How Russia planned to make "Lena of St.. Petra

Soon after the suppression of the Kiev uprising, Prince Izyaslav Yaroslavich was again driven out of Kiev. He again fled to the West and asked for help from the Polish prince Boleslav, the German emperor and the pope. The lord of the Roman throne, Gregory VII, promised to help Izyaslav, in order to turn Russia into "flax of sv. Peter.

Rise of the 1068 of the Year

In Kiev, discontent with the princely government and the boyars continued to grow. The sovereign people tried to shift all the war (with the war with Vseslav and the campaign against rebellious Chersonese, in the interests of the Byzantine emperor) to ordinary people. Princely people collected people, horses, money and food. And almost all the booty mined during the campaigns was received by Thousands and other prince confidants. The ordinary warriors and the families of the dead warriors got almost nothing. Although earlier princes were usually generous to ordinary warriors, they received a share of loot, princely gifts, princes arranged feasts, treats, singled out some trophies for widows and orphans of the victims.

The catalyst that led to the explosion was the invasion of the Polovtsy. At the end of the summer, 1068, the heroic outposts reported that an enemy army was coming from the steppe. Princes Izyaslav, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod raised squads, but did not begin to gather infantry rati, so as not to waste time. They decided to meet the enemy on the far approaches, drove to the Alta River. And then they realized that they had made a mistake; there were a lot of Polovtsians. This was not an ordinary foray, they gathered a large host. Nevertheless, the Russian princes decided to attack at night, trying to sow panic in the ranks of the enemy. But the Polovtsy figured out that there were fewer Russians, they recovered, began to surround the princely squads. The brothers cut their way back, but were cut off from Pereyaslavl. Svyatoslav retreated to Chernigov, to protect his city.

Izyaslav and Vsevolod arrived in Kiev, shut up. An avalanche of Polovtsians followed. The Russian land was not ready for the invasion, the villages were burning, the masses of people were full. Then the people of Kiev gathered the assembly and sent a message to the prince: “Here are the Polovtsi scattered throughout the land, give, prince, weapons and horses, and we will still fight them. ” Kiev then was a beautiful and big city. On the basis of archaeological data, he had more than 8 thousand estates and more than 50 thousand people. Kiev significantly exceeded in population the largest cities of medieval Europe. Only Tsargrad-Constantinople was more. Therefore, Kiev could put a large militia.

However, the prince's entourage was afraid to arm the people. They knew how angry people were against the boyars and usurers. They feared rebellion. Kievans understand why they are not armed, do not give to fight with the enemy. The crowd is seething. Enraged people defeated tysyatskogo court. After tysyatskogo remembered the Grand Duke. Like, why do we need such a weak and cowardly prince? They remembered that another prince was languishing in the dungeon - Vseslav Bryachislavich and his people, and they said: “Let's go, we will free our squads from the cellar”. Unfairly offended, the innocently injured Vseslav seemed a good candidate for the position of prince. Boyars flocked to the chambers of the Grand Duke, deliberated. Some suggested it was too late to kill Vseslav. But Izyaslav did not dare. Ordinary people freed Vseslav. Izyaslav and Vsevolod fled. Vsevolod left to his place with Pereyaslavl. Izyaslav fled to Poland, hoping to find support at the Polish court. Meanwhile, the third brother Yaroslavich - Svyatoslav, did not quarrel with his subjects, armed the citizens and in a fierce battle threw Polovtsy from Chernigov, pursued the enemy, interrupted many.

As a result, a strange situation has developed in Russia. Prince of Polotsk Vseslav Brjachislavich sat on the Kiev table, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod in their inheritance. But the Izyaslav brothers were in no hurry to speak out against the Polotsk prince, apparently realizing that Izyaslav and his entourage were to blame for the uprising. Like, he brewed porridge himself and rashlebyvay. Polish prince Boleslav was ready to fight. But the grandear sirs needed money. Izyaslav proposed to the Poles rich Cherven cities with salt mines, lead and iron mines. In 1069, Boleslav marched with the army to Kiev. Kievans were ready to fight, said nothing and came to Belgorod. However, Prince Vseslav, feeling the instability of his position, secretly, at night, threw the army at Belgorod and fled to his native Polotsk. In the morning the army found out what was left without the leader and retreated to Kiev.

Kievans, fearing the vengeance of Izyaslav and his people, prayed for Svyatoslav and Vsevolod to stand up for the "mother of Russian cities." Svyatoslav and Vsevolod could not fight for the rebels against his brother, but they did not like the invasion of the Polish army. Prince Svyatoslav agreed to become a mediator and offered a compromise. Kiev will conquer Izyaslav, but he will forgive the citizens. The throne will return only with his people, the Poles will go home. Both sides accepted these conditions, kissed the cross. Kiev opened the gate. But the Grand Duke deceived the townspeople. He released only part of the Polish army, Boleslav remained with the other part of the army. In Kiev, the first to enter the son of the Grand Duke Mstislav, who did not give any vows. On the heads of the townspeople fell repression. 70 city leaders were executed, many blinded and thrown into the pits. Izyaslav did not want to part with the Poles, he saw in them a support against a hostile environment. And the Polish king was not against it. Polish historians wrote that he was captivated by the magnificence of Kiev and the "courtesy of Russian women." Polish troops stationed in Kiev and the surrounding area. This caused discontent of the Russians, the Poles behaved as conquerors, did not stand on ceremony with the locals, took everything they wanted, seized women.

In the end, repeated the same storythat half a century ago. “And dissolving Lyakhi to feed,” the Russian chronicle reports, “and beating Lyakhi Otai, and drove back to Lyakhi Boleslav, to his land.” Boleslav was offended, he considered himself a benefactor of Izyaslav, and then his people were beaten. The Polish prince quarreled with Izyaslav and led the rest of the people to their homeland.

New exile Izyaslav

The Poles left and Izyaslav lost support. And his brothers were not thrilled with what had happened. Izyaslav made concessions. Svyatoslav gave Novgorod with his income, the Chernigov prince transferred his son Gleb there. The prince of Kiev gave Smolensk to Vsevolod, Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh sat down to reign there.

The conflict with prince Vseslav continued. In winter, 1069, a large army again went to White Russia, took Polotsk. Izyaslav planted his sons in Polotsk. But Vseslav did not give up, eluded direct shocks, counterattack. Again tried to take Novgorod, but unsuccessfully. Prince Gleb and Novgorod dispersed the militia of Vseslav. And Izyaslavich proved to be bad in Polotsk. Mstislav, as in Kiev, became famous for reprisals. But he quickly died under ambiguous circumstances. His successor, Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, was "bull Yar and Lyut." As the historian Tatishchev noted: "With that, there were eight avaricious and stingy." Cruel and greedy, for Svyatopolk and his warriors the Polotsk land was prey, and not their own home and it was treated accordingly. They behaved like invaders, robbed, oppressed local residents, dishonored women. As a result, the invaders get a guerrilla war. Prince Vseslav of Thing could not be caught, the local people supported him, hid, fed, replenished his troops.

