Models and technologies of “color revolutions” (part two)

“Their tongue is a killing arrow, speaks insidiously; they speak to their neighbor with their mouths in a friendly way, and in their hearts they build coves for him. ”
(Book of the Prophet Jeremiah 9: 8)

All revolutions, especially if they are “colored,” have the same structure. Like any other social structure, it has the shape of a pyramid and also includes three types of people. Higher, middle and lower. On the top "floor" are high-ranking patrons of those who make the revolution, that is, people or a group of people who prepare and finance its cadres, direct them, prepare the "process" and optimize the information environment in which it goes, in their own interests. Such patrons of revolutions are usually very influential, but they themselves never act directly, but prefer to use the services of intermediaries. This allows them to always maintain a decent view in the eyes of the world community.

Models and technologies of “color revolutions” (part two)

The Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia led to the resignation of the government of al-Ghannushi.

The middle ones are the direct organizers of the upcoming coups. As a rule, they become young people of a clearly pro-Western orientation. In turn, this large group is subdivided into two small ones, or rather, differing in the specifics of their actions. The first consists of specialists in the field of PR-technologies, as well as professional psychologists, sociologists and journalists. In short, people who manage information. They create the necessary background to create a negative attitude of the people towards the official authorities. In the future, it helps to lose this power, of course, provided that no one will defend it. Many of these specialists are citizens of foreign countries, often with no relation to the country of the “color revolution”. They can write anything and about anything equally talented. For this they pay, and very well.

The second category is nothing more than the “face” of the revolution. These are also quite young people, but these are politicians, leaders of the revolution, well recognized by representatives of the popular masses. Usually these people after the victory of the revolution become the new leading elite of the country. Some of these leaders, such as Mikheil Saakashvili, for example, studied in the US, have connections and support there, and it is clear that they will eventually have to pay for this very support.

Below are the very “simple people” that leaders take to the streets and squares. Often they do it for ideological reasons they have, but it happens that they get paid for it and why not “cut the money at an easy price,” then, they argue. After all, shouting in the square is not a roll of bags!

Well, now let's see what, in fact, and why the “color revolutions” differ from the “non-color revolutions”. To begin with, in former times, it was also necessary to dismantle political regimes. But then the main tool of such dismantling was a force decision. That is, it was usually an armed coup - “pronunciamento” (as it is commonly called in the countries of South America), a local military conflict, a civil war or foreign military intervention.

It was a time when human life cost very little. But ... time passed, its value increased, the media began to report on the human losses in 1-2 in a way that they had not previously reported thousands of losses, so the power deprivation of the power of an undesirable government became ... "not popular."

Therefore, we note the main thing - “color revolutions” - this is a technology of a coup d'état, when pressure on power does not occur in the form of direct violence (“The guard has tired! Free the room!), But with the help of political blackmail. Moreover, its main tool is the youth protest movement, that is, the most valuable part of society participates in it, because there are few children and, therefore, young people themselves, and besides, everyone knows that “the future belongs to the young!”

Although the states where these revolutions took place, and differ in their geopolitical, economic and social position, they all have the same organizational scheme. That is, they occur as a youth protest movement (they say, how to shoot young people while dispersing such speeches, this is a crime!), And then marginals, old people and old women who want to “shake old things” and even stand next to young people join it from which it breathes with the energy of youth and enthusiasm. In this way, uneven-aged crowds are being created, about which the necessary media immediately report that this is a “people”, and thus the opposition has a real tool of political blackmail. This alone directly indicates that the color revolutions, even in principle, cannot ultimately fulfill the objective hopes and aspirations of the majority of the country's population. But there is also the “Pareto law”, which generally “prohibits” any revolution, since even a victorious revolution only changes the situation of 20% of the population, while the rest of 80% gets only beautiful slogans and promises of a “bright future”.

Thus, any “color revolution” is a coup d’état, signifying the seizure of power by force, designed in the form of a peaceful protest movement. There are no shots, and there seems to be no reason for the authorities to use six-barrel machine guns capable of sweeping away any crowd rally from the streets and squares. In addition, there is “world public opinion”, which the government fears, “sanctions against the regime that suppresses democracy in its country,” that is, everything that, under the conditions of the international division of labor, any government has to fear.

The object of the "color revolutions" is state power, the subject of which is the political regime existing in the country.

Today, the “color revolutions” have everything necessary for their victory, provided that they are well prepared and organized. Let's start with the most important condition. This is the presence in the country of a certain political instability or a crisis of the existing government. However, even if the situation in the country is still stable, one can try to destabilize it artificially.

It is only necessary to have a specially prepared protest movement of young people.

The characteristic features of the “color revolution” are as follows:
- the impact on the existing power occurs in the form of political blackmail, they say, if you do not “give up”, it will be worse.
- The main tool - the protesting youth.

It should be borne in mind that the “color revolution” only outwardly resembles the “classic” revolutions, caused by the objective course of historical development. “Color revolutions” are just technologies disguised as a spontaneous revolutionary process.

True, there is such a point of view that these “events” can have a spontaneous start, that is, some objective social contradictions, in which quality usually lead to poverty, fatigue from the political regime, people's craving for democratic changes, and unfavorable demographic situation. Most often, however, this is not the only reason for them. For example, in Egypt, before the color revolution, “subsidies for flat cakes” were heard, that is, the government gave the poor people money for bread cakes - the staple food, but at the slums of Cairo one could see a satellite television dish on every roof of the hut. The same was true in Libya, where the citizens were paid natural rent (and a lot of other additional payments), which is so significant that the aboriginal population did not want to work, and guest workers from Egypt and Algeria began to work in Libya. In Tunisia - the most democratic state among the authoritarian countries of the African continent, the standard of living is very close to that of Southern France (Provence and Languedoc), and the standard of living in Southern Italy even surpassed. The most “amusing”, if I may say so, reason for the start of the protest movement in Syria was related to the fact that President Assad decided (and without any external pressure!) To soften the authority of his regime and began to carry out liberal reforms. In theory, it would be necessary to rejoice and support such a leader, but this seemed not enough for the “people” (like in Russia in the case of Alexander II), and as a result we have what we have today.

Supporters of the dramatization of the “color revolutions” indicate that they all look as if they were made for a carbon copy, and the probability of such a phenomenon in nature is extremely small. They also have their own signs that allow them to say that they are happening “not just like that”:
First, in the foreign policy arena, “color revolutions” are generally supported by the United States and its allies.
Secondly, all the “color revolutions” follow a very similar scenario, one might say, according to one pattern.
Thirdly, they use technologies of reflexive control, which are also an American invention.
Fourth, they do not have their own revolutionary ideology, which is caused by the fact that the Americans themselves, being the authors of all these revolutions, have a poor understanding of the mentality and psychology of different peoples, therefore they cannot create for them their “own” ideology, which would organically accept all strata of the local community. Instead, someone else’s ideology is being imposed with the expectation that the majority of the people will consider "what will not be worse." And the most interesting thing is that it often happens. Someone gets worse, someone is better, but how do you know the percentage ratio of those and others, when all the media are controlled by the winners. “Stop paying rent”? But now you have freedom, but before that Gadhafi’s tyranny was and ... what could you argue against that? That life was better economically? But now it depends on you to make it the same as ours. You just need to be patient a little ... "Moscow was not built in one day either!"

“Color revolutions” are considered to be an instrument of “soft power,” since they use no forceful means to change the political regime in the country. However, it is wrong to consider them, by virtue of this, a more progressive, less bloody, and therefore a far less dangerous form of popular protest against totalitarianism. Why? Yes, first of all, due to the multiplicity of features of the historical and cultural development of a particular nation and its historically developed mentality. It should be remembered that in any case the “color revolution” is a form of organizational state blackmail, the object of which is a sovereign state, but disguised by a legend and beautiful slogans of the “real” national liberation revolution.

To be continued ...
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  1. +6
    7 September 2017 08: 00
    Thus, any “color revolution" is a coup d'etat
    ...Well, thank God....
    All revolutions, especially if they are “colored,” have the same structure.
    ..Here, there is no need to generalize ... With each case, revolution, you need to deal separately ... And there were not so many of them in the world ...
    1. +6
      7 September 2017 09: 36
      Quote: parusnik
      Thus, any “color revolution" is a coup d'etat
      ...Well, thank God....
      All revolutions, especially if they are “colored,” have the same structure.
      .. Here it’s not necessary to generalize ... With each case, revolution, you need to understand ........... e ...
      Yesterday I wrote that color revolutions are counterrevolution. Of course, this is not about antiquity, but about modernity ----- Chile, Cambodia? ,Indonesia? Guatemala? , Mexico, Ecuador ?, ... Well, of course, independent .......
      And the names of the flowers ----- the buttercups of the flowers in my little garden ..... Only these flowers have ----- the smell of corpses, poverty, poverty .....

      For most...
      1. +4
        7 September 2017 09: 50
        Dmitry, good afternoon .. hi Independent..there, coup d'etat .. With the countries of Latin America, it’s more complicated ... Say, so those bourgeois revolutions that took place in the 19th century in LA did not fully achieve their goals .. so the "base" was laid for further coups, revolutions ..
        1. +4
          7 September 2017 10: 07
          Alexey, hello! After all, it seems like the first, floral Independence Square, he was easy fun. Which gave reason to the majority to think that, again, without cost, too. Only puppeteers thought differently.
          And in England of the 17th century ----- Glorious revolution, where there were no victims? Is this not purely English nobility? Prisons ----- were! OR am I forgetting something?
          1. +4
            7 September 2017 11: 01
            Probably the longest-running revolution in the world .. It's the English bourgeois revolution ... it lasted about 100 years ... Intermittently ... for lunch ..
    2. +2
      7 September 2017 11: 02
      I wrote yesterday - wait ... Haste is good only when catching fleas! And yet, I just physically can’t remember what this or that article for VO is about, all the more so in its database, or in my archive. These materials are more than two months old, I wrote them back in that school year in the spring ... and I just don’t remember what was written somewhere, but often I just don’t have time to watch.
      1. +3
        7 September 2017 11: 09
        The great French bourgeois revolution, it can be said, ended not with Napoleon coming to power, but in 1848 .. And after the Communards attempted to change the social formation, there was a “polishing” of the system that was established ...
        1. +4
          7 September 2017 11: 22
          Quote: parusnik
          The great French bourgeois revolution, one might say, ended not with the coming to power of Napoleon, but in 1848.

          Have you made a date or am I wrong?
          “One thousand eight hundred and seventy-first years opens a new period of world history. It was a year of outstanding events. It became a boundary between the two epochs, primarily because on March 18 of this year - for the first time in the history of mankind - state power passed, albeit for a short time, into "the hands of the most advanced, the only completely revolutionary class of capitalist society - the proletariat. The commune, created in 1871 by the Paris workers, lasted only 72 days. But its significance for the further liberation struggle of the working class is enormous."

