A little bit about creativity and its diversity

“From now on ... I will live forever!
Hey, Devil, go after me!
And my power is infinite!
And let the world know that my name is EDWARD HEID! ”
(Good Dr. Henry Jekyll, after first taking a miracle drug)

Are there processes that absorb a person in his thoughts and activities, in which a person lives, regardless of the season, lives in a certain state, as if “out of time”? There are. I'm not talking about work, or about everyday household joys and duties. Many would say: this process is “love,” a time when flowers bloom in your soul, “butterflies and dragonflies flutter”, and the whole world, and especially the object of your feeling, is seen through rose-colored glasses. But, paraphrasing the classics, “we all fell in love little by little, sometime with somebody,” so let others tell about it, you can tell as much as you like, even shoot TV shows, even tearful novels print in packs.

To each his own, and I will propose a topic of concern to me lately - the theme of human creativity, the very concept and its process. Probably, while creating something new that no one has done before him, a person feels himself a little outside of time and space - in the “fifth season”, or in the process of creation; if you like, "lives in it." Someone will shake his head and say - they say, "you write philosophical nonsense, Mikado-san." Uh, this is not a dreamer's mind! (well, maybe with a dreamer and agree). But ... why is this important to all of us? And you did not think that all new discoveries were made by creators-dreamers who went deep into the unknown, expanded the boundaries of new knowledge and skills? And what exactly due to this did humanity come to a reasonably comfortable existence for itself, at least, with the exception of African countries, or some other poorest countries, where the mentality of the people and their rulers is their main enemy?

What prompted Rubens and Michelangelo to paint pictures, Tchaikovsky to write his famous music, and Leo Tolstoy to submit an epic novel in four volumes for discussion in the school curriculum (with philosophy breaking a youth's brain at the end)? Why can a talented artist play the same role in the theater in ten different ways, each time bringing something new, his own, into it? How did it happen that a young wounded senior sergeant tank troops suddenly took up the invention of a small weapons, and the crown of his work was one of the best machines in the world? The answer is one - the creative component of man. And ... the most important question is how to release creativity in a person "outside"?

The first Kalashnikov assault rifle

This is how the first model of automatic weapons designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov looked like. Let this submachine gun and did not suit anyone, but the process of its creation opened the way to further inventions of the Master. And whatever the various “singers who forget a lot about it,” I think, in the process of creating weapons, Mikhail Timofeevich thought above all about protecting his Homeland and technical solutions, and not about the lamentations of the future “bohemian”, they say, “how many people killed his weapon. "

I will try to define the concept of "creativity." It is multifaceted. Creativity is the process by which a person creates something new, and something new for himself, and in this creation, the imagination of man plays a crucial role. A person performs the creative process independently, based on his own desires and preferences, thoughts and emotions (if they create a few, then in co-authorship, it is necessary that the process uses the imagination of all participants). The result of this process is material objects (products, books, pictures) or material actions (movements, actions). This is the outer side of creativity. The inner side of creativity is the state in which a person is during his process, and the emotions that overwhelm him at this moment. The material remuneration for the product produced at the time of creation is not psychologically of special importance for the creator.

Example: you were asked to work - do something (write, cut out on the machine, chop, mimic) on the model. No more, no less. Exactly, with small deviations within the limits of error. You do as said. This is a job. But if they say to you: do something so that it would be approximately like this, but you are free to choose actions and material. That is, you can work with a large share of your imagination and this is already creativity. The work will be done, but it will be based on your creative process! And if you yourself generate an idea and execute it in accordance with your own fantasy, then you can consider yourself a creator!

Squeak "Scroll"

Bronze 180-mm siege alarms Scroll (trunk), Militaryhistorical Museum of Artillery, Engineering and Signal Corps, St. Petersburg. The mass squeaked - 4762 kg, cast in 1591 by the master Semyon Dubinin. It was in service with Nizhny Novgorod, in 1700 it was used in battles near Narva. Not only did the master cast food in the form of a “scroll”, as if twisted around the trunk, but also made a chic decoration of the breech. It is unlikely that he had a clause in the contract: “And command the master cannon Simeon the light of Dubinin, to depict the battle of a lion and a dragon, so that their tails are woven. But he does not disobey, or he doesn’t do it delightfully, with a belt to hit the place of the sciatic until the place turns blue. ” I venture to suggest: probably ... is this also a free creative idea of ​​the master?

The human person has many facets, and sometimes we don’t know about our hidden sides, in which both talents and vices are hidden. And it is sometimes easier to recognize a bad side in yourself than a good and creative one. The dear Dr. Henry Jekyll, the character of Robert Louis Stevenson, was seduced by the idea of ​​separating human beings so that the good and bad sides of man lived separately. Trying to do this, he got his monster Hyde as his alter-ego, but he wasn’t able to get rid of the doctor - sometimes he was fascinated by the idea of ​​sometimes being Hyde, with all his vicious tendencies. By releasing our creativity, by definition, we produce a creative process in ourselves. After all, you can also enjoy the feeling of self-realization from the creation of the new, and not from indulging in your dark passions! Vices are simpler (for some reason, I immediately remember a cheerful Italian grandfather, who, when he was his prime minister, was remembered by us, mostly for his frantic lovingness. Why him? Apparently, because Joseph Vissarionovich also said the phrase: "We will envy ..." . It is more difficult to create and develop, but it is more gratifying for a person, and in many ways much more exciting.

A little bit about creativity and its diversity

Soviet poster "Good to have skillful hands."

With similar posters, children in the USSR were taught to work from school age. Please note that the boys on the poster are engaged in a rather "fine" work - cutting out of wood. And where work (especially if it becomes a hobby) is skill, and where skill is, there is creativity! This is probably great. If you wish, you can find many similar Soviet posters that teach both to work, and study, and to art.

What is the process of creativity? What is letting him out? Probably, everything begins in the childhood of a person, in his interests and preferences, for example, if a person likes to write, draw or make, and he feels pleasure from it. Gradually, a person develops, and his skills and abilities in specific matters are also growing, as well as opportunities. Although there are many people who discovered the hitherto hidden talents in adulthood!

I have a friend, a very pleasant and intelligent man, who already at the age of "deep in sixty" suddenly began to ... write poetry!

What is ahead? But who knows?
Fate will take, turn the tangle.
Break the thread. And again, the wind will start ...
Who knows what then awaits us? ...

It seems to me very nice lines even. We wish him good luck in the development of his talent and at the same time good health, because “in a healthy body there is a healthy mind,” which means “the output of creativity” will be good poems!

And what is the mechanism for launching a particular creative act? It begins with a plan and a desire to do something, and this process in the head causes pleasant feelings in a person from being able to do something new. And what helps him to “give birth”, this idea, and the desire to implement it? .. Pushkin and Vysotsky (two great Russian poets) would say in one voice: “If the muse visits”. Most likely, this is due to the feelings inside us - love, pain, hurt feelings, just a good mood and lightness in my soul. Feelings can be anything - even the feeling of making your work better and more beautiful, and the desire to look at it, i.e. get a sense of self satisfaction. That is, under the influence of the senses in man, the idea is born and the desire to throw them out, the imagination begins to work, prompting him the right ways for this. In any case, emotions and feelings are companions of creativity!

Is it possible to create in grief? Can! Many works were written after their authors had tragedies in life. One of the best, and one of the last works by Sergey Yesenin, the poem “The Black Man”, seems to me, written in a state of deep depression.

... The month is dead
Blue in the window dawn.
Oh, night!
What are you, night, twisted?
I stand in the cylinder.
No one with me.
I am alone...
And a broken mirror ...

What is it? Isn't the poet's requiem to himself, not the analysis of the outcome of life, not the summing up of the line? But .. this is my opinion!

"The price of mistakes"

Before you is the book by Alexei Aksenov, The Price of Mistakes. You will not find it on the Internet, except for private ads for the sale of rare books. The book was printed in 2007 year (2006 is indicated on the cover) with the circulation of all 100 copies, and it was released 12 years after the author's death, and his daughter, Olga, helped publish this work. I accidentally bought it at the Yalkala Historical-Ethnographic Museum, which is located in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad Region not far from Zelenogorsk, in the same 2007. The author of the book, being a young tanker, was captured in Vitebsk in 1941. A simple but clever syllable, without any frills, but what a power in it! Pain, honor, humiliation, glory, confidence in our people - everything is intertwined in the description of what he had to go through with almost four years of German camps. The memory of the experience was so strong that Aksenov literally “splashed out” his experiences on paper, it is felt. Light memory to him!

Is it possible to do evil? It seems no, at least from an ethical point of view, although the question is very complex. Here you can talk for a long time, sum up the ideological base, argue yourself hoarsely and broken keyboard. Usually they say - "genius and villainy - are incompatible." But this, again, my opinion! And if you analyze the product of a certain "creativity". Well, you will not carry the inventor of the gas chamber for the mass destruction of people on a national basis to the creators? Or, for example, the kind Dr. Guillotin suggested using the “miracle razor” to “standardize and humanize” the death penalty - but what was the result of this “humanism”?

The execution of Louis XVI

Unknown artist, The Execution of Louis XVI. Just one of many paintings on the execution of this king. Here it is - a device for causing "humane and quick death." Would any of us like to get acquainted with such a product of the “creativity” of an unknown inventor, “the miracle of technical thought of that time”?

How to choose the ideal path for the development of creativity? I do not know, the problem is too deep. But maybe in everyday life, just ask yourself: what classes did you get the most interest from? (strong feeling!) Especially if the root of interest comes from childhood. It means, not from activities related to the saturation of the body with food, alcohol, the desire to lie on the couch or obsession with the opposite sex. And with occupations, as a result of which a certain material product or action appears. Try to do it, look at the result, improve it, do not stop there. Naturally, it is worth isolating your mistakes in the process, if they were, to eliminate them in the future. Gradually, you will have a feeling of confidence in yourself and your strength, and this will liberate you by going further, experimenting in a particular field of creativity, be it drawing, mechanics, or even singing! And in any case not to get proud, because excess self-confidence is the worst enemy of creativity, and indeed everything new.

I will give examples of why excessive pride is harmful to creativity. The image of an incompetent poet (but at the same time sincerely convinced of his talent!) In Russian history was reflected in the column of Dmitry Ivanovich Khvostov (years of life 1757 - 1835). The count was an honest, decent man, but at the same time he did not know how and didn’t want to “bring out,” for all to see, his poems, which made readers much more amused than delight their eyes and ears. The great Alexander Suvorov was the uncle of Khvostov’s wife; Arriving in St. Petersburg after the Swiss campaign, he stopped at the house of Khvostov, in the same house and died. According to legend, already lying on his deathbed, the commander, famous not only for his military talents, but also for his straightforwardness, said, addressing the graph-graphomaniac: “Mitya, you are a good person, do not write poetry. And if you cannot help writing, then for God's sake do not print. ”

And such examples of poetry are not only with us. For example, in Scotland, William McGonagall (1825 or 1830 - 1902) is considered an analogue of Count Khvostov and the “worst poet of the world”, who suddenly matured (in 1877) suddenly “realized himself a poet” at a mature age. He often chose to recite his poems (naturally, considered absurd) in public places, which made listeners either wondering if he was serious or joking, or enraged and started throwing objects at the “poet”. The outcome of McGonagall's life was dire - trying with might and main to engage in his "creativity" and not possessing the state of Khvostov, he died in poverty.