Relations with the former ally of the Polish prince Boleslav became aggravated. Izyaslav promised Polish ally Chervonnaya Rus for military support in returning Kiev. The Poles wanted to occupy Russian cities, but the townspeople shut up. The case smelled of new war. Boleslav turned to the Grand Duke. Gave a word - follow. But Izyaslav shirked. He could not fulfill his promise: to give the Russian cities to the Poles. This would have displeased his subjects and his brother princes. Furious Boleslav began the war. Izyaslav marched, but was defeated. The Poles occupied the cities of Cherven, burned Berestye (Brest). Izyaslav, that to hide behind the Poles, he sent to the Volyn region a young prince Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh. Resolute and warlike Monomakh did not disappoint. First he established defense, contacted the inhabitants of the Russian cities occupied by the Poles, and then with a sudden blow he beat off Chervonnaya Rus. The cities surrendered almost without resistance, the Russians went over to his side. In a short time Vladimir returned the lost land.

Meanwhile, Izyaslav lost the war for the Polotsk land to Vseslav. In 1071, Vseslav expelled Svyatopolk Izyaslavich from Polotsk and finally established himself in it. The defeats from the Poles and the regiments of Vseslav again undermined the position of Izyaslav. In addition, while the main forces of Kiev senselessly died in the north in the struggle with the werewolf prince, the Polovtsian cavalry ravaged the Kiev lands. The costs of war, defeat, the destruction of land, theft and theft of princely and boyar tiunov again brought Kiev to the brink of insurrection. Kievans began to look towards the more successful Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich. With Polovtsy alone, Svyatoslav had peace, others were afraid of him. Vigilantes, townspeople and peasants began to leave Kiev region for Chernihiv region. Even Kiev boyars began to offer Svyatoslav to take Kiev. Like, it will take him here with joy.

The cup of patience overwhelmed the alliance of Izyaslav with a recent enemy - Vseslav. In 1073, Izyaslav Yaroslavich entered into negotiations with Vseslav of Polotsk, Smolensk promised him. The brothers Yaroslavichi immediately went to Kiev and demanded that he leave the Kiev table. Izyaslav was unable to resist, as the city was on the verge of an uprising. He loaded the baggage with many riches and went to the west, saying: "With this I will get warriors for myself." Grand Prince became Svyatoslav. In the years of his short reign (until 1076 year) came the long-awaited peace. Polovtsi subdued. Vseslav the Prophet did not begin to run into war with a strong warrior. Kiev was delighted with the new prince. Destinations were distributed in accordance with the ladder. Vsevolod moved to Chernigov. Vladimir Vsevolodovich stayed in Vladimir-Volynsky, covering Russia from Poland.

Return Izyaslav

At first Izyaslav again tried to find support from Boleslav. But Boleslav, remembering the lessons of 1069 of the year, how he was ungodly greeted in Kiev and deceived with the Carpathian cities, refused Izyaslav and drove him out. At the same time Izyaslav robbed, in compensation for past expenses. Boleslav preferred to negotiate with Svyatoslav, which ended in 1074, with the signing of a union between Russia and Poland. Izyaslav moved on to Germany. He asked for help from the German Emperor Henry IV. The prince promised to recognize himself as a vassal of the Second Reich, to pay tribute if the emperor helps to occupy the Kiev table again.

It is worth noting that at this time in Western Europe there was a serious conflict between the papal throne and the German Empire (the so-called struggle for investiture). Pope Gregory VII issued the program treatise Dad Dikt. The goal was global - the world theocratic monarchy. The Roman high priest planned to become the “king of kings”; all emperors, kings and princes were to subordinate him. Above the Pope stood only God. All European states were proclaimed "St. Lena. Peter ", that is, vassals of Rome. But in order to realize such an ambitious task, it was necessary to reform the church, steeped in acquisitions, debauchery and other sins. The church was supposed to be a powerful tool, a weapon in the hands of the popes. Monasteries were transformed, strict statutes were introduced. To ensure that the positions were not inherited, strict celibacy (celibacy) was introduced for the clergy. Those who did not accept the new rules were expelled. Pope Gregory VII began restoring order and spoke out against secular investiture for archbishops, bishops and abbots, that is, the rights of the emperor and kings to appoint spiritual feudal lords (hierarchs). Pope aimed to bring the church organization out of submission to the secular monarchs.

It is clear that such a policy met with strong resistance. It was opposed by the German emperor, who was not going to become a vassal of the pope. On the contrary, he himself claimed power over Rome. Many monasteries who did not want iron discipline rebelled. New superiors expelled and even killed. The archbishops and bishops (spiritual feudal lords) beat, expelled, or even hung papal envoys, not wanting to part with land grants from the monarchs, their wives and families. But Rome also had enough supporters, especially secular feudal lords. It turned out an interesting division. Many church feudal lords supported the emperor, and the secular supported the pope, since they did not want a strong imperial power. Pope Gregory taught that the feudal lords had every right to overthrow the emperor, who did not recognize the authority of Rome.

This conflict was also taken advantage of by the Polish prince Boleslav. Back in 1072, he refused to recognize himself as a vassal of the Roman emperor and pay him tribute. In 1074, the Polish ruler began negotiations with the Roman throne. He declared Poland the flax of the Roman throne and began to pay tribute (the so-called “penny of St. Peter”), he accepted the obligation of military service. In 1075, Roman legates arrived in Poland with the aim of reforming the Polish church in the spirit of the views of Pope Gregory. Poland began to prepare to oppose Germany and supported the struggle of the Saxon feudal lords against the emperor. In 1076, Boleslav, with the support of the troops of Prince Svyatoslav (Prince Vladimir Monomakh went on the march), again fought with Emperor Henry IV and the Czech Republic, which at that time sided with the empire.

The exiled prince Izyaslav Yaroslavich fell into this mess. The German emperor Heinrich could not organize a campaign against Russia, he fought against Rome and rebellious feudal lords, hostile Poland and Hungary were on the way to Kiev. But it was very tempting to get his prince in Kiev, to bring under control a huge and rich Russian state. Therefore, the emperor took the gifts of Izyaslav and sent ambassadors to Kiev. They threateningly demanded that Svyatoslav return the throne to his brother, and otherwise threatened with war. It is clear that these requirements of Svyatoslav did not bother. The Second Reich had no real opportunities to threaten Russia, while Poland was our ally. Guests politely listened, bestowed and sent back home.

