce! And then to the conversion of men to homosexuality. And in the end, to the demographic reduction of the country's population with the moral decay of the nation.
            Moreover, all this was laid down in the Dulles plan - immediately after WWII - the struggle of the West against the USSR, the socialist system and the countries of the socialist camp.
            All this is really a social weapon of the enemy aggressor against the victim country at the physiological level!
            1. +7
              8 November 2017 13: 15
              All this is really a social weapon of the enemy aggressor against the victim country at the physiological level!

              The victim of this weapon is the whole world. The country or countries taking measures of protection against these weapons will live on Earth, while others will become extinct. An example is an endangered Europe, and America is rolling there too. Russia needs to strike a shield of protection against this contagion. The battlefield - the Internet, theaters and cinemas, concert arenas of half-naked Western artists and all kinds of Pupsy and Femi ...
            2. +2
              8 November 2017 15: 55
              Quote: Tatiana
              For this, in the end, leads young heterosexual couples to divorce! And then to the conversion of men to homosexuality.

              So that’s why in the West they came to same-sex marriage. They wanted to live longer ... laughing Sorry, could not resist ... feel
              1. +6
                8 November 2017 16: 22
                So that’s why in the West they came to same-sex marriage. They wanted to live longer ... laughing

                Well, strangely, you reason!
                Firstly. Homosexuality also requires brain and physiological arousal for sexual activity. The difference is that if in a heterosexual intercourse with vaginal copulation, there is an exchange of sexual harmonies between a man and a woman and hormonal satisfaction occurs, then with a same-sex act, this heterosexual exchange does not occur. Therefore, homosexuals copulate more often with orgies - and exhaust themselves completely. But how much they will live then - I do not have these data. I think that homosexuality and lesbianism still shortens a person’s life.
                And secondly. Another aspect is that homosexuality ultimately leads to loneliness in old age, unless a person mentally shifts from the norm and dies prematurely.
                So, homosexuality alone does not lead to longevity.
                Good living conditions lead to longevity: material support, environmentally friendly food and living environment, good medical care, as well as freedom of useful creativity recognized by everyone, recognition of their usefulness to others - bringing great satisfaction in personal professional and creative life. For example, Mstislav Rostropovich (died at 80) and Galina Vishnevskaya (at 86).
                Men also live longer if they live in the circle of their family and are loved by loved ones until the end of their days. Women are also affected.
                1. +5
                  8 November 2017 16: 28
                  Quote: Tatiana
                  Homosexuality also requires brain and physiological arousal for sexual activity .... ... with a same-sex act, this heterosexual exchange does not occur. Therefore, homosexuals copulate more often with orgies - and exhaust themselves completely.
                  I hope that this cup has passed me and I will live long and in harmony. smile Spasbo Tatyana for an interesting excursion into the world of unusual relationships that I did not recognize. love
                2. +8
                  9 November 2017 00: 26

                  Irina Alferova:
                  "I am definitely gay negative.

                  I believe that marriage is possible, but it should be calm, without ostentatious parades and speeches. This is a very serious problem. It is not true that they do not affect normal people. A believer cannot relate to this normally. When I studied at GITIS, our teacher was gay. Very famous person. They came to him to study from all over Russia, there were many boys from simple peasant families - normal men. By the end of the course, the whole course turned blue. Therefore, I do not believe that gays are safe. I saw how aggressively these people act, how it spreads. I would not want my children to be affected. If someone has medical problems with this, then let them not behave so loudly, not so demonstratively.

                  I have seen many situations where they are seducing, how they make normal people crazy. I read the amazing autobiography of Jean Mare. When he was small, his teacher seduced him. He writes about it with such pain, appeals to parents: “Watch your children, look, check, because it’s very scary.” Then, when he grew up and became handsome, Jean Cocteau fell madly in love with him. Mare writes: “When he offered me cohabitation, it was very beautiful, as beautiful as talented Cocteau could do, I sat and thought to go this way and have everything — roles, recognition, because he promised to leave the world to feet, or stay normal. Unfortunately, I chose Cocteau and fame. ”

                  As you can see, all this is not so simple. And I do not understand how they are allowed to take a small child. This is a complete debauchery. The poor child will live in this. And he must have a father and mother. It is impossible, it terrifies me. Naturally, these children are already initially sick. God forbid, if they are lucky and they will meet on their way people who will save them. "
            3. +2
              8 November 2017 19: 57
              Quote: Tatiana
              At the physiological level, pornography arouses a surge of sexual activity in the brain and in the body as a whole, but without the ability to satisfy it, then there is a glut of information that is expressed in subsequent prolonged impotence in men

              hmm .. in between, they managed to create science, technology, art and much more, even feminism was invented by women.
              And this is all the merit of "unsatisfied fantasy for females" ... Yes, our civilization was formed precisely by a craving for a female ... realized and unrealized. Take a look around - everything is created by men, all art is about love (and death is also a very strong instinct)
              1. +5
                8 November 2017 23: 02
                Quote: Antares
                hmm .. in between, they managed to create science, technology, art and much more, even feminism was invented by women.

                You are mistaken, progress is not driven by the instinct of reproduction, but by laziness.
            4. +2
              8 November 2017 22: 41
              Quote: Tatiana
              The article is interesting. However, not all the laws of the historical development of society should be explained by this phenomenon in political science.
              In general, pornography is also a means of destroying the people and society as a weapon of the post-war West against the USSR and the countries of socialism.
              Pornography at the physiological level excites a surge of sexual activity in the brain and in the body as a whole, but without the ability to satisfy it then there is a glut of information, which is expressed in subsequent prolonged impotence in men. A real woman not only does not excite them, but even pornographic images are already indifferent to them.
              Therefore, couples should never watch pornographic films and photographs! For this, in the end, leads young heterosexual couples to divorce! And then to the conversion of men to homosexuality. And in the end, to the demographic reduction of the country's population with the moral decay of the nation.
              Moreover, all this was laid down in the Dulles plan - immediately after WWII - the struggle of the West against the USSR, the socialist system and the countries of the socialist camp.
              All this is really a social weapon of the enemy aggressor against the victim country at the physiological level!

              So ... pornography in the same States is quite popular ... or do they want to ruin themselves too? ))))
              And after adult films, a real woman is really exciting, just ... not every one))))
              Standards are changing, yes.
              1. +3
                8 November 2017 22: 53
                So ... pornography in the same States is quite popular ...
                Darling! You are not cut into the topic! There, pornography is already a huge business with heavy casualties!
                And after adult films, a real woman is really exciting, just ... not every one))))
                As I understand you, the wife is not even included in this cohort "not every one that excites" after watching porn movies! No. Or maybe not enter! laughing
                So I tell you about the same thing that families after such views fall apart! drinks
                And about impotence - this is generally a separate conversation. hi
                1. +2
                  9 November 2017 10: 56
                  Quote: Tatiana
                  As I understand you, the wife is not even included in this cohort "not every one that excites" after watching porn movies! No. Or maybe not enter! laughing
                  So I tell you about the same thing that families after such views fall apart! drinks
                  And about impotence - this is generally a separate conversation. hi

                  Is not a fact. And if the wife is much better than the one in the porn movie? And families, on the contrary, are preserved if the wives begin to reach the level of virgins in films, because what a man does not receive from his wife, he receives from another woman.
                  1. +5
                    9 November 2017 13: 10
                    And families, on the contrary, are preserved if the wives begin to reach the level of virgins in films, because what a man does not receive from his wife, he receives from another woman.
                    Ha! Well, you men only think about yourself! Look at yourself sometimes!
                    With a bald head on his head, with false teeth in his mouth, with hair on his back, with a beer belly hanging over his "pride", some crooked-legged and crooked-armed ones - what for you will need your wife after watching a porn movie together!
                    She also wants to have the perfect macho in bed, not you! And she will certainly find someone else to whom to offer and provide her “caresses”!
                    1. +1
                      9 November 2017 16: 41
                      I agree, for the process is double-edged, but fortunately demography in Russia is for men so far.
              2. +6
                8 November 2017 23: 03
                Quote: Krasnodar
                So ... pornography in the same States is quite popular ... or do they want to ruin themselves too? ))))

                The top of the United States is cosmopolitan and does not consider the people of the United States to be their own; on the contrary, they seek to reduce the golden billion to a more modest figure in order to reduce costs.
            5. +3
              11 November 2017 19: 18
              Quote: Tatiana
              A real woman not only does not excite them, but even pornographic images are already indifferent to them. Therefore, couples should never watch pornographic films and photographs! For this, in the end, leads young heterosexual couples to divorce! And then to the conversion of men to homosexuality.