Left photo of William Topaz McGonagall, in which he appears in the form of a Scottish attacker. What kind of weapon is in his right hand? Not exactly a Scottish broadsword. Yes, it seems, and not the claymore.

Since our site is a military one, it’s probably worth talking about creative personalities who are not very successful in military affairs. First of all, it concerns inventions. Perhaps one of the most creative and fascinating people in the history of mankind can be immediately called Leonardo da Vinci. The author of the painting “Mona Lisa” was not only a great artist, but also an engineer, an inventor, was fond of medicine and even left a literary heritage. Among the projects of his military inventions - which at least were voiced - are prototypes of a tank, aircraft, helicopter, parachute, artillery projects, and much more. There is no limit to the human imagination and thoughts that are driven by a genius!

Wheel Gun

In the photo - the guns of officers of the Saxon Life Guards, the work of the master Zacharias Herold, made at the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries. As we can see, the pistol has a wheel lock. It is believed that this type of lock for firearms was invented by Leonardo da Vinci, and this is almost the only invention of the author, which became widespread during his lifetime. A similar device striking sparks from rubbing the wheel over flint, though without a winding mechanism, we see every day - in lighters!

If we talk about gunsmiths-losers, in their domestic list in the first ten you can safely put Leonid Kurchevsky and Nikolai Dyrenkov, the peak of which fell on the first half of 1930-s. It has been written about them so much that it is possible not to get carried away with the description of their creative crafts, inventions, which have lost the country in the development of their projects time and total amounts. And after all, all the same, part of their biography will somehow be covered with darkness. Who were they? Constructors, enthusiasts who have not calculated their strengths and claims, adventurers, or clever figures, "throwing dust in the eyes" of poorly educated military leadership? The end of both inventors was relatively the same. And, of course, if you continue to remember the unsuccessful inventions, then how not to recall the New Zealand attempt to make a full-fledged fighting vehicle out of a caterpillar tractor, the “Bob Sample” tank became an expensive and ridiculous result!

Armored car D-8

One of the inventions of the prolific Dyrenkov (there were more than 50 - armored cars, armored vehicles, tanks, armored cars and even D-grade armor!), Which went into the largest series - 60 machines - D-8 armored cars (in the photo - D 12), with its “signature handwriting” - the installation of ball embrasures for the DT machine gun from all sides of the armored corps. Already in the conclusion of the military commission about the D-8 prototype machines, it was said that it was almost impossible to fight on this armored car due to the fact that the machine gun settings were made without taking into account the possibility of firing them. However, it was put into service in the 8 year, because there were simply no other new light armored vehicles then in the Red Army! However, when entering the armies of a new model of light armored vehicles (FAI, less tight, and already with a rotating turret), part of the armored vehicles D-1931 / D-8 was transferred to various educational institutions.

But back to creativity. Of great importance in its development is the help of more knowledgeable people. Why, there is help - even kind words can sometimes play a decisive role in the creative side of life. One condition - if this person is intelligent, benevolent, sincere. Restricted or angry people can advise not at all what is needed. Also, very often, a positive opinion or criticism of relatives (mothers who see you through rose-colored glasses, or unsociable neurasthenic grandfather, who are annoyed by everything and everyone, including you!) Can either give you extra confidence in your as-yet-polished talent, or completely discourage the desire to do something on the vine. Therefore, their opinion is to listen with a healthy share of criticism.

Yes, and most to their own creativity, too, should be treated with a share of criticism, no one is immune from mistakes or reassessment of himself. In the world, and so there were enough bad poets, mediocre singers and pseudo-inventors. It is worth noting numerous “art dubs” - for example, when a person is not so famous for his works as “originality of behavior” - well, for example, he sets fire, self-mutilation (in the literal sense of the word! At least, test ") Publicly and enthusiastically take up the numerous flashes of cameras. Yes, some are engaged in similar activities, which are difficult to relate to creativity. And, oddly enough, such “creative personalities” also have their fans!

What can interfere with creativity, especially when a person realizes his passion for something? Often it is the lack of time, necessary means. Can be a deterrent and bad mood due to any problems in life, apathy, stress, anxiety. It may be a fool - the chief, who yelled in the morning (who yelled because of his own family problems), but he could be ... and his relatives! You can easily understand the author who wrote the phrase to his novel as an epigraph: “My family, who was preventing me from writing this novel by all means, is dedicated to ...” It is written subtly, with love and affection, but there is some truth in every joke! Yes, you try to write, inspiration has come, and you - then “dig up the garden, I will plant the tomatoes”, then “throw out the garbage”, then “the loaf of the house is over, go buy it.” And so that the rifled, and so soft! ”And if, even during an argument, the spouse speaks nasty things - that's all, there is no inspiration, light the carcass. That is, a man in the midst of creativity is trying to “fly up above the head,” and his relatives, unwittingly, at this moment “knock the stool out from under their feet.” Dear relatives! If you see that someone from your family has a creative passion (writing, poems, wood carving, graphics, in general, everything that is not related to drunkenness, debauchery, exhaustion of the family budget, or dependence on computer games), and, if you have the opportunity and time to give a person a little bit to be “in himself” and work out a favorite thing, give him that time, do not jerk him, even a little. After all, when a person sees his idea, the fruit of his creativity in a finished form, you will see how his mood rises, how he will be in the very good mood, full of strength and energy, and your family relationships will only get better.

Well, a little, "for sweet". We are all engaged in creative work, one way or another, systematically and situationally. And sometimes people live nearby, whose hobbies you would never have guessed. For example, I learned about the work of one of my good friend, with whom I work in the same building, quite by accident! He showed him his articles on the “Military Review”, as many as two whole numbers, and in response he surprised me even more — he was stunned — he showed his own creativity. You could imagine that a person, having worked for a long time in security structures, having received a letter of appreciation from the governor of St. Petersburg, a letter from the border department of the FSB of Russia, etc. incentives and awards, candidate for master of sports in judo, free time gives ... music? Here, I also could not!

Adaykin brothers

Meet the brothers Denis (on the left, I told you about him) and Kirill (on the right) Adaykiny. Their passion for music has grown into the creation of a full-fledged rock band Radio Maldives in 2010. The group has performed in various clubs in St. Petersburg, such as Money Honey, biker club Route 148 and many others. They took part in various rock festivals - “Breakthrough”, “Jem Fest”, festival “Guild of musicians” of St. Petersburg. Melodious rock, Cyril - the lead singer of the group; Brothers write music and lyrics together. Let's see how they will surprise rock fans in the future!

Denis's painting

They say a talented person is talented in everything. In addition to music, Denis is fond of painting, his paintings have been exhibited at numerous exhibitions since 90-s in the St. Petersburg Manege, in the Smolny Cathedral, were at the exhibition “My Russia is My World” (Moscow-New York), in 1994 year He had a solo exhibition in the Danish Aarhus. The abstraction on the photo is made with gouache. Denis is also in the Register of Professional Artists of Russia. So here, you sit with a man in the same building, and you do not know what ideas and thoughts he is passionate about! In general, we wish the brothers good luck in new works, new songs, full halls, crowded exhibitions!

Summing up, I will say: if you want to be a creator - be it, give vent to your hobbies, create for interest and good. Feel the power and flight of fantasy. Do what you love, awaken your second creative self, develop it, and let it appear when needed and say: “From now on ... I will live forever! Hey, Genius, follow me! ”, And your life turns for a time into an exciting process of creating a new and unknown - the process of your creativity! Amazing - near, sometimes very close, inside of us.
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  1. +12
    31 October 2017 05: 42
    Did everyone read books about Dunno? How did he want to become a poet, artist, musician, and how did it end?

    "if you want to be a creator - be it, give vent to your hobbies, do it for fun and good. Feel the strength and flight of imagination in yourself."
    What wonderful words. But just need to add that "do not impose your creativity on others" ...
    1. +18
      31 October 2017 11: 05
      Did everyone read books about Dunno? How did he want to become a poet, artist, musician, and how did it end?

      Sorry, but the example is unsuccessful. Dunno, these are our children.
      A restless, inattentive rush, not very fond of studying and working, but very kind and funny. He undoubtedly has abilities, only efforts must be made to reveal them. Constantly gaining experience, developing, changing in the course of events. He is a little philosopher. He makes us smile.
      Like our children, he is slowly growing up.
      The story itself about Dunno is a striking example of N.N. Nosova.
      Here on the site, many people like to quote passages and phrases of writers, poets. And you know that “Dunno” is most often quoted by economists, presenters of intellectual games, and often political observers.
      Thanks to the author for a great article! love love love
      1. +14
        31 October 2017 21: 15
        Hey .. miss .. ohh, miss .. Nice meeting! hi love
        I am deeply grateful to you, Elena, for these words, and a wonderful addition love
        Now I want to share the fact. Sometimes chance itself throws right decisions.
        So, when writing an article, Mikado-san was tormented by the question: what launches the creative process? The answer came unexpectedly. One of my important customers has an employee, a girl, young, petite, fragile, her hair is fair, her eyes are huge blue. Just a pure personification of youth, a child (or an angel?), At least write a picture. But at the same time, a very smart and just as modest and tactful person is a rare combination that only adds to her respect! Also Scorpio by sign, recently was a birthday. So, Mikado-san is tormented by the question, yes, when transferring documents, take her and blink: "I'm interested in creativity. What it is? How does it originate?"The answer came very quickly (that’s what it means, a person has not yet managed to grow life negativity, and his mind is clear!):"Creativity is born through inspiration. We get inspiration thanks to the strongest feelings and emotions in us - feelings of inspiration, love, and for someone resentment, pain, for each they have their own. And creativity is motivated by the desire to perpetuate, capture these feelings and their beauty in the end on paper, in plaster, or maybe on canvas. Or the desire to share this with other people in order to awaken in them the same emotions, feelings"Yes, it is! In any case, emotions always play an important, if not the most important, role when a person creates! Therefore, I want to express my sincere gratitude to her, Anastasia, for a wonderful detailed hint! And God give her always the same clear of the mindlove
        that is, I repeat again, not only the amazing around us, but also the amazing people around us! Including you, dear friends. drinks
        Dear Tasha:
        Did everyone read books about Dunno? How did he want to become a poet, artist, musician, and how did it end?

