Rurik - the creation of the state of Falcon. To the 1150 anniversary of the vocation of the Varangians

That Bo Boyan, who boosts his golden fingers on living strings, is better known to the Russian prince: the first prince Rurik, Igor Rurikovich and Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, Yaroslav Volodimerovich ...
“Zadonshchina” (a monument of ancient Russian literature of the end of the XIV - beginning of the XV centuries)

1150 years ago in 862, according to the 12th century Old Russian Chronicle of the Tale of Bygone Years, Rurik and his brothers Sineus and Truvor were called to rule in the north of the Russian land. Rurik invited several "lands" (tribes) of Slavic and Finno-Ugric origin, and he became the founder of a dynasty that continuously ruled Russia until the end of the 16 century. Its last representatives on the throne of Russia were Fedor Ivanovich and Vasily Shuisky.

Unfortunately, we know very little about the internal causes of this important event. But nevertheless, it is possible to express a completely logical opinion that Rurik’s vocation was caused not only by an internal prerequisite - to stop tribal civil strife, but also geopolitical. The elders who ruled the northern Russian lands (among them was Ghostmysl, whom some historians consider to be the representative of the ancient princely dynasty, coming from the mythical princes of Sloven and Rus - the sons of Skif) and decided to convert the union of autonomous lands into a centralized state. The reason for this fateful decision is clear - Russia was threatened with a terrible fate, death under the onslaught of external enemies. Historians know that the so-called. Novgorod Rus had closest ties with the lands of the Slavs in Central Europe. This fact is confirmed by the anthropological data, the uniformity of archaeological cultures, the trade and cultural ties of Novgorod with the future North Germany. And the administrative, priestly elite of Russia knew about the onslaught of the “crusaders” on the lands of the Slavs in Europe. The Slavs of Central Europe were losing this battle, Rome and its "tools" skillfully used the strategy of "divide and rule", pushing the militant Slavic alliances among themselves, destroying and enslaving the land in turn, one by one. Western Slavanous tribes could not create a single state and repel the onslaught of the enemy. The result was terrible, after a centuries-old bloody battle, the Slavic civilization of Central Europe was virtually destroyed.

In addition, the fact that in the south Russia underwent the expansion of the Khazar Kaganate (the "serpent" of Russian epics), which subjugated a number of Slavic lands, was taken into account. It was a terrible, parasitic formation, selling the Slavs tens of thousands to the slave markets of the East and constantly expanding its sphere of influence. In the south, the Russian land was also threatened by the Byzantine Empire (it would destroy the Slavs in the south of the Balkan Peninsula and subjugate Bulgaria) and the expansion of the Arabs, Islam.

Russia could not withstand this external threat and sooner or later would have fallen in battle with the developed powers of that time. That is why it was decided to create a state - a single state, where there is a single control center. This idea is confirmed by the actions of the first Rurikovich - they united the Slavs, the Finno-Ugrians into a single power and at the same time fought with external enemies - Khazaria, Byzantium. With the Khazar Khaganate as the most terrible and close threat, the enemies, who had already occupied part of the Russian lands, fought Rurik, Oleg and Igor. Mortal blow to the Khazars struck a brilliant Svyatoslav. Oleg, Igor and Svyatoslav struck the Byzantine Empire. Svyatoslav was supposed to complete the work - to unite with Russia the original homeland of the Slavs, the Balkans, to stand firmly on the Danube-father (it was there, according to some historians, that the first “Kiev” was located). As a result of the decision of the elders and priests unknown to us, a power was created, which withstood the struggle against the strong and aggressive states of the East and the West.

Naturally, the role of the figure, which was supposed to begin large-scale construction of the Russian state, could invite only a person who met certain criteria. First, he must be "his" for the Slavs of the north. It is not for nothing that the chronicle directly says that Rurik, being a Varangian, was neither a Norman, nor an Angle, nor a Swede, nor a Gotland. And the Vikings of his family spoke the language of the Slavic. The Joachim Chronicle, preserved in the program by V.N. Tatishchev, states that Rurik was the son of Umila, the middle daughter of the Slavic elder Gostomysl. A stranger could not be entrusted with a Case of such global significance.

Secondly, the prince should have a strategic vision of the situation and a great military experience, as well as his inner circle. Further events confirmed this. Rurik brought order to the north, united the northern lands, and began to fight with the Khazars. Oleg Veshchy united the two main centers of the Russian land - Novgorod and Kiev, continued the struggle against Khazaria, and struck at Byzantium. Igor successfully continued the unification of the Slav-Russian lands, fought the Khazars, broke the Pechenegs. Svyatoslav defeated the Khazar Kaganate, pushed the limits of the Russian state to the North Caucasus, the Volga and the Don, and conquered Bulgaria. We see that several generations of the rulers of Russia persistently carried out the Great Purpose.

Rurik - the creation of the state of Falcon. To the 1150 anniversary of the vocation of the Varangians

What do we know about Rurik

Supporters of the Norman version of the calling of the Vikings to Russia, believe that Rurik was Rurik (Rorik) Jutland. It was a Danish king who served the Frankish Carolingian dynasty. He is mentioned in the Frankish chronicles as the ruler of Dorestad and a number of Frisian lands in 841 - 873 years. This version was first put forward by priest H. Hallman, who published in 1816 in Bremen the work “Rustringia, the original fatherland of the first Russian Grand Duke Rurik and his brothers. Historical an experience". Little is known about Rorik. It is believed that he was from the Skjoldung family (the legendary royal Dan dynasty) who ruled in Hedeby. His uncle (or brother) was the Jutland ruler Harald Klack. In their youth they were both expelled from Jutland, and they served Lothar, participating in the internecine struggle of the descendants of Charlemagne. Lothar rewarded them with destinies in the Frisian land. But happiness did not last long with the brothers - in 843, Friesland was included in the empire under the Verdun Agreement. Norman mercenaries no longer needed Lothar. Rorik and Harald were arrested on charges of treason and imprisoned. Harald died in prison (according to another version he was killed at a later time), Rorik was able to escape and became a homeless adventurer. He was a member of the Norman raids on England and the coast of the Frankish Empire. Rorik gained quite wide popularity in pirate circles - in 845 he raided up the Elbe River and attacked Northern France. In 850, under his command there was a fleet of 350 ships, with which he attacked the shores of England. He was nicknamed the "ulcer of Christianity." In the same year, Rorik won Dorestad and Utrecht from Lothar. Lothar was even forced to make peace with Rörik, with the proviso that the king would protect his northern lands from raids by the Danes, which he did quite successfully.