Then Prince Izyaslav decided to find a common language with Rome. He sent his son Yaropolk Izyaslavich to his father. On behalf of his father, he kissed the papal shoe, gave Russia under the authority of the "king of kings" Gregory VII, and even expressed his readiness to accept the Catholic faith. On the audience of Yaropolk, the Pope kept the documents in the Trier Psalter, in which there is also a miniature portrait of Yaropolk and his wife Irina. The Pope was delighted. The Roman throne had long cherished aggressive plans against Russia. And here is such an opportunity. The pope crowned Yaropolk with the royal crown in Rome and granted him the linen of the holy throne on the Russian kingdom (the pope's bullet of 17 on April 1075), according to which power in Kiev was to belong to Izyaslav and his son Yaropolk. Three days after writing this bull, the pope sent a message to the Polish king, Boleslav, in which he reproached him for robbing Izyaslav and ordered him to help Izyaslav.

The papal legates took part in the negotiations between Izyaslav and Boleslav. The promise of Boleslav the Bold to help Izyaslav to repel the Kiev table was obviously one of the conditions of Rome for the coronation of the Polish prince. The final agreement between the princes was reached in the autumn of 1076, on the eve of Boleslav's coronation. Boleslav received the royal crown meant that Poland became an independent state from Germany. True, Boleslav at this time was not up to the war with Russia. As noted above, he fought the Second Reich. The Czech Republic (German vassal) came out against Poland. Boleslav had to ask for help from the great Russian prince Svyatoslav. He helped - sent the troops of Vladimir Monomakh and his son Oleg. Russian-Polish troops to pieces smashed the German and Bohemian knights. The Czech Republic requested peace, paid a great tribute.

Thus, the position of Grand Duke Svyatoslav in Kiev was strong. Boleslav was not able to immediately support Izyaslav, as he was connected with the war with the Holy Roman Empire, and Russia supported him. However, here Izyaslav lucky. In December 1076, Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich died suddenly. Vsevolod Yaroslavich, who occupied the Kiev table, found himself in a difficult situation. The Polovtsians again moved in the steppe. The next stage of the struggle between Vseslav Brachislavich and Yaroslavichi began. Vseslav made a trip to the Novgorod land. And the Polish king Boleslav immediately forgot about the alliance with Russia and how Svyatoslav helped him against the empire. He gave Izyaslav army, helped recruit mercenaries.

In 1077, Izyaslav went to Kiev. In Volyn, he defeated the squad of Oleg Svyatoslavich. Vsevolod Yaroslavich assembled a army and closed the road to Kiev Izyaslav. At this time, Boris Vyacheslavich (nephew, son of Vyacheslav Yaroslavich) captured Chernihiv. The brothers did not fight. Vsevolod proposed negotiations, cautious Izyaslav agreed. Vsevolod offered to give the Kiev throne, and Izyaslav sent Poles and mercenaries back home. Thus, Izyaslav sat in Kiev for the third time. And Vsevolod returned to Chernigov (Prince Boris, having learned that the brothers did not fight, ran away), while receiving Pereyaslavl.

The third reign of Izyaslav was short-lived. The Grand Duke wisely forgot about his promise to go to Catholicism and subordinate Russia to the Roman throne. The struggle with Vseslav continued. Yaroslavichi organized two trips to Polotsk, inviting Polovtsy to help. In 1078, a new internecine war began. Their nephews, Oleg Svyatoslavich and Boris Vyacheslavich, were dissatisfied with their position against their uncles, Izyaslav and Vsevolod. Their base was the distant Tmutarakan. Connecting with Polovtsy, they broke Vsevolod on the river. Sozhitse. Vsevolod ran for help to Kiev. Izyaslav supported his brother: “If we have a part in the Russian land, then both of us. If we are deprived of her then both. I will lay down my head for you ”(and that’s what happened). Soon, the combined troops of the princes Izyaslav, his son Yaropolk, Vsevolod and his son Vladimir Monomakh spoke out against the offenders.

When Boris and Oleg learned that a large army was going against them, they did not have the strength to open battle. Polovtsi and mercenaries spread over the Russian land, engaged in robbery. Therefore, rogue princes left Chernigov, to collect troops from the Polovtsy and in Tmutarakan. But Chernigov refused to let in the legitimate princes, there they loved their former prince Svyatoslav and his son Oleg, prepared to hold on to defense. While the troops of Yaroslavichi were besieging Chernihiv, Oleg and Boris arrived with fresh forces. The army of Izyaslav and Vsevolod (led by the best commander Vladimir Monomakh) turned against the rogue princes. Prince Oleg expressed doubt about the ability to resist such a force and offered negotiations. But Boris said: "See, I am ready, I will stand against them all." The decisive battle on Nezhatinoy Niva happened 3 October 1078 year. Sich was angry. The first to die was boasted Boris. The rogue princes were defeated. The Grand Duke was mortally wounded in this battle. His brother Vsevolod again occupied the Kiev table, and kept Chernihiv.

How Russia planned to make "Lena of St.. Petra

Christ crowns Yaropolk and Kunigundu-Irina. Miniature from the Trier Psalter, 11th century

Boleslav's defeat

Polish king Boleslav briefly outlived his ally Prince Izyaslav. While he was distracted by the struggle against the empire and the support of Prince Izyaslav, a conspiracy of nobility, supported by Germany and the Czech Republic, matured in Poland itself. Large Polish feudal lords did not want to endure a strong royal power over themselves. Among the disgruntled were the spiritual feudal lords who did not want to strengthen the papal power over themselves and were annoyed by the policies of Boleslav, who allied with Pope Gregory. The younger brother of Boleslav himself, Vladislav Herman, also went over to the side of dissatisfied secular and spiritual feudal lords. After the execution of the accused Boleslav II of treason by the bishop of Krakow Stanislav (11 on April 1079), the revolt of the magnates began in the country. At the head of the uprising rose the younger brother of the king, Prince Vladislav Herman. With the help of the Czech prince Vratislav, Vladislav Herman captured Krakow. Boleslaw II the Bold was overthrown from the throne and expelled from Poland. He was forced to flee to Hungary and died in exile two years later. The throne was occupied by the rebellious brother of Boleslav, Vladislav I Herman.

