Anti-communism and anti-Sovietism at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries

"... for those who sin willfully and by simplicity,"
(The Book of Ezra 45: 20)

Anti-communism and anti-Sovietism, as a system of attitudes aimed at condemning communist and soviet ideology, its political goals and statements, were formed not spontaneously, but purposefully, starting with the 1920s. Our article presents anti-Soviet posters 1920 –1950-ies in chronological retrospective. The greatest aggravation of anti-Soviet propaganda was observed in the period of latent or open military confrontation, which is understandable and understandable. With the same posters mass hysteria was intensified. At the same time, European propaganda acted rather crudely, using irrationalistic and instinctive aspects, appealing to blood.

Anti-communism and anti-Sovietism at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries

Fig. 1 "Bolshevism means to drown the world in blood." Germany, 1919

The propaganda of those years is based on a statement about the utopian communist ideology, the “totalitarian” nature of socialist states, the aggressive nature of world communism, the “dehumanization” of social relations, the “standardization” of thinking and spiritual values ​​under socialism.

Fig. 2 “Do you want this to happen to your women and children?” Poland, 1921.

A striking example of the propaganda of anti-Sovietism and anti-communism can serve as a book by the French team of authors (S. Courtois, N. Vert, J.-L. Panne, A. Pachkovsky, K. Bartosek, J.-L. Margolin) - The Black Book of Communism. This edition, published in 1997 in Paris, presents the author’s view of the communist regimes of the 20th century. Subsequently, the English translation of the Black Book was released, and in 1999, it was published in Russia. A book is a collection of testimonies, photographs, concentration camp maps, deportation routes of the peoples of the USSR.

Fig. 3 "Soviet puppeteer who pulls the strings." France, 1936.

In fact, this book has become the bible of anti-communism and anti-Sovietism. If we talk about the generalized features of this ideology, then we turn to the opinion of SG Kary-Murza, which highlights the following features of anti-Sovietism:
- anti-state orientation: the USSR is proclaimed a “totalitarian state” such as Nazi Germany, any actions of the Soviet state are criticized;
- the destruction of the Soviet world of symbols, their blackening and ridicule: the image of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, the creation of a false opinion about Pavlik Morozov as a fanatical supporter of the totalitarian idea, etc .;
- the requirement of freedom, in practice, meaning the requirement of the destruction of traditional ethics, the replacement of her right;
- undermining the idea of ​​the brotherhood of nations, namely the introduction into the consciousness of the non-Russian peoples of the USSR the idea that they were oppressed and oppressed by the Russians, and that in the minds of the Russian people - that the Soviet system was "non-Russian", imposed on Russian Jews and freemasons;
- the rejection of the Soviet economy as a whole - the propaganda of the idea that the market economy of the western type is more effective than the planned economy of the Soviet type. At the same time, Soviet industrialization is denied due to the too large, according to critics, its victims. In addition, an idea is being created that any state-owned enterprise will inevitably be inefficient and doomed to collapse. That is, the method of bringing to the point of absurdity everything that took place in Soviet Russia is used. Although it is clear that in real life nothing purely white and completely black has never been and never is. In fascist Germany, for example, beautiful autobahns were built, but this does not mean that, remembering this, we should forget about Auschwitz and Treblinka.

Fig. 4 "Red bayonets against Europe." Germany, 1937.

In the post-Soviet space, anti-Sovietism and anti-communism were and are not just an abstract ideology, but an element in the construction of national states. Such, for example, is the view of scientists (A. Gromov, P. Bykov). This ideology became the foundation of building statehood in the former Soviet republics. At the same time, a number of stages are distinguished that are characteristic of practically all states that were part of the former Soviet Union.

Fig. 5 "Red Storm in the Village". Germany, 1941.

The first stage was the establishment after the collapse of the USSR in all states in varying degrees of nationalist regimes. At the same time, either the party-Soviet leaders of the republics who adopted nationalist slogans or the heads of national movements became the leaders of the new nationalist states. At this stage, the policy of repulsion from Russia was carried out, which was perceived as a symbol of the USSR and national suppression: "external force that prevents us from living beautifully and happily." The pro-Western vector was seen: the West actively helped the nationalist movements in the “late perestroika” period, actively influenced their formation and was now perceived as the main pillar of the new regimes. However, reliance on Western economic assistance in most cases was not justified. Or he entailed undesirable consequences. Of course, these are disgusting communists who built factories and theaters in these countries, introduced universal literacy "gratuitously, that is, for nothing."

Fig. 6 "Socialism vs. Bolshevism." France, 1941.

We also note the influence of the diasporas, who played the role of guardians of national identity and teachers of life, and where they were, they were also close in national composition (Turkey for Azerbaijan, Romania for Moldova, Poland for Ukraine and Belarus).

The so-called “national-cultural revolutions” became a significant element: limiting the use of the Russian language in the system of governance. At the same time, the country's positive results could not boast, because the personnel and professional staff of state managers was mostly Russian-speaking in them.

In a situation of cultural and managerial collapse, clan connections and corruption mechanisms have begun to play a key role. A brutal clan struggle for access to economic resources began, which eventually resulted in a battle for power. In some countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan), thanks to the strength of the leader or his entourage, the current government was the winner in the clan struggle. In others (in Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Moldova) there was a change of power. And often as a result of very turbulent and bloody events.

Fig. 7 "Poster for the occupied Soviet territories." Germany, 1941.

At the second stage, the clan-corruption regimes were established during desovetization. The main task of these regimes was the redistribution of national wealth within the power clans. During this period, the building of new state structures continued. At the same time, it is difficult to call the policy of the new regimes pro-Russian: neither Shevardnadze, nor Kuchma, nor Nazarbayev were particularly concerned about the interests of Russia. We can also note the weakening of the influence of the West, especially the “patron-state” due to excessive interference in internal affairs and small economic preferences. The clan power sought to monopolize access to the resources of certain groups. However, this stage did not last long and the third stage was marked by the dismantling of clan-corruption regimes, since they became a brake on national development. The main mechanism of changing the regime and dismantling the system turned out to be the “color revolutions”. The term “color revolution” is often understood as the intervention of external forces in the development of post-Soviet countries, but these forces in this case are only external support (in their own geopolitical interests, of course) to the processes of nation-building.

Fig. 8 "Get out." France, 1942.

However, the dismantling of the clan-corruption system does not necessarily have to take place in a revolutionary way. In Kazakhstan today, evolutionary dismantling of this system from the inside begins. Although the example of Russia is not indicative, here the function of the Orange Revolution, in fact, fulfilled the transfer of power from Yeltsin to Putin.

But even in the case of a revolutionary transfer of power, the dismantling of the clan-corruption system is a protracted process. And not all countries were ready for it: Kyrgyzstan after the color revolution did not move to the third stage, but rather returned to the first stage, Georgia also had big problems. In the case of Belarus and Azerbaijan, not the clan-corruption regime should be dismantled, but the system of state distribution. That is, it is based on modernization and liberalization, while it is economic.

Fig. 9 "Soviet Paradise". Germany, 1942.

Those countries that are still in the second stage are the most problematic today, the situation in them is the least predictable and explosive. And this applies equally to a democratic Armenia, and to an authoritarian Uzbekistan. The situation was most difficult in Turkmenistan, which lost its leader in terms of a continuity vacuum and even the beginnings of democracy.

Another important feature of the post-Soviet evolution is overcoming nationalism. Today, the most successful countries are those that have managed to get as far as possible from nationalistic ideology. The main danger of nationalism is that it replaces national-state tasks with nationalist tasks, and their solution does not improve the quality of life in the country. Well, banned in Ukraine to watch Russian cinema. So what? All Ukrainians from this added pennies in their wallets?

Fig. 10 "Uncle Joe and his doves of peace." France, 1951.

The whole point of post-Soviet politics in a certain way was to use territorial, historical and other claims for parasitism on Russian resources. This is precisely the policy pursued by the overwhelming majority of post-Soviet countries. And anti-Sovietism and anti-communism organically fit into this strategy.

Immediately make a reservation that today there is no legislative definition of the conditions under which the regime in the country can be considered communist. Nevertheless, appeals to his condemnation appear quite often.

Post-Soviet space: the prohibition of Soviet and communist symbols and the so-called "Leninopad"

Ukraine has pursued and is pursuing a rather active anti-Soviet policy. And not only through appeals to the organization of an international tribunal, similar to Nuremberg, on the crimes of the Bolsheviks. Not only by dismantling Soviet monuments and the trial of Stalin. But also at the legislative level: for example, on November 19 2009, the President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, signed decree N 946 / 2009 “On additional measures to recognize the Ukrainian liberation movement of the XX century”. By this Decree, Yushchenko ordered the Cabinet of Ministers to take additional measures to recognize the Ukrainian anti-communist movement of the 20th century. The Holodomor on 2012 was first recognized by the Kyiv Court of Appeal as genocide. Subsequently, the relevant law was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. In 2015, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a package of laws, which was called the “decommunization package”. Their meaning is the same: the condemnation of the Nazi and communist regimes, the opening of the archives of the Soviet secret services, the recognition of the actions of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army and other underground organizations operating in the 20th century in the struggle for independence.

Fig. 11 "By supporting communism, you support terror and slavery."

In Moldova, a commission was set up to study and evaluate the totalitarian communist regime, and in 2012 the “crimes of the Soviet regime” were publicly condemned. As in a number of Eastern European countries, in the same year 2012 in Moldova imposed a ban on the use of communist symbols for political purposes and the propaganda of totalitarian ideology. However, already in 2013, the Constitutional Court overturned this ban, as contrary to the basic law of the state.

In Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia at the state level it is said about the Soviet occupation. In 2008, the Lithuanian Diet banned the use of Soviet and Nazi symbols as criminal during mass rallies and the performance of the hymns of Nazi Germany and the USSR, the form and images of the leaders of the national socialists of Germany and the CPSU of the USSR, adopting a number of amendments to the law “On assemblies”. The use of this symbolism at public events in Latvia is prohibited from 1991 year, with the exception of entertainment, holiday, memorable and sports events. In Lithuania, the use of Soviet and Nazi symbols and hymns in public meetings has been banned since 2008. True, in Estonia, despite popular opinion, a similar ban in the law does not exist. But the dismantling of the monuments is: the transfer of the monument to Soviet soldiers, the liberators of Tallinn, which the Estonian authorities decided to move from the center of the capital to the military cemetery in the spring of 2007, became resonant. During the transfer and the accompanying unrest, a man died.

The post-Soviet countries of Central Asia do not conduct mass media campaigns and legislation to abandon Soviet symbols. Their anti-Sovietism is expressed in a different way and without too much noise. Here the process has received a wide scope, which received the name “Leninopad” in the media. Monuments of Lenin and other leaders of the communist movement are consistently removed.

Fig. 12 "Weekend in the USSR is unforgettable." Germany, 1952.

In this case, the same fate often befalls and monuments associated with the Great Patriotic War. Another direction for the destruction of the memory of the Soviet past is the renaming of cities in Central Asia and Transcaucasia, named after Soviet leaders: Tajik Leninabad again became Khujand, Armenian Leninakan - Gyumri, Kyrgyz Frunze - Bishkek. On the other hand, all these actions are completely in the legal field. Because how to name or rename your cities and towns is the sovereign right of any country.

Uzbekistan, like most post-Soviet republics, which raised anti-Sovietism and anti-communism to the shield of the new state building, especially in the context of emerging authoritarian regimes on their own territory, also began with the dismantling of monuments. And he began with a radical version of the destruction of the monument to Soviet soldiers and the park of military glory. Moreover, with the following wording: it does not reflect “the history of the armed forces of the republic and the military art of the peoples of Central Asia”. Of course, it does not reflect: after all, during the Great Patriotic War, about 18 thousand Uzbeks died (1,36% of the total number of dead) and 69 people became Heroes of the Soviet Union. This, apparently, is not enough in order not to demolish the monuments and keep a memory of them. In 2012, Tashkent suspended Uzbekistan’s membership in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). And this Agreement of May 15 of 1992 of the year is often called the “Tashkent Agreement”, since it was signed in Tashkent.

Azerbaijan dismantled the 2009 monument to Baku commissars in 26, and then a parking lot was arranged in its place. In addition, it was reported in the press that some monuments of the Soviet period later were also destroyed. However, it is clear that here the Azerbaijanis are entirely in their own right. It's just ... somehow this is somewhat non-neighborly, somehow very defiant ...

In 2011, in Khujand, one of the last in Tajikistan and the tallest monument in Central Asia to Lenin was dismantled, with a height of almost 25 meters in height with a pedestal. At the same time, the authorities promised to “carefully” transfer it to the recreation park, while denying the political background of these actions. And yes, indeed, the monument was moved to Victory Park in another area of ​​the city.

Like Uzbekistan, Georgia dismantled Soviet monuments, and the citizens of Georgia themselves suffered. Thus, the explosion of the “Memorial of Glory” in Kutaisi, by order of the authorities, led to the death of two people - the mother and daughter of Jincharadze. And in the course of the trial, three people were sentenced to imprisonment for violating safety, that is, they are actually victims of anti-Sovietism. And already in 2011, the use of Soviet symbols was banned in Georgia, prohibited on a par with the use of Nazi symbols, all the names of localities that were related to the Soviet past were changed. In the same year, the “Charter of Freedom” was adopted, which introduced a number of restrictions for former functionaries of the Communist Party, Komsomol, employees of the Soviet special services.

And what about Europe?

Meanwhile, with the exception of the countries of Eastern Europe, practically nowhere in the West there are no bans on communist symbolism and equating it with Nazi symbols. True, one can refer to the Criminal Code of Germany, where there is a ban on the use and distribution of symbols of the Communist Party of Germany, which was recognized by the Federal Constitutional Court as illegal and contrary to the Constitution.

Fig. 13 "All Marxist paths lead to dependence on Moscow." West Germany, 1953.

In Eastern Europe, however, is another matter. Public use of communist and soviet symbols is prohibited in at least seven countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

In Hungary, from 1993 to 2013, there was a ban on communist and Nazi symbols. But it was canceled due to the unclear wording of the circumstances of the violation of the law. After three months, these formulations were clarified and the ban came into force again.

In Poland, it is allowed to use it for artistic and educational purposes, and even to collect items containing communist symbols. But for their storage, distribution or sale from 2009, there is a criminal liability up to imprisonment.

In the Czech Republic, communist symbols are banned in the same way from the year 2009.

