The Ballad of honest Soviet Commissar (Part One)

"This ancient world is ancient
My own law.
No rules, believe me,
He does not want to know.
Day and night in it, without smolka,
Crying sounds and laughter.
From what is missing,
Pies at all. "
("The Ancient World", a song from the movie "Dear Boy",
music D. Tukhmanova, sl. L. Derbeneva.)

In his book "1984" George Orwell prophetically wrote that a society of people was almost always divided into three groups whose goals were absolutely incompatible. The purpose of the higher group is to stay where they have already climbed. The purpose of the group of mediums is to take the place of the higher ones, since they are no worse. But the lower goal is completely idealistic: to abolish all social differences and create a society where all people would be equal and therefore happy.

The Ballad of honest Soviet Commissar (Part One)

Heinrich Yagoda on the podium of the mausoleum. Above it seems nowhere ...

However, they do not know how to achieve this, because they work hard and do not have the appropriate education, and therefore knowledge. For a long time, the higher ones seem to hold tightly the power in their hands, but then, sooner or later, a moment comes when they degenerate, or years of quiet life dull their grip, or both the first and second. The average, having noticed this, go to the lower ones, play the role of fighters for their freedom and universal justice, and thus attract them to their side. The lower ones die on the barricades, they rot in the trenches, and all in order for the middle ones to throw off the highest ones from their pedestal. But, having achieved the goal, the middle ones push the lower ones back, because universal equality is simply impossible. But then new medium ones appear, into which some of the lower ones also fall - not without it, of course, and the struggle begins again. As a result, only the lower never achieve their goals, even for a short time, and all the improvements in their lives are almost entirely and completely connected with the material progress of society.

The visibility of this provision is confirmed at all levels. However, it is probably best traced by the example of personalities. True, there are thousands and thousands of them, so you can’t tell everyone about them, but among them there are significant signs. One of them is Heinrich G. Yagoda, or Enoch Gershevich Yehuda, who was born in the 1891 year in the Yaroslavl province in the city of Rybinsk, in the family of a printer-engraver. The family was big: two sons and five daughters.

Interestingly, Yagoda's father, Gershon Filippovich, was the cousin of Mikhail Izrailevich Sverdlov, that is, the father of the future famous revolutionary Yakov Sverdlov. Yagoda himself was married to Ida Leonidovna Averbakh, who was the native daughter of Yakov Sverdlov’s sister Sophia Mikhailovna, that is, his second cousin. In 1929, their son Garik was born. The famous Soviet writer Leopold Averbach, was the brother of Ida.

When Enoch's family moved to Nizhny Novgorod, Yagoda met there with Yakov Sverdlov.

Although it is believed that much was forbidden to Jews in tsarist Russia, Enoch nevertheless received a secondary education and received a decent job statistics.

Already in 1904, Yagoda's father agreed that the underground printing house of the Nizhny Novgorod Committee of the RSDLP (b) was arranged in his apartment, well, it is clear that young Enoch took part in its work. In V.I. Lenin, as it is known, the elder brother Alexander died, but the elder brother, Michael, also died in Enoch (during the armed uprising in Sormovo in 1905).

At fifteen, he contacted Nizhny Novgorod Communist anarchists, and 1911 was given the assignment to go to Moscow and negotiate with the local group of anarchists for joint “expropriation” of the bank. He came to Moscow and began to live there on a fake passport, but ... was detained by the police, because, as a Jew, he had no right to settle in the First Throne. It was proved that he was associated with radical elements, but the court showed condescension towards him, since the young man had (seemingly!) The intention to convert to the Orthodox faith, that is, to dissipate. Therefore, he was punished ... for two years he was exiled to Simbirsk, where his grandfather ... had his own house.

Then followed on the occasion of the 300 anniversary of the house of the Romanovs amnesty, and the period of exile at Yagoda was reduced to one year. Yes, this is not the United States, where, during Sakko and Vanzetti, there was an iron slogan: “Bullets for the mob, a rope for the leaders!” He said he would accept Orthodoxy and give up Judaism - “a good boy”, but that he was preparing to rob a bank Well, I didn’t rob it. So Heinrich Yagoda became Orthodox, because atheism in Russia at that time was a criminal offense, as well as a way out of the Orthodox faith, in which you were born. Well, with a stamp in the passport about the "correct faith", he was able to live and work not anywhere, but in the capital itself, in St. Petersburg, where he settled in the 1913 year at the Putilov factory.

Documents G. Berries from the registration archive of the secret police of the year 1912.

The funny thing is, but not in this, but in the fact that in 1930, Yagoda’s deputy, someone Trilisser, an old party member who had spent ten years in tsarist penal servitude, decided for some reason to check the biography of his immediate superior. And it turned out that the biography that Yagoda wrote for the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee was not true. So he pointed out that he joined the Bolshevik Party in the 1907 year, and in the 1911 year he was sent into exile and then actively participated in the October revolution. In fact, he turned out to be a Bolshevik party only in the summer of 1917, and had no business with the Bolsheviks before.

In 1915, Heinrich Yagoda was called up for military service, fought, and even rose to the rank of corporal. However, having been injured in the fall of 1916, he was demobilized and returned to Petrograd. In the pre-revolutionary years, he met Maxim Gorky and then maintained friendly relations with him.

In the days of the October Revolution was in Petrograd and took part in it. From 22 November (5 December) 1917 of the year to April 1918 was the editor of the newspaper “The Village Poorness” - this is what for those years meant to have a high school diploma.

Then work in the Cheka followed, and in 1918 — 1919. He is already a member of the Supreme Military Inspectorate of the Red Army. In the 1919 year, Ya. M. Sverdlov and F. E. Dzerzhinsky noticed Yagoda and transferred to work in Moscow. From 1920, he became a member of the Presidium of the Cheka, then a member of the board of the GPU.

With wife Ida Averbach, September 30 1922.

Since September 1923, Yagoda has been the second deputy chairman of the OGPU. Finally, after the death of Dzerzhinsky and in view of the illness of V.R. Menzhinsky, Yagoda, who was his deputy at that moment, actually became the head of the OGPU. Career growth was supported by Yagoda and party success: in 1930 — 1934. he becomes a candidate member of the Central Committee, from 1934 onwards - a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). All this time during the factional inner-party struggle in the CPSU (b) he supported JV Stalin, and he also led the defeat of the anti-Stalin demonstrations that took place in October 1927 of the year. He successfully coped with the construction of the White Sea Canal, for which in August 1933 received the Order of Lenin.

G. G. Yagoda (far left) with V.R. Menzhinsky and F.E. Dzerzhinsky in 1924.

And here "Akela nearly missed." It all started with the fact that at the beginning of 1933 in the system of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture and the People's Commissariat of State Farms of the USSR, a spy and sabotage organization was discovered that spied in favor of ... Japan! Among the spies were about 100 well-known agricultural specialists, including the Deputy People's Commissar of Agriculture F. M. Konar and A. M. Markevich, and the Deputy People's Commissar of the USSR State Farms M. M. Wolf. During the trial, the 14 defendants refused their testimony. But all the same 40 people were shot as pests, and the rest were in the camps. From 23 accused of spying, an 21 man was sentenced to death. However, A. M. Markevich, who was not shot, managed to write a letter from the camp addressed to Stalin, Molotov and USSR Prosecutor I. A. Akulov, in which he pointed out that the methods of investigating his case were illegal.

Another statement was sent to the head of the complaints bureau of the Soviet Control Commission, MI Ulyanova, A. G. Revis, another one of the two surviving "Japanese spies", and the complainants were given a turn. 15 September 1934 was set up to study these statements by a Politburo commission, which included Kaganovich, Kuibyshev and Akulov, and she came to the unpleasant conclusion that both statements are true. Moreover, the commission revealed other violations of Soviet legality on the part of the OGPU and NKVD bodies - torture of the suspects and fabrication of their cases. A draft resolution was prepared, which provided for the eradication of such methods of investigation, as well as the punishment of all the perpetrators and a corresponding review of the cases of Revis and Markevich. But then Kirov’s murder happened just in time, “the class struggle in the USSR” suddenly became sharply acute again, and the draft resolution “above” was not adopted, and Henry Yagoda, respectively, was not punished.

Moreover, when the NKVD of the USSR was created in July 1934, this new People's Commissariat, and its most important part, the General Directorate of State Security (GUGB), was headed not by anyone but Heinrich Yagoda!

There is evidence, in any case, they are cited in various sources, that Yagoda seemed to be striving for the liberalization of the punitive policy of the Soviet state, and that Kaganovich and Voroshilov talked about this in a similar vein.

However, it was under the leadership of Yagoda that the GULAG was created, the network of Soviet forced labor camps increased dramatically, and the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal was begun by prisoners. 36 was invited by prominent Soviet writers led by Maxim Gorky to highlight this “building of communism”.

Berry quite officially carried the amazing title of “the first initiator, organizer and ideological leader of the socialist industry of the taiga and the North”. However, according to the historian O. V. Khlevnyuk, the Stalinist line in the investigation on all these cases was not carried out by Yagoda, but by Yezhov, who “entered into a conspiracy against the people's Commissar of Internal Affairs ... and his supporters” Ya. S. Agranov - with one from the Deputy Berries.

In the year 1935, Yagoda, the first in the USSR, became the “General Commissioner of State Security”. That is, he received a title equal to the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union and an apartment in the Kremlin that the informal hierarchy of informal incentives that existed at that time spoke of the highest degree of trust. Already began to talk about the probable election of Yagoda to the Politburo. Year in August, 1936, with his active participation, passed the first indicative Moscow trial against the “enemies of the people” Kamenev and Zinoviev. But it was the peak of his career, since fate had already brought his heavy hand over him.

However, Yagoda did not even know that “everything is not as good as it seems”, did not think about anything “like that,” and was completely devoted to the “share of fortune” that fell on him. “The levity manifested by Yagoda in these months was ridiculous,” one of his subordinates later recalled. “He became interested in disguising NKVD employees in a new form with gold and silver braids and at the same time worked on a charter regulating the rules of conduct and etiquette of enkavedists.”

But he did not calm down on the introduction of the new form, and in addition decided to introduce another superform for the highest NKVD officials, which should have included a white tunic from gabardine with gold embroidery, blue pants and patent leather shoes. Something like all this creative aspirations of Marshal Goering, who is just as fond of creating uniforms for himself and his subordinates. Moreover, being the chief forester of the Third Reich, even in this case he invented for himself an impressive uniform "uniform" with a dagger on his belt! Paraphrasing the great Tolstoy, it is quite possible to say: “Smart people are smart in their own way, but stupid are stupid alike!”

It is interesting that since patent leather was not released in the USSR at that time, Yagoda gave the order to write out the necessary batch from abroad, having paid for it with currency. However, the main decoration of this elite superform was to be a small gilded dagger, similar to the dagger of naval officers fleet Russian Empire. "

The changing of the guard in the Kremlin, in his opinion, should have taken place in full view of the public and to the music, in the best traditions of the Tsar's Life Guards. By his order, they even formed a special cadet company, into which guys were chosen - real bogatyrs under two meters tall! In general, Heinrich Yagoda frankly reveled in the power he received, like a gourmet who ate delicious dishes.

Maxim Gorky and Heinrich Yagoda. Not earlier than November 1935 g. (RGASPI. F. 558. Op. 11. D. 1656. L. 9).

A. Orlov, who worked at that time in the office of the people's commissar, subsequently wrote that “Berry not only did not foresee what would happen to him in the near future, on the contrary, he never felt as confident as then, in the summer of 1936 of the year ... I don’t know like old foxes like Fouche or Machiavelli felt in similar situations. Did they foresee a thunderstorm that thickened over their heads to sweep them away in a few months? But I know well that Yagoda, who met Stalin every day, could not read in his eyes anything that would give grounds for alarm. ”

And what happened next was this: in the evening of September 25, 1936, Lazar Kaganovich was delivered a telegram addressed to him together with other Politburo members, signed by Stalin and Zhdanov. It read: “We consider it absolutely necessary and urgent to appoint Comrade. Yezhov for the post of Commissar. Yagoda was clearly not at the height of his task in exposing the troopist-Zinoviev block of the OGPU, he was late in this case for 4. This is indicated by all the party workers and most of the regional representatives of the Commissariat of Labor. You can leave Agranov as Deputy of Yezhov in the People's Commissariat ... ”

But the pill disgraced to the People's Commissar, of course, sweetened, and it was none other than Stalin himself. That is, he wrote one thing to his comrades in the Politburo, but 26 was completely different for the disgraced Commissar of September 1936:

“Comrade. Berry.
Narkomsvyaz is very important. This is the Commissariat of Defense. I have no doubt that you will be able to put this Commissariat on your feet. I beg you to agree to the work of the Narkomsvyaz. Without a good communication Commissariat, we feel like without hands. You can not leave Narkomsvyaz in its current position. It should be urgently put on its feet.
I. Stalin.

Two "stars": one ascending (left), and the one on the right should be about to roll forever!

But already on January 29, 1937, the CEC of the USSR decides on the transfer of the General Commissar of State Security G. G. Yagoda to the reserve. This was the second blow, signifying his actual removal from all power. At the same time he was expelled from the party, at the February-March plenum of the Central Committee of the same year subjected to harsh party criticism.

To be continued ...
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  1. +23
    27 July 2017 07: 39
    And what has changed in the “leaders” since then? They have become better, more ascetic, more democratic, closer to the people, A. Medvedev, for example, likes to drink cheap beer with the proletariat after work ..
    1. +18
      27 July 2017 07: 57
      It seems that now leaders do not boast of their proletarian origin, but in fact it is so in essence! As they forget about the communist ancestors, they used to hush up their ancestors by changing their names.
      1. +18
        27 July 2017 08: 04
        Who exactly? Putin is always talking about the merits of his parents, Medvedev was not Medvedovsky, Zhirinovsky was always "Zhirik", Chubais - Chubais. Who specifically changed? But people with a scientific degree did not drink beer with the proletariat in the USSR either. I only knew one associate professor that I liked to stop in the “eatery” on the way home ... but this is already called a painful craving for alcohol, it’s all the same with whom.
        I also know one woman assistant professor who married a worker from the factory. Everyone "understood" her in the eyes. All colleagues condemned the eyes ... or laughed! "Love is blind". Caste was still that.
        1. +11
          27 July 2017 08: 32
          Vyacheslav Olegovich, do not change the meaning of my words ----- because the comment shows that they changed their names before. Sverdlov, Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev ------ Are you unknown?
        2. +32
          27 July 2017 08: 47
          The article is another Russophobian-anti-Soviet "masterpiece" from Shpakovsky ... negative The next "masterpiece", as I understand it, will be about Yezhov ?! The author, they would write about knights and about samurai, it wouldn’t stink with VO!
          1. +13
            27 July 2017 08: 53
            Quote: Diana Ilyina
            "masterpiece" from Shpakovsky ...

            Hello Diana!
            The other day I watched another "Right to Vote" by R. Babayan. So there are such Shpakovsky sang songs that even Borya Nadezhdin neighing, not really hiding.
            1. +27
              27 July 2017 09: 05
              Hello, just Ilyich! hi At one time I watched with enthusiasm Roman Babayan’s programs, he always impressed me as a presenter. But then somehow it all got sick, the same Russophobic faces, from which at one glance it simply turns out. Just look at the physiognomy of Gozman, Sytin, Reichelhaus or other characters, it immediately becomes ill. I just always have a question, do they sincerely say what they think or is it such a staged show for money ?! Or do they say it sincerely for our money ?! It’s good to be a Russophobe in Russia, money is paid both on our television and from the West grant cents are dripping, and at the same time you are inviolable, in the worst case they’ll give you a look in the face once in a television studio ... Therefore, I’ve been watching only those programs where Mikheev is present , Satanovsky or Ishchenko, and only because of these people, I especially like Mikheev good , all he says is my words and thoughts!
              Yours! hi
              1. +5
                27 July 2017 09: 15
                Quote: Diana Ilyina
                But then somehow it got sick, the same Russophobic faces, from which at one glance it just turns

                And there will be no others ....
                At the same time, Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon unflatteringly commented on “Ukrainian guests” on Russian TV on NewsOne, disgracing political scientists Vyacheslav Kovtun and Vadim Karasev, calling them “bad Ukrainians” ....
                He considers the Ukrainian guests of political programs in Russia inadequate. They are "scapegoats that create the image of a bad crest," said Dmitry Gordon. Gordon named Vyacheslav Kovtun, Vadim Karasev and Olesya Yakhno the most memorable political scientists of Ukraine on Russian TV. Moreover, the journalist noted that he respects Karasev, but would not go to Russia in his place ....
              2. +12
                27 July 2017 10: 13
                You do not need to watch talk shows. Earn a stomach ulcer.
                1. +10
                  27 July 2017 10: 17
                  "Do not read Soviet newspapers before dinner." I agree, Marat. If you watch something on TV, then good films (if they show).
                2. +10
                  27 July 2017 12: 33
                  Quote: mar4047083
                  You do not need to watch talk shows. Earn a stomach ulcer.

                  From these talk shows on TV, people do not earn stomach ulcers, but inflammation and brain cancer.
                  Quote: Mikado
                  If you watch something on TV, then good films (if they show).
                  When did you see a good movie made recently?
                  Same as talk show. A headache and a bunch of soap operas, shot on the same plot, only the faces are different. You can’t even call them artists.
                  1. +4
                    27 July 2017 13: 32
                    When did you see a good movie made recently?

                    I meant Soviet. But such films show a few channels.
                    1. +4
                      27 July 2017 13: 59
                      Quote: Mikado
                      But such films show a few channels.

                      Yes, I understand you. The wife looks, but you can’t shut your ears. Recently, I try not to include the box, only the news. And those out of a good old habit, I analyze myself.
                      1. +6
                        27 July 2017 14: 08
                        The wife looks, but you can’t shut your ears.

                        I understand perfectly. drinks If possible, go to another room and read a book.
                  2. +6
                    27 July 2017 16: 42
                    But no. Whoever has a brain, he perceives reality adequately, without any headache. If I'm tired of watching, I turned it off and took up another matter. Problems begin in the absence of the brain. The individual may show signs of aggression, which leads to diseases of the digestive system. Aggression makes you look at this dregs further. This is probably akin to sadomasochism, I do not like, but I look. The brain (who has it) may be affected by the electromagnetic radiation of the TV, this statement is not proven, but not refuted either. In general, a physiologist and psychiatrist should comment on this topic, why voluntarily watch what you don’t like and what consequences arise from this.
                    1. +3
                      27 July 2017 18: 30
                      Quote: mar4047083
                      . In general, a physiologist and psychiatrist should comment on this topic, why voluntarily watch what you don’t like and what consequences arise from this.

                      I think people look that they do not like it with hope ----- suddenly everything changes and everything happens, as they would like?
                      1. +5
                        27 July 2017 19: 16
                        I am not a specialist in this field. Ideally, ask a psychiatrist. Just a statement of fact - they look, read and sincerely resent. I do not know. Perhaps sexual deviation. In addition to women, their thinking process is somewhat different. One must calmly accept the alternative opinion, if it is not aggressive.
                  3. +3
                    27 July 2017 19: 58
                    I watched “Dunkirk”, a good film, Nolan did well !, all sorts of “commissar bodies” in the form of Ilyina, please wait for like-minded people (well, I don’t want her like me, women in a leather raglan and with a Mauser do not excite me).
              3. +11
                27 July 2017 12: 18
                Quote: Diana Ilyina
                I just always have a question, do they sincerely say what they think or is it such a staged show for money ?!

                Are illusions still within you? We have everything staged, but the people then hawala ....
                and shpakovskog in the furnace
                1. +5
                  27 July 2017 12: 54
                  Propaganda of violence ... Ay-ah! Here he is totalitarianism. Almost what’s wrong, so right away ...
                  1. +5
                    27 July 2017 14: 30
                    Almost what’s wrong, so right away ...

                    so immediately behind the ax, and burn everything! laughing laughing laughing
                  2. +10
                    27 July 2017 19: 22
                    yeah, appeared Mr. Shpakovsky, a former comrade lol
                    Where did you share your membership card? Or repainted in blue? In 50 shades of gray? wassat
                    1. The comment was deleted.
                      1. +7
                        29 July 2017 16: 11
                        Quote: badens1111
                        She is more accurate than ever before.

                        The former party workers are especially enraged, now with the fury of Soviet power am
                      2. +4
                        29 July 2017 20: 20
                        АSling cutter, No need to rage, dear STROPORES !! We need you in good health. After all, former party workers, those who are now in the near-retirement age from childhood, were preparing to become party workers and grow, grow ....... Older relatives, class-conscious communists, provided such an opportunity for children! But it did not work out! Not all former party workers were taken into a new life! In fact, such rejected former party workers are sufferers and victims! HA-HA-HA !!!!!!!!!! And older relatives can no longer help! And all the time you have to fuss about what to live on and do self-promotion! And the neighbors know a lot of things and remember in small towns! That's what !!!!!!!!!
                2. 0
                  31 July 2017 20: 07
                  Quote: Stroporez
                  We have everything staged, but the people then hawala ....

                  Not in everything. and I don’t always agree with Slava Shpakovsky (and I respect you with great respect), but judging specifically about this article, what is he wrong about? belay
          2. +40
            27 July 2017 09: 07
            And what is wrong?
            As soon as Lenin died, it turned out that the second person in the party, Comrade Trotsky, was a traitor. Kamenev, Zinoviev, Bukharin and Stalin overthrew Trotsky and expelled from the USSR.

            But after a couple of years it turned out that Kamenev, Zinoviev and Bukharin are also enemies and pests. Then the valiant comrade Heinrich Yagoda shot them.

            A little later Yagoda, as an enemy agent, was shot by Yezhov.

            But after a couple of years it turned out that Yezhov was not a comrade, but an ordinary traitor and an enemy agent. And Yezhov shot Beria.

            After the death of Stalin, everyone realized that Beria was also a traitor. Then Zhukov overthrew and shot Beria.

            But soon Khrushchev learned that Zhukov was an enemy and a conspirator. And he sent Zhukov to the Urals.

            And a little later it was revealed that Stalin was an enemy, a pest and a traitor. And with it, and most of the Politburo. Then Stalin was taken out of the mausoleum, and the political bureau and Shepilov, who joined them, were dispersed by honest party members, led by Khrushchev.

            Several years passed and it turned out that Khrushchev was a voluntarist, a rogue, an adventurer and an enemy. Then Brezhnev sent Khrushchev to retire.

            Soon Brezhnev died, and it turned out that he was a senile, a pest and a cause of stagnation.

            Then there were two more senility, which no one had time to remember, because they died like flies.

            But then a young, energetic Gorbachev came to power. And it turned out that the whole party was a party of pests and enemies, but he will correct everything now ...

            It was then that the USSR collapsed. And Gorbachev turned out to be an enemy and a traitor.
            Found on the Internet.
            1. +5
              27 July 2017 10: 59
              When the nobles and merchants were shot
              and all those who worked with brains
              so many other fellows came
              wanting not to be fools.

              When they shot and those fellows,
              that they became fathers to the people
              so many other scoundrels came
              who wanted to serve as scoundrels.

              When the scoundrels were also shot,
              calling their people enemies
              so many other daredevils came
              who didn’t want to be dunduks.

              When they shot those daredevils,
              who became thieves,
              the choirs of the sages sang everywhere:
              only Stalin is to blame!

              © Alexander Dolsky - Carriage couplets
            2. +7
              27 July 2017 12: 53
              forty-eighth. Well written, thanks! I copied it, I will give it to my students in a short course on the history of the USSR!
            3. +12
              27 July 2017 15: 40
              A gang of berries was destroyed by a gang of Trotskyists, a gang of berries was destroyed by a gang of Yezhov, a gang of Yezhov was destroyed by a gang of Beria, a gang of Beria was destroyed by a gang of Khrushchev ......
              Moreover, the definition of "gang" is the official name of the groups of former people's commissars in the 30s.
              Some bandits ... request
              The answer is simple - then rulers are an evil serpentarium of "comrades" who are mortally hating and fearing each other, mercilessly destroying each other as soon as possible
              It’s good, but along the way, PEOPLE were also killed.
              1. +9
                27 July 2017 17: 38
                Quote: Olgovich
                The answer is simple - then rulers -

                Oh ... yes, you are just Pythia and Judge all in one ... and why so silently about the times near and not very good, about Yeltsin and his gang? About Kravchuk with his gang, about Shushkevich? About the Berezovsky-Khodorokovsky and their gang, keep quiet ?
                The article is empty, worthless little article, just the little article for the level of russophobic and spiteful anti-soviets like you ..
                1. +5
                  27 July 2017 19: 19
                  From what? The article is not at all empty (as often happens in VO). It has a lot of facts from the biography of Comrade. Berries Which of them are you ready to refute with reason? If you consider coverage of this biography a worthless occupation, then this is strange. After all, a noticeable historical figure.
                  "Antisovok" - great, by the way))
                  1. +10
                    27 July 2017 20: 11
                    Quote: Ryazanets87
                    The article is not empty at all (

                    EXACTLY EMPTY.
                    Why, find in my comments.
                    And finally, all this fuss about berries or hedgehogs, then tales around Beria-vanity of emptiness, due to the distraction of people's attention from ugliness a hundred times higher. This is a kind of protective reflex of that stratum in society, which is implicitly afraid that they will have to someday to hold the answer for what has been done, but everything is presented as "crimes of the past and gloomy figures in the past", although many of those who themselves so presented once were in the governing bodies of the party, come from party-nomenclature families.
                    I read the arguments and facts, the article "Ponte amid poverty", are you sure that the pontorez will always be in power?
                    1. +4
                      28 July 2017 15: 44
                      Quote: badens1111
                      Yes, even the first one, you’re the most incomprehensible here, VAPM prog, you are all talking about Yerema, you are either Hitler’s good, then Vlasov’s, then Krasnodar or Romanian, if only they would kill the Reds, it’s left behind the brackets that the majority of Russians are among the Reds, and you all care about beaten white, beaten Trotskyists, beaten Nazis ... and
                      belay fool lol
                      In the country by the year 40 put things in order, which is not clear, the current Vlasovite?
                      Yes? Khrushchev ended up taking the beria with the gang Yes and Khrushchev too, a little later lol
                      The theme is a union-wide NOT about your dubious honor, your clients, who you show as "innocently repressed," are 98% criminals of various stripes. The mistakes of Stalin's justice are much less than
                      "mistakes, basmanny court
                      I repeat, Comrade Tankman, AGAIN: -Laws of Russia rehabilitated the repressed and CONDEMNED those and that system that carried out the killings ..
                      By the way .... Moldovan, should be addressed with a capital letter, heeded?
                      And try to get me away ... you are not given this, too small.

                      My dear, you are YOURSELF YOURSELF-with a small letter, write-baden lol ?!
                      the fourth time I ask, WHERE is Russophobia in the article about which you stated? Yes laughing
                      PS comments to yourself are blocked. Oh no no no. comrade balance laughing
                  2. +11
                    27 July 2017 20: 26
                    Quote: Ryazanets87
                    It has a lot of facts from the biography of Comrade. Berries

                    Quote: Ryazanets87
                    "Anti-soviet" - fine, by the way

                    Is everyone flood? and humor below the plinth ... wassat
                    Ryazanets, and Ryazanets .... what region will you be from? ... who do you know locals? ... bully
                    1. 0
                      31 July 2017 20: 15
                      Quote: Deadush
                      Is everyone flood?

                      What is the flood here? -
                      Which one are you ready disprove reasonably?
                      At least ONE ARGUMENT?
                      The answer is more suitable for the meaning of the word FLOOD - (Flood (from an incorrectly spoken English. Flood - stream) - non-topic posts in online forums and chat rooms often occupying large volumes.)
                      1. +8
                        31 July 2017 20: 59
                        thanks, Cap hi
                        I’m aware of the terminology, flows are also different ...
                        as well as the meaning and load ... in general, and these flows.
                        Quote: Ingvar 72
                        At least ONE ARGUMENT?

                        I’m not going to argue anything (all the more it’s not for me ... you were mistaken with endurance), if a person carefully reads and compares, then he himself will understand everything.
                        But for you I will make an exception, a phrase is enough -
                        It has a lot of facts from the biography of Comrade. Berries

                        there are almost none ... everything is superficial and casual ...
                        Py-Sy: Are you his lawyer or for him on the "multilogin"?
                        and the word “scoop” in decent society is not customary to pronounce (write) ... Yes
                      2. 0
                        31 July 2017 21: 10
                        Quote: Deadush
                        thanks, Cap

                        Private Guard .... building battalion! laughing
                        Quote: Deadush
                        I’m not going to argue anything (all the more it’s not for me ... you were mistaken in endurance)

                        The man is accused of many sins, and he only asked for ARGUMENTS. Where is the logic, buddy?
                        Quote: Deadush
                        there are almost none ... everything is superficial and casual ...

                        Complete, I will read it with pleasure. And it is sincere.
                        Quote: Deadush
                        and the word - "scoop" в decent society not accepted to pronounce (write) ...
                        In the 80s and 90s, more than half of the Union said so. We all write in an obscene society? laughing
                        Scoop - one of the negative slang names, when they wanted to be proud, they said - the USSR. In addition to advantages, parents have disadvantages, and this does not need to be ashamed. hi
                2. +3
                  28 July 2017 06: 22
                  Quote: badens1111
                  Oh ... yes, you are just Pythia and Judge all in one ... and why so silently about the times near and not very good, about Yeltsin and his gang? About Kravchuk with his gang, about Shushkevich? About the Berezovsky-Khodorokovsky and their gang, keep quiet ?

                  The article is NOT about them. But even they, the purest product of the TOY system, were brought up under the Leader of all leaders, without any foreign or dissenting interference.
                  Quote: badens1111
                  The article is empty, worthless little article, just the little article for the level of russophobic and spiteful anti-soviets like you ..

                  The article is interesting and revealing: it clearly demonstrates who was then in power and decided the fate of normal people.
                  You like have been asked a dozen times today, what is Russophoy?
                  1. +3
                    28 July 2017 08: 10
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    You like have been asked a dozen times today, what is Russophoy?

                    do not bother "comrades" - this is their mantra
                  2. +8
                    28 July 2017 08: 11
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    The article is NOT about them. But even they, the purest product of the TOY system, were brought up under the Leader of all leaders, without any foreign or dissenting interference.