        it turns out that Leonardo da Vinci is a mature and learned to bring to the end his work Dunno. hi Because he accumulated ideas in several encyclopedias, and we know him from the Mona Lisa. drinks
        1. +3
          1 November 2017 05: 29
          I suggest recalling “Visit to the Minotaur” about the relationship of creativity, industriousness and talent, especially Rostislav Plyatt as Niccolo Amati.
          Great quote:
          - Search, learn, and then create. I'm forty-three points of measurement by heart
          I remember because I’ve been looking for everyone for many years. If you do not find your points
          - So in vain I'm driving with you ...
          “And I will die in repentance and longing ...” Antonio repeated quietly.
          -- Yes. And while you study, you will not leave the torment of quest,
          the suffering of dissatisfaction and the shame of your weakness. Truth is like a man
          born in pain, terrible effort of our mortal body and high
          the soaring of the soul. And the violin is like a man ...
          “And yet I may not comprehend this,” said in dismay.
          Stradivarius. “It may happen that I don’t learn to make violins!”
          Niccolo Amati sat on a workbench, sticking out his fat belly, with
          looking at him curiously from beneath a gray ragged eyebrow.
          - Violins do not. Make barrels and benches. And the violins are like bread
          grapes and children give birth and grow. Do not sow bread in January, do not crumple
          grapes in May, and a person must ripen to give birth to their own kind. His
          you still have to conceive the violin in yourself and bear it for a long time. It will take a lot
          time, and it will seem to you that nothing is changing. But imperceptibly for
          your fingers will acquire flexibility and hardness, the eye will become bright
          and straight like a sunbeam, but the ear is sophisticated and trembling. And then imagination
          will present to you, as in a youthful dream, sweet, unsteady, instantaneous, that
          you are looking for. This violin will be like the first woman in your life - wide
          the shells will open with full hips, her neck will be thin and slim,
          gracefully, like turning the neck of a beloved, the curl will bend, and the ephas mysterious
          exciting folds outline her bosom. And she will give you her voice -
          gentle, affectionate, singing, and there will be no moment of more complete happiness - how much
          no matter how you live, what a moment of sweet possession! AND
          it will seem to you: nothing more beautiful in the world can be and it will last
          forever. But only one who has given all himself to his creation becomes a genius
          without a trace and in the midst of happiness already feels a chill of dissatisfaction -
          he has again been reborn for torment and suffering in search of perfection ...
          “Do you know anyone, teacher, who has achieved perfection?”
          Amati grinned and stood up:
          - Perfection is constant bliss. To say the state,
          peculiar only to saints and idiots.
          “So these searches are pointless?” - asked Stradivari desperately,
          -- Yes. If life itself can be considered meaningless. For life is
          the desire to know perfection.
          - Know to become an idiot?
          “Or saints,” said Niccolo, yawned, crossed his mouth. - Let's go,
          time to sleep. I am many years old, and very little remains to death. I want tomorrow
          take one more step to cognition ...
          The master did not finish the sentence and went out, slamming the door.

          And from the book about Dunno. How many of these we have:
          “They don’t understand my music,” he said. - Not yet matured to my music. That's when they grow up - they themselves will ask, but it will be too late.
          1. +4
            1 November 2017 10: 07
            thanks for the great quote about Amati hi
            “They don’t understand my music,” he said. - Not yet matured to my music. That's when they grow up - they themselves will ask, but it will be too late.

            Yes, yes, this is just about many new "creative media near-bohemian personalities"! And there is another thing - for example, he says "a singer who forgets about a lot" (although to me personally the work of this chef always seemed uninteresting) filth about his country, and then laments why the attitude towards him has changed! what
        2. +1
          11 June 2018 16: 35
          Quote: Mikado
          Leonardo da Vinci is a mature and learned to complete his Dunno creations.

          The article is excellent. It encourages you to think, learn, develop.
          Well, those who think that Dunno is a standard of stupidity, seeing only this in his description by Nosov ... are deeply wrong. good
          1. +3
            11 June 2018 18: 05
            Dunno will develop to the great! Unleash it! wink
  2. +10
    31 October 2017 05: 42
    How to choose the perfect path for the development of creativity? I don’t know, the problem is too deep. But, perhaps, in everyday life, just ask yourself: what classes did you get the most interest from? (strong feeling!) Especially if the root of interest comes from childhood.

    The article is discursive and makes you think. One thing is clear: everything should start from childhood. All of us once in our childhood tried to study in different circles, at Yunnykh stations and went a bunch of names, Pioneer houses, schools. I do not criticize the current time, but basically now I have a hobby, as I judge by my grandson and his friends: computer games. There is no such diversity as was in our childhood.
    1. +9
      31 October 2017 21: 51
      The article is discursive and makes you think. One thing is clear: everything should start from childhood.

      absolutely right! with training and education! from the conditions in which a person will grow! But to provide conditions is the task (to a greater extent) of the family and the state (I am not ready to say to what extent, there is already philosophy).
      I do not criticize the current time, but basically now I have a hobby, as I judge by my grandson and his friends: computer games. There is no such diversity as was in our childhood.

      Nikolay, there has recently been a series of articles by the esteemed Caliber about soldiers. And there were also thoughts within the forum - they say, the computer replaced everything. Sorry, the computer sets the standard solutions within the program. The one-on-one game is much richer in development!
      Moreover, back to the soldiers. They are different. They can be made counting on the mass user, but some sculpt themselves. Blind fanfaron Murat on a horse and put a diorama around him from other figures - isn't this creativity? Yes, this is a hobby, but it develops! If a person uses a non-standard approach in such seemingly amusements, then the way of thinking is fixed, and in other situations he can also use his creative component! Why has Leonardo done so much? I was not afraid! fellow
      Sincerely, N.Mikhailov
      1. +5
        1 November 2017 00: 42
        Quote: Mikado
        And there were also thoughts within the forum - they say, the computer replaced everything. Sorry, the computer sets the standard solutions within the program. The one-on-one game is much richer in development!

        Namesake. Agree with you. If the game is logical, then you must think about it within the framework of the program. And if it's stupid car racing, shooting games, etc. If you are a techie, you know about the old troubleshooting algorithms tables. They are somewhat reminiscent of computer programs. First, the binary code works: yes or no, when you look for a failed unit, and when you find a malfunction, here you start to think why it happened. I recall the case when we had to look for a malfunction for three months, only because we were forbidden to change the factory unit, just because it is new, they do not make a marriage from the factory and abroad. As soon as this unit was replaced, they forgot about this malfunction.
        1. +7
          1 November 2017 01: 02
          Nikolay, my knowledge of technology is limited to changing a wheel, a socket, or working with an electric drill, but I know that sometimes the smallest mistakes and oversights (just by oversight) lead to the biggest and most unpleasant consequences. All the more unpleasant when the wrong order comes from a superior. An incorrect order to execute is useless, proved by psychologists. After all, the order not to change the unit was stupid? someone shook for his place, or didn’t see further instructions from above? The opposite is that it is precisely such "residents of the nomenclature" who often make their way to bosses (even small ones), especially in state and near-state organizations. Yes, stupid, but executive, and able to demand, arrogant, always feeling right! Therefore .. that we are surprised that sometimes bastards and careerists turn up at the top ... request I might be wrong. hi
          1. +6
            1 November 2017 01: 32
            Quote: Mikado
            Yes, stupid, but executive, and able to demand, arrogant, always feeling right! Therefore .. that we are surprised that sometimes bastards and careerists appear upstairs ... request I may be wrong.

            Nikolay. You're right. That's what attracted my attention to your article. I will not go into the jungle of philosophy and psychology, I will say this: the individuals you listed are not mammoths and, unfortunately, they have such a vital force that they will not die out and will not be brought into the red kgig. And thanks for the article, hooked for a living.
            1. +5
              1 November 2017 10: 18
              that they will not die out and they will not be brought into the red kgig

              Yesterday, as I wrote to you, I generated thoughts on emotions for another article laughing look at any large office. Who breaks up there. These are often friends, wives, pals, lovers, children of pals, children of lovers. Or faithful "chain dogs", "their people." Pikul has a historical miniature "son of the peak of the lady," about Moscow Governor-General Dmitry Golitsin. The smartest, most talented person was. Yes But! stop He was from a noble family! And how many people without the help of nobility and wealth made their way "up"? request made their way, yes. Gogolev "city officials".
              And it always has been, people do not change. Therefore, the phrase "talent must be helped" is relevant. The rest will break through. hi
        2. +3
          1 November 2017 21: 15
          There is an old gaming proverb: "Normal people go around the corner, and doomers look in first." And if only half of the pedestrians had played Doom, I would have felt much more comfortable driving in the streets of my beloved city.
          1. +2
            1 November 2017 21: 59
            this is generally a separate story with human psychology. Unfortunately, profusely watered with blood. I will not give examples; I myself always slow down the speed to a minimum before going over. Yes, because they don’t look, they twig themselves into a fool, half don’t even hear, put on a hood, goes to himself, hears music with ears. Sometimes children are also dragged faster than they themselves go. Last year, he barely managed to brake before a cyclist - the brightest representative of the domestic gay movement. You get off the bike, or at least slow down, and do not fly around the corner! am Well, what can I call this homosexuality apologist ?! request
  3. +22
    31 October 2017 06: 40
    Creativity is a complicated process, anyway
    And everyone is a creator in something
    no one is safe from mistakes or re-evaluating oneself

    it is unique.
    Clockwork article, calls for creative barricades good
    1. +11
      31 October 2017 11: 14
      but without fanaticism! wink examples when a person does not calculate his strength, or wanders in the world of his dreams, you can lay out endlessly. request nor should it be burdensome for the family and budget. hi
  4. +8
    31 October 2017 06: 54
    Nikolay! hi Why hide? Enough journalists came out of VO, there are poets. A good school when you learn to write comments. I accidentally began to write poetry, one of the first was in congratulations on the New, 17th year. On the Internet on the poem I exist, write, publish. Thank you for appreciating my poems. But you yourself grow, which is not surprising.
    1. +7
      31 October 2017 11: 57
      here! then you know firsthand about the origin and development of this process! Yes That is why your poems quite rightly, deliberately got into the article good
  5. +6
    31 October 2017 06: 57
    if you want to be a creator - be it, give vent to your hobbies, create for interest and for good. Feel the power and flight of imagination. Do your favorite thing, awaken your second creative self within yourself, develop it, and let it appear when necessary and say: “From now on ... I will live forever!” Hey Genius, follow me! ”, And your life turns into a fascinating process of creating new and unknown for a while - the process of your creativity! The amazing thing is near, sometimes very close, within us.

    Why "second me"? "I" should be the first. And then Harmony comes. Harmony with oneself. It is rare for people to find their true purpose in life. For what, what matters the Almighty is preparing them. And when this Truth is revealed to Man, when the Man is completely possessed by an understanding of his destiny, then Happiness comes! And he, Man, Creates! In all spheres of human existence!
    Only, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds ... How many people are not happy with what they are doing. Life circumstances, and most often a random choice of the field of activity and that’s all .... The man is gray and not interesting .... And the light in it is ready to light up ... And how often we ourselves contribute to this ....
    1. +4
      31 October 2017 21: 32
      And the light in it is ready to light up ... And how often do we ourselves contribute to this ....

      and if you find a psychological mechanism for the opening of creativity? Maybe then really everyone will do their own thing, do it with joy? Why not? Remember the old tale "City of Masters"? drinks
      1. +2
        1 November 2017 00: 06
        and if you find a psychological mechanism for the opening of creativity? Maybe then really everyone will do their own thing, do it with joy?

