The terrible end of the story

The terrible end of the story

The famous American philosopher, political scientist and political economist of Japanese origin, Yoshihiro Fukuyama, became famous in 1992 by publishing the book "The End stories and the last man. ”In which he argued that in the long term liberal democracy would lead people to absolute equality in rights and opportunities in self-realization, nation-states would disappear along with wars and humanity, figuratively speaking, would become like a large flock of birds in free flight. the end of history. The scholars of the world, who had previously studied the diversity of all kinds of "isms" - capitalism, socialism, communism, anarchism, constructivism and others - gasped in amazement at unexpected and bold thoughts.

The book was translated into 20 languages. The whole scientific world spoke about the scientist and his doctrine. But over the next 25 years, Professor Fukuyama constantly made adjustments to his theory and repeatedly changed his views on the future of humanity from the right-wing neoconservative to the liberal-democratic. But it did not surprise anyone. The scientist, like all social sciences, hesitated along with political trends and orders. And in vain. A reasonable man without hope for the future is just an animal. Belief in the future determines our present.

Communism and liberalism

If imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism, then communism, being a product of early liberalism, is the highest stage of liberal democracy. What do they have in common? First, the basis of the teachings laid a highly developed material and technical base. Or the basis of social formation. Secondly, the ultimate goal is complete satisfaction of needs. Here are just ways to achieve the goal in practice, and not in theory, different.

The communists in the transition period, called socialism, did not allow the exploitation of man by man and national income was distributed according to work. Modern liberals do not burden themselves with such issues and believe that the free market and consumer ideology are the driving force of social development. The costs of power subjectivism are equally flawed here and there.

We still remember the main goal of communist construction proclaimed by its theorists. Industrial development of production and society will increase labor productivity to such an extent that material benefits will flow like a horn of plenty. And then the communist principle of distribution “From each according to ability, to each according to need” will be implemented. A person will have a lot of free time to realize their talents and meet spiritual needs. There will be no war.

Professor Fukuyama argued that liberal democracy would achieve such perfection and that all people would become so free that they would not strive for superiority over other people. Aggression will disappear as a way to survive at the expense of others. States with their policies will disappear, as an instrument of achieving the superiority of one nation over another - this will not be necessary. By the way, the Communists also talked about the dying off of the state, borrowing this thesis from the anarchists.

The Russian philosopher Pitirim Sorokin, as early as 30, advanced his doctrine of convergence (merging) in the world economy of two political systems, otherwise humanity could perish. That is, he also saw some common goal of democracies in the development of human society and he had like-minded people among Western scholars. But the idea of ​​convergence turned out to be a utopia, a lure in a trap, judging by the results of Gorbachev's "new thinking" and the "reset" of relations between Russia and the West.

The fact is that idyllic theories are incompatible with the market nature of economic relations, the basis of which has not been determined by commodity production and the balance of supply and demand, that is, the real economy, but dictated by banks-money lenders, financial and stock speculation. Money today is not a ringing coin and rustling bills. Money is the numbers on accounts in banking electronic databases. The era of monetarism has begun and money controls society. Although they still retain the function of a means of payment, but with very unstable purchasing power. It is almost impossible for any state to control their turnover in banking and exchange networks. But money already controls the state.

The current world crisis is a financial crisis, a crisis of overproduction of unclaimed money. The money itself has long become a commodity and is sold at a loan interest by lenders-usurers, which causes price increases and inflation, which in turn spurs interest rate growth and paralyzes production, real economy, consumption, leads to an increase in unsecured money in bank accounts or " financial bubbles. "

The usurers and speculators are cashing in on the money cycle and are directly interested in increasing consumption, planting consumer ideology. They strive for monopoly and dictation of prices, for overestimation of loan interest, because monopoly and speculation are two sides of the same coin. And as if suddenly the turnover of financial capital slowed down. There was nothing to pay for loans, because the incomes of consumers fell. The crisis of money has come due to the crisis of consumption.