          Otherwise, I agree with your opinion.
          1. +2
            7 September 2017 12: 00
            No, I was not mistaken by the date .. by 1848 the tasks that faced the bourgeois revolution were practically solved and it had to go into a new phase, socialist, and there were prerequisites for this, but the coup on December 2, 1851, delayed this event by 20 years ..You don’t forget that in France there were the July Revolution of 1830, the Revolution of 1848, the Revolution of 1870, I think more, a republican coup ... a reaction to the defeat at Sedan ..
            1. +2
              7 September 2017 12: 30
              Quote: parusnik
              the revolution of 1870, I believe more, a republican coup ... a reaction to the defeat at Sedan ..

              Rather, the reaction to the collapse of the 2nd empire. And here, it seems to me, what is important is what happened after the defeat of the Paris Commune, namely, by the Law of August 31, 1871, the National Assembly, where the majority belonged to the monarchists, appropriated its constituent functions. Supporters of the monarchy, however, did not constitute a monolithic group. deputies of the monarchists sought restoration of the power of the kings of the Bourbon dynasty (legitimists), others advocated the restoration of Lup Philippe's heirs (Orleanists) on the throne, while others acted in the interests of Napoleon’s relatives. sufficient social base for the monarchy. The policy of the Second Empire dispelled the monarchical illusions of the peasantry, which constituted about 70% of the country's population. Workers adhered to republican convictions.
              While the monarchists were debating about the candidate for the throne, the Republicans gradually strengthened their positions. In almost all partial elections, supporters of the monarchy were defeated, which undoubtedly reflected public opinion. This forced the monarchist majority in the assembly to abandon the restoration of the monarchy. The assembly had to endow the head of the executive branch with the title “President of the Republic.” “And that led to the three laws of the Third Republic.”
              The Constitution of the Third Republic, adopted by the Constituent Assembly in 1875, did not constitute a single document, but consisted of three laws:

              • Act of February 24, 1875 on the organization of the Senate;

              • Law of February 25, 1875 on the organization of state power;

              • Law of July 16, 1875 on relations between state authorities.
              Constitutional acts determined the structure and competence of the highest bodies of state power. The absence of a single constitutional normative act made it possible to circumvent the issue of the general principles of the state system. Not a single article directly affirmed the republic, but in general, three constitutional laws established the republican system, headed by the president, parliament as the highest legislative body and parliamentary government.
              Although your promise in 1830 is interesting. It seems to me that all revolutionary events in France, different in their direction, begin with the capture of the Bastille on July 14, 1789.
            2. +3
              7 September 2017 14: 35
              Sailboat, perhaps here you are right: in the history of France there was a lot of revolution, but we have 2/3 of the population remember only the Great French Revolution of 1793-1797 and the Paris Commune.
              I wonder how the French themselves: do all revolutions remember.
              In the late eighties, I heard on TV (?) That Marat and Robespierre are two in the absence of “cute” characters for the French. French lawyers have a custom: at parties, collars are rebuffed, in memory of lawyers who were executed for the defense of Marie Antoinette, and women lawyers also have a short haircut.
              How many I did not look at different sources and did not find the French to honor the names of the Jacobin leaders, it seems that the names of all the marshals of Napoleon are immortalized in the names of the streets, a monument and names in honor of their kings and Richelieu have been preserved. Maybe they are not pleased to recall the abundance of victims?
              1. +4
                7 September 2017 15: 31
                Well, why, one of the streets of Paris, the metro station, bears the name of Robespierre. The only statue of Robespierre in Paris is located in the Pantheon. There is also a policy of double standards, the French prefer not to recall that the marshals of France and Napoleon himself, at some stage, were ardent supporters Yakobintsev. There is nothing named after the "friend of the people" Marat, but his name is immortalized in films, plays .. If I remember correctly, at the dawn of cinema in France a film was shot about the murder of Marat ...
        2. +2
          7 September 2017 11: 32
          Quote: parusnik
          The great French bourgeois revolution, it can be said, ended not with Napoleon coming to power, but in 1848 .. And after the Communards attempted to change the social formation, there was a “polishing” of the system that was established ...

          Yeah, long historical processes, like in England, more than human life. When another generation of the elite benefits, however, such processes took place ... But our country? That the revolutionary reforms of 1861, by the way, carried out shortly after the World Crimean War against the Republic of Ingushetia, are not over until now! .. Like the Latin American revolutions. Also not over ?????????????
          1. +3
            7 September 2017 12: 12
            .Dmitry, not finished Until now .. What do you mean ..? .. Latin American revolutions, but not finished, there the main question is agrarian, in many countries of the LA it has not really been resolved to date, in Colombia, for example ...
            1. +3
              7 September 2017 13: 39
              Quote: parusnik
              .Dmitry, not finished Until now .. What do you mean ..? .. Latin American revolutions, but not finished, there the main question is agrarian, in many countries of the LA it has not really been resolved to date, in Colombia, for example ...

              What I mean. For example, the fact that helping the Bulgarians to free themselves from the yoke, the Republic of Ingushetia did not receive any benefits --- neither short-term nor long-term. And the same thing happened in relation to the USSR with other countries, well, inside the Union. Recall post-war aid to Eastern European countries. It should also be said (and here I am waiting for the words of Vyacheslav, since he must have accurate information about this): the USSR, until its collapse, provided assistance to the communist parties of all Europe, England and even the United States! And I really don’t know who got this help --- I’m on the road now. If I delay the answer --- do not exact !!!
              1. +3
                7 September 2017 17: 56
                Yes, help was provided. At first the money went along the line of the Comintern with special couriers. After its dissolution in the funniest ways. For example, the Penza watch factory made mechanisms, bought cases in Switzerland, and sent this company to Greece, which sold watches, but belonged to the Communists. And then another arrow was proudly drawn on the map of trade relations. Naturally, this did not give any profit. This was a profit for the Greek commies. And the difference was covered from contributions of 18 million owls. the communists. I know only this example. But that's for sure!
                1. +2
                  7 September 2017 18: 55
                  Thanks for the answer, Vyacheslav, but ..... If that were the case ----- to the Communists. But nothing is confirmed, but I think, for some reason, that everything was appropriated by someone one or two. And then, when the USSR was destroyed ---- no subsidies died! Probably, such anger appeared here in the USSR, the Russian Federation.!
  2. +4
    7 September 2017 08: 03
    So the continuation appeared! As I wrote yesterday, I don’t like the term “color revolution” and it is false, because it has a desire to give a frivolous meaning to what is happening !!!!!!!
    Nevertheless, it should be recognized that such events have always occurred in world history, even in deep antiquity. Although they are not called that
    So the dynasty of the Pisistratides was expelled.
    Kilonov is bad !!!!! Where, too, were very talented instigators. That's what !!!!!
    The murder of Tarquin
    So far, such examples, in my opinion, are suitable. But others are also remembered ---- Egypt, China, Maya.
    1. +4
      7 September 2017 08: 38
      As for the kilo-filth, Maya, and Pisistradites, it will probably be superfluous, these were their primitive deeds, it’s better not to hammer your head, in any case, in my opinion.
      The term "color revolution" is just successful, it is not clear why you did not like it.
      1. +7
        7 September 2017 08: 49
        The foundations of government come from ancient Greece and ancient Rome, as well as domestic intrigues. The desire for power, for profit --- eternal human emotions at all times. And it is from knowledge of the past that the present and future can be constructed and built. Something like this.....
        1. +5
          7 September 2017 08: 54
          Quote: Reptiloid
          The desire for power, for profit --- eternal human emotions at all times.

          I agree.
    2. +3
      7 September 2017 14: 40
      Dima, you struck me: I can’t remember what kind of Pisistratratid dynasty it is [b] [/ b]
      1. +1
        7 September 2017 17: 43
        Pisistratides --- 2 sons of the Athenian tyrant PISISTRATA known to the whole World. During it, construction (including temples), the army, navy improved, and Athens experienced a time of unprecedented prosperity. But most importantly: he cut back the rights of the oligarchs in favor of the PEOPLE !!! That is precisely why his sons were expelled. Moreover, in the same year, in Rome, Tarquinius the Proud was killed. That's why he was killed --- understandably. The son of the great father, Tarquinius the Ancient, he killed 2 kings (1 of them is his father), tormented his people, defiled the Vesta temple, and finally committed treason. Such a retreat.
        That's it.
        1. +4
          7 September 2017 18: 00
          And Pisistratus came up with a Code of tyrants. Wonderful thing!
          1. It is necessary to wage war or to prepare for it, then the need of the people in sole government increases.
          2. It is necessary to arrange public holidays, because when people have fun and dance, they are not plotting evil.
          3. It is necessary to build roads and public buildings so that people have a living.
          4. It is necessary to keep spies to know what is actually being said about you.
          That's it!
        2. +3
          7 September 2017 21: 07
          Dima, THANKS for the addition
  3. +6
    7 September 2017 09: 19
    Some points can and should be argued, for example, that the Libyan population "did not want to work," so guest workers came to work for them. And so informative and interesting.
  4. +19
    7 September 2017 09: 46
    Actual article
    1. +4
      7 September 2017 11: 06
      There will also be a third part. And the materials are being prepared purely for the Arab East. The school year has begun. My colleagues, diverse specialists came together, there is someone to ask and there is someone to help me, and many hands always do better.
      1. +5
        7 September 2017 11: 27
        Quote: kalibr
        There will also be a third part. And the materials are being prepared purely for the Arab East.

        Commenting makes no sense. The work is very solid and it seems to me that after the presidential election, in Russia they may try to put into action a similar scenario.
        1. +5
          7 September 2017 11: 42
          Greetings, Nikolay!
          Quote: Amurets
          It seems to me that after the presidential election, in Russia they may try to put in place a similar scenario.
          If you look at different articles on the network, or even just on the headlines, the conclusion suggests itself ... Too much of any foam rises.
          1. +4
            7 September 2017 11: 54
            Quote: Reptiloid
            Too much foam rises.

            Dima. Hey. This is what bothers me.
            1. +4
              7 September 2017 14: 47
              Quote: Amurets
              Quote: Reptiloid
              Too much foam rises.

              Dima. Hey. This is what bothers me.

              I already said before: I’m afraid that they would not try to arrange some kind of “lily-of-the-buttercup revolution” or Maidan.
              1. +2
                7 September 2017 17: 27
                Maybe they are trying to arrange them, Glory, but someone is strangling them in the bud? Like, how the terrorists who planned something there were captured, but they destroyed everything.
      2. +3
        7 September 2017 12: 14
        There will also be a third part. And the materials are being prepared purely for the Arab East. The school year has begun. My colleagues, diverse specialists came together

        well, when work can be combined with the writing of such articles. Good luck good
        1. +1
          7 September 2017 12: 57
          Dear Nicholas! And I just have no choice! I have a load, for example, this semester 1 lecture and 3 seminars per week! The rest of the time, at least write it down!
          1. +4
            7 September 2017 13: 01
            just about, and combine business with pleasure! Yes
  5. +6
    7 September 2017 11: 56
    President Assad decided (and without any external pressure!) to soften the authoritarianism of his regime and began to carry out liberal reforms

    if the Korean chubby milly Eun wants to stay in power, he should not soften the regime. That is, a peculiar law applies - "give a finger - bite off a hand." People do not change; any mitigation is regarded subconsciously as weakness. And if you still connect the media - extinguish the light.
    1. +4
      7 September 2017 13: 53
      We know about his regime from the gurgle of the South Koreans, who, too, do not know anything. What mode is it soft?
      1. +3
        7 September 2017 14: 17
        What mode is it soft?