        An interesting topic and a good article. Yes
        But, if it turns out to find the "psychological mechanism" of creativity, then people will quit work. And most likely they will not stop working, but they will be deeply unhappy due to lack of time for "creativity". sad
        1. +4
          1 November 2017 00: 22
          But, if it turns out to find the "psychological mechanism" of creativity, then people will quit work. And most likely they will not stop working, but they will be deeply unhappy due to lack of time for "creativity"

          I understand, most likely, this is my idealism. hi But there are people who are engaged in a pleasant business related to creativity. Writers, for example. Painters. Daria Dontsova does not count laughing I knew (saw each other) one popular detective writer, worked on the same site. The man is modest, seemingly laconic, although he told jokes perfectly. He worked and .. wrote in his spare time! good Everyone has the right to engage in creativity, albeit outside the main work (I myself work in an area far from writing articles). The cannon master, whose food I cited as an example (I ran for five minutes in the rain, chose the photo mode), I think he also loved the business he was doing, and allowed himself to do some liberties and decorations. Although the decoration of the weapon, its meaning, and the thoughts associated with it are a separate article! drinks
  6. +8
    31 October 2017 07: 12
    How can I not quote, not by night, be remembered Fursen:
    "The drawback of the Soviet education system was an attempt to create a Human Creator, and now our task is to grow a qualified consumer."

    So, no less, no more. Creators are not needed from the point of view of those who are responsible for their research and education.
    1. +6
      31 October 2017 08: 14
      And you know, he is partly right. 80% of people are not capable of creativity. To business - 4-5% Total! In Russia - 6-7% and the whole world looks at us with amazement. Now imagine what it is: from people who are not capable of music, to raise pianists, from krivoruky - artists, from stupid - creators. Not only are there not enough resources, they can also imagine that creativity is their business. And they will climb both the stage and ... No, let them consume mediocrity, and let people with God's spark first show this spark, and even then. They will tell me now, but what if we look through it. Well, let's see 2-4, think about it. Well, someone doesn’t invent a self-donning condom with music and a hyper-bomb. Survive!
      1. +9
        31 October 2017 09: 05
        Quote: kalibr
        80% of people are not capable of creativity

        Flog the rubbish Vyacheslav Olegovich! Are able! Only these abilities are now artificially suppressed. I’m an old man, but in the Soviet school I was taught the main thing, study! What I’m doing with pleasure so far. I study! Including some talented young people. You have nothing to learn.
        1. +6
          31 October 2017 09: 26
          Only the people who were last at school at the time of the latter spoil the bullshit here. Here's how you, for example. And I go to schools regularly. Such a job is to look for creative youth and invite them to their specialty. Literally, just 4 of the year taught classes at the 47-th school for children's technical creation. Yes, and now in the course of many creative programs in schools and for schools. However, there will be an article about this. As for your remark, that you have nothing to learn from me ... So do not study. You might think that someone is forcing you. I have completely different students. Leggy and politically literate. I just prepared another book for them. Look how beautiful. And substantial, believe me!
          1. +8
            31 October 2017 09: 56
            Quote: kalibr
            Leggy and politically literate.

            Clear. Internet-liberal advertising journalism. I am not interested. From the word quite I am interested in completely different things, in particular the problem of the survival of our people. And not the problem of the survival of the fifth column ..
            1. +5
              31 October 2017 10: 33
              Go to school, go to school close to your home, teach children to write poetry ...
              1. +6
                31 October 2017 11: 09
                sensibly. It’s not necessary to teach, but you can show to them that such a thing is possible. For example, write a comic cycle and read on the matinee.
                Why not, Evgeny Nikolaevich? what
                1. +6
                  31 October 2017 12: 01
                  Quote: Mikado
                  write a comic cycle

                  There is, Nikolai, and even a part is published.
                  1. +8
                    31 October 2017 12: 13
                    here! So the children already have an example, How can do. Let not everyone, and not always, but someone will repeat! Yes It’s for you to hone your talent further! You can never stop if you know that it is yours, but you can’t go to extremes or pride either. hi there must be harmony.
              2. +5
                31 October 2017 11: 59
                Quote: kalibr
                teach children to write poetry ...

                I’m saying that I’m still studying. And it’s not for you to give me advice on what and how to do. I do not give you advice on how to sell your homeland, you can do it without me.
                1. +3
                  31 October 2017 12: 35
                  And I give you advice on how to love her even better. I’m “selling” it, but I work at school. You are not, but are you going to go west there? Something is strange ... As for study, you can study to the grave. I was going to finally take advantage of the result, but you are already being carried forward with your feet. It’s better to hurry ...
                  1. +5
                    31 October 2017 13: 28
                    Quote: kalibr
                    You are not, but are you going to go west there?

                    No, not zapadlo. But do you know how a children's writer or poet differs from someone who writes for adults? Yes, how do you know this, children's works are written as for adults, but much better. So, I’m not yet mature enough for a child. And my poems are not suitable for schoolchildren. How many years have you studied advertising sculpting? I write only a year. From this year I’m learning to write the last 4 months. And I’m rewriting old verses more than once. This is not an advertisement to sculpt, which, in general, no one is watching. It is just aimless making money. Nobody except you and the manufacturers is needed.
          2. +6
            31 October 2017 10: 01
            Leggy: legs from teeth and politically literate: they know who to sell themselves to. Yes, that's just there will be nothing to advertise and sell in Russia soon. Everything will be sold, even before the election of a new president. But there is no one to restore and develop industry. That's it.
            1. +2
              31 October 2017 10: 23
              Quote: Amurets
              Leggy: legs from teeth and politically literate: they know who to sell themselves to. Yes, that's just there will be nothing to advertise and sell in Russia soon. Everything will be sold, even before the election of a new president. But there is no one to restore and develop industry. That's it.

              Sorry, but these are all empty words. Yesterday, the Day of Advertiser was celebrated at the faculty. Our students prepared the holiday and it was an impressive sight. So it turned out on it that, according to the 100 survey,% of our graduates from the previous year were employed by profession. So ... there is something for them to pay and to whom to pay. Because, as people who do not make a profit, now no one pays. We took first place at the All-Russian competition in St. Petersburg, which is also significant. The first usually - when everything is bad - PR managers and advertisers quit. The first indicator of improvement is when they begin to be hired!
              1. +5
                31 October 2017 11: 39
                Quote: kalibr
                Because, as people who do not make a profit, now no one pays.

                So in the first place goes to power engineers, repairmen, they do not make a profit. And when they give all this service into the hands of service departments, they start scratching turnips, why equipment downtime has increased, why repair costs have increased several times, because there should be savings on two locksmiths by as much as 720 rubles / year, and we have losses of 000 7. But marketers and advertisers are not touched, they are not at work.
                1. +2
                  31 October 2017 12: 27
                  I don’t know about you, but in Penza I just see a lot of repairmen. They lay tiles in the streets, dig and repair pipes (and quickly!), Repair roads. If you walk around the city with a camera, you can shoot a lot. And there are many people involved in the process!
                  1. +7
                    31 October 2017 14: 14
                    Quote: kalibr
                    I don’t know about you, but in Penza I just see a lot of repairmen. Lay tiles in the streets, dig and repair pipes (and quickly!), Repair roads

                    I meant the repair of equipment, machinery, and not the repair of roads and city communications. Road-building machinery, agricultural machinery, equipment. that's what it is about. There are no such people in intermediary firms and buy-sell firms. Service warranty teams are in firms selling machinery and equipment. And after-sales and or after-sales repairs are very expensive
                  2. +2
                    1 November 2017 22: 54
                    They lay tiles on the streets, dig and repair pipes (and quickly!), Repair roads.

                    this respected Caliber with its gang of researchers (consisting of associate professors, professors, laboratory assistants, and even one corresponding member!) is buried by local ufologists and pseudo-historians laughing reference to the discussion on Crete. wink
                    If you walk around the city with a camera, you can shoot a lot.

                    Selfie with a mustache and a shovel, Vyacheslav Olegovich? wink fellow joke! hi
          3. +20
            31 October 2017 11: 05
            And I go to schools regularly. Such a job is to look for creative youth and invite them to their specialty. Literally, just 4 years I taught classes at the 47th school for children's technical creation. Yes, and now in the course of many creative programs in schools and for schools. I have completely different students. Leggy and politically literate. I just prepared another book for them. Look how beautiful. And substantial, believe me!

            I liked the article
            And the textbook too)
            Lucky "leggy and politically literate" with a teacher
            Like this with students (tsami) wink hi
            And by the way, creativity extends life by training the brain
            And the youth of the brain is the youth of everything
            Pass on the experience of youth - a good thing
            1. +5
              31 October 2017 22: 43
              I liked the article

              thank you hi tried hard.
              And by the way, creativity extends life by training the brain
              And the youth of the brain is the youth of everything
              Pass on the experience of youth - a good thing

              short and capacious good I agree completely. And about the extension of life, and about youth. Youth is a time when, on the one hand, a person does not think critically yet, but on the other hand, he perceives and remembers everything especially vividly. So let them study, fall in love, try themselves, do stupid things (not to the extreme, of course), draw conclusions, dream! Yes and the youth of the brain is the most important thing. hi
      2. +10
        31 October 2017 09: 14
        But under socialism, creativity was somehow better. I'm talking about the most accessible for the population ----- songs, their content, fiction.
        And creativity in science?
        Somehow I thought about the design of metro stations ...... I did not think
        1. +7
          31 October 2017 11: 20
          Somehow I thought about the design of metro stations ...... I did not think

          and what far to go? Figures on the Narva, Dmitry, how do you like it? hi and after all someone invented it! Let there be a request from above to arrange the station in this style, but these figures were arranged in their imagination, imagined what they would be, exactly creators!
          1. +3
            31 October 2017 18: 46
            Is it Narva alone? Auto excellent. There is only a tendency to disassemble all sorts of ways on cleaning wheels, some trading booths. Metro makes money. But the landscape is ruined.
            And our Commandant what? And the Admiralty? Another time, but still great!
            1. +4
              31 October 2017 18: 50
              yes, and after all someone at first imagines it with his imagination! Yes although the architecture is different. Look, for example, the "Big House" or the administration of the Kirov region (forgot the name of the architect). He had his own vision of "beauty." So the buildings turned out to be angular.
              1. +2
                2 November 2017 05: 59
                Horror! Architecture of the times of S.M. Kirov depresses me.
                1. +1
                  2 November 2017 16: 40
                  separate direction. Then it was so fashionable.
            2. +1
              2 November 2017 06: 05
              Recently I visited the “Obvodny Channel”, a little upset by the lack of mosaics traditional on this branch, but, anyway, the interior is cool!
              1. +1
                2 November 2017 16: 42
                here in the subway itself - has never been. request And I considered the sewage system around the center in 2013, all ten issues in the city collector. laughing
                1. +1
                  2 November 2017 22: 56
                  You can already conduct excursions in the subway, there are such legends that Weller is resting.
                  1. +2
                    3 November 2017 00: 06
                    that's for sure. Do you like science fiction? I’m not very, but here somehow I got a book from the Universe of Metro-2033. From the St. Petersburg series, "To the Light." An entertaining thing, no, not at all claiming to be a masterpiece, but entertaining. And the thing is happening in the Southwest initially! Tracing the heroes' path along the post-apocalyptic route from Leninsky Prospekt to Lomonosov and Kronstadt, where a gang of cannibals - former "high-ranking cones" and their offspring live, you understand that the author simply followed the route that he often travels on (I love this road, Martyshkino, Lomonosov , port in Lomonosov), and plot lines were laid along the same route. Notice for yourself the moves of someone else's thought! hi
                    1. +1
                      3 November 2017 06: 28
                      Nikolay, I can read lectures about Russian-language science fiction. As for the world of "Metro", you came across a part that successfully lays down on your personal experience.
                      1. +1
                        4 November 2017 12: 41
                        I, Anton, in science fiction complete zero, just the book fell on hand in time. drinks I can also relate the story of “Superhuman” by Alexander Tyurin to such “successfully turned up” books. Again, the author chose a certain future for humanity, and creates in it. hi
      3. +3
        31 October 2017 09: 58
        Quote: kalibr
        80% of people are not capable of creativity. .... And now imagine what it is: from people who are not capable of music, to raise pianists, from crooked hands - artists, from stupid ones - creators. Not only are there not enough resources, they can also imagine that creativity is their business. And they will climb both the stage and the ...

