Why Liberals Hate Iron Felix

... to achieve the goal, people like me have to give up all personal benefits, life for themselves, life for work.
F. Dzerzhinsky

140 years ago, 11 September 1877, was born Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky. Legendary creator of the Soviet security and intelligence agencies, People's Commissar of Railways of the USSR and chairman of the Supreme Economic Council.

After the destruction of the USSR and the domination of the Westernist liberal ideology, “Iron Felix” was associated mainly with the “Red Terror” and as the head of the “bloody” Cheka-Cheka. However, he entered history Russia-USSR mainly as one of the most prominent creators of the Soviet statehood, who worked hard for the good of the Union and the people. He became one of the people who saved Russia from chaos, anarchy, suppressed banditry. Felix Edmundovich really fought against the enemies of the people and built a new Soviet civilization, a society based on the idea of ​​social justice. Dzerzhinsky was one of the founders of the program of Soviet industrialization, on the foundation of which still stands modern Russia. Apparently, this is why Dzerzhinsky and causes a feeling of hatred among Russian liberals, for whom a pro-Western and weak, semi-colonial Russia is the ideal of the state, and a strong, independent Russian power, rigidly suppressing the “fifth column” and not afraid to repel external enemies, “a bloody totalitarian state".

Felix Dzerzhinsky was born on August 30 (September 11) of 1877 on the estate of Dzerzhinovo in the Oshmyany district of the Vilna province in the Polish small-family and large family of a noble family. Educated at the gymnasium (the course is not graduated). Young Felix was brought up, like many Poles, in hatred of Russia, which "occupied Poland." In the year 1922, when Dzerzhinsky was already one of the leaders of Soviet Russia, he wrote about his childhood patriotic feelings: “As a boy, I dreamed of an invisible cap and the destruction of all Muscovites.” Felix was also a zealous Catholic and even wanted to join the Jesuit Order. However, when he began to prepare for the career of a Catholic clergyman in 16 years, he was dissuaded.

After that, he went to another extreme - became a fan of the German Social Democratic Party. As a result, Felix became an exemplary professional revolutionary. Back in the gymnasium, in the autumn of 1895, he joined the Lithuanian Social Democratic organization and led propaganda in artisan and factory apprenticeship circles. In 1900, he joined the Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania (SDKPL). Conducted party-subversive work in Vilna, cities of the Kingdom of Poland, in St. Petersburg. Since 1906, the representative of the SDKPIL in the Central Committee of the RSDLP. In 1906-1912 was a member of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b). He was arrested several times, fled twice, was released several times under an amnesty. In recent years, before the revolution, 1917 was held in custody. So, in April 1914, Dzerzhinsky was sentenced to 3 years of hard labor; he was serving them in the Oryol Central. In addition, he was sentenced in 1916 to the year of 6 years of hard labor, he served her in Butyrka prison in Moscow, from where 1 was released in March 1917 of the year after the February revolution. “Iron Felix” spent a total of years of his life in hard labor and in exile 11.

Thus, by 1917, Felix Edmundovich became one of the most prominent professional revolutionaries and members of the Bolshevik Party. At the suggestion of Lenin 7 (20) December 1917 was appointed chairman of the All-Russian Emergency Commission (VChK) under SNK RSFSR to combat counter-revolution and sabotage. The Cheka and its local bodies received the broadest powers, including the imposition of the death penalty. "Iron Felix" became the most famous leader of the Cheka. The phrase of Felix Dzerzhinsky that "a man with a cold head, a warm heart and clean hands can be a KGB officer" later became legendary. Dzerzhinsky controlled the main special services of Soviet Russia: from March 1919 simultaneously headed the NKVD of the RSFSR, from August of the same year the Special Department of the Cheka (military counterintelligence), and from November 1920 - the border guard service. From October 1919 - Chairman of the Military Council of the Militarized Guard Forces (WOCR), from November 1920 - the troops of the VNUS (internal service).

In his personal life he was an ascetic humble and extremely hardworking man, fully immersed in the work entrusted to the party. As M.I. Latsis recalled, Dzerzhinsky “is not content with leadership alone. He longs to act. And we have often seen how he interrogates the accused himself and digs in incriminating materials. His case is so exciting that he sits out nights in the Cheka. He has no time to go home. He sleeps right there in the office behind the screen. He will eat right there, the courier brings him food, which is served by all the staff of the Cheka. ” Vyacheslav Menzhinsky wrote: “The organizer of the Cheka, in the first turbulent time, when there was neither experience ... nor people, he himself went on searches and arrests, personally studied all the details of the KGB case, so difficult for the old revolutionary of pre-war dressing, who grew together with the Cheka, which became his incarnation, Dzerzhinsky was the most stringent critic of his brainchild ".

“Only a man like Dzerzhinsky, with his determination, firmness and unrelenting energy, could overcome all these obstacles, gain confidence in himself and the Cheka. For him, there were no difficulties, no barriers. He walked forward with conviction, surely, without stopping. Despite the fact that he was burning in the struggle, that for him the struggle was life itself, he was not keen on keeping his composure in the most difficult moments. Only such a person, with such restraint, with such determination, could head the Cheka, ”wrote P. Yakov (deputy chairman of the Cheka, OGPU) in his memoirs.

Dzerzhinsky was the best example of an ascetic manager. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, Felix Edmundovich was a very modest man - all his life he advocated social equality for all, and he was an example of this equality. The security officer Yang Buikis recalled: “We deeply and faithfully loved our Dzerzhinsky and were ready to follow him to the most difficult deeds and feats. It was something bright, special. He seemed to radiate heat penetrating into the soul. The very presence of Felix Edmundovich among us inspired calm confidence, vigor and a desire to work selflessly and bravely. The security officers hardened under him turned out to be smarter and stronger than any enemy and foreign intelligence. Chekists were incorruptible, honest. " Also, the security officer noted the remarkable working capacity of the Soviet leader: “Whenever I went to him - in the morning, in the afternoon, late at night, I always found him at work. The thought involuntarily arose: when did he sleep? And whether it sleeps at all? At three or four in the morning, Dzerzhinsky went to rest right there in the office behind the screen on a simple iron bed. But once he opened the door, he immediately got up and was again in his workplace. ”

Dzerzhinsky accepted people, listened and acted immediately. “Do you think this is right when you do not notice the requests and needs of individual people?” Not. The masses are made up of personalities. And everyone has the right to a date, ”he said. Once Dzerzhinsky learned that some members of the OGPU from the pass office in the information desk (those who usually sit outside the window and answer questions from citizens) are rude to visitors. Verification has confirmed this. Dzerzhinsky ordered then that at the reception hours behind the window only the heads of the directorates and departments of the OGPU were sitting, so that they would give exhaustive answers and certainly in a polite manner.

Why Liberals Hate Iron Felix

During the Civil War, he repeatedly visited various fronts, led the fight against banditry, increased discipline among the troops. The country was torn apart not only by the white armies and governments, but also by left radicals (anarchists, left SRs), nationalist separatists, Basmachis (predecessors of modern jihadists), agents of foreign powers, interventionists. Few people now know about this, but the collapse of the Russian Empire, the “reforms” of the Provisional Government and the Civil War led to a real criminal revolution. The bandits (“greens”) created their armed formations, whole “armies”. Russia could die in this anarchy and gangster lawlessness. It was necessary to restore order. Only tough actions could save the country, allow the Soviet government to create a new development project and a new statehood. And Dzerzhinsky was able to solve this titanic problem. "Iron Felix" was a unique leader.

From 1921, simultaneously with the main Chekist work, he headed the commission to improve the lives of children; supervised the elimination of childless homelessness. As chairman of the commission, Dzerzhinsky organized a system of children's institutions - receivers-distributors (temporary stay), orphanages, “communes” and children's “townships”. In these institutions, thousands of disadvantaged children received medical care, education, food, and most importantly, the opportunity to become normal people.

In February, 1922, in connection with the liquidation of the Cheka, became the chairman of a new organization, the Main Political Directorate (GPU) under the NKVD of the RSFSR. At the same time he became People's Commissar of communications. Since September 1923, the chairman of the OGPU under the SNK of the USSR. He was repeatedly elected a member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RKP (b).

From 1922, Dzerzhinsky was a supporter of Stalin in his struggle with Trotsky. With Stalin, Dzerzhinsky had good personal and business relationships. Dzerzhinsky was interesting for Stalin not only because he supported his policies, but also because he was a supporter of the rapid restoration and development of the economy and was well versed in economic matters. In addition, the views of Dzerzhinsky and Stalin agreed that the country needed a strong central authority. In fact, they were statists, "imperials", opposing the division of Soviet Russia into autonomous republics. Unfortunately, in this matter Lenin's point of view won - the USSR as a union of republics.

After Lenin's death (January 1924), Dzerzhinsky was appointed head of the commission of the Central Election Commission of the USSR on the organization of funerals. Dzerzhinsky insisted, contrary to the objections of the widow of the late Krupskaya, on embalming the body of the deceased. Under his leadership, as soon as possible, a mausoleum was built, which became one of the main symbols of Soviet civilization. Since February, 1924, leaving the post of chairman of the OGPU, headed the All-Russian Council of the National Economy (VSNKh) of the USSR, almost all of the country's economy was under its control. As chairman of the Supreme Economic Council, he attracted experienced specialists with pre-revolutionary education to his work, and continued the line of support for NEP. This caused a deep conflict with opposition leaders Zinoviev and Kamenev.

At this time in the Soviet elite there was a dispute about the ways and methods of industrialization. How to turn a huge agrarian country, which has just finished rebuilding the economy after the difficult years of the First World War, the Civil War and the intervention of the Entente, into an industrial, highly developed country. It was obvious that the socialist system and the Soviet project could be preserved only if a highly developed industry was created. T. n. The “Left Opposition” proposed to industrialize at the expense of the village, the “muzhik”, squeeze out all the means from the village and create heavy industry. However, such a path threatened to destabilize the country in which the Civil War had just ended, to cause a conflict of workers and peasants, to lead to a new peasant war in the conditions of a highly hostile external environment. This led to the failure of the industrialization program itself and the defeat of the entire Soviet project. Therefore, Dzerzhinsky sharply criticized this position: “If you listen to you ... then ... as if there is no union of workers and peasants here, you do not see this union as the basis of Soviet power, under the dictatorship of the proletariat, which consciously leads the country to a specific goal, to socialism ... This completely erroneous political bias can be murderous for our industry and for the whole of Soviet power. ”

It is worth noting that Dzerzhinsky was a major figure not only as a “security officer No. XXUMX”, but also as the head of the entire national economy. Under his leadership was the entire industry, which was in the stage of recovery. He developed a promising "locomotive" program. Its essence was the immediate deployment of locomotive building in the USSR (that is, engineering). According to Felix Edmundovich, the program allowed the program to fully load locomotive plants, which in turn dramatically tightened other related industries. In particular, metallurgy. Thus, Dzerzhinsky planned to make a locomotive a “locomotive” of Soviet economic growth. Stalin, who was also well-versed in economics, unreservedly supported this plan.

In his program, Dzerzhinsky practically anticipated the foundations of future industrialization. He proposed focusing on the production of Group A: the production of means of production. It was necessary to create a powerful engineering industry, which led to an economic revolution in the country. The main method of industrialization: a) large-scale development planning of entire industries in their interrelation and mutual influence on each other; b) development together with the large metallurgical and machine-building industry of related and related sectors of the economy. The main character of industrialization is the concentration of production at the largest factories and the construction of the largest and most modern enterprises. In political terms, the country's industrial transformation led to the elimination of the economic role of the peasantry through the creation of large commodity industries based on the large-scale use of machinery and equipment produced in Soviet factories.

It is clear that the program of Stalin and Dzerzhinsky in the development of the country and its first successes infuriated Trotsky and other "Trotskyist internationalists" who explicitly or by default worked for the West, solving the problem of turning Russia into a backward raw periphery of the "world community." They did everything possible to sabotage the successful development of Soviet industry, which turned Russia-USSR into one of the leading world powers, guaranteeing its economic and political independence. In particular, Finance Minister G. Ya. Sokolnikov-Brilliant (later “innocently repressed”) insisted not only on drastically reducing the financing of the industry development program put forward by Dzerzhinsky, but also on maintaining the function of distribution of all funds disbursed to industry by the people's commissariat. That is, Trotskyist Sokolnikov is practically indistinguishable in its views from the current Russian liberals, who in 1990 and 2000s destroyed and continue to strangle the economy, science and education, and public health in Russia with constant "optimization" (cost reduction).

There is a version that it was the Trotskyists, the hidden enemies of the people, who eliminated Dzerzhinsky as one of the active supporters of the development of Soviet civilization. 20 July 1926, Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky delivered a sharp critical speech at the plenum of the Central Committee on the state of the country's economy. He harshly criticized representatives of the opposition, Pyatakov, whom he called "the biggest industry disorganizer," and Lev Kamenev, whom he accused of not working, but engaged in politicking. Because of a nervous breakdown, he became ill. On the same day, he died of a heart attack.

Later, the myth was created that Stalin was guilty of the death of Dzerzhinsky. In reality, Dzerzhinsky was most of all interfering with the Trotskyists, the “fifth column”, which worked in the interests of the Western powers, sabotaging the development of the Soviet project and turning the USSR-Russia into a powerful industrial, and therefore military, economically and technologically independent of the West. Also, "Iron Felix" interfered with the enemies of Soviet civilization and Stalin as the head of the security agencies. Dzerzhinsky maintained a tremendous influence on the state security organs, despite the workload of the country's economy. And inside the OGPU, a kind of parallel leadership has already taken shape, which was carried out by G.G. Yagoda, the deputy of Iron Felix, a relative of the once powerful Central Executive Committee chairman Ya. M. Sverdlov (a famous Russophobe and agent of Western influence). He made his own group - KV Pauker, MI Guy, and others. As a result, when Dzerzhinsky was eliminated, the state security organs became a stronghold of the Trotskyists, enemies of the people, until these “Augean stables” cleared Beria. They organized the persecution of Dzerzhinsky at all levels. Felix Dzerzhinsky's health did not endure (and he was not distinguished by good health). In addition, it is possible that the "heart attack" organized. Then the loud death was blamed on Stalin, as in a number of other cases.

Thus, the myth of Dzerzhinsky, the “bloody murderer”, which was only noted by the brutal terror against “the best people of Russia”, was created by the enemies of Soviet civilization and the people, with the aim of denigrating one of the greatest figures of the Soviet Union. Felix Dzerzhinsky was one of the founders of the Soviet state, the founder and leader of the internal and external security agencies, struggled with chaos and anarchy into which the great country plunged, defended Soviet Russia from internal and external enemies, built a new Soviet civilization based on social justice . At the same time, Dzerzhinsky became one of the fathers of the industrialization program, which allowed the USSR to withstand and win in the most severe world war, to become a superpower, thanks to which modern Russia still has weight in world politics. Therefore, “Iron Felix” and causes a feeling of hatred among Russian liberals. Hatred of Dzerzhinsky, Stalin and the “damned Soviet past” is a rejection of social justice, a socialist society of service and creation.
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  1. +41
    11 September 2017 06: 40
    Why Liberals Hate Iron Felix

    Because small people with a petty little soul, who are in the custody of a potential enemy and essentially betraying their homeland, always and everywhere hate the Titans, who laid down their lives, knowledge to strengthen and build a State that gave all citizens equal opportunities!
    1. +23
      11 September 2017 07: 16
      Yes, I wonder how, where on TV will they talk about this date? And why do liberals still not see? They’re even afraid of the dead !!!!!! Suddenly get ??????? !!!!!!
      1. +23
        11 September 2017 08: 54
        Quote: Reptiloid
        And why do liberals still not see? They’re even afraid of the dead !!!!!! Suddenly get ??????? !!!!!!

        A special place in the symbolic row of the past of Russia is occupied by the figure of the “Iron Felix”. This image is the personification of the mobilization model of development ...
        Russia today ... can only be saved by mobilization. And mobilization is possible only with the appearance of people of the type that Dzerzhinsky was. In this sense, there is an urgent request for the return of "Iron Felix" to the pedestal ... "
        The liberal public will never agree with this prospect. For her, Dzerzhinsky is a bloody Chekist who terrorized the intelligentsia, entrepreneurs, peasants.http: //russia-insider.com/en/istoriya/po
        / ri8549
        And here is a wonderful answer to all the questions that Dzerzhinsky’s opponents operate on.
        y-boyatsya-vozmezdiya /
      2. +34
        11 September 2017 09: 15
        Nikolai Ivanovich, Dmitry, my respect! hi love You are absolutely right! Mediocrity, worthless little people who are not able to create at least something useful with their own hands or brains, they always hate those who are smarter, more talented and higher than them by orders of magnitude. Moreover, this is manifested in everything. Take any field of activity, the same art for example. After all, what is happening now ?! Instead of classical art, modern mediocrity like Serebrennikov, Zvyagintsev, Raikin (junior), Reichelgauz, Bondarchuk (junior) and other "bohemian party", gives us third-rate shit under the guise of "great" art! Like, eat it ... And whoever doesn’t want to digest it, in their opinion they don’t understand anything in art. In fact, it all reminds me of a fairy tale about the naked king. Everyone understands everything, but they are afraid to say that the king is naked (in the sense that all this is NOT ART). And so in any other field. What is in the economy, what is in science, what is in education, what is in politics ... Everywhere the same thing! Modern “effective managers” cannot create anything like that close to what their grandfathers with three classes of education created. This is the result of their liberal activities!
        "Why do liberals hate Iron Felix", funny, fleas hate the dog thanks to which they live ... laughing
        And to Felix Edmundovich eternal and bright memory for everything that he has done for Russia! For the creation of the most formidable and powerful intelligence service, for the street children who, as a result, did not die under the fence, but became great people who made the USSR a superpower, for all his contribution to the development of our country! I hope I will live to see the moment when his monument takes its rightful place in the Lubyanka and this will be the highest justice in relation to this person!
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. +31
            11 September 2017 11: 01
            ALEXEY VLADIMIROVICH Today, 10:42 ↑
            Dzerzhinsky - executioner, punisher, Russophobe, fanatical enemy of Russia!
            Everything is exactly the opposite! You are the executioner, the punisher, the Russophobe and the fanatical enemy of Russia!
            It’s not worth it to blame everything on the healthy! negative

            P.S. I already wrote, but I repeat. An interesting trend has been outlined. All, well, or almost ALL liberals, monarchists, Vlasovites and other Russophobes and national traitors hung the flags of New Russia in their midst ... Why would this be ?! request
            In general, it would be nice if you all gathered in one place in the Donbass where it’s hotter and left there to live under shelling. Here there are APU terbats and would teach you HOW you need to love your homeland! laughing
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. +5
              11 September 2017 19: 34
              DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE that the Pole (who hates everything Russian at the genetic level) who, on the territory of the Russian Empire, suddenly became defenseless, the frantic TERROR that claimed God knows how many lives (historians still argue and numbers are and are) not the very last people in Russia and all for what was that great GOAL that required such sacrifices? And it's just looking for someone who is profitable and who is worthy of those who deserved to unleash HELL on OUR EARTH Britain (which achieved its goals in the war) Germany (delayed its end) USA (which they could carry away for free Leva is the Rockefeller brother) and Poland (which gained independence and a piece of Russian zemlya). And what did the Russia-civil war and genocide on the grounds of kill all who can be killed with impunity and incidentally robbed to get your little gesheft. You can continue but ... Is it worth it each will remain of his own opinion and for you the executioner of the Russian people, Heroy and Role Model, but for me I DO NOT PEOPLE Cocainist (by the way, you don’t know what Baptist Sky cocktail) and .....
              1. +15
                12 September 2017 04: 23
                Do you really BELIEVE that the Pole (at the genetic level, hates everything Russian)

                You know, I believe that there are normal people, but there are ....
                Pole Jerzy Tyts assembled a team that rebuild desecrated memorials.
                "Those who remember Soviet times well are much more than screamers. The Poles support our organization that restores monuments. However, Poland has strong censorship. We can’t say officially that there are people who fight for memorials to Soviet soldiers. I’m generally called" a Russian agent. "But I’m sure that this is temporary. Sooner or later, anti-Russian politics will go bankrupt. When I served in the army, we still had your troops and our country was completely safe. Our friend was Russia." https://www.irk.kp.ru/daily/26586/3602306/
              2. +1
                12 September 2017 06: 47
                [quote] [/ quote] You really BELIEVE that the Pole - So in vain did not shoot Rokosovsky ... he then heaped up such a thing ...
              3. +7
                12 September 2017 13: 37
                Well, yes, whether Yeltsin, a pure, “Rusak”, so, adored, his people, that he drank soundly, pitying him. He ruined the whole economy, sold everything he could., a true guardian of the country ,,.
                1. +1
                  12 September 2017 13: 55
                  So the purely Russian (according to the nation) tsar Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov also thought a lot about the people - he took an oath when anointed, so he thought about the country more than about his wife ..
              4. +2
                14 September 2017 13: 41
                Quote: WapentakeLokki
                Do you really BELIEVE

                In the collection of lies, what did you pound on the clave here?
      3. +20
        11 September 2017 10: 24
        Quote: Reptiloid
        Yes, I wonder how, where on TV will they talk about this date?

        Dima! And in my school, in my city, they not only remembered, but also celebrated this memorable date. I don’t know whether it will be shown on central television, on local it has already been shown. And never, even the question arose about renaming the school, even in the dashing 90s. She bears the name of Dzerzhinsky. And one more thing: the school is famous for standing 800 meters from the neighboring state-China.
        1. +11
          11 September 2017 14: 19
          Quote: Amurets

          And in my school, in my city, they not only remembered, but also celebrated this memorable date. I don’t know whether it will be shown on central television, on local it has already been shown. And never, even the question arose about renaming the school, even in the dashing 90s. She bears the name of Dzerzhinsky. And one more thing: the school is famous for standing 800 meters from the neighboring state-China.

          Good afternoon, Nikolai! It is nice to know that, as it is written on the Web, in Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg, there is Dzerzhinsky street! I suppose that probably earlier, it was part of the Leningrad region. Therefore, the street has retained its name. There, near, is the sanatorium of veterans of the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I thought that such a street is no longer in Our city. Indeed, earlier, on October 4, 1991, on the map of the city, instead of Dzerzhinsky Street in the center, a "historical" name appeared --- Gorokhovaya Street. Here is a "gift" for liberals !!!! But here, in the house No. 2, from December 1917 to March 1918, the Cheka was located !!!
          By looking at the kartologia website. ru, I found out that Dzerzhinsky street is in 123 cities! No matter what!!!!
          1. +4
            11 September 2017 14: 41
            Quote: Reptiloid
            By looking at the kartologia website. ru, I found out that Dzerzhinsky street is in 123 cities!

            Dima! It’s stupid to demolish monuments and fight with street names. They will still remain in the memory of the people, and even more so with traditions. This is history, and history must be remembered, not rewritten to fit the political situation, but remember the lessons of history. How many different geographic and historical objects were renamed, and either bright, memorable, or original ones are remembered.
            1. +2
              11 September 2017 14: 58
              Quote: Amurets
              Quote: Reptiloid
              By looking at the kartologia website. ru, I found out that Dzerzhinsky street is in 123 cities!

              Dima! It’s stupid to demolish monuments ......... history must be remembered, not rewritten to fit the political situation, but remember the lessons of history. How many different geographic and historical objects were renamed, and either bright, memorable, or original ones are remembered.

              It was renamed, and until complete oblivion it was not possible to rename !!!!! Life itself puts everything in its place !!!!! I still have another unexpected joy. !!!! I wrote here more than once and was upset that in our city Shchersa Avenue on the Petrograd side was gone. ZATO, another Small Avenue (historical name) appeared in the city. And in Ukraine, what happens to revolutionary names? And then I found out that Shchersa street turned out to be there! Not far from Dzerzhinsky street! And Budenny street! The boundaries of the city have repeatedly expanded due to the region, new names, oblast, fell into the line of the city.
        2. +5
          11 September 2017 19: 13
          This school, I think, is located in the glorious city of Blagoveshchensk ...
          Lenin street 198 school №22 ...
    2. +7
      11 September 2017 09: 01
      Quote: moskowit
      Why Liberals Hate Iron Felix

      Because small people with a petty little soul, who are in the custody of a potential enemy and essentially betraying their homeland, always and everywhere hate the Titans, who laid down their lives, knowledge to strengthen and build a State that gave all citizens equal opportunities!