        Well, Doctor, you should know better. soldier And geographically closer to you, and about palpation you also know better laughing I do not know. It is unlikely that there is a "paradise on earth," and the cat "went into the tray," besides a large boom boom, in order to frighten the mercenaries of imperialism. fellow
        1. +4
          7 September 2017 15: 25
          Oh, Nikolai, geographically, of course, closer, but I know about them as much as everything. What to say about South Korea. The elite, there, are the descendants of those who served, with pleasure, the Japanese occupiers. This fact is undeniable. In the DPRK, on ​​the contrary, partisans, active fighters against occupation. Then, in Yu.K., a series of military regimes, after which the political field became homogeneous. Corruption is just fantastic. A country under external management for a long time, serious injections into the economy of cash, first the United States, and then Japan. The entire automotive industry is an analog of the Japanese second hand. Yes, and electronics. DPRK, developed its own way and quite successfully until the 90's. With the collapse of the Union, what happened there, plainly no one knows. Mass starvation is known from a few defectors. Naturally, they were told, then they repeated. Perhaps it was, but not in those volumes. One thing is known, a state with a very decent economy can create nuclear weapons. Those who have been recently, compare the country in terms of living with the Soviet Union 60's. Poor thing, but people live in an independent country and have their own pride, as in the famous Soviet song. Yes, but what about the revolutions?)))))
          1. +1
            7 September 2017 16: 48
            Yes, but what about the revolutions?)))))

            all those who do poorly to the leader “ku!”, and are badly happy at the same time, are shot from a mortar.
            It is not a question of the fact that before the Korean War the regime of Kim Il Sung was much more humane and fairer than in the south. About the southern "elite" - you are right, those who served the samurai began to faithfully serve the Americans in the 40-50s. But an infusion of money from outside brought much greater results than the idea of ​​"self-reliance."
            1. +5
              7 September 2017 17: 14
              So why is there already a hydrogen bomb in the North, and well in the south are only stories about the shooting of mortars and anti-aircraft guns? And the idea of ​​"self-reliance" would be nice to adopt one such a rather big country, if the Koreans can.
              Not everything is determined only by a tightly packed gut in this life.
              1. +2
                7 September 2017 17: 26
                why in the North there is already a hydrogen bomb, but in the south there are only stories about the shooting of mortars and anti-aircraft guns

                im foster dad Sam forbade to play with nuclear weapons. Like, "they’re still small. It’s better if you forward me in the event of an exacerbation of your asses and eat meat."
                to adopt one such a rather big country, if the Koreans can

                as I was told at the university four years ago, and an intelligent person said that it’s not a jingoistic patriot, we are the only country in the world that can live on all request theoretically .. In practice, "there is no money, but you hold on." negative
                1. +3
                  7 September 2017 17: 37
                  In practice, in our color, everything happened in 1993. If it weren’t for the Crimea, which, well, just like an overripe apple fell into your hands and from which, well, you couldn’t refuse, then everything would be “good”, as in the South. A liberal on a liberal in the country and only himself, a patriot!))). Here we are holding on)). Soon, or we will return with world values)) or, ah, tsvay ... but also relying on them.
                  1. +1
                    7 September 2017 18: 16
                    The liberal on the liberal in the country and only himself, a patriot

                    they have industry under the liberals, they produce computers, they build aircraft carriers (at least helicopter carriers), and the auto industry is not like ours (before the French came). And with liberals, the whole industry was ruined and plundered. Shame on you! am
                    1. +1
                      7 September 2017 19: 02
                      Quote: Mikado
                      The liberal on the liberal in the country and only himself, a patriot

                      they have industry under the liberals, they produce computers, they build aircraft carriers (at least helicopter carriers), and the auto industry is not like ours (before the French came). And with liberals, the whole industry was ruined and plundered. Shame on you! am

                      And this is all because they have ---- liberals ---- their own. But here, our liberals ---- They belong to them! That is the difference.
                      1. 0
                        7 September 2017 19: 13
                        I do not know what to say. Liberal does not mean antipatriot. Probably, it is nevertheless necessary to separate the concepts of “liberal” and the concepts of “thief”, “pest”, “stealing embezzler”, “rogue”, “pederast”, “mercenary of foreign services”, etc.
                  2. +1
                    7 September 2017 21: 04
                    Alexander, you cringe a little: 1) if V.V. wouldn’t wish the Crimea to reunite with Russia. 2) “everything would be“ good ”as in the South. This Anal tells such a thing, but you are different with him: he’s like" a woman of easy virtue, "and you are an offended patriot. To the West, V. V. BAD
                    1. +1
                      8 September 2017 05: 18
                      You are DIFFERENT with him: he is like a “woman of easy virtue,” and you are an offended patriot.

                      Oh, the Monarchist, among the noble Dons smile , some words are not used from the word, at all, because they have a double meaning. I hope you didn’t want to insult your opponent, moreover, is it ignoble in a situation where it is impossible to answer for an insult? smile
            2. +1
              7 September 2017 20: 45
              Nikolay, you correctly noticed about the "infusion of money from outside that brought much greater fruit" and this is confirmed by history
              1. +1
                8 September 2017 14: 36
                Nikolay, you correctly noticed about the "infusion of money from outside that brought much greater fruit" and this is confirmed by history

                the question is how it ends, who pays, and how to pay it off later. Europe, restored to endless American money, now fears even a fart without the permission of the owners.
  6. +2
    7 September 2017 12: 55
    Quote: Reptiloid
    That the revolutionary reforms of 1861, by the way, carried out shortly after the World Crimean War against the Republic of Ingushetia, are not over until now!

    It's nice to read this, Dmitry! Well done, however!
  7. +2
    7 September 2017 13: 05
    In the same Colombia, for example ... [/ quote]
    Oh, Colombia is a separate conversation. When I wrote the third part of my novel "The Pareto Law" (where the thing is happening in it), I collected material on it for almost a year, right down to the kind of cartoons that were there. There are many “forces” and many interests: coffee planters, sugar cane planters for synthetic fuels, planters ... coca, the so-called paramilitares (essentially bandits from retired military men), three (!) Communist parties with their military units, the opal mafia Mafia Coca ... Government! That's who whom!
    Do I just like it? When the terrorists seized there it seems a court or parliament, the president turned to the hostages with the words: "Die for your country!" and ... first they were killed by terrorists, then the National Guard killed all the terrorists. More such actions were not repeated there!
    1. +2
      7 September 2017 13: 47
      [quote = kalibr] In the same Colombia, for example ... [/ quote]
      "Die for your country!" [/ quote]
      Yes, a real descendant of their wonderful ancestors --- CHIBCHA Indians!
      1. +3
        7 September 2017 14: 19
        CHIBCHA Indians
        they were dying. Ambrosius Ehinger, "cruel of cruel", in search of Eldorado did not even rivet the collars of those slave Indians who were exhausted, but immediately demolished them. His behavior caused mass suicides among the Chibchi.
        1. +2
          7 September 2017 16: 45
          Nikolai, I didn’t know anything about suicide. Apparently I have not read it yet. I am very sorry for the Indians for the hardships. It turned out that he chose more books about their ancient history and culture. I read their pooes now. The book of Magidovich has not yet begun.
          1. +1
            7 September 2017 16: 58
            link to Magidovich, digitized and with pictures, I threw off. I repeat:
            Look there for the chapter "Country of Welsers" and the search for Eldorado by the mercenaries of German bankers. "
            The only mistake about mass Native American suicides. Prior to this, the Indians were brought not by "cruel of cruel", but by Spaniard Juan Ampudia, "which, according to the chronicler, “performed the same actions as lightning and mercury: like mercury, he collected all the precious metals that he found in houses, and, like lightning, burned and burned houses and cultivated fields to ashes. He entered the upper reaches of Cauca and terrorized the Indians in such a way that mass suicides began among them. When Belalkasar followed (in 1536) Ampudia to the upper reaches of Cauca, the road there was littered with skeletons of suicides."(quote from Magidovich). By the way, Belalkasar himself is erected monuments in America.
  8. +1
    7 September 2017 15: 29
    I really want to make a mistake, but in my opinion we have a lot of prerequisites for trying some kind of "color revolution" or Maidan.
    The economic well-being of the population is not the best, the annual increase in tariffs is FUN, among our oligarchs there are those who wish to invest such muck, and most importantly: WEST RISING RUSSIA and the WILL PERSON DANGER.
    When we had the dashing nineties and the head of the Peppers variety, the last macaques took us. Suddenly, the SCARY thing happened: Russia resisted, centrifugal processes were stopped, Crimea became part of Russia, sanctions have the opposite effect, the economy is growing stronger (Crimean Bridge is a good example). Urgent fix.
    If now Papa Sue or some other revolutionary comrade will tell the West: give me weapons so that the oligarchs and the authorities will let the blood go. I assure you there will be no shortage of weapons and they don’t give a damn about their victims, they will forgive any terror if they would only throw Russia back in the nineties, and even better during the time of False Dmitry 1
    1. +4
      7 September 2017 16: 10
      Papa Sue, as a revolutionary laughing , even pseudo? laughing Good joke! According to ideology, he is a European social democrat, no more. He showed himself in 96 in all its glory! So what nonsense. I understand that you want to throw at least a spoonful of feces in the direction of the “reds”, but you’ve mistaken the address, it’s not even “pink”. And about the coup, you are right. He is possible. Only they will make it the same authorities. Even to me, who is very far from real politics, it is clear that a “color or velvet revolution” is possible where the power is completely rotten on the one hand, and there is no normal popular movement on the other. If the people have not realized their situation, if the revolutionary situation has not matured, then only a coup is possible. The difference will only be what color. The color probability of stormtrooper shirts is most likely right now.
      1. +2
        7 September 2017 18: 07
        Wait, doctor, third article. There will be about it, although less than we would like. But do not be afraid, nothing will happen! Big capital is good because it needs stability even more than ordinary people. And less (away) shots! Therefore, no matter how power is rotten, and where it does not rot today (the rottenness of power is a sign of the present era!), Capital holds it tightly in its hands. It will be necessary - pensioners will be added a pension, progressive patriotic youth will be called for demonstrations, “opponents” will be declared adherents of the West and ... who is against the big battalions? The time of classical revolutions has passed, since there is no social base. A change of power is possible, yes, including in the form of the Central Democratic Republic, but for Russia today it is irrelevant. The entire protest movement is allowed to make people afraid that it will be worse. When people are afraid ... the need for a Savior grows! We students (or rather masters) teach how to shape public opinion and manage it, which is even more. And after all, there are those who write textbooks to them and advise ... those who.
        You read S. Lemma’s novel "Eden" (if you haven’t read, of course). The appearance of the so-called anonymous dictatorship is ideally predicted there. We are now essentially standing at its threshold, or rather it has already stepped over. And having stepped over ... you won’t go back anymore. In addition, the year 2040 is soon and we will all enter the nanoer!
        1. +2
          7 September 2017 20: 33
          So it is, but you yourself know that in EVERY society there are dissatisfied, and there are always "well-wishers"
          1. +1
            8 September 2017 06: 40
            Important% dissatisfied with everything else and their influence! Today everything is decided by the flows of information and the ability to manage them.
  9. +2
    7 September 2017 18: 37
    About the "color revolutions"
    The central issue of this revolution is the conquest of state power. “The transfer of state power from the hands of one to the hands of another class,” emphasized V.I. Lenin, “is the first, main, basic sign of a revolution both in the strictly scientific and in the political sense of this concept” (PSS, T. 31, S. 133)
    But, for example, for the working class and the Communists expressing its interests, the conquest of power is only the starting point of revolutionary transformations. The most important and difficult thing for the victorious workers is, using state power, to realize their programmatic guidelines for the construction of socialism - communism.
    The main defendants and initiators of the “color revolutions” never advocate a radical change in capitalist property relations, the antagonistic nature of social class relations in society, the anti-people nature of the bourgeois state and its institutions, they are alien to social equality and justice.
    Therefore, the organizers of the so-called "color revolutions" emphasize symbolism - the purely external signs of struggling political and socio-economic forces. Symbolism relates more to technologies, forms and methods of deceiving workers.
    From the point of view of scientific socialism, “color revolutions” are a struggle for power within the ruling class. Their class nature is that there are large socio-economic groups of people who benefit from it. The masses are attracted only in order to ensure the transfer of power from the hands of some representatives of the ruling classes to other representatives of the same classes.
    Moreover, sometimes new figures striving for power are even more reactionary in their goals and attitudes. For example, in Ukraine, as a result of a revolution of guilt, power is held by terry nationalists, but an even more reactionary coup is possible with the right-wing wing coming to power and the establishment of a real fascist regime.
    It is obvious that coups limited to replacing individual political figures and even individual state institutions, when the government carries out "cosmetic repairs" of the ruling regime, which continues to pursue the same social class line, are used to deceive the exploited classes in order to reduce the intensity of popular protest. It is beneficial for the organizers to conceal that they are announcing an ordinary political coup by the “color revolution”.
    1. +2
      7 September 2017 19: 47
      Quote: Alexander Green
      for the working class and the Communists expressing its interests, the conquest of power is only the starting point of revolutionary transformations. The most important and difficult thing for the victorious workers is, using state power, to realize their programmatic guidelines for the construction of socialism - communism.