              It's not about ours .... Fyodorych and Petrovich are sitting in a smoking room and smoking thoughtfully. Then Fedoritch said: “Did you hear that there will be no Indian summer this year?” To which Petrovich thoughtfully asks: “But will there be women?” Or go where? ... - Women then? Women will be! - answers Fedorovich. Petrovich, taking another puff: - Well, to hell then with him, with this Indian summer, the main thing is that the women will not go anywhere!
        2. +7
          8 November 2017 12: 38
          Grandfather, you're wrong! Atheists are like cowardly ostriches. The search for truth and the more following its laws imposes a lot of responsibility. The atheist is guided by the moral principles of ethics, and the believer is also spiritual. Between the moral and moral concepts of the spiritual abyss.
          1. +13
            8 November 2017 13: 24
            Are you believers claiming the truth? And even on her search!
            Yes, more remote from the truth than you can not imagine.
            1. +4
              8 November 2017 14: 00
              Who else? justify ... Atheists in their pride everything is clear from the beginning!)))
              1. +4
                8 November 2017 23: 11
                Quote: Tilkus75
                Who else? justify ...

                The search for truth is a search for knowledge and has nothing to do with Faith. If a person seeks truth, then Faith is not enough in him.
                Quote: Tilkus75
                Atheists, by their pride, everything is initially clear!)))

                This is your phrase, it is so idiotic, delete immediately while no one has seen.
          2. +4
            8 November 2017 23: 09
            Quote: Tilkus75
            Atheists are like cowardly ostriches.

            It’s just the opposite, it is the faithful cowardly shift the responsibility to someone outsider - God, nature, aliens.
            Quote: Tilkus75
            The atheist is guided by the moral principles of ethics, and the believer is also spiritual.

            These are all your conjectures - who is guided by what, in reality, believers do not follow these very “spiritual” principles.
      2. dSK
        8 November 2017 07: 42
        Well-disciplined and organized Roman warriors, when they conquered the east, grabbed harems with countless treasures. In Rome began to arrange feasts and mass orgies. And gradually the Roman army "decomposed." As the saying goes: "with fat - rage." Then from the north came crowds of hungry and evil Huns, and Italy remained from the Roman Empire. The demolition of modern Christian Europe is the same story. There they "etched out" such a thing as "strict fasting." In Orthodoxy, before Communion, fasting is required, at least three days. Osipov in his lectures, gives an example (when he was in the west) - after the restaurant, Catholics say: now we will go to Mass and take communion.
        To win, you must become stronger than the enemy, or "weaken" him. The British Indians threw infected blankets to the American Indians, and the Indians who did not have any immunity to European diseases died out en masse.
        1. +23
          8 November 2017 07: 59
          Quote from dsk
          Well-disciplined and organized Roman warriors, when they conquered the east, grabbed harems with countless treasures. In Rome began to arrange feasts and mass orgies. And gradually the Roman army "decomposed."

          Do you think if it were not for the harems, the Roman Empire would still flourish? laughing
          There is no need to be a believer in order to understand that everyone will die out. You. I. European Union. USA. China. Muslims. Russia. Everyone will someday die out and be replaced by some other form of culture. These are the laws of nature, they are inevitable. A man is born, lives, dies. He always dies, whether he was fornication or was a believer.
          Well, I'll be having fun with the young ladies. Well? In the article, they threaten me with cancer after 60 years. God, how scary. After 60 years, it’s so fun without cancer there that actually it’s not up to the young ladies already. And if you don’t have fun with the young ladies, then after 60 they will give me another hundred years? Or is there, besides oncology, hypertension, sclerosis, ischemia, arthrosis and so on? Not from one, duck from another - all the same, the end will be. The young ladies are definitely not in the forefront of danger here. I think that if you get carried away by the young ladies, but do not drink, do not smoke, monitor your health, play sports, then even after 60, everything may not be so sad. The main thing is common sense and knowledge of the measure.
          1. +3
            8 November 2017 08: 51
            Quote: Alex_59
            The main thing is common sense and knowledge of the measure.

            and an article about the same. That's just a mistake, in the article, there was no decomposition in the Roman army, it was at the top. Caligula, Nero ...
          2. +7
            8 November 2017 09: 07
            The booze and the smoke are also not so straightforward ... There were two friends who did not drink, did not smoke, did moderate sports, and were not particularly keen on women ..
            One at 34 years old took and did not wake up, the heart just stopped, the second at 29 turned off from a stroke.
            And there is one person who 38 (thirty eight!) Years later thumps a day and at least that! Plows like an ox.
            So guess ...
        2. +34
          8 November 2017 08: 25
          Quote from dsk
          As the saying goes: "with fat - rage."

          Do not judge, let not you judge
          The sin of gluttony

          Sin of pride

          A church that has lost God, is mired in sins - it is hypocritical of its people. And this is also a sin.
          I am not an atheist, but despise ecclesiastical sinners with their hypocritical sermons.
          Well and the main thing - "what is pop and such is the parish"
          On this topic, sinners in HE can be closed - the detonator of the extinction of the nation, this is the decline of spirituality, starting from the church.
          1. FID
            8 November 2017 08: 55
            Quote: insular
            I am not an atheist, but despise ecclesiastical sinners with their hypocritical sermons.

            I apologize, I'm an atheist (not militant), but I fully support you! Church servants cannot (or MUST NOT) amuse their MOMONS!
            1. +1
              8 November 2017 09: 03
              Quote: SSI
              Church servants cannot (or MUST NOT) amuse their MOMONS!

              They are simply illiterate and have not read Russian classics

              The cat will also have mouse tears. But it will be late to repent laughing
              1. FID
                8 November 2017 09: 11
                Probably .... My grandmother was TRUE believer, her father (priest) was shot in the revolution, but she always said that ANY power is from God, if she cares and THINKS about the simplest people forgotten by all! And God forbid this very power .... I apologize, but the current government has forgotten everything ...
                1. +2
                  8 November 2017 09: 21
                  Quote: SSI
                  but she always said that ANY power is from God, if she cares and THINKS about the simplest people forgotten by all!

                  You misunderstood your grandmother.
                  Any power from God, namely any power that everyone deserves, including the simplest people forgotten by all.
                  1. FID
                    8 November 2017 09: 44
                    Quote: bober1982
                    just any power that everyone deserves

                    Well, well ... Long live and live forever .... You deserve it ... I owe nothing to this power ...
                    1. 0
                      8 November 2017 23: 35
                      Quote: SSI
                      I do not owe this power ...

                      The more you deny yourself power, the more you deny power.
                      1. FID
                        9 November 2017 08: 43
                        Quote: Setrac
                        The more you deny yourself power, the more you deny power.

                        Well, thank you to her ... She has already disowned me for a long time ... Another conversation is that if she calls, then I will completely disown, for now, it’s insulting to the state (though, the former) ....
              2. +1
                8 November 2017 09: 57
                Quote: insular
                The cat will also have mouse tears. But it will be late to repent

                The last times are coming, if it goes on at such a pace, then the new “godless” five-year plans are not far off, and the ghost of the new Gubelman (nickname - Emelian Yaroslavsky) will begin to loom. Nothing new, everything repeats.
          2. +2
            8 November 2017 10: 36
            God gave me to write poetry
            And then the hassle went:
            I got for sins
            The knowledge of the prophet.
            Oh my wretched life
            My song is the best.
            It’s a pity that God needs me
            Just like a lost sheep.
            Lose, lose me, please
            And then everything hiccups to me.
            After all, for that I sin
            To repent later.

            And I really like that sheep
            And there is a quagmire around.
            If anyone did not know the father,
            How does he know his son?
            And among the prophets of all stripes, -
            Oh, white clothes,
            And on God in power
            There is no hope.
            If you want someone - if you want someone to go, ask -
            "How hard it is to be a ruler!"
            There, the patriarch of all Russia -
            And the one with the bodyguard.

            And I wave the glass, and look -
            There’s no more fear
            And I'll go for a walk
            Yes, without body armor!

