“We will stand to the last, we will lay down our bones, but we will not give up our positions”

Storm Shipki

Ottoman commander Suleiman Pasha, well aware of the significance of the Shipka Pass, called him “the heart of the Balkans” and “the key to the door of Bulgaria”. 8 (20) August 1877 of the military council adopted a plan for the assault of Shipka: showing part of the forces an attack on the Shipka position from the south, with the main forces attacking from the east. Suleiman Pasha set the task: “To seize the pass no later than in a day. Let half of our army perish at the same time - all the same. On the other half, we on the other side of the mountains will be full masters, because after us will go Reuf Pasha, followed by Said Pasha with the militia. Russians are waiting for us at Elena. Let them stay there. Until we get here, we will be in Tarnovo for a long time. ”

The main blow was from the east on the Steel Battery by the forces of the 2 and 3 brigade delivered a detachment under the command of Rejeb Pasha (10 thousand people with 6 guns); auxiliary - a detachment of Shakira Pasha, numbering in 2 thousand people (1-I brigade) came from the south. The remaining forces and assets of the Turkish army remained at Shipka in reserve. Thus, against 6, thousands of people and 27 guns from the Russians, Suleiman Pasha singled out 12 thousand soldiers and 6 guns, ensuring numerical superiority in manpower 2 times, only in artillery the Russians had an advantage. It is worth noting that the allocated forces and equipment, especially artillery, was not enough. This adversely affected the course of the Turkish attack. Also, the Ottoman commanders unsuccessfully chose the direction of the main and auxiliary strikes - they were inflicted on the strongest sections of the Russian Shipka position covered with artillery fire. The possibility of an offensive from the west, where the approaches to the position were least protected, was not used. That is, the Turks underestimated the enemy and overestimated their strength. It was expensive to build the Turkish army.

This was due to the fact that although the Turks fought in Bulgaria subject to them and had already fought at Shipka in July and then made a reconnaissance on August 20, the area was not familiar to them. At the same time, one of the Turkish brigades was commanded by Khulushi Pasha, the one who had previously been the commander of the Shipka garrison. The plan was based on his advice. He remembered well the assault undertaken by General Gurko in his time when he was advancing from the rear, from the south. Apparently, he decided to take advantage of his experience.

“We will stand to the last, we will lay down our bones, but we will not give up our positions”

Turkish army commander Suleiman Pasha

On the night of August 21, General Nikolai Stoletov gathered a military council and expressed the hope that Shipka would be able to defend, despite the enemy’s multiple superiority in forces. “We will stand to the last, we will lay down our bones, but we will not give up our positions. And now in places, ”said the Russian general.

The Shipka Pass attack began at 7 in the morning of August 21 1877. Shakir Pasha's troops attacked from the south, and select units of Rejab Pasha from the east. Total - 24 battalion (half of the army of Suleiman Pasha), supported by the Circassian cavalry. On that day, the Ottomans launched 11 attacks. But the defenders of the pass repulsed them, the Turkish troops suffered heavy losses.

“At dawn 9 of August,” the documents of the 36 Orlovsky Infantry Regiment noted, “the enemy began to rise in dense rows along the slopes of Malyk-Bedek mountain. By 7 o'clock in the morning, he showed up at the top and immediately began installing his tools there. Having reached the crest of Malyk-Bedek, the Turks mobbed down the slope to the "Steel" battery, turning around for the offensive ... The enemy infantry opened heavy fire. "

The fire of the Russian batteries mowed the chains of the Turks. The “big” battery caused great damage to the advancing Redzheb Pasha troops from Demir-Tepe and the hollows. On the fortified point of Eagle's Nest, the Turks were greeted with volleys of guns and a hail of stones. Several times his defenders came in with melee attackers and each time threw them back to their original positions. When the ammunition ran out, the militia of the third company of the 1 squad attacked boulders at the enemy, sweeping him into a hollow. But the Turks managed to fortify themselves below the company’s trenches and open from there rifle fire on the defenders. The militiaman Leon Krudov, seizing a fuming Turkish grenade, jumped out on the parapet and shouted: “What, brothers, die so die”, - rushed with her to the Turks. The Orlov regiment, Leib Feigenbaum, accomplished the same feat.