      Well said, only this applies equally to any leader who spared no effort to ensure that the Homeland was the best. And here representatives of all warring camps use only one side in disputes. THAT WHICH IS FAVORABLE FOR THEM. The "Red Camp" turns a blind eye to the achievements of Tsarist Russia, the "White Camp" focuses on the horrors of the formation of the USSR, the Stalin era, etc., the "Liberal Camp" does not see the achievements of modern Russia, and so on.
      1. +27
        11 September 2017 09: 35
        Wend Today, 09: 01 ↑
        Well said, only this applies equally to any leader who spared no effort to ensure that the Homeland was the best. And here representatives of all warring camps use only one side in disputes. THAT WHICH IS FAVORABLE FOR THEM. "Red Camp" turns a blind eye to the achievements of Tsarist Russia,
        Not really yours! The so-called "red camp" you do not deny the successes of Russia under Ivan the Terrible, under Peter the Great, with his daughter Elizabeth or with Catherine the Great, i.e. all the merits that made Russia great. But the "white camp" all the merits of the Soviet period, which were many times higher than under the monarchy, trying to get rid of shit and slander everything that was created by their ancestors. And this is precisely because the so-called "white camp", and here it is necessary to include all the liberals, the monarchists, the Vlasovites and other rubbish, is the whole camp of the national traitors, praising only those periods of Russia when it went to collapse! And something I did not hear that the "white camp" actively defended Ivan the Terrible, who at times did more for Russia than the worthless Nikolai the bloody ...! request
        1. +13
          11 September 2017 09: 41
          Quote: Diana Ilyina
          And something I didn’t hear that the “white camp” actively defended Ivan the Terrible, who at times did more for Russia than the worthless Nikolai the bloody ...!

          It is precisely because the STATES you have called are hateful to liberals and the whole of this fraternity in general ... They did not allow the West to overtake Russia in their epochs. And this is hateful to them.
          1. +3
            11 September 2017 16: 43
            If you love the great people of Russia of all times so much, then why did you destroy the grave of Admiral Ushakov, Prince Bagration and other great figures of Russia. Why they renamed Yekaterinodar to Krasnodar, St. Petersburg to Leningrad, Ezavetgrad to Kirovograd, Yekaterinoslavl to Dnepropetrovsk, etc. Probably in order to erase his history from the memory of the Russian people. And now you write that you always remembered the statesmen of Russia. Such as you even managed to rename Stalingrad (formerly Tsaritsin) in Volgograd. Yes, you hate Peter!, Elizabeth, Catherine, Ivan the Terrible and other statesmen of Russia. You not only renamed the cities named after them, you even managed to smear them in history; "Potemkin villages" were described in history books as an indicator of rotten tsarism. There are many examples of your hateful attitude to Russian history. The very fact of the name of the city Pokrovskaya Sloboda Engels, in honor of the man who called the Russian barbarians (in the work "Army") speaks of your Russophobia. What are you two-faced! The names of Stalingrad were erased, and now they suddenly began to praise Stalin. They allowed their mouths to open and the true Leninists rushed to find fault in the authorities. And where were you when Stalingrad was renamed? Chatterboxes.
            1. +7
              11 September 2017 18: 06
              Quote: captain
              . Why they renamed Yekaterinodar to Krasnodar, St. Petersburg to Leningrad, Ezavetgrad to Kirovograd, Yekaterinoslavl to Dnepropetrovsk

              Lift archival documents. The ancestors did. So they had the need.
              With regards to Volgograd, so yours did not bother to return the name of Stalingrad, why?
              Quote: captain
              Yes, you hate Peter!, Elizabeth, Catherine, Ivan the Terrible and other statesmen of Russia.

              This stream of thought applies to whom, to your fantasies? And what do I have to do with it?
              Quote: captain
              "Potemkin villages" were described in history books as an indicator of rotten tsarism.

              These questions are not for us, but for those who have been striving to slander Russia for centuries.
              Quote: captain
              Many cite many examples of your hateful attitude to Russian history

              You don’t have anything for your soul. And even the name of a settlement is about nothing.
              You still regret that the village of Svinyaevo in the village of Veselaya was renamed.
              Quote: captain
              The names of Stalingrad were erased, and now they suddenly began to praise Stalin

              Here ... so yours erased, don’t disown, yours .. that laid the foundation for a riot of any dissonant rabble. The very one at which Gorbachev began the ascent, then from yours, and it all ended with Yeltsin. Whom you respect so much. So you yourself blame yourself for breaking the country.
              At that time, you were a member of the CPSU, compromises across the river, in Afghanistan, you are always a member of the CPSU, you had state awards from the USSR, but you betrayed the country.
              Why are you working so hard on the side of those who brought the country to disaster? A habit?
              1. +3
                11 September 2017 18: 48
                But what is our Khrushchev? He is the 1-th Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. And your Gorbachev, and Yeltsin, and Kravchuk, and Shevarnadze, and Volkogonov and Egorushka Gaidar yours. After all, he was the editor of the journal "Communist", and this is the nomenclature of the Central Committee of the CPSU, that's what kind of freaks your party raised. Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Bukharin and other enemies. God, how much your party has brought up traitors and goodbyes! By the way, and Chubais with my brother, your fosterlings. Find out the fighting path of their dad and their little sons. Why do you refuse your heroes. Russophobes and two-faced people, ready to sell their own. In short, the party of enemies of traitors, judging by the party documents.
                1. +8
                  11 September 2017 21: 40
                  Quote: captain
                  But what is our Khrushchev? He is the 1st Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. And your Gorbachev, and Yeltsin, and Kravchuk, and Shevarnadze, and Volkogonov and Egorushka Gaidar yours. After all, he was the editor of the journal "Communist", and this is the nomenclature of the Central Committee of the CPSU, that's what kind of freaks your party raised. Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Bukharin and other enemies. God, how much your party has brought up traitors and goodbyes! By the way, and Chubais with my brother, your fosterlings.

                  How much you can write this nonsense from koment to koment. Finally, understand that there were always and everywhere traitors, and it was not so easy to expose them, and there were also a lot of people who clung to the new government, who later became shifters.
                  We had a pedant in our party committee, since he criticized us all, that we are bad communists, and when we started to restore the party after the ban, and I suggested he register, he told me: “They will beat me for that!” So he was never a communist. Do you not understand this?
            2. +2
              11 September 2017 21: 35
              St. Petersburg was renamed Petrograd!
        2. +5
          11 September 2017 09: 50
          Quote: Diana Ilyina
          Wend Today, 09: 01 ↑
          Well said, only this applies equally to any leader who spared no effort to ensure that the Homeland was the best. And here representatives of all warring camps use only one side in disputes. THAT WHICH IS FAVORABLE FOR THEM. "Red Camp" turns a blind eye to the achievements of Tsarist Russia,
          Not really yours! The so-called "red camp" you do not deny the successes of Russia under Ivan the Terrible, under Peter the Great, with his daughter Elizabeth or with Catherine the Great, i.e. all the merits that made Russia great. But the "white camp" all the merits of the Soviet period, which were many times higher than under the monarchy, trying to get rid of shit and slander everything that was created by their ancestors. And this is precisely because the so-called "white camp", and here it is necessary to include all the liberals, the monarchists, the Vlasovites and other rubbish, is the whole camp of the national traitors, praising only those periods of Russia when it went to collapse! And something I did not hear that the "white camp" actively defended Ivan the Terrible, who at times did more for Russia than the worthless Nikolai the bloody ...! request

          The myth of Ivan the Terrible was actively promoted in Soviet times. And not only in school books, but in cinema and literature. This is the first. And secondly, you yourself have just shown how you deny the achievements of tsarist Russia with an opinion about Nicholas II. And yet, did they make a revolution in the time of Ivan the Terrible? The Bolsheviks operated on the poor peasantry in the 16 century, calling to go to the barricades and strikes?laughing
          1. +17
            11 September 2017 10: 04
            Wend Today, 09: 50 ↑ New
            The myth of Ivan the Terrible was actively promoted in Soviet times.
            What a myth ?! What are you speaking about?! Or are the achievements of Ivan the Terrible the same "myth" for you as the achievements of Stalin or Dzerzhinsky ?!
            And secondly, you yourself have just shown how you deny the achievements of tsarist Russia with an opinion about Nicholas II.
            Excuse me, but what "achievements" are we talking about ?! Maybe about two stupidly lost wars ?! Or maybe three revolutions ?! Maybe to bring the country to decline and devastation, which precisely led to these revolutions ?!
            And yet, did they make a revolution in the time of Ivan the Terrible? The Bolsheviks operated on the poor peasantry in the 16 century, urging them to enter barricades and strikes? Laughing
            But this is generally a "masterpiece", talking about your complete ignorance of historical processes.
            Do you know who you remind me personally ?! Stankevich ... You know such a half-liberal who always and everywhere offers not just to give up, but always sits down to negotiate, and even in those situations when it’s not just to negotiate with you, nobody is going to talk to you at all. Here you are on the site, it seems like this type of neutral, neither for whites, nor for reds, so something in between - IT ... It just looks even worse than IT ... Would you decide where, or smart, or to the beautiful ... laughing tongue laughing
            1. +4
              11 September 2017 10: 20
              [quote = Diana IlyinaWhat myth ?! What are you speaking about?! Or are the achievements of Ivan the Terrible the same "myth" for you as the achievements of Stalin or Dzerzhinsky ?!
              And secondly, you yourself have just shown how you deny the achievements of tsarist Russia with an opinion about Nicholas II.
              Excuse me, but what "achievements" are we talking about ?! Maybe about two stupidly lost wars ?! Or maybe three revolutions ?! Maybe to bring the country to decline and devastation, which precisely led to these revolutions ?!
              And yet, did they make a revolution in the time of Ivan the Terrible? The Bolsheviks operated on the poor peasantry in the 16 century, urging them to enter barricades and strikes? Laughing
              But this is generally a "masterpiece", talking about your complete ignorance of historical processes.
              Do you know who you remind me personally ?! Stankevich ... You know such a half-liberal who always and everywhere offers not just to give up, but always sits down to negotiate, and even in those situations when it’s not just to negotiate with you, nobody is going to talk to you at all. Here you are on the site, it seems like this type of neutral, neither for whites, nor for reds, so something in between - IT ... It just looks even worse than IT ... Would you decide where, or smart, or to the beautiful ... laughing tongue laughing[/ Quote]
              You do not even own the topic, but put forward global thoughts with a claim. Study the question of Ivan the Terrible, and then it will be possible to conduct a discussion.
              1. +14
                11 September 2017 10: 24
                Quote: Wend
                Study the question of Ivan the Terrible, and then it will be possible to conduct a discussion.

                Did you study it, this question? You are absolutely not on the subject of the deeds and achievements of Tsar Ivan 4.
                Is that not done to you by him ???
                Achievements of Ivan the Terrible:

                Ivan the Terrible was the first king of Russia.
                During his reign, the military system of Russia (streltsy troops), the legislative system (the Elected Council, Zemsky Sobors, etc.), as well as the judicial system (a new Code of Laws) were streamlined.
                He conquered Astrakhan, Siberia, Kazan. Paved access to the Baltic Sea. Established trade relations with England.
                Or do you like the useless, Nikolai 2 ??
              2. 0
                11 September 2017 11: 32
                What second war did they lose, and even mediocre under Nicholas II?
                1. +13
                  11 September 2017 11: 52
                  Quote: Koshnitsa
                  What second war did you lose

                  you go to school, take a textbook, it says “Russian-Japanese”, lost with territorial losses. 1 World War, where Russia climbed by the thoughtlessness of Nicholas 2, lost, by his own stupidity.
                  Or will you deny the fact that his entourage took him off the throne, and because of this, all other events happened?
                  Let me remind you that what was lost due to the activity, or rather the useless activity of Nicholas 2 at the head of the country, was corrected in 1939 and 1945.
                  What are you dissatisfied with?
                  They offended your Hitler and hung up Krasnov?
                  Moreover, in 1991 and onward, people like you did the same thing as Nikolasha. Resetting the achievements of not only the Soviet but also the tsarist period of the development of Russia.
                  And now you and your kind are trying to bring down the country for the third time?
                  So, Mr. Nazi, with authorities like ss-ataman Krasnov, it’s not for you to teach us how to live and how to build a country.
                  1. +3
                    11 September 2017 16: 51
                    Nikolai lost the 1 World? This is yeah. I thought that it was the Bolsheviks (Lenin and his comrades who made an underground passage from Switzerland to St. Petersburg) concluded the Brest Peace with the Germans. Thus, they were given the opportunity to resist the Germans for several months. And what you just don’t learn from IN from Leninists.
                    1. +6
                      11 September 2017 18: 09
                      Quote: captain
                      I thought

                      Not your strongest trait ...
                      Quote: captain
                      And what you just don’t recognize in

                      Yes, there are so many gossip, slander myths and fairy tales in general, I learned a lot from you, though I haven’t read anything useful, a set of long-gone stuff that has a place in the dump.
                      It's never too late to learn .. but alas, this is not about you.
                2. +13
                  11 September 2017 12: 09
                  Koshnitsa Today, 11:32 ↑
                  What second war did they lose, and even mediocre under Nicholas II?
                  Above, Vlad advised you to take the textbook and read it correctly! Although I am more than sure this advice will be lost in the tun. People like you are not capable of understanding history, you are just like a parrot broadcasting what your Western curators put into your stupidity. You are not able to comprehend what you yourself are commenting on, either because of the scarcity of your brains, or because of some other reasons that are not known to me. Because, from the point of view of a normal person, your logic cannot be understood. How can you spit in a well from which you will probably have to drink ?! I personally do not understand this! Taking the side of Western ideology, which claims that everything connected with the USSR is bad, dirty and immoral, what are you trying to achieve ?! Maybe you really get paid for it ?! This at least explained your position, and if they don’t pay then I completely refuse to believe in your adequacy. That beats me. It’s the same as coming to your own apartment, putting all the dirt that is in the nearest garbage bin there and joyfully, poking a finger at a neighbor who has clean and cleaned apartment, twist your finger at the temple, saying that the neighbor is not a smart person and nothing understands in life!
                  At least once look at yourself from the outside! Traitors at all times ALWAYS finished badly and the money they received never brought them anything good, do you really not understand this ?!
                  1. +2
                    11 September 2017 16: 52
                    Excuse me, are you by any chance the daughter of Maria Spiridonova?
                    1. +5
                      11 September 2017 18: 11
                      Quote: captain
                      You are by chance not a daughter

                      Are you talking about yourself?
                      Very your comments, recall that with the most famous proverbial daughter .. sadly.
                      You try, for lack of any arguments, to simply insult a person, but this speaks against you as a person who is not able to perceive information, except for an open fake, which is taken by you on faith, without bothering to check where all the fake comes from .
                      Not ashamed, "officer"?
      2. +6
        11 September 2017 16: 17
        Is the 14-hour working day also the “achievement” of Tsarist Russia?
    3. +10
      11 September 2017 10: 31
      The FSB is silent. Without a monument to Dzerzhinsky, Lubyanka Square was orphaned. It is time to return Felix to his rightful place, and the organizers of his demolition without the decision of the Moscow City Council on kitsch!
      1. +8
        11 September 2017 10: 43
        Quote: siberalt
        It’s time to return Felix to his rightful place

        Felix’s rightful place in hell, he will stay there forever!
        1. +16
          11 September 2017 11: 07
          ALEXEY VLADIMIROVICH Today, 10:43 ↑
          Felix’s rightful place in hell, he will stay there forever!
          That hell already put the hell out of you in Hell! am am am Well, we'll wait patiently ... There are no delays, as you know, so I wouldn’t be in such a hurry if you were ... laughing laughing laughing
          1. +7
            11 September 2017 11: 53
            Quote: Diana Ilyina
            Well, nothing we wait patiently ..

            Yes, but it’s significant that Russia is poorly poor, but is recovering, and the cries of its rabid haters are getting louder. And this your opponent is shouting louder and more heartfelt .. why would it be?
            1. +13
              11 September 2017 12: 24
              Pancir026 Today, 11:53 ↑
              Yes, but it’s significant that Russia is poorly poor, but is recovering, and the cries of its rabid haters are getting louder. And this your opponent is shouting louder and more heartfelt .. why would it be?
              Everything is correct Vlad, you, as always, see the root! The more Russia will show independence, the higher its achievements will be, the greater will be the squeal of pro-Western mongrels, no matter under what guise they hide themselves. The essence of all the liberals, monarchists, Vlasovites, Krasnodar, Belolentochnikov and others, it is one, the essence of bringing the country to collapse. It doesn’t matter under what flag they are going to ruin this country. Is there really a difference between Anal, Makarevich, Akhedzhakova or the same Poklonskaya ?! She is not! They have one essence, flags and signs are different from pseudo-patriots to obvious fascists, but the essence is one. And the essence of this is the collapse of Russia, its division into components that are easier to conquer and easier to control. That's all, as their overseas owners say, "nothing personal just business" ... The only question is where will this business lead the western sixes themselves ?! The fate of all traitors to become first a policeman in their village, and then be publicly hanged or worse! No brain at all fool no memory ... request Straight "pichalbida" ... crying
              1. +1
                11 September 2017 12: 52
                Quote: Diana Ilyina
                be publicly hanged or worse!

                And what exactly is worse, where is worse? I didn’t want to interfere in your conversation, but I could not resist, I was interested.
                1. +14
                  11 September 2017 12: 58
                  bober1982 Today, 12:52 ↑
                  And what exactly is worse, where is worse? I didn’t want to interfere in your conversation, but I could not resist, I was interested.
                  Worse ?! I can tell where and when it happened worse. It used to happen that the Germans left, and our troops still did not have time to occupy this territory, and so those of the police who did not have time to leave with the Germans fell into the hands of an angry people ... I hope you do not need to explain the difference between hanging and tearing? !
                  1. +1
                    11 September 2017 13: 08
                    Quote: Diana Ilyina
                    I hope you don’t have to explain the difference between hanging and tearing ?!

                    I had no honor to know, I can’t say anything about this. But the French say that the guillotine is a humane way of killing life,chic....., and the head flew off, painlessly, which means civilized people.
                    1. +14
                      11 September 2017 13: 21
                      bober1982 Today, 13:08 ↑
                      I had no honor to know, I can’t say anything about this.
                      I don’t know how true this is, but the phrase "ignorance of laws does not exempt from liability" attributed to Felix Edmundovich!
                      chik ..... and the head flew off, painlessly, which means civilized people.
                      The word "civilized" was worth quoting! Your "civilized" during Bartholomew’s night alone slaughtered the people TEN times more than it was destroyed during the whole reign of Ivan the Terrible !!! So continue to bow before the Western "civilization" and on, you see they will change your anger for mercy and instead of just killing you, they will send you to the "humane" guillotine! laughing
                      1. +2
                        11 September 2017 13: 35
                        Quote: Diana Ilyina
                        and instead of just killing you

                        It seems that you have such words - to hang, kill, tear to pieces, shoot, your heart begins to beat faster, and you languidly close your eyes. Is it really possible.
                      2. +11
                        11 September 2017 14: 46
                        bober1982 Today, 13:35 ↑
                        It seems that you have such words - to hang, kill, tear to pieces, shoot, your heart begins to beat faster, and you languidly close your eyes.
                        laughing laughing laughing Everything is exactly as you pictorially described, all the symptoms ... belay And in the evenings I eat liberal babies, and in the morning I drink their blood instead of coffee fool ! What other moments of my personal life and life attachments excite you so much ?!
                    2. +1
                      11 September 2017 18: 29
                      they eat frogs .. well, we will not repeat them ..
              2. +6
                11 September 2017 14: 41
                Quote: Diana Ilyina
                The more Russia will show independence, the higher its achievements,

                What do you care about Russia? Is your country a Soviet Union, or do you think that Putin and Chubais will restore it? !!
                1. +9
                  11 September 2017 15: 00
                  Quote: ALEXEY VLADIMIROVICH
                  What do you care about Russia?

                  The same question, what do you care about Russia, if you are a fan of those forces that Russia does not need? The same Chubais, he certainly does not need it as a country, but as a place to rob a datac, do you hope to continue to rob the country?
                2. +14
                  11 September 2017 15: 31
                  ALEXEY VLADIMIROVICH Today, 14:41 ↑
                  Your country is the Soviet Union
                  I am ridiculous of your miserable attempts to humiliate me or other people by writing the word SOVIET through the letter "c" ... laughing laughing laughing It humiliates you, but not me or anyone else. Moreover, you imagine yourself not just Alexei, but already the whole ALEXEI VLADIMIROVICH ... In this regard, I have a question, do you have the CapsLock key not working or Shift stuck ?! Judging by your comments, you have a direct relationship to shkolot, and imagine yourself directly as the navel of the Earth. Only judging by your garbage rating, your undoubtedly "authoritative" negative share the opinion here only you and a couple of cripples on your head ...! laughing tongue
                  1. +5
                    11 September 2017 15: 38
                    Diana Ilyina, comment on the article or political views, but I personally should not, I do not consider myself such a huge amount to discuss. You are not so familiar with me to call by name. Among educated Russians, an appeal to a stranger without a middle name is considered rudeness. And I add, the term "sovetsky" was widespread among the Russian emigration, who escaped from the sovetskoy power and therefore knew her joy well.
                    1. +14
                      11 September 2017 15: 52
                      ALEXEY VLADIMIROVICH Today, 15: 38 ↑ New
                      Diana Ilyina, comment on the article or political views, but I personally shouldn’t, I do not consider myself such a huge amount to discuss.
                      If you hadn’t got into the topic with your idiotic comments, I wouldn’t touch you! You know do not touch and will not stink ... laughing
                      I do not consider myself such a huge amount to discuss.
                      Here, the only time I agree with you good , you and concept size are not compatible! negative
                      You are not so familiar with me what to call by name.
                      And I did not call you by your name anywhere! Or read carefully, or learn the rules of the Russian language.
                      Among educated Russians, addressing a stranger without a middle name is considered rudeness.
                      First of all, where does the phrase “educated Russians” mean ?! And among non-Russians, is it not so ?! Secondly, why do you consider yourself educated ?! An educated person will never write the word "sovetsky" ...! I will remain modestly silent about your other stupidities.
                      My advice to you, do not try to engage in a verbal skirmish with me, you will certainly be the loser, many here will confirm this to you. And then you act according to the decree of Peter the Great, "speak not according to what is written so that everyone’s nonsense can be seen!" laughing tongue
                    2. +9
                      11 September 2017 15: 55
                      Quote: ALEXEY VLADIMIROVICH
                      And I add, the term "sovetsky" was widespread among the Russian emigration, who escaped from the sovetskoy power

                      So you are an expat.
                      And what do you need in Russia?
                      There will be no return to the old regimes so dear to your emigration - no one will give a damn about the GREAT past, nobody will give you, and propaganda directly Nazi views is all the more so.
                      And what's more, your "educated" Russians, who left after 17, for the most part, worked as polishers and taxi drivers, singing cars and other things, for complete inability to do anything else, with very, very rare exceptions, and among the Nazis they worked in a considerable number.
                      And you still, sorry, arrogance, demand respect for yourself?
                      No, you are not worthy of respect, as are those who profess similar views of yours and that there are very, very good reasons.
                      Yours served the Nazis, ours were nailed to your masters in Berlin.
                      And the fact that you now, here, already on behalf of other owners, propagate the same thing as those who served in the occupying forces, once again says how the country "needs" you
                      1. The comment was deleted.
                      2. +12
                        11 September 2017 17: 06
                        ALEXEY VLADIMIROVICH Today, 16:29 ↑
                        You see, you, Dzerzhinsky and Dzhugashvili, did not succeed in the main thing: to destroy the Russians, replacing them with "sovetskimi" (although you tried hard). As long as there are Russians, there will be a chance for the restoration of RUSSIA (not a modern and multinational eReF,)
                        For especially "Russians", for information, I inform you that the Russian Empire, the USSR, the Russian Federation have always been, are and will be a multinational power! An attempt to put one people above another is nothing more than a manifestation of outright fascism, which falls under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
                        You sovetskie just die out
                        You will not get it...!
                        Even here, on the Prosovets website, the ratio of Russian and Soviet is already at 1: 2,5 \ 3
                        Firstly, I really didn’t know that VO is a “pro-Soviet” site ... request I think the administration’s stomachs will burst with laughter when they read this nonsense of yours. Secondly, give you a calculator ?! What is the ratio 1/3 ?! Look at the number of people who agree with me and with you. A ratio of 10 / 0,01 this is your level and above you do not jump.
                        So we, the Russians, will still sing at your wake!
                        Do not flatter yourself, you are not Russian, you are a fascist inferior. You will continue in the same vein, you can get a real article for inciting ethnic hatred!
                      3. +5
                        11 September 2017 17: 38
                        Quote: Pancir026
                        Yours served the Nazis, ours were nailed to your masters in Berlin.