Nevertheless, the European Community has been constantly working since 2006 on condemning the “crimes of communism and Stalinism”: resolutions, declarations are adopted, such state events are held.

For example, January 25 The 2006 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a resolution condemning the crimes of communist regimes on a par with the Nazi ones (Resolution No. 1481 “The need for international condemnation of the crimes of totalitarian communist regimes”). 3 July 2009 adopted by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Resolution “On the reunification of a divided Europe: Promoting human rights and civil liberties in the OSCE region in the 21st century”, where the “crimes of Stalin and Nazi regimes” were officially condemned. The European Parliament 2 April 2009, the European Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Stalinism and Nazism was approved. This proposal was developed during the conference "The Conscience of Europe and Communism" in June 2008 in Prague. Its declaration noted that it is Europe that is responsible for the consequences of Nazism and communism.

The same idea is traced in the Declaration of the International Conference "Crimes of Communist Regimes" of February 25 of the Year 2010: to condemn internationally communist and totalitarian regimes.

That is, we deal with decisions based on inaccurate formulations, excessive generalizations and primitive insinuations on the principle of “black and white”. And this is a very primitive and inexpedient approach.

Fig. 14 "In the networks of communism." Italy, 1970.

In the meantime, it turns out that anti-communism and anti-Sovietism are not just propaganda in the media, they also act as an integral element of real state activity aimed at suppressing the communist, labor and national liberation movement. It is quite obvious, ancient, but not lost its relevance method of creating the image of the enemy, which is facilitated by the absence of this enemy in reality and the impossibility of counter-propaganda.

“Positive” anti-communism, unlike aggressive, tries to prove obsolete, the unsuitability of Marxism-Leninism to solve the problems of a developed “industrial” society, focuses on the gradual inner rebirth, “erosion” of communism.

Anti-Sovietism is a special case of anti-communism. It is a system of views directed against the Soviet system and its associated social system, its impact on a wide geographical area. At the same time, some people call anti-Sovietism any disagreement with the actions of the Soviet government and the subsequent condemnation of these actions, and others - hatred of Soviet society as a whole.

In Russia, according to a VCIOM survey conducted in 2006 — 2010 (for the 20 anniversary of the fall of the USSR), the very word “anti-Soviet” has negative connotation for 66% of Russians: 23% is condemned, 13% is disappointing, 11% is angry, 8% - shame, 6% - fear, 5% - skepticism. That is, in a country that has suffered the most from Sovietism and communism, its negative assessment is far ambiguous. And this is the most interesting. Those who seem to have suffered the most from “communism”, know its advantages and disadvantages on their own experience, treat it ... with understanding. But those who are more benefited from his advantages, just attack him in the most active way. But where would Poland and Finland be if it were not for Lenin, in what place in the world would there be the “republics” of Central Asia, if not for assistance from the USSR? And so on and so forth. That is, there is some clearly marked primitivism and simplification in covering the set of extremely complex social problems that occurred in the twentieth century, and it is also a trend in presenting information about the problems of the world of our era today, although it is well known that “a different simplicity is worse than theft”!
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  1. +9
    21 September 2017 07: 28
    Their goal is to denigrate to the maximum and then, against this background, gray will appear white.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +21
          21 September 2017 10: 01
          Shhh! Jews are terribly offended when they are poked in the face with facts where they appear not so harmless, unhappy, all oppressed, smiling through martyr’s tears, peaceful toilers of barren deserts ...;) For this destroys their "stage image";)
        2. +7
          21 September 2017 10: 06
          Quote: Diana Ilyina
          Well, where could the God-chosen without you ?!

          And without you God-bearers?

          Firstly, you yourself are head over heels in the blood, and in the blood of the same Jews whom you yourself considered to be nonhumans. Everyone is trying to keep silent about the fact that Hitler was actively financed by US banking circles, which are completely controlled by Jews!

          For example?

          In addition, in the Wehrmacht itself, and not only many Jews served.

          Name at least 10 of such?

          And now your state is built head over heels in blood and blood!

          Over the 70 years of the Arab-Israeli conflict, 80-90 thousands of Arabs perished. In Afghanistan, a scoop killed more than a million Afghans. Feel the difference.

          Secondly, as much blood as your hosts shed, the British and Americans not a single country in the world shed.

          Statistics in the studio.

          Quote: Diana Ilyina
          Thirdly, yes, the Communists shed an ocean of blood, not just a stranger, but their own so that such abominations as you could live and pour mud on the graves of those who died freeing your parents, who did not bother to use contraception unfortunately, when they conceived you.

          Now I’ll cry. My grandfathers also saved you from Nazi slavery. Do I now need a medal for myself ?. By the way, what was the name of the military operation to save us from the Nazi concentration camps? And from the Soviet?

          VO will not miss all those epithets that you deserve after your garbage comment ...! Unfortunately will not miss ...

          Should I cry or be sad?
          1. +29
            21 September 2017 10: 50
            Quote: professor
            Name at least 10 of such?

            Oscar Wasserman, Hans Pryvin, Fritz Mandel, Reynold Gesner, Warburg, Rothschild, Morgan dynasty ..
            You are not a professor, but a balabol ... From Soviet concentration camps? Yes you are my friend, Judas.
            1. +20
              21 September 2017 10: 57
              Field Marshal of the Luftwaffe Milch. Professor, no offense and emotions. Asked - said.
            2. +2
              21 September 2017 17: 07
              Quote: invisible
              Oscar Wasserman, Hans Pryvin, Fritz Mandel, Reynold Gesner, Warburg, Rothschild, Morgan dynasty ..

              Yes Yes. The Rothschilds and the Morgans served in the Wehrmacht. lol

              Quote: invisible
              You are not a professor, but a balabol ... From Soviet concentration camps? Yes you are my friend, Judas.

              You, my dear, look better than the Rothschilds in the Wehrmacht. laughing
          2. +37
            21 September 2017 10: 54
            It’s disgusting for me to communicate with you, but it’s absolutely necessary to give you your vile physiognomy!
            In 1937, when there was no Israel, Chaim Weizmann, as president of the World Zionist Organization (1921–1931,1935, 1946–1977), asked his like-minded and associates in the Zionist party: “I ask: Are you able to resettle six million Jews to Palestine? I answer: No. From the tragic abyss I want to save two million young ... And the old must disappear ... They are dust, economic and spiritual dust in a cruel world ... Only a young branch will live ”(Shonfeld M“ The Holocaust Victims Accuse. Documents and Testimony on Jewish War Criminals. NY, 25. P. XNUMX.). Thus, we see that long before the Second World War, the president of the World Zionist Organization was convinced that four million European Jews should "disappear like economic and spiritual dust."

            Over the 70 years of the Arab-Israeli conflict, 80-90 thousands of Arabs perished. In Afghanistan, a scoop killed more than a million Afghans. Feel the difference.
            Why not a hundred million Afghans, why so little then ?! And who else but the Afghans destroyed the USSR ?!
            Statistics in the studio.
            A similar question to you, regarding the victims of the "bloody communist regime" ?!
            England - colonization around the world. The destruction of the natives in North America, South Africa, India, Austria and so on in all the colonies. The total export of blacks from Africa as slaves in all the colonies of England. How many of them died of hunger and thirst during transportation, no one counted! That's right, why should cattle be considered, all the more free, so, after all, the fascist is not finished ?!
            The USA, for 241 years of existence, didn’t attack seals in Greenland! The list of their interventions will not fit into any comments. Of course, you have not heard about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, right ?! Fascists of all stripes do not see the creation of their hands ... In Iraq alone, more than a million people have died at the hands of Americans alone.
            I consider further discussion pointless, such as you need to hang up as Nazi criminals, and not enter into conversations!
            1. RL
              21 September 2017 14: 32
              If Nicholas II and his family are "saints", then those who killed them - the Bolsheviks are anti-Christ!
              I propose to ban the ideology and propaganda of Bolshevism! He who does not listen will be burned at the stake to the 7th knee! In the name of purification from corruption.
              I hope Poklonskaya will support me!
              1. +1
                24 September 2017 19: 55
                Nicholas 2 was killed not by the Bolsheviks (communists) but by the Social Revolutionaries (SRs) and by the way, as directed from London. Well, the English "gentlemen" did not want to give those 52 tons of gold! Russian gold! Well, the toad crushed them! so go darling burn! start with the royal family, and there you will get parliament.
            2. +4
              21 September 2017 17: 23
              Quote: Diana Ilyina

              As I am touched by links to comments of any "↑ No.7 WoW 1 December 2016 10: 12" as evidence. You would have quoted Izi Shamir’s articles as evidence, then Rabbi Moshe Schonfeld somehow does not convince. tongue

              Well, where are the examples like "Hitler actively funded the US banking circles, which are completely controlled by the Jews"? Lied twice?

              Where is the name at least 10 of the Jews of the Wehrmacht, because in your opinion "In addition, in the Wehrmacht itself, and not only served a bunch of the Jews"?

              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              A similar question to you, regarding the victims of the "bloody communist regime" ?!

              And I asked for statistics, not agitation. Let’s get the numbers.

              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              I consider further discussion pointless, such as you need to hang up as Nazi criminals, and not enter into conversations!

              Of course useless. You have a complete lie that you pass off as "facts", and as you ask you a specific question, you are in the bushes. Learn the materiel.

              But the main communist is laughing at the Nazi criminal. Go ahead.
            3. +5
              21 September 2017 17: 24
              Diana, because it is emphasized there - European Jews. That is, Ashkenazi, that is, Hazaras (they used to say: Turkic-speaking Germanic tribes). And the Hazaras for a thousand years as part of Russia are like the wrong Jews. That is, Judas himself ordered kosher Jews (Sephardim) to sacrifice their smaller brothers to the Nazis.
          3. BAI
            21 September 2017 11: 23
            Firstly, you yourself are head over heels in the blood, and in the blood of the same Jews whom you yourself considered to be nonhumans. Everyone is trying to keep silent about the fact that Hitler was actively financed by US banking circles, which are completely controlled by Jews!

            For example?

            Jews and Hitler - this is one of the most closed topics in the world media. Though not
            the secret is that the Fuhrer and the NSDAP were sponsored by such influential Jewish industrialists as Reynold Gesner and Fritz Mandel. Significant help to Hitler was rendered by the famous banking dynasty
            Warburgov and personally Max Warburg (director of the Hamburg Bank M.M.
            Warburg & Co ").

            Among other Jewish bankers who did not spare money on the NSDAP, it is necessary to distinguish Oscars from Berlin
            Wasserman (one of the leaders of Deutsche Bank) and Hans Privin. Row
            researchers are sure that the Rothschilds participated in the financing of Nazism, they needed Hitler to implement the project
            Jewish state in Palestine.

            In addition, in the Wehrmacht itself, and not only many Jews served.

            Name at least 10 of such?

            The most famous was Field Marshal Milch, another craftsman was (Werner Goldberg) - on all advertising posters of the true Aryans hung - but upon verification it turned out to be a Jew, not only blue-eyed, but also blue-eyed. I had to urgently clean.
            Ah, yes it took 10 examples: count (except for those 2's):
            "Checks on the rank and file of non-Jewish officers began only after the assassination of Hitler. Such checks covered not only the Wehrmacht, but also the Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, and even the SS. Until the end of 1944, 65 soldiers and sailors, 5 soldiers were identified SS troops, 4 non-commissioned officers, 13 lieutenants, one non-commissioned officers, one captain, two majors, one lieutenant colonel - battalion commander in the 213rd Infantry Division Ernst Bloch, one colonel and one rear admiral - Karl Kühlental. " etc. Source:
            But in fact, all of them in the Wehrmacht were 150 000.

            And now your state is built head over heels in blood and blood!

            Over the 70 years of the Arab-Israeli conflict, 80-90 thousands of Arabs perished. In Afghanistan, a scoop killed more than a million Afghans. Feel the difference.

            According to UN statistics on the demographic situation in Afghanistan, between 1980 and 1990, the total mortality rate in Afghanistan was 614 000 people. And do not forget that the United States actively participated in the escalation of the conflict (and in its unleashing).
            Secondly, as much blood as your hosts shed, the British and Americans not a single country in the world shed.

            Statistics in the studio.

            There is nothing to talk about here. One rebellion of sepoys is worth what. And if you recall the generally recognized fact that Britain preferred to fight with the wrong hands, then you can lose count.

            Further discussion proceeds on the principle of “d.u.a.s. himself” I do not consider it necessary to intervene.
            1. +4
              21 September 2017 17: 52
              Quote: BAI
              Though not
              the secret is that the Fuhrer and the NSDAP were sponsored by such influential Jewish industrialists as Reynold Gesner and Fritz Mandel. The famous Warburg banking dynasty and personally Max Warburg (director of the Hamburg bank MM Warburg & Co) rendered significant assistance to Hitler.

              Not a secret? So it will not be difficult for you to lay out links to the documents of this cooperation.

              Quote: BAI
              The most famous was Field Marshal Milch, another craftsman was (Werner Goldberg) - on all advertising posters of the true Aryans hung - but upon verification it turned out to be a Jew, not only blue-eyed, but also blue-eyed. I had to urgently clean.

              This is where both father and mother turned out to be clean Germans? Oh well.

              Quote: BAI
              Ah, yes it took 10 examples: count (except for those 2's):

              Already the second person puts the link to this article in the form of "evidence". The "evidence" itself refers to itself. lol
              Moreover, the article does not even have authorship.

              Quote: BAI
              But in fact, all of them in the Wehrmacht were 150 000.

              Yah? Why did you indicate the author of this libel and his "research"? I was not too lazy and read the material. Bryan Mark Rigg did not cite a single document (not a single one at all, Karl), and he drew his conclusions allegedly from interviews that he took from Wehrmacht veterans. The author claims that Hitler had 150 000 Jewish soldiers despite the fact that in Germany there were only 600 000 Jews, including children and old men of both sexes. The author claims that every second German male Jew served in the Wehrmacht. If we discard children under the age of 17 and old people older than 60, then judging by the author’s "research", all capable Jews of Germany served in the Wehrmacht. The author has achieved his goal. He became famous.

              Quote: BAI
              According to UN statistics on the demographic situation in Afghanistan, between 1980 and 1990, the total mortality rate in Afghanistan was 614 000 people. And do not forget that the United States actively participated in the escalation of the conflict (and in its unleashing).

              Yah? Do you certainly have any reference to UN statistics? Nur Ahmad Khalidi claims that at least 850000 Afghans died (, but (Marek Sliwinski, "Afghanistan: The Decimation of a People," Orbis (Winter, 1989), p.39.), Claims 2 000 000 victims.

