The West against Russia. The history of age-old hypocrisy

History Russia throughout its entire course was full of all sorts of wars. Most often, the country became the object of aggression by other states. Whoever either attacked the Russian land, what atrocities did not work on it! But we will not delve into the events of the old centuries, but let's talk about how Russia's historical enemies shaped its negative image in the memory of still-living generations.

Monstrous crimes against the Russian and other peoples of the USSR were committed on the direct initiative and with the direct permission of the ruling elites of the West. Today, the mass media, historians, publicists, writers are completely distorted by the course of historical events, and our country is accused of crimes that were not involved. Throughout Eastern Europe, monuments to Soviet soldiers-liberators are being demolished, they are stubbornly destroying any memory of Soviet history, of the Soviet Union's involvement in the liberation from the Nazi occupation and the cultural and economic development of the countries of Eastern Europe.

The West against Russia. The history of age-old hypocrisy

To prevent the spread of Russian, and then Soviet, influence on the countries of Eastern Europe, the West has long sought. The aggressive policy of the West was aimed at preventing the influence of the Orthodox religion, Russian culture, and language on Eastern European Slavic and non-Slavic peoples. For many centuries, the West (first Roman popes and emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, Catholic knightly orders, then Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, France, Germany) sought to prevent the expansion of Russian civilizational influence in Eastern Europe. However, at the end of the 19th century, Russia had a great influence on Eastern European politics. Rusophile tendencies were very strong not only among the Bulgarians, Serbs and Montenegrins, but also among the same Galicians and Ruthenians. The numerous pro-Russian lobby among the Galich intelligentsia immediately with the start of the First World War, the Austro-Hungarian authorities tried to rot in the concentration camps. It was to the liberation of Galicia, and in the long term and the whole of modern Ukraine from the Russian cultural and political influence, the policy of Austria-Hungary, which fostered the “European” orientation of the Galician nationalists, was directed. Western countries carried out a similar policy in the Baltic States, in Moldova, stubbornly striving to wrest the whole Balkan Peninsula from Russian influence. In part, they succeeded: the Bulgarian, Romanian, and even Greek political elites were largely hostile to Russia.

The revolutionary events of 1917 and the collapse of the Russian Empire were an excellent opportunity for the West to deliver another blow to the country. And this is not only about intervention, but also about artificially stimulating separatist and centrifugal tendencies in all national regions of the former Russian Empire. The Baltic states, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Central Asia — emissaries and agents of the British special services worked everywhere, striving to put local nationalists in the service of the interests of Great Britain. Actually, they were already quite satisfied with their activities British interests, since they contributed to the collapse of the vast Russian Empire and “cut off” the most strategically important regions from it. The Baku oil, the Black Sea ports of Ukraine and Georgia, the ports of the Baltic states, the Central Asian territories close to British India — all of this seemed to be finally “wrung out” from Russia by its main rival at that time, Britain. Perhaps, it is not directly "wrung out", but through the creation of formally independent, but in fact incapable of implementing the new states' independent policies.

In addition to encouraging nationalist movements in the regions, with the aim of the collapse of the Russian or Soviet state, opponents of Russia from among Western states took a course to directly destroy the population of our country, and the very color of this population, the most active and passionate people. During the twentieth century, the West several times pulled Russia and the Soviet Union into bloody wars, the victims of which together were tens of millions of people in the country, regardless of nationality. Thus, Russia was drawn into the First World War, which cost our country very dearly. Millions of people died, enormous damage was caused to its economic development, and most importantly, in fact, as a result of the First World War, the Russian empire ceased to exist, of course, not without active "help" from the West, and not only Germany that fought against Russia, but and the same Britain, which allegedly was considered an ally of Russia in the Entente. A direct consequence of the collapse of the Russian Empire as a result of the First World War was the bloody civil war and numerous wars on the national outskirts of the former Russian Empire, which also cost the peoples of the country dearly.

A major blow to the West was the re-establishment of a powerful state within a few years after the collapse of the Russian Empire - and practically within the same borders. Although it is customary to blame the Bolsheviks for “giving away” Finland and Poland, but in fact they were the ones who managed to gather most of the possessions of the Russian Empire into the Soviet Union. Moreover, the USSR included not only Ukraine, which in the 1917-1918 years. actually fell away from Russia, but also Transcaucasia, Central Asia, part of Moldova. Stalin continued the course of the consolidation of the Soviet state and was able to include in its composition the lands of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, the Baltic States, Bessarabia and Bukovina. So the Soviet Union practically recovered within the borders of the Russian Empire. The growth of the power of the Soviet state, which in 1930-s was rapidly turning into a developed country at that time — not only in military-technical and industrial, but also culturally, could not help but anger the main opponents of the USSR — the United States and Great Britain. Therefore, another global crime was undertaken - first, the United States and Great Britain allowed right-wing regimes to come to power in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and then actually pushed them to aggression against the Soviet Union, hoping to kill two birds with one blow - to maximally weaken or destroy them altogether Germany, and, of course, the Soviet Union.
The blame for the outbreak of World War II is largely borne, along with Hitler and his direct allies, the United States, Britain and France. Suffice it to recall the famous Munich Agreement, as a result of which sovereign Czechoslovakia was occupied and destroyed in 1938. Back in the middle of the 1930s, Western countries could, if they wanted, instantly weaken Nazi Germany, which was gaining strength, but for obvious reasons they didn’t do it - the West needed the West as a tool to combat communist (ie, Soviet) influence in Europe and worldwide. Now they are talking a lot about the same Holocaust, and most of all it is the pro-Western liberal public that is broadcasting about it. But she forgets that the Holocaust took place with de facto connivance from the Western states, which for a long time turned a blind eye to the lawlessness that was going on in Nazi Germany. Likewise, the West allowed Hitler Germany to “swallow” little Czechoslovakia, obviously hoping that it would be possible to draw the Soviet Union into the war with Hitler Germany already in the 1938 year.

Now in the West and in a number of former Soviet republics (Ukraine, the Baltic countries), the myth that the Soviet Union bears equal responsibility with Hitler's Germany for unleashing the Second World War persistently spreads. There is a parallel between Nazism, fascism and communism, although in reality these are completely different ideologies that have nothing in common at their core. The Soviet Union is accused of mass crimes in the countries of Eastern Europe and in Germany, while virtually ignoring the crimes of Hitler's satellites and various nationalists in Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltics, and the Balkans.
The main goal of this myth is the final discredit of the Soviet Union and, through it, the discredit of Russia, which, despite all the political and economic differences from the Soviet course, is still viewed in the West as the unequivocal successor to the USSR. Already managed to achieve that in the former Soviet republics have grown whole generations of young people completely unaware of the real Soviet history, the importance of the contribution of the USSR in the development of their native republics. What would be the republics of Transcaucasia or Central Asia, Moldova or certain regions of Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, if they were not part of the Soviet state?

However, in the Baltic countries and Ukraine, criminal liability has already been introduced for ... “denial of the Soviet occupation”. And this is despite the fact that the Latvian arrows played an important role in the approval of the Soviet government, almost the majority of Soviet statesmen came from the western regions of the former Russian Empire, including the Baltic states or Ukraine. Somehow he is silent about the fact that Stalin, Beria, Ordzhonikidze, Khrushchev and Brezhnev came from Ukraine, Poles Dzerzhinsky and Menzhinsky - and only those people who held high government posts and whose names are still on the ear. What kind of Soviet or, especially, Russian occupation can we talk about in this case? Is it possible to occupy ourselves? Moreover, such statements insult the memory of millions of Ukrainians, Latvians, Estonians, Lithuanians, representatives of other nations who fought as part of the Red Army, made a huge contribution to the construction of the Soviet state and the development of its economy, including the economies of national republics now become independent countries with anti-Russian rhetoric.

An equal sign is put between Hitler’s systematic policy aimed at the genocide of entire nations and individual cases of Soviet massacres of captured opponents, which in itself looks simply absurd. The Soviet Union never preached a policy of national exclusivity, equality of nations was proclaimed one of the axioms of its state policy. This clearly shows the fate of the majority of small peoples of the USSR, which in the 1920-1950-s received their own writing, which was often developed not even by their own representatives of the national intelligentsia, but by the capital's scientists. The formation of a national intelligentsia among the majority of small peoples of Russia and other post-Soviet republics became possible only thanks to the Soviet policy of supporting small nations. But these facts are persistently ignored by pro-Western propaganda, and there are attempts to draw parallels between Hitler’s Nazism and Soviet politics, as if Hitler had opened Jewish, Gypsy or Slavic cultural centers in Germany, and the best minds of German linguistics were working on Gypsy writing or publishing collections of Jewish folklore. The idea of ​​identifying the policies of Nazism and communism, especially in the national question (and pro-Western propaganda speaks openly about the targeted genocide of entire peoples of the USSR) can only come to the inflamed brains of insane or paid provocateurs, which, of course, include the spokesmen of Western propaganda.

Blaming the Soviet Union, and now Russia, perhaps in fascism, the West (the United States and the European Union) supports overtly Russophobic and fascist forces in the former Soviet republics. The discrimination of the Russian and Russian-speaking population in the Baltic republics that has persisted for twenty-seven years does not bother Western “human rights defenders” at the same time, as do crimes against the Russian population in many other post-Soviet states. Millions of Russian and Russian-speaking people in the post-Soviet space found themselves in a very difficult situation, in Latvia there still exists a humiliating system of segregation of the country's inhabitants into people of the first and second grade - citizens and “non-citizens”. In the Donbas, the destruction of the civilian population continues, and Ukraine stubbornly does not want to recognize Russian as the second state language - and this despite the fact that the majority of the country's population speaks it, and even the leaders of modern Ukraine themselves communicate with each other almost exclusively in Russian. This circumstance, by the way, indicates that the “Ukrainians” of these figures are purely political in nature, implicated in Russophobia and faithful service to Western interests.

