How Poland was an ally of Hitler

The myth of the involvement of the Soviet Union in the outbreak of World War II continues to be actively exaggerated by ill-wishers of the Russian state. Not long ago, the topic was raised again by the Polish Foreign Minister, Witold Vashchikovsky, who accused the Soviet Union of an attack on Poland with Hitler Germany. In fact, the events preceding the beginning of the Second World War took shape in a completely different way.

When Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, in a number of countries in Eastern Europe, and Poland was no exception among them, right-wing authoritarian regimes already existed, ideologically being much closer to Hitler than to the Soviet Union and even Western countries. Since May 1926, the power in Poland has actually been in the hands of the Minister of War Marshal Jozef Pilsudski - one of the veterans of the Polish national movement who came to power as a result of the May coup of 1926. The influence of parliament in the country was limited, many civil rights and freedoms were curtailed. In 1934, Poland concluded a non-aggression pact with Hitler Germany. It was signed on 26 on January 1934 of the year in Berlin. On the German side, the signature was put by Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath, on the Polish side by the Ambassador of Poland to Germany, Jozef Lipsky.

Before the signing of the pact, Poland unsuccessfully tried to form an anti-Hitler bloc, but then the Polish leadership revised its foreign policy course. This was due to the desire of Poland to revise the borders of Eastern European countries, established by the Versailles Treaty. In the period between the two world wars, Czechoslovakia represented a rather actively developing economy, but at the same time more powerful neighbors — Germany, Hungary, and Poland — attempted to encroach on its territory. In addition, Slovak nationalists, who had connections with Nazi Germany and counted on the creation of an independent Slovak state, acted in Czechoslovakia itself. Germany claimed the Sudetenland, where a significant part of the population were ethnic Germans. Hungary sought to get under its control the territory of Subcarpathian Rus, where a large Magyar population lived. Poland also claimed a large part of Czechoslovakia — the eastern region of Cieszyn Silesia, which had a great economic potential and was populated not only by Czechs, but also by ethnic Poles.

For the partition of Czechoslovakia, the Polish leadership wanted to enlist the support of Germany and Hungary. Poland was also viewed by the Soviet Union as a much more likely enemy than Hitler’s Germany. The anti-communist and Russophobic views of the Polish leadership, who hated everything Russian and the Soviet Union as a continuation of the Russian state, had their effect. Therefore, the Polish leadership was preparing for the partition of Czechoslovakia, counting on the support of Nazi Germany. Although a nonaggression pact was signed between the USSR and Poland, in fact, Poland continued to pursue an anti-Soviet policy. The communist movement during the rule of Pilsudski was subjected to unprecedented persecution, especially in the territory of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus.

Soon an event occurred in Poland that had great consequences for the country. 12 May 1935 of the year 20 hours 45 minutes Jozef Pilsudski died of liver cancer. A mourning delegation led by Hermann Göring arrived from Germany. The death of Pilsudski, who was still trying to somehow balance between the powers, led to some changes in the country's foreign policy. The heirs of the marshal sought to further toughen the anti-Soviet orientation of Polish politics. There was an almost open reorientation of the country's foreign policy towards cooperation with Nazi Germany. 31 August 1937, the Polish General Staff adopted a secret directive, which set the task of the Polish army to destroy "any Russia", regardless of the political system and the dominant ideology. Unlike Poland, the Soviet Union was well aware of the danger posed to Europe from Hitler and repeatedly proposed the creation of a block to defend Germany’s aggressive plans. But this was not to be. In 1938, Poland openly took the side of Germany. At first, the Polish leadership actually supported the Anschluss of Austria, stating that this is an internal affair of Germany. Thus, the impetus was given to the redistribution of post-war borders. Already five days after the Anschluss of Austria, March 17 1938, Poland presented an ultimatum to Lithuania. In addition, preparations began for the rejection of Cieszyn Silesia from Czechoslovakia. Poland by this time was in actual collusion with Hungary and Germany, intending to dismember the Czechoslovak state.

