"The counter-revolution of mediocrity"

Let VO readers not be surprised at the design of this material. This is a sample of how today it is customary to format articles published in refereed scientific journals, so that - why not? - one of the authors and even the readers of our site would have decided to try himself in the field of science. As you can see, there is nothing particularly abstruse and terrible here. Interestingly, I managed to publish it ... in the collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference of the Penza regional branch of the All-Russian public organization Russian Socialist Oriented Scientists, held on 29-30 in September of 2017 in Penza, although the collection was published in Prague in the Czech publishing house Sociosphere -CZ "that, apparently, turned out to be cheaper than printing it with us. A conference was held under the patronage of the Penza communists, and after sitting a bit among them, I decided not to force my own consciousness and quietly left. Many of those present still taught me ... can you imagine their age and cholesterol level in the brain? So they haven't become smarter since then! There was also the leader of the Penza communists, who called to fight against ... the church and its obscurantism, but before that, together with other Saksoba deputies, who visited the church of God (as reported by the Penza media), well, so for the company, I guess. There were also two bachelor students of our specialty PR and advertising with their reports. I do not teach bachelors, but they know me. After met them at the university. Question: “Well, how?” Answer: “Panopticon”. I did not ask any more. Well, and now the text without cuts, everything is the same that got into this collection.

Annotation: The article attempts to consider the October revolution in Russia from the point of view of the Pareto law and the theory of forced labor. It is concluded that this coup was anti-market, an attempt to slow down the development of the country towards the construction of a market economy. It was supported by the mass of the population, which had a low level of social adaptation, that is, mediocrity, in whose interests, as the majority of the population, the managers who came to power in the 1917 year were forced to act.

Abstract: In the case of coercion to work. It’s a roadmap to a market economy. It has been supported by the population of the population.

Keywords: revolution, mediocrity, market economy, forced labor, feudal remnants, “Pareto's law”.
Key words: revolution, mediocrity, market economy, forced labor, feudal vestiges, "Pareto law".

Here is the cover of this edition. If any of the visitors to the VO website will be interested - just write, I will send it to you by mail, even for free. I don’t need it anymore - they wrote it down in the rating, in the science report, too ...

The theme of the revolution, well, the one that for many years in Soviet Russia was called the Great October Socialist Revolution or “Great October”, in the minds of most people in many ways turned into a certain set of cliches or stereotypes, an attempt on which is perceived as the destruction of the foundations. Moreover, as a result of this social upheaval, many people received quite definite benefits and they do not at all want their rights to these benefits (as well as the rights of their children!) At least in principle to be disavowed. It is for this very reason that many documents on the same Great Patriotic War are still classified up to the 2045 year, that is, by the time all its direct participants die and the truth about it will not hurt anyone personally.

However, with the revolution, the situation is somewhat different. In order to consider it, it is enough to achieve the achievements of modern science, or rather the sciences, well, and the archives are practically not required. But to begin a detailed study of this phenomenon should nevertheless not from scientific theories, but from fiction, an example taken from which explains much more than psychology, sociology and economics. What is this example? An excerpt from George Orwell's novel "1984", and the excerpt is very, very indicative: "Throughout stories and, apparently, from the end of the Neolithic, there were three kinds of people in the world: upper, middle and lower. The groups were subdivided in a variety of ways, carrying all sorts of names, their numerical proportions, and also mutual relations changed from century to century; but the fundamental structure of society remained unchanged. Even after tremendous upheavals and seemingly irreversible changes, this structure was restored, just as the gyroscope regains its position no matter where it is pushed. The goals of these three groups are completely incompatible. The purpose of the higher ones is to stay where they are. The goal of the medium is to swap places with the higher ones; the goal of the lower ones is when they have a goal, because it is characteristic for the lower ones that they are crushed by hard work and only occasionally direct the gaze beyond the limits of everyday life, to cancel all differences and create a society where all people should be equal. Thus, throughout history, a struggle flares up again and again, always the same in general terms. For a long time, the higher ones seem to firmly hold power, but sooner or later there comes a moment when they lose either faith in themselves, or the ability to govern effectively, or both. Then they were overthrown by the middle ages who drew the lower ones to their side by playing the role of fighters for freedom and justice. Having reached their goal, they push the lower ones into their former slavish position and become the highest ones themselves. In the meantime, new averages peel off from one of the other two groups or from both, and the struggle begins all over again. Of the three groups, only the lowest never succeed in achieving their goals, even temporarily. It would be an exaggeration to say that history was not accompanied by material progress. ” And the fact that this is the case is hardly worth proving: this is the basis of the history of all the revolutions that shook human society.

Now, however, before we go further, we will look at how people on planet Earth were involved in labor activities. It used to be thought that, depending on the forms of ownership, people had a primitive communal society, slave, feudal, capitalist and ... the pinnacle of social progress was socialism, the first phase of communism. However, the concept of ownership is very ephemeral. Thus, in the era of slavery, there were many free and semi-free peasants, and under feudalism and capitalism - the most real slaves! So this is not the case, but in the attitude of people to work. If we look at the history of mankind from this angle, it will become obvious - only three epochs existed: the era of natural coercion to work, when labor was forced by life itself, the era of non-economic coercion to labor, when a person (slave or serf) was forced to work, applying violence towards him, and finally - the era of economic coercion, when a person can even not work and live, but not live very well. And in order to “live well”, he has to sell his ability to work in the market. That is, the system of non-economic coercion is ... yes, the system of market mechanisms for managing the economy is well known to all of us today.

Adherents of the "Great October Revolution" tirelessly asserted that the revolution liberated the masses of Russia from feudal remnants in the form of the tsarist autocracy and landowner landownership, and this is true. But did she free him from all the remnants of non-economic forced labor? If you look closely, it turns out that such remnants are left enough.

To begin with, the main achievement of the Bolshevik coup d'état is the abolition of landlord property. But read the "Land Decree"! The resulting land was forbidden to sell, donate, exchange, and even treat it with hired labor! That is, the land was withdrawn from the sphere of market relations, and this is the level of the economy of Ancient Egypt, when all the land of the Egyptians in the same way belonged to the state, and the peasants had only the right to work it. True, this action was immediately covered by a beautiful left phrase that the earth is now common. But common, it means ... a draw. What, by the way, V. Mayakovsky wrote very well in his time: “You can die for the land for your own, but how to die for the common?” (Although there will be no doubt further, but a panegyric of the victorious red power!).

And now about the benefits of this decree ... The poor, in fact, did not give anything, they didn’t need land, but livestock, tools and ... treatment for all-out drunkenness "from grief". Fists did not live from the earth, and robbing fellow villagers. And only the middle peasants gave the desired revolution. They did not have enough land, they had something to cultivate it, which is why it was they who supported it at first. This bundle showed V.I. very well. Lenin in his work “The Development of Capitalism in Russia”, written by him in the 1899 year, and it remained so until the spring of the 1918 year. Then the need of the poor was satisfied by the kulaks, that is, the rural bourgeoisie, but what then was the result of all the perturbations of the Civil War? Again, the servitude was allowed, in addition to the middle peasants, the kulaks and the poor reappeared, that is, three groups: the upper, middle and lower, which no revolution can destroy.

Well, now about the goals of the development of human civilization ... They are such that, by developing the means of production, to destroy the peasantry as a class, since the peasant is not a market man by nature. It produces mainly for itself, and sells only a little, that is, it cannot feed the growing population of the planet. Only a hired agricultural worker, who personally does not own anything, can do it.

And this is the beginning of the article ... As you can see, all publishing indices are in place.

Yes, but now what happened in Russia? And there, after 1917, a communal system was formed, devoid of market land relations, that is, a step was taken back in economic relations between people. The fear of the market and the desire to attract the masses of backward peasantry to their side led to the fact that Lenin even sacrificed the Bolshevik program for the municipalization of the land, using the Social Revolutionary plan as a basis (it is quite understandable for the peasants - to take everything and share!) and criticized. That is, semi-feudal orders, as it is no wonder, were preserved in the USSR, and after the 1929 year, they became even stronger. Then the labor of the peasants was intensified by the introduction of the collective farm system, but this was not a market at all, but an exclusively non-economic system of forced labor, supplemented by the cannibalistic slogan: “He who does not work, does not eat!”

However, in order to provide support for their undertakings, the “middle” ones, who overthrew the power of the “old higher ones” and became “higher” themselves, had to give the “lower ones” something, and they gave them that these very “very low ones” understood well: leveling in the sphere of consumption and leveling in the sphere of labor. Again, all this was covered up with a lot of beautiful phrases, but the truth behind them was one: mediocrity had a certain level of wealth guaranteed to them, but those who were beaten out of the general level ... increased wealth was provided only if they worked for society , that is, again, they provided the surrounding mediocrity, a huge average mass of ... former peasants who migrated to the cities in the process of "de-de-perestinization" of Soviet society. In 1925, the number of industrial workers was 1,8 million. And already in 1940, 8,3 million. The number of women employed in industry increased from 28% in 1929 to 41% in 1940. Naturally, such growth could be achieved only through migration to the cities of the population from the countryside, which brought to the cities its own paternalistic culture and simplified outlook on life.

However, the very growth of the industry’s well-being of free citizens of the country was also to a large extent ensured by already completely slave labor - labor by forced prisoners of the Gulag. Now for work in northern conditions, people receive various allowances, higher wages. Well, the prisoners of the Stalinist camps mined coal, tungsten and molybdenum in the mines, poured wood in the taiga and ... got only a balanda and hope to somehow survive. No wonder the serious economic problems of the USSR began precisely after the closure of this “production base of socialism”.

As for property, by that time it was practically all concentrated in the hands of the state and controlled by an army of officials appointed by it. That is, in the face of external (and internal threat!), Russia has received a mobilization type of economy based on state-monopoly property, restricting market relations and non-economic forced labor. So it turns out that, in its results, the “October coup” led to the restoration of pre-market, feudal relations in the country, covered with loud phrases about democracy, social justice and socialism. But not a single enterprise was owned by its workers, they did not choose its director, they did not solve production and wage issues. It is clear that the state could not stimulate the good workers, but it could not really punish the bad - "class brothers". It didn’t make much sense to work really well, above the standard set — the flat, the dacha, the car couldn’t even jump on Kalashnikov himself, although his machine gun was produced in millions of copies.

Meanwhile, from the "medium" began to stand out a new "elite", which wanted more freedom, more welfare, and for this - more power. This process is objective and cannot be stopped, as it is impossible to stop the rotation of the “wheel of history”. An excess of mediocrities in all areas simply could not further ensure the development of the state and society in the conditions of new political, economic and technological challenges, which ultimately led to the events of 1991 of the year, which were simply inevitable, as inevitable when at some point "average" necessarily shift the "higher".

In addition, one should always remember about the “Pareto law”, according to which absolutely everything in the Universe and in society is divided in proportion of 80 to 20. In accordance with this position, 80% ownership is always owned by 20% owners. Their social identity changes, but the proportion itself never changes. That is, 80% are always doomed to work for these twenty, whether they are feudal feudal lords, capitalist magnates or ... “red directors” who emerged from the masses of workers and peasants. That is, it is clear that no abrupt changes in the social system will bring about anything positive and cannot lead. One way or another, 80% ownership will still be in the hands of 20% of the population! The only reason is that 80% is not smart enough, not socialized enough, educated, that is, they are all the same mediocrity. But if the market system relies on 20% of its population, then the so-called “Soviet system” relied on the majority - on 80% and therefore was inevitably somehow doomed to lose. 80% is strong in its numbers, “crushed by mass”, but 20% in any case will catch up sooner or later ... they make up for their own in 1991 too ...

It is clear that mediocrity was forced to skip upward individual talented individuals needed there to maintain the functioning of the state of their interests. A bad plane will not fly, a bad tank will not make much of it, the machine gun will not fire. However, talented people were not allowed to act in their personal interests. They were required by law to be “like everyone else,” for example, it is mandatory to work, that is, to be at the mandatory level of mass mediocrity and only speak a little bit of it.

Here it is necessary to recall the statement of V.I. Lenin that Russia "the most petty-bourgeois country of all European countries. The gigantic petty-bourgeois wave swept over everything, the conscious proletariat suppressed not only with its numbers, but also ideologically, that is, infected, captured very wide circles of petty-bourgeois workers at politics ”[1]. At the same time, he had in mind the events of the spring and summer of 1917. But caused by the revolutionary process, this wave did not go anywhere even after the October Revolution. As a result, people from this “wave” for their support of the Bolshevik regime had to pay bills, to adapt to its mentality, because it was simply impossible to change it due to the mass character of the petty-bourgeois environment in Russia.

Thus, by its consequences, we can characterize the "Great October" as an anti-market and semi-feudal coup d'état, forcedly carried out by the leadership of the Bolshevik Party in the interests of the huge semi-literate peasant mass of Russia, which ultimately suffered from it the most! That is, from the point of view that only market relations are the most rational, we see that from them in the 1917 year, the whole 74 year in the country took a step back.

At one time, Lenin wrote: "... It is the urban and generally factory, industrial workers who are able to lead the whole mass of working people ..." both in the revolutionary transformation of society and in the creation of "... a new, socialist, social order , in the whole struggle for the complete destruction of classes "

[2]. But, the “higher”, “middle” and “lower” structures could not be changed by any workers, they failed to build up any “socialism”, and as a result, the development of Russian society, despite all the spilled blood flows, returned to circles its own, to the economic system of coercion to work: if you want to work, you want to - no, and the one who is smarter than the others, the one whose work is more in demand, or has a greater social significance, as a result receives more than the rest ...

Использованная литература:
1. V.I. Lenin. Complete collection of works, 5th ed., vol. 31 p. 156.
2. V.I. Lenin. Complete collection of soch., 5th ed., vol. 39, p. 14.
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  1. +21
    9 November 2017 07: 39
    Abstract, keywords ...
    Familiar motives ...
    The article offers a new look at seemingly well-known things.
    the revolution liberated the masses of Russia from feudal survivals in the form of tsarist autocracy and landlord tenure

    Autocracy only on paper was such an evolutionary way being transformed into a constitutional monarchy.
    And landlord ownership - what it began to turn into after 1861 ... In any case, it would have been liquidated or substantially transformed after the end of the WWII. After all, the same P.N. Wrangel in 1920 carried out land reform in the Crimea, transferring the bulk of the land to peasants and creating large farms - at the expense of the landowner estates.
    And if we are talking about the majority and the minority, then the proletariat at the beginning of the 20th century amounted to several percent of the Russian population. Why did he get the right to dictatorship?
    By the way, part of the proletariat during the Civil War and "War Communism" ... settled on the ground, moving to the village due to the fact that many enterprises were closed.
    In general, an interesting discussion article has been proposed.
    Thank you
    1. +9
      9 November 2017 07: 59
      PROPERTY LANDING ?? By 1861, more than 60% of these lands were mortgaged and re-mortgaged. That is why it became possible to eliminate serfdom by reforming "from above"
      Why did the poletariat get the right to dictatorship? Because, by definition, he did not have ownership of the implements of production. Nothing. Besides chains. And also because of this, he was the most active class.
      1. +18
        9 November 2017 08: 08
        I'm also talking about something else
        The Bolsheviks are, after all, the dictatorship of the proletariat.
        But then it’s the dictatorship of the minority. Despite the fact that he was the most active class
        1. +11
          9 November 2017 10: 07
          Quote: XII Legion
          The Bolsheviks are, after all, the dictatorship of the proletariat.

          What is the dictatorship of the petty-bourgeois element seen in Ukraine - complete degradation.
          1. +24
            9 November 2017 10: 30
            What is the dictatorship of the petty bourgeois element seen in Ukraine

            We with our dictatorship of the LARGE-BOURGEOISE element (and the impoverishment of the BASIC mass of people) are not much better.
            If at all better.
            2 sides of the same coin, 2 biases - only in opposite directions
      2. +6
        9 November 2017 11: 03
        Quote: Reptiloid
        Why did the poletariat get the right to dictatorship? Because, by definition, he did not have ownership of the implements of production. Nothing. Besides chains. And also because of this, he was the most active class.