              Quote: BAI
              It’s not even worth talking here.

              Where are the numbers?
            2. +2
              22 September 2017 08: 14
              Interestingly, when I asked Indian students about the sepoy uprising, they were always embarrassed, blushed very much and said: “There are bad people everywhere!” That is, sepoys are bad, and the British are good! You can always meet an Indian - they learn a lot from us and repeat my experience.
          4. +6
            21 September 2017 17: 30
            Quote: professor
            Well, where could the God-chosen without you ?!

            Very beautiful and most importantly very disappointing!

            True, "professor"?
            1. +5
              21 September 2017 19: 10
              Quote: professor
              Where are the numbers?

              Quote: Titsen
              Very beautiful and most importantly very disappointing!

              commies then? laughing Yes, you are right, well, their professor muzzled around the table, bravo! good
          5. The comment was deleted.
          6. +4
            23 September 2017 13: 15
            Quote: professor
            Name at least 10 of such?

            Checks of ordinary and non-commissioned officers for Jewishness began to be carried out only after the assassination of Hitler. Such checks covered not only the Wehrmacht, but also the Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, and even the SS. Until the end of 1944, 65 soldiers and sailors, 5 soldiers of the SS troops, 4 non-commissioned officers, 13 lieutenants, one Untersturmfuhrer, one Obersturmfuhrer of the SS troops, three captains, two majors, one lieutenant colonel - battalion commander in the 213rd Infantry Division Ernst were identified Flea, one Colonel and one Rear Admiral - Karl Kulental. The latter served as a naval attache in Madrid and carried out the assignments of Abwehr. One of the identified Jews was immediately ariized for military merit. Documents are silent about the fate of the rest. It is only known that Kulental, thanks to the intercession of Dönitz, was allowed to resign with the right to wear a uniform.
            The national composition of prisoners of war in the USSR, taken in the period from 22.06.1941/2.09.1945/9 to 1991/46/10. Military History Journal-№ 173.-M., 4.-С. 100. ​​Quote: "In our camps for prisoners of war, officially registered 2017 thousand 02 Jews who fought against the Soviet Union on the side of the Nazis in the troops of the Nazi Wehrmacht." (and this is a full-blooded rifle division, see regulation No. 14/31611, and this does not take into account the dead Jews, it is clear that there were no purely Jewish divisions, Jews, as always, were dispersed across all divisions of the Wehrmacht) .http: // / XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX /
            Do you have anything to say in rebuttal?
            Quote: professor
            Secondly, as much blood as your hosts shed, the British and Americans not a single country in the world shed.
            Statistics in the studio.

            Will you refute?
            Quote: professor
            My grandfathers also saved you from Nazi slavery. Do I now need a medal for myself ?. By the way, what was the name of the military operation to rescue us from the Nazi concentration camps? And from the Soviet?

            Judging by your heart-rending cry to the USSR and Soviet people, neither you nor your grandfather are among those who fought against Nazism. Do not belong. Rather, both you and your ancestor are those who, in the service of the Anglo-Saxons, have co-opted and participated in unleashing a world carnage and now wishes the same
            With regards to concentration camps. If it were not for the USSR and its victory, you would have perished there.
            Quote: professor
            Should I cry or be sad?

            I don’t know what to do, but lying all the same is a very obscene occupation.
      2. +23
        21 September 2017 09: 16
        Quote: professor
        Communism will never wash off the oceans of blood shed by it all over the world.

        Well, so tell us, ProHessor, about these, the most, "rivers of blood around the world!" With facts, tell us, with documents, with links to sources! But, after all, you cannot. For, once again, stupidly, spoil the air ... Or, otherwise - say a lot of lies, like Trotsky.
        1. +12
          21 September 2017 11: 05
          there were also such caricatures. As far as I understand, this one is Polish. The main character is a victim of an ice ax.
      3. +18
        21 September 2017 10: 06
        Dear. Your God-chosen country arose only thanks to the USSR. So poke a hole in your Kotel. Not up to you.
      4. a
        21 September 2017 11: 24
        I didn’t imagine that such a person as you could turn into such a spacecraft!
      5. +15
        21 September 2017 12: 13
        Quote: professor
        And there is nothing to denigrate here. Communism will never wash off the oceans of blood shed by it all over the world.

        Here comes the "liberator of the peoples" again from Figure 7 and immediately understand what it means to drown the whole world in blood. You would be at least a little grateful to the Communists, because it was thanks to them that your people did not fly out through the chimney. And they first recognized and created your country.
        1. +6
          22 September 2017 07: 04
          They will not be grateful. In their minds, the Communists are already very clearly distinguished from the fascists. There was some character with the same flag as the Professor, who argued that a real war was launched against the Jews in the USSR. And they planted people and took away property. This is their reality and it is actively fueled by their media. The fact that in the USSR it was impossible to say "Jew" to anyone without consequences is garbage
      6. +2
        21 September 2017 12: 21
        Quote: professor
        Communism will never wash off the oceans of blood shed by it all over the world

        Stopudovo - Jewish communist ideology of Mordecai / Blanca never wash off the oceans of blood.

        No wonder that on the anti-communist posters of the twentieth century the Communists were always portrayed as brunettes with characteristic Semitic facial features.
        1. +6
          21 September 2017 13: 21
          No wonder that on the anti-communist posters of the twentieth century the Communists were always portrayed as brunettes with characteristic Semitic facial features.

          tried to sow not only anti-communist, but also ethnic hatred. Andrei, here's another example: you can see Trotsky, and Uritsky, and Judas Iscariot personally .. Propaganda!
          1. +2
            21 September 2017 14: 45
            Quote: Mikado
            No wonder that on the anti-communist posters of the twentieth century the Communists were always portrayed as brunettes with characteristic Semitic facial features.

            tried to sow not only anti-communist, but also ethnic hatred. Andrei, here's another example: you can see Trotsky, and Uritsky, and Judas Iscariot personally .. Propaganda! Yes, these "comrades" shed a lot of blood, but Stalin is to blame. Maybe because he stopped the Sabbath that they made in Russia, and put these "comrades (critters) to the wall?"
            1. +6
              21 September 2017 16: 04
              Stalin is always to blame for the "liberals", but they are silent about Trotsky, why would this be?
              1. +1
                24 September 2017 20: 02
                so Trotsky (aka Bronstein) from their company! Creature Warburg. Kun And Leeb the familiar name? one of the banks of the Fed.
          2. +3
            21 September 2017 21: 29
            Quote: Mikado

            Propaganda is always based on the fact of life.

            How could incite ethnic hatred between the main nation (Russians, over 50%) and the national minority (Jews, 1%) in the USSR European posters that were inaccessible to the population of the USSR from the word at all?
            1. +4
              21 September 2017 21: 43
              in the USSR with European posters that were inaccessible to the population of the USSR from the word completely

              in the USSR it is impossible (except for leaflets! “Beat the Jewish political instructor” I will not post, although it had no effect among our fighters). But in their own country to incite hatred is quite. request
              1. +1
                21 September 2017 22: 23
                Do not incite hatred of the Jews (to them, and so in the 1920-30 years in Europe there was an ambiguous attitude), but to put an equal sign between Jews and Communists.
                1. +1
                  21 September 2017 22: 29
                  Do not incite hatred of the Jews

                  I am not a connoisseur of the German Revolution, but, I suspect, it died out precisely because many of its leaders were Jews .. There was a different attitude towards them! In Germany, Jews were constantly seen, and related to them, their attitude, in our country, for the most part, the peasants did not see them before the Revolution. request no guys, no anti-Semitism, just saying. stop Europe had its own attitude, we didn’t have it, if only in the western regions - they were not seen in other regions. request I will not discuss the issue, just stated. hi
                  1. +3
                    22 September 2017 04: 03
                    Quote: Mikado I suspect that she died out precisely because many of her activists were Jews ..

                    Historical facts show that the revolution in Germany was strangled by the combined efforts of German, English, French capital. Unlike the proletariat, they quickly orientated themselves.
                    In Germany, Jews were constantly seen, and related to them, their attitude, in our country, for the most part, the peasants did not see them before the Revolution.

                    They drove an elephant around the city ... laughing It so happened to the Jewish people in history that a steady habit was formed not to stand out among the local population. Particularly popular surnames: Ivanov, Petrenko, Albrecht, Gallardo laughing . Given that there were no categorical prohibitions for mixed marriages, the appearance of the representatives of this nationality varies greatly.
                    1. 0
                      31 December 2017 19: 05
                      Just unarmed German troops quickly returned from the Western Front, so it did not work out.
                      Here is one more from the same:
                      67 / Lapy_zydowskie.jpeg
      7. +5
        21 September 2017 18: 02
        What about Zionism and the blood shed by it?
        Quote: professor
        And there is nothing to denigrate here. Communism will never wash off the oceans of blood shed by it all over the world.
      8. +3
        21 September 2017 18: 37
        And what can we say for Zionism if we start the call of Jesus crucified by the Jews and the blood of Christian babies drunk by the same and to the simpleton Adolf hired by the Jews to resettle in the promised land and thrown by these same shots (by the way they had a good gesheft from poor Germany for all the good ). Well, how do you meet
      9. +8
        21 September 2017 21: 14
        Quote: professor
        And there is nothing to denigrate here. Communism will never wash off the oceans of blood shed by it all over the world.

        Professor, I do not want to engage in polemic with you. The only answer to two small questions:
        -Who was the bloodiest inquisitor of all time and people of Tomás de Torquemád by nationality, wasn’t he a Jew by the hour? (about Hitler, I am generally silent).
        - Regarding the bloody communists, your speech reminds me of the pickpocket's cry “KEEP THIEF!”. Are not your tribesmen at the forefront of the executioners under the banner of communism? (List names? - Naturally, Stalin is to blame for everything).
        You just don’t need to build innocent girls with nimbuses and transfer arrows from a sick head to a healthy one.
        1. +3
          22 September 2017 07: 57
          Quote: Proxima
          Professor, I do not want to engage in polemic with you.

          Well, do not enter.

          Quote: Proxima
          -Who was the bloodiest inquisitor of all time and people of Tomás de Torquemád by nationality, wasn’t he a Jew by the hour? (about Hitler, I am generally silent).

          1. He was not a Jew, but a descendant of baptized Jews.
          2. He was not the bloodiest inquisitor of all time. You have forgotten Yosyu Dzhugashvili or Polpot.

          And about Hitler, be quiet for sure, do not disgrace the whole world.

          Quote: Proxima
          - Regarding the bloody communists, your speech reminds me of the pickpocket's cry “KEEP THIEF!”. Are not your tribesmen at the forefront of the executioners under the banner of communism? (List names? - Naturally, Stalin is to blame for everything).

          Well yes. A bunch of Jews bent the entire Russian empire including the entire Russian people? Himself not funny? My compatriots Belarusians are at the forefront of the executioners under the banner of communism in
          East Germany
          North Korea

          Didn’t forget anyone? Look at how many countries Jews were at the forefront of the executioners under the banner of communism. fool

          Where the communist system took place, a sea of ​​blood spilled.
          1. +6
            22 September 2017 08: 52
            He walked, leaving schools, enterprises, hospitals, sports facilities, and in some places writing. How scary to live!
            1. +4
              22 September 2017 09: 00
              Quote: avva2012
              He walked, leaving schools, enterprises, hospitals, sports facilities, and in some places writing. How scary to live!

              Horrible. There was no commune in Singapore, and there were more schools, enterprises, hospitals, sports facilities there than in any communist country. How could the Scandinavians do without komunyak? Poor Austrians and Swiss. Komunyaki did not touch them. And they don’t know how bad they live. Most biting elbows in West Germany and South Korea are envious of their brothers in a communist paradise.
              1. +3
                22 September 2017 16: 12
                Without blood, everything is oil, everything is smeared there. Eh, professor, you are the students, if they are, in your kibbutz you will tell. And how Sweden sold ore to fascists, as I understand it, is better to keep silent? And what was made of it in the free, capitalist factories of Krupp. Through what Singapore and South Korea went, extremely democratic countries quite recently. We are talking about freedom, are we speaking here? You, nonsense about the free market and democracy, tell yourself even more often in the form of an autogenous training, if it helps, but here it will cause, at least, only laughter.
                1. +2
                  23 September 2017 07: 01
                  Quote: avva2012
                  Without blood, everything is oil, everything is smeared there.

                  Where are they to Yosi Dzhugashvili.

                  Quote: avva2012
                  Eh, professor, you are the students, if they are, in your kibbutz you will tell.

                  Kibbutz is real communism. Fortunately, they were not allowed to come to power in the country, and even in Israel they would have started to “shoot the enemies of the people”.

                  Quote: avva2012
                  And how Sweden sold ore to fascists, as I understand it, is better to keep silent?

                  The scoop also excelled in supplying Hitler, however, Sweden did not shoot its citizens at the same time, Switzerland and Belgium too.

                  Quote: avva2012
                  And what was made of it in the free, capitalist factories of Krupp. Through what Singapore and South Korea went, extremely democratic countries quite recently. We are talking about freedom, are we speaking here?

                  Has the Gulag passed Singapore and South Korea? Not? Maybe Singaporeans have converted Sintozu to Solovki?

                  Quote: avva2012
                  You, nonsense about the free market and democracy, tell yourself even more often in the form of an autogenous training, if it helps, but here it will cause, at least, only laughter.

                  I don’t have to tell anything. I have been seeing him through the window for the third decade. And to lovers of communism sitting on their couch at a bourgeois computer on the bourgeois Internet, I advise you to urgently move to North Korea and endure the horrors of the free market for more than a second. Do not want to live under the communist regime? Then you do not have to show off.
                  1. 0
                    23 September 2017 08: 38
                    Quote: professor
                    Where are they to Yosi Dzhugashvili.

                    And how many were sentenced to death for the entire time of his reign?
                    1. 0
                      24 September 2017 20: 08
                      and how many death sentences were there in the USA at the same time? But in the UK? in France? do not know?? find out compare and then tweet! am
                      1. +2
                        24 September 2017 20: 31
                        Quote: marder7
                        do not know?? find out compare and then tweet

                        Actually, the meaning of my question was precisely that. I know perfectly well that the stories about the "terrible Stalin" are greatly exaggerated.
                  2. +3
                    23 September 2017 12: 23
                    Everything is clear, professor wassat If it’s so good for you, why don’t you live in peace? This, we lived and live in Morder, and you are in a magnificent country. Enjoy it. Just do not write about moving to North Korea, stupid, after all, God forgive me. And everything else, as it turned out, is of the same quality. I really thought, based on your comments on other topics, you really are a professor. Shkolota, sometimes, writes much more interesting.
                    1. 0
                      24 September 2017 12: 17
                      Quote: avva2012
                      Everything is clear, professor wassat If it’s so good for you, why don’t you live in peace? This, we lived and live in Morder, and you are in a magnificent country. Enjoy it. Just do not write about moving to North Korea, stupid, after all, God forgive me. And everything else, as it turned out, is of the same quality. I really thought, based on your comments on other topics, you really are a professor. Shkolota, sometimes, writes much more interesting.