                    I didn’t understand? I explain, in times of upheaval, this always appears in the authorities, and even more so in its punitive organs ... But that power was able to remove all the scum, but now you are still boiling with foam on the surface, miasma come on. Have you got an analogy?
                    If at one time there was a thermidor, then alas for you, it will happen with respect to you and your kind, this is the logic of the country's development.
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    The article is interesting and revealing: it clearly demonstrates who was then in power and decided the fate of normal people.

                    Who’s normal? If you and those like you are among the victims of the so-called repressions, supposedly innocent, consider explicit criminals of all stripes, only on the basis that they are convicted of 58 article-similar articles in the Criminal Code including your Moldova, unless the numbering is different.
                    In general, all of yours, and the author of the scribbling article, is a repetition of myths that snapped up - “Speaking of the repressions that took place in the Stalin years, anti-Soviet propaganda states the following:
                    The Nazis destroyed other peoples, and the Communists - their
                    20 million killed in the war with the Germans, twenty - in the war with their own people;
                    10 million people were shot;
                    40, 50, 60 up to 120 (!) Million past camps;
                    Almost all of those arrested were innocent - they were planted on the grounds that their mother plucked 5 spikelets in a field for hungry children or carried away a spool of thread from production and received 10 years for this;
                    Almost all those arrested were driven to camps to build canals and sawed, where most of the prisoners died;
                    When asked why the people did not rebel when they were exterminated, they usually answer: "The people did not know this." Moreover, the fact that the people did not suspect the extent of the repression is confirmed not only by almost all the people who lived at that time, but also by numerous written sources. "
                    1. +3
                      28 July 2017 08: 38
                      Quote: badens1111
                      When they ask why the people did not rebel

                      so he rebelled (in the 20s), but then this "hunt" was repulsed from him, and the slightest creep was eradicated to the third knee, where did the concept of "enemy of the people" come from?
                      1. +6
                        28 July 2017 12: 05
                        Quote: nizhegorodec
                        so he rebelled (in the 20s)

                        3% of the people rebelled? Against 97% and you think that 97% regret that 3% tear off their head for banditry and treachery? Do you justify the Vlasov and Krasnovites, along with the kulach who largely served the same Nazis? You are here about them crush tears from the public?
                        Or about the Trotskyists, whose rule for Russia would be fatal, are you trying to cry about their fate? And why is this overwhelming majority? Trotsky hid with the Nazis, so why should we regret him and the fate of his associates?
                        About the third knee = you could not resist and once again lied? And why, for the most "convincing" of your essentially false conclusions?
                    2. +4
                      28 July 2017 08: 59
                      Quote: badens1111
                      Article about YOU

                      belay fool lol
                      Quote: badens1111
                      I explain, in times of upheaval, always in the authorities, and even more so in its punitive organs, this pops up

                      So this is the point: it was there that floated everywhere Yes
                      Quote: badens1111
                      But that power was able to remove all the scum, but then you are now still bubbling with foam on the surface, come out with miasma.

                      When did you remove it? When did Yagoda destroy the Trotskyists? When Yezhov-Berry? When is Beria-Yezhov? When Khrushchev-Beria? When? lol
                      Quote: badens1111
                      you are now still bubbling with foam on the surface, come out with miasma

                      Foam is seething from LEAVE, which is the quintessence of foam, comrade lover of analogies lol
                      Quote: badens1111
                      Is it normal? Is it normal, if you and others like you among the victims of the so-called repressions, supposedly innocent, consider outright criminals of all stripes

                      Of course normal, they are overwhelmingly rehabilitated by the state, and the system that destroyed them is CONDEMNED by the laws of the country. Your rejection of Russian laws-the least that convinces
                      Quote: badens1111
                      In general, all of yours, and the author of the scribbling article, is a repetition of myths that snapped up- "Speaking of the repressions that took place in the Stalin years, anti-Soviet propaganda states the following

                      belay lol
                      1. +3
                        28 July 2017 12: 18
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        So this is the point: it was there that floated everywhere

                        That power quickly besieged it, yours today is embracing him, but what for you, Moldovan citizen, what is the matter for Russia? Would you be concerned about your affairs, the increased Russophobia of your Parliament, for example.
                    3. +3
                      28 July 2017 14: 36
                      Quote: badens1111
                      That power quickly besieged it, yours to this day embracing him

                      SECOND TIME I ask: When besieged? And when Yagoda destroyed the Trotskyists? When Yezhov-Berry? When is Beria-Yezhov? When Khrushchev-Beria? When? belay
                      yes, but by the way to you, Moldavian citizen, what’s the matter with Russia?

                      The theme is all-Union, comrade silent man lolYes, by the way: where is Russophobia in the article, the third time I ask, t. baden? lol
                      1. +3
                        28 July 2017 14: 54
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        SECOND TIME I ask

                        Yes, even the first one, you’re the most incomprehensible here, VAPM prog, you are all talking about Yerema, you are either Hitler’s good, then Vlasov’s, then Krasnodar or Romanian, if only they would kill the Reds, it’s left behind the brackets that the majority of Russians are among the Reds, and you all care about beaten white, beaten Trotskyists, beaten Nazis ...
                        In the country by the year 40 put things in order, which is not clear, the current Vlasovite?
                        The American diplomat, and that in his report prescribed-Fifth column is not, shot.
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        The theme is all-Union

                        NOT about your dubious honor, your clients, shown by you as “innocently repressed,” are 98% criminals of various stripes. The mistakes of Stalin's justice are much less than
                        "mistakes, basmanny court."
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        Yes, by the way: where is Russophobia in the article, the third time I ask, t. baden?

                        By the way .... Moldovan, should be addressed with a capital letter, heeded?
                        And try to get me away ... you are not given this, too small.
                3. +2
                  28 July 2017 08: 10
                  Quote: badens1111
                  why so silent about the near and not very good times, about Yeltsin and his gang?

                  what is it for? The Stalin’s gang changed the autocratic system (the interim government can not be considered. Because it is "temporary") The message was in my opinion, but was it worth it? Yes, and even with such victims.
                  1. +5
                    28 July 2017 12: 21
                    Quote: Banker
                    what is it for?

                    And besides the fact that you should be silent, do better than Stalin did, then you will be able to have the right to say something. Until you and others like you sign in complete uselessness for the country.
                    1. +2
                      28 July 2017 13: 09
                      Quote: badens1111
                      do better than did Stalin

                      as I understand it, you exceeded its volume and became very useful for the country good Bravo! Only I doubt it very much. request
                      1. +3
                        28 July 2017 14: 55
                        Quote: Banker
                        Only I doubt it very much

                        Your doubts do not touch me in any way, because in my understanding, people like you are useless in any society.
                        As for my merits, the country appreciated them, it’s enough for me.
                  2. +6
                    28 July 2017 19: 09
                    Quote: Banker
                    Stalin's gang replaced the autocratic system (the interim government can not be considered. because it is "temporary")

                    Phraseological turns do not resemble anything? laughing
                    Source: Code B: this is the Special Propaganda for the Civilian category prepared by the Third Reich Ministry of Propaganda. From the collection:
                    University of Helsinki
                    1. +2
                      29 July 2017 07: 12
                      Quote: avva2012
                      Phraseological turns do not resemble anything?

                      did not find there about the "gang of Stalin" a mistake came out smile By the way, Hitler’s enemies (USA, UK, France ...) also spoke unflattering about the regime in the USSR, and so what?
                      Yes, and yet, you are texts of telegrams or toasts for the glory of the weapons of Germany or for the health of Comrade. Hitler signed by Comrade Do you want to bring Stalin?
                      1. +5
                        29 July 2017 07: 33
                        Please provide historical topics on the site, it’s interesting. Believe me, the scans of such greetings from Stalin are much more interesting than your phraseological turnovers, so "by chance" similar to Hitler’s agitation. Go ahead, and dress.
              2. +9
                28 July 2017 09: 30
                Quote: Olgovich
                It’s good, but along the way, PEOPLE were also killed.

                Those like you were killing. Power-hungry, greedy, deceitful and selfish rascal.
                1. +4
                  28 July 2017 09: 42
                  Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                  Those like you were killing. Power-hungry, greedy, deceitful and selfish rascal.

                  The names of the killers and their system are named in the article and, most importantly, in Russian Laws.
                  Read them!
                  1. +5
                    28 July 2017 10: 55
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    Surnames of killers

                    4 million denunciations who wrote?
                    Can we recall stepfather E. Bonner, personally responsible for breaking the fate of a hundred people, from teachers to workers?
                    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                    Those like you were killing. Power-hungry, greedy, deceitful and selfish rascal.

                    Correctly given you a grade
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    in Russian Laws.

                    Read, you will need them soon. At the same time, study your own, Moldavian ones.
                    1. +2
                      28 July 2017 11: 04
                      Quote: badens1111
                      4 million denunciations who wrote?

                      and who wrote that? And, most importantly, who worked and made the decision on the denunciations? ))))
                      1. +5
                        28 July 2017 12: 23
                        Quote: Banker
                        and who wrote that?

                        You like that. Then at 37 you were multiplied by zero, and now you are groaning, as you say, "innocently repressed", realizing that you yourself are the culprits.
                    2. +4
                      28 July 2017 11: 08
                      Quote: badens1111
                      4 million denunciations who wrote?

                      Those same "200 millions" that passed the "Stalinist concentration camps." One writes, and four go to Kolyma with a “steam locomotive”.
                    3. +3
                      28 July 2017 12: 26
                      Quote: badens1111
                      4 million denunciations who wrote?

                      You wrote, you encouraged, you accepted them, you “sorted” them into triples, and you performed them.
                      so that
                      Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                      Those like you were killing. Power-hungry, greedy, deceitful and selfish rascal.
                      Quote: badens1111
                      Correctly given you a grade

                      1. +6
                        28 July 2017 12: 28
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        You wrote, you encouraged, you accepted them, you “sorted” them into triples, and you performed them.

                        Are you talking about yourself, or rather about your ancestors? Yes, you are right when you honestly write about yourself like that.
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        Those like you were killing. Power-hungry, greedy, deceitful and selfish rascal.

                        Quote: badens1111
                        Correctly given you a grade

                        THIS is your assessment, you would not have fussed already .. showing your complete inability to counterargument.
                    4. +3
                      28 July 2017 15: 00
                      Quote: badens1111
                      THIS is your assessment, you would not be fussing already .. showing your complete inability to

                      argumentation, where? fool lol
                      1. +2
                        29 July 2017 08: 51
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        argumentation, where?

                        Exactly, where is it with you? request
                      2. +2
                        29 July 2017 12: 02

                        badens1111 argumentation - where?
                        Exactly, where is it with you?

                        Nothing to counterarguise. Yes
                        HOW CAN IT
                        badens1111 .. Is that you about yourself, or rather about your ancestors? Yes, you are right when you honestly write about yourself like that.
                        to comment?
                        It is a fool So lol
                        ONCE AGAIN: you REFUSED comments: are you afraid? laughing
                      3. +4
                        29 July 2017 12: 15
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        Nothing to counterarguise.

                        That is, you signed your own insolvency? And reduced everything to clowning with \ mileiks, by virtue of the same insolvency?
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        More times: you DENIED comments: are you afraid?

                        I laugh at your tricks, you’re already looking sorry, it’s a pity, where is the former pressure, where are the “rumors” that you are operating on, where are the brilliant finds of gossip like OBS that you’ve been caught many times before?
                        In general, soon you, dear, will put some emoticons in VO, alas, you are no longer able to.
                        This is about your spiritual mentors, some of them ... the other part is from Goebbels agiprop, and the third one is the training manuals, so to speak, of the notorious State Department, to which you so often refer, and you are immediately caught and verified you .. explain the self-set, from the dreary despair.
                        Take care of Moldova, Russophobia of your Parliament, for example, otherwise our Rogozin already wrote verses about you .. the whole Internet laughs ..
                2. +3
                  28 July 2017 09: 57
                  Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                  Those like you were killing. Power-hungry, greedy, deceitful and selfish shushera

                  the "riffraffers" as you say had no rights, the wrong social layer, the commies who were vested with power were killing
                  1. +4
                    28 July 2017 11: 03
                    Quote: nizhegorodec
                    the "rushers" as you say expressed no rights

                    There wasn’t, and why was this right to the public? But this public did a lot of work breaking the LAW. Well, and once they violated it, they answered, BY LAW.
                    The main problem of the anti-Stalinists is that they can not imagine anything more complicated than a spherical horse in a vacuum. They understand neither the objective state of the country, nor the objective tasks facing it, do not try to understand what real possibilities existed for their solution, nor the consequences of their own delusional ideas.
                    ---------------------- ----------------
                    "My grandfather was the commissar of the Chapaev division after Furmanov. At 37 they shot him. For what? I ask you what."

                    That is, the situation Gusev, who is washing the brains of the nation today, is not able to rise above his personal insult. That's how simple it is.
                    o-repressirovannyh-i-rkka /
                    Well ... In connection with the activation of the wrestlers with the "bloody tyrant Stalin", it would not be out of place to recall the source of the formation of the myth of repression, as well as who launched it and who developed this story by gradually increasing the number of "victims".
                    to_pridumal_mif_o_stalinskikh_repressijakh / 19-1-0
                    For example, in the mid-1930s, Stalin and members of the Politburo signed execution lists from Yezhov. And during the war, Stalin personally signed the lists submitted to him for approval by Beria, Lists of generals of the beginning of the war, chief of staff of PribOV, the commander of the KOVO Air Force, etc. And Stalin sweepingly put on this list a resolution: “Shoot all those named on the list. I. St. "
                    (Note: Beria submitted this list to Stalin on December 29, 1942. It contains the names of 46 generals and officials - the commanders of the Air Forces of the districts, officials of the people's commissariat of ammunition (from the people's commissar to his deputies) who were arrested back in 1940, and officials of the aviation industry who were arrested in the spring of 41 and etc. This list is stored in the Archive of the President of the Russian Federation, F. 3, op., d 378, pp. 196-211. It also contains swindlers who appropriated the title of “Hero of the Soviet Union” and German spy agents. Trubetskoys “from the nobles” ... The list itself is available at…)
                    1. +2
                      28 July 2017 11: 14
                      Quote: badens1111
                      It wasn’t, and why is this public right?

                      here is the quintessence of the politics of that nomenclature that ruled the country
                      Quote: badens1111
                      They do not understand either the objective state of the country or the objective tasks facing it, do not try to understand what real possibilities existed for their solution

                      Well, yes, how else to justify the victims of the Gulag, the famines and the construction sites of the first five-year plans, no matter how "the objective tasks of the party"
                      1. The comment was deleted.
                    2. +2
                      28 July 2017 12: 35
                      Quote: badens1111
                      There wasn’t, and why did this audience right? But this audience has done a lot of crime LAW.

                      Yeah, right, no, but the Law is. belay fool lol And after all, nothing broke - when writing this laughing fool
                      1. +2
                        28 July 2017 14: 57
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        Yeah, right, no, but the Law is.

                        There is no right TO VIOLATE The law, what is not clear in this case? There is no right to be elected, well, what are the other defeats? Silence, agakalo ..
            4. +7
              27 July 2017 15: 48
              Quote: forty-eighth
              Found on the Internet.

              This primitive text was invented by the bourgeoisie to fool the average man: People unleash everything!
              Only caliber was seduced by him.
              1. +8
                27 July 2017 16: 05
                Comment on what's wrong with it, I will listen to you with pleasure. In my opinion, the truth is set forth. Spiders in the bank devoured each other, especially at the dawn of the formation of the Union, in the 20-30s.
                1. +5
                  27 July 2017 17: 38
                  Quote: forty-eighth
                  Comment on what's wrong with it,

                  From a formal point of view, everything is correct, but primitivization does not allow one to judge the reasons for these events. After all, when you see and hear on television that such and such has killed such and such, and this is not enough for you, you also want to know the motives.
                2. +7
                  27 July 2017 17: 51
                  Quote: forty-eighth
                  Comment on what's wrong with it, I will listen to you with pleasure.

                  Comment on what? Yes, and you obviously will not listen and understand what has been said, so why comment on this opus?
                  We look at Yezhov’s testimony, what do we see? And we see a banal conspiracy to overthrow the government
                  Who will tolerate such in organs?
                  Would you have Trotsky in power?
                  I wonder in what kind of labor army would your ancestors throw cubes so 1000 prematurely left this world without having met?
                  In general, all of your writings, as well as the opus of Shpakovsky, who writes much better than the essay on the historical themes of the Middle and Dark Ages, is a banal and already a little interesting anti-Soviet and basically Russophobic craft.
                  Against the dusk of reality, in which much dark things are happening, the same Polonsky and Ulyukaev, all these Birch and geysers with Khoroshavins, who were expelled for corruption by Interior Ministry officials like Padalko .... neither you nor Shpakovsky have a voice to raise, here and write any excuse, but dregs.
                  In general, a sufficiently motivated response to the oppositely standard scheme of “democrats" when explaining the double replacement of the people's commissars of internal affairs in three years is as follows ...
                  1) Yagoda created the “Gulag Empire”, carried out the “dirty” work of 1930-1936 on the first widespread repressions.
                  2) Then he was removed to hide the first mass de crimes, and Yezhov was replaced in his place, condemning him to the future slaughter in advance.
                  3) Yezhov organized and carried out the “Great Terror” among the masses and also carried out mass purges of people disliked by de Stalin in the party-state leadership.
                  4) When this was done, the "executioner" Yezhov, hiding de "the secret of crimes" of Stalin, was removed and replaced with the "executioner" Beria.
                  Regarding the last link of this scheme, I note that it was unlikely that Stalin could have expected that in the future his compatriots would fall so low that they would allow the Gorbachevs, Yeltsins, Yakovlevs and the media Volkogonovs and Radzinsky to go to power, and they would begin to slander him vilely . So there was no need for him to “hide the ends of crimes in the blood”. He didn’t hide anything, because there was nothing to hide - repressions in the highest echelons of power immediately become known not only in the country, but throughout the world.
                  We already know enough about the third link in order to remember the role of not Yezhov, but Eikhe, Khrushchev and the entire partocratic rati in the “bottom” repressions, as well as the need for repressions among this “rati” itself ... http: //www.e-
                  25/14 / Kremlev _-_ Beriya._Luchshiii_menedzher_XX_ve
                  1. +2
                    28 July 2017 08: 40
                    Quote: badens1111
                    We look at Yezhov’s testimony, what do we see? And we see a banal conspiracy to overthrow power

                    how “sculpted” the protocols on the basis of the beaten evidence is known
                    1. +5
                      29 July 2017 08: 53
                      Quote: nizhegorodec
                      how “sculpted” the protocols on the basis of the beaten evidence is known

                      Did Solzhenitsyn tell you this?
                      You are still the Protocols of the Sages of Zion, how to present the real bam here, it will be clear to everyone what and why, your debit with the loan does not agree.
                      1. +2
                        30 July 2017 08: 25
                        Quote: badens1111
                        Did Solzhenitsyn tell you this?

                        No, for example, Rokossovsky is not your authority, or read the memoirs of other rehabilitated people (moreover, under Stalin).
                        Quote: badens1111
                        your credit debit does not match

                        and he cannot converge for
                        The flow rate is an integral characteristic of the source (borehole, pipe, well, etc.), determining its ability to generate a product
                        and credit is
                        relationship between lender and borrower
                        although it is more appropriate to use the words debit and credit, but you don’t understand this ... at least study the terms before shining with your “mind”. I look and in history you have the same knowledge, everything is on the heap and I don’t know where ..
                        Quote: badens1111
                        everything is in a heap and I don’t know where.
                      2. 0
                        31 July 2017 20: 45
                        Quote: badens1111
                        You are still the Protocols of the Zion of the wise, as a true bamaga present here

                        And here in more detail - will we judge them as the press, crucifying about the "fake", or about the essence of the text, which is the plan (almost completely implemented)? wink
                  2. +3
                    28 July 2017 13: 16
                    Quote: badens1111
                    In general, a sufficiently motivated response to the oppositely standard scheme of “democrats" when explaining the double replacement of the people's commissars of internal affairs in three years is as follows ...
                    1) Yagoda created the “Gulag Empire”, carried out the “dirty” work of 1930-1936 on the first widespread repressions.
                    2) Then he was removed to hide the first mass de crimes, and Yezhov was replaced in his place, condemning him to the future slaughter in advance.
                    3) Yezhov organized and carried out the “Great Terror” among the masses and also carried out mass purges of people disliked by de Stalin in the party-state leadership.
                    4) When this was done, the "executioner" Yezhov, hiding de "the secret of crimes" of Stalin, was removed and replaced with the "executioner" Beria.

                    So I don’t understand, do you justify these executioners in quotation marks? So Comrade Stalin made a mistake by shooting them? Either he was mistaken when he appointed or his whole environment was a mistake, or maybe it was a mistake .... it’s even scary to think !! belay
                    1. +2
                      28 July 2017 13: 58
                      even scary to think !!

                      Congratulations! Progress on the face.
                    2. +4
                      28 July 2017 15: 01
                      Quote: Banker
                      even scary to think !!

                      You would have something to think about. But there are very, very big doubts about this.
                      Below I give almost without comment a number of statements from a message on Georgia received by agents ...
                      “We need to withstand a few months. Then the war with Japan will begin, the people will follow us and the power will pass to us. ” (An expelled Trotskyist from the party.)
                      “Exit in the war. Then we old men will be called, and the steering wheel will pass to us. ” (An expelled Trotskyist from the party.)
                      “We have a large organization at the military shipbuilding factory. Our entire Baltic fleet. We have a relationship with Moscow, but we are not working as before. Now we observe more rigor. ” (Trotskyist Kalandadze, to be arrested.)
                      “I want to be in the party only in order not to lose credibility among the people. Victory for the Mensheviks. The Communists in Georgia cannot win. ” (Trotskyist Gogotishvili expelled from the party.)
                      What is funny - Gogotishvili, who did not believe in communists, was nonetheless in the party in order to have authority among the people. Recognition is involuntary, but valuable.
                      “We won’t succeed in the city, we must transfer the work to the village ...” (Berdzenishvili, arrested.)
                      Yes, it was easier to peasant a peasant ... Then ...
                      “I'm not interested in a membership card. Through a membership card, I was in the know about party secrets. ” (The Trotskyist Vashikidze expelled from the party.)
                      “Of course, I do not want the death of Russia. I am a supporter of the fact that the young generation of our party, which finds itself at the head of the ... apparatus, is arrested and the leadership transferred to the old Bolsheviks. " (Kalandadze, the party check passed.)
                      “I hid from the party that I was a Trotskyist. One must endure, be careful, vote for their proposals. Clap your hands if necessary. ” (Seperteladze, the party inspection passed.)
                      And it wasn’t just “grumbling” ... In stable, though, times it was possible to give up on her, saying that everything would be limited to cookies in her pocket. And unstable? After all, such “doves” could have done many bloody troubles.
                      Here is an example already in the Kursk region: the composition of one of the organized groups of former "party members" in the Grayvoronsky district:
                      1. Tishchenko, fist, worked as an instructor of the district committee.
                      2. Novomlinsky, a former fist, worked as a garage manager at MTS.
                      3. Zakharov, a former fist, a former chairman of the City Council.
                      4. Soloshenko, a former fist, previously worked as the head of the regional department of the Greyvoronsky RIK.
                      5. Tverdokhleb, a former fist, the owner of a brick factory, a former chairman of the City Council.
                      6. Ustinov, expelled for bribery, a former district prosecutor ...
                      Good selection?
                      remlev _-_ Beriya._Luchshiii_menedzher_XX_veka..htm
                      Are you talking about these tears in mock grief?
                      IT IS SCARY FOR YOU TO THINK ..... IT WAS NOT DONE FOR YOU.
                      1. +4
                        28 July 2017 15: 52
                        . 1.Tishchenko, fist, worked as an instructor of the district committee.2. Novomlinsky, former fist, worked as the head of the garage at MTS.3. Zakharov, former fist, former chairman of the City Council.
                        4. Soloshenko former fist, previously worked as the head of the regional department of the Greyvoronsky RIK.5. Hard bread, former fist, owner of a brick factory, former chairman of the City Council.

                        belay No, the villainous Bolsheviks destroyed all the peasants !!! I do not believe !!! Fist, this is a zealous owner, they were primarily destroyed by the Jewish Bolsheviks !!! This cannot be !!! ps True, Yeltsin BN, also from a kulak family, and the family was from the 1 or 2 category of evicters (i.e., ideological fists and even harming the Soviet regime). But, this is the way.
                      2. +5
                        28 July 2017 18: 31
                        Quote: badens1111
                        IT IS SCARY FOR YOU TO THINK ..... IT WAS NOT DONE FOR YOU.

                        It’s scary to think that your thoughts are as direct as a telegraph pole. Why did you bring here this spider fight in the bank? The old Bolsheviks betrayed the young, the young - the old. Ordinary people suffered in this struggle, but there would not be this party at the helm, there would not be this struggle of spiders in the bank, the people would not suffer. Here it is a big mistake of history, which is scary to think about.
                      3. The comment was deleted.
            5. +12
              27 July 2017 16: 43
              Quote: forty-eighth
              It was then that the USSR collapsed. And Gorbachev turned out to be an enemy and a traitor.

              Enemies Around!
            6. +4
              27 July 2017 19: 19
              Quote: forty-eighth
              It was then that the USSR collapsed. And Gorbachev turned out to be an enemy and a traitor.

              that's why it fell apart - because of the habit of pouring mud on the predecessors!
              In 1958, Mao said that “in Stalin’s policies, 70% were useful and correct, and 30% were harmful and incorrect.” In modern China, this wording is driven into all history textbooks, they only attribute it ... to the politics of Mao! laughing
            7. +2
              28 July 2017 08: 03
              Quote: forty-eighth
              Found on the Internet.

              Bravo!! good
          3. +26
            27 July 2017 09: 31
            Hello, Mrs. Ilyina! I'm curious where did you see Russophobia in a simple listing of facts from the life of Berry?
            1. +17
              27 July 2017 09: 39
              Goodbye, still a citizen of Teterin! am tongue
              1. +22
                27 July 2017 10: 14
                Ms. Ilyina, forgive me my perseverance, but you still have not answered my question. To me really I wonder what (or what) facts did you consider Russophobia? Believe me, there was no sarcasm, no fun in my question, but quite sincere interest.
                1. +13
                  27 July 2017 14: 25
                  And you don’t even bother to answer, everyone’s “favorite dianka”, which local inhabitants sing praises, is engaged in one single thing on the site.
                  It breaks into the discussion of the article on the wings of "righteous" anger, because how dare the villains set out a REAL story that destroys their fantasy world. And why not, because the inhabitants of the site will support and ask for supplements. After all, it’s much easier not to think, but to support the “idol”. And the rejection of the discussion and its rudeness - these are indicators of the true face of the "ardent patriot."
                2. +16
                  27 July 2017 16: 46
                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  Ms. Ilyina, forgive me my perseverance, but you still have not answered my question.

                  Questions are unnecessary, you have already left.
                  Warm clothes you can not take. laughing
                3. +5
                  27 July 2017 19: 27
                  Ah, Mr. Lieutenant, will it still be when, before the famous Search Act of Yagoda (I’m sure that the author will not forget to publish it):
                  Comrade Commissar was a big mischief-s. The whole act is continuous Russophobia) Diana, as a "Valkyrie VO" should like))
            2. +17
              27 July 2017 10: 50
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              I'm curious where did you see Russophobia in a simple listing of facts from the life of Berry?

              I’m also interested - where can I see light brownphobia? laughing
              One of them is Heinrich G. Yagoda, or Enoch Gershevich Yehuda, born in 1891 in the Yaroslavl province in the city of Rybinsk, in the family of an engraving printer. The family was large: two sons and five daughters.
              Interestingly, Yagoda’s father, Gershon Filippovich, was a cousin of Mikhail Sverdlov, that is, the father of the future famous revolutionary Yakov Sverdlov. Yagoda himself was married to Ida Leonidovna Averbakh, who was the daughter of Yakov Sverdlov’s sister Sofya Mikhailovna, that is, her second cousin.
          4. +13
            27 July 2017 10: 38
            "Don't like it, don't smell it!" - so it seems to be said by the people. And there’s nothing to turn up your nose, this is our story ... But this, of course, is not a masterpiece. That's when the documents will open completely - then!
            1. +7
              27 July 2017 17: 55
              Quote: kalibr
              And there’s nothing to turn up your nose, this is our story ... But this, of course, is not a masterpiece. That's when the documents will open completely - then!

              Who wrote 4 million denunciations? That's when they open ... better keep quiet until the Pandora’s box is opened and you’ve been hit somewhere with that box.
              The world's most recognized specialist in the field of repression, an anti-Stalinist, but a decent scientist who began to deal with this issue during the “perestroika” period, Viktor Zemskov, having studied volumes of Stalinist census takers, for any mistake in which these census takers would go to jail, back in 1991 in the journal "Socis" published genuine data on the extent of repression (see No. 6 and 7). Here are the extensive data from these studies:

              “For the most part, the Soviet and foreign public is still influenced by far-fetched and not corresponding historical truth statistical calculations contained both in the writings of foreign authors (R. Conquest, S. Cohen, etc.) and in publications of a number of Soviet researchers ( R.A. Medvedev, V.A. Chalikova, etc.). Moreover, in the works of all these authors, the discrepancy with genuine statistics never goes in the direction of understatement, but exclusively only in the direction of multiple exaggeration. It seems that they are competing among themselves to impress readers with numbers, so to speak, more astronomical ...
              stvo / repressii / 178-istinnie-mas
          5. +8
            27 July 2017 12: 35
            Diana, Shpakovsky did not exaggerate ANYTHING.
            1. +7
              27 July 2017 20: 19
              Quote: Monarchist

              Each monarchist needs to poke the Constitution of the Russian Federation under his nose and explain in words that their activity is contrary to the Constitution and is aimed at undermining the constitutional system. Offer to terminate immediately. If they don’t understand, each of them has a dozen with confiscation.
          6. +6
            27 July 2017 17: 18
            What a simple Russian face, a true communist Yagoda.
            1. +4
              27 July 2017 20: 18
              Quote: captain
              What a simple Russian face

              This brotherhood?
              Artsishevsky was removed from the representative office of the Romanov clan after his words about the tsar’s remains

          7. +8
            27 July 2017 19: 47
            Well, why is Russophobic from the Russian characters given in the article and there are none at all)))
            1. +12
              27 July 2017 20: 29
              Quote: KUOLEMA
              Well, why is Russophobian from the Russian characters given in the article still not at all

              Russian is not always belonging to a particular kind of gender or nationality.
              It is rather a way of life and thinking. request
          8. 0
            27 July 2017 20: 15
            and how many secretaries of the provincial committees can be painted? yes 200 pcs; and include everything in the doctorate in political economics
          9. +1
            30 July 2017 08: 36
            It’s strange. An article about a Jew, and the accusation of Russophobia ...
            1. +2
              31 July 2017 20: 50
              Quote: kalibr
              It’s strange. An article about a Jew, and the accusation of Russophobia ...