When the defenders of the mountain Nicholas repulsed the first attack, with great losses for the Ottomans, then Suleiman Pasha ordered: “To Voronii nest (as the Turks contemptuously called the Eagle nest), the soldiers must go without interruption. Let them fall by the thousands — others will take their place. Of the signals are allowed only: "collection", "offensive" and "boss killed."

The “small” battery bombarded the forested hollow and the old road, as well as the Turks climbing up the steep slopes on the left. She helped fight off at least six enemy attacks. It was necessary to enter into action and reserve - "Mountain" battery, located near the former Turkish barracks. During the most fierce, fifth attack of 21 in August (at 13 h.), She successfully beat off enemy chains descending from Demir-Tepe. Especially distinguished in this battle, "Steel" battery. Lieutenant Kisnemsky used Turkish gunpowder and the cable of the Turkish telegraph for the manufacture of land mines, which stumbled upon the columns of the attackers. Hand grenades were made from captured shells. Kisnemsky very well adapted the captured (Kruppovskiy) long-range and rapid-fire guns, he trained the infantrymen. Private Miroshnichenko, who skillfully fired from his howitzer, was especially distinguished. The “Steel” battery destroyed the Turkish cannon on the top of the town of Maly Bedek and several guns at the height of Demir-Tepe, and the explosion of the boxes with shells caused a great panic among the enemy artillerymen. In a night battle during the last Turkish attack, the battery was shot almost at point-blank hostile infantrymen who were climbing on the parapet. The soldiers of the Orlovsky regiment, who were converted into artillerymen (“infantry artillerymen,” as they were called later), fought beautifully and selflessly.

“It’s impossible not to remember the brave Bulgarian squads, 1 and 4, with a kind word,” the diary of one of the Russian officers noted, “when weakened, they occupied the eastern slope of St. Peaks. Nikola (now Stoletov). This small space was overgrown with shrubs, which allowed the enemy to come very close to them. The Turks almost reached the summit more than once, but the warriors beat them with rifle butts and stones. ” “All the glory of the first day,” wrote V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, “belongs to a handful of Oryolites and Bulgarian troops, among whom were 500 young Bulgarians, completely inexperienced, who came to Shipka three days before.”

The telegrams sent by 21 on August 1877 of the year said: “Shipka is under strong attack from Suleiman Pasha’s army. The onset of the enemy began in the morning. At the moment the battle is in full swing. The enemy leads the attack on the front, trying to circumvent our position from both flanks. The situation on Shipka is critical. ” Thus, despite all the efforts of the enemy, the defenders of Shipka withstood the first blow. The August 21 battle ended in complete failure of the Turkish army, which was planning to break through the Russian defense on the very first day.

Bulgaria. Monument to Russian soldiers on Shipka

The next day was relatively calm. The Turkish army did not attack, both sides fought with a gun and artillery fire. The Russians and Bulgarians used a temporary lull to restore the destroyed fortifications, replenish their ammunition and regroup their forces. The forces of the Russian garrison increased slightly. Back in the midst of the 21 battle of August, the 35 th Bryansk Infantry Regiment arrived with a platoon of the Don Cossack Battery, met by the defenders of the pass “Hurray!”. His battalions from the course entered the battle. 200 Bulgarian volunteers arrived to replenish the thinned-out militias. Now in the detachment of Stoletov there were 9 thousand people and 29 guns. In addition, Radetzky, having received a message about the transfer of the Turkish army to a decisive offensive in the Shipka area, finally sent his main reserve there — the 4 Infantry Brigade and the 2 Brigade of the 14 Infantry Division headed by M.I. Dragomirovym. He himself also went to the Shipka position.