        By the same logic, crime also has the right to dictatorship, which can wipe purses, rob in dark corners and enclose apartments and shops. Also a very active class.
        1. +7
          9 November 2017 11: 06
          [quote = Silhouette] By the same logic, crime also has the right to dictatorship, which can wipe purses, rob in dark corners and enclose apartments and shops. Also a very active class [/ quot So it has happened since 1991, don’t you see it?
          1. +5
            9 November 2017 11: 21

            Crime has always intensified in times of weakening power, that after the revolution, that after the Second World War
            1. +11
              9 November 2017 11: 33
              Quote: Reptiloid
              Crime has always intensified in times of weakening power, that after the revolution, that after the Second World War

              Yes, the only difference is that after the revolution and after the war, this same crime was ruthlessly choked, and after the well-known events in our country, which can be called counter-revolution, crime is connected with the authorities, there are more than enough examples from reality today.
              1. +4
                9 November 2017 12: 17
                That's what happened in 90 and after February 17 --- there is general lawlessness
                . Maybe all this was specifically in 90? ------ bourgeois power earned initial capital for wild capitalism, while crime got out ----- double population pressure
                1. +5
                  9 November 2017 13: 02
                  As I recall, the police themselves survived at that time, and crime was the "shepherd" of the population.
                  1. +6
                    9 November 2017 14: 00
                    As I recall, the police themselves survived at that time

                    Good afternoon, Good Doctor! hi yes, survived. Although someone was worse ... In troubled times, the level of legality always falls.
                    1. +6
                      9 November 2017 14: 07
                      Good afternoon, Nikolai. Honest people always have to survive in moments wherever they work.
                      1. +2
                        9 November 2017 14: 29
                        Honest people always have to survive in moments wherever they work.

                        I agree. But everyone survives in his own way.
                    2. +7
                      9 November 2017 14: 09
                      Quote: Mikado
                      In troubled times, the level of legality always falls.

                      Yes, but you can live with us, in troubled times?
                      For whom is the secret that this is a muddy time to this day ..
                      1. +4
                        9 November 2017 14: 23
                        For whom is the secret that this is a muddy time to this day ..

                        I agree, perhaps.
      3. +11
        9 November 2017 12: 45
        Because, by definition, he did not have ownership of the implements of production. Nothing.

        Yes. This is a classic. The peasantry, although the most numerous class in the Republic of Ingushetia, is petty-bourgeois by definition. How many peasant uprisings were at least in the twentieth century, but they didn’t end with anything sensible. Social being determines consciousness. Therefore, the slogan, “take and share,” is most suitable for them. What the peasants did and ruining the landowners' estates. The party of essays, respectively, is not socialist at all, because, with such self-awareness, no socialism can be built in principle.
        1. +2
          9 November 2017 17: 23
          Sometimes, doctor, you write surprisingly robust things!
          1. +5
            10 November 2017 02: 33
            It is necessary to read, sometimes, V.I. Lenin, and sanity will increase.
            1. 0
              10 November 2017 11: 51
              If you only knew how we, young graduate students, were “driven along Lenin”. All 56 volumes needed to be known and to know well. Since I already worked, the introductory student in the history of the CPSU did not pass, but they passed the "minimum" in the 2 (!) Exam with a difference of six months. The first is before 17 and the second is after. For each question - knowledge of the primary sources. Manifesto - knew almost by heart - "A ghost wanders ... in a holy persecution pope and tsar, French radicals and German policemen united ..." Oh! But then for a long time it was not necessary to climb into it all. We had a facsimile edition of the Spark at our department — we all read and studied it. They wrote manuals "Studying the works of Marx and Engels by students of technical fields." "Reading the works of Lenin," "Lenin on scientific and technological progress." It was delivered well!
              1. +4
                10 November 2017 12: 17
                Quote: kalibr
                If you only knew how we, young graduate students, were “driven along Lenin”.

                It’s small and bad, since you didn’t understand anything, didn’t understand and carry all kinds of nonsense regarding the Age.
                The opinion that the Great October Socialist Revolution was evil for the peoples of Russia was imposed by the pro-Western part of our intelligentsia, which 100 years ago also spat on the Motherland, as the Soviet Union and the Stalinist era had been spitting for 27 years.
                The Russian writer, publicist and philosopher VV Rozanov wrote back in 1912: “The French have“ beautiful France ”, the British have“ Old England ”, the Germans have“ our old Fritz. ”Only the past Russian gymnasium and university - "damned Russia."
                1. +2
                  10 November 2017 13: 26
                  The opinion that the Great October Socialist Revolution was evil for the peoples of Russia was imposed by the pro-Western part of our intelligentsia,

                  There is the first ancient profession (...), there is a second (journalism), and there is a third, it is part of our and not our intelligentsia. Those who, as V.I. Lenin wrote, serve the bourgeoisie. The Great October Revolution is evil. Evil for a minor film holding all major savings. This film does not allow society to breathe freely, does not allow the entire spectrum of light to pass through, and therefore must be destroyed. Otherwise, society will turn into a stagnant pit, a swamp and suffocate in its own fumes. Then the film will die on its own, but we, the majority, will no longer care. We will not be.
              2. +1
                10 November 2017 13: 20
                You can read in different ways, you know. Judging by myself, though, this is not right. In their youth, Lenin was overfed, although something remained in his head, but the attitude was like a “white noise”. Now, I’m reading, it seems, the same thing, but the understanding is different.
  2. +14
    9 November 2017 07: 44
    To write, you must adapt to the requirements of the time ... I probably can’t adapt as an author ..
    if you want to work, if you want to, no, and the one who is smarter than others, the one whose work is more in demand, or has great social significance, that as a result receives more than the rest ...
    ....... More Serdyukov, Zakharenkov and other good and different ...
    1. +2
      9 November 2017 17: 57
      ...... More Serdyukov, Zakharenkov and other good and different ...

      The personality factor in history! For Serdyukov, say thanks to the GDP - its sole merit. The consolidation of neo-feudalism is his only "merit."
  3. +6
    9 November 2017 08: 07
    Quote: parusnik
    To write, you must adapt to the requirements of the time ... I probably can’t adapt as an author ..
    .... More Serdyukov, Zakharenkov and other good and different ...

    I do not agree with you, Alexey. Maybe you just need to somehow introduce your reader? And you can not imagine, but take this step and see what happens? I have no doubt it will be right.
    ........ Probably, many authors do not think about readers at all, but write what they want.
    How many uprisings and years before the slave system came to an end? Millennia! And capitalism did not instantly change feudalism. So socialism will also be created in stages.
  4. +22
    9 November 2017 10: 28
    Maybe of course socialism will someday come - God forbid
    And the article is interesting
    And relevant
    1. +9
      9 November 2017 16: 17
      Shpakovsky -adaptive demagogue and plagiarist.
      1. 0
        10 November 2017 11: 52
        Thanks for the advertisement!
  5. +11
    9 November 2017 10: 33
    The author is better at lighting deeper layers of history.
    I understand when you consider yourself a talent, and you are “pressed”, a big resentment appears. And then a clear case of mediocrity is to blame.

    The author is seen in childhood did not feed you (strange the colonel’s son), and adults (in the company) did not top up.

    There is a generalized criterion of management effectiveness, and by the periods of the USSR it is seen when it became better, relative to the previous one.

    Well, the land has become private (Ukraine), and that - on 2 hectares we will open up commodity production. In the best case, a bag of grain will be given for rent (per year). And agricultural holdings and without land ownership (not much interfere) work, relatively not bad.
    1. +5
      9 November 2017 17: 53
      Quote: chenia
      There is a generalized criterion of management effectiveness, and by the periods of the USSR it is seen when it became better, relative to the previous one.

      It can be seen ... Well, it can be seen ... Then it’s not my text, I rewrote it here from someone, but very much to the point - "by periods" ...
      “As soon as Lenin died, it turned out that the second person in the party, Comrade Trotsky, was a traitor. Kamenev, Zinoviev, Bukharin and Stalin overthrew Trotsky and expelled them from the USSR.
      But after a couple of years it turned out that Kamenev, Zinoviev and Bukharin are also enemies and pests. Then the valiant comrade Heinrich Yagoda shot them.
      A little later Yagoda, as an enemy agent, was shot by Yezhov.
      But after a couple of years it turned out that Yezhov was not a comrade, but an ordinary traitor and an enemy agent. And Yezhov shot Beria.
      After the death of Stalin, everyone realized that Beria was also a traitor. Then Zhukov overthrew and shot Beria.
      But soon Khrushchev learned that Zhukov was an enemy and a conspirator. And he sent Zhukov to the Urals.
      And a little later it was revealed that Stalin was an enemy, a pest and a traitor. And with it, and most of the Politburo. Then Stalin was taken out of the mausoleum, and the political bureau and Shepilov, who joined them, were dispersed by honest party members, led by Khrushchev.
      Several years passed and it turned out that Khrushchev was a voluntarist, a rogue, an adventurer and an enemy. Then Brezhnev sent Khrushchev to retire.
      Soon Brezhnev died, and it turned out that he was a senile, a pest and a cause of stagnation.
      Then there were two more senility, which no one had time to remember, because they died like flies.
      But then a young, energetic Gorbachev came to power. And it turned out that the whole party was a party of pests and enemies, but he will correct everything now ...
      It was then that the USSR collapsed. And Gorbachev turned out to be an enemy and a traitor. "
      1. +8
        9 November 2017 18: 30
        Quote: kalibr
        And Gorbachev turned out to be an enemy and a traitor. "

        And we do not continue further. You demonstrate the features of the national assessment of leaders and leaders.

        And if you compare the periods of the last king of the priest and Stalin. Lapotnaya, dependent, torn apart by class hatred (well, this is not an invention of the Bolsheviks).

        And the state of social justice (and one should not think that the director or minister was the owner of the plant or industry, and the children of the leaders went more to science or the army and not to management, as it was later), with nuclear missile capabilities, powerful industry, literate people, and real social elevators.

        You know what socialism has collapsed, there is not a deficit, but an increased sense of justice developed during the years of Soviet power.
        At that time, the leaders did not have a hundredth share of what the official of a small damage has today, and the responsibility for the failure is serious (they themselves noted above), although in recent years the USSR has been less bloodthirsty.

        And the successes of capitalism are most evident on the example of Ukraine, here is the experiment in its purest form (we will continue, or without words).
        1. 0
          9 November 2017 22: 26
          And then I don’t know, I didn’t come up with it ... Continue on your own. It will be interesting to read ...
      2. +4
        9 November 2017 18: 48
        I rephrase your comment:
        Comrade Stalin was a father to us all.
        Under him capitalism came to an end.
        He instituted five-year plans,
        united peasants into a collective farm,
        and the Soviet flag hoisted over the Reichstag.

        But in March, he’s a little bit wrong -
        and now we all learned the truth about him:
        he transplanted half the country,
        he ruined the faithful Leninists
        and he declared himself a god during his lifetime.

        Khrushchev Nikitushka was at least tall with arshins -
        the country reached with him shining peaks.
        with him they plowed virgin lands
        when flying to the moon
        For 20 years they vowed to build “communism”.

        But in October its a little bit wrong
        and now we learned the whole truth about him:
        he changed his mind 7 times a day,
        he created a corn cult,
        scared the whole world of Kuzma’s relatives,
        Well, in general, here and there in it overwhelmed “voluntarism”.

        After him, Leonid Brezhnev personally became the leader.
        With him everyone was dressed, shod, and drunk, and well-fed.
        He contributed to literature;
        the struggle for peace went so well
        that his chest was always breaking with rewards.

        When God took him away from us,
        who is he, we learned the answer to our question:
        he plunged the country into a stagnant spasm,
        and he fell into an abominable insanity,
        and various Honnekers kissed passionately.

        this is one of the options, there are continuations before, and further hi
  6. +6
    9 November 2017 10: 57
    Comrade Shpakovsky correctly comprehended Oruel - that was all. We can not disagree. But what happened in Russia in 1917 is only part of Orwell. The second part is related to ethics, i.e. with the national component of the "revolution", which I call the Great Jewish Revolution, which is permanent and continues to this day.
    1. +13
      9 November 2017 11: 10
      Quote: Silhouette
      Shpakovsky correctly comprehended Oruel - that was all. We can not disagree. But what happened in Russia in 1917 is only part of Orwell.

      Blah blah blah, Shpakovsky jerked as always, ORUELL is the REALITY of the West, and now it’s a shame in Russia too, as long as it is ruled by all sorts of fat cats.
      Here is the quote from Orwell, what a striking resemblance to the existing capital reality in Russia.
      “They are born, grow up in the mud, start working at the age of twelve, experience a short period of physical prosperity and sexuality, get married at twenty, get thirty at the age of thirty, and usually die at sixty. Hard physical work, worries about home and children, small swarms with neighbors, movies, football, beer and, most importantly, gambling - that’s all that fits into their horizons. Managing them is easy. It is considered undesirable for proles to have a keen interest in politics. They only need primitive patriotism - to appeal to him when it comes to lengthening the working day or reducing rations. And if dissatisfaction takes possession of them - this also happened, - this discontent leads to nothing, because due to the lack of general ideas it is addressed only against small concrete troubles. ” George Orwell, the novel "1984"

      1. +5
        9 November 2017 14: 47
        "always distorted, ORUELL is the REALITY of the West" ///

        With us: they grow clean, begin to work at 21 years old (after the army)
        or at 25 (after university college), marry at 25-30, give birth to 2-4 children at 40,
        to 60 already elderly, to 90 usually die.
        1. +7
          9 November 2017 15: 06
          It’s strange. I thought in such splendor, do you live forever?
          1. +3
            9 November 2017 16: 14
            It doesn’t work out yet. But genetics do not despair to push us to the limit: 120.
            (Jewish wish: "live to 120!" smile )
            1. +5
              9 November 2017 16: 22
              Good luck! If only genetics did not overdo it, otherwise we know them, such, as a result, with the phenotype we are wise that our own mother does not recognize.
              1. +4
                9 November 2017 16: 28
                Who cares? And so the half-forum is sure that we are reptilians,
                governing the world. Well, the scales and tail will grow to 120 ... In Hollywood
                anyway, it's too late to film. laughing
                1. +7
                  9 November 2017 16: 42
                  As for the scales and tail, we are still not sure that they are not there. Who knows you there?
                  1. +5
                    9 November 2017 16: 55
                    I served in reserve with a Jew from Brazil.
                    In the Brazilian army, he was a lieutenant after
                    Institute. Distributed to a town on the Amazon. Hole,
                    on the square - the entire population, a couple of hundred people.
                    His predecessor in the garrison: announced: "new officer!
                    by the way - a Jew. "Everyone rushed in all directions. The children cried.
                    The officer whispered to him: "take off his cap." He took off, showed everyone
                    bald spot. People began to calm down, smile.
                    It turns out that the local priest told the parishioners that
                    all Jews - devilish horns on the crown.
                    1. +6
                      9 November 2017 17: 03
                      It turns out that the local priest told the parishioners that
                      all Jews - devilish horns on the crown.

                      but! belay what a biased padre! laughing
                    2. +4
                      9 November 2017 17: 12
                      Does the Jews have a bald spot? belay Rather believe in horns laughing
                      1. +2
                        9 November 2017 17: 13
                        Does the Jews have a bald spot?

                        the catholic padre must also have a bald spot laughing
                  2. +4
                    9 November 2017 17: 04
                    And so the half-forum is sure that we are reptilians,
                    governing the world .....
                    As for the scales and tail, we are still not sure that they are not ......

                    Doctor, so you ask Dmitry, the honored reptiloid! laughing Dmitry - no offense. drinks
                    1. +3
                      9 November 2017 17: 13
                      But is Dmitry a Jew too? belay Mama!
                      1. +2
                        9 November 2017 17: 23
                        their people are everywhere! request shaw, Doctor, did you think that you don’t have them? hi then go look at the head of the psychiatric ward! wink Annunaki our brothers, glory be to them! drinks Warrior and Dmitry - no offense drinks joke!
                2. +3
                  9 November 2017 20: 33
                  Quote: voyaka uh
                  Who cares? And so the half-forum is sure that we are reptilians,
                  governing the world.