        The education given to children in the USSR (starting from preschool) just helped to reveal those 20% who are capable.
        As for the resources and "crawling onto the stage" - see how this is happening now. Who has the resources, he climbs.

        Quote: verner1967
        Without such a consumer, we will not have new Zhvanetsky, Bondarchuki seniors, Danelia and Toostoye, but numerous Petrosyans and Stepanens will grow

        Another new Zhvanetsky who dreams of clearing a place from Russia and building something else? He has not decided yet. Dismiss
        And I have to upset you. The consumer, whom Fursenko dreams of, is imprisoned for the consumption of what professional manufacturers palm off on him. And, as a rule, they dig into it easily digestible crafts - "Sponge Bob", "Matilda", etc. Take an interest in which of the “consumers” would prefer to watch “War and Peace” (do not read, God save, - see) instead of the next season of the “Games of Thrones”.
        I'm not talking about the elementary reading of at least hundreds of books.
        1. +1
          31 October 2017 10: 08
          Quote: Moore
          The education given to children in the USSR (starting from preschool) just helped to reveal those 20% who are capable.

          And where are they all these creators now? Where are their children taught by the creator-parents and what did these creators do in the 1991 year?
          1. +14
            31 October 2017 10: 14
            Quote: kalibr
            And where are they all these creators now? Where are their children taught by creator parents and what did these creators do in 1991?

            Distort ... not the "creators" did, they did just mediocrity, those that "along the party line" climbed higher than necessary.
          2. +4
            31 October 2017 11: 14
            Quote: kalibr

            And where are they all these creators now? Where are their children taught by the creator-parents and what did these creators do in the 1991 year?

            Take a look around. These are the developers of "Angara", "Caliber". These are the creators of "28 Panfilov". These are those who invented the "Immortal Regiment", "Racing Heroes". These are those who designed and are building the Crimean bridge.
            And what does 1991 have to do with it?
            1. +3
              31 October 2017 18: 52
              Quote: Moore
              Quote: kalibr

              And where are they all these creators now? Where are their children taught by the creator-parents and what did these creators do in the 1991 year?

              And what does 1991 have to do with it?

              You ask what? And despite the fact that this is such a standard technique. We are constantly observing it here. So there are no other tricks !!!!!!! From the word at all.
              1. +2
                31 October 2017 21: 10
                This is called the method of Socratic dialogue.
        2. +2
          31 October 2017 12: 54
          Quote: Moore
          Take an interest in which of the “consumers” would prefer to watch “War and Peace” (do not read, God save, - see) instead of the next season of the “Games of Thrones”.

          And where did you see Fursenko’s “consumers”? Has our education reform passed? While in our schools the majority of teachers are Soviet teachers and their students. And we have a lot of reading youth, I judge my young employees.
          1. +6
            31 October 2017 20: 37
            I am not a teacher. Although he worked in an educational institution. But my opinion is: you need to take the best from any system, remove shortcomings, introduce useful innovations, and not engage in radical breaking.
            And we have a lot of reading youth, I judge my young employees.

            thank God. Although a few years ago I saw students who did not have an "office" on their computer .. The explanation was gorgeous: "Why? There is also a" contact "! fool Yes, the generation brought up by Dom-2 and the current presidential candidate in person. request
            by the way, I’m re-reading a lot of classics according to my mood. Especially Gogol.
      4. +6
        31 October 2017 15: 43
        And they will climb both the stage and the ...

        they already they climb. No. And on stage, and in politics. And the best way to promote themselves is to strip them for gloss, or to nail testicles to the square. am And the way to this "expression of their rich spiritual world" is sometimes opened to them by money or connections, rather than talents. After all, it’s not without reason that Vyacheslav Olegovich cited one “artist” pyromaniac in an article. Is this creativity? Or another glamorous lady (or even a man) begins to lead a “cozy blazik”, feeling like a professional journalist-star. Yes, it does, it only carries nonsense in half with obscenities. Is this creativity? not! stop this muck, an abomination!
        Again, everyone can have creative urges, but it’s not a fact that this should be put on public display, at least until you gain experience and polish the talent. I once told, it seems, I bought once with a hand on the street from one "poet" a volume of his poems. “Buy,” says, “Everyone says good!” I bought it. I thought we could, what kind of psychedelic will be, or philosophy, or love lyrics - it’s interesting! fellow In general, I began to read ... broke on the fifth verse .. I feel something is wrong. what there is no rhyme, everything is messed up, half of the poems with obscenities, and with his unfulfilled fantasies about sex life! belay angry We are kind people - we see a poor person, keen on his idea of ​​writing, graphomania, and we say: “yes, good poems” ... recourse But it’s necessary, as Suvorov answered Count Khvostov! so as not to disgrace. fool
    2. +3
      31 October 2017 09: 13
      Quote: Moore
      what to grow a qualified consumer. "

      first, we scold that our "people hawala everything", and now we don’t like the "qualified consumer". Without such a consumer, we will not have new Zhvanetsky, Bondarchuki seniors, Danelia and Toostoye, but numerous petrosyans and stepanens, bondachuks younger will grow and bring them numbers that, just feeling like great comedians, writers and directors, fool our unpretentious consumer , so to speak, creativity. So I totally agree with kalibr
      1. +9
        31 October 2017 09: 25
        Quote: verner1967
        Without such a consumer, we will not have new Zhvanetsky, Bondarchuki senior, Danelia and Toosty

        Thanks to the "qualified consumer" Petrosyans, Stepanenki, Mikhail circles and other "cool" artists appeared. “Qualif. Consumer” hawks them with pleasure, and people prefer to watch old, Soviet films and listen to the music of those times, rather than a string.
        1. +3
          31 October 2017 11: 08
          Quote: EvgNik
          people prefer to watch old, Soviet films and listen to the music of those times,.
          Eugene, so I deliberately did not talk about films, so as not to write about Matilda and the fuss around her again.
          Here are the firemen, here is the police,
          all advertise old faces!
          Oh, and the advertising choir can not be demolished!
          Well, to the Zoo if you only go!
        2. +5
          31 October 2017 12: 59
          Quote: EvgNik
          Thanks to the "qualified consumer"

          What kind of "qualified" is he if he cannot distinguish a ram from grains? Does the word consumer bother you? But in vain. Any society is divided into consumers and producers. Only every manufacturer and consumer in their field. The school’s task is to teach what to consume and what is best left untouched.
          1. +7
            31 October 2017 17: 07
            Quote: verner1967
            The school’s task is to teach what to consume and what is best left untouched.

            That's it. But is she teaching this now? And how does Shpakovsky teach to live by advertising?
            And do not have an opinion.
            And the word consumer does not bother me. Here is a "qualified consumer," yes.
            This means - processed by Shpakovsky's advertisement.
            1. +1
              31 October 2017 21: 58
              Quote: EvgNik
              And the word consumer does not bother me. Here is a "qualified consumer," yes.

              That is, a combination of words a skilled worker, a qualified specialist are also bothering you?
        3. +3
          31 October 2017 17: 49
          Thanks to the "qualified consumer" Petrosyans, Stepanenki, Mikhail circles and other "cool" artists appeared.

          I’m silent about the stage. I prefer to listen to rock (and heavy), and not all kinds of "singing underpants." In general, about the stage you can write a separate article. What happened to us, that the "thug" climbed out of all the cracks in the 90s? recourse
          and listen to the music of those times, not the cord.

          here I do not agree. The music of the "era of stagnation" will not be interesting to the new generation.
      2. +5
        31 October 2017 10: 03
        I don’t understand what “qualified consumer” means. For the economy, a person well versed in a product is a clear evil, he will buy the best for himself, but not for the manufacturer.
        1. +3
          31 October 2017 10: 18
          A-HA-HA-HA-HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Quote: EvilLion
          I don’t understand what “qualified consumer” means. For the economy, a person well versed in a product is a clear evil, he will buy the best for himself, but not for the manufacturer.

          Do not understand !!! This is when the consumer consumes more, MORE, MORE, MORE, and he is all SMALL, SMALL, SMALL !!! And he says: --- I have rights !!! Let them give me !!! Well, and then pritenzii. I’m ready to consume, there is qualification, but I can’t get it, although there is no shortage. And creativity is not there either.
          1. +6
            31 October 2017 10: 22
            In my understanding, this is not qualified, but just the opposite. The qualified one also has an 3 computer of the year without an upgrade, and a car walks a million km and the mobile phone can be even older than mine, and mine is 7. And he does not travel to Turkey.
            1. +3
              31 October 2017 10: 43
              Quote: EvilLion
              In my understanding, this is not qualified, but just the opposite. The qualified one also has an 3 computer of the year without an upgrade, and a car walks a million km and the mobile phone can be even older than mine, and mine is 7. And he does not travel to Turkey.

              I didn’t want to make fun of you, it was sarcasm. This is a joke over qualified consumers who are created “from above” without thinking. Or vice versa, thinking, preparing destroyers of everything, knowing only one word “give.” Again, your consumer rarely consumes. It is not beneficial to bourgeois society, it is not a consumer. And it is beneficial to bourgeois society who consumes a lot, often, constantly, takes loans, re-arranges who is in debt all the time. There have been changes in the law .....
          2. +9
            31 October 2017 10: 28
            Quote: Reptiloid

            No, really - your nickname is very suitable for you ...
            1. +4
              31 October 2017 10: 47
              Quote: Golovan Jack
              Quote: Reptiloid

              No, really - your nickname is very suitable for you ...

              I understand that I see you in the photo. I have the habit of taking 2 Germans for a walk at night. I will tell them about you.
              1. +3
                31 October 2017 12: 08
                Dima! Bravo!
              2. +10
                31 October 2017 12: 12
                Quote: Reptiloid
                I have the habit of taking 2 Germans for a walk at night. I will tell them about you

                In vain.
                What is good for a Russian, a death for a German

        2. +2
          31 October 2017 13: 02
          Quote: EvilLion
          For the economy, a person well versed in a product is a clear evil, he will buy the best for himself, but not for the manufacturer.