            There is a demand for Russia now,
            The pops have sold out,
            Christ embroidered in gold
            Oh yes on the red flag.
            Wandering truth in wine
            We have fun
            And goosebumps
            From His teachings:
            Like, if you throw bread to the dogs,
            You’ll forget about the children,
            But do not judge others, and yourself
            Yes, you will not be judged.

            And better - give everything to the poor, -
            Truths are simple.
            Oh, give us any faith, -
            And there will be saints for you.

            And with us - and with us today they drink.
            Don’t ask, I’m not in uniform!
            Do you hear the angels sing:
            "Hotel California".
            And I would use cucumbers on the table
            Straight from the garden
            Yes, the king would be on the throne
            To the Russian people.
            But ... That saint, and that prophet -
            There is no sadder story ...
            However, holiness is not a vice,
            If you live according to conscience.
            1. +7
              8 November 2017 11: 18
              Quote: Overlock
              God gave me to write poetry

              God gave the talent to write poetry and songs not to you, but to the wonderful person Viktor Tretyakov. If you do not indicate the author of the text in your comment, then there will be no respect for you.
            2. 0
              8 November 2017 12: 09
              Quote: Overlock
              Do you hear the angels sing:
              "Hotel California".

              For some reason, many poets and writers are drawn to the devilry, under any authority, with the Hotel California, the author of the verses clearly went too far, given that this hotel itself is a sinister place.
          3. +2
            8 November 2017 14: 45
            Unfortunately, people like you can only throw replicas in the style of the political leaders and insert banal pictures that have nothing to do with Orthodoxy! However, it is difficult to blame a person who has been taught all his life how not to believe in God! It would be much more honest if, along with dialectical materialism, you were given at least the basics of theology! Yes, and best of all based not on Catholic heresies and the Old Testament, but on the gospel and patristic literature! I apologize in advance if I offended anyone.
            1. 0
              9 November 2017 11: 11
              Well, at the Council of Nicaea, the majority with the help of focus adopted the symbol of Faith, from which the founder of the sect Shimon (Peter) would stand on end his hair.
              1. 0
                9 November 2017 13: 10
                Quote: zoolu350
                Well, at the Council of Nicaea, the majority with the help of focus adopted the symbol of Faith, from which the founder of the sect Shimon (Peter) would stand on end his hair.

                What a trick! Very interesting!
                1. +1
                  9 November 2017 17: 05
                  At the same Council, St. Spyridon showed against the Arians a clear evidence of Oneness in the Holy Trinity. Having made the sign of the Cross, he took a plinth in his right hand, an ordinary clay brick, and squeezed it: “In the name of the Father!” - and at that moment fire burst up from the plinth. The saint continued: “And the Son!”, Water flowed down, ““ and the Holy Spirit! ” And, opening his palm, he showed the dry clay remaining on it, from which the plinf was fashioned. “Here are three elements, and one plinth,” said St. Spyridon then, “and in the Most Holy Trinity, there are Three Persons, and the Divine is One” [ibid., P. 21].
        3. +1
          8 November 2017 11: 03
          Quote from dsk
          Well-disciplined and organized Roman warriors, ....

          ... and the “Iron Romans” were once beaten by the true “fighting ...” thanks to sincere “male love” and military coherence ...
          Centurion used to say:
          -Although it won't be easy,
          save from the smoothness of a comrade point.
          More importantly there are no tasks in battle than keeping a friend's rear!
          A harsh soldier - a tunic, a cloak, a simple barracks life.
          And the warrior’s heart beats faster ... but not in the chest,
          Calm, impudent look at the battle pi ...
          Enemies will not guess - the front poke no sense
          Only the sphincters shrink and keep their secret.
          But if a friend lost his strength and collapsed without breathing,
          You throw a couple of incentives and provide a massage!
          Straight! Like a shot, like an order! And though "memento mori",
          Eyes will open n ..... with and will return to duty.
          And often you don’t understand right away, but understand Post Factum,
          You get others to the heart only by fucking well.
          "Vivere militare est!" - we will not deny.
          If God does not betray, he will not eat pig!
          But the truth is "Cave canem!"
        4. +1
          8 November 2017 20: 02
          Quote from dsk
          Well-disciplined and organized Roman warriors, when they conquered the east, grabbed harems with countless treasures

          mankind has known harem for a very long time. The Romans did not learn about them from the Oriental. The same Carthage, there were harems. However, the presence of a powerful enemy holds the nation together. In the fight against a similar system, Rome became great. However, it went beyond the boundaries of its natural range and evolution stopped. The absence of a common enemy + the end of development + climate change - Rome has resisted this for a very long time. Its analogues rested faster from such enemies.
        5. +1
          9 November 2017 11: 02
          Not the right reason. The adoption of the ideas of the Jewish Christian sect as a state religion was one of the reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire.
      3. +1
        9 November 2017 14: 55
        why immediately "fornication"?
        The Germans have a proverb on this topic: "Appetite can be obtained on the street, and satisfy at home" laughing

        and the "scientist" obviously went to the roof. Maybe due to lack of sex, maybe just women do not give? Could it just be worth a shower? tongue
    2. +2
      8 November 2017 10: 13
      Probably bromine will again appear in the soldiers menu.
    3. 0
      8 November 2017 16: 59
      Again from the series "I think so." Each statement should be based on evidence obtained in the course of an experiment or many years of observation. Otherwise, we can assume that the author projects his fear on others.
    4. dSK
      11 November 2017 04: 02
      Text of the ten commandments on the synodal translation of the Bible.
      1. I am the Lord your God; May there be no bozi ini, except for Mena.
      2. Do not make yourself an idol, and any likeness, an elik in the heavens mountain, and an elik on the earth below, and an elik in the waters under the earth; do not bow to them, nor serve them. (for I am the Lord, your God, a jealous God, punishing children for the guilt of the fathers of the third and fourth kind, who hate me, and do mercy to a thousand generations to those who love me and keep my commandments.)
      3. Do not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; For the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who utters His name in vain.
      4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Work six days, and do all your work; and the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God: do not do anything on this day neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your slave, nor your slave, nor your cattle, nor the stranger who is in your dwellings. For in six days the Lord created heaven and earth, the sea and everything that is in them; and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
      5. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.
      6. Dont kill.
      7. Do not commit adultery.
      8. Do not steal.
      9. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.
      10. Do not desire your neighbor's house; Do not desire your neighbor's wife, nor his slave, nor his slave, nor his ox, nor his ass, nothing that your neighbor has.
  2. +5
    8 November 2017 06: 07
    Maybe a detonator, but, however, it's still beautiful. I am for exposing! Give exposures large and different!
    1. +4
      8 November 2017 08: 04
      Quote: Putin
      I am for exposing! Give exposures large and different!

      With our climate, took off a down jacket - consider bare wassat laughing So good by little, expect a short summer
    2. +6
      8 November 2017 08: 52
      The problem is that sometimes I want to say, cover the cow where you pulled the Circassian saddle on yourself!
      1. +7
        8 November 2017 10: 49
        Quote: Vasya Vassin
        The problem is that sometimes I want to say, cover the cow where you pulled the Circassian saddle on yourself!

        To which she can answer: hide your beer belly, do not portray a gastropod in a stretch T-shirt and skin-tight jeans! put on a shirt ... classic pants ... if they fit! If not - well, "Zaporozhye bloomers" ...
  3. +4
    8 November 2017 06: 20
    Is logical. Plus.
    1. +5
      8 November 2017 08: 20
      Quote: Razvedka_Boem
      Is logical. Plus.

      Female denuding - nation extinction detonator

      not a detonator but a symptom
    2. +5
      8 November 2017 10: 12
      Yes, in general, “nude” and “near nude” should be smaller. Two times. But then the ladies will have to attract men with other qualities ... borsch, children and others, and this is for our contemporaries nudar below the waist. An attractive "nude" is a direct investment in yourself, which can immediately be carried away to another ... "sponsor".
  4. +11
    8 November 2017 06: 49
    There is a proposal to the academician: to conduct a study among Arabs and other blacks who have invaded Europe now - how many of the faithful have received brain cancer from seeing the system ... (crossed out) the charms of European femins.
    I ask you to direct your share of the fee for the idea to help these very poor fellows.
  5. +11
    8 November 2017 06: 54
    The recipe for salvation - the US urgently enacts a law on freedom of masturbation in public places. laughing It will be quite in the trend of all these new “freedoms” and “human rights”.