Unlike his predecessors, Vladislav I was not a strong and authoritative ruler and fully complied with the dictatorship of a large nobility. The power of the major secular and spiritual feudal lords seriously increased, they had their own squads. As a result, the Polish monarch lost control over a significant part of the country's army. In the field of foreign policy, he submitted to the Second Reich. In the east, he waged protracted wars with the Russian princes, but without success. Polish campaigns in West Pomerania ended in failure. At the same time, the trend towards feudal fragmentation is sharply increasing. Already during his lifetime, Vladislav went to the partition of the country with his sons. Under the 1097 contract, the prince handed over part of Wielkopolska to his eldest son, Zbigniew, and his younger son, Boleslav Silesia. Vladislav I himself remained the supreme prince. Already in 1098, the war of the prince with his children resumed. Zbigniew and Boleslav managed to smash the troops of Władysław Hermann and in 1099 to force the father to a new division of the country: Zbigniew got the rest of Wielkopolska, Kujawija and Sieradzko-Lenchitsky land, and Boleslav Lesser Poland with Krakow. Under the rule of Prince Vladislav remained only Mazovia.
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  1. +2
    18 September 2017 07: 30
    Orthodoxy in the times described in Russia is not something that has not yet taken root. Therefore, if Russia adopted Catholicism, this would not have any negative reaction among the people. And now they would go to Mass and not recall the throne of Constantinople. Although it is interesting to speculate on the development of Russia without a religious confrontation with the West.
    1. +2
      18 September 2017 14: 12
      Quote: Ken71
      Orthodoxy in the times described in Russia is not something that has not yet taken root.

      Perhaps that is so. And the split itself in Orthodoxy and Catholicism took shape just now.
      Quote: Ken71
      Although it is interesting to speculate on the development of Russia without a religious confrontation with the West.

      I think, even theoretically, this was not possible. Vladimir’s choice of baptism in the Greek rite was determined primarily by economic ties with Constantinople. The main paths in those days are rivers, those lands that were located on the Dnieper, Dniester, Danube, i.e., rivers that flow into the Black Sea, which is locked by Constantinople - the Orthodox. The lands of the same Slavs located on the Oder, Vistula, Labe, i.e., separated from Constantinople by mountains (Balkans, Carpathians) or swamps (Pripyat, Neman) and, accordingly, had more accessible ways of communication with Germany and the rest of Europe, became catholic. Culture and religion in Europe, both in Western and Eastern, spread very easily in the south-north direction and hard in the east-west direction, because the main routes lie along rivers that all flow in Europe either from north to north south, or from south to north. The exception is the Danube, which is precisely how it ensured the western borders of the spread of Orthodoxy in Europe.

      As for attempts to change the religious denomination in Russia, in those days it was simple people, that princes did not understand the intricacies of religion, and many of these subtleties were not invented either. Politics and power meant a lot more. In order to regain their own, generic, rightfully owned by you and taken away by greedy relatives, all means were acceptable and acceptable. Svyatopolk ran to the Poles for help, then his nephew Izyaslav had already reached (not himself, however, sent his son) to the pope, then came the turn of Oleg Svyatoslavich (mentioned in the article), Roman Mstislavovich and Daniil Romanovich Galitsky, Mikhail Vsevolodovich Chernigovsky, even Alexander This cup did not pass Nevsky - and he, too, corresponded with his dad and haggled, including faith. In each generation of Russian princes there were those who sought strength and support from the Catholics, promising to give their lands under the authority of the pope. There were such princes that they themselves converted to Catholicism and served Western rulers. No one saw any particular crime in this.
      1. +1
        18 September 2017 16: 40
        separated from Constantinople by mountains (Balkans, Carpathians) or swamps

        Orthodox Bulgaria ruled by Prince Boris I.

        What are the Balkans and what are the Carpathians?
        1. +3
          18 September 2017 20: 45
          In 1018, the First Bulgarian Kingdom was covered with a copper basin - its entire territory was conquered by the Byzantine Empire. The second Bulgarian kingdom arose only after 167 years.

          So in the period considered in the article, Bulgaria did not exist from the word at all.
          1. 0
            19 September 2017 15: 28
            But mountains and swamps did not interfere with Orthodoxy. It did not exist as a state, but existed as a diocese.
      2. 0
        24 September 2017 16: 26
        This is of great importance for the Orthodox or Catholic, where the head of their church sits. For outside observers, atheists, pagans there is no big difference between them.
    2. 0
      19 September 2017 15: 46
      Yeah, and if they had become Muslims, then there would have been no dapad in the water, there was only the east around
      1. 0
        21 September 2017 15: 02
        500 years they tried to make Muslims, but somehow it didn’t work out - they remained Orthodox.
  2. +1
    18 September 2017 07: 32
    So Kiev gradually lost its importance as the center of the Russian land ..
    1. 0
      18 September 2017 08: 22
      Quote: parusnik
      So Kiev gradually lost its importance as the center of the Russian land ..

      The importance of Kiev in the life of Russia is greatly exaggerated, there are no less famous other cities and most likely this is due to the fact that Kiev was the first to fall under the pressure of the Vatican. Nikon came from there, carried out reforms on which our ROC lives to this day ...
      Alexander Pyzhikov and Nikita Krichevsky. Presentation of the books "Slavic Fault" and "Anti-Scrap"
      1. +6
        18 September 2017 11: 20
        You would specify where Nikon came from "from there" and how it relates to Kiev.
        1. 0
          18 September 2017 12: 20
          Quote: Curious
          You would specify where Nikon came from "from there" and how it relates to Kiev.

          And watch the video from the 18 minutes. - weak?
          1. +8
            18 September 2017 12: 30
            Yes, I watched. Another nonsense of the next conjuncturer - tearing of covers. Moreover, how then to understand the hysteria reaching to diarrhea, including the price, that no one knew and did not hear Ukrainians and Ukraine until 1918. And here, it turns out Ukraine and Poland wrote and ruled the history of Russia, as they wanted, until this muggy chameleon tore off the veil? How is that? The meagerness of these "historians" makes laugh. It turns out. that the Romanovs, dropping the yoke of Poland and Ukraine, rewrote history in favor of Poland and Ukraine. All this is for the wretched mind, so that they drag their cross and think less about real things.
            1. 0
              18 September 2017 13: 18
              Quote: Curious
              And here, it turns out Ukraine and Poland wrote and steered the history of Russia

              In his introduction to the book, Alexander Pyzhikov, doctor of historical sciences, professor of Moscow State Pedagogical University, specified that they are used in quotation marks between Ukraine and Ukrainians, for a better understanding by the majority of which part of Russia they are talking about.
              1. +7
                18 September 2017 13: 20
                Your Prof. Pyzhikov is an example of the art of dressing in flight without landing several times. So pray for it yourself and do not put it to people.
                1. 0
                  18 September 2017 14: 03
                  Quote: Curious
                  Your Profesor Pyzhikov