      One can completely agree with the fact that the conquest of power is only the starting point of revolutionary transformations. But about the software installations that you mentioned, all this raises doubts. The workers can in no way realize these very settings. That's how Lenin defined the ultimate goal of the Russian revolution .........the whole society will be one office, one factory, with equality of labor and pay ....., that is, it will be a huge prison.
      And here is how the ultimate goal of the revolution was determined by Marx, Engels ........revolution is necessary to get rid of all the manure of centuries, to re-establish society ....
      You can only guess what kind of society it is, but this requires the destruction of the old order (revolution) and the transformation of man. And if about the future society only guesses (or confidence), then everything is clear with the new person - we observe personally what modern man is, which turns into a mutant, and without them a new society cannot be built. Marx and Lenin understood this well, and why they hated the Church.
      1. +3
        8 September 2017 00: 06
        Quote: bober1982
        The working people in no way can realize these very settings. That's how Lenin determined the ultimate goal of the Russian revolution ......... the whole society will be one office, one factory, with equality of labor and pay ....., that is, it there will be a huge prison.
        And here is how the ultimate goal of the revolution was defined by Marx, Engels ........ revolution is necessary to get rid of all the dung of centuries, to re-establish society ....

        “What is the purpose of the communists?
        -Transform the society so that each member can completely freely develop and use all their abilities and forces, without encroaching on the main structure of this society ”
        (K.M. and F.E., SS, T.42, S.334)

        “In a socialist society, freedom and equality will not be deceiving the working people, will not be fragmented by petty separate economic management, the wealth accumulated by common labor will serve the mass of the people, and not oppress it, the domination of the workers will destroy all oppression of any nationality, religion or one gender by another "
        (V.I. Lenin, PSS, T.14, S 108)

        “The essential features and requirements of the basic economic law of socialism could be formulated in approximately the following way: ensuring maximum satisfaction of the constantly growing material and cultural needs of the whole society through the continuous growth and improvement of socialist production based on high technology”
        (I.V. Stalin. Economic problems of socialism in the USSR.- M .: Gospolitizdat, 1952.- S. 94-95)

        “Every public form of ownership has its own morality”
        (K.M, FE, T.17, S.569)
        1. +2
          8 September 2017 02: 44
          Unfortunately, few people ponder the last quote, but it is brilliant.
  10. +2
    7 September 2017 18: 55
    I quote the article: “And there is also the“ Pareto law ”, which generally“ prohibits ”any revolution, since even a victorious revolution changes the position of only 20% of the population, and the remaining 80% get only beautiful slogans and promises of a“ bright future ”.

    Is Pareto's law so strong that it can ban all revolutions?
    Rave. The author did not understand the essence of his beloved law, and therefore applies it where it is not falling.

    Dear, deal with him at last, read at least Wikipedia

    Pareto Law (Pareto principle, principle 20/80) - an empirical rule named after the economist and sociologist Wilfredo Pareto, in the most general form is formulated as “20% of the efforts give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of the efforts give only 20% of the result”.

    It is used to analyze the effectiveness of any activity and optimize its results.

    And compare how you are trying to apply.

    “.... since even a victorious revolution changes the position of only 20% of the population, while the remaining 80% gets only beautiful slogans and promises of a“ bright future ”

    Yes, and about the numbers you love about 20 by 80, Wikipedia also writes:

    “The figures given in the law cannot be considered unconditionally accurate: this is more likely just a mnemonic rule than real landmarks. The selection of numbers 20 and 80 is also a tribute to Pareto’s merits, revealing a specific structure of income distribution among Italian households, which was typical for the concentration of 80% of income in 20% of families ”.
    1. +1
      7 September 2017 20: 36
      Green, I read Wikipedia, and have been teaching this since 95. Everything is checked and checked repeatedly after the death of Pareto. The main idea is this: 80% of the property is always with 20% of the owners. No matter who they are,% is important. What is the use of arranging revolutions if this% does not change? There will be other people, yes, but the essence is always the same. 80% will not get much. The changes that the revolution will give them will fit into these very 20%. But you usually are critical of Wikipedia, and now, when it's beneficial for you, you refer to it, right? Ay-ah, double standards. Not good! However, much is permitted to those sentenced to death ...
      1. +3
        8 September 2017 00: 12
        Quote: kalibr
        But you are usually critical of Wikipedia, and now, when you are profitable, refer to it, right? Ay-ah, double standards. Not good!

        What does double standards have to do with it? Since you didn’t understand how to apply your favorite “law”, I advised you to “read at least Wikipedia. "As they say: keyword "at least"

        Quote: kalibr
        However, much is permitted to those sentenced to death ...

        Something early you bury me. We will still fight.
        1. +2
          8 September 2017 02: 39
          He meant the whole communist idea. Megalomania.)))
  11. +1
    7 September 2017 20: 09
    Quote: kalibr
    Yes, help was provided. At first the money went along the line of the Comintern with special couriers. After its dissolution in the funniest ways. For example, the Penza watch factory made mechanisms, bought cases in Switzerland, and sent this company to Greece, which sold watches, but belonged to the Communists. And then another arrow was proudly drawn on the map of trade relations. Naturally, this did not give any profit. This was a profit for the Greek commies. And the difference was covered from contributions of 18 million owls. the communists. I know only this example. But that's for sure!

    Sorry, but by 1990 there were 27 million members in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, (the "agitator notepad" 1989 cited this data)
    1. +2
      7 September 2017 20: 39
      I probably don’t remember exactly, sorry ...
  12. +1
    7 September 2017 20: 22
    Quote: avva2012
    Papa Sue, as a revolutionary laughing , even pseudo? laughing Good joke! According to ideology, he is a European social democrat, no more. He showed himself in 96 in all its glory! So what nonsense. I understand that you want to throw at least a spoonful of feces in the direction of the “reds”, but you’ve mistaken the address, it’s not even “pink”. And about the coup, you are right. He is possible. Only they will make it the same authorities. Even to me, who is very far from real politics, it is clear that a “color or velvet revolution” is possible where the power is completely rotten on the one hand, and there is no normal popular movement on the other. If the people have not realized their situation, if the revolutionary situation has not matured, then only a coup is possible. The difference will only be what color. The color probability of stormtrooper shirts is most likely right now.

    You are mistaken, I did not deal with feces and I am not going to. Zyu accidentally mentioned: now I do not know other leaders of the left and pseudo-party parties
    1. +1
      8 September 2017 02: 36
      In vain. The enemy must know in person smile The true left movement will always be in unremitting opposition to pseudo-patriotic right-wing ideas. And the fact that you threw, citing Zyuganov as an example, can not be called otherwise, as if you would not like to.
      1. +2
        8 September 2017 05: 56
        Yeah! Everything is clear: these ---- real communists, there is a real leftist movement, but maybe --- it means there is not a real one, there is someone who is not a communist, but approves of their ideas. There is Papa Sue, as described above, a European cd not even pink. But, who for some reason considers himself a communist, in any case calls. There are patriots and pseudo-patriots. Each of which considers a pseudo-patriot or even an enemy of the other at all.
        And thus, understanding the world of my parents is very difficult. BTW, it seems that understanding the world of the previous generation to parents may be easier. And those who are 10-15 years younger than me probably will not be able to understand those who are older ...
        At the end of the 90s there was a radio show that 70 years of atheism destroyed the Orthodox culture of Russia and that current believers are superficial and follow fashion. Then I was sick with a high fever and remembered everything.
        Well, now? In the same way, a socialist culture is destroyed, probably? After all, before there were some mandatory disciplines and ideology. And now there is none of this.
        1. +2
          8 September 2017 08: 13
          And thus, understanding the world of my parents is very difficult.