Fight 23 August 1877 of the year

The Turks are also actively preparing to continue the battle. During the day of August 10 (22) and the night of August 11 (23), the Turks, realizing the importance of artillery fire, erected a number of batteries. In addition, the Turkish command, after the first operation failed, reworked the assault plan. It was decided to attack the Russians simultaneously from all sides, surround them, and then, depending on the situation, capture or destroy. For the offensive is now allocated five units. Rasima Pasha’s detachment was to advance from the west, Salih Pasha, Rejab Pasha and Shakir Pasha detachments — from the south, southeast and east. The Wessel Pasha squad (German by birth) had to solve the main task: to attack Uzun-Kush, go to the Russian rear and complete the encirclement. This time, the Turkish army threw 17,5 thousand people and 34 guns, ensuring numerical superiority almost 2 times in manpower and equality in artillery. Suleiman Pasha, confident of victory, sent the following report to the Sultan in the evening of August 22: “The Russians cannot resist us, they cannot escape from our hands. If the enemy does not take to flight this night, then tomorrow morning I will resume the attack and doubt it. ”

On the night of August 11 (23), the Turkish army detachments occupied the initial position. At dawn, Turkish artillery opened fire. In the chronicle of the 36-th Orlovsky Infantry Regiment it was noted: “At dawn on 11 August, the enemy battery opened heavy fire from the Naked Hill at the main position. From the front, the movement of strong columns was observed, bypassing our location. A thunder of cannonade stood over the entire line ... Around 7 am, the enemy launched an offensive from the east to the trenches occupied by the Bulgarian militia. ”

The enemy tried to suppress the Russian batteries in order to prepare the attack of his infantry. Having a large supply of ammunition, the Turks had the opportunity to conduct frequent fire with volleys. The Russians responded, but due to lack of ammunition, they were limited to single aimed shots. An artillery duel was on all fronts. Under cover of artillery fire, the Turkish infantry went on the attack. In the morning, when the battle was already in full swing, General Stoletov advanced two half infantry infantry and a half-battery of mountain artillery to Uzun-Kush. The Russians built a battery called the “Rear” there. This strengthened the rear positions of the Russian-Bulgarian detachment.

In all directions, the Turks met fierce resistance from the Russian troops. By 12 hours, all attacks failed. The defenders of Shipka showed genuine heroism. The fighters who defended on the mountain of Nicholas, like 21 of August, lacked ammunition and fought off with the help of boulders. One of the participants of the fight wrote: “Encouraged by this silence from our side, the enemy rushed with great courage to the rocks and the Steel battery and came quite close to our trenches, whose defenders had almost no ammunition at that time. What is left to do? The 1-rifle company of the Bryansk regiment and the 3-rifle company of the Orlovsky regiment jumped out of their lodgements and with a shout of "hurray" showered the coming hail of stones. Despite these strange projectiles, the Turks could not stand it and retreated. ”

Although our troops reflected the first blow, their position was extremely difficult. There were almost no reserves. Ends artillery shells and ammunition. There was a lack of food and water. The Turks had no shortage of ammunition and supplies. “In the small lodgings fought off by the Turks,” wrote a participant in the war, “there were huge reserves of ammunition, which, with the Russian economy, would be enough for all fortifications. Thanks to this, the Turks literally bombarded the Russians with bullets, not particularly worrying about the accuracy of shooting. A significant difference was in the nutrition of the soldiers. In the Turkish fortifications occupied by the Russians, there were rich reserves of rice, lamb, flour, various fruits and vegetables. The Russian soldier, of course, did not even dare to dream of anything like that. ”

Soon, the Rasshima Pasha, Shakira Pasha, and Wessel Pasha detachments resumed their attacks, supported by artillery fire. The detachments of Salih Pasha and Rejeb Pasha, which suffered great losses, did not take part in the offensive. Russian troops met the enemy with rifle and artillery fire and energetic bayonet counterattacks. The Russian batteries, without responding to the fire of the Turkish batteries, fired at the Turkish infantry. The Ottomans suffered great losses, but continued to move. The soldiers of Rassima Pasha came close to the Russian positions from the west, took the Volyn mountain and began to storm the Central mountain. The troops of Shakira Pasha and Wessel Pasha reached the Russian positions from the southeast and east. The Russian gunners of the "Round" battery, led by Colonel Benetskim, died, but the 12 militias who took their places continued to fire until the last round. At a critical moment of defense, the commander of the 35 Infantry Regiment of the Bryansk led 150 brave men to the counterattack, who knocked out Turkish infantrymen from the trenches. When separate groups of Turks reached the dressing station on the isthmus, the doctor K. Vyazenkov led the fighting people to the wounded. The Russian-Bulgarian detachment was almost surrounded. In his hands remained only a narrow section of the “Rear” battery, which connected the Shipka position with the road to Gabrovo. Here a detachment of defenders, extremely weakened, barely kept her.

