Was there freedom in the USSR

There is a widespread opinion that in the USSR there was a catastrophic lack of various kinds of freedom, there was an obligation all around, the state imposed the ideology of Marxism-Leninism on everyone, and the KGB seized the dissenters and sent them to the GULAG.

But was it really so?

Isn't the above mentioned set of horror stories like those that in ancient times told about the reign of Ivan the Terrible, who, as it turned out later, did not kill his son, and even executed his citizens a hundred times less than his European contemporaries?

Let's try to figure it out, at least in general terms.

First of all, you need to take into account that the USSR at different times was very different - the Union 30-x was very similar to the Union 50-x and the more so 60-x, not to mention 70-x and 80-x.

The stories that for every word they could have been sent to the camps are true only for the second half of the 30-s, the so-called period of Stalin's purges.

At the end of 30's, it was really possible to get a sentence for the slightest criticism of the authorities. However, it was a very short period, the features of which should not be extended to the entire history THE USSR.

It is also necessary to take into account the reasons why cleaning was done at the end of 30-x. The purges were an echo of the civil war, following which many people with different political views and intentions remained in the country. Even among the supporters of the Soviet government there was no unity - some adhered to the positions of Trotsky, other positions of Stalin, there were also Bolsheviks who did not consider either right or wrong. Someone in the recent past was an anarchist. Someone even fought on the side of the White Guard.

And the point is not that Stalin wanted to destroy all his opponents - the fact is that many people at all levels themselves treated each other with distrust, suspicion, and sometimes even outright hostility.

Who wrote a few million anonymous letters?

Yes, the people themselves wrote them!

Someone saw in the neighbor an unfinished counter, someone saw a Trotskyite, someone an anarchist, someone remained offended by the Soviet power and frankly crap, writing slander on those who actually were an honest communist. Someone cheated on his wife and he trivially decided to deal with his rival, accusing him of anti-Soviet activities - such cases were also common.

The time was such that millions of people continued to fight with each other, but not with swords and machine guns, but anonymous letters.

Therefore, it is not necessary to reduce the entire history of the USSR to the 37 year and judge the Soviet government by the wave of repression.

In addition, if you recall the pre-war history of the USSR, then you need to remember about the period of the NEP, when there was more than enough freedom, almost like in 90.

However, let us turn to the post-war Union, which can be considered the established state with the established relations between the government and society.

Was there freedom in the USSR 50-x, 60-x, 70-x and 80-x?

Consider several types of freedom:

freedom of speech

After the death of Stalin, a period came which was called the thaw. A characteristic feature of this period was the ability to freely curse Stalin and carefully criticize Khrushchev.

After Khrushchev, the Brezhnev stage began, when it became possible to freely curse the previous secretary general and carefully joke over Brezhnev.

I can give you a vivid example: I recently watched a program with the participation of Yuri Stoyanov, where he recalled how Brezhnev began to parody when he was still a student and was studying the same course, attention - with Brezhnev's daughter!

Stoyanov parodied Brezhnev in the presence of his daughter!

Once it came to the Secretary General himself, who came to them on the course. And what would you think? Leonid Ilyich asked Stoyanov to show him some of the parodies of himself. Of course, Stoyanov showed the most innocuous, but still - it was a parody of the secretary general, demonstrated to the secretary general himself. And no one after that Stoyanov arrested. It was not sent to any gulag, especially since at that time there was no mention of a gulag.

This example clearly shows that freedom of speech in the post-war USSR was in general. She was not absolute, but she was.

Yes, there was censorship, but smart people safely evaded it. And stupid to give the word once again is not even necessary.

By the way, censorship sometimes even benefited. Thus, the Soviet censorship had a positive effect on the quality of cinema, because it forced directors to look for artistic techniques for expressing what was impossible to say openly. And they found such tricks. And it turned out much more interesting, expressive and thoughtful, than today, when you can speak from the screen everything, without choosing expressions.

Thus, a certain freedom of speech existed in the post-war Union. Whoever wanted, he could bring his thought to the interlocutor. Figuratively, allegorically, with the help of artistic techniques, in the kitchen or in a smoking room, through a joke, but it was possible.

It was impossible to publish anti-Soviet newspapers, this is true. But so in Russia today there are not very many large anti-government publications. And in the US there are not very many large anti-government channels. Any power in one way or another limits the spread of an inconvenient point of view for itself, so the Soviet government in this regard was not any special and unique.

I would even wonder if the USSR needed more freedom of speech than it did?

Here, for example, Khrushchev sharply criticized Stalin - and so what? It became better? Feel better? No, not very much easier, rather the opposite. And when anti-Soviet anecdotes began to be poisoned, they also did not begin to live better.

Therefore, I tend to think that the freedom of speech in the post-war Union was necessary and sufficient. It was not too much, but too much is not needed. The best, as you know, is the enemy of the good. For smart people, freedom of speech in the USSR was enough to express their point of view, but stupid and should not be allowed too much, this only makes it worse.

Let's consider other freedoms:

Freedom of movement

One of the biggest restrictions of the Soviet period are closed borders. However, today, when the borders are formally open, the majority is still limited in travel opportunities, only these restrictions are financial in nature - it simply does not have enough money to travel to other countries.

In the USSR, the absolute majority of citizens could afford to rest each year in the Crimea, Sochi, Abkhazia, Georgia, the Baltic States, in the Caucasus, go to the mountains, go to a sanatorium.

Today, half of the inhabitants of Russia are deprived of such opportunities, because the average salary in the country is 26 thousand rubles, and this is in view of Moscow and St. Petersburg, taking into account all top managers. Excluding Moscow, St. Petersburg and top managers - the average salary in Russia is at the level of 20 thousand rubles. This means that about half of the country lives on less than 20 thousand rubles a month. With such a salary, not everyone can go to the Crimea. With a salary of 13-15 thousand, even going to the nearest sanatorium is problematic. With a salary of 6-8 thousand (postman, fireman), there is no question of any trips, except for a challenge.

In the USSR, the absolute majority of working citizens received 150 rubles and more - in terms of modern money, these are 30 thousands. And the share of wages, which remained on the hands after all mandatory payments, was also higher.

This means that the majority of citizens had more opportunities to travel around the Union than today in Russia - based on financial possibilities.

Opportunities to travel abroad were less, but the opportunities to travel around the country - more. And the country was more, which is important.

Today there were no formal restrictions, but economic ones appeared - low wages that do not allow to go where you can go.

Thus, in the USSR, the actual freedom of movement of the majority of the population was even higher than today, just this freedom was somewhat different.

Freedom of choice of professions and work

About this kind of freedom is very rarely spoken. They often remember about freedom of speech, freedom of movement, closed borders, political prisoners. But the freedom to choose a profession is no less important.

A person spends at work on 8 hours on a working day for 40-50 years - this is a very significant time. This is much more time that a person spends in conversations or travels. Therefore, the possibility of choosing a good profession and doing your favorite business depends much more than on the ability to criticize power or to ride around the world. In any case, for the majority.

And just now there was much more freedom in choosing a profession and work in the USSR than today.

Today, the choice of professions is limited by the fact that in many of them it is very difficult to find a job, especially well-paid.

Today, only a few professions are paid well, so the real choice is very limited and most of them go to study economists, lawyers and managers. However, they are not studying for these professions from a great love for them, but just to later get a well-paid job.

In the USSR, the choice of occupations in which one could later get a well-paid job was much wider - dozens and even hundreds of times.

And it is also important that today the main professions are connected with bureaucracy, shifting papers, and this is a depressive type of activity. In Soviet times there was a wide choice of constructive, creative professions.

The choice of professions and work in the USSR was wider both by the total number of specialties and by type — you could get a vocational education and choose a working profession, you could study as an engineer, you could study as a doctor or teacher, you could do science and by art.

Today, with vocational education, it is difficult to find work, with pedagogical or medical - it is difficult to find a well-paid job (a nurse at Vostochny cosmodrome receives 13 thousand rubles, see Putin’s Direct Line), engineers are not needed, scientists are not needed, you can do art in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and even then, to achieve success, one must have sponsors, and talent and education are secondary.

Leisure time

This is also often forgotten, although this is again a very important factor of freedom.

What is freedom of speech or freedom of movement when there is no free time for traveling, socializing or other forms of leisure?

When there is no free time, many other types of freedom lose their practical meaning.

In the USSR, there was an 8-hour day and a five-day work week. And compulsory leave once a year. Compare this with how they work today. Teachers are forced to conduct more classes in order to receive at least 20 thousand rubles (corresponds to 100 Soviet rubles). Doctors and nurses work at one and a half rates, because the staff is optimized around. In small business, the working day is not standardized at all, because everyone competes with everyone and pushes each other for a prolonged working day. Who takes a mortgage - works on two jobs in order to pay it as soon as possible, then takes another loan, then another and another - and for years on two jobs, sometimes without vacation.

Many today work much more than under Soviet rule, which means that people have less free time. Less time to travel, chat, spend with family, children, friends.

A separate conversation about the retirement age - today it is close to the average life expectancy. If in the USSR, pensioners lived on 20-30 years, then today the term of retirement has decreased to 5-10 years. And soon it will shrink even more. So much for freedom.

In the USSR there was more free time for socializing, traveling, and leisure. And in his free time, no one forced him to go and read the Pravda newspaper — he could be conducted in a thousand different ways, read non-political literature, watch non-political films, go to the theater, communicate without any ideology, engage in various hobbies, relax in the country house or travel around the huge the country (which many did - the tourism in the USSR was much more developed than today).

Today, free time has been reduced to such an extent that there is simply no way to go somewhere or go, all that remains is to get online, quickly poke something and sleep. In large cities, people generally spend half of their free time standing in traffic jams - a vivid example of freedom of movement. Standing in a traffic jam for two hours a day - an hour on the way to work and an hour on the way home - a great view of modern freedom!

And finally, let's consider another aspect:

Imposed ideology

Soviet power is often criticized for imposing the ideology of Marxism-Leninism on the state. In institutions, even the subject was such - it was necessary to learn the works of Marx and Lenin and pass tests on them.

But let's look at it from this side:

The Soviet system provided free education and the institute program included more than ten different subjects on which the state gave students knowledge. And among two dozen subjects there was one ideological — this is Marxism-Leninism. In fact, it was a kind of payment that the Soviet system took from students for giving knowledge in all other subjects.

They give you knowledge of twenty subjects and at the same time they ask you to learn an extra one extra. Yes, and to teach him something was not necessarily on solid fives, he remembered the main theses and got his credit. Not such a high price for free education.

The share of Marxism-Leninism accounted for about 5% of the entire institute program. Even less.

I’m ready to argue if today Marxism-Leninism was introduced as an elective in universities, while successfully passing an examination in this subject would be exempted from tuition fees - everyone would enroll for this elective. Or almost everything.

And I also note that those who did not study in universities and did not join the party did not need to learn Marxism-Leninism at all. Simple workers didn’t force anything except 1 May and 7 demonstrations in November. And they even went to the demonstrations quite voluntarily, as if on a holiday. Actually, it was a holiday, folk festivals. Posters carried only very ideological comrades, the rest just went for a walk and it didn’t bother anyone especially.

And all other ideological events and programs like pioneers, Komsomol, socialist competitions and other Leninisms can be divided into what was a kind of payment for free education (very small by today's standards) and what was optional-symbolic and didn't strain anyone, but if strained, then very few.

Modern mortgage, housing services and traffic jams strain disproportionately more than the Soviet ideology, in which there were no traffic jams, no mortgages, no atrocious tariffs for utility services.

Everything is relative.

If we compare the freedom that was in the post-war USSR, taking into account not only the freedom of speech, but also the freedom to choose professions, freedom of employment, free time, freedom from mortgage and brutal utility tariffs - if we compare everything in the complex, then there was no less freedom in the USSR and much more than today.

Freedom of speech was less, but it was enough for smart people. Whoever wanted - he could bring his thought to another and was understood. And they did not imprison everybody for the extra word, especially after 53. And even under Stalin they did not imprison everyone in a row, Bulgakov will confirm.

Freedom of movement was limited to the borders of the Union, but within these limits freedom of movement was much greater than today, due to the fact that an absolute majority could afford to take a vacation anywhere in the country. Travel and tourism were more accessible to the masses. And there were a lot of places for recreation in the country.

Freedom of choice of professions was much greater than today. Employment opportunities were greater. Types of work was more. Types of work was more. There was more creative work. Creative work was more. Paid work was more. There were more specialties with which one could get 150 rubles and more (30 thousands in terms of modern money).

There was more free time, much more - both for workers and retirees. There were two guaranteed days off and a month of guaranteed vacation, which today is by no means all. The working day ended in 17 hours, and not in 20-22, as some have today. In retirement, they lived 20-30 for years, not 5-10 as they are today. But this is the most free time, the size of which determines the freedom of a person to the greatest extent.

It is free time that primarily determines how free a person is, and not the existence of opposition media.

As for the imposed ideology, I’m ready to argue that if today there was an opportunity to pass Marxist-Leninist exams and get free education, an apartment and 90% discount on utility bills, Marx and Lenin would have been taught everything. Almost all. In any case, the absolute majority. And on November 7 demonstration would go with great pleasure.