In 854, Lothar again took away his vassal Friesland with the help of Danes, but bestowed new flax in Jutland. Roric confronts Godfried for supremacy in Jutland. In 869, Rorik, after the death of Lothar, negotiated with Carl who succeeded him. The last message about Ryorik refers to the 873 year - he took the oath of allegiance to Louis the German. The fact that Ryorik died before the 882 year can be judged by the fact that this year Frisia was placed under the control of Godfried Frisian.

As a result, apart from a consonant name and one era, this historical figure is clearly not connected with the founder of the Russian princely dynasty. First, Rorik was active, almost all his life, fighting for a piece of land - Friesland. He simply had no time to rule in Ladoga and solve the internal and external problems of a huge state. Secondly, why did the lord of Northern Russia, under whom was Ladoga, Izborsk, Beloozero, whose governors were in Polotsk, Rostov, Murom, Suzdal and other cities, a small possession in northern Europe. Third, the Vikings even with small forces terrified Western Europe, and Rurik could put in an army that would easily seize Friesland. Fourthly, why did Rurik become a vassal of a number of representatives of the Carolingian dynasty, if he was the lord of a vast land.

There are other serious inconsistencies. Roric is a dan (the ancestors of the modern Danes) who could not speak the same language as the Slavs. The king of the Danes had only one brother, and the eldest (or uncle). Rurik had two brothers, and he was the eldest. It is impossible to disregard the consideration that the northern Slavs and the Finno-Ugrians wanted to find a prince who would "own us and rank us by right". This is very important, an outcast, a hired warrior Roric had no rights to Northern Russia.

Another group of researchers puts forward the opinion that it did not exist at all. Like, since we can’t prove that Rurik is Scandinavian, let’s say that this is generally a myth, a legend. For example, D. S. Likhachev suggested that Rurik, Sineus, and Truvor should, according to the plan of the chronicler, become “mystical ancestors” of Novgorod, like Kiy, Schek and Khoriv for Kiev. But if we follow the path of such researchers, then in place of history in general there will be no stone on stone. It is possible to declare a significant number of annals of the times of the early Middle Ages a myth, not to mention the history of antiquity, the Ancient World.

The name Rurik is clearly of Slavic origin. So called in the Slavic languages ​​Falcon: Polish. "Raróg", Czech. "Rarašek", Slovak. "Raroh", in Ukrainian. "Rag". Similar names were met in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, in the lands of the union of the tribes of encouragement. Another interesting fact is that the medieval union of the Slavic tribes of the wake-hearted, who lived along the lower reaches of the Elbe River, was also called rarogami or rerigami. In the name of the Slavorus, the falcon was the animal symbol of the all-Slavic god, the creator of all life and existence, Rod, and the center of encouragement was the city of Rerik. Falconry is generally characteristic of the Slavs, so called the city, castles, rivers. Bylinas are called glorious knights and princes falcons. The coat of arms of Rurikovich and modern Ukraine, which “privatized” a common history, depicts a hunting falcon. Falcon symbolism is filled with "The Word of Igor's Regiment". Igor is walking along the steppe to Tmutarakan: “The falcon flew already far away ...”. The boyars say to Svyatoslav of Kiev about the two brothers Igor and Vsevolod: "two falcons of sletest from taking away the golden table of the search of the city of Tmtorakan." Igor from the Polovtsian captivity "falcon flight". The Polovtsian khans, pursuing the prince, speak of him as a “falcon,” and of his son as a “falcon”. Thus, it is clear that the falcon is called a prince, a descendant of Falcon-Rurik.

Therefore, the West Slavic hypothesis that Rurik and his brothers came from among the West Slavic tribes, vagr or ruyan, who belonged to the union of supporters (rarog), seems quite logical. M. Lomonosov also wrote about this. This version is confirmed by the common language of the Vikings-Rus with the Ilmen Slavs, cultural, archaeological, anthropological ties of encouragement with the “Novgorod”. In addition, the tribal legends and genealogies of the German aristocracy retained the information that the sons of Godlib-Godlaw (a representative of the princely dynasty of encouragement), Rurik, Siwar (Sineus in Russian annals) and Truvor, went to Novgorod in 840 year. True, the dating of events does not coincide, but historians know that the dating of Old Russian chronicles approximately to the middle of the 10 century is approximate. The folk legend about Rurik and his two brothers, which was published in the 30-s of the 19 century by the French traveler and writer Xavier Marmier in the book Northern Letters, also survived. The French writer wrote down a legend in Northern Germany among the Mecklenburg peasants who lived in the former lands of the Wise Slavs, who were almost completely Germanized by that time. According to legend, in the 8 century, Prince Godlav reigned in the land of encouraging rheisks. He had three sons: Rurik the Peaceable, Sivar the Victorious, Truvar the Faithful. The brothers set off in search of glory to the East, where they distinguished themselves in many battles. In Russia, they overthrew “tyranny” and restored peace and order in the country. When they decided to return home, the grateful people persuaded them to stay and rule them. Rurik received Novgorod land (Nowoghorod), Sivar - Pskov land (Pleskow), Truvar - Belozerskaya (Bile-Jezoro). After the death of Sivar and Truvara, their lands became part of the united state, and Rurik became the founder of the princely dynasty.

It is clear that the legend largely embellished real events. The brothers were not noble knights fighting evil, but refugees seeking a new home. Their grandfather - the king of encouragement Witslav and his father died in battle, the house was captured by enemies. But the interesting message about the "tyranny", which dominated the lands of the Eastern Slavs. Written sources - ibn Fadlan, Masoudi, “Letter from Tsar Joseph”, “The Cambridge Document”, data from archeology, epics, researches by M.I. Artamonov (“History of the Khazars”) and other historians report about the terrible yoke of the Khazars. Many Slavic lands fell under the power of the “wonder-yuda”, which exterminated the princely clans, bled the Slavic-Russian lands. Princes-falcons began to fight with the Khazar kaganat and as a result he was destroyed.