              This post would be, but at the beginning of the comments! good drinks
        3. BAI
          27 July 2017 10: 45
          I also know one woman assistant professor who married a worker from a factory

          The whole world knows a similar woman - “Moscow does not believe in tears” (Oscar is about the world).
          1. +10
            27 July 2017 16: 53
            Quote: BAI
            The whole world knows a similar woman

            Yes, you are an expert on women! Handsome man, joker and bonvivan laughing
            1. +3
              27 July 2017 18: 18
              Yes, you are an expert on women! Handsome joker and bon vivant laughing

              beautifully said! good drinks
        4. +3
          27 July 2017 12: 32
          So it was.
          Our collective farm had the 3rd complex foreman and only with men he could drink and ride a bicycle to work, and his colleagues could no longer use a bicycle, and it seems Moskvich 408, but they drove the machine themselves. The chairman had 2 servicemen: Zhiguli (father said that there were 8 pieces in the whole Zhiguli district)
        5. +1
          28 July 2017 11: 13

          here are Sun-faced with the People laughing laughing laughing
        6. 0
          3 August 2017 08: 49
          Israel - Kiriyenko, for example.
      2. +12
        27 July 2017 10: 33
        And here you are wrong. Firstly, not all leaders were of proletarian origin before. Secondly, the leaders had advisers, and these are definitely not proletariat. There was a middle link of managers, most obviously not peasants. The state apparatus is a very complex mechanism, you cannot master this system in one day, therefore the managers remained from the tsar’s tsar, as they ruled and continued under him. In Soviet times, this was not particularly voiced, but the truth was not hidden. The most striking example: cultural managers, the Mikhalkov family. At all times in business. And with the next change of power, I start to spit in previous patrons.
    2. +4
      27 July 2017 07: 59
      Quote: parusnik
      They have become better, more ascetic, more democratic, closer to the people

      This was especially evident when, after the death of some, their safes were opened ...
      Quote: parusnik
      Medvedev, for example, likes to drink cheap beer with the proletariat after work ..

      Sure that cheap? laughing
      1. +7
        27 July 2017 08: 13
        Quote: Boris55
        Sure that cheap?

        Yes, and the "proletariat" - specially selected people in civilian clothes)))
    3. +6
      27 July 2017 08: 07
      The goal of the higher group is to stay where they have already climbed. The purpose of the group of middle ones is to take the place of the highest, since they are no worse. But the lower ones have a completely idealistic goal: to abolish all social differences and create a society where all people would be equal and therefore happy.

      Fairly noticed. The cycle of leaders in nature. And who was nobody, remains nobody. Ce la vie. And everything else is a fairy tale for the naive.
      1. BAI
        27 July 2017 10: 48
        This is the law of the chicken coop: "Throw off the above, push the neighbor and shit on the bottom."
        1. +3
          27 July 2017 14: 35
          Right. As long as people behave like hens, they’ll at least build a golden chicken coop, they will still spoil as before. That is precisely why communism is utopia. You must first change the man himself, and then build him a paradise on earth.
          1. +2
            27 July 2017 23: 38
            That is why communism is a utopia. You must first change the person himself

            laughing You yourself voiced the third of the "triune task of building communism" - the education of a new person. Congratulations, you and the Politburo of the CPSU have the same thoughts. But you seem sincere. As for the Politburo, I’m not sure. wink
    4. +5
      27 July 2017 08: 14
      Quote: parusnik
      A. Medvedev, for example, likes to drink a penny beer with the proletariat after work ..

      Nothing changed. Rights Russian proverb: Goose pig is not a friend.
    5. +13
      27 July 2017 08: 44
      Maybe it’s not Tokma in the leaders ????
      Why trick the Berry case? Today we have liberalin like mud that hate openly own country :
      1. +23
        27 July 2017 09: 22
        You know, here some irresponsible citizens compare me to Zemlyachka Rosalia Samoilovna ... In principle, I am not hot, not cold from this comparison, well, except that I do not treat her nationality very well. Or rather, to its individual representatives. But look at such sytiny, gozman and other representatives of minorities and your hand really reaches for "Comrade Mauser"!
        All sytiny and other things as a keepsake:
        Demian Poor dedicated R. Countrywoman the following verses:

        From bureaucracy and hibernation
        To protect yourself completely
        Portrait of Comrade Zemlyachki
        Hang on buddy on the wall!

        Then wandering around the office,
        Pray what you have learned so far
        Countrywoman only in the portrait,
        A hundred times more terrible than the original!

        And more:
        Trust me, she will pass
        And democracy and publicity
        And then state security
        Remember your names ... am
        1. +8
          27 July 2017 10: 00
          Diana ------ joke !!!!!!!
          From unexpected liberalism
          To save people completely,
          Portrait of Comrade Diana
          Hang by the house on the wall
          And the liberals in the offices,
          In the closets, hiding for an hour
          They are afraid of the portrait
          They are getting ready to run away from us !!!!!!!.
          1. +14
            27 July 2017 10: 21
            Dima love , thank! From the heart, and most importantly to the point! good
            1. +6
              27 July 2017 20: 03
              Liberasty in the scoop under any power liberalists))))
          2. +4
            27 July 2017 12: 39
            Quote: Reptiloid
            Diana ------ joke !!!!!!!
            From unexpected liberalism
            To save people completely,
            Portrait of Comrade Diana
            Hang by the house on the wall
            And the liberals in the offices,
            In the closets, hiding for an hour
            They are afraid of the portrait
            They are getting ready to run away from us !!!!!!!.

            Thanks, have fun
            1. +3
              29 July 2017 07: 32
              DIANA ---- The Angry Goddess !!!!!!
          3. +5
            28 July 2017 06: 54
            Quote: Reptiloid
            Portrait of Comrade Diana
            Hang by the house on the wall

            But is she really scary? then I look at her beautiful profile picture))))
        2. +7
          27 July 2017 10: 20
          Dianochka hi love "agitation poor deman"?
          1. +13
            27 July 2017 10: 37
            Quote: novel xnumx
            agitation poor deman

            Comrades! in 1938 stupid D. Poor was expelled from the Bolshevik Party and the Writers' Union, with the wording .....moral corruption, and you quote it.
            Stalin, D. Poor, could not stand it, but later the famous secret Trotskyist Khrushchev elevated him.
            It turns out - the fighters against Trotskyism (on the site) enthusiastically quote the stupid Demian Poor, the paradox turns out to be a mystery of history.
            1. +3
              27 July 2017 10: 40
              I believed that I quote Yesenin?
            2. +2
              28 July 2017 06: 55
              Quote: bober1982
              It turns out - the fighters against Trotskyism (on the site) enthusiastically quote the stupid Demian Poor, the paradox turns out to be a mystery of history.

              yeah, the Communists got a puncture)))
            3. +1
              31 July 2017 14: 26
              At the same time, despite the expulsion from the party, the poems of Demyan Poor were regularly published in Pravda and he was not repressed. Some poems were studied in schools. And the song "you wouldn’t go Vanya ..." is still being sung in the villages.))
          2. +6
            27 July 2017 10: 43
            Demyan ended badly. When he became unnecessary, he was thrown out. Literally, from the Kremlin.
            1. +2
              27 July 2017 11: 33
              Quote: Mikado
              Demyan ended badly. .

              I know this happened, both in the 19th and in the 20th century, with some poets and artists. Probably with other creative people.
              1. +6
                27 July 2017 11: 38
                Yes, that’s not the point, Dmitry! The work of Demyan, as I understand it, is mediocre enough, and he is not included in the list of great poets. He was just a tool of propaganda propaganda. And when he became unnecessary, and besides, he thought of his gift and his position just what, he was immediately given to understand where his place was. So to speak, used, wiped and thrown away!
                1. +5
                  27 July 2017 12: 34
                  That's the whole point, ““ anyone can offend an artist. ”” On --- not on, this is now, today, and then it was a different time. He did not understand the moment when he ceased to correspond. It happens. I tried to return later, it did not work out ...
                  Born in 1883 in Ukraine, the first poems in 1899, in 1912 ---- RSDLP, “TRUTH.” 1914 --- mobilized, awarded the St. George Medal for courage ....
                  Like my mother accompanied me,
                  As here all my relatives ran:
                  "" And where are you kid, and where are you?
                  Would you not go to Vanya and the soldiers ----- I think everyone knows this song.
                2. +5
                  27 July 2017 12: 46
                  I agree: Demyan, as a literary man, is so-so, and his poems can only be used as a rub.
                  Although I do not admire Mayakovsky, but he is a talented Demyanushki
                  1. +5
                    27 July 2017 13: 45
                    Demyan's real name is Efim Alekseevich Courtiers. Speaking, right? Such people are always needed, any power! Under Bonaparte, pamphlets were composed, during the early USSR they gave the voice to the "demons."
                    1. +2
                      29 July 2017 07: 39
                      The monarchists began to scold the veteran 1MB, awarded the St. George medal ....... If the poems are bad, Stalin did not like .......... Nastykovochka turns out !!!!!!!!!!
                      1. +2
                        29 July 2017 07: 58
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        Monarchists began to scold the veteran 1MV, awarded the St. George medal
                        So the Communists scolded Solzhenitsyn, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, who was awarded the Order of the Red Star
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        Mismatch turns out !!!!!!!!!!
                    2. 0
                      31 July 2017 20: 57
                      Quote: Mikado
                      Demyan’s real name is Yefim Alekseevich Pridvorov. Speaking, right?

                      The name is speaking, not the last name. Shalom Slavs! wassat
                      1. 0
                        5 August 2017 00: 51
                        The name Yefim (of Greek origin, by the way) was very common among the peasantry in pre-revolutionary Russia.
            2. +1
              31 July 2017 17: 04
              In the newspaper Pravda, in the issue of May 10, 1945, dedicated to the victory over Germany, verses of Demyan Poor were prominently published. Two weeks before his death. He was expelled from the party more for moral affairs, and this fact was not particularly advertised.
        3. +4
          27 July 2017 13: 15
          Diana doesn't digest me, maybe she doesn't like my nickname? Nevertheless, I agree with her: among compatriots compatriots there are ....
          1. +12
            27 July 2017 14: 24
            Monarchist Today, 13:15 ↑ New
            Diana doesn't digest me, maybe she doesn't like my nickname? Nevertheless, I agree with her: among compatriots compatriots there are ....
            Regarding "does not pervade", here you are wrong. Of all the monarchists, you are the most adequate. It's true!
            Well, the fact that I consider all monarchists to be enemies is a fact!
            1. +5
              27 July 2017 14: 47
              Of all the monarchists, you are the most adequate. It's true!

              therefore, our Monarchist will be shot last when the Communists come to power .. laughing pah pah pah, tip on tongue stop
              1. +11
                27 July 2017 14: 50
                Mikado Today, 14:47 ↑
                therefore our Monarchist will be shot last .. what pah pah pah stop
                Well, something like that ... lol Although no, we will not shoot him, we will send him for re-education, he can still embark on the true path ... laughing
                1. +4
                  27 July 2017 14: 56
                  how are you going to re-educate? wink on the pope pink? fellow
                  Monarchist, unfortunately, I can’t do anything, get ready, pray, repent! request will, RevCom decided! crying
          2. +5
            27 July 2017 15: 27
            Diana doesn't digest me, maybe she doesn't like my nickname?

            definitely yours beard on the profile picture causes her subconscious rejection. stop shave off your beard, put on a wig, put on a pioneer tie, and voila! love laughing drinks
      2. 0
        28 July 2017 06: 45
        Quote: stalkerwalker Today we have liberals as filth who openly hate their country:

        And, what, for such statements are not prosecuted? belay
    6. +2
      27 July 2017 12: 03
      Gorky Berry used, like all then Power. What kind of friendship is there? Then it was either a friend or an enemy. belay And what was then done with the enemies, everyone knows to this day.
    7. +2
      27 July 2017 12: 08
      I also remember "someone" ate hamburgers at McDonald's with Obama. Oh, and how democratically it looked like that .... wink
    8. +4
      27 July 2017 16: 39
      Never mind. Recently, it starts to enrage me that I get much more money for work on other organizations. The most interesting thing is that everything is carried out officially. There are no specialists left.
      1. The comment was deleted.
  2. 0
    27 July 2017 07: 58
    ABOUT ! When did Medvedev drink beer with the proletariat?
    1. +3
      27 July 2017 08: 06
      Quote: Conductor
      ABOUT ! When did Medvedev drink beer with the proletariat?

      After the playpen, it was necessary to take control of the football fans, which was done. All in all, a beer and maidan mug did not take place in Moscow.
    2. +5
      27 July 2017 09: 41
      So am I about it .. There is no money, but you hold on!
  3. +5
    27 July 2017 08: 05
    Yagoda was neither a communist, nor Trotskyite, nor a spy, he was only a fine connoisseur and lover of art. After his arrest, during a search, he found a large number of pornographic pictures (thousands), porn films (dozens), wine and cigarettes ( tens of thousands), filderperson foreign stockings (hundreds), and much more. Such is the class struggle, as socialism grows in the country.
    1. +6
      27 July 2017 08: 39
      Such is the class struggle, with the growth of socialism in the country.

      Yeah, apparently Yagoda was learning this class struggle from pornographic aids.
      Many bastards were taken up by the Soviet regime.
      1. +2
        27 July 2017 09: 01
        Quote: Nikolai K
        Many bastards were taken up by the Soviet regime.

        Like any other revolution (coup). As one of the leaders of the peasant rebellion said: "We will kill the landowners and the boyars and we ourselves will become landowners and boyars." The overwhelming majority of citizens today still have no idea how power should be arranged, except for the device that is. The operating system is being improved but the operating principle itself is not changing.
        1. +5
          27 July 2017 09: 29
          Quote: Boris55
          The overwhelming majority of citizens still have no idea how power should be arranged,

          I agree, everything is correct, so they’re either climbing onto the barricades, or jumping around.
          Here is how our great writer Bunin expressed his attitude towards the revolution: I go out of work, I went to the council of deputies to ask for a place, they say no, but you have two warrants for the right to search, you can make good money.
          That's where the former commissar came from with so many silk stockings.
      2. +4
        27 July 2017 09: 41
        Quote: Nikolai K

        Many bastards were taken up by the Soviet regime.

        EVERYTHING IS WRONG !!!!!! Simply, self-serving and conceited bastards, look around and think, whom, where to fool, they are attentive. Feel the transition period ..... And ---- soon, soon. What happened in the 90s !!!!!!!!
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +3
          28 July 2017 07: 03
          Quote: Reptiloid
          What happened in the 90s!

          but in the 17th? Not this way? moreover, it was only necessary to say: "Comrades, I am with you!" And the Bolsheviks did not disdain anything, however, then who shot, whom they planted, and who managed to hit the road, but, most offensively, many climbed into power ....
          1. +3
            28 July 2017 10: 26
            Quote: nizhegorodec
            in the 17th? Not this way? moreover, it was only necessary to say: "Comrades, I am with you!" And the Bolsheviks did not disdain anything, however, then who shot, whom they planted, and who managed to hit the road, but, most offensively, many climbed into power ....

            Again primitivism, this, apparently, is the birthmark of all liberoids.
            In 1917, after the revolution, there really were not enough literate people and we had to use old specialists. Interestingly, can you immediately identify the enemy came to you or not? In general, those who served honestly - lived out their lives normally, those who began to harm - got what they deserved.
            1. +4
              28 July 2017 10: 44
              Quote: Alexander Green
              Interestingly, can you immediately identify the enemy came to you or not?

              Well, yes, Bear Yaponchik, Old Man Makhno, Kotovsky, Camo and they have numbers, these are all white and fluffy citizens.
              Quote: Alexander Green
              In general, those who served honestly - lived out their lives normally, those who began to harm - got what they deserved.

              After the Bolshevik revolution, 164 generals voluntarily entered the service of the Bolsheviks. 35 of them were shot, 25 were sentenced to different terms of imprisonment, the fate of 35 people is unknown, 14 people switched to the side of the whites or fled abroad, two were executed by the whites, 31 people died before the outbreak of the great terror. In general, 15 people did not fall under repression.
              good selection.
              1. +3
                28 July 2017 11: 06
                Quote: nizhegorodec
                Quote: Alexander Green
                Interestingly, can you immediately identify the enemy came to you or not?

                Well, yes, Bear Yaponchik, Old Man Makhno, Kotovsky, Camo and they have numbers, these are all white and fluffy citizens.

                Fluffiness can be determined by the down on the cheeks. But try to determine how a person will behave in the future ...
                1. +3
                  28 July 2017 11: 16
                  Quote: Alexander Green
                  But try to determine how a person will behave in the future ...

                  Well, yes, how will a thief behave and a thug in the future? Especially if you give him arms, power and subordinates, they smashed the same .... well, it’s very difficult. The Bolsheviks, it turns out, were also stupid.
              2. +5
                28 July 2017 11: 10
                Quote: nizhegorodec
                , Bear Jap,

                Quote: nizhegorodec
                dad Makhno,

                The confused man, the anarchist, is a pity; he did not understand what Lenin had interpreted to him at the meeting.
                Quote: nizhegorodec
                Kotovsky, Camo

                Kotovsky, one brigade shook the UPR troops in their 2 winter campaign, ending this Petliura-Mazepov-Skoropal rot in Ukraine.
                Kamo-kaki claims to him? You don't want to present claims to Khodorokvsky Berezovsky, and their activity is like black and bloody.
                These honest people are patriots of Russia,
                i - zhertvi-repressii-i-terrora / destroyed by someone White who traded in Russia.
                For the past 20 years, anti-communists and anti-Soviet have been hammering into our heads that the Sharikovs alone fought on the side of the Reds, driven by dark instincts, and exclusively “the best people of Russia” fought for the Whites. This is a cynical and blatant lie of the enemies of the working people. In Soviet times, no one was afraid to objectively, and not even without sympathy, portray supporters of the white cause in literature and cinema. But for those who are trembling for their place at the bourgeois feeder and the foreign grants of "creative people" this is completely impossible.
                So the “free creative class” has to oppose the “white elves” of the red “subhuman”. And at the same time, they argue that the Reds carried out class terror, exterminating all, all the nobles and the bourgeois.
                Meanwhile, people fought on the side of the Reds, to whom the representatives of the current "elite" were hardly worthy to clean their boots. May the fate of the three red generals broaden the horizons of the servants of the bourgeoisie a little.
                1. +3
                  28 July 2017 11: 39
                  Teddy Bear
                  Quote: badens1111

                  Why is that? He fought for the Reds.
                  In this confusion and confusion, a popular Bolshevik revolutionary slogan appeared: "Rob the loot!" he very well refreshed the thoughts and hearts of the most energetic and enterprising, wanted global legitimized actions, and Mishka Yaponchik (M.Ya. Vinnitsky) appealed to the Revolutionary Military Council of the 3rd Ukrainian Army and the Provincial Communist Party of the Communist Party (b) U with a request to allow him to form a combat front part. At that time, the most difficult situation developed in the city and the province itself; a shortage of military forces was clearly felt. “I have people, weapons and uniforms, I don’t need money,” said Vinnitsky. And on May 23, 1919, they issued a certificate signed by the commander to create the “Third (later renamed to 54th) infantry detachment named after Lenin. " The famous revolutionary-anarchist Alexander Feldman was appointed commissioner.
                  Quote: badens1111
                  Kotovsky, one brigade disheveled the troops of the UPR in their 2 winter campaign,

                  well and robbed nobly
                  On April 5, 1919, when parts of the White Army and French interventionists began evacuating from Odessa, Kotovsky quietly took out all the money and jewelry there from the State Bank in three trucks. The fate of this wealth is unknown.
                  Quote: badens1111
                  ending this Petliura-Mazepov-Skoropal rot in Ukraine.

                  did you even understand what you wrote? Petlyura actually fought with Skoropadsky, since he was with him on different sides of the barricades. And what about Mazepa? )))))
                  Quote: badens1111
                  anti-communists and anti-Soviet hollows into our heads that the Sharikovs alone fought on the side of the Reds

                  and Schwonders, forgot))))
                  yes, worthy people served on the side of the Reds, but they are either traitors. or - confused people, they soon realized their mistake and who sided with the whites, who escaped, and who didn’t have time - they shot him.
                  1. +2
                    29 July 2017 09: 07
                    Quote: nizhegorodec
                    Why is that? He fought for the Reds.

                    Do not compose liberal myths, denying yourself your own kind.
                    Quote: nizhegorodec
                    did you even understand what you wrote? Petlyura actually fought with Skoropadsky, since he was with him on different sides of the barricades. And what about Mazepa? )))))

                    Learn History, learn what this whole pack of, from Mazepa to Skoropadsky with Petliura in relation to Ukraine.
                    Quote: nizhegorodec
                    yes, worthy people served on the side of the Reds, but they are either traitors. either confused people

                    You yourself understand what kind of dregs you wrote?
                    Of course, we can try to argue that generals and officers went to the Red Army under duress, or out of hunger, or for the subsequent transition to the White (however, much more officers moved from the White Army to the Red than vice versa).
                    But when it comes to the choice made by tens of thousands of people, such explanations do not seem reliable. The situation, no doubt, is much more complicated.
                    Incidentally, a calculation has recently been published, according to which (I quote) "the total number of personnel officers who participated in the civil war in the ranks of the regular Red Army was more than 2 times the number of personnel officers who took part in hostilities on the side of the whites" (" Questions of History ", 1993, N 6, p. 189).
                    But this is obviously an exaggeration. Enough; and the fact that the number of officers in the White Army was not much higher than their number in the Red.
                    To understand the way of thinking of a patriot who found himself in a white camp, read the memoirs of the general Ya.A. Sweetheart. Well, of course, the work of A.N. Tolstoy's “Walking through the agony”.
                    For reference: V.V. Shulgin is a monarchist who accepted the abdication of Nicholas II along with the leader of the Octobrists A.I. Guchkov.
                    "Who knew how to collect information V.V. Shulgin wrote - and, as it is now clear, rightly - back in 1929: "Almost half of the officers of the General Staff remained with the Bolsheviks. Nobody knows how many ordinary officers there were, but a lot," M.V. Nazarov refers to an article by an emigrant General A.K. Baiova (by the way, his own brother, Lieutenant General KK Baiov served in the Red Army!), Published in 1932 in the Paris newspaper Chasovaya, and a treatise by the excellent military historian A.G. Kavtoradze, published in 1988 in Moscow. But M.B. Nazarov takes on faith the figure of A.K. Baiova, who was not able to calculate the number of officers in the Red Army. Meanwhile, A.G. According to the documents, Kavtoradze established the number of generals and officers of the General Staff serving in the Red Army (the overwhelming majority of them appear in his book even by name), and it turned out that not 20, but 33 percent of their total number were in the Red Army.

                    If we talk about the officer corps in general, in general, then they served in the Red Army, according to A.G. Kavtoradze, 70.000-75.000 people, that is, about 30 percent of its total composition (a smaller proportion than the number of general staffists, which had its own significant reason). However, even this figure - 30 percent - is essentially disorienting. For, as A.G. Kavtoradze, another 30 percent of the officers in 1917 were outside any army service in general (decree. Op., P. 117). And this means that not 30, but about 43 percent of the available officers by 1918 served in the Red Army, and 57 percent (about 100 people) in the White Army.
                    1. +3
                      30 July 2017 08: 31
                      Quote: badens1111
                      Do not compose liberal myths, denying yourself your own kind.

                      I’ve at least given the arguments, and you are the next slogan. Your, Jap, yours, take along with Kotovsky and other criminals, they are closer to you))))
                      Quote: badens1111
                      Learn History, learn what this whole pack of, from Mazepa to Skoropadsky with Petliura in relation to Ukraine.
                      regarding what? Ukraine ???? laughing laughing Yes .... comments are superfluous. Yes, now dill of them make national heroes, are you for them?
                2. +3
                  28 July 2017 14: 12
                  Quote: badens1111 So the “free creative class” has to oppose the “white elves” of the red “subhuman”.

                  The work of the “creative class” was hard, how to make it so that they did not notice that some were fighting for freedom against the oppressors, while others were fighting for their estates, factories, zemlyatse, that is, for junk. They were those oppressors against whom they fought. The worst word: nationalization. Cramps occur in some and foam in the mouth. Like rabid dogs, they are ready to gnaw anyone's throat.
                  The fight against rabies, as you know, is only one. Shooting.
                  1. +1
                    28 July 2017 15: 10
                    Quote: avva2012
                    The fight against rabies, as you know, is only one. Shooting.

                    Most likely so. Here in Belarus, the sentence to black realtors-Shot.
                    Right or Not?
                    Absolutely right, we .... we have them, "respected people" ... That’s what olgovichs and bankers with Nizhny Novgorod residents protect.
                    1. +2
                      28 July 2017 15: 58
                      Most likely so. Here in Belarus, the sentence to black realtors-Shot.

                      Leaving life like this is a violation of biological laws, which leads to the extinction of the species as such.
                    2. +3
                      28 July 2017 18: 47
                      Quote: badens1111
                      That is what olgovichs and bankers with Nizhny Novgorod residents protect.

                      So why attribute to people a deliberate lie? From impotence, what can I say in my defense? Where is it written about protecting such, find at least one post about it? Do not imagine, then change your nickname to balabol and yap!
                      1. +3
                        28 July 2017 22: 25
                        Quote: nizhegorodec
                        From powerlessness

                        Well, you ask yourself, why are you so powerless in operating with lies?
                        Quote: nizhegorodec
                        Where is it written about protecting such, find at least one post about it? Do not imagine, then change your nickname to balabol and yap!

                        You send yourself somewhere, your balabot here, not based on a single fact, argument, but only on rumors of gossip and so on.
                        The transition to insults, even virtual ones, speaks only about your dishonesty, bad manners and lack of education.
                        Looking for your posts, an empty matter, you have them all from the category of Chernukha, what is there to look for?
                  2. +2
                    30 July 2017 15: 07
                    Quote: avva2012
                    how to make it not pay attention that some fought for freedom against the oppressors

                    yeah, only this fight was a cover for robberies under the slogan "robbed loot"
                    1. +3
                      30 July 2017 17: 51
                      Quote: nizhegorodec
                      yeah, only this fight was a cover for robberies under the slogan "robbed loot"

                      The slogan of your brotherhood 90s?
      3. +9
        27 July 2017 09: 42
        Many bastards were taken up by the Soviet regime.
        ... Now the bastards are an order of magnitude smaller?
        1. +5
          27 July 2017 10: 10
          Quote: parusnik
          Many bastards were taken up by the Soviet regime.
          ... Now the bastards are an order of magnitude smaller?

          Somehow it is not clear, but whom did the capitalist power take up?
        2. +4
          27 July 2017 12: 49
          No, even more of them, bastards, probably. It’s just that without lawyers they’re not judging in threes in 30 minutes
          1. +7
            27 July 2017 18: 00
            Quote: kalibr
            It’s just that without lawyers they’re not judging in threes in 30 minutes.