It is based on this and draw conclusions, whether there was freedom in the USSR.
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  1. +43
    8 September 2017 05: 58
    Now those who disagree with you will come running, and the funniest thing is, many of them received both education and titles during the USSR.
    This is strange - do not care about the country that raised them.
    Crushed people .. Previously, they wanted to go into space, but now most people have the ultimate dream - a beach in Turkey or Thailand ..
    1. +29
      8 September 2017 06: 18
      The thing is that we were forced on a method of comparing two systems through the prism of Eurocentrism! That is, there has been and continues to be a crushing in the head that there is one right way for the development of society - this is the West! Starting from the 70s, all dissident democrats, who did not understand and who deliberately instilled the idea that Russia is part of the West, which means that it is urgent to dismantle the Soviet system and go on the rails of an open liberal society! How to do it, yes very simply, you need to haul everything Soviet and praise everything Western, and the myth was born that the Soviet system is a system of "bad" and alien to a normal person! And many already don’t understand that this is just a successful idiological sabotage that does not have anything as facts! Just as they imposed on us that Ivan the Terrible is not the founder of the Russian state and a collector of land, but a murderer and a murderer who even killed his son, but everyone knows that he didn’t do this, and they executed him hundreds of times in Europe more, but Karlov was called Great ... And no one thinks about it! A similar myth was created by the Democrats with the filing of the degenerate Khrushchev about Stalin ... And no one has the mind to understand that we are two completely different civilizations - the West understood this yet, God knows when - he has torn Byzantium from himself and since then he does not need Russia as equal part of European society! Milan Kundera directly wrote (not verbatim):"Russia is perceived by Europe as a separate other civilization!"
      Therefore, to talk about freedoms as well, one must not compare them with Western ideals and approach their criteria, but only start from understanding the good of man and the Soviet system as a whole, as a completely unique human experience in the development of society based on their own historical experience!
      1. +13
        8 September 2017 07: 48
        Quote: Finches
        And many already don’t understand that this is just a successful idiological sabotage that does not have anything as facts!

        What then to do with the "Yeltsin Center" in which they are teaching ideological "saboteurs", which we personally discovered, you know, President Putin?)
        1. +9
          8 September 2017 09: 55
          Quote: Sovetskiy
          What then to do with the "Yeltsin Center"

          Still, our people are very patient, not at all passionate. Tolerated, they took the country from under the nose, then plundered. Now this Yeltsin-Center of the eyes is callous ... We will tolerate everything! But many here have big claims in the direction of Ukraine, that they say themselves deal with the junta! No need to endure the power of the Nazis. There is nothing to wait for when Russia comes to help!
          You know, I’m absolutely sure that if Russia were in the place of Ukraine, we would have the same thing. It’s just that we were a little lucky with the top. Putin decided not to go under the Americans.
          1. +8
            8 September 2017 12: 20
            Quote: Stas157
            Putin decided not to go under the Americans.

            kaneshno, it’s more pleasant to lie under Tambov’s
        2. +11
          8 September 2017 10: 59
          Putin, who is also in some way a hostage to the situation, and not an absolute tyrant, as they try to imagine him in the West ... he also needs to play according to certain rules! Not everything is in his power, unfortunately ...
          1. +11
            8 September 2017 11: 47
            Quote: Finches
            Putin is also somewhat hostage to the situation.

            Quote: Finches
            ... he also needs to play according to certain rules! Not everything is in his power, unfortunately ...

            This begs the following question, which is unlikely to be answered: Whose and from whom do we celebrate "independence" every year on June 12?
            If we compare the activities of Stalin of the 30's and Putin's 10's, it turns out that they will not be able to cope with the domestic political situation in the country with “liberal democratic” values? If so, then this is a dead end, because he himself is an adherent of liberalism about which he has repeatedly stated.
            1. +7
              8 September 2017 11: 58
              Personally, I’m not celebrating anything on June 12! But I understand that today it is by no means possible to change the situation, any attempt to collapse the current government in the person of its guarantor of GDP, even with the best intentions, will lead to chaos and ruin, to the delight of our foreign "partners" and internal neoliberal "opposition" , which is not the opposition at all, but just the hires of our enemies, ordinary national traitors! Perhaps I have already noted this here, Putin and his course, for someone evil, but "evil" for the sake of Russia, but everything else "good", will result in "good" against Russia - what you need to find out for yourself today!
              1. +2
                8 September 2017 15: 27
                Quote: Finches
                Personally, I’m not celebrating anything on June 12! But I understand that today it is by no means possible to change the situation, any attempt to collapse the current government in the person of its guarantor of GDP, even with the best intentions, will lead to chaos and ruin, to the delight of our foreign "partners" and internal neoliberal "opposition" , which is not the opposition at all, but just the hires of our enemies, ordinary national traitors! Perhaps I have already noted this here, Putin and his course, for someone evil, but "evil" for the sake of Russia, but everything else "good", will result in "good" against Russia - what you need to find out for yourself today!

                Well said! good hi
              2. +1
                9 September 2017 00: 53
                Quote: Finches
                But I understand that today it’s not possible to change the situation,

                This is in vain. You need to change the situation, and for this you should ask the author - what has changed in the state structure? What radically turned us around?
                According to A. Zinoviev, we still continue to live in a post-socialist society. But what is not in this society?
                The answer is that in our society there are no Soviets of workers, peasants and soldiers' deputies, and of the State Planning Commission. Everything else, right up to (and even in spite of the fact that there was no Communist Party in the USSR) to the Communist Party plus 1000 and one batch.

                I wanted to ask how the return of the Soviets of workers', peasants' and soldiers' deputies could plunge Russia into chaos?

                The summary is this: the Communist Party and 1000 and one party are actually anti-Soviet organizations called upon by the West to link society from the real power of the working people, i.e. from real democracy.

                Another conclusion: the Communist Party throughout its history leveled the power of the working people. By reorganizing the Soviets of Workers ', Peasants' and Soldiers 'Deputies into the Soviets of Workers' Deputies, then into the Soviets of People's Deputies ("Scoop"), the party nomenclature (in this case, no matter which party) implemented the principle - "the best is the enemy of the good" and "divide and conquer" .

                What to do? It is necessary to organize the Soviets of workers', peasants' and soldiers' deputies in the form of NPOs with elements of self-government, only this can prepare Russia for the moment when the clash of parties and elites will decapitate the authorities and dump the country into chaos!
                1. +2
                  9 September 2017 01: 09
                  I will ask you one question - why? hi
                  1. 0
                    9 September 2017 01: 51
                    I will answer you - Why did you read this article? What do you personally want to know? Maybe for the same reason why it was needed in 1905, and then in 1917.

                    I’ll add that it’s completely transparent that all these 1001 parties will lead the country to collapse. Even if the gentlemen communists come to power, the reaction will be tantamount to the return of the autocracy, which the whites dream of -
                    in practice, this is the collapse of the British Empire, the Spanish monarchy, etc.

                    Then, something you said
                    any attempt to collapse the current government in the person of its guarantor of GDP, even with the best of intentions, will lead to chaos and ruin,
                    time will make - GDP, it is not eternal, and what's next - chaos and devastation? But no, I know, the return of the autocracy, the distribution of ranks and titles, the time of cadets and balls. Well this is how romantic. wassat

                    Time, time - and why are you flying so fast? fellow

                    (slip: Post-Sovietism according to Zinoviev)
                    1. 0
                      9 September 2017 10: 44
                      Quote: petyaivolk
                      Post-Sovietism according to Zinoviev)

                      You wrote two very lengthy comments, kicked the Communist Party, called everyone bad words, and in fact it’s always your whole scribble. Absolutely pro-Western. frankly coward. case. hypothetical for the Communists to come to power, to such an extent. that as excuses you do not shun dirt.
                      The same applies to your attitude to Putin, no matter how you flail here. But the people will think differently than a bunch of marginals, both from frankly liberals and from frankly right. And HAO.So about which you describe here so vividly. in fact, your desire ... In a muddy water you want to catch your fatty fish.
                      1. +1
                        11 September 2017 06: 17
                        Quote: Pancir026
                        You wrote as many as two lengthy comments, kicked the Communist Party, called all the bad words, but in fact as always.

                        Sorry, to whom all Pancir026? Do we have an untouchable reserve here? Can I have the numbers and the case, my dear?

                        I kicked the Communist Party and still add, because these people have lost the idea that they owe to the people, and not the people, to them.
                        And maybe I went to the State Department after the collapse of the USSR, and not Mr. Zyuganov?
                        or did I probably meet with the US ambassador to Russia, John Tefft?
                        The Communist Party is a typical party of Compromisers and obscurantists, and Mr. Rashkin is also one of them, who does not know what she should do and whom she should serve. They are the Communist Party of Ukraine, therefore, all of their husbands dreaming of stumbling into a warm place, either Maidan, or Bolot and Navalny, is not some kind of revolutionary force, but a bureaucratic bastard rabble of compromisers who are afraid of their name and history.
                        Bourgeois parties in their most vile notion.

                        And you, meanwhile, are the typical anti-adviser “AND CHAOS” in your head and nothing more.
                      2. 0
                        11 September 2017 06: 56
                        Quote: Pancir026
                        You are frankly coward. Case. Hypothetical for the Communists to come to power, to such an extent. That as excuses you do not shun dirt.

                        Let me give you a comment with which I completely agree,
                        I highlighted one point for you - "The Communist Party is an initiative and recognized by the masses organ of organizational management of the masses
                        But ... ONLY for the period of revolutionary breakdown of previous bourgeois relations and the construction of new socialist relations with their reflection in new legislation. "
                        Let me explain: the Communist Party is not a party of revolutionaries and therefore there is no need for it.
                        But the Soviets of the working classes is something that needs to be restored in any form available today and if we do not have a fascist (soft-Franco) state, the Soviets of the working classes should be recognized at the state level.

                        1. The philosophical basis of socialism = the philosophical basis of the Russian Family: the interests of the Family (i.e. the Homeland and People) are higher than personal.
                        2. The economic basis of socialism = public ownership of the means of production is the property of the Sort, which each member of the Sort must be cherished and increased.
                        3. The political basis of the organization of the Russian Family = the election of princes (military leaders) from among well-known and respected people among those who elect with the right to re-election at any time. Election of the main Prince from among the princes = Soviet power with the election of deputies from labor collectives from among the authoritative and respected people in this collective from top to bottom.
                        Those. the local deputy is elected by members of the labor collective, and only the deputies of the lower Council who know the candidate for joint work in the Council are already elected to the higher Council.
                        The right to recall a deputy at any level of the Council rests with the labor collective who first elected him.

                        The Communist Party is an initiative and recognized by the masses organ of organizational management of the masses.
                        But ... ONLY for the period of revolutionary breakdown of previous bourgeois relations and the construction of new socialist relations with their reflection in the new legislation.
                        After this, the Communist Party is considered to have fulfilled its historical mission and peacefully leaves political power, passing it to the Soviets.
                        In the further development of socialist theory, social science, free from party attitudes, is engaged.

                        Now it is clear what the main causes of the defeat of the USSR in the struggle against world imperialism and internal Trotskyism led to its collapse?
                        What are the main ideological and structural targets of our enemies (external and internal)?
                        Remember the next story, and its slogans.
                        They hit all three staples.
                        1. The interests of the Family in the "perestroika" put below the individual "freedom".
                        2. The socialist property of Rod was called a "draw."
                        3. Already in the USSR, the Trotskyists replaced the elected Soviet power by a permanent party party, not controlled by society.
                        The Trotskyist "Vanguard of the Workers" formed itself (recommendations for joining the party were given only by party members). The regular purges of party ranks under Stalin with the participation of non-partisans ceased.

                        To reform socialism, when Gorbachev put forward the slogan “More socialism!”, It was enough to peacefully abandon only the Trotskyist political party system, replacing it with the Leninist model of Soviet power (see his work “The State and the Revolution”).
                        That's all.
                        And the future of the USSR today would be completely different.

                        But was that the goal of the contour of global governance of mankind?
                        Its goal is global degradation and a reduction in the number of mankind.
                        And he performs it rigorously and methodically, according to plan.
                        How? Unstructured through the propaganda of destructive values ​​and the imposition of their own schemes for reforming the economic, political, educational and other structure of the country being destroyed.
                        Is it really not clear to someone from those who are not completely stupid?

                        There is no “separate Russian idea”.
                        There is a single universal idea (concept) of liberation from the centuries-old oppression of the “governing elite” over its “slave” - a working man.
                        In the sweat of his face earning his bread and at the same time feeding economic and political parasites sitting on his working neck.
                        It is necessary to take control of all spheres of society.
                        You just need to stop paying a huge tribute to economic intermediaries (private owners of the means of social production and exchange - finance) through the transition to public ownership and public finance. Given the different readiness of countries for such a bloodless transition. Through the evolution of a multistructure economy.
                        To take away from the professional party functionaries, secretly controlled by economic parasites, divorced from real life, the function of “elitist management of society” through legislation.
                        Take this legislative function into non-party public self-government.
                        Through democratic elections of non-partisan deputies with personal responsibility and the right to recall each of those who nominated him to this public position.
                        At any time, without waiting for the next election.

                        Everything is actually obvious and extremely clear.
          2. +7
            8 September 2017 12: 18
            Quote: Finches
            Putin is also somewhat hostage to the situation.