It is necessary to mention the mother of Falcon-Rurik. According to the Ioakimovskaya chronicle, the prince’s mother was the daughter of the Novgorod elder-prince Gostomysl, Umila. According to the Novgorod tradition, Gostomysl dreamed that a large apple tree grew from the womb of his daughter, overshadowing all the Slavic lands with its branches, and people came to take shelter from its shadow everywhere and taste the sweet fruits. The wise men of the veduny predicted that the descendants of Gostomysl’s daughter would own the north of Russia and many other lands, becoming the founders of a mighty power. Here we see that the Russian priesthood also took part in the “vocation” of falcon princes.
History state of Russia. Rurik

An unfinished directorial version of Illustrated History of the Russian State. The film will never come to the screens. Saved several directorial series.

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  1. shipbuilder
    22 March 2012 09: 02
    The article is interesting, but it is known that Rurik’s vocation from the north (Norman theory) rests on only one document - the Radzivil’s chronicle, where only one page is devoted to it, as proved later, is fake. If you remove it, then most likely he hails from the Novgorod lands. There is another theory that is presented by Fomenko and Nosovsky.
    All the information that you have outlined here has one common source - the tale of bygone years, which was written no earlier than the eighteenth century. The first mention of the tale of bygone years falls on this time. There are no more ancient annals and lists. Our history is completely distorted in favor of the ruling Romanov dynasty, the great history of Russia has been changed and overthrown.
    1. 0
      22 March 2012 11: 41
      Roughly the same was said about "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" - that it is a late forgery. But in the XNUMXth century there were still no such specialists-philologists who could correctly write a text in the language of the XNUMXth century.
      1. shipbuilder
        22 March 2012 12: 28
        And try to read the plates on the tombstones of the pre-Domanian era, which still come across. And how to determine the text of the XII century to us, who have not yet seen them. Where are these texts?
        1. Paratov
          22 March 2012 13: 01
          Most likely, in about 862, the same thing happened that almost happened in 1917, the new government came and canceled everything that was former! .. A new countdown began. But the fact that Rurik is a foreigner is complete rubbish! Well, there is no such thing! There are clearly visible analogies with English history, where William the Conqueror came and created the state! Or even with America, whose history dates back to Columbus! Accordingly, Rurik is Columbus, and the Russians are Indians! And most of our, so to speak, historians only obediently develop this Indian-savage direction! .. Enough, tired!
    2. shipbuilder
      24 March 2012 22: 33
      From the book of Fomenko and Nosovsky “Founding of Rome”
      From the chapter on the calling of the Varangians to Russia.

      First of all, recall what the chronicle says.
      Let's use Tatishchev's retelling. "The Varangians took tribute from Russia, Chudi, Glorious, Meri, Vesi and Krivichi ... The Varangians came from across the sea for tribute to the Slavs in the Great City. The Slavs and Russia, refusing, did not give them tribute. Then the Slovenian prince Gostomysl will die. And people began to own among themselves, but there was no justice in them; there was civil strife, fighting each other, they ruined themselves more than the enemies. Seeing this, the elders of the earth, gathered from the slavs, rus, chudi, krivich and protch limit, argued that the land of Rus, although great and abundant, but the devil of the prince there is no order and justice; for this sake it is necessary to elect a prince who would own and govern everyone. And agreeing, according to Gostomyslov's curse, they chose a prince from the Varangians, called the Russes. The Varangians are the essence of different titles, like Svia (Swedes), Urmani (Germans - Auth.), Inglane (Englishmen - Auth.) and Guti (Goths). And these are especially Varangians Russes ...
      Rurik with his brotherhood and his houses, having gathered and taking Russia with them, came to the Slovenes ... And from those Varangians this country was nicknamed this Russia, later on the Novgorod country was named; formerly, there were princes by their kind, but now they are owned by those of the Varangian clan ...
      The crowing of the Bulgarians (mark Tatishchev in the margins - Auth). And baptize tsar Mikhail the prince of the Bulgarian Bogoris and his name Simeon, and all the nobles baptized ...
      Die Sineus and his brother Truvor, and accepting all the power of Rurik is one ... Build Novgrad over Volkhov and, that staying, will distribute the region to your nobles: Polotsk, Rostov, Beloozero, Izbrosk, Smolensk and Murom. And by those hail the princes were the Varangians aliens. And before the inhabitants in Novgorod are Slovens, and Polotsk are Krivichi, in Rostov they are measured, in Beleozero all over, in Murom there are Murom. Rurik possesses over all these "[832], v.2, p.33; [832: 1], v.2, p.11-13.

      So, according to the chronicle, after the death of the Russian prince Gostomysl, Prince Rurik with two brothers, Sineus and Truvor, was called to the kingdom from across the sea. In the annals, their names are often in a row: "Rurik Sineus Truvor". Researchers have long noticed this. Recall that in the annals, words were written without spaces. Therefore, the chronicle actually wrote something like: "Ryuriksineustruvor". Later scribes took this place as the names of three different people - Rurik, Sineus and Truvor. Many have written about this. And many have tried to read this line differently. In light of what we have learned, the following thought arises. The chronicle expression "Ruriksineustruvor" should probably be read as RYU-RIKS-INEUS-TRU-THIEF. That is: VOLZHSKY (Ra) KING (Rix) Aeneus (Ineus) TROYAN (Tru) VARIAN (Thief). So, the restored chronicle name of the founder of the Russian Horde dynasty could have sounded like this: THE VOLGA TSAR AENEAS THE TRIANETS VARYAGS.
      Let us recall that the "antique" authors called the Volga River RA [988: 00].
      Thus, it turns out that not three princes were summoned, but one - Rurik. That is why, probably, "the other two brothers" - Sineus and Truvor - die right there. And then only one prince rules - Rurik. With such a method of chroniclers, hastily getting rid of their own invented heroes by killing them - on paper, you come across quite often when reading old sources.