            What has changed? Well, what will change from the fact that this would give the lawyer, like Reznik?
            We should not forget that many of the cases that took place at one time as "counter-revolutionary crimes" were essentially pure criminal. For example, an excerpt from a review of the 6th department of the 3rd Directorate of the NKGB of the USSR on anti-Soviet manifestations and the most important incidents that took place in the USSR in April 1941:

            “In the Uzbek SSR, Yusupov, expelled from the collective farm as a decomposed element, tried in 1938 for embezzlement of collective farm funds, killed the deputy chairman of the collective farm Daminova (his ex-wife) because the latter exposed Yusupov as an enemy and a swindler.
            On April 3 of this year, the worker of the factory No. 342 in Gorky Karabanov killed the master of the same factory Sharapov for the fact that Sharapov brought Karabanov to court as truant. "

            From a similar review for May 1941:

            “On May 14, Moiseev, a member of the Krasny Poloskov collective farm in the Ulyanovsk district of the Oryol region, inflicted two mortal wounds on the head of the collective farm chairman, Secretary of the primary Party organization Panov, on the grounds that the latter refused to let him out of the collective farm for side work. Moiseev is arrested.
            May 2 collective farmer s. Durasovka of the Ternovsky district of the Penza region Mitrokhin Ignat Vasilievich attempted to kill the foreman of the collective farm Mitrokhin A.Ya. for the latter exposing him as a loafer. Mitrokhin Ignat hid.
            On May 30, a former tractor driver of the Gulyai-Borisov MTS in the Rostov Region, Kravtsov shot a window in the head and wounded Perelygin, chairman of the Lenin Way collective farm, because of revenge for exposing him as an idler and truant. Kravtsov is arrested. "

            Suppose that all these acts are not “anti-Soviet manifestations”. Does it follow that husbands can kill their former wives with impunity, workers - craftsmen, and collective farmers - heads of collective farms and foremen?
        3. +4
          27 July 2017 14: 43
          And why would they be less if the children of those bastards who surfaced under the Soviet regime surfaced. And now the children of those who surfaced in 90 come up. Look at how many “talented” children turned out to be friends of Putin, who at a young age make a dizzying career in government agencies
      4. +2
        27 July 2017 12: 49
        Nikolay, unfortunately all power to the top pays both shit and gold
    2. +5
      27 July 2017 10: 44
      In the second part there will be a complete list of what he found ... laugh!
      1. +9
        27 July 2017 11: 34
        I know that they found it ... read this protocol, it is published in books ... on the internet ... somehow it’s not a big secret ... for such a small company .. But tell me, when the powerful governors have it, millions of officials find different ranks .. here they are glad that life has become better, life has become more fun .. Or when the wife of a local bottling oligarch knocks a six-year-old child and it turns out that this child was drunk in the insole .. then how to react .. Or is it so small the shortcomings of the new system compared to the old .. totalitarian ... You haven’t answered that way .. now the new government is many times better ..? Compared to the previous one? ... More democratic, more affordable ... without bastards ...?
        1. +6
          27 July 2017 12: 47
          And who told you that democracy is so good and "paradise"? Just totalitarianism is even worse, and that's all. And so ... nothing much has changed! Bastards is just fine!
          1. +7
            27 July 2017 15: 24
            And who told you that democracy is so good and "paradise"?
            - And where is it written with me .. I’m not talking about this .. Although I note, Bravo .. You passed an excellent school when you were a lecturer-propagandist ... Despite the change of regimes ..
            And so ... nothing much has changed!
            .. You Vyacheslav, I do not advise, I just suggest .. re-read "Yankees at the court of King Arthur" .. it will be abruptly Faust Goethe .. smile Mark Twain very successfully described what was happening and is happening now with us .. of course with humor .. but the main thing he grabbed ..
            1. +3
              27 July 2017 15: 45
              Thank! I love this book and it is among my "epigraphic" ones. That is, I always take epigraphs to books about knights at my fingertips! Soon I’ll climb into it again ...
            2. +3
              27 July 2017 20: 50
              Alexei, why are you not satisfied with Shpakovsky’s position? I believe that this is much better than the barricade escades of Ilyina and Navalny urging MY children to die for THEIR ideals, margins, surpluses ... (select the one you need).
              1. +9
                27 July 2017 21: 40
                I’ll answer what I don’t like. A man with such a past. A communist. A lecturer-propagandist. A teacher of history of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ... when he writes about the Soviet past, it’s as if kicking him, and it’s so impressive that the author is ashamed of his past which he spoke about above, and he needs to pay off this past .. The author did not start his article series with the people's commissars Tevosyan, Baibakova Yakovleva. Litvinova ... and from the most odious person ... but even he came up to her like ... what you read and come to an opinion ... a vile person in every way and in addition ... but the general commissioner was not given to him for the Gulag and for sewing uniforms. .If you really write ... so objectively and about the bad and the good .. The man watched a French film about the Great Bourgeois Revolution .. the French talked about Robespierre .. I liked it .. Yes, it was this and that .. We don’t say that now or a hero from head to toe, or here .. what you read .. In the next article, the author will add dark colors .. like what kind of people are this and power .. in what nightmare they lived .. Misfortune in others, in people with immature an idea arises with brains and why a country with such power was defended in 1941-1945 .. Tell me exaggerate ..? I think not .. now the trend has gone to equate communism with fascism-Nazism .. Vyacheslav is very diligent in this path ... He had a good school ...
                1. +6
                  27 July 2017 23: 00
                  Alexey, did I have errors? When I started films about VO with elements of science fiction, I liked it. And lately, all sorts of thoughts have come to mind: "" they will take away the war, science fiction will remain "" ....... There will be a substitution of concepts. The West can carry out destructive work for a long time and imperceptibly. And if children's Russian folk tales are completely replaced by shreks, monsters and others, it will already be other children .. And it will not matter to them who defended whom.
                2. +3
                  28 July 2017 05: 57
                  Quote: parusnik
                  .... The trouble is different, people with weak brains will have an idea and why a country with such power was defended in 1941-1945 .. Tell me exaggerate ..? I think not .. now the trend has gone to equate communism with fascism-Nazism .. Vyacheslav this path is very diligent ... He had a good school ...
                3. +4
                  28 July 2017 07: 15
                  Quote: parusnik
                  The trouble is different, people with weak brains will have an idea and why a country with such power was defended in 1941-1945.

                  and what is more important for you in this proposal, the country or government? The Russian people, under any authority, defended their country, even uniting with the antagonist classes, many in the Second World War defended precisely the country, and not the authorities that they did not like.
                  Quote: parusnik
                  If we write .. so objectively and about the bad and the good.
                  Bolsheviks, having come to power, also rewrote history in their own way - all the kings were executioners, the nobles were scum and only the poor people were white and fluffy, but the country survived them too.
                  1. +2
                    28 July 2017 09: 22
                    Quote: nizhegorodec
                    The Russian people under any authority defended their country,

                    This does not fit into their heads, alas. They were not given to understand that the Russian people defended Country THOUSAND years in hundreds of wars, when the communists did not smell.
                    And in the Second World War they defended their Homeland in the same way as in the First and Second Patriotic War.
                    1. +2
                      28 July 2017 09: 29
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      Russian people defended the Fatherland THOUSAND years in hundreds of wars, when the communists did not smell

                      so the slogan "For Stalin!" eyes are closed)))
                      1. +3
                        28 July 2017 11: 11
                        Quote: nizhegorodec
                        so the slogan "For Stalin!"

                        This slogan has been a horror to this day since Hitler’s defeat, because you are essentially serving the Third Reich to this day, even though it’s now gaining in the USA ..
                  2. +5
                    28 July 2017 10: 30
                    Quote nizhegorodec ... all the kings were executioners, the nobles were scum ...
                    What are you surprised at? The nobles themselves wrote about this, read Radishchev, Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Turgenev. One Saltychikha is worth ...
                    1. +2
                      28 July 2017 10: 56
                      Quote: Alexander Green
                      What are you surprised at? The nobles themselves wrote about this, read Radishchev, Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Turgenev.

                      all of those listed by you, except Turgenev, had problems with the government, the opposition is simple (dissidents). When the names Solzhenitsyn, Topol, Alekseeva, Lyubarsky sound (I don’t give any modern ones, by and large they are opportunists), the true adherents of communism have hair on the scruff of their neck. So why should I believe you listed?
                      Quote: Alexander Green
                      One Saltychikha

                      That's it - One. One Zemlyachka will shut up ten Saltychikhs for a belt
                      1. +5
                        28 July 2017 11: 08
                        Quote: nizhegorodec
                        ... all of those listed by you, except Turgenev, had problems with the authorities, the opposition is simple (dissidents) .... One Zemlyachka will shut up ten Saltychikhs for a belt

                        This series can be continued ...
                        And about the "exploits" of the Countrywoman, which you mean, the rumors are greatly exaggerated.
                4. +2
                  28 July 2017 21: 29
                  So I like this phrase: "a man with such a past." She explains everything. And the fact that people with a "such" past on this site 4 out of five does not bother you? Were you not an October Pioneer Komsomol member? You did not rise in a single impulse to the slogan: "To fight for the cause ............, be ready" - "Always ready !!!!!!!". And then at the end of the 80s they did not read Solzhenitsin, Azhayev, Shalamov? Were not a supporter of "demokruha" in the 91st? (By the way, I wasn’t, not before that, I urgently served). Didn’t spit over your shoulder, in the back of the "crimson jackets" in the 90s? Not happy about the start of the revival in the noughties? Or did not shrug at the end of the 14th? Not? Did not have? If it wasn’t, then we live in some different parallels, if it was, then of which demon, do you condemn Shpakovsky?
            3. +3
              28 July 2017 07: 10
              Quote: parusnik
              Mark Twain very successfully described what was happening and is happening now with us .. of course with humor .. but the main thing he grabbed ..

              Nikolai Nosov, in his Adventures of Dunno on the Moon, also very accurately described the current reality (especially the 90s). There are persistent rumors that Yeltsin, when he was sworn in, should have put his hand on the constitution, but this book is 12 pages long, no solidity, no comparison with the Bible. They decided to put the thread thicker, and it was thicker that this book "The Adventures of Dunno on the Moon" from one of the employees, whom he bought to his son. Such an oath, such a country turned out
              1. +5
                28 July 2017 11: 12
                Quote: nizhegorodec
                Nikolai Nosov, in his Adventures of Dunno on the Moon, also very accurately described the current reality (especially the 90s).

                He described you, accurately described. What are you proud of?
                1. +2
                  28 July 2017 11: 44
                  Quote: badens1111
                  He described you

                  us - who is this? There are many characters and all are different.
                  1. +2
                    28 July 2017 15: 15
                    Quote: nizhegorodec
                    There are many characters and all are different.

                    You do not rank yourself among the Samodeklins and even Dunno, there are other characters, just the characters Julio, Kozlik, Scooperfield, Sprouts, Haps, Dubs and Gryazing, written off from you.
                2. +2
                  28 July 2017 13: 34
                  Quote: badens1111
                  What are you proud of?

                  so where are the arguments about dunno? Or like the adherents of communism, the slogan threw into the crowd and into the bushes.
                  1. +2
                    28 July 2017 15: 17
                    Quote: nizhegorodec
                    so where are the arguments about dunno?

                    The inhabitants of the Flower Town are those whom you hate, and do you recognize your Beagle, Grizzly and Gadkins lunatics?
                    1. +1
                      30 July 2017 13: 05
                      Quote: badens1111
                      Do you recognize your Beagle, Grizzle and Gadkins self-lunatics?

                      No, I don’t recognize. I am a simple pensioner, not an oligarch.
                      Quote: badens1111
                      The inhabitants of the Flower Town are those whom you hate

                      why did you decide that I hate them? The whole mind boils indignant?
    3. +7
      27 July 2017 14: 35
      he was only a fine connoisseur ....
      Who is Berry, everyone knows. Before that they knew who Beria was. Interestingly, they removed Lavrenty Pavlovich and shot him, and lo and behold, the safe was filled with female underpants too! And he drove the People's Commissar in the city of Moscow and carnivore looked out for innocent virgins. I used it, though they say it is wine, I did not disdain anything, they say. wassat
      Nothing, the story of Yagoda does not resemble, only in an earlier version? And the fact that he is already both yavrei, and with Sverdlov in kinship, also being real, this clearly makes him guilty of all mortal sins. He tormented the people, ogpushny sadist! Masson conspiracy put into effect. Ps, Aime sorry, the Jewish-Masonic.
      Any bast in a row, if only in the direction of the Bolshevik government.
      And there was no Trotskyist underground, there was a struggle for power, every democrat knows this. How Trotsky’s archive was not opened. wink
    4. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +3
          27 July 2017 15: 37
          Curious laughing but in general it’s good that I came. drinks look, and the Good Doctor is here! drinks
          1. +5
            27 July 2017 15: 51
            Good afternoon, Nikolai! Article yes, funny. Jews, sexual perversions, the struggle of the lower classes with the upper classes. If this goes on, then Vyacheslav Olegovich will soon surpass all the authors))). And, that, the topic is inexhaustible, Freud would probably like it.
            1. +4
              27 July 2017 16: 03
              And, that, the topic is inexhaustible, Freud would have liked it probably.

              the topic is inexhaustible, I agree. I will wait to continue.
              Perversions - I'm afraid to even discuss.
              1. +4
                27 July 2017 16: 22
                Nikolai, there are courageous people, since the rubber got up))). You and I don’t understand a modern, democratic society))). About times, about manners! Here I listened to the last poll with Pavel Pepper about Prince Kropotkin, where he mentioned the early works of M. Yu. Lermontov. Suddenly.
                1. +2
                  27 July 2017 16: 30
                  Nikolay, there are courageous people, since the rubber started

                  naturally! what topic below the belt does not stir! Well it’s interesting, what was seized from the People’s Commissar, and what sizes! fellow drinks
                  But what did he say about Lermontov there? wink
                  1. +2
                    27 July 2017 16: 39
                    Take a look. But it’s not about, but as Lermontov said, or rather, versified)))). That's where the blow is below the waist)). To some.
                    1. +2
                      27 July 2017 16: 42
                      oh, I'm already tensed! Crazy yet - you will treat me!
                      1. +2
                        27 July 2017 16: 49
                        With the latter not to me))). Yes, and why, you have such experiences, YouTube hasn’t been turned off?)))
        2. +2
          27 July 2017 16: 24
          Quote: Curious
          Olgovich! Dear! I already started to worry. There is such a topic, but you are not and are not.

          I work. You don’t need to worry, it can cost dearly for relatives (one-time or extended in time) hi
          Quote: Curious
          Our shot has everywhere

          You shot a lot earlier. AND?
          Quote: Curious
          And it is characteristic that you appeared on the site as soon as you wrote a comment about the artificial member. Interested in?

          I wrote it request Overported?
          I'm interested in Bolshevik leaders but at the same time, for some reason, pop up, um, yes some berry, then Yezhov, etc. lol ...
      2. +2
        27 July 2017 16: 10
        Do not forget that the next people's commissar, Comrade Yezhov, said at the investigation: "I-ped.rast!"

        Olgovich, now in Europe it would be called a cuming-out, and applauded standing! laughing and with us ... probably he was nearly beaten during interrogation by this rubber pipis request forgive me, Lord, and the moderator is omnipotent! drinks
      3. +2
        27 July 2017 19: 27
        Quote: Olgovich
        The following people's commissar, Comrade Yezhov, said at the investigation:

        Tsimes is that he was forced to confess that he was indulging in pedagogy ... for counter-revolutionary purposes "! wassat I wonder how it is?
        1. +2
          28 July 2017 06: 59
          Quote: Weyland
          Quote: Olgovich
          The following people's commissar, Comrade Yezhov, said at the investigation:

          Tsimes is that he was forced to confess that he was indulging in pedagogy ... for counter-revolutionary purposes "! wassat I wonder how it is?

          There is no answer to your question, dear Weyland. BUT here is what the modern blue ......... against the Socialist Revolution ---- for sure !!! And about the Ukrainian something and say nothing !!!!!! Geyropeytsy !!
        2. +2
          28 July 2017 10: 44
          Quote: Weyland
          Quote: Olgovich
          The following people's commissar, Comrade Yezhov, said at the investigation:

          Tsimes is that he was forced to confess that he was indulging in pedagogy ... for counter-revolutionary purposes "! wassat I wonder how it is?

          Stop chanting Trotskyist bullshit. That's what N.I. said in the last word Yezhov.
          "I am accused of moral decay. But where are the facts? I’ve been in front of the party for 25 years. During these 25 years everyone saw me, they loved me for modesty and honesty. I don’t deny that I was drinking, but I worked like an ox. Where is my moral corruption? "
          1. +2
            28 July 2017 12: 56
            Quote: Alexander Green
            Stop chanting Trotskyist bullshit

            April 24, 1939 N. Yezhov.
            24 April 1939 city

            I consider it necessary to bring to the attention of the investigating authorities a number of new facts characterizing my moral degradation. It's about my old vice - n.
            TSA FSB. F. 3-os. Op. 6. D. 3. L. 420-423

            Refute ARCHIVE.

            So, by the way, are you for the rehabilitation of Yezhov? That is, he killed hundreds of thousands, right?
            Or- killed wrong and was punished? Or-killed correctly, but was punished anyway? belay request
            The same according to Yehuda

            Question: how do heads break trying to combine all this and JUSTIFY? belay
            1. +3
              28 July 2017 13: 05
              Quote: Olgovich
              Question: how do heads break trying to combine all this and JUSTIFY?

              yes this is the fourth degree of cretinism, to go under the banner of Marxism-Leninism and blame everyone for Russophobia (although Marx-Engels were still those fans of the Russians)
            2. +2
              28 July 2017 18: 09
              Quote: Olgovich
              Refute ARCHIVE.

              Are you sure that this is real archival data ?. For example, I’m not sure, because archival cleansing and stuffing of fakes started under Khrushchev, and under Gorbachev and Yeltsin they were put on stream.
              And as for Yezhov, I just want to say that not everything is so simple. The Soviet government had many enemies and had to clean them, but Yezhov was engaged in this, unfortunately, did not manage to clean them all. The time will come and he will be given an objective assessment, but most likely Yezhov slandered and concocted a case against him that he did not manage to clean up ..
              1. +2
                28 July 2017 20: 47
                Quote: Alexander Green
                Are you sure that this is real archival data?

                Yes. Refute.
                Quote: Alexander Green
                For example, I’m not sure, because archival cleansing and stuffing of fakes started under Khrushchev, and under Gorbachev and Yeltsin they were put on stream.

                Thousands of people should be engaged in the flow: WHERE are they, their memories and testimonies? NO them. Because there was no stuffing.
                Quote: Alexander Green
                And as for Yezhov, I just want to say that not everything is so simple. The Soviet government had many enemies and had to clean them, but Yezhov was engaged in this, unfortunately, did not manage to clean them all. The time will come and he will be given an objective assessment, but most likely Yezhov slandered and concocted a case against him that he did not manage to clean up ..

                The leader was wrong, destroying the bloody dwarf ?! excuse hedgehog - the first time I hear from you!
                The more illegitimate the government, the more “enemies” it has. And the enemies are only one power itself.
                1. +2
                  28 July 2017 21: 39
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Thousands of people should be engaged in the flow: WHERE are they, their memories and testimonies? NO them. Because there was no stuffing.

                  Do not be naive, replacing archives is a matter of jurisdiction. Who admits this? The time will come and deal with this matter.
                  1. +1
                    29 July 2017 13: 11
                    Quote: Alexander Green
                    Do not be naive, replace archives - jurisdictional case.

                    Therefore, NOBODY did this. Yes
                    And to build one’s beliefs on one’s own FABRICATIONS and FANTASY and convincing others on this is ridiculous and insignificant in evidence. And from the outside it looks ridiculous. hi
                    1. +2
                      29 July 2017 13: 30
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      Quote: Alexander Green
                      Do not be naive, replace archives - jurisdictional case.

                      Therefore, NOBODY did this. Yes
                      And to build one’s beliefs on one’s own FABRICATIONS and FANTASY and convincing others on this is ridiculous and insignificant in evidence. And from the outside it looks ridiculous. hi

                      Read and watch in YouTube an interview with the late deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Ilyukhin, Slobodkin and others. And the crimes against the Soviet archives began Khrushchev and continued Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Yakovlev and their henchmen. But that's what they fought for, and ran into it. They concocted a daddy about the Katyn affair, now everyone has a sore head ...
  4. +2
    27 July 2017 09: 02
    Around the Jews alone, wherever you throw. And in the photo with Gorky, he looks something like Hitler
  5. +6
    27 July 2017 09: 03
    Quote: Nikolai K
    Such is the class struggle, with the growth of socialism in the country.

    Yeah, apparently Yagoda was learning this class struggle from pornographic aids.
    Many bastards were taken up by the Soviet regime.

    A under the current regime, all white and fluffy-kudrin, chubais, gref, shuvalov, mendel, naibulin and so on and so forth. All Putin’s friends ... am
    1. +3
      27 July 2017 11: 08
      The article is not about "today." Why immediately translate the arrows?
      1. 0
        28 July 2017 07: 04
        How else? After all, what was previously hidden in some cabinets ----- now for many, everything is absolutely available in stores for sale.
    2. +3
      28 July 2017 07: 21
      Quote: Private61
      A under the current regime, all white and fluffy-kudrin, chubais, gref, shuvalov, mendel, naibulin and so on and so forth. All Putin’s friends ..

      But why is this comparison? Moreover, these are all people brought up under Soviet power, former pioneers, Komsomol members, KGB officers ....
      1. +3
        28 July 2017 10: 46
        Quote: nizhegorodec
        But why is this comparison? Moreover, these are all people brought up under Soviet power, former pioneers, Komsomol members, KGB officers ..

        Aren't you from there?
        1. +1
          28 July 2017 11: 18
          Quote: Alexander Green
          Aren't you from there?

          from there, only I am not in power, since I was not a functionary of the above organizations.
          1. +2
            28 July 2017 18: 12
            Quote: nizhegorodec
            the functionary of the above organizations was not.

            You were not a pioneer and Komsomol member? I feel sorry for you, you had an unhappy childhood.
            1. +1
              30 July 2017 13: 11
              Quote: Alexander Green
              You were not a pioneer and Komsomol member?

              I wrote that I was not
              Quote: nizhegorodec
              functionary of the above organizations

              so pity yourself
              1. +3
                30 July 2017 20: 43
                Quote: nizhegorodec
                Quote: Alexander Green
                You were not a pioneer and Komsomol member?

                I wrote that I was not
                Quote: nizhegorodec
                functionary of the above organizations

                so pity yourself

                Anyway, I feel sorry for you as a victim of a difficult childhood,
                1. +1
                  30 July 2017 21: 02
                  Quote: Alexander Green
                  Anyway, I feel sorry for you as a victim of a difficult childhood,

                  but I did not have a difficult childhood))) feel sorry for yourself))
                  1. +2
                    31 July 2017 00: 30
                    Quote: nizhegorodec
                    but I did not have a difficult childhood

                    It was, otherwise you would not be so embittered.
                    1. +2
                      31 July 2017 07: 26
                      Quote: Alexander Green
                      It was, otherwise you would not be so embittered.

                      and where did you see the malice? here only badens1111 poisonous saliva spits)))
                      1. +1
                        31 July 2017 08: 42
                        Quote: nizhegorodec
                        poisonous saliva spits

                        That sounds so true, why don't you take care of yourself like that?
      2. +4
        28 July 2017 11: 28
        Quote: nizhegorodec
        But why is this comparison?

        Indeed, why are you persistently trying to pour from empty to empty?
        in the "democratic" countries of Western Europe in 1937-1938 a lot of indignation and poisonous ridicule was expressed about terror in the USSR, mass paranoia swept these countries a couple of years after the start of the German offensive on the Western Front on May 10, 1940. The search for the “fifth column” turned into spy mania. The “vigilant” inhabitants of the Netherlands, Belgium and France grabbed the blondes, who seemed to them “secret agents of the Gestapo” and often killed them on the spot. Priests and nuns were arrested, who were accused of being disguised German paratroopers.

        Among the victims of mass paranoia was Hitler's fierce enemy - Lyon Feuchtwanger, who was thrown into a French concentration camp and only miraculously managed to escape from there. (He told about this in the book “Damn in France.”) Tens of thousands of “suspicious” people were arrested in England under the administration of W. Churchill. Later, many of them were taken to Canada, but along the way, one ship with prisoners was sunk by a German submarine.

        It seemed that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor did not take the FBI by surprise: 48 hours after the outbreak of war, the American police arrested 3846 secret agents of Japan, Germany and Italy. However, police and the FBI were harassed by reports of clandestine agents who allegedly operated under their nose with impunity. Ordinary Americans exposed neighbors who made something “strange” in their attic, or conducted “subversive” conversations, or spoke “suspicious” foreign languages. FBI estimates indicated that false and erroneous denunciations exceeded genuine cases of enemy activity by about 10–20 times.
        Something no one crocodile tears on this fact, in the West pours. Why would it?
        And only a handful of people like you all wake up this topic.
        1. +1
          28 July 2017 11: 56
          Quote: badens1111
          FBI estimates indicated that false and erroneous denunciations exceeded genuine cases of enemy activity by about 10–20 times.
          Something no one crocodile tears on this fact, in the West pours. Why would it?

          because they have
          false and erroneous denunciations exceeded genuine cases of enemy activity by about 10–20 times.
          (that is, sorted it out), while we sat on false denunciations much more.
          Quote: badens1111
          And only a handful of people like you all wake up this topic.

          you don’t find that this handful is not so small, otherwise there would be no such debate.
          1. +2
            31 July 2017 08: 51
            Quote: nizhegorodec
            because they have

            What do they have?
            Quote: nizhegorodec
            (that is, sorted it out), while we sat on false denunciations much more.

            Can you prove your fabrications? Or you can point out the fact that people like you practiced false denunciations, the opposition striving to discredit the power — your spiritual forerunners with a shaft of denunciations
            Quote: nizhegorodec
            you don’t find that this handful is not so small, otherwise there would be no such debate.

            I see that your "handful" is small enough, unpleasantly unpleasant and enjoys the secret support of the site moderators, this can be seen with the naked eye.
            1. +1
              31 July 2017 09: 21
              Quote: badens1111
              Can you prove your fabrications?

              Of course, the number of rehabilitated even under Stalin)))
              Quote: badens1111
              and enjoys the tacit support of site moderators,

              What is it like? What preferences did the moderators receive from me? A few warnings?
              Quote: badens1111
              Or you point out the fact that people like you practiced false denunciations
              That's right, they wrote to themselves)))))
  6. +12
    27 July 2017 09: 28
    Great article. It perfectly shows how the principle of selecting leaders in the Soviet system is disproved, and it refutes the myth that "bloody tsarism terribly repressed valiant revolutionaries." The same Yagoda, for his "art", was in good shape for 5 or 7 years of hard labor, but ... in the Russian Empire, the court saw in the defendants the first people who have rights and who are valuable to society. It’s a pity that Berry wasn’t one of those ...
    1. +22
      27 July 2017 09: 38
      Lieutenant Teterin Today, 09:28
      but ... in the Russian Empire, the court saw the defendants in the first place as people who have rights and who are valuable to society.
      "Yes, you shoooo" ?! I saw people straight ?! In everyone ?! And a lot of people from, say, ordinary peasants won in the very courts of affairs against the landowners or workers against the capitalists ?! Sick of your nonsense about the dairy rivers and jelly banks in Tsarist Russia! Yes, for 5 percent of the population they were dairy and sour, BUT only for 5 percent of the exploiters, LIET Teterin ... negative
      1. +14
        27 July 2017 10: 20
        Madame Ilyina, be so kind as to give an example of a case in which the landowner would oppose the peasant? Do not know? Then I can give you an example of the case of the Lutoric peasants, when out of 34 peasants who resisted the authorities, 30 were acquitted and three were sentenced to a short term of imprisonment. Another one is fined. You recall what the "people's Soviet power" did in case of resistance to its representatives in the village?
        ess_dep & op = 3 & did = 41
        1. +15
          27 July 2017 11: 03
          Lenin’s brother wanted to kill the tsar! Gotcha and was hanged! How did this affect the fate of Lenin? No way! Imagine that the "brother of Lenin" wanted to kill Stalin? Caught and was shot. How would this affect the fate of Lenin? He would be shot too, right? And when he went along the same path, they sent him to Shushenskoye! Under the "green lamp", with a gun for hunting, my wife came there, fresh air, mushroom pies ... "severe royal regime!" No, maybe the smelly men so dear to our Diana, according to tradition, were flogged ... But they treated the people of their circle under tsarism much more liberally than the "people's power" then treated their own !!!
          1. +8
            27 July 2017 16: 05
            Quote: kalibr
            Lenin’s brother wanted to kill the tsar! Gotcha and was hanged! How did this affect the fate of Lenin? No way! Imagine that the "brother of Lenin" wanted to kill Stalin? Caught and was shot. How would this affect the fate of Lenin? He would be shot too, right?

            Well, why so primitive? You taught dialectics !? At the time of Alexander Ulyanov there was not yet such an aggravation of the class struggle as it did in the 30s, therefore, to compare the 80s The 19th century and the 30s of the 20th century are simply incorrect.
            1. +5
              27 July 2017 16: 27
              An interesting move, this is Alexander. He simply put the tsar and JV Stalin on the same level. Sleight of hand is called.
              1. +5
                27 July 2017 16: 53
                Quote: avva2012
                An interesting move, this is Alexander. He simply put the tsar and JV Stalin on the same level. Sleight of hand is called.

                And not only. There is still elementary speculation.
                1. +4
                  27 July 2017 19: 00
                  Quote: Alexander Green
                  Quote: avva2012
                  An interesting move, this is Alexander. He simply put the tsar and JV Stalin on the same level. Sleight of hand is called.

                  And not only. There is still elementary speculation.

                  What tricks, what speculation? This is PR, today. Well, and, if, as before, then, probably, "Farce" "? Something like this?
              2. +2
                28 July 2017 08: 25
                Quote: avva2012
                he simply put the tsar and JV Stalin on the same level.

                and their government style was somehow different? Totalitarian regime.
                1. +3
                  28 July 2017 09: 24
                  Quote: Banker and their management style was somehow different? Totalitarian regime.

                  And, you take an interest in a history of a question, "totalitarian regime", for a start. When this phrase appeared in relation to the USSR. Then, open a dictionary and compare the terms absolutism and totalitarianism. And also, in my opinion, it would be interesting to know what post I.V. Stalin held at what time and when. In general, the governance structure in the USSR, what did it represent? Could I.V. Stalin, have the same power as Alexander III? You know, I get the impression that somewhere on the Internet there is a “short guide to young / non-young anti-adviser”, where all basic terminology that is enough to know is compiled in an accessible form. Wow, "government style" laughing Sorry.
                  1. +3
                    28 July 2017 09: 36
                    Quote: avva2012
                    And also, in my opinion, it would be interesting to know what post I.V. Stalin held at what time and when.

                    and the post does not play any role here, Stalin had more power than any other king, so the terms
                    Quote: avva2012
                    absolutism and totalitarianism

                    here they do not play a role. If, from specifying at what height the gymnast’s pockets were sewn, one person made decisions before determining the country's foreign policy, and whether he was the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) or the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, as well as the head of government (Presnarkom or Presovmin) and when doesn’t matter. Everything was decided and everything depended in the USSR on one person - Stalin
                    1. +4
                      28 July 2017 09: 47
                      Quote: nizhegorodec
                      Everything was decided and everything depended in the USSR on one person - Stalin

                      And? Are you scared?
                      It is good that Stalin made decisions, not some kind of Nikolka Romanov, otherwise they would have lost the country.
                      However, you look like this - “The National Right Liberation Movement“ Right Sector ”expresses gratitude to Olga Mikhailovna Mirimskaya for actively promoting, supporting the activities and disseminating the ideas of our movement”, - the management of the “Right Sector” appreciates the help from Mirimskaya so much that noted her merits in supporting the right-wing radical movement of Ukraine on its official website.

                      Who is Olga Mirimskaya and what is she known for? Olga Mirimskaya (b.1964) - formerly the wife of Alexei Golubovich, one of the top managers at Yukos, Mikhail Khodorkovsky. True, after the start of the Yukos affair, Golubovich and Mirimskaya made a deal with law enforcement agencies and testified, which helped put Khodorkovsky himself and his accomplices in jail. In particular, it was thanks to the testimonies of Golubovich and Mirimskaya as witnesses in 2008 that they managed to prove the guilt of the former co-owner of Yukos, Leonid Nevzlin. On August 1, 2008, the Moscow City Court sentenced Nevzlin to life imprisonment. Today, Olga Mirimskaya is the chairman of the board of directors of BKF Bank, she is one of the top 30 richest women in Russia. In 2015, Forbes magazine assigned her 22nd place in the ranking of the richest women in the Russian Federation, evaluating her condition at $ 100 million. "
                      They didn’t notice that you and those like you are exactly the purest Fifth Column in the country, then you are afraid of Stalin like fire, throwing out all kinds of rubbish during his reign ..
                      Quote: nizhegorodec
                      Stalin had more power than any other king, so the terms

                      Yes exactly?
                      And on what is your statement based, other than your opinion?
                      Well, we had an absolute monarch, your Nicholas II, and?
                      But besides the hiccups and the cries of "prosstii" you have nothing for your soul.
                      And Stalin stood behind a country that, under his leadership, broke the neck of the collective power of the West. Yes, and with the economic growth rates you and not only you, all sorts of liberals, for clarity, how bad it is, Stalin has ten percent a year, you at the limit of mathematical error, is that why, in this case, are you again trying to pour mud at Stalin here?
                      1. +1
                        28 July 2017 10: 10
                        Quote: badens1111
                        And with the economic growth rates you and not only you, all sorts of liberals, for clarity, how bad it is, Stalin has ten percent a year, you are on the verge of mathematical error

                        Myth 7. Tsarist Russia was an economically backward country.
                        By the beginning of the 5th century Russia was one of the 1900 largest countries in terms of economic development: USA, Germany, England, France, Russia. According to the American researcher R. Kennedy, by 4 Russia occupied the 9th place in the world in terms of world industrial production, its share was 1890%. Moreover, the growth rate of the Russian economy over a long period of 1914 - 5. were the highest among all 1917 leading industrial states of the world. By 81, 37 thousand km of railways were built in Russia, over the past 1880 years since 1,5, more than 1914 thousand km were built per year. Even during the war years, Russian industry continued to grow (now mainly due to military production). After a slight decline in 1,3, it was 1915%, in 10,8 the increase was 1916%, and in 10,2 1917%. Only in 20,2 after the start of the revolution did a deep decline in industry occur - XNUMX%. As a result, only during the reign of Nicholas II did Russian industry quadruple its productivity.
                        statistical error is good, but all this was not accompanied by huge sacrifices, the plunder of the peasantry, and slave labor in the Gulag.
                        Quote: badens1111
                        And behind Stalin stood a country, one that under his leadership broke the neck of the collective power of the West

                        Yeah, she broke it so that Russia can’t rise from her knees now, nevertheless, under Nicholas I and Catherine, Russia played a leading role in world politics. So you poke everything with Nicholas 2 (although he is far from the worst ruler), and is your Gorbachev better? And what does Olga Mirimskaya have to do with it, I just heard about her now? They wanted to shine with their erudition?
                      2. +1
                        28 July 2017 10: 35
                        Quote: badens1111 And behind Stalin stood a country that, under his leadership, broke the neck of the collective power of the West.