    Exposure is not a detonator of extinction, but a visible sign of a nation’s degradation, precisely because it is associated with sodomy, the third sex, transhamadrilism and other progressive trends of modern democracy.
    1. +2
      8 November 2017 07: 45
      Quote: Gormengast
      Exposure is not a extinction detonator, but a visible sign of a nation’s degradation - precisely because ...
      in the USSR this was not allowed, there were the concepts of morality, morality, decency. and now, "freedom"! well before the "pid, parades" did not come! so the question is to the government ...
    2. +1
      8 November 2017 15: 04
      Quote: Gormengast
      Exposure is not a extinction detonator, but a visible sign of a nation’s degradation

      Therefore, the best remedy for exposure is a burqa and no temptations ..... And the guillotine helps best of dandruff ...
      Judging by the tone of the article, the author has obvious problems in relations with the female sex or, most likely, the absence of any relations — he elevated this to the rank of a world problem. People like to blame others for what they can’t do for various reasons ... How to relate to a naked body is a personal matter for everyone, give free rein to hypocrites - they even put on swimsuits and swimming trunks on ancient Greek statues .. because for them it just a naked woman and nothing more. am
      PS In the USSR, there was no “sex”, but the people never learned to breed by budding ...
  6. +19
    8 November 2017 06: 57
    Question about "Shaw the designer smoked?" suggests itself.
    And about the examination of Muslim men, one thing can be said - there is no one to examine, for the most part there are not enough specialist doctors there.
    A. Tolstoy wrote well about total exposure in “Emigrants” - 10 of millions of selected males were killed on the battlefields, so women shortened their skirts to a minimum. So it was written about the First World War, then it was only worse.
    1. +3
      8 November 2017 07: 17
      Quote: inkass_98
      Question about "Shaw the designer smoked?" suggests itself.
      And about the examination of Muslim men, one thing can be said - there is no one to examine, for the most part there are not enough specialist doctors there.
      A. Tolstoy wrote well about total exposure in “Emigrants” - 10 of millions of selected males were killed on the battlefields, so women shortened their skirts to a minimum. So it was written about the First World War, then it was only worse.

      Quite right - the diagnosis in Muslim countries is worse, an autopsy after death is usually not done, and as for stress for men at the sight of “stripping” or from striptease ... for people of his generation and people of Arab countries this is yes ... dangerous overexcitation )))
  7. +26
    8 November 2017 07: 11
    The article is old, I read in some magazine 3-4 years ago. The extinction of the nation is not facilitated by the exposure of women, but by the poverty of young families, drug addiction, alcoholism, aggressive consumerism and homosexuality.
    1. +4
      8 November 2017 08: 57
      Quote: Nonna
      The extinction of the nation is not facilitated by the exposure of women, but by the poverty of young families,

      the extinction of the nation is facilitated by a too wide gap in world outlook, between the upper classes (elites) and the lower classes - the bulk.
    2. +6
      8 November 2017 10: 42
      Quote: Nonna
      The article is old, I read in some magazine 3-4 years ago. The extinction of the nation is not facilitated by the exposure of women, but by the poverty of young families, drug addiction, alcoholism, aggressive consumerism and homosexuality.

      Yes, right!
      The influence of "exposure" is, of course, a "scientific and medical fact"; but - in comparison with the above just slightly ...
    3. 0
      8 November 2017 23: 44
      Quote: Nonna
      The extinction of the nation is not facilitated by the exposure of women, but by the poverty of young families, drug addiction, alcoholism, aggressive consumerism and homosexuality.

      The extinction of the nation contributes to well-being and developed social assistance.
  8. +18
    8 November 2017 07: 31
    Lord, what nonsense.
    In countries dominated by the "consumer society", in recent decades, women's clothing has become the norm, emphasizing and exposing women's charms
    What are the charms? Have you seen these American cows? What is the exposure that they are there to bare? According to this logic, it is precisely here in Russia that we should suffer the most, because our girls are the best.
    fashion that exposes women leads European ethnic groups to depopulation (extinction).
    Yes, of course, this is the only reason. And the transition to a post-industrial society, where it is not necessary to breed for the sake of increasing the number of working hands, this is garbage.
    Understand: the naked body cult that captured the ancient Greeks and Romans led them to extinction.
    Yes, naked boobs are certainly more dangerous than the resettlement of peoples, the arrival of barbarians, and more.
    Look at women's clothing of the XIX century among all Russian peoples:
    Well, look at women's clothing of the 19th century among dying Europeans. And find ten differences. No differences? Bingo! Clothes are the same closed! However - a trend!
    - But what can be done specifically so that Russia does not imitate the West in its extinction? .... - Very simple.
    Yes, finally. Nowhere is easier. All you need to get people to work, do not drink, do not smoke, run in the morning, do not eat fast food and fried, monitor your health, do not play all night in WOT and even the little things. Although what I mean ... Tits outweigh all this by destructive power, of course.
  9. +2
    8 November 2017 07: 49
    Yeah ... There is also such a term: "winter love." This is when our beautiful ladies, dressed seasonally in the winter season, in fur clothes, become wonderfully attractive for men's looks. And that is characteristic of no "exposure". So where should the beautiful half go? Bare is bad, fur is bad. Sitting at home and not showing anyone?
    1. +7
      8 November 2017 08: 01
      Quote: Avenich
      There is also such a term: "winter love."

      Come on, it’s only winter. In our climate, it’s not painful to have some fun in spring and autumn. And in the summer sometimes just a couple of weeks - how lucky.
      In general, the residents of the Krasnodar Territory, of course, according to the author of the article, are in danger. There, obviously, bareness can reach six months - the only place in the Russian Federation! Be careful there!
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. +1
    8 November 2017 08: 05
    Now the process of forming a “new” person has accelerated, this is a process of destruction and depreciation of a person. A real mutation is taking place, human nature itself is being modified. And this process itself is certainly not without extraneous “help”, and the problems that are mentioned in the article are an integral part turning a person into a "mutant."
  12. ZVO
    8 November 2017 08: 15
    Oh and bullshit ...

    But the paradox: in Muslim countries there is no such growth in male oncology!

    Yes, everything is very simply explained - by the level of medical care.

    In them, in Muslim countries, medicine appeared (if it appeared in our understanding) no more than 20-30 years ago.
    And the majority of Muslim countries do not know medicine at all, and even more so are gender different.
    Type of gynecologists or urologists.
    They die like flies from all sores.
    They still have a natural selection.
    They just never kept statistics.

    If now they are delivered massively medicine of our level, then they will all begin to live for 90-100 years.
    Because the strongest genes that have grown in the selection of natural. Yes, multiplied by modern medicine - gives just such a level.
    But after 2-3 generations, everything will weaken.
    the level of "strong genes" will slide to zero - for medicine will nursing all weakened and non-viable in vivo.
    genetic slag will accumulate.
    Similar. as it is now accumulated among Europeans, Americans, and especially Russians.
    Why especially Russian-but because. that the average level of medicine for the average person in the Soviet Union was an order of magnitude higher than any other country in the world.
    Our "mid-hospital" level was not accessible to anyone.
    And we have saved garbage genes - much more, simply thanks to good medicine.
    So we are now weakened in reality then.

    When Muslims pass 3-4 generations with normal medicine, all of our sores will manifest themselves in them.
    These are the laws of development. You cannot run away from them.

    And the reduction in the birth rate is to increase the “role of women” - the feminization of society.
    Failure from Kinder, Kunhe. Kirche.
    All-round development of the cult of consumption.
    Atomization of society.

    after all, the rejection of family values ​​leads to double consumption.
    For two separately living people it is necessary:
    2 houses
    2 kitchen sets
    2 baths
    2 machines
    2 washers
    2 plates
    2 refrigerators
    2 washing powders
    and so on, all in double amount.

    An atomized society - it becomes "every man for himself."
    It will not rise in rebellion.
    It will not protect the family - for there is no family.
    and children interfere with feminization. do not give a career, earn loot.
    be self-sufficient and self-confident.
    And start a house of 30 cats -).

    Insanity at this physiologist.
    In the tribes of Amazonia or Africa - women constantly go naked.
    But they didn’t die out. but still live.
    their fertility indicators depend only on the abundance of the season.
    1. +1
      8 November 2017 08: 22
      Why especially Russian-but because. that the average level of medicine for the average person in the Soviet Union was an order of magnitude higher than any other country in the world.