      So what does the chronicle say? Our reconstruction is as follows. The Crusade of 1204 and the capture of Tsar-Grad led to the collapse of the Roman Empire. Perhaps even before 1204, Russia had already refused to pay tribute to Tsar-Grad, that is, the Varangians "across the sea." The chronicle expression "across the sea" fully answers the essence of the matter. The Bosphorus Tsar-Grad was indeed overseas for the inhabitants of the Volga. Since the path to it passed through the Black Sea. Moreover, we are beginning to understand why the Black Sea was called the Russian Sea in Russian chronicles. "RUSSIAN SEA, the name of the Black Sea, found in Russian chronicles when describing the events of the 9-15th centuries, as well as in Arabic sources of the 10th century." [85]. The fact is that the Varangians-Rus were called from behind the Russian Sea.
      It is usually believed that the Baltic Sea was formerly called the Varangian Sea and therefore, they say, the Varangians are the ancient inhabitants of the Baltic. However, from the commentaries to the History of Karamzin, we learn that the VARAZHIAN SEA was called the VENETSK, that is, the MEDITERRANEAN sea, see [362], book 4, an alphabetical index of geographical names. Which is in good agreement with our idea of ​​the Tsar-Grad location of the Varangians.
      The era of chaos, which began when many newly formed kingdoms fell away from Tsar-Grad, led to civil strife, in particular in Russia.
      The Russian chronicle, telling about the era of Rurik's vocation, says in fact the same thing that the "antique" Aeneid of Virgil tells about. Aeneas, having arrived in Hesperia-Latinia-Latius, also found there a multitude of peoples fighting with each other. And he created a state that united them all.
      Rurik erects a new capital - Novgorod, from where he rules Russia. The very name NEW CITY can be read both as a NEW CITY and as a CITY of AENEA-NOAH. Both readings, most likely, boil down to one, since the name AENEUS probably meant ANOTHER, that is, NEW. In the sense of a NEW, OTHER tsar of Russia. The king who founded the NEW dynasty.
      Let's turn again to the list of the first Bulgarian khans. Above we have already identified the "ancient" Aeneas with the Khan ISPERIKH. Not long before him, according to the "Nameplate of the Bulgarian Khans", the Khan GOSTUL ruled. And Khan KOLYADA ruled two or three generations earlier [79], p.40. Thus, here we see complete correspondence with our reconstruction of the history of the XII-XIII centuries. At the end of the XNUMXth century, Andronicus-Christ ruled in the Empire, he is also KOLYADA, he is the Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. Then, after a while in Russia, that is, in Bulgaria-Volgaria, the power of Khan GOSTULA was established. He is also the prince GOSTOMISL of the Russian chronicles. And then the Grand Duke Isperikh = Asparukh = Batay comes to power.
      "ASPARUKH, ISPERIKH, ISPOR (died about 701), Proto-Bulgarian Khan ... FIRST KHAN of the Slavic-Bulgarian state ... In the middle of the 7th century. the lands subject to Byzantium on the right bank of the Danube ... the proto-Bulgarians of Asparuh subjugated the union of seven Slavic tribes and some other tribes and created a united state, recognized in 681 by Byzantium "[85].
      Thus, Asparukh-Aeneas creates a united Bulgarian = Volgar, that is, the Volga, state and unites in it the scattered "seven Slavic tribes". Most likely, SEVEN Slavic tribes. The word "seven" in the old language could mean not necessarily the number 7, but simply a generalized number, a certain set, a family.
      "The Name of the Bulgarian Khans" provides additional details that fit well into our reconstruction. Namely, after Khan Gostun in the Bulgarian = Volgar history, the time of the SUBIGI khans begins. Regarding the title "khan syubigi", we wrote in the book "Biblical Russia", ch. 17, that it appeared as a result of an incorrect reading of the phrase HANES BIGI, that is, Prince or Khan BG. Now we understand what the matter is. Most likely, BG meant GOD, DIVINE. Aeneas founded the dynasty of DIVINE rulers of Rus-Volgaria. They were DIVINE, since they were relatives of Andronicus-Christ. They are also the divine emperors of "ancient" Rome, who demanded that their subjects worship themselves as gods.
      As we briefly wrote in the book "Tsar of the Slavs", the era of DIVINE kings ended with the adoption of Christianity under Constantine the Great = Dmitry Donskoy at the end of the XIV century. In the Russian chronicles, the adoption of Christianity was partially reflected as the baptism of Rus under Prince Vladimir the Red Sun. Another, more ancient layer of the chronicle baptism of Russia, is the baptism under John the Baptist in the XII century. With the adoption of apostolic Christianity, the DIVINE kings ceased. Instead of them there appeared the "BLESSING" kings. That is, apostolic-Christian. "The name of the Bulgarian Khans" [79] essentially asserts this. Divine khans from Bulgaria-Volgaria end when the country is baptized. After that, the first non-divine khan bears the name VLADIMIR RASATE. Exactly as in the Russian chronicles - the baptism of Russia took place under the RUSSIAN VLADIMIR the Holy. For more details about the adoption of Christianity in the Empire under Constantine the Great = Dmitry Donskoy, we talk in the book "The Baptism of Rus".

      In conclusion, we note that the Russian chronicle, reporting on the vocation of the Varangians, sets out the events in the same sequence as the Aeneid of Virgil. Namely, it first talks about the vocation of the Varangians, and then - about the events under Askold and Dir. That is, as we showed in chapter 1 and in the book "Tsar of the Slavs", about the events of the era of Christ. ENEIDA FOLLOWS THE SAME ORDER. First, it tells about the flight-journey of Aeneas, and then his memories are given, which we have already analyzed above. They tell about Christ. This similarity is probably not accidental. The "antique" Aeneid, like the Russian chronicles, was most likely based on the same medieval source.
  2. +9
    22 March 2012 10: 01
    In schools, this must be taught, in schools !!!!! And do not study history there according to Anglo-Saxon textbooks, where even in World War II they won !!! Where is the will of the state and government when they protect us from rewriting history?
    1. shipbuilder
      22 March 2012 10: 16
      History (russ.) - a literary genre - most fully reveals the essence of this "science".
      If we give free rein to officials, we will study the rights of gays and lesbians at the expense of history in schools in Europe. Eurointegration however ...
      1. Paratov
        22 March 2012 13: 02
        Yes, the bucha, which was arranged by individuals of the rear orientation in St. Petersburg, is impressive!
  3. +1
    22 March 2012 10: 24
    Or you can link to the video, otherwise the application is not played.
  4. Brother Sarych
    22 March 2012 10: 36
    It’s interesting to read, of course, but you can’t take it seriously - we already mentioned in the article that the whole story, when examined more carefully in a moment, is covered with a copper basin. there are so many inconsistencies and stretches ...
    Personally, I am ready for the fact that the whole written story, to which we have been accustomed for so long, is a lie and fiction ...
    1. Eugene
      22 March 2012 10: 57
      Moreover, examples before my eyes ... look at any chronicle where it is told about the Atar-Mongol invasion, or rather miniatures:

      Kozelsk defense. Tell me why the enemy (Tatar-Mongols) are depicted identically to the Russians?