How Poland was an ally of Hitler

Despite the fact that Czechoslovakia was a Slavic state, Poland did not abandon the idea of ​​profit from the territory at the expense of its neighbor. In this case, the Czechs and Slovaks belonging to the same Western Slavs as the Poles did not have any meaning for the Polish leadership. September 21 Poland 1938 demanded that Czechoslovakia transfer the eastern part of Cieszyn Silesia to Polish control. On September 30, nine days later, Warsaw reiterated its demand, and on October 1, Polish troops were introduced to Czechoslovakia on October 1938. Cieszyn Silesia was occupied, after which it became part of Poland as a Western Cieszyn district. October 2 1938, Marshal Edward Rydz-Smigly, made a statement regarding the reunification of Cieszyn Silesia with Poland. So Warsaw was a member of the treacherous division of the Czechoslovak state.

11 November 1938 held a military parade in Warsaw, dedicated to the annexation of Czechoslovak lands to Poland. Then the whole world was spread around the photograph of the friendly handshake of Marshal of Poland Edward Rydz-Smigly and the German military attache of Colonel Bogislav von Studnitz, which was intended to demonstrate the active military-political cooperation of the two states.

The accession of Cieszyn Silesia was of great economic importance for the Polish state. First, the 35 of thousands of Czechs after the annexation of Poland to Poland fled to Czechoslovakia, which led to the confiscation of their movable and immovable property in favor of the Polish state. Secondly, under the control of Poland were metallurgical enterprises. The Cieszyn region accounted for 47% of steel smelted in Poland and 41% of pig iron. In fact, it was blatant robbery of the Czechoslovak state, in which Poland took the most active part. There is no doubt that if the situation had been different, Poland would have taken a part in plundering and dismembering the Soviet Union without a twinge of conscience. After all, the directive of the Polish General Staff prescribed precisely the rout of "any Russia" as a strategic task of Polish policy "in the East."

Polish Foreign Minister Jozef Beck did not hide his ambitious plans to join the Polish state of the Ukrainian and Belarusian territory, as well as the exit of Poland to the Black Sea. Of course, the leadership of Nazi Germany was not going to allow Poland to annex Ukraine and Belarus, as she herself had plans for these territories of the Soviet Union. However, to preserve the visibility of the allied relations with Poland, German diplomats persistently assented to their Polish colleagues. Moreover, the top leaders of the Third Reich, including, for example, Hermann Goering, repeatedly urged the Polish leadership that Germany was ready to deal with Poland with the threat from Poland. Goering said that Russia in any form, be it a monarchy or a republic, historically threatened Central and Eastern Europe, and this is where the strategic interests of Poland and Germany coincide. For Polish politicians, these words were like a balm for the soul. After all, the then Polish elite hated not only the Soviet state, but also Russia, the Russian people and Russian culture in general. Naturally, to fight the USSR / Russia, Polish leaders were ready to unite with anyone, including Adolf Hitler.

There was another terrible truth. Polish leadership from the beginning of the 1930's. pursued a policy of discrimination against foreign communities, first of all - Jews. Therefore, in Warsaw, they were completely in solidarity with the Nazis in relation to the Jewish question, perhaps not in such radical forms. When thousands of Jews who had Polish citizenship but lived in Germany were expelled from Hitler's Germany to the 17 border with Poland, the Polish leadership refused to accommodate their own citizens, even if they were Jewish. By the way, during the Second World War, Polish nationalists, not only who fought on Hitler’s side, but also his opponents, took part in the genocide of the Jewish population in Poland. Now, when the subject of the Holocaust is raised by influential Jewish communities in the USA and Western Europe, the Polish leadership is trying to keep quiet about the crimes of its ideological predecessors, about the state policy of anti-Semitism, which took place long before the occupation of Poland by Hitler's forces in 1939.

But Poland is taking steps to push Russia away from participation in commemorative events in honor of the Sobibor uprising. As is known, the Sobibor concentration camp was organized by the Nazis in 200 km southeast of Warsaw (the present Lublin province). Among his prisoners were many citizens of the Soviet Union. Soviet citizen Alexander Aronovich Pechersky and led the legendary Sobiborov uprising. Served as a technician-quartermaster 2 rank in the position of clerk, Alexander Pechersky was captured and was in a death camp. Part of the prisoners managed to escape into the woods. Pechersky was among them. He became a partisan, took part in the fight against the Nazis in Belarus, then served in the 15 st attack rifle battalion and was promoted to captain. After the end of the war, Alexander Aronovich returned to Rostov-on-Don, worked as an administrator at the Musical Comedy Theater and lived to be 1990. It turns out that Russia cannot represent a resident of Rostov-on-Don, who led the Sobiborov uprising, but Poland is present in the commission, on whose territory there was a concentration camp and whose citizens from among the collaborators took an active part in the genocide of the Jewish population and in the fight against partisans . The surviving victims of the genocide recalled with horror the Polish collaborationists who were distinguished by their particular cruelty.