The international division of labor led to the fact that the national financial capital began to grow not only at the expense of domestic turnover, but entered the international markets, competing for its world domination. Transnational financial cartels and financial empires arose for which there is no concept of national (state) interests. This was faced by the nationalist Donald Trump, who formally headed the administration of the financial empire, but did not become its emperor. In such a role, he is neither the first nor the last.

Usurers and speculators are irreconcilable enemies of not only communism, but also liberal democracy in its classical manifestation. They are for globalism - the universal power of money. They cannot afford financial expenses for social needs or other public spending, if these funds can be appropriated by them and put into commercial circulation. It is under their interests that every kind of "optimization" of the pension system, health care, education, public utilities, and assistance to the poor is carried out. This is the whole essence of the world of money - they reproduce themselves, sending communism and liberalism to the dump.

Methods of "optimization" are constantly being improved as scientific and technical progress. Therefore, Yoshihiro Fukuyama has written several more books, aligning his theory with the practice of recent decades. It is not good intentions that change the world, but technology and money.

Digitized society

In the past twenty years, new popular terms related to digital technology have appeared in our language. It all started with the invention of digital processors and technologies with the help of which digital form of information transfer in communication channels, its processing and storage in electronic databases became possible. The development of computing has led to the creation of a variety of information networks with public and private access. Today there is hardly a person who would not use a mobile phone, an iPhone and a smartphone, a computer, a digital camera or video camera, or a bank credit card. Many have mastered the Internet network services. But that was only the beginning.

Today they are already talking about digital government, the digital economy, some "resources" (slang) of population accounting in the form of databases, digital industry, digital society and even digital medicine. To understand this unprepared person is quite difficult. All these terms appeared when digital technologies began to be used in administrative, managerial and industrial practice.

For example, in economics and production, statistical data in figures, algorithms for the development of management decisions and problem statement with results in figures have been used for a long time. All this work can be done by computers according to a given algorithm in a closed loop, from receiving and processing statistical data to managing robotic enterprises.

The performance of modern computing centers allows you to keep track of the entire population of the Earth with an accuracy to an individual in many ways from birth to death. Moreover, this can be done without the participation of the person. To do this, it is enough to implant in the body a special chip - a microprocessor with the original data and sensors. The chip replaces a biometric passport, a credit card, and a medical policy with a medical card, a work record, and a driver's license. That is, in fact, this is a complete digital model of a person. All data can be automatically read from the chip and stored in any database, for example, a bank or a police station.

But that's not all. Each person has his own unique genetic code - a natural digital biological model. Modern genetic engineering allows you to intervene in this code and adjust it in such a way that a certain character of character, interests, motivation of actions is formed in a person. In other words, a person can be turned into a biorobot, into a certain element of the bioresource, called a human herd. In Hitler’s Germany and Japan, laboratories had already attempted to create genetic slaves to serve the “superior race.” Now it has become possible.

Thus, computers can be entrusted not only with the management of the economy and production, but also with the reproduction of the population of the required quality and quantity. The society itself will be divided into biological classes according to their purpose - “higher caste” and “bio-robots-consumers”. Each class will be satisfied with its condition, because it is laid genetically. Computers will reject people according to the criteria of feasibility and "optimize" the society, removing the rejected ones into another world.

This whole system will be complemented by the manipulation of consciousness. Computers will monitor all correspondence in networks, analyze its content and form the appropriate measures of information and psychological impact on society. The society will be stable, focused on consumption, and not on understanding of being.

Today, digital biochemical technologies allow producing artificial food substitutes with minimal labor costs and growing genetically modified crops and animals.

In future restaurants, cooks in the kitchen will replace computers equipped with special multidimensional printers for printing dishes for every taste on request. Ingredients of such food will be produced in any quantity by robotic enterprises.

As you have already guessed, the highest caste of such a society will be represented by those who own the money - the main instrument and resource of power - and who tightly control the cash flows. Actually, it will not be money in our understanding, but the numbers recorded in an individual chip and in databases. These figures will become a criterion for assessing resources and potential consumption, without which money, even in this form, loses all meaning. Fantasy of sick imagination? Such projects are already in readiness for implementation.