On the wave of Russophobic propaganda, the most bizarre characters come to the political Olympus in former post-Soviet republics, who in another situation would be the most suitable place in a psychiatric hospital. But now they are in favor and they are listened to by thousands of people in earnest.

History shows that the global confrontation between the West and Russia will continue forever, as long as the West and Russia exist. And in order not to become defeated in this confrontation, Russia should never renounce its national interests and demonstrate weakness. Otherwise, she can pay very hard for this. As history has shown, the Russian state is able to reborn from the ashes, but it is very expensive, and it is better not to experiment.
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  1. +15
    7 August 2017 05: 15
    Sorry, but reading this article is a waste of time.
    1. +21
      7 August 2017 05: 25
      Quote: BNVSurgut
      Sorry, but reading this article is a waste of time.

      Because it contradicts your Russophobic views?
      1. +1
        8 August 2017 05: 19
        When reading any material, I first of all want to get new information or thought for thought. Well-known things are simply collected in this article, therefore, upon completion of its reading, I had a feeling of wasted time, which I wrote about.
    2. +16
      7 August 2017 05: 36
      Sorry, but reading this article is a waste of time.

      I do not agree ...
      following this logic reading your comment is also a waste of time.
      The author just reminded us figuratively saying that NATO troops are standing on our borders ...
      that economic sanctions have been introduced against us ...
      political next ...
      the moment of truth is approaching ... the crisis in relations with the WEST is obvious ... and how it will be resolved what by war, negotiation or surrender of one of the parties, one GOD knows.
      1. +10
        7 August 2017 13: 45
        Quote: The same LYOKHA
        the moment of truth is approaching ... the crisis in relations with the WEST is obvious ... and how GOD will be resolved by war, negotiation or surrender of one of the parties, one GOD knows.

        Hitler’s Propaganda Minister of Germany Goebbels said that a lie repeated a thousand times becomes true. The lie about the mass Stalinist repressions was repeated a hundred thousand times, and in the minds of people it became an axiom, that is, a self-evident truth that does not require proof. Instead of evidence, you will be offered a “work of art” “The Gulag Archipelago” by A. I. Solzhenitsyn.

        Even individuals who are far from the defenders of the Stalinist era, such as, for example, F.D. Bobkov, consider Solzhenitsyn to be a protege of the West in the struggle against the USSR. About Solzhenitsyn’s Nobel Prize, Bobkov said: “Solzhenitsyn was given the Nobel Prize to promote him. The only Russian writer who received the Nobel Prize really for his literary talent is Sholokhov. Brodsky received for emigration, Parsnip in connection with this whole story ... That's how they give these prizes. And today, by the way, too. ”
        And someone will argue that all these figures are not the notorious fifth column? Unfortunately, we have plenty of them ..
        To begin with, at least you need to clearly define boundaries in your own country, define a norm, formulate imperatives. Vladyka Tikhon (Shevkunov), discussing these topics, gives a typical example of how he, communicating with students, asked whether the audience knew who General Karbyshev was and three people raised their hands in the audience. And when I asked about General Vlasov, almost everyone pulled their hands. Actually, this is the consequences of the ideological vacuum of recent decades.

        The norm is described simply: "The betrayal of the Motherland - has no justification; there are no compromises on the battlefield."
        In this regard, the symbolism of the Popular Labor Union of Russian Soldiers (NTS), a familiar trident, deserves special attention. The same as the coat of arms of Ukraine, only against the background of the tricolor. Enteosovsky "Sowing" also operates, headquarters - in the very center of Moscow.
        On the central channels ntsovets AMNUEL flies .. whose expression of the muzzle is such that it seems that he was beaten from birth, everyone was lazy, for his genetic tendency to lie and betrayal.
    3. +17
      7 August 2017 06: 21
      05.15. Surgut! And the publication and reading of anti-Soviet articles? What's this? And anti-Soviet films, programs, what? Although I must say that we, too, are not without sin. And also indulge in anti-Sovietism. We publish articles, programs, films, and anti-Soviet research. We support anti-Soviet organizations under the guise of patriotism and memory. We exalt the anti-Soviet by studying their labors at school, erecting monuments and hanging memorial plaques. We recognize the execution of the Poles. We close the mausoleum and do not recognize the role of Stalin. What do we do to defend our past?
    4. +25
      7 August 2017 07: 00
      If you do not touch on how it is stated, but immediately go on about what is stated, then NEVER the West considered Russia, and in general the Slavic world as an equal partner only as an object of expansion! The Slavic world is a world of our own labor and soul, and the West , especially Anglo-Saxons, this is a parasitic way of life at the expense of others and pragmatism! They even have 24 letters in the alphabet, so as not to soar ... This is a fundamental, root difference between us and they will never perceive us differently - they will always strive make us a colony! Military, economic, cultural, political, religious methods ... There is no third! And only our FORCE is able to withstand this creeping aggression - the Anglo-Saxons and their Western vassals understand only power!
      1. +11
        7 August 2017 07: 10
        07.00. Zyablitsov! Oh! Gold words! How would they convey them to our leadership !? Yes, so that they realize this. And apparently they have no awareness of this. There is a desire to integrate and stick, but to create an alternative, no.
        1. +12
          7 August 2017 07: 52
          Even in the comments, it can be seen that in RUSSIA the majority are for the SOVIET UNION and Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.
          Any attempt to criticize the SOVIET UNION and personally Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin always slips into hysteria and outright lies. Moreover, European critics are always right among all critics, and this despite the fact that they openly fed Nazi Nazis and supported them until 1945.
          Today, the same countries of Hitler’s ally, together with the United States, are preparing a new world war, and again they are for the liberal democrats * light in the window *. Of course, among them there are many who are sitting on a salary from foreign goodies, but there are already those who were raised at school about * the superiority of the West * and the obligatory worship * of democratic values ​​*. And our media and TV?
          1. +7
            7 August 2017 13: 48
            Quote: Vasily50
            Any attempt to criticize the SOVIET UNION and personally Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin always slips into hysteria and outright lies.

            Leo Sirin (Vadim Petrov) noted something that many eminent historians do not pay attention to: “The phenomenon of the term“ Stalin’s crime ”is an elementary substitution of concepts. Laws can be cruel and terrible, but they cannot be criminal, because they are laws and they count down what is considered a crime and what is not, but not vice versa. In my opinion, in the 1930s there were just harsh laws of harsh time, but lawlessness was minimized. Today, by the way, in our society you can observe just the opposite picture. The law that draws, or even a formality. Https: //
        2. +2
          9 August 2017 09: 33
          unfortunately - the whole Kremlin - bought, in one way or another - tell me at least one official-manager - who does not have foreign accounts?
          so, to paraphrase the classic - “when after the corn, all attention will be paid to the ruble” - then these “golden words” will be translated into appropriate actions ...
      2. +4
        7 August 2017 09: 14
        Mr. Zyablitsev, I dare to note that it was precisely Russia in the West that was considered as an equal partner.
        Here is a quote from the book of historian Sergei Volkov:
        Already in 1496–1497. Ivan III fought with Sweden in alliance with Denmark; and the Livonian War of Ivan the Terrible, and the struggle for Smolensk in 1632–1634. were direct participation in pan-European politics, and in the latter case, direct participation in the Thirty Years War, where Russia was on the side of the anti-Habsburg coalition. In 1656-1658 Russia took part in the so-called The “1st Northern War” on the side of Poland, Denmark and Austria against Sweden and Brandenburg, in the Northern War of 1700-1721. Russia fought against Sweden in an alliance with Denmark, Saxony and Poland, in 1733–1735 Russia participated in the war of France and Austria for the Polish inheritance along with Sardinia and Spain, in 1756–1763 - in the Seven Years War between Prussia and Austria (along with England, France, Sweden, Spain and Saxony), in 1788-1790. fighting with Sweden in alliance with Denmark; partitions of Poland at the end of the 1798th century. occurred in alliance with Austria and Prussia. From 1815 to 1807, Russia participated in almost all coalitions against France (and in 1812–1849 it was at war with England, on the contrary, an ally of France), and in XNUMX helped Austria crush the Hungarian rebellion.