                      And I don’t have to write “interesting” or “interesting”. I write the truth as it is.
                      1. +1
                        25 September 2017 02: 49
                        The truth? So write how Yosya, in your expression, contributed to the creation of the state in which you live. Tell us about the feat of Soviet soldiers. Tell us how, too, the United States refused entry to its country to Jews from Nazi Germany. Can share information how the Poles and the Balts arranged purges? It is not convenient now, to tell you? Then be silent with your “truth”, otherwise you behave like those people who are ungrateful ..... And do not say that the soldiers are simple, you, yes, remember. That same nonsense, as about North Korea. There was only one ideology in the USSR, which means that the soldiers were Soviet, and often also Communists.
            2. 0
              24 September 2017 08: 11
              But for some reason they don’t thank for it now ... Why?
          2. The comment was deleted.
            1. +2
              22 September 2017 15: 06
              Quote: Proxima
              Probably funny to you. For example, I want to cry. Yes, and you are not so proud of it.

              Unlike you, I do not think that the Russian people are some kind of herd that a handful of Gentiles have bent on for 70 years.

              Quote: Proxima
              Believe me - this is not a matter of pride. The fact that a large segment of the Jewish element actively participated in the social revolutionary processes taking place then in the Russian Empire does not mean anything. Revolutions in Russia would have happened without your participation.

              Glory to Gd. The ice has broken.

              Quote: Proxima
              As you were a nation of cheap traders, who are just being bent on by anyone (from the Jewish pogroms to the global genocide), you will remain forever them.

              Urya, urya, urya. wassat
              Trader number 1. tongue
          3. 0
            27 September 2017 19: 43
            Quote: professor
            Where the communist system took place, a sea of ​​blood spilled.

            That is, Hitler was a communist?
  2. +12
    21 September 2017 07: 47
    A strange impression of the article. Perhaps this can be said ---- the topic is very large and does not simply fit into the article. All the time it seems like there should be a sequel
    I was surprised to find that I know little about the post-Soviet life of the former Soviet republics. Less than far abroad. This is probably wrong.
    In general, various stores have been offering a large number of books of anti-Soviet and anti-communist content, including textbooks on anti-communism, all the time. Authors, both Russian and English-speaking, Polish ... If often in advertising it is written that the book is free from ideology, then probably anti-Soviet ..
    ARTICLE, of course, still needs to be re-read.
    1. +4
      21 September 2017 14: 53
      The article, in my opinion, is wonderful. It is very useful to look at what our partners, as well as some users of the site, represented (our) ancestors. And there are no complaints to the text. Thanks.
    2. +9
      21 September 2017 15: 46
      Dear author. I have the impression that you do not know that Russia was before 1917. And what is interesting even before the 1917 in Europe was a terrible hatred of Russia, starting with the appearance of our state 1000 years ago. When you read about Ivan the Terrible, Peter!, Catherine !!, Nikolai !, Stalin and now about Putin, everything in Russia is bad, all the rulers are bloodthirsty. And the people are barbarians. Even in Byzantium they wrote how bad and terrible we are. Deeply respected by the Communists, F. Engels did not speak very flattering about our people in his time, during the revolution in Vienna, called for a rally in the fight against Russia, and when you read his work “Army”, you are surprised; Why was the city in the USSR named after him? And when you read N, I, Danilevsky "Russia and Europe", you wonder how you were "loved". So the communist ideology has nothing to do with it, it is the hatred of everything Russian. The worst thing is that this hatred is present in Russia. For example, in determining the place of the Russian people by gentlemen such as Kasyanov, Akhidzhakova and other very intelligent sections of our population. For example, Madame Maksakova, Pashin and other figures of our culture (by the way, feeding at the expense of ordinary people from the budget, thanks to our president.) Tell how well and wonderfully they feel there, and not in the "prison of peoples and personality." By the way, quite in Lenin's style.
      1. +2
        21 September 2017 16: 10
        Do you propose publishing a monograph here?
        1. +3
          21 September 2017 16: 23
          Personally, I respect you and if you publish your monograph here, I will only be glad.
          1. +4
            21 September 2017 17: 13
            Thank! The only difficulty is that this is not quite my topic. In the first article, The Poisoned Feather, there was little about how we were covered with mud under Peter the Great and Elizabeth, and what was our answer. But the topic was different - "Information Flow Management".
            And what you propose is the topic "History of the Information War against Russia." I agree - the topic is interesting. But under it you must ask for a grant of commercials in a million. You can ask and you can receive. But ... before asking it is necessary to PUBLISH A NUMBER OF SIGNIFICANT WORKS ON THIS TOPIC. That is a vicious circle. And it’s clear why. RAS does not want to risk money. And you would not ... But in the end, jumping from topic to topic becomes a problem. I can ask for any number of grants for ... knights, but I can not ask for tanks and for "propaganda." Here is the specifics of writing monographs now.
            1. +3
              21 September 2017 20: 46
              Vyacheslav Olegovich! Seriously, apart from jokes, a very valuable and informative comment!
              1. +2
                22 September 2017 08: 04
                No wonder - this is my job. You will try to apply for a grant, I’m sure nothing will work right away. And I designed them so much (every year I do it) that at the time to advertise - "I will issue for a fee." The same applies to the specifics of teaching in higher education. When you have been working since 1982, then ... you know everything and you can compare.
            2. +2
              22 September 2017 04: 11
              I can ask for any number of grants for ... knights, but I can not ask for tanks and for "propaganda." Here is the specifics of writing monographs now.

              This is the specificity of our state in which, as you know, there is no ideology.
              1. +2
                22 September 2017 08: 07
                Doctor, you are wrong! This is not specificity, this is my personal problem. Those who deal with the relevant topic and have publications in the journals of the Higher Attestation Commission and the SCOPUS system can get it on this subject “without difficulty”. The only question is whether they are interested or not. I have articles on tanks, at least ... eat, but there are no Vakov’s and ... all the way is closed. And, I think that's right. So, after all, well-known authors from VO will climb into grant seekers. But I would not want to ...
                1. +1
                  22 September 2017 08: 56
                  Yes, let them climb, is it a pity or something? And, thanks for the clarification.
                  1. +3
                    22 September 2017 10: 57
                    Doctor, you, as a Good philanthropist, strive to make everyone happy? wink love
                    1. +2
                      22 September 2017 16: 23
                      This is not me, this is a profession wink
                      1. +2
                        22 September 2017 16: 32
                        and write: "professional deformation." drinks Make everyone happy, heal. laughing Especially violent set an enema even against their will. fellow Although .. usually, probably, the Good Doctor, the so-called Good Hairy Fist, brought to the nose, grabbing a hairy fist to the nose, is enough to get himself laid on and healed morally .. laughing drinks
                        Doctor, have a nice weekend! And everyone else too! I’ll get to the cottage, on duty 100 grams for the whole honest company! drinks
  3. +11
    21 September 2017 07: 59
    For colonial empires and those who sought to acquire colonies, a prerequisite is the justification of such seizures. The British came up with about the underdevelopment of blacks and began to sell them as goods. then they developed the theory of the gradation of mankind, where the Anglo-Saxons were declared the pinnacle and the Europeans were already underdeveloped, especially all sorts of Italians, Greek-French and others, not worthy of even mention. The colonization of RUSSIA with the help of * temporary * fell through. It was * missed * the richest colony with slaves, and not somewhere overseas, but here nearby. And of course, everything was done to allow a new colonization, and there appeared posters and reading materials and movies, and even witnesses who knew how, well, about anything, just to justify the colonial capture and murder of those who disagree as slaves.
    In the West, RUSSIA has never abandoned the ideas of enslavement, therefore they buy villains, hire bandits, and pay for those who can write. The countries of Europe themselves are in colonial dependence on the US metropolis, but for their existence they also need colonies. The theory of * the golden billion * requires colonies and slaves.
  4. +14
    21 September 2017 07: 59
    The Black Book of Communism
    .. It is a pity there is no multivolume edition of the Black Book of Capitalism and Imperialism .... But they will not publish it, the eldest did not order ...
    1. +1
      21 September 2017 08: 15
      Quote: parusnik
      But they will not publish it, the elder did not order ...

      It has long been published and is called the Old Testament.
      1. +4
        21 September 2017 08: 38
        And where, in the Old Testament, about capitalism? It is written in the X111 - V centuries. BC!!! laughing From him, to capitalism - as to the moon in Plastunsky! lol
        1. +4
          21 September 2017 10: 14
          Quote: HanTengri
          And where, in the Old Testament, about capitalism?

          And what is capitalism? This is when some live at the expense of others that thousands of years ago, now ... The topic is not about the Bible incl. leave her alone.
          1. +8
            21 September 2017 11: 08
            Quote: Boris55
            And what is capitalism? This is when some live at the expense of others what thousands of years ago what now ...

            You confuse capitalism and exploitation in general. Under slavery and feudalism, exploitation is also available. The difference with capitalism is in the way labor is forced. Under capitalism, forced labor is carried out in an economic way; under slavery and feudalism, non-economic. For example: a slave has no choice to work, or not. If the slave is not satisfied with the working conditions, then the overseer's whip will quickly remind him that he is only a “talking tool” and the owner’s property. The wage worker under capitalism is a "free" person, and if he "suddenly" begins to "arouse" a lot, because of dissatisfaction with working conditions and wage levels, then no one will force him to work with kicks. His "humane" vyetovat indignation further, to the nearest garbage dump. So, under capitalism, he nevertheless has a "choice": Hosh - work, not Hosh - well that "garbage"! And you, all in one pile ...
            1. +1
              21 September 2017 12: 06
              Quote: HanTengri
              You confuse capitalism and exploitation in general.

              I'm sorry. I did not read further. wassat
              1. +3
                21 September 2017 18: 36
                What? Lots of smart, unapproved bukAff? laughing It happens! lol
            2. +1
              21 September 2017 19: 22
              Quote: HanTengri
              The difference with capitalism is in the way labor is forced.
              In principle, I agree with you, only the ending
              Quote: HanTengri
              So, under capitalism, he nevertheless has a "choice": Hosh - work, not Hosh - well that "garbage"!

              written to please the bulk of VO readers?
              Under capitalism, there is a choice, for example, when my conditions at my previous place of work worsened, I decided to change it. Now the conditions are excellent and the salary is higher. Under socialism, in conditions of egalitarianism, of course there is a choice, but it is meaningless.
              1. +1
                21 September 2017 20: 51
                Quote: verner1967
                written to please the bulk of VO readers?

                Not at all. I exaggerate, for clarity. We are talking about the average proletariat (hard worker, office hamster, etc.) of average abilities and skills, of which, on the labor market - a wagon and a small cart.
                Quote: verner1967
                Under capitalism, there is a choice,

                What am I talking about? Compared to slavery, capitalism is, well, a very progressive system.
                Quote: verner1967
                when my conditions at the previous place of work worsened, I decided to change it. Now the conditions are excellent and the salary is higher.

                Oh, I have this personal experience! laughing For example, since 1996, I have not been working for a “stranger uncle”, and my standard of living has not only not suffered from this, but has increased many times over. AND? What's wrong in a statistical sense? About "survivor's mistake" have you heard? This is she, the most! (Google, to help you.)
                Quote: verner1967
                Under socialism, in the conditions of egalitarianism,

                The principle of socialism, the communist sense: "From each - according to ability, to each - according to work." . If, there was a leveling, then it was not him. Yes Unfortunately.
                1. +1
                  22 September 2017 04: 15
                  The principle of socialism, the communist sense: "From each - according to ability, to each - according to work." . If, there was a leveling, then it was not him.

                  There was no egalitarianism. It is in the head of the user to whom you replied. Unfortunately.
                2. +3
                  22 September 2017 06: 20
                  Quote: HanTengri
                  For example, since 1996, I have not been working for a “stranger uncle”, and my standard of living has not only not suffered from this, but has increased many times over.

                  once again confirms my conclusion about capitalism and the conditions of choice, would you try under socialism not to work for your uncle laughing
                  Quote: HanTengri
                  If, there was a leveling, then it was not him. Unfortunately.

                  He is not he ... we lived there, but there was no other. Moreover, this is not socialism, but the beginnings of communism
                  1. +3
                    22 September 2017 21: 42
                    Quote: verner1967
                    once again confirms my conclusion about capitalism and the conditions of choice

                    Man, as you know - a proud bird! Until you kick, it won’t fly! laughing Now, when the proletarian - an employee (like you), at the next turn of fate, “suddenly” discovers that, thoroughly and for a long time, he “did not fit into the market” (c) ... Now, then, he begins to remember and mother and father, and even begins to read Lenin’s grandfather, and Marx’s great-grandfather! laughing For, it’s not good for him, the petty-bourgeois, “I, Me, Mine” becomes and catching the fifth corner, it turns out, it’s very tired! lol
                    Quote: verner1967
                    under socialism, would you try not to work for your uncle

                    Under socialism, I was engaged in a very fascinating thing, which was called (in narrow circles): "Satisfying one’s own curiosity at the state’s expense," while bringing considerable benefit to the country's defense. So what: what, such an uncle is a shmady ?! laughing
                    1. +3
                      23 September 2017 07: 06
                      Quote: HanTengri
                      Now, when the proletarian - an employee (like you), at the next turn of fate, "suddenly" discovers that, thoroughly and for a long time, he "did not fit into the market"

                      but why am I not going to fit into the market? I have a popular and well-paid profession. Someone may be interested in sitting in one place for twenty-five years, picking their fingers in the nose and rejoice at the congratulations of the leadership and colleagues for this sitting, receiving a beggarly salary and diplomas instead of material rewards.
                      Quote: HanTengri
                      So what: what, such an uncle is a shmady ?!

                      so the state is that one
                      Quote: HanTengri
                      uncle - shmadya

                      moreover, from which you can’t get anywhere, wherever you go - everywhere he is.
                      1. +1
                        23 September 2017 09: 18
                        Quote: verner1967
                        but why am I not going to fit into the market? I have a popular and well-paid profession.