Thus, almost without ammunition, depleted by lack of water and food, experiencing terrible fatigue after three days of continuous fighting, suffering from the strong August heat, Russian soldiers and Bulgarian militia of the last forces held the position. Orlov, Bryansk, and militiamen died in unequal battles. One after another, the “Steel” and “Round” batteries stopped firing.

At this decisive moment of the battle, the 4-I infantry brigade from the reserve of the Balkan detachment approached Shipka. She made a heavy march along dusty roads in 38-degree heat. In this case, the roads were filled with refugees, Bulgarians. Overcoming all the difficulties, the Russians insistently rushed to the south, hurrying to help their brothers. Bulgarians enthusiastically greeted the Russians. “As we approached the refugee camp,” wrote Anuchin, “the entire adult population knelt and bowed to the ground. “Many health, lots of happiness!” - the women repeated with sobs, looking at us. All men were without caps. Quite a few men, women and children were bandaged. These are the victims of Turkish frenzy. The picture was amazing ”(D. G. Anuchin. Tarnov and Shipka in July and August, 1877, from camping memories.). The Bulgarians than could helped the Russians, collected the stretcher with hundreds of porters, carried water. “The locals behaved amazingly. On the first word, the refugees overturned their carts with belongings and drove or went where they were ordered. ”

The introduction of new forces into the battle determined the outcome of the battle that day in favor of the Russians. The long-awaited reinforcement inspired the defenders, they gathered the last forces counterattacked. The first group of Lieutenant Bufalo (205 fighters of the 16 Infantry Battalion) came out exactly to the "Central" battery and immediately rushed to the attack. Our troops recaptured the mountain Volyn. The Turks stopped their attacks, and retreated to their original positions.

Thus, on the third day of the battle, when the Turks almost surrounded the Stoletov detachment, there was a turning point in favor of the Russian detachment. On the night of August 12 (24), the remaining units of the reserve approached Shipka - the 2 Brigade of the 14 Infantry Division with the 3 B battery of the 14 Artillery Brigade. The number of Russian troops at Shipka increased to 14,2 thousand people and 39 guns. The defense crisis is over. In addition, the position brought ammunition and food.

The vanguard of the 4 Infantry Brigade of Major General A.I. Tsvetsinsky rushes to Shipka

To be continued ...
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  1. +3
    23 August 2017 07: 27
    Thank you, good article, quite detailed ...
    1. +6
      23 August 2017 07: 40
      I pay tribute to the courage and heroism of our soldiers and officers of those years, they gave BULGARIA freedom at the cost of their lives ...
      now we have to defend the honor of our ancestors from all rewriters of history ... this must be done.
      1. +8
        23 August 2017 07: 45
        The worst thing is that there are many supporters of history rewriters and their number is growing ...
    2. +2
      23 August 2017 08: 51
      "Thank you, nice article, pretty detailed ..."
      Of course, detailed, the specialists prepared, just rewrite.
      1. +4
        23 August 2017 09: 22
        So thanks not to Samsonov, but to the experts .... If a real Samsonov would write ... they learned a lot of interesting things ... smile
  2. +5
    23 August 2017 08: 27
    “As we get closer to the refugee camps,” Anuchin wrote, “the entire adult population knelt and bowed to the ground. “A lot of health, a lot of happiness!” - women sobbed, looking at us. All men were without hats. A lot of men, women and children were in dressings. These are the victims of Turkish fury.