                  But yak! Do not look away! Everyone knows about the water in the tap !!! Do not drink so much reptiloid !!! wassat laughing
    2. +5
      9 November 2017 12: 21
      It seems that Shpakovsky "correctly comprehended" only Orwell, but the "Paretto Law". Not enough for a scientist at sunset?
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +5
        9 November 2017 19: 08
        Quote: avva2012
        It seems that Shpakovsky "correctly comprehended" only Orwell, but the "Paretto Law". Not enough for a scientist at sunset?

        One thing I can say for sure - Shpakovsky learned social Darwinism by 5+!
        1. +4
          10 November 2017 03: 23
          I would deepen, social-nationalism already smells pretty good.
      3. +4
        10 November 2017 01: 01
        Quote: avva2012
        It seems that Shpakovsky "correctly comprehended" only Orwell, but the "Paretto Law". Not enough for a scientist at sunset?

        He did not understand them, applies "neither to the village, nor to the city."
        1. +3
          10 November 2017 03: 26
          Alexander, so I put quotation marks. I have a feeling that the worse my personal affairs, the stronger the idea of ​​dividing into higher and lower. Though in this way to receive moral compensation, clean the imaginary crown with a sand.
        2. +2
          10 November 2017 04: 52
          Quote: Alexander Green
          Quote: avva2012
          It seems that Shpakovsky "correctly comprehended" only Orwell, but the "Paretto Law". Not enough for a scientist at sunset?

          He did not understand them, applies "neither to the village, nor to the city."

          Thoughts that it was “magic wands” ----- got out, waved, the wish came true.
          1. +2
            10 November 2017 07: 46
            Yeah sticks. If you know what the author wrote earlier, then these are Koch’s sticks, no less. The same, the essence is the same, they sit in their bodies calmly and do not notice them while he is healthy.
  7. +3
    9 November 2017 11: 16
    Quote: chenia

    I understand when you consider yourself a talent, and you are “pressed”, a big resentment appears. And then a clear case of mediocrity is to blame.

    The author is seen in childhood did not feed you (strange the colonel’s son), and adults (in the company) did not top up.

    Maybe this is so, or maybe not. I can say for myself that when choosing a specialty with the help of an older relative (all senior relatives), it annoys. Well, the consequences of such a choice “from above” can be very different.
  8. +10
    9 November 2017 11: 27
    But no workers were able to change the structure of "higher", "middle" and "lower", they failed to build any "socialism", and as a result, the development of Russian society, despite all the spilled blood flows, returned to circles its own, to the economic system of forced labor: if you want to work, if you want to, no, the one who is smarter than others, the one whose work is more in demand, or has great social significance, who, as a result, gets more than the rest ...[/B]
    However, as rushing with snobbery from the statement of Shpakovsky ... well, he directly imagined himself to be a kind of celestial ... but in fact, in fact, Shpakovsky, as befits one. earlier, when he was in the party nomenclature.
    The pennies to him are worthless, and to Lenin’s understanding ... which Shpakovsky doesn’t have at all.
    ORUELL is the reality of the WEST and its model of society, it’s not by chance that Shpakovsky praises it this way, but forgets one thing ... if the so-called Orwell “gaps” have an Idea and a Leader, then the Shpakov’s fate, as always, is either a Khvilos ship or hello Siberia is a mother with her forest open spaces.
    History does not teach Shpakovsky anything.
    [b] "It is clear that mediocrity was forced to let certain talented people go up there to maintain the functioning of the state of their interests. A bad plane will not fly, a bad tank will not build a lot, an automatic machine will not shoot. However, talented people don’t act in their personal interests "They were legally ordered to be" like everyone else ", for example, to work without fail, that is, to be at the mandatory level of mass mediocrity and to speak for him just a little."
    -Directly the manifesto of a tradesman of some kind ... apparently Shpakovsky thinks he is talented at the same level as for example with Belov or Rasputin? Or is Nikolai Rubtsov, Stanislav Kunyaev, Yuri Kuznetsov?
    There is no Shpakovsky .. your level in describing the recent past is Solzhenitsyn, and these are categories that in a decent society cause a minimum of rejection, a maximum sense of abomination from the personality of the author of all kinds of "archipelagos .." But this is exactly so, from this, Solzhenitsyn, an aphorism (or rather, aphonarism) was forged: “Well, what if the Germans would have won? A portrait with a mustache hung, would hang with a mustache. Total and business! "
    It was not with this mean phrase that the completely innocuous "stories" about "Bavarian beer" and similar reasonings went then? And isn't this the same thing that Shpakovsky described in his opus, "The Swastika over the Kremlin"?
    In general .... I think it is very appropriate to give a different definition here to these "patriotic" words of an outspoken traitor, for whom, that fascism, that Soviet socialism, that Hitler, that Stalin - no difference. And this definition was very accurately expressed by our Leningrad poetess Valery Vyushkov in her epigram Solzhenitsyn:

    No, the scoundrel was not all the same!

    After all, Hitler for him is a hero of the bourgeois will!

    His anti-Soviet nonsense is held at school!

    Solzhenitsyn the liar is full of sins!

    Vermont scumbag, impudent all more,

    He cried out to Reagan: "Until socialism

    Will you tolerate ?! Moscow is time for a long time

    Bomb like Hiroshima! Is it a pity to the bomb, perhaps?! .. ".
    Write to Mr. Shpakovsky texts about the Middle Ages, about edged weapons of past centuries, this is wonderful for you, but as soon as you cross the bar, which is clearly not according to your talent, you immediately likened yourself to that of Solzhenitsyn a liar.
    But for you, Shpakovsky and Solzhenitsyn, how are oil to the soul? Well, well ...
    Take criticism, and do not get into a bottle with philistine insults.
    1. +6
      9 November 2017 12: 15
      Some characters are evolving, but the essence is the same. Barrel of jam and a basket of cookies. Only this article for those to whom it is written is not needed for its intended purpose. Offset paper.
      1. +5
        9 November 2017 12: 31
        I’m embarrassed to ask terrible doubts. The author positions himself as a status person. He happens in different cities and abroad and knows the modern criteria of appearance. But how could it be otherwise? But the hairstyle in his photo in another article --- well, like PESNYAROV in 60-70? In St. Petersburg, I have not seen such hairstyles. Too shy to say only if .......
        Nostalgia for socialist Komsomol youth no matter what? And may the author forgive me for bewilderment, for when he talks about his personal details, he is ready for any questions.
        1. +4
          9 November 2017 12: 37
          Soviet youth she is. laughing Does not let go. You can grow up and become anyone, even an anti-Soviet, to sell everything you believed in, and her youth comes from where the grass is greener, the girls are younger and "Lenin, the party, the Komsomol!". wink
          1. +5
            9 November 2017 12: 49
            Quote: avva2012
            Soviet youth she is. laughing Does not let go. You can grow up and become anyone, even an anti-Soviet, to sell everything you believed in, and her youth comes from where the grass is greener, the girls are younger and "Lenin, the party, the Komsomol!". wink

            Yes, you’re probably right. Perhaps that’s why his representatives of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union so often invite to meetings. They know it absolutely for sure! About Soviet youth. I remember the Soviet youth of my parents.
            1. +2
              9 November 2017 13: 02
              Quote: Reptiloid
              About Soviet youth. I remember the Soviet youth of my parents.

              All had one youth (or almost all, with rare exceptions), or rather, there were 7 (seven) well-known grave diggers of youth, and Soviet youth, or anti-Soviet, there is no difference:
              - disbelief in God
              - drunkenness
              - debauchery
              - anger
              - disrespect for parents
              - bad partnership
              - idleness
              1. +6
                9 November 2017 13: 12
                This, you, the present time, perfectly unsubscribed!
              2. +3
                9 November 2017 21: 31
                Quote: bober1982
                Everyone had one youth (or almost all, with rare exceptions), or rather there were 7 (seven) well-known grave diggers of youth, and Soviet youth, or anti-Soviet, did not differ:

                Beaver, maybe it's time to grow out of youthful maximalism and understand that the world is not so black and white?
                Quote: bober1982
                - drunkenness
                - debauchery
                - disrespect for parents

                In the majority of knots pass over time, if not aggravated:
                Quote: bober1982
                - bad partnership
                - idleness

                Quote: bober1982
                - anger

                How a perfectly normal reaction to injustice is acceptable, isn't it?
                Quote: bober1982
                - disbelief in God

                And, here, "beaver, exhale, exhale, beaver" (c)! Remember what god the atheists believed in - Komsomol members and young communists in 1941-1945, for example, and exhale!
                1. +5
                  10 November 2017 03: 49
                  Remember what god the atheists believed in - Komsomol members and young communists in 1941-1945

                  It is necessary to recall and, "I am dying, goodbye, Motherland." It is necessary to recall both the boys and girls from the graduation party of 1941 of the year, how many of them survived to the 1945 of the year? They knew that for them there would be no “kingdom of God”, that life was one, but they sacrificed it anyway. A bober, all about the same about his.
            2. +7
              9 November 2017 13: 07
              Parents, country. Communism is the youth of the world. There was such a slogan. Only some Koshchei traded their immortality for gold. And wither away. smile
              1. +2
                9 November 2017 13: 25
                Photo (from the Internet), signature to the photo is characteristic .........youth at all times was perhaps the most fun and progressive part of our society.
                About seven the grave diggers of youth were bashfully silent.
                1. +2
                  9 November 2017 13: 37
                  Nothing is clear ???? Accessories like not Soviet and non-modern. Or not increase?
                  1. 0
                    9 November 2017 13: 41
                    Fartsovshchiki (Soviet) probably, but this is of course an assumption.
                    1. +2
                      9 November 2017 13: 56
                      Keywords, "" probably "" and "" guess "". Then there’s no point at all. It seems you hurried ????
                      1. +1
                        9 November 2017 13: 59
                        You did not read carefully, but I said that it does not matter Soviet youth, or anti-Soviet, farcemen or Komsomol members.
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        Accessories like not Soviet and non-modern

                        And where does the accessories and the present?
            3. +1
              9 November 2017 16: 47
              Quote: Reptiloid
              so repeatedly invite his representatives of the CPSU

              Fudge! Only once, to issue a collection ...
              1. +2
                10 November 2017 09: 58
                Quote: kalibr
                Quote: Reptiloid
                so repeatedly invite his representatives of the CPSU

                Fudge! Only once, to issue a collection ...

                They also mentioned the meeting not so long ago. Is it really necessary to look for where? At the same time they were hinted by a bad word. That's what!
                1. 0
                  11 November 2017 08: 18
                  Dmitry! This is the very meeting that was. With the issuance of collections and distribution tsatsk handed. Why should I cheat on you? Many times I wrote to you that a lie is a low matter. And then the Penza people read it too ...
        2. +2
          9 November 2017 18: 54
          Dmitry, it’s good to have hair wink but when they roll in by the age of 35, then it’s very shitty, self-esteem falls, so you try to compensate for them with a mustache and beard! request (I’m telling you as a semi-professional bearded man wink).
          1. +3
            9 November 2017 19: 14
            many are cut in bulk, stol? A real man does not dye his hair.
            Your post made me laugh, because this is a problem for many. And what should hairdressers do then? So they say that you need to put your eyebrows in order, as well as a beard, mustache, ears and nose. This they offer everyone. Such an intrusive service. What is there to be done for a man constrained in his movements by a cloak with latches? And they have already fixed their head. Horror !!
            1. +4
              9 November 2017 20: 10
              What is there to be done for a man constrained in his movements by a cloak with latches?

              if you are about Kobzon and Kirkorov, then he is singing laughing (a joke about a wig).
              but on the baldness I’m not ready to get a haircut! stop you know, nostalgia for lost hair and youth keeps wink
              A real man does not dye his hair.

              it colors .. wallet? what
              1. +2
                10 November 2017 04: 44
                Quote: Mikado
                What is there to be done for a man constrained in his movements by a cloak with latches?

                if you are about Kobzon and Kirkorov, then he is singing laughing (joke about a wig) .:
                No, not about them. This is for hairdressers (or rather, for pretty girls in hairdressing salons) such a cape, time, and a man in a cape !!!!!
      2. +4
        9 November 2017 20: 49
        Quote: avva2012
        Only this article for those to whom it is written is not needed for its intended purpose. Offset paper.

        Cargo cult, sir! The "barrel of jam and a basket of cookies" is long over. And I want more ...
        1. +5
          10 November 2017 03: 59
          I’d like to get over it. laughing You need to think about the soul, visit therapeutic mud, get used to it slowly. Anyway, diabetes comes from sweets or that place may stick together for which offset paper is not very suitable.
    2. +4
      10 November 2017 01: 38
      Quote: badens1111
      Write Mr. Shpakovsky texts about the Middle Ages, about edged weapons of past centuries, it turns out wonderful for you,

      What are you talking about? The author has more than 2000 articles, for a long time he has copied everything from everyone, there is no one else to copy.
      1. +2
        10 November 2017 04: 34
        Quote: Alexander Green

        What are you talking about? The author has more than 2000 articles, for a long time he has copied everything from everyone, there is no one else to copy.
        Sorry, dear! What articles did you find? Here or on other resources? And due to the multiplicity, the author makes public his personal history, the history of his family, in the interpretation, of course, that is, he sells everything that is. And not just once, and then he says to me that it is not necessary to discuss personalities?
        In the comments, someone was surprised at Russophobia .... But what is surprising? If you recall the article on white-covers (about a year ago) - then everything was already perfectly visible. And also the article on the armored train "United Russia" "The author chuckles at whom and with what? After all, not only over the party in power.
      2. +3
        10 November 2017 05: 05
        Therefore, he took up advertising and PR.
        1. 0
          11 November 2017 08: 15
          Doctor! Do what you pay more for. And get rich on rarities. In summer, ice is rare and ice should be sold. In winter, rarity flowers.
          1. 0
            13 November 2017 05: 19
            Do what you pay more for.

            I think that not all women will agree with you, although there are some.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  9. +7
    9 November 2017 11: 58
    Great, solid article.
    1. +6
      9 November 2017 12: 08
      Quote: Olgovich
      Great, solid article.

      Trash Olgovich, trash ...
      1. +3
        9 November 2017 12: 24
        Olgovich, this is an indicator, Vlad, test strip. If, "Excellent, solid article," then with the article, everything is clear, "two strips, this ...". Yes, soon the second strip will appear, apparently. Which does not cornet wink laughing
        1. +5
          9 November 2017 14: 31
          Quote: avva2012
          Olgovich, this is an indicator

          Yes, I see ..
          I look at this “teacher of Russian literature” and I am surprised that the meaning of what was written from him by virtue of a perverted interpretation is immediately turned inside out .. about the article, that the article is a trash, he is silent about himself, that olgovich is trash, well, how to perceive such an indicator. ..I'm guessing. laughing
          And I will not be surprised at all that this is a brief summary of our analogue of the arrow of an oscilloscope, they will consider it a way to offend something that is impossible to offend, how can I offend a test, indicator, arrow of an oscilloscope ?? request
          1. +8
            9 November 2017 14: 47
            Quote: badens1111
            oscilloscope arrow

            Swift jack, practically.
            The oscilloscope does not have arrows.
            But the alarm clock has at least three belay
            1. +3
              9 November 2017 14: 53
              Quote: Golovan Jack
              But the alarm clock has at least three

              Stunned ... so that he has an alarm clock ??? Three pines .. three arrows ... fornication, twists .. no way to find.
              I remember Latynina was called the arrow of an oscilloscope, do not remember why?
              I knew one unique person, whose scribe Latynina as the Bible lay in pride of place ..
              1. +8
                9 November 2017 15: 18
                Quote: badens1111
                I remember Latynina was called the arrow of an oscilloscope, do not remember why?

                I don’t know Latynina well, but not bad - an oscilloscope.
                About the phrase "about the arrow" did not know, my apologies.
                1. +4
                  9 November 2017 17: 09
                  Quote: Golovan Jack
                  About the phrase "about the arrow" did not know, my apologies.