            Yeah, the cooperative "lake" and the Ebnov lads!
            Applause, curtain ...
            1. +6
              8 September 2017 12: 23
              What do you exaggerate this cooperative "Lake", as Navalny type cottage Medvedev? Not tired? Personally, I don’t care, even if the cooperative "Lake" - I prefer to go into intelligence with a friend, so to speak from my "cooperative", which I have known for many years ...
        3. +1
          8 September 2017 13: 40
          Quote: Sovetskiy
          What then to do with the "Yeltsin Center"

          And do nothing. Do you know what vaccination is? this is when the body meets a weakened, killed microbe or fragment thereof. So such Yeltsin’s centers and all kinds of shows on television with the Liberals are ideological vaccinations that strengthen us
      2. +4
        8 September 2017 12: 26
        Quote: Finches
        The thing is that we were forced on a method of comparing two systems through a prism

        Have you at least read to the end what you yourself wrote? wassat laughing
        1. +3
          8 September 2017 12: 37
          I perfectly understand what I wanted to say, maybe I could not express it more intelligibly? If you do not understand, ask a specific question, I’ll try to explain, if I’ll just sore, then do not waste my time and my time!
          1. +4
            8 September 2017 13: 25
            Quote: Finches
            What do you exaggerate this cooperative "Lake"

            You can talk about a dog’s mosquito Yes about dresden scouts mabut wink
            "Stasi" with Wolf nervously smoking and waiting for instructions from the "resident" belay And Peter, meanwhile, was waiting for the products ... only the "he" was not in the know, otherwise he would have done the thing for the numbered144128 fellow
            Oh, who am I talking about? what Exactly about Brezhnev, then they lived without bars on the windows and without iron doors in the front doors, the "Oryol" cost 18 kopecks and smelled of the whole entrance, and the "popsicle" was made of milk! to hell with me such a "freedom"?
      3. +9
        8 September 2017 12: 40
        "... in historical terms, no other state, except the USSR, has ever succeeded in achieving such a high degree of social equality and homogeneity (uniformity in composition, properties, origin) with a simultaneous impressive increase in living standards for almost all layers and groups of the population. The decisive prerequisite for such a development was the economic policy of the Soviet state, carried out under conditions of nationwide ownership of the means of production and the system of unified economic planning. " (Source: Roger Kieran, Thomas Kenny "Soldiers of Socialism"
        ttps: //www.proza.ru/2009/10/01/311
        When the ratio of the GDP of the country of the “oppressed people” grew in relation to the GDP of the most “democratic” country, the ringleaders of the most “democratic” organized world wars and other nasty things, it was so and it will be so.
    2. +34
      8 September 2017 06: 53
      I read it today. In the days of the USSR, I was not a Stalinist. But after the collapse of the country, and today’s reality, I became one. YARYM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      1. +15
        8 September 2017 07: 22
        The same opinion. The mess is tired.
        1. +1
          8 September 2017 09: 55
          Quote: Vasya Vassin
          The same opinion. The mess is tired.

          Quote: Mar. Tira
          I read it today. In the days of the USSR, I was not a Stalinist. But after the collapse of the country, and today’s reality, I became one. YARYM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          It is certainly all true, but the mess begins first of all with ourselves and with you, incl. Ready for a wall or a camp?
          1. +12
            8 September 2017 12: 02
            Ready for a wall or a camp?
            Re-read the article about the walls and camps .. Such statements as in the article, for example, I have already seen more than once. Including here in VO. Therefore, before operating with words, first try to look deeper at the question ...
            By the way, I also have the urge to become a Stalinist ... Oh, what strengths ..
            1. +1
              8 September 2017 12: 14
              Ahaha, yes yes yes, and then a new generation of "Stalinists" will come who will consider the old ones as those who are responsible for the mess or anti-Stalinists and still you will have a wall or because of the banal struggle for power within the Stalinists ...
              1. +4
                8 September 2017 14: 44
                Quote: CorvusCoraks
                and still you will be waiting for a wall or because of a trivial struggle

                Evidence that under Stalin only imprisoned would be planted?

                1. 0
                  8 September 2017 16: 01
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  Evidence that under Stalin only imprisoned would be planted?

                  So they planted all sorts. Did I say the opposite. Just in theory, everyone living in the CIS can be planted, there are no white and fluffy ones. At least for the sake of betrayal of the USSR, not standing up for his defense.
                  1. 0
                    8 September 2017 16: 23
                    Quote: CorvusCoraks
                    Just in theory, everyone living in the CIS can be planted, there are no white and fluffy

                    Following this logic, you need to plant everyone, regardless of who is in power.
                    1. 0
                      8 September 2017 18: 15
                      Quote: Dart2027
                      Following this logic, you need to plant everyone, regardless of who is in power.

                      Well yes. There are no healthy people, there are under-examined. Same here smile
              2. +2
                9 September 2017 10: 29
                CorvusCoraks.. The key point is that they will shoot you. That’s why you piss on small ... you whine ... You wring your hands .. Latynina has been making noise about black funnels on the radio for a year, about bloody repressions, but for some reason there are no funnels either repressions .. And don’t worry about us Stalinists . We’ll sort of figure it out between ourselves .. We lived somehow under Stalin — and now we will live.
                1. 0
                  9 September 2017 14: 16
                  Quote: Alexey Sobolev
                  The key point is that you will be shot. Because you and piss on small .. whining ... Hands wring.

                  Typical Communists hate the patriots of their country and their nation ... That's right, everything is according to Lenin, Marx, Engels.
                  Quote: Alexey Sobolev
                  Latynina has been making noise about black funnels on the radio for a year, about bloody repressions, but for some reason there are no funnels and repressions too ..

                  Oh how! And do not you feel ashamed to go into that cauldron with brown substance? Or are you yourself from the typical inhabitants of the echo?
                  Quote: Alexey Sobolev
                  And for us Stalinists, do not worry. We’ll sort of figure it out between ourselves .. We lived somehow under Stalin — and now we will live.

                  Of course you’ll figure it out by repeating 37-38 several times ... It would seem to bite among you, but, knowing you, you will overthrow the whole country into the abyss of bloody madness ... And there will be a lot of victims who are not involved in your entire bacchanalia.
                  1. +1
                    9 September 2017 16: 07
                    I’ll just ask you about 37 and its repetition. How do you see the situation? Let’s say for now, a firm hand comes and begins to give all his deeds. How do you think this will exceed the number of reporters for 37 years?
                    1. 0
                      9 September 2017 16: 59
                      Quote: Long in stock.
                      as you see the situation, let’s say this hour for the present time a firm hand comes and begins to pay back to all according to his affairs. how do you think this will exceed the number of reporters for 37 years?

                      It depends on the firmness of the hand and whether there will be dissent, disagreement with the party, the presence of one’s opinion is also punished as then, well, from a lot of other things. Including if this happens only in the Russian Federation, it is obvious that there isn’t - the population of the union was more.
                      That is, if there are economic, corruption, grave and especially grave things, everything will be punished very strictly, but if ideology and a 1 "true" point of view and personality cult are actively imposed on the whole thing, then I am against.
                      1. 0
                        9 September 2017 17: 06
                        if it is in Russia, it will be in the whole post-Soviet one. Well, this is not the point in percentage comparison. I just want to know your opinion, the number of people being repressed will be comparable? Without dissent, verbiage is all .. we see when somebody they begin to nag on a large scale for grandmothers, immediately begins a cry for political persecution.
                2. 0
                  11 September 2017 11: 40
                  the funny thing is that people who do not know anything about Stalin are trying to impose on the convinced Stalinists a fictitious negative image.
                  Much of what is said about him is sheer distortion and manipulation of facts and statistics. I do not idealize Stalin - only a difficult person could break through to power, but let me remind you of one fact - after the news of his death, people cried around the country. Not at a party meeting or in public. That says a lot.
                  Literally sobbed and not only women.
          2. +8
            8 September 2017 12: 44
            But what, apart from the wall and the camp, during the Soviet era, was there nothing good or something? Or have you been taught how to shit on the USSR and other people? Where I live now, everything is on the bones, sweat, and blood of the repressed. Half of my relatives are from them. So it’s not for you to threaten me. It’s just that people are tired of greed, lawlessness, the arbitrariness of the authorities, and the new landowners, and the oil billionaires that these authorities cover up for bribes, in the form of so-called sponsorship. of money.
            1. 0
              8 September 2017 14: 03
              Quote: Mar. Tira
              Where I live now, everything is on the bones, sweat, and blood of the repressed. Half of my relatives are from them. So it’s not for you to threaten me. The people are simply tired of greed, lawlessness, the arbitrariness of the authorities, and the new landowners, and oil billionaires, whom these authorities cover up for bribes, in the form of so-called sponsorship assistance. But essentially money laundering.

              Well, okay, specifically, you will be waiting for new repression, since you are closer)
          3. +2
            8 September 2017 13: 43
            Quote: CorvusCoraks
            It is certainly all true, but the mess begins first of all with ourselves and with you, incl. Ready for a wall or a camp?

            I don’t think that a readiness for prison is necessary, but some self-conceit is required in order to abandon Turkey, Thailand, foreign cars, office equipment, if this happens the dollar will come Kapets! laughing
            1. 0
              8 September 2017 14: 06
              Quote: aybolyt678
              I don’t think that a readiness for prison is necessary, but some self-conceit is required in order to abandon Turkey, Thailand, foreign cars, office equipment, if this happens the dollar will come Kapets!

              It is possible to refuse something, but then you need to have something comparable. If everything went with the resorts, then with the auto industry ... When there will be works comparable both in filling and in the exterior, then of course without question. But with the backlog remaining from the union in this regard, another 15-20 years to wait.
              1. 0
                8 September 2017 14: 53
                When will be comparable to the filling
                In their price category, Russian cars are quite on the level. And no one will pay for import anymore.
                1. 0
                  8 September 2017 16: 05
                  Quote: Anglorussian
                  In their price category, Russian cars are quite on the level. And no one will pay for import anymore.

                  Ohhh, yes, and we will always have a top car of the Cossack type, with such thoughts, when it's time to create the likeness of a Ferrari and a Bentley.
                  1. 0
                    8 September 2017 16: 08
                    ferrari and bentley
                    This is the first name. Even the Chinese will not make a good cheap car, and they will import for expensive.
    3. +6
      8 September 2017 06: 55
      Quote: Razvedka_Boem
      Now those who disagree with you will come running

      Do not run - dissenters graze on other sites! bully
      1. AUL
        8 September 2017 11: 02
        The article is intended mainly for those who did not live under the Soviet regime. Or, in his youth, had not yet thought of anything. The half-truth of this article is worse than a direct lie!
        1. +14
          8 September 2017 11: 55
          There is no half-truth in this article. At least with respect to the Brezhnev period, to which I was a direct witness. Therefore, I personally have reason to trust the author in his words about other periods.
        2. +12
          8 September 2017 12: 09
          Quote from AUL
          Half-truth of this article

          And what is the complete truth? There is something to say - tell me. Or a repetition of Solzhenitsensky lies?
          And the propaganda of the West? Where lies even more.
    4. +1
      8 September 2017 15: 10
      Razvedka_Boem Today, 05:58 Just from the progressive system we were plunged into degrading. Now what to do?
    5. +3
      8 September 2017 15: 49
      Quote: Razvedka_Boem
      Now those who disagree with you will come running, and the funniest thing is, many of them received both education and titles during the USSR.
      This is strange - do not care about the country that raised them.
      Crushed people .. Previously, they wanted to go into space, but now most people have the ultimate dream - a beach in Turkey or Thailand ..

      How could you live in the USSR! Of course, you could slightly substitute something in it, but not break it.
    6. +5
      8 September 2017 18: 13
      Was there freedom in the USSR

      WAS !!!
  2. +12
    8 September 2017 06: 14
    Any state by the very fact of its existence limits freedom. Actually this is its main function, because without this chaos will begin.
    1. +10
      8 September 2017 07: 37
      Quote: Dart2027
      Any state by the very fact of its existence limits freedom.