The outstanding Russian thinker Alexander Alexandrovich Zinoviev figuratively compared the consumer society with a pipe, one end of which absorbs natural and social resources, and garbage is ejected from the other end.

Ideology and faith in a digital society

Gennady Fedorovich Khokhryakov, a remarkable researcher of the Russian society, believed that religion and / or ideology represent a kind of map, according to which a citizen is guided by difficult social relations, choosing his own individual way of personal self-realization. Without this card, a person may not take place as an individual. Without reference points, its human I am not able to feel belonging to the public WE, and society loses its ability to influence the person.

In perestroika, we were deprived of ideology by constitutional law. Religious consciousness is suppressed by the militant atheism of the Soviet past and to a large extent is represented not by faith, but by superstitions, distorted by the interpretation of the dogmas of faith and religious morality. There is no national consolidating idea either. So what remains of the landmarks in the stormy sea of ​​public life? Cribs "advanced Western civilization"? Why don't other civilizations count? Due to poverty and the colonial past?

All world religions, as well as many fundamental and applied sciences, got their beginnings from the depths of the history of Eastern civilizations. Neither Buddhism, nor Christianity, nor Islam initially preached violence, as the will of higher powers. They were based on philanthropy and tolerance. Religious enmity spawned a struggle for power and domination of some rulers over others.

Having become the property of the European civilization, Christianity - the religion of love and reserved morality - was put at the service of secular power and broke up into several warring branches, reflecting the interests of the ruling classes. Islam, the religion of peace and prosperity, also fell into irreconcilable currents, in which the imaginary Christian West played a significant role. Under Western influence, Islam began to degenerate into Islamism - political extremism, used in our time by the West for its political purposes, in the conquest of world domination by Western financial capital.

No matter how strange this may seem, the ideas of ecumenism first appeared in the East in the early Middle Ages and accompanied the flowering of the Arab Caliphate. The Quranic principle of equality, Ahl al-Kittab (the peoples of the Bible) recognized the single god of Allah (among the Arabs are Christians also Allah) and allowed Muslims to marry Jews and Christians, any trade deals between them, prescribed peaceful coexistence in cities and common activities. The colonization of the East by the Europeans violated this principle with racism.

The modern ecumenical movement is controlled by the West, where dozens of international ecumenical Christian organizations of various kinds operate. There is also super-ecumenism (religious pluralism) - the American movement for the unification not only of Christian denominations (ecumenism), but also of all religions existing in the world. Super ecumenists proclaim world religions as carriers of universal human values. As they say, you can not argue with that. But behind the right words lies the same idea of ​​a world human flock with a single shepherd (American?). Representatives of the traditional confessions of the world, including the Orthodox churches, oppose such a flock.

The ideology of consumerism recognizes as valuable only its values. The destruction of moral values ​​in the public consciousness is carried out under the banner of building a legal state, in which the rights of citizens are determined by the state itself and cannot be challenged even in court. Because the court can not judge not by law, but only in accordance with the procedural laws. Therefore, moral standards in court are insignificant, if they are not fixed by legal norms.

Consumer ideology led to such a phenomenon as the construction and formation of new religions and sects. They are also aimed at the destruction of traditional moral values, to replace them with a new morality.

The foundations of the identity of the individual are also destroyed. First of all, the blow is inflicted on the historical consciousness, national culture and ideological orientations of the citizen and society. This is done purposefully through state institutions, the educational system, cultural institutions, the media and NGOs.

In order to form an indifferent and easily manageable society-resource occupied solely with consumption and accumulation of money, historical knowledge must be minimal and neutral, not encouraging patriotic feelings and protest sentiments, conscious attitude to social problems. Historical heroes are supplanted by images for envy and imitation of them in consumption. The story itself is dissected and emasculated, falsified. In this context, the end of the story really comes.

In culture and art, as its parts, Western patterns are being imposed on society. In theaters, at exhibitions, in cinema, the “contemporary art” is intrusively propagandized, where the darkness of the soul of producers, gallery owners or artists is presented as a high level of their creativity. This work is paid by the authorities from the culture in the form of trenches from the budget. And do not dare to criticize them! Artists vulnerable people, take care of the treasure and wealth of the nation!