                        My friend, do you know the top command staff of the Armed Forces of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia? So it consisted entirely of YOUR communists:
                        Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Vlasov A. Lieutenant General of the Red Army
                        Chief of Staff Trukhin Major General of the Red Army
                        Head of Propaganda Department Zhilenkov Brigadier Commissioner of the Red Army
                        Head of Organizational Management Malyshkin, Major General of the Red Army
                        Head of Civil Administration Zakutny, Major General of the Red Army
                    3. +3
                      11 September 2017 18: 48
                      another savior of the fatherland .... the head of the sword and yelled ... if they were saved then how did they know her joy?
                      1. +2
                        12 September 2017 02: 42
                        A eunuch, he may know)), but castratus is unlikely.
  2. +18
    11 September 2017 06: 40
    ... therefore, Dzerzhinsky provokes a feeling of hatred among Russian liberals, for whom pro-Western and weak, semi-colonial Russia is the ideal of the state, and a strong, independent Russian power that has rigidly crushed the “fifth column” and is not afraid to repulse external enemies is “totalitarian,” bloody state. "

    That's why liberalists are hated in Russia! Yes F. Dostoevsky also wrote: - "Our Russian liberal, first of all the lackey, is just watching how to clean his boots from someone in the west." good
    1. +13
      11 September 2017 08: 06
      Liberasts like Stankevich at the genetic level were afraid of F.E. Dzerzhinsky, so even the monument was terrifying to them!
    2. +16
      11 September 2017 08: 07
      Quote: RusArmy235
      That's why liberalists are hated in Russia! F. Dostoevsky also wrote: - "Our Russian liberal, first of all the lackey, is just watching how to clean his boots from someone in the west."

      Below, those named by you are already screaming.
      Apparently the name of Dzerzhinsky, like litmus paper, immediately highlights what is in people's hearts.
  3. +8
    11 September 2017 06: 41
    Here it is the realization of a childhood dream. Destroyed many Muscovites. As I dreamed.
  4. +6
    11 September 2017 06: 43
    He really loved children, but really did not like their parents No.
  5. +7
    11 September 2017 06: 51
    By the way, it’s useful for the author to know that the iron Felix, with all his gang before the revolution, was just considered a liberal movement.
    1. +2
      11 September 2017 07: 30
      Quote: Ken71
      ... the iron Felix, with all his gang before the revolution, was just considered a liberal movement.

      Do you want to say that he knew them from within and that you can completely trust his words about them? laughing
      1. +3
        11 September 2017 07: 48
        No Borya. This is then their liberal. In youth, the team was shot by true Bolsheviks. And they say they cut down the defendant. And by the way, Borya, how do you live with such a liberal name.
        1. +2
          11 September 2017 09: 46
          Quote: Ken71
          In youth, the team was shot by true Bolsheviks.

          And what to do, on top of all the places are not enough. And where does the Bolsheviks? They became the majority in the party only after the "Stalin Call" that began in 1924, and before that, the Trotskyists.
          Quote: Ken71
          And by the way, Borya, how do you live with such a liberal name.

          A twist of the proverb: "It is not a name that colors a person, but a person's name."
          1. +1
            11 September 2017 12: 43
            That's it. Some communists cut others. Strong business executives of the liberals. And Edmundych was stabbed to death in the literal sense.
            1. +2
              11 September 2017 13: 02
              Quote: Ken71
              Some communists cut others

              Some Communists and other Communists are Bolshevik Communists and Trotskyist Communists. The war between them was for choosing a concept, for choosing the path of Russia. In the year 53, the Communist Trotskyists finally prevailed.
              1. +2
                11 September 2017 13: 39
                What is your cereal in your head
  6. +2
    11 September 2017 06: 56
    And one of the organizers of the Brain Institute.
  7. +20
    11 September 2017 07: 09
    For me personally, Comrade Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky has always been the standard of the Bolshevik.
    These are the people who make revolutions and give their lives for it, and evil sprawls into power
    to make money at the expense of the state and the people, fill up the moshna and slip away to the west.
    1. +2
      11 September 2017 15: 56
      By the way, yes. The standard of the Bolshevik. Killer fanatic with a cold head and a warm heart. There is no talk about clean hands.
  8. +8
    11 September 2017 07: 30
    Dzerzhinsky was a fanatic, obsessed. In his young years, he acquired many vices and base passions, among which bloodthirstiness and revenge were not in last place. He literally asked for work in punitive organs.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +5
        11 September 2017 07: 46
        Any revolution is made by people, to put it mildly, with an unbalanced psyche, especially such people, professional revolutionaries, as a rule, have been in prisons, exiles and races for a long time.
        1. +1
          11 September 2017 07: 50
          They wrote that Edmundych was indulging in cocaine.
          1. +5
            11 September 2017 07: 54
            Not only cocaine, but I don’t want to continue, so as not to make some people angry again.
            1. +1
              11 September 2017 07: 58
              Who deleted my comment and why?
              1. +6
                11 September 2017 08: 01
                I repeat: Dzerzhinsky crazy, like Chikatilo.
                1. +21
                  11 September 2017 09: 00
                  Quote: Mood Ozvon
                  I repeat: Dzerzhinsky crazy, like Chikatilo.

                  It is pointless to expect from the character with such a nickname smart comments.
        2. +17
          11 September 2017 08: 04
          Quote: bober1982
          Any revolution is made by people, to put it mildly, with an unbalanced psyche

          Are you talking about the leader of the Criminal Revolution-Yeltsin and Co.? Exactly. Drunk is rare and only the environment ...
          1. +1
            11 September 2017 08: 16
            So after all, we are talking about Dzerzhinsky, especially since I clarified - any revolutionwhether it is bourgeois, socialist or colorful.
            1. +15
              11 September 2017 08: 28
              Quote: bober1982
              So it's about Dzerzhinsky

              Yes, we are talking about him, but this does not mean that in a polemic about his role in the history of the country, such "arguments" as yours should be applied, multiplied by gossip.
              And secondly, all of you are throwing dirt into the past so intensely, but for some reason you are making a surprised face from the question — but for the Yeltsin’s gang and his drunkenness. This led to the disaster of the country and the breakup that almost happened, who is responsible, like you and your kind , called "liberals" in Russia, although the people have long aptly christened you another word.
              1. +5
                11 September 2017 08: 34
                Communists are responsible, including the communist Yeltsin.
                1. +14
                  11 September 2017 08: 46
                  Quote: Mood Ozwon
                  Communists are responsible, including the communist Yeltsin.

                  In 1989, Yedzin passed his membership card, so you sat in a puddle again.
                2. +17
                  11 September 2017 08: 56
                  There are communists, but there are party members. These are the members who destroyed the country. And then, what a nonsense boulevard, such as the Dzerzhinsky drug addict, psycho, executioner. Such yellowness is good to you
                  characterizes. And it is surprising that you, allegedly patriots, use Western campaigns of the Cold War.
                  1. +9
                    11 September 2017 09: 05
                    Quote: Rastas
                    characterizes. And it is surprising that you, allegedly patriots, use Western campaigns of the Cold War.

                    Mimicry under patriots, a necessary condition for a parasitic part of society, in fact, and you’re absolutely right about the condition of their life, the content of the sponsor’s money, like Soros or other kontrok, like NGOs and NGOs
                    -rossijskuyu-oppoziciyu /
                    and where without it
                  2. +4
                    11 September 2017 09: 14
                    As a boy, I dreamed of an invisible hat and the destruction of all Muscovites. ”
                    By the way, Napoleon and Hitler did not dream of this in childhood.
                    1. +16
                      11 September 2017 09: 27
                      Quote: Koshnitsa
                      By the way

                      Not by the way, but contrary to your speculation, Dzerzhinsky built the POWER, you are trying to destroy it.
                      In fact, all your fuss around the name of Dzerzhinsky shows your intellectual poverty no more.
    2. +15
      11 September 2017 08: 08
      Quote: bober1982
      In his young years, he acquired many vices and base passions, among which bloodthirstiness and revenge were not in last place. He literally asked for work in punitive organs.

      Did you come up with this yourself? However, after reading a little lower, what you and your comrades-in-arms write is not surprised, you are trying to pile up your vices on the shoulders of others ...
      1. +2
        11 September 2017 08: 22
        Any person has vices, including me and you. Another question is that they must either be eradicated or confronted with, and in any revolution it happens that in some category of citizens (a significant part) these vices “creep out” There are more than enough examples, now we are observing what is happening in the once fraternal Ukraine, where part of the population is in a half-crazy state.
        1. +15
          11 September 2017 08: 38
          Quote: bober1982
          Another question is that they must be either eradicated or fought with.

          You are clearly not at odds with logic.
          Dzerzhinsky and the party in which they belonged were able to curb everything black that broke free after February 17.you, after August 1991 you, that is, liberals, only aggravated the same vices.
          Dzerzhinsky organized the work to eradicate child homelessness, you revived it again.
          with regards to Ukraine. so you spawned it, because liberalism is in the oligarchy stage, the direct path to Nazism, in Ukraine is the Bandera version.
          So you would have thrown less dirt at people whom you and many of you supporting here are simply not good at.
          The liberals are yours, the country's catastrophe is 90, the semi-civil war in Russia since 1993 is yours, the fratricidal war in the Chechen Republic is yours, and the Civil War in Ukraine is yours.
          This is an obvious and undeniable fact.
          1. +3
            11 September 2017 08: 49
            Quote: Pancir026
            Liberals are yours

            You already decide what to call us, you can get confused, call either Newmonarchists or Vlasovites, now you have reached an agreement with liberals. Comrade, how can you be a monarchist and a liberal, or Kolchak’s and a liberal?
            Your comments are always excited, you have to fight it, try to eradicate it. You need to start small, so the Holy Fathers teach.
            1. +13
              11 September 2017 09: 00
              Quote: bober1982
              You already decide what to call us,

              Why not define yourself? You are not called enemies of the country. For you profess absolutely pro-Western values ​​and engage in cheap speculation on historical topics, choosing your "arguments" from sources that are concocted in the West or paid for by the West.
              So take care of your health, long-term always ends his life badly.
              1. +2
                11 September 2017 09: 08
                Typically Trotskyist fabrications.
                1. +12
                  11 September 2017 09: 17
                  Quote: bober1982
                  Typically Trotskyist fabrications.

                  Well, yes, yes, yes. Why were you fussing right away?
                  Do you deny that you will use in your dubious arguments, agitation written in the owl in the West, or under the dictation of the West? Or on the money of the West? Why are you so ... put it mildly cowardly?
                  I cited a quote from a German newspaper and the opinion of one metressa from yours, about which it has long been known that it is on the content of the USA .. http: //russia-insider.com/en/istoriya/po
                  / ri8549
                  1. +1
                    11 September 2017 09: 24
                    Quote: Pancir026
                    Why are you so ... mildly cowardly?

                    What, what ........, weak man. All the best to you, do not cough.
                    1. +19
                      11 September 2017 09: 42
                      bober1982 Today, 09:24 ↑
                      What, what ........, weak man. All the best to you, do not cough.
                      But this is a “super” argument in a dispute with a person head and shoulders above you in the argumentation of your opinion! good I emphasize that your opponent, unlike you, has YOUR opinion, and not the opinion of Western propaganda spread by you and others like you!
                    2. +10
                      11 September 2017 09: 42
                      Quote: bober1982
                      What, what ........, weak man. All the best to you, do not cough.

                      Weakened, sore throat?
                      1. +1
                        11 September 2017 09: 56
                        Quote: Pancir026
                        Do you feel?

                        The cat smells, by the way, there is an opinion that unclean power. Such things are, aaaa-aaa.
            2. +18
              11 September 2017 09: 24
              bober1982 Today, 08:49 ↑ New
              You already decide what to call us, you can get confused, call either Newmonarchists or Vlasovites, now you have reached an agreement with the liberals.
              And all of the things you listed are not the same foul-smelling substance ?! All of you, in essence, are traitors to Russia, and it doesn’t matter with what kind of sauce you sell your homeland ...!
              1. +2
                11 September 2017 16: 39
                Quite right at the expense of substance - this is the essence and content, and all other names simply correspond to the circumstances of a particular historical situation.
        2. +4
          11 September 2017 22: 03
          Quote: bober1982
          in the once fraternal Ukraine, there part of the population is in a half-mad state

          You, in my opinion, are also in the same condition, otherwise such nonsense would not have been written.
    3. +4
      11 September 2017 13: 00
      What are these vices and base passions that he acquired in his youth? Industriousness? Durability? Honesty? Principle? Loyalty to word and deed? Love for children? What else?
      He literally asked for work in punitive bodies.

      Who is interesting? Well, you have a fantasy!
  9. +11
    11 September 2017 07: 31
    Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, became one of the main initiators of mass sports in the USSR. Moreover, the Dynamo society can safely be called his brainchild.
  10. +9
    11 September 2017 07: 42
    Quote: Thomas disbelief40
    For me personally, Comrade Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky has always been the standard of the Bolshevik.

    Mother is Polish, father is Jewish. His real name is Josefovich, "the Dzerzhinsky gymnasium student is dullness, mediocrity, without any bright abilities." Felix did well in only one subject - the Law of God, even dreamed of the dignity of a priest, but soon became disillusioned with religion.

    Mother raised her children in hostility to everything Russian, Orthodox, telling about Polish patriots, hanged, executed or stolen to Siberia. Dzerzhinsky later admitted: "As a boy, I dreamed of an invisible hat and the destruction of all Muscovites."
    Indeed, some standard of the Bolshevik is more typical than you can imagine.
    1. +17
      11 September 2017 07: 54
      Quote: Koshnitsa
      Dzerzhinsky later admitted: "As a boy, I dreamed of an invisible hat and the destruction of all Muscovites."
      Indeed, some standard of the Bolshevik is more typical than you can imagine.

      Stooped to outright lies?
      Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky was born in 1877 on September 11 in the family estate of Dzerzhinovo, consisting of 92 acres of land and a small estate in need of repair. The son of the teacher and daughter of the professor inherited from his parents only a charismatic appearance and manners of the aristocrat.
      So don’t tell your bad smelling myths.
      Quote: Koshnitsa
      "The Dzerzhinsky gymnasium student is dullness, mediocrity, without any bright abilities."

      for you already Pilsudski, the author of this quote, your own?
      1. +5
        11 September 2017 07: 59
        At the end of the XNUMXth century, a thoughtful Polish boy studied at the Vilnius gymnasium. The teacher at the blackboard is chattering, chattering, and Lelik (that was the name of the boy in the family), propping his cheek, looks out the window. What are you thinking, pan Lelik?

        In 1922, Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky answered this question:

        - As a boy, I dreamed of an invisible hat and the destruction of all Muscovites.

        A teacher of his Ancient Greece got it. And to approach the Russian know-it-all and with a knife - a grass under the shoulder blade. In the hat is invisible. A police outfit came running from the street, doctor. They are also quiet - a wheatgrass. Conveniently.
        1. +17
          11 September 2017 08: 16
          Letters in the comments, Koshnitsa, make it even thicker and apply capsules, you will be happy.
          For those who, unlike Koshnitsa, understand what a CASE person means, you can familiarize yourself with this material.
          And after reading, it becomes clear that all the cries that sound in the comments with a sharply negative and directly deceitful characterization of Dzerzhinsky, the cries of those who are close in their abilities and are not capable of such affairs.
          Quotes from the diary
          ... I hated wealth, because I fell in love with people, because I see and feel with all the strings of my soul that today ... people worship the golden calf, which turned human souls into bestial ... and drove love out of people's hearts .. Remember that in the soul of people like me there is a holy spark ... that gives happiness even at the stake.
          ... It would not be worth living if humanity were not illuminated by the star of socialism, the star of the future. For “I” cannot live if it does not include the rest of the world and people. That is the "I" ...
          I strive with all my heart to ensure that there is no injustice, crime, drunkenness, debauchery, excesses, excessive luxury, brothels in which people sell their body or soul, or both together; so that there is no oppression, fratricidal wars, national hostility ... I would like to embrace all humanity with my love, warm it and cleanse it from the filth of modern life ...
          hinskyi / index1.html
          1. +3
            11 September 2017 08: 21
            I read ... Well, surely Felix crazy, stopudovo!
            1. +17
              11 September 2017 08: 39
              Quote: Mood Ozwon
              Read it.

              Yes, you distinguish letters, but alas, they are not capable of more.
        2. +3
          11 September 2017 22: 13
          Quote: Koshnitsa
          At the end of the XNUMXth century, a thoughtful Polish boy studied at the Vilnius gymnasium. The teacher at the blackboard is chattering, chattering, and Lelik (that was the name of the boy in the family), propping his cheek, looks out the window. What are you thinking, Mr. Lelik? ........

          I wonder who this de-b-li-zm appreciated with his likes?
          1. +2
            12 September 2017 02: 46
            Likes)))). Doggies are like that. WOF WOF.
          2. +1
            12 September 2017 06: 51
            That teacher survived ...
    2. +10
      11 September 2017 09: 04
      When there is nothing to be said about the essence of concrete cases, receptions begin such as “wrong” nationality, personal qualities.
  11. +3
    11 September 2017 08: 07
    Why do liberals hate mice and cockroaches? Immediately the whole country will begin to breed cockroaches to spite liberals. It seems to me alone that the meme about the "liberals" has become one of the tools for brainwashing ordinary people and managing their opinions? For a long time there has been no desire to read articles with similar headings.
  12. +5
    11 September 2017 08: 14
    And what kind of liberals who hate Dzherzhinsky or Lenin? Author show someone. Svanidze, Shenderovich, some Akunin. Do not make up. Not a single liberal said a bad word about them. They rinse Stalin to the fullest, but nothing about them, they can scold a little and nothing more. Because Lenin, Dzerzhinsky is their flesh from the flesh, spiritual ancestors, Russophobes.
    1. +16
      11 September 2017 08: 22
      Quote: tegezen
      Because Lenin, Dzerzhinsky is their flesh from the flesh, spiritual ancestors, Russophobes.

      The priests of the light ... in the speech ... and can you prove your fabrications?
      Explain my dear. Why did they remove the monument to Dherzhinsky from the Lubyanka?
      Why do you and liberals like you praise Khrushchev? So you should be silent about Russophobia. Since 91, the country has become convinced that there really are Russophobes.
      This is what the brilliant Russian writer-philosopher, SEER Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky predicted: “If anyone destroys Russia, it will not be
      communists and not anarchists but LIBERALS. (almost happened? are they everywhere ...)

      Liberal Chubais about Dostoevsky: “You know, I have re-read Dostoevsky in the last three months. And I have an almost physical hatred of this man. He is certainly a genius, but his idea of ​​the Russians as a chosen, holy people, his cult of suffering and the false choice that he offers make me want to tear him to pieces ”

      CHUBAIS: "What are you worried about these people? Well, thirty million will die out. They did not fit into the market. Do not think about it - new ones will grow."

      But why does Chubais physically hate the recognized world genius of Russia, the philosopher writer and the prophet?
      GAIDAR: “It’s okay that part of the pensioners will die out, but society will become more mobile.” “I’m shaped ... As soon as girls love me! I’m probably very smart” “To connect with my name the hopes of those who really want to build in Russia a functioning democracy, it seems to me a mistake. "
      “Russia as a state of Russians has no historical perspective”

      "At the beginning of the reforms, I said to Gaidar: You are looking for the middle class. But it is there: these are teachers, doctors, technical and creative intelligentsia. And I heard in response: this is not the middle class, but the dependents." (Oleg Poptsov, “The Moment of Truth”,
      1. 0
        11 September 2017 19: 04
        Finish looping, and imagine SPECIFICALLY where which liberal hates Dzerzhinsky. I can give a bunch of examples where, for example, Svanidze blasphemes Stalin, and you will find, but where is he blaspheming Felix? You found the words of Chubais about Dostoevsky, where is the same about Lenin and Dzerzhinsky?
    2. +11
      11 September 2017 09: 12
      All Svanidze, Akunin, Shenderovich hate the Bolsheviks and the October Revolution. Incidentally, surprisingly, nationalists and liberals use the same methods in spitting on the Soviet past. S. Kara-Murza has shown this well in his books.
      1. +12
        11 September 2017 09: 24
        Quote: Rastas
        nationalists and liberals use the same methods. S. Kara-Murza has shown this well in his books.

        That's right. On the basis of this bow, they are preparing in Russia something similar to the tragedy of Ukraine.
        Liberals-control of the media and finance, nationalists-stupid force.
        And as a result, a regime similar to the Nazi with the oligarchy at the head.
  13. +4
    11 September 2017 08: 17
    Ah Dzerzhinsky pioneer of industry, sports, and what the hell. And to think about why he had to conceive. Yes, because everything that was destroyed in the dust. So I had to create Dynamo.
    1. +5
      11 September 2017 16: 46
      Is it possible in more detail that "they destroyed it into dust? Production of bearings? Or the electrical industry with mechanical engineering?
      1. +1
        11 September 2017 21: 40
        Industry of Russia., Scientific personnel, culture expelling the best representatives. . It’s not for nothing that they have been comparing everything for 13 years
        1. +3
          12 September 2017 06: 42
          Well, what did the comparisons with 1913 look like? And I really would like to see a comparison between 1917 and 1913 from such a knowledgeable one ... Although even since 1918, after all, the Bolsheviks officially started to destroy this year .. And they destroyed the culture brutally by teaching literacy almost the entire population? Well, and the expelled "scientific personnel" from abroad helped the councils to build all kinds of design bureaus, TsAGI, NAMI in the shortest possible time, to create the production of bearings, the electrical and aviation industry, etc., etc.?
  14. +6
    11 September 2017 08: 31
    Modern liberals are the genetic descendants of the Chekists, the same was the dean of the biology faculty of Moscow State University Felix Yanovich Dzerzhinsky - "rusty Felix" and so on, all these Svanidze, Gaidars, Chubais, Albats and so on.
    How can they hate their native Felix?
    1. +11
      11 September 2017 08: 51
      Quote: Koshnitsa
      Modern liberals are genetic descendants

      To paraphrase your "thoughtful" phrase, whoever imagines himself a "Cossack" is a genetic descendant of General Krasnov, the SS chieftain?
      Judging by your comments here, such an interpretation of your delights has a XNUMX% right to exist.
      Quote: Koshnitsa
      How can they hate their native Felix?

      You essentially translate the point of view of these ... "The German Die Welt put Dzerzhinsky on a par with Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich; she also quoted the chairman of the Moscow Helsinki group Lyudmila Alekseeva, who threatened to protest," if the bloodsucker and the founder of communist terror, a monument will be erected again. ”http: //russia-insider.com/en/istoriya/p
      e / ri8549
      1. +3
        11 September 2017 08: 56
        General Krasnov had no children of his own and he did not have any direct descendants, but the Chekists-executioners, Albatsians, Gaidarchiks, Josefovich-Dzerzhinsky, apf
        Lbaums, Bronstein, Yakirs left direct offspring and they are precisely the backbone of the liberals in modern Russia.
        1. +10
          11 September 2017 09: 10
          Quote: Koshnitsa
          General Krasnov had no children of his own and he has no direct descendants,

          But he has people like you. Why are you unlocking the fact. That all your writings are essentially the same reddishness?
          At the expense of the Chekists ... here you, the Gelendzhik orator, can certainly scream that the Chekists are such, but if you are invited to the territorial body of the FSB .. your fervor will fade away and you will implicitly give something out of the category and I’m not me and thoughts are not mine and generally neither sleep nor spirit.
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +4
      11 September 2017 09: 18
      Can you prove your comment? At least quotes from the above-mentioned people, where they speak well of the Bolsheviks.
      1. +4
        11 September 2017 09: 30
        About their ancestors, the Bolsheviks, they all respond well and very well.
        The same Zhenya Albats, clucking on the topic of how wonderful her grandfather and grandmother had, they still lived in Switzerland, ate cheese with chocolate, admired the Alps, and then came to "this country to make a revolution."
        "The Bund was the Jewish branch of the Bolshevik party. My grandfather Efraim Albats was a member of the Bund. And in 1915 he returned from Switzerland here, which means helping to make a revolution."
        ho /
        1. +5
          11 September 2017 10: 14
          And where in this statement of simple facts is the glorification of the Bolsheviks?
          Not everyone will brand their ancestors. On this site there are former members of the CPSU who have become Natsik. And then, if grandfather had convictions, then how does this agree with his grandson?
          1. +2
            11 September 2017 11: 40
            In the most direct way, if grandchildren speak warmly about grandfathers and grandmothers, as our liberals do about their Chekist-Sovnarkomists, they mean they take their work wholeheartedly. They will thank the unknown immigrants from places that laid a solid foundation for them in life. Everything is elementary.
      2. +2
        11 September 2017 09: 45
        As a child, Gaidar lived with his parents in Cuba (from 1962, during the Caribbean crisis, until the fall of 1964). Raul Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara visited the house in Cuba.
        I never heard that Yegor Timurovich spoke poorly about the executioner grandfather, about Rachel's grandmother, about the revolutionary Bazhov. Well, and so on.
        Be realistic.
        Love grandfathers-worship and offspring, such as Kolenka Choles
        1. +7
          11 September 2017 10: 19
          So what? Rummage in your family. Also, probably, the party members were VLKSM. Are you talking badly about them? And many have damned commies, and if you hint that your grandfather or father were communists, then right away they are not, they are good.
          1. +1
            11 September 2017 10: 26
            Yes, I dug, there were no executioners and informers. And there were no traitors either.
            1. +11
              11 September 2017 10: 44
              Quote: Koshnitsa
              .And there were no traitors either.