      Any community of people restricts freedom. In an ordinary family, you have more responsibilities than freedoms.
      Your freedom ends where the freedom of another person begins.
    2. +7
      8 September 2017 08: 51
      “So they said in the seventeenth year, and now we have to invent a new one,” interrupted Grigory. “Does it give land? Will it? Will it level it? .. We will even land it. We don’t need it anymore, otherwise we’ll cut each other out on the streets.” They chose the atamans themselves, and now they plant them. Who chose him, which one made you happy? This power gives the Cossacks, besides the bargain, male power, they need it. But we don’t need generals either. That communists, that generals are one thing yoke." Grigory Melekhov Tikhiy Don Sholokhov
      1. +3
        8 September 2017 14: 33
        - Wait, do not swear! I came to play with my old friendship, to say that my chest was boiling. You say - to equal ... With this the dark people were lured by the Bolsheviks. They sprinkled good words, and flooded a man like a fish on a bait! And where did this equality go? Take the Red Army: here they went through the farm. A platoon in chrome boots, and a Vanek in windings. The commissar could see, he climbed into his skin, and his trousers and jacket, and the other lacked leather boots. Yes, this year their year of power has passed, and they will take root - where will the equality go? .. They said at the front: “We will all be equal. The salaries of both commanders and soldiers are the same! .. No! One bait! If the pan is bad, then from the boorish pan a hundred times worse! Whatever filthy officers may be, but no matter what officers come out of the casuni - lie down and die, you will not find him worse! He is of the same education as the Cossack: he learned to twist the tails of bulls, and when you look, he crawled out into people and becomes drunk from power and is ready to lower the skin from another, just to sit on this shelf.
  3. +12
    8 September 2017 06: 18
    Was there freedom in the USSR

    To be honest - limited. But the restriction was precisely in those areas where “it was really better not to meddle with the“ pork snout in the Kalash line ”. The USSR was a country of opportunity for any honest, talented and hardworking citizen. There were a lot of social elevators, and they worked ("Cadres decide everything" (c) Stalin).
    As for the current world realities, the West more and more resembles the worst periods of socialism - total censorship, "doublethink", reprisals against all those who disagree with the "Party general line" and te te. But only in our country it was our internal troubles with excesses on the ground, and in the West - a global and focused strategy to fool the whole world (well, you can also squeeze a couple of other foreign embassies periodically - you get your own "explanation").
    1. +3
      8 September 2017 13: 47
      Quote: Fei_Wong
      As for the current world realities, the West more and more resembles the worst periods of socialism - total censorship, "doublethink", reprisals against all those who disagree with

      as well as raising children in the spirit of tolerance for homosexuality! and tolerance is the absence of an immune response, among other things, making the body defenseless against infection.
  4. +18
    8 September 2017 06: 20
    As for freedom, there is an old joke when Ivanov himself comes to a meeting where the defector Ivanov is condemned and is surprised because he gave a telegram that he chose freedom. In the USSR there were difficulties, but the author of the rights of freedom was much more than they spoke by various voices.
  5. +9
    8 September 2017 06: 22
    Funny author!
    in the USSR there was no smooth freedom-freedom of CHOICE by the people of power. The party was afraid of the election of the people like fire — from the first day of the seizure of power in the country and avoided them throughout its history: it knew that they would throw it out ...
    All other freedoms are derivatives of this main freedom

    And about this, the author, not a word.
    And the freedom to create public organizations (parties), meetings, demonstrations?
    And again, silence ....
    1. +19
      8 September 2017 06: 34
      Quote: Olgovich
      in the USSR there was no smooth freedom-freedom of CHOICE by the people of power. The party was afraid of the elections of the people like fire — from the first day of the seizure of power in the country and avoided them throughout its history: it knew that it would be thrown out ..

      It was. You know the story poorly. Here, by the way, is a small article from a remembering person:
      go-o-vyborakh-v-sssr / 5405327
      Yes, there was only one Party, but then the deputies from it then, the people could choose exactly those who really worked, and did not play at meetings on smartphones and did not cut folk money (which was also fraught with a "tower" during the USSR).
      I don’t care about personally, one party in the country or not one - if only the elected representatives really did their work not for fear, but for conscience. I can also recall the "democracy" of Great Britain and the USA - for the sake of laughter. Well, very "democratic" systems, the USSR really didn’t stand next to it in terms of the degree of swindling.
      1. +4
        8 September 2017 07: 14
        Quote: Fei_Wong
        It was. You don't know the story well

        Was not. You know the story poorly.
        My link is the history of the USSR.
        Quote: Fei_Wong
        Yes, the party was one, but then the people’s deputies then could choose exactly those who really worked, and did not play at meetings on smartphones and didn’t saw public money (which was also fraught with a “tower” during the USSR)

        1. +14
          8 September 2017 07: 28
          Well, everything is clear with you. You need lime "multi-party system", and not a real return for the people of the deputies they elect, even if they are from one party. ELECTED, mind you! And in the USSR even simple hard workers became deputies for real services.
          And here’s another one of my "link", as a reminder for those in the tank:
          I don’t care about personally, one party in the country or not one - if only the elected representatives really did their work not for fear, but for conscience. I can also recall the "democracy" of Great Britain and the USA - for the sake of laughter. Well, very "democratic" systems, the USSR really didn’t stand next to it in terms of the degree of pro-Indianism.
          1. +3
            8 September 2017 07: 34
            You need a fake "multi-party system
            "I need FREEDOM to choose ANY party, not funny" elections "with .....ONE belay candidate candidate.
            Quote: Fei_Wong
            And here’s another one of my "link", as a reminder for those in the tank:
            I personally do not care, one party in the country or not one

            I also do not give a damn about the only party that was never chosen by anyone in 1917-1991, which did not allow the people to NEVER say their word.
            1. +7
              8 September 2017 07: 46
              Quote: Olgovich
              I need FREEDOM of choice of ANY party, but not ridiculous "elections" with ..... ONE belay candidate candidate

              You didn’t understand anything, that I have repeatedly voiced to you ... "This is sad" (c)
              Okay, look at least an amateur anime clip. I just don’t want to chew the whole thing and try to reach you for the third time. Just take a look (most importantly, listen). Timur Shaov has a couple of clever thoughts there - and indeed, the song is not bad. The main message I would single out the line - "Let the leader be harsh, // Though Petrov, Ivanоin ... // Here the main thing, brothers, is not Susanin. "Well," You need to be driven in the desert, another 50 years, // Until those who voted die out. "^ _ ^
              1. +2
                8 September 2017 07: 50
                Quote: Fei_Wong
                You don't understand anything

                So you nothing and did not say Yes
                1. +13
                  8 September 2017 08: 03
                  He said everything.
                  If you have minimal rudiments for analytics, then you could have figured out what the dog rummaged around for a long time.
                  But give you a fake MULTI-party system, and not soviet real hard workers, deputies (they are from the ONE party!).
                  PS Well, although everything is logical. Are you from Moldova?
                  1. +2
                    8 September 2017 08: 25
                    Quote: Fei_Wong
                    about you give a fake MULTI-party system, and not soviet real hard workers-deputies (after all, they are from ONE party!)

                    Give me freedom of choice, and then- I will figure it out myself-WHO to choose, without the instructions of the Communist Party.
            2. +11
              8 September 2017 08: 08
              Quote: Olgovich
              never-chosen party of 1917-1991

              Now I am convinced by all 146% that you really do not know the story. Here I can only advise reading more serious historical materials that have not been rewritten.
              1. +2
                8 September 2017 08: 23
                Quote: Fei_Wong
                Quote: Olgovich
                never-chosen party of 1917-1991

                Now I am convinced by all 146% that you really do not know the story. Here I can only advise reading more serious historical materials that have not been rewritten.

                I brought a fact. You are empty words.
                1. +9
                  8 September 2017 08: 32
                  Today is my day off after a hard day. So to look for YOU specific historical facts (if you do not know them) I am personally lazy. I’m resting. If YOU need truth - take the trouble to find and study them yourself. At the same time, self-education will be.
                  Well, yes. Someone is always wrong on the Internet, and I readily agree that in this dispute you have killed. If you need a dispute for the sake of an argument. If truth is needed, look for materials and read. This concludes the debate. Yes, and four cats need to feed.
                  PS Just here, for the sake of laughter ...
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  I brought a fact. You are empty words.

                  Who brought what? I’ve at least provided a link to an article where a person from the USSR described the elections. What did you bring? Facts? Or ordinary balabalism?
                  Well, that’s it, I left to cook a cat for the cat.
                  1. +2
                    8 September 2017 08: 39
                    Quote: Fei_Wong
                    So to look for YOU specific historical facts (if you do not know them) I am personally lazy. If YOU need truth - take the trouble to find and study them yourself. At the same time, self-education will be.

                    FACT - given by me. You again voidwhose foundation is ignorance ..
                    Quote: Fei_Wong
                    Well, yes. Someone is always wrong on the Internet, and I readily agree that in this dispute you have killed. If you need a dispute for the sake of an argument. If truth is needed, look for materials and read. This concludes the debate. Yes, and four cats need to feed.

                    Again, emptiness.request
            3. +4
              8 September 2017 14: 01
              07.34. Olgovich! Is there a large selection of parties in the USA? But in Russia? What are the programs of the parties in Russia? What do they offer for social development? Yes, and EdRo is it a party? What is the Edra program? All power to the oligarchs, all money to the West !?
            4. +1
              8 September 2017 14: 04
              07.34. Olgovich! What freedom has modern power given? How does modern power express the opinion of the people? People do not want to retire after 60. Does the people support power in this? People do not want price increases. Power supports the people?
            5. 0
              8 September 2017 15: 17
              Quote: Olgovich
              You need a fake "multi-party system
              "I need FREEDOM to choose ANY party, not funny" elections "with .....ONE belay candidate candidate.
              Quote: Fei_Wong
              And here’s another one of my "link", as a reminder for those in the tank:
              I personally do not care, one party in the country or not one

              I also do not give a damn about the only party that was never chosen by anyone in 1917-1991, which did not allow the people to NEVER say their word.

              So what are you not happy with? Hosh apple Hosh LDPR or something else we have
      2. +2
        8 September 2017 09: 58
        Quote: Fei_Wong
        I don’t care about personally, one party in the country or not one - if only the elected representatives really did their work not for fear, but for conscience. I can also recall the "democracy" of Great Britain and the USA - for the sake of laughter. Well, very "democratic" systems, the USSR really didn’t stand next to it in terms of the degree of swindling.

        But I don’t, now, in fact, there is 1 party in the country and there’s nothing good in it, but it just went from the union.
        1. +5
          8 September 2017 13: 24
          Stability, ept.
          In general, the Russians always needed a tsar father. All our regimes (and after the overthrow of tsarism) were just the same FIGS (except for the "saints of the 90s" when, well, really the last trash and criminals climbed into power in cars - thank you America!). And so - as the kings were, it is. And even if earlier they were called by the general secretaries, leaders (and now - by the presidents) - the essence of this is changing not only a little, but not at all.
          And by the way, I do not think this is something bad. Well, this is our mentality. Only the king is needed. And it was he, in the most difficult years, who usually pulled the country out of shit. Ivan the Third, Peter the Great, Stalin, now Putin too (he is far from being so epic, but no one is better and is not expected).
          So all these parties are from the evil one. Just consider that we have the same monarchy and exists (it’s just now that it is still recovering from the period of “trouble” of the 90s).
          PS Here Lukashenko, by the way, was not afraid to establish himself the royal throne by decree on the unlimited re-election of the President of the Republic of Belarus, it should be noted. And this is also correct.
    2. +15
      8 September 2017 06: 52
      Funny comment!
      What did you dislike about the candidate from the "indestructible bloc of communists and non-partisans"? That he was alone? And so it happened rolling with a whistle. Or do you need elections for the sake of elections? I will not speak for Russia or other countries. I haven’t been there for a long time, but in Belarus a non-partisan system, either for the president or against, and belonging to a microscopic party, does not matter. And even oppositionists elected to parliament become government officials. Power belongs to money! And those who distribute this money command. In the USSR, these were those who were registered in the CPSU, and they decided that the second batch would be too expensive. They were right.
      1. +2
        8 September 2017 07: 18
        Quote: Mentor
        Funny comment!
        What did you dislike about the candidate from the "indestructible bloc of communists and non-partisans" ?.

        He is ridiculous and ridiculous.
        Quote: Mentor
        And so it happened rolling with a whistle.

        1. AUL
          8 September 2017 11: 16
          He was whistled for loyalty and obedience of that very party. And then, God forbid, will begin to carry the gag.
    3. +4
      8 September 2017 07: 13
      and what do you prefer the party of homosexuals and other liberals? What stability does confidence in tomorrow have for them?
      1. +1
        8 September 2017 07: 41
        Quote: rumatam
        and what do you prefer the party of homosexuals and other liberals? What stability does confidence in tomorrow have for them?

        Liberasty-fly in the election. Let them lose, and there will be no speculation.
    4. +7
      8 September 2017 07: 27
      Quote: Olgovich
      in the USSR there was no smooth freedom-freedom of choice of power by the people

      Man, in 1989 they gave me freedom of choice and what did it lead to ????
      Moreover, the freedom of CHOICE by the people of AUTHORITY is nonsense and is not practiced anywhere in the world wink
      1. +1
        8 September 2017 07: 40
        Quote: Serg65
        Moreover, the freedom of CHOICE by the people of AUTHORITY is nonsense and is not practiced anywhere in the world

        Elections in the US-to help you.
        1. +5
          8 September 2017 08: 08
          Quote: Olgovich
          Elections in the US-to help you.