      Here is a miniature from the annals of the 16th century about the battle of the ice:

      understand where who is not difficult.

      If one of the historians professionally explains the first miniature (and I saw 3 more pieces with the same image of the troops), I would be very happy.
      1. +5
        22 March 2012 11: 51
        The thumbnails in the annals are not photographs and their images are rather arbitrary. In addition, the author of the miniatures, who lived 300 years after the events described, hardly knew exactly how the Germans and Mongols once looked like a long time ago. Although in a miniature dedicated to the Battle of Ice the Germans are easily distinguished by their round helmets, the Tatar-Mongols wore the same type of pointed helmets as the Russians.
        1. +4
          22 March 2012 12: 12
          Quote: alebor
          In addition, the author of the miniatures, who lived 300 years after the events described, hardly knew exactly what the Germans and Mongols once looked like a long time ago.

          Then ask yourself a question, why draw a thumbnail if you have no idea what happened about the event, let alone 300 years later ???
          And secondly, if we consider other miniatures, then the helmets on the heads can be different, but for some reason the banners are the same, how do you explain this ???
          1. Paratov
            22 March 2012 13: 05
            What the Mongols looked like in those days they knew better than ours!
        2. Eugene
          22 March 2012 12: 37
          Look at the Thumbnail with the Mongols in the upper left.
          This is a red-haired man with a Russian beard-shovel.
          The armor on the left and right is also identical, not just the helmet.

          Why draw yourself in the picture as well as the enemy?

          Here is another example of standing on the Ugra River:

          Pay attention to the commanders-in-chief, especially the one on the right. Do you recognize the headdress? I would like to know what it could mean in "Tataro-Mongol".
        3. Horde
          22 March 2012 21: 11
          Russians and Mongols should differ according to the logic of traditional historians (Tradiks), some are Europeans, others are Asians. The artist could not be so "conventional". In addition, even the maps of the 18th century contain "Great Tartary", so the artist should know what it looks like "Tatar", but there are no differences on the miniatures.
      2. +1
        April 6 2012 14: 22
        It was just another revolution in Russia, why history is interpreted this way ... I have only one answer: then the Anglo-Saxons decided to warm their hands as always and got the full ....)))
  5. 0
    22 March 2012 11: 04
    shipbuilder, have you read only one paragraph in the article? One gets the impression that you have reduced everything to PVL. Fomenko would have been better not mentioned, and even in passing. One gets the impression that you yourself are not very familiar with the opuses of this "historian". But on the other hand, his name can be mentioned when discussing almost any issue in Russian history. A very prolific comrade.
    1. +2
      22 March 2012 12: 02
      Quote: Flood
      Fomenko would have been better not mentioned, and even in passing. One gets the impression that you yourself are not very familiar with the opuses of this "historian".

      Fomenko is not a historian, but a mathematician !!! He drew his conclusions on the basis of a mathematical model that he had developed! And there is common sense in his theory, so if you do not agree, then prove the opposite, otherwise your relationship to it has nothing to do with the article!
      1. +3
        22 March 2012 19: 18
        Sibiryak, I understand you. That is, if an aunt with a legal education is selling bananas on the market, then she is not a seller, but a lawyer.
        Common sense tells me that the New Chronology is a commercial project that has grown out of a student passion. Otherwise, it’s scary to think, I have doubts about the sanity of the authors.
        1. 0
          23 March 2012 06: 50
          I see that you did not understand absolutely nothing! Fomenko is really a mathematician, not a historian, and it is not a matter of the names of his professional orientation and hobbies, he simply gives a different point of view based on an exact mathematical approach to the events that have taken place, and at the same time there is no flawless logic! The theory put forward by him describes a sequence of events, i.e. a certain chain, from the point of view of accuracy and reliability over the course of time, and not a description of any events that occurred during any period, and this is what historians do! I generally am silent about the methods of dating any events by historians! So your pathos with an aunty lawyer selling bananas is somehow out of place !!!
          The project can be anything you like, but at the moment no one has succeeded in refuting correctly the statements made in it. Some great experts are silent in the tube, while others carry some kind of blizzard, I don’t even want to listen and read!
          And with your doubts you have to fight with your own hands, so go for it, the road will be overpowered!
          1. +2
            23 March 2012 10: 54
            "Based on the dating of our New Chronology and analyzing ancient sources, we show that Andronicus-Christ was born in the Crimea, on Cape Fiolent (in 1152). Then, in the Crimea, in the famous city of Chufut-Kale, Mary the Mother of God died (at the end of XII Further, it turns out that the famous Holy Grail is the Cradle of Jesus, which was kept in the Crimea for a long time. It turned out that the famous "English" King Arthur is (in part) a reflection of Andronicus-Christ and Dmitry Donskoy. It was discovered further that the popular "antique" the story of Orestes and Iphigenia is, in fact, a biography of Christ and the Mother of God. "
            A very grateful occupation for a mathematician is to rewrite the history of mankind. Of course, the Nobel Prize for such work is not given, but in the end the financial return is comparable. Moral aspects aside. I personally cringe from the mere title of the book.
            BUT, dear Sibiryak, did you bother to look for a refutation of the Fomenko-Nosov reconstruction? There are so many of them that you don't have to look for a long time. And that alone does credit to the "works" of MATH. By the way, what scientific works of his do you know? Of course, I don't mean chronology.
    2. shipbuilder
      22 March 2012 12: 22
      I read the entire article. The works of the chronologist Fomenko and Nosovsky are well-known since I was not too lazy to buy books by these authors and read them. With regard to fertility, they have many reprints, and Fomenko has been working on this topic since 1974. The opuses are easily refuted, but their work cannot be refuted, it all boils down to silence and unproductive criticism similar to swearing. .
      1. Eugene
        22 March 2012 12: 43
        Only it is based on the delirious work of some American, who himself rejected it later. Moreover, data on lunar eclipses are not bad checked by normal programs by planetariums.
        If we talk about the distortion of Istria, then only not in the context of Fomenko.
        This is like everyone else, say not very satisfied internal Putin’s policy, considered adherents of Navalny.
      2. Paratov
        22 March 2012 13: 10
        Personally, I consider the work of these mathematicians as an occasion to think: is everything so simple ?! The unusual angle that these researchers offer, as well as possible stimulates brain activity!
      3. 0
        23 March 2012 11: 43
        and so on.
    3. +1
      22 March 2012 15: 42
      If you are familiar with "a lot", and besides, and with some other serious theories on this score - tick a couple of phrases. Really interesting. Maybe you are aware of studies (and not unfounded statements) that refute the theory of FN? So give at least a link or mention them. I would google, get acquainted. Share your knowledge, plz.
      1. Eugene
        22 March 2012 16: 02
        If the post is addressed to me, then here is an example of a refutation:

        This is a direct refutation of Fomenko's theory.
        1. shipbuilder
          22 March 2012 17: 44
          Mr. Andreev is a historian whose entire career is built on the operities of Baer and Schletser. A person with foam at the mouth will criticize HX.
          1. Eugene
            22 March 2012 20: 15
            But the criticism is justified, post there very interesting calculations on the mat statue.
        2. Horde
          22 March 2012 21: 45
          nenene - about Andreyev, do not be mistaken, for a long time this rogue was dismantled on the bones

          = DCForumID14 & viewmode = all
    4. Sniper 1968
      22 March 2012 16: 00
      Quote: Flood
      when discussing almost any issue of Russian history

      Study the history of Moldova. And geography. After all, do you sell globes of Moldova?
      1. +4
        22 March 2012 19: 09
        Sniper, do we know each other? I doubt it. Keep yourself in the bounds of decency.
        I saw you like you in Moldova and other former republics of the USSR.
        What is this chauvinistic trick? Do you know how many people outside of Russia live much more RUSSIAN with blood and soul than in the mother-sufferer herself? They would be returned to their homeland instead of the shit that surfaced here and there from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok ...
    5. shipbuilder
      22 March 2012 17: 26
      Responses to criticism of the New Chronology
      1. Eugene
        24 March 2012 00: 08
        Yes, there are often such answers ...

        Here is an example of errors in the dating of the Nativity of Christ:

        theory is erroneous on all fronts.
  6. +2
    22 March 2012 11: 04
    Was there a Rurik? bully
    Most of all in the article I was pleased with the material about the Khazars, who in tens of thousands sold Slavs into slavery))) Where did they get so much? And the Slavs were all the same on harmless sheep who waited for them to come and lasso. And what kind of state was Khazaria, if Svyatoslav with a daring raid with one squad did not actually leave even the memory of the "great kaganate"?
    1. +1
      22 March 2012 13: 08
      Quote: Prometey
      And what kind of state was Khazaria, if Svyatoslav with a daring raid with one squad did not actually leave even the memory of the "great kaganate"?

      About the same as Israel at the moment! And I do not think who reminds him!
    2. +11
      22 March 2012 13: 14
      Quote: Prometey
      ... And what kind of state was Khazaria, if Svyatoslav with a daring raid with one squad did not actually leave even the memory of the "great kaganate"?

      The Khazar Kaganate is a Turkic-Nakh-Jewish state that existed in the steppes of the southeastern part of European Russia in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries. This parasitic state was engaged in mediation and collection of duties from Russian merchants sailing along the Volga and Don. The Khazars had the main profit from the slave trade. They ordered the Hungarians and Pechenegs to capture the Russian peasants into slavery and sold slaves to Christian Byzantium and Muslim Khorezm and Persia.
      In this state there was a clear hierarchy. The Jews ruled from here the Turkic kagan from the Jewish kagal in the army and the police were the ancestors of the present Chechens, mercenaries Hurri, and the main population of the Khazar Kaganate was the ancestors of the present Tatars.
      Kievan Rus constantly fought with the Khazar Kaganate and even for some time was under the yoke of the Khazaria. No, the Khazars did not conquer Russia. Simply, the Kiev merchants owed Khazra money-lenders, and forced the prince to pay for them with the independence of the state. Kiev paid tribute to the Khazars, not only tribute in money, but also tribute to the swords, that is, warriors. And the activity of the Kiev prince was controlled by the Khazar tudun
      One of these tuduns was the famous Deer, who was killed by the Prophetic Oleg along with Prince Askold during the capture of Kiev in 882. After that, Oleg fought with the Khazars for another two years and saved Russia from their rule until 939. However, in the very same year 939, the Khazar governor Pesach ambushed the Russian army returning from the campaign, defeated it, then ravaged Kiev and restored Khazar rule in Russia. . The princes again became tributaries of the Kaganate. It was in order to pay tribute to Kaganate that Igor arranged a polyudy - he collected tribute from Slavic tribes subject to Kiev.

      And then the autumn of 945 came. Prince Igor just paid the Khazars another tribute, but this time the Khazars considered the tribute insufficient. Igor had to again go through the people and again obtain honey and skins for the Khazar tribute. So he again appeared in the land of the Drevlyans, where he was killed.
      The struggle was continued by his wife Olga and then their son Svyatoslav. Olga enlisted the support of Byzantium on condition that she be baptized. Despite Olga’s baptism, help from Byzantium never came, and the matured Svyatoslav had to rely only on his own strength.
      In the end, on July 3, 968 (according to other data of 965), Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich defeated the Khazar army and wiped Itil, Semender and other Khazar cities from the face of the earth, and all Khazar gold was thrown into the Volga, since Svyatoslav’s warriors had called, zapadlo take wealth from human trafficking. The expression "money does not smell" was in those days, apparently, still unfamiliar to our ancestors. As a result, the Khazar Khaganate ceased to exist.
      Moreover, it was not a simple raid but an entire expedition. Here is how it is described in modern historiography