          That is, in your opinion, I have to consume any ram, that would support the shitty producer? What about the competition? This is the right path to stagnation.
  7. +6
    31 October 2017 07: 38
    The amazing thing is near, sometimes very close, within us.
    ... But sometimes you don’t pay attention to it .. aaaaa .. you think whim ...
  8. +6
    31 October 2017 08: 08
    Quote: Amurets
    There is not that diversity that was in our childhood.

    The most dangerous thing is to judge by yourself. I have a center for children's creativity near my house. I go by often. Crowds go there, as if to school. The windows are open and in the evening it is clear that the classes are full. I took my granddaughter there. On a clay mold, some dances. But this is it ... and there is also a whole list of circles, one of which is “Modeling of modern military equipment” (they are glued from sets, but that’s good too!). Near the school - there is still a set, including a circle of modern journalism, which I spent a year. Now I’m not leading, but it was the same. And he did not "die." Just leads him now by their teacher. Well, she's a better journalist than me. Clear. I agree that the vector has changed: there are more songs, dances, gymnastics, sports (oh, how much sport !!!). Less technical creativity and it has shifted to computer and robotics. But it is !!!
    1. +3
      31 October 2017 08: 35
      Quote: kalibr
      ... I took my granddaughter there ...

      And this is the main point. While you don’t know something, it’s as if it didn’t. Children should be introduced to a variety of creative activities - let them try everything, the main thing is not to interfere.
    2. +5
      31 October 2017 09: 17
      Quote: kalibr
      . I agree that the vector has changed: there are more songs, dances, gymnastics, sports (oh, how much sport !!!). Less technical creativity and it has shifted to computer and robotics. But it is !!!

      I do not judge by myself, knowing full well that a person cannot do everything and have success and talents in everything. It is in its diversity that it is easier to find what you like. In the same school where I studied, not a single technical circle was left, and not because there were no people who wanted to study in it, but that many of the requirements of our officials could not be fulfilled.
      1. +1
        31 October 2017 10: 06
        But this thing is different ...
        1. +5
          31 October 2017 14: 38
          Yes, Nikolai Amurets is right. Not always human talents can develop without the necessary base. A child from a wealthy metropolitan family will always win at the start in front of the same child from a family of rural alcoholics, where there is neither money nor the necessary “base”. But yes, there will be Lomonosovs. And the phrase "talents need help, mediocrity will break through"is also very true. Suppose that we are now forming a" new nobility. "No, it is. hi All "children" are attached to leadership posts. But how they will manifest themselves is a big question. request Wait and see. hi
          that is, if you “dig” further the problem of creativity, then you cannot do with philosophy alone. There are already multi-volume studies and targeted programs to write just right. hi
  9. +23
    31 October 2017 08: 19
    Congratulations to all creative people on the release of this article.
    An article by a creative person about creativity is wonderful
    1. +8
      31 October 2017 08: 58
      Yes, it seems to me that the author should be congratulated. You can imagine what it is like to write logically connected and consistent material, without the same words, without long, abstruse sentences (you read the end, forgot the beginning), written with interesting examples that you need to find. Find a problem, show its development, some ways of entry-exit. He understands everything differently, but, like a dog, he cannot say. Another seems to be writing, but ... does not understand. In this case, both the form and the content correspond to the goal and mutually complement each other. I would also like to say about the design. In this case, it is fully consistent with the content and does not have to wonder why "this" is slapped here. That is, I would say so that with this material the author passed a kind of exam for "author's maturity", the ability to compose and interestingly present the material. It is hoped that in the future we will see his articles more than once and they will be so interesting and informative!
      1. +7
        31 October 2017 09: 19
        Yes, indeed, a very complete article, neither add nor reduce. Maybe the author has been thinking about this for a long time. And maybe, like an inspiration ----- everything turned out instantly !!!!!!! Congratulations !!!!!!!
        1. +2
          31 October 2017 09: 53
          Dmitry, some seem to have been pondering something all their lives, and to write - the gut is thin!
          1. +2
            31 October 2017 12: 09
            Oh, Vyacheslav !!!!! And if everyone wrote everything !!!!!! And what would it be ????? And who would read this ???? In addition, after all, someone should watch this all .... As you yourself said, everyone should do their own thing. How many authors do you criticize, you read it before, write it yourself. ... Others have other plans.
            1. +2
              31 October 2017 16: 34
              That's right, Dmitry! Someone has to rake out from under the cows? What will happen if everyone starts to write, and no one will rake. Horror! You are absolutely right!
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. +3
                31 October 2017 19: 03
                You misunderstand the process, Vyacheslav. Although I was born in a millionaire, I saw it on TV.
                On the other hand, it’s better to clean up the money rather than cut the budget money, and put the films poor, but it’s better to look, you’d make a person work out of them. May before death.
      2. +20
        31 October 2017 12: 21
        Congratulations to the author.
        Hope to see new articles
        1. +4
          31 October 2017 17: 56
          Your prayers, Sergey. drinks There are themes, it remains with the forces to pack up and wait for the arrival of the "muse". hi without mood, "creativity" does not work. request
  10. +1
    31 October 2017 08: 52
    Don't like the guillotine? I can recommend wheeling.
    1. +2
      31 October 2017 09: 03
      Quote: EvilLion
      Don't like the guillotine? I can recommend wheeling.

      I do not like wheeling - I can recommend burning:
      1. +4
        31 October 2017 09: 26
        People have always sought to kill their own kind with greater efficiency ---- nuclear weapons, as a maximum, chemistry. And in the beginning --- just a knife, stone, spear, bow,
        1. +1
          31 October 2017 09: 31
          Quote: Reptiloid
          People have always sought to kill their own kind with greater efficiency.

          Not always. Once we were so few that we had no idea if anyone else was a couple of hundred kilometers from us.
          1. +2
            31 October 2017 10: 01
            This did not abolish sadism. Moreover, sadism arises much earlier than compassion.
            1. +4
              31 October 2017 18: 20
              Moreover, sadism arises much earlier than compassion.

              bad is always easier to let out than good ..
              Don't like the guillotine? I can recommend wheeling.

              long, and the executioner gets tired! stop Then, in those days, "put on stream" the execution of the guillotine. And after a hundred and fifty years, they came up with a gas chamber, so that even faster, more and more efficiently ... request And they got off immediately from the corpses. Progress, damn it, scientific and technical! No.
  11. +3
    31 October 2017 08: 54
    If everyone starts to create, then no one will work.
    1. +3
      31 October 2017 09: 05
      Quote: EvilLion
      If everyone starts to create, then no one will work.

      But does work not involve creativity? Is on any work do not have to think with your head? laughing
      1. +1
        31 October 2017 09: 09
        There are jobs where you need to do your job stupidly. For example, on a package of crackers. I saw how this happens. Women work like cars. 45 min work - 15 break. Otherwise ... But they work! I do not understand why it is impossible to replace them with a machine. And on the other hand ... who will feed their children? Well, they are all stupid !!! So far, we can’t fix the “errors of nature”, so what? Zadarma feed the "microcephalus"? Let them pack better!
        1. +4
          31 October 2017 09: 53
          Because the machine also costs money, and its maintenance requires qualified personnel. If the car is not parked, then it is economically unprofitable.
      2. +4
        31 October 2017 09: 11
        For example, standing at the cash register in a store is VERY necessary work, but there is no time to think there. And at the machine, outside the scope of the job description, there is usually no time to think. And even post the mail, the job is clearly not the most pleasant, but also necessary and also not requiring much thought.
        1. +2
          31 October 2017 09: 24
          Quote: kalibr
          There are jobs where you need to do your job stupidly.

          A conveyor is an attempt to integrate a person into a machine. But even there, one must think how clever and more correctly to perform this or that operation. Over time, these operations are brought to automaticity and there is time to reflect on the eternal ...
          Quote: EvilLion
          For example, standing at the cash register in a store is VERY necessary, but there’s no time to think there ... And even post mail ...

          That's when you’ll get a couple of thousand more at the checkout, and for some reason no less, and the postman will put your correspondence in the next entrance - remember your post and be merciful to them - their work does not involve thinking laughing
          1. +1
            31 October 2017 09: 41
            I am nowhere more merciful. I propose to exclude such work altogether. The postman wears nothing, I have a mail box.
          2. +2
            31 October 2017 09: 55
            In order not to bring the letter to someone else's box, you need to stupidly read the addresses on the letter and on the house. Nothing more is required for this. To "think" this does not apply.
            1. +2
              31 October 2017 10: 04
              Everyone has their own ideas about the creative process ...
              1. 0
                31 October 2017 10: 10
                You can carry mail on your feet, on a bicycle, scooter, scooter, motorcycle, car, you can use the sutra, you can have it at lunchtime, you can in the evening, you can go from left to right, or vice versa, etc. And you say the work is not creative. Your imagination is not enough - it seems to you that the work is boring. laughing
                1. +1
                  31 October 2017 10: 16
                  Well, if it’s your creativity to deliver mail on a scooter, then ... take off my hat. I am very far from such a level of fantasy.
                  1. 0
                    31 October 2017 10: 17
                    Quote: kalibr
                    I am very far from such a level of fantasy.

                    You obviously did not work as a postman laughing
  12. 0
    31 October 2017 09: 26
    All the creativity that the author admires is nothing more than nonsense, real absurdity. What kind of life, empty and meaningless, is such art.
    If there is no immortality, then everything is allowed , Ivan Karamazov, that’s the whole point of what is mistakenly called art or creativity.
  13. +1
    31 October 2017 09: 39
    Quote: EvgNik
    and people prefer to watch old, Soviet films and listen to the music of those times, rather than the cord.

    Do not judge by yourself, oh do not judge! "People" - not you !!! The people are young people. Just yesterday I announced to my students "Week of Soviet Cinema." He gave a list of films and an assignment - to review and write out, which surprised them the most in a particular film. So none of the 30 people watched these films. I have not even heard of such! So when the "people" will rest in the Lord "this" in general no one will watch!
    1. +3
      31 October 2017 09: 59
      Probably because of the Soviet films remember only the top of a few dozen, perhaps hundreds of successful paintings. Some successful at the time of release, like the highest grossing Soviet film of all time, “Pirates of the 20 Century,” are not remembered simply because success was purely conjunctural. True, whether I recall something from the Russian cinema of the 90s and 00, 10s, I strongly doubt it. Because I ALREADY don't remember anything from him. The Soviet school left, but the new did not.
    2. +3
      31 October 2017 12: 21
      Quote: kalibr
      The people are youth

      Yes, not all the youth you and you like have dragged to your side! Dima is young, but, unfortunately, he knows how to think! And there are more and more of them. To your regret, again. And what to take from your students that you stuck in your head, they accepted. You just conducted a test for yourself and are satisfied with your work on spoiling young souls.
      1. +2
        31 October 2017 16: 31
        Well, well, do not fall into insanity, you still have time. I don’t like the book about advertising - maybe this one you like more? Suddenly there isn’t about youth debauchery ...
        Also just came out ...
        1. +4
          31 October 2017 17: 15
          And again, the advertisement. His imperishable.
          Have you noticed that I did not advertise my poems? Friends know, but you are not interested.
          Like me любые your books.
          1. +1
            31 October 2017 17: 28
            So it’s not your time, is it really not clear? Need a reason. Informational. Suitable. And here he is. I don’t care about you at all. It is important that people adore other people's swaras, they are interested in who is who and how. To find out, they make clicks. Clicks increase the site’s investment appeal. That's all. So participating in all of this, you personally benefit society, as I do. Because there will be no clicks - there will be no sites like VO. Everything is simple! And as for the advertising of your poems ... Do they really come out with such publications?
      2. +2
        1 November 2017 02: 15
        Quote: EvgNik
        Quote: kalibr
        The people are youth

        Yes, not all the youth you and you like have dragged to your side! Dima is young, but, unfortunately, he knows how to think! ear.
        Eugene, of course, I’m younger than you and significantly, but not young people. Just fit into the work early and got carried away. Without thinking. The most important thing is the information, everything is immediately visible. Sincerely.
        1. +4
          2 November 2017 03: 37
          Quote: Reptiloid
          The most important thing is information, everything is immediately visible.