                  Yes give up laughing what really .. with whom does not happen.
          2. +4
            9 November 2017 14: 56
            It seems to me that reading the comments of the military builder, we can definitely conclude that it should be taken as a Standard, in his opinion. Golden section highlighting good and evil. Evil, of course, is what the author of this opus and the Comment Wizard with cartoons writes about, this is mediocrity. And, RKMP and they, this is undoubted good. High personalities who bring to us what they carry, and we are unable to perceive it. Third grade or group. Soviet. crying
      2. +2
        9 November 2017 13: 05
        Quote: badens1111
        Garbage Olgovich

        Is it an insult or ignorance of the RUSSIAN language? lol
        If the insult deserved a ban, right?
        If dense illiteracy is a disgrace.
        As in the famous "can not be pardoned"
        You know how to make laugh, Vladikavkaz ... lol
        1. +4
          9 November 2017 14: 25
          Quote: Olgovich
          Is it an insult or ignorance of the RUSSIAN language?

          This is your illiteracy, olgovich.
          So the phrase sounds, Garbage Olgovich, garbage ... And how do you perceive the comma. Your grief, who did you consider yourself ..
          Finger show, you are a Moldovan builder of anti-Soviet pyramids ridiculous? In the sense of an indicative .. otherwise you will think that .. with an indication of where to proceed?
          1. +5
            9 November 2017 22: 02
            Quote: badens1111
            ridiculous you are the Moldavian builder of anti-Soviet pyramids

            Sanchuhnik - the king of the "known substance" and a couple! (Although, with steam I, perhaps, got excited ...) laughing
          2. 0
            10 November 2017 10: 31
            Quote: badens1111
            This is your illiteracy, olgovich.
            So the phrase sounds, Garbage Olgovich, garbage ... And how do you perceive the comma. Your grief, who did you consider yourself ..

            My illiterate friend, treatment is highlighted with commas from BOTH sides lol
        2. +4
          9 November 2017 22: 03
          Garbage Olgovich

          Quote: Olgovich
          Is it an insult or ignorance of the RUSSIAN language?

          This is a statement of fact. hi
          1. 0
            10 November 2017 10: 42
            Quote: HanTengri
            Garbage Olgovich

            Quote: Olgovich
            Is it an insult or ignorance of the RUSSIAN language?

            This is a statement of fact. hi

            Comrade Khan, what a bother you are!
            I don’t communicate with you (disdain), you know this and, nevertheless, comment on everything, comment .... request
            Turn to other visitors: I do not read you. I read it - by chance.
            1. +1
              11 November 2017 19: 41
              Quote: Olgovich
              Turn to other visitors: I do not read you. I read it - by chance.

              Nevertheless ... not that they would be offended, but recorded, Khan, right.
  10. +21
    9 November 2017 12: 42
    chenia The author is better at covering deeper layers of history

    In my experience
    The author is better at covering any questions and layers of history.
    Experience and knowledge are impressive.
    The article is interesting, makes you think, raises a number of questions.
    Well, the fact that sometimes comments go "to the wrong steppe." Again from observations. And why it is not surprising - I will not continue lol
    Article and author - plus, of course good
  11. +4
    9 November 2017 13: 16
    According to Pareto’s law, earnings must be distributed in the ratio of 80 to 20 (4-1), and our directors get 10-20 times more than the average employee!
    1. +1
      9 November 2017 17: 43
      And this is bad! But in England there are 70 and 30. More justice, huh?
      1. +5
        9 November 2017 18: 20
        Quote: kalibr
        But in England there are 70 and 30. More justice, huh?

        This is better?

        When Pyotr Alekseevich Kropotkin, after the abolition of serfdom, talked with his father, he asked him: “But admit that you often severely punished servants, sometimes even without any reason,” to which he replied: “With this people, it’s different it was impossible. Are they people? ”
        You think the same.
        1. 0
          9 November 2017 22: 17
          Are you a telepath or a seer?
  12. +7
    9 November 2017 13: 19
    What was it ? "The Pareto Law", "anti-market coup", "the mass of the population-mediocrity", etc.
    It is not even the anti-Sovietism-Russophobia of the author that is surprising. With this, everything is clear.
    Surprising, speaking the language of the author, is his complete mediocrity. Even, God forgive me, "research by British scientists" regarding VOSR, and even higher.
  13. +5
    9 November 2017 13: 21
    that is, three groups: higher, middle and lower, which no revolution can destroy.

    That's right. Three groups cannot be destroyed not only by revolution, but also by capitalism, and socialism, and in general everything - isms. Because there is a law of Gaussian distribution. And he says that everything is always divided into three groups.
    the very growth of the welfare industry of the free citizens of the country was also to a large extent ensured by completely slave labor — the labor of the gulag prisoners.

    liberal myth, they have already debated about him in VO, why drag him here?
    1. +6
      9 November 2017 14: 27
      Quote: glory1974
      liberal myth, they have already debated about him in VO, why drag him here?

      What do you mean why?
      If you don’t insert about the Gulag, then the horror in the written is not enough, and if you do not insert other liberal stories, an completely empty article will come out-
  14. +2
    9 November 2017 14: 13
    Dmitry, in general, do not read such comments. He writes, no matter what is photographed and who. The main thing to listen! Seven sins! wassat
    1. 0
      9 November 2017 15: 13
      Quote: avva2012
      Seven sins!

      Not seven sins, but seven grave diggers of youth.
      1. +2
        9 November 2017 15: 28
        Do they apply to any human society?
  15. +3
    9 November 2017 14: 41
    One has a scout tie on his neck, but age for a scout and who is it? And where? And when? Fartsa Soviet did not stick out ..... there were dates. You have not completed the topic. That's what.
    1. +2
      9 November 2017 14: 54
      Quote: Reptiloid
      One has a scout tie on his neck, but age for a scout and who is it? And where?

      It may well be in the GDR, the NDP, the VNR, what's so surprising?
      1. +2
        9 November 2017 15: 13
        Quote: badens1111

        It may well be in the GDR, the NDP, the VNR, what's so surprising?

        That's what it is about ---- where are we? Where are those countries? And what does the BOBER 1982 have to do with it? DISAPPEARANCE came out.
  16. +1
    9 November 2017 14: 41
    Of course, but in some ways the same. Something, after all, unites these people?
    1. +3
      9 November 2017 15: 00
      Quote: avva2012
      Something, after all, unites these people?

      I will say briefly.
      Hatred combined with gray.
      Remember the Strugatsky?
      GRAYs beat the BLACK ROAD.
      And then what about the gray ones ... in the trash, they cut it out, as unnecessary .. did the writers' fears about the future come true.

      Where dullness triumphs, black always comes to power. ("It's hard to be a god")

      Eighty-three percent of all days of the year begin the same way: an alarm clock rings. ("Monday starts on Saturday")

      For whole weeks you spend your soul on vulgar chatter with all sorts of scum, and when you meet a real person, there is no time to talk. ("It's hard to be a god")

      Sometimes I ask myself: what the hell are we spinning like this? To make money? But what the hell are we going to do with money, if we only do what are we spinning?

      ... A slave much better understands his master, even the most cruel than his liberator, for each slave perfectly represents himself in the place of the master, but few imagine himself in the place of an unselfish liberator. (It is difficult to be a god)
      The last quote is very characteristic of some anti-Soviet lovers.
      1. +6
        9 November 2017 15: 15
        Surprisingly, the Strugatsky brothers wrote such things while in a “totalitarian” state. And, as "freedom" became, so they brought nonsense and heresy. Did they write to themselves? So, it seems, were not gray. What happened is completely unclear.
        1. +3
          9 November 2017 16: 06
          And, as "freedom" became, so they brought nonsense and heresy.

          this is a reference to your favorite expression about changing shoe covers on the fly, Doctor hi
          1. +5
            9 November 2017 16: 26
            In our region, she walks in somewhat modified form. Shoe covers are transferred to slippers. The coarse sense is present, of course, because, as a result of frequent changes, you may not notice how I found myself in white laughing
            1. +2
              9 November 2017 16: 50
              Shoe covers transferred to slippers

              shaw, no shoe covers? all shoe covers for the construction of the spaceport left? belay
              1. +3
                9 November 2017 17: 03
                Well, what are you, where is the spaceport, and where are we? Just slippers are comfortable.
                1. +1
                  9 November 2017 17: 07
                  Just slippers are comfortable.

                  Logically, you don’t have to pay five rubles. Well, is it convenient for the patient or the doctor. The visitor will still put on shoe covers in most cases. what
                  Well, what are you, where is the spaceport, and where are we?

                  SHShShirokaaa mya dear native! fellow drinks
                  1. +3
                    9 November 2017 17: 25
                    Yes, you what! By law, shoe covers must be provided free of charge.
                    1. +1
                      9 November 2017 17: 28
                      Yes, you what! By law, shoe covers must be provided free of charge.

                      to whom ??? belay Did I miss something? shoe covers for visitors, as a rule, are provided free of charge only in paid centers, in clinics and hospitals I always paid for them! belay
                      1. +3
                        10 November 2017 04: 04
                        I know, but last year, to our authorities, Rospotrebnadzor, popularly explained that shoe covers in all institutions should be free of charge.
  17. +7
    9 November 2017 15: 27
    Yes, I can’t add an article to the author with all my desire. Alas, this is a classic manifestation of the effect of the first mastered theory.
    The effect lies in the tendency to reduce the entire diversity of the world without fail to the first models successfully mastered independently or under someone else's guidance (regardless of whether models were developed for these purposes or not).
    The effect is very noticeable at various conferences during the reports and, oddly enough, weakly depends on the person’s gender, age, education and scientific degrees.
    I will try. within the framework of the commentary to substantiate their point of view.
    The first one. Pareto.
    It is unlikely that Wilfredo Pareto, studying in 1897 the structure of income distribution among Italian households, thought that out of more than 30 volumes of essays on sociology, mathematics, economics, political science and
    etc., etc. the descendants will “adapt” to everything that the results of this sociological study can and cannot do.
    Pareto himself never proposed such a “principle”, since he investigated the specific dependencies of the distribution of incomes of the population in Italy, in which he received the famous 20/80 ratio.
    Yes, indeed, adherence to the 80/20 principle is very common in a wide variety of areas. However, this does not mean its fundamental nature and universality.
    However, Pareto himself was much wiser and said that the uneven distribution of income is inevitable. This is a consequence of the fact that we are working with a complex system. After all, money is just one of the parameters of life, important, but not the only important.
    Therefore, the Pareto principle, the 80/20 rule is only a local method, the method of finding a local maximum using the derivative. To search for a global maximum, one parameter is not enough.
    In addition, the uniform distribution of the parameter can indicate that the maximum is reached, and that the system does not depend on this parameter. And such a complex system as society, and even during the period of social disasters - and even more so.
    This principle is only a form. In each area of ​​human activity, it has its own characteristic value, not necessarily equal to the 80:20 ratio and predetermined by completely controlled factors.
    Its use is useful only in combination with well-developed technologies for modeling processes, forecasting and solving optimization problems.
    The second one. Orwell.
    His dystopian novel “1984” (for some reason no one mentions the previous story “Animal Farm”) has been regularly used recently as a prophecy of the dead-end nature of socialism. This, sorry, is a hoax.
    George Orwell never opposed socialism, because he himself was a socialist. Its political platform is democratic socialism. But socialism, which was built in the USSR, yes, it caused acute rejection in Orwell. He considered this system tyranny, and Stalin - its immediate culprit. Therefore, Orwell should be quoted with caution and very desirable with comments explaining the difference between Orwell’s democratic socialism and socialism in the USSR. And then it turns out that the ideas of socialism are still popular, even in the most prosperous countries and it is still very far from enrolling him in utopia.
    Well, about the change of elites.
    Here Pareto and his theory of the cycle of elites would be appropriate, which for some reason remained behind the scenes.
    Next, I quote Pareto.
    He distinguished between two types of elites, successively replacing each other. The first type is “lions”, which are characterized by openness, decisiveness in management, reliance on power, authoritarian methods of rule. Lions are good for stable situations because they are extremely conservative. The second type - "foxes", ruling through various means of manipulation, deception, demagoguery. They often resort to bribery, distribution of rewards, rather than the threat of violence. "Foxes" prevail in conditions of instability, transition, when energetic, pragmatically thinking, and capable of transformations rulers are required. According to Pareto, social changes in society are the result of the struggle and "circulation" of the elites. A society dominated by elites - "lions", is doomed to stagnation; a society dominated by elites - “foxes” - is distinguished by dynamic development. Steadiness and stability in the development of society can be ensured with a proportional influx of leaders of the first and second orientation into the elite.
    The governing, relatively small class can be held in power partly by force, and partly by the consent of a large subordinate class. The best option is a proportional balance of power and agreement. The resource of consent is based on the ability of the ruling class to convince the masses of their own rightness. The likelihood of agreement depends on the ability of the elite to skillfully manipulate the feelings and emotions of the majority. Pareto believed that "government policy is more effective the more successful it uses emotions." However, the ability to convince is sometimes insufficient to maintain power. In certain circumstances, the elite must be able to use force in time. Otherwise, a new elite may come to replace it.
    Elites tend to decline, and non-elites are capable of producing potentially elitist elements. This is due to the fact that belonging to the elite is not inherited, because not all children have the outstanding qualities of their parents. Therefore, the old elites are constantly being replaced by new ones, which most often come from the lower strata of society. The need for such changes is determined by the fact that former elites "lose their energy, there is a decrease in the proportions of the residence, which gave them the opportunity to gain power and hold it" ..
    Thus, Pareto explained all social transformations by the "circulation of elites", i.e. a system of "exchange" of people between two groups - the elite and the rest of the population. In particular, he emphasized: this phenomenon of new elites, which, due to constant circulation, rise from the lower strata of society to the upper strata, comprehensively open up, then fall into decay, disappear and disperse, is one of the main phenomena of history, and it must be taken into account so that understand basic social movements.
    The continuous circulation of elites contributes to the balance of the social system to the extent that it provides an influx of "best", "worthy". In addition, the circulation of elites entails the circulation of ideas. However, this happens when the ruling class is open and understands the need for constant circulation. If the elite becomes closed and turns into a caste, it loses the ability to control and resortes to violence in order to maintain power. The cessation of the circulation of elites leads to a revolution. The revolution is, according to Pareto, the most radical way to renew elites, as a result of which the old elite gives way to a new one. In the new elite, “foxes” prevail, which eventually degenerate into “lions” - supporters of violence and despotic rule.
    I apologize for the extensive quotation, but I see no reason to retell Pareto in my own words. He set out all that well.
    So big greetings to the Penza regional branch of the All-Russian Public Organization “Russian Scientists of Socialist Orientation”, which posted an openly weak article in its collection.
    1. +3
      9 November 2017 16: 29
      I guessed that this law could not be read for the time being. And so it happened. Thank you, Viktor Nikolaevich, everything was perfectly explained.
    2. +1
      9 November 2017 17: 01
      So, after all, the article is not about the law and not about the theory of the elites, but rudely about the fact that it was necessary to pay the debts of the peasant masses who dragged their mentality into the city. If you, Viktor Nikolaevich, did not understand this and climbed into the elite, I am not to blame. And about the theory of socialism and there was no question. It was about the "giant wave" and its consequences. Just the case when I look in a book and see something else.
      1. +5
        9 November 2017 18: 21
        "Abstract: The article attempts to consider the October revolution in Russia from the point of view of the Pareto law and the theory of forced labor. It is concluded that this revolution was anti-market, an attempt to slow down the development of the country on the road to building a market economy. It was supported by a mass of the population, which had a low level social adaptation, that is, mediocrity, in the interests of which, like the majority of the population, the managers who came to power in 1917 were forced to act. "
        Do you think that the content of my comment does not correlate with the content of the annotation, i.e. with the content of the article?
        1. 0
          9 November 2017 22: 15
          Very little correlates! And here there are people who also think so, but ... they don’t want to “get involved”. However, you know, I’m not hiding behind my backs. An article about one thing - you saw a completely different thing. But this is your right, in the end ...
          1. +3
            9 November 2017 23: 16
            I didn’t touch upon the subject of the article. My comment was directed at the controversy of arguments designed to prove the truth of the thesis underlying the article. Those. the short meaning of my comment is that the argumentation was unsuccessful, which I tried to explain.
            1. 0
              11 November 2017 08: 08
              Victor Nikolaevich! How would you say something ... I will say this: we now live in the information age, and it has its own laws. Some of them: no matter what is written. Important as! If your information block appears on the enemy’s information platform, his own material will never appear there. The evidence of content is more important than argument. Well and so on ... In this regard - everything is OK. And you see the result of placing this material here? What debates, arguments, counter-arguments, opinions. Another of the rules of the information society: modern people should be heard. There we are all and "listened" (read). And in my university no one even began to read it - they entered the rating column and that’s all. So why do something more, Viktor Nikolaevich? Here is the author without any argument at all and nothing - CA eats!
              1. +1
                11 November 2017 11: 39
                Vyacheslav Olegovich! Probably a certain professional deformation leaves its mark on the perception and "processing" of information. So a kind of coherent system for determining the truth of information is triggered "automatically."
                1. +1
                  11 November 2017 22: 58
                  I agree with that!
  18. +8
    9 November 2017 15: 49
    the author is a fan of the so-called Pareto law, and by publishing her opuses, she tries to impose her point of view that 20% are “celestials,” and the remaining 80% is gray mass, which is obliged to serve “celestials,” or in other words, microcephals, as he once put it in one of his comments bully Adolf Hitler was also a lover of dividing humanity into Aryans and not Aryans, and the afftor should not forget how this ended for the Führer? laughing PS By the way, Benito Mussolini was an ardent fan of Pareto, but the finale of his life is very unenviable.
    1. +1
      9 November 2017 16: 57
      The way Mussolini finished the law does not cancel.
      1. +5
        9 November 2017 17: 16
        Quote: kalibr
        The way Mussolini finished the law does not cancel.