                        I agree with your statement. But. The Politburo and the Council of People's Commissars, these are not operetny organizations that carried out the will of Comrade. I.V. Stalin. Explain to anti-advisers of all stripes, common truths are useless. They have, the so-called scotoma, for certain events in the history of that period. The question is why I.V. Stalin, nevertheless, could not bring his decision on alternative elections to life, if he was an absolute monarch, they are not something that they cannot, they just don’t hear him, because they destroy such a question their slender picture about the “Georgian in boots”.
                        Did not notice that you and your kind these are precisely the purest Fifth Column in the country, then you are afraid of Stalin like a fire, throwing out all kinds of rubbish during his reign ..

                        This is not a column, this is the fifth wheel in a cart. Communists, Komsomol members who did not find a place in the new democratic lol society. Or children.
                      3. +2
                        28 July 2017 16: 26
                        Badens1111, I would recommend that you compare Stalin not with Nikolai 2, but with Peter1 or Nikolai 1: it is more on the scale, and Nikolai Alexandrovich was a henpecked ... He unfortunately listened too much to the opinion of his mother and wife, and mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are very rare understand each other
                    2. +2
                      28 July 2017 10: 56
                      Quote: nizhegorodec
                      Stalin had more power than another king, so the terms .... Everything was decided and everything depended in the USSR on one person - Stalin

                      You are deeply mistaken in this.
                      1. +1
                        30 July 2017 13: 13
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        You are deeply mistaken in this.

                        very significant argument
                2. +2
                  28 July 2017 10: 49
                  Quote: Banker
                  Quote: avva2012
                  he simply put the tsar and JV Stalin on the same level.

                  and their government style was somehow different? Totalitarian regime.

                  Dear, it would not hurt you to learn.
                  1. +1
                    28 July 2017 11: 06
                    Quote: Alexander Green
                    Dear, it would not hurt you to learn.

                    Do not you? you are our savvy)))
                    1. +2
                      28 July 2017 18: 14
                      Quote: Banker
                      Quote: Alexander Green
                      Dear, it would not hurt you to learn.

                      Do not you? you are our savvy)))

                      And why not?
            2. +2
              28 July 2017 07: 24
              Quote: Alexander Green
              there was no such aggravation of the class struggle as it did in the 30s

              which the Bolsheviks themselves invented to justify their repressions
              1. +3
                28 July 2017 10: 50
                Quote: nizhegorodec
                Quote: Alexander Green
                there was no such aggravation of the class struggle as it did in the 30s

                which the Bolsheviks themselves invented to justify their repressions

                If this were a fiction, then the restoration of capitalism in the USSR would not have occurred.
                1. +1
                  28 July 2017 13: 42
                  Quote: Alexander Green
                  If this were a fiction, then the restoration of capitalism in the USSR would not have occurred.

                  and who restored it? The Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU began, continued the First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU with the support of the Communists, what other classes participated in this and who fought with the Communists?
                  1. +2
                    28 July 2017 18: 18
                    Quote: nizhegorodec
                    Quote: Alexander Green
                    If this were a fiction, then the restoration of capitalism in the USSR would not have occurred.

                    and who restored it? The Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU began, continued the First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU with the support of the Communists, what other classes participated in this and who fought with the Communists?

                    Khrushchev began the restoration of capitalism, unfortunately, in this he found like-minded people - he granted amnesty, released from prison and rehabilitated former Vlasovites, Banderaites, forest brothers and the like.
                    1. +1
                      30 July 2017 13: 16
                      Quote: Alexander Green
                      The restoration of capitalism began Khrushchev

                      even so, I will not argue, although on the contrary he tightened the nuts on the remnants of free enterprise, but let it be your way. So after all, the communist is Khrushchev
                      1. +1
                        31 July 2017 17: 21
                        Yes, he eliminated the promo operation. But after all, Khrushchev, in fact, although he did not advertise it, relied on a number of Stalin's ideas expressed in the work “Economic problems of socialism”. In particular, the superiority of state property (nationwide) over collective-farm cooperative.
            3. +2
              28 July 2017 09: 29
              Quote: Alexander Green
              During the time of Alexander Ulyanov, there was not yet such an aggravation of the class struggle as it did in the 30s,

              Yeah: when the classes were, the class struggle was ..... WEAKER than when the classes were already ... NOT 20 years old! do you hear yourself? lol
              1. +3
                28 July 2017 09: 32
                Quote: Olgovich
                do you hear yourself?

                Do you even understand what you're trying to judge?
                Reading your delights, you are surprised, well, there’s a range of specialists, in all the pros, but in fact - PPC.
                1. +3
                  28 July 2017 10: 19
                  Quote: badens1111
                  but in fact - PPC.

                  But in fact there are objections? There is no objection, then Pschik is your comment.
                2. +1
                  28 July 2017 11: 05
                  Quote: badens1111
                  Do you even understand what you're trying to judge?

                  Oh no no no! And what about ?! belay lol
                  Quote: badens1111
                  Reading your delights, you are surprised, well, there’s a range of specialists, in all the pros, but in fact - PPC.
              2. +2
                28 July 2017 10: 52
                Quote: Olgovich
                Quote: Alexander Green
                During the time of Alexander Ulyanov, there was not yet such an aggravation of the class struggle as it did in the 30s,

                Yeah: when the classes were, the class struggle was ..... WEAKER than when the classes were already ... NOT 20 years old! do you hear yourself? lol

                You also would do well to learn. Classes will exist as long as the division of labor into the mental and the physical is maintained.
                1. +2
                  28 July 2017 11: 08
                  Quote: Alexander Green
                  Classes will exist as long as the division of labor into the mental and the physical is maintained.

                  and physicists will beat the lyrics? )))) Or workers - the intelligentsia? So it was already under the Bolsheviks and the Nazis
                  1. +2
                    28 July 2017 11: 46
                    So it was already under the Bolsheviks and the Nazis

                    And hint, what was there under the Nazis? wink

                    and physicists will beat the lyrics? )))) Or workers - the intelligentsia?

                    belay Is this the answer to this quote? "Classes will exist as long as the division of labor into the mental and the physical is maintained."
                    1. The comment was deleted.
                    2. +2
                      28 July 2017 12: 05
                      Quote: avva2012
                      And hint, what was there under the Nazis?

                      that is, what was it with the Bolsheviks you accept? lol
                      Quote: avva2012
                      Is this the answer to this quote? "Classes will exist until then

                      Well, yes, as I understand it, that this quote is in response to the class struggle? Is not it?
                      1. +2
                        28 July 2017 13: 25
                        1. What I think is my business, you were directly asked. I hope you do not think that you are aware of my thoughts.
                        2. Not this way.
                        Quote: Alexander Green:
                        Dear, it would not hurt you to learn.
                  2. +2
                    28 July 2017 18: 24
                    Quote: Banker
                    and physicists will beat the lyrics? )))) Or workers - the intelligentsia? So it was already under the Bolsheviks and the Nazis

                    How primitive you are, you definitely need to learn, class struggle is not only armed struggle, it is also ideological. It is bloodless, but the post-Stalinist USSR was defeated precisely because of the intensification of the ideological struggle by the capitalist elements. The heads of the people were so duped that he exchanged his real values ​​for Western mythical values.
                2. +2
                  28 July 2017 13: 02
                  Quote: Alexander Green
                  You also would do well to learn.

                  Always ready!
                  Quote: Alexander Green
                  Classes will exist as long as the division of labor into mental and physical

                  Falling! belay -so there is a class of intellectuals and a class of physicists ?! belay
                  So it was a struggle between them in death in 1937? And who negotiate with someone, do not be shy! Yes
                  1. +2
                    28 July 2017 18: 26
                    Quote: Olgovich

                    Read above.
                    1. +2
                      29 July 2017 13: 25
                      Quote: Alexander Green
                      Quote: Olgovich

                      Read above.

                      Above is just that.
                      Quote: Alexander Green
                      Classes will exist as long as the division of labor into the mental and the physical is maintained.

                      Therefore, I repeat the question:
                      is there a class of intellectuals and a class of physicists ?!
                      So it was a struggle between them in death in 1937? And who negotiate with someone, do not be shy!

                      Or froze
                      Classes will exist untilwhile the division of labor into mental and physical
                      , and now "I'm not me and not my hut"? Yes
                      1. +2
                        29 July 2017 15: 06
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        Therefore, I repeat the question:
                        is there a class of intellectuals and a class of physicists ?!
                        So it was a struggle between them in death in 1937? And who negotiate with someone, do not be shy!

                        Or froze
                        Classes will exist as long as the division of labor into mental and physical
                        , and now "I'm not me and not my hut"?

                        Dear, it’s you, because of your political illiteracy or, most likely, deliberate overthrow, that you have frozen about the struggle of “classes of intellectuals and physicists”.
                        Marxism teaches that the division of classes is based on the division of labor into mental and physical. Therefore, classes will disappear only under communism, when the differences between city and country, between mental and physical labor, will disappear.

                        And now, about the 37th year.
                        The power of the bourgeoisie by this time was already overthrown, but the class of the bourgeoisie was not destroyed, and in order to maintain its dominance, mimicking friends and defenders of the people, it sneaks into the highest organs of power, using the slogans of this power to then overthrow it from the inside. This method is called double-dealing.
                        In the 30s they were given hands, but unfortunately, after World War II, after the death of I.V. Stalin, when the vigilance of the working class was dulled, the bourgeoisie, represented by the uninhabited Menshevik Trotskyists, managed to seize key posts and, using total lies and deceit of the working people, and posing as class interests for the interests of the whole people, turned the USSR off the path of building communism.
          2. 0
            27 July 2017 21: 01
            Because they were their recent neighbors in the bunk and could put soldering on a feather
      2. +2
        27 July 2017 10: 22
        he was a lieutenant. to the pens of women a big pedant!
      3. +2
        28 July 2017 07: 49
        Quote: Diana Ilyina
        And many people from, say, ordinary peasants won in the very courts of affairs against the landlords or workers against the capitalists?

        How the landowner lost his court to his peasants
        in this article, of course, there are a lot of letters, but you will understand (maybe) how and how the peasants lived, what rights they had. This is only one of several cases that I know of. By the way, “Lensky execution” began with the fact that the workers went to complain to a friend (according to the modern, deputy) of the city prosecutor (there were precedents for resolving issues in favor of the workers), after firing at the crowd, the commission worked, only representatives from the city administration suffered monopolies "Lenzoloto" and the police chief. Compare with the consequences of the execution of workers in Novocherkassk.
        Quote: Diana Ilyina
        Sick of your nonsense
        maybe your nausea will pass, or maybe it’s not from "nonsense"? Maybe they ate something, or maybe .... you know yourself ..
    2. +3
      27 July 2017 09: 52
      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      The court of the Russian Empire saw the defendants in the first place as people who have rights and who are valuable to society

      Winners write laws and they don’t offend themselves ...
      1. +10
        27 July 2017 10: 22
        Excuse me, Vera Zasulich, probably belonged to the winners? Like Yagoda, who received a link to his grandfather together with hard labor?
        1. +2
          27 July 2017 11: 04
          Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
          Excuse me, Vera Zasulich, probably belonged to the winners? Like Berry

          The illusion of legality and justice among slaves must be maintained, otherwise they will go to the barricades, not to the courts.
          Do not stand in a pose not of a frightened ostrich with a magnifying glass looking at grains of sand under your feet. Having deepened in particular, we run the risk of never returning and not seeing the general picture of what is happening as a whole. This is one of the problems of the liberals, on which they are bred, in concentrating their attention on "Я"whereby they are not seeing around them"WE".
          1. +9
            27 July 2017 12: 10
            I can’t say that the Zasulich case created the illusion of legality, on the contrary, it created the illusion of impunity for revolutionary violence.
            The same applies to the references of the "revolutionaries", there is little justice, rather an expression of mercy on the part of the imperial authorities. In fairness, Ulyanov and his comrades were supposed to get to the gallows, and Yagoda - to hard labor.
        2. +9
          27 July 2017 11: 06
          Sorry, Vera Zasulich, probably belonged to the winners

          Lieutenant Vera Zasulich set a dangerous precedent. The judges and jury played with her in democracy with her excuse, after which the flywheel of revolutionary terror began to unwind. Both the right and the guilty suffered from the bombs of the revolutionaries - for example, the Khalturin bomb killed the heroes of the Russian-Turkish war. Go through the war, then die by hand "dreamer of universal happiness"(sarcasm) - mhhh ... bitterly!
          1. +9
            27 July 2017 12: 13
            Dear Mikado, I completely agree with you. The Zasulich case not only showed the independence of the post-reform Russian court, but also unleashed the hands of revolutionary evil.
            1. +4
              27 July 2017 13: 35
              independence of the post-reform Russian court, but also unleashed the hands of revolutionary evil

              because independence must be friends with common sense, and not position itself as permissiveness soldier
              1. +2
                27 July 2017 14: 33
                Awakened Stream to another on the river,
                Which one? - does not remember the tradition;
                Walking back and forth in the chill
                He enters a spacious building;
                Sees: the judges are sitting, and solemnly here
                A vowel is being committed against a criminal.
                Undoubted and serious evidence
                Crimes are quite large:

                He poisoned his father, killed a couple of aunts,
                Took forgery someone else's estate
                Yes, two brothers and three daughters strangled, -
                Awaiting jury decision.
                And the jury comes in with a contented face:
                “Though he killed,” they say, “he is not guilty of anything!”
                Here they are left and right handkerchiefs
                Young women waving, shouting: bravo!

                And said Flow: "With a jury trial
                Was common to our world,
                But when such a jester turned up for us,
                In three hundred kun he would have paid the virus! ”
                And the neighbors, squinting at him, say:
                “You see, what a retrograde is here!
                He’s retarded, you can see by the dress,
                He wants to oppress the smaller brother! ”

                © A.K. Tolstoy. Stream-hero. 1871
                1. +4
                  27 July 2017 14: 41
                  Alexei, I will add another poem by A.K. Tolstoy, addressed to the Minister of Justice Count Palen, the same years:
                  Ax, why do we have Count Palen
                  So parallel to the jury!
                  Be it more vertical
                  Their court would be more divided!
                  Good judgment by the king
                  And the jury is sad
                  All that is parallel
                  Through measure to them, Count Palen!

                  The murderer has become impudent,
                  The court has become kind of alms
                  Because so is Count Palen
                  The jury is parallel.
                  Everyone is afraid to be shot,
                  Ile slaughtered, il burned,
                  Because it is parallel
                  To the jury so Count Palen.
                  We tremble in the midst of our bedrooms
                  We tremble among the prayers
                  Because so is Count Palen
                  The jury is parallel!
                  Herr, erbarm 'dich unsrer Seelen! (Lord have mercy on our souls!)
                  Habe Mitleid mit uns allenHave compassion for all of us)
                  Yes will not be parallel
                  To the jury so Count Palen!
    3. 0
      28 July 2017 16: 42
      Lieutenant, it would be better if Berry received not 7-8 ', but 10-15 years of hard labor. Although hard labor is not yet a panacea: Makhno was in hard labor for how long, but remained the same. Or take Stalin: he was sent to Turukhansk, and the conditions there were not childish.
      If people are truly IDEAL to them all penalties nevermind, and such as Yagoda, Yezhov and many others are ideological degenerates
  7. +9
    27 July 2017 09: 37
    Ah, howl from the comrades, in essence the article didn’t say anything, but was accused of Russophobia, Medvedev was dragged on, you’re ridiculous.
    1. +3
      27 July 2017 09: 42
      It’s they (anti-corruption fighters) who cleverly translate arrows, it’s strange that the famous phrase ....... you hold on theredo not lead.
  8. +14
    27 July 2017 09: 49
    ",,, Enoch also killed his elder brother, Mikhail (during the armed uprising in Sormovo in 1905)."
    And a second brother too. Leo's brother was shot in 1916 at the front.
    Historians give reasons for the execution in accordance with their "views." Some write that he refused to go on the attack, others - for organizing a revolutionary uprising. The fact of the execution is not denied by either one or the other.
    The information on all the processes of those years was not completely disclosed, so they remain fertile ground for creativity. Maybe this is specifically done at the request of writers and human rights activists. They will announce everything how many people lose their bread.
    The criminal case. Berries are also not shown to anyone. Who knows what is there.
    Maybe really, as the American historian Richard Spence says, Yagoda managed to establish illegal forest supplies from the Gulag to Canada, the profits from which went to his Swiss account, which remains unclaimed to date.
    And the delusions of grandeur in the comrade were clearly present. A monument in the form of a thirty-meter five-pointed star with a huge bronze bust of Genrikh Grigoryevich inside was erected on the last gateway of the White Sea-Baltic Canal to commemorate the victories, as well as the personal contribution of the non-sparing People’s Commissar, organizer, initiator and ideological leader. In memory of future generations. One can say, for centuries, it is unlikely that such tricks could be liked.
    It’s true that such a “Black-Hundred” thought was born for me.
    The apparatus of the GPU-NKVD under the leadership of Berry.
    His first deputy was appointed Agranov (Sorenzen) Yakov Saulovich, heads of departments: Special - Guy Miron Ilyich, Economic - Mironov Samuil, Foreign - Slutsky Arkady Arkadievich, Transport - Shanin Abram Moiseevich, Operational - Pauker Karl Veniaminovich, Special - Iskrodetsky Veniaminovich Anti-religious - Ioffe Isai Lvovich, Main Directorate of Workers 'and Peasants' Police - Volsky Lev Naumovich, Criminal Investigation - Vul Leonid Iosifovich, Main Directorate of External and Internal Security - Mogilevsky Boris Efimovich, Inspections of the Border Troops - Shirvindt Semyon.
    Heads of camp administrations (GULAG): Berman, Nakhimson, Frenkel, their deputies: Firin, Rappoport, Abramson. Heads of large camps: Kogan, Bixon, Serpukhov, Filkelshtein, Pogrebsky, Moroz Yakov Moiseevich, brother-in-law Yagoda, whose son will later become the husband of Svetlana Alliluyeva, daughter of Stalin.
    You can dig to the bottom. The trend continues. I would be in Stalin's place, too, thoughtful and worried.
    1. 0
      27 July 2017 10: 38
      But dear Vyacheslav at the beginning of the article wrote that there were two brothers and five sisters in the Yagoda family, where did the third brother come from?))) And here is an interesting way to write articles by Vyacheslav Shpakovsky, because you can tell the whole story about Yagoda in one part, or it is somehow connected with the system of payment for creativity))
      1. +5
        27 July 2017 10: 49
        Berry + two brothers = three brothers. Just the phrase is a little unsuccessful.
      2. +4
        27 July 2017 10: 58
        The volume is very large. People really get tired of reading a lot of letters. Therefore, we have to share materials.
    2. +8
      27 July 2017 10: 57
      Quote: Curious
      His first deputy was appointed Agranov (Sorenzen) Yakov Saulovich, heads of departments: Special - Guy Miron Ilyich, Economic - Mironov Samuil, Foreign - Slutsky Arkady Arkadievich, Transport - Shanin Abram Moiseevich, Operational - Pauker Karl Veniaminovich, Special - Iskrodetsky Veniaminovich Anti-religious - Ioffe Isai Lvovich, Main Directorate of Workers 'and Peasants' Police - Volsky Lev Naumovich, Criminal Investigation - Vul Leonid Iosifovich, Main Directorate of External and Internal Security - Mogilevsky Boris Efimovich, Inspections of the Border Troops - Shirvindt Semyon.

      Be careful, otherwise you can run into accusations of anti-Semitism for such lists. smile
      By the way, the head of the Special Department of the OGPU at the SNK - NKVD of the USSR was Guy Mark Isaakovich, in girlhood - Shtoklyand Mark Isaakovich.
    3. +7
      27 July 2017 11: 00
      "I would be in place of Stalin, too, would think and be agitated" ////

      Stalin claimed this rabble in their high posts. Without his signature
      it was impossible to become one of the highest Soviet leaders.
      He rather worried if any of them could dig under him.
      If not, go ahead. And the time he arranged mass cleaning-massacre
      - all. And replaced by like. Not better.
      1. +4
        27 July 2017 12: 15
        No, well, I repented right before expressing a thought. But why you at once - rabble. Could this be corporate solidarity?
        1. +3
          27 July 2017 15: 14
          But why, you immediately-rabble?
          Weird question. Question. Under the slogan, “Beat the Jew, Political Instrument,” he would also sign up.
      2. +8
        27 July 2017 13: 38
        Well, of course! Under Stalin there was neither a Central Committee, nor a Politburo, nor congresses and conferences of the RSDLP and VKPb. Democratic centralism - have you heard that? handed over the history of the CPSU? You have just proclaimed by your post that Stalin is a god. A kind of incarnation of Odin on earth :)) Congratulations. But in fact, casting a shadow on the wattle fence also needs to be competently. "So it burns ne budet. Solyras nada splash," said Givi Zurabovich in the translation of the Goblin.
    4. +7
      27 July 2017 13: 31
      And why is there such a "black-hundred"? You just graphically showed the new "national elite" of the pre-Stalinist Red Empire. The comrades achieved this during the organized “gevolutions” —to knock out the Russian nobility and sit in its place, chasing the “white Negroes” according to the legacy of Leiba Trotsky. They blinked out the appearance of the Stalinists, which was logical: they quickly gluttoned themselves with permissiveness, most of the "golden calf" stroked under the canopy of the Red Banner. They built the Kaganate, according to the sign1 of "socialism". Stalin forced to build socialism, which many did not like, had to decide "who whom."
    5. +4
      27 July 2017 13: 47
      And everyone on this list is so simple. Russian surnames
      1. +7
        27 July 2017 13: 52
        Guys, you let me down with your comments for the punishing hand of the Mossad.
      2. +3
        27 July 2017 15: 12
        Quote: Monarchist
        And everyone on this list is so simple. Russian surnames

    6. 0
      31 July 2017 17: 25
      Pauker Karl Veniaminovich is not the spouse of Anna Pauker, who almost became the head of the Romanian People’s Republic at the turn of the 40s and 50s, but was pushed back to George Gheorghiu-Dej?
  9. +2
    27 July 2017 10: 35
    I can not judge the times after the revolution. I just think that all equality and justice there ends when special rations, special deals, special hospitals appear ... I can still understand when only those who are state leaders enjoy such privileges. But how to relate to a state where everyone is equal, but the whole layer of "nomenclature workers" is more equal than others?
    1. +6
      27 July 2017 10: 56
      He worked in the archive of the OK CPSU in 1988. "Special folder." And there, to whom of the employees is OK given to the salary for the vacation from the "party amounts". Well, it is clear that the 1st Secretary in the amount of salary, i.e. 500 p. + free ticket to the sanatorium to improve health ... But most of all I was touched by the addition to the salary of $ 100 r cleaner "aunt Duna." That is, it is clear that "the cleaning lady is also a man." But why her work was better and more prestigious than the work of the cleaning lady "Aunt Claudia" in an ordinary store, I don’t understand God. Cleaning prices were one! But ... this is "ours", and these are "people"! That's all and climbed into the regional committee, even as a cleaner, even for the distribution of sausages in the buffet. The work is the same, but closer to the sausages! But on the fence, the slogan: "We are all equal!"
      1. +1
        27 July 2017 11: 34
        Lucky you! They worked with such documents, it is a pity that not everyone is still declassified and accessible. A certain category will never become the property of history and will be sunk into oblivion under the heading when reading on the burn ...
        1. +4
          27 July 2017 12: 41
          You know ... in what position is this archive now? Before ... home ... security. Tolerance of the 2nd degree of secrecy. Submission and verification of workbooks. With the removal of the undesirable !!! It was possible for a box of chocolates at the head. reading room (when you came earlier than others and left later) to solicit the personal affairs of well-known local communists and "dig into their dirty laundry." Now ... the same house! No security! In the corridor of a cat (the smell is still!) In the reading room there is nobody at all! Workers one, two and all. Come, ask for any documents ... I would have started going there again a long time ago, there are so many interesting things, but ... far from the house and, to be honest, it’s just disgusting to sit there. So everything has changed. I will write an article about this with interesting photos, I promise!
          1. +4
            27 July 2017 13: 21
            Is there really no reason to sit so as not to sit alone?
            1. +3
              27 July 2017 15: 37
              I’ll tell you better in the article with the photo. But in winter there is an outright tannery, and in the summer ... who sits in the archive in the summer?
      2. +7
        27 July 2017 11: 46
        That's all and climbed into the regional committee, even as a cleaner, even for the distribution of sausages in the buffet. The work is the same, but closer to the sausages! But on the fence, the slogan: "We are all equal!"

        a couple of years ago, a cleaning lady from Gazprom, EMNIP, stole her handbag for a million rubles. That is, nothing has changed, just then they paid more in the office apparatus, now in organizations selling resources. The "place of increased salary" has changed depending on the management model and organization of the economy, but the principles have remained the same. And now people are climbing into such positions, and no one has canceled nepotism. “People do not change” (Woland). hi
        1. 0
          27 July 2017 12: 58
          Quote: Mikado
          People do not change

          The system for itself forms the people it needs and until we change the system, nothing will change.
          The "tumbler" of the power pyramid:

          When people seize power, the stability of the pyramid is violated. She falls and gets rid of the "extra". The stability of the pyramid is restored.
          1. +1
            27 July 2017 13: 18
            I redid the picture a bit:
          2. +3
            27 July 2017 13: 39
            until we change the system .....
            The stability of the pyramid is restored.

            Boris, thanks for the drawing!
            and the system comes to the same. Again, a new “nobility” is emerging, the attenuation of attenuation again passes, nepotism blooms again. hi
      3. +3
        27 July 2017 13: 40
        Lovely, funny times. That would now transfer our power to such benefits. That would be howling with indignation.
    2. +8
      27 July 2017 16: 20
      Quote: tasha
      I just think that all equality and justice there ends when special rations, special deals, special hospitals appear ...

      Not certainly in that way. Under Stalin, officials at all levels served the people, and served almost 24 hours a day. Arriving home at 2 a.m., I had to go to bed on an empty stomach, at night you didn’t run to the store, and they gave them special ration to work with them for this purpose. Under Khrushchev, officials stopped serving the people, but Khrushchev and his followers kept special rations.
      1. +2
        27 July 2017 17: 25
        Right! So Yagoda also served so well that he received the highest standard ... And others with him, there isn’t enough space to name everyone here. And everyone served 24 hours a day. They were not fools ... They saw the fate of their predecessors. They tried to "work even better." And got the same thing ha ha!
        1. +5
          27 July 2017 22: 22
          Quote: kalibr
          Right! So Yagoda also served so well that he received the highest standard ... And others with him, there isn’t enough space to name everyone here. And everyone served 24 hours a day. They were not fools ... They saw the fate of their predecessors. They tried to "work even better." And got the same thing ha ha!

          Why are you so primitive! Are you really used to rewrite and you can’t give birth to any right thoughts.
          Not for the fact that they beat the wolf that it is sir, but for the fact that he ate the sheep. Berry was repressed because he contacted the Trotskyists and began to take them out of attack. So on his orders Nikolaev was released several times - the killer of Kirov.
          1. +1
            30 July 2017 21: 45
            Quote: Alexander Green
            So on his orders Nikolaev was released several times - the killer of Kirov.

            it’s still not known who fouled Kirov, this Nikolaev was confused in his own testimony, he couldn’t “correctly” tell how he shot at Kirov. It was just necessary to come up with this conspiracy, and they came up with it.
            1. +4
              30 July 2017 21: 53
              Quote: nizhegorodec
              it’s still not known who fouled Kirov, this Nikolaev was confused in his own testimony, he couldn’t “correctly” tell how he shot at Kirov.

              I read your btaalia with Green and wonder why do you need an avatar with a Soviet emblem? what
              1. +1
                31 July 2017 09: 23
                Quote: Stroporez
                why do you need an avatar with a Soviet emblem?

                already explained to the curious, since childhood I liked the coat of arms of the Tajik SSR because of its similarity to the cockade on a soldier’s cap.
            2. +3
              30 July 2017 23: 01
              Quote: nizhegorodec
              so it’s still not known who Kirov failed,

              This is only a mystery to you.
              1. +4
                30 July 2017 23: 12
                Quote: Alexander Green
                This is only a mystery to you.

                This is the mystery of his birth.
                People forgot that they’re not only eating in the head ...
                1. +1
                  31 July 2017 09: 24
                  Quote: Stroporez
                  People forgot that they’re not only eating in the head ...