        So for centuries, Russia has participated in European politics as an equal participant.
        1. +10
          7 August 2017 09: 20
          You wishful thinking, although the whole story, only through the prism of the invasion of the West on Russia, testifies much more that I'm closer to the truth than you ...! hi
          1. +4
            7 August 2017 09: 56
            Isn't it better, before it's too late, to end this extremely costly, doomed and useless battle? The collective west is orders of magnitude stronger than one country, and you should not blame China or Iran - they see only selfish interest in Russia and are unlikely to stand up for Russian culture. And inside the country, some see the fight against the West as the perfect excuse for tightening the screws and economic dictatorship.
            1. +11
              7 August 2017 09: 58
              Want to lie under the Angolaxians? Lie down ... I apologize for such a metaphor, but personally to me, in this case, with you and those who consider the same way out of the way! hi
            2. +1
              7 August 2017 13: 50
              Actually, the facts say that the "collective west" is weaker than one country
              1. +1
                7 August 2017 16: 36
                One click of the collective west was enough for one country to remain without the investments they prayed for, without technology and without a major source of income. Is this not enough?
                1. +2
                  7 August 2017 20: 24
                  Of course not enough. By the way, investments and technologies are coming. But one click of one country is enough for the collective west to be left without raw materials. I would really like to see the Nord Stream. And the collective west would get gas at a price of $ 400 for a thousand cubic meters. Do not know why the Germans are so hysterical?
                  You have a one-sided approach to things. Inspired by the Chicago Boys. It was they who prayed for investment. To the real economy, this is of utmost relative importance. The basis of the economy is real production, not investment. What is the amount of investment per year that Russia has lost and what is the amount of capital withdrawn? Even according to liberals, the withdrawal of money far exceeds any investment.
                  As for technology, it's generally funny. What technologies were left without Russia?
                2. +4
                  7 August 2017 20: 56
                  It became interesting to me and I looked at the digits. Oh, how eloquent they are.
                  The outflow of capital from Russia according to the Central Bank in 2014 amounted to almost 160 billion dollars.
                  Then sanctions struck. That click. And the outflow of capital for 2015 amounted to a little more than 60 billion. And in 2016, as many as 17 billion.
                  God forbid, sanctions will be lifted. This will be a disaster for the Russian Federation.
                  Classics say sanctions were an idiotic decision. In scientific terms, this is called a narrowing of the market. And capitalism can develop only in conditions of expanding markets. It’s good that in Brussels and Washington poorly studied at school
              2. 0
                11 August 2017 20: 19
                I would like to believe
          2. +4
            7 August 2017 15: 39
            Mr. Zyablitsev, I once thought as you did, but ... amicus Plato, sed magna amica est veritas (Plato is a friend, but truth is a great friend). In the book, a quote from which I quoted to you earlier, there are statistics on the losses of Russian troops for the 18-19 centuries:
            The losses incurred (by those killed and dead from illness), which are for the 130th – 50th centuries. quite well known, they also give an idea of ​​"priorities". Swedish wars of the 120th – 460th centuries Russia cost about 760 thousand people, Polish - less than 740 thousand, participation in the Seven Years War - 150 thousand, in Napoleonic Wars - about 30 thousand (total about 145 thousand). At the same time, at least 10 thousand people died in Turkish wars alone, in expeditions in the Caucasus, Central Asia and Iranian wars in the 60th century. 51 thousand, in the Iranian wars of the XIX century. not less than 1140 thousand, in the Caucasian wars of the XIX century. - XNUMX, in Central Asia - about XNUMX thousand, in Siberia and the Far East - about XNUMX thousand (including XNUMX thousand in the Russo-Japanese War), i.e. total on the southern and eastern borders of approximately XNUMX thousand people.

            And about the losses of European countries:
            Accordingly, human losses (those killed and died from wounds and illnesses) suffered by European countries in the wars with Russia (85% of them fell to the participation of Russia in European coalitions) accounted for an extremely insignificant part - about 10% of their total losses during this time (approximately 140 thousand in the XVIII and 760 thousand in the XIX centuries of 7,8 million of all losses over these centuries). While in wars among themselves, European states lost in the 2,6th century. over 3,8 million people., in the XVIII century. - about 3,1 million and in the XIX century. over XNUMX million people

            So the picture called “the evil West wants to enslave and destroy us” does not work, if I wanted to, the dynamics of the losses would be completely different.
            1. +6
              7 August 2017 15: 51
              Love the West, who is stopping you - and I, fire! I interpret History as I interpret it - the invasion of the Levon Order, the Polish intervention, the Northern War, the invasion of Napoleon, the Crimean War, the Turkish War, World War I, Intervention, the Great Patriotic War ...- The West is "our friend" !? hi
        2. +6
          7 August 2017 13: 50
          Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
          Here is a quote from the book of historian Sergei Volkov

          this "historian" is not relevant, due to the fact that in 90. performed work on the order of the West in falsifying the history of the USSR and Russia.
          1. +4
            7 August 2017 15: 42
            Do you have proof of that? Documents, eyewitness accounts? Or do you, according to the old Bolshevik tradition, prefer unfoundedly blaming a person for the fact that he gives facts that contradict your worldview?
            1. +4
              7 August 2017 15: 55
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              Do you have proof of that?

              Anyway. Well, all your evidence fits into a triangle of lies.
              And to have a Vlasovite in his authority ... Well, you have to disgrace yourself like that.
              link is all yours, anti-Sovietism multiplied by Russophobia of Vlasovism.
              To you for assimilation.
              "embarking on the path of anti-Sovietism, you will certainly come to frank Russophobia. A person who has consistently held anti-Soviet positions will inevitably understand that these views are not shared by the people, and then he is forced to state that the people are not the same. It’s impossible to create anything with this people, this is a mistake of nature - then pure racism: this people need to be uprooted, and only then will mankind be able to move by leaps and bounds to happiness. "V. Menshov.
              1. +4
                7 August 2017 16: 41
                You never brought evidence.
                Calling Volkov a Vlasovist on the basis of a completely objective article on the ROA is, you know, can be defamed. Although, if for you the recognition of the fact that the ROA consisted of Soviet citizens is “Vlasovism,” then this is your problem
                And to call the Vlasov movement Russophobic, when the Vlasov people called themselves Russian the liberation army is a direct disregard for logic. Vlasovites were an anti-Soviet movement, yes. But not anti-Russian. However, under the conditions under which the ROA was created, its creation was sheer madness, since the Nazi regime did not contribute at all to the achievement of the goals stated by the collaborators.
                And to quote “the Kassad’s Colonel” about anti-Sovietism ... it’s the same as to quote Goebbels’s quotes about the Slavs. You would have brought the "Goblin" -Puchkov. Shame on you.
                1. +2
                  8 August 2017 05: 36
                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  Vlasovites were an anti-Soviet movement, yes. But not anti-Russian.

                  Now replace the word “Vlasovites” with “Bendera” and continue this logical series ...
                  I hope you feel ashamed?
                  1. +3
                    8 August 2017 14: 51
                    Quote: urganov
                    I hope you feel ashamed?

                    This is Lieutenant Teterin, never ashamed to lie to his work.
                2. +5
                  8 August 2017 16: 53
                  And I told him, you will never be a lieutenant major ...) Who is it, who created the famous ROA there? But you, brother, apparently in your whole life read only one Volkov? Within the framework of the unfinished Unified State Examination.)))) Actually, it was certainly not they who created and named this "liberation army". The Germans did not allow such liberties. You can’t spoil them in the Gestapo. And to listen to you, so it seems that in the next ps.bolnichke today dismissal give))). It turns out that when the Vlasovites raped another village woman, burned the next village and shot at parties of civilians, they did not Russophobia, but fought with the Soviet regime ?! And how do you, brother, live in the White World with such a ragged worldview? Shower with a handset do not confuse?))))
        3. +1
          8 August 2017 15: 34
          Yes you CHO! It turns out participation in the war on no one’s side is a sign of equal partnership ?! I then think that it was the French who sent their colonial Zulus to the slaughter. It turns out they partnered. Like a horse with a hussar. Together they smashed Napoleon. You would have read less S. Volkova. And if you read, then at least from the point of view of everyday logic, evaluate what you read. And the devil knows what to agree on.
        4. +3
          11 August 2017 15: 18
          The fact that Russia was an ally of a European country in the war with another European country suggests that European countries have always tried to use Russia in their interests, and not at all a partner or an equal participant.
          1. +1
            11 August 2017 20: 30
            but easier -Russian soldiers like cannon fodder
      3. +1
        7 August 2017 09: 48
        Quote: Finches
        They even have 24 letters in the alphabet, so as not to bathe ...

        If you are talking about English, then it has 26 letters. Learn to count.
        And one more thing: in this case "what would" should be written together - "so."
        1. +1
          7 August 2017 09: 50
          Thanks for the helpful comment! Wrong ... hi And about learning, you are also right ...
          1. +1
            7 August 2017 09: 51
            I am glad to be critical of understanding.
          2. -1
            7 August 2017 17: 10
            Dear Finch! There are two stories, the story itself and the history written by the winners. You preach the history of the winners. But over the centuries, such stories give a soul of unreality. Add adequacy and immediately understand everything.
            1. +3
              7 August 2017 18: 02
              Yes! I will live the History of Winners! And you live a story invented, a defeatist story! Lizh .., admire, if you like, I apologize, well ..., the history of the Anglo-Saxons! hi
              1. 0
                7 August 2017 18: 42
                Dear Zyablik, you are in a ridiculous position. So you are not the winners, the Oldenburg winners, in the person of the Romanovs who captured you and called Russia. You live the story of our enslavers. Praise it. Well, as if it turns out to be embarrassing, imagine that you are praising Hitler, although he did not subdue us.
                1. +2
                  11 August 2017 17: 12
                  What-what-what ??? Where is such firewood from? Give at least a link to the material, it is better - to historical works, where it is said about it.

                  Next up are the questions in order.
                  1) Zyablicev has a story including the victory of Nazism in the Soviet Union. The union of these same Romanovs (those that survived, i.e., side branches of the dynasty) was not wildly loved. For what - it’s clear. So with what fright is the story of the Romanovs?
                  2) Who when captured US and at the same time called Russia? Proofs, please!
                  3) So who enslaved and whom? And when?
                  4) And where is Hitler's praise ???
                  1. 0
                    11 August 2017 17: 39
                    You have a tiny baggage of History. Want some clarification, please, but it’s better with the Greek (Archi-Logos). To understand that information, knowledge from many areas is required. If you don’t have enough weight, you won’t understand. So Romanovs (Oldenburg), person of Peter the 1st and further, they began to make their way into the interior of the mainland, through Petersburg (Russia). Namely, through this city the main routes pass along the rivers to the Volga and further. Muscovy was defeated, the Romanovs reigned and a strong Empire was created. But the Empire, whatever one may say aliens.
                    1. +1
                      12 August 2017 17: 23
                      All questions have disappeared ... There are only two left: what kind of nonsense is this drenched and where to get it ???