        in this case, I suggest you share your daily diet, in the sense of nutrition laughing divide it into 5 parts and not consume 4 parts of them, and be content with only one fifth, that is, 20% should fully satisfy 80% of your needs, according to you adored by the so-called Pareto law laughing would you like this option? wink
        1. +1
          9 November 2017 17: 39
          And why faces? Are you from school yesterday for UO? And the sentence is somehow strange, are we really talking about the food system?
          1. +6
            9 November 2017 18: 40
            Quote: kalibr
            And why faces? Are you from school yesterday for UO? And the sentence is somehow strange, are we really talking about the food system?

            what? wink nothing to cover? laughing caliber, it means with regard to your own stomach, the Pareto law is out of the question laughing then everything is clear with you, individuals like you promote such misanthropic ideas just to justify the parasites, the so-called "celestials," to whom you probably classify yourself by your naivety, living at the expense of the people whom they call by mob, but without which they are a complete zero.
            1. 0
              9 November 2017 22: 05
              In order: What? - what? For you, I try to cover something? What for? Of course! Clearly this is good! Why is Ostrovsky's drama "Wolves and Sheep" written? And what does naivety have to do with it? It is you who read me here, and not I you. Comments do not count, this is a chatter for the release of steam and unhealthy emotions! As for the school for UO, I see that I was not mistaken.
              1. +3
                10 November 2017 09: 48
                Quote: kalibr
                In order: What? - what? For you, I try to cover something? What for? Of course! Clearly this is good! Why is Ostrovsky's drama "Wolves and Sheep" written? And what does naivety have to do with it? It is you who read me here, and not I you. Comments do not count, this is a chatter for the release of steam and unhealthy emotions! As for the school for UO, I see that I was not mistaken.

                caliber, you are again past the box office, I did not see any clear counterarguments from you, except for your unsubstantiated snobbery laughing
                1. 0
                  10 November 2017 14: 06
                  What arguments do you need, why? Here you are: The Book of Proverbs of Solomon
                  26: 4. Do not answer a fool by foolishness, so that
                  you will not become like him;
                  26: 5. but answer to a fool by his stupidity so that he does not
                  He became a wise man in his own eyes.
                  1. +2
                    10 November 2017 15: 42
                    Solomon parables .. why do we need these parables, we have enough proverbs ..
                    For example, From an empty crate, either an owl or an owl, from an empty head - silly words.
                    So when some arguments don’t have and the facts are some kind of curves,
                    some trouble comes out .. I didn’t get into clever women and I didn’t get out of fools.
                    The century has survived, but has not acquired a mind.
                    Bulat Okudzhava once said: “When I seem to myself a genius,
                    I'm going to wash the dishes ”... You know, sometimes I really want to send some ...
                    1. +1
                      10 November 2017 19: 29
                      Badens, this caliber apparently did not hear a simple Russian proverb that you cannot find ends in the holy fathers, and another winged phrase: "for every sage is quite simple."
                      1. 0
                        10 November 2017 19: 33
                        Exactly. But the main thing for him is the rate of the article, and the fact that they scattered his writings to the smithereens, does not bother him .. therefore, your comment gets to the point.
                  2. +2
                    10 November 2017 15: 53
                    You can’t answer in your own words, and decided to hide behind the Book of Proverbs of Solomon? Well, as they say themselves asked for it.
                    26: 9. What a thorny thorns in a drunken hand, then a parable in the mouth of fools.
                    1. 0
                      11 November 2017 07: 57
                      It’s good that you once again looked into the Scriptures and found me a good answer. Lord, how are people controlled. You rejoice that they shaved me, right? And I pledged with my friend that ... In response to my quote, you climb to search (and find!) Yours. I regret now that I argued a little.
                      1. +2
                        11 November 2017 14: 33
                        Caliber, don't flatter yourself wink
      2. +5
        9 November 2017 17: 47
        if you consume 24% of your previous needs, then according to the Pareto law laughing it will provide your needs 100% laughing
  19. +18
    9 November 2017 16: 03
    I liked the article.
    I won’t wander about the tree
    But as far as I know, there are different articles - introducing new data, offering a new look or offering to reason.
    Last and takes place
    So the goal is achieved by the author
    Well done good
  20. +5
    9 November 2017 16: 45
    "Brilliant." DPI and UDC are not signs of a scientific article. A list of literature relating to the socio-economic history of the 1905th century, of the two titles, is hilarious. Recently I submitted an article to the Vosov magazine on one of the particular problems of the 100 revolution - so there were some XNUMX names of sources (including archival from two repositories) and literature. Probably, Mr. Shpakovsky is still not in the know what research is. And the vulgarization of Pareto’s ideas is simply below any criticism.
    1. +1
      9 November 2017 17: 31
      I am very happy for you that the level of scientificness of your material is just off scale. Let's send your materials to VO so that the local audience enjoy their depth and richness.
      1. +4
        9 November 2017 18: 32
        Your irony, here, of course, is to a certain extent appropriate. I did not try to show off, but only indicated that the position of the Author of the material about his (material) scientific nature is debatable. Alas, I will not be praised for publishing in a non-peer-reviewed (albeit very respected by me) publication. Moreover, in Russian the authorities now strongly recommend that they not be published at all. If only something for the grudge of the day. For example, the day after tomorrow there will be one big liberal coven in St. Petersburg. I can describe it ... Although, of course, you need to communicate with the editors, as I understand it ...
        1. 0
          9 November 2017 22: 03
          I answered you at the very bottom. Take a look ...
  21. +2
    9 November 2017 17: 03
    Quote: glory1974
    liberal myth

    That is, the Gulag prisoners did not work?
    1. +7
      9 November 2017 17: 12
      Quote: kalibr
      That is, the Gulag prisoners did not work?

      And they had to eat eclairs and sunbathe on the beach?
      1. +2
        9 November 2017 17: 29
        No, of course, but the profit from their labor was incomparable with the profit from civilian workers. That's all. That is, the achievements ensured the slave labor of prisoners as well. The man was imprisoned and still worked harder than a Roman slave. And then it also became clear that he was not to blame and was released. This is a bad system, that's all. That collapsed.
        1. +5
          9 November 2017 17: 46
          Quote: kalibr
          No, of course, but the profit from their labor was incomparable with the profit from civilian workers

          Can you prove it?
          The second question, the Gulag in which there is so much fear for you, how it differs from the FSIN and whether your country does not need the FSIN-Federal Penitentiary Service from your logic of fears about the GULAG, as the Main Directorate of Camps, and not the place of detention itself.
          Quote: kalibr
          That is, the achievements ensured the slave labor of prisoners as well. The man was imprisoned and still worked harder than a Roman slave.

          And this is a lie. As your lie, at the expense of Roman slaves correlates with this
          Gulag prisoners received a salary for their work.
          “This money in administrative documents was initially and up to the end of the 1940s. denoted by the terms "cash incentive" or "cash bonus". The concept of "salary" was also sometimes used, but officially this name was introduced only in 1950 "
          L.I. Borodkin, S. Ertts. The structure and stimulation of forced labor in the Gulag: Norillag, late 30s - early 50s
          The salary of prisoners is also mentioned in the book “Prisoners at the construction sites of communism” published with the support of RAO UES of Russia. Here is documentary evidence for a later period of 51 years, but according to these data we can more fully present the practice of paying salaries to Gulag prisoners.
          “The wages of prisoners were withheld“ at the average cost of spending the camp as a whole, the cost of guaranteed food, issued clothes and shoes and income tax so that, under all conditions, working prisoners should be given at least 10% of actual earnings ”. The statutory deductions in practice were huge. So, at the construction of the Kuibyshev hydroelectric station with an average monthly salary of prisoners in 1951 of 397 rubles. on their hands they received an average of 200 rubles. Moreover, more than 7% of prisoners received only a minimum of 10% guaranteed earnings. ”
          Particular attention should be paid to the 10% guaranteed earnings of the prisoner of the Gulag.
          Quote: kalibr
          And then it also became clear that he was not to blame and was released. This is a bad system, that's all. That collapsed.

          That is, now, when the percentage of errors in court sentences is an order of magnitude higher than errors in the USSR, is it better? At the end of 2015, the official representative of the Investigative Committee (IC) of Russia Vladimir Markin reported that the percentage of acquittals in criminal cases does not exceed 0,2%. At the beginning of 2015, the figure, according to him, was slightly higher - 0,4%.

          For comparison, in 1936 in the USSR, people's courts passed 10,9% acquittals, in 1937 - 10,3%; in 1938 - 13,4%; in 1939 - 11,1%; in 1941 - 11,6%. It should be noted that these statistics do not take into account sentences of extrajudicial bodies - “triples”, “collegia” and “special meetings” on the 58th and some other “political” articles, therefore the percentage of acquittals in 1937 and 1938 can be roughly divided into two . Nevertheless, the difference of 10 times compared with 2015 is impressive.
          For whom is it better, for those who have stolen billions, under the current Criminal Code they get off with house arrest?
          What a pamper you are, justifying blatant lawlessness ..
          1. +1
            9 November 2017 18: 15
            The resort is a complete resort, however. How much better than slammer now! And the system is alive and well. Well, if "there" was so good - go back there! What or who is bothering you?
            1. +4
              9 November 2017 19: 27
              Quote: kalibr
              The resort is a complete resort, however.

              This is not an answer.
              This is a departure from the question and withdrawal of the topic from the question into verbal balancing act.
              And then, the information I have presented breaks your lie about slavery, and you, as always, have no counterargument.
              The next question is, while serving in some party organization, with what joy did you suddenly become a neophyte of social Darwinism? Adaptation or something else?
              The third question, you probably know the legend of the capture of the fortress by betrayal, the times of the Persian conquest of Asia Minor and the fate of those who surrendered the fortress, and from this, if there is a logical conclusion, you are simply scared .. deep down, scared, and suddenly, suddenly everything will change and the fruits of your dubious work within 30 years, according to the blackening of the past, will go to dust and the worst of all will have to be answered?
              A certain cool man by the name of Zubov, Andryusha, had already paid for his evil tongue .. threw him out of the country's leading university, now Bandera is hanging out with servants Ruso and Sovietophobia, are you following in his footsteps?
              Note that under the current government, it was not under Stalin, Lenin, Zubov who was expelled from the country for the extreme degree of anti-Russian activity.
              And finally, the last one, but who inspired you to think that you should return for the former time? Without taking into account mistakes, for example, did you convince yourself of this?
              You were prompted to convince so, frightening fears that have no foundation or what?
        2. +1
          9 November 2017 21: 37
          "This is a bad system, that's all. That collapsed." ////

          I totally agree. In the industrial era, ineffective enforcement systems can function for quite some time. But after two or three generations are bent. And if you intimidate so that people with fear work efficiently, the life of the system is even shorter. One generation maximum.
  22. +1
    9 November 2017 17: 25
    Quote: badens1111
    Shpakovsky, as always, jerked, ORUELL is the REALITY of the West, and now reality is to shame in Russia,

    That is still a reality? And then where is the distortion?
    1. +4
      9 November 2017 17: 48
      Quote: kalibr
      That is still a reality? And then where is the distortion?

      In an attempt to this reality, pull on the reality of the USSR.
      This is your passage- “Adherents of the“ Great October Revolution ”tirelessly insisted that the revolution freed the masses of Russia from feudal vestiges in the form of tsarist autocracy and landlord tenure, and this is true. But did she free it from all vestiges of non-economic coercion to work? attentively, it turns out that there are quite enough of these vestiges left. "
      1. +1
        9 November 2017 18: 12
        And she freed from all remnants, right? Are you firmly convinced of this?
        1. +4
          9 November 2017 19: 38
          Quote: kalibr
          she freed from all remnants,

          But did someone say that from all, for example from remnants of eagerness. Betrayal and lack of conscience in some, did not have time.
          But you, as a neophyte of social Darwinism, prefer to see only black, without focusing on seeing white, do you?
          You position yourself as a kind of "new elite", alas, but by any criteria you don’t fall into it.
          1. +2
            9 November 2017 20: 17
            from remnants of eagerness. betrayal and lack of conscience in some, did not have time

            Baden, look at those upstairs. They all came out of communism. And why exactly the remnants that you voiced were aggravated in them? Dear man, I don’t try to quarrel with you, but sometimes I have the feeling lately that under any social order, sooner or later, such an “elite” will creep up by hook or by crook. The rest is idealism, to which we must strive. Is it feasible? I don’t know .. I would like a lot, but human nature, alas, does not change ..
            1. +4
              9 November 2017 20: 44
              Quote: Mikado
              but I sometimes have the feeling lately that in any social system, sooner or later, such an "elite" will creep out by hook or by crook.

              Yes, provided that the protection created within the state against the penetration of similar ones has been removed, as happened with us after the events with Khrushchev.
              Quote: Mikado
              The rest is idealism, to which we must strive. Is it feasible? I don’t know .. I would like a lot, but human nature, alas, does not change ..

              The union couldn’t be enough for about 15 years, on the strength of 20, and \ history could go quite differently. The West’s economy, as it were, was not cracked by any kind of herald of liberalism. But .. they still managed to outbid the so-called elitists., As a result, the crisis their systems were delayed for 30 gloomy years for Russia.
              "Future Europe, if it, of course, persists in the next 10-20 years as a set of states of just white peoples, if there doesn’t begin a series of ethnic conflicts and independent enclaves of Muslim immigrants arise, will be doomed to return to the practice of state regulation, to create its own model planned economy.
              It will be necessary to study in such conditions at best (we won’t talk about the worst - Europeans have a wide choice here), not some Fridman’s ravings, not the “effective” reforms of the “Iron Lady” Margaret Thatcher, but the practical experience of the Russian Communists, the experience of the Stalinist USSR with its industrialization and the fight against poverty. And even having unleashed a whole cascade of civil-separatist wars in the world (and much indicates the likelihood of just such a scenario), the West will not get away from this anyway. Late. "Http://www.kadet.ru/lichno/vlad_v/Krizis
              . Htm
              1. +1
                9 November 2017 20: 57
                Again, “would” ... If it were, if they didn’t give it, if there was a defense against Khrushchev. One would ... But it wouldn’t be, it’s a reality: in 1952, the 102 Convention of the International Labor Organization “On Minimum Standards of Social Security” was adopted, which established: the level of pension provision cannot be less than 40% of lost earnings.
                This is an international standard. 65 years have passed, and we still have not ratified the convention, because we cannot guarantee pensioners even a minimum replacement rate of 40%.
                Spanish pensioners receive 80% of lost earnings, and Greek - 100% and more. But, as you know, the EU does not like this, Greece is forced to carry out pension reform and reduce the size of pensions.