By the way, Polish collaborators played an important role in the security system created by the Nazi occupation authorities on Polish territory. The Poles loyal to the Third Reich met with a favorable attitude on the part of the Nazis and were even recognized as “racially full”. Polish citizens were equipped with so-called. "Blue Police", subordinated to the German police and used in the fight against the guerrilla and anti-fascist movement, in the protection of Jewish ghettos. Only Soviet troops captured more than 60 thousand Wehrmacht soldiers from among the citizens of Poland. Although a significant part of the Poles fought against Hitler's Germany, it must not be forgotten that there were many collaborators among the Poles, and, unlike the USSR, many representatives of the Polish elite joined the collaborationists.

When Hitler Germany attacked Poland in September 1939, it was only a conflict between two former “accomplices” over the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the Soviet Union did not defend the absolutely Russophobic and anti-Soviet regime of Poland from the Nazis. This would be equivalent to the fact that a normal person would intervene in a fight between two criminals that arose over the sharing of stolen loot. By the way, the German attack on Poland itself became possible, including thanks to the annexation of Czechoslovakia, after which part of the Czechoslovak lands became part of the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and some became part of the puppet Slovakia, allied to Hitler. That is, Poland dug his own grave with his own hands. Then Marshal Rydz-Smigly personally refused to give permission to the Red Army to pass through Polish territory, effectively depriving Poland of the only possible defense against Nazi Germany.

Now the Polish leadership is trying to present the situation as if it were the Soviet Union, not Poland, in collusion with Hortic Hungary and Hitler Germany divided the territory of Czechoslovakia in 1938, and before that he had welcomed the takeover of Austria. It is Poland that, along with Germany and its other allies, bears the most direct blame for the outbreak of World War II, which, by the way, actually began not with an attack on Poland, but with the division of Czechoslovakia and the destruction of an independent Czechoslovak state. This section took place with the connivance of the West and the direct participation of Poland.
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  1. +10
    31 August 2017 06: 37
    On a talk show on behalf of Poland, it was loudly and repeatedly declared regret that the Poles fought with the Germans in 1939, and that the next time the Poles TOGETHER with the Germans, or even at the head of the EU, will dismember RUSSIA.
    And nothing. This Pole continues to speak on behalf of Poland and all Poles. So the Poles did not disown the statement.
    1. +14
      31 August 2017 08: 46
      Poland must remember that Poland - a monument to the Red Army and personally to Comrade Stalin, who made it so that they were sitting on the wrong bench in Nuremberg.
      1. +9
        31 August 2017 09: 29
        they don’t want to remember this, and they demolish the monuments to the soldiers of the Red Army, only if they are so principled, would it not hurt them to refuse the gifts of Comrade Stalin and return Germany to Silesia and Pomerania
        1. +4
          31 August 2017 13: 34
          let them build more, other owners of "their" lands will come.
          as the Bible says ...
          1. +3
            1 September 2017 01: 36
            Quote: antivirus
            let them build more, other owners of "their" lands will come.
            as the Bible says ...

            Here the Balts issued laws on restitution, to spite Russia (ha ha ha), and had to return property to their former owners ----- Swedes, Finns, Germans !!!!!!!!, who spit on these Balts. !!!!!!!.
    2. +9
      31 August 2017 15: 44
      To date, a clear and unequivocal position has been defined for the young Europeans, who are protected by the United States, on the issue of revising history and its fundamental issues in the light of an analysis of the causes of the Second World War.
      Only four EU member states (and Banderostan, which joined them) are trying to review and consolidate this review in their legislative documents. The grandees of Europe are somehow keeping quiet and are considering this process with interests, trying on a “new history” for themselves. And the situation is such that Germany has nothing to say here. There is absolutely nothing. France of Tokma can say that they say we were “on the other side of the conflict” and screwed up severely. And Great Britain, with its "death" classified documents about the flight of Hess in May 41, open the true background of this "visit", have to "be silent in a rag."
      And now, this political boss is mocking the people and the country that destroyed German fascism, which has to wipe itself out after listening to delusional accusations.
      "This music will be eternal ..."
    3. +7
      1 September 2017 00: 58
      Quote: Vasily50
      So the Poles did not disown the statement.