              He doesn’t look like the man justifying the SS General Krasnov is.
              1. +2
                11 September 2017 11: 15
                Telibash, why did you record Krasnov in the SS?
                1. +12
                  11 September 2017 11: 32
                  Poke a boor, will be your mom.
                  At the expense of the despicable killer Krasnov- http://antikiazizm.ucoz.ru/forum/2-140-1
                  In the article “Cossack Independence” from 1922, the ataman wrote: “Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Poland, Ukraine can be recognized ethnographically: nevertheless, the language, character, and customs, although slightly, differ from the Russians. But how to set up independent Cossack troops, how to separate from Russia by those who are so closely connected with Russia by their blood, ties of kinship, territory, Orthodox faith, and their glory that they cannot be separated from others. "How to throw away the best pearl of the Russian crown, the pride of the Russian state!"

                  However, by 1940, Krasnov had already declared in a more independent manner: “Cossacks and Cossack troops as autonomous self-governing Atamanes and the Region's Circle can only be when Russia is there. So, all our thoughts, aspirations and work should be aimed at ensuring that Russia appears in the place of the USSR. ”

                  For the sake of the destruction of the USSR and the formation of Russia in its place with an autonomous (independent) Cossacks, Krasnov again, as in 1918, went to cooperate with the Germans. True, this time with the Nazis.
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                    1. +5
                      11 September 2017 17: 20
                      Quote: Heimdall (49)
                      The writings you cited

                      It shows that in the United States, Nazism is something in line with all US policy.
                      And people like you, the bearers of the opinions that the Nazi criminal Krasnov is something outstanding, for us in Russia, were and will remain the same people who were killed in 45 in Berlin.
                      And the last one, rudeness, a sign of an inherently near individual.
                      1. +2
                        11 September 2017 21: 12
                        Quote: Pancir026
                        And the last one, rudeness, a sign of an inherently near individual

                        Yes, I have no rudeness towards you. Rudeness-this is when the national minorities in Russia sit on the head of the Russian and teach them how to live, hiding under the same chatter of a different nature.
                    2. +2
                      12 September 2017 06: 12
                      The writings you cited only show the sequence of Krasnov in the struggle against the Bolsheviks. The man walked straight ahead and did not jump to the sides

                      Man? Inhuman, this.

                      And, here they are, People.
        2. +5
          11 September 2017 16: 50
          And since when did A. Gaidar (Golikov) become the grandfather for Egorushka?
  15. +5
    11 September 2017 09: 21
    Why Liberals Hate Iron Felix

    Everything is simple. I am Russian. Every Russian person is my blood relative. Dzerzhinsky killed Russians, which means he killed my blood relatives.
    And this applies to the entire Bolshevik occupation regime.
    Any ethnic Russian who justifies the Red Terror, the wordless talk, the dispossession of the kulaks, the pest control and the great terror - I will cut myself out, Ivan who does not remember kinship.
    1. +15
      11 September 2017 09: 33
      Quote: IvanTheTerrible
      Everything is simple. I am Russian. Every Russian person is my blood relative.

      Krasnov killed the Russians, Kolchak killed the Russians, Hitler killed the Russians, Yeltsin killed the Russians, Poroshenko kills the Russians, which means they kill my blood relatives.
      Every Russian who justifies the above is an accomplice of the murderers of Russians and Russia as a country.
      And therefore, the mankurt of kinship is not conscious, but becoming an expat, he became an accomplice to the eternal opponents of Russia, the servant of the West is you, IvanTheTerrible
      1. +3
        11 September 2017 09: 38
        Kolchak and Krasnov did not kill the Russians, only traitors and bandits. tongue
        1. +13
          11 September 2017 09: 46
          Quote: Koshnitsa
          Kolchak and Krasnov did not kill the Russians, only traitors.

          Yes? Therefore, Krasnov, like a hulking dog, is hanged by the verdict of the TRIBUNAL? And Kolchak, how is the same hulking dog fused to the ice of the Angara?
          The people appreciated these black figures in their history, and only a potential fifth column extols those who served the WEST. One Hitler, the second English crown.
          1. +2
            11 September 2017 09: 51
            Both Krasnov and Kolchak are in monuments in modern Russia, but he missed out on the endmundycha. Have you seen anything? feel
            1. +12
              11 September 2017 10: 28
              Quote: Koshnitsa
              And Krasnov and Kolchak

              The first in the garden, the neighbors pour out sewage there, the second is guarded. So as not to accidentally fall back into the hangar.
              1. +3
                11 September 2017 10: 33
                And the statues of Endmundych were installed in the amusement park, khe-khe, on the side .... good
                1. +9
                  11 September 2017 10: 44
                  Nothing, lie down and stand in its rightful place, then where are you hiding yourself?
                  1. +1
                    11 September 2017 11: 27
                    Gee! Endmundych will rise, sometime. How is Khan Kubrat?
          2. +5
            11 September 2017 13: 16
            And Kolchak, how is the same husky dog ​​fused to the ice of the Angara?

            Such a river was dirtied !!! crying
            1. +4
              11 September 2017 13: 28
              Iraida Nam, “The Russian Government of Kolchak and Polish Military Units”, Bulletin of Tomsk State University, No.312, 2008: At the beginning of the 1919 year, mainly from the Polish prisoners of war who fought in the First World War on the side of Germany and Austria-Hungary, the 5 Polish division of about 11 thousand people was formed in Siberia. She was remembered for punitive raids against the red partisans and peasants. “Despite their relatively small numbers, Polish troops play an extremely large role here in Siberia. Under the general command of General Zhanen they are a serious fighting force, especially since, according to the Allies, the only artery crossing this edge of the future is now still so deserted - and opening up access from the east to the heart of Russia, was in firm and friendly hands. Possession of it opens up great opportunities and prevents the Bolsheviks from capturing Siberia "(Jean-Pierre Maurice - French General, head of the French military mission under the Russian government, Admiral Kolchak and commander in chief of the allied forces in Siberia in 1918-1920).January 22 1919 years a decree of the Council of the Supreme Ruler was adopted, which recognized an independent Polish state and allowed the formation of "in certain sizes" of the national Polish army. In February 1919 of the year, the military mission of General Haller, led by Major J. Okulich, arrived in Siberia, who brought orders and instructions for the Polish units. The mission was in Omsk, at the headquarters of General Janin, knocking through him means and equipment for the Polish army. In April of 1919, in Siberia there were 705 Polish officers, 33 doctors, 36 officials, 9998 non-commissioned officers and privates (almost 10,7 thousand people in total). In May 1919, the command of the Polish troops in Siberia issued an order to end the formation of the 5 division. By this time, the quantitative composition of the Polish units was 11282 people. The atrocities of the Poles were indicated in their memoirs and members of the Omsk government. I. Sukin wrote that "the Poles guarding the road near Novonikolaevsk became famous for their indescribable atrocities and ferocity." A similar entry was left by A. Budberg on 6 of September 1919 of the year: "There are a lot of complaints about the outrages and violence perpetrated by Polish troops in the Novonikolaevsk region; they are not shy about robbing, producing violent forages, paying at insignificant prices and seizing our blanks, trains and barges with cargoes. We don’t even get an answer to our complaints addressed to Zhanen; the Polish bosses are especially insulting to us: we still owe the Czechs, and some of them fought with us for a common cause; the Polish troops were created behind us of former prisoners of war and our Poles, who took everything that was possible from Russia, and then patched up with Polish subjects and took refuge from all mobilization and military troubles in the ranks of the Polish units. "On 11 of September 1919, the peasants of the villages of Artamonova, Ershova and Bitkovsky villages submitted an application to the chief of the Novonikolayevsky garrison that the Poles took away horses, carts, money and a lot of household utensils from them, including samovars and sewing machines. Another report said that the Polish units, aimed at suppressing Bolshevik uprisings in the county, drove whole herds of cows, horses, sheep and other domestic animals. The Polish unit lodging in Kamen requisitioned even two musical instruments and a telephone set belonging to the Public Administration. However, the French general Janin, who actually commanded the Polish division, turned a blind eye to the atrocities of the Poles - since those, as he believed, do much better with the partisan movement than the local parts of Kolchak.
          3. +2
            11 September 2017 16: 55
            Quote: Pancir026
            Therefore, Krasnov, how is a hulking dog hanged by the sentence of the TRIBUNAL?

            This tribunal consisted of people who would recognize their parents as English spies if the party demanded it.
            1. +8
              11 September 2017 17: 22
              Quote: Heimdall (49)
              This tribunal

              This TRIBUNAL consisted of people who knew the ENEMY firmly, especially from the former compatriots who had entered the service of a foreign army, the enemy was doubly, and therefore, a scoundrel dog, and was hanged as a warning to the Hemdals.
        2. +7
          11 September 2017 16: 58
          Quote: Koshnitsa
          Kolchak and Krasnov did not kill the Russians, only traitors and bandits. tongue

          But so frankly lying is not at all good and just plain stupid .... My grandfather lived for about 106 years and saw Kolchak "not kill" the Russians personally ... he almost didn’t kill him himself ....
        3. +4
          11 September 2017 22: 32
          Quote: Koshnitsa
          Kolchak and Krasnov did not kill the Russians, only traitors and bandits

          By order of Kolchak and Krasnov, Russian peasants in the captured villages were flogged, tortured and killed, are they also traitors and bandits ?. By the way, your Cossacks also distinguished themselves in this and looted, and flogged, and killed. Surely your grandfather or great-grandfather participated in this, look in the closet or in the attic if there was any junk selected from nonresident. Surely you have a bad heredity. You are very twitchy.
      2. +4
        11 September 2017 10: 03
        Krasnov killed the Russians; Kolchak killed the Russians.

        (((Russian))) laughing
        1. +3
          11 September 2017 10: 17
          Komsomol members were buried in the Jewish cemetery, on the northern outskirts of the city. Time and people of the coming "bright future" did not spare the place of their burial.
          On the other hand, if it weren’t for Denikin’s people, they would most likely have consumed this audience or erased it in the camp dust in 1937. By the way, like the FED, it’s a pity that he did not live to see the death wall.
          Then there would not have been drowned for him like that.
          1. +13
            11 September 2017 10: 32
            Quote: Koshnitsa
            Then there would not have been drowned for him like that.

            Trying to justify the killers?
            Kolchak, as an intelligent commander in chief, preferred not to torture, but to flog and not be sophisticated with the death penalty, but simply to shoot. Soviet printed sources claim that during the stay of Kolchak in the Yekaterinburg province, the White Guards tortured and shot more than 25 thousand people and about 200 thousand were flogged.

            The KGB began investigating case No. 37751 against chieftain Boris Annenkov in May 1926. He was 36 years old at that time. He said about himself that of the nobles, he graduated from the Odessa Cadet Corps and the Moscow Alexander Military School. He did not recognize the October Revolution, the Cossack centurion at the front, decided not to comply with the Soviet decree on demobilization, and appeared in Omsk at the head of the "partisan" detachment in 1918. In the army, Kolchak commanded a brigade, became a major general. After the defeat of the Semirechye army with 4 thousand soldiers, he left for China.

            In a four-volume investigation case, accusing Annenkov and his former chief of staff N.A. Denisov, thousands of testimonies of looted peasants, relatives of those killed at the hands of bandits acting under the motto are stored:

            “We have no prohibitions! God and Ataman Annenkov are with us, chop right and left! ”
            1. +2
              11 September 2017 10: 47
              Soviet printed sources claim snack.
              He said about himself that of the nobles, he graduated from the Odessa Cadet Corps and the Moscow Alexander Military School. He did not recognize the October Revolution, the Cossack centurion at the front, decided not to comply with the Soviet decree on demobilization, and appeared in Omsk at the head of the "partisan" detachment in 1918.
              Among the Communists in 1991 there was not one such person. By the way, why?
              No answer, silence.
          2. +13
            11 September 2017 10: 36
            Quote: Koshnitsa
            And on the other hand, if it weren’t for Denikin’s,

            If yes, if only they kicked out all this bloody scum from the country. And for what. Here it is more clearly described.
            We leaf through the diary of Baron A. Budberg - after all, Minister of War Kolchak. What did the baron tell, writing not for the press, but, so to speak, confessing to himself? Kolchakovo regime appears from the pages of the diary without makeup. Observing this very power, the baron resents:

            “Even a rational and impartial right ... will squeamishly recoil from any cooperation here, for nothing can make us sympathize with this filth; here, even nothing can be changed, because against the sincere idea of ​​order and law the monstrously vile, cowardice, ambition, self-interest and other delights are rising monstrously here ”[23]. And again: “The old regime is dissolved in the most terry color in its most heinous manifestations ...”.

            Lenin was right when he wrote that the Kolchaks and Denikins carry on their bayonets a power that is "worse than the tsarist."

            All those who specialize in exposing the Soviet “extraordinary”, Baron Budberg invites you to look into the Kolchak counterintelligence.

            “Here, counterintelligence is a huge institution that warms entire crowds of skins, adventurers and the garbage of the late security guard, insignificant in productive work, but thoroughly saturated with the worst traditions of the former guards, detectives and gendarmes. All this is covered by the highest slogans of the struggle for the salvation of the homeland, and under this cover reigns debauchery, violence, embezzlement of treasury sums and the wildest arbitrariness. "
            1. +4
              11 September 2017 10: 49
              Lenin was right when he wrote that the Kolchaks and Denikins carry on their bayonets a power that is "worse than the tsarist."
              It’s true that with White’s victory, no one with anti-Russian scum, like a good sovereign, wouldn’t rush about. There would be order, like in Hungary, Finland, Spain, where national forces won.
              1. +10
                11 September 2017 10: 59
                Quote: Koshnitsa
                There would be order, as in Hungary, Finland, Spain, where the national forces won.

                Forgotten Germany.
                And the Fuhrer to put you, right?
                Yes, the trouble is, history rejected you in those years.
                History rejects you now.
                Not only that, History condemned the Nazis in Nuremberg.
                1. +4
                  11 September 2017 11: 02
                  But in Germany the power of the leftists was never there, an unsuccessful example.
                  But in Spain, Finland and Hungary, leftists were in power and were eliminated by healthy national forces.
                  1. +9
                    11 September 2017 11: 28
                    Quote: Koshnitsa
                    But in Germany the power of the leftists was never there, an unsuccessful example.

                    An example of how successful you are from the fans of the SS-chieftain, Krasnov, and in Germany the Führer carried out your aspirations.
                    1. The comment was deleted.
                      1. +6
                        11 September 2017 17: 56
                        Quote: Koshnitsa
                        Krasnov Ataman SS?

                        Learn a fan of the Nazis.
        2. +4
          11 September 2017 10: 31
          Quote: IvanTheTerrible

          1. +6
            11 September 2017 10: 40
            The essence of the matter is that the red attitude implied, as far as possible, the complete elimination of “harmful” estates and groups of the population, and the white one — the elimination of the carriers of such an attitude.
            The fundamental difference in these positions follows from the equally fundamental difference in the goals of the struggle: the “world revolution” against “United and Indivisible Russia”, the idea of ​​a class struggle against the idea of ​​national unity in the struggle against an external enemy. If the former necessarily requires and requires the extermination of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people (of very different beliefs), then the second is only the elimination of functionaries preaching this particular party. Hence the comparative extent of the repression.
            It always amused me that the ideologists of the Soviet councils were never embarrassed by the obvious absurdity of the tasks of the "white terror" from the point of view of their own "class" interpretation of events (the struggle of the "workers and peasants" against the "bourgeoisie and landowners"). If one can suppose the desire of the workers to kill the owner, then the manufacturer, who dreams of killing his workers, is quite difficult to imagine. And in practice - if it is possible to physically exterminate the "bourgeoisie" in principle, then it is not only impossible for it to exterminate the "workers and peasants", but from the point of view of its "class" interests there is simply no reason.
            But the public consciousness, inclined everywhere to seek a “middle ground”, loves the combination of “white and red terror”. They say, say, the Bolsheviks in the same Kiev, a meat grinder before the fall of the city - thousands of corpses, whose mass did not even have time to bury. White people come, in hot pursuit they shoot 6 people exposed in participation in this “action” - and here it is: “Why is white terror better than red ?!” (Korolenko also did not like the “humanist writer” - how could it be without a trial ...). It is clear that with this approach, the murder of a couple of Bolshevik bonzes and the shooting of several thousand people who are not related to this turn out to be equivalent phenomena. Sometimes, by the way, the resistance to the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks is considered to be the “white terror", and thus it turns out to be the cause of the red (if you didn’t resist, you wouldn’t have to shoot).
            1. +14
              11 September 2017 10: 51
              Quote: IvanTheTerrible
              The essence of the matter is that the red attitude implied, as far as possible, the complete elimination of “harmful” estates and groups of the population, and the white one — the elimination of the carriers of such an attitude.

              That is, your whites should have destroyed everyone in Russia?
              Thanks for the revelation.
              Nobody will reveal himself in such a way as the one who, representing only 3% of the population, dreams of destroying, enslaving the remaining 97%.
              Quote: IvanTheTerrible
              it’s rather difficult to imagine a manufacturer dreaming of killing his workers.

              Oh well?!. Exactly? And how does your scribble agree with the fact that for the civil, whites, during the civil war, billions of gold rubles were taken away, stolen, destroyed? Http: //velib.com/read_book/katasonov_valen
              tin_jurevich / genuehzskaja_konferencija_v_kontekst
              e_mirovojj_i_rossijjskojj_istorii / chast_3_informa
              cija_dlja_sovetskojj_delegacii_v_genue / ocenka_ush
              iejj_i_blokadojj /
              1. +4
                11 September 2017 11: 20
                That is, your whites should have destroyed everyone in Russia?

                No, only spies, international terrorists and religious fanatics - yes, Bolshevism is a religion with all the attributes: holy scripture (Capital, Lenin’s MSS), the church and priests of the cult — RSDLP (b) -KPSS, and even their own “saints” , like the hero of this note).
                And the people's love for the Bolsheviks was so strong that these people had to be poisoned by gas:
                Commander of the troops of the Tambov province No. 0116 / operational-secret
                12th of June 1921
                The remnants of the broken gangs and individual bandits who fled from the villages where Soviet power was restored, gather in the forests and from there raid civilians.
                1. Forests where bandits hide are cleaned with poisonous gases, precisely count on a cloud of asphyxiating gases spreading completely throughout the forest, destroying everything that was hidden in it.
                2. The Artillery Inspector shall immediately submit the required number of poisonous gas cylinders and the necessary specialists to the field.
                3. The commanders of the battle areas persistently and vigorously carry out this order.
                4. Report on measures taken.
                Commander Tukhachevsky
                Chief of Staff of the General Staff Kakurin
                Russian State Military Archive F.34228. Op. 1. D.292. L.5

                But how do the Bolsheviks earn a popular disposition and full support? Something like this:
                All-Russian Central Executive Committee Plenipotentiary Commission No. 116
                23th of June 1921
                The experience of the first combat site shows great suitability for quickly cleansing known areas of banditry using the following cleaning method. Particularly gangster-minded volosts are planned, and representatives of the county political commission, special department, military tribunal and command departments, along with units intended for cleaning, go there. Upon arrival at the place, the parish cordoned off, 60-100 most prominent individuals are taken as hostages and a state of siege is introduced. Departure and entry into the volost should be prohibited during the operation. After this, a complete volost gathering is going, on which the orders of the Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee No. 130 and 171 are read and written sentence for this volost. Residents are given 2 hours to extradite bandits and weapons, as well as gangster families, and the population is informed that in case of refusal to provide the mentioned information, the hostages will be shot in two hours.
                If the population of bandits and weapons did not indicate after a two-hour period, the gathering is collected a second time and the hostages taken are shot before the eyes of the population,
                after which new hostages are taken and those gathered at the gathering are again invited to give out bandits and weapons.
                Those who want to do it become separate,
                They are divided into hundreds and each hundred is passed for questioning through the polling commission (representatives of the Special Department and the Military Tribunal). Everyone should testify, not being dissuaded by ignorance. In case of persistence, new executions are carried out, etc.
                For the development of the material obtained from the polls, expeditionary units are created with the obligatory participation in them of those who have provided information, and other local residents and are sent to catch bandits. At the end of the purge, the state of siege is lifted, it is put up with a roar and the police are imposed.
                This Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee orders to accept for steady execution.
                Chairman of the Plenipotentiary Commission Antonov-Ovseenko
                Commander Tukhachevsky
                Russian State Military Archive F.235. Op. 2. D.16. L.25
                1. +11
                  11 September 2017 11: 27
                  Quote: IvanTheTerrible
                  No, only spies, international terrorists and religious fanatics

                  How thickly mixed .. And in the end, you are NOT.
                  There are miserable flaws left that dream like you and Kosnitsa in trying to replay the outcome of that Civil, not realizing that if you and your kind will tear the country into a new Civil, the result will be even more disastrous for you.
                  1. +3
                    11 September 2017 11: 36
                    And in the end, you are NOT

                    Are there "peasants?" What about the "proletariat"?
                    NO THEM. Only tradesmen remained. Which are closer to the ideals of white movement than red cannibals.
                    Well, the "grandchildren of October" remained in power and around it - hereditary proletarians in the third or fourth generation, courageously opposing the "decaying West" by opening accounts there, buying real estate and educating kids.
                    1. +9
                      11 September 2017 14: 08
                      Quote: IvanTheTerrible
                      Only tradesmen remained. Which are closer to the ideals of white movement than red cannibals.

                      Did you come up with it yourself or so reassure yourself?
                      The number of philistines like you, all the same 3%, the rest are people of labor. Of different professions. Well, besides, the heirs of white and Hitler cannibals. To accuse the Nrod of the fact that he was with the Reds against you at the time. At least it’s naive .yupo more criminal. And in reality .. the people are patient .. for the time being. On the Internet you are brave in making such statements, but you don’t really see you on the street with such screams, you probably understand that you should yell. you are for Hitler with Krasnov and their methods of governing the country, he sawed a paradise for you.
                  2. +4
                    11 September 2017 11: 37
                    What is a civil war? With whom to fight? With Uncle Sue? the drunk barked at him in 1996, and Zu took him under the hood.
                    The Communists, if they wanted to fight, could start this business when they were in power.
                    But you ran up holes.
                    1. +11
                      11 September 2017 12: 01
                      Quote: Koshnitsa
                      The Communists, if they wanted to fight, could start this business when they were in power.

                      Say thanks to those communists who were not allowed to tear the country into a state of war, it’s for your joy, now it’s obvious that they were right, and not like your louts.
                      1. +2
                        11 September 2017 12: 17
                        Well, then and sit under the key quietly ....
                2. +12
                  11 September 2017 12: 00
                  Quote: IvanTheTerrible

                  Yes, the Zsarov revolt was suppressed.
                  And as you like, POWER is power and that there would be order in the country, and not a gangster, kulak free-ship.
                  at the expense of shouting at XO, better be quiet, your "sources" do not smell like incense, but something else that is not customary to talk about in a decent society.
                  1. +5
                    11 September 2017 12: 37
                    And as you like, POWER is power and that there would be order in the country, and not a gangster, kulak free-ship.

                    That is, there are good peasants - the poor and criminals - here they are the people. But there are bad peasants - middle peasants and prosperous - they are oppressors and enslavers, alien people. Fists from the planet nibiru. And rightly so, they, alien invaders, were killed with chemical weapons.
                    your "sources" do not smell like incense, but something else

                    By the state archives? Most of the materials related to Antonovshchina are still classified.
                    1. +11
                      11 September 2017 14: 19
                      Quote: IvanTheTerrible

                      Yes, for you, the discovery of America, that KULAK in a Russian village is not a synonym for a strong owner but a money-lender and a bloodsucker? This was also reported to the Tsar by his minister.
                      The text below was published in 1892. Its author, Alexei Sergeyevich Ermolov, is by no means a revolutionary, two years later he will become Minister of Agriculture and State Property.
                      “The same rural fists consist, as they say, mostly of local merchants, but they buy or take from the peasants their bread, tobacco, wool, linen, hemp and other products for the debt. The nature of their activities in this regard is also quite well known. Not to mention the low prices at which they accept their works from peasants, all the usual tricks of such buyers are used here - measuring, weighing, luring into yards, with incorrect calculations later, buying on the road, at the entrance to the city, roadside restaurant, with appropriate refreshments, etc. "
                      And are you sure that these are “best people”? The people thought differently. Including the suppression of the Socialist-Revolutionary revolt in the Tambov region. The uprising of the town of Kirsanova, the former volost clerk and public teacher, left-wing Socialist-Revolutionary Alexander Antonov (1889 1922) stood at the head of the uprising.
                      And the country owes to these Socialist-Revolutionaries, including the Civil one, didn’t you even know this?
                      Chemical weapons? And ... this is where the lame horse-1 (ONE) suffered, for sure. We look, see, you are lying as always.
                      hhix-gazov /
                      1. +5
                        11 September 2017 14: 29
                        Yes, for you, the discovery of America that KULAK in the Russian village is a synonym for not a strong host but a money-lender and a bloodsucker?