          The world of your parents is the world of your family. If you look at global processes (the macrocosm) from the side of only your “I” (microcosm), then you won’t understand anything (very often propagandists use this to achieve their goals, "my grandmother / grandfather said / l. ..). We, engaged in conventions and reasoning, not being professional politicians and ideologists, having touched this very ideology and politics, and therefore, nevertheless, should not go in particular.
          these ---- real communists, there is a real leftist movement, but maybe --- it means there is not a real one,

          There is. Nobody forbids to name a party as you want. In the abbreviation of the NSDAP, the word "socialist" is present, that they became socialists from this? It is possible to check whether certain citizens are those who have been designated, according to their deeds. You will find a lot of similarities between the Communist Party and the RCP (b)? When compare, then you do not need to ask a similar question, in my opinion.
          After all, before there were some mandatory disciplines and ideology. And now there is none of this.

          How not? Everything is there and smells great. The ideology of liberal bourgeois society, this is the ideology of the Russian Federation. There is a culture. Liberal and bourgeois. You watch movies, read modern books. What ideas are they trying to instill in you? That's right: this is the Law of the Coop:
          1. 0
            8 September 2017 14: 56
            You are still very controversial, doctor. This is probably why I am interested in talking to you. "Read modern books ..." Read my novel "Pareto Law." It will be interesting what you say. What our Dmitry will say ... I don’t give bad advice, all the more so to people so interesting from my point of view. O'Brien in "1984" with Winston Smith how much was messing around? And why? There was a reason ...
            1. +1
              8 September 2017 17: 12
              O'Brien in "1984" with Winston Smith how much was messing around? And why? There was a reason ...

              And what party representative are you in? Believe me, I don’t like this party. It is better to be a simple layman, weak, but human. I recall the story of Mark Twain about the second coming. Not literally, but something like this, "and we all, eventually ran to his sleeve ....".
              1. +1
                8 September 2017 21: 13
                You order and read the novel, then we'll talk ...
                1. +1
                  9 September 2017 07: 55
                  No, I don’t think the novel is worth the money.
          2. +1
            8 September 2017 15: 18
            There is something to think about, Alexagdr! But in the main, I do not agree with you, but this is because we are very familiar with you in absentia. Just the lives of the previous 3 generations, maybe 4, are inscribed in the history of the country, in the processes that took place, in what goes through history. I understand that these are parts of the whole, and not by itself. For example, when I meet with Sophia descriptions of the village, I understand that my relatives lived like that ....
            And about ideology, you probably need to repeat your thoughts more often, rather than plugging your ears and covering your eyes. As a doctor, you know that all parts of the body correspond to each other. A person cannot live if some organs are underdeveloped, others are hypertrophied, and there are no third ones at all.
            1. 0
              8 September 2017 17: 14
              A person cannot live if some organs are underdeveloped, others are hypertrophied, and there are no third ones at all.

              I agree. This is a chimera.
        2. +1
          8 September 2017 21: 38
          Quote: Reptiloid
          Everything is clear: these ---- real communists, there is a real leftist movement, but maybe --- it means there is not a real one, there is someone who is not a communist, but approves of their ideas. There is Papa Sue, as described above, a European cd not even pink.

          True communists are distinguished by the following features:
          "The Communists can express their theory in one position: the destruction of private property" (K. Marx, F. Engels. Manifesto of the Communist Party)
          "A Marxist (communist - A. Green) is only one who spreads recognition of the class struggle to the recognition of the dictatorship of the proletariat" (V.I. Lenin. State and revolution)
      2. 0
        8 September 2017 06: 23
        Doctor, what’s wrong with you? Even Lenin said and wrote that in the framework of the parliamentary talking room, the conquest of the majority by the opposition (proletarian) is impossible. And you yourself write what the communist Zyuganov turned into. And then about the "real left movement." But it can only gain power by force. Especially implacable. And the use of force today is declared terrorism with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, you have no choice - either go to the partisan detachment "Back to the USSR", blow up trains, kill officials, or ... go to rallies and buy slogans. There is no middle ground! That is, you can not go anywhere. But then you don’t have to tryndet about "intransigence!" For the irreconcilable, there is only one fate - the Black Dolphin and the lifelong one.
        1. +2
          8 September 2017 08: 28
          Zyuganov did not turn, he was. Because if he believed in what he was saying, he would not agree to the role of sewage. People voted for the Communist Party and vote because they believe in communist ideas, in a society of social justice, and he doesn’t live badly on this faith and consciously channels the energy of the masses. It works for those with whom it is “fighting” in words. Is he what he is called? Not. You can sell and betray the idea, but as a communist, then you will not, then, at least "hammer" your sickle and hammer on your head.
          1. 0
            8 September 2017 14: 50
            And here you are, doctor, well written, bravo! I also always stand for the truth!
        2. +1
          8 September 2017 21: 51
          Quote: kalibr
          And the use of force today is declared terrorism with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, you have no choice - either go to the partisan detachment "Back to the USSR", blow up trains, kill officials, or ... go to rallies and buy slogans.

          I hope you have not forgotten how the Communist Party related to individual terror? So no one will blow up trains. The Narodnaya Volya and Social Revolutionaries were engaged in this. Moreover, revolution is not terror. "Revolution - according to V.I. Lenin (PSS, T. 11, S.103) - a holiday of the oppressed and exploited ". A revolution is a rebellion, and the people always have the right to rebellion.
      3. +1
        8 September 2017 09: 48
        True left movement

        left-wing strife. It seems that geyparads, migrants, and other "tolerant" heresies in the west were dragged and fixed by just the "left." request I could be wrong.
        1. +1
          8 September 2017 17: 20
          So I about that, Nikolai, I don’t know about the one who invented the “parades”, but certainly not the “leftists” who introduced the Criminal Code, sodomy, as a crime.
          1. +1
            9 September 2017 01: 03
            that means our communists were smarter in this matter.
            Doctor, I want to thank you. how our, Russian, doctor (without turning to nationality and religion). I arrived from the hospital only after spending five hours there. The feeling that our doctors are heroes. Nevertheless, I will support Caliber about pigs. Today is Friday, Friday the hype, a lot of drunken bring. Here they are buzzing in the isolation ward near the emergency room, and the doctors know what they are doing. Why not hear enough, what kind of cries from the detention center, both male and female, are brought both drunk and stubborn - they yell, drum, the police arrived. The feeling that doctors are heroes, that they are forced to listen to the cries and ravings of these pigs that have already settled .. Cultural, damn it, the capital! angry
            1. +2
              9 September 2017 10: 00
              Nevertheless, I will support Caliber about pigs.

              Not worth it, Nikolai. People, there are people. Some sort of refined ubl-k who knows a couple of languages ​​and calmly discusses poetry of the Ming dynasty, which can be a lot more a pig than these people when they oversleep.
              1. +1
                9 September 2017 17: 19
                Quote: avva2012
                People, there are people. Some sort of refined ubl-k who knows a couple of languages ​​and calmly discusses poetry from the time of the Ming Dynasty, which can turn out to be a lot more pig than these people when they overslept.

                This is precisely noticed.
        2. +2
          8 September 2017 21: 55
          Quote: Mikado
          left-wing strife. It seems that geyparads, migrants, and other "tolerant" heresies in the west were dragged and fixed by just the "left." request may be wrong

          You are mistaken. The opposite is true. Just a "tolerant heresy", as you put it, is unable to conduct an independent struggle by itself, so it is trying to join any major movement, including the left.
          1. 0
            9 September 2017 00: 57
            including to the left

            it turns out that the left is naive that it is accepted to uphold the ideas of homosexuals and other perverts. request
            1. +1
              9 September 2017 17: 21
              Quote: Mikado
              it turns out that the left is naive that it is accepted to uphold the ideas of homosexuals and other perverts.

              And where did you get the idea that the left accepts them? These are liberals, for the sake of bourgeois "freedoms" their ideas are promoted.
              1. +1
                9 September 2017 20: 26
                take France. In the last election, Hollande won. He is from the socialist party. It is unlikely that there are parties to the left, although I am not aware of their policies.
                We give the word Wikipedia:
                In his clearly Social Democratic election program, François Hollande promised to help small and medium enterprises, support the development of high technologies, protect and develop those enterprises that are already publicly owned, raise taxes for wealthy Frenchmen, and build about 2 and a half million temporary, social and student residences, reform the healthcare system, allow euthanasia, allow same-sex couples to marry and adopt children, create 150 jobs, improve the education system, allow foreigners to vote in regional elections, begin a new phase of decentralization and withdraw French soldiers from Afghanistan.
                as you see, along with the social, clearly destructive moments for the state are moving forward. Homosexuals and migrants are unlikely to help in the development of France.
  13. 0
    7 September 2017 20: 42
    Quote: Alexander Green
    It is beneficial for the organizers to conceal that they are announcing an ordinary political coup by the “color revolution”.

    The article writes about this, why repeat it?
    1. +4
      8 September 2017 00: 30
      Quote: kalibr
      Quote: Alexander Green
      It is beneficial for the organizers to conceal that they are announcing an ordinary political coup by the “color revolution”.

      The article writes about this, why repeat it?

      This fact is veiled by you, and I wrote clearly.
      1. 0
        8 September 2017 02: 21
        Quote: Alexander Green
        Quote: kalibr
        Quote: Alexander Green
        It is beneficial for the organizers to conceal that they are announcing an ordinary political coup by the “color revolution”.

        The article writes about this, why repeat it?

        This fact is veiled by you, and I wrote clearly.

        And I wrote about this to the first part !!!!!! Although not in these words !!!! And later than all the comments! And he quoted Lenin! Although I have not read it and will not read it already.
      2. +1
        8 September 2017 06: 27
        Veiled? What is it like? It is written: "Therefore, we note the main thing -" color revolutions "- this is such a technology of a coup d'etat ..," Where is it clearer? Do not try to be holier than the pope!
        1. +2
          8 September 2017 23: 48
          Quote: kalibr
          Veiled? What is it like? It is written: "Therefore, we note the main thing -" color revolutions "- this is such a technology of a coup d'etat ..," Where is it clearer? Do not try to be holier than the pope!

          Firstly, the pope and I have different ideologies, and secondly, why didn’t you like my thesis?
          "It’s advantageous for the organizers to hide that they are declaring an ordinary political coup by the“ color revolution "I emphasized that this is beneficial for the organizers, I expose them, and your thesis simply states the fact. That is the difference.
          1. +3
            9 September 2017 00: 14
            Quote: Alexander Green
            It’s advantageous for the organizers to hide that they are announcing an “ordinary political revolution” with the “color revolution”, with which I emphasized that it’s beneficial for the organizers,

            Dear Comrade! hi
            Many of our colleagues do not quite understand the difference between a revolution and a coup, so you have to chew about changing formations, otherwise they don’t “catch up.” Thank you, I shake my hand! soldier
  14. +2
    7 September 2017 20: 49
    Quote: Reptiloid
    Probably, such anger appeared here in the USSR, the Russian Federation.!