          The Socialist Revolutionaries were in the lead in the elections in the U.S., and only because they promised the peasants from three boxes. Elections in the CSS, I think is not an indicator, while the people followed any. who promised a piece of meat and a loaf of bread, i.e. this is not freedom of choice, but the thirst for a "well-fed life", about which the then political strategists spoke so beautifully. hi
          1. +4
            8 September 2017 08: 48
            Quote: Serg65
            The Socialist Revolutionaries were in the lead in the elections in the U.S., and only because they promised the peasants from three boxes. Elections in the CSS, I think is not an indicator, while the people followed any. who promised a piece of meat and a loaf of bread, i.e. it’s not freedom of choice, but the thirst for a “well-fed life”, about which the then political strategists spoke so beautifully

            It is precisely the freedom of choice. Elections in the Parliament of Russia -MOST FREE in the world- direct, universal, secret, equal. WHERE else in the world were these? Nowhere!
            It is precisely such elections that the Communists DEADLY scared all my life and did not allow them ..
            1. +5
              8 September 2017 09: 16
              Quote: Olgovich
              It is precisely the freedom of choice

              Olgovich, well, you’re straight, I don’t know! The Bolshevik came to the village ... Guys! Do you want a belly? Of course we want, my friend, I don’t want to eat from the belly? Vote for us and you will be happy! Hooray !!!!
              After him, the SR comes .... Guys! Do you want to work on your own land? Do you want a hundred dessiatines per brother? We want two hundred !!!! Only for your village the Socialist-Revolutionary Party will break its forehead but will! And the village for the Social Revolutionaries.
              And where is the freedom of choice?
              1. +3
                8 September 2017 10: 06
                And what is not freedom? Several options / programs are suggested. Naturally choose those who offer / compose more beautiful tales. Let them pass. They can’t cope for the term of office - in honest, free, secret and other elections, they are thrown out, because almost no one votes for them, or even prosecuted by law.
                1. +3
                  8 September 2017 10: 49
                  Quote: CorvusCoraks
                  They will not cope for the term of office - in honest, free, secret and other elections, they are thrown out, because almost no one votes for them, or even prosecuted by law.

                  smile You are an interesting person. Over the 20 century, there have been two attempts at “free elections” in Russia, and how did they end? In 18, the split of the victorious party and the usurpation of power by the losing party, and in 91, the liberal putsch and all-Russian tragedy!
                  1. +1
                    8 September 2017 11: 31
                    Quote: Serg65
                    In the 18th year, by the split of the victorious party and the usurpation of power by the losing party, and in the 91st liberal coup and the all-Russian tragedy!

                    But this has little to do with fair elections. It can be suppressed by any means to establish order.
                  2. +7
                    8 September 2017 11: 46
                    Serge - gun covers. Do not waste gunpowder and cores! it is useless to argue with political opponents. I personally really do not have enough freedom of movement around my native country - I think I will never visit Kamchatka again. Oh! Strongly welcome !! hi with friday! drinks
                    1. +2
                      8 September 2017 12: 06
                      Healthy Roma hi
                      Quote: novel xnumx
                      I personally really don’t have enough freedom of movement around my native country - I think I’ll never visit Kamchatka again

                      laughing That is what it means, Roma, to give his entire conscious life to serving the Motherland! There is a proven method of "Hitchhiking" for a long and dreary of course, but it is interesting and cheap to horror!
                      1. +5
                        8 September 2017 12: 08
                        hitchhiking to Kamchatka? what you, naval, entertainers! lol maybe on a kayak, along the Northern Sea Route? laughing
              2. +1
                8 September 2017 12: 02
                Quote: Serg65
                The Bolshevik came to the village ... Guys! Do you want a belly? Of course we want, my friend, I don’t want to eat from the belly? Vote for us and you will be happy! Hooray !!!!

                The peasants of the Bolsheviks did NOT know and did not trust: even in the peasant councils in 50% they were not at all, in the rest - a minority. Socialist-Revolutionaries are familiar.
                He chose them PEOPLE. He is the solver of the fate of the country, and not some VKPBE, who has lived half his life ABROAD. He chose, he answers.
                I don’t understand, what do you disagree with?
                1. +2
                  8 September 2017 12: 32
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  The peasants of the Bolsheviks did NOT know and did not trust: even in the peasant councils in 50% they were NOT at all,

                  Olgovich, the fact that the Bolsheviks lost the election is the tenth matter! We are now talking about freedom of election in the CSS! Most of the peasants voted for the Socialist-Revolutionaries, because a rumor was spread ... if you don’t vote, you won’t get land! Those. on the face is essentially an administrative resource hi
                  1. +1
                    8 September 2017 12: 51
                    Quote: Serg65
                    Olgovich, the fact that the Bolsheviks lost the election is the tenth matter! We are now talking about freedom of election in the CSS! Most of the peasants voted for the Socialist-Revolutionaries, because a rumor was spread ... if you don’t vote, you won’t get land! Those. on the face is essentially an administrative resource

                    Once again, the Social Revolutionaries the peasants KNEW, respectively, trusted and voted! What is the administrative resource, WHOSE? Voting was under the Bolshevik government, its bayonets and agitation!
        2. +3
          8 September 2017 12: 08
          Quote: Olgovich
          Elections in the US-to help you.

          Gee-gee laughing
          I wonder how at that time 85% of the rural (rural) population voted belay
          1. +1
            8 September 2017 12: 53
            Quote: Stroporez
            I wonder how at that time 85% of the rural (rural) population voted

            For the Social Revolutionaries, of course. SO not knowing the history of your country is unacceptable, IMHO.
      2. AUL
        8 September 2017 11: 20
        That is, who grabbed the feeder - that and the pan? And you can’t touch him? Slave ideology ...
    5. +4
      8 September 2017 08: 42
      And show us a country where there is real freedom of choice of power? It is real freedom and not something wrapped in a "free" wrapper?
    6. +4
      8 September 2017 08: 58
      wow .. well, show us the countries where there is freedom of choice. there are no such ones. and they gave you the freedom to create public organizations, so they mostly created a memorial and colorful parties. And your demonstrations boil down to scrotum to the Red Square ...
      1. +6
        8 September 2017 11: 48
        Well, by the way, it was possible to kill a scrotum even with advice - only idiots (clinical) were located where they should be
      2. 0
        8 September 2017 12: 10
        Quote: long in stock.
        wow .. well, show us the countries where there is freedom of choice. there are no such ones. and they gave you the freedom to create public organizations, so they mostly created a memorial and colorful parties. And your demonstrations boil down to scrotum to the Red Square ...

        Is it up to you to decide what to create and to whom? belay Whoever wants what, he creates (within the framework of the Law). This is the RIGHT of citizens.
        I do not like? Create your favorite. But something zilch comes out with the Communist Party ... lol
        1. +2
          8 September 2017 12: 59
          about how the monarchical gentleman spoke ... the slaves of rights demanded. Yes, it’s my right and business to determine how to live and what to do. And if someone creates a party whose goal is on my head, yes, I will decide whether to do it or not. And if with KPSS came out zilch then with the monarchists came out not just zilch but so .. quiet bunch in a rustic outhouse ..
          1. +1
            8 September 2017 13: 20
            Quote: Long in stock.
            . yes, it’s my right and business to determine how to live and what to do. and if someone creates a party whose goal is on my head, yes it’s i will decide do it to them or not

            You?! lol laughing fool
            1. +1
              8 September 2017 13: 33
              Yes, including me. But not you, for sure ...
    7. +9
      8 September 2017 09: 40
      Quote: Olgovich
      in the USSR there was no smooth freedom-freedom of CHOICE by the people of power. The party was afraid of the election of people like fire

      This is for you about the main freedom.
      1. +1
        8 September 2017 09: 47
        Well, you see, this is freedom! After all, they do not expel with machine guns, but they are technically occupied earlier ....
      2. +3
        8 September 2017 12: 16
        Quote: Was Mammoth
        Quote: Olgovich
        in the USSR there was no smooth freedom-freedom of CHOICE by the people of power. The party was afraid of the election of people like fire

        This is for you about the main freedom.

        I'll pay now lol
        CHOOSE - Who's stopping, who do you want, huh? Who is stopping the creation of a party of "communist mammoths" and voting for it with 51 percent? Not trying, right?
        But after all, the RIGHT is THAT, which is not disputed by anyone! Implement it! Or a dancer, huh?
        1. +3
          8 September 2017 13: 14
          RIGHT IS
          The closest example. Muslim law and the right of students on September 1. Muslims were to the right. The nearest schools to the mosque chose the right not to go on September 1 and went on the fourth.
        2. +4
          8 September 2017 16: 51
          we need to work rather than talk about the differences from you. but when we have people bored with the actions of the dancers we exercise this right. for example, in 1917 ... after that, the Olgovich people begin to serve the new government en masse ...
          1. +1
            9 September 2017 04: 43
            Quote: long in stock.
            we need to work rather than talk about the differences from you. but when we have people bored with the actions of the dancers we exercise this right. for example, in 1917 ... after that, the Olgovich people begin to serve the new government en masse ...

      3. +5
        8 September 2017 12: 45
        And where is the stamp of the administration of the Vsevolozhsk municipal district, if this is a real document?
        And where is the seal of the deputy head of the Piryutkov administration?
        Can I see a sample of Piryutkov’s signature on another document with stamps and seals?
        Or do you think that the deputy head of administration is so stupid as to fabricate a case against yourself? Such questions are organized by ordinary calls and behind the scenes, but not by DOCUMENTS!
        Do not tell people ......
        1. +2
          8 September 2017 20: 38
          Quote: Alexey Sobolev
          And where...?

          Quote: Parsec
          This paper was made by a person who had never worked with documents, especially with documents of authorities ....

          I gave a link to the publication of the official publication, it seems with state support. All the stones in their garden. And towards the law enforcement agencies. If slander, they are obliged to bring to justice a liar, if true, an official.
          Quote: Parsec
          ... but remember that then they will go under the article of the Criminal Code.

          "I do not believe".
          Read the following link:
          narushil-instruktsii-fsb /
          "Ulyukaev can count on an acquittal."
          So, whom do you need to plant? Ulyukaev or Sechin? If Ulyukaev was "framed", then it turns out Sechin, or from the FSB whom? belay
          Remember Serdyukov, Vasilyev. Here is freedom! The real one!
          The question is not that this is a possible fake, but that no one doubted that this is possible in Russia.
          1. 0
            9 September 2017 10: 42
            I gave a link to the publication of the official publication, it seems with state support.
            You gave a link to a private publication of Echo-Moscow. And they gave it here for the sole purpose of stirring up passion. Instead of turning to the law enforcement authorities whom we dismissed, with a statement about the violation of the law by the author of that post on Echo-Moscow. Which basically defines you as an accomplice in a crime.
            1. +1
              9 September 2017 12: 11
              Quote: Alexey Sobolev
              ... Which basically defines you as an accomplice in a crime.

              Oh, how!
              As far as I know, publications in the press are the basis for verification. So that my application is not required.
              On financing the "Echo of Moscow" you yourself can simply find, for example, read here:
              ma: -otk
              True, allegations that there are foreign sources still roam.
              Quote: Alexey Sobolev
              And they gave it here for the sole purpose of stirring up passion

              Yes? He was never a provocateur. Again, the pebbles are in the wrong garden.
      4. +3
        8 September 2017 12: 54
        This paper was made by a person who had never worked with documents, especially with documents of authorities. The cheapest attempt, and as if not from a schoolboy.
        Next time, let them try to get a form, compose a barcode, a document, find out the names of potential performers and the sign of an electronic digital signature, but remember that even then they will go under the article of the Criminal Code.

        But what are the suffering for freedom! Also the most important document in my life I saw a dry cleaning receipt ...
    8. +4
      8 September 2017 09: 50
      Quote: Olgovich
      Funny author!
      in the USSR there was no smooth freedom-freedom of CHOICE by the people of power. The party was afraid of the election of the people like fire — from the first day of the seizure of power in the country and avoided them throughout its history: it knew that they would throw it out ...

      What for? If the government copes with its basic functions?

      Quote: Olgovich
      And the freedom to create public organizations (parties), meetings, demonstrations?

      Now there are a lot of these organizations and all of them are "independent". Any organization pursues some goals and is financed by someone. In the USSR there were many useful organizations from trade unions which, unlike the current ones, really defended the rights of workers, to poetic and composer ones. But all the “witnesses” of someone or the defenders of the universal anus were driven into the neck and correctly done!

      And in general it is strange to hear such statements from the monarchist.
      1. +3
        8 September 2017 09: 55
        he would do anything to justify the Communists ... even the ranks of the defenders of the anus for such a purpose can be replenished ...
        1. +1
          8 September 2017 12: 20
          Quote: long in stock.
          he would do anything to justify the Communists ... even the ranks of the defenders of the anus for such a purpose can be replenished ...

          How are they themselves themselves lol lowered, no one can! Yes
          1. +3
            8 September 2017 13: 00
            Well, why, you showed a record of omission .. where to you the Communists ..
            1. +1
              8 September 2017 13: 21
              Quote: long in stock.
              Well, why, you showed a record of omission .. where to you the Communists ..

      2. +1
        8 September 2017 12: 19
        Quote: Saburov
        What for? If the government copes with its basic functions?

        And who determined that copes? SAMA power ?! fool
        Quote: Saburov
        Now there are a lot of these organizations and all of them are "independent". Any organization pursues some goals and is financed by someone. In the USSR there were many useful organizations from trade unions which, unlike the current ones, really defended the rights of workers, to poetic and composer ones. But all the “witnesses” of someone or the defenders of the universal anus were driven into the neck and correctly done!

        WHO determined who to drive, who is useful, who is not? CC CPPS! WHAT such a thing ?! Who appointed them to the old senile? Neither you nor I. Themselves fool
        1. +7
          8 September 2017 12: 37
          Quote: Olgovich
          And who determined that copes? SAMA power ?!

          If the government provides its citizens with social privileges, invests in education, culture and science, develops industry, agriculture, education, builds institutions, dispensaries, schools, kindergartens for citizens, provides jobs and decent wages for citizens, creates whole economic city-education - this is called FULFILLMENT OF THE STATE FUNCTIONS BEFORE YOUR CITIZENS!

          Quote: Olgovich
          WHO determined who to drive, who is useful, who is not? CC CPPS! WHAT such a thing ?! Who appointed them to the old senile? Neither you nor I. Themselves

          Do you understand that you contradict yourself? Who will determine if it is not the state whom to take to the state apparatus, but who not? People? Well, that was the case in the USSR. For example, Article 2. Universal suffrage

          Elections of USSR people's deputies from electoral districts are universal: USSR citizens who have reached 18 years have the right to vote. The right to elect deputies from public organizations is available to all delegates to their congresses, conferences or participants in plenums of their all-union bodies.