                        Please go to the goblin’s impasse and expound similar cannibalistic thoughts there. Fist-not-fist, but a Russian peasant.
                      2. +6
                        11 September 2017 16: 40
                        [quote = IvanTheTerrible Today, 14:29 ↑
                        Yes, for you, the discovery of America that KULAK in the Russian village is a synonym for not a strong host but a money-lender and a bloodsucker?
                        Please go to the goblin’s impasse and expound similar cannibalistic thoughts there. Fist-not-fist, and the Russian peasant. [/ Quote]
                        That is, at a standstill, you have become confused by the awareness of the futility of your efforts?
                        Well, I’m telling you so many times. Stop lying, you are given data, not fantasies, but you still strive to gossip and use rumors ..
  16. +5
    11 September 2017 11: 00
    Quote: Pancir026
    That is, your whites should have destroyed everyone in Russia?

    .And this audience was a little bit.
    Well, they would have killed the ancestors of Svanidze, Afanasyev, Gaidar, Albats, Akunin, your ancestors would be returned to the sheep, to pay small yasaks, they would not have been taken to the army.
    Is it bad?
    1. +11
      11 September 2017 11: 27
      Quote: Koshnitsa
      Svanidze, Afanasyev, Gaidar, Albats, Akunina

      This is all yours, an entertaining feature of your brethren, you easily sell and betray your own.
      1. +2
        11 September 2017 11: 34
        Why are these mine? Svanidze is generally a relative of Dzhugashvili, the other grandchildren of the Bolsheviks-s, khe-khe ...
        Do you like Samyon Budyonny? Love and Kolenka Chowles, a little blood ...
  17. +4
    11 September 2017 12: 13
    "As M. I. Latsis recalled: ...
    And we often saw how he himself interrogates the accused
    and rummaging through revealing materials.
    He is so captivated by the matter that he spends nights in the Cheka’s premises. "////

    It's right. He personally tortured prisoners. And he was present many times during torture. sad
    1. +11
      11 September 2017 12: 42
      Quote: voyaka uh
      It's right. He personally tortured prisoners. And he was present many times during torture.

      And in the mornings, he loved to drink the blood of Christian babies ...
      To the fullness of the gentlemen with a libido-inclined brain, we are here to carry all nonsense. After a hundred years, you can already look at what was broader and deeper, and not retell here to us fables about the horrors of the bloody regime of the enemies of the people.
      1. +1
        11 September 2017 12: 46
        The prisoners were also tortured in numerous White Guard "counterintelligence".
        Torture in the Cheka was widely used.
        The question of how to look at this “historically” is another matter.
    2. +11
      11 September 2017 13: 19
      Quote: voyaka uh
      It's right. He personally tortured prisoners. And was present many times during torture

      Can you even imagine the volume and complexity of the tasks that Dzerzhinsky faced? Yes, if I wanted to, there would not be enough time.
      Oh, these cheap-tearing stories from the Twinkle.
      1. +3
        11 September 2017 13: 37
        To kill all the Muscovites? The task is simply unrealistic.
        1. +9
          11 September 2017 14: 33
          Quote: Koshnitsa
          To kill all the Muscovites? The task is simply unrealistic.

          Have you read an article or just to keep it short? There, about steam locomotive construction, as a locomotive development project, the fight against homelessness and banditry, is it not perceived too complicated?
          1. +1
            11 September 2017 14: 50
            Before Dzerzhinsky, there were about 10 steam locomotive factories in RI that regularly produced excellent products, and there were no homeless children at all. And there were no bandits either.
            And then he began to fight the devastation! belay
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. +8
              11 September 2017 15: 05
              Quote: Koshnitsa
              about Dzerzhinsky in RI there were about 10 locomotive plants

              Did something happen to them?
              Quote: Koshnitsa
              and there were no street children at all. And bandits, too.

              Did you learn the history of the song "Moscow Golden-domed" performed by Shavrina? There were so many of them, bandits and homeless children, that at least carry out the saints.
          2. +1
            11 September 2017 15: 59
            Of course. They broke the life system of a huge country. Here and banditry appeared and homelessness.
      2. +1
        11 September 2017 14: 32
        “Yes, if I wanted to, I wouldn’t have enough time.” ///

        So torture was used (and used) to sharply
        reduce interrogation time.
        He was not a sadist, but an ordinary professional villain.
        1. +9
          11 September 2017 14: 41
          Quote: voyaka uh
          He was not a sadist, but an ordinary professional villain.

          Would you like to answer for this?
          This happened 34 years ago, on September 16, 1982. The reprisal was so terrifying that many still cannot forget about it. For the victims and a handful of survivors, this was a 36-hour holocaust without a drop of mercy. He was planned and controlled. But to this day, the killers have not been punished.

          Sabra and Shatila, two refugee camps in Lebanon, became the theater of this massacre. The first has already been wiped off the face of the earth, and the second remains a terrible reminder of the inhumanity of some people in relation to others - men, women and children, more specifically - the inhumanity of Israel and the people who promoted its interests.

          There were international witnesses - doctors, nurses, journalists - who saw the most terrible scenes and tried in vain to convey what they saw to the world. It was human savagery and barbarism at its worst, and Dr. Ang Swee Chai was one of the eyewitnesses of all this while working at the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) .http: //zazubr.org/2016/09/27/30983 /
          Why do you always go where you are not asked?
          Can you discuss your dubious heroes? For example, about Sharon who killed there?
          1. +1
            11 September 2017 14: 45
            "Sabra and Shatila, two refugee camps in Lebanon, became the theater of this massacre" ///

            This is a known case. Phalangists - Christian Arabs slaughtered in refugee camps
            Palestinian Arabs who hid there among civilians.
            800 Fatah fighters were killed.
            1. 0
              11 September 2017 16: 01
              Still, the Jews are to blame. Just because they are Jews and were closer than 1000 km from the scene. It's time to get used to it.
    3. +7
      11 September 2017 13: 36
      He personally tortured prisoners. And he was present many times during torture.

      I am also thoroughly disappointed in you ...
      After all, there were some sparkles of consciousness ... What can you do. it happens crying
  18. +14
    11 September 2017 13: 02
    It is strange that not all liberalizing trolls flocked to an article about a historical figure so hated by them.
    For those who are present - news.
    In Kirov on September 5, the opening ceremony of the monument to the Soviet political figure Felix Dzerzhinsky took place. The project was initiated by the Council of Veterans of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Kirov region. On May 31, 2017, at a meeting of the Kirov City Duma, deputies approved the installation of this monument in the regional center. Felix Dzerzhinsky is the founder of national government security agencies. Dzerzhinsky is connected with Vyatka land by being here in the first exile, and in January 1919 he took part in the work of the party investigation commission.

    Big business starts with small. You look, and Felix will return to the Lubyanka.
    1. +2
      11 September 2017 13: 10
      In a private area? To health. Though McDoug Donald put.
      1. +10
        11 September 2017 13: 20

        In Russia, the medal “Honorary Participant of Special Programs” was established for employees of the Office of the Federal Security Service of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. The medal is dedicated to the centenary of the VChK-NKVD-KGB-FSB and fixes the continuity of Russian special services from Soviet counterintelligence structures.
        On the front side of the coin depicts the founder of the Cheka, Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky. The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK), which became the progenitor of the Soviet and now Russian special services, was created on December 7 (20), 1917. Thus, the Russian counterintelligence celebrates its anniversary.
        And He is getting closer !!!
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. +8
            11 September 2017 13: 50
            Considering that I don’t have any manure heap, I’ll personally ask you not to send anything.
            1. +3
              11 September 2017 13: 56
              They don’t throw metal on the dunghill, oh trouble, with the city ...
      2. +11
        11 September 2017 14: 10
        Quote: Koshnitsa
        In a private area?

        So it’s red, in the private territory of the outhouse stands.
        With regards to the figure of Dzerzhinsky, the melal was released not in vain ...
        1. +2
          11 September 2017 14: 17
          Namely, the Mickey Mouse monuments stand on public territory in Russia. And Minnie too.
  19. 0
    11 September 2017 14: 25
    Good komenty .. Read, laugh .. laughing The apotheosis of senility .. wassat Each of the parties gives breathtakingly delusional arguments in its favor .. There are more (although there are so many of them now) such articles and such disputes in the discussion .. Although you can have fun .. All the same, democracy is a good thing .. they write and discuss so many things .. ..
  20. +14
    11 September 2017 14: 35
    Yes, Battle in the comments. Gentlemen are commentators, especially those who are against Dzerzhinsky. Take an opinion of law enforcement officers and security officers (counterintelligence agents) about it. I’m not much mistaken if I say that for 99% of those surveyed Iron Felix will be the ideal employee. All. Dot.
    1. +1
      11 September 2017 14: 41
      Quote: Okolotochny
      that for 99% of those surveyed, Iron Felix would be the ideal employee.

      99% of law enforcement officers dream of killing all Russians?
      1. +13
        11 September 2017 15: 14
        He, in order to kill all Russians, raised industry, fought with homelessness and banditry and organized the institute of the brain, yes. I’ll kill, he says, all the Russians, only at first I will do the locomotives and bring the vagabonds with the poor. And more trains to go, and then I’ll kill you!
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. +10
            11 September 2017 15: 50
            This is called a spreading cranberry. I also read this leaf 25-30 years ago, after it tails were placed in stalls, about 50 meters long, And then I didn’t really believe, and now ...
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. +9
                11 September 2017 16: 32
                Quote: Koshnitsa
                by that

                Since when did the fiction of the lowest bash. Become historical evidence? Didn’t you get tired of lying?
                1. 0
                  11 September 2017 19: 15
                  This non-fiction is a source, a book of memoirs of a Pole who participated in the extermination of specialists on the railway.
          2. +9
            11 September 2017 16: 36
            Enough, aphids, tell tales here. Here are not 30-year-old LITTLE LITTLE.
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. +7
                11 September 2017 17: 23
                Quote: Koshnitsa
                A piercing voice came from the side of the bucket

                Well, how is it, doesn’t it stink?
                Or a habit?
                Your rudeness is a sign of absolute rudeness and limitation.
        2. +3
          11 September 2017 16: 04
          At first he made orphans destroyed the industry and then of course there was something to do. With his accomplices.
          1. +10
            11 September 2017 16: 27
            Quote: Ken71
            At first he made orphans destroyed the industry and then of course there was something to do. With his accomplices.

            At first, with the last stupid king, all this collapsed, and only then had to be restored.
            1. +2
              11 September 2017 17: 23
              The tsar abdicated and at the time of the Bolshevik putsch there was a legitimate government in Russia and, in the future, normal development after the constituent assembly. And no civil war. And reparations with a broken Germany.
              1. +10
                11 September 2017 17: 25
                Quote: Ken71
                The tsar abdicated and at the time of the Bolshevik putsch there was a legitimate government in Russia

                Alternative versions of your fantasies have nothing to do with the held REALITY.
                1. 0
                  11 September 2017 21: 35
                  The abdication of Nicholas was absolutely legal. Kerensky’s government was temporary. The fate of the government of the country was to be decided by the constituent assembly elected from all parties. And everything would be good and legal if not for the Bolshevik coup. Read books and think about where you eat.
                  1. +3
                    12 September 2017 06: 28
                    Read books and think about where you eat.

                    Nicholas II abdicated the throne for himself and his son in favor of Michael. Michael left his accession before the decision of the Constituent Assembly. Provisional Government, 1 (14) September 1917 Russia was proclaimed a republic. Those.? Read books and think about where you eat.
              2. +6
                11 September 2017 17: 34
                Quote: Ken71
                The king abdicated

                Himself, absolutely voluntarily, in favor of the Kerensky government?
                1. 0
                  11 September 2017 21: 35
                  The answer is above.
              3. +2
                11 September 2017 22: 49
                Quote: Ken71
                And reparations with a broken Germany

                What are you all greedy, then you give the Bosphorus, then reparations from Germany. Just some sharks, not people!
          2. +2
            11 September 2017 16: 29
            From the article: "That is, the Trotskyist Sokolnikov in his ..."
            Sokolnikov was not a Trotskyist ... he was from Leninists ... that is, from the group of hirelings of the German General Staff (in my opinion, they should be allocated as a separate line and not be piled together with Schiff's hirelings). Therefore, it was precisely his Lenin who sent to sign the Brest-Litovsk betrayal.
            1. +9
              11 September 2017 16: 30
              Quote: Karen
              hirelings of the German General Staff (in my opinion, they should be highlighted in a separate line and not bring down

              complete nonsense.
      2. +8
        11 September 2017 16: 55
        Your opinion is interesting to me. In vain spent efforts for tapping BUKF on the clave.
      3. +10
        11 September 2017 19: 14

        Koshnitsa Today, 14:41 ↑
        Quote: Okolotochny
        that for 99% of those surveyed, Iron Felix would be the ideal employee.

        99% of law enforcement officers dream of killing all Russians?

        You live a baobab, and you will die a baobab.
  21. +1
    11 September 2017 16: 28
    Quote: Ken71
    By the way, yes. The standard of the Bolshevik. Killer fanatic with a cold head and a warm heart. There is no talk about clean hands.

    For example, Danton, Marat, Robespierre and other figures of the Great, but BLOODY, French revolution were also fanatical killers?
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      11 September 2017 17: 18
      Undoubtedly. And the story is similar to them figured out. Killed by followers or associates.
  22. +3
    11 September 2017 16: 53
    Yes, the Nazi turn, as in Ukraine, is quite a real scenario. Only not for long such as you will triumph. The country is not as big as in 1991, it can’t stand it.
  23. The comment was deleted.
  24. +10
    11 September 2017 17: 15
    "Dzerzhinsky became the best example of an ascetic manager. According to the memoirs of his contemporaries, Felix Edmundovich was a very modest person - he had advocated social equality for all his life, and he himself was an example of this equality."
    Why be surprised that he does not like (and to put it mildly) our liberals, for these asceticism and modesty do not differ. From that they need to trample into the mud Persons like Dzerzhinsky and Stalin. The liberals themselves do nothing but harm for the country, according to their conviction, and do not want to. The liberal, by definition, is an enemy for the whole people, he only cares about his own skin and is ready to sell everything and everyone for the sake of his personal well-being.
    1. +1
      11 September 2017 21: 36
      Hitler was also modest and ascetic.
  25. +4
    11 September 2017 17: 35
    Iron Felix is, of course, a controversial figure, but one thing is clear - if he had survived the times of the Great Terror and his song would have been sung in the same way as it had been sung by many other Leninist comrades-in-arms. Lucky man, before all this died (or helped to die) ...
    1. +10
      11 September 2017 17: 54
      Quote: Whispering in the night
      Of the Great Terror and his song would be sung in the same way

      No need to lie. Stalin gave an excellent assessment to Felix.
  26. +3
    11 September 2017 17: 42
    Quote: Whispering in the night
    Iron Felix - a figure, of course, contradictory ...

    But, as one of the main organizers, performers and ideological inspirers of the bloody red terror, it is unequivocally subject to curse and oblivion. In the furnace of such "heroes", as well as the memory of them!
    1. +10
      11 September 2017 17: 54
      Quote: Whispering in the night
      memory of them!

      Unlike you, the memory of them will remain, just as the monument to Lubyanka will return, but from you ... there will definitely be nothing left.
      1. +2
        12 September 2017 02: 56
        Why not stay? Fertilizer.
        1. +2
          12 September 2017 18: 25
          Quote: avva2012

          Very high quality fertilizer - manure.
  27. +1
    11 September 2017 18: 02
    Quote: Pancir026
    Quote: Whispering in the night
    memory of them!

    Unlike you, the memory of them will remain, just as the monument to Lubyanka will return, but from you ... there will definitely be nothing left.

    So nothing will remain of you, do not even doubt it, but the monument to the bloody Dzerzhinsky will never return to Lubyanka, forget about it!
  28. +2
    11 September 2017 18: 03
    Quote: Pancir026
    Quote: Whispering in the night
    Of the Great Terror and his song would be sung in the same way

    No need to lie. Stalin gave an excellent assessment to Felix.

    Stalin and Bukharin gave an excellent mark, and fought against Zinovym and Kamenev against Trotsky. What's next?
  29. +6
    11 September 2017 18: 06
    It is difficult to conclude about the person during whom you did not live, did not communicate with him. Our history has been rewritten many times, like the history of Russia as a whole. And the history of the USSR is something. Nikita began, he destroyed self-incriminating evidence.
    Therefore, about F.D. I can only judge by books, films, and myself based on this to draw conclusions. In my opinion, F.E. was not seen in dirty deeds, intrigues, etc. Worked a lot. Had a wonderful mind, was humane. If we compare it with Lenin, it was an order of magnitude more humane than him. With all this, time must be taken into account. The man in all his posts achieved perfection. It is very bad that for the sake of something his monument in Moscow was not restored. The truth is there, and M. Gorky was nearly scrapped.
  30. +2
    11 September 2017 18: 27
    Quote: SCHWERIN
    Our history has been rewritten many times, like the history of Russia as a whole. And the history of the USSR is something. Nikita began, he destroyed self-incriminating evidence.

    It was not Nikita who started, but Joseph, dying out entire pages with a huge contribution to the revolution and victory in the civilian political and military leaders of the Reds. For example, who were the main driving forces, the organizers of the October Revolution, Lenin and Trotsky, or rather, on the contrary, Trotsky and Lenin, so historically more accurate, but in Stalin - this is Lenin and Stalin ...))
    1. +6
      11 September 2017 18: 57
      Quote: Whispering in the night
      main driving force

      Who made efforts where. Trotsky lit at rallies, Stalin did a tremendous routine work.
    2. +4
      14 September 2017 13: 57
      Quote: Whispering in the night
      For example, who were the main driving forces, the organizers of the October Revolution

      No need to read further, outright chernukha, lies and gossip.
  31. The comment was deleted.
  32. +10
    11 September 2017 19: 21
    as always ... opponents of the Bolsheviks demonstrate complete illiteracy ... one yells about Russia populated by ethnically pure Russians - and immediately accuses the Bolsheviks of demolishing the monuments to Bagration, Georgian and Ushakov, Mordvin. the second screams with a good obscenity that by 1917 we had almost defeated the Germans but the Bolsheviks all failed .. the third one with both hands generally votes for the SS. and when you start talking, it turns out that they don’t even know who Schweik is .. they have no idea what Portsmouth is. a clear demonstration of the benefits of Soviet education .... but this is generally a masterpiece ... You see, you, Dzerzhinsky and Dzhugashvili, failed the main thing: to destroy the Russians, replacing them with "sovetskimi" (although you tried very hard). As long as there are Russians, there will be a chance for the restoration of RUSSIA (not a modern and multinational eReF — that is, this type of patriot offers all the conquests — notice not only the USSR but also the Russian empire to be reduced to the size of the Moscow principality — hello to the residents of Kaliningrad and Crimea — in the opinion of this truly Russian patriot, you don’t need .. and before that, to take measurements of the skull and eye section for everyone, to identify a purely Russian .. well, so ... the truth is one joy — history usually utilizes these ... and I almost forgot ... the Kasimovskoye was also part of the Moscow kingdom Principality-populated by Tatars-these also separate from Russia and throw ....
    1. +3
      11 September 2017 22: 09
      Quote: Long in stock.
      and before that, make measurements of the skull and eye section for everyone to identify a purely Russian ..

      Yes you, my friend, do not follow the progress. Haplogroups - this is the only and unique tool of the modern Nazi. It’s both newer and somehow more scientific, more technological, or something, than to measure skulls ... I agree otherwise.
      I have nothing against research on haplogroups as such.
      1. +4
        12 September 2017 15: 44
        these cannot operate with haplogroups. nevertheless, at least a little but intelligence is needed.
  33. 0
    11 September 2017 19: 24
    Quote: Long in stock.
    Ushakov Mordvin

    Why is Ushakov a Mordvin? In fact, he was always Russian. And who would take this Mordvin to the Navy?
    1. +6
      11 September 2017 19: 36
      but because then they didn’t divide people into the Mordovians of the Tatars or anyone else .. if you live on the territory of Russia, it means Russian ... so empires are created. division by nationality was only on the outskirts not yet assimilated to the end .. well, among the nobles it flourished, but this is to emphasize the nobility of the family ...
      1. 0
        11 September 2017 19: 47
        And Ushakov has no Mordovian roots, he was born in general in the Yaroslavl province.
        This did not flourish among the nobility.
        So where did you get the idea that Ushakov is a Mordvin?
        1. +8
          11 September 2017 19: 58
          and he died in Tambov. and now it is Mordovia. maybe that’s why Admiral Ushakov was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as locally revered saint of the Saransk and Mordovian diocese (which was successfully promoted by the brothers of the Sanaksar monastery and Valery Nikolaevich Ganichev). The solemn service was held in the Sanaksar Monastery. But for the nobility, how do you know? You don’t read anything ...
      2. +1
        11 September 2017 21: 25
        Quote: Long in stock.
        but because then they didn’t divide people into Mordvins of the Tatars or anyone else .. if you live in Russia, it means Russian.

        You, for the sake of interest, read the manifesto of Alexander the First in 1812 to the people. It clearly indicates the racial and religious constituents of the audience. Without Mordovians and Tatars, Jews and Buddhists.

        ... Russian people! The brave offspring of the brave Slavs! You have repeatedly crushed the teeth of lions and tigers rushing at you. Unite everything: with a cross in your heart and with arms in your hands no human forces can defeat you

        It’s not tolerant of course in modern times, but it debunks your leftist stories about multinational and multiconfessional ...
        1. +2
          12 September 2017 14: 33
          oh well .. especially for you, it’s literally the oldest childbirth of Russia. The Veliaminovs come from the shimon of the son of the Varangian prince. The Morozovs come from a certain Mikhail who came from Prussia to serve in Novgorod ... Buturlins from a Hungarian named Ratsha - Pushkin, too, derived his kind from him, by the way, he had an arap in grandfathers ... and so on, to infinity ... so you say the Tatars Mordovians Cheremis and others it did not concern .... well, well, all the kings were smarter than you Nazis. And much more ...
        2. +1
          12 September 2017 18: 30
          Quote: Heimdall (49)
          but it debunks your leftist stories about multinational and multiconfessional ...

          By the way, but Kolchak is yours - of a Tatar kind. And almost all the Russian nobility is non-Russian, mainly immigrants from the Tatars and Poland.
    2. +3
      11 September 2017 19: 45
      by the way, there’s another version about the origin of his family from the Kozozh prince Remedi .. and the Mordovians consider him his-he died in the territory of the present republic of Mordovia.
      1. 0
        11 September 2017 19: 49
        So Adyg Redyad was actually, and Ushakov died on the territory of the Tambov province.
        That is, you perfectly understood that he was not a Mordvin.
        1. +5
          11 September 2017 20: 02
          Well, look where the city of Temniks is ... there is still a version that from the Turkic ear is low ... in any case, it does not fit the Aryan .. that's bad luck ..
          1. 0
            11 September 2017 20: 11
            The sanaksar monastery, where Ushakov died, was part of the Tambov province, there are now two-thirds of Russians in the okrug, and one-third of the Mordovians, but according to Lenin’s national policy, these lands were transferred to the Mordovians, like Crimea and the Donbass to some kind of Ukraine.
            Quote: Long in stock.
            In any case, it does not fit the Aryan .. that's bad luck ..

            The typical Scandinavian type is not similar to Tatar or Mordvin, it is called Borreb, mainly Danish and South Swedish, like many Yaroslavl descendants of the Scandinavians.
            1. +2
              12 September 2017 15: 45
              wow how funny .. Yaroslavl descendants of the Scandinavians ... no, well, the stump is clear, but the Vikings nobody lived there ...
  34. +2
    11 September 2017 20: 00
    Quote: long in stock.
    Ushakov Mordvin

    Then Stalin is a Georgian Jew, there is such a version, by the way. Moreover, I won’t be surprised if this is true ...)))
    1. +5
      11 September 2017 20: 04
      and yet, that a Georgian Jew cannot be a man? are you also for measuring skulls?
      1. +1
        11 September 2017 20: 11
        Well, not Russia to command him, such a person.
        There are shoe shops, and so on.
        1. +3
          12 September 2017 15: 48
          you need as I look. yes he is the son of a shoemaker. but for some reason he was able to beat a lot of politicians with a magnificent pedigree. Churchill’s titles alone are like fleas on a dog ..
      2. +5
        12 September 2017 04: 04
        Quote: long in stock. and yet, that a Georgian Jew cannot be a man? are you also for measuring skulls?

        For Natsik of all stripes, Ushakov-Mordvin, this is an ambush! laughingThey barely survived Pushkin, and then, like a sickle in their hearts! lol
  35. +1
    11 September 2017 20: 10
    Quote: long in stock.
    and yet, that a Georgian Jew cannot be a man? are you also for measuring skulls?