                  He is a professor, and who are you? laughing
                  1. +5
                    18 September 2017 14: 09
                    And I'm not a professor! So what? I already wrote that if your worldview allows you to find solace in Professor Pyzhikov, for goodness sake, console yourself. But since you are also preaching, in case I don’t read it, it’s not a stubborn Pyzhikovets, but a person who is capable of a real assessment of reality, I am writing comments. You can not be distracted by them. Pray calmly.
        2. +6
          18 September 2017 13: 52
          if I'm not mistaken, Nikon was a Mordvin. I can check. Checked by wiki. Habakkuk said that his father was a Mari. Check source references?
          1. +7
            18 September 2017 13: 55
            Everything was faked by the Germans under the leadership of Ukrainians and Poles to get to church books. In fact, he is a broad-shouldered Ukrainian, wore harem pants under a robe, and only Pyzhikov brought this scumbag into clean water.
            1. +5
              18 September 2017 14: 12
              and embroidery? belay if not worn, then not wide. request
              Pseudo history lovers! am read Gumilyov, or something, "From Russia to Russia." The book is in the free Internet. It is perfectly painted there how our Kiev expanded due to the Kiev Academy overall culture. Pyotr Mogila and Feofan Prokopovich are depicted on the monument to the 1000th anniversary of Russia - did the sculptor of saboteurs portray it? am I don’t remember the name of the church leader who Lomonosov sent from the church school to St. Petersburg, his surname in the list of good people is also not enough. what
              BH, drop that thread to hell. You can’t prove anything to anyone. stop They are gizmos fawn. hi
              1. 0
                18 September 2017 20: 38
                Mikado With all due respect, Gumilev is far from being a classic, and much of his creations are considered pseudo-history.
                1. +3
                  18 September 2017 22: 37
                  With all due respect, Gumilev is far from being a classic, and much of his creations are considered pseudo-history.

                  some new scientists can be considered the same pseudo-history.
                2. +2
                  19 September 2017 01: 14
                  > and much of it is his creations that are considered pseudohistory.

                  I have never met with sound arguments against the creations / theories of L. Gumilyov. As a rule, all those who argue with him leave a completely depressing impression with the level of their argumentation.
                  For example, the very well-known publicist S.G. Kara-Murza at one time took the anti-Humilian position. But last year it turned out that he put forward a methodology that is based on such phenomena that L. Gumilyov put at the base of his theory, but sanctified by the name of M. Weber.
                  But the theory of charisma used by S.G. Kara-Murza to build his analogue of the theory of passionarity, against the theory of passionarity approximately like school arithmetic against the theory of numbers based on limit theory.
          2. Cat
            18 September 2017 14: 48
            Quote: Mikado
            if I'm not mistaken, Nikon was a Mordvin. I can check. Checked by wiki. Habakkuk said that his father was a Mari. Check source references?

            And what is the essence of Nikolai? Mordvin, Little Russia, Mari or Russian! It is sadly different that in recent years the question of nationality in Russia has acquired a “significant and decisive” significance! So it tempts "to blur, and where is the Tatar mug that spoiled the mustache" !!!
            The question of what nationality was Nikon was insignificant before the consequences of his reforms. To my deep regret, in the search for obvious and simple solutions to the problems of our history, we are beginning to lose the latter for ourselves and our descendants. After all, there is nothing easier to "appoint the guilty" or hang labels preferably on the "Ukrainians" or Izuit, and ...... all the problem of history is solved.
            Dear, I want to remind you that people make history.
            1. +4
              18 September 2017 15: 04
              Tatar erysipelas

              then Mongolian naked ass laughing
              It is sadly different that in recent years the question of nationality in Russia has acquired a “significant and decisive” significance!

              just hit in the eye! hi
              And the answer is simple: pseudo-historians, depending on their inclinations, invent history, stubborn cheers and lumpen (insert country) defend it, everyone else suffers. request
              1. +3
                18 September 2017 20: 10
                Quote: Mikado
                everyone else suffers

                Patience in life, however.
                1. Cat
                  18 September 2017 20: 44
                  Dear Andrey, is it really that simple? Like Gumilyov’s “drive” and others. But other events are possible! By the word "endured - terile, however, discord"!
                  An example from life. A certain company of “Majers” ​​at 00 cruelly, even very cruelly, lifted up his classmate, who really got out of their training group. The reaction of the faculty of the legal civil university was very mixed. Someone was on the side of the "majors", someone supported alone (but secretly). Why secretly, so "majors" had the opportunity to feed the poor teachers and bring the rector. This story was told to me by “freestyle” one of the secretly sympathizing “alone”! For me, as a teacher at a university in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the situation was wild and not clear. Reported to the chief, a former teacher of a military university, he owed to the general. What was the surprise of everyone when the guy was "lured" to the third year of the "general legal" faculty, that he had two medals "for courage", and for the soul he had more than one "dead spirit". Objectively, the "Majors" humiliating the "alone" walked along the razor's edge. For the latter could take their lives at any moment, even a moment. So the ability to endure and "patiently" with external similarity, two different definitions.
                  R.s. the last time "alone" I saw three years ago. With some sadness, he shared with me that he put in a place not so remote already the fourth "Majer". Now there are two more in operational development! The conclusion is which of them is "patiently"?
                  1. +1
                    18 September 2017 21: 35
                    "MajOr" is written through "o".
                  2. 0
                    19 September 2017 01: 18
                    > is it really that simple? Like Gumilyov's "passionaries" and others.

                    ... just the theory of passionarity is a highly complex theory. Its foundations are in quantum physics, in the theory of open systems, which Prigogine used actively. If you don’t know who it is, use Google
                    1. Cat
                      19 September 2017 04: 06
                      Following Gumilyov, the "term of passionarity" was used by many domestic scientists. I simply don’t see the point of listing them. But they all endowed with this quality not a person, but a nation.
                2. +3
                  18 September 2017 23: 13
                  Are you about 80%? and we are single heroes, like? request it only happens in action movies! hi
                  1. Cat
                    19 September 2017 04: 11
                    Quote: Mikado
                    Are you about 80%? and we are single heroes, like? request it only happens in action movies! hi

                    Dear Nikolai, life is quite an interesting thing. There is a simple Russian proverb "life to live is not a field to go over!"
                    1. +2
                      19 September 2017 15: 19
                      There is a simple Russian proverb "life to live is not a field to go over!"

                      and sometimes life will twist you so that in a dream I could not imagine. good
            2. +1
              25 September 2017 07: 14
              I fully support. The national question is a product of modern politics. To measure them the politics of those years is, at least, incorrect. Society lived on the basis of estates. For a Russian warrior, a German or Polish knight was perceived as a person from the same test, unlike his peasant.
          3. +2
            18 September 2017 20: 17
            Quote: Mikado
            Habakkuk said that his father was a Mari. Check source references?