          A USSR citizen who has reached the 21 of the year may be elected a People's Deputy of the USSR.

          Any direct or indirect restrictions on the voting rights of citizens of the USSR, depending on the origin, social and property status, race and nationality, gender, education, language, religion, residence time in this area, type and nature of occupation, are prohibited ...

          PS If you have nothing to say, better keep silent. And then every time you fall for the utter nonsense!
        2. +1
          8 September 2017 13: 16
          WHO determined who to drive, who is useful, who is not?
          But now it’s good, if you remove these, then there’s no one to work with, so we’ve determined.
    9. +11
      8 September 2017 10: 05
      Quote: Olgovich
      Funny author!
      in the USSR there was no smooth freedom-freedom of CHOICE by the people of power.

      And now what do people have this choice? But in general, has he ever been to Russia?
      For example, I mean freedom by the availability of opportunities. Opportunities to realize your desires, work wherever you want, live where you want. There were more such opportunities in the USSR! An example of this is the 30 million people in Russia who are below the poverty line, they have no opportunities at all.
      Now in Russia there is unlimited freedom, only oligarchs have unlimited, fantastic possibilities!
      1. +1
        8 September 2017 22: 19
        In general, there are not 30, but 20, and even this is based on official earnings, but theirs is not official - they are unknown.
    10. +7
      8 September 2017 10: 36
      And about this, the author, not a word.
      As I agree with you. There was no freedom of prostitution and drug addicts. Totally driven to physical examinations, Again, no one could freely bomb.
    11. +4
      8 September 2017 12: 10
      Quote: Olgovich
      in the USSR there was no smooth freedom-freedom of CHOICE by the people of power.

      And now there is freedom of choice? Do not tell my slippers.
    12. +1
      8 September 2017 13: 58
      Quote: Olgovich
      And the freedom to create public organizations (parties), meetings, demonstrations?

      There was freedom to join the Party and defend their opinions there, the worker at the party meeting had the same legally significant vote as the Deputy Director
  6. +8
    8 September 2017 06: 41
    The author is in many ways right. It is not clear why the USSR collapsed. My opinion is Gorbachev’s betrayal, but on the other hand, what kind of country is this if one person’s betrayal can lead to such consequences. The topic is complex and painful, in the USSR there was a lot of good that you can only dream about now.
    1. +7
      8 September 2017 06: 48
      Quote: vlad007
      My opinion is Gorbachev’s betrayal, but on the other hand, what kind of country is this if one person’s betrayal can lead to such consequences.

      Tell the huge “thanks” to Khrushchev, who laid a time bomb under the entire Soviet Union, the building of which Stalin built with such difficulty, then blood (and his own citizens) after all the tear that he got from Lenin and Trotsky.
      Well, also a special thanks to Khrushchev for the Crimea, which he gave to Ukraine with a wide gesture (well, then - the Ukrainian SSR, to be pedantic). That's right, let it go goat in the garden Ukrainians in power - and even grandchildren comes around.
      1. 0
        8 September 2017 20: 02
        Quote: Fei_Wong
        Tell a huge "thanks" to Khrushchev
        But the author, it seems, freedom with Khrushchev has just begun ...
    2. +7
      8 September 2017 07: 17
      And what is incomprehensible, the top without Stalinist cruelty snickered and wanted to live on this money, to feel the power to the end. What is happening now. The boss does not accept any contradictions, so much for pluralism.
      1. +4
        8 September 2017 10: 10
        Quote: rumatam
        And what is incomprehensible, the top without Stalinist cruelty snickered and wanted to live on this money, to feel the power to the end

        We can add that without strict Stalinist control, the elite from the time of Khrushchev began to actively degenerate into a hereditary, clanish, often national ileta, but over time a decent part of it began to really want to live as propaganda in the west showed.
    3. +1
      8 September 2017 15: 01
      It is not clear why the USSR collapsed.
      Rather, because the industrial north could no longer feed the sky-high villages where only children were made.
      1. 0
        8 September 2017 16: 07
        Well, yes, the Soviet Union collapsed, and the villages that only make children on their land, how they went here to earn money, they go too .. Stability, EPT.
        1. +1
          8 September 2017 16: 12
          Do not rent them an apartment, don’t buy from them in the market, don’t go to their cafe, don’t hire them - that's all. They will not be. But everyone is clearly happy with everything wassat .
          how they went here to earn money, and they go
          Earlier, the money itself went to them.
          1. +1
            8 September 2017 18: 46
            Quote: Anglorussian
            Do not rent them an apartment, don’t buy from them in the market, don’t go to their cafe, don’t hire them - that's all. They will not be. But everyone is clearly happy with everything.

            I try to the extent possible, but they have already climbed everywhere, sometimes you don’t know what you are buying from them, but not from the Russians ...
            1. +1
              8 September 2017 19: 15
              Few are trying. Like cockroaches and rats, they, contrary to popular belief, are tenacious only when there is an opportunity to parasitize on human civilization - without people they just die out - a warm dwelling and food they get from people - in the wild they will rest. So are the southern guests. laughing
  7. +3
    8 September 2017 07: 48
    The author of this strange text, articles is a blogger who has divorced in large numbers. I read some of his creations (out of curiosity), everything became clear. By the way, the collapse of the USSR was met by a young man, a child of perestroika.
  8. +8
    8 September 2017 08: 01
    Quote: bober1982
    The author of this strange text, articles is a blogger who has divorced in large numbers. I read some of his creations (out of curiosity), everything became clear. By the way, the collapse of the USSR was met by a young man, a child of perestroika.

    The Soviet Union was a complex system. For a short time by historical standards, he had to raise a new man and get rid of the old. Therefore, the processes in it proceeded complex, contradictory. As Stalin said, "with the development of socialism, the class struggle will only intensify." Therefore, the authorities made some kind of temporary retreat, propagated the creative intelligentsia, all of these Rozovskys, Zhvanetsky with a fig in their pocket. The same thing happened in industry, there were enterprising businessmen, strong business executives and stupid performers. All this boiled in one ideological cauldron, which eventually burst from a number of factors.
    1. +2
      8 September 2017 08: 22
      Quote: Altona
      The Soviet Union was a complex system. For a short time by historical standards, he had to raise a new man and get rid of the old

      That's right, such tasks were set by the Marxists, and they brought up such a new person, but not only the Marxists brought up such people, but the Nazis dreamed about it. That's the words of Rosenberg, the ideologist of fascism ........create from the myth about a new life, a new human type is what the mission of this century is ....
      And such a type was brought up (1914-1945), as a result of revolutions and two world wars. The results of such education that we, in the West, are clearly visible, the rejection of the traditional healthy lifestyle, the collapse of statehood, chaos, anarchy, degradation of people and much more.
    2. +3
      8 September 2017 09: 52
      Quote: Altona
      The same thing happened in industry, there were enterprising businessmen, strong business executives and stupid performers. All this boiled in one ideological cauldron, which eventually burst from a number of factors.

      Everything was much more complicated here. From the beginning, perhaps under pressure from industry officials, Khrushchev canceled the nomenclature plan, and introduced a plan for the shaft. The nomenclature of products, mainly for household purposes, was immediately reduced, but that's not all. The second blow, stronger than the first one, was inflicted when they switched to the economic councils from the ministries, destroyed all established ties in the industry, cut back plots of land on collective farmers, cut them or forced them to hand over their livestock to collective farms. The struggle began with unpromising villages and industrial cooperation enterprises. All this led to stagnation in industry and required a lot of strength and means to restore the destroyed. See the main decisions in the documents of the 22nd Congress of the CPSU, when in his Khrushchev announced the start of the construction of "COMMUNISM" in the USSR
    3. +7
      8 September 2017 11: 12
      bred creative intelligentsia
      By the way, when in the mid-60s they wanted to return to Stalin a good name, then the "creative intelligentsia", all these Stalinist prize winners wrote a letter against.
      Also then, these same intellectuals spat in the USSR in recent years. And now they are protecting Serebrennikov.
  9. +3
    8 September 2017 08: 53
    Here I have nostalgia for the USSR associated with only one thing: then I was young and healthy. And on this, for me personally, all the advantages of the USSR have been exhausted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      8 September 2017 10: 13
      Everything is right, all this in the USSR was better, from the fact that at a young age a different perception and even something mediocre may seem like a treasure.
      In general, the grass was greener from the category.
  10. +9
    8 September 2017 09: 09
    For the most part, I agree with what the author wrote. The individual details are certainly not entirely accurate, but nonetheless. Mostly errors related to numbers. And it seems that the author himself did not live very long in the USSR, or he knows this exclusively from the memoirs of his relatives and friends. So, in what the author is not accurate.

    In the USSR, the absolute majority of working citizens received 150 rubles and more - in terms of modern money, these are 30 thousands. And the share of wages, which remained on the hands after all mandatory payments, was also higher.

    Remembering Tomya. that the same freedom of speech at different times in the USSR was different, in the example with wages he takes some strictly defined part of the time, most likely not even late Brezhnev, but the times before the collapse of the Union.
    The daughter of my friends graduated from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute in 1971-1972. She was sent to work in a financial institution - Sberbank, more precisely in its structural unit - Sberbank. The salary (initial) was 85 rubles
    A student, graduating from the institute in the 70s - early 80s, received a salary of 120 rubles. The salary of 150 rubles was from a senior engineer. Yes, it gradually grew, there are no questions asked. But the vast majority did not receive such a salary. Especially right away. More than 150 were received only by workers at the plant, and not engineering and other categories. Yes, the share of salary after payments remained more, there are no questions. Housing and utilities and interest on loans were much less than now

    A separate conversation about the retirement age - today it is close to the average life expectancy. If in the USSR, pensioners lived on 20-30 years, then today the term of retirement has decreased to 5-10 years. And soon it will shrink even more. So much for freedom.

    Pension is now 55 for women and 60 for men. The average life expectancy for 2016 was EMNIP 72,5 years. And about the fact that the life span was reduced in retirement to 5-10 years - this author nevertheless bent

    In the USSR there was more free time for socializing, traveling, and leisure. And in his free time, no one forced him to go and read the Pravda newspaper — he could be conducted in a thousand different ways, read non-political literature, watch non-political films, go to the theater, communicate without any ideology, engage in various hobbies, relax in the country house or travel around the huge the country (which many did - the tourism in the USSR was much more developed than today).

    As for non-political literature and non-political films in the USSR - well, the author here is also somewhat bent. The films were ideologically sustained, it was impossible to watch the garbage that is sometimes shown now, because there was censorship that eliminated all rubbish. The same with books. Unfortunately, a number of technical journals were also censored, and everything related to Soviet technology was seized from them. And there was a shortage of good literature. It, in contrast to the "ideological" was published in much smaller print runs. From here - and illegal "book markets". The problem was to write out magazines such as "Youth Technology" or "Around the World." It was necessary to write out some kind of socio-political newspaper or magazine, and then one could try to write them out as well. Again, the quantity was limited. Some applications got a very big pull from kioskers
    Communicate without ideology - yes, here the author is right. And tourism has been developed more than now

    And I also note that those who did not study at universities and did not join the party did not need to learn Marxism-Leninism at all. Simple workers did not impose anything but the demonstrations on May 1 and November 7. And they even went to the demonstrations quite voluntarily, like on a holiday. Actually this was a holiday, festivities. Only especially ideological comrades carried posters, the rest simply went for a walk and it didn’t bother anyone.

    As for the voluntariness of campaigns for demonstrations - the author here turned down. That was a holiday - yes. Carried posters not particularly ideological comrades, but those who were entrusted. And there were many tricks to make sure not to go in front of the podium with a poster, and then hand it over. Found a way out

    Freedom of choice of professions was much greater than today. Employment opportunities were greater. Types of work was more. Types of work was more. There was more creative work. Creative work was more. Paid work was more. There were more specialties with which one could get 150 rubles and more (30 thousands in terms of modern money).

    Again, the author focuses on 150 rubles

    The only way I wrote it correctly Kamrad Olgovich there was no freedom of choice in the election. But when you are young - it didn’t bother much
    1. +8
      8 September 2017 09: 45
      Well, as for the salary, I will tell you so, the bias was towards the working specialties. The capital was considered as maintenance personnel and received less money. And there is freedom of choice ... and who has it now? Who does it have at all? The very through democratic elections in France it is very strong showed ...
      1. +2
        8 September 2017 14: 10
        Quote: long in stock.
        Well, about the salary, I will tell you so, the bias was towards the working specialties. The subtitles were considered maintenance personnel and received less money.