    Of course, Dmitry, but how could it be otherwise? The same how many people were fed from this, what was the “dust” and suddenly it was all over. Fight for the masses yourself, buy your own votes, yourself, yourself ... but where are the pennies? This is where the party of commies fell like ripe nuts from a tree! There are no "fertilizers" and what for all Marxism-Leninism in their roots!
  15. +2
    7 September 2017 21: 16
    Quote: Reptiloid
    Thanks for the answer, Vyacheslav, but ..... If that were the case ----- to the Communists. But nothing is confirmed, but I think, for some reason, that everything was appropriated by someone one or two. And then, when the USSR was destroyed ---- no subsidies died! Probably, such anger appeared here in the USSR, the Russian Federation.!

    Of course it is. Where now: Communist parties of Great Britain, USA or Finland
    By the way, the question is: where, besides the Russian Federation, does Moldova seem to have communists? I remember there were the Communist Parties of Italy (Berlinguer) of Spain, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, and now it seems that there is still a little bit left in France?
    1. 0
      8 September 2017 02: 33
      My words on this subject --- not on the basis of printed sources, but personal memories and stories of an elderly personal pensioner, a freed party employee. I well remember her insult "" After all, how we all lived then ---- refrigerator ---- luxury! !!! And the proletariat of the United States and England? Why did they help them? Until the collapse of the union! "" There were also stories of a former functionary, already the same age as my parents on this topic
      1. 0
        8 September 2017 06: 15
        "There were also stories of a former functionary, already the same age as my parents on this subject"
        And you, Dmitri, reproached me when I wrote about bad dental treatment with a scoop ... So your woman can complain about ... a refrigerator is possible, but I can’t brush my teeth?
        1. +1
          8 September 2017 10: 28
          And you, Vyacheslav, know perfectly well that we are talking about my, now deceased grandmother, her kingdom of heaven. The last 2 years before death, we talked a lot and she remembered a lot of things. Namely, conferences in the organization, topics ..... misconduct of party workers, meetings .... Almost until her death, she and other employees talked, celebrated holidays, discussed things that could not be discussed earlier. But .... exclusively between each other, and not on the pages of the HE. The level of medical care depends not on the political system and the liberal model of the economy, but on the development of science and technology. And all you had to do was wait about 40 years before the corresponding development of medicine and technology. For example, I read somewhere that all people began to measure blood pressure in the USSR only in the 50s. And the method has been known since 18 century. And, reading the works of classics from different countries and even Chekhov and Bulgakov ---- I did not meet about this. Why? This is in no way connected with the system and the Communists, but exclusively with technology. It is also about teeth. I already forgot, and you remember everything! Now, following the established routine, you should remember about the bad smells !!!!!! Why compare yourself with an old woman, you are not going to die.
          It’s just a matter of the fact that it was not possible to get RI or the USSR benefit from programs.
          1. 0
            8 September 2017 14: 48
            Clear. The refrigerator is a refrigerator, and the teeth are so-so. But you are wrong. Just medicine is very dependent on the system. Why didn’t we use Voll diagnostics? That's why ... and there are many examples. Where people have a profit from the introduction of the most modern, they introduce it. And where, on the orders of the party organizer ... oh, well, I'm teaching you the alphabet. It would be all OK, the Union would stand like a wall. And do not write to me about the spies who have collapsed. I have a good opinion of you, do not spoil it with the fabrications of all sraintsy.
            1. +1
              8 September 2017 17: 31
              Why didn’t we use Voll diagnostics?

              belayholy, holy, holy, chur me! Vyacheslav Olegovich, want to live a long time, do not succumb to provocations. There are excellent diagnostic techniques, but This is from the category of "flying by photographs", that's just science-like. Alas, smart people are not always people.
              1. 0
                8 September 2017 21: 08
                I can say that oxyhemoindexing works very well. Here's the usual medicine for me, my wife, my daughter, my granddaughter ... it works poorly. Or say so - not always good. And here ... almost always, although with someone it is better with someone worse. Individually. Of course you can always say - auto-suggestion. But what suggestion can a cat have, for example?
                1. 0
                  11 September 2017 05: 00
                  I can say that oxyhemoindexing works very well.

                  "For each sage, quite simplicity," Vyacheslav Olegovich
            2. +1
              8 September 2017 18: 51
              Quote: kalibr
              Clear. The refrigerator is a refrigerator, and the teeth are so-so. But you are wrong. Just medicine is very dependent on the system. Why didn’t we use Voll diagnostics? Here .......................... all sraintsev.

              Sorry, Vyacheslav Olegovich, I do not understand! I don’t know anything about Voll, nor about the Sraines! I’m not reading all your articles! Not even all those that I plan! Sometimes it just does not add up.
              1. +1
                8 September 2017 21: 03
                Sraintsy is ... residents of a neighboring country, where everything is not all right and where a certain Green writes from here to us. And Voll diagnostics ... it's a long story to tell. Look on the internet.
                1. +1
                  8 September 2017 22: 25
                  Yes, of course, I would be glad if Alexander Green lived in Moscow or Petersburg! Or in Yekaterinburg. He would probably become a deputy.
                  1. +2
                    8 September 2017 23: 59
                    Quote: Reptiloid
                    Yes, of course, I would be glad if Alexander Green lived in Moscow or Petersburg! Or in Yekaterinburg. He would probably become a deputy.

                    Thank you, but, firstly, I would prefer to live in the Soviet Union, and secondly, as a deputy, if I wanted to, I would also become where I live now. But this is a dead end, we go the "other way"
      2. +2
        8 September 2017 22: 15
        Quote: Reptiloid
        I well remember her resentment "" After all, how did we all live then ---- refrigerator ---- luxury !!!! And the proletariat of the United States and England? Why did they help them? Until the collapse of the union! ""

        I don’t want to offend your grandmother, but I’ll say frankly that she wasn’t a communist, she had a petty-bourgeois consciousness. She could not rise above the petty-bourgeois prejudices of materialism in order to understand the objective reasons for the difference in life between us and the USA. In addition, you exaggerate about refrigerators - by the end of the 60s, refrigerators were in almost every family.
        Yes, and about the teeth. I was made a “Soviet” seal in 1978, it lasted more than 20 years. In 2000 they made me “capitalist” (from foreign material) - six months later it fell out.
        1. +1
          8 September 2017 22: 31
          Beggar and barefoot should be a true communist, like Pavka Korchagin to walk in boots with holey noses, but burn with the fire of desire ... to live well in the da-a-Alek future. And today I needed a Bosch refrigerator, and yet I bought it, without a queue, without a record. And the seals I hold as they should. Probably, true capitalist seals are contraindicated. They need lead!
          1. +1
            9 September 2017 17: 28
            Quote: kalibr
            And today I needed a Bosch refrigerator, and yet I bought it, without a queue, without a record.

            That's why people like you don’t sing songs, but they will always remember about Pavka Korchagin.
            1. 0
              10 September 2017 07: 38
              But I don’t need songs. I need a refrigerator. The hungry belly to singing is deaf!
              1. 0
                10 September 2017 13: 52
                Quote: kalibr
                I need a refrigerator. The hungry belly to singing is deaf!

                Well what to say? - Common man. The working people had another proverb "Well-fed belly to learning deafly"
                But I’m talking about something else, but I still remembered the song about the layman "Silly penguin timidly hides a fat body in the cliffs."
                1. 0
                  11 September 2017 12: 26
                  Am I hiding? You are hiding behind a nickname and are afraid to introduce yourself, but everyone here knows me. It’s not enough here - go to the department’s website, it says even more. I’m not hiding behind nicknames and I want to write, then I write! And working people ... look at the statistics on the same Wikipedia you love. The number of those who from his midst raises the level of education has been falling since 2002. It grows - among those who ... are not from labor. Although who would study, right? Again, "would" interfere?
                  1. 0
                    11 September 2017 21: 12
                    Quote: kalibr
                    You are hiding behind a nickname and are afraid to introduce yourself, but everyone here knows me.

                    The time will come and we will face off who has the “Maza" stronger, but for now I can’t. We still have in prison those who hid in the House of Trade Unions, and not those who burned and killed them.
                    Quote: kalibr
                    And the working people ... look at the statistics .... The number of those who from their midst raises the level of education has been falling since 2002. It grows - among those who ... are not from labor.

                    Everything is natural, capitalism. The powers that be did everything possible to exclude ordinary people from education.
        2. 0
          9 September 2017 07: 27
          ALEXANDER GREEN !!! As for my grandmother, she was a communist, her whole life says that you don’t know about that, and grandfather also, who taught and knew everything, ---- they gave their turn to the apartment to the family of the deceased, themselves, nobody did not ask. So you can’t talk like you. Refrigerators, as you wrote, by the end of the 60s, but it's about early. And then, you tell me why they sent money to the Communists of the United States and England until the collapse of the USSR .. Indeed, unlike the Communists, far from their African countries, they did not want to build socialism? And they lived richer than in the USSR? Well, and after all, the Communists of Italy, France, and all others? Then it turns out that RI and the USSR never had real allies. But only paid ...... And why didn’t anyone understand this?
          1. +1
            9 September 2017 11: 15
            ALEXANDER GREEN! The point is not in the refrigerator, but in why they gave money to those countries where they lived better? What did you get in return for this money? What? I just never was against helping Africans or Latinos, because of this they shared our ideas, they lived poorer than us.
            And about the teeth ----- a long conversation with Vyacheslav Olegovich about the level of medicine, and not about special cases.
            1. 0
              9 September 2017 18: 17
              Quote: Reptiloid
              The point is not in the refrigerator, but in why they gave money to those countries where they lived better?

              Dear, this is all talk, bring at least one document of gratuitous assistance to other countries where we lived better.
          2. 0
            9 September 2017 12: 26
            Here, Dmitry, finally! You see what seditious thoughts lead you to reflect on the words of the old grandmother. And nobody bought you, did they? The State Department did not send money? And my grandfather was a communist order-bearer, and a father-adoptive colonel of the GRU, and ... I myself worked in the archives with ... affairs. And he was also thinking as we did ... and came up with the idea that our "socialism" stayed abroad on money and on bayonets. And as neither one nor the other died, everything collapsed overnight. And they paid the Communists to the States ... they probably wanted them to do as they did with us, but they didn’t succeed; the peasants didn’t have enough diplomas from yesterday.
            1. 0
              9 September 2017 12: 53
              You see, Vyacheslav, I do not always reflect on her words and do not always remember them. BUT in this case, not only she did not understand this, but also other employees with whom she talked, and there the posts were cooler than hers.
              And the question of help and not gratitude in relation to the USSR, RI ---- it is always. Therefore, I was very pleased with the article here on the site about how small and not rich countries supported the USSR during the Second World War.