                      PS There was no direct answer to any question. So you, my friend, right from that joke about a man with metal eggs. If it’s not clear, I’ll say it bluntly - a joke.

                      PPS Is it my meager baggage of history? Then your knowledge, even on a quark, will not fit in with a huge sweeping handwriting of chicken.
            2. +3
              8 August 2017 15: 45
              Dear Maggot! When you write critical notes about Zyablik, you can immediately see that you belong to different groups of creatures. Hence the criticism of the smell of the habitat of all maggots))). And the emptiness of the comment. There is only one story. There are no Winners and Vanquished. You apparently confuse the war with history. They are only an event in History. And no more. And in it the USSR in 1941-45. once again repelled the invasion of West Mordor. In the face of Germany. With the participation of Spain, Italy, Finland, Romania, Hungary, Holland, Norway and even ... France. The latter incidentally received the teeth again on Borodino))). We are waiting for the next round as part of the whole of Europe with the USA at the head. God will give after this the Anglo-Saxons with their 26 letters will be gone. And that means there will be no more Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq, etc. Syria with endless colonial wars
              1. 0
                8 August 2017 17: 07
                You started so vigorously that I thought well, now it’s not just starting to cut and cut the truth of the uterus. But your comment was blown away and looked at nothing. I do not respect. Sorry.
                1. +2
                  11 August 2017 17: 13
                  Pff. Who cares, maggot respects you or not. Especially when he lies awkwardly.
                  1. 0
                    11 August 2017 17: 31
                    Why are you preaching the story of those who defeated us, trying to say something insulting to those who are looking for a normal, real, adequate story.
                    Callers suffer children and women, as well as henpecked and sissy sisters. You choose the option yourself.
                    1. +2
                      12 August 2017 17: 25
                      Is this your version of the story that you call real and adequate? Then I wouldn’t want to live in your world - there is a trash in general.

                      And "maggot" in this case is not an insult, but the most accurate description of you as an individual.
                      1. 0
                        12 August 2017 18: 57
                        You are trying to cover up your lack of education with sharp inadequate conclusions. Why create working noise here? And so it is completely inadequate.
      4. +2
        7 August 2017 14: 12
        Come on, Zyablitsov, carry the blizzard. At present, Russia is the same imperialist power as the USA, Germany, England, France, etc. We do not have ideological and worldview differences. And if a conflict arises between the countries, then, according to V.I. Lenin and Marx, only for the redistribution of cash flows, new sales markets, energy resources and other "benefits" of capitalism. They wanted to spit on our spirituality and we on them. Only grandmas decide everything. And here you have brainwashed everyone with a “special Russian mentality”, “a special mission of Russia” and other nonsense. Only in one thing are we right - this world understands only power. And we have "pumped" this force over the past 30 years. That's all.
        1. +3
          7 August 2017 14: 44
          Purga, forgive me generously, you bear! I’m not talking about the political and economic formation, but a little about something else! If you do not understand this, then write a little in a more correct perspective - without arrivals! hi
          1. +1
            7 August 2017 17: 28
            I didn’t run over. If you think this is a collision, then excuse me generously. I would like to say that we currently have nothing to oppose the collective West with anything ideological. Themselves the same - the state performs the function of protecting large capital, do not you agree with this. Yes, and in the military, too, not particularly, although there are certain advances - only a blind or very embittered person does not notice this. And no matter how much we puffed up here at the VO forum about our patriotism, but geopolitics will ALWAYS follow large capital. This is a law and cannot be changed. Tormented by one question - how to separate the country from the state? I love my country, and I dream of destroying the state and creating another. How to be It is absurd to defend a state that you hate, but on the other hand, to defend your country is a holy cause. So it turns out that protecting our country we voluntarily or involuntarily protect the assets of Sechin, Rottenberg, Abramovich and other thieves and friends of Putin. Is not it?
            1. +1
              7 August 2017 18: 00
              Live your life! But I will remain in my opinion! hi
              1. +1
                7 August 2017 18: 41
                That's just the point, my friend, that we think the same way, as for Our Motherland and everything else, we just look at things from a different angle. That's all. A person who has a slightly different point of view is not an enemy if he wants to benefit his country by realizing this point of view. This can and should be discussed and argued. this is how agreement is reached between people. It is so? Sincerely. And thanks for the discussion.
                1. +1
                  7 August 2017 19: 00
                  And thank you! Formulated not bad! hi
            2. +1
              9 August 2017 16: 42
              Dear, I dare to announce the obvious: Country = state. When in 1917 they decided to overcome the state, a new country appeared as a result. In 1993, the same thing happened.
              [quote = Neputin] And no matter how much we puffed up here on the VO forum about our patriotism, but geopolitics will ALWAYS follow big capital. This is a law and cannot be changed. Tormented by one question - how to separate the country from the state? I love my country, and I dream of destroying the state and creating another. How to be / quote]
              If you destroy the state, there will be a completely different country. And what it will be depends on the ideology of the annihilators.
        2. +1
          11 August 2017 15: 21
          But what about the 1st World War?
    5. +1
      7 August 2017 18: 55
      How much time you lost, my friend! After all, reading is an overwork for you.
    6. 0
      11 August 2017 01: 20
      Drinking vodka is also a waste of time. But if such articles and vodka are produced, then does anyone need this?
  2. +16
    7 August 2017 05: 28
    Blaming the Soviet Union, and now Russia, almost for fascism, the West (the USA and the European Union) supports openly Russophobic and fascist forces in the former Soviet republics.

    1. +3
      7 August 2017 08: 03
      Quote: iza top
      Blaming the Soviet Union, and now Russia, almost for fascism, the West (the USA and the European Union) supports openly Russophobic and fascist forces in the former Soviet republics.

      And after all we go and help out ...
    2. +1
      11 August 2017 15: 24
      That's for sure! All the great and powerful, but like a fire, the Russians help! Flood - help the Russians! And there can be no war without Russians, only Russians do not start wars — they end them.
  3. +1
    7 August 2017 06: 10
    Russia used to be Tartaria, then Muscovy, but the point is that they always wanted to bend it. And they bent it and it became Russia.
    1. +1
      7 August 2017 12: 49
      What a sensible comment you have! To match a nickname?
      1. 0
        7 August 2017 17: 05
        The neighbor’s puppy barks at home, doesn’t let you go, you go to the VO, here you are. Well, how can I get to the bottom of the story with such a noise?
    2. +1
      7 August 2017 18: 58
      It's not evening yet, buddy.
    3. +1
      11 August 2017 15: 26
      You were a man - they bent you and you became maggots.
    4. +1
      11 August 2017 17: 15
      Ndaaa ... This is where such knowledge comes from? From what historian? Give a link, please.
  4. +2
    7 August 2017 06: 16
    And in order not to be defeated in this confrontation, Russia should never give up its national interests and demonstrate weakness

    ... and what about the labeled, EBN, who simply sold and gave Russia to be torn to pieces? ... if such figures still appear in power, the enemies will end Russia ...
    1. +4
      7 August 2017 09: 23
      An official of the Russian Federation is Yeltsin's protege, if that. Bring the thought to the end.
      1. +3
        7 August 2017 09: 38
        IvanTheTerrible Today, 09:23 ↑
        An official of the Russian Federation is Yeltsin's protege, if that. Bring the thought to the end.

        ... look at the conduct of the foreign and domestic policy of the “Yeltsin’s henchman” ... so as not to go into useless discussion ... and this, “if that”, bringing my thought to the END ... hi
      2. +2
        7 August 2017 13: 24
        An official of the Russian Federation is Yeltsin's protege, if that.

        It doesn’t matter, even with the monarchy it doesn’t.
  5. Ka2
    7 August 2017 07: 10
    Well, something like this turns out what
    1. +12
      7 August 2017 07: 14
      Ernichat you get bad ...
      1. Ka2
        7 August 2017 07: 17
        Well, the thing is going to the same hi
    2. +4
      7 August 2017 08: 11
      1. Putin is no longer here; Stalin is needed here.
      2. What finger is sucked out?
      3. About agents and danger - along the way it is
      Quote: Ka2
      Well, something like this turns out
      1. Ka2
        7 August 2017 08: 47
        The main thing - to live in the country like! wink
      2. Ka2
        7 August 2017 08: 51
        Sumptuously Yes
        1. +5
          7 August 2017 12: 40
          .Ka2 made a horror story ... probably already prepared a denunciation ...
          1. Ka2
            7 August 2017 13: 26
            Oh well, it just turns out that around the face is not a traditional orientation, but we are like D'Artagnan.
            By God, as in a joke!
            Without a drop of sarcasm, but from the side it looks like this hi
    3. +6
      7 August 2017 13: 34
      I already wrote well, so everything is once again confirmed:
      Trolls on VO appear in batches, register with an interval of less than 10 days, another month gush, then leave. The previous pack was in late January, this in the second half of June.
      Looks at the State Department quarterly funding, but there are no minuses .....
      1. Ka2
        7 August 2017 13: 50
        Yes, you have everything with an alternative vision of trolls.
        It’s much easier to explain.
        1. +3
          7 August 2017 16: 18
          Yes, you have everything with an alternative vision of trolls.

          Not at all, I have the classic definition of trolls.