Russia, with its own resources and military potential, is slowing down the processes of globalization, traditionally following Orthodox and Islamic values ​​in their original, ancient sense. She cannot be forgiven for this by the American neoconservatives and the European liberal democrats who advocate consumerism and the market monetarist economy. Russia stood in the way of the globalists and therefore they called it a "cancer tumor of the world community." Our liberals love this expression. They like the Western liberal-democratic values ​​of the West. They are ready to digitize a herd of people trampling morality for the sake of vicious law.

Optimists have recently begun to say that Russia is rising from its knees after perestroika with acceleration. Pessimists do not believe this under the impression of endless hysterical talk shows on television screens. But realists believe that Russia can not get up from its knees, again put on the head in an era of change.
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  1. +2
    9 September 2017 16: 19
    The era of change has not ended and it is difficult to build theories about the future. It is not for nothing that Fukuyama repeatedly changed his views and theories. And I think that we will not see this anymore.
    1. +4
      9 September 2017 23: 02
      Presumably, changes are given to people and are given so that everyone can check how far away with his lived life he has gone from the animal. Mr. Fukuyama, by repeated changes in his views proved only that in terms of his morality he is somewhere right after the representatives of the “oldest profession”.
      The article cites a very fair, although, in my opinion, not quite correctly stated statement - QUOTE: "A rational man without hopes for the future is just an animal. Belief in the future determines our present." - It should be noted that just the memory of the past, passed through the "filter" of personal perception, determines faith in the future. Well, and faith in the future, as the author rightly writes, forms the present of every person.
      It seems that, in fact, all these modern neoliberal theories and trends with rewriting of World history, globalization, sadism, praise of unscrupulousness, etc., are precisely aimed at depriving a person of hope for the future. "Live the present!" - Howls advertising from the TV. "Kirill Serebryannikov - the victim of the regime!" - "Creative" intelligentsia will yell from the same box. (and who called her creative !? - It was a layer, a gasket). By and large, now even religions put in the first place the satisfaction of carnal desires.
      It is not difficult to assume that in such conditions the “digital economy” is not a panacea for society and its economy. It can only improve accounting, control and distribution. Certainly, it can raise State planning to a tremendous height, and with it the economy! But, we refused this planning. Now everything in life is decided by the "invisible hand of the market" - essentially the biblical Golden Calf.
      At the same time, despite the heaps of ideological garbage streaming down from all sides into our heads, we had the wisdom to brazenly not appear at the 3 World War. And this means that we will clean that all the really best is still ahead!
    2. 0
      10 September 2017 02: 37
      I suppose that the future is more uncertain than predetermined, which ultimately gives a lot of development options, but a person in the current state as a biological species will eventually die out, so sadness is longing
  2. +1
    9 September 2017 17: 04
    “The economy must be economical.” Briefly and fairly, it determines the role of the economy in society. It should be guided by the moral, ethical and social tasks of society, as well as the environment.
    -Digitalized society.
    Economy db "digital" -so command to understand ???
    1. +2
      9 September 2017 18: 00
      Quote: knn54
      “The economy must be economical”

      L.I. Brezhnev.
      "If imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism, then communism, being the product of early liberalism, is the highest stage of liberal democracy."
      Leonid Brezhnev did not say this for sure. wink Further discussion of parallels is meaningless. wink
      It is possible to agree even to the point that Vladimir Putin, in his words, a liberal, is striving to build communism.
      Thanks to the author for the paragraph : "We still remember the main goal of communist construction, proclaimed by its theorists ...." wink
      1. +1
        9 September 2017 18: 16
        Quote: knn54
        Economy db "digital" -so command to understand ???