      To do this, a completely prohibitive amount of resources. Wed life expectancy now exceeds the late Soviet.
      1. ZVO
        8 November 2017 08: 33
        Quote: EvilLion

        To do this, a completely prohibitive amount of resources. Wed life expectancy now exceeds the late Soviet.

        Yes, we had "unfinished" branches of medicine. The same oncological system into which hundreds of billions are now being swelled was at zero until the early 2000s.

        But the average accumulation of drugs in organisms and the subsequent weakening of genes was the strongest. they have been feeding antibiotics since the 40s and until now have been indiscriminately altogether.
        1. +1
          8 November 2017 12: 37
          Quote: ZVO
          Yes, we had "unfinished" branches of medicine. The same oncological system into which hundreds of billions are now being swelled was at zero until the early 2000s.

          But the average accumulation of drugs in organisms and the subsequent weakening of genes was the strongest. they have been feeding antibiotics since the 40s and until now have been indiscriminately altogether.

          And because - cancer was a rather rare disease! And now it’s become a "disease of the century"!
          Has such a psychic emerged long ago - well, not a disease, but rather a "condition" - autism? Now it is "popular" in the USA ...
          Something is wrong with American children. They suffer from allergies, asthma, anxiety disorders, autoimmune diseases, autism, and hyperactivity. They are scattered and unable to learn. 32 million American children - or 43% of them - suffer from at least one of the 20 chronic diseases, not counting obesity. In addition, the incidence of previously rare pediatric disorders such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), type 1 diabetes and Tourette syndrome is increasing, although only a small number of studies combine this data. Compared to the generation of their parents, today's children are four times more likely to develop chronic diseases. While their grandparents in childhood may never have taken a single pill, the current generation of children embodies the dream of a pharmaceutical company sales agent: more than a million American children under the age of five take psychiatric drugs. More than 8.3 million children under the age of 17 have used psychiatric drugs at least once, and in any month of the year, one in four takes at least one prescription drug for something.
          Vaccinated and unvaccinated children: a Mawson study found who is healthier https://www.planet-kob.ru/news/20171104/6592
          Finally, it begins to occur to many people - that medicine as a science once (not so long ago ...) made a “turn in the wrong direction”!
          1. +5
            8 November 2017 13: 23
            Quote: CONTROL
            And because - cancer was a rather rare disease! And now it’s become a "disease of the century"!

            Do you know why? Because those who, in theory, could get cancer, died before they got sick from hundreds of other diseases. And now, these hundreds of diseases have become curable. People began to live longer. They do not die like flies from a flu or pneumonia, which was the norm in the middle of the twentieth century. They are treated, and live on. And once they survive to cancer. This is the first. And secondly. A simple example. Introduce the 1930 years. Collective farmers work in the field. Harvest. Suddenly bam - one woman became ill. Fell. Died. From what? God knows him. Who will sort it out? Do not take all the women who died in the field to Moscow for such a purpose, and in the district center, doctors only treat poisoning and colds. So they bury - the point has died. No one knows why. And now? And now - the diagnosis! Know exactly what. And if that woman from 30's was examined today, then ... bah! Yes, she had cancer! She also complained that her head often hurts. Here it is!

            That cancer of years through 50 will win. And humanity will have a new "disease of the century." Any new muck. To which we also do not live now. And in 50 years we will survive.
            1. 0
              8 November 2017 20: 09
              Quote: Alex_59
              And humanity will have a new "disease of the century."

              the better medicine, the more diseases (paradox, but medicine gives a chance to survive for those who had little chance to live and multiply, and makes it possible to recover and live longer)
              Now medicine has a pretty tough nut-cardiovascular ...
              For example, we learned how to defeat mass epidemics and viruses (although all the same in Africa) - raised the bar by another couple of decades.
              Earlier, if you look at Russia-20 for 30 years, it was good for the peasants, and the children died like flies. Then, up to 40, up to 50, there was already another jerk. Each spurt every decade is billions and millions of works of scientists.
    2. 0
      8 November 2017 09: 36
      The average Soviet patient in the early 80s received treatment corresponding to the 60th in the West.
      1. ZVO
        8 November 2017 11: 29
        Quote: Krasnodar
        The average Soviet patient in the early 80s received treatment corresponding to the 60th in the West.

        In America, more than 30% of the population simply never received medical treatment.
        Less than 20% of the population used full-fledged medicine.
        The rest from time to time.
        The terms of the medical examination in the sense that we have are still not there.

        Accordingly, that handful of those provided with money and insurance, with high-quality treatment, is a drop in the ocean and has no role in the "general temperature in the hospital" ...
    3. 0
      8 November 2017 11: 56
      You have all reasoned and detailed laid out on the shelves. I agree with all points that your conclusions do not cause any contradictions, that’s who needs to write scientific papers on the topics mentioned!
  13. +3
    8 November 2017 08: 19
    The glory of psychiatry! Although no, she works poorly, the "doctor" is still at large. Or maybe latent homosexuality, or psychological trauma, I accidentally saw my mother in 5 years and can’t recover from stress.
  14. +5
    8 November 2017 08: 39
    The topic of boobs is not fully disclosed! He said -a-, we must say -b-.
    What are we reading? Unsatisfied excitation is fraught with a transition to a qualitatively different resonance. It is necessary to ejaculate, then. I saw legs from the neck and boobs under the ears - therefore. need to erupt. As you want, but it is necessary, so as not to catch cancer by the age of 65.
    Means what? We increase the number of sex shops with toys, open public houses and a brothelier, place volunteer workers in all places where this goes.
    Moreover - the easiest way out! We force ALL polls to walk with deaf masks on their faces. So that they would just discover the road and avoid the pillars. And lovely ladies, even if they go naked naked, in Naryan-Mar it’s the very thing, or in Norilsk.
    It is clear that not all men and boys will want to go with masks. Well, it’s not difficult, there is a way out. At about the beginning of the ripening period, we gouge out all the male eyes. And no masks are needed. And save on ophthalmologists. And since the blind do not serve, we will reduce the army. Output?
    How much nonsense to read. Well, even if there is a rational kernel in such studies. But, because nature invented all this, and worked for thousands, millions of generations. So it needs nature.
    At one time he was a homebuilder, girls were forcibly married off. Well, let's continue the tradition - violence, violence, violence. If you don’t want prostatitis at 65, we gouge out your eyes; if you want, we leave it. And we roll all the women into the carpets, and cut a hole, as in "Operation Y" Shurik cut through. Oh damn. Two holes. Or three, you also need to eat rolled up.
    Some kind of circus. Autumn aggravation.
    1. +2
      8 November 2017 08: 59
      Quote: Bashibuzuk
      so as not to catch cancer by the age of 65.

      This is a mistake, there is no connection, the diseases are caught for completely different reasons, maybe this is so - grandfather drank drunkenly, and the granddaughter will have to disentangle the cancer.
      1. +1
        8 November 2017 09: 24
        Duc ..... it's not me who claims. And the article says this. I just threw extra five years, I did.
        But in general, having thought a little, I came to the conclusion that I really do not miss a look, really, beautifully built, elegant girl, woman. But I, if thoughts come, that it would be nice ... uhh ... to discharge with this charming creature - then besides the thought, nothing else moves. For nearby is my own, charming creature. Just the same, as something passing by. Yes, and not requiring anew to produce "Polovtsian dances" and so on.
        On this and calm down. And I attribute prostatitis about age, well, such a life.
        So, I see some stretch, after all, in the studies of the doctor who trained the astronauts. Looks like this respected comrade got tired of looking only at dozens of peasants, there weren’t a lot of astronauts.
        Here, according to Freud and Jung, and rushing ......... and also - sticks out.
        1. +3
          8 November 2017 09: 42
          Quote: Bashibuzuk
          Here, according to Freud and Jung, and rushing ..

          I agree, the article is unsuccessful. By the way, this topic is familiar to clergy, philosophers, psychologists and special services, and the author talks about some designers.
        2. +5
          8 November 2017 09: 48
          Quote: Bashibuzuk
          But in general, having thought a little, I came to the conclusion that I really do not miss a look, really, beautifully built, elegant girl, woman. But I, if thoughts come, that it would be nice ... uhh ... to discharge with this charming creature - then besides the thought, nothing else moves. For nearby is my own, charming creature.