                By the way, why didn’t we outbid their elitists? What was missing? Money or mind?
                1. 0
                  12 November 2017 14: 25
                  The pension is such, the pension is right ..... Here in Finland, the retirement age is 63 --- 68 years!
                  Hungary-62, Great Britain 65, Japan 70, Georgia 60-65, Kazakhstan 58-63, Holland 67, Estonia 63-65, and further, see --- W.
                  But we still have population groups where they retire earlier !!!!!
              2. +5
                9 November 2017 21: 13
                Yes, provided that the protection created within the state against the penetration of similar ones has been removed, as happened with us after the events with Khrushchev.

                and protection can only be in one: if the elite will not be saturated and decompose. How to achieve this? That there were "business people"? And "business people" replaced them too? Yes, Stalin had such a team, not all, but they were. Molotov, for example, is one of the greatest Russian diplomats. Vasilevsky is a modest genius who broke the ridge of the invincible Wehrmacht, but also did not enter the government of the country! Plus, the control unit was regularly updated - simply because those who began to behave "wrong" sharply began to discover the talent of a lumberjack (and even the talent of compost). I do not know if this is correct. Because sooner or later any "elite", when there is no "punishing whip" above it, will relax! This is an axiom! A man must rest. Therefore, when he has no tension, relaxation takes place, and one act that satifies himself is enough to cross the line and begin to live as sybarite, and the act will enter the rule of life.
                And this is not a penetration protection. Stalin simply did not have continuity, as such. A completely different team came. And she divided everything in her own way. And so a bunch of times until they reached the Marked Bears.
                Now we will have a "new nobility", and it will be, yes, it will be! Yes, even look at the son of the greatest balabol Rogozin, what a talented young man! Who will they be? I do not know. And I'm afraid to think. But sooner or later the question will come about the successor to the president. Then it will be very interesting. We all understand that bulk-carnival and others are a bunch of populist enemies, but in the modern "elite" worthy are not very visible either. You see, the successor will be shown on TV before the election, when Putin wants to completely leave.
                For the children of "this elite" to become "elite" for real, many years must pass. Evolution. So that they would not be driven by the desire for momentary profit, to steal, share, go abroad, and state affairs, so that they feel like “sovereign people”, and create! And they will build all the same at the expense of others, and always has been! Did Peter see a lot?
                And over the country, and so many experiments have been conducted over the past 150 years. We understand that the situation is far from ideal. But revolutions will not lead to anything good, only the population will be reduced, and we will not breed as quickly as the Chinese and eastern peoples.
                You need to look for strength in yourself, develop, earn, increase your intellectual and cultural level, unite, and not regret the lost past, because you will not return it. “The page is upside down - well, we will scroll further” (thoughts of J. Moreau, Valentin Pikul, “To Each His Own”).
                something like this. It seems that he did not write sedition, they should not wipe the comment. I hope .. On the weekend I want to go to the interesting one, maybe I’ll give you an article on VO for fun.
              3. +4
                10 November 2017 04: 18
                Quote: badens1111 The union could not have enough years 15, from the strength of 20, and \ history could go very differently.

                In my opinion, Vlad, the Union did not have one year in 1941. The Great Patriotic War, despite the victory in it, nevertheless inflicted a mortal wound on our country. Hitler, by suicide, fulfilled his "historical mission" of destroying the first socialist country in history.
                1. +1
                  10 November 2017 07: 34
                  No wonder, doctor, I do not stop talking to you. Sometimes you are just amazingly perspicacious and quite rightly reason. I apologize for the obsessive repetition of the same text, but as a pensioner, this is important to me and it will also be important to you sooner or later. Here are the consequences of the war: In 1952, the 102 Convention of the International Labor Organization “On Minimum Standards of Social Security” was adopted, which established: the level of pension provision cannot be less than 40% of a person’s earnings.
                  This is an international standard. 65 years have passed, and we still have not ratified the convention, because we cannot guarantee pensioners even a minimum replacement rate of 40%.
                  Spanish pensioners receive 80% of lost earnings, and Greek - 100% and more. But, as you know, the EU does not like this, Greece is forced to carry out pension reform and reduce the size of pensions.
                2. +3
                  10 November 2017 08: 32
                  Quote: avva2012
                  In my opinion, Vlad, the Union did not have one year in 1941. The Great Patriotic War, despite the victory in it, nevertheless inflicted a mortal wound on our country.

                  And this is true. Indeed, the best and the bulk of those killed were young people who had already been brought up by the Soviet regime. The Hitlerite generals said this, emphasizing the fact-soldiers of the Red Army. At the age of 18-22, it’s much more resistant and motivated than the same soldier, but aged 35-40 years.
                  And a handful of inmates on the notorious Tashkent front after the war, crawled into the authorities from Khrushchev’s blessings, undermined the country, raised the Gorbachev’s ..
                  Quote: avva2012
                  Hitler, by suicide, fulfilled his "historical mission" of destroying the first socialist country in history.

                  I agree. The West is always like that, especially since it will always find helpers inside us, the caliber will be fussing from the bottom, it’s sighing about pensions, forgetting that it’s talking about the current state of pension affairs ..
                  1. +3
                    10 November 2017 09: 38
                    Hitler generals spoke about this, emphasizing the fact-soldier of the Red Army. At the age of 18-22, much more resistant in battle and motivated than the same soldier, but at the age of 35-40 years.

                    and who said that? just wondering! hi
                    and some write in the comments that, they say, the soldiers of tsarist Russia in the WWII were more skilled. And you open the diary of von Leeb - so writes the opposite. Say, Russians are much better at fighting than in the previous war. request
                    1. +3
                      10 November 2017 09: 42
                      Quote: Mikado
                      and who said that? just wondering!

                      “Information from the front confirms that the Russians are fighting to the last man everywhere ... It is striking that when capturing artillery batteries, etc. few are surrendered. Some Russians fight until they are killed, others flee, throw off uniform uniforms and try to get out of the encirclement under the guise of peasants. ” “The battles with the Russians are extremely stubborn. Only a small number of prisoners were captured ”(Colonel-General Halder F.“ Military Diary ”, Vol. 3. P. 53, 84, Chief of the General Staff of the Ground Forces)

                      “Russian soldiers and junior commanders are very brave in battle, even a single small unit always takes the attack. In this regard, one should not allow a human relation to prisoners. Destruction of the enemy by fire or melee weapons should continue until the enemy becomes safe ... Fanaticism and contempt for death make Russian opponents, the destruction of which is necessary ... "(From the order of the command of the 60th Motorized Infantry Division (RAVO. T 24 (13), book 2.P. 42.)
                      Colonel General von Kleist: “From the very beginning, the Russians showed themselves to be first-class warriors, and our successes in the first months of the war were simply explained by better preparation. Having gained combat experience, they became first-class soldiers. They fought with exceptional perseverance, had amazing stamina and could survive in the most intense fights ”(Liddel-Garth B.“ They know how to defend themselves and stand to death ... // Another war, 1939–1945. ”- M .: Russian State Humanitarian University, 1996. - S. 379; Liddel-Garth B. Battle of the Third Reich ... S. 265.)

                      “Already the battles of June 1941 showed us what the new Soviet army was,” recalled General Blumentrit, chief of staff of the 4th Army, advancing in Belarus. - We lost in battles up to fifty percent of the personnel. Border guards and women defended the old fortress in Brest for over a week, fighting to the last limit, despite the shelling of our heaviest guns and aerial bombing. Our troops soon learned what it means to fight against the Russians ... In fact, the Brest Fortress did not hold out "for more than a week", as Blumentrit writes, but for almost a month - until July 20. " “... the army opposed us, in its combat qualities far surpassing all other armies that we had ever encountered on the battlefield ... The Red Army 1941-1945. was a much stronger opponent than the tsarist army, for it selflessly fought for the idea. This reinforced the stamina of Soviet soldiers. Discipline in the Red Army was also observed more clearly than in the tsarist army. They know how to defend themselves and stand to death. Attempts to overcome them cost a lot of blood ”(Liddel-Garth B.“ They Can Defend ... ”, S. 382; Liddel-Garth B.“ Battles of the Third Reich ... ”S. 271–272).
                      For a good thousand years, Russians lagged behind other European nations in general historical development. Stalin set the task of overcoming the thousand-year-old chasm in 20 years and in many ways achieved its fulfillment. He became like God ”(Haape G.,“ The grin of death ... ”p. 177)
                      “Having been here in this country for so long, I could not help but admire the strength of the spirit of this people, which, it seemed, could not break anything - neither sacrifice nor suffering. Two young, fanatical Russian students proudly admitted that they belonged to the great communist movement - they threw loops around their necks and jumped off the bench without waiting until the executioner knocked out under his feet. It’s hard not to admire such courage ”(I. Hoffman, Stalin's extermination war ...)

                      From the memo of the SD: “Until today, persistence in battle was explained by fear of the gun of the commissar and political instructor. Sometimes complete indifference to life was interpreted on the basis of animal traits inherent in people in the East. However, over and over again the suspicion arose that naked violence was not enough to provoke actions that were neglected by life in battle ... Bolshevism ... instilled in most of the Russian population unshakable determination. " ("Source", 1995, No. 3, p. 89)
                      1. +3
                        10 November 2017 10: 35
                        Bravo, Vlad, for operating with the sources! hi yes, Haldera immediately recognized by the first quote. But about the difference in age and their durability .. it is not said anywhere! wink and do not forget that for the most part, it seems, it was forty years old + green youth who came to Berlin. Because those who met the enemy in the 41st, for the most part, were simply knocked out. Honor and glory to them!
                    2. +3
                      10 November 2017 11: 12
                      Quote: Mikado
                      Say, Russians are much better at fighting than in the previous war.

                      "The Red Army of 1941-1945 was a much stronger opponent than the tsarist army, for it selflessly fought for the idea. This strengthened the resilience of Soviet soldiers. Discipline in the Red Army was also observed more clearly than in the tsarist army. They know how to defend and stand to death. Attempts to defeat them cost a lot of blood. "
                      General Blumentrit, Chief of Staff of the 4th Army. (Liddel-Garth B. They know how to defend themselves ... S. 382.)
                      "The fact that the soldiers of the Red Army continued to fight in the most hopeless situations, completely not caring about their own lives, can be largely attributed to the brave behavior of the commissars.
                      The difference between the Russian Imperial Army during the WWII and the Red Army, even in the very first days of the German invasion, was simply enormous. If in the last war the Russian army fought as a more or less amorphous mass, sedentary, devoid of identities, the spiritual upsurge caused by the ideas of communism began to affect already in the summer of 1941. "
                      General Erich Raus
                      In the war of 1914-1917 in order to capture one Russian officer, the Germans needed to kill or injure about 5 other officers. To capture one soldier - about two soldiers.

                      In the war of 1941-1945. immeasurably stronger Germans in order to capture one Soviet officer, it was necessary to kill or injure 40 other officers. To capture one soldier - about 34 soldiers.

                      During the war, 223 Soviet generals were killed and died of wounds, 50 went missing, a total of 273, 88 people surrendered. 89

                      For 10 killed and missing 3,2 surrendered, or it was necessary to kill 3 Soviet generals, so that one surrendered.

                      In order for one Soviet officer to surrender or go missing, it was necessary to kill 14 officers, so that one Soviet soldier to surrender or go missing, 10 soldiers had to be killed. Generals and here spoil all statistics, 42 but even with them the result is still better than under the tsar.

                      Consequently, under the communist Stalin, the general military resistance was 6,5 times higher than under the tsar, the military resistance of officers was 8 times higher, and the resistance of soldiers was 17 times!

                      That was the Russian army!

                      What is the pop, as they say, such is the coming or, to paraphrase what the system is, such is the mood.
                      ; action = view & id = 646865
                      “The Russians proved themselves to be skilled, hardy and fearless soldiers, shattering our old prejudices about racial superiority” (Metelman G. Skvoz hell ... P.288, 294)

                      “These damned peasants fought like hell ...” (F. Senger, “No fear, no hope ...” P.67)

                      “The new generation in Russia possessed strength and courage ... They often acted mechanically, like robots ... These people believed their power and obeyed it” (Wolfzanger V., “Merciless Slaughter ...” P.99, 100)
                      The Red Army survived not only thanks to the dictates of Stalin, who rallied the country with its authority, but also thanks to the sacrifice of 1 members of the CPSU (B.), Of which 878 in 870. 1941 644 497 members of the Komsomol were killed, and patriotism, of which more than two million fell.
                  2. +3
                    10 November 2017 11: 03
                    Quote: badens1111 And a handful of inmates on the notorious Tashkent front after the war ...
                    The West is always like that, especially since it is inside us

                    Why such a conversation is good that you can add someone’s thought to your thoughts. After all, I didn’t even think about the “Tashkent front” as a blacksmith of 1991 personnel of the year. hi
                    1. +3
                      10 November 2017 15: 45
                      Quote: avva2012
                      After all, I didn’t even think about the “Tashkent front” as a blacksmith of the 1991 cadre.

                      As an example, the family of Eddie Radzinsky, who is also a fabulist who denounces all of Stalin, but in fact, while sitting in Tashkent, this family always robbed Akhmatov, sold food to her .. And now, Eddie, we have a giant of thought and a titan of the stage, all is bullshit scratches about the past ..
                      1. +3
                        10 November 2017 16: 11
                        "This, I am Eddie," wrote, apparently, about such Lemons. Although, there he ... will break his leg, who is who have these creators.
                  3. +1
                    10 November 2017 14: 00
                    And I thought that with 52 of the year we did not ratify this paragraph of the convention. Before 91, there was a lot of time ... could. After all, everything was for the good of man.
  23. 0
    9 November 2017 17: 36
    Quote: badens1111
    And is this not the same thing that Shpakovsky described in his opus, “The Swastika over the Kremlin”?

    Have you read it?
    1. +4
      9 November 2017 17: 57
      Quote: kalibr
      Have you read it?

      Tedious, boring, uninteresting. I do not advise buying.
      What is the book about and most importantly why is it written. The author was overworked ... some pieces are quite interesting. In terms of fantasies. But there is too much about the war of the Japanese, the British, and other cacti.
      Maybe I confuse, but this is the Russian version of some foreign book. Hitler was ill on landing in 1941, and the Germans (wise generals consulted) rod to Moscow. The problem of Kiev is solved later - with the same success. Then Moscow, but the USSR does not give up. The year 1942 begins "standardly." The USSR is conducting a series of counterattacks (Crimea, Leningrad, Barvenko-Lozovskaya) and naturally unsuccessful. The Germans again surround the Russians near Kharkov, and go east. They won’t reach the Urals (logistics, unlike logic, is inherent in the author), but they will go from Gorky to Stalingrad. The Japanese, meanwhile, win at Midway, but drown their aircraft carriers near the Panama Canal.

      In general, stamps, types of hysteria, lame logic on both legs (for example, if Moscow was lost in 1941, it is necessary to liberate the largest logistics and ideological center and not carry out offensives in the Crimea or even in Leningrad, and only after the successful liberation of Moscow)
      1. +1
        9 November 2017 18: 09
        But there everything is just patriotic. Why write about Hitler's mustache and stuff ... I thought you didn’t read. And so it turns out ... slander. Tedious, uninteresting - your vision. You have every right. But why write about what is not there? It's ... somehow ugly.
        And I don’t advise about ... People have bought two circulations. They probably have a different opinion. Or their colorful cover attracted.
        1. +5
          9 November 2017 19: 40
          Quote: kalibr
          Two copies of the people sold out.

          And what? A one-time little book, nothing more. Is there little paper that is now being produced?
          Quote: kalibr
          But why write about what is not there? It's ... somehow ugly.

          What isn’t there? Hitler's mustache? And what on the colorful cover?
          1. +1
            9 November 2017 20: 52
            Was he without a mustache? And about the one-time ... then ... who argues? The main thing is that at the right time they bought it. Then there will be something else. The main thing is to work!
            1. +2
              10 November 2017 08: 51
              Quote: kalibr
              The main thing is to work!