            Check it out. EMNIP, he is also a Mordvin and, in fact, a fellow countryman Nikon - there is a distance of 15 km between their native villages
      2. +1
        18 September 2017 12: 16
        Well then, how did the princes fight at the Kiev table?
        1. 0
          18 September 2017 12: 21
          Do you think that we say for the same Novgorod there was no struggle? laughing
          1. +4
            18 September 2017 12: 48
            Ukrainian-Polish historians rewrote history at the hands of the Germans. In fact, no one fought for the Kiev throne. Fought for the others. This is the Ukrainians with the Poles hands of cunning Germans perverted the story.
            1. +1
              18 September 2017 13: 01
              Let's say. And the real story is somewhere described in written sources or you yourself do not come up with during the dispute.
            2. +2
              18 September 2017 14: 30
              Quote: Curious
              In fact, no one fought for the Kiev throne.

              They were surprised. Ready to listen to the arguments. smile
              According to my ideas, the Kiev table until the middle of the XII century was the richest and therefore the most coveted among Russian princes. And they fought for him seriously and cruelly. Actually, they have busted many times precisely for this reason. Later, by the time of Yuri Dolgoruky and his children, Kiev had turned from a tidbit to a devastated, devastated region, now Polovtsy, now brothers-princes, now from Zalessky Ukraine (Vladimir-Suzdal land), then from Chervonnaya (Galitsko-Volynskaya land) Russia, they’ll come from Belaya ... Princes didn’t linger, robbed the land as someone else’s ... Well, by the end of the XII century ... And in the XI century, Kiev was just a valuable prize ...
              1. +5
                18 September 2017 14: 34
                The question is not for me. These are the adherents of Professor Pyzhikov in the person of the 55th Boris preaching. Even the video was inserted for half an hour. There, apparently, are the arguments. I'm ironic.
                1. +3
                  18 September 2017 16: 31
                  Quote: Curious
                  I'm ironic.

                  I apologize, could not catch the irony. You would put appropriate icons for people like me, all kinds of emoticons ... laughing
                  And now I feel awkward too ...
                2. 0
                  18 September 2017 16: 58
                  Quote: Curious
                  These are the adherents of Professor Pyzhikov ... the video was inserted for half an hour. There, apparently, are the arguments.

                  Clear. We do not hear the arguments, but condemn. He stamped, changed diapers and continue to enjoy life. laughing
                  1. +6
                    18 September 2017 18: 21
                    Dear, I conscientiously looked at the jam you offered to the end. Do you seriously think that you can argue with this somehow? Here, you know, you have to be an ascetic. You would argue with a man who would declare that the Earth is actually flat, and they slipped us the theory that it is round. What do you demand arguments from me for Pyzhikov, who announced, in fact, the entire "Dopzhikov" story of fraud, moreover, executed by the hands of the Germans by cunning Poles and protoucra. Even our modern ukhistorians did not think of such a zeher. Pyzhikov and surpassed them, having come up with an original option to cut down money on the conjunctural moment. And the story to him "to the bulb." So Pyzhikov rejoices in life, while the poor are collected in bins.
                  2. +4
                    18 September 2017 18: 25
                    but it's too late for him to change diapers ... what You can envy his mind, a Soviet engineer who traveled half the world on business trips. A number of articles on technology on the site wrote. soldier No offense, Boris. hi to each his own.
                    Yaroslavichi organized two trips to Polotsk, inviting Polovtsians to help.

                    Have you read my article “Knights from Polotsk”? drinks
                3. 0
                  19 September 2017 01: 24
                  > These are the adherents of Professor Pyzhikov in the person of the 55th Boris preaching. I'm being ironic.

                  and what are you ironizing over? Pyzhikov brought a number of completely lethal arguments - the Latin origin of the terms used in the Russian Orthodox Church, which is simply impossible if the baptism of Russia took place in Orthodoxy.

                  Most of the relatives of the supreme princes were related to Western European clans, and not to the Byzantines, as it should be if baptism was adopted according to the Byzantine Orthodox rite.
          2. +1
            18 September 2017 13: 00
            With Novgorod, everything was so different. Novgorod really had greater freedom, including in the choice of the prince. And they fought for the Kiev table as for the grand duke.
            1. 0
              18 September 2017 14: 05
              Quote: Ken71
              With Novgorod, everything was so different. Novgorod really had greater freedom, including in the choice of the prince. And they fought for the Kiev table as for the grand duke.

              I agree. It is a pity that Kiev won in the end ...
              1. +5
                18 September 2017 18: 58
                "Kiev" ... "Tambov", "Lyubertsy" ....... Are we here, generally, talking about History or "responsible for the bazaar"?
                1. +6
                  18 September 2017 19: 20
                  forget it. stop Samsonov - for the elite, the elite begin to jump and yell about "we are the strongest and most intelligent, Western homosexuals, Jews are to blame for everything (hello Vojaka Wuhu! hi ), nude Mongols, Annunaki reptilians from Mars (hello to Dmitry! hi ) and Sauron with Saruman (Caliber with Curios hi ) personally! ".
                  I read a Friday discussion here, grinned like an Operator (Operator ... Smooth Operator .... laughing and what? good soul queen shade song! request good ) had a fight with Reverend, pardon me, Saints By Benjamin about .... disagreement over haplogroups! laughing drinks "Red-haired red-haired man asked what you painted with a beard" laughing
                  Samsonov has good articles, I sincerely respect him for these articles, but the largest buhurt is collected by stories on the topic: “But how do we, the great believers, give a sneak to others (insert, depending on mood and confession: Jews, imperialists, homosexuals, liberals, once more Jews, the Pope in person, crusaders, third time Jews, Western Jewish bankers, Japanese, Japanese Jews, always and constantly Jews) did request Jewish forum users, please do not be offended, sarcasm is visible in half with humor! drinks
                2. +6
                  18 September 2017 19: 32
                  Quote: 3x3zsave
                  "Kiev" ... "Tambov", "Lyubertsy" ....... Are we here, generally, talking about History or "responsible for the bazaar"?

                  Who cares? Now, St. Petersburg rule.
                  1. +4
                    18 September 2017 19: 34
                    both do not smoke, so cigarettes have risen in price again ... crying I had a shock two hours ago .. belay crying crying crying crying
                    1. +4
                      18 September 2017 19: 49
                      Quote: Mikado
                      both do not smoke, so cigarettes have risen in price again ...

                      Yes. Only skis are also expensive for some reason. request Wherever you spit, everywhere bummer.
                      1. +2
                        18 September 2017 19: 51
                        Yes. Only skis are also expensive for some reason.