                        There is always a non-zero probability ... But you only want to think about the good.
    2. +6
      21 September 2017 08: 29
      Yes, of course, such a publication will not be published, that would be of a large format, with pictures ---- this will not happen. But a variety of unknown facts are regularly revealed in various forms ---- articles, books, archives ....
      It’s just that, in my opinion, the achievements of socialism are not covered in detail and in modern publications and on TV. Not to mention the fact that these achievements of the Soviet people will ultimately be rejected and forgotten if anti-socialism and anti-communism continue.
      In other countries, antisocialism has a nationalist, anti-Russian position, it will not change, but only grow stronger. Therefore, those of our compatriots who do not understand this are all the same as mentally retarded. And from the article, this nationalist position of the anti-Soviet is very clearly visible.
    3. +16
      21 September 2017 10: 37
      It is a pity there is no multivolume edition of the Black Book of Capitalism and Imperialism ...
      I found here in LiveJournal a list: 1492-1890: the destruction of the indigenous population of the American continents - 100.000.000 people
      1500-1870: victims of the transatlantic slave trade - 20.000.000
      1791-1803: French attempt to crush slave rebellion in Haiti - 150.000
      1800-1900: Indian Genocide by British Colonialism - 32.500.000
      1830-1847: French occupation of Algeria - 300.000
      1839-1949: China's Forced Anesthesia - 100.000.000
      1845-1849: The Irish Famine - 1.000.000
      1871: the execution of the Paris Commune - 30.000
      1877-1938: U.S. military police terror against strikers: 900
      1882-1964: Lynching of blacks in the USA - 3.500
      1885-1908: genocide of the Congolese population - 10.000.000
      1898-1913: US Occupation of the Philippines - 250.000
      1899-1902: British concentration camps in South Africa - 28.000
      1900-1940: France's sweatshop exploitation of the peoples of Equatorial Africa - 800.000
      1904-1907: German extermination of the indigenous peoples of Namibia - 65.000
      1914-1918: redivision of markets in World War I - 10.000.000
      1917-1920: White Guard Jewish pogroms in Russia - 100.000
      1922-1943: Italian Fascism intervention in Africa - 600.000
      1929-1939: Holodomor in the USA - 5.000.000 (the figure is called into question)
      1931-1944: Dictatorship of Hernandez Martinez in El Salvador - 40.000
      1931-1945: expansion of Japanese militarism in East Asia - 10.000.000
      1936-1939: fascist terror in Spain - 200.000
      1939-1945: Nazi atrocities of World War II - 30.000.000
      1942-1945: Anglo-American carpet bombing of German cities - 700.000
      1943: The Bengal Famine - 4.000.000
      1945: the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - 300.000
      1947: Kuomintang massacre in Taiwan - 30.000
      1947: suppression of anti-colonial uprising in Madagascar - 80.000
      1948 hitherto: Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories - 46.000
      1952-1960: Britain's suppression of the Mau Mau uprising against the taking of land - 50.000
      1954-1962: Algerian War of Independence - 1.000.000
      1954-1996: Guatemala military junta - 200.000
      1957-1986: the dictatorship of the Duvalier family in Haiti - 50.000
      1963-1975: US aggression in Vietnam - 3.400.000
      1965-1966: Beating Communists in Indonesia - 1.000.000
      1968: Massacre of Tlatelo in Mexico City - 400
      1969-1975: American bombing of Laos and Cambodia - 700.000
      1972-1990: sabotage of the Contras in Nicaragua - 80.000
      1973-1990: Pinochet's dictatorship in Chile - 3.200
      1974-1992: Angola Civil War - 500.000
      1975-1998: Massacre in East Timor - 200.000
      1975-1990: Civil War in Mozambique - 1.000.000
      1976-1982: Dirty War in Argentina - 40.000
      1977-1992: Civil Junta in El Salvador - 87.000
      1980: Gwangju massacre - 2.000
      1984: Bhopal Disaster - 18.000
      1989: US invasion of Panama - 3.000
      1991-2003: UN embargo against Iraq - 1.000.000 (of which 500.000 - children under 12 years)
      1992-1995: destruction of Yugoslavia by NATO aggressive bloc - 2.000
      1994: genocide in Rwanda - 1.030.000
      1995 hitherto: mass suicide of farmers in India - 255.000
      1997 hitherto: second civil war in Congo - 6.000.000
      2001 hitherto: occupation of Afghanistan by NATO aggressive bloc - 30.000
      2003 hitherto: US intervention in Iraq - 1.200.000.
      1. +8
        21 September 2017 11: 09
        This is also not a complete list ...
        1. +9
          21 September 2017 12: 59
          Of course not complete, it is replenished every minute. Syria, Iraq, Donbass, Africa, Latin America. Heroin traffic from Afghanistan, cocaine from Central and South America. Moreover, when they catch the hand after crimes and don’t get out, it sounds, “of course we apologize ...” and “millions of Stalin’s victims”, “bloody Bolshevik ghouls”, etc. d., etc.
      2. +2
        21 September 2017 12: 35
        On the one hand, this is something too much. I do not believe these "live magazines", who leads them? It is like "millions of Stalinist victims." Who counted them there? In Africa and in India? Who needed something and how did it even succeed? In India, the census cannot be completed ... On the other hand ... the world’s population is growing at such a rate that the “centuries of famine and murder” from I. Efremov’s novel are getting closer. And then what? Then ... someone will write: how little - because if it comes to sharing the last barrel of fresh water and a canister of gas, you are the first to solve all those who get in your way. Yes, yes, doctor, - "let everyone die today, and I tomorrow!" And I will never believe that someone will voluntarily give up their right to live again. Just not everyone can ... But this is his problem.
        1. +11
          21 September 2017 13: 36
          Yes, of course, communism has grinning at the beast of communism, as shown on the posters .. And capitalism, brought only peace, democracy, prosperity and enlightenment ... and mercilessly fought with anti-democratic regimes ... as indeed now ...
          1. +7
            21 September 2017 14: 05
            Yes, that's for sure! Democracy and freedom! I met articles about testing adopted children from democratic blue and pink families. They have fun living with a disfigured psyche. Environmental pollution in third world countries (the very name is worth a lot), human drug research, democratic torture in democratic prisons. Al Qaeda Raised for CIA Money. A wonderful world of beautiful elves, not otherwise!
        2. +10
          21 September 2017 13: 59
          In 1960, four Soviet troops during a storm carried away on a barge into the ocean. l The drift lasted for 49 days, from the food they had: 15-16 tablespoons of cereal, 1 loaf of bread, 1 can of canned food and some potatoes soaked in diesel fuel, because it was stored in the engine room. When they ran out of supplies, they cooked tarpaulin boots and leather belts, and collected rainwater when they ran out of fresh water, but it didn’t come to cannibalism and killing each other. So you don’t have to “cut one comb”
        3. +3
          21 September 2017 21: 06
          Here you are right! Neither I, nor the Doctor, nor Marat will share water, food, and ammunition with "that good guy," too many have seen. Mikado, yes, will share, but he still believes in good people.
          1. +4
            21 September 2017 22: 14
            Mikado, yes, will share, but he still believes in good people.

            yes, I will share .. crying with you, Anton, with Marat, with the Good Doctor, with Ukurios, with Caliber ... in general, with all kind people. drinks
            There was such a Persian poet Hafiz. And it got into his head somehow to write the following verses:
            "When I choose the beautiful Shiraz as my idol,
            I’ll give both Samarkand and Bukhara for her mole. "
            Tamerlan, Iron Chroma, read these lines .... angry
            Taking the city in which Hafiz lived, he ordered him to be brought. The frightened grief poet was dragged out of the house and through the whole city in which the soldiers robbed, killed, burned and raped, dragged and threw him at the feet of Timur. belay
            Tamerlan frowned and raised his eyebrows: "Oh, despicable! I spent his whole lifeto glorify these two cities, and you are ready to give them for a mole .... some kind of shit .. hi ?? !!!! " am
            The poet bowed: "Oh, Lord of the World! It is because of my wastefulness that I am in such a poor position!" - and pointed to his tattered robe, hiding a skinny body. request
            Tamerlan laughed, ordered Hafiz to be given a new rich robe, and let go. drinks
            The story, maybe not quite like that .. what But .. die also need to be honest soldier especially in front of others .. hi
            1. +2
              22 September 2017 02: 58
              "Hafiz didn’t get to his own. By the fact that the warrior, whom Khrometz detached to accompany the poet through the agonizing city, could not read, and the robe was new ..."
              I will return your phrase to you: "Can you say that Mark-Rat is a good man?"
              1. +1
                22 September 2017 10: 10
                I will return your phrase to you: "Can you say that Mark-Rat is a good man?"

                This is not my phrase! stop this is Yeshua Ga-Nozri! soldier
                I like another moment in an imperishable novel: "What do you have, vodka?" belay The answer in a cat-like voice: "How can you, queen! Pure alcohol!" drinks
                1. +1
                  22 September 2017 15: 46
                  This is not my phrase! stop this is Yeshua Ga-Nozri! soldier

                  completely crazy! fellow I’m talking nonsense. wassat Pontius Pilate blurted out. recourse Forgive me, Lord!
                  1. +1
                    24 September 2017 20: 17
                    I forgive you my son! wink
  5. +7
    21 September 2017 09: 33
    Like the previous series of articles on "color revolutions", the article strictly follows the principle "Caesar's wife should be beyond suspicion." However, following this principle is impossible without distorting the logic of all those integration and disintegration processes that have been going on for a hundred years in the post-imperial space, since this is primarily a post-imperial, and then post-Soviet space. Accordingly, the value of articles in terms of understanding the above processes is decreasing, but the campaign value is on top. The authors coped with this.
    1. +10
      21 September 2017 09: 50
      The achievements of all the people of the Republic of Ingushetia have never been subjected to doubt and ridicule. At that time, as the achievements and victories of the USSR, the people of the USSR are constantly cringing.
      1. BAI
        21 September 2017 10: 41
        achievements and victories of the USSR, the people of the USSR are constantly cooled

        Just 2-3 days ago there was an article on VO explaining the reason.
      2. +3
        21 September 2017 11: 03
        Obviously Dmitry, that you did not understand what I wrote about.
        1. +1
          21 September 2017 12: 56
          Victor, I perfectly understood, thus, your terminology:
          If for me the country is called the USSR with its achievements and treason of the top,
          then for you --- the post-imperial space and destructive processes ....
          1. +2
            21 September 2017 13: 16
            You didn’t understand a damn thing, you can see it is hopeless.
      3. +3
        21 September 2017 12: 42
        Dmitry, do not simplify! Everyone knows and writes "there" about the T-34 (the best in the world) and ... the list is not enough to note what was good - go to the Osprey website and look at their books about us, where a lot of good is noted. Bad, however, too. Your trouble is that you don’t read English. We have to believe the journalists. And this is g .. in the world. Except me, of course. But I'm "not quite a journalist." They write about the fact that ... you can’t reduce everything to only "good" and only to "bad". That often the shortcomings were a continuation, or rather a consequence of what was good. I wrote in the article how my department worked "under socialism." It was a sinecure that was spoiled only by frequent meetings at meetings. One article in the "Polyagitator" per year !!!
        Now the intensity of the work of teachers has at least grown 5 times. Students only benefited from this.
        1. 0
          23 September 2017 19: 30
          Quote: kalibr
          Dmitry, do not simplify! Everyone knows and writes "there" about the T-34 (the best in the world) and ... the list is not enough to note what was good - go to the Osprey website and look at their books about us, where a lot of good is noted. Bad, however, too. Your trouble is that you don’t read English. We have to believe the journalists. And this is g .. in the world. Except me, of course. But I’m not really ... impossible in Ker.
          There are many translated books of the encyclopedic format about - 1 M. AT . , 2 m. B. I just do not consider it necessary to read and buy them. I read excerpts from our encyclopedic publications, you can also stumble upon anything.
      4. +5
        21 September 2017 21: 10
        Oh Dmitry, forgot about you, share water and cartridges with Vyacheslav Olegovich?
        1. +2
          23 September 2017 09: 19
          Oh Anton, good morning! Of course, I will share everything that I have in the underground caches and warehouses with Vyacheslav Olegovich, and with you, and with many all other people, but ----- except for one who writes nonsense to me in PM, adding that does not want to spoil publicly !!!!!! RZHUNIMAGU !!!!!!!
          But Vyacheslav Olegovich I want to clarify, there is nothing wrong with the fact that I do not read English !!!! (literature) I read a lot in Russian, not counting by profession, but if I began to read in English, then I had to to quit work, to read more. Generally interesting topic --- rent an apartment, a cottage, live on these funds ...... And read, read .....
          1. +1
            24 September 2017 08: 01
            Oh Dmitry, thanks! I always said that there are exceptions. And he didn’t say that it’s bad that you don’t know English. This is not fault, but a misfortune, often not related to the personality of our person. But about the "shared" it may be true (or you think so!), But in reality ... in fact it will be so. If it goes to extremes, absolutely to the extreme. There will always be a person who will tell you the same thing, and then ... they will discharge your gun in the back or stun them with a water pipe in order to feed their children and their wife. And I tell you honestly. Choosing between you and mine ... I would choose them!
            1. +1
              24 September 2017 08: 21
              Vyacheslav Olegovich, good morning! Here is what I want to say. We are all very different. Yes, knowledge, education, a way to get money and their amount, attitude to money, work, life in general, the most important thing is a momentary mood and a situation. Often people do not understand each other on the pages of VO. You are seriously telling me about your choice, how I will react ....., But I have a funny mood in the last days, it was also when I wrote on this topic ...... somehow. The main thing, that someone gets me in a personal with their problems and complexes from afar.
  6. +7
    21 September 2017 10: 19
    faces on posters ... obviously not of Slavic appearance ... Israeli citizens should be outraged ...
  7. BAI
    21 September 2017 10: 38
    In the USSR there were also cartoons about the West. Everything is mutual.
  8. +6
    21 September 2017 10: 53
    The propaganda of those years is based on the assertion that the communist ideology is utopian, the “totalitarian” character of the socialist states, the aggressive essence of world communism, and the “dehumanization” of social relations.