    I am for measuring morality, morality and patriotism in every person, and not for measuring skulls. Stalin did not shine for all mentioned, except that patriotism is in question, but the first two points are definitely not.

    And about the Georgian Jew - I’m only in spite of your "Ushakov-Mordvin" ...
    1. +3
      12 September 2017 07: 02
      Was Stalin immoral because he drank the blood of infants in the morning?
    2. +3
      12 September 2017 14: 41
      really ... and Stalin’s morality than you don’t like? Did he indulge with the boys or maybe got a harem? But the Grand Duke Konstantin was a pederast writer ... despite the church and morality ... the others, too, weren’t very moral or moral burdened ... who is there from the Grand Dukes money data for the Cathedral of Christ the Savior stole?
  36. +1
    12 September 2017 03: 19
    Quote: Diana Ilyina
    it would be nice if you would gather all of you in one place in the Donbass where it's hotter and leave there to live under shelling. Here there are APU terbats and would teach you HOW you need to love your homeland!

    What was required to prove - Ukrainians and sovetsk brothers! Scoop as the most notorious Ukrainian enemy of Russian New Russia! Each sovetsky loves and adores the Ukrainian woman, whose borders outlined Lenin, and confirmed Dzhugashvili.

    Everyone has their own opinion, even among worms, I think they are also sometimes dissatisfied with the quality, which they have to eat, but there is a solution, it is there with a chair.
    1. +2
      12 September 2017 06: 33
      The passenger does not even understand that this picture is a cruel mockery of Svidomo, given their hatred of V.I. Lenin.
      1. +1
        12 September 2017 07: 03
        Conductor do not rush, there are several bukoff near the picture.
        1. +2
          12 September 2017 07: 45
          I’m not in your direction, dear, but in the one that put this picture. hi
          1. +1
            12 September 2017 08: 10
            Exjusimua, morning, everything is in a fog :).
            1. +2
              12 September 2017 08: 20
              Sorry. Only nights are good in Russia, and morning is never good. smile
  37. +4
    12 September 2017 08: 06
    Liberals hate not only Dzerzhinsky. They equally hate all those who are better, more honest, firmer in spirit and body, cleaner, more faithful, bolder than them. But they adore Vlasov and the Vlasovites, Gorbachev and Yakovlev ... that is why liberals are a minority in Russia and they will never win more elections, the vaccine has already been done if not for centuries, then for decades.
  38. 0
    12 September 2017 08: 54
    Quote: mat-vey
    Was Stalin immoral because he drank the blood of infants in the morning?

    That's right, including babies too. Do not believe? Well, ask the relatives and friends of those Soviet babies of Chechen, Kalmyk, Tatar and many other nationalities whom your Stalin kicked into frozen warm houses and further on the reservation for one nationality, which for many babies made a one-way trip.
    1. +3
      12 September 2017 08: 59
      You are giving advice as if we were serving in the same regiment, or because, as a universal deity, do you know everything about everyone from their very birth?
    2. +4
      12 September 2017 14: 47
      Are you serious now? So for example, Crimea was liberated by people who were called up from there. And now I advise you to imagine the reaction of people who came home and they are told that their relatives were raped or driven into slavery, but it was Crimean Tatars who they live side by side and burst with fat .. if they were not taken out, they would just kill everyone. and personally, I would not blame anyone for this.
      1. +1
        12 September 2017 16: 34
        Kalmyks also stole someone into slavery and also burst with fat? And why did they still live on their territory for a year after liberation and no massacre, no revenge, nothing at all?
        1. +2
          13 September 2017 00: 28
          By the way, yes, and what for them? Oh yes ... probably for this
          Considering that during the period of occupation by the Nazi invaders of the territory of the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, many Kalmyks betrayed their homeland, joined military units organized by the Germans to fight against the Red Army, betrayed honest Soviet citizens to the Germans, captured and transferred to the Germans collective farm cattle evacuated, and after the expulsion of the invaders by the Red Army, they organized gangs and actively oppose the organs of Soviet power to restore the economy destroyed by the Germans, commit gang raids on collective farms and terrorize the surrounding population, the Presidium of the Supreme Council decides: 1. All Kalmyks living in the Kalmyk ASSR should be relocated to other areas USSR, and the Kalmyk ASSR to eliminate. Council of People’s Commissars to allocate land to Kalmyks in new places of settlement and provide them with the necessary state assistance in economic matters. By the way, yes, I advise you to pay attention to the last sentence. And how many deportees did you know? I will tell you 120 people. If hunting, take a look Kalmyks were in the USSR at the beginning of the war ... and who told you that there was no revenge? And yes, 000 people returned from exile in 1957.
        2. +2
          13 September 2017 00: 33
          from you work with punches already sorry for you .. well, if you would have thought a little bit yourself .. if there are people who, in principle, suffered really for nothing ..... but you are so narrow-minded that you don’t know anything ..
  39. 0
    12 September 2017 08: 57
    Quote: avva2012
    Quote: long in stock. and yet, that a Georgian Jew cannot be a man? are you also for measuring skulls?

    For Natsik of all stripes, Ushakov-Mordvin, this is an ambush! laughingThey barely survived Pushkin, and then, like a sickle in their hearts! lol

    For the Nazi-Stalinists, in general, many Soviet ethnic groups were ambushed, entirely, from small to large, from infants to decrepit old people.
    1. +3
      12 September 2017 13: 35
      Scroll through political science, understand basic concepts, understand the definitions, and then think that you have combined the dash. Under the leadership of I.V. Stalin, the Nazis were defeated by Soviet people. Not everyone, however, was identified after the war, and some were even released after 1953, so they multiplied. Alas.
      1. 0
        12 September 2017 14: 04
        It is the dash between the Nazis and the Stalinists that must be put, well, or an equal sign, as an option. And how else, if the Nazis cleared Jews on a national basis, and the Stalinists exactly the same way, some Soviet ethnic groups (Chechens, Kalmyks, Crimean Tatars, etc.)? The difference is only in the details, in the nuances and no more, the Nazis sent Jews to concentration camps with subsequent rapid destruction, and the Stalinists specified ethnic groups in the reservation, to slow death on the way and on the spot. But the fact of ethnic cleansing is evident here and there.
        Therefore, yes, I confirm, Nazism = Stalinism, twin brothers, both in the furnace!
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. +3
        12 September 2017 16: 01
        I agree with you, it is such a dirty stain that causes a feeling of loathing. Unfortunately, for good purposes, they say we respond similarly so that the outside reader knows the truth, it is in the form of different characters and lives on the site. He suggested not to respond as soon as this is revealed. Suppose that at least carries. So no. I am sure these things will die down as soon as they cook in their own, otherwise the section will soon turn into garbage.
  40. 0
    12 September 2017 09: 07
    Quote: mat-vey
    You are giving advice as if we were serving in the same regiment, or because, as a universal deity, do you know everything about everyone from their very birth?

    If you are to me, then I am not a deity at all, I assure you. You asked - I replied, now try to refute, well, or, for lack of counterarguments, you can still talk about "world deities". laughing
    1. +2
      12 September 2017 11: 14
      But where are you to the deity, you would learn to understand the printed text .... Once again - when you gave your advice, you definitely knew that I didn’t “ask the relatives and friends of those Soviet babies of Chechen, Kalmyk, Tatar and many other nationalities, "? What does the Tatars have to do with it, or does it matter to you as a specialist, what kind of Tatars are they? Crimean or Kazan? .. And what should I refute? After all, you don’t even know that during the war years the Chicha people died at the front several times less than the bandits in forests and mountains? A-ah, you probably interviewed the children, women and the elderly who died at the hands of punishers from the Crimean Tatars?
      1. 0
        12 September 2017 13: 58
        Punishers and collaborators, if you aren’t in the know, were not only present at the Tatars (Crimean Tatars, I will clarify specifically for the gifted, so as not to get confused in the future winked ), but also among many other Soviet ethnic groups, from Russians to the Baltic states and from Caucasians to Central Asians, let alone the Ukrainians I am silent about where the Crimean Tatars go to their Khatyn, Babi Yar, Volyn, etc.

        But you did not answer, the Chechen, Kalmyk, Balkarian, Ingush, Crimean Tatar and other babies, including infants, forcibly deported by Stalin on a reservation, deported exclusively on a national basis in the best traditions of the SD and the Gestapo, also served as “punishers” or for what reason , innocent Soviet children, in frozen teplushki, to death and deprivation, do not explain?
        1. +3
          12 September 2017 14: 11
          And you mean you are offering to leave babies alone, and send their accomplices and traitors to their parents? Yes, the Gestapo is up to you .... And yet the Tatars are still Crimean, well, thank God .... https://www.youtube.com/watch ? v = RTHrypfq1JY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQac2s_XL0Y I hope through your ears and eyes the information is better absorbed, although I doubt very much - you have a different problem, is it true?
          1. 0
            12 September 2017 14: 24
            Quote: mat-vey
            And you mean you are offering to leave babies alone, and send their parents to accomplices and traitors?

            I propose to judge and punish those responsible, regardless of nationality and in accordance with the law. But when they sweep the reservation right away and blame exclusively on a national basis, then this is Nazism, moreover, chemically pure, strictly according to the patterns of Himmler, Heydrich and others.

            With regards to children whose parents are convicted - in the entire civilized world, these are given up for education to innocent relatives, and if there are none, to boarding schools, orphanages. To send infants and their parents to death and suffering, and in winter, in frost, in frozen warm houses, well, this is a purely Stalinist exclusive.
            1. +3
              12 September 2017 14: 49
              How pathetic about the reservation - so I have a father from the same reservation in Kazakhstan, so you can tell Himler’s fairy tales about the angelic people of Chich ... "But when they sweep away the reservation right and the guilty exclusively on a national basis" - and that’s directly all Tatars from the Crimea were evicted and all chicha from Chechnya? Have you heard anything about the "exclusive" of the Japanese in the United States?
              1. 0
                12 September 2017 16: 43
                Quote: mat-vey
                about the angelic people of chicha you can tell tales to Himler

                Well, that was what was required to be proved, and you call yourself “internationalists” for some reason, supposedly divide by classes of people, and not by nationality. And here you are talking about “bad” and “good” peoples, screaming, damn it, well, tell me about Kalmyks, how bad are they? The ukrov who did terrible things during the years of the Second World War and another ten years after the war are much worse, but for some reason your Stalin didn’t sweep them clean, didn’t arrange ethnic cleansing like on Kalmyks?

                They build a sanctuary here and, I’m sorry, the whole, the circus and only, logs from your Stalinist eyes, first pull, for the Nazis you, gentlemen, the Stalinists, in fact the Nazis and with each of your lines even here confirm this! One thing pleases, and Stalin died and you yourself are few and more Russian (Russian) people will never let you go to a cannon shot, interrupt, your time is over, now you can only whimper in your kitchens in powerless anger! bully
                1. +2
                  12 September 2017 17: 40
                  "didn’t arrange ethnic cleansing, how about Kalmyks?" "And what was necessary? What did the masses go over to the side of the invaders? Did the partisans turn left to right? Are they robbed by entire families and villages, auls? They punished them without punishment? And what is characteristic of all these good deeds were done in the front and front line .... And there were cynical holidays and weekends canceled and sabotage execution ... And by the way - all these poor wrong nations were refused to die on the front lines, such genocide ... Stalin died, but friends and enemies are still talking about him, and you will die and who will remember you? Will the dog come to the grave to poke around?
                  1. 0
                    12 September 2017 20: 01
                    And, well, of course, the whole Kalmyk people, all in all “traitors”, wrote down everyone in succession, from young to old, of both sexes and all ages, one to one like the Germans of the Jews. And infants in the “punisher” were all recorded, apparently, and the auls “robbed” and the ancient old women, right? Harya, you are a Nazi, swastika stick on your forehead, like all of you, Stalinists, it will be more correct and more honest! And don’t write to me anymore, because it’s disgusting to communicate, I can’t endure you, the Nazis, measuring peoples for “good” and “bad”!
              2. 0
                12 September 2017 16: 50
                Quote: mat-vey
                Have you heard anything about the "exclusive" of the Japanese in the United States?

                This is generally a masterpiece, a classic translation of arrows, if someone there can do abominations, then why can’t I, if my neighbor is engaged in robberies, then God himself ordered me to steal, right? Still refer to Hitler, he cleaned up the Jews about the same, perhaps a little more dramatically, but you can also recall the American Indians, whom the Yankees used to put in a reservation like the Stalinists. Wow, how Soviet propaganda denounced them for this, I only found Sovdepiy at school, but I remember well those pathos in defense of the poor redskins! lol
                1. +2
                  12 September 2017 17: 48
                  So the states in WWII fought with the Indians? And the Indians massively sided with the enemy, took enemy saboteurs, gave out American soldiers and partisans ... sorry, but the states fought with Japan .... and the Indians massively sided with Japan? Or is it " classic translation of arrows "...
          2. +3
            12 September 2017 14: 51
            there is indigestion and then indigestion of the mind ....
            1. 0
              12 September 2017 14: 55
              You mean whose stomach?
              1. +3
                12 September 2017 15: 51
                about the Nazi. according to their scribbles they often do not understand where their brain is and where their stomach ..
                1. +2
                  12 September 2017 16: 02
                  Some people don’t understand at all whether they have a brain or not .... Although for some it may be normal to leave the active fifth column in the rear during the war ...
                  1. 0
                    12 September 2017 20: 10
                    Pralo. And so the Americans put in the camps of all their citizens of Japanese descent during WWII.
        2. +3
          12 September 2017 21: 20
          Quote: Whispering in the night
          But you did not answer, Chechen, Kalmyk, Balkar, Ingush, Crimean Tatar and other babies, including infants, forcibly deported by Stalin to the reservation, and deported exclusively on a national basis in the best traditions of the SD and the Gestapo

          And you thought about the following: why from dozens of peoples of the North Caucasus only Karachais, Balkars, Chechens and Ingushs (Kalmyks really are no longer the Caucasus) were evicted ?. Why didn’t they touch on the national grounds the Kabardians, Circassians (who were under occupation, unlike the Chechens and Ingush), Ossetians, and even more so dozens of Dagestani peoples? Why is such selectivity and “not a tyrant's love” and rigidity towards one, and loyalty to others?
          1. 0
            13 September 2017 13: 38
            Quote: Alexander Green

            And you thought about the following: why from dozens of peoples of the North Caucasus only Karachais, Balkars, Chechens and Ingushs (Kalmyks really are no longer the Caucasus) were evicted ?. Why didn’t they touch on the national grounds the Kabardians, Circassians (who were under occupation, unlike the Chechens and Ingush), Ossetians, and even more so dozens of Dagestani peoples? Why is such selectivity and “not a tyrant's love” and rigidity towards one, and loyalty to others?

            And why, at the same time, for example, Ukrainians or the Baltic states were not deported all in a row, although whole divisions and legions of collaborators fought against the Red Army there, and the local population greeted the invaders with bread and salt. And after the expulsion of the Germans, they fought for another ten years. You don’t know why such injustice, Kalmyks with Balkar faces, didn’t they come out in comparison with Ukrainians or Latvians? And why didn’t the Georgian people be deported for the “Georgian Legion” as part of the Wehrmacht, what were they better than the “Kalmyk Cavalry Corps”?

            But these are all emotions, and in fact, I repeat, we have the fact of ethnic cleansing performed by the Stalinists, who measured people not according to their affairs or even according to their class, but exclusively according to their nationality. This is a stigma on Stalinism for centuries to come and they will no longer be rid of this stigma by any demagogy, and even the deported ethnic groups themselves carefully preserve this tragedy in their memory, they will not let them forget!
            1. +3
              14 September 2017 09: 14
              Quote: Whispering in the night
              but in fact, I repeat, we have the fact of ethnic cleansing performed by the Stalinists,

              This is not revenge or genocide on ethnic grounds. This is the prevention of rebellion in this region. The main reason for the "eviction of the Caucasian peoples" is the oil of this region (Maykop and Grozny) and the fact that the Germans were preparing special operations to organize national riots, and large-scale (!), In this region. Kalmykia fell into this alteration first because through it, oil was transported from Baku and Grozny to Astrakhan and further along the Volga to central Russia. And it was precisely the first blow that the German agents, relying on the “Kalmyk Legion,” were to deliver precisely in Kalmykia, along the railway line to Astrakhan. Therefore, Kalmyks began to be evicted in December 1943 and finished in the summer of 1944.

              The reason becomes clear if, if you look at how “they brought constitutional order” in our days in Chechnya and how in the same Chechnya they were able to stop the rampant banditry. This reason is the local "elite." The fact is that only the representatives of these peoples themselves are able to restore order in the conditions of ongoing hostilities. Only local elites are capable of either stopping banditry with their will, or organizing it further. So among the evicted peoples it was the local authorities in the person of both the police and local administrations that were just not going to and could not stop the banditry of the deserters at that time.
              Therefore, Stalin was not sure that if agents Abwehr and SD were sent to this region, the local authorities would be able and willing to stop the sorties, both of the agents sent and their criminal deserters. Moreover, according to the reports of the NKVD it turned out that most often it was the local ranks of the NKVD and the administrations who themselves led these gangs and covered them.
              1. +1
                4 January 2018 14: 49
                I can add a little:
                "On the situation in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic" compiled by deputy. People's Commissar of State Security Bogdan Kobulov on the results of his trip to Chechen-Ingushetia in October 1943 in the name of Beria:

                “The population of the [republic] during the war decreased by 25 people and totals 886 people. Chechens and Ingush in the republic are about 705. There are 814 sects in the republic, numbering over 450 thousand people. They conduct active anti-Soviet work, shelter bandits, German paratroopers. As the front line approached in August-September 000, 38 members of the CPSU (b) quit their jobs and fled, including 20 leaders of the district committees of the CPSU (b), 1942 leading workers of the district executive committees and 80 chairmen of collective farms. Contacting German paratroopers, the anti-Soviet authorities organized an armed uprising in Shatoevsky, Cheberloevsky, Itum-Kalinsky, Vedensky and Galanochsky districts in October 16, following instructions from German intelligence. The attitude of the Chechens and Ingush to the Soviet regime was expressed in desertion and draft evasion in the Red Army. During the first mobilization in August 8, out of 14 people to be drafted, 1942 people deserted. In October 1941, out of 8000, 719 evaded the draft.

                In January 1942, when manning the national division, only 50 percent of the personnel were recruited. In March 1942, out of 14 people deserted and evaded the service, 576 people who went into illegal situations, went to the mountains and joined the gangs ... A group of Chechens ... hid the parachute landing of the German intelligence officer Lange and sent him across the front line. The criminals were awarded knighthoods and transferred to the Chechen Republic of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic for organizing armed uprising. According to the NKVD and the NKGB CHI ASSR, there were 13 people on operational records, including 560 German paratroopers; 8535 people suspected of having links with German intelligence; 27 members of fascist organizations; 457 mullahs and active sectarians ... As of November 1410, 619, 1 bandit groups with a total number of 1943 people and 35 single bandits were operating in the republic.

                Over 4000 people - participants in the armed demonstrations of 1941-1942. “They stopped their activity, but they don’t give up their weapons - pistols, machine guns, automatic rifles, covering it for a new armed demonstration, which will be timed to coincide with the second German attack on the Caucasus."
  41. +1
    12 September 2017 20: 08
    Presumably, the "red terror" by Dzerzhinsky was categorically rejected and its scale was pervertedly exaggerated by liberals. The cutest people like Bokii were slandered, and the Solovetsky special purpose camp (like many others created under Felix) never existed. I cry for tenderness
    1. +1
      13 September 2017 00: 04
      here you are. admire what names what people ... A. A. Valentinov, an eyewitness and participant in the Crimean epic Wrangel, published a diary in 1922. He wrote down on June 2, 1920, that because of the robberies, the population called the Dobrarmia “the grab army.” Record August 24: “After lunch I found out interesting details from the biography of Prince. M. - adjutant gene. D. Famous for the fact that last year he managed to hang 168 Jews for two hours. He takes revenge for his relatives, who were all massacred or shot by order of some Jewish commissar. A vivid example for discussion on the need for civil war. " Former chairman of the Tauride Provincial Zemstvo Administration V. Obolensky came to the conclusion that under Wrangel "mass arrests were continued not only of the guilty, but also of the innocent, and simplified military justice continued to punish the guilty and innocent." He said that the former police general E. Klimovich, invited by Krivosheev, was full of anger, hatred and personal revenge, and there was no doubt for Obolensky that in the police work in Crimea “everything will remain as before”. In his story, indignation at the cruelties of that time. “One morning,” he recalled, “the children going to schools and gymnasiums saw the terrible dead men hanging out in Simferopol’s lanterns with their tongues sticking out ... This has not been seen by Simferopol in the entire civil war. Even the Bolsheviks did their bloody deeds without such proof. It turned out that it was General Kutepov who ordered in this way to terrorize the Simferopol Bolsheviks. ” Obolensky emphasized that Wrangel always took the side of the military in pursuing a punitive policy. The journalist G. Rakovsky, close to Wrangel, echoed him: “Prisons in the Crimea, as before, and now, were filled with two-thirds of those accused of political crimes. In large part, these were servicemen arrested for careless expressions and critical attitude towards the high command. For months, in appalling conditions, without interrogations and often without charge, political prisoners languished in prison awaiting a decision of their fate ... “I do not deny that she was three-quarters of a criminal element” - such a comment about the Crimean counterintelligence was given in an interview with me Wrangel ... give a handkerchief to wipe away sobs?
    2. +1
      13 September 2017 00: 08
      and this is for your sweet- “We went to power to hang, but we had to hang to come to power” .... I specifically do not indicate who the author of these lines is, look for yourself.
      1. 0
        13 September 2017 09: 47
        Uh ... who's Niki's wife arrested?
        1. 0
          13 September 2017 11: 32
          no ... this is the favorite monarchist-humanoid general Kornilov .......
          1. 0
            13 September 2017 13: 06
            So he noted there ...
          2. 0
            13 September 2017 13: 30
            Well, what’s wrong, they were hanged during the years of the Great Patriotic War, traitors of various kinds, Vlasovites, policemen, elders, etc., and in World War I (the same Patriotic one in fact) with traitors and collaborators it was just as necessary, at the nearest aspen. All lovers to publicly call for the defeat of their own Fatherland, lovers of travel in a sealed carriage on the territory of the aggressor, lovers of decomposing the army, lovers of shameful separate worlds giving the aggressor huge pieces of their own territories!

            So, General Kornilov was absolutely right in this statement, respect to him and respect!
            1. +2
              13 September 2017 16: 59
              only don’t touch the great patriotic thing with your paws. yours just came along with the Germans. and hung on an aspen ... such is the fate of all traitors, think about it ...
              1. 0
                13 September 2017 17: 18
                Quote: long in stock.
                But do not touch the great Russian with your paws.

                What fright do you, in general, cling to our common victory, the victory of the Russian (Soviet) people in the great war? You, the Bolsheviks-Stalinists, in that victory - on the side of the hot spot and no more, we will not give this victory to you, the anti-people’s elements and grave diggers of Russia, understand this already on our nose!
                1. +3
                  13 September 2017 21: 54
                  we ? your hanged men were in the person of General Krasnov ... guess what? we are pathetic ... you won’t even get 10 of them here, but your knowledge is so scary that you’re not even interested .. do you know what the difference is between us? what we whom you call Soviet people we consider equal to each other, and you are gentlemen and slaves .. and since you are not pulling on gentlemen, it remains for you one ..
                  1. 0
                    14 September 2017 17: 16
                    Quote: long in stock.
                    we ? your hanged men were in the person of General Krasnov ... guess what? we are pathetic ... you won’t even get 10 of them here, but your knowledge is so scary that you’re not even interested .. do you know what the difference is between us? what we whom you call Soviet people we consider equal to each other, and you are gentlemen and slaves .. and since you are not pulling on gentlemen, it remains for you one ..

                    God, hanged We are writing with one H, you cut it to yourself on your obviously seven spans, Mr. Intellect, do not dishonor the Stalinists! wink

                    As for the gentlemen and serfs, you have clearly beguiled me with someone; for me, just all people are equal, moreover, they are equal regardless of gender, social status, class origin, religion and, attention, national and racial affiliation ... Well , you get the hint, a lover of dividing peoples and ethnic groups into “right” and “wrong”!
                    1. +3
                      14 September 2017 18: 55
                      is it you telling me to divide nations? and who wrote it-So, General Kornilov was absolutely right in this statement, respect to him and respect! the most interesting is I will repeat myself ... but nothing ... why are you the so-called anti-advisers all from year to year you write the same thing ... and not just words, whole sentences are the same .. do you even have soy thoughts and words at least a little bit? I wrote to you above that there are people who suffered in general for no reason but you didn’t even think about .hots would refresh your luggage .. otherwise it’s already covered with moss ..
                      1. +3
                        15 September 2017 16: 13
                        Quote: Long in stock.
                        and whoever wrote this, So General Kornilov was absolutely right in this statement, respect to him and respect!