              And if on bayonets -----, in my opinion, this is a normal phenomenon.
            2. 0
              9 September 2017 18: 10
              Quote: kalibr
              And they paid the Communists to the States ... they probably wanted them to do as they did with us, but they didn’t succeed; the peasants didn’t have enough diplomas from yesterday.

              Well, primitive. It’s good that you no longer teach the history of the CPSU.
              1. 0
                11 September 2017 12: 27
                Even better, you don’t have to teach her anymore!
                1. 0
                  11 September 2017 21: 17
                  Quote: kalibr
                  Even better, you don’t have to teach her anymore!

                  The hopes of the youths nourish. But they are not destined to come true. The new generation of workers wants to figure it all out and is very much interested in the history of the Bolshevik party.
          3. 0
            9 September 2017 18: 07
            Quote: Reptiloid
            As for my grandmother, she was a communist, her whole life says that you don’t know about that, and grandfather also, who taught and knew everything, ---- they ceded their turn to the apartment to the family of the deceased, themselves, nobody and did not ask.

            Yes, this is a good deed, but this does not mean that she was a communist.
            Sorry dear, but, firstly, if your grandmother was a real communist, then she should have understood why in the USSR at that time (you rejected the 60s, then it was the 40s and 50s) it was hard. War, devastation, restoration of the national economy. Not a single bomb fell on the United States.
            Secondly, if they assisted the American Communists, they did not provide it from the state budget, but from the party money that the party earned itself. And these are party contributions, publishing and educational activities.
            Thirdly, it was the international duty of the Communists. The American, Canadian communists, communists of other countries, at the time when the intervention on Soviet Russia began, they opposed participation in the intervention of their states, putting forward the slogan "Hands off Russia", helped financially, and when the famine began in the Volga region, the communists of all countries initiated material assistance to the Soviet state in the fight against hunger, even took children for free treatment.
            1. 0
              9 September 2017 20: 01
              Alexndr, I strongly disagree with you and I have something to object to. However, I will not do this, since my grandmother did not like any disputes and in memory of her I will not argue with you
  16. 0
    8 September 2017 06: 37
    Quote: Alexander Green
    “In a socialist society, freedom and equality will not be deceiving the working people, will not be fragmented by petty separate economic management, the wealth accumulated by common labor will serve the mass of the people, and not oppress it, the domination of the workers will destroy all oppression of any nationality, religion or one gender by another "

    Empty chatter. A chatter in which no one from normal people believed and does not believe! The blind is not equal to the sighted, strong to the weak, the victim of a drunken conception is a normal child. A child from a family of cattle from the village of Mukhoka is not equal to a child from a family of candidates of sciences, the son of a thief is more likely to become a thief than a professor, just like his daughter .... The Chernobyl victim will not be Einstein, and the child from Sterlitamak will suffer from respiratory diseases and allergies all his life. Kirkorov’s children are more likely to succeed than Vasya Kuzin, a singer in the Dandelion restaurant, and so on at every turn. And everyone knows that! Exceptions? Maybe there's. But life does not consist of exceptions, but of rules!
    1. +2
      8 September 2017 09: 59
      A child from a family of cattle from the village of Mukhoka is not equal to a child from a family of candidates of sciences, the son of a thief is more likely to become a thief than a professor, just like a daughter ...

      as far as I understand, here, probably, the statistical component also works? Although 20% will be different. Mikhailo Lomonosov has appeared! Magomed Gadzhiev was from the family of a Dargin peasant. That is, people who are talented and enthusiastic (especially if you help them a little at the right time) will find their way.
      And about the children. Look at the children of the "elite" who are now being pushed into all the bread places. Will they be an elite? Or will it be a bunch of thieving loafers? True, it was the same with the kings - since childhood, they were enrolled in the guards regiment to “appear”, you see - at age 20 he was already “general”! fellow
      I agree, probably .... Although I want to hope for the best .. "People do not change, it's just a housing problem spoiled them" (Woland).
      1. +3
        8 September 2017 18: 35
        And about the children. Look at the children of the "elite" who are now being pushed into all the bread places. Will they be an elite? Or that there will be a bunch of thieving loafers?

        S.V. Saveliev, believes that they will. I also. Not everyone will be like that, but brain subfields are not inherited, which means anyone can be born. Lottery. laughing
        1. +2
          8 September 2017 22: 37
          Doctor, you’re an expert, in theory. I also say in lectures that culture is not inherited. But here is an example. I know a girl who saw her father 5 times in her life. But ... it copies his manner of eating, holding a fork ... washing his hands constantly, although he did not see how he eats and how often he washes his hands. Father is a master of sports in skating. The girl at five was put on skates and ... she pushed off and went. And how I went! How can this be? So maybe something is being transmitted, eh? And if a person grew up in a pigsty or was conceived by two cattlemen in the hayloft - is this one, and if on a kapok mattress and two candidates of science - is it the other? I’m not a biologist, somehow I’m not good at it, but there are examples when something is transmitted!
          1. +1
            9 September 2017 10: 25
            Doctor, you’re an expert, in theory.

            Yes, and not by idea, but at least familiar with the anatomy and physiology of the brain not on the Internet. What you write is beyond comprehension, not even from morality, but from scientific ideas. The variability of the brain, the ability of a person to intellectual activity is in no way connected with the person from whom he was conceived. Believe me, if you, personally, in life circumstances would have been forced to work as a Kyle on 12 hours a day, such nonsense would not have occurred to you. All of your reasoning is that your brain is not looking for ways to survive. That produces a "white noise".
            1. +1
              9 September 2017 12: 15
              Doctor! Knock knock, is there anyone at home? I ask you about the girl, where did she get this and how to explain it? I don’t need to give a lecture to read that intellectual activity is not connected, I’ve seen about this in Raj Kapoor’s film “Tramp”. Children speak languages ​​unknown to their parents. There is even a name for this phenomenon. It is transmitted to them - left-handedness / right-handedness, abilities of parents ... And not just abilities. Separate cultural skills! I wrote above about the plug, washing hands and skates ... That's what I ask you to enlighten me about. By the way, my brain is preoccupied with finding ways not only to survive, but homeless people know how to live very well, which is much more difficult!
              1. +1
                9 September 2017 12: 59
                I don’t need to give a lecture to read that intellectual activity is not connected, I’ve seen about this in Raj Kapoor’s film “Tramp”.

                I don’t give you lectures. I say that I know that a little more than a person has no relation to medicine and biology and believes that Indian cinema can be referenced. Forks, skates, this is particular ("if a person grew up in a pigsty or was conceived by two cattlemen in the hayloft - this is one, but if on a kapok mattress and two candidates of science - the other?", Although this point is more interesting, isn’t it? wink laughing), you can not pay attention to them. You have repeatedly voiced your idea of ​​the inferiority of the working people, and it is not new. Bourgeois morality, in general, is prone to racist, eugenic and, as a result of all these pseudoscientific ideas, fascist views. Fortunately, nature every time proves on the ideologues themselves the falsity of their conclusions. The thoroughbred belly, suddenly remains empty or gives nasty-smelling fruits. Knock Knock.
                1. +1
                  9 September 2017 16: 08
                  The third time!!! I'm interested in PRIVACY. Where does this girl who has never seen how her father does it come from? How do children speak languages ​​that they have never learned? This is a scientifically proven fact. And yes - the thoroughbred womb often gives ... otherwise the higher ones would not decompose and the average ones would not replace them. YES! But ... you stubbornly do not answer exactly my very specific question. Particular is your answer? How easily you dismiss what you do not know or cannot explain. You can not do it this way. This is not enough for me! And you can refer to Indian cinema ... "Tramp" look first. Although this is also a particular. But I'm asking about a girl ... GIRL ???
                  "You have voiced your idea of ​​the inferiority of the working people more than once or twice, and it is not new." And ... who told you this, that I think so? Absolutely for the “doctors”: I believe that people from the lower social environment are less likely to have their children go upstairs. Less! But they are. And they just join the ranks of the middle. And the girls with big boobs and cute muzzle - and the highest! Inferiority in those who flood! But what are all working drunkards? I already wrote to you that you somehow pervertly understand what I am writing quite specifically. If from a lack of mind, then sadly at your work. If on purpose, then this is stupid, considering who you are and who I am, you will not spoil my mood. In the words of Aramis to the Iron Mask - "You have bodies, I have souls!"
                  1. +1
                    9 September 2017 16: 51
                    And if the boy does something, how early did the dead grandfather? Whom he did not see? I also read that if a woman drinks a husband, the daughter of this woman will also choose a drinker ??????
                    1. 0
                      9 September 2017 18: 45
                      Dmitry, you only read (and I don’t know whether it is or not), and I know this girl very well and her father, I’m very interested to find out WHERE THIS. But, doctor, you see, instead of answering, he reproaches me with the fact that I do not like working people. And I ... I do not like! I am sure of bad workers and bad candidates of science that the “bad” always make the bad ones, because from the pedagogical course of the school I remember that a child under 5 learns more about life than for the rest of his life + heredity! Bad doctors, by the way, too.
                      1. +1
                        9 September 2017 19: 55
                        Vyacheslav Olegovich! I think so that if Alexander writes that he is not inherited, then it means that it is, is not inherited, is not transmitted. SIMPLY, the answer to your question is not in the medical field, but in a completely different one. If you are interested, then I will prepare a list of references, not a big one.
                  2. 0
                    11 September 2017 05: 12
                    If from a lack of mind, then sadly at your work.

                    Vyacheslav Olegovich, change the subject. I don’t react to such taunts, so do not try.
                    And ... who told you this, that I think so?

                    In the user’s profile, there is such a section as “All comments”, click it and re-read your own thoughts, both at the expense of pensioners and at the expense of workers.
    2. +3
      8 September 2017 22: 26
      Quote: kalibr
      Exceptions? Maybe there's. But life does not consist of exceptions, but of rules!

      Only exceptions now raise this, they are all, and the rest even schools are closed. But under socialism they teach everyone the same way, and therefore everyone has equal opportunities and equal rights. And this was not just a rule, but a law. And you say that this is chatter. It’s just that you’re afraid that the children of the cooks will squeeze your docent offspring.
      1. +1
        9 September 2017 12: 09
        You are completely dumb, as I see it. I explain for the second time. In children of a drunken conception, do not give how many equal rights they have; their minds will not increase. The son of a thief and a whore is more likely to become a thief than the son of a professor. I am also for equal rights for everyone, but ... a priori, a blind person cannot be a painter, and a child with a birth-related neck injury can play basketball. People are unequal initially, both socially and biologically. Now throughout Russia they are looking for talented children, including children of cooks, support them if they are worth something. But stupid children, stupid cooks, let them dig the earth in black work. And nobody needs stupid docent daughters, and I am the first. And life, by the way, sooner or later puts everyone in their places!
  17. 0
    8 September 2017 13: 10
    In this case, it is difficult to disagree with the author of the article. But ... "It is a pity that it was not possible to listen to the head of the transport department ..." Well, I hope that models and technologies will still be in the third part. smile

    Ps: although maybe I'm waiting for something wrong? Please tell Vyacheslav, how do you interpret the concepts of “social model” and “technology of revolution”?
    1. +1
      8 September 2017 14: 41
      The social model is interpreted everywhere in the same way. Basis + superstructure (economy + culture). Technology revolution - a set of actions that allow people who organize it to succeed. At the same time, we take the causes and effects beyond the scope.
      1. +3
        8 September 2017 23: 34
        Quote: kalibr
        The social model is interpreted everywhere in the same way. Basis + superstructure (economy + culture).