    Sports in Ceylon - hunting for cannibal crocodile / 1888year /
    This island (Paradise of Eastern Waters) is teeming with crocodiles, and in many places the natives bow low in fear of the waters. Recently in Galle, in the southern province, a lizard was killed, inside which, after opening, two human skulls were found. The crocodile is very careful, it is difficult to kill; they usually manage to dive and hide. The drawing refers to an agreement in a neighboring village about the bait to get the right shot. A fat native child is a bait that will make a monster come out of the water. Borrowing a well-fed, rice-fed, boisterous child is a matter of some negotiations with his parents.

    The end of the cannibal, which, seeing a tidbit, carefully tied to a bush near the edge of the water, rushed through sedge, leaving in the mud the imprints of five-fingered front and four-fingered hind legs, as well as a tail mark. As the bullet hit the heart, this huge tail beats convulsively, the pale, suspicious eyes are covered with a death film, the tongueless mouth cave (the esophagus is closed by a valve) closes with a click like a pistol shot, two front teeth of the lower jaw (longer than the others) now show their tips through the corresponding holes in the face (this is the difference between a crocodile and an alligator). The little bait, frightened by the shot of a rifle, is now taken home by an insanely loving mother, to the morning banana. The natives are waiting to get the musky flesh of the animal, and the athlete takes the scaly skin and massive head like a trophy.
    1. +2
      21 September 2017 15: 38
      I remembered there was one liberal sigh. Like, when Russia was canceled, serfdom (slavery in their terminology) in the UK launched the subway. I wonder if there was a similar case in our country in 1888, when a bear, a connecting rod, was caught in a similar way somewhere in Transbaikalia?
      1. +4
        21 September 2017 16: 17
        Such examples, the doctor, are usually cited to show the backwardness of Russia, and not its savagery. But the latter did take place. Is not it so? Only the word "backwardness" cannot again be understood simplistically. Klyuchevsky wrote about wooden Russia and the stone West about this. That is, there were naturally geographical reasons. Some historical moments either aggravated it or, on the contrary, leveled it. Now, it would be good to catch Germany to retirement for men of 1 thousand euros.
        1. +3
          21 September 2017 17: 07
          I don’t know whether or not someone will retire, but we will definitely be able to catch up with Germany by ceasing to be a sovereign country.
          Nobody talks about wildness, that’s the problem. Speaking of our backwardness, they do not talk about their savagery.
          Are you sure that this is our goal, to become wild, but developed? Stop being Russian, but get good food? Our future, a full gut, but a degraded conscience. It’s possible to agree on a native child for bait, but don't you yourself become a bait after that? Fat, stuffed with carbonate and noisy?
          1. 0
            21 September 2017 21: 04
            your goal is to spare the offended negro?
            1. +3
              21 September 2017 22: 12
              He just loves to speak beautifully and he is far from retirement.
              1. 0
                22 September 2017 02: 37
                Simply, he does not want to be cattle.
                1. +3
                  22 September 2017 07: 49
                  That is, a hungry Russian is a spiritual person, and a well-fed European is always cattle?
                  Your ideal Rakhmetov, yes?
                  1. 0
                    22 September 2017 08: 59
                    Do not simplify. The article was about hunters here and here.
            2. 0
              22 September 2017 02: 36
              And, what is the mass, you are a person, but there are no offended black women? Oh great!
              1. +3
                22 September 2017 07: 53
                In Burkina Faso every minute (I don’t remember where I got it from, but I remember it), every minute 16 black children die of hunger. And the population is growing! And I know this, but I am absolutely indifferent. I do not collect money to feed them, I did not establish a fund to help Burkins, I do not transfer money from fees to them at the embassy. Here I am so bad! But I’m sure, doctor, that you, too good, who cares about words about offended negroes, don’t donate money to help Somalis who are starving. God knows better who is starving to death, and who has sandwiches with caviar.
                1. 0
                  22 September 2017 09: 04
                  Ay, ah, Vyacheslav Olegovich, these are already clogged stamps. Write honestly, like bait, the child is suitable, from your point of view, and the rest, blah, blah
          2. +4
            21 September 2017 22: 10
            Why can the poor always be honest and the rich not? The fact that our leaders bought was not I said, but they write here, but we were not able to buy their leaders, he says that our people are corrupt, and they are honest and noble, aren't they? Why does tasty beer, like in the Czech Republic, and not urine with vodka, like ours, cancel conscience and spirituality? In my opinion, just the opposite! Why are the poor always good and the rich bad? Shit among the first is not less, but more. Sovereignty does not prohibit high culture, on the contrary. Or do you think that only beggars can be sovereign, because no one will be flattered by their hacks? This is obviously not the case. And by the way, I frankly do not care about all the high matters before a good pension and stability in society. The rest I will get everything myself. Who wants to live in poverty is his problem.
            1. +3
              21 September 2017 23: 08
              I've been thinking about this moment all day too. What a strange alternative - either you are Russian, or good food. Got enough - conscience lost. This despite the fact that the country has such resources that no one has. Your will, but either I didn’t understand something, or I’m unscrupulous.
              1. +1
                22 September 2017 02: 43
                I regret that my statements, Viktor Nikolaevich, involuntarily, occupied your mind for the whole day. I’ll try not to touch on the topic of conscience.
                1. +3
                  22 September 2017 09: 09
                  In vain are you, doctor, ironic so caustically. The question is dramatic for me. I love to eat, but I do not want to be unscrupulous. Before, as it seemed to me, everything was fine. I bought food for the money I earned and gladly ate. And now the worm of doubt gnaws at me. "And brandy does not pour into the throat, and caviar does not go into the mouth."
                  1. +1
                    22 September 2017 16: 33
                    Alas, Viktor Nikolaevich, I thought that you’re ironic, sorry, I didn’t understand. Sin, this is a good cognac to translate. For health!
                  2. +3
                    22 September 2017 22: 25
                    Quote: Curious
                    Your will, but either I didn’t understand something, or I shameless.

                    Quote: Curious
                    I love to eat, but I do not want to be unscrupulous.

                    Victor Nikolaevich, do not consider it tactless, but it didn’t ... BessConscious. Excuse me.
                    1. +1
                      23 September 2017 00: 50
                      There is such a technique - to dramatize the situation in order to draw attention to it. I'm not a fan of emoticons, so I made a deliberate mistake. As you can see, attention attracted, but not the one he wanted.
  9. +9
    21 September 2017 11: 22
    Quote: professor
    And there is nothing to denigrate here. Communism will never wash off the oceans of blood shed by it all over the world.

    1. All the same, although the Nazis from all the countries of Europe and the local "Soviet" (Ukrainian, Baltic and so on) Nazis, beaten by the shed blood of Hitler and millions of Nazi soldiers, can a bit be washed out somehow? Of course, if the Israeli comrades approve it.
    2. If the USSR did not shed this ocean of Nazi blood, what fate awaited a number of peoples?
    1. +5
      21 September 2017 11: 41
      this ocean did not spill Nazi blood what fate awaited a number of peoples

      some kind .. we clearly did not fit into the "racial theory" .. request at best, those who stayed alive would serve the "new masters." what
  10. +1
    21 September 2017 12: 26
    Quote: Diana Ilyina
    In addition, in the Wehrmacht itself, and not only many Jews served.

    This is from the realm of fiction! No need to recall "17 INSTANTATIONS ..."
    1. +2
      21 September 2017 12: 45
      it’s not even that. This is a consequence. The professor made some remarks, which, in my opinion, should not have been made. For:
      In Russia, according to a VTsIOM survey conducted in 2006-2010 (on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the USSR), the word “anti-Soviet” has a negative connotation for 66% of Russians: 23% feel disapproval, 13% disappointment, 11% anger, 8% - shame, 6% - fear, 5% - skepticism.

      that is, suppose that 66% of the word "Soviet" will try on the word "Russian", "Russian", and take any attack on communism as a national one.
      Here, "to each his own," whoever likes what. But to say this, from my point of view, was not worth it. hi
      1. +2
        21 September 2017 13: 21
        Someone who is not very stupid, but hiding his last name, proposed the formula Russian Empire = USSR = Russia. And he put everyone in an uncomfortable position. Great person.
        1. +1
          21 September 2017 13: 23
          And he put everyone in an uncomfortable position. great person

          put in the nth pose - you need to have imagination. lol Great joker! laughing but essentially .. he's right! hi at least in continuity.
          1. +2
            21 September 2017 13: 26
            Sorry, of course, but with all due respect - I do not agree.
            1. +1
              21 September 2017 13: 27
              with what? with an entertainer? wink
              1. +2
                21 September 2017 13: 28
                Sorry for the directness, - in an equal sign.
                1. +2
                  21 September 2017 14: 10
                  “Rebbe, you first answered one debater:“ You're right, ”and then to the second debater,“ You're right! ”But it can't be like that!” request
                  - "And you, Benny, are right!" laughing drinks

                  No, equality cannot be set, I blurted out. drinks But the continuity is yes. Modes change, the map changes, but continuity remains. hi oh, now VN has seized to give me the same! good he had no reason before, couldn’t find fault laughing
                  1. +2
                    21 September 2017 14: 23
                    I’m not going to give out anything to anyone. That’s not mine — it’s an apostolic path. Time will put everything in its place and give answers to all questions.
                    1. +1
                      21 September 2017 14: 25
                      That’s not mine — it’s an apostolic path.

                      No, you are far from the apostle. Rev. Benjamin is much closer. I already twice proposed to canonize him. laughing drinks
                    2. +3
                      21 September 2017 15: 05
                      You have an interesting idea, I'm not talking about the apostle, but about the equal sign. Would develop or, at least, hinted at the direction.
                      1. +2
                        21 September 2017 17: 47
                        perhaps VN means that we are being positioned as the "evil empire"? what I can not vouch for this, because I can’t get into his head. drinks
                        but in the geopolitical and territorial sense (as well as in the sense of the national composition) - how not to change the regime, but we are Russia. request
    2. +2
      21 September 2017 13: 03
      Quote: kalibr
      This is from the realm of fiction!

      Adolf Eichmann - hanged in the year 1962, was a purebred Jew.
      “Well, hang up. Another Jew will be less! ” - said Eichmann before the execution.
      The highest-ranking Nazi Jew is Deputy Goering Inspector General of the Luftwaffe, Field Marshal Erhard Milch.
      And this is just the tip
      The national composition of prisoners of war in the USSR, taken from 22.06.1941/2.09.1945/9. on 1991 Military History Journal-№ 46.-M., XNUMX.-С. XNUMX.
      ...... Jews - 10 173 (think of just one division of prisoners)
      1. +1
        21 September 2017 13: 30
        Interesting. I didn’t know this. I knew how they were expelled from universities - this is professional. But about Milch and Eichmann did not know. Curious!
        1. +1
          21 September 2017 17: 57
          Quote: kalibr
          Interesting. I didn’t know this. I knew how they were expelled from universities - this is professional. But about Milch and Eichmann did not know. Curious!

          How could you know that? This is Severomor now invented.
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. 0
              22 September 2017 07: 46
              From what you write I see-Jews were in the Wehrmacht, there were two bosses, but this is not a typical phenomenon. That is, people tried to earn mercy by faithful service. And that was allowed to them. They did not play a special role.
            2. 0
              22 September 2017 08: 03
              Quote: Severomor
              Well, I'm such an inventor - it's five !!!

              Either an inventor or worse. Who said that?
              Quote: Severomor
              Adolf Eichmann - hanged in the year 1962, was a purebred Jew.
        2. +3
          21 September 2017 18: 10
          But about Milch and Eichmann did not know.

          about Milkha, Vyacheslav Olegovich, there is a funny case (how much a funny word can be applied to a Nazi field marshal? what ) When the soldiers of the allies took him in his own castle, he tried to fight back from them .. Ask: with a saber, like Budyonny? wink grenades like a pioneer hero? soldier Nooo! fellow laughing its own Field Marshal's Wand! angry And he didn’t later return this rod to him - at the end of his life, really. hi
    3. +1
      21 September 2017 13: 08
      This is from the realm of fiction! No need to recall "17 INSTANTATIONS ..."

      IN THE PERIOD from 22.06.1941 to 2.09.1945. Nationality of prisoners of war Total:
      Germans - 2,389560 million people
      Japanese - 639,635 thousand people
      Hungarians - 513,767 thousand people
      Romanians - 187,370 thousand people
      Austrians - 156,682 thousand people
      Czechoslovakia - 69,977 thousand people
      Poles - 60,280 thousand people
      Italians - 48,957 thousand people
      French - 23,136 thousand people
      Yugoslavs - 21,822 thousand people
      Moldavians - 14,129 thousand people
      Chinese - 12,928 thousand people
      Jews - 10,173 thousand people
      Koreans - 7,785 thousand people
      Dutch - 4,729 thousand people
      Mongols - 3,608 thousand people
      Finns - 2,377 thousand people
      Belgians - 2,010 thousand people
      Luxembourgers - 652 people
      Danes - Xnumx of Man
      Spaniards - 452 people (according to other sources 350 Spaniards were captured by the Soviet Union - 94 died, the rest returned to 1954)
      Gypsies - 383 person
      Norwegians - 101 person
      Swedes - Xnumx of Man "Military - historical journal" 9 \ 1990
      1. +2
        21 September 2017 13: 12
        From the certificate on the registration of prisoners of war of Germany-satellite countries in the NKVD camps on April 22 1956
        Nationality Total Released Died
        recorded and repatriated in captivity

        Germans 2388443 2031743 356700
        Austrians 156681 145790 10891
        Czechs and Slovaks 69977 65954 4023
        French 23136 21811 1325
        Yugoslavs 21830 20354 1476
        Poles 60277 57149 3128
        Dutch 4730 4530 200
        Belgians 2014 1833 181
        Luxembourgers 1653 1560 93
        Spaniards 452 382 70
        Danes 456 421 35
        Norwegians 101 83 18
        other nationalities 3989 1062 2927
        Total Wehrmacht 2733739 2352671 381067 CHIDK. F.1p, op. 32-6, d.2, l.8-9
      2. +3
        21 September 2017 13: 14
        Swedes - Xnumx of Man

        I’d like to add: “Well, to these fans of Karl XII (the Twelfth, Karl!), what have we spoiled?” request drinks
        1. +3
          21 September 2017 13: 32
          Yes, there was a whole division! Surprised that little. Maybe the descendants of the Vikings did not surrender? hi
          1. +3
            21 September 2017 13: 40
            managed to drape. They fought, probably, as part of the SS divisions - there they gathered rabble from Scandinavia, and for the Finns.
            1. +3
              21 September 2017 14: 09
              Or ours were not taken prisoner because of Asian cruelty and hatred of everything good, eternal, European.
              1. +4
                21 September 2017 14: 23
                yes, yes, yes, we are. like that, in the eyes of the Poles, Russian-Jewish-Chinese troops marched on Poland.
                1. +4
                  21 September 2017 15: 15
                  It's a shame! And where are the Buryats !!!! laughing Ours then, could not be.
                  1. +3
                    21 September 2017 15: 26
                    in the 20th year there were no tanks with us! request Well they are not just drilled, they are armored drills! soldier that’s not depicted ..
                    1. +3
                      21 September 2017 15: 48
                      It’s a pity that it’s all about tanks ... as it turned out))). I think with them not only the Vistula would have reached. Yes, and the European gene pool would be corrected)))
                      1. +2
                        21 September 2017 18: 03
                        Yes, and the European gene pool would be corrected

                        for some reason we correct it once a hundred years .... The last time they corrected it so much that in Germany there were only pacifists, homosexuals and babarobot Merkel personally. request Only ... who would have pity us ... The Chinese comrades multiply, and we are dying. sad
              2. 0
                24 September 2017 20: 27
                if the SS then the allies also get Asians (cruel)? 1 with a penny a million German prisoners of war vanished into nowhere.
          2. +2
            21 September 2017 16: 22
            My friend defended his thesis on the participation of non-Germans in the German army. In the same Waffen SS and parts of the "assistants." He came to me to clarify something on the military side. He worked in Germany ... It is a pity that he later lost sight of him. It will be necessary to find and ask for work HERE - an interesting study. There are Flamadians, Indians, Gurkhas (!) - whoever is not there!
            1. +5
              21 September 2017 16: 28
              There are Flamadians, Indians, Gurkhas (!) - whoever is not there!