          Trolls are those who try to influence the feelings, emotions of members of the forum (and not their brain), usually by outrageous; trolls feed on the emotions of people. To do this, they (trolls) use many tricks, for example, by writing extremely harsh (possibly offensive to a given audience) phrases or by posting pictures of the same content.
          Pictures are even preferable for trolls, as they evoke emotions, and there is no need to prove anything (trolls do not like / do not know how to do this).
          So that you:
          1.Classic troll
          2. Sovramshi (about my definition of a troll)
          I have the honor, I will not feed.
    4. +1
      7 August 2017 18: 59
      Hilo kidding, primitive.
      1. Ka2
        9 August 2017 23: 58
        I adjust so that you understand on the first try hi
  6. +5
    7 August 2017 07: 17
    The revolutionary events of 1917 and the collapse of the Russian Empire were a great opportunity for the West to inflict another oudp by country
    The revolution was essentially another blow. Almost all revolutionary parties were funded by the West. However, like most members of the interim government.
    Although the financing of the Bolsheviks is denied by "official propaganda", but in fact all congresses carried out over the hill, and the question arises - what shisha? Where is the money, Zin? After all, revolution (rebellion in a warring country) is not cheap. You cannot fill the piggy bank of the party with “exs” (in fact, robberies).
    just as now, there is funding for NGOs, bulk-anal applicants and other Russophobic trash.
    1. +1
      7 August 2017 07: 23
      Almost all revolutionary parties were funded by the West. However, like most members of the interim government.
      Who financed the 1991-93 coup?
      1. +1
        7 August 2017 08: 13
        Quote: Gardamir
        Almost all revolutionary parties were funded by the West. However, like most members of the interim government.
        Who financed the 1991-93 coup?

        Look whose money is in your pocket, here’s the coup for the same ...
      2. +7
        7 August 2017 08: 23
        Quote: Gardamir
        Who financed the 1991-93 coup?

        Nothing stands still. Why spend a lot of money if you can raise a traitor, bring him to power and he himself will bring everything on a silver platter.
      3. +3
        7 August 2017 09: 32
        None. A call from London - and your USSR is no more.
        The possibility of the Soviet republics withdrawing from the union, as prescribed in the constitution, gives reinforced concrete grounds for considering the collapse of the USSR to be laid down initially in the framework of institutional design.
      4. 0
        7 August 2017 19: 01
        Children and granddaughters of those who did this at the beginning of the 20th century.
    2. +2
      7 August 2017 13: 59
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      Although the financing of the Bolsheviks is denied by "official propaganda", but in fact all the congresses were held over the hill, and the question arises - what are the big ones?

      again shadow and wattle.
      Well, you don’t have any evidence and you won’t calm down already in your stupid pursuit of the dubious insinuations of frank Russophobes and anti-advisers.
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      The revolution was essentially another blow. Almost all revolutionary parties were funded by the West.

      And this is crap
      The tsar was demolished by the liberals of that time, who consisted, for you, not terribly of industrialists and aristocrats. Of war and all merchants — those who owed the monarchy, but they no longer needed it. How much can you repeat Chubais and Pivovarov’s?
      For all the relative paucity and small popularity, the Bolsheviks were the most energetic political group in 1917, which did not make any compromises. In the summer of 1917, they alone defended two ideas - the most popular among the population and the most unpopular among the government (Mensheviks, Socialist Revolutionaries and Cadets) - about land and peace. The implementation of these two main popular demands, as the other political forces of that time believed (and history proved them right), inevitably should have led to the troubles, separatism and boycott of Russia by the Entente. And so the Provisional Government decided at all costs to stop the Bolsheviks.

      The Provisional Government was democratic, and in order to neutralize the Bolsheviks in June-July 1917, it took measures that today would call PR: this is how information came about the financing of the RSDLP (b) by the German General Staff (but several Bolsheviks accused of treason, for example Trotsky , still imprisoned for a short time).

      The fake was sewn with white thread, but nevertheless the competitors of the Bolsheviks in the socialist movement (Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks) seized on it, and later the white and counter-revolutionaries of all stripes. Http: //
      1. +3
        7 August 2017 16: 59
        Quote: Pancir026
        Russophobia and anti-Soviet.

        Do not know how to separate flies from cutlets? wink
        Quote: Pancir026
        And this is crap
        And in May 1915, did Lenin meet with Parvus (Gelfand)? wink
        In Copenhagen, Parvus creates a commercial export-import company, appointing it as the manager of precisely Jacob Ganetsky, Lenin’s associate. After October 17th, Ganetsky will be appointed by Lenin as Deputy Chief Commissioner of the State Bank ... The office headed by Ganetsky made it possible to send his people under the guise of "business partners" to Russia to create an underground network. Z. Zeman: - He may have been the pioneer of what is called the "phrank organization" - these were covering organizations, conditional societies that were not engaged in what they officially announced. Such an organization was the Institute for the Study of the Social Consequences of the War, which Parvus opened in Copenhagen in 1915 with German money. Among his employees are A. Zurabov, a former State Duma deputy, and Moses Uritsky, who set up the work of courier agents. After October 17th, Uritsky will be appointed Lenin as Chairman of the Petrograd Cheka.
        Is there any direct connection? belay
        Ah, I forgot - at least for you ...., all the dew of God .... Bulk away is also a saint - he censures the goblin authorities for donations from a displeased people. laughing How do you like this “new inhabitant” of the mausoleum? wink
        1. +1
          8 August 2017 14: 54
          [quote = Ingvar 72] You don't know how to separate flies from cutlets? [/ quote]
          You do not know how, fact.
          [quote = Ingvar 72] Did Lenin and Parvus (Gelfand) meet in May 1915 for a chat? [/ quote
          And? Parvus got a shit. Learn the story. And don’t read the yellow newspapers and opuses of all kinds of different talkers.
          [quote = Ingvar 72] Well, no connection? [/ quote]
          Trotsky has a connection, you can lie to Lenin’s account. You don’t have evidence. Https: //
          1. 0
            8 August 2017 18: 21
            Quote: Pancir026
            You do not know how, fact.

            Well, of course, I did not expect anything else from you. laughing For you, the anti-Soviet and Russophobe are synonyms, although they are not really such. This is a fact.
            Quote: Pancir026
            Learn the story. Don't read the yellow newspaper

            What is the story? All rulers rewrite it for themselves, and only by snapshots can the truth be determined. You are fixated on upholding the "truths" of one passage in the history of Russia.
            Quote: Pancir026
            Trotsky yes, communication, on the account of Lenin

            Were they not associates of chance? wink
            1. +1
              9 August 2017 10: 20
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              For you anti-adviser and Russophobe synonyms

              Naturally, synonyms are for you, a believer of all kinds of nonsense, different concepts.
              “I love Russia, but I hate the Bolsheviks ...”, - this phrase can often be heard from the lips of various liberals, democrats, nationalists, supporters of the current government and many other representatives of various political movements. It would seem that everything is logical - Russia is separate, the Bolsheviks are separate. But why, when embarking on the path of anti-Sovietism, “desovetizers” inevitably come to Russophobia, that is, hatred of their own people and country?
              The answer is simple.
              The thing is that the whole Soviet period, and this is more than 70 years, is an integral part of the history of Russia, and denying the Soviet period, the “desovetizers” inevitably deny part of the history of their people. Paradox?
              Do not understand? Chew?
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              What is the story? All rulers rewrite it for themselves, and only by snapshots can the truth be determined. You are fixated on upholding the "truths" of one passage in the history of Russia.

              In this gag and your own blindness, leave for your not too distant mind, do not ascribe to others what you are doing.
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              Were they not associates of chance?

              Before you put your finger on the keyboard, let me learn the materiel.http: //
              35962/34 / Chernyavskiy _-_ Lev_Trockiy.html
              1. 0
                9 August 2017 19: 33
                Quote: Pancir026
                from the lips of various liberals, democrats, nationalists, supporters of the current government and many other representatives of various political movements.

                Got it yourself. what did they say? Those. all who are not a communist, a Bolshevik-means Russophobe? fool
                Quote: Pancir026

                That latno? wassat Those. Trotsky was not in the leadership of the Bolshevik party? belay after your words I want to put a hyphen in the word mat-part, and learn only mat. bully
                1. 0
                  13 August 2017 08: 35
                  Quote: Ingvar 72
                  , and learn only mat.

                  This is apparently the only thing available to you.
    3. +3
      7 August 2017 14: 38
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      but in fact all the congresses were held over the hill,

      Yes, because the repressive Tsarist-Stolypin secret police acted in such a way that not only holding congresses, but generally dissent was not allowed in the country!
      Censorship was also the toughest in Europe.
      Do you understand?
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      and the question arises - what shisha?

      Learn materiel !!!
      The Social Democratic movement was global and assistance to this movement was provided not only by intra-party contributions, but also by donations from wealthy people with social democratic views ..
      Example-Savva Morozov, by the way starover.
      Yes, at least take a look at the “ABCs”, otherwise you are probably too lazy to read.
      1. +2
        7 August 2017 16: 30
        Quote: Stroporez
        Censorship was also the toughest in Europe.

        And therefore, the most complete thugs were only sent to Siberia, and not hung or shot, as subsequently did Trotsky, Sverdlov, Uritsky, Zalkind and others?
        but also with the donations of rich people,having social democratic views ..
        And also anarist, and socialist! wassat Do you yourself believe that? Are the money of Yasha Schiff and the Warburg brothers fit into "voluntary donations"? wink
        1. +3
          7 August 2017 19: 31
          And therefore
          stop shaking antiquity. That power was popular. Tell us about our life, How you can kill millions without repression. What is Kvachkov sitting for ?, What kind of new trends should I put on likes and SMS?
          1. +2
            7 August 2017 20: 11
            Quote: Gardamir
            That power was popular

            From which moment? And what kind of people? American newspaper Jewish Chronicle (“Jewish Chronicle”) of April 4, 1919:
            "The fact that there are so many Jews among the Bolsheviks simply reflects the fact that the ideas of Bolshevism in many places are also the best ideas of Judaism."