          By the way, yes! I noticed that sometimes on a hot summer day having seen enough of "all sorts of interesting things" on the street, in the evening with my own wife everything happens more energetically, more fun, more energetic. )))))
          Maybe of course someone’s wife has a monster - yes, stress. There is beauty on the street, and a toad at home. Well, it should be apparently already "in the office" to change something, and not on the street.
          The article was written by some not very healthy man apparently. Surrounded by beautiful women, she lives more pleasantly, more energetically, she wants to look good herself, her mood is always positive. And this is, excuse me - psychology. When the mood is good, any psychologist will say that it has a very positive effect on health. "If mne budet is nice, then I’m so sure that tebe tote will be nice too!" laughing
        3. +2
          8 November 2017 10: 35
          Quote: Bashibuzuk
          So, I see some stretch, nevertheless, in the studies of the doctor ...

          The studies were conducted for a long time, and not only by him, this "doctor", but also in Europe, the USA, China, etc. So - statistics exist regardless of ... The facts set forth in the article are proved absolutely scientifically, and are correlated with the traditions and customs of the peoples of the world ...
          Research of this kind - so 150 years or more ...
          1. +5
            8 November 2017 11: 10
            Quote: CONTROL
            The facts stated in the article are proved absolutely scientifically

            Especially in Muslim countries where medicine as a science originated somewhere between 2015 and 2017 years. )))))))))))) There are especially valuable statistics collected over the last 150 years about the benefits of hijab and the absence of prostatitis in 60-year-old men who died most of the time from 40 to 50))))))) )

            Quote: CONTROL
            Research of this kind - years so 150 or more ..
            In Europe, research of this kind 150 years ago most likely began with the fact that some scientist undressing a young lady from all the skirts, corsets and hats adopted then, suddenly looking, realized that research of this kind should be continued. And deepen. These studies are very interesting to science. ))))))))))))
            1. +1
              8 November 2017 12: 19
              Quote: Alex_59
              Especially in Muslim countries, where medicine as a science originated somewhere between 2015 and 2017.

              Is it nothing that modern medicine - its main provisions - is laid down in many respects by the "oriental Muslim savages", one of which was the savage philosopher and physician Avicenna (Abu Ali Husayn ibn Abdullah ibn al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sin)? ... just between 2015 and 2017 ...
              1. +2
                8 November 2017 13: 10
                Quote: CONTROL
                It’s nothing that modern medicine - its main provisions - is laid down in many respects by the "Oriental Muslim savages"

                No, I’m not a chauvinist, I don’t consider them savages, it was a joke. Of course, they have medicine, only weak anyway. In our city, a medical institute is half the city of blacks, Indians and Arabs. Those. as if they have a need to learn even from us. And about the ancients. Well, it’s one thing to “lay the foundations,” and another thing to put massively on stream. This often happens in life. For example, the first digital camera was created by the late Kodak company, while its competitors put this invention on stream and cut loot only the noise is worth it. Kodak did not understand that they had created and profiled the technology of the future, deciding that it would not displace the film.
                1. +1
                  8 November 2017 13: 21
                  Quote: Alex_59
                  Quote: CONTROL
                  It’s nothing that modern medicine - its main provisions - is laid down in many respects by the "Oriental Muslim savages"

                  No, I’m not a chauvinist, I don’t consider them savages, it was a joke. Of course, they have medicine, only weak anyway. .

                  What modern medical science does with healthcare (violating the very ancient principle of "Do no harm!"):
                  Vaccinated and unvaccinated children: a Mawson study found who is healthier
                  This has never been done before. The first study of this kind, studying vaccinated and unvaccinated American children studying at home rather than at school (home scooling), revealed who is healthier ... and this is an occasion for parents to think
                  1. +1
                    8 November 2017 13: 22
                    Quote: CONTROL
                    Vaccinated and unvaccinated children: a Mawson study found who is healthier

                    I won’t even read. Excuse me.
      2. +1
        8 November 2017 12: 24
        Quote: bober1982
        Quote: Bashibuzuk
        so as not to catch cancer by the age of 65.

        This is a mistake, there is no connection, the diseases are caught for completely different reasons, maybe this is so - grandfather drank drunkenly, and the granddaughter will have to disentangle the cancer.

        By the way - in the 18th and early 19th centuries, cancer was known, but - as an exceptional rarity, casuistry! although it was studied by doctors ...
        And in the 20-21st century - the "disease of the century"! (well, not in connection with miniskirts, of course!)
        1. +1
          8 November 2017 20: 20
          Quote: CONTROL
          By the way - in the 18th and early 19th centuries, cancer was known, but - as an exceptional rarity, casuistry! although it was studied by doctors ...
          And in the 20-21st century - "the disease of the century

          the beginning of the 18th century - the average life expectancy of a man of European appearance is 33,2 years
          beginning of the 19th century-40 years
          The first miniskirts in her collection appeared in 1962.
          the beginning of the 21st century - about 80 years (took everywhere Sweden)
          Summary - Mini skirts have increased the life expectancy of men! At once twice three! laughing
          Will they give the Nobel?
          Long live the feminine charms.
          Earlier, our civilizations implemented testosterone exits in bloody battles .. and now in uh in "discharge" with the owners of miniskirts ..
          1. 0
            8 November 2017 21: 45
            Antares, drop dead data.
            I do not require or seek links, because I can smell it from the inside out - female beauty is the MOVING force of civilization.
            But not the other way around.
            Well, I’ll try to remember the brightest Scorpio.
            RS. By the way, what this academician complains about is that, they say, this is an element of GENE choice. Evolution, simply put.
            So what to complain about - that less genetic debris will crawl into the FUTURE?
            Somehow I do not like it, such a complaint. I couldn’t tame the cutie - well, you suck, so you don’t rummage in string theory. Or in dark matter.
            And I could - your genes will be continued.
            So I see.
  15. +2
    8 November 2017 09: 18
    In the age of the Internet, the topic of short skirts is of course very relevant, especially on this site. Well, the Romans were clearly not killed by naked thighs. Nevertheless, history must be known so as not to give such unsuccessful examples.
    1. +1
      8 November 2017 10: 29
      Quote: Engineer
      In the age of the Internet, the topic of short skirts is of course very relevant, especially on this site. Well, the Romans were clearly not killed by naked thighs. Nevertheless, history must be known so as not to give such unsuccessful examples.

      When studying the remains of the Romans and the ancient Greeks, they often find signs of genetic diseases ...
  16. 0
    8 November 2017 09: 34
    Well, again, the women are to blame. laughing
    The more sex, the fewer children. Managing a husband’s woman through instincts has long been known.
  17. +1
    8 November 2017 09: 36
    M-d-ah! As they say in the USA: Do not spit on the floor! Remember Mississippi Spring Spills! lol request what
  18. +1
    8 November 2017 09: 41
    Understand: the naked body cult that captured the ancient Greeks and Romans led them to extinction.

    This is such an interesting theory that I am still touching.
  19. +1
    8 November 2017 09: 53
    an original look at the cause of depopulation ...
  20. +5
    8 November 2017 10: 26
    Well, this "revelation" was very late: - The effect of "nudity" on men's health has long been known.
    There is such - denied by "scientists" - a phenomenon called "telegonia". Its essence is in the non-material transfer of "male lust" to women. The Slavs have sayings like: "Not to the mother, not to the father, but to the young man on the road" ... From here - not to let the daughter of a noble person "into the light" until adulthood (locked up, in the "room or in the tower" ...) readiness for marriage; and in the east, hijab and burqa.
    Dog lovers - keep the female on a leash, to maintain the purity of the breed; because - breaks out during the "estrus", everything - must be rejected, even if not pregnant! The offspring will be - it is not known from whom, with extraneous characteristics not inherent to the breed ...
    The experiment on crossing horses and zebras, donkeys and zebras is widely known ... despite the fact that the sets of genes are completely different: donkeys have 31 pairs of chromosomes, a domestic horse has 32 pairs, and zebras 16-23 ...
    And there shouldn’t be any offspring - the horse and the zebra sure! But as a result of these experiments - with male zebras and domestic mares - he was not there! But - after some time, after the fertilization of the horse with a domestic stallion, the foals had signs of a zebra in color (stripes) and body structure, sometimes in 2-3 generations of offspring! Moreover - this offspring is not mules (sterile, not able to have offspring). Those. - biological material enters the body of the female, but conception does not occur (yes, it is problematic because such differences); but the female’s characteristics are transmitted to the offspring even after one or two litters ...
    That is why - most religions (with the exception of those that are common among small peoples living in natural - or artificial - restrictions on contacts with people of other peoples of the tribes, restriction of genetic diversity) have a strict requirement of marital fidelity and the prevention of divorce (well, except that - a widow or widower ...).
    1. 0
      8 November 2017 20: 27
      Quote: CONTROL
      restrictions on contacts with people of other peoples of the tribes, restriction of genetic diversity)