                  I think it’s inherent in you, hawking that nonsense that they treat you without thinking
              2. The comment was deleted.
                1. +1
                  31 July 2017 11: 05
                  Quote: nizhegorodec
                  one of the main versions of the motive for the murder, namely, the jealousy of Nikolaev Kirov to his wife,

                  And no one rejects this version, just the organizers of the murder used Nikolaev’s jealousy very subtly, they constantly stirred up passions, throwing dirty gossip about his wife and Kirov to him, did not accept for work, and thereby pushed Nikolaev to commit murder, even when the guard detained Nikolaev with weapons and a card, by order of the Berry, who participated in the plot, he was released.
                  And everything else in your commentary is a figment of the imagination of your inflamed brain, poisoned by anti-Sovietism.
                  1. +1
                    31 July 2017 11: 32
                    Quote: Alexander Green
                    And everything else in your commentary is a figment of the imagination of your inflamed brain, poisoned by anti-Sovietism.

                    where does anti-Sovietism? Running around the women, if not, then what is this version about jealousy based on? It is not necessary to build a pantheon of gods from the Communists.
      2. +1
        28 July 2017 05: 05
        Not certainly in that way. Under Stalin, officials at all levels served the people, and served almost 24 hours a day. Arriving home at 2 at one in the morning, I had to go to bed on an empty stomach, you didn’t run to the store at night, and they were given special rations to work with them for this purpose.

        Of course, in a crisis, there is a need to support key elements of the system with additional privileges. And this is not about the times of Stalin or Khrushchev, but in principle. When one is declared in words, but in life it is completely different. Remember the joke about Brezhnev and a vodka bottle with a screw plug?
      3. +1
        30 July 2017 15: 17
        Quote: Alexander Green
        Not certainly in that way. Under Stalin, officials at all levels served the people, and served almost 24 hours a day. Arriving home at 2 a.m., I had to go to bed on an empty stomach, you won’t run to the store at night,

        poor, did not spare themselves at all crying
        1. +2
          30 July 2017 17: 53
          Quote: nizhegorodec
          poor, did not spare themselves at all

          The Khalilovs, Gaisers and Khoroshavins, Belykh, Khodorkovsky, who are nicer, robbing people 24 hours a day, and when they are seized or pressed, immediately yell, “What do we want?” And the judge Khalilova was completely frightened with all three of her diplomas about “ higher legal "lost ...
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. +2
              30 July 2017 20: 42
              Quote: Banker
              that you give me all the current oligarchs as an example?

              As befits any liberal, you surrender your immediately.
              1. +1
                30 July 2017 21: 42
                Quote: badens1111
                Quote: Banker
                that you give me all the current oligarchs as an example?
                As befits any liberal, you surrender your immediately.

                Cool, such a bend! He cited the example of people raised and brought up under the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Soviet school and the university, and now “it’s not ours,” he disowned Camo and Yaponchik, internationalists fought not Soviet in Spain, again under the nicknames in China, Angola, Ethiopia, Mozambique again "ichtamnet." Is this the birthmark of the Bolsheviks to abandon their own?
                1. +2
                  30 July 2017 22: 56
                  Quote: nizhegorodec
                  The comment was deleted.

                  Why are you already hiding your comments? You are now engaged in frank verbal balancing act, confirming the axiom-liberal will sell and surrender any and all and everything, if only he would benefit.
                  Jap is yours.
                  And all the rest to give a magnifying glass for you to read a second time- "Kotovsky, one brigade disheveled the UPR troops in their 2 winter campaign, ending this Petliura-Mazepa-Skoropal rot in Ukraine.
                  Kamo-kaki claims to him? You don't want to present claims to Khodorokvsky Berezovsky, and their activity is like black and bloody.
                  These honest people are patriots of Russia,
                  i - zhertvi-repressii-i-terrora / destroyed by someone White who traded in Russia.
                  For the past 20 years, anti-communists and anti-Soviet have been hammering into our heads that the Sharikovs alone fought on the side of the Reds, driven by dark instincts, and exclusively “the best people of Russia” fought for the Whites. This is a cynical and blatant lie of the enemies of the working people. In Soviet times, no one was afraid to objectively, and not even without sympathy, portray supporters of the white cause in literature and cinema. But for those who are trembling for their place at the bourgeois feeder and the foreign grants of "creative people" this is completely impossible.
                  So the “free creative class” has to oppose the “white elves” of the red “subhuman”. And at the same time, they argue that the Reds carried out class terror, exterminating all, all the nobles and the bourgeois.
                  Meanwhile, people fought on the side of the Reds, to whom the representatives of the current "elite" were hardly worthy to clean their boots. May the fate of the three red generals broaden the horizons of the servants of the bourgeoisie a little. "

                  Your birthmark is a lie, and live with that.
                  1. +1
                    30 July 2017 23: 28
                    Quote: badens1111
                    Your birthmark is a lie, and live with that.

                    I read and think: Deja vu, but no, repeat. Arguments are over badens1111? Go with God, reduce debit with credit)))
                    1. +2
                      31 July 2017 09: 30
                      Quote: nizhegorodec
                      Arguments are over

                      You? And did you have any of them, “arguments”? Sheer blah blah blah and rehash of gossip from the yellow press in different ways.
                      1. +1
                        31 July 2017 11: 49
                        Quote: badens1111
                        in different ways gossip from the yellow press.

                        well, yes, the whole press is yellow, if it is not red and without Slavakpps slogans
                2. +2
                  30 July 2017 23: 17
                  Quote: nizhegorodec
                  He cited the example of people raised and brought up under the CPSU, the Soviet school and the university, and now "these are not ours,"

                  First, you, too, seemed to have been brought up under the CPSU in a Soviet school, but you cannot say ours.
                  Secondly, Mishka Yaponchik was raised in a gangster environment in Jewish Moldavanka. He got to the red ones by accident and not for long, they even sang a ditty about him. "Feel free to go to battle, and we are yours and die like one eh not got there"
                  Third, G.I. Kotovsky, no one denies him, before the revolution he fought with the bourgeoisie as best he could, was the Moldavian Robin Hood. I hope you do not mind Robin Hood? Then in prison the Bolsheviks opened his eyes to him and then he faithfully served the working people.
                  Fourth. Kamo is also ours, was engaged in exs, at the time of revolutionary exacerbations these were adequate measures against tsarism.
                  1. +1
                    30 July 2017 23: 23
                    [quote = Alexander Green] Firstly, you, too, seem to have been brought up under the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, in a Soviet school, but I cannot say that you are ours. [/ quote]
                    Yes, I somehow do not want to be yours
                    [quote = Alexander Green] Mishka Yaponchik was brought up in a bandit environment in the Jewish Moldavanka. He got to the red ones by accident and not for long, they even sang a ditty about him. [/ quote]
                    What does it change? Did the Reds take it to themselves? Then they removed, as unnecessary
                    [quote = Alexander Green] and then he served the working people with faith and truth. [/ quote]
                    how he served, I already wrote, for that they were removed as a Japanese [quote = Alexander Green]
                    [quote = Alexander Green] Kamo is also ours, he was engaged in exs, during the moments of revolutionary exacerbations, these were adequate measures against tsarism. [/ quote]
                    also a bandit in general))) Such a company got up from the Reds)))
                    1. +3
                      31 July 2017 00: 37
                      As for the compass. The Reds with their company sooner or later, but still figured it out, but when will yours deal with theirs? I hope you will not deny that all the capital of the 90s. based on crime.
                      1. +1
                        31 July 2017 07: 28
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        that all the capital of the 90s based on crime.

                        naturally I won’t, but who they accumulated by, former functionaries from the CPSU, the Komsomol and the KGB
        2. +2
          30 July 2017 20: 49
          Quote: nizhegorodec
          poor, did not spare themselves at all

          You really didn’t regret it, but you don’t understand this, that you can work like that, by virtue of your individualistic petty-bourgeois character.
          1. +1
            30 July 2017 21: 52
            Quote: Alexander Green
            Really did not regret

            Quote: Alexander Green
            Arriving home at 2 a.m., I had to go to bed on an empty stomach, at night you did not run to the store

            Yeah, and the hard workers spent all day shopping at the stores, all were stocked up with deficits that weren't there. Those who worked until 2 in the morning did not go to work by 6 in the morning, and those who did not have time to shop (that’s the rugak, they didn’t have housekeepers, wives, children, plowmen, damn it) could be provided with a ration rather than a special ration feel the difference? And indeed, not counts, they could eat in the canteen of the worker. And it’s hard for anyone - back to the machine (unless of course a professional rEvolutionary Er) so nobody was in a hurry to return to the factory from the office, you see, special soldering is more expensive than health.
            1. +1
              31 July 2017 00: 47
              Under Stalin, for officials of all levels to serve the people 24 hours a day, they were provided with special rations. There was nothing scarce in it then.
              Under Khrushchev, officials ceased to serve the people, but Khrushchev and his followers kept special rations in order to serve them personally. But this was already a rebirth of Soviet power, which led to the restoration of capitalism.
              1. +1
                31 July 2017 08: 40
                Quote: Alexander Green
                Under Stalin, for officials of all levels to serve the people 24 hours a day, they were provided with special rations. There was nothing scarce in it then.

                from a children's book about the 20s, I don’t remember the name, I read it for a long time (then it surprised me very much) "mothers at the food station were given a camel or a cow’s head once a day, without a tongue, the language went to the canteen’s dining room .. "like this, one - heads, the other - languages ​​.... Why is special soldering, and not just ration? Don't you see the difference?
                1. +2
                  31 July 2017 11: 13
                  Indeed, language is an argument ...
                  But there are still brains in the head, they say they are tastier than the tongue ...
                  But actually an interesting e-book, who could write such a thing for children?
                  1. +3
                    1 August 2017 04: 03
                    But actually an interesting e-book, who could write such a thing for children?

                    Chikatilo laughing or his dad or banker in his mind and right now "wrote."
  10. +3
    27 July 2017 11: 06
    Quote: voyaka uh
    And replaced by like. Not better.

    That's it! Who appointed?
    1. +9
      27 July 2017 12: 45
      You imagine everything very simply. However, in this matter "simplicity is worse than theft." The question is delicate. I do not want to offend anyone. I don’t form any “black-hundred” calls. Only historical moments. Smart people will understand that no law has been written for fools. One moment about the changes in the personnel of the NKVD of the USSR when he was Narkom N. Yezhova.
      Recalling this time, the famous Soviet intelligence officer (later the KGB general) Pavel Sudoplatov writes: “I remember the verbal (!) Instruction of Obruchnikov, the Deputy Minister for Personnel, not to accept Jews to officer posts. I could not imagine that such an openly anti-Semitic order came directly from Stalin. ” Of course, the spouse of Lieutenant Colonel of the GB Emma Koganova took this order with resentment, but we ask ourselves how otherwise the Government of the USSR could clear the huge percentage of the Jewish diaspora in the special services, which the Polish Jew G. G. G. cherished for many years. Berry? Apparently, common sense prompted: it was necessary to at least limit the influx of new Jewish replenishment into the central apparatus of the NKVD of the USSR, which was already quite filled with Jewish security officers.
      Carrying out this new personnel policy, the People's Commissar of the VD of the USSR N.I. Yezhov began to gradually replace G.G. Berries on the Chekists from among the vast majority of the People of the USSR.
      The matter, apparently, was going with great creak and noticeable resistance of “already recruited” G.G. Berry frames.
      These first steps gave rise to A.I. Mikoyan at the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Cheka, OGPU-NKVD of the USSR on December 20, 1937, declare: "... Yezhov created in the NKVD a wonderful skeleton of Chekists, Soviet intelligence officers, expelling alien people who entered the NKVD and slowed down his work. Yezhov achieved these successes because he worked under the leadership of Stalin, learned and managed to apply the Stalinist style of work in the field of intelligence. ”
      However, no matter how hard N.I. Yezhov got rid of the “Jewish heel” as part of the personnel of his department, the process of equalizing the national composition of the central organs of the NKVD was slow, with great resistance from the external and internal (with respect to the NKVD) influential intercessors.
      In the top leadership of the NKVD of the USSR until 1936-38. the Jewish stratum was about 45%, the rest of the bosses were Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, and others. It can be seen from this that the task of correcting the “national bias” in the top leadership of the NKVD N.I. Yezhov failed.
      1. +5
        27 July 2017 13: 50
        It is not surprising that Yezhov was "reforged" into, in political correct terms, the "Trotskyist" path. ComradeCh had many weaknesses, including a penchant for sadism and homomexuality, and his intellect did not shine either. There was something to indulge in, and then what to press on.
      2. +5
        27 July 2017 13: 52
        Jews penetrated not only the NKVD.
        But also in Soviet nuclear physics. There to find among the scholars a non-Jewish surname was
        almost impossible. Landau, seeing somehow in the list of invitees
        at a scientific meeting, the name of Ivanov, joked: "what, a pseudonym, or what?"
        (from the other side of the ocean it was the same, by the way).
        And in the military industry of the USSR. Almost 90% of the chief engineers of military factories
        and almost all the deputies of the directors were Jews.
        What to do! Passionary nation, as Gumilev guessed ... fellow Quickly harness and drive faster.
        Not always in the right direction - yes. sad (this is me about Berry and his colleagues)
        1. +6
          27 July 2017 13: 58
          Warrior Wow, and you do not have statistics on city trade and regional consumer unions?
          1. +3
            27 July 2017 14: 20
            Yes, and there it is the same, no doubt. There’s no separation between good and bad,
            "honest-dishonest", "good-sadists." It was full of both.
            But all of them had one thing in common: energy, head and speed. The last word is the key.
            Hence everything: the USSR’s breakthrough into a superpower, and the Gulag. Both shine and shame.
            And subsequent development: in the 60s the number of mathematical publications in the USSR and the USA
            It was about the same - 50 to 50. In the 70s, several mathematicians moved to the United States.
            And the ratio immediately became 25 to 75. No need to explain?
            You touched on this slippery topic, I would not get into it myself. Sorry. hi
            I do not digest berries and other security officers negative .
            1. +5
              27 July 2017 14: 36
              Those. Are you implying that the Jews are the engine of progress?
              1. +3
                27 July 2017 14: 44
                I would have demanded another word - "fast and furious." The engines are others
                peoples / countries, but afterburning acceleration to them / their countries was sometimes clearly given
                the Jews. Although the afterburner is easy to break, as you know.
                Oh, and we flooded ... I have already earned 4 warnings, not today, tomorrow they will ban sad .
                So "goodbye," as they say. drinks
        2. +1
          27 July 2017 14: 11
          Almost 90% of the chief engineers of the military factories and almost all the deputies of the directors were Jews.

          Ginsburg and Salzman were immediately heard. And Salzman "ate" Ginzburg.
          1. +1
            27 July 2017 15: 13
            Quote: Mikado
            Ginsburg and Salzman were immediately heard. And Salzman "ate" Ginzburg.

            Yeah ... and even Mehlis could not eat Salzman.
            1. +2
              27 July 2017 15: 21
              even Mehlis could not eat

              Mehlis more specialized in front commanders. And even from it they try to sculpt an icon.
              1. +3
                27 July 2017 15: 30
                Quote: Mikado
                Mehlis more specialized in front commanders. And even from it they try to sculpt an icon.

                Well ... an icon is not an icon, but if you read the documents on the activities "innocently ruined by a bloody executioner", then somehow you begin to understand Comrade Mehlis.
                CHUYKOV: - You always said in your reports that the division was ready for the offensive.
                GRAPES: - Yes, except for food and ammunition.
                CHUYKOV: - How did it happen?
                MEHLIS: - readiness for the offensive is not a platonic concept, but material. If the division did not have food and ammunition, this means it was not ready for the offensive ...
                1. +2
                  27 July 2017 15: 33
                  Vinogradov - the same? sad page in the history of the Finnish war. sad
                  1. +4
                    27 July 2017 17: 34
                    Quote: Mikado
                    Vinogradov - the same?

                    I remember the "debriefing" on the actions of our forces north of Ladoga - on VIF2-NE and LJ? with the participation of Bair Irincheev.
                    It’s not just horror, but horror, horror, horror: like a carbon copy of Soviet divisions stretched along the road, the Finns cut them into smaller regiments and battalions with lesser forces, and then squeezed the formed motts. At the same time, also like a carbon copy, individual divisions simply watched as their neighbors were surrounded. The Finns are building a blockage on the road, a few kilometers away there is a divisional artillery regiment - and at least someone would have guessed to stop Finnish work.
                    1. +3
                      27 July 2017 17: 45
                      At the same time, also like a carbon copy, individual divisions simply watched as their neighbors were surrounded. The Finns are building a blockage on the road, a few kilometers away there is a divisional artillery regiment - and at least someone would have guessed to stop Finnish work.

                      it seems that at the meeting after the war, the definition of “Tolstoyans” was made in relation to such our units - they say, they are surrounded and do nothing.
                      There was an episode with some kind of our division (maybe not with the 163rd?), Which tried to go out through the forest, leaving the wounded in the dugouts. And what was the fate of these wounded .. I don’t even want to talk.
        3. +5
          27 July 2017 16: 27
          "90% of the chief engineers of military factories and almost all the deputies of directors," isn’t too much? In the country, the state security staff would not be enough to monitor so many “passionaries”. Well, I would say 30%. well, albeit 60, - it’s neither proved nor disproved. You need to be more modest. However, it was not about technical intelligentsia. Again, in the direction of the ski smear.
          1. +4
            27 July 2017 17: 59
            You know, just everything is being checked. And comrade, it seems to me, did not exaggerate.
            Take the defense commissariats.
            In the defense people's commissariats, there were 26 Jews among the heads of the Main Directorates. The 18 deputy commissars of a number of the most important people's commissariats were also Jews, among them:
            Major General Sandler Solomon Mironovich - Deputy. People's Commissar of the aviation industry.
            Major General David Vishnevsky, Deputy. People's Commissar of Ammunition. Under his leadership, new types of projectile fuses were developed.
            Major General Zalessky Pavel Yakovlevich - Deputy. Head of the Main Directorate of the People’s Commissariat of the Aviation Industry. .
            Major General Viktor Zemirub Abramovich - Head of the Main Directorate of the People’s Commissariat for Ammunition.
            Lieutenant General Levin Mikhail Aronovich - Head of the Department of Motor Engineering and Fuel of the Aviation Industry.
            Major General Nosovsky Naum Emmanuilovich - Head of the Main Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Armaments.
            Major General Frankfurt Samuil Grigorievich - Head of the Main Directorate of the People’s Commissariat for Ammunition.
            General Fradkin Semen Vladimirovich - Head of the Central Administration for the Reconstruction Construction of Railway Plants
            Rybak Boris Mikhailovich - deputy. People's Commissar of the Aviation Industry;
            Kaplun Grigory Danilovich - Deputy. People's Commissar of Shipbuilding;
            Kogan Julius Solomonovich and Myaskovsky Semyon Abramovich - Deputy. People’s Commissar in the People’s Commissariat of Medium Engineering;
            The head of the technical department of the People’s Commissariat for Industry was Grigory Rafailovich Frezerov.
            Israel Halperin - Deputy. People's Commissar of Heavy Industry:
            Efim Brailovsky - deputy. People's Commissar of the electrical industry;
            Semen Reznikov - deputy. People’s Commissar of Ferrous Metallurgy, and, at the same time, the director of the Nizhne-Tagil Metallurgical Plant, which during the war years supplied 30% of the armored steel for the tank plants of the country.
            If interested -
            1. +3
              27 July 2017 18: 03
              Quote: Curious
              If interested -

              Not interesting, dregs.
              Answer the question, why did the Nazis and collaborators of all stripes frantically kill the Jews who lived in the USSR and not so European ones?
              When you find the answer, let me know ...
              1. +7
                27 July 2017 18: 05
                Run away for a beer, so that while I’m searching, have you been bored?
                1. +1
                  27 July 2017 18: 25
                  Quote: Curious
                  Run for a beer

                  Run, otherwise all cannot be one ..
                2. +3
                  27 July 2017 18: 33
                  Run away for a beer, so that while I’m searching, have you been bored?

                  mister Baden1111 will tolerate, run away to me. laughing "Alivaria" (as an advertisement!) wink three per liter.
                  1. +6
                    27 July 2017 19: 21
                    Do you prefer Danish Belarusian spill beer. The main thing is on the topic of the article.
                    Do you know who founded the brewery? On January 28, 1864, the Minsk bourgeoisie, Rohlya Frumkinova, turned to the Emperor Alexander Nikolayevich for permission to build a wooden house "with a brewery in it."
                    Frumkinova’s wooden brewery was across the street from a modern factory. The house was 12 fathoms long (26 meters), 4 fathoms wide (about 9 meters), 7 windows of the plant overlook Zagorodnaya Street (Kiseleva).
                    For almost 20 years, the enterprising tradesman Rokhlya brewed excellent beer here.
                    And then the Jews.
                    1. +4
                      27 July 2017 19: 27
                      Well ept! belay and here "our people"! fellow
                      why Danish? I thought it was Belarusian!
                      1. +5
                        27 July 2017 19: 37
                        Well ept! belay and here are our people! fellow

                        Why be surprised wink At that time in large centers - provincial and district, they made up more than half of the population. Yes
                      2. +5
                        27 July 2017 19: 50
                        Carlsberg Group in the authorized capital of OAO Brewery Olivaria 67,8%.
  11. +4
    27 July 2017 12: 30
    Note "master" regarding this character is recalled:
    Now they are trying to get to the roots of Sverdlov and break off all the time. That Sverdov turns out to be Sverdlin, or even Averbach at all. Yagoda seems to have married the niece of Yakov Sverdlov, but Yagoda lived in the family of the merchant Averbakh, who was a relative of the Sverdlovs, he goes out and married a second cousin. Gorky adopted his brother Sverdlov, gave him his last name. Gorky himself also has problems. Like Peshkov, but he lived in the Maximov family, whom he wanted to stab with a knife and was brought up by Kashirin, who had gone mad.
    But the fact is that such people do not have surnames. They have nicknames. “Clumsy”, “Long Zyama”, “Ferret”, “Zhigan”. And there are no professions. Like Berry the pharmacist. Like a jeweler. Like a tailor. It seems that he worked in an engraving workshop. Bitter baker-draftsman-icon painter-loader-sex-pos
    yulny-burlak. Like.
    Such people have no professions. They have one “profession” - BOP. And when they’re “exposing” Yagoda now, saying that he, working in the Sverdlovs workshop, stole his tools, then returned, then stole again, they don’t understand what they’re saying. Because thieves were all there. It is believed that the engraving workshop of Sverdlov Sr. specialized in forging documents. It may very well be. Only you are sure that Sverdlov Sr. was an engraver? Or maybe a pimp?
    And why did you decide that all Sverdlovsk brothers? Mozh people leaned back, they entered him in the Sverdlovs. In the "engraving" is a "workshop". Or to the Peshkovs.
    It is possible only by indirect signs to determine the initial specialization. What did they do from the years 15-16, where did they start. If in a simple way, in Nizhny Novgorod, then these are f ** ri and f *** cbooks. And everything else went to come on.
    1. +4
      27 July 2017 13: 46
      It seems that in Soviet times he was faced with the recording of Gorky's speech. The nature of speech, O-Kanye, timbre - in my opinion, there should not be any questions with Gorky. I'm not talking about creativity, themes, the literary language and the worldview of the author. As Alyosha Peshkov was, he remained. Do not look for a black cat in an empty room.
  12. +1
    27 July 2017 12: 35
    Quote: Mikado
    “People do not change” (Woland).

    About that and speech!
  13. +4
    27 July 2017 13: 40
    Vyacheslav, thanks for the article. : “By his order they even formed a special cadet company” I have an addition: Yagoda formed a special assault company not for changing guards, but for arresting the country's leadership.
    At one time, a letter from a former member of this assault company was published in Red Star, and another veteran of the state security agencies confirmed this.
  14. +1
    27 July 2017 15: 34
    Quote: parusnik
    A. Medvedev, for example, likes to drink a penny beer with the proletariat after work ..

    Well, who studied what .....
    In general, beer is out of place. The proletariat is also different. But with colleagues at work, he (Medvedev) may well have common interests. By the way, recall which of the leaders of the Russian Empire, the USSR and Russia after work communicated with the proletariat on the subject of drinking beer?
    1. +3
      27 July 2017 17: 20
      Who are you asking about? If lovers of the "holy USSR", then they will not answer you, they have colic from the mere absence of the word "Hallelujah" about that time! No "Hallelujah" - all of you are anti-Soviet and you need to be in the furnace.
  15. +3
    27 July 2017 17: 08
    With the last not to me)

    I say - Good Doctor. So how to heal the soul - so hell! wink drinks but he will deliver an enema to everyone even against his will! fellow Doctor, JOKE, FRIENDLY. PUT THE SCALPEL! laughing
    1. +4
      28 July 2017 04: 29
      Quote: Mikado I say - Good Doctor. So how to heal the soul - so hell!

      Soul, Nikolai, this is to the temple. Modern medicine is based on materialism, and it cannot be otherwise. The brain is the same organ as everything else in our body, so earlier, the two professions were combined. More recently, there were psychoneurological dispensaries. The soul is intangible, as the Orthodox Church teaches, and by and large, “cure”, if anything, it is necessary not the soul, but the spirit, because only it is inherent in man.
      ps Enema, by the way, in some cases, is a very correct procedure. Especially 10 liter. wink You obviously do not need to prescribe, but for some, such a procedure would have a beneficial effect on the brain. laughing By removing thus the slagging of the gastrointestinal tract, toxins cease to flow into the central nervous system, which means bright thoughts should appear laughing drinks
      1. +2
        28 July 2017 10: 23
        Enema, by the way, in some cases, is a very correct procedure. Especially 10 liter. You do not need to prescribe wink, obviously, but for some, such a procedure would have a beneficial effect on the brain. laughing Thus removing the gastrointestinal slag, toxins cease to flow into the central nervous system, which means bright thoughts should appear laughing drinks

        Good Doctor! good laughing drinks By the way, I had no doubt about the effect.
        1. +2
          28 July 2017 10: 54
          drinks In our turbulent time, very useful laughing Central Bank, the State Duma would winked Although, earlier, judging by the article we are commenting on, they knew the treatment was more effective. I would say so, it’s spiritual treatment. The souls of some seriously ill patients were simply let go in order to preserve the life and health of millions. Berry, only one of those whose medical history, unfortunately, was not shown in the article, but only limited to the title page. How he got sick and from whom he got infected is not known. Who infected himself, too. He lived, lived until he died. Something like this. laughing
      2. +5
        28 July 2017 14: 34
        Dear Doctor! If we talk about the beneficial effect of enema therapy on the correctness of historical estimates, then you are completely missing out on such a dialysis procedure as hydrocolonotherapy. Firstly, the amount of solution is greater - up to 30 liters, and if it is used with ice and combined with the oral administration of a good dose of phenobarbital, the effect will be very significant.
  16. +11
    27 July 2017 17: 23
    Shpakovsky's article, as always, is one-sided. What can the reader make of it? Only one: criminal Berry in a criminal state. But not everything is so simple.

    From ancient times, it was established in Russia that every epic or national hero had to go through fire, water and copper pipes. So Yagoda passed through fire and water, but there is no test with copper pipes, a man is weak. Nobody corrected in time ...

    When the prisons and camps were transferred to the NKVD, there were many violations, among the staff there were many criminal and decaying elements. Berry put things in order there, employees guilty of embezzlement and beating of prisoners were dismissed and even put on trial, measures were taken to improve the nutrition of prisoners, to stop squandering food, and tightened control over the sanitary condition of places of detention.

    At first, his leadership of the NKVD Yagoda advocated strengthening the rule of law, tightened requirements for employees who violated the law, employees were removed from their posts and put on trial. Only in the 1935 year were 13715 police officers prosecuted.

    And then everyone knows, he began to work for the Trotskyists ...
    1. +2
      28 July 2017 04: 59
      Quote: Alexander Green At first, his leadership of the NKVD Yagoda advocated strengthening the rule of law, tightened requirements for employees who violated the law, employees were removed from their posts and put on trial. Only in the 1935 year were 13715 police officers prosecuted.

      "Unlucky" Berry with a nationality. If he were a Mengrel, like Lavrenty Pavlovich or someone else, then probably there would have been historians who would have shrugged off this nonsense about pornography and other nonsense, and conducted a detailed investigation of the people's commissar. Or rather, historians, that is, there is no signal for "rehabilitation". And Berry remains such a "dirty spot" in the Soviet period.
    2. 0
      28 July 2017 15: 45
      [i] [/ i] I think you are exaggerating: "henchman Berry in a crime state." Where did you see anti-statehood?
      About Berry, all of the above was written back in the USSR and then they did not see a threat to the state in this
      1. +2
        28 July 2017 18: 32
        Quote: Monarchist
        About Berry all of the above was written back in the USSR

        Remember when they started writing about Berry? In the late 80s under Humpback. Then the perestroika borosopisators wrote so many lies that the future people's power will have to deal more than a year later.
  17. +2
    27 July 2017 19: 40
    the Pale of Settlement was. Clear.
  18. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      28 July 2017 00: 48
      According to Landau. Having such a skull, he simply had to bear anti-Russianness, otherwise his comrades would not understand.
      At one technical forum, an anti-Semite gloated: “Give at least one example of Landau being the author of a scientific discovery? I don’t ask about his textbooks.”
      Of the 5 nuclear scientists whom Stalin planted in his office — to give testimony and suggestions — two certainly were not Jews (I don’t know the names of the rest).
      Well, the fact that such a large percentage of smart people was on the list is an explanation for this. Under the tsar, only 3% of the students could be Jewish students, and after the revolution, probably 103%.
  19. +2
    28 July 2017 07: 42
    What a handsome youngster was in 1907. Although right now I would put in the protest ranks with the “bulkiers”, I would not get lost. And such a mug has grown. And such a life finale. The lesson for the current "bulk".
  20. +2
    28 July 2017 11: 19
    Quote: Alexander Green
    About the "exploits" of the Countrywoman, which you mean, the rumors are greatly exaggerated.

    Are you sure that everything about Saltychikha is true?
    1. +2
      28 July 2017 18: 34
      Quote: nizhegorodec
      Are you sure that everything about Saltychikha is true?

      The son wrote. Why should he slander his mother?
      1. +1
        29 July 2017 07: 02
        Quote: Alexander Green
        Why should he slander his mother?

        why then do you write such things about your mother?
        1. +2
          29 July 2017 11: 20
          Quote: nizhegorodec
          Quote: Alexander Green
          Why should he slander his mother?

          why then do you write such things about your mother?

          But he managed to rise above the prejudices of his class and wrote the truth so that people would be horrified at how they live and begin to fight for a better share.
          1. +1
            30 July 2017 13: 34
            Quote: Alexander Green
            And he managed to rise above the prejudices of his class

            but who knows what motivated them, Herostratus burned down the famous temple of Artemis, can we also say that he rebelled against priests and a cult?
            1. +1
              31 July 2017 00: 27
              Quote: nizhegorodec
              but who knows what motivated them, Herostratus burned down the famous temple of Artemis, can we also say that he rebelled against priests and a cult?