      In 964, the squad of Svyatoslav left Kiev and, rising along the Desna River, entered the lands of the Vyatichi, one of the large Slavic tribes that were tributaries of the Khazars at that time. The Kiev prince ordered the Vyatichi to pay tribute not to the Khazars, but to Kiev and moved his army further - against the Volga Bulgarians, Burtases, Khazars, and then the North Caucasian tribes of Yasses and Kasogs. This unprecedented campaign lasted about four years. Winning in all battles, the prince crushed captured and destroyed the capital of the Khazar Kaganate, the city of Itil, took the well-fortified fortresses of Sarkel on the Don, Semender in the North Caucasus. On the banks of the Kerch Strait, he founded the outpost of Russian influence in this region - the city of Tmutarakan, the center of the future Tmutarakan principality
      In 968, Svyatoslav went on a new military expedition - against Danube Bulgaria. Kalokir, the ambassador of the Byzantine emperor Nicephorus Foki, who hoped to push two people dangerous for his empire, urgently called him there. For the help of Byzantium, Kalokir donated 15 centinaries (455 kilograms) of gold to Svyatoslav. The Russian prince was obliged to come to the rescue of the allied power under an agreement concluded with Byzantium in 944 by Prince Igor. Gold was a gift accompanying a request for military assistance. Svyatoslav with a 10-thousand army defeated the 30-thousand army of the Bulgarians and captured the city of Malaya Preslav. This city Svyatoslav called Pereyaslavts and declared the capital of his power
      1. Brother Sarych
        22 March 2012 15: 47
        Is it worth it to retell in sufficient detail rather dubious information? Was it, wasn’t it - as you know now? All too long it was ...
      2. +5
        22 March 2012 15: 55
        An even earlier history of the emergence of Khazaria is interesting.
        You need to start quite far away - from Khorezm of the XNUMXth century, when it was not even Muslim, and its inhabitants were fire worshipers, professing Zoroastrianism, like the Persians. At the end of the XNUMXth century there was a civil war in Khorezm, a relative of Khorezmshah on his father and grandson of the head of the community of Rakhdonites (Jewish moneylenders and merchants) on his mother Khurzad rebelled in order to seize power. Rakhdonites and sectarians-Mazdakids supported him with their power (their banner was a blood-red banner with a five-pointed star). This heresy was very similar to much later Marxism, it claimed that all people are equal before God and accordingly all people should be equal on earth, so it is necessary to redistribute property in favor of the destitute. In words, everything seemed to be all right, but in reality, in alliance with the Rakhdonites, it turned out very disgusting - merciless terror went on in the cities taken, the crowds of the rebels cut to the root both the right and the guilty, while the houses of the usurers and slave traders did not touch the Rakhdonites. On the contrary, they are in the midst of general devastation and massacre, and the rich are literally in front of our eyes.
        As a result, the whole of Khorezm rose: from noble warriors to ordinary peasants. The rebels were not spared, the terror gave rise to reciprocal terror. Naturally, the first to realize what it smells like, rahdonity. Caravans with looted goods crossed the western border and came to the place where there were already well-established connections - to the Lower Volga, the North Caucasus. Naturally, wealthy merchants were greeted with joy - the strength of the Khazaria increased, Jewish girls became wives of tribal princes (the so-called “institute of wives” of this organization, similar in its methods to the mafia, was perfectly worked out), merchants entered the country's elite. So, the military leader of the Khazars (who were people of mixed origin - in its roots are Slavs, Turks, and Caucasian peoples), Bulan converted to Judaism and took Serah, the daughter of an elder of the Rakhdonites, as his wife. So did his son - Ras-Tarkhan, the grandson already bore the name of the Jews - Obadiah. Centuries later, Kagan-beck Joseph, a descendant of Ras Tarkhan and Obadiya, wrote to a co-religionist in Spain: "Obadiya renewed the kingdom and strengthened faith in accordance with law and rule."
        Byzantine, Armenian sources and archeological data allow us to understand how Obadiah “updated” Khazaria. A civil war broke out in Khazaria: the old pagan elite opposed the new elite, it did not like the order that was established in the country. Apparently, the Old Testament hatred of the Rahdonites and their “Khazar” grandchildren toward paganism became a pretext - the sacred groves were cut down, the altars and shrines were destroyed. The war was not for life, but for death, the fact that Obadiah had lost his son Hezekiah, the grandson of Manasseh, tells about its heat, so the throne had to be handed over to his brother, Chanukah.

        The rebels were doomed, they did not possess the whole secret technique of skillful intrigues, for them an oath was a matter of honor, they did not know that for newcomers to deceive a pagan was to please their god, and, most importantly, did not know what a total war was. For them, the "new Khazars" were still their own, albeit inferior tribesmen. Before. the limit of cruelty in the steppe war was to destroy all adult men, children and women went to the victors. The steppes did not know that the Old Testament prophets of the Jews told them: “kill all the male children and all the women ...”; and in the cities of the nations that God gives into possession, “do not leave any souls alive,” and they commanded to destroy even all living creatures — oxen, sheep, etc. Such horrors were experienced by mankind in the relatively recent past when Hitler replaced the “chosen one” the Jewish people are Germans, and Japanese ideology worked in the same way - as a result, tens of millions of corpses, from Europe to China and the Philippines.

        The cities captured by the troops of Obadiah were cut out completely; after a thousand years, archaeologists excavated piles of bones in them - the Right Bank Tsimlyanskoe and Semikarakorsk settlements. Solid bones, everywhere - on the streets, in houses, in the courtyards, men, women, children, old people. That is, Obadiah “renewed” the kingdom in a very peculiar way, according to the ancestors' covenant: “And you will destroy all the nations that the Lord your God gives you; do not spare your eyes. ” The new elite of the Khazaria carried out its terror with the help of the new army, it is clear that the Khazars would not have done such an atrocity — completely cutting their fellow tribesmen. A completely hired army was created, which lived on a salary, a rare phenomenon in that era, usually the army was assembled from nobility squads, plus a people's militia. They were strangers in Khazaria, many were Arabs, for them the pagans were also "subhumans".

        The Khazars were terrified, the majority bowed their heads before the new government, part of the clans escaped to Bulgaria, to the Hungarians, to Russia. A terrible fate awaited the Slavic tribes that were part of the Khazaria, because they were pagans. After the “renovation”, the Slavs are mentioned in Khazaria much less frequently, apparently, their numbers were greatly reduced, and their status fell to the position of slaves. So, from 9 of the supreme judges of Khazaria, only one judge was engaged in the affairs of pagans, including Slavs, a small Jewish community - 3 judges, Muslims - 3, 2 - Christians. The performance of the northerners, headed by Prince Lutover, was brutally suppressed.

        The mode of existence of the “state in the state”: the Jewish elite (“White Khazars”) lived in the “elite villages”, under the protection of the walls of the fortresses, and the “black Khazars” (the rest of the population) was forbidden to enter there, on pain of death. According to the modern - this is an apartheid regime.