      nature spit on human prejudices. Mating with diverse representatives leads to better results than mating with the same ones. For the offspring receive wider genetic capabilities. Opportunities of small nations in such a cross-inheritance toil from disease and die.
      Nature throws millions into battle to get a competitive product.
  21. BAI
    8 November 2017 10: 28
    This is not news, I already saw the results of research on this topic a long time ago. Now I don’t even remember where and when.
  22. +2
    8 November 2017 11: 39
    The article is useful but, it does not describe all the problems associated with half-naked women of the Russian Federation, and in particular how this affects the morality of the citizens themselves. In Egypt and other Emirates, Natasha is waiting, so there are prerequisites for them to wait ... I’m not talking about hijabs, I’m talking about “shorts” when you can already see the crotch and half-nipples sticking out from under the bra, is there really so much desire to strip your thighs in front of strangers ...
  23. The comment was deleted.
  24. +2
    8 November 2017 12: 17
    Quote: Moore
    There is a proposal to the academician: to conduct a study among Arabs and other blacks who have invaded Europe now - how many of the faithful have received brain cancer from seeing the system ... (crossed out) the charms of European femins.
    I ask you to direct your share of the fee for the idea to help these very poor fellows.

    Bravo, comrade, bravo!

    Quote: Dead Day
    in the USSR this was not allowed, there were the concepts of morality, morality, decency. and now, "freedom"! well before the "pid, parades" did not come! so the question is to the government ...

    There really were no naked navels. But sorry, "exposure" - how could it be otherwise, except how exposure could be called mini-skirts? Maybe everything should be in moderation? And Madame with clothes 56-58 size should not just wear tight-fitting jeans and tops? So, sorry - this is primarily about the taste of the woman herself.

    And in Soviet times, sometimes there were those who, looking at a girl or a young woman in a mini, contemptuously curved their lips and pronounced “slut” after .... There were such champions of morality and decency
    A small digression into the past
    ... A couple of years after graduation, we met with classmates. Gathered to go to someone. It so happened that my three classmates and I went behind the fourth to go all together already. The girls stopped by, and I stayed at the entrance. Sitting at the entrance of such gossips - champions of morality. And for all three "walked." As a result, I could not stand it and burst out laughing. They looked at me in surprise and asked what made me laugh so much and what, were they not right?

    I had to answer.
    First walked in a miniskirt - they did not like it, the second in a skirt, EMNIP was called "spiral" (the long one is shorter, like maxi, but not of the classic style, but if you can say so summer, the third in trousers (classic, not jeans). And the lower part of the clothes of each aroused their rejection of morality champions. To my question, what should they wear then, they suddenly realized that stupidity had been frozen in the struggle for morality.

    So it is now. Someone conducts such research and is not happy with the overly frank décolleté, but for some reason, now that you can safely go to any porn site, although officially we fight for morality and “close” such resources - for some reason it does not bother him. How to dress a woman when on the street plus 30-36 is the normal temperature? Wear maxi and hijab? Maybe everything is easier? You just need to educate, instill a taste?
    So you don’t have to write later
    The bare female bellies and navels became an obsessive everyday life, as a symbol of what is lower ... The round shapes covered in stretch jeans are also seductively annoying and the necklines are becoming wider ...

    Well, to conclude that
    I came to the following conclusion. In countries dominated by the "consumer society", in recent decades, women's clothing has become the norm, emphasizing and exposing women's charms, speaking the scientific language, are the secondary sexual characteristics of women.

    sometimes stupid. Was Soviet society such a consumer society? But the mini was worn, exposing the legs. And sometimes the neckline was very, very, let's say so “seductive,” but within the normal range ...

    I don’t know how others are (but I hope that the majority also), but I get true aesthetic pleasure if there is a slender woman with beautiful legs, in a skirt or dress bare enough to bare these legs ... And I do not see in this a sign of the withering away of the nation.
    Of course this is my IMHO. But again, I think that
    1. There must be a measure
    2. We ourselves must instill in our children a sense of both measure and beauty. But hypocrisy ... There is no need to instill it. In the absence of these two points, it itself, like a weed, will climb

    Sorry for the somewhat confused answer. But this is my IMHO and I'm not going to disown him under the influence of such studies of the "academician"
    1. +3
      8 November 2017 13: 40
      Quote: Old26
      I don’t know how others are (but I hope that most too), but I get true aesthetic pleasure if there is a slender woman with beautiful legs, in a skirt or dress that barely exposes these legs ...

      ... yeah!
      Well,[ Old26], get ready - step by step! - to:
      - prostatic hyperplasia,
      -... smoothly turning into adenoma (pah-pah, benign ...).
      - calcification of the prostate ...
      - frequent urges, incomplete emptying of the bladder, stagnation of urine and - as a result - malfunctioning of the kidneys ...
      - Well, to the banal "instinct" that is - functional impotence (when you want, but you can’t ...)
      - well, this is an incomplete bouquet - the boutonniere is such ...
      ... And you thought, why our "stars" and "stars" like Dzhigarkhanyan and Tabakov marry youngsters? ...
  25. +2
    8 November 2017 13: 27
    Over the past decades, diseases of adenoma (benign tumor) and prostate cancer as an epidemic affect men in countries of European-American civilization. By the beginning of our century, 40% of men already have adenoma, and those who are older than 40, this is already half.

    After reading the title, I immediately realized that there would be anti-scientific game ... and it turned out to be

    Prostate adenoma is the normal development of male health. The reason is that the prostate gland is growing normally, in all men. It is largely associated with age-related hormonal changes. And you either die before that, or you get an adenoma. Given the increase in life expectancy, the incidence naturally increased.

    In the United States, pathologists have detected prostate cancer in 80% of men who die over the age of 60. In other words, many of them simply did not live to see the tragic manifestations of this disease. But the paradox: in Muslim countries there is no such growth in male oncology!

    Naturally, there will be no links, believe in the word. This raises the question ... why did pathologists identify prostate cancer? For those who do not know. Prior to the very severe changes, prostate cancer is clearly established in only one way: Biopsy. A piece of prostate tissue is taken, sent for histology. Why do they do it for the living understandable, but why do it for the dead dead for other reasons? With a seemingly normal gland? Meaning? Probably the point is that this is the author’s fantasy.

    Well, then comes just uniform nonsense. I don’t even know how to comment on it all when such a complex disease as cancer is attributed to only one reason (even without taking into account its failure).

    Understand: the naked body cult that captured the ancient Greeks and Romans led them to extinction. Where are they now? Erased from the map of the planet.

    Any existence by definition contains its own antipode. Every life contains death. The same applies to states, the fact that it exists already asserts that at a certain moment it will cease to exist. This applies to everyone, this is the natural order of things. But the author does not care, and his states are destroyed due to short skirts ...

    But the peoples who respect the traditional values ​​of their ancestors are still alive. These are Muslim ethnic groups.

    These are the very ones who kept entire harems from the naked concubines of which they had previously sold naked from the slave market? This is for example the Persians (and not only, it was in Turkey and Uzbekistan, and many more where, in Afghanistan, there are still traditional values) who especially loved little boys? Does this contrast with the current fashion? Of course not, the author simply does not know how it really was and contrasts his fantasy with reality.

    Moreover, the author contradicts himself. That first speaks of degeneration and abundance, and then when they give him an example of blacks that breed like rabbits, he immediately goes to the question of the development of civilization. And after stigmatizing the highly developed ancient Greeks and especially the Romans, who were the greatest in their level of development, and much of their work is used to this day.