            Another American newspaper "American Jew" (American Hebrew) writes in a September 20, 1920 issue:
            “The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, Jewish dissatisfaction, Jewish planning, whose goal was to create a world Jewish order. The fact that in such an excellent way was done in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, Jewish dissatisfaction and Jewish planning, soon, through the same Jewish mental and physical qualities, it will become a reality all over the world. ”

            Note - Jewish newspapers. Other evidence is a passage from the French correspondent “L Illustration” R.Vaucher from the book “L Enfer Bolchevik a Petrograd” 1919.
            “When we lived in close contact with officials of the Bolshevik government, it is immediately evident that almost all of them are Jews. I am far from anti-Semitism, but I have to confirm that everywhere: in Petrograd, in Moscow, in the provinces, in all commissariats, in regional institutions, in Smolny, in the former ministries, in the Soviets, I met Jews and only Jews. The more you study this revolution, the more you become convinced that Bolshevism is a Jewish movement. ”
            . She became a people after Stalin's execution of the "Lenin Guard", for the most part represented by persons of disputed nationality. hi
        2. +3
          7 August 2017 23: 09
          Quote: Ingvar 72
          And therefore, the most complete thugs were only sent to Siberia, and not hung or shot,

          Quote: IvanTheTerrible
          In Britain they hung for less

          Clarify the terms for yourself, Stolypin tie, Stolypin carriage, firing train.
          And then tell me about the "bloody Soviet regime."
          1. +2
            8 August 2017 07: 15
            Quote: Stroporez
            And then tell me about the "bloody Soviet regime."

            I repeat - does anyone from the tsarist secret police compare with Sverdlov, Uritsky, Blumkin, Zalkind?
            And yet, dear Stroporez - even though you are a big fan of the Bolsheviks, do not protect everyone without exception. Read Stoleshnikov's “Anti-Archipelago,” or Lenin’s correspondence over disagreements with Stalin. You will discover many interesting things. It is V.I. Lenin owns the words about "Great Russian trash."
            The only worthy ruler of our country since 1917 is Stalin. hi
            1. +2
              8 August 2017 08: 30
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              You will discover many interesting things. It is V.I. Lenin owns the words about "Great Russian trash."

              You will read the full article and understand that the quote is torn out of the context of the article.
              We are talking about Ordzhenikidze, who, by his assault, was likened to the “Tsarist leader”, which did not correspond to the Soviet idea of ​​a representative of power.
              "Dzerzhinsky, who headed the commission sent by the Central Committee to" investigate "the Georgian incident, I could only bear the greatest fears. If it came to the point that Ordzhonikidze could bury before using physical violence, as Comrade Dzerzhinsky told me, then you can imagine what kind of swamp we flew into. Apparently, the whole idea of ​​"autonomy" was fundamentally wrong and untimely. "...
              "now we must honestly say the opposite, that we call our own apparatus, which in fact is completely alien to us and is a bourgeois and tsarist mess, which can be redone in five years if there is no help from other countries and when military occupations prevail and there was no way to fight hunger. "..
              “Under such conditions, it is very natural that the“ freedom to leave the union ”, which we justify ourselves, will turn out to be an empty piece of paper, unable to protect Russian foreigners from the invasion of that truly Russian man, a Great Russian chauvinist, in essence, a scoundrel and a rapist, which is a typical Russian bureaucrat. There is no doubt that an insignificant percentage of Soviet and Soviet workers will drown in this sea of ​​chauvinistic Great Russian trash like a fly in milk. "

              So, the Great Russian chauvinist, scoundrel and rapist was not a Russian man, but a tsarist official. Ay-ah-ah, gentlemen, anti-advisers. In the best traditions of Goebbels.
              1. +2
                8 August 2017 18: 30
                Quote: Stroporez
                You will read the full article.

                Read. Where in the last paragraph is the conversation about imperial officials?
                Quote: Stroporez
                “Under such conditions, it is very natural that the“ freedom to leave the union ”, which we justify ourselves, will turn out to be an empty piece of paper, unable to protect Russian foreigners from the invasion of that truly Russian man, a Great Russian chauvinist, in essence, a scoundrel and a rapist, which is a typical Russian bureaucrat. There is no doubt that an insignificant percentage of Soviet and Soviet workers will drown in this sea of ​​chauvinistic Great Russian trash like a fly in milk. "

                What is it? A call to protect foreigners from the influence of Russian officials?
                1. +1
                  9 August 2017 10: 23
                  Quote: Ingvar 72
                  . Where in the last paragraph is the conversation about imperial officials?

                  Where? In an article by Lenin on this subject, and if you undersign full ignorance, and use citations pulled out everywhere. Rather, remembering the meaning of what was said, what do you know at all? Or do you have such a role to portray something “knowing”?
                  Quote: Ingvar 72
                  A call to protect foreigners from the influence of Russian officials?

                  Explore.http: //
                  "Is the sense of national pride alien to us, Great Russian conscious proletarians? Of course not! We love our language and our homeland, we work most of all to increase its working masses (i.e. 9 / 10 of its population) to conscious the lives of democrats and socialists. It is most painful for us to see and feel the violence, oppression and bullying of our beautiful homeland by the royal executioners, nobles, and capitalists. We are proud that these violence were repulsed from our midst by the Great Russians, that this medium advanced Radishchev, Decembrists, 70’s revolutionary revolutionaries, that the Great Russian working class created a mighty revolutionary party of the masses in 1905, that the Great Russian muzhik began at the same time to become a democrat, began to overthrow the priest and landowner.

                  We remember how half a century ago the Great Russian democrat Chernyshevsky, giving his life to the cause of the revolution, said: “a miserable nation, a nation of slaves, from top to bottom are all slaves” 2. Outspoken and hidden Great Russian slaves (slaves in relation to the tsarist monarchy) do not like recall these words. "
                  Quote: Ingvar 72
                  What is it? A call to protect foreigners from the influence of Russian officials?

                  This is a call not to listen to people like you.
      2. +2
        7 August 2017 17: 28
        Yes, because the repressive Tsarist-Stolypin secret police acted in such a way that not only holding congresses, but generally dissent was not allowed in the country!

        In Britain they hung for less. Apparently, this is why now the "Russian" "billionaires" keep "their" capital in the offshore of Her Majesty and buy up London real estate.
  7. +5
    7 August 2017 07: 26
    Article plus ... I completely agree with the author.
    Unfortunately, the West was able to grow a generation that hates the USSR and does not know history, not only in Ukraine and the Baltic states, but also in Russia itself. Now everywhere they write about the "bloody" Stalin and the "monster" Ivan the Terrible ... And this is sad.
    It is necessary to raise the level of knowledge of the population of their history, because "the people who have forgotten their history have no future."
  8. +3
    7 August 2017 07: 27
    The West is certainly not friendly to us. But the fifth, sixth and how many more columns are marching in their house. Why are our current rulers rewriting history? Why get dirty, our glorious Soviet past?
    1. +3
      7 August 2017 14: 11
      Quote: Gardamir
      Why are our current rulers rewriting history? Why get dirty, our glorious Soviet past?

      look interesting.
    2. 0
      7 August 2017 19: 01
      These are worse than the whole notorious West.
  9. +3
    7 August 2017 07: 30
    Russia has always been a bone in the throat for the West. Therefore, it’s high time to get used to the fact that it’s useless to look for allies in this direction (western), and the “partners” of them are not important.
    1. +2
      7 August 2017 08: 15
      Quote: rotmistr60
      Yes, and the "partners" of them are unimportant.

      And among whom then to look for partners - in Africa or what?
      1. 0
        8 August 2017 16: 15
        My friend, if you are talking about this ... about the main thing, then look for partners among the "cochites of the Wursts" in some Las Vegas Blue Lagoon. And in politics, what kind of partners can there be?)))
    2. +1
      7 August 2017 11: 48
      Any union and partnership is based on common interests. Or the ability to find them. And with this, the Russian authorities have always been tight
      1. 0
        8 August 2017 16: 21
        Well yes. But in the West, especially in the Anglo-Saxons, it was always amazingly good with this. We see the surviving Indians of the North. America, in India, which the old woman England raped and robbed for 300 years, in today's Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. Will you call the rest of the colonies within the framework of the "Western partnership" yourself? Take a look at Wikipedia. At the same time, you will find out how many military bases these good people keep in the territories of their "partners." It seems about 150.)))
    3. +1
      7 August 2017 20: 17
      Partners are generally an empty matter to look for. You have to rely only on yourself.
  10. +1
    7 August 2017 08: 13
    Most often, the country became the object of aggression of other states. Whoever attacked the Russian land, what atrocities they did on it!
    In fact, Russia has encountered full-blown aggression only twice in its history - in 1812 and in 1941. With a stretch, you can still add a vague time when the Poles were - but there were more internal contradictions and the struggle for power. In most cases, Russia itself was not averse to starting wars, and when it did not need them at all.
    1. +5
      7 August 2017 09: 06
      I want to add: the relations between Russia and Poland before the partition of the latter were pure water within the Slavic dispute for supremacy in Eastern Europe. Approximately the same as the intra-Scandinavian dispute between Denmark and Sweden.
      1. +3
        7 August 2017 14: 02
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        I want to add: the relations of Russia with Poland before the partition of the latter were pure water intra-Slavic dispute for supremacy in Eastern Europe

        That is not the whole truth.
        Since the fall of Catholic rule, Poland has become a battering ram against Moscow, and lost the fight for the place of crystallization of the Slavic world.
        And in the subsequent .. three sections and the next, already fuss about trying to create centuries-old dreams of the Poles, from mozh to mozh .. will not crack?
        1. +4
          7 August 2017 15: 49
          Since the fall of Catholic rule, Poland has become a ram against Moscow.