      Well, not at all, let them not deny themselves !!! wassat wassat wassat it’s strange just that then they are surprised when they start sharing their pshekii !!! lol lol lol right now they once again complain that they will be divided for the fourth time ... I hope that this will be the last time !!! laughing laughing laughing good good good
    4. +1
      14 September 2017 21: 14
      Quote: Vasily50
      On a talk show on behalf of Poland, it was loud and repeatedly stated regret that the Poles fought with the Germans in 1939

      And then you might think it depended on the Poles. Yes, Hitler was not going to ask them.
  2. +12
    31 August 2017 06: 46
    Just a joke.
    - And why on your map Poland is part of Germany?
    - I am an artist, I see so!
  3. +17
    31 August 2017 06: 54
    An interesting detail: it was Poland, not Hitler, the FIRST WWII invader: it was she who first captured part of Czechoslovakia Hitler did this for a WEEK later!
  4. +6
    31 August 2017 06: 55
    Not so long ago, this topic was again raised by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Witold Waszczikowski, who accused the Soviet Union of a joint attack with Hitler Germany on Poland. In fact, the events that preceded the outbreak of World War II took shape in a completely different way.

    He received a master's degree in history from the University of Lodz and a master's degree in international relations from the University of Oregon.

    Since 1992, Vashchikovsky worked in the structures of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, from 1999 to 2002 he was the Ambassador of Poland to Iran. From November 4, 2005 to August 11, 2008 he served as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, from August 27, 2008 to July 6, 2010 he was Deputy Head of the National Security Bureau. In the parliamentary elections in 2011 he was elected to the Sejm, re-elected in 2015.
    November 16, 2015 he took the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs in the office of Beata Shidlo.http: //
    Well, since I received a master's degree in US history, then everything is clear, a CIA and NECD agent, which I have never seen. With a master’s degree, the historian must know the history of Poland from the coming of Christ to the present day.
    1. +3
      1 September 2017 02: 08
      Good afternoon, Nikolai, Given the entire biography, it can be assumed that the history of Poland will be rewritten again. There may be a place for the United States. After all, Poland hopes to become a hub for US LNG supplies to the entire EU. Despite the fact that Russian gas is cheaper by 70 %%%. At the same time, the Poles are obviously proud of the impossibility ---- the states have chosen them and, hopefully, this will enrich them. Someday.
      1. +2
        1 September 2017 03: 44
        Quote: Reptiloid
        After all, Poland hopes to become a hub for deliveries of American LNG to the entire EU.

        Hello Dima. Lithuania has already climbed into this trap. Look at the link.
        2.shtml "According to the European Commission, the price of Russian gas for Lithuania in the first quarter of 2017 amounted to $ 180 per thousand cubic meters, Norwegian LNG - $ 241. According to VYGON Consulting, the price of American LNG, if it had been delivered during this period, would have been at $ 254. " For the rest, I agree with you. Moreover, it is bashfully silent that this is the selling price of LNG at US plants. Plus transport and overhead.
        1. +1
          1 September 2017 08: 19
          No matter how we mock Banderastan and no matter how despised Poland, the Russian Federation is being squeezed out of this gas business. It seems that they are not profitable, but the States, unfortunately, manage very many, the whole of Europe, more precisely. They squeezed out the Russian Federation from Ukraine, Bandera themselves will also be squeezed out of different industries ...... I’ll look at the link now.
  5. +2
    31 August 2017 07: 14
    A pointless argument. Just after Versailles in a hurry began to draw new borders of new states. And it was very difficult. The WWII ended in the collapse of four empires that had existed for many centuries and, of course, their division had to be approached more carefully and attentively.
    1. +3
      31 August 2017 08: 38
      Under the 1990 agreement - and only in 1990 Germany officially recognized its border with Poland, and so under this agreement Berlin undertook not to put forward any territorial claims against its neighbors.
      1. +7
        31 August 2017 11: 49
        Promises can be reviewed. NATO has moved to the borders of Russia since receiving promises to the Tagged.
        1. 0
          31 August 2017 19: 28
          We are talking about what happened long before NATO and even more so before the "tagged". If you want to seriously participate in a discussion of the material, then, be kind, to the point.
          1. 0
            3 October 2017 10: 06
            I'm sorry to mind you. But it seems to me that the post-war world order with its borders ceases to exist ... Here's a fact - the last elections in Germany brought to the Bundestag deputies from the right ... and they are not fascist, namely the right - the interests of the German people above all ... Merkel will leave - because she works against this phrase - there will be more and more right-wingers and inevitably claims will be brought first to Poland for the 2 million Germans that the Poles expelled after the end of World War II ... first, restitution and then who knows .. .
    2. +1
      1 September 2017 01: 44
      Quote: irazum
      A pointless argument. ........... The WWII ended in the collapse of four empires that existed for many centuries and, of course, their division had to be approached more carefully and attentively.
      Somehow I didn’t notice the dispute ... And who should approach carefully and attentively ?? when the collapse of empires was the goal of the WWII in the interests of the small-shavens
    3. +1
      14 September 2017 21: 25
      Quote: irazum
      The WWII ended in the collapse of four empires that had existed for many centuries and, of course, their division had to be approached more carefully and attentively.