              To not be moved, but he brought the truth to the whole people.
              1. +1
                31 July 2017 07: 33
                Quote: Alexander Green
                To not be moved, but he told the truth

                what’s important is what motivated them, hence the question, is this true? And then, there were not so many such Saltychs and they were under all regimes.
                1. +1
                  31 July 2017 11: 18
                  Quote: nizhegorodec
                  Quote: Alexander Green
                  To not be moved, but he told the truth

                  what’s important is what motivated them, hence the question, is this true? And then, there were not so many such Saltychs and they were under all regimes.

                  You do not believe Turgenev? Then read Melnikov-Pechersky, where he describes the entertainment of the master, who made the peasants "make a cutter" - dive in the winter in a river, in wormwood, covered with thin ice.
                  1. +1
                    31 July 2017 11: 36
                    Quote: Alexander Green
                    Then read Melnikov-Pechersky, where he describes the entertainment of the master, who made the peasants "make a cutter" - dive in the winter in a river, in wormwood, covered with thin ice.

                    Yes, I believe them, but I also believe that son of a peasant woman who went to the village commissary for confiscated grain, there was nothing to feed her family. So there, overwhelmed by drunkenness and power, a member of the comedian (a former rural drunkard and loafer), not knowing how to have fun, made her dance on her stomach for half a pound of grain. Also, you know, a fact.
  21. +2
    28 July 2017 12: 58
    Quote: badens1111
    3% of the people rebelled? Against 97% and you think that 97% regret that 3% of their heads were torn off for banditry and betrayal?
    where did the numbers come from and why are the deceived peasants, workers and sailors traitors? Traitors of what? The regime, which with the help of betrayal took power? Are you talking about this?
    Quote: badens1111
    Do you justify the Vlasovites and the Krasnoyarsk people, along with the kulach, who in many respects served the same Nazis?
    fool more specifically, where I justify and what does the "fist" of them mean that the class was worn out by the class in the 30s, the most able-bodied population of the village. From 1 million to 1,5 million Soviet citizens actively helped the Nazis, another 22 million collaborated to some extent with them in the occupied territories, are there many enemies of power?
    Quote: badens1111
    Or about the Trotskyists, whose rule for Russia would be fatal, are you trying to cry about their fate?
    did the Trotskyists carry out the October revolution and build Soviet power, striding along the corpses of Russian people to the world revolution, do you have a mind that is to put everything in one heap or your brain is overheated from slogans? For me, commies are one, and they are Trotskyists, Maoists, liberals, you divide them into good and bad, and I don’t understand grades of shit.
    Quote: badens1111
    Trotsky hid with the Nazis, so why should we regret him and the fate of his associates?
    and Stalin and his comrades with the Nazis did not hobble? Or do they have indulgence after the Nazis threw them?
    Quote: badens1111
    About the third knee = you could not resist and once again lied? And why, for the most "convincing" of your essentially false conclusions?
    Yes, but is a new term for you a member of the family of the enemy of the people? Or do you think that orphanages for dispossessed children or "pest spies" were a paradise? Or do not know how many children died during the evictions and repressions of parents?
    1. +5
      28 July 2017 14: 26
      What are you Goebbels lied to completely. What are the 22 million who collaborated with the Nazis? Do you think we are completely idiots? Your grandfather died in the war - there was no one who, censorship, to educate you.
      1. +3
        28 July 2017 15: 32
        22 million is already too much. If you mean people who are in occupation, then you need to say that, but again, write everyone down to collaborate - DIBILISM. Even in the instructions of the NKVD, and then SMERSH, there was a graduation of whom to record in cooperation.
        Since 1943 they did not consider cooperation: women cohabiting with the Germans. People who worked at enterprises in the German rear or who were stolen to work in Germany.
        1. +1
          29 July 2017 06: 55
          Quote: Monarchist
          If he means people in occupation
          and working for the Nazis for one reason or another. For example, the term Lokot Republic, doesn’t tell you anything? And when they caught and then executed Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, did the locals help the Hans? And how many more patriots died with the active or passive participation of Soviet citizens who are in the rear of the Germans.
          Quote: Monarchist
          Since 1943 they did not consider cooperation: women cohabiting with the Germans. People who worked at enterprises in the German rear or who were stolen to work in Germany.
          yes, it was, but here it is not difficult to understand the Bolsheviks, it was difficult to repress so many people at the same time.
          Quote: Monarchist
          but again, write everyone down to collaborate - DIBILISM
          maybe, but why is this paragraph in the questionnaire “Do you have relatives who were held captive or in the occupied territories during the Second World War” that blocked a lot of roads? Judging by the position of the NKVD that you cited, I did not consider them traitors, however, especially terry communists here, in the Soviet Union, called everyone into partisan detachments and called these people traitors. By the way, for some reason, they also consider French workers who found themselves in occupied France and worked in factories to be Nazi collaborators. Why if
          Quote: Monarchist
          Even in the instructions of the NKVD

          Quote: Monarchist
          Since 1943 they did not consider cooperation: women cohabiting with the Germans. People working in enterprises in the German rear
          by the way, share a link to this document.
      2. +3
        28 July 2017 17: 16
        From 1 million to 1,5 million of fellow citizens actively helped the Nazis, about 22 million more collaborated to some extent with them in the occupied territories

        Possible taken: I. G. Ermolov "THREE YEARS WITHOUT STALIN" Occupation: Soviet citizens between the Nazis and the Bolsheviks 1941 – 1944,

        Photo: I. Ermolov
        link to : Kulkov E.N., Myagkov M. Yu., Rzheshevsky O.A. War 1941 – 1945. M., 2004. C. 214. I do not know who they are, but to look for laziness.
        1. +1
          29 July 2017 06: 35
          Quote: avva2012
          I do not know who they are, but to look for laziness.

          frankly, the first time I hear about these
          1. +3
            29 July 2017 11: 24
            It is worth bringing here, in its own way, the remarkable later statement of General Sukhomlinov. The interim government for the time allotted to him did not manage to drive him into "hard labor"; after some ordeals, he emigrated in October 1918 and in 1924 published the book “Memoirs” in Berlin, which ended like this:

            "The key to the future of Russia, I see, is that it has a presumptuous, firm and guided by a great political ideal (that is, a communist ideal. - V.A.). The government ... That my hopes are not entirely utopian, proves that my worthy former employees and colleagues, such as Generals Brusilov, Baltic, Dobrovolsky, gave their strength to the new government in Moscow. "

            Sukhomlinov here was completely sincere and proceeded from a completely understandable feeling that could be expressed as follows: “Thank God that these are the Bolsheviks at the head of Russia, and not Guchkov with Milyukov and Kerensky!”
            Quote: nizhegorodec
            frankly, the first time I hear about these

            Apparently you don’t know much at all. Https: //
            1. +1
              30 July 2017 13: 41
              Quote: badens1111
              Apparently you don’t know much at all.

              I’m not embarrassed because it’s impossible to know everything, it’s worse another thing that a limited person (judging by his comments, not seeing the difference between Skoropadsky and Petlyura, debit and debit) imagines himself a sort of a sign.
              I only know that I know nothing.
              Better take an example from a person who is much smarter than you.
      3. The comment was deleted.
  22. +2
    28 July 2017 13: 01
    Quote: badens1111
    But those responsible for trouble during the hungry period, you may ask, from the descendants of those who arranged all this, there are many among your brethren.
    so the fact is that your brethren were in charge of the country, she also made famine, so ask them from them
    1. +4
      28 July 2017 18: 43
      Quote: nizhegorodec
      so the fact is that your brethren were in charge of the country, she also made famine, so ask them from them

      When the Soviet regime began collectivization in the countryside, all enemies launched active anti-collective farm agitation, urged peasants not to enroll on the collective farm, offered to slaughter cattle, sow less, even frightened that their wives would be common. The result is obvious! Where all the cattle were cut and nothing was sown, famine began.
      So who organized it? Was it the party and the Soviet regime that taught the peasants to slaughter cattle and poison crops? No gentlemen falsifiers. Hunger is the work of the kulaks and, supporting them, the Trotskyist-Bukharin opposition!
      1. +1
        29 July 2017 06: 34
        Quote: Alexander Green
        When the Soviet regime began collectivization in the countryside, all enemies launched active anti-collective farm agitation, urged peasants not to enroll on the collective farm, offered to slaughter cattle, sow less, even frightened that their wives would be common. The result is obvious! Where all the cattle were cut and nothing was sown, famine began.

        Do you yourself believe that? What kind of power was this so great that she had so many enemies? And why were some regions starving and others not starving? All the enemies lived in a bunch? And the surplus was in a parallel world? And how does it differ from the tax in kind, for which the peasants advocated? And why did the famine coincide with the period of dispossession? So answer these questions and understand that the lack of government was the cause of the famine, and not common wives.
        1. +1
          29 July 2017 07: 07
          The bread strike of 1927. Learn materiel. Urgently.
          1. +1
            29 July 2017 08: 10
            Quote: strannik1985
            The bread strike of 1927

            read, yes, interestingly, I have not heard about this strike, but the article only confirms what I wrote, the whole imbalance in the bread market was introduced by the state,
            Quote: nizhegorodec
            mediocre management

            Yes, and collectivization had to be carried out without mechanical dispossession, accompanied by executions, robberies (I wouldn’t call article 107 otherwise) and the expulsion of the most able-bodied peasants to Siberia (it’s written down not only as a merchant, but also more or less prosperous peasants and even middle peasants who did not want to to share with the rural lumpen proletariat his farm acquired by hard labor). Kulakov (traders and speculators, not hard workers) had to survive with economic leverage, not repressive ones, then there would be no such victims in the village that we have.
            1. +3
              29 July 2017 09: 39
              Excuse me, why didn’t the poor peasants please you so much? They were the first to suffer from rising prices, half of the households bought bread, could not feed themselves, without paying taxes. The state will find bread on 20% of the urban population, but on the rest? To kill the price of grain, you need to throw us a market a large mass of grain, but where to get it?

              You see, what’s the matter, fist-rural usurer / reseller, such activity was illegal. How do you think debts were collected if this cannot be done by law? The Podkulakniki. Why does the kulak have a strong competitor in the form of a collective farm? Who will borrow, if it will be possible to live working on a collective farm? Therefore, in 1927, 911 attacks (mainly the killing of collective farmers activists and arson of property), in 1928 1027, and in 1929 8278. Are you going to fight crime with purely economic methods?
              1. +1
                30 July 2017 13: 47
                Quote: strannik1985
                You see what’s the matter, fist-rural usurer / reseller

                I see, only it was necessary to fight with fists, and not with those whom fists have been named. After the 17th, they began to call fists any prosperous peasant, and it does not matter that he built his farm with his mind and diligence, and not by buying up bread. Naturally, he did not want to share with the rural slaughter, by and large, drunkards and lazy people. The Bolsheviks splashed the baby out with water. As a result, by 1916, the USSR turned into the largest consumer of bread in the 60s. That is the whole result.
                Quote: strannik1985
                Are you going to fight crime with purely economic methods?
                you confuse the cause with the effect. The kulaks (here I mean wealthy peasants, not traders) were offered to hand over their property to the collective farm, naturally they were against it. You will not give your car, cottage, apartment in favor of the Holodrozhites, who, while you were studying and then working, drank portes at the porches. And when it came time to reap the fruits of their "working" life, they broke into your apartment under the slogan "take everything and share." Here comes the arson, murder, terrorist attacks. but this is a response to the illegal actions of the authorities, who promised land to the peasants, plants to the workers.
                1. +1
                  1 August 2017 10: 36
                  As a result, by 1916, the USSR turned into the largest consumer of bread in the 60s. That is the whole result.

                  Again materiel. Before the revolution, 70% of marketable bread was given by landowners and quasi-landowners (for example, monasteries) farms, another 30% was given by 2 million fairly large cultural farms, the remaining 18 million farms did not give anything, most of the bread was bought. At the same time, the peasants ate so that most of the recruits in the RIA tasted meat for the first time in the army.
                  The kulaks (here I mean wealthy peasants, not traders) were offered to hand over their property to the collective farm, naturally they were against it.

                  Again, the materiel initiative with complete collectivization was in July 1929, when a quiet war in the village was already in full swing.
          2. 0
            29 July 2017 08: 18
            Quote: strannik1985
            Learn materiel.

            Yes, I forgot to thank you for the material. Thank! hi
        2. +3
          29 July 2017 11: 31
          Quote: nizhegorodec
          Do you yourself believe that? What kind of power was this so great that she had so many enemies? And why were some regions starving and others not starving? All the enemies lived in a bunch? And the surplus was in a parallel world? And how does it differ from the tax in kind, for which the peasants advocated? And why did the famine coincide with the period of dispossession? So answer these questions and understand that the lack of government was the cause of the famine, and not common wives.

          Have you only read about common wives? Oh you! And what was written before this? The main reason for the famine is anti-collective farm propaganda and wrecking. Not everywhere hunger was because not everywhere people succumbed to this propaganda. They succumbed mainly to those areas where there were more fertile lands, and therefore more prosperous peasants, read M.A. Sholokhov, there he, using the example of Grandfather Shchukar, colorfully described how this all happened. Grandfather Shchukar, too, succumbing to anti-collective farm propaganda, slaughtered his only heifer and then, after eating himself with meat, did not mow out corn, "where malachai flashed it"
          1. +2
            30 July 2017 13: 58
            Quote: Alexander Green
            read "Virgin Soil Upturned" M.A. Sholokhov, there he, using the example of Grandfather Shchukar, colorfully described how this all happened. Grandfather Shchukar, too, succumbing to anti-collective farm propaganda, stabbed his only heifer and then, eating himself meat,

            so after all cut why? The Bolsheviks raked out all the grain than feed the cattle, and so they advised the peasants to slaughter the cattle before they died. Everything was out of the blue, or the peasant was.
            1. +2
              30 July 2017 20: 55
              Quote: nizhegorodec
              so after all cut why? The Bolsheviks raked out all the grain than feed the cattle, and so they advised the peasants to slaughter the cattle before they died. Everything was out of the blue, or the peasant was.

              These are all your idle conjectures. And I know this firsthand, from my mother, who was authorized to organize collective farms.
              1. +1
                30 July 2017 21: 11
                Quote: Alexander Green
                These are all your idle conjectures.
                that is, when you give me Shchukar an example, bring this not idle fiction
                Quote: Alexander Green
                And I know it firsthand

                not only you are all-knowing here, but I know firsthand how peasants such commissioners robbed (more precisely from the second, the grandmother told his storyteller, and he told me). By the way, where did your mother get such information? Did she personally speak with fists? Oh I doubt ...
                1. +1
                  31 July 2017 00: 25
                  Quote: nizhegorodec
                  By the way, where did your mother get such information? Did she personally speak with fists? Oh I doubt ...

                  My mother in the early 20s even managed to stoop over fists, then at the end of the 20s, as a Komsomol member, she was repeatedly sent to rural areas, including her village, as an authorized district committee to help the peasants organize collective farms.
                  1. +1
                    31 July 2017 07: 38
                    Quote: Alexander Green
                    My mother in the early 20s managed to even stoop to fists

                    and now at the time when she was “hunching” into fists, they dedicated it to their sacred plans, so what? )))) Here's another expression "stooped to fists", but what did they do to the Soviet regime? Did you catch the rosabon?
                    1. +1
                      31 July 2017 11: 35
                      Quote: nizhegorodec
                      and now at the time when she was “hunching” into fists, they dedicated it to their sacred plans, so what? )))) Here's another expression "stooped to fists", but what did they do to the Soviet regime? Did you catch the rosabon?

                      He does not see the difference here, only blind, or someone like you - embittered by the Soviet regime, who did not have a happy childhood. Mother on her fists really humped from dawn to dawn, more than 12 hours a day, almost for food. And at the Soviet enterprise she worked 8 hours for herself and for the common piggy bank - public funds - of which she, a simple worker, was in the 20-30s. received regular trips to holiday homes. I no longer write about free education, medicine, an apartment. You already know this, and so come out with bile and sputter.
                      1. +1
                        31 July 2017 11: 57
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        Mother on her fists really humped from dawn to dawn, more than 12 hours a day, almost for food.

                        and the peasant on the collective farm, you think, smelled less, and you know, also for food (on these sticks - workdays, they gave out food)
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        And at the Soviet enterprise she worked 8 hours for herself

                        so not on the collective farm))
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        of which she, a simple worker, in the 20-30s received regular trips to holiday homes.

                        maybe the thing is that she
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        as an authorized district committee to help peasants organize collective farms.
                        the simple peasant had no time to go to rest houses, if not a collective farm, then his own (without which it would not be possible to live), who would go for cattle? My wife has two aunts (sisters), one is the older "city" (lucky, married to her husband), the second is the youngest "collective farm", so looking at them, you think that the youngest is ten years older than her sister, all fingers are laced with arthritis . So still the native state of workers and peasants, these people who pulled out the country during the war did not pay pensions until the 60s.
  23. +3
    28 July 2017 13: 12
    Quote: badens1111
    You like. Then at 37 you multiplied by zero,
    Something I lost your tangled thread of reasoning. Who wrote denunciations, on whom, who executed, against whom, whom multiplied by zero, who multiplied, who remained ....
  24. +2
    28 July 2017 13: 25
    Quote: badens1111
    It wasn’t, and why is this public right?
    Quote: nizhegorodec
    here is the quintessence of the politics of that nomenclature that ruled the country

    Quote: badens1111
    Your dubious quintessence is Goebbels rumors, myths and other chernukha
    Are you Goebbels ??? recourse
  25. +3
    28 July 2017 13: 31
    Quote: badens1111
    you are essentially serving to this day, the Third Reich,
    and for this it is possible to rake on the scoreboard, are there arguments for what has been said? My grandfather died in that war, and other ancestors defended Russia even earlier without this slogan. Whoever serves this way is commies either out of perplexity, or deliberately for international Zionism, the farm laborers on the bones of Russian people.
    1. +4
      28 July 2017 15: 39
      Quote: nizhegorodec
      and for this it is possible to rake on the scoreboard, are there arguments for what has been said?

      Your score does not interest me a single gram. At the expense of realities, give you this place. No question. Wait for us to the North and rake around at the very least.
      Quote: nizhegorodec
      My grandfather died in that war

      On which side of the front, since with such frenzied hatred do you blacken everything Soviet?
      Quote: nizhegorodec
      Whoever serves this way is commies either out of perplexity, or deliberately for international Zionism, the farm laborers on the bones of Russian people.

      Nationalist ... I feel sorry for you, you and your kind became a battering ram in the destruction of the country to the joy of the West, continue your dirty work?
      1. +1
        28 July 2017 19: 36
        On which side of the front, since with such frenzied hatred do you blacken everything Soviet?

        Stalag XIII D Torsky Sergey Savelyevich - 11.09.1899 - 03.05.1944
      2. +1
        29 July 2017 06: 15
        Quote: badens1111
        Nationalist ... I feel sorry for you

        So Russophobe or nationalist? You already understand your labels.
        Quote: badens1111
        On which side of the front, since with such frenzied hatred do you blacken everything Soviet?

        Don't play the fool, or read carefully.
        Quote: badens1111
        you and your kind became a ram in the destruction of the country to the joy of the West, continue your dirty work?
        the Bolsheviks began to destroy the country in the 17th, the commies continued in the 30th and in the 91st successfully completed.
        1. +3
          29 July 2017 12: 07
          Quote: nizhegorodec
          So Russophobe or nationalist?

          That’s how you, Russophobe and nationalist, think this is mutually exclusive for you?
          No, that’s exactly what you are, every liberal Russophobe, and every nationalist, an accomplice of the liberal in the collapse of the country. What did you and others like you prove in 1991, then in 2014, when the nationalists Ruins served as a battering ram for the liberal oligarchy, against your own people and the country as a whole.
          Quote: nizhegorodec
          the Bolsheviks began to destroy the country in the 17th, the commies continued in the 30th and in the 91st successfully completed.

          You are dear, absolutely not in the subject and do not understand what you are trying to judge.
          In May 1918, while in Kiev, occupied by the German army, Milyukov (this was shown, in particular, by the modern historian N.G. Dumov) decided "to convince the Germans to occupy Moscow and St. Petersburg," because for them "it is more profitable to have no Bolsheviks in the rear. .. and restored with their help and, therefore, Russia friendly to them "-And these are your spiritual forerunners, destroying the country, in 1917.https: //
          Well, study your nationalism and its consequences for the country, so as not to be confused with your very shallow knowledge.

          1. +2
            30 July 2017 14: 01
            Quote: badens1111
            Well, study your nationalism and its consequences for the country, so as not to be confused with your very shallow knowledge.

            bringing to a place and not a place of jerky dubious quotes does not speak of your deep mind, rather, on the contrary laughing
          2. +1
            31 July 2017 07: 40
            Quote: badens1111
            That’s how you, Russophobe and nationalist, think this is mutually exclusive for you?
            No, that’s exactly what you are, every liberal Russophobe, and every nationalist, liberal accomplice in the collapse of the country. That you and those like you have proved

            I have not read more delirium)))) Your mind is in full swing indignant lol
  26. +2
    28 July 2017 13: 44
    You would be preoccupied with your affairs, the increased Russophobia of your Parliament, for example.

    belay Raven, the crow will not peck out the eye. You, quite, have identified the cetacean laughing
  27. +3
    28 July 2017 15: 16
    You confuse anti-Soviet uprisings: Kronstadt, Antonovshina and open treason, and these are two different things.
    About Krasnov, Denikin said: "amazing myopia and dullness with obvious talent."
    Vlasov was simply a “masterpiece”: he was constantly writing anti-Soviet articles and for some reason kept Soviet documents. Once I read: in 1945 they arrested Vlasov’s full-time car, he pretended to be a sick soldier, but was immediately exposed by his guards. Then he filed Soviet documents. I was always interested: in FIG he kept Soviet documents?
    1. +2
      28 July 2017 15: 24
      Quote: Monarchist

      Unlike you, I never confuse anything.
      I have to repeat it.
      Each monarchist needs to poke the Constitution of the Russian Federation under his nose and explain in words that their activity is contrary to the Constitution and is aimed at undermining the constitutional system. Offer to terminate immediately.
      With regards to the revolts inspired by the Socialist Revolutionaries, tell me where, when, in which country, the authorities looked at the riot through the fingers?
      Your monarchists, after the abdication of the king and his descendants, at once became traitors and rebels, against the then legitimate Government, together with the whole gang of Bely and their patrons from ANTANTA.
      1. +1
        29 July 2017 07: 53
        Quote: badens1111
        With regards to the revolts inspired by the Socialist Revolutionaries, tell me where, when, in which country, the authorities looked at the riot through the fingers?

        Isn't the October Revolution a riot?
        1. +3
          29 July 2017 11: 40
          Quote: Banker
          Isn't the October Revolution a riot?

          Dear, you need to study, read Ozhegov’s dictionary for a start, then you won’t ask stupid questions.
          1. +1
            30 July 2017 07: 48
            Quote: Alexander Green
            read first Ozhegov’s dictionary, then you won’t ask stupid questions.

            just because you gave yourself the right to divide questions into smart and stupid does not make you smart. The fact that the Bolsheviks appropriated the term “revolution” in the October events does not mean anything.
            Riot - mass disagreement and unacceptability by the people of the existing regime of government, expressed in physical and, as a rule, bloody form.

            Rebellion is an active, effective resistance to the existing power with the aim of overthrowing, canceling its influence, expression of will and authority, the laws and orders established by it with the aim of the subsequent establishment of its own power, expressing and embodying its own interests, aspirations and will.

            A coup d'etat is a change of power in a state that is necessarily carried out in violation of the current constitutional and legal norms, usually using force to seize government control centers and physically isolate (sometimes arrest or kill) its current leaders
            and what, a lot of differences? That one, that another action aimed at the violent overthrow of legitimate authority.
  28. +3
    28 July 2017 15: 36
    Quote: nizhegorodec
    more specifically, where I justify and what does the "fist" of them mean that the class was worn out by the class in the 30s, the most able-bodied population of the village. From 1 million to 1,5 million Soviet citizens actively helped the Nazis, another 22 million collaborated to some extent with them in the occupied territories, are there many enemies of power?

    Frank Goebbelshina.
    "the Trotskyists carried out the October revolution and built Soviet power, walking along the corpses of Russian people to the world revolution, do you have a mind to put everything together or your brain is overheated from slogans? For me commies are one, and they are Trotskyists, Maoists, liberals one, it’s you who divide them into good and bad, and I don’t understand grades of shit. "
    Lies and at the expense of the varieties ... so you consider yourself to him and not the absolute majority of the people who have not accepted you at 17, nor perceive today as something worthy of respect.
    1. +1
      29 July 2017 06: 09
      Quote: badens1111
      and not the absolute majority of the people who did not accept you

      this absolute majority of the people in the 91st showed whom they did not accept. And in the 17th there was far from an absolute majority. And those who followed the Bolsheviks, believing in their tales, soon realized their mistake, but it was too late.
      1. +4
        29 July 2017 11: 57
        Quote: nizhegorodec
        this absolute majority of the people in the 91st showed whom they did not accept

        The absolute majority of the people simply did not realize that verbal tinsel at the expense of re-forms was the cover of a large deriban. But for such a deception, it’s too early for you, but it will be asked in full.

        Quote: nizhegorodec
        And those who followed the Bolsheviks, believing in their tales, soon realized their mistake, but it was too late.

        Leave your own inventions to yourself, do better than done in the USSR, under the same Stalin, in the economy, therefore, mutter, but for now, you can’t do anything at all. Well, except for the blessings of thieves, such as Nemtsov, Khodorkovsky and other public.
        1. +2
          30 July 2017 14: 04
          Quote: badens1111
          Fictions of your own and leave

          Well, if for you the Kronstadt rebellion, the actions of peasants and workers in Rybinsk, Yaroslavl, the Tambov region and in many other places of fiction, then what about the depth of your "knowledge" in general.
  29. +1
    29 July 2017 07: 07
    Quote: badens1111
    As for my merits, the country appreciated them, it’s enough for me.

    Excuse me, which country? Under Khrushchev the Trotskyist, Brezhnev the liberal or Gorbachev the traitor? I wonder for what feats? laughing
  30. +1
    29 July 2017 07: 14
    Quote: badens1111
    There is no right to BREAK the Law, what is not clear in this case?
    well, yes, everything is clear, the communists had the right to break the law, but the "riffraffers" did not))))) here it is the essence of that state
    1. +1
      29 July 2017 13: 06
      Horses mixed up in a heap, people ... You mixed up time, country, order, ideology. What you wrote is typical just for that country in which we all live, and for all other modern "democracies"
      1. +1
        30 July 2017 07: 52
        Quote: avva2012
        You mixed up time, country, system, ideology.

        I didn’t mix anything up, if you read the entire correspondence, you would understand what it is and who is talking about which state.
        1. +1
          31 July 2017 04: 34
          I read all the correspondence, but you messed up. Common things, like in a song. Of course, if you like what is happening now, if you judge by the Goebbels propaganda about the USSR, then yes, for you there is terrible horror. Ask a question what is common between the ROVS, the Anglo-Saxon press of 30's, the propaganda of the Third Reich, the literary delights of the "Sowing", the State Department. Why, all of them, are so different, but they hated and hate the Soviet power with equal force, and even their rhetoric is the same?
          1. +1
            31 July 2017 08: 48
            Quote: avva2012
            if, you judge by Goebbels propaganda about the USSR
            sorry, but this is nonsense! I am too young to hear this propaganda and old enough to catch the USSR with my own eyes.
            Quote: avva2012
            Of course, if you like what is now,

            tell me, why shouldn’t I like what is now? I compare my childhood and my children and they live better than I did in their years. And I live better than my parents, although my status is the same as that of my father. I am a pensioner, my wife is a nurse, my father at that age was also a pensioner, and my mother is a teacher.
            Quote: avva2012
            Why, they are all so different, but with the same force they hated and hate Soviet power
            because we are enemies for them, even with the scoop, even now, the USSR collapsed and all these "Crops" and Freedom "with the" Voices "disappeared, but new ones appeared with the new Russia. And about my hatred for the Soviets you overdid it, I I just don’t want to go back to communism, and it’s characteristic that my wife doesn’t want communism either, and our friends and work colleagues don’t want to either.
            1. +1
              31 July 2017 09: 02
              Most likely I hate those who pull us back there.

              And who is pulling you there? Enjoy it.
  31. +1
    29 July 2017 07: 28
    Quote: avva2012
    Quote: Alexander Green:
    Dear, it would not hurt you to learn.
    how can you learn, even if you cannot correctly state your thoughts. By the way, everyone needs to learn, there is no need to make yourself a know-it-all.
    1. +2
      29 July 2017 08: 25
      Yes, not with me, you are our straightforward one, among the classics. In terms would be sorted out for a start. And then, you can read about the confrontation of imperialist countries in WWII, then about the causes of WWII. If everyone knew this, they would not write that the American and British capitalists were "enemies of Hitler." Start with the basics, imperialism, socialism, capitalism, communism. I understand that this is not taught at school, but at least look on the Internet.
      1. +1
        29 July 2017 08: 54
        Quote: avva2012
        they wouldn’t write that the American and British capitalists were "enemies of Hitler."

        That is, in your opinion, Roosevelt and Churchill were friends with Hitler? Bravo!!
        1. +1
          29 July 2017 11: 25
          Do you know the difference between an enemy and a competitor? The enemy of the capitalist is a communist, here, the absolute antoganism. Among those who saw and throw, there is no enmity, as well as friendship, of course.
          1. +1
            30 July 2017 08: 00
            Quote: avva2012
            Among those who saw and throw, there is no enmity

            you are very mistaken, the 90s showed it))
            Quote: avva2012
            Do you know the difference between an enemy and a competitor?

            hinting that a competitor, unlike an enemy, cannot kill? Can!
            Quote: avva2012
            The enemy of the capitalist is a communist

            in fact, their enmity is expressed in the struggle for power, so that they are competitors, and the competitors are deadly. There is such a notion of “fair competition”, so if the capitalist and the communist were in fair competition, we would see who is better for the people (which is what a normal legal state leads to, with parliament, independent courts and a civilized electoral system), unfortunately , this is still a long way off. In the meantime, the people follow the one who won.
            1. +1
              31 July 2017 08: 13
              Quote: Banker There is such a concept of “fair competition”, so if the capitalist and the communist came to fair competition, we would see who is better for the people (which is what a normal legal state leads to, with parliament, independent courts and a civilized electoral system), unfortunately , this is still a long way off.