                        and badminton? wink drinks
                    2. +4
                      18 September 2017 19: 52
                      And I accidentally threw it three years ago, and now I look - it’s such ... and for that kind of money.
                      1. +2
                        18 September 2017 19: 55
                        my friend smoked for 20 years, and quit overnight. Stubborn, bastard. am how I laugh: "Have you become too lazy to go for cigarettes?" laughing many are switching to electronic "pipes." request
        2. +4
          18 September 2017 12: 33
          Such subtleties are not subject to hamsters.
  3. +4
    18 September 2017 19: 55
    Do not know. There is one racket. Since the days of the USSR. drinks In general, recently I was in Sportovary, except that dominoes can afford it. crying
    1. +2
      18 September 2017 20: 02
      There is one racket.

      There is a joke in the early 2000s. "Baseball is paradoxically popular in Russia. All the bats have been sold out, but no one has bought a single ball." drinks
      1. +5
        18 September 2017 20: 38
        Quote: Mikado
        but no one has bought a single ball "

        Why are they? Finding non-liking mug is not a problem. And play, play ... Just kidding. I never understood such scumbags. A friend of his youth had read "A Clockwork Orange" and walked cautiously everywhere. Up to 8 years old. belay
        1. +4
          18 September 2017 21: 13
          To paraphrase Black Abdullah, let’s say this: “A baseball bat is good for someone who has one and bad for someone who doesn't have one at the right time.”
        2. +3
          18 September 2017 21: 22
          But imagine, some of them had read up to the Fight Club, some had even finished watching, and some of them had gotten to Guy Ritchie, and now they were winding along the second and third walk. Culture, damn it, especially "sub", should be issued upon presentation of a maturity certificate.
          1. +5
            18 September 2017 21: 32
            Quote: 3x3zsave
            Culture, damn it, especially "sub", should be issued upon presentation of a maturity certificate.

            Oh, come on. Uncle Tom's hut culture, or sub? Is the rich man a poor man? I read them to maturity, and somehow I didn’t bother that the Negro Tom should be pitied, and the poor boxer should be buried with his dad for insulting a French teacher. (Crap Bosch! ... Shut up, you dirty French whore!) Also, like a classic. laughing
            1. +2
              18 September 2017 22: 55
              I will not argue, but you are strong, however, build anthologies!
  4. +6
    18 September 2017 20: 06
    Yes, puffing, smelling like a little kid on the street. Electronic cigarette, rubber woman, synthetic food - civilization !!!
    1. +3
      18 September 2017 21: 10
      Viktor Nikolaevich, you are a "Rolton", do not bother! The chemicals in it are potent! Attempt at the holy!
      1. +5
        18 September 2017 21: 16
        Rolton, as I understand it, this is an analogue of our "Mivina" - food for transmutants?
        1. +3
          18 September 2017 21: 56
          Viktor Nikolaevich, you’ll choke on tilki, they’ll shiver yourself with bacon! Oh ce transmutants! Well, they didn’t even Muscovites! Katy, pure katy!
          1. +3
            18 September 2017 22: 02
            Would you like to cook lard for the help of a meat grinder with pepper and an hour? That living country is even more savory, for canapons for every evening or supper - not overturned! Most often, it is a tasty snack for a cold drink.
            Translation - as needed.
            1. +3
              18 September 2017 22: 19
              That neither, I rosum, not a blow, but rosum.
              1. +4
                18 September 2017 22: 40
                Both! good read and enjoyed sincerely reading! good drinks well done, know how, bow! hi good
                1. +5
                  18 September 2017 22: 54
                  Quote: Mikado
                  read and enjoyed sincerely reading! well done, know how, bow!

                  That's right. They took it, and my product was corrupted morally. Reptiles. crying wassat You bastards, and I would have cooked it for them ... Lard in a pot, then a bulb, then the meat was thin, the schaub was transparent, then again a bulb, from above lard, pour everything with a beam, and into the oven for a couple of hours. Enviously, huh? laughing
                  1. +4
                    18 September 2017 22: 56
                    You’re a monster twice, Vladimir! am laughing drinks
                    1. +1
                      8 October 2017 18: 17
                      Empire strikes back! You take a cauldron-like container to the bottom with onion mugs, then zucchini mugs (or eggplant, whoever loves!) Then tomatoes, then beef minced meat, everything is slightly salted, sprinkled with spices (for whom, but better than Cyprus), then everything is also repeated. Layer THREE, on top of the tomatoes again, smeared on them with mayonnaise and poured (a little) with olive oil. And into the oven! Musaka in Greek is at your service!
                      1. +1
                        9 October 2017 08: 52
                        Musaka in Greek is at your service!

                        like this, in the morning, after 2 hours driving, you tune in for coffee, and here they write such delicious recipes for you. good I bow! hi I copied the recipe and printed it. soldier
                        I cook zucchini without frills - first I fry each circle a little bit, fry the onions and carrots a little in a frying pan, then add the tomatoes there, then after a while - the zucchini are already fried, and I’ll stew it all. At the end, you can add a little garlic, sprinkle with herbs - any, even dried herbs. hi
        2. +3
          18 September 2017 22: 03
          What, in an independent and "Rolton" is not ?! Brought the country to the handle!
          1. +2
            18 September 2017 22: 18
            It's just that this garbage is called Mivina. Though heaps.
      2. +6
        18 September 2017 21: 18
        Quote: 3x3zsave
        You "Rolton" do not catch!

        Just bit off. Muck is complete. Tomorrow I plan to twist the fat through a meat grinder. With garlic and other peppers. This is better than any Doshiraki Rolton.
        1. +4
          18 September 2017 21: 39
          With garlic and other peppers.

          and why did they say monster? crying I also wanted ....... delicious! drinks
          1. +5
            18 September 2017 21: 42
            Quote: Mikado
            and why did they say monster? I also wanted ....... delicious!

            So it’s not ready yet ... It is disgraced .... request
        2. +3
          18 September 2017 21: 50
          It’s strange. How do such diametrically opposed products get along in your kitchen? After all, with any lack of time, even from traditional products, you can cook food very quickly. Why do people poison themselves with this dung?
          1. +4
            18 September 2017 22: 11
            Quote: Curious
            How do such diametrically opposed products get along in your kitchen?

            Yes lazy me. And cooking in my mind is an art. One must be responsive. And he came tired, all in the scrap, poured boiling water over Doshirak, or there he opened the canned food, sort of like he was full. request Well, I gouge, in short. am
            1. +2
              18 September 2017 22: 15
              With this nutrition, I advise you to meet with a good gastroenterologist in advance. You will need it.
              1. +4
                18 September 2017 22: 27
                Quote: Curious
                With this nutrition, I advise you to meet with a good gastroenterologist in advance. You will need it.