              Hmm .. main how to WORK.
              How Ostrovsky "How Steel Was Tempered" or how Shpakovsky is the "swastika over the Kremlin" is a significant difference.
              1. +1
                10 November 2017 10: 39
                Each time has its own songs! Today, Korchagin in leaky boots does not cause enthusiasm among young people.
                1. +1
                  10 November 2017 22: 02
                  Of course, you educate young people who have the ultimate dream. In front of you is one of the representatives of the "golden Russian youth" - the son of a businessman, the owner of the company "Alternative Maintenance Transport Services." On social networks, he uploads photos of expensive cars, beautiful companions and other attributes of luxurious life.

                  Source: http://fishki.net/2275713-v-semye-ne-bez-uroda-ro
                  © Fishki.net
                  Essentially useless little people are obtained, neither society, nor the country as such, and if something happens, will be betrayed immediately. This is the visible result of your current ideology and the difference from the strong in spirit and will of Korchagin.
                  1. +1
                    11 November 2017 07: 41
                    Time has changed. Strong in spirit rogues are now unnecessary to anyone and do not impress anyone. Now all social problems are being solved differently. Without cavalry attacks ...
                    1. +2
                      11 November 2017 08: 57
                      Quote: kalibr
                      Strong in spirit rogues are now unnecessary to anyone and do not impress anyone. Now all social problems are being solved differently.

                      Snobbery .. and rudeness. And how problems are solved, we see.
                      1. The comment was deleted.
              2. +1
                11 November 2017 17: 59
                And there is also the novel "Pareto Law" - you can buy through OZONE.
  24. +2
    9 November 2017 17: 48
    Quote: Reptiloid
    But the hairstyle in his photo in another article --- well, like PESNYAROV in 60-70? In St. Petersburg, I have not seen such hairstyles. Too shy to say only if .......

    Dmitry does not need to discuss my hairstyle. Thank God, I’m already at that age when you do not pay any attention to it. What has grown has grown. It’s good that in general something is growing. Let’s not discuss the personality, recalling the aphorism of K. Prutkov.
  25. +4
    9 November 2017 18: 00
    Everyone was almost crazy, even who was mad,
    And then the head physician Margulis (!) wink TV banned.
    1. +2
      9 November 2017 18: 39
      "he, the serpent, looms in the window, hides the plug behind his back!" drinks
      awesome song! good I will often remind the Doctor. laughing I don’t very much like prison themes or military topics with Vysotsky (just listening is hard, very hard), but he can rightly be attributed to the greatest poets. Last year, on the way from Polotsk to St. Petersburg, I listened (for the first time in my life!) To his “Ballad on Dummies” - this is a real takeaway of the brain. Как did he write this? question .. and what roles .. hi
      1. +3
        9 November 2017 21: 27
        Quote: Mikado
        awesome song! good I will often remind the Doctor.

        I am sure you will like this song much more !!!
      2. +3
        10 November 2017 05: 00
        You know, Nikolai, I prefer Vysotsky’s songs about the war. In my opinion, his talent, in these songs, was revealed, for real.
        1. +2
          10 November 2017 09: 44
          In my opinion, his talent, in these songs, was revealed, for real.

          his talent, Doctor, revealed in all the songs, and in every role. Bright memory to him!
          1. +3
            10 November 2017 11: 09
            Not in everything and not always. If the “bosyatsky” cycle, I think, was familiar to him firsthand, then a person who didn’t fight like that should be let through his soul and give out such emotions as a result, this is genius. Bright memory!
            1. +3
              10 November 2017 12: 31
              so pass through the soul and give out as a result such emotions, this is genius

              This is not the first time I've heard such words about him, and from completely different people! that's what it means - hooked. good and not only military songs - but about climbers, sailors, the "long jump"? That is, if we return to creativity, we can assume that he had a very vivid idea of ​​what he describes in verse. So vivid images, he seemed to “get accustomed to the role,” and he did it first-class. This is talent, if not genius. But definitely Vladimir Semenovich is the greatest poet! And I would also call him "the first Soviet rocker." Therefore, when they say: “Makarevich is a philosophy to make one’s brain,” it’s funny for me. Mournful unexpressive lines in the same uninteresting voice. And in Vysotsky there was great power. is he managed to do everything that was supposed to. soldier
              1. +2
                10 November 2017 14: 52
                Quote: Mikado And in Vysotsky there was great power. He managed to do everything that he had to.

                Therefore, it burned so quickly. Apparently, what he felt was not possible to transfer to a person, even such a person.
                1. +2
                  10 November 2017 16: 04
                  Quote: avva2012
                  Therefore, it burned so quickly.

                  Hmm .. for me, the so-called "friends" helped him burn out, they all ended up in the EBN camp as a selection.
                  1. +2
                    10 November 2017 16: 14
                    Everything is possible, but there are many talented people among those who drink heavily. Vysotsky morphine, "just", was treated for the first time, when he was ill with a hangover.
                    1. +2
                      13 November 2017 18: 46
                      Everything is possible, but there are many talented people among those who drink heavily.

                      they only end badly. Yesenin, it seems, also "succumbed". And could not stand his uselessness ...
                      1. +2
                        14 November 2017 04: 50
                        They just live at a different pace, and possibly in a different course of time. Lermontov, the same Yesenin. How do you remember yourself in 26 belay
                        To me, somehow one article came across. So, it described how time flows for various living beings. I don’t know what the evidence base of all this is, but it said that for insects, for example, time is very slow, and for a turtle, on the contrary, it is incredibly fast. It is concluded that the same time is measured out for all living beings. And the butterfly is one hundred years old and the turtle, and man. An analogy, of course, but geniuses very often live differently. They grow up early and live in such a short time so many events that we, the townsfolk, and for two lives can not see. It is possible that alcohol and drugs are an attempt to chemically slow down time. A kind of "medicine" that performs its function, "slows down", but side effects, which are very destructive.
  26. +3
    9 November 2017 20: 06
    In response to a newborn story about happiness under the tsar, market relations and the “French bun”:
    20d0a0 / esli-by-ne-etot-krasnyi-den-kalendaria-ver
    1. +2
      11 November 2017 10: 07
      In addition
      Quote: Sovetskiy
      on a newborn story about happiness under the tsar, market relations and the "French bun":

      We are talking about all this with a candidate of historical sciences, a senior researcher at the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an employee of the Department of Church History of the History Department of Moscow State University. Lomonosov Elena Belyakova.
      “they said at the Local Council: we don’t know whether we represent the people or not. We say that 110 million are behind us, and suddenly there’s not even 10 behind us? In 1917, it became dangerous to walk the streets and ride in vehicles in a cassock. Therefore, the Council even considered the issue of clothing of the clergy: is it possible for the clergy to walk without a cassock? Because then a man in a cassock was a target in the literal sense: they shot him, scoffed at him. And these were spontaneous popular sentiments that only the Bolsheviks no longer had write off! "
  27. +1
    9 November 2017 21: 04
    Quote: badens1111
    You position yourself as a kind of "new elite", alas, but by any criteria you don’t fall into it.

    Strange, but just by all the criteria, I fall into the category of a non-governing elite. More than once or twice I have managed to control the public opinion of a whole area and change it at will. Or didn’t you read my articles about PR here on VO? Everything is there in my experience ... And why would I teach in the magistracy "Public Opinion Management Technologies". So on December 1 my book "PR-Design and PR-Promotion" will be ready and there it will all be painted in great detail.
    1. +7
      9 November 2017 21: 22
      Quote: kalibr
      Strange, but just by all the criteria, I fall into the category of a non-governing elite. More than once or twice I have managed to control the public opinion of a whole area and change it at will.

      Pride for you caliber is a dead sin wink
      For several years in a row you have not been able to answer the question: where did you share the party membership card of a member of the CPSU?
      1. +1
        9 November 2017 21: 56
        Quote: Stroporez
        For several years in a row you have not been able to answer the question: where did you share the party membership card of a member of the CPSU?

        Are you so interested? He didn’t do anything anywhere, like the OSVODA ticket, the Komsomol, the diploma of a shooting instructor, military translator, a member of DOSAAF ... and the grub tickets at the end of the 80s - everything is in a box. Memory, after all. And I think I already answered that. You did not bother to check.
        Pride is when it is not true, or more than it was. And I have the truth ... and I have not yet told everything. You read my articles here about PR, read ... And the truth is to say what kind of sin is this? It's true!
    2. +2
      11 November 2017 09: 31
      Quote: kalibr
      Quote: badens1111
      You position yourself as a kind of "new elite", alas, but by any criteria you don’t fall into it.

      Strange, but just by all the criteria, I fall into the category of a non-governing elite. More than once or twice I have managed to control the public opinion of a whole area and change it at will. about.
      In this regard, I agree with STROPORES. Here is such a mixture of rejected socialist values ​​and a thirst for money. In my opinion, you, Vyacheslav, do not fall into any elite by any means. It certainly included your respected grandfather. After all, there was a socialist elite, although it was somehow called differently. I think that in this regard you live off of its "capital", so to speak, from its submission. Well, the parental "" investments "" Under socialism there were letters , awards (which they are now laughing at), benefits, preferential lines ...... And they could also include them in a bargain. In a bourgeois society, the criterion of elitism, success is only money. In Russia, it is now customary for the elite to demonstrate their capabilities to anyone , in the most challenging way. And it so happens that the showmen are ahead of those who provide teaching lskie paid services in school not in the capital.
  28. +2
    9 November 2017 21: 07
    Quote: badens1111
    point blank without seeing white, right?

    There would be more white, there would be no 91 ...
  29. +1
    9 November 2017 21: 12
    Quote: badens1111
    The next question is, while serving in some party organization, with what joy did you suddenly become a neophyte of social Darwinism? Adaptation or something else?

    But everything fell apart and they did not ask me. There is no old, but new - why not try. Looked, tried, "do not believe buzzing", but better than the old at least in something. And I don’t need more. I am not an idealist! That will make us state docents a salary in 1000 euros and a pension in 500 ... and in general I personally will not need more. But you’re a “dysfunctional” and a “fighter for the idea! Scribble it all from the dugout of the partisan detachment“ Back to the USSR ”. You do not work for the regime, you do not get a salary from it, right?

    "A certain cool man by the name of Zubov, Andryusha, has already paid for his evil tongue .. threw him out of the country's leading university, now Bandera is hanging out with servants Ruso and Sovietophobia, are you following in his footsteps?" Do not scare me, your opinion is the opinion of the baker, who judges the turner, and where necessary, everyone understands how to do it!
  30. +1
    9 November 2017 21: 17
    Quote: badens1111
    And then, the information I have presented breaks your lie about slavery, and you, as always, have no counterargument.

    Take a look at the GARF archive website, I’m sorry for everyone to write prescriptions ...
    1. +2
      10 November 2017 09: 12
      Quote: kalibr
      Take a look at the GARF archive website, I’m sorry for everyone to write prescriptions ...

      Your copybooks with references to the GARF, like your unlucky assistant Olgovich, do not impress me, with careful consideration, every fake.
      Quote: kalibr
      sorry for everyone

      Snobbery, already rushing with you, but there’s nothing worthy of it.
      1. +2
        10 November 2017 10: 34
        In RHF they think differently for some reason ... And that you are offended by "everyone"? I don’t know either your name, patronymic, education, or place of work. I haven’t read your articles here either. Comments do not sparkle with the mind, so I have every right to take it that way ...
      2. +1
        10 November 2017 13: 55
        About the dugout, you did not answer me ... I will answer all your questions, you don’t tell me - it’s not good. So you sit in the dugout and reject the money of the regime of suppression of the masses?
  31. +1
    9 November 2017 21: 21
    Quote: helvetic
    you, I will not be praised for publishing in a non-peer-reviewed (albeit very respected by me) publication. Moreover, in Russian the authorities now strongly recommend that they not be published at all.

    We work in one "office", of course. But even in the report on science I write this down only to keep up. And it is clear that in the collection on the "picture". And so my last monograph was reviewed by the Institute of Oriental Studies and ... gave the go-ahead for a grant from the Russian Humanitarian Research Foundation. So wherever I need everything is fine with the links. Although ... you yourself must know how willingly they are given to university associate professors from the periphery.
  32. +1
    9 November 2017 21: 27
    Quote: badens1111
    the fruits of your dubious labor during the 30 years, according to the blackening of the past, will go to dust and will you have to answer for everything the worst?

    It’s not before the next "who was nothing, that will become everything?" Do not even hope. By the way, I have not even begun to denigrate anything. Everything is on the links, and then - "I think so." So ... upset you to the limit. The number of clicks is growing and it pleases me, and your words, well ... a word picker gives me pleasure. Tired, you know, at least scratch his tongue.
    1. +2
      10 November 2017 09: 02
      Quote: kalibr
      The number of clicks is growing.

      It grows, but not out of enthusiasm for your writings, rather the opposite.
      Quote: kalibr
      It’s not before the next "who was nothing, that will become everything?"

      Snobbery, my friend, very bad quality.
      1. +1
        10 November 2017 17: 50
        Quote: badens1111
        It’s not before the next "who was nothing, that will become everything?"
        Snobbery, my friend, very bad quality.

        And what do you order me to remove the cap in front of the janitor? Enough of the fact that I greet him!
        1. +1
          10 November 2017 18: 33
          Rudeness, snobbery towards people, does not paint anyone.
          Need you will lock and in front of the janitor you will start breaking the cap, humiliatingly asking for help.
          1. +1
            10 November 2017 18: 50
            When pripret, then we will think! In the meantime, do not bow to everyone!
  33. +6
    10 November 2017 01: 31
    I am surprised at some forum participants who clap their hands on the author, do they really not see that the author writes about what he has no idea. Judge for yourself.
    I quote: “It is concluded that this coup was an anti-market attempt inhibit the development of the country on the road to building a market economy»
    But what hasn't there been a market in Russia for 1000 years? The author “forgot” that the market in the world appeared earlier than money, the market did not exist only with the primitive communal system.
    Further generally nonsense. I quote: “It used to be that depending on forms of ownership people had a primitive communal society, slaveholding, feudal, capitalist and ... the peak of social progress - socialism, the first phase of communism. "
    When slaveholding, feudal, capitalist society was one and the same private ownership on the means of production.
    And then the author overthrows K. Marx, arguing that no socio-economic formations existed. Indeed, who is Marx? Not even a candidate of historical sciences, so-so a small-town ... either a thinker, or an economist, and the author brings his global division into eras.
    Quote “... there were only three eras: the epoch of natural labor coercion, when life itself forced the labor, the epoch of non-economic coercion to labor, when a man (slave or serf) was forced to labor by violence, and, finally, the epoch of economic coercion, when a person may not even work and live in principle, but life is not very good ”
    Further, there is simply no desire or time to disassemble this nonsense.
    In general, this article is a vision of social processes by a petty-bourgeois intellectual individualist from the standpoint of philistine philistine psychology. The author showed complete non-knowledge of the processes he writes about. I am only surprised at how he taught the History of the CPSU, probably, he memorized everything - in a word, a dummy.
    Article two fatty minuses.
    1. +2
      10 November 2017 04: 45
      Quote: Alexander Green Indeed, who is Marx? Not even a candidate of historical sciences, so-so a small-town ... either a thinker, or an economist, and the author brings his global division into eras.