      Germany was bent on the principle of "woe to the vanquished." But Austria-Hungary has not been divided, to no avail: such a huge patchwork quilt in any way really can not be hidden.
  6. +10
    31 August 2017 07: 30
    citizens of which among the collaborators took an active part in the genocide of the Jewish population and in the fight against partisans.
    .... The executioners are going to honor the memory of their victims ...
    1. +6
      1 September 2017 04: 20
      Quote: parusnik
      .. The executioners are going to honor the memory of their victims ...
      Like in a crocodile. Some 30 years ago:
      He was a modest hare, a kind oblique.
      He cut off his track on a country road ...
      We will keep his memory forever!
      Group of comrades (wolves) ....
  7. +3
    31 August 2017 08: 53
    Very interesting, thanks.
  8. +8
    31 August 2017 08: 53
    I am talking about climbing into the gums of Poland and Germany, it is somehow strange not to mention that each state kept a fig in his pocket. So, it would be worthwhile to say that Poland itself was planning to attack Germany: the calculation was that France, as Germany’s main enemy, would harness itself and the German command would have to use all forces on the western front, and the Poles, not meeting strong resistance, would triumphantly occupy Berlin and they themselves will decide the fate of Germany. When the Germans attacked naive Poles on September 1, France only expressed concern, as it had done more than once before. Poland was, is and will be only a bargaining chip in the political games of the European powers.
  9. +7
    31 August 2017 09: 03
    They would, the Poles, be silent in a rag, so no, they are voting all over Europe. Churchill once correctly said: Poland, this is the hyena of Europe
  10. +1
    31 August 2017 11: 41
    Why should the Poles keep silent in a rag? After all, there is an OSCE memorandum that the USSR and Germany are equally responsible for the outbreak of World War II. The jackal has the right to yap anything if behind him a flock of relatives. We have to concede this, because The USSR lost the Cold War.
    1. +5
      1 September 2017 01: 06
      Quote: brn521
      After all, there is an OSCE memorandum that the USSR and Germany are equally responsible for the outbreak of World War II.