              Legion SS "Free India". The same part was created by the Japanese.
            2. +2
              21 September 2017 17: 59

              there is a Swedish horror (I love horror!) "30 days before dawn", as an SS soldier brought himself to Sweden .. a vampire from the territory of the USSR. laughing
        2. +2
          21 September 2017 21: 30
          The gypsies surprised me more.
          1. +2
            21 September 2017 21: 48
            The gypsies surprised me more.

            read about Johann Trollman, a German gypsy boxer. A tragic story. soldier Anton, after the 43rd year, the Germans were more concerned with how to "expand racial theory" in order to recruit more people in the Waffen SS. fellow They even formed a French division! laughing “Wherever you turn, that’s what happened.” request
      3. +1
        21 September 2017 18: 02
        Quote: avva2012
        Jews - 10,173 thousand people

        Well, why don’t you tell me where they came from in the USSR? Where did you serve before? And why is there not a single Russian prisoner of war?
        By the way, is Wallenberg one of the 72's of the Swedes?
        1. +3
          22 September 2017 01: 07
          Quote: professor
          Well, why don’t you tell me where they came from in the USSR?

          What is not clear here? Captured Wehrmacht soldiers by nationality. Why include a "fool"?
          And we "know" our "Vlasovites, Krasnovists, as well as the so-called Khivi and other shellon.
        2. +1
          22 September 2017 04: 44
          Well, why don’t you tell me where they came from in the USSR? Where did you serve before? And why is there not a single Russian prisoner of war?

          "Military - historical journal" 9 \ 1990, perhaps the answer is there, or maybe not. Open to all of us eyes to this question, and at the same time, to your unfounded statement: "Communism will never wash off the oceans of blood shed by it all over the world."
          And why is there not a single Russian prisoner of war?

          And that the USSR fought with Russia in the 1941-45 gg? belay or do you mean traitors?
      4. +2
        23 September 2017 12: 53
        Quote: avva2012
        Jews - 10,173 thousand people

        1. Copy other people's numbers without even thinking about them. 10,173 thousand people - this is more than 10 million people. The entire pre-war Jewish population of Europe is about 11 million. Together with the elderly, women and children. Obviously, we are talking about 10,173 people.
        2. Have you ever wondered where these ten thousand come from? At the end of the war, the Hungarians, having previously gathered the Jews in the ghetto, sent the women and children to CC Auschwitz (Auschwitz). Men were forced to dig earthen fortifications to defend themselves from the advancing Red Army, "calling" them for this to the Hungarian construction battalion. You can imagine the motivation of these people when the Ustashi sent their families to death. Nevertheless, formally, these people were considered “military men” of the Hungarian army and, after occupying the territory of Hungary by the Soviet Army, were sent to prisoners where they were until 1953. Most of their families were put to death in Auschwitz. This tragedy of Hungarian Jewry allowed modern Natsik to talk about "10000" Jews, soldiers of the Wehrmacht.
        Here is a famous photo: "Hungarian Jews in Auschwitz are awaiting sorting":

        Please note that the men are not visible in the photo. They were left in Hungary to dig trenches.
        1. +1
          23 September 2017 13: 39
          I had no thought about 10 millions. And not in any sources about such a number was not mentioned. For information, thank you, but the words "modern Natsik" is not much said? The Red Army, nevertheless, saved a part of the Jews or not? And when someone with the same flag as yours starts to carry the anti-communist Blue Water (y), how does it differ from the Natsiks, as you know, without exception the anti-communists? And there are anti-communists, and there. The fact that he is from a nation of victims in the Second World War does not give him the right to pour dirt on those who were communists and liberated the death camps of the Third Reich. Fascist ideology was defeated by communist ideology; it is a fact that true fascists, under a liberal mask, do not speak. And if someone decides to throw de-mo at the fan, let him not make an offended person when this substance flies back. ps by the way, Jewish combat detachments fought both for the “whites” in the Civil, and for the current Ukrainian patriots in the Donbass. There were capos. People are different, regardless of nationality.
          1. +1
            23 September 2017 13: 58
            Quote: avva2012

            People are different, regardless of nationality.

            Do Jews argue with this?
            1. +1
              23 September 2017 14: 59
              A Jew can be, at least a liberal, at least a monarchist, in my opinion, but an anti-communist, he is no longer a Jew. It respects the USSR of the 40-50's at least, it respects its ancestors who did not die in the death camps. Whoever, however much he would like, but the victory in the Great Patriotic War and the Communist Party are soldered.
              1. 0
                23 September 2017 15: 36
                Quote: avva2012
                A Jew can be, at least a liberal, at least a monarchist, in my opinion, but an anti-communist, he is no longer a Jew.

                Jew - a person born of a Jewish mother or past a giyur. I am not familiar with other definitions of a Jew.
                1. 0
                  23 September 2017 16: 32
                  Yes, you know better. There is such a proverb, "Without feeding, you cannot make the enemy."
        2. +1
          25 September 2017 09: 55
          Quote: alexsipin
          Copy other people's numbers without even thinking about them. 10,173 thousand people - this is more than 10 million people.

          Well, yes, and the Japanese 639,635 thousand people - this is more than 639 million people. .....))) Let's record)))
          10 as many as 173 thousandths of a thousand people (Ten thousand 173 people). Just put a comma and began to write thousands of people.
    4. +3
      21 September 2017 14: 08
      Watch an interview with Jew George Soros about his service to Hitler
  11. +1
    21 September 2017 13: 27
    This has already happened in history. The fall of the Roman Empire. Barbarians ... All according to Ecclesiastes. Well, commoners didn't know that. It’s strange to me another. What was the level of members of the Politburo who, for the sake of their mercantile desires, put forward Gorbachev? And what is Zyuganov hoping for, once again nominating himself as president?
  12. The comment was deleted.
  13. +1
    21 September 2017 16: 23
    If you do not take a war where always the warring parties try to douse each other with dirt to the maximum, then the rest of the anti-Soviet propaganda, for the most part, is true. Moreover, the anti-communists do not even have to invent anything, the Bolsheviks did their best, they provided so much compromising material for themselves during their reign that they will last for centuries for their opponents!
  14. +3
    21 September 2017 16: 34
    Taki, did I understand correctly that the Jews were to blame for everything? belay
    1. BAI
      21 September 2017 17: 38
      And I already once asked the question here: "Is there any event in the history of Russia to which the Jews were not involved?" But I don’t remember anything about the answers (if they were).
    2. +1
      21 September 2017 18: 03
      Quote: Old Warrior
      Taki, did I understand correctly that the Jews were to blame for everything? belay

      You understood correctly.
  15. +2
    21 September 2017 17: 28
    Quote: Old Warrior
    Taki, did I understand correctly that the Jews were to blame for everything? belay

    Well, who invented communism, Bolshevism hi
    1. +2
      21 September 2017 17: 46
      Professor, read and enjoy. Do you think they forgot who is to blame and what to do? laughing Taki, the word "pogrom" from some time, sounds the same in all languages wink Do you think you will sit there in Israel? laughing
      1. +1
        22 September 2017 08: 06
        Quote: avva2012
        Professor, read and enjoy. Do you think they forgot who is to blame and what to do? laughing Taki, the word "pogrom" from some time, sounds the same in all languages wink Do you think you will sit there in Israel? laughing

        The little hands are short and the fecundity is lame among the “pogromists” and those who now have the courage to scare the pogroms.
        1. +2
          22 September 2017 09: 40
          Nobody scares you, my dear, why? You’re afraid of everything.
    2. +1
      21 September 2017 18: 05
      Well, who invented communism, Bolshevism

      take higher, bearded Karlamarx.
    3. +1
      22 September 2017 00: 30
      I read in comments a lot of attacks on Jews.
      A good example of what is described in the article about inciting ethnic hatred.
      Like like "killing a sin so let's kill all those who killed."
      Man is man and system is system. Absolutely everyone on earth is guilty of something. But do not judge, and you will not be judged.
      The awesome plus of a Soviet and Russian citizen is patience and all-inning apparently laid down by genetics. We suffer from this.
      1. +2
        22 September 2017 00: 40
        And I forgot to add. It is worth remembering who at the first stage sponsored all these "bloodthirsty Bolsheviks" who lovingly selected them on the grounds of bloodthirstiness and raised them, nourished them with blood, and who hoped to have profits from the collapse of the Russian Empire.
        The Union was very lucky that as a result, it was not the protégés of the West that came to power, but the patriots, albeit in a somewhat primitive sense of the word. You can say the patriots of the national spirit.
        1. +1
          22 September 2017 01: 08
          Quote: garri-lin
          The Union was very lucky that as a result, not proteges of the West but patriots came to power.

          What are the "patriots"?
    4. 0
      22 September 2017 09: 24
      World bankers? And the Nazis, it turns out were ... recourse
  16. The comment was deleted.
  17. +3
    21 September 2017 17: 40
    Quote: bandabas
    Dear. Your God-chosen country arose only thanks to the USSR. So poke a hole in your Kotel. Not up to you.

    In-in !!! And the Russian Federation, as the successor of the USSR, should clean up after itself, as a shame. And then to wait for it from the Persians - it’s for the lads to laugh
    1. +1
      22 September 2017 02: 55
      Say thank you that the USSR taught you hygiene and now you know why you need to clean up after yourself.
      1. +1
        23 September 2017 00: 13
        It’s better for you not to talk about hygiene ... and then here about your customs a few centuries ago ill-wishers will remind
        1. 0
          23 September 2017 12: 33
          About customs, this is for the Turks. And, you are better than the ill-wishers of our lists, if you do not get lost.
    2. +1
      22 September 2017 08: 08
      Quote: Karen
      Quote: bandabas
      Dear. Your God-chosen country arose only thanks to the USSR. So poke a hole in your Kotel. Not up to you.

      In-in !!! And the Russian Federation, as the successor of the USSR, should clean up after itself, as a shame. And then to wait for it from the Persians - it’s for the lads to laugh

      Russia is the same legal successor as your Armenia. Likbez.
      1. +1
        23 September 2017 00: 27
        I absolutely agree with this (at least by the example of the fact that everything passed to the Jews) and I just can’t understand how in 7 years the power in the Russian Federation will become Russian
  18. +1
    22 September 2017 02: 47
    No one’s head, dear Nikolai, we won’t climb. We will wait, I hope, for an explanation. The direction should be interesting.
  19. +2
    22 September 2017 04: 26
    The last time they corrected it so much that in Germany there were only pacifists, homosexuals and babarobot Merkel personally.

    So, we did not want to. Who made them write, "nicht capitulated"?
    Only ... who would have pity us ... The Chinese comrades multiply, and we are dying.

    So the Chinese comrades periodically select, those who are not their comrade.
    "In China, a high-ranking official was executed for bribes."
    1. +2
      22 September 2017 07: 42
      Executed for bribes even the mayor of Beijing! But there are fewer bribes.
      1. +1
        22 September 2017 11: 13
        And, now, as with us, only to threaten with a finger?
        1. 0
          22 September 2017 15: 57
          Probably put in conditions when it will be unprofitable ...
          1. +2
            22 September 2017 16: 37
            Vyacheslav Olegovich, if you come up with these conditions, then the next prize, instead of the Nobel, will be called by your name.
            1. 0
              22 September 2017 17: 31
              They do not need to be invented. Everything is! Wide privileges that can be obtained only for immaculate civil service, for example, annually rising salaries and high pensions. On the contrary: in the case of corruption - a social pension, even after serving a term in jail. Full transparency of the calculations of government officials. Provocative control method. Forgiveness after the first case of "provocative corruption" with a decrease in the level of preferences. In the secondary case, a double term in jail. So all this is and is applied, somewhere completely, somewhere partially. I have a good friend working in the City Hall of New York ... there it is: here is Gingerbread, here - WHIP. Inevitably, you will become honest, honest, virtuous, virtuous ... That is, no one speaks be conscious, does not appeal to conscience, duty. Since you are a person, it means "subject to passions." Harness, however.
              1. +1
                22 September 2017 18: 15
                They started very well, but the example with the New York City Hall is not very suitable. Corruption in the West is completely legal. On this subject is written, rewritten. There, simply, it is impossible to a certain level, and when it is possible, it is strictly regulated. If, you say that nothing of the kind, then most likely, you are disingenuous.
                1. 0
                  22 September 2017 21: 54
                  People are people! Therefore, everything is there that we have. It would be strange if there was no corruption. Question in% relation. Where more and at what level what. Here was my article on lobbying. What you just said. But there is a law there. We do not have! Significantly! Here is the answer. There is more civilization there, even in giving bribes.
                  And do not constantly attribute to me guile. I do not intend to humiliate myself in this way with strangers, this is below my dignity. If I don’t know something, then I’m writing. And if I know ... too.
                  1. 0
                    23 September 2017 12: 38
                    But there is a law there. We do not have!

                    That is, there the theft was legalized and you, here, too, offer to follow their example?
                    There is more civilization, even in giving bribes.