        It is clear that such a "neighbor" for the Rus was a real "miracle Yud", "serpent", which should not be given mercy. It was a state that literally stood on the bones of thousands of innocent victims, sold many thousands of our ancestors to the southern countries. Therefore, where the squads of Svyatoslav passed, as Ibn Haukal put it, “if anything remains, only a leaf on the vine”. We are left with only the cruel image of enemy blood in the epic "Fedor Tyryanin":

        Parted Mother Cheese Earth
        Like all four sides
        I devoured a Jew's blood,
        Jewish, Basurmanian,
        King of the Jews.
  7. +7
    22 March 2012 12: 33
    My father named his sons in honor of the Slavic princes.
    His love for this time period was also transmitted to me, although, unlike him, I do not understand the sequence of events and time periods so deeply, rather, my love is common. I liked to play Russian warriors in my childhood and I went through all the battles of Russian knights in a virtual-children's version))))

    It seems to me that it is the identification of Russian people with the knights of Svyatoslav, Prophetic Oleg, Igor - these are the roots that hold the Russian land.

    When they say a RUSSIAN warrior - I personally, do not immediately imagine a modern soldier, but namely a combatant with a scarlet shield.

  8. Volkhov
    22 March 2012 14: 09
    The "serpent" of Russian epics is not the Khazar Kaganate, but an aerial explosion of a comet - the trajectory trail after the outbreak revolves in a disturbed magnetic field and looks like a snake. He is Abaga of the Yakuts (Amga is his direct category), Apop of the Egyptians, the dragon of the Chinese. These phenomena were and will always be, and the kaganate - only its time.
    The last observation - 30s in the Ivanovo region.
  9. +2
    22 March 2012 16: 36
    In many ways, our History was invented. After the forcible baptism of Kiev, and then Novgorod, many documents were burned by Christians and were added to please the new Christian princes. Further, history openly said that before baptism, barbarians, murderers, etc. lived on the lands of the Slavs (A. O. Ishimova. History of Russia in stories for children). Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) also spoke about the "barbarism" of the Slavs.
    1. +2
      22 March 2012 18: 58
      And then it was once again rewritten under Peter the 1st, with a subsequent revision when the regime changed.
  10. panzer
    22 March 2012 19: 03
    The article is good, informative. It is a pity there is no image from the coat of arms of Rurik, the same Falcon-Rarog.
    1. Miha_Skif
      23 March 2012 22: 05
      The image of the "Sign of the Rurikovich" on the coins of Vladimir Svyatoslavich
      1 - goldman; 2 - type I silver; 3 - type II silver

      The interpretation of the "Sign of Rurik" as an image of an attacking falcon is only one from versions. Many researchers believe that this symbol - "trident" or "bident" - carries a sacred meaning and has a more ancient, so to speak, common Indo-European origin. As a rule, it is a symbol of power - it is associated either with the supreme ruler, or with the dominant clan, etc. Similar images are found not only among the Slavs-encouraging or Scandinavians, but also among the Scythians and Sarmatians, and in the Iranian and Indian East, and in the Khazar Kaganate, and in the Ancient World - remember the image of the god Neptune with his trident. Someone associates him (in my opinion, academician Rybakov) and with one of the Proto-Slavic tribes - with the Antes.

      This issue is discussed in more detail in the article by N. A. Soboleva "The Sign of the Rurikovich in the context of the problem" Russia and the Eurasian Idea "
      iyiskoyi_simvoliki_o / read_online.html? page = 1
      True, the article is professional and there is "a lot of bukaf" smile

      PS Thanks to Alexander for a fascinating and informative article. Professionalism increases right before our eyes good
  11. +1
    22 March 2012 22: 08
    Where did the words come from? The name of the aliens? Tramps are wandering. (Salt) is brewed by the Varangians ... South of Novgorod, there are many settlements associated with salt production, which may have come from across the sea (Lake Ilmen - by analogy: "Glorious Sea - sacred Baikal"), or rather from its southern coast, there were those Varangians , and a purely East Slavic origin ....?
    1. Volkhov
      22 March 2012 23: 59
      The Varangians are not from salt cooking, but from VARA - a common building, originally a dome. Vary began to build after migration due to a disaster in the north. Piracy was also forced due to the loss of traditional economy.
      Everyone eats salt, but not everyone lives in the north. Because of the salt of Karlovy Vary, but this is a separate deposit, not the Vikings.
  12. orion-sticks
    23 March 2012 07: 37
    History means literally from TORA I. Out of fifty-three history professors at the RAS, only five have Slavic surnames! What is now presented to us as historical material is an information weapon that kills our memory and self-awareness. WWII veterans are still alive (long years of health for them), and historians have already undertaken to rewrite the Truth about the Great Patriotic War. Everything is written to please the ruling regime, take THE HISTORY of the former republics is the world of crooked mirrors, everything is upside down, sucked out of the finger. HISTORIES of Kazakhstan: "ancient Kazakhs lived together with PITICANTHROPS AND SYNANTHROPES" Grade 10. Note that all peoples have great importance in the historical process, only Russians are completely savages and drunkards. Isn't it time to think WHY?
    1. +1
      23 March 2012 10: 38
      orion-sticks, since when did the surname color the person and not his affairs?
      In what corner do you want to push Landau, Mandelstam and many, many others who have made a huge contribution to science?
      1. orion-sticks
        23 March 2012 15: 29
        By no means, Landau is a great physicist, I really love Eisinstein's films and Feltsman's songs, and the commandant of the Brest Fortress was a Jew. But the history of Russia is written to us by anyone, but not we, the Slavs, but all because it is an information weapon which will be worse than tanks and machine guns. Stolypin said: "People who do not remember their roots are dung on which other peoples grow." I am an opponent of Jewish-Freemasonry, and Jew-Jew is also different, like Russian-Russian.
      2. serge
        24 March 2012 09: 37
        What kind of science did Mandelstam contribute to?
  13. 0
    23 March 2012 17: 50
    I liked the class ... very interesting ... maybe we can recreate our true story bit by bit ...
  14. +1
    24 March 2012 14: 47
    The name of Leonid Isaakovich Mandelstam is probably known to any physicist.

    orion sticks,
    and I am an opponent of frenzied masonophobia. It’s very convenient to shove everything down to the Yid-Masonic conspiracy, which for some reason has a place to be localized in Russia. Indeed, judging by the prosperity of many other countries, they are not threatened by Masonic networks. Yes, I agree, there are things in world politics that we do not know about, but we can only guess. Then why talk about what we do not know?
    And the language affiliation of the surname, judging by your own words, has nothing to do with it. There are decent people, there are opportunists, there are frank scoundrels.