        The lower “salary” of engineers was offset by longer leave. After the technical school or institute, the “young specialist” had a vacation of 24 working days (Saturday when calculating the vacation was considered a working day). When I came to the plant as an apprentice, I began with 18 days of vacation. With an increase in working experience, vacation gradually increased.
        About the salaries of "hard workers" - not everyone had the opportunity to work on a "deal", where in reality, with good work, a cool machine operator could "get" more than the director of the plant. Many worked "at stake."
        Really my case.
        He came to the factory as a student, after the army. I wanted to work on CNC. When I got acquainted with my future job, the "men" said - in the "frames" ask them to write down as a "milling machine operator", then everything will be OK with the salary. If they write down "The operator of CNC machines", then the "ceiling" is a maximum of 5 digits and the rate is 120 rubles. The categories could be raised after a year of work.
    2. +1
      8 September 2017 10: 15
      Quote: Old26
      The daughter of my friends graduated from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute in 1971-1972. She was sent to work in a financial institution - Sberbank, more precisely in its structural unit - Sberbank. The salary (initial) was 85 rubles
      A student, graduating from the institute in the 70s - early 80s, received a salary of 120 rubles. The salary of 150 rubles was from a senior engineer. Yes, it gradually grew, there are no questions asked. But the vast majority did not receive such a salary. Especially right away. More than 150 were received only by workers at the plant, and not engineering and other categories. Yes, the share of salary after payments remained more, there are no questions. Housing and utilities and interest on loans were much less than now

      Now it’s more like the truth. And then the author mentioned the difference in earnings in Moscow with Peter and the rest in a negative way, but the fact that in the USSR the earnings were also not uniform somehow decided to remain silent, which already indicates that he left the objectivity in his article.
    3. +1
      8 September 2017 10: 17
      Quote: Old26
      If in the USSR pensioners lived for 20-30 years

      Well, today some live too. Some are centenarians with good health, while others have early retirement due to harmfulness or the nature of work. Or is the author trying to convince someone here that no one lived in the USSR for less than 90 years?
    4. +4
      8 September 2017 11: 27
      there was no freedom of choice in the election.
      But is there now the Communist Party is a branch of EDR. And the president has such resources that naturally everyone will vote for him.
      The problem was to write out magazines such as "Youth Technology" or "Around the World"
      It may depend on the region, but it was definitely not a problem.
      About the salary. 79-80, vocational school, scholarship 96 with a penny, the figure is well remembered because the mirror. Then a salary of 180 rubles worked. Student 30 p. The work of the technicians of the scientific group in the north, that is, with a salary of 110 rubles, about 300 came out on hand.
      1. AUL
        8 September 2017 11: 42
        I started working as a "computer engineer" with a salary of 110 rubles. Next - "Senior Computer Engineer", a salary of as much as 125 rubles! The machine operator at the same enterprise had from 200 to 280 rubles. For nefig!
        1. +2
          8 September 2017 12: 27
          [quote] [For nefig! / quote] it was so. But now tax inspectors with a salary of 15 thousand can buy Mercedes for a million, how is that? And people in small towns make ends meet.
          1. 0
            8 September 2017 22: 24
            The tax inspectors have the official 15000, and not the official one, add a couple more zeros - this is everywhere, everyone is spinning as best they can, even in small cities.
        2. +2
          8 September 2017 21: 01
          Quote from AUL
          For nefig!

          You had the FREEDOM to choose a profession on your own. You choosed.
          Whether there was a “net of social significance” in the USSR is fair to argue. But the fact that a semi-literate manager from Moscow now gets more than a cool turner from Zamkady is not a secret. Social significance?
    5. +2
      8 September 2017 20: 38
      Quote: Old26
      as correctly wrote comrade Olgovich there was no freedom of choice in the elections
      You wrote it right. But in my opinion, the worst thing is that there were no public discussions through which people could freely choose something and, by their will, participate in building their future. And "multi-party system" is generally a circus.
  11. +10
    8 September 2017 09: 27
    In my opinion, the main thing that happened in the USSR was confidence in the future. Now there is no such certainty. About the notorious "freedom of speech" - you just need to know and see what the students did on student springs. And everything got away with it, and no one had a "conversation". And the election system was also quite normal for itself: with a pioneer organization, people were prepared for the management of state structures! At some point, they stopped using the principle "a genius needs help, but he will break his own way." It so happened that it was mediocrity that fell into power in large numbers: militants, singers, careerists, etc. Someone here mentioned Khrushchev ... Maybe it is possible to connect the beginning of the collapse of the Union with him - voluntarism in the style of “there are two opinions ...”, and “Lysenkoism” flourished under him, as if by leaps and bounds, and they killed the notorious corn. It’s good that the rivers didn’t have time to turn back ... I liked the statement about art, in particular, with regard to cinema: no one even created anything close in terms of meaning.
  12. +3
    8 September 2017 09: 28
    Quote: bober1982
    That's right, such tasks were set by the Marxists, and they brought up such a new person, but not only the Marxists brought up such people, but the Nazis dreamed about it.

    That you so elegantly decided to tie the Marxists to the Nazis, attached to my quote? Any society requires a certain type of personality for itself and tries to fine-tune the personality below itself. I will bind you to the current globalist society, which imposes sodomite and consumer values, it also wants to bring up the “new consumer” under the banner of “freedom and democracy”. So nothing is new in this world. And the bonfires of the Inquisition and the Zindana prisons in the Islamic world are also a tool to educate an obedient member of society.
    1. 0
      8 September 2017 09: 47
      I didn’t get attached to your quote, I can’t accept the reproach. All my reasoning I got from the writings of Hieromonk Seraphim Rose, including “The Man Against God,” which I completely trust. This is not an advertisement, but simply indicated the source.
    2. AUL
      8 September 2017 11: 46
      Any society requires a certain type of personality for itself and tries to fine-tune the personality below itself.
      Actually the exact opposite! Society is not an abstract thing in itself, but the totality of those very personalities!
  13. +3
    8 September 2017 09: 30
    Quote Fei_Wong
    I don’t give a damn about personally, one party in the country or not one - if only the elected representatives really did their work not for fear, but for conscience. I can also recall the "democracy" of Great Britain and the USA - for the sake of laughter. Well, very "democratic" systems, the USSR really didn’t stand next to it in terms of the degree of pro-Indianism. [/ Quote] "
    That's because of people like you who do not care about everything except their own stomach and two revolutions occurred in 1917 (more precisely, one, the Bolsheviks called their coup before 1924). Because of people like you, who do not give a damn about everything except their own pockets, the USSR collapsed. Because of people like you, now weeps of communists and other ists, for a new revolution. Like you, we need a new revolution, preferably a sea of ​​blood of the "enemies" and a sharing of the good of the bourgeoisie, which they illegally acquired. Not afraid to be the last in line? Hurry, there is not enough room at the feeding trough, the bourgeois are afraid of people like you, and therefore all the money has long been in the USA and the EU, they don’t offer to take and share everything there, this money is fed to US and EU citizens.
    1. +7
      8 September 2017 11: 48
      Quote: captain
      bourgeois afraid of people like you and therefore all the money has long been in the US and the EU

      That is, you think that oligarchs officials are withdrawing money abroad, offshore because of the Communists? This is naive. They do this because they do not trust the current government. And because they want to hide income and avoid taxes. I am sure no one remembered the Communists there!))
      Next time, take the trouble to find a more serious argument for your attack on the side of the Communists.
  14. +8
    8 September 2017 09: 36
    . Simple workers did not impose anything but the demonstrations on May 1 and November 7.
    What are you! Everyone was going on holiday! I remember a child was very happy about the demonstrations. We met, joked, laughed, some drank ... And now what? ...Nothing good.
    1. AUL
      8 September 2017 11: 50
      And now you have no one to drink with? Sorry..
  15. +4
    8 September 2017 09: 44
    Quote: captain
    That's because of people like you who do not care about everything except their own stomach and two revolutions occurred in 1917 (more precisely, one, the Bolsheviks called their coup before 1924).

    You somehow managed to make several contradictions in two paragraphs. They praised the USSR and scolded the Bolsheviks. Now about the “coups” and “revolutions”. The seizure of power is called a "coup", the change of social and political system is called a "revolution". So do not be confused. The revolution was that the Bolsheviks liquidated the bourgeoisie and the nobility as estates and as a class of exploiters. As for the "rivers of blood, take away and share" and other things, this is called a civil war, and two parties are participating in the civil war, not "alien Bolsheviks, Mordor and bloody geben". And it starts a civil war and the one who has something to lose. So do not pile everything together and write in a propaganda stamp.
  16. 0
    8 September 2017 09: 52
    Parents thought, "Marxism-Leninism accounted for about 5% of the entire institute program. Even less." a waste of time and a boring subject. I agree with them, it would be better to devote more hours to fundamental sciences than to this.

    Today, half of the inhabitants of Russia are deprived of such opportunities, because the average salary in the country is 26 thousand rubles, and this is in view of Moscow and St. Petersburg, taking into account all top managers. Excluding Moscow, St. Petersburg and top managers - the average salary in Russia is at the level of 20 thousand rubles. This means that about half of the country lives on less than 20 thousand rubles a month. With such a salary, not everyone can go to the Crimea. With a salary of 13-15 thousand, even going to the nearest sanatorium is problematic. With a salary of 6-8 thousand (postman, fireman), there is no question of any trips, except for a challenge.
    In the USSR, the absolute majority of working citizens received 150 rubles and more - in terms of modern money, these are 30 thousands. And the share of wages, which remained on the hands after all mandatory payments, was also higher.

    Well, then it may come out a little worse, yes. After all, it is no secret that in the USSR far from all equally received 150 p. There were sn and 300-500 and more rubles, and there were less than 120-100 ...
    1. +3
      8 September 2017 10: 15
      my dad, working as a foreman at a factory, I must say, it’s far from big and frankly speaking an extremely dirty production, I went to Cyprus to rest in 1982 ... the plant manager didn’t go for some reason ... the cost of the ticket for those times was 500 rubles. half of them were paid by the union. we didn’t save much because of this. yes there was a salary difference, but those who wanted to make money could always do it. loaders in his team used to earn 500 rubles a month but the work was hellish .. and the people were interesting, some with 2 higher ones even..
    2. AUL
      8 September 2017 12: 02
      "Marxism-Leninism accounted for about 5% of the entire institute program. Even less."
      I think not 5%, more. History of the CPSU. Scientific communism. Marxist-Leninist philosophy. Polyeconomy. Scientific atheism. Pedagogy. And something else, I will not mention it already ... And all the same, sucking and licking from different sides of our guide and guide. And in general - "a Soviet specialist is a specialist who has fully mastered the Marxist-Leninist theory and professional knowledge." Exactly so, Marxist-Leninist theory comes first, and knowledge is already in the background.
      1. +1
        8 September 2017 12: 32
        it was a religious obscurantist cult, the Marxist-Leninist methodology did not produce working results, but confessed and was obligatory for confession! there was no reasonable freedom in this! and it was a strong minus! but on the whole, the system turned out to be unviable due to the begging of elites! the local one, having a piece of miserable sausage in a special distributor, was ready to merge the trillion interest of a great power for chewing gum! they tried to make everything cheap, affordable, and in the West everything was expensive and, as a result, a poor and disempowered person, but large amounts of money were turned over by hands ..., typical of business, but against the background of Soviet citizens, a heavenly resident.
        As a result, the elites didn’t hold on to their elitism very much and did everything after their sleeves.
        and if the elite does not sniff out, then the wipers put a hundred times more on business ...
        1. AUL
          8 September 2017 14: 03
          the elites in the end didn’t hold on to their elitism very much and did everything after the sleeves
          The elite (it was then called nomenclature) was not particularly zealous because if you fell into the nomenclature, at least half the country would collapse, but you would remain in the nomenclature. They will transfer from one chair to another, but you can’t get to the “population”.
        2. +1
          8 September 2017 21: 08
          Quote: Iskander
          it was a religious obscurantist cult ....

          Anyone educated in the USSR, even a schoolboy, received knowledge of the main philosophical trends. Ask any graduate of the university now, I’m sure he won’t answer.
          1. +1
            9 September 2017 10: 58
            education and, by the way, still fundamental science — these were powerful pieces of the USSR, but! in matters of psychology, sociology, management and control of the mass consciousness, knowledge of the situation in the interspecific struggle between countries, analytics, effective management, beautiful, successful projects - there was complete atheism!
            because the main backlog and driving impulse of the USSR statehood was laid under Stalin, the stimulus was in many ways! Stalin is gone - fear is gone! everything will start to decompose! (And even with it, much was not effective! Fear is not an effective slave-owning incentive, unlike fear, greed will be much more effective in killing! Example: China, which managed to overcome the difficulties of socialism and emerged victorious, while the USSR collapsed incompetently. not then draw conclusions and call for: "back to the USSR" can only a very, very, very unreasonable person, or group of people.
            you just need to use the concept of post-Soviet mentality correctly! this is really unique, really strong phenomenon, so wild capitalism doesn’t suit us well, we need delicate, beautiful work, and not a rough Motsk hammer picker! )))
            1. +1
              9 September 2017 18: 29
              Quote: Iskander
              ... and call for: "back to the USSR" can only a very, very, very unreasonable person, or group of people.