        Why do you explain the basis and the superstructure so primitively?
        Basis is not only the economic structure of society, it is also set of industrial relations. The basis includes relations of ownership of the means of production, economic relations between people regarding the production and distribution of labor products.
        Superstructure - political, legal, moral, aesthetic, philosophical, religious views and their respective institutions.
        1. 0
          9 September 2017 11: 59
          Quote: Alexander Green
          economic structure of society

          It includes the totality of production relations. This is a more general concept. And culture - the basis is everything that distinguishes a person from an animal. These are the basics. You can paint each in detail ad infinitum. I don’t see the point of complicating the comments.
      2. 0
        9 September 2017 00: 24
        Thanks, okay. It may still be more appropriate to consider technology not just as a set, but also as a sequence of actions. For example, in the same D. Sharpe in “198 Methods of Non-Violent Overthrow of Power” actions (methods) are described, but these are tools. And the tool is not technology yet. winked
        1. 0
          9 September 2017 12: 00
          The sequence of actions is similar to their set.
          1. +1
            9 September 2017 18: 38
            I really liked the miniature of parodists Kartsev and Ilchenko about a dumb assistant professor ... and here is the confirmation.
            Quote: kalibr
            The sequence of actions is similar to their set.

            Actually, a sequence of actions is an “algorithm”, and a set of actions is a “multitude”, and they are absolutely not the same. Take a look at the Kondakov Logical Directory.
            1. 0
              9 September 2017 18: 54
              That is, the sequence is not the same as the set? So? But what about this: 1,3,7, 12, 8, 10 is a set of numbers. But this is the sequence: 1,3,7, 8, 10, 12, that is, the same numbers arranged in order. You can replace the numbers with the words "tools to overthrow the government." What will change? So a set of actions is the same algorithm. Only in other words.
              Or so: Algorithm - a set of instructions describing the order of actions of the performer to achieve some result. In the old interpretation, the word “sequence” was used instead of the word “order” ...
              1. +2
                9 September 2017 20: 47
                Quote: kalibr
                That is, the sequence is not the same as the set? So? But what about this: 1,3,7, 12, 8, 10 is a set of numbers. But this is the sequence: 1,3,7, 8, 10, 12, that is, the same numbers arranged in order.

                What you presented is all simple sets of numbers. There are many ordered and not ordered. And they have nothing to do with the sequence of actions. The sequence of actions - the algorithm - is formalized in the form of a graph diagram of algorithms or in the form of a logical diagram of algorithms.
                1. 0
                  9 September 2017 22: 10
                  Actually, why the first question was asked: unfortunately in modern science (and especially in its humanitarian branches) there is practically no generally accepted terminology shared by all. That is why in order to avoid unnecessary disputes and increase the constructiveness of critics, they usually look at how the author defines the concepts used, what goals he sets, and then discuss whether the author has achieved the goal of the article and whether there are any logical contradictions in the presentation .

                  It is clear that incidentally it is appropriate to find out if there are other, more accurate interpretations that make it easier to cope with the task. wink
                  In my opinion, from a practical point of view, it is more useful to consider the model as a structure of elements, relations between them, as well as a combination of factors that determine the target state of a social system. Technology, respectively, that sequence of actions (well, or algorithm) that allows this state to be achieved. But ... the author has every right to use the filling of concepts with meaning that he considers appropriate. Well, well, we read about technology, remembering that the author is a “set”. Yes
                  1. 0
                    9 September 2017 22: 38
                    Well, and probably you shouldn’t put an equal sign between “technology” and “tool”. Still, technology is more a way of using a tool: for example, let's take blacksmithing: a tool is a hammer, but forging technology is already the features of its use (for cold or hot metal, surface or not, etc.).
                  2. +2
                    10 September 2017 00: 36
                    Quote: BMP-2
                    But ... the author has every right to use the filling of concepts with meaning that he considers appropriate.

                    No, it has no right. If the author wants to be understood, he must use the concepts and definitions that are defined by special standards.
                    1. 0
                      10 September 2017 03: 11
                      Unfortunately, only physicists could agree to such standards by adopting the International SI System. In other sciences - confusion and vacillation. request
                      1. +1
                        10 September 2017 14: 00
                        Quote: BMP-2
                        Unfortunately, only physicists could agree to such standards by adopting the International SI System. In other sciences - confusion and reeling

                        There are standards for terms in all areas of science and technology, and which terms are not yet included in the standards, they can be found in various explanatory dictionaries and reference books.
  18. +1
    8 September 2017 14: 42
    Quote: Mikado
    Although 20% will be different.

    Of course! 20% conditional concept. These are 30 and 25,21,19,17 ...
  19. +1
    8 September 2017 21: 11
    Quote: avva2012
    Believe me, I don’t like this party.

    I really didn’t think that someone might not like the “party of smart people”.
    1. 0
      9 September 2017 09: 13
      Somehow you can’t see about the party, what is it like? Again I recall yours, Vyacheslav, an article about an armored train and a flag that the Russian Federation now has. ALMOST a year ago. So who are you kidding then? Over the party, the flag? Or by whom else?
      I really liked the article itself by describing the situation of that time! But with the party, how? Is she some kind of alien?
    2. +3
      9 September 2017 10: 32
      The NSDAP, the same consisted of "smart people" and a variety of maniacs are smart and resourceful. A mind without conscience is a terrible tool. Pol Pot, Josef Mengele, George Soros, Anatoly Chubais, and many, many like them, will not let you lie.
  20. +1
    8 September 2017 22: 39
    Quote: Reptiloid
    He would probably become a deputy.

    God save us from fools!
    1. +3
      9 September 2017 01: 24
      current, unfortunately, is not better, Vyacheslav Olegovich. The feeling that as soon as a person occupies this position, he changes for the worse. I have already stopped believing in something. It remains to do their own business and communicate with those who are pleasant to you.
  21. +1
    9 September 2017 16: 22
    Quote: Mikado
    It remains to do their own business and communicate with those who are pleasant to you.

    I fully support!
    1. +1
      9 September 2017 21: 12
      We continue the game without further ado .. In a relatively hopeless situation, this remains. Take care of yourself, take care of your family and your health.
      This is a brilliant line written by Arthur Mikheev (Golden Eagle) from the group "Aria" in the order of the forgotten song "Your Day". In vain. The song is an example of classic rock! (not some Makarevich there, who forgot a lot to say) When nostalgia captures me in my service, for some reason I listen to her. And what did I get there? What did you get? Yes, not a damn thing. What’s called, he left on time ... And now, those to whom I used to go to bow, go to bow to me. I discovered a new one in myself. Although served honestly. soldier Everything new is interesting! Therefore, the topic of creativity and interests.
      I forgot to add: still live honestly and be in harmony with yourself.
  22. +1
    10 September 2017 07: 25
    Quote: Alexander Green
    Or so: Algorithm - a set of instructions describing the order of actions of the performer to achieve some result. In the old interpretation, the word “sequence” was used instead of the word “order” ...

    I’ll write the second time ... If the first is not enough ...
    1. +1
      10 September 2017 14: 32
      Quote: kalibr
      Or so: Algorithm - a set of instructions describing the order of actions of the performer to achieve some result. In the old interpretation, the word “sequence” was used instead of the word “order” ...

      I’ll write the second time ... If the first is not enough ...

      Write as much as you want, just write correctly.
      Many - there is a collection (set, set) of objects called elements of the set.
      Algorim - a well-defined action rule (program) for which an indication is given of how and in what sequence this rule must be applied to the source data of the task in order to obtain its solution.
      Encyclopedia of Cybernetics. T.1, T.2

      Feel the difference.
      Many can be set, for example, by a set of all numbers, or only even or odd, as you have quoted. as well as a set of actions without indicating their sequence.
      А algorithm - this is a given rigid or flexible sequence of how to apply the existing set of actions.
  23. +1
    10 September 2017 07: 30
    Dmitry, I also say in lectures on cultural studies that it is not inherited. Thanks for the offer of help. But I have no time to read books not in my specialty. Still, I work at the university, I’ll go to the Department of Biology and ask there ...
  24. +1
    10 September 2017 07: 34
    Quote: Alexander Green
    and when the famine began in the Volga region, the Communists of all countries initiated material assistance to the Soviet state in the fight against hunger,

    And I thought it was Nansen ...
    1. +1
      10 September 2017 14: 01
      Quote: kalibr
      And I thought it was Nansen ...

      And Nansen too.
      1. +1
        10 September 2017 15: 52
        That is, first commie, and then Nansen? It will be necessary to see what Truth wrote about this. And the "Truth of Labor" in Penza. I read, but for a long time. Interesting material will turn out. Since I haven’t seen anything about help from commies. Perhaps I did not pay attention. I’ll write a meeting. I will not meet, I will also write ... And I will give a photo of newspaper materials.
        1. +2
          10 September 2017 21: 42
          Quote: kalibr
          That is, first commie, and then Nansen?

          The first help to the starving Volga region in 1921 began to provide International Working Committee to Help the Starving Russia. is he was formed on August 12, 1921 in Berlin and consisted of members of the socialist and communist parties and associations of Europe and America. Created on the initiative of the Executive Committee of the Comintern, the chairman was Klara Zetkin, and the secretary was the leader of the youth revolutionary movement V. Muntsberg.
          Nansen is only from September 1, 1921 took the post of High Commissioner for the League for Refugees, after which he addressed the problem of hunger. But the League refused to take part in helping the starving and Nansen had to attract private organizations to help, and his efforts had a rather modest result.
          Having been in Russia, Nansen indignantly spoke at the League session on September 30, 1921:
          “The situation is this: in Canada today there is such a good crop that it could produce three times as much grain as is necessary to prevent a terrible famine in Russia. In the US, wheat rots from farmers who cannot find buyers for surplus grain. So much corn has accumulated in Argentina that there is nowhere to put it and steam locomotives are already starting to heat it ....
          Can Europe really sit still, doing nothing to bring here the food that is needed to save people on this side of the ocean? I do not believe this. I am convinced that the peoples of Europe will force their governments to make a proper decision ... "
  25. 0
    11 September 2017 05: 07
    SIMPLY, the answer to your question is not in the medical field, but in a completely different one. If you are interested, then I will prepare a list of references, not a big one.

    Dmitry, in my opinion, an exhaustive answer! good Especially at the expense of the list of references laughing

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"