                    What a blessing!
                    I do not intend to humiliate myself in this way with strangers, this is below my dignity.

                    I was not going to concern your dignity. Hoping that it was guile.
                    1. 0
                      23 September 2017 13: 06
                      Theft by law is not theft! This is a way to reconcile the imperfection of the human breed with the moral law within us. Everyone cannot be the Dzerzhinsky, so ... let them sin little by little and for the good of the state!
                      1. +1
                        23 September 2017 13: 07
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Theft by law is not theft!

                        Did Soros tell you this?
                      2. +1
                        23 September 2017 15: 02
                        I don’t remember who said that a thief, he is worse than a murderer.
  20. +3
    22 September 2017 11: 27
    Quote: professor
    Over the 70 years of the Arab-Israeli conflict, 80-90 thousands of Arabs perished. In Afghanistan, a scoop killed more than a million Afghans. Feel the difference.

    They buried themselves? Where did the statistics come from?
    1. 0
      22 September 2017 11: 37
      Quote: Altona
      Quote: professor
      Over the 70 years of the Arab-Israeli conflict, 80-90 thousands of Arabs perished. In Afghanistan, a scoop killed more than a million Afghans. Feel the difference.

      They buried themselves? Where did the statistics come from?

      Well, actually it’s kind of no secret.
      On June 7, 1988, in his speech at a meeting of the UN General Assembly, the President of Afghanistan M. Najibullah said that "from the start of hostilities in 1978 to the present" (that is, until 7.06.1988/XNUMX/XNUMX), the country died 243,9 thousand .--- military personnel (18 thousand) government troops, security agencies, civil servants and civilians, including 208,2 thousand men, 35,7 thousand women and 20,7 thousand children under 10 years old; 77 thousand people were injured, including 17,1 thousand women and 900 children under the age of 10 years [95]. According to other sources, they died[96].

      The exact number of Afghans killed in the war is unknown. The most common figure is 1 million dead; available estimates range from 670 thousand civilians to 2 million in total [97]. According to the researcher of the Afghan war from the USA, Professor M. Kramer: “During the nine years of the war, more than 2,7 million Afghans (mostly civilians) were killed or maimed, several million more were in the ranks of refugees, many of whom left the country” [98 ]. Apparently, the separation of the victims into soldiers of the government army, mujahideen and civilians does not seem to exist.

      Ahmad Shah Masoud, in his letter to the Soviet ambassador in Afghanistan to Yu. Vorontsov on September 2, 1989, wrote that Soviet support for the PDPA led to the deaths of more than 1,5 million Afghans, and 5 million became refugees
      1. +3
        22 September 2017 16: 42
        According to other, no less reliable data in Europe, from 2 to 6 millions of Germans were raped.
        1. +1
          22 September 2017 17: 43
          Dear doctor, I already wrote once that we ourselves are to blame for the appearance of this story !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          How did this figure come about, firstly? A poll was conducted in Berlin, then his data was extrapolated to the whole of Germany and averaged. What is our fault specifically? In response to this were statements: "Not true!" And that’s all! What is the truth? The truth is in the archives of Moscow Region: 500.000 criminal soldiers and 80.000 officers were convicted in the Red Army during the Second World War. TOTAL! For looting, rape, murder, etc. There are common figures. But ... the data on the types of crimes by year and territory, as well as personal files are classified. That is, having a priori having so many convicted for everything, our soldiers could not have so much ... Or, it turns out, they could, but were not punished. The fact that these were, of course, is the evidence of the German Communists and our officers. But the quantitative side of the study is not available. There is no way to compare the data with the American and English zones of occupation. That is, no one hired a local historian for such a study. That is, ideally, it could be a two-volume: TAM and US. If everything were confirmed, well, yes ... bad, but ... how much we have and "I will repay my revenge!" Christ said our soldiers were not "Christes." And if it is not confirmed, then ... even better is clear + comparison with what was in their zones. And now the situation turns out to be SUSPENDED, which opens up freedom to anti-Russian propaganda and does not allow us to give it a decent answer. For me, this is unprofessional work in the field of information flow management.
          1. +3
            22 September 2017 18: 32
            Dear Vyacheslav Olegovich, it is not for them to prove, it is useless. “Once it is justified, it means it’s to blame”, and research should be carried out for our descendants. So that they know what to be proud of, the feat of their ancestors. And those convicted under the articles are unlikely, these articles by popularity began with rape. Fights, thefts, drinking alcohol are exorbitant with consequences, gunshots .... Service, in general, is hard work, and war is doubly. Not to women. Who has served knows. Sleep and eat, basic instincts.
            1. +2
              22 September 2017 21: 36
              That's it, you said. Only here the gunshots are just known. I wrote about them, gave exact numbers for years. As well as the numbers of deserters. It is. There is no "criminal". But any strike "from there" should be followed by a retaliatory strike from us - this is the rule of information war. You can not answer if some newspaper there somehow called our president wrong. This is bullshit! You can not answer this, be higher. What we answer is wrong. You can not exchange on trifles. But on a large scale - it is necessary!
              1. +1
                23 September 2017 12: 43
                But any strike "from there" should be followed by a retaliatory strike from us - this is the rule of information war. But on a large scale - it is necessary!

                Great words, Vyacheslav Olegovich!
  21. +5
    22 September 2017 11: 36
    Quote: professor
    Yes Yes. The Rothschilds and the Morgans served in the Wehrmacht.

    Professor. why do the Rothschilds and the Morgans serve in the Wehrmacht? You specifically include a fool? The army usually gathers workers and peasants, the broadest sections of society. And you easily throw the business in the army machine. Professor, on your example, I again became convinced that a Jew in politics is a primitive creature, even if he is arch-cunning as he believes. All the same, large Jewish ears and nose will be scanned for unpretentious maneuvers. Better discuss something technical, some kind of rocket, than to engage in such unpretentious trolling.
  22. +2
    22 September 2017 16: 30
    Quote: tamnun
    Well, actually it’s kind of no secret.

    Well, not only the USSR participated in the same place, and the time was so politicized when they decided to dump their jambs on the USSR. You cited statements by officials and simply influential persons. It is difficult to attribute them to objective data. Moreover, about the "refugees". In / in Ukraine, Russia is not at all involved, but there are refugees. And at every opportunity, Petro Poroshenko wants to “nap” the West, so maybe the “scoop” is not to blame for everything? But also those who insinuated and armed the Mujahideen?
  23. +2
    22 September 2017 16: 53
    Nikolay, thank you and many good people in this world! God forbid, all health who was, is and remains a man in our time!
  24. 0
    22 September 2017 17: 51
    Quote: avva2012
    Ay, ah, Vyacheslav Olegovich, these are already clogged stamps. Write honestly, like bait, the child is suitable, from your point of view, and the rest, blah, blah

    That is, there is no direct answer, as I understand it. Since charges of cliches have gone, it means that you don’t give black money to feed. So this is blah blah from you. A person is known not by words, even by the most beautiful, but by deeds. We already had a country of beautiful words, with deeds it was ... intense. And where is she?
    And at that time, within the framework of their psychology, why not? For white people of that time, this was normal. But it was a long time ago! Now, with the mere statement that Black QI is lower than that of whites in Europe and the United States, a wild howl of human rights organizations rises.
    1. +1
      22 September 2017 18: 52
      Are we in Russia that are not white? Behaved, too, not brilliantly, most likely, but did not reach such a "norm". About the USSR, in general, it is better not to mention. Nomokonov, a Soviet sniper, because of the small nationality, was not taken to the war. So he goes, then on one nationality, then on another. The theme, then, Vyacheslav Olegovich, is about the propaganda of the West in relation to our country, the USSR, and not about my charity. I’m not supposed by profession to divide people into white and black. Everything, we are the same. The bait example is indicative. Do you think you and your loved ones are “white” for them?
  25. +1
    22 September 2017 19: 34
    Well, the fact that the representatives of the Negroid race have reduced i-Q compared to the Caucasoid and Mongoloid races has not been a secret for a long time, or rather, an open secret, let's say ...))
  26. 0
    22 September 2017 21: 41
    Quote: avva2012
    Do you think you and your loved ones are “white” for them?

    I can not make hasty conclusions based on a small amount of information. Based on what I know, I have no complaints. I think I know more than yours. When he was an editor at Tankastair, he traded with almost the whole world, albeit little by little. The fact that we had some kind of default found out only after three days. Printed ... even in Australia. And personally, I had no reason to complain about my bad attitude. But the “unrealistic Gridy Russia” there, yes, they do not like. But the main thing in this phrase is not "rushnz", but "grid" and "unreal". By the way, such people also disgust me. And also the “Like Like Dunkase” and “Full Full”.
    1. 0
      23 September 2017 13: 12
      I want to remind you that the conversation started with an article about a cannibal crocodile.
      And personally, I had no reason to complain about my bad attitude.

      High culture because. Unlike us.
      An article, after all, about the adventures of a hunter. From the cycle, "Around the World." Very informative and vibrantly written. Well, only in the process of reading, I imagined how a Russian journalist in 1888 would come to the editor of an illustrated magazine in St. Petersburg with a similar story that happened on the outskirts of our country. Presented as an editor reading. And what does after reading with a satisfied journalist. It seems to me that a journalist would later be fed from a spoon for a long time because of broken limbs. To imagine what would happen much later, in times of tyranny, I even fear. The Gulag, for a journalist, is at best. The article under which we leave comments is an article about anti-communist and anti-Soviet propaganda. Instead of discussing the propaganda itself, its “pros” and “cons”, we, as always, were divided into “red” and “white”. But the meaning of the article was different, in my opinion. And a clipping from a European magazine of the century before last, is just the answer to those pictures, but “the godfather is turning on itself”, for starters. Having written about conscience, I meant all the same, that in our civilization, this non-material part, so far, matters. If we become like them, we will lose something very important, which would not allow even thought if not done, then at least understand that This does not belong to the category of adventures, but belongs to the category of a column of criminal offenses.
  27. +2
    23 September 2017 14: 30
    Quote: HanTengri
    There is always a non-zero probability ...
    Well, this one has to be completely a scoop so as not to find a use for itself in this life
  28. +1
    24 September 2017 07: 36
    No, collection of laws of the Russian Federation
  29. 0
    24 September 2017 07: 43
    Quote: avva2012
    If we become so

    If we become ... But you give an example from the past. A time machine has not yet been invented. Want another example, medical. From the Notes of a Young Doctor? 1917 Penza province. A woman in labor cannot be born. Invite a doctor. He puts his hand in ... and there is something sticky ... Question ... The answer is - the baby will not come out, so we lured him with sugar ...
    Today there is a "wise guy" who writes If we do not want to become like them ... and further, doctor, according to your text and conclusion - Russian savages!
    Another example from there ... 1917. Some kind of village ... an unfaithful wife harnessed to the sleigh for braids and carries her husband, and he lashes her ... "accelerates." There is a wise guy who writes - "their morals" ... You can’t mix a doctor with a smart person THEN AND NOW. And if he does, then ... what is this talking about? My answer is ... about different things. Including about craftiness!
    1. 0
      24 September 2017 10: 11
      Between the sugar in the birth canal and the bait from the baby, do you see the difference? You are a person, a science, and you should know that the concepts being compared should be from the same category. The unfaithful wife in the sleigh should probably be compared with the law of one US state, where it is forbidden to beat the wife with a stick thicker than one inch or with stoning by ancient Jews. ps about "put your hand in", you bent it, however. There is, of course, a massage of the uterus from the inside, but this happens after childbirth, and in the near future. Yes, and what, do it with your hand, then? laughing Of the various rotations per leg, you, of course, are not up to date, but, nevertheless, the initial examination is carried out differently wink
      1. 0
        25 September 2017 17: 42
        I am not a specialist in obstetrics. These are the memories of the Zemstvo doctor. I do not remember the exact name of the book and, naturally, No. p. This was not important for me. The fact is important. An example - wildness there and wildness with us. It was enough. By the way. my friend Andrei Zharsky defended his dissertation on party leadership ... with something there during the years of the 9th five-year plan. And from there, an exact example: the diagnosis of a medical assistant in one of the Volga villages: “Singing, nursing and general inflammation of the inside!” He waved this extract for us for a long time, which is why I remembered. Not typical, I agree. But it was! So it is different, wild, but enough everywhere. And again, you are being cunning - a law which ... was not applied at that time. And "not the law", the custom that was in force with us. You want to say that in the 1917th this law acted there? And in England in the city you can’t enter in armor. The same law. You are for comparable concepts, yes? Well, compare year to year, its application with application.
        1. 0
          26 September 2017 04: 59
          These are the memories of the Zemstvo doctor. I do not remember the exact title of the book and, of course, No. p.

          M. A. Bulgakov "Notes of a young doctor." And there was talk about "peeking" lol
          And again, you are being cunning - a law which ... was not applied at that time. And "not the law", the custom that was in force with us.

          Since the Law was there, it means that it was based on something, that is, it was the norm to beat the wife with a stick, and therefore the caliber was limited to 1 inches, so as not to cripple. Naturally, this law does not apply now, but its appearance was timed around the same time as "the wife harnessed to the braids in the sleigh." ps the unfaithful wife was forced to sit on the “shameful chair” at the same time. During the service, she was placed in front of the department with a poster worn around her neck, detailing the crime. With repeated transgression, they were ordered to scour the guilty woman, stigmatize them, take them along the streets and expel them from the city.
  30. 0
    24 September 2017 07: 50
    Quote: avva2012
    People are different, regardless of nationality.

    When you are suitable for you, you agree with this. Wow ... when I write this, you do not notice it. That’s why they don’t like “lumps”.
    1. +1
      24 September 2017 10: 13
      All the same, you, as a propagandist, have remained. Taking it out of context for you is just a sweet deal. ps started to be rude again?
  31. 0
    27 September 2017 14: 47
    Quote: avva2012
    but his appearance was timed around the same time as "the wife harnessed to the braids in the sleigh." ps the unfaithful wife was forced to sit on the “shameful chair” at the same time. During the service, she was placed in front of the department with a poster worn around her neck, detailing the crime. With repeated transgression, they were ordered to scour the guilty woman, stigmatize him, take him along the streets and expel him from the city.

    In 1917, there was such a law in the United States?
  32. -1
    24 February 2018 15: 46
    Quote: professor
    But the main communist is laughing at the Nazi criminal. Go ahead.

    Yes, you’re all kind of half-witted. Yes, all diplomacy thousands of years ago began with a smile. And it continues to this day.