              You can’t say more precisely: "He who does not regret the collapse of the USSR does not have a heart. And he who wants to restore it in its former form does not have a head." V.V. Putin
              "Twice you cannot enter the same river." But, it is necessary to compare and draw conclusions for the future.
      2. 0
        8 September 2017 16: 10
        Oh yes it’s clear that it was a replacement for religion - Orthodoxy. They simply called it not religion, but ideology, so that no one would say that they simply changed the sign.
        Something like this is always necessary to control the masses. smile
    3. The comment was deleted.
  17. +4
    8 September 2017 11: 51
    the western pseudo-freedom of which we were fed was a vile liquid hafnom!
    on all these cheap talk shows everyone lies more amicably than under communism, all this consumer paradise of gavnodzhinsov and chewing gum turned out to be a tough guy, you have to work like a donkey! there is no time to wear these jeans, and they are not encouraging if they are accessible and forbidden! freedom under developed socialism (and I lived only with it) there was much more in many things, there was only little freedom to understand everything well, there was a lack of intelligible information, and this made people naive, simple-minded fools, and in all films there was a clear disruptive crap about the fact that it is necessary to allow the dachas to build and have wealth officially, they will turn you up, and you don’t steal
    a stamp about the fact that it was the times when a person was young, hence nostalgia, I personally had nostalgia when I watched the movie "Confession of a nerd," it’s a pity the generation has become, which has seen nothing but wild capitalism with an animal grin! obviously the time has come to rethink the experience, and having a good example of China before our eyes, to understand that a lot has been destroyed thoughtlessly and that way life does not improve, we need to do many things more wisely, have an explicit and not gulped manipulative plan for improvement, transformation, and for this we need analytical centers , protected including publicity from the embedded element.
    the elite must consolidate around a coherent development plan.
    in general, as an anti-adviser who flew out of the institute, I declare with all responsibility that there was more freedom under the USSR! man was free from the bondage of donkey labor, was socially protected, had freedom from anxiety for tomorrow, and was generally more happy than now!
    rethinking this positive experience after the collapse of the USSR, raspberry jackets that came to the elite should not repeat the experience from the Central Committee, they should be able to hire sensible analysts and not allow them to breed if they have time to recount ..
    for example, the developed practice of confirming a diagnosis in an independent place, in the era of paid medicine, is justified.
    all these sentimental crap labies such as "Back to the USSR" of course it’s complete atstoy, we need an intelligible worldview system for a reasonable consolidation of society, taking into account the unique phenomenon called post-Soviet mentality, I don’t know if Parvus and Lenin would like this unique moment to happen to me, but it was, and therefore it’s important not to stupid about something back there into something (even a donkey understands that there is no turning back),
    but you need a clear forward movement taking into account local specifics !!! in Japan, for example, they did not stupidly copy the American experience, we need our own, a system suitable for local conditions and people!
  18. +1
    8 September 2017 11: 53
    Quote: Amurets
    Everything was much more complicated here.

    It is clear that more difficult. I specifically cut my comments. In order not to spread thought on the tree.
  19. +2
    8 September 2017 12: 13
    Quote: novel xnumx
    hitchhiking to Kamchatka?

    laughing Roma, you need to be taught everything! To Vladik hitchhiking, there you buy a box of vodka and go to the fishing port, but if you are lucky at once, you will find Kamchatka fishermen! I hope you have the basics of verbiage ??? lol
  20. +1
    8 September 2017 12: 34
    The most important totalitarian is Conscience. When there is no conscience, then all sorts of rights are needed to create what the left heel wishes. But when there is Conscience, then you is free do anything you want from what Conscience will allow!
  21. +1
    8 September 2017 13: 10
    Quote from AUL
    Actually the exact opposite! Society is not an abstract thing in itself, but the totality of those very personalities!

    I mean the opposite? Can you remake society for yourself? Well, you are strong however.
  22. +1
    8 September 2017 13: 13
    Quote: Iskander
    it was a religious obscurantist cult, the Marxist-Leninist methodology did not produce working results, but confessed and was obligatory for confession! there was no reasonable freedom in this! and it was a strong minus! but on the whole, the system turned out to be unviable due to the begging of the elites! the local one, having a piece of miserable sausage in a special distributor, was ready to merge the trillion interest of a great power for chewing gum!

    Well, you consider everything that is not measured by a piece of sausage an obscurantist cult. Very comfortable position. What can not be bitten off is a cult and obscurantism.
    1. +3
      8 September 2017 14: 59
      from what ? take psychology, the science of the soul, there was an enormous construct for psychos at the Leningrad State University under the USSR, and I decided at the Moscow State University, arrived after the army, there was exactly a relative of Gorbachev (he quit six months earlier), the psychos studied separately then, the faculty was not in campus, and near the Kremlin right ..
      in short, I didn’t submit documents, and then I didn’t regret, all this education in sociology and psychology was schizophrenia, despite the fact that in the USSR (in Riga), the sex change operation was performed for the first time in the world! this is comparable to a flight into space, it was a planetary scientific breakthrough, though the scientist was called to Moscow, and some kind of bydlokomunist, of the Shudryan type, not burdened with intellect and abundantly saturated with Sharikovism, lectured him and threatened to expel him from the party (the scientist by the way was non-partisan), ..astu, well, in short, complete Sharokovism ...
      then by the way, already in our time, I watched a story about her on TV, the girl was amazingly beautiful and slender (I was even offended).
      Well, in general, you simply forgot or did not know about all the decomposition that was happening, and the reason was the cargo cult of the Marxist-Leninist methodology, which almost always misplaced forward, the idiocy from this heinous mocking, inappropriate imposed hysteria through everything and everything, developed persistent cretinism in all spheres of public life, in which stupid people could only somehow feel more or less comfortable. I have seen enough of the delights of the USSR in every way, in all areas, from the highest to the lowest, I know what I'm talking about.
      such mockery of common sense was not in vain, there were no effective programs for working sociology, etc. etc.
      therefore, the pure revived, back to the USSR it is the idiocy of pure water! believe me! during my service, a rust came in, my good friend’s father-in-law was a high-ranking party boss, so he turned on two tape recorders a lighthouse, with Gorbachev’s speeches, and listening to their speeches drunk vodyari, and fell asleep muttering passages from the phrases we heard like mantras, and we came to him and neighing in the next room, holding on to the bellies ...
      all this rested on fear under Stalin, after his departure there was no fear and everything rotted and fell apart! but there was a very positive moment, the post-Soviet mentality of the era of developed socialism was very especially significant! I’m not sure that Parvus, Trotsky, or Lenin wanted exactly this, but life was very blissful, and such things are not even known in Sweden.
      life was very easy! it’s fun, it’s a pity that I didn’t have a correct understanding of my happiness then, the person was free from anxiety for tomorrow! there wasn’t enough, there wasn’t this eternal surplus ...
      manipulation and artificial imposed consumption, although there was a cargo cult of jeans and chewing gum, there was also a stupid belief in the superiority of the Western way of life, which turned out to be zilch and guanozamanuha!
  23. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      8 September 2017 15: 13
      Quote: Cosmopolitan
      The conversation is pointless. Strictly speaking, there is no freedom anywhere. .

      Well, firstly, belief in freedom was in the minds of naive Soviet people! they believed that in the west it is! and if you just throw off the communists and freedom will come.
      and such a holy faith in good things can only be free from problems of people, which were the happy inhabitants of the USSR, but unfortunately did not know about it ....))))
    2. 0
      8 September 2017 17: 38
      What the hell, i.e. Cosmopolitan This comment is mine. Draw conclusions about the methods of work of the "counterfeiters", gentlemen-comrades forum users.
  24. +1
    8 September 2017 14: 29
    Quote: Finches
    Putin and his course, for someone evil, but “evil” for the sake of Russia, but everything else “good”, will result in “good” against Russia - what you need to find out for yourself today!

    That is, having reconciled and not even allowing the thought of revising the results of the privatization of 90's, is it good for Russia? Joining the WTO is a "good" for Russia as a state, and not for individual "private traders", when for the sake of membership they finished off the remnants of Soviet industry and almost ruined agriculture? Then you can find out for what kind of Russia this is “good,” or it turns out right from Medvedevsky: “We (in the sense of them) have no crisis.” And if the government is simply afraid of the upheavals that can follow only by hinting at a revision of the results, then how strong and stable is the current government in fact? At the same time, everyone perfectly understands what these "outcomes" were. Having no idea for which it is possible to unite the population of the country (not by the principles of ancient Rome: “The fittest survives,” which is declared under the slogans of “competition”), the power of the individualist individual is simply not able to do this. Is Russia an idea as a fatherland? Yes. Only in the event of war, everyone will go to war not for power and capital, as in the Second World War for "OUR Soviet Homeland" but for himself, his family and home. But whether we will win individually, the question. Do you understand what I mean?
  25. The comment was deleted.
  26. +2
    8 September 2017 14: 48
    Quote: CorvusCoraks
    Quote: Mar. Tira
    Where I live now, everything is on the bones, sweat, and blood of the repressed. Half of my relatives are from them. So it’s not for you to threaten me. The people are simply tired of greed, lawlessness, the arbitrariness of the authorities, and the new landowners, and oil billionaires, whom these authorities cover up for bribes, in the form of so-called sponsorship assistance. But essentially money laundering.

    Well, okay, specifically, you will be waiting for new repression, since you are closer)

    Maybe you live in heavenly manna, and not bad judging by the comments, with this political system, but ordinary people judging by the polls are not very. this taking out billions abroad ..
  27. +1
    8 September 2017 16: 24
    Quote: Mar. Tira
    I read it today. In the days of the USSR, I was not a Stalinist. But after the collapse of the country, and today’s reality, I became one. YARYM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    When I was a kid and being in Georgia, I often saw photos of Stalin in cars. somehow it shook me, because we were being rubbed about the cult of personality. And now he’s ready to install the photo on the car.
  28. +1
    8 September 2017 16: 34
    It was. Try now to say something to the leadership, top management. You either can’t reach it or you will receive, at best, the answer: if you don’t like it, quit, or rather, pay off. Further. Bydlyatina, which is called for some reason majors, would have quickly put in brains. About freedom of movement: there was no, supposedly resort, gathering.
  29. +4
    8 September 2017 17: 12
    Good article and correct.
    Do not confuse freedom and permissiveness. In the USSR there was freedom. And now in the Russian Federation permissiveness for some leads to the violation of the rights of others. This is not freedom.
    In the USSR, people were more humane, and now deception, fraud is considered to be the norm, just to secure income at the expense of others.
    Advertising is most angry: shameless, arrogant, stupid. And this is considered to be the norm: they "earn" money, which is a blatant lie, because they take away what does not belong to them: someone’s money, someone’s time, someone’s attention, which would force a person to perceive a wrong understanding, invade his mind. This is not freedom. This permissiveness, as well as the imposition of other "Western" values ​​such as gay propaganda, juvenile justice, etc. etc.
    In the USSR, people were taught good manners, tactful communication, introduced to knowledge. In the USSR, there was freedom, and now freedom is being replaced by permissiveness.
  30. 0
    8 September 2017 18: 39
    Thomas the Unbelieving
  31. +6
    8 September 2017 19: 18
    The article is really good, although the problem statement is not very pleasant. We remember the power, but we must remember the Soviet power. It really was the cheapest and closest power to people. Only those who do not know the actual mechanisms of its formation can fault it. In fact, it was not professional politicians who became deputies, but people who were responsible for certain areas of work. The party monitored the cadre of these people and nominated only worthy people, starting with their appearance (charisma) and further on their business spirit and responsibility. Sorry, sometimes it’s disgusting to look at the faces of some new politicians, not to mention their intelligence .. After the election, a document was adopted with voters' orders, the execution of which was carefully monitored. There was also a system for recalling deputies without announcement, as they are now on the international wanted list.
    And the problem, after all, was not freedom, but the fact that every citizen had equal opportunities to do what he wanted. In the USA they only chatted about equal opportunities, but in our country they achieved that "from each according to his abilities." It would be possible to tell a lot more and explain that the collapse of the USSR was preceded by a war that destroyed and weakened the best and most devoted people, passionate people who managed to create a society of strong and educated people from a poor and illiterate country. But this is another conversation.
    * Thomas Unbelieving
  32. +1
    8 September 2017 21: 15
    Quote: mihey
    In my opinion, the main thing that happened in the USSR was confidence in the future. Now there is no such confidence

    Yes it was. You knew that if you had a head on your shoulders, then after school you could graduate from a technical school or university. After graduating from high school you were guaranteed that you would not be left without work. That is, your life has been painted at least a quarter century ahead. From birth to graduation. And then - how the suit lies. The downside was that there was some leveling. You could work, the other worked through the sleeves, but you received the same salary. Gradually, one who worked with the soul apathy. There was such
  33. 0
    9 September 2017 19: 22
    long in stock.,
    I think that will be not less, but rather more. Yet capitalism corrupts, especially the wild in the 90s.
    1. 0
      9 September 2017 21: 45
      but here is the answer about repressions 37 ... very well these characters are registered with ilf and petrov ...
  34. 0
    11 September 2017 04: 57
    My youth passed in the USSR and I can say that in free thought I myself and the people around me did not consider infringed. At least I did not know such. Maybe I and others did not have such thoughts and actions that would be worthy of persecution? And now for some reason they are: I am not happy with the state based on the plundering of national wealth, etc. Asking the question, was freedom in the USSR necessary to answer the question, but now does it exist? In my opinion, now it’s not freedom but permissiveness, but there is no freedom.
    1. 0
      11 September 2017 12: 19
      there wasn’t enough free thinking when making deliberate decisions on governing the state! management was not optimized, it was not pragmatic, lack of system flourished, there was no incentive for effective, beautiful projects, indifference and lack of practical results, equalization, and a dumb prohibition on a prosperous life, the inability to earn a lot and openly spend, there isn’t it now, but Chinese experience suggests that we celebrated the fool and the collapse of the USSR was evil.