                        As someone wrote, this one is Whispering in the night. He and the like, that Kornilovs, Vlasovs are red, that Hitlers, their own.
              2. 0
                13 September 2017 17: 31
                Quote: long in stock.
                yours just came with the Germans

                Is it true? Where did General Vlasov come from, his accomplices General Trukhin, Colonels Bunyachenko and Meander? Almost the entire rank and file of the ROA? And all sorts of numerous "Galicia", "Roland", Latvian, Turkestan, Georgian, Kalmyk and others, other legions, corps and divisions of traitors, where did they come from?

                And all this, without exception, Soviet citizens, brought up under Bolshevism, almost the entire leadership structure - former communists. So, citizen (obviously highly intellectual lol ), you don’t blame the mirror for the face, since the face is crooked, and the fact is clear - there are such crowds of traitors that Stalinism gave rise to, in Russia it never happened! Unless the Time of Troubles, as an example, comes to mind and nothing more ...
                1. +4
                  13 September 2017 22: 00
                  come on??? in ... it means that not everything was lost for you once the troubled times were remembered ... rightly, this was the first case when they came to Russia with an ideological attempt to capture .. how many defectors then was? And Hitler is the second attempt .. and it’s strange the same skin and Krasnov, too, Stalin gave birth ?? to the mirror to the mirror ...
                  1. 0
                    14 September 2017 17: 21
                    Quote: long in stock.
                    come on??? in ... it means that not everything was lost for you once the troubled times were remembered ... rightly, this was the first case when they came to Russia with an ideological attempt to capture .. how many defectors then was? And Hitler is the second attempt .. and it’s strange the same skin and Krasnov, too, Stalin gave birth ?? to the mirror to the mirror ...

                    In Russia, not two, but many times with attempts to capture came, a school history textbook, or something, read, Mr. Intellect, not only in the Time of Troubles or in the Second World War, but also, for example, in 1812, in 1855, in the 1914s. But such crowds of traitors and traitors as in the Time of Troubles and the Great Patriotic War were never even close again, the former were generated by the death of the Rurik dynasty and the politics of Boris Godunov, and the latter were a direct consequence of Stalin’s anti-people’s policies.
                    1. +5
                      14 September 2017 18: 41
                      yes, they’ve correctly noticed, read the textbook ... otherwise you will confuse the seizure and robbery with an attempt to change the state system ... and the crowd of traitors, yes here you are ... and sell yourself very cheaply ..
                2. +3
                  14 September 2017 19: 08
                  keep our illiterate ... and do not disgrace yourself anymore ... Roland's battalion was formed in the Saubersdorff castle (Austria) in April 1941 and consisted of 350 people (commander - Eugene Pobigushchy). On June 7, 1941, the first group of the battalion of 60 people left as an advance detachment for Romania in the outskirts of Kimpolunga (southern Bukovina) to prepare the base. Soon two hundred (200 people) arrived there. On July 5, the Ukrainian headquarters with German messengers arrived there. Rolland was subordinated to Commander Ernst zu Aikern from the main headquarters of Army Group South. And on June 27 it was joined to the 11th Army. in April Karl .... specially for you, the war began on June 22 .. and here's a letter from the chief of the "Ordnungpolitsiya" SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Kurt Dalyug dated 14.04.1943 to Lieutenant General Winkelmann in Berlin, in which he writes: A front-line division will be created to arm the SS, which will be formed by the weapons of the SS. It will consist of Greek Catholics Ukrainians and it will be plausibly called "Galician Division", because these Ukrainians come from Galicia. Don't be slinky .... you forgot the Nachtigall battalion ... was formed in early April 1941 in Silesia ... June 30, 1941 learn history. And preferably not by headlines ... and most importantly, Russia has not yet known such a war ... moreover, there are still a lot of them ... the first Chechen one showed it, how many of them got out, and what is characteristic of them also all shouted about Stalin's repressions and innocent victims .. do not you see similarities?
                  1. 0
                    15 September 2017 09: 07
                    Quote: long in stock.

                    Googled? That umochka, deserved like. And, yes, the Roland battalion is excluded from the list of former Soviet. But what about the ROA, with the Baltic divisions and SS legions, with the Ukrainian security battalions, with the Caucasian and Central Asian?
                    1. +5
                      15 September 2017 09: 36
                      I don’t really need to google. I, unlike you, studied at school and learned how to think critically. You didn’t get lucky. And now, in order. The number of staff is 125 thousand, of which there are quite a lot of White Guards who have joined. Combat use-1 time per at the end of the war, minuscule forces — and all. the Baltic states — stayed in the USSR for less than 2 years. and German intelligence patronized them from the moment they were born. Regarding the Ukrainians, the same. combat use — miserable. manning — already wrote where and how. Caucasian and Central Asian - fewer than Arabs and Indians. Georgian so generally at first consisted of emigrants. the military use is miserable. the only unit that fought for a long time — the cavalry division — panvits — fought against the Yugoslavs — the composition was mainly emigrants. Will you cry for them? By the way, Belarusian Russians and other security battalions forgot. Well, the Germans didn’t recruit mostly criminals there, too, probably ideological fighters. The main part that served the Germans was not ideological fighters, the choice was either serve or die in a concentration camp. I can’t condemn them. But those who deliberately went with the Germans and hanged them later.
                      1. 0
                        15 September 2017 16: 05
                        You can turn around like a snake, but you won’t argue against the facts, a huge number of Soviet citizens, including former communists during the Great Patriotic War, became collaborators, and where they fought there, they wet the partisans at the front or in the rear, burned the Khatys and organized women’s yars , police officers and wardens served, etc., this is not so important!

                        And, for comparison, the First World is no less great and no less domestic for all Russians and other Russian peoples. How many armies, legions and corpses of defectors from Russia fought against the Russian imperial army, which former tsarist generals led those armies and corps? There weren't any, right?
                        That’s the whole difference, that’s the whole red price to your Stalinism. Therefore, I repeat that it was not Stalin and Stalinism who won the war, but the Soviet people, in spite of Stalin, in spite of their wretched collective farms, gulags, party committees and other slag, just as, for example, in 1812 the same people of Napoleon defeated also in serfdom !
                      2. +4
                        15 September 2017 16: 18
                        Whispering in the night Today, 16:05 ↑ New
                        You can get out of here anyway,

                        This is what you and your ilk do exclusively.
                        The survivors who survived the war and stayed in the camps gave lush growth to your kind.
                        Data on the losses of the Russian army during the First World War is still unknown. The estimated number of deaths in it is 2-2,3 million people, prisoners - 4 million. The war made 600 thousand people disabled. The relative number of captured soldiers and the tsarist generals who surrendered was higher than during the Great Patriotic War, which clearly shows the lack of spirit among the troops. Http://ttolk.ru/2014/01/15/in-first-world
                        -Russia-lost-23 million /
                        The tragic fate of Soviet servicemen who were captured during the Great Patriotic War has long been one of the favorite topics for unscrupulous speculation. Http://www.sgvavia.ru/forum/150-101-1
                        Therefore, I repeat
                        - FALSE you repeat the disrespectful whisperer in the night.
      2. +1
        13 September 2017 11: 43
        Quote: Long in stock.
        “We went to power to hang, but we had to hang to come to power”
        Lavr Georgievich Kornilov, Complete Works, Volume 13, p. 666, Publishing House of I. Sytin, St. Petersburg, 1937.
        1. +4
          13 September 2017 17: 01
          and I’ll ask you not to contact me at all. for I don’t communicate with stupid people. as you raise your intelligence, come.
          1. 0
            13 September 2017 17: 20
            Quote: long in stock.
            and I’ll ask you not to contact me at all. for I don’t communicate with stupid people. as you raise your intelligence, come.

            And I'm not talking to you, Mr. Intellect winked, I comment on your Nazi writings and will continue to comment, so call. And if something doesn’t suit you, then the welkom is the way out, gentlemen, Stalinists, lovers of dividing peoples and ethnic groups into “good” and “bad”!
            1. +5
              14 September 2017 07: 25
              What about you, and with a problem orientation, a lover of hangers? Or is it just a small megalomania peculiar to pseudo-monarchists? Or, as usual, is a lack of education?
              1. 0
                14 September 2017 17: 11
                Quote: long in stock.
                What about you, and with a problem orientation, a lover of hangers? Or is it just a small megalomania peculiar to pseudo-monarchists? Or, as usual, is a lack of education?

                Hmm, I advise you to first re-read your text again, preferably with a textbook on the Russian language in your hands, and then you can talk about the "lack of education" ... lol
                1. +2
                  14 September 2017 18: 02
                  Quote: Whispering in the night
                  Hmm, I advise you to first re-read your text again, preferably with a textbook on the Russian language in your hands, and then you can talk about the "lack of education"

                  Dear, you pride yourself on your literacy and blame your opponent for an elementary typo, but pay attention first to yourself that you do not understand the difference between wars during the tsarist period and in the Soviet period - this indicates your lack of education.
                  1. 0
                    14 September 2017 18: 30
                    Quote: Alexander Green
                    Quote: Whispering in the night
                    Hmm, I advise you to first re-read your text again, preferably with a textbook on the Russian language in your hands, and then you can talk about the "lack of education"

                    Dear, you pride yourself on your literacy and blame your opponent for an elementary typo, but pay attention first to yourself that you do not understand the difference between wars during the tsarist period and in the Soviet period - this indicates your lack of education.

                    Dear, I do not scam, but only answer the opponent in his own language, as they say - do not dig a hole for another. And it’s not a typo at all, but an illiterate text with a lot of spelling and punctuation errors.
                    With regards to a certain mythical difference in wars - this may be a difference for you, red political informants, but for me and all people unbiased by Marxism-Leninism there is none at all, everywhere the Russian (Russian, Soviet) people defended their homeland from external aggressors, no difference, in 1812, in 1855, in 1914, in 1941 and in other wars, regardless of the social system in the country, that's all!
                    1. +3
                      14 September 2017 21: 33
                      Quote: Whispering in the night
                      but for me and all people unbiased by Marxism-Leninism there is none at all, everywhere the Russian (Russian, Soviet) people defended their homeland from an external aggressor, no matter in 1812, in 1855, in 1914, in 1941 and in other wars, regardless of the social system in the country, that's all!

                      But this just betrays your political illiteracy and there is nothing to be proud of.
                      1. 0
                        15 September 2017 08: 59
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        Quote: Whispering in the night
                        but for me and all people unbiased by Marxism-Leninism there is none at all, everywhere the Russian (Russian, Soviet) people defended their homeland from an external aggressor, no matter in 1812, in 1855, in 1914, in 1941 and in other wars, regardless of the social system in the country, that's all!

                        But this just betrays your political illiteracy and there is nothing to be proud of.

                        Well, that is, in your opinion, all those who disagree and do not accept the communist point of view on this or that problem are all politically illiterate, or what ?! But do you take a lot on yourself, gentlemen of the Communists, in general, from what fright have you appointed yourself the truth in the last resort? Go down from heaven to earth, to common people around the world (with the exception of a couple of outcasts) long ago do not give a damn about your ideas!
          2. 0
            13 September 2017 17: 21
            Quote: Long in stock.
            how intelligence raise-come.

            So I communicate with you in order to increase intelligence. If you made a mistake, tell me, in which volume of the memoirs of Lavr Georgievich Kornilov did you find this quote?
  42. +1
    13 September 2017 13: 57
    Quote: Long in stock.
    “We went to power to hang, but we had to hang to come to power”
    Lavr Georgievich Kornilov, Complete Works, Volume 13, p. 666, Publishing House of I. Sytin, St. Petersburg, 1937.

    laughing laughing laughing
  43. +3
    14 September 2017 00: 53
    The figure is controversial, a child of his time, he lived brightly, burned out quickly, but the fact is a fact. The October Revolution was an expression of the aspirations of the people, without this figs who would go after the Bolsheviks, the whole blame on citizen Romanov Nikolai
  44. +3
    14 September 2017 00: 58
    I tell you so, I live in the city of Dzerzhinsk, we have a monument to Dzerzhinsky on the main square of the city, and the townspeople did not want to and would not want to either rename the city or demolish the monument, this is our story and people should know it and accept it like that she was with all the pros and cons, without evil there will be no good, they always go hand in hand, this must be understood and accepted
  45. +1
    15 September 2017 10: 07
    Whispering in the night,
    go down to earth — no one gave you the right to speak for all the people. more simply ... the postscript was never a communist. and not even a Komsomol member ...
    1. 0
      15 September 2017 15: 55
      Quote: long in stock.
      Whispering in the night,
      go down to earth — no one gave you the right to speak for all the people. more simply ... the postscript was never a communist. and not even a Komsomol member ...

      I judge in fact, therefore, I write - almost all the former socialist states as soon as possible, at the first timid easing of the authorities, threw off this very socialism as an unnecessary burden and do not recall it anymore.
      1. 0
        15 September 2017 16: 44
        Quote: Whispering in the night
        I judge in fact, therefore, I write - almost all the former socialist states as soon as possible, at the first timid easing of the authorities, threw off this very socialism as an unnecessary burden and do not recall it anymore.

        This does not mean that socialism is bad, but that most people by this time were still not ready to live under socialism, because it is difficult to be a collectivist and work hard, it is easier to be selfish and afraid to process to society. The enemies of socialism took advantage of this, the descendants of those who took away privileges and private property, which they were allowed to parasitize on others.
      2. +3
        15 September 2017 18: 21
        until they remember ... until they are thrown back to the slaughterhouse ... whisper on ... at night ... in the kitchen ... that's all you can do. They don’t know how to work and think your small layer can’t. A dead end ..
        1. 0
          16 September 2017 14: 57
          Quote: long in stock.
          that’s all that you are capable of. they don’t know how to work and cannot think your small layer can and can’t. deadlock branch ..

          Listen, you clairvoyant, I plow at work as Papa Carlo, pull a family, two children, and do not you reproach me for something, learned, "dead end branch"?

          PS That's truly, more boors than the Stalinists can hardly imagine, ill-mannered, completely neglected almost a hundred percent, it is impossible to normally discuss with them, immediately in response to undisguised aggression, insults, trolling, etc.!
          1. +4
            16 September 2017 15: 19
            Quote: Whispering in the night
            Listen, you clairvoyant, I plow at work as Papa Carlo, pull a family, two children, and do not you reproach me for something, learned, "dead end branch"?

            Dead end branch .. is that what you described yourself?
            But it’s true .. Homo Consumerus is not just a dead end branch of human development, but a direct path to degradation, including intellectually.
            Quote: Whispering in the night
            Here truly, more boors

            again you are about yourself ... Nahamili all, heaped up heaps of bad smelling lie and, as a result, were offended by the fact that they got a shit .. strict on liberal patterns. strict on consumer motives ..
            Quote: Whispering in the night
            almost completely one hundred percent, it’s impossible to discuss normally with them, right away in response to undisguised aggression, insults, trolling, etc.!

            Again ... Well, you yourself, not understanding even what you wrote, described yourself ....
            1. 0
              16 September 2017 17: 02
              Quote: Pancir026
              Dead end branch .. is that what you described yourself?

              This is just a quote from the lips of your local accomplice and no more to whom he answered, in fact. I don’t comment on the rest of your stream of consciousness, because all of your written writings are predictable and in exact accordance with the Stalinist patterns I described above. wink
              1. +4
                16 September 2017 17: 10
                Quote: Whispering in the night
                Rest your stream of consciousness

                I am not interested in your muddy stream, which has nothing to do with consciousness.
          2. +2
            16 September 2017 18: 36
            on relics and firs. to debate when slops are poured out instead of evidence is not a conversation. But louts, well, they are visible here ... they run with myrrh-streaming busts. And by the way, do you really know how Papa Carlo plows? and the work is different, you can build up and you can wipe your pants somewhere in the bank or on the bureaucratic chair .. he saw trolling, if you wouldn’t lie, you would not touch you. grabbed the words on the top and climb to people. view defend so immediately in a roar and offended innocence ..
  46. The comment was deleted.
  47. +3
    15 September 2017 16: 38
    Whispering in the night,
    Quote: Whispering in the night
    Well, that is, in your opinion, all those who disagree and do not accept the communist point of view on this or that problem are all politically illiterate, or what ?!

    Can you read? You do not distinguish between the wars of 1812, 1855, 1914, 1941, you don’t want to learn this, it really doesn’t color you. It is not necessary to share these ideas, but everyone who respects himself should understand them. For example, I do not share religious, idealistic views, but to work with believers I read the Bible and the gospel.
  48. +2
    15 September 2017 17: 47
    Whispering in the night,
    Quote: Whispering in the night
    You can turn around like a snake, but you won’t argue against the facts, a huge number of Soviet citizens, including former communists during the Great Patriotic War, became collaborators, and where they fought there, they wet the partisans at the front or in the rear, burned the Khatys and organized women’s yars , police officers and wardens served, etc., this is not so important!

    As for the fact that there were more traitors in the Great Patriotic War than, for example, in the imperialist war.

    Here you do not want to see the differences between these wars and see only the external similarities of all wars, i.e. only form, and do not see the content, i.e. the essence of the difference in the processes in these wars.
    But the Great Patriotic War was not only a domestic war, it was also a continuation of the civil war. Representatives of the former exploiting classes and strata of the population, nobles, landlords, kulaks, and others spoke on the side of fascism. The Great Patriotic War was already distinguished by the fact that fascist ideology had not yet formed in World War I and was not accompanied by the total annihilation of peoples. .
    Those who were captured in Germany and those who were in the occupied territory had the only alternative: either to die honestly or to survive, having betrayed their homeland.
    Many chose to survive and sided with the enemies. Many representatives of the former went to cooperate with the Germans, they could not rise above their resentment and understand that all members of society should enjoy the same benefits, have the same opportunities.
    The socialist system, just provided for such an arrangement of society. But the ex hatred was stronger than their love for the motherland, they sided with the enemy to kill the same Russian people as themselves.

    Here you are, for example, and your like-minded people on this site, what do you have against a socialist society where there is no exploitation of man by man? As an intelligent person, you should have welcomed this, but as offended that all your privileges were taken away from your ancestors, and therefore you have been taken away, you do not hate him. After all, if everyone whose revolution had taken away privileges and private property understood that the rebellious people were always right and would not oppose the Soviet regime, then there would be no aggravation of the class struggle, or all of these repressions.
    1. 0
      16 September 2017 14: 46
      Quote: Alexander Green

      Here you do not want to see the differences between these wars and see only the external similarities of all wars, i.e. only form, and do not see the content, i.e. the essence of the difference in the processes in these wars.
      But the Great Patriotic War was not only a domestic war, it was also a continuation of the civil war. Representatives of the former exploiting classes and strata of the population, nobles, landlords, kulaks, and others spoke on the side of fascism.

      The Great Patriotic War - continuation of the Civil ?? Yeah, a bad case, well, how many on the side of the former fascism did one hundred people, two hundred, or how many? Compared with the hundreds of thousands of former Soviet, who crossed over to the side of the enemy.

      As for the different wars - how much can you explain that this is not my ignorance, but beliefs, worldview, in my opinion, there is no difference in a just war against an external occupier, what kind of social system in the country, monarchy, socialism, capitalism are generally without differences, everywhere the whole people rises to defend their Fatherland, not serfdom and not collective farms, but their homeland, for kings and general secretaries come and go, but the homeland remains.
      1. +3
        16 September 2017 15: 31
        Quote: Whispering in the night
        The Great Patriotic War - continuation of the Civil ??

        And you didn’t know? Well, now you know, all those who in the absolute majority served the invaders, are precisely those who tried to challenge the civilian result.
        Quote: Whispering in the night
        As for the different wars - how much can you explain that this is not my ignorance, but beliefs, worldview, in my opinion, there is no difference in a just war against an external occupier, what kind of social system in the country, monarchy, socialism, capitalism are generally without differences, everywhere the whole people rises to defend their Fatherland, not serfdom and not collective farms, but their homeland, for kings and general secretaries come and go, but the homeland remains.

        Powerfully .. but off topic, does not correspond to REALITY. You, clever here, something. For example, have you heard about the OST plan?
        And about the losses of the Nikolaev army in World War I? No? Why so?
        Well now you will know ...
        Look at the statistics of the losses of the First World War, when Russia was under the rule of the now extolled Nikolai Romanov. The average monthly losses of the Russian army - killed, wounded and taken prisoner, in 1914 amounted to 65 thousand people, in 1915 - 207 thousand people, in 1916 - 224 thousand people. I repeat once again - these are average monthly losses. As you may have already guessed, the losses of the Germans were significantly smaller. And with all this, we never won the war.
        May remind you of something else? I remind you ...
        In the early 30s, the ROCOR acquired an interesting patron who contributed to the growing influence of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. The name of this benefactor is Adolf Hitler. Already in the mid 30-ies on the territory of Prussia began to build churches of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, it is noteworthy that the Reichsministery of German Church Affairs allocated money for the construction. Metropolitan Anthony wrote in a letter of thanks to Minister Hans Curl: “At a time when the Orthodox Church in our country is undergoing unprecedented persecution, we are especially affected by the attention of the German government and yourselves, awakens a deep sense of gratitude to the German people and their glorious leader Adolf Hitler and encourages us to heartfelt prayer for his and the German people’s health, well-being and for Divine Help in all their affairs. ” In general, they prayed for Hitler and asked the Lord God to help him in his affairs. Well done, what can I say.
        Now you can continue to tell us your tales.
        1. 0
          16 September 2017 16: 53
          Quote: Pancir026

          Now you can continue to tell us your tales.

          So this is your fairy tale and simply information not related to the topic. The civilian character of the Great Patriotic War confirms this, I repeat the question, how many former nobles, gendarmes, whiteguards, etc. etc., on the side of Hitler fought, ten people, one hundred, two hundred, can a figure be?

          Priests and their telegrams to Hitler to do with it, in general? I, too, can recall the welcome telegrams of Stalin and Molotov to Hitler and Ribbentrop about the “blood-stained friendship” or the congratulations of the same Molotov to Schulenburg on the victories of the German army in France, then what?
        2. +1
          4 January 2018 14: 55
          In general, the loss of the Russian army in World War I is all tentative. Since the tsarist generals at the beginning of the war did not bother to keep a centralized record of losses. When the seconded officers of the allies asked about the losses, how many losses the Russian army had already suffered, then our generals could not give a clear answer.
      2. +1
        16 September 2017 16: 50
        Quote: Whispering in the night

        As for the different wars - how much can you explain that this is not my ignorance, but beliefs, worldview, in my opinion, there is no difference in a just war against an external occupier, what kind of social system in the country, monarchy, socialism, capitalism are generally without differences, everywhere the whole people rises to defend their Fatherland, not serfdom and not collective farms, but their homeland, for kings and general secretaries come and go, but the homeland remains.

        Sorry dear, but your persistence only confirms everything that was written about you in the comments above.

        As I understand it, my authority alone is not enough here, so I will rely on the classics, and they are the authority for the whole progressive world.

        IN AND. Lenin taught that “one cannot understand the nature of war without knowing the era” (V.I. Lenin, PSS, T, 48, p. 287). So in the war of 1812, despite all the contradictions between the peasants and landlords, the people of Russia were still united, then there was no most powerless class - the proletariat. The peasants had their own property.

        But the "Proletarians have nothing but their chains" (K. Marx said this). Therefore, the proletariat does not want to fight for other people's imperialist interests such as "Give the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles." And only after the proletariat took power into their own hands, he became a defender, he became a patriot.

        But after the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat in 1917, many were dissatisfied with it, and those displeased were waiting for a convenient moment to oppose the workers' power. So, during the war of 1941, they went over to the side of the enemy and began to fight against their people.

        “In order to understand the war, you need to ask who it is profitable for, in order to understand how to end it, you need to ask which box office it is profitable” (V.I. Lenin, PSS, T. 31, p. 396) and “The masses have an awareness tremendous importance and ensures victory ”(V.I. Lenin, PSS, T. 14, P. 121).

        The masses realized that the imperialist war of 1914 was beneficial to tsarism, the world and its bourgeoisie, that it was aggressive, it ended in revolution.