          Dear colleague! Here is the information for you.
          1. +2
            2 November 2017 17: 14
            Valery, good to see you! hi do not disappear anymore.
            1. +2
              2 November 2017 17: 21
              Quote: Mikado
              glad to see you!

              Mutually!!! hi
              Quote: Mikado
              do not disappear anymore.

              Received 10 days of ban from admins, so not everything is in our power wink
              1. +2
                2 November 2017 17: 40
                he himself had two or three warnings at one time. Managed. That's how we live!
                Oh, I tormented this article for a long time, so to speak, by what’s on its mind. However .. there is progress! drinks but without creativity it’s not interesting to live!
                1. +2
                  2 November 2017 17: 44
                  Quote: Mikado
                  Oh, I tormented this article for a long time, so to speak, by what’s on its mind. However .. there is progress! drinks and without creativity it’s not interesting to live!

                  The article turned out good! I respect drinks
  14. +2
    31 October 2017 09: 43
    Quote: Boris55
    Don't you have to think with your head at any job?

    Thinking with your head and doing creativity are two different things. No need to substitute concepts!
    1. +2
      31 October 2017 10: 12
      Quote: kalibr
      Thinking with your head and doing creativity are two different things.

      That is, do you think that when creating a thread, a head is not needed? laughing
    2. +9
      31 October 2017 10: 18
      Quote: kalibr
      Thinking with your head and doing creativity are two different things.

      Ostap suffered a campaign ...
      Quote: kalibr
      No need to substitute concepts!

      Look in the mirror and repeat the same ... 100 times laughing
      You are right there doing this negative
  15. BAI
    31 October 2017 09: 47
    Yesterday, the pair-skater commentator addressed the winners of the competition (Canadians) the following phrase:
    "Is it possible to dance after 60? It is possible, but it is impossible to watch."
    Although the 70-year-old go-go dancer does this in America, the 20-year-old cannot afford it.
    This is about when talents need to cut through.
  16. +1
    31 October 2017 09: 50
    Quote: Reptiloid
    And creativity in science?

    Dmitry! You write how this is the case at my university? 12 rector grants were given to students for research only last year, and so on. Only yesterday a foreigner girl comes up to me - they told me to contact you. I participate in the article competition "Russia through the eyes of foreign students." Here's how ... Even such a contest turns out to be there. Although it is not a science. A competition of grants for 4 mln. for a creative team of scientists from 3's countries to solve the problem of waste disposal. But the main condition is cooperation and the corresponding program and a real result. And this is a drop from what I know.
  17. +2
    31 October 2017 10: 10
    Quote: EvgNik
    Clear. Internet-liberal advertising journalism.

    Clear. "I have not read, but I condemn." Stupid! However, I did not expect anything else.
  18. +2
    31 October 2017 10: 28
    Quote: Boris55
    what thread

    No, not needed. Something new, not previously former, superior to the old - is needed!
    1. 0
      31 October 2017 10: 56
      Quote: kalibr
      No, not needed. Something new, not previously former, superior to the old - is needed!

      Every person in his life almost daily encounters something new, earlier them unknown.
      The difference between your work and the work of a postman is in the degree of impact on society as a whole. The higher it is, the higher the price of error - the narrower the “corridor” for creativity. hi
    2. +6
      31 October 2017 11: 08
      Vyacheslav Olegovich, hello. Here I read the comments, even you have gone astray on completely secondary issues, although you have the necessary theoretical background.
      But the author raised a completely cosmic theme - creativity. And all at once switched to manifestations of everyday human activity, and often far from the most attractive ones.
      And the question is deeply philosophical. I immediately even got a little confused about the comment, since such questions on the site today are extremely rare. The topic is also interesting in historical terms, since the nature of people's creativity has been exciting for a very long time. .Platon generally believed that a person in the process of creativity becomes God-given.
      At the same time, through creativity, as it does not sound pompous, historical development and the connection of generations are realized. Those. the concept of creativity is important for understanding all those socio-historical processes that occur and of which we are participants.
      Therefore, I propose to shift the vector of discussion from the transfer of life products to the discussion of creativity as the main component of culture.
      1. +3
        31 October 2017 11: 49
        Quote: Eight
        Vyacheslav Olegovich, hello. Here I read the comments, even you have gone astray on completely secondary issues, although you have the necessary theoretical background.
        But the author raised a completely cosmic theme - creativity. And all at once switched to manifestations of everyday human activity, and often far from the most attractive ones.
        And the question is deeply philosophical. s.

        Yes, indeed, an article about creativity. And not only about him. It is about Life, Man, Society and much more that is around us, too. Such versatility speaks about the merits of the author and the article.
        Well, and discussions ???? ..... Whoever was affected by the first thought, he wrote this. And what will be written then ---- we'll see.
      2. +4
        31 October 2017 11: 53
        I think that the topic is endless. hi To find a mechanism that starts the creative component of a person is the problem! Yes There are people who have been doing what they love all their lives, but there are people who cannot even find themselves even in old age. request But, of course, we must take into account both the training and education of a person, and those economic and social conditions in which he lives since childhood. That is, the question is arch-multifaceted. hi
        1. +6
          31 October 2017 17: 32
          To find a mechanism that starts the creative component of a person is the problem!

          That's right! Yes Endless theme for finding solutions. Therefore, I remembered:
          "If you want to build a ship, you don’t need to convene people, plan, share work, get tools. You need to infect people with the desire for an endless sea. Then they themselves will build a ship."
          Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"
          1. +3
            31 October 2017 17: 41
            is logical. I bow to you, Elena! love
      3. +1
        31 October 2017 12: 18
        Eight Bickering also takes place. This is also an information platform where you can give what you need.
        1. +3
          31 October 2017 12: 45
          As Petrarch once wrote in De secreto conflictu curarum suarum, “truth is drowning in excessive bickering,” so this is a counterproductive position.
          1. +6
            31 October 2017 14: 45
            Gumilev in the description of the dispute between the Old Believers and the supporters of Nikon’s reform (during the Khovanshchina) made a rather accurate statement, something like the truth was not born in any dispute. The result was known - the Old Believers left the cathedral, declared their victory at a debate, and then they were executed ...! request
            Yes, I am grateful to you and many others for the assessment. love You know, we have a lot of talented people on the site, I won’t list them. Someone writes books, someone poems, someone expertly operates with information, and has a broad outlook. And someone is just a good person. For such people, writing and inspiration often comes! drinks
            1. +19
              31 October 2017 19: 12
              Good evening Nikolai
              I took advantage of your invitation - looked at the computer - and to you
              Congratulations on the article!
              What can I say? The article is excellent - clarity of thought and a good syllable. Outstanding theme.
              I read mainly the articles in the History section - in my opinion they are the most solid ones on display (Armament requires professional suitability, although also good texts).
              So you with the debut (if the debut) and with the continuation (if not the first time) drinks
              1. +3
                31 October 2017 20: 52
                Glad to see you, Vladimir Mikhailovich! hi Although I was hoping for your visit. The debut is the third, but completely different from the first two:
                the fact is that this article is written entirely "out of my head." This is probably a success. what Private. As the saying goes, what "the soul hurt," he wrote. Yes, and I completely agree with you about the "history" section. See how many smart and nice people are around! drinks Sometimes a person needs a "corner of calm", and here he finds it. hi
                Nothing, I'll introduce you to our other Doctor! good It will be interesting - you will still curse him, as Vyacheslav Olegovich with Evgeny Nikolaevich! fellow That will be the thing! drinks
                1. +18
                  31 October 2017 21: 31
                  Yes, this is your success.
                  Congratulations again.
                  I would not particularly like to swear. Especially as a shoemaker without boots - and doctors without health. Especially weather dependent
                  I’ll be glad to meet you
                  Like a pleasant company
                  Continue in the same spirit
                  Creative success to you
                  1. +7
                    31 October 2017 21: 38
                    with the support of members of the forum - God forbid! Thank you again! love And we have a good Doctor. drinks
          2. +2
            31 October 2017 19: 15
            Quote: Eight
            As Petrarch once wrote in De secreto conflictu curarum suarum, “truth is drowning in excessive bickering,” so this is a counterproductive position.

            The Great Petrarch wrote it quite correctly. And bickering, bickering or chattering, on the one hand, it accompanies absolutely all aspects of life, but maybe this is a purposeful action that would distract from the topic.
  19. +2
    31 October 2017 10: 31
    Quote: Golovan Jack
    Distort ... not the "creators" did, they did just mediocrity, those that "along the party line" climbed higher than necessary.

    And the "creators" sat silently watching how mediocrity do! Good creators.
    1. +1
      31 October 2017 11: 57
      Quote: kalibr