          Here I do not agree, because the Poles acted mainly on their own initiative, the Vatican stands apart here, because if Rome had a desire to Catholicize Russia, then history would know the Crusades to Russia.
          1. +2
            8 August 2017 14: 55
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            Here I do not agree, because the Poles acted mainly on their own initiative

            Blah blah blah, as always.
        2. +1
          8 August 2017 16: 23
          ... "Mozha to mozha .. the mug will not crack? ... It is better this way:" Will the face not crack .... From mozha to mozha ... "
  11. +2
    7 August 2017 08: 22
    Well, the author has mixed. All the bad ones all hurt us. But we too oh. But in fact, everything is simpler. Everyone acts in their own interests. And Russia too.
  12. +1
    7 August 2017 08: 40
    However, criminal liability for ... "denial of the Soviet occupation" is already being introduced in the Baltic countries and Ukraine. And this despite the fact that the Latvian arrows played an important role in the assertion of Soviet power, almost the majority of Soviet statesmen came from the western regions of the former Russian Empire, including the Baltic States and Ukraine. It is somehow silent that at the head of the Soviet Union and at important government posts stood immigrants from Georgia Stalin, Beria, Ordzhonikidze, immigrants from Ukraine Khrushchev and Brezhnev, Poles Dzerzhinsky and Menzhinsky - and these are only those people who held high government posts and whose surnames are still well-known. What Soviet or, especially, Russian occupation can be talked about in this case?

    We can talk about the international occupation of Russia, from which we still cannot leave.
    1. 0
      7 August 2017 14: 04
      Quote: IvanTheTerrible
      We can talk about the international occupation of Russia, from which we still cannot leave.

      Natsdem-reducer is not for you to tell us what and how to do in Russia.
      For centuries, the country was built on the principles of respect for the peoples living in it.
      And what you are calling for is the reduction of the country's territory at times, its return to the beginning of the century 16.if not earlier.
      1. +1
        7 August 2017 14: 29
        And what you are calling for is the reduction of the country's territory at times, its return to the beginning of the century 16.if not earlier.

        Breaking news: the European part of the Russian Federation is almost within the borders that were under Alexei Mikhailovich!
        And yes, I don’t think that the reverse discrimination of Russians and the privileged position of national minorities can be called "respect for the peoples." Lenin’s national policy is no better than apartheid, respectively, the people who uphold it should be perceived as nothing more than racists.
        And I want to clarify that the national state of the Russian people is not the oppression / extermination of non-Russian peoples, with the disconnection of everything and everything, as you imagine, but the elimination of their privileges and the establishment of a common legal regime for all citizens.
  13. +6
    7 August 2017 08: 48
    The article is yet another Noviopian cry in the style of: "they want to destroy the damned western, unspiritual homofascists Russian woman!"
    In reality, Russia always before the disaster of 1917 was part of Europe. Starting from Anna Yaroslavna, who married the French king and ending with the numerous participation of Russia in all kinds of European unions and coalitions.
    As for the "information war", the Europeans were constantly engaged in this in conflicts with each other. Suffice it to recall the newspaper publications of WWI times in British newspapers, where the Germans were called the "new Huns" and the "barbaric threat." The same applies to the hegemonic state in Europe. Hegemon, that is, a state capable of at least potentially dictating its will to other states, has always been feared in Europe and united against it. In Anglo-Boer European volunteers fought against the British, and in the Seven Years' War, Prussia was threshed by a coalition of neighbors.
    Understood posters of the times before the WWII:
    1. +3
      7 August 2017 13: 07
      Tell us how advanced Europe brought blacks, Incas, Indians slaughtered. scalps of women and children sold more expensive .... and how the Russians mastered Siberia .. then tell us that we are the same as them. There are a million examples of different behaviors, perceptions, relationships ..
      Geographically, yes, part of Europe. And all the rest .. it's still the same Anna Yaroslavna said ... I have to get along and now, it’s a pity there are no neighbors
  14. A.
    7 August 2017 09: 05
    Unfortunately, the destroyers have settled in the Russian media (and not only), on the idiotic central television channels. Someone is covering these moronic TNT and the like, and the first channel is not far gone. These traitorous moles dig and weaken us from within.
    1. +2
      7 August 2017 09: 35
      And what do you think, could “destroyers get into the Russian media” (state) without the knowledge of state power? Obviously not. From which we can conclude that the destroyer is the government of the "state" of the Russian Federation.
  15. +2
    7 August 2017 09: 16
    If we follow the author’s logic, then the Bolshevik power is the power of English spies and emissaries, because the Bolsheviks:
    1) unleashed a bloody and senseless civil war, by force of arms, having dispersed the volatile and legal representative body - the All-Russian Constituent Assembly - which was to determine the future state system of Russia;
    2) they staged a red terror, dispossession, slander, collectivization and great terror - "the direct destruction of the population of our country, and the very color of this population, the most active and passionate people"
    3) pursued a policy of reverse discrimination against the Russian people, through which elites of peripheral separatists — future post-Soviet Russophobic states — were fed, the worst thing is that the authorities of the Russian Federation continue this policy: all the years since the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Federation has supported other post-Soviet non-repayable loans and subsidies state, while feeding national republics within themselves, which will sooner or later disconnect from the Russian Federation de facto (as Chechnya has already done), and then legally.
    1. +4
      7 August 2017 13: 51
      09.16. Ivan! The name doesn’t stink from the word? Stink, and stink! Whom did the Provisional Government disperse? Order number one, against whom? Whom did EBN disperse? In whose interests did MSG and EBN work? But the white terror did not suit? And on whose money did the White Movement live? Kneading !? What did the fists do? Weren't they rural moneylender bankers? Only instead of money they used a natural product. Let's say the fists are the most working. And then what is the crisis? Could this crisis be dispossession? Why not? Merger and absorption is not dispossession? This is how they talked? Come, ride through Berlin, our Cossacks! Cossacks were both for those and for these. It seems they even wanted something like autonomy or a separate state. Well, like we all feed. Well, like the Far Eastern Republic. In general, the situation was on EBN, take sovereignty as much as anyone can! In the 90s, the dream of the 17-18th years came true, some separated. What is the discrimination of the Russian people? In the USSR there was a graph-nationality. In the 90s screaming, discrimination! During the USSR, not a single nation has disappeared. This is during the executions of millions! Today, separatists are not fed up, but they are screaming: Come along here! Why did you come in large numbers? Slaves want however! So Wan, I'm sorry, but you would shut up! hi
      1. +1
        7 August 2017 14: 51
        Ivan! The name doesn’t stink from the word? Stink, and stink!

        So Wan, I'm sorry, but you would shut up!

        Culture flooded.
        1. +2
          8 August 2017 16: 30
          Change your nickname from the State Department, accounting and credit. And immediately stop stinking. Or didn’t you choose it yourself? So why be offended?)))
      2. +4
        7 August 2017 16: 28
        Ivan! The name doesn’t stink from the word?

        Dear, I disagree with you on many points, but listen to my advice, do not waste your nerves.
        This is a pure troll (3-4 people are now grazing them on the forum)
        You look at what he is doing, read the comments, either against the Communists, then the monarchists or the GDP, and look at the checkbox, and Ivan has a nickname in English.
        In ignore, since the minuses were canceled and the whole short-lived.
        1. +1
          8 August 2017 16: 43
          It’s convenient to call a troll a person whose views are at odds with yours. And yes, if you carefully read my comments, you would see that they are consistent and do not contradict one another.
    2. +1
      7 August 2017 14: 05
      Quote: IvanTheTerrible
      1) unleashed bloody and besmys

      Complete lies.
      Quote: IvanTheTerrible
      2) staged a red terror, p

      Another lie.
      Quote: IvanTheTerrible
      3) pursued a policy of

      The next lie.
      So what’s your soul besides sheer lies?
      To you personally.
      _idiotam /
      1. +1
        7 August 2017 14: 32
        "ALL-ALL-ALL-ALL-ALL-ALMOST !!!! 11", in a word.
        1. +2
          8 August 2017 16: 37
          Quote: IvanTheTerrible
          in a word

          Change the training manual, your opuses from the State Department dump are already tired of everyone.
        2. +2
          8 August 2017 17: 01
          And you SHOULD ALL SHOWER Smell !!!!!!
          1. +1
            8 August 2017 17: 05
            You write, but I am ashamed of you.
  16. +6
    7 August 2017 09: 54
    Quote: pp to Oparyshev
    Russia used to be Tartaria, then Muscovy, but the point is that they always wanted to bend it. And they bent it and it became Russia.