                Do not croak. Somewhere I read that one man cured gastritis with alcohol. Knocked out a wedge. So we will try. laughing But for now, everything is fine with me. Ugh three times. In all respects except teeth. Bad with them. Can Chernobyl be to blame? Reptiles Muscovites dropped all the rainfall into our city in the 86th.
                1. +4
                  18 September 2017 22: 34
                  About alcohol - the most complete nonsense. direct path to the operating table. And dentistry now allows you to solve all problems almost painlessly, though you need money. But a man with stumps from his teeth and holes from stumps is not beautiful. Women don't like it.
                  1. +2
                    18 September 2017 22: 38
                    About alcohol - the most complete nonsense.

                    I heard something like that about an ulcer. Probably a fantasy.
                    1. +3
                      19 September 2017 10: 08
                      Nikolai, there are different rumors about who treated the ulcer with alcohol, who triple the cologne, but one thing is certain, the doctors still treat the ulcer and gastritis, but they don’t. So I do not advise)))
                  2. +4
                    18 September 2017 22: 40
                    Quote: Curious
                    About alcohol - the most complete nonsense. direct path to the operating table.

                    I won’t argue, I don’t like side effects. laughing
                    Quote: Curious
                    And dentistry now allows you to solve all problems almost painlessly, though you need money.

                    Exactly, I'm not an oligarch.
                    Quote: Curious
                    But a man with stumps from his teeth and holes from stumps is not beautiful. Women don't like it.

                    It is so. What about Chernobyl? My friend had a knuckle surgery, they said that radiation was to blame.
                    1. +3
                      18 September 2017 23: 24
                      Did Chernobyl lie? After the army, they crumbled even after Chernobyl. Water, as doctors said, pulling one by one. So there are a lot of reasons. And there are only 32 teeth. So put the rest in order. Lack of teeth leads not only to an ulcer, but also to deformation of the bones of the face. And you still get married, as I understand it. Imagine a toothless bride. Brrr
                      1. +4
                        18 September 2017 23: 31
                        Quote: Curious
                        And you still get married, as I understand it.

                        Lower my comment. I swim in the course of life and I taxi out. I am not likened to a flower in the hole, but it’s hard, damn it. Okay, why did I let a tear out? Others in my place would have turned flippers long ago.
            2. +4
              18 September 2017 22: 45
              "You need to marry, master!"
              1. +5
                18 September 2017 22: 58
                Quote: 3x3zsave
                "You need to marry, master!"

                Duck for such a fool like me, few are willing. Looks like I'll be a single century. But seriously, my family is cursed. For what merit - I do not know.
                1. +3
                  18 September 2017 23: 08
                  Duck for such a fool like me, few are willing.

                  to each his own. It's just that the time has not come yet. All will be! drinks
                  1. +5
                    18 September 2017 23: 23
                    Quote: Mikado
                    to each his own. It's just that the time has not come yet. All will be!

                    Nikolay, I’m 43 years old. Grandfathers for two had 8 children. Their great-grandchildren are only three. And all the grandchildren are over thirty. And it does not seem that the financial situation is to blame. Brother, for example, a cousin, a bourgeois millionaire, 49 years old, two lovers, but no children. One day my grandmother said that we were cursed. I don’t seem to believe in it, but the fact is that the genus is dying out. The other brother is a drug addict, the nephew got drunk at the age of 14, and my father drove the jeep (I took a ride, a fool, and after all the city champion in chess). Sad But I have one philosophy - we will break through. drinks
                    1. +3
                      18 September 2017 23: 30
                      Nikolay, I’m 43 years old.

                      I'm 35, and also no children .. sore topic .... Break through! drinks Vladimir, I noticed only one thing - good people get together on a site love
                      1. +4
                        18 September 2017 23: 38
                        Quote: Mikado
                        no children .. sore topic .... Break through!

                        And where are we going to get to hell with a submarine? drinks
                      2. +1
                        24 September 2017 16: 46
                        Father did Anton Ivanovich Denikin, it seems at 63 or 65 years old.
                    2. +4
                      18 September 2017 23: 37
                      As the Anglo-Saxon poet Tennyson advised as far back as the century before last: "That strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." Fight and seek, find and not give up.
                      Almost two hundred years have passed, and the advice is still relevant.
  5. +2
    18 September 2017 23: 42
    Mordvin 3,
    forward and with the song! drinks
    there is such a type - unstuck people. For me, work has always been more important than leisure, I confess .. request I envy those who can happily combine. I switch poorly .. sad
    1. +4
      19 September 2017 00: 10
      Quote: Mikado
      For me, work has always been more important than leisure, I confess ..

      And work becomes a favorite only in a good team. Our team was in the 90s. Half brigades - from the same school, everyone knew each other from the cradle. All of their own. Eh, come back at that time. Maybe I'm wrong, but the people have become angrier. Less helps each other. Although Drugan calls what military unit to work like a cleaner. In thought. What kind of cleaner am I in the ass? But the salary is twice as much as my current locksmith. It seems that in Russia the locksmiths are no longer needed, it’s more prestigious to sweep the parade ground with a crowbar. Ugh. laughing
  6. 0
    21 September 2017 21: 57
    I read your second historical essay. To say that I was delighted is to say nothing. Thanks and thanks again to you.
  7. 0
    24 September 2017 16: 32
    Quote: Boris55
    The significance of Kiev in the life of Russia is greatly exaggerated

    What is true is true. How many there, a hundred years, it will be typed that Kiev was the capital of the Eastern Slavs?
  8. 0
    24 September 2017 16: 43
    Quote: Kotischa
    the question of nationality in recent years in Russia has acquired a "significant and decisive" significance! So tempts to "blur

    You are breaching. This question has always and everywhere been important and often decisive. I remind you that more recently in the passport there was an item "nationality".
  9. 0
    24 September 2017 16: 49
    Quote: Mordvin 3
    I'm 43 years old. Grandfathers for two had 8 children. Their great-grandchildren are only three. And all the grandchildren are over thirty. And do not think that the financial situation is to blame

    The richer the country lives, the fewer children in the family. So the matter is open in culture.
  10. 0
    24 September 2017 17: 04
    Quote: Kotischa
    Following Gumilyov, the "term of passionarity" was used by many domestic scientists. I simply don’t see the point of listing them. But they all endowed with this quality not a person, but a nation.

    What stupidity this theory!
    Russians are direct descendants of the Ants. And the antes, in the stories of the Elins, were atloms, i.e. powerful athletes. And simply atl-antami. A tribe leading and pulling the whole human race after itself, despite any pasternality, tens of thousands of years.
    1. +2
      8 October 2017 18: 22
      And somehow, without the superethnos of the Rus, it’s unusual ... It came out of Hyperborea ... The article has not the “taste” at all, not that!

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"