      During the period from 1869 to 1916, in Russian, according to incomplete data, 108 editions of the works of Marx and 77 editions of the joint works of Marx and Engels were published. Only in the 44 editions of the works of Marx, the circulation of books exceeded 330 thousand. The “Manifesto of the Communist Party”, which was published 60 times, of which 45 times illegally; "Wage labor and capital", published 13 times, of which 7 times illegally; "Class struggle in France" and "Poverty of Philosophy", published 10 times; The Civil War in France, published 12 times, of which 5 is illegal; “Capital”, volume I, published 8 times, and volumes II and III, published 3 times.
      “As previously reported, the global financial crisis in Germany sparked a surge of interest in the works of the founder of scientific communism, Karl Marx. The very same Capital is in great demand with criticism of capitalism. Karl Marx is back in fashion,” said Karl Marx, executive director of the Berlin publishing house -Dietz-ferlag "Jorn Schütrumpf. According to him, the implementation of the first volume of" Capital "has tripled compared to the 2005 year - up to 1,5 thousand copies. By the end of this year, the head of the publishing house predicts," demand will go even stronger up. ”According to Jörn Schütrumpf,“ Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are more interested in the creations of the “young generation of university graduates who were forced to realize that the neoliberal promises of happiness did not materialize.” More: http://www.newsru.com/ finance / 06nov2008 / marx_on_t
      he_top.html I deliberately did not include in the commentary how many books were published by K. Marx in Soviet times, but there is evidence that the number of publications in the world is second only to the Bible.
      1. +1
        10 November 2017 07: 24
        Very good, doctor, that you remembered about this. In the same collection was an article by my colleague-philosopher about the works of Marx and Engels about Russia. I will bring her angry completely next week ...
        1. +6
          10 November 2017 09: 09
          Quote: kalibr
          article of my philosopher colleague on the works of Marx and Engels about Russia.

          And this is your colleague, not at the level of Zaslavskaya, who has literally misled in everything?
          Your trouble that you, while reading the same Lenin, didn’t understand what Marx was mistaken about, your trouble, that you, following Yakovlev and other beautiful-hearted intellectuals, considered yourself experts in pure Marxism and carried the country on this wave ..
          Ilyich was right when he called the bourgeois intelligentsia in fact, with the well-known word ..
          Society from the intelligentsia was waiting for an answer and an idea for a breakthrough into the future, you and those like you have pushed the country into a damned past, pushing it further into an even worse option.
          So is it any wonder that your current ideas smack of social Darwinism, or even worse than that, find no understanding besides people like you = -but you are similar in society, the minority, as if you were not saying the opposite.
    2. +1
      10 November 2017 07: 30
      Green! You can put 10 fat minuses, who is in the way. But now it’s all taught at universities and I wrote about it just fine ... "well, who did not know that." So you have a fat minus or a thin one, but you can’t beat a whip with a whip. Everything will be as modern science and those who create it believe. It responds to the challenges of the times, and not the Old Testament utopian socialists and others like them.
      1. +4
        10 November 2017 19: 04
        Quote: kalibr
        you can’t beat the summer. Everything will be as modern science and those who create it believe. She answers the challenges of time

        Do you think, I don’t understand, that you thought these thoughts from Western political scientists? I just did not want to poke you nose once again. Western political scientists, in order to disguise the class struggle, came up with such a division with economic and non-economic coercion, and you simply rehash them. But this is not science, this is an order of the bourgeoisie to justify liberal democracy, these are ideas sucked from the finger, and the class struggle, it is objective and cannot be canceled by anything. It appeared with the division of labor and will end when this division is overcome.
        Though the works of V.I. You read Lenin, but did not understand anything about them. It can be seen just crammed.
        1. +1
          10 November 2017 21: 53
          Probably. But it is not important!
  34. +2
    10 November 2017 09: 01
    Quote: kalibr
    Don't scare me

    Strange, why did you get so excited when you heard the analogy-Zubov-Shpakovsky?
    1. +1
      10 November 2017 09: 30
      Am I alarmed? I need to somehow answer you so that ... the clicks go on. Come up with something smart ... why? You write most often the simplest and most understandable. I honestly wrote to you many times that you can write anything you want. It does not matter. The meaning is completely different.
  35. +1
    10 November 2017 09: 33
    Quote: badens1111
    It grows, but not out of enthusiasm for your writings, rather the opposite.

    The main thing is that it is growing!
    1. +2
      10 November 2017 18: 35
      Quote: kalibr
      The main thing is that it is growing!

      Not because of your cries, but because here smart people dismantled your writings and made it unsuccessful.
      And the fact that the rate has grown .. well, so we all do not mind if it makes you so happy ...
      1. 0
        10 November 2017 18: 46
        Do you want the last word left for you? Let it stay. Just save me from your letters in PM ...
      2. +2
        10 November 2017 18: 48
        Quote: badens1111
        And the fact that the rate has grown .. well, so we all do not mind if it makes you so happy ...

        I agree with you: Whatever the child entertained, if only he would not cry ..
  36. +1
    10 November 2017 19: 56
    Your comment probably deafened him altogether, like an owl with a sledgehammer, well, the one from the crate good
  37. +1
    11 November 2017 17: 50
    Quote: Reptiloid
    And so it turns out that the showmen are ahead of those who provide teaching services in a paid educational institution not in the capital.

    Here Dmitry you are absolutely right. But who says our society is perfect?
  38. +1
    11 November 2017 17: 52
    Quote: Reptiloid
    In bourgeois society, the criterion of elitism, success is only money.

    Not only Dmitry, otherwise we would also buy them and they would ruin everything for money!
    1. +1
      11 November 2017 19: 32
      Quote: kalibr
      Quote: Reptiloid
      In bourgeois society, the criterion of elitism, success is only money.

      Not only Dmitry, otherwise we would also buy them and they would ruin everything for money!

      Comments like this from you have already been repeatedly, you used it to another topic. About the bribing of elites by foreign puppeteers. And here we are talking about the fact that the Russian elite demonstrates their material capabilities in different ways. This is the custom in our country among those who have made a fortune over the past 18-25 years.
      1. +1
        11 November 2017 21: 08
        Used and will use, because I don’t get an answer from accusers. And then you do not have to write that “there” everything is for money, right? So "all" for the money is just us, yes, and that is us, well, not all of us, but our elite, all corrupt ... and not them. But the elite is us too, not Martians. That is, our man, who passed the October Revolution, pioneers, the Komsomol, the party, having become rich over the past 18-25 years, is necessarily becoming a corrupt bastard? So you need to understand?
        1. +2
          11 November 2017 21: 16
          Quote: kalibr
          Used and will use, because I don’t get an answer from accusers. And then you do not have to write that “there” everything is for money, right? So "all" for the money is just us, yes, and we, well, not all of us, but our elite, all corrupt ...

          Did you get a penny from Soros? Yes, you did.
          From what all your anti-Russian and anti-Soviet rhetoric received.
          Soros knew exactly who paid the money.
          1. +1
            11 November 2017 23: 10
            Received for the book "Knights of the East." It is still on the Web and there are a lot of anti-Russian and anti-Soviet rhetoric there - be sure!
            By the way, before you, I was the first to write to a certain Mammoth about a grant from the Soros Foundation. And he was happy and let me "water" (sort of like I let it slip). And I answered him - to the book "Knights of the East." He is Soros, Soros, Soros to me - I tell him East, East, East ... it seems like we have a "conversation". And people are watching others - interesting! Well, as I make up my mind ... Oh, there is a web. I looked ... no, everything is decent, the pictures are beautiful ... I remembered: the birthday of my son, nephew, son of a friend of a nephew’s relative ... We must buy, give ... As a result, a week later the demand for the book grew significantly. I called the bank ... "a lot has gone into the account and all are some kind of royalties ..." They call from the publisher - "demand has risen sharply!" This is how the “curve source method” method works, when your “opponent” becomes the source of advertising, the main thing is to feed him the necessary information. It is time for you to know that you already live in the information society, and it has its own laws. For example, there is a PR rule - the best advertisement is a scandal! About what? Never mind! The average man will forget everything in 90 days! But he will remember - they talk about it. This is the main thing! Everything else does not matter. And still know the saying of PR specialists - there is no such disgrace from which a PR specialist would not cut off a piece of ham! So I have to thank you, however, the result of this publication makes me happy - that is, you helped me cut a good piece of ham! Thank!
            1. +1
              12 November 2017 09: 08
              Quote: kalibr

              Yes, for God's sake, bon appetit.
              Once again, you write well on topics related to weapons, it turns out fine, but it’s frankly bad when you take up the political theme, so to speak, you don’t convince people of their rightness in any way, all too much in a pro-Western style.
              So scandal for scandal and PR .. dubious thing.
              1. 0
                12 November 2017 10: 47
                If you look at the text of comments (this is called content analysis), you will see that many people, in an amount no less than you and the green, just liked the material. It is easy to calculate all the pros, cons and frank chatter. We do not consider idle talk. Hence the conclusion that for at least 50% of the article found its reader. And what are you better than these people? Even if she liked only 20%. In a free society, even this CA has the right to its information. So it turns out to convince and how. Otherwise, you would not be so anxious to convict me. And finally, the main thing. In the information society, it doesn’t matter what is written. The status of the writer and the number of clicks are important. That's all. You like materials about weapons only because you don’t understand this at all, but it seems to you that you understand the socio-political issues. When RHF reviewers reviewed my book Samurai, they made many specific comments on the same weapon. In the chapters published by articles on VO, and NOBODY did not notice these inaccuracies. That is, you understand the level, right? And I had to fix a lot. And in this article of mine in general, at least ... now all this is taught in university courses. So what are you talking about? The article would simply not fall into this collection if it had something that "everyone" does not know. Western style? And what isn’t “the West” now? Young people already live "in the west." There are people like you and the Ukrainian green, but you do not do the weather. You listen to what our president says, this is the best indicator of what is happening in the country today.
                And the last scandal does not happen for the sake of scandal - in the information society it is always ... money. And money is not a dubious thing, you can hold on to it. You should buy my textbook on online journalism and advertising. You would learn a lot about modern life, which you now, unfortunately, do not know.
          2. +2
            12 November 2017 10: 25
            Quote: badens1111
            who pays the money.

            In this regard, the film SLEEP is good. Very well shown. There is someone who was sleeping, there is someone who was not sleeping. And this film was created by high-level professionals, and it was not by chance that it was chosen a moment in time.
            1. +2
              12 November 2017 10: 37
              Quote: Reptiloid
              good movie sleeping

              And the reaction to it, the liberal public, is indicative.
              1. +1
                12 November 2017 11: 41
                Quote: badens1111

                And the reaction to it, the liberal public, is indicative.

                Gee-gee! Here before there were so many conversations that the artist has the right to his vision! Has the right to create! And then they attacked the director! But I wonder why it? After all, the scriptwriter came up with everything? Somehow it is not clear.
            2. +1
              12 November 2017 10: 57
              Dmitry, there are a lot of good films. For example, the American film "Advertisers" of 1947 ... A classic of the genre!
              1. +1
                12 November 2017 11: 46
                Do not review all films and do not reread all books! It’s true. I just began to listen to Goebbels stories. And before, I knew only in general terms.
        2. +1
          12 November 2017 06: 04
          Quote: kalibr
          Used and will use, because I don’t get an answer from accusers. And then you do not have to write that “there” everything is for money, right? So "all" for the money is just us, yes, and this is us, well, not all of us, but our elite ,?

          And where did I write this? In this article, as well as in the comments on Nikolai’s article, I write about our country, our elite. About what we have. About our bourgeois society.
          1. +1
            12 November 2017 11: 02
            But you did not answer me, Dmitry !!! I wrote: That is, our man who passed the October Revolution, pioneers, the Komsomol, the party, having become rich over the past 18-25 years, is necessarily becoming a corrupt bastard? So you need to understand? If you wrote "about us". "About our bourgeois society."
            1. +1
              12 November 2017 12: 00
              No, not necessarily, but only those who originally had a wormhole eta. Only at first he (any of our people) was born with this "black gut" "It was just at some point that conditions were created for the realization of just such qualities of him. .And then he got rich 15 years before the world level. Because the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other elite families have been creating their capital for centuries, foreign rich people do not regard ours as equal. Therefore, the law on young money appeared last year.
              1. +2
                12 November 2017 12: 05
                Quote: Reptiloid
                After all, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other elite families have been creating their capital for centuries,

                The basis of every great fortune is a major crime, as the casual G. Ford said, and he knew for sure that it was so.
                Translated into realities in our country, all the capital of the so-called rich people of the first wave is crime, to one degree or another, which means that it is impossible to make them legitimate in the eyes of the population.
                1. 0
                  12 November 2017 14: 07
                  Quote: badens1111

                  The basis of every great fortune is a major crime, as the casual G. Ford said, and he knew for sure that it was so.
                  Translated into realities in our country, all the capital of the so-called rich people of the first wave is crime, to one degree or another, which means that it is impossible to make them legitimate in the eyes of the population.
                  Our population, like the old wealthy families, understands the same thing that our “bastards” (according to Sh.V.O.) are much more bastard than theirs, that the crimes of our “bastards” are steeper if it took only 15 years, not 300, 200, 100! To create such states,
                  28.09.17/202000/XNUMX --- the number of $$$$ millionaires in the Russian Federation --- XNUMX, | News | News.
                  132000 Russians === 0,1% of the population own 60 %% of the total state of the country. Www.knightfrank.ru news 02. 03.
                  The number of $$$ millionaires increased in 2016 by 10%, RIA Novosti, 16.03
  39. +1
    11 November 2017 18: 07
    San Sanych,
    This is not an answer, but a play on words. Read what above your baden wrote on my text - "resort, resort". This also applies to you. Double standards, huh? And I do not flatter myself. Why not flatter yourself? Whether you are an editor of the journal Voprosy istorii or a reviewer of the RFBR is another matter. And write what you want. For this, and the site and comments.
    1. +1
      11 November 2017 21: 19
      Quote: kalibr
      "resort, resort".

      You wrote.
      I wrote that CRIMINAL, on the bunks, and not on CANARY.
      Lie, is that all?
      1. +1
        11 November 2017 23: 07
        It is sad when a person does not even understand the written text. And trying to blame all the time? Are you a retired prosecutor? Do you miss work? Well, I’ll tell you so for the umpteenth time. So you think that I'm lying, well, consider your health. And my articles, as they went out everywhere, will be published as well, and I have received books and grants, as I will receive, as people have studied according to my books and will continue to study. And you had and will only have comments and accusations. Because it’s easy for anonymous people here, and stick yourself with your criticism somewhere ... they just laugh at you. So rejoice that there is IN our common labors and concerns!
        1. +2
          12 November 2017 09: 17
          Quote: kalibr
          And you had and will only have comments and accusations.

          Come on, you’ll nonsense ... Doubtful glory, you know, dubious that ultimately works against the one who bathes in it ..
          And history books ... you know, time is changing and your views are inferior to other views, the process cannot be stopped.
          So the argument is good, whether you like it or not, because truth is born in it, if the argument has not turned into a scandal, for the sake of PR.
          Quote: kalibr
          and stick yourself with your criticism somewhere

          I operate on facts that are based on, rather than conjecture, and rely on those historians who are not biased in the issues at hand.
          But they don’t laugh at them, are you not smarter than Spitsyna, for example?
          And he is the developer of a history textbook for our school.http: //uchebnik-istorii.patriotika.com/
          Quote: kalibr
          So rejoice that there is IN our common labors and concerns!

          Well, well, why not rejoice in developing the resource?
          He wouldn’t have turned into something even by the efforts of brawlers ... it would have been good at all. I don’t mean you. And that bunch of those that will blur and sizzle dregs and bushes ... without anything to argue their pearls.
  40. +1
    12 November 2017 10: 54
    Quote: badens1111
    But they don’t laugh at them, are you not smarter than Spitsyna, for example?
    And he is the developer of a history textbook for our school.http: //uchebnik-istorii.patriotika.com/

    I don’t say that I’m smarter or wiser than Spitsin. My books are on the list of books for the school on the history of Wed centuries. Although not textbooks. Does he write for school? I am writing for High School. Take a look at the Internet, everything is there. For example, the textbook on BTL communications was reprinted 3 times. There was probably a demand. Although the Internet is full of everything. It doesn’t matter what you write - the main thing is that you write, develop your brain, increase the number of neural connections and the amount of memory. That is, in any case, you become smarter.
  41. +1
    12 November 2017 10: 56
    Quote: badens1111
    He wouldn’t have turned into something even by the efforts of brawlers ... it would have been good at all. I don’t mean you. And that bunch of those that will blur and sizzle dregs and bushes ... without anything to argue their pearls.

    You said it well!
  42. 0
    8 January 2018 00: 33
    The whole point of the article boils down to one: "Look how smart I am and what you are unintelligent."

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"