    ... Russia decreased in size - the First Rome the 12th century - and the Germans and Italians and the French entered Russia .. as a powerful monetary circulation appeared - it was saddled by the Semites-Jews and the collapse of the Empire began ..., Germans-dumb-language forgot .., but in the time of Christ they spoke the same language ... It's like Durka - country 404 - how long did it take - 25 years .. What the hell is asked, the Jews forgot in foreign lands, crawl like snakes and ruin the state with gold .. Ukraine in the tenacious arms of the Jews .. It’s even amazing - Hitler destroyed all the Jews in Ukraine, but no - there were even more of them ...
    1. 0
      7 August 2017 10: 36
      The House of Anti-Semites has an open day.
      1. +2
        8 August 2017 16: 32
        Are you a nurse Shikhman?
  17. The comment was deleted.
  18. +1
    7 August 2017 12: 07
    All hatred of Russia because of Orthodoxy. Pharisees and hypocrites, God-haters hate our Church. For she convicts evil, falsehood, hypocrisy. The enemies of Russia also have accomplices in Russia itself. These are those who by their nature should be a Christian, serve God. Those who have renounced their destiny and serve themselves, please themselves, love only their "I".
    1. Ka2
      7 August 2017 15: 17

      in Soviet Russia they thought differently hi
      1. +2
        7 August 2017 18: 08
        Where is this Soviet Russia? No. So you are here for the whole of Russia do not sign.

        You in your madness will pour on your ancestors. Calling them flies. But yes, God is merciful! Maybe she will instruct you. This usually happens in a hospital bed. When nobody really needs you already. Lie down and suffer quietly. Scary to die. But the godless is even worse. Hardly in agony, you will recall Soviet Russia. Do not forget the Lord. The scripture says, “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Rom. 10:13)
        1. 0
          7 August 2017 20: 33
          That’s why they don’t love you. You climb with your god both to and from the place. Have a conscience
          1. +2
            7 August 2017 21: 47
            I know that they do not like. Only in vain. By the way, God is written with a capital letter. For this is the Name. So that you can fix it. But if you want to mock, then know the Scripture says: “Do not be deceived: God does not scold. What a man sows, he will also reap” (Gal.6: 7).
            About my conscience, I suggest not talking because about yours, I don't know anything. There is nothing to compare. For sim hi Guardian Angel to you and your loved ones!
        2. Ka2
          10 August 2017 00: 04
          Well, it broke up and broke up, so what.
          And by the way, you also don’t get sick, and your children are in good health.
  19. +2
    7 August 2017 12: 40
    The West clearly lives according to the main covenant of the Roman Empire, divide and conquer !, it just will not once again remind the Western establishment what eventually happened to the Romans and their mighty power!
  20. +2
    7 August 2017 13: 55
    Well, damn it, what to do, huh? Herodians want to destroy us. Nobody intervenes for us. Though you wrap yourself in a shroud and crawl towards the cemetery.
    Oho-ho ..... but in fact, everything is a bit wrong. And even, like be, not at all like that. If only to prioritize, as it should.
    Evil Americans are happy to buy all sorts of things from us, from rocket engines to various alloys - titanium there, and all sorts of rare earths.
    All sorts of different "Fox-Alice and Basilio cats" with pleasure, and sometimes without it, buy military equipment from us. We could talk about all kinds of grain and, by the way, technical hemp.
    De Beers is selling diamonds in Russia. Amazing right?
    And we all, getting confused in snot and indignation, sulk, take offense at the "Cavarian West". At the same time to the "Cavarian" South, North, Southeast and East-South. Together with the South-North and West-East.
    By and large, it is deeply parallel to everyone in the world whether Russia is a part of the WORLD or not, oppressing Russia or it itself oppresses anyone there. How many autochthons of Russia perished in all kinds of wars and how many natives in different places of the world ruined "... on behalf and on behalf of ....".
    I think that three quarters of the "local Aborigines" certainly went abroad. To Europe there, to Turkey, or America, or Southeast Asia. Those from the Far East, across China, probably rolled more than once. Etc.
    And they are well aware of the attitude of people towards immigrants from Russia.
    All this agitation fuss is directed exclusively towards one goal - to achieve MYSELF, beloved, any preferences. Provide yourself, beloved, extra goodies and privileges. If at the same time someone feels bad - well, everything can happen. It’s not good for everyone. A-priory.
    Therefore, when I have to read about what they say, we Russians ennobled everyone, helped everyone, fed them all, shed blood for everyone, took out all the “ducks” and other tearful rubbish - it causes me, at least. perplexity.
    For Russia, in any way of state administration - NEVER was a holy fool, and never helped anyone for Christ for the sake of it. Maybe the goals were not so obvious. Especially to us now.
    And when they smashed the Turkish army in Bulgaria, on Plevna and the passes, they simply aimed at the Straits. If you didn’t show stupid soft-bodied behavior and following the letters of the laws, you would have achieved the Straits. And it’s not at all because we are such “teary idiots” and we felt sorry for the poor Bulgarians or Serbs.
    And so - why not touch. I emphasize that now the goals pursued by Russia and the USSR in each particular case may simply not be obvious to us. Then, earlier.
    And I’ll add, why is there a two-pronged attitude towards us - because we, as Vanka-ups, either in one direction, then in the other, stagger, hang out. When the USSR wanted to defend something, or someone-he acted. And then back down.
    I won’t talk about the current situation. There is no subject of conversation. Everything is there.
    First of all, you need to pursue your own GOALS. Solve your own TASKS. To think about YOUR people and territories.
    And do not breed snot.
    And then - "... no one will leave offended."
    For, Russia is a self-sufficient country!
    I’m standing on that.
  21. 0
    7 August 2017 14: 31
    Quote: IvanTheTerrible
    Breaking news: the European part of the Russian Federation is almost within the borders that were under Alexei Mikhailovich!

    Thank you to the likes of 90 screaming-drop everything.
  22. The comment was deleted.
  23. 0
    7 August 2017 19: 44
    "Hitler’s Propaganda Minister of Germany Goebbels said that a lie repeated a thousand times
    becomes true. The lie about the mass Stalinist repressions was repeated a hundred thousand times, and in the minds of people
    it has become an axiom, that is, a self-evident truth that does not require proof. Instead of evidence
    you will be offered a "work of art" "The Gulag Archipelago" by A. I. Solzhenitsyn. "

    Here's a continuation of the thought: the Wall of Sorrow in memory of the victims of repression began to be installed in Moscow
    -06-08-2017.htm? Utm_medium = more & utm_source = rn
  24. 0
    7 August 2017 20: 48
    "Do not try to change the world - change yourself"
    Do not look for the enemies of Russia from the outside, in Russophobia at the head of the country for the last 500 years of its history.
  25. 0
    7 August 2017 22: 22
    Of course everything is true ... Only the people will not defend the country under this power. If anything happens large-scale. And the double basses will scatter. And half the officers. They serve there for grandmothers, mainly ... For Sechenin’s hours and Abramovich’s yacht, it’s not enough to die fools. One hope for a nuclear bomb ...
  26. 0
    7 August 2017 23: 10
    and why does this number always (in the west) roll them? Will we ever learn how to counter this? time after time we are destroyed the country, and we absolutely can not do anything about it!
  27. +1
    8 August 2017 14: 25
    Quote: Love is
    I know that they do not like. Only in vain. By the way, God is written with a capital letter. For this is the Name. So that you can fix it. But if you want to mock, then know the Scripture says: “Do not be deceived: God does not scold. What a man sows, he will also reap” (Gal.6: 7).
    About my conscience, I suggest not talking because about yours, I don't know anything. There is nothing to compare. For sim hi Guardian Angel to you and your loved ones!

    ... God is the Absolute Multitude, we also enter this multitude ..., we don’t need to compass people's brains with fairy tales of the ancient world .. The Earth does not stand on 3 whales or elephants, which ... and so on ... God and any religion is a spiritual weapon of influence on the population of rulers (spiritual and secular) ...
    1. 0
      9 August 2017 08: 25
      You would confirm your right to reason like that. Or at least a document on the basis of which you draw conclusions of a cosmic scale. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God is an absolute multitude and that we enter this multitude. You are spreading heresy.
      Lord Jesus Christ in the gospel says
      "Abide in Me, and I in you. As a branch cannot bear fruit by itself, if it is not on the vine: so you, if you will not be in Me." (John 15: 4)
      He calls to be in Him, and therefore not everyone in Him, but the one who comes and asks.
      "I am the vine, and you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for without Me you cannot do anything." (John 15: 5.)
      Read The Original Source that God Himself Delivered to Humanity.
      And your nonsense, about the weapon of influence has roots in your atheistic education and primeval ignorance in Christianity.
      Lenin taught you so. So, if you want to show off your knowledge, boldly indicate where and how you got them. And every evening I hear a gag out of the window, where grandmothers judge and put on all the universal problems.
      1. 0
        10 August 2017 09: 38
        .. justify - with what fright Jesus Christ - is the Lord ..
  28. 0
    9 August 2017 06: 21
    You can’t leave the land that was watered with the blood of our soldiers and conquered. Because in the case of our departure, we have to come there again, but with new victims. This must be conveyed to young people so that they do not repeat the mistakes of fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers.
    1. 0
      9 August 2017 14: 00
      In the article, the author, as it were, exposes the West in constant aggression against Russia. And indeed it has been so many times. But who prevented Russia from using their squabbles for their own purposes at the time? Napoleon did not intend to fight with Russia at all. He led the continental blockade of England, asked Russia to join. Yes, it's just a cake with a cherry - a chance to crush England and solve a lot of problems ranging from the straits between the black and Mediterranean seas and ending with the opportunity to become the founder of new rules in Europe. So no, the son brings down dad and drags Russia into a completely unnecessary war! What for? For centuries, we ourselves have not been able to use the turned up chances, and instead of ruling and making profit, we were engaged in all kinds of garbage. And how did it end? Hannibal also won many battles, only he didn’t do the decisive march of his whole life, and only then retreated to the end of his life.