        The masses realized that the war of 1941 was beneficial only to the world bourgeoisie - this war became domestic and Soviet people defended their homeland. Therefore, "An army that knows what it is fighting for is invincible." (And this is already I.V. Stalin, SS, T. 11, S.26)
        1. 0
          16 September 2017 17: 07
          Quotations of the classics of Marxism-Leninism can not be given to me as arguments, for me these are not arguments at all. I do not respect Lenin and Stalin, despise and do not put any authority on him, and your Marx is simply banal to me uninteresting, as well as his ideas and works, so call for the truth ...
          1. +2
            16 September 2017 19: 45
            Quote: Whispering in the night
            I do not respect Lenin and Stalin, despise and do not put any authority on him, and your Marx is simply banal to me uninteresting, as are his ideas and works

            I thought so, well, in doing so, you have recognized that you do not belong to the progressive world.
  49. +3
    15 September 2017 18: 18
    Whispering in the night,
    all? brains are over left emotions? Novodvorskaya foreve ...
    1. 0
      15 September 2017 23: 06
      You can add a spoonful of honey in a barrel of tar.
      In relation to the Kalmyk, Stalin, in comparison with Nicholas I, as the mother of Teresa ... Under the rule of this Kalmyks, unable to bear the Russian yoke, they decided to go back to China ... So they killed with a bayonet of soldiers and sabers of the Cossacks ... a million Kalmyks. Only a few have reached China.
      I read about it 40 years ago, in the multi-volume book of Pushkin (at the end are publications from the press of those years)
      1. +1
        16 September 2017 01: 09
        By analogy with the Chechens ... Ermolov wanted to cut to the last, Denikin showed determination, Lenin warned that they would cut everyone out if they did not give up.
        In Kazakhstan, Chechens killed soldiers until 1968, and then soldiers in Ekibastuz massacred them.

        For Ukrainians ... I recall Stalin’s words: "... it’s a pity it will be impossible to resettle Ukrainians to Siberia, since there are a lot of them."
        1. +2
          16 September 2017 11: 29
          Quote: Karen
          For Ukrainians ... I recall Stalin’s words: “... it’s a pity it will be impossible to resettle Ukrainians to Siberia, since there are a lot of them.

          Did you hear them or invent them yourself?
          1. 0
            16 September 2017 14: 52
            Quote: Alexander Green
            Quote: Karen
            For Ukrainians ... I recall Stalin’s words: “... it’s a pity it will be impossible to resettle Ukrainians to Siberia, since there are a lot of them.

            Did you hear them or invent them yourself?

            Just do not say that this was impossible in principle. It is also possible and very possible that Stalin said so.
            1. +4
              16 September 2017 16: 15
              Quote: Whispering in the night
              Just do not say that this was impossible in principle. It is also possible and very possible that Stalin said so.

              Of course not. It is only your brethren who can think of such a thing. You imagine Stalin on your own, like little actors like Kvasha who play Stalin, or scribblers like Rybakov who write nonsense about Stalin.
              1. 0
                16 September 2017 16: 40
                Quote: Alexander Green
                Of course not. It is only your brethren who can think of such a thing. You imagine Stalin on your own, like little actors like Kvasha who play Stalin, or scribblers like Rybakov who write nonsense about Stalin.

                That is, in your opinion, Stalin, according to ethnicity, could drive kicks into deportation, but he couldn’t Ukrainians? And why, in fact, have the Kalmyks done so much more harm to the Union? Is it true that the only Kalmyk cavalry corps serving the Germans so outweighed the SS Galicia’s division, the numerous Ukrainian guard punitive battalions, Babi Yar, Khatyn, many other, less well-known Belarusian villages destroyed by the above battalions, the Lviv 41st year the massacre of Jews, the assassination of General Vatutin by Bandera, and the guerrilla war performed by the UPA for many years after the war? In fact, the Ukrainians did much more harm than the unfortunate Kalmyks, so, clearly, Stalin could only regret it so much that it would be difficult to deport too many Ukrainians, not a couple of the small Kalmyk people, what size the reservation should be ?!
                1. +2
                  16 September 2017 19: 57
                  Quote: Whispering in the night
                  That is, in your opinion, Stalin, according to ethnicity, could drive kicks into deportation, but he couldn’t Ukrainians? ... Is it really the only Kalmyk cavalry corps in the service of the Germans that outweighs the SS Galicia’s division on the scale, .... In fact, the Ukrainians did much more harm than the unfortunate Kalmyks, so, clearly, Stalin could so to speak, and regret only that too many ukrov, not a couple of the small Kalmyk people, will be difficult to deport, what size should the reservation be ?!

                  Why don't you read other people's comments? I told you why the Kalmyks were deported. They lived on the oil transportation route, and according to intelligence, the Germans planned to cut this route with the help of the rebelled Kalmyks ...
                  And do not think out for Stalin. Your level is not the same.
                  1. 0
                    16 September 2017 21: 02
                    What kind of cutting the oil route with the help of Kalmyks, would you take a look at the combat map, or what? At the end of December of the 43rd (the beginning of the deportation of Kalmyks) Kiev, Zhytomyr, Zaporozhye were already liberated, operations in the Crimea were started, they came very close to Odessa. Kalmykia has been living in peaceful rear for a year now without any rebellion. What are you writing about, dear? Where did you get the info about the mythical expected uprising of the Kalmyks, can you take a look?

                    And in the Crimea, what was transported, oil or something else? Or were Crimean Tatars deported for collaboration? But then again we compare with Ukraine, who did more harm, Crimean Tatars or Ukrainians?
                    1. +2
                      16 September 2017 22: 20
                      Quote: Whispering in the night
                      What kind of cutting the oil route with the help of Kalmyks, would you take a look at the combat map, or what? At the end of December 43rd

                      And the answer is still in the archives of the NKVD-MGB USSR intelligence
                      Counterintelligence data about the upcoming anti-Soviet “revolution in the Caucasus” were obtained by Moscow in late 1943.
                      After the defeat in the battle of Kursk, in which Germany finally lost its strategic initiative in the War, the Germans began to look for any opportunity to regain this same “Initiative”. What can radically change the situation during the war and even decide the outcome of the war itself? Resources. Human and, above all, material. And the most important “resource” even then was oil. The country will have soldiers, tanks, planes and ammunition, but without oil all this costs nothing. The liberation of the Caucasus, and the impossibility for Germany to use Caucasian oil, or rather, the fact that the USSR used this oil, put Germany on the brink of disaster. After all, Hitler was eager for the Caucasus in 1942, not only to use the oil of the Caucasus (Hitler was regularly supplied with oil by Romania and the same American companies that Latin American oil was driven to Germany via Spain and ... Switzerland), but also in order to all, deprive this oil of Russia-the USSR. The fate of the USSR and the entire War depended on this Caucasian oil. Depriving Russia of the oil of the Caucasus and Baku in 1944, it was possible to put Russia in a difficult situation and try to turn the course of the war in its direction. Or, at least, stop the "Bolshevik hordes" on the border of Europe, or even achieve in the future a certain separate peace of Germany and the USSR ...

                      Having received information about the upcoming new mass "unrest" in the strategically important region, about the upcoming strikes in Kalmykia and the Caucasus, which could really create enormous problems in supplying the Army with fuel, and slow down the general attack on Germany, Stalin faced a choice. How serious are the chances of the “success" of German intelligence? In general, not really, if some nations would not have so many deserters and bandits. After all, the same Muslims-Dagestanis no one eventually evicted, or Ossetian Christians who fought to death in the "Elkhotov Gate" and near Alagir. And the point here is not at all the religious affiliation of the peoples of the Caucasus. Both Ossetians and Dagestan peoples also live in the most important strategic regions of the Caucasus. The only road to Georgia then passed through Ossetia, and the railway to Baku passed through Dagestan, through which Azerbaijan transported oil for processing to Grozny and further from Grozny to Astrakhan, through Kalmykia. But it was possible to count on these peoples and not to worry for peace in these republics. But there is no hope for peace in the Ingush villages adjacent to Ossetia, the Chechen ones near Dagestan, or in the villages near Mineralnye Vody and in the Kalmyk steppes. And most importantly - there was no hope, first of all, on the local leadership of these peoples. After all, the "heads of administrations" and even the ranks in the NKVD bodies and even prosecutors of these republics were tied to the militants and actively helped them, or led gangs themselves.
                      1. 0
                        17 September 2017 17: 20
                        Quote: Alexander Green

                        And the answer is still in the archives of the NKVD-MGB USSR intelligence

                        Can you link to the source?

                        In addition, you still didn’t explain, they deported the Crimean Tatars in connection with this, was there also oil production, or was there oil flow, or another reason? And if, nevertheless, the matter is the collaborationism of a considerable part of this nation, then why also cleanly, from infants to decrepit old women, did not deport other Soviet ethnic groups, noted in the sin of collaboration, namely, Ukrainians and Baltic peoples?
      2. +3
        16 September 2017 14: 41
        But can you find out how their Russians then oppressed? rams did not give a mouth? part of the Kalmyk people (mainly Torguts and Khoshuts) thanks to the policy of the largest of the Torgut and Khoshut noyons - advisers to the young governor of the Kalmyk khanate Ubashi - noyon, who, due to his young age and lack of life experience, was under their influence, as well as the influence of the higher Buddhist clergy who composed The astrological forecast and having calculated the year and month favorable for migrating, went to the Qing empire of the Manchu. According to various historical sources, from 170-180 thousand to the Qing Empire reached from 15 to 20 thousand. The rest died from starvation, cold, disease, attacks of the Kyrgyz-Kaisat tribes (now Kazakh) tribes or were taken prisoner. Million say ... personally, the king ... with a bayonet ... you please ventilate before writing a little question. otherwise, make yourself a laughing stock but do you need it?
    2. +2
      16 September 2017 09: 08
      long in stock.
      Yes, it's just a "pupil" of ancient democracy, see - https://oko-planet.su/history/historynew/391467-b
      1. +3
        16 September 2017 14: 21
        I have been calculating this fraternity from the beginning of 90 using keywords .. they have a little benefit from them and they are all the same ...
    3. 0
      16 September 2017 14: 51
      Quote: long in stock.
      Whispering in the night,
      all? brains are over left emotions? Novodvorskaya foreve ...

      So far, judging by your writings, your brains just ran out since you turned to personality, and this, as you know, is the first sign of weakness and lack of real arguments. Stream around now, "a man with brains", well, sometimes read a primer, you need to, believe me!
      1. +4
        16 September 2017 15: 24
        Quote: Whispering in the night
        Stream around now, "a man with brains", well, sometimes read a primer, you need to, believe me!

        The liberal boor said.
        Quote: Whispering in the night
        So far, judging by your writings, your brains just ran out since you turned to personality, and this, as you know, is the first sign of weakness and lack of real arguments.

        And then he confirmed that because of the tendency of every "liberal-minded" to cheap effects, he was offended ... By showing that he himself, with intelligence, is clearly at odds ..
        Learn. Have you tried?
        1. 0
          16 September 2017 16: 53
          For Ukrainians - I read these lines in the book "Resident". A very interesting book.
          About a million Kalmyks - he cited from which book he read ...
          1. +1
            16 September 2017 18: 47
            Once again I ask you, check the sources ... especially those that were released 90 years ..
            1. 0
              16 September 2017 20: 43
              Thank you for the right advice (of the 90s releases, only foreign detectives remained in the library, except for the Young Guard magazines), but I pointed out that Pushkin’s 10-volume poetry was published 40 years ago (maybe the Soviet government then intensified its criticism tsarism, or maybe then started an attack on history :))
        2. 0
          16 September 2017 16: 58
          Quote: Pancir026
          The liberal boor said.

          Firstly, not liberal, you dreamed it, apparently. And do not think that liberals like the late Novodvorskaya alone do not accept your Stalin, this is not at all true, all normal people do not accept him, that's all. And about rudeness, it was not me who started, but my vis-a-vis, and I have the principle - to speak their language with people, if the opponent is rude and does not understand another language, then let them not be offended by the answer.
          1. +4
            16 September 2017 18: 58
            everything is normal .. whoever they’re against is certainly not normal, by the way, they don’t accept Novodvorskaya Stalin’s receiver .. again we set our personal opinion as universal and draw a conclusion from this. Listen, slide the crown on your side so that it doesn’t hang on your ears .. L. Filatov .. .
  50. +2
    17 September 2017 19: 12
    Whispering in the night,
    Quote: Whispering in the night
    Quote: Alexander Green

    And the answer is still in the archives of the NKVD-MGB USSR intelligence

    Can you link to the source?

    And you kindly introduce the source, where I.V. Stalin ordered the eviction of Kalmyks and others on ethnic grounds.
    1. 0
      17 September 2017 22: 00
      Quote: Alexander Green

      And you kindly introduce the source, where I.V. Stalin ordered the eviction of Kalmyks and others on ethnic grounds.

      The deportation of Kalmyks is a historical fact that you provide something, December 27, 43. The Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces "On the Elimination of the Kalmyk ASSR" was issued, the next day the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 1432 / 425ss "On the eviction of Kalmyks living in the Kalmyk ASSR" was issued.

      Eviction of Kalmyks is an ethnic sign or what? Maybe class or religious? winked

      So what about the hypothetical uprising of the Kalmyks there with the original source, and finally answer, how do the vile deeds of part of the Crimean Tatars during the war differ from the exact same and even much more bloody and lengthy deeds of some Ukrainians and the Baltic states of the same period?
      1. +1
        18 September 2017 00: 22
        Quote: Whispering in the night
        The deportation of Kalmyks is a historical fact

        The open press contains the Code of Official Documents on the Problem of the Deportation of the Peoples of the USSR in 1930-1950 stored in the GARF, a section on the eviction of Kalmyks in 1943-1944. Unfortunately, the most important documents are classified so far, but some have leaked.
        On December 8, 2009 (and also on December 16.12.08, 9, and also on the eve of May 2009, XNUMX), before the next anniversary of the creation of Soviet intelligence, on the Zvezda TV channel they showed a d / f about military counterintelligence during the Second World War - "Special Department" (about the same "Smersh"). This movie is available online.
        In this series, in one of the films, there was a conversation about the German reconnaissance and sabotage operations "Abwehr": "Aryans" and "Roman Numeral II", held in January 44th in the North Caucasus. The goal, which was to organize "uprisings" (which Hitler had hoped back in the 41st) in the Caucasus, in the rear of the Red Army, and cut off Russia from the OIL Caucasus and Transcaucasia. The series itself is called: "Operation Aryans." Captain von Scheler directed the Abwehr operation on organizing and preparing the reception of sabotage groups in the Kalmyk steppes, in the amount of 36 "squadrons" of terrorist fighters and instructors (historian A. B gives the entire protocol for interrogating this von Scheler in his book on L.P. Martirosyan). Scheler had to prepare a base for the acceptance of militants, and then lead the operations of these "militant rebels."
        The first blow to the plan of Abwehr and the RSHA (SD) by the forces of these militants, as well as the “Kalmyk legion” (totaling several thousand militants) sent to Kalmykia, these groups were to inflict on the Makhachkala-Kizlyar-Astrakhan railway line. And thus cut off Central Russia from the supply of oil and oil products of Baku and Grozny.
        Until 1942, Baku oil went to Central Russia either by barges to Astrakhan and further along the Volga, or through the oil refineries of Grozny, by rail via Rostov-on-Don. With the withdrawal of German troops to Rostov in 1942, a railway line was laid from Kizlyar to Astrakhan and an additional branch beyond the Volga from Astrakhan to Saratov (BAM rails were used) and Baku oil with Grozny oil products went to Russia via Makhachkala-Kizlyar to Astrakhan. This new branch took on the whole burden of transportation and oil of Baku, and most importantly, gasoline and oil products from Grozny.
        Were it not for this factor, OIL and PREPARING ACROSS THE CAUCASUS - Stalin would not have undertaken an expensive “deportation” of entire peoples of the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia.
        1. 0
          19 September 2017 17: 42
          Well, okay, I won’t even figure out how much this whole text corresponds to the truth, but only one remark. If the Germans at the same time planned to raise an uprising in Kazakhstan or Kyrgyzstan, then these republics should also be cleared from the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz, like Kalmykia from the Kalmyks, right?

          About the Crimean Tatars in terms of their comparison with the Ukrainians and the Balts, I no longer ask, the drain has been counted, there is nothing for you to cover there, Mr. Stalinist.
          1. +1
            19 September 2017 19: 04
            Quote: Whispering in the night
            If the Germans at the same time planned to raise an uprising in Kazakhstan or Kyrgyzstan, then these republics should also be cleared from the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz, like Kalmykia from the Kalmyks, right?

            You threw me stupid questions, can you even think a little? Can't you see the difference? Kalmykia is located on the route of oil transportation from the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia. In addition, the republic was dysfunctional from the standpoint of stability and trustworthiness, rampant armed banditry, and cooperation with the Germans. In Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan there was nothing similar and they were not interesting to the Germans.
            PS And so by the way, I am not a master, but a comrade, and not a Stalinist, but a Stalinist.
      2. +1
        18 September 2017 08: 58
        Quote: Whispering in the night
        Eviction of Kalmyks is an ethnic sign or what? Maybe class or religious?

        And where is it written in the decree that the Kalmyks were evicted because they were Kalmyks? No brother, not for the fact that they beat a wolf that is gray, but because he ate a sheep. The resolution presented only the first reason, another could not be shown that the intelligence of the USSR knew about the intentions of the German command. After the eviction, the Germans nevertheless launched their saboteurs and even landing parties into Kalmykia, but they were quickly tied.
        1. 0
          19 September 2017 17: 44
          Quote: Alexander Green
          Quote: Whispering in the night
          Eviction of Kalmyks is an ethnic sign or what? Maybe class or religious?

          And where is it written in the decree that the Kalmyks were evicted because they were Kalmyks?

          And who was evicted, Russian, or Martians? People of Kalmyk nationality were evicted, from infants to decrepit old women, for these babies and old women could raise an uprising against the Soviet regime, right? Well, like the UPA later, for which ukrov was not deported for some reason .....
          1. +2
            19 September 2017 19: 13
            Quote: Whispering in the night
            And who was evicted, Russian, or Martians? People of Kalmyk nationality were evicted, from infants to decrepit old women, for these babies and old women could raise an uprising against the Soviet regime, right? Well, like the UPA later, for which ukrov was not deported for some reason .....

            Any partisan movement without the support of the local population cannot exist. The Germans destroyed the inhabitants of the partisan regions, the Soviet leadership simply evicted the inhabitants of Kalmykia to other regions, of course, along with the children, not to leave them alone. In Kalmykia, the entire population supported their militants, and therefore they evicted everyone. In Ukraine, not everyone supported the Bandera brothers and forest brothers in the Baltic states; therefore, only the unreliable were subject to expulsion.
            1. +2
              19 September 2017 21: 20
              what are you trying to prove to him ... it's from the series I look at the book I see a fig ... well, and let him see it wherever he wants ....
              1. +1
                19 September 2017 21: 35
                Quote: Long in stock.
                what are you trying to prove to him ... it's from the series I look at the book I see a fig ... well, and let him see it wherever he wants ....

                Yes, hoping for a glimpse of consciousness, I will try again.
              2. +2
                19 September 2017 22: 25
                in vain. he will not be able to drag Kazakhs so he will ask about the Martians .. well, would not Stalin have repressed them ... of course, he would have drunk green blood ...
              3. 0
                19 September 2017 23: 55
                Quote: long in stock.
                what are you trying to prove to him ... it's from the series I look at the book I see a fig ... well, and let him see it wherever he wants ....

                He looked in the mirror? laughing
                1. +2
                  20 September 2017 08: 23
                  become an olgovich? write monosyllabic answers and emoticons?
  51. 0
    19 September 2017 19: 39
    Quote: Alexander Green
    Quote: Whispering in the night
    And who was evicted, Russian, or Martians? People of Kalmyk nationality were evicted, from infants to decrepit old women, for these babies and old women could raise an uprising against the Soviet regime, right? Well, like the UPA later, for which ukrov was not deported for some reason .....

    Any partisan movement without the support of the local population cannot exist. The Germans destroyed the inhabitants of the partisan regions, the Soviet leadership simply evicted the inhabitants of Kalmykia to other regions, of course, along with the children, not to leave them alone. In Kalmykia, the entire population supported their militants, and therefore they evicted everyone. In Ukraine, not everyone supported the Bandera brothers and forest brothers in the Baltic states; therefore, only the unreliable were subject to expulsion.

    But in Kalmykia, everyone supported the Germans and certain Kalmyk forest brothers? Who told you such heresy? And I continue to argue that throughout the Baltic states and, at least, in western Ukraine, the local population supported the Germans and collaborators many times more strongly than the Kalmyks.
    1. +1
      19 September 2017 21: 39
      Quote: Whispering in the night
      And I continue to argue that throughout the Baltic states and, at least, in western Ukraine, the local population supported the Germans and collaborators many times more strongly than the Kalmyks.

      Approve as much as you want. I repeat for those who are particularly dull. The Kalmyks were evicted not only for collaborating with the Germans, but also because THEY LIVED IN THE TERRITORY OF TRANSPORTATION OF CAUCASIAN OIL AND THERE WAS A DANGER THAT THE GERMANS WOULD USE THEM TO CUT THIS ARTERY.
      1. 0
        19 September 2017 23: 54
        Quote: Alexander Green

        Approve as much as you want. I repeat for those who are particularly dull. The Kalmyks were evicted not only for collaborating with the Germans, but also because THEY LIVED IN THE TERRITORY OF TRANSPORTATION OF CAUCASIAN OIL AND THERE WAS A DANGER THAT THE GERMANS WOULD USE THEM TO CUT THIS ARTERY.

        And what about the Crimean Tatars? Will there be glimpses of consciousness about them or what?
        1. +2
          20 September 2017 08: 21
          Well, you really are a monk who doesn’t know Latin...
          1. +1
            20 September 2017 09: 06
            Night Whisperer:
            “And what about the Crimean Tatars? Will there be glimpses of consciousness about them or what?”

            And the Crimean Tatars were evicted because 20 thousand Tatars deserted from the 1941st army in 51 and opened the Crimean front, because during the occupation they collaborated with the Germans and massacred all Soviet partisans, surrendered all partisan bases and warehouses with food and weapons and They massacred all residents of villages supporting the partisans. After the liberation of Crimea, in order to prevent reprisals against the Tatars by the relatives of the victims, they were evicted. But in Crimea, unlike Kalmykia, they were evicted selectively; relatives of those who fought in the Red Army or were married to Russians were not evicted. In Kalmykia, total cooperation with the Germans was accompanied by the danger of disruption of strategic oil supplies from the Caucasus.
            1. 0
              21 September 2017 01: 26
              Quote: Alexander Green

              And the Crimean Tatars were evicted because 20 thousand Tatars deserted from the 1941st army in 51 and opened the Crimean front, because during the occupation they collaborated with the Germans and massacred all Soviet partisans, surrendered all partisan bases and warehouses with food and weapons and They massacred all residents of villages supporting the partisans.

              But in Crimea, unlike Kalmykia, they were evicted selectively; relatives of those who fought in the Red Army or were married to Russians were not evicted. In Kalmykia, total cooperation with the Germans was accompanied by the danger of disruption of strategic oil supplies from the Caucasus.

              Only Crimean Tatars deserted from the front? Didn't Azerbaijanis desert, Central Asians, Balts, other small ethnic groups? There are a lot of cases, I’m too lazy to look, but if you don’t believe me, I can make a selection. The local commanders simply waved away the Azerbaijanis, for example, with their hands and feet, here, at least, in more detail about this (T. Dmitriev “I will not take anyone except Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians” - Why and how in the Second World War they knocked out those who fought instead nationalities of the last Russians, Slavs, then creating the “Soviet people”).

              And as for the Crimean Tatars, almost everyone was deported with rare exceptions such as Amet Khan Sultan, but even these front-line heroes were forbidden to live in Crimea. At the same time, about 15 percent of the male population of the Crimean Tatars fought at the front in the ranks of the Red Army, and the same percentage were partisans during the years of occupation. However, all these individuals, as well as their family members, were also deported.

              In short, to summarize - after all the above ethnic cleansing, the Stalinists do not have the slightest right to call themselves internationalists, they have lost this title forever. The stigma of essentially Nazi deportations based on ethnicity directly to the reservations of entire ethnic groups of the Union is also forever and they will never be able to wash themselves away from this stigma!
              1. +1
                21 September 2017 09: 03
                Quote: Whispering in the night
                The stigma of essentially Nazi deportations based on ethnicity directly to the reservations of entire ethnic groups of the Union is also forever and they will never be able to wash themselves away from this stigma!

                This conclusion is just the result of the imagination of a sick brain, a person unable to understand that harsh time. You evaluate that time from today's positions and knowledge, but put yourself in the place of management and think about what you would have done then.
  52. +2
    2 October 2017 09: 36
    Just one example that shows how effectively this man worked, he eliminated homelessness, children began to be educated, the FED plant is a continuation of these communes. Now compare the effectiveness of the work and personal life of this PERSON and the effectiveness of the current government and government, in the 21st century we have homelessness and they cannot eliminate it, there is simply nothing to talk about personal life that everyone understands. And let the liberals push their tongues into their stinking, rotten, rotten ass... .
  53. 0
    17 December 2017 10: 03
    Quote: Koshnitsa
    Both Krasnov and Kolchak are in monuments in modern Russia, but he missed out on the endmundycha. Have you seen anything? feel

    ..for that, Ulyanov=Blanka is a dime a dozen..
  54. 0
    17 February 2018 18: 58
    Therefore, the traitors in 91 first of all toppled his monument. They are still afraid.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"