    As for clothes and excitement, I’m not an author, I won’t directly state what I can’t prove, what I don’t have objective data about, but I will express my opinion. My opinion is that just the same modern clothes and the availability of "adult materials" dramatically reduced the excitement of the younger generation. How can you get excited when dancing with a dressed girl, if exactly 15 minutes ago you saw a completely naked big-breasted girl, who I beg your pardon, was torn up as soon as possible and impossible, but on record in 4K. Modern youth is fed up with easily accessible, and most importantly, hyperbolized sexual content and is no longer excited, as it was, for example, on its bare ankle or shoulders. And before, the bare ankle was a terrible erotica. Now ... well, ankle ... so what? The young goldfinch on the Internet was seen not only by the ankles.
  26. 0
    8 November 2017 14: 27
    Yeah! In our city, in Magnitogorsk, the summer month is a maximum of 2.. and oncology is progressing ... For a month, men have seen enough that they cannot walk wassat
  27. 0
    8 November 2017 15: 21
    Quote: Alex_59
    I think that if you get carried away by the young ladies, but at the same time do not drink, do not smoke, monitor your health, play sports, then after 60 everything may not be so sad

    Sports ?! Healthy does not need sports, but the patient is fatal !!! My friend lived as you advise! He died at 45 from a stroke after a daily run !!! And my grandfather smoked from 5 years to 70 !!! Moreover, samosad! In 65-66 he switched to Belamor! Threw in 70, a bet, without pills and hypnosis, at a time !!! And until his death, in 92, he no longer smoked !!! I drank on the "glass" before dinner DAILY !!! And on weekends, with guests, as an adult !!! The last time I stayed with him was 5 days before his death, and he did not lag behind me! For two, we ate 1-1.2 liters with a good snack! In the "Urals" with a stroller drove up to 70 years! Then they gave constipation, veteran. I went on it myself, though only outside the city, into the forest, up to 85 years old, then I drove it. He died in a dream, did not wake up ... Handsome !!! An autopsy was not done by age, and my grandmother did not want to! By the way, he joined the army in 1938. He passed the Finnish and Patriotic War! He started as a private in Budenovka, and finished gold with a running captain. He was twice wounded, awarded! Rewards like chain mail! I didn’t have time for Japanese, it ended on the way!
    And grandmother a year later, in the same 92 .......
    The people were at that time, not like the current tribe ...............................
    In lived
  28. +2
    8 November 2017 15: 34
    In Africa, ladies bare breasts flaunt left and right, one loincloth and for some reason do not want to die out ..... Where's the catch? The article cannot lie request
  29. 0
    8 November 2017 15: 35
    And here this nonsense got, excites what is forbidden.
  30. 0
    8 November 2017 15: 51
    Quote: CONTROL
    - prostatic hyperplasia,
    -... smoothly turning into adenoma (pah-pah, benign ...).
    - calcification of the prostate ...
    - frequent urges, incomplete emptying of the bladder, stagnation of urine and - as a result - malfunctioning of the kidneys ...
    - Well, to the banal "instinct" that is - functional impotence (when you want, but you can’t ...)
    - well, this is an incomplete bouquet - the boutonniere is such ...

    What to be - that cannot be avoided. But now at 63 this pah-pah is not yet
  31. Say
    8 November 2017 18: 46
    The burqa will save the prostate of the religious professor from cancer.
  32. +1
    8 November 2017 19: 53
    Oh ... this one also wants to return everything backwards .. and again religion mixes up ..
    Does he want the sexiest creature on the planet to engage in sexual signals? Does he know that this is inherent in us by nature? What do our females, in contrast to females of other species, are always ready (sexual symbols always “burn”)? What does it mean by nature that a male testosterone beating other people is a worthy successor of the genus and testosterone is at the same time a hormone of aggression and sexuality in men?
    And yes, now our civilization has lost its testosterone color and has become sluggish oxytocin.
    By the way, Islam is that religion - where, after receiving the money, a Muslim legally acquires 4 females, and Christians are forced to content themselves with mistresses ... And Islam, too, is losing ground to progress. Religion is generally difficult in this era of informational progress. You can’t drive everything with the iron fist of an unknown creature, fortunately.
    Humanity has reached the limit of extensive development — our entire planet. Still to accustom a climate ... There are quite a few natural enemies besides ourselves.
    And I’m noticing Muslims ahead of progress. And those whose representatives in miniskirts, tight shorts and are very free in relations. Women and girls can work and study almost everywhere. Increasing the mass of consumers and developing society.
    And the problem of the disappearance of a white heterosexual person lies elsewhere. Civilizers are dying.
  33. +1
    8 November 2017 22: 38
    Yeah ... But the small peoples of the North do not exhibit bare charms at all, so as not to freeze ... But they are dying at the same time.
  34. +2
    8 November 2017 23: 30
    Female denuding - nation extinction detonator
    I didn’t even read and figs with him with the professor .... tongue
    Undressed girls BC and after, and now undress normally good ..... Yes, and ladies appear naked, like we men ..... drinks
  35. +3
    9 November 2017 01: 19
    Just as seductive annoying fitted stretch jeans rounded shapes and all more open neckline...

    The key phrase of the article spoken by a gay person ..., ...
    And what does all this have to do with this site?
  36. +2
    9 November 2017 03: 28
    I was visited by another scientific insight ... many women of the XNUMXst century literally dig a grave for men's health with their bare legs and deep cuts.

    British scientists have found that ugly women destroy the male liver.
  37. +1
    9 November 2017 09: 50
    Fap will save everyone ... the author doesn’t know about the campaign, and Onan had fun ... apparently not from cancer he died winked
  38. +2
    9 November 2017 11: 19
    A rare nonsense ... everything in a heap ... and religion, and bare knees, and "insight" on the basis of dissatisfaction ... and where are the links about "80% of men"? I looked at the statistics - the first place in oncology is confidently occupied by cancer of the stomach, lungs, rectum ... Adenoma of the prostate is not cancer, but the stage of development of the gland in an age-related aspect. What "Muslim countries" are compared? With the United Arab Emirates or with the Central African Republic (here, everything is fine with prostate cancer, no medicine, no cancer)? Full of fumbling ...
  39. +1
    10 November 2017 07: 54
    It is a pity that an important topic is exchanged for stupidity.
    The ancient Greeks and Romans became extinct ... So then they and the ancients to die out! And the Sumerians died out, and the Celts ... But the Arabs remained! True, they entered the arena of history when the Greeks and the Romans had already died out, and until recently they could be considered half-extinct. This oil gave them a second life.
    And the Romans did not have a special cult of a naked body. The Greeks had. But male; in classical art, women are depicted dressed strictly. The problem.
    Moral: do not look for too simple answers to pressing questions. This only makes things worse.
  40. 0
    10 November 2017 14: 22
    Yes, you bring "to the garden," the moral phages are bad. E ###, e ##, and I will e #### while I like it, and it can. And he laid down on your inhibitions "kaspleya al other hentai." My conscience of man and citizen is clear, while I measure my “want”, with “want” “partner”. The common truth about "freedom". Fse!
    "The detonator of the extinction of the nation" .. This "detonator" is an early insanity of those in power, and other "moles", and not the "slender legs of Alenka" on spring boulevard.
    For the churchmen, those who proclaimed "the Lord is not in stones, but in souls" and denied "mediators" were and are "most dangerous heretics." That's for sure - "woe from the mind" .. The author would have to "read the ancients", how and what they had "fun", and not talk about "extinction".
    Oh, "scientific insight" - or maybe dinosaurs became extinct from abstinence, austerities and lack of knowledge of wine? The theory is no worse than what is stated in the article, and with the same "scientific value." I mentioned about insanity (I remember exactly))
    And yes, how many blacks are there in Africa, running about their dark southern affairs in extremely light clothing? And that even AIDS and tsetse with jaundice do not take them, they multiply faster than die out ..
    "Theorist" ... Is this for sure an article for "VO"? Sorry, no cons.
    1. +1
      13 November 2017 12: 42
      Dinosaurs became extinct due to the fact that there were a lot of sexually naked dinosaurs! And the prostate failed them)))
  41. +1
    10 November 2017 19: 15
    scribble is not all right with the head))))
    According to this analyst, all wild nationalities and tribes still living in the forests of Africa or the Amazon, are all sick with the prostate ... Arabs, from Europeans differ in that they have less thump, from this and the same prostate is affected by the same less, and not from that that women don't see naked ...
  42. The comment was deleted.
  43. +2
    11 November 2017 19: 03
    You can have caps,
    hats are also possible
    and put gloves on paws.
    But no
    in the world
    more beautiful clothes
    than muscle bronze
    and skin freshness.
    V. Mayakovsky.