    Here are the origins of the incredible heroism of our soldiers, the protection of the humiliated and offended ...
    Many Bulgarians remember, not a single monument of ours was demolished and is now carefully preserved ...
    1. +3
      23 August 2017 09: 05
      . ".. but the other day the leadership of the Shipka-Buzludzha National Museum received an official notice from the Bulgarian Ministry of Internal Affairs that the police protection of the memorial complex would not be saved until August 23, when solemn events dedicated to the anniversary of the Shipka defense epic should take place. the ministers no longer have money to pay for the protection of the memorial complex. And if after the holidays the museum’s management intends to preserve the protection of the monument, they will have to pay for it themselves. "
      This is in 2014.
      1. +11
        23 August 2017 11: 16
        The shipkeeper on Shipka does not need protection, too, and more than 400 put in the memory of Russian soldiers throughout the country ,! No one has ever touched or will touch them!
        1. +1
          23 August 2017 21: 11
          In Bulgaria, nevertheless, they turned out to be decent, otherwise the Poles generally suffer from memory failures. Apparently, because there are foolishness
      2. +6
        23 August 2017 11: 26
        The place is really holy for Russians and Bulgarians. There are a lot of graves, everyone is well-groomed, everyone describes how the defender Shipka died. Particularly impressed with the staircase leading to the museum complex, it seems 700 steps. Climbing it is difficult, and then people dragged on themselves also ammunition and guns. It was hard for us. However, the Russians have never been easy.
        1. +4
          23 August 2017 13: 24
          Quote: uskrabut
          Particularly impressed with the staircase leading to the museum complex, it seems 700 stairs. It’s hard to climb it

          smile Oh your truth! Especially after good gatherings under brandy with brothers in Gabrovo on the eve wassat
  3. +3
    23 August 2017 08: 50
    How many Russian krovushki watered in Europe? "Grateful descendants," Europeans, still say "thank you."
  4. +5
    23 August 2017 09: 07
    Good article. I am proud of the Russian officers and soldiers who showed their valor and courage in the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke. But the bitter precipitate from the “gratitude” of the Bulgarians does not leave: their position in the first and second world wars and even now they are not fraternal. The question arises: maybe our ancestors in vain shed blood there, what else can we expect from them?
    1. +4
      23 August 2017 11: 28
      [quote = seraphimamur] The question arises: maybe our ancestors didn’t shed blood there, what else can we expect from them?

      Not in vain! Bulgarians remember this and respect us. Bulgarians are not Poles, although there are plenty of decent people among the Poles, even though their government has gone to spite.
      1. +4
        23 August 2017 13: 27
        Not many people remember and not many respect ... alas. Not for the topic, but for fun. I was an eyewitness to a dispute between a Turk (Turkish) and a Bulgarian (Bulgarian) whose land is Burgas ... The joke was that the dispute was in Russian and in Kazakhstan ...
  5. 0
    23 August 2017 21: 04
    Rescued that the Turks were stupid in matters of strategy. + Courage of the defenders.
    I’m thinking: in 1877 the Russians and the Bulgarians were together, and now the Bulgarians are potential opponents as it combines.
  6. 0
    23 August 2017 21: 15
    Quote: bagatura
    The shipkeeper on Shipka does not need protection, too, and more than 400 put in the memory of Russian soldiers throughout the country ,! No one has ever touched or will touch them!

    True, some people in Bulgaria wanted to blow Alyosha, but reason triumphed
  7. +1
    18 September 2017 12: 48
    For the author:
    Respected Alexander! Is it possible to make Yours articles on the Russian-Turkish war and the First World War (and others) put together in a single Internet publication (of course, with maps, illustrations and photographs). It seems that they would have turned out to be quite worthy. Reading and studying everything together would be very nice.
  8. 0
    21 September 2017 16: 52
    The article is good. But now I got the opinion that maybe our soldiers should not have laid down for someone else’s freedom? We in the war with Napoleon lost people and resources more than anyone else, then we remembered this in the Crimean War. In the 1 World War they were again saved by the unprepared offensives of the allies and again huge losses of human, territorial and material. In the 2 World War we again inflicted a major defeat on the Germans, saved our allies from defeat in the Ardennes. May the forum participants forgive me; but how long will our rulers manage the lives of their fellow citizens in this way? It wasn’t worth it.
    1. 0
      21 September 2017 23: 05
      laughing laughing You are our artist, offended negative

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