        "The current global crisis is a financial crisis, a crisis of the overproduction of unclaimed money."
        Have you heard about bitcoins?
      2. 0
        10 September 2017 09: 21
        Do not confuse the Economy with the economy, in fact, two concepts with opposite aspiration vectors, otherwise it will be like with the Soviet Union, the economy has become excessively economical and has bent laughing
  3. +4
    9 September 2017 19: 13
    Ehehe ... Marx’s “Capital”, for all its fatal flaws (try introducing a variable that means product quality into the formula. After all, one worker produces products with the help of his labor, and the other produces marriage. And the third is so-crooked crochets .. .) was a solid scientific work.
    And all the other isms, from Sorokin to Fukuyama inclusive, are the languid chatter of people who are few on the street. Those very productive forces allowed chatty parasites to idle around freely, posing as scientists, and the "scientists" gratefully carried the heresy with bags. The question around which sweat and blood has been pouring for millennia is a question of power.
    Fukuyama, who became the star of the scientific community, simply shows the fatal degradation of this community itself. How can a society of universal equality be outlined while maintaining current social relations? What lobotomy will go into everyday life? If not, then the strong will not even think about weakening their control over commodity-cash flows. Who cares how much you CAN produce ?! The question is who can distribute!
    The Communists, when they were still in the world, primarily put CHANGE IN HUMAN. For this they needed control over the productive forces - so as not to interfere. Alas, the attempt failed. The Communists partially died, and for the most part, having seized upon power, they became insinuated and cowed. But this attempt failed. But there is no other way out ...
    The author does not understand what a digital "economy" is. And it would be worth growing a little above yourself, not all the mossy labors of the founders should be procrastinated ...
    1. 0
      10 September 2017 09: 31
      Quote: Mikhail3
      The author does not understand what a digital "economy" is. And it would be worth growing a little above yourself, not all the mossy labors of the founders should be procrastinated ...

      wonderful commentary, from beginning to end, read with pleasure, everything to the point! What advise you to read the relevant today?
      1. 0
        10 September 2017 18: 09
        Damn, I am ashamed ... You know, I can not advise anyone. All my attempts to find some reasonable grain (I admit - weak attempts. Once to me) in modern messy writings ended in failure. Or funny, or stupid and funny, or stupid and not funny ...
        In short, there is a digital revolution. But neither sociologists, nor economists, nor philosophers can penetrate into its essence ... this is fundamentally inaccessible to them, the subject is not the same. Computers, of course, did not produce any revolution. They could if they were used as one of the greatest geniuses of that century - Ivan Efremov foresaw. Did not happen.
        The revolution was made by microcontrollers. How and what happens is what the engineers know. But engineers do not write works on sociology. Sometimes people with engineering degrees do this ... alas, a diploma is not an indicator. Maybe when sometime ...
  4. +7
    9 September 2017 20: 42
    Fukuyama lied, I thought so! am
  5. +3
    9 September 2017 21: 57
    a person will have a lot of free time and he will spend it on creativity
    Scientists have opupli. When a person has free time, it means he is unemployed.
    1. +1
      10 September 2017 11: 06
      Dear Aibolit, I personally do not mind a 4-day working week of 6 hours a working day, with a decent salary, moreover, as in the song they sang: “Robots are injected ....” What we have today: 10- 12 hours a working day, six days almost everywhere, but I also spend 3 hours on the way to work and home!
      1. +1
        10 September 2017 11: 34
        Quote: andrewkor
        What we have today: 10-12 hours a working day, six days almost everywhere,

        here I am the same. And if a person has nothing to do, he is not engaged in creativity but in drunkenness!
        1. +2
          10 September 2017 13: 05
          Each in his own leisure manages.
          1. 0
            10 September 2017 18: 25
            Each manages how he is ABLE. How they taught him how they grew up, what roads they opened to him ...
            It’s hard to be a man. It's hard, you know? And leisure is easy to manage. What can a person have leisure ?!
        2. 0
          11 September 2017 08: 58
          In North Korea, in their free time, people walk around common areas. VOLUNTARILY!!!
  6. +2
    10 September 2017 11: 40
    Digital Economy is a computer game in which you can manually manage complex processes in a virtual environment manually, periodically moving from chair to chair. Such a game can be played as long as the refrigerator is full, flushing in the toilet, electricity and heat are supplied to the apartment.
  7. 0
    11 September 2017 08: 28
    Well, the whole world is right in ruins. The Second Flood and as soon as possible until the planet was finally destroyed

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"