      and sho us from this memorandum ??? wassat wassat wassat hang yourself ??? bully bully bully
  11. +1
    31 August 2017 14: 23
    Yatsenyuk. being prime minister, he declared (during a visit to Germany) that in 1941 it was the USSR that attacked Germany and Ukraine. According to him, he “remembers it well.” What is Poland. Although up to 500000 Poles fought in German troops on the Eastern Front. And this is after the occupation of Poland.
  12. +4
    31 August 2017 15: 51
    Empress Elizabeth said: “So Poland will be against it.” (I don’t remember why) Elizabeth answered: “Well then there will be no Poland!” Russia always, when it could, patronized all Slavic states (Poland, Bulgaria, Ukraine, etc., and the "brothers Slavs" respond with black ingratitude and do dirty tricks. History develops in a spiral, and once again when they are pecked by a "fried cock" Russia forget that they are "brothers Slavs", and just do everything in their own political interests.
    1. +3
      1 September 2017 02: 16
      Yeah, yeah !!!!! If the Slavic peoples were Germanized, ousted, obvustriyachny, and would have been happy. So no !!!!!!! The Russians came (they are, Oaths of Muscovites) and deprived them of such an opportunity. Such sarcasm !!!!
  13. Net
    31 August 2017 17: 18
    Germany declared war on Poland after the "attack" on September 1, 1939? No
    Poland declared attack and war with Germany? No.
    There was no war or attack. Together gathered to tear the USSR.
    But Poland did not forget to declare war on the USSR.
  14. wax
    31 August 2017 19: 56
    The USSR did not lose the Cold War.
    “The Soviet Union did not collapse due to internal insolvency. - This is nonsense, the Soviet system was viable, it could exist forever. It was a grandiose sabotage operation of the West. I have argued this and insist on it. I studied this sabotage operation for 20 years, I know the technique - how all this was done. And the final operation of this diversion was the conduct of Gorbachev as Secretary General. It was a diversion. He was not simply chosen, but carried out, and all the activities of Gorbachev, and then Yeltsin, were the activities of traitors. They destroyed the party apparatus, destroyed the party, destroyed the state apparatus.
    A. Zinoviev
    See also
    aya_tragediya-257531.html # p1
    1. 0
      1 September 2017 08: 04
      Made fun of wassat
      The union collapsed just for internal reasons, this is obvious.
  15. +2
    31 August 2017 21: 23
    Ilya, you made a good review of the "lordly eccentricities." In 1938, when, at the initiative of Stalin, negotiations with the English and French (Entente2) were started in Moscow, and then the negotiations broke down due to the reluctance of the Poles in the event of war to let Soviet troops through their territory. In Warsaw, this was explained by a security consideration: the Red Army can occupy them.
    I am wondering: Marshal Smigla recalled how he took pictures with Shtudnits when the Germans occupied Warsaw?
    Interestingly, the Jews were antipathetic: Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles, and in Russia there was a “beat **** and save Russia” division.
    Somewhere on the site or somewhere else I found that the Jews served in the Wehrmacht and even the Fuhrer awarded them!
    It doesn’t climb into any gates !!!
    1. +2
      1 September 2017 04: 34
      Quote: Monarchist
      Somewhere on the site or somewhere else I found that the Jews served in the Wehrmacht and even the Fuhrer awarded them!

      You're right. "On January 20, 1939, Hitler ordered the dismissal of all Jewish officers, as well as all officers who were married to Jewish women.
      However, all these orders were not unconditional, and Jews were allowed to serve in the Wehrmacht with special permits. In addition, the dismissals occurred with a creak - each head of the dismissed Jew zealously argued that his subordinate Jew was indispensable in his place. Especially the Jewish quartermaster held fast to their places. On August 10, 1940, only in the VII Military District (Munich) there were 2269 Jewish officers who served in the Wehrmacht on the basis of a special permit. In all 17 districts, the number of Jewish officers amounted to about 16 thousand people. "Https://
      And this is not one site. "The most senior Jewish Nazi is considered to be Deputy Goering Inspector General of the Luftwaffe, Field Marshal Erhard Milch.
      In order not to discredit Milch in the eyes of ordinary Nazis, the party leadership said that Milch’s mother did not have sex with her Jewish husband, and that Erhard’s true father was Baron von Beer. "Http:// v-vermaxte-sluz
      m-xolokosta /
  16. +2
    31 August 2017 21: 32
    Quote: Wax
    The USSR did not lose the Cold War.
    “The Soviet Union did not collapse due to internal insolvency. - This is nonsense, the Soviet system was viable, it could exist forever. It was a grandiose sabotage operation of the West. I have argued this and insist on it. I studied this sabotage operation for 20 years, I know the technique - how all this was done. And the final operation of this diversion was the conduct of Gorbachev as Secretary General. It was a diversion. He was not simply chosen, but carried out, and all the activities of Gorbachev, and then Yeltsin, were the activities of traitors. They destroyed the party apparatus, destroyed the party, destroyed the state apparatus.
    A. Zinoviev
    See also
    aya_tragediya-257531.html # p1