      And the "creators" sat silently watching how mediocrity do! Good creators.
      This is just one of the PR moves that requires, in fact, a separate conversation. And you, Vyacheslav, like no one else knows about creating new media, perestroika, post-perestroika, about the arrival of foreign media to us. But somehow they did not write about them here !!!!! They did not expose !!!!!! About who immediately bought different media. Probably, this is secret knowledge. !!!! That's what!!!!! Not for everyone - Ssssss
      1. +1
        31 October 2017 12: 16
        You are just like one of my students ... About secret knowledge. There is no particularly secret knowledge. Everything is on the surface. You just won’t write about everything at once. Yes, and you need to write about what you know well. I do not know this topic very well.
        1. +1
          31 October 2017 19: 24
          As the author of a book on online advertising, you may have written there that the text on the network does not carry emotions, maybe the word SECRET should be quoted in this case ....
          And you can’t know this period, either as a former teacher of the history of the CPSU, or as today's PR. This is a reference point. OR how else? Point of no return? Termination of the Soviet media. That's what!!!!!
          1. +1
            31 October 2017 21: 19
            The then media interested me only in terms of how to make money on them ... As, however, now. You are much interested in the shovel, which you dig a garden. It would be sharp and comfortable. And so, what and where ... why? So it was with the media.
            1. +1
              1 November 2017 02: 02
              I understand that they earned on those media? Here Berezovsky became the owner of the shares of INDEPENDENT Newspaper, LIGHT, MATADOR, TV-6, ORT, NEWS, publishing house INDEPENDENT MEDIA. Gusinsky owned stocks, like the 8 largest media outlets, LUKOIL ---- 4. And on whom exactly did they earn? If not a secret, of course.
              1. +1
                1 November 2017 07: 56
                Not not com, but how! My articles were published in the magazines "Technique-Youth", "Family and School", "School and Production", "Club and Amateur Performances", "Bonfire", "Young Technician", "Lefty". Do not look for devils in the censer.
                1. +2
                  2 November 2017 03: 30
                  What are you talking about? All these magazines were under socialism, which you laugh at. So you laugh at the CPSU and teaching the history of the party, then you talk about your merits in communist education.
                  Above, I wrote about the moment of the creation of bourgeois media and the prohibition of the Soviet. What you are not well aware of and reluctance. Here poisoned feathers is another matter.
                  1. +1
                    2 November 2017 22: 16
                    Dmitry! Almost all of these magazines peacefully migrated to capitalism! What are you speaking about? And my collaboration with them continued ...
                    1. 0
                      3 November 2017 06: 34
                      As for the magazines, I will clarify the names.
                      And you are leaving the conversation about creating bourgeois media in the Russian Federation, although this process, like the ban on Soviet media, was taking place before your very eyes. About poisoned feathers --- easier.
                      1. 0
                        4 November 2017 12: 11
                        Dmitry, I myself created the bourgeois media in Russia - the magazine Tankomaster from 1991 to 2007 year. But everything else interested me little. What to leave from? You think it was interesting to me that someone was banned there ... Not at all! It was interesting to me that my circulation is growing!
                        Young technician, Lefty, Modeler-designer, Young naturalist, Science and life, Technique-youth, Family and school - all quietly migrated to the Russian Federation. The newspaper - "Young Leninist" and now comes out ... "Soviet Russia" - goes ... What was banned?
  20. +2
    31 October 2017 12: 13
    Quote: EvgNik
    I do not give you advice on how to sell your homeland, you can do it without me.

    It turns out that you are even dumber than I thought. Well...
    1. +1
      31 October 2017 12: 49
      The fact of the sale of the homeland interested.
      In Soviet cinema, creative workers addressed this topic, ......... I am for the garage - I sold my Motherland ......., record the fact of the sale of the Motherland in the protocol .... Everyone was laughing.
  21. +1
    31 October 2017 16: 39
    Quote: EvgNik
    Yes, how do you know this, children's works are written as for adults, but much better.

    Half of my books are just for children! Ask Dmitry Retiloid. If you do not believe me. He bought two, read, can appreciate the language and content. Aw, Dmitry, confirm ...
  22. +1
    31 October 2017 16: 42
    Quote: EvgNik
    It is just aimless making money. Nobody except you and the manufacturers is needed.

    And then where is the money from?
  23. +2
    31 October 2017 21: 24
    Quote: Reptiloid
    On the other hand, it’s better to clean up the money rather than cut the budget money and put on the poor films, but it’s better to take pictures, you’ll see, the work would make a person out of them. May before death

    Who will agree to this, having the opportunity to cut and put? If you were born in the family of Abramovich, you would also argue differently. Not at all like that. But no luck. Therefore pulls philosophize. Comfort. At least some ...
    1. +4
      1 November 2017 01: 38
      Quote: kalibr

      If you were born in the family of Abramovich, you would also argue differently. Not at all like that. But no luck. Therefore pulls philosophize. Comfort. At least some ...
      But how not to philosophize? So, another person suggested to philosophize, I try. There are a lot of stories on the network on these topics, and you think I’m the one I recommend. I’m sure that they would console themselves, they shot Day of TV, Goblin, LEN.RU ...... And the deputies about it. What a pity Abromovich does not know about you, I grieve. And for some reason you are not aware of the oligarchs. Well, the Penza communists have not forgotten, apparently, there is hope.
  24. +1
    31 October 2017 21: 51
    Penza Robotics Club
    Exciting courses for children! Trial lesson for free! Sign up on the site!
    Now the format of children's technical creativity has become so. Previously, planes from DOSAAF parcel sets were planed, now this is it. Everything changes!
  25. +1
    1 November 2017 07: 53
    Quote: Reptiloid
    It’s a pity Abromovich doesn’t know about you, I grieve. And for some reason you are not aware of the oligarchs.

    Dima, you write in vain. Do not try to annoy the little things like this to people you are very far from. It will give you nothing but petty pleasure. And I won’t even spoil my mood, because my opinion about the culture of lower social groups has been around for a long time and you cannot do it worse.
    1. +3
      1 November 2017 10: 22
      The question is not simple. Here we must immediately decide what we will consider culture. Based on classical definitions, the height of location on the current social ladder is in many cases inversely proportional to the level of culture.
      1. +3
        1 November 2017 11: 24
        yes, because the ability to “break through” is often not related to culture or genius. You, in fact, have raised an important aspect. hi I wrote about the same thing upstairs to Amurtsu.
      2. +2
        2 November 2017 03: 10
        Quote: Eight
        The question is not simple. Here we must immediately decide what we will consider culture. Based on classical definitions, the height of location on the current social ladder is in many cases inversely proportional to the level of culture.

        The question is as interesting as it is difficult, as you, dear forum member, have noticed. But, unfortunately, there are no units of measure for culture. There is such a thing, there was no social science at the school of my time and I still don’t understand what it is. Nikolai probably understands by virtue of his education, and your age, EIGHT, is unknown to me.
        Vyacheslav, in my opinion, fell into his own trap. Scolding the Soviet regime, he, speaking about social strata, thinks in Soviet categories, which is wrong. Since now we have a bourgeois society with a priority of international law. And in accordance with this, who has more expensive property, he stands on a higher step. And in accordance with this, the owner of the apartment in St. Petersburg will always be more status than the owner of the Khrushchev in Penza. And if, for example, like Nikolai, he lives in an elite building area, then in general it is incomparable. Accordingly, the owner of a land plot in the Leningrad Region, in bourgeois society, will be at a higher level than the summer resident of Penza. And, mind you, I didn’t offer it. These are the realities of bourgeois society, which Vyacheslav forgot about. There was something about culture, here, maybe I don’t understand everything. Some kind of some talk about education, as a service, about the service sector .... The provision of services ... There were comments on the inadmissibility of equalization. Education to the service were before. Nevertheless, we have a bourgeois society and working in a private paid educational institution, the teacher provides the service !!!!!. What does the culture have to do with it? That concept of culture remained under socialism and in the USSR. Repeatedly Vyacheslav emphasized that the USSR is absent (only in other words). The Penza communists still see him as a teacher of history of the CPSU ....
        Or the publication of books. Here, too, you can approach in different ways. What books, what circulation. It turns out that here Dontsova and Malinina have a priority in bourgeois society. BUT not to think of .....
        1. +1
          4 November 2017 12: 07
          Quote: Reptiloid
          And in accordance with this, who has more expensive property, he stands on a higher step. And in accordance with this, the owner of the apartment in St. Petersburg will always be more status than the owner of the Khrushchev in Penza.

          Dmitry, even in bourgeois society, status is not brought to a person by an apartment ...
          1. 0
            4 November 2017 12: 48
            Quote: kalibr
            Quote: Reptiloid
            And in accordance with this, who has more expensive property, he stands on a higher step. And in accordance with this, the owner of the apartment in St. Petersburg will always be more status than the owner of the Khrushchev in Penza.

            Dmitry, even in bourgeois society, status is not brought to a person by an apartment ...

            Do not distort! It says about the property, it is the equivalent of cash., And provisions. If someone says that he bought apartments with a view of Red Square, or Smolny, or on Krestovsky Island or on Kamenny Island, then you don’t need to add anything. Or, as before, some families lived in the Kremlin ------- everything is said by that.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +3
      2 November 2017 03: 21
      Quote: kalibr
      Quote: Reptiloid
      It’s a pity Abromovich doesn’t know about you, I grieve. And for some reason you are not aware of the oligarchs.

      Dima, you write in vain. Do not try to annoy the little things like this to people you are very far from. It will give you nothing but petty pleasure. And I won’t even spoil my mood, because my opinion about the culture of lower social groups has been around for a long time and you cannot do it worse.

      I didn’t mean to call you Glory, but, apparently, if you call me Dima. Your old opinions ---- does this mean under socialism ridiculed by you? Now the bourgeois system. Only $$$$ €€€€€ --- the criterion of everything.
      1. +2
        2 November 2017 22: 24
        I have written for many times and more than once that there are three groups of the population: the ruling elite (money + power), the ruling elite (knowledge) and the lower strata of the population, who are doomed to hard physical labor and putting their best personnel to the top. Busty beauties and smart guys. It's clear? And no traps, yes. I know you are prone to conspiracy theories. But do not look for devils in the censer, everything is simpler here. There was a collection, it was possible to insert an article there for nothing. And in fact, nobody cares who writes what. You need a quantity of materials to publish it. Again, tolerance. That's all. Do you want me to send it to you as a gift?
        As for the Glory ... if you think that I am your peer, then why not call. I’m from 1954, and you are from 1955, as I understand it?
        1. 0
          4 November 2017 13: 25
          Well, I don’t know for whom you wrote this, only this is not a correspondence and simplification. In theory, I am not strong, neither in the past nor in the present, but this can be seen with the naked eye. This is true in relation to the elite = money + power, BUT, then showmen and artists in power = money, then academics, doctors of sciences, Prize winners. Here is the tip. And to unite the rest of the population, as bluntly engaged in hard physical labor ---- simplification is very strange and harmful at the same time.
          1. 0
            4 November 2017 14: 02
            You think so. There is such a science, sociology ... there is a lot of everything!
            1. 0
              4 November 2017 15: 29
              I forgot about the media, tv ...... They are ---- to the showmen!
  26. +4
    1 November 2017 20: 55
    Nikolay, I sincerely congratulate you on the release of the author’s article !!!
    1. +2
      1 November 2017 21: 53
      I bow to you, Anton! hi
  27. 0
    3 November 2017 06: 24
    Quote: kalibr

    As for the Glory ... if you think that I am your peer, then why not call. I’m from 1954, and you are from 1955, as I understand it?
    Ha ha ha You think I’m from 1955, Eugene, that I am young people. Chucked!
    1. +1
      4 November 2017 12: 05
      Yes, that gave you the opportunity to laugh.
  28. 0
    4 November 2017 13: 04
    Bourgeois media ----- these are the media that came instead of the socialist ones and cared for the interests of the bourgeois class, both Russian and foreign. They belonged not to the state, but to oligarchs and corporations. What does the tanker have to do with it?
    1. +1
      4 November 2017 14: 00
      Despite the fact that I did not care about the rest!
  29. +2
    4 November 2017 17: 27
    I remember the magazines of the 50s, interesting "Seeker" and some kind of chipboard "Investigative Practice", but in the 91st I was most waiting for the new issue of "Young Guard".
    1. +2
      5 November 2017 07: 32
      There was a whole shelf of seekers. But the Young Guard did not even open even once. Rarely read the novel newspaper.
      1. +2
        5 November 2017 07: 54
        Some articles and anecdotes from The Young Guard were engraved in memory for a lifetime ... For example - "Who and how teaches us the Russian language."