    Now you can say anything, but then there was "universal approval." I don’t want to justify Mishka “tagged”, but I have to be a 100% idiot to attribute the destruction of the Union only to M.S., and the “Bialowieza troika” under the tree wanted to save the Soviet Union?
  17. +3
    31 August 2017 21: 42
    1936 W. Churchill: "Poland is the hyena of Europe"
  18. 0
    16 September 2017 20: 47
    in detail - in the best seller:
    Sergey Lozunko. The ugly brainchild of Versailles (2011)
  19. 0
    20 September 2017 11: 24
    The Polish modern elite is essentially no different from the former, both pre-war and previous. There were people among the Poles who were really patriotic and honest, but for the most part this elite was corrupt, mercantile, of course extremely Russophobic and politically not just short-sighted, but short-sighted to idiocy. It was the activities of these elites that led to the tragedies of the country to sections and Nazi occupation. It is striking for me that the current Polish elite completely lacks a historical memory in the ruling country. Today, these elites have again designated Russia as the enemy of their interests, and the United States and Great Britain are considered as defenders. They forgot how they protected the interests of their pre-war predecessors in 1939, and how the USA and Great Britain surrendered their comrades to Stalin in 1944 in Yalta. So why do they believe today that under serious circumstances their interests will be protected by current curators to the detriment of themselves. Never. They think that the current political situation will last forever. Naively and as always, they will lead their country to a new disaster.
  20. 0
    23 September 2017 14: 42
    What persistent are these Poles! For centuries, they have been fighting against Russia, having opposed Russians, for centuries they have been given a nose shot and will not calm down at all!
  21. 0
    23 September 2017 16: 46
    Two points that I want to pay attention to. The author writes that Alexander Pechersky, who served as the quartermaster technician of rank 2 as a clerk, was captured and ended up in a death camp. Part of the prisoners managed to escape into the forest. Among them was Pechersky. He became a partisan, took part in the fight against the Nazis in Belarus, then served in the 15 assault rifle battalion and received the rank of captain. After the war, Alexander Aronovich returned to Rostov-on-Don, worked as an administrator at the Musical Comedy Theater and lived to see 1990 of the year.
    Dear author, the assault battalions were commanders and officers who could not prove that they surrendered not voluntarily.
    On August 1 of 1943, the order of the People’s Commissar of Defense No. Org /? 2 / 1348 “On the Formation of Separate Assault Rifle Battalions” was issued, which prescribed:
    “In order to provide an opportunity for commanding and commanding personnel, who have been in the territory occupied by the enemy for a long time and did not take part in partisan units, with arms in hand to prove their allegiance to the Motherland, I order:
    1. To form by 25 of August of this year? from contingents of commanding officers held in special camps of the NKVD:
    1 and 2 separate assault rifle battalions in the Moscow military district, 3 separate assault rifle battalion in the Volga military district, 4 separate assault rifle battalion in the Stalingrad military district.
    The formation of battalions should be carried out according to the state No. 04 /? 331, with a number of 927 people each.
    Battalions are intended for use in the most active sectors of the front.
    3. The term of stay of personnel in separate assault rifle battalions shall be established for two months of participation in battles, either before being awarded an order for displayed valor in battle or before the first wound, after which the personnel, if there are good certifications, may be assigned to the appropriate field positions for commanding and commanding officers composition ”. (Russian archive: World War II: Battle of Kursk. Documents and materials on March 27 — August 23 1943. T. 15 (4 4) Comp .: Sokolov A.M. et al. M., 1997. C.70 71).

    Subsequently, the formation of assault battalions was continued. Their combat use, in principle, did not differ from the penal battalions, although there were some peculiarities. So, unlike the fines, those who were sent to assault battalions were not convicted and deprived of officer ranks:
    The second question: why did Lenin recognize the independence and territorial claims of Poland, but did not Denikin?
  22. 0
    24 September 2017 04: 50
    The Psheks snout in the moss, but they still try to tell something, bullshit ...
  23. 0
    28 September 2017 14: 01
    It is necessary to constantly state what is higher as soon as the shameful Poles begin to make victims of themselves! Most Poles are nationalists! They always were, therefore, they could not create an empire, because tortured peoples in the speech of the Commonwealth constantly resisted!
  24. -2
    April 9 2019 13: 18
    did not mention that personally Hitler was at the Pilsudski funeral