              "Fair competition" exists in the country of elves and in teaching aids that Western partners have been stuffing with since the 90's (independent empires, honest parliamentarians, and a civilized electoral system are found in the same empire empires).
              I would not call competition the process that occurs between capital and the communist movement. Sooner or later, a change of formation will take place, bourgeois society will be replaced by communist society, just as slaveholding will be replaced by feudal society. In my personal opinion, capitalism does not consist in preserving human society at a sufficiently animal level. A fundamentally bourgeois system differs from previous formations, to some extent, only by means of production. For power and money at all times, people cut, threw. Therefore, in the communist ideology a very important place is given to the education of a new person. Trying to wrest society from the eternal cockroach race, I think, is a worthy goal.
              In the meantime, the people follow the one who won.

              Without defeat, no victories. Not one of the previous formations did not cease to exist with the sound of chimes. Revolution, counter-revolution. "The end and the beginning again."
              1. +1
                31 July 2017 09: 02
                Quote: avva2012
                Sooner or later, a change of formation will take place, bourgeois society will be replaced by communist

                so it has already changed in our country, then everything got up and down.
                Quote: avva2012
                In my personal opinion, capitalism does not consist in preserving human society at a sufficiently animal level.

                Communism conserves, competition is developed under capitalism, and what is the motive force of progress under communism? The final path of society in the USSR - stagnation, fulfilled the plan - is free, why fight for a qualitative breakthrough (in consumer properties or in reliability) and so will take, according to the plan. The USSR was equal to the West only in the defense industry, there is nowhere to go, the question of survival, the rest remained in ruins.
                Quote: avva2012
                Therefore, in the communist ideology a very important place is given to the education of a new person.

                So how is it? Managed?
                Quote: avva2012
                Revolution, counter-revolution. "The end and the beginning again."

                that is, someone was returning from capitalism to feudalism, and then vice versa? And who? Although the USSR managed to enslave the peasants after their 50 years of freedom, the communist Khrushchev partially corrected this, but now he is an enemy of the communists.
                1. +2
                  31 July 2017 09: 12
                  Quote: Banker
                  so it has already changed in our country, then everything got up and down.

                  After the coup of 1991 and a direct rebellion in 1993, they surely put the country in a pose ...
                  Quote: Banker
                  under capitalism, competition is developed,

                  Do not tell tales. The pace of economic development of the USSR, even during the period of so-called stagnation, exceeded your turtle pace, so stagnation and swamp with spiders in the bank in the form of your notorious competition is the road to nowhere.
                  Quote: Banker
                  according to plan. The USSR was equal to the West only in the defense industry, there is nowhere to go, the question of survival, the rest remained in ruins.

                  Another fityulkina scribble, where do you get the data from?
                  “Thanks to a planned policy and a peculiar combination of moral and material incentives, the Soviet Union managed to achieve high economic indicators. The percentage of growth in gross national product was about two times higher than in our countries. If we take into account the enormous natural resources of the USSR, then the rational management of the economy of the Soviet Union had very real opportunities to oust us from world markets. " M. Thatcher.
                  Quote: Banker
                  that is, someone was returning from capitalism to feudalism, and then vice versa? And who? Although the USSR managed to enslave the peasants after their 50 years of freedom

                  Sorrow, you are again lying insolently.
                  The myth is widespread. This is one of the memes that all the haters of the USSR present, as if working according to the training manual. Meanwhile, even a simple analysis shows that this version does not stand even the simplest test.
                  For example, everyone knows that the USSR, from an agrarian country with an overwhelming peasant population, already in 1941 became a powerful industrial power in a period of time shorter than the active phase of the life of one generation. And he continued to develop in this direction.
                  Where to get labor for thousands of new factories and cities? - supporters of the serf version will not be able to answer this question, because "they didn’t let anyone out of the collective farms and did not give passports."
                  While collective farms are practically the only source of replenishment.
                  Quote: Banker
                  Khrushchev partially corrected this, but now he is an enemy of the Communists.

                  Well, finally, you confessed that this corn idol, your spiritual forerunner, if you are offended by it, then you remember only one thing, as Mikita called the exhibition of malevchikov a bad word, but otherwise this vegetable is pleasant for you.
                  1. +1
                    31 July 2017 10: 07
                    Quote: badens1111
                    The pace of economic development of the USSR, even during the period of so-called stagnation, exceeded your turtle pace.

                    this was especially noticeable on store shelves
                    Quote: badens1111
                    The percentage growth in gross national product was about two times higher than in our countries. If we take into account the enormous natural resources of the USSR, then with the rational management of the economy the Soviet Union had very real opportunities to drive us out of world markets.

                    and why didn’t they displace for 70 years? And in this increase in GNP, what percentage of raw materials did you take? They sold oil, bought grain. And in general, well then, with such indicators, the union is bent?
                    Quote: badens1111
                    For example, everyone knows that the USSR, from an agrarian country with an overwhelming peasant population, already in 1941 became a powerful industrial power in a period of time shorter than the active phase of the life of one generation. And he continued to develop in this direction.
                    Where to get labor for thousands of new factories and cities?

                    who argued before the war - yes, besides, two tasks were immediately solved here: to get rid of excess mouths on collective farms and increase the number of workers in factories, and after the war? The direct question is, were collective farmers' passports up to the 60s on hand?
                    Quote: badens1111
                    Well, finally, you confessed that this corn idol, your spiritual forerunner

                    Uncle, I have long admitted, including on this debate, that all the commies are the same for me, and in the same row both Brezhnev, Gorbachev, and Stalin with Khrushchev and Lenin, in addition. Yes, still Leibu, your, Trotsky forgot. Uzbeks!
                2. +1
                  31 July 2017 09: 35
                  under capitalism developed competition

                  This is not bad, of course. As Chubais said, "30 millions will not fit into the market, well ..." I understand that you fit in well?
                  The final path of society in the USSR - stagnation, fulfilled the plan - is free, why fight for a qualitative breakthrough (in consumer properties or in reliability) and so will take, according to the plan.

                  The attitude is quite primitive. Revisionism did not begin with the Twentieth Congress and the Khrushchev "thaw," but with the economy. In Stalin's time, the basis was: decline
                  cost of production, and if it’s worse, return to profit. It was due to cost reduction that the socialist economy was able to produce such a number of tanks, planes, cartridges, etc. If my memory serves me right, the cost of IS-2 ranged from 347.900 rubles in 1943 to 230 thousands in 1945. The Shpagin submachine gun (PPSh) in 1941 year, at the beginning of production, cost about 500 rubles. When mass production and making its design cost-effective changes, cost price in 1943, it reached 142 rubles. And so in everything.
                  Although the USSR managed to enslave the peasants after their 50-year freedom

                  You really have not heard anything about how much the peasants paid "for freedom" after the 1861 year? belay Are you interested in history in general?
                  So how is it? Managed?

                  Gastello, Maresyev, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, and many, many, many others. Those who were brought up under the Soviet regime (by the 41-th by 20-25 years of age) remained, approximately 3% after the end of the war. And if there was no war or would it be different?
                  so it has already changed in our country

                  Nothing itself has ever changed. The Great French Revolution, the civil war between King Charles and Cromwell, the war between Spain and the Netherlands. Not in a year or two, the new formation replaced the old one. Peter the first wanted to introduce, "as in the West", but even his energy was not enough. So with the basic elements of feudalism and approached the 1917 year.
                  1. +1
                    31 July 2017 10: 13
                    Quote: avva2012
                    I understand that you fit in well?

                    like all senior citizens of the country
                    Quote: avva2012
                    It was due to cost reduction that the socialist economy was able to produce such a number of tanks, planes, cartridges, etc.

                    But was it a panacea if the quality was lame, besides, the defense industry is a separate song, I'm talking about consumer goods.
                    Quote: avva2012
                    You really have not heard anything about how much the peasants paid "for freedom" after the 1861 year?

                    You know, I heard, and what bothers you in this? Moreover, is it really about the price? By the way, about it, the peasants paid dearly to the councils for being led by the slogan "Land to the Peasants" and followed the Communists. We were talking about a return to serfdom.
                    Quote: avva2012
                    Gastello, Maresyev, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, and many, many, many others.
                    You see, if you open the Niva magazines from 1914 to 1917, then there are also written about many heroes, and then the CPSU was not there. And the heroes of the Patriotic War of the 12th year, the defense of Sevastopol in the Russian-Turkish war? They all fell "For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland!" Susanin generally gave his life for the king. But the heroes you brought are far from all "For Stalin!" shouted. So not an example!
                    Quote: avva2012
                    Not in a year or two, the new formation replaced the old one.
                    understandably, but I would like less victims, especially in our time, and not in the Middle Ages, some.
                    1. +1
                      31 July 2017 11: 01
                      understandably, but I would like less victims, especially in our time, and not in the Middle Ages, some.

                      What sacrifices will further capitalist management on our planet cost, see (iat).
                      So not an example!

                      Example. Especially against the backdrop of attitudes toward the WWII. The Soviet government gave a lot of things from what the simple people never had in history. Education, medicine, culture to the masses, incredible opportunities of "social elevators". They had what to protect and why to die. Matrosov’s feat was repeated in the year 1945, when it was already clear that the end of the war was soon.
                      We were talking about a return to serfdom.

                      They wrote to you above about where millions of workers came from if all the peasants were enslaved.
                      Where did the peasants get money for tanks, planes, etc.? How should a peasant relate to power, which enables his children to become doctors, teachers, engineers, scientists? Where and at what time did this happen in droves? What serfs were given such opportunities?
                      But was it a panacea if the quality was lame, besides, the defense industry is a separate song, I'm talking about consumer goods.

                      And who told you that the quality was lame? At the beginning of the war, yes, and when production started, some of the T-34-85 produced still fight in Africa. Consumer goods. When? do not confuse the era of Stalin, that is, when you reduced the cost of goods, when prices fell on goods, when they restored a destroyed country with the USSR Khrushchev and later. But even then the economy developed quite successfully.
                      In the 70-ies, quite shelves of shops were with groceries, and the fact that there were no jeans, well, they got it. As a result, what?
                      like all senior citizens of the country

                      Oh, doubts take something. Everyone lives differently, and when like this, I say, "the same", I can not believe it. And a lot of what an ordinary pensioner knows you don’t know.
                      1. +1
                        31 July 2017 11: 27
                        Quote: avva2012
                        The Soviet government has given a lot of things from what the simple people never had in history.
                        You compare "those years and these" progress was moving and all these benefits would come under any authority. If in WWI and earlier the people had nothing to protect, then where did the heroes come from?
                        Quote: avva2012
                        They wrote to you above about where millions of workers came from if all the peasants were enslaved.
                        Where did the peasants get money for tanks, planes, etc.? How should a peasant relate to power, which enables his children to become doctors, teachers, engineers, scientists?

                        illuminate again one-sidedly, firstly, I talked about the mid-40s and then until the 60s, and secondly, these opportunities were declarative, theoretically - yes, they could become, but even under the tsar the peasants were not clogged as they are trying to imagine ideologists from the CPSU. It is enough to say that for the most part the merchants were former peasants, industrialists, especially in Siberia, from peasants. Even the generals and admirals were with peasant roots. But a doctor, an intelligent engineer, and even more so, a scientist cannot be prepared in droves, these slogans are not necessary.
                        Quote: avva2012
                        And who told you that the quality was lame?

                        Until now, Russian-made cartridges are notable for their instability, it’s chronic, they have already written about it at the military academy.
                        Quote: avva2012
                        some manufactured T-34-85s are still fighting in Africa.

                        In what year are they produced? Yes, and the T-34 in its design is a very primitive model (which was very important and good at that time), there simply is nothing to break, and now it is the place in Africa.
                        Quote: avva2012
                        But even then, the economy developed quite successfully.

                        enough for what?
                        Quote: avva2012
                        when commodity prices fell

                        prices did not fall, but returned to the original, pre-war. Documents have already been cited (SNK Decree on the cost of bread in the 36th and 48th. So after the “fall” the price did not reach the price of the 36th year, bread was still more expensive before the new price increase.
                        Quote: avva2012
                        In the 70s, quite store shelves were with groceries

                        but the people did not know and continued to go to Moscow for sausage, what kind of people !! ))) Although what to consider products, bread, vinegar, some types of canned fish, cookies, sweets were. But sausages, condensed milk, in other years, there was no chocolate.
                        Quote: avva2012
                        And a lot of what an ordinary pensioner knows you don’t know.

                        and what is this sacred secret so retirement? ))))
        2. +1
          29 July 2017 12: 26
          Friends, enemies, these are not the categories that mean anything in politics. Those who saw and throw sooner or later find a common language.
    2. +2
      29 July 2017 11: 42
      Quote: Banker
      Quote: avva2012
      Quote: Alexander Green:
      Dear, it would not hurt you to learn.
      how can you learn, even if you cannot correctly state your thoughts. By the way, everyone needs to learn, there is no need to make yourself a know-it-all.

      I also study, but unlike you I do not ask stupid questions.
      1. +2
        30 July 2017 08: 10
        Quote: Alexander Green
        I also study, but unlike you I do not ask stupid questions.

        everyone who studies, asks questions, a person is not born with knowledge, he comprehends the world, which for one is obvious, for another it can be a discovery.

        it also happens that the person to whom the question is asked, from the nearness of the mind, may perceive as stupid both the question and the person asking.

        so your division of questions into stupid and smart, ordinary hypocrisy and nearness hi
  32. 0
    29 July 2017 13: 08
    As the "national question" was not obscured in our history, but the Russians were very drawn to the "NKVD" punishing system. And as high as possible and "stars" bully
  33. +1
    29 July 2017 15: 46
    Alexander Green, Dear colleague .. why are you trying to convince Olgovich of something, if he, and indeed some of them echoing him, include this one among his own
    .And this is so, cursing the past with not a word about the present, but they throw dirt into the past with ardor and fervor, protecting such a present.
    1. +3
      29 July 2017 19: 11
      Quote: badens1111
      Alexander Green, Dear colleague .. why are you trying to convince Olgovich of something, if he, and indeed some of them echoing him, include this one among his own
      .And this is so, cursing the past with not a word about the present, but they throw dirt into the past with ardor and fervor, protecting such a present.

      Dear comrade, thank you for the letter, but besides the olgovichs and others like him, this site is visited by hundreds more readers, sometimes inexperienced in politics. Therefore, I write for them, but I simply use the Olgovichs, they like Zhirinovsky throw such questions that normal people are embarrassed to ask. I try to explain modern and past events from an objective dialectical materialist point of view.
      1. +2
        29 July 2017 19: 12
        Quote: Alexander Green
        they are like Zhirinovsky

        Exactly, thanks.
      2. +1
        31 July 2017 08: 08
        Quote: Alexander Green
        I try to explain modern and past events from an objective dialectical materialist point of view.

        another great leader and teacher)) you only when explaining
        Quote: Alexander Green
        hundreds of readers, sometimes inexperienced in politics

        Quote: Alexander Green
        current and past events from an objective dialectical materialistic point of view
        and lure
        Quote: Alexander Green
        inexperienced in politics

        in the midst of paradise life under the Communists, do not forget to also mention that your readers will have to give up some of the goods and things that are familiar to them, such as: for example, that they will have to forget about going on holiday abroad there and whenever they want; that in order to buy sausages, you will need not to run to the nearest supermarket, but to go to Moscow by electric train, at the same time, if you are lucky, buy yourself a pair of imported shoes (not necessarily in size), clothes and toilet paper; a car can only be bought after at least a five-year turn and the model and color that is available; watch movies and listen to music only that which is approved by the ideological department of the Central Committee of the CPSU; with mobile communications and the Internet there will also be problems with queues and a bunch of permissions. I’m not talking about such trifles as queues in cafes and shops, unhindered access to a restaurant, lack of tickets to the south and back in season, almost year-round lack of seats in hotels, and other “pleasant” surprises of socialist life
        1. +2
          31 July 2017 09: 17
          Quote: nizhegorodec
          in the midst of paradise life under the Communists, do not forget to also mention that your readers will have to give up some of the goods and things that are familiar to them, such as: for example, that they will have to forget about going on holiday abroad there and whenever they want; that in order to buy sausages, you will need not to run to the nearest supermarket, but to go to Moscow by electric train, at the same time, if you are lucky, buy yourself a pair of imported shoes (not necessarily in size), clothes and toilet paper; a car can only be bought after at least a five-year turn and the model and color that is available; watch movies and listen to music only that which is approved by the ideological department of the Central Committee of the CPSU; with mobile communications and the Internet there will also be problems with queues and a bunch of permissions. I’m not talking about such trifles as queues in cafes and shops, unhindered access to a restaurant, lack of tickets to the south and back in season, almost year-round lack of seats in hotels, and other “pleasant” surprises of socialist life

          Lord, the mantra of a consumer who is not able to come off the ort of a piece of sausage and mother who is ready to nail for jeans.
          Who told you that everything you wrote about COMMUNISM, which is actually nowhere else, right? Do you have hallucinations?
          Who told you that even in relation to socialism, all of your writings, however, if the same PRC, the SRV demonstrate very different than your horror stories.
          Quote: nizhegorodec
          I’m not talking about such trifles as queues in cafes and shops, unhindered access to a restaurant, lack of tickets to the south and back in season, almost year-round lack of seats in hotels, and other “pleasant” surprises of socialist life

          Oh .. well, what is it other than nonsense .. can everyone calmly fly around the country on vacation now? Maybe now the price is affordable?
          In Turkey and Egypt, prices are lower than in Sochi; flights to Paris are cheaper than in Sochi.
          Fullness is already lying.
          1. +1
            31 July 2017 09: 43
            Quote: badens1111
            Lord, the mantra of a consumer who is not able to come off the ort of a piece of sausage and mother who is ready to nail for jeans.

            but who's stopping you, sit on breadcrumbs and walk in a flaw with a sense of accomplished international or what kind of duty is there, and people in 91 voted for another))
            Quote: badens1111
            Who told you that everything you wrote about COMMUNISM, which is actually nowhere else, right?

            Well, yes, but how did you decide to jump into communism? Immediately tomorrow? so the commies fed 70 years for this "bright tomorrow" and drove like a donkey for a carrot, until the people got tired of it.
            Quote: badens1111
            if the same PRC, SRV demonstrate very different than your horror stories.

            Why did our elderly Central Committee not take the same steps? If there was someone in the USSR who would advocate for the changes that are now taking place in the countries mentioned, would he be sent to compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital, does the dismissal of Podgorny mean anything to you?
            Quote: badens1111
            Oh .. well, what is it other than nonsense .. can everyone calmly fly around the country on vacation now? Maybe now the price is affordable?

            Yes, 6000 from the center of Russia to Adler.
            According to reports, Sochi ski resorts are almost full during the peak season, said Alexander Osaulenko, vice president of the Russian Travel Industry Union and director of the Turpomosch association on the Russian News Service.
            this winter, for the summer of 2017, the occupancy rate of the resorts of Sochi and Crimea is 95 - 98 %%, for example,

            Quote: badens1111
            In Turkey and Egypt, prices are lower than in Sochi; flights to Paris are cheaper than in Sochi.

            with advice people could also choose that? lol
            1. +2
              31 July 2017 09: 57
              Quote: nizhegorodec
              but who's stopping you, sit on breadcrumbs and walk in a flaw with a sense of accomplished international or what kind of duty is there, and people in 91 voted for another))

              Did you eat rotten meat and walked in flaw? Is that why you are so upset? I don’t remember that the products were of the second freshness, as now in some Auchans, and I didn’t carry a flaw for a while. You don’t attribute it to everyone.
              Quote: nizhegorodec
              Well, yes, but how did you decide to jump into communism? Immediately tomorrow?

              Why are you all jumping and jumping into the account of "communism", everything still doesn’t reach you, as it is written about how the transition will be made in the future.
              Looks like even a simple subject, SOCIAL SCIENCE, for you at school was too heavy.
              Quote: nizhegorodec
              If there was someone in the USSR who would advocate for the changes that are now taking place in the countries mentioned, would he be sent to compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital, does the dismissal of Podgorny mean anything to you?

              Found, two-ignoramus and a drunkard-your dubious heroes-Gorbachev and Yeltsin.
              It tells me a lot about how they removed the leader of Belarus and how they removed Romanov from Leningrad.
              Quote: nizhegorodec
              this winter, for the summer of 2017, the occupancy rate of the resorts of Sochi and Crimea is 95 - 98 %%, for example,

              And? An indicator of what? The standard of living of Moscow? Peter? All?
              Quote: nizhegorodec
              with advice people could also choose that?

              It's easy. The whole country was accessible and there are much better places in it than the dunes of the Sahara
              1. +2
                31 July 2017 10: 35
                Quote: badens1111
                Did you eat rotten and walked in flaw?

                and where did I write about the rotten, that you distort all the time? And that chirp that hung on the shelves of shops in the USSR, there was no other name than a flaw, poor clothes and shoes.
                Quote: badens1111
                Why are you all jumping and jumping into the account of "communism"

                I wonder at what expense and where to jump? Take the trouble to explain.
                Quote: badens1111
                everything doesn’t reach you at all, what is written about how the transition will be carried out in the future to this.

                you can write anything, but where is the transition? 70 years passed, but still not crossed.
                Quote: badens1111
                Found, two-ignoramus and a drunkard-your dubious heroes-Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

                you your thoughts (if any) to formulate that understandable know how? And here Podgorny, to these characters?
                Quote: badens1111
                It tells me a lot about how they removed the leader of Belarus and how they removed Romanov from Leningrad.

                About Masherov (if you’re talking about him) is it clear that the same song as Podgorny, and Romanov is the one that played his daughter’s wedding in the Winter’s museum royal dishes, which guests (also high-ranking patricians, fie, party members) pounded and stole for souvenirs? So it’s the same field of berry that the current Khakhalyovs and Khoroshavins you love.
                Quote: badens1111
                And? An indicator of what? The standard of living of Moscow? Peter? All?

                why? And Tula, and Orenburg, and Nizhny Novgorod, and Oryol which only numbers on the street I did not see.
                Quote: badens1111
                Easy. The whole country was available.

                Well, yes, of course, with only one small reservation, in the presence of tickets and places in hotels of the chosen point, and yes, it is available.
  34. +1
    30 July 2017 07: 33
    Quote: Alexander Green
    Therefore, classes will disappear only under communism, when the differences between the city and the village, between mental and physical labor, will disappear.
    So never, this tale, another utopia
    Quote: Alexander Green
    And now, about the 37th year.
    The power of the bourgeoisie by this time was already overthrown, but the class of the bourgeoisie was not destroyed, and in order to maintain its dominance, mimicking friends and defenders of the people, it sneaks into the highest organs of power, using the slogans of this power to then overthrow it from the inside. This method is called double-dealing.
    tell me how a class can exist without a basis? Before the October coup there were classes of the exploiting (bourgeois) and the exploited (peasants, workers ..). After the coup, the class (and not the people) of the exploiters was destroyed, the state took on this function, how could the bourgeois survive as a class without a basis?
    1. +3
      30 July 2017 11: 58
      Quote: Banker
      After the coup, the class (and not the people) of the exploiters was destroyed, the state took on this function, how could the bourgeois survive as a class without a basis?

      And where did the bourgeoisie and their ideology go? They continued to maintain ties with the emigrant and other external bourgeoisie. They started with wrecking - they gave it around, then the eastern campaign of Europe against the USSR - the Soviet people turned their backs on fascism. Realizing that they could not defeat Soviet power by force, they began to dig up inside, introduce a petty-bourgeois ideology, which even "some teachers of the history of the CPSU with party tickets" bought into.
      1. +1
        30 July 2017 14: 26
        Quote: Alexander Green
        And where did the bourgeoisie and their ideology go?

        what bourgeois are you talking about now? In the USSR they were worn out as a class; there was no place for them in this social system. Yes, they were abroad, but this is a different society, and this is already a struggle between states with different social systems.
        Quote: Alexander Green
        then the eastern campaign of Europe against the USSR
        it was not even a class struggle, the Germans did not come to the USSR as liberators from the communist yoke, it was the Vlasovites who tried to conduct this propaganda, but lost because Hitler was going to destroy the Russians as a nation. And now, many "scribes" of history claim that if it were not for Hitler's bestial Nazism, it is not known how this war would go and how it would end.
        1. +2
          30 July 2017 21: 03
          Quote: Banker
          what bourgeois are you talking about now? In the USSR they were worn out as a class; there was no place for them in this social system.

          After the revolution in the USSR, bourgeois remained abundant and they engaged in real sabotage. And the Great Patriotic War was a class war for the USSR, because Hitler first of all fought against the Soviet people, against communism. besides, it bore civilian features, because almost the entire uninhabited Russian bourgeoisie fought against the Soviet regime.
  35. +1
    30 July 2017 08: 17
    Quote: badens1111
    There is no right to BREAK the Law, what is not clear in this case?

    understandably, the "riffraff"
    There is no right TO BREAK the Law
    and the Communists, therefore, had it, right? That is the essence of that state.
  36. +2
    30 July 2017 08: 26
    Quote: nizhegorodec
    and the Communists, therefore, it was, right? That is the essence of that state.

    They are advanced and act in the interests of the advanced workers and the poorest (!) Advanced peasants! Therefore, everything is possible for them. Everything else is not advanced - no!
  37. +3
    30 July 2017 08: 30
    Quote: avva2012
    Friends, enemies, these are not the categories that mean anything in politics. Those who saw and throw sooner or later find a common language.

    Words are not a boy, but a husband! Where did Dzerzhinsky, by the way, improve his health after the rebellion of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries? In Switzerland! And ... no one arrested him as a Bolshevik functionary. Yes, and for what indeed. Just an official of a country with a gold reserve of the Russian Empire!
    1. +1
      30 July 2017 12: 46
      Quote: kalibr
      Where did Dzerzhinsky, by the way, improve his health after the rebellion of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries? In Switzerland! And ... no one arrested him as a Bolshevik functionary. Yes, and for what indeed. Just an official of a country with a gold reserve of the Russian Empire!

      For some reason, you forgot to add that F.E. Dzerzhinsky went to Switzerland incognito, with documents in the name of Felix Domansky, for which he shaved off his beard, mustache, hair and dressed in a foreign country. He was not recognized not only by his wife and son, but also by such a seasoned scout as Lockhart, whom Dzerzhinsky had interrogated not so long ago in Moscow and with whom he had faced nose with nose abroad.
      1. 0
        31 July 2017 08: 34
        I think he remembers everything perfectly. He has such an attitude towards others, specific, as, you should have noticed. Make clear to the interlocutor that he is no match for him. I think you should not pay attention to such treatment.
  38. +4
    30 July 2017 08: 48
    Quote: Alexander Green
    your real values

    If these values ​​were really significant, no propaganda could discredit them! Gold, it’s not dung in the ditch ...
    1. +2
      30 July 2017 12: 31
      Quote: kalibr
      Quote: Alexander Green
      your real values

      If these values ​​were really significant, no propaganda could discredit them! Gold, it’s not dung in the ditch ...

      It is necessary to distinguish gold from gilding. In the 90s people were offered manure in a beautiful gilded wrapper. Now the gilding has worn off, the wrapper has broken, and what is left of us?
      1. +2
        30 July 2017 21: 53
        As a result, there remains a stupid people who will be offered something else next time. Equally attractive! The 1917th will never happen again. In addition, then Maxim's rate of fire was 600 rounds per minute, and now there are machine guns giving 6000. This difference is crucial!
        1. +1
          30 July 2017 23: 29
          Quote: kalibr
          As a result, there remains a stupid people who will be offered something else next time. Equally attractive! The 1917th will never happen again. In addition, then Maxim's rate of fire was 600 rounds per minute, and now there are machine guns giving 6000. This difference is crucial!

          And this is written by a former teacher of History of the CPSU !!!. How did you teach Marxism-Leninism, if you still do not understand that the decisive factor in the revolution is not the rate of fire of the machine gun, but the balance of class forces. If it is in favor of the working class, then the socialist revolution will triumph.
          1. +2
            31 July 2017 08: 49
            If it is in favor of the working class, then the socialist revolution will triumph.

            Listened to M.V. Popov, he says that conditions of dual power should appear, as in the 1917 year. As long as there are no “Soviets” in society, the counter-revolution will retain power. Naturally, in my opinion, until communist ideas are again popular, even the hypothetical possibility of the emergence of "advice" is not expected.
            1. +1
              31 July 2017 12: 08
              Naturally, in my opinion, until communist ideas are again popular, even the hypothetical possibility of the emergence of "advice" is not expected.

              who would doubt it, Doctor. wink I immediately recall another revolutionary Doctor - Roshal laughing urgently give our Doctor of revolutionary sailors! laughing suppose I am healthy with normal humor; hello now, Dear Doctor, and have a good week! drinks
              1. +1
                31 July 2017 12: 41
                Nicholas and hello to you! Why doesn't the week start on Friday?
                Have a good week too! Something Berry lost along the way))). As usual, everything returned to the discussion, “red”, “white”.
                1. +2
                  31 July 2017 12: 51
                  As usual, everything returned to the discussion, “red”, “white”.

                  yeah, usually then comes the transition to the individual! fellow fun reading! laughing
                  1. +2
                    31 July 2017 14: 48
                    Nikolay, why not?))) Our site, in general, is a storehouse! You can learn new things, have fun, throw out the negative, and vice versa, gain positive. Everything depends on desire. Look, what is the use, because instead of frustrating evil on a subordinate or on a wife, you can do it virtually. Given the rules of the site, patience and endurance are still training))).
                    1. +1
                      31 July 2017 15: 20
                      Dear Doctor, as I recall January-February - such a wonderful time was ..... What a war it was! ah, golden time. good And now .. even some do not enter the site crying
                      Given the rules of the site, patience and endurance are still training))).

                      That's it, that’s what I was doing, honing my vocabulary and diplomacy, you're right! drinks
                      1. +2
                        31 July 2017 15: 49
                        Some are already gone, and those are farther. Oh! Crushed youth, crushed.
            2. +1
              31 July 2017 12: 09
              Quote: avva2012
              If it is in favor of the working class, then the socialist revolution will triumph.

              Listened to M.V. Popov, he says that conditions of dual power should appear, as in the 1917 year. As long as there are no “Soviets” in society, the counter-revolution will retain power. Naturally, in my opinion, until communist ideas are again popular, even the hypothetical possibility of the emergence of "advice" is not expected.

              Everything is right, the revolution must ripen, there are certain laws by which it develops. And most importantly, the communist idea takes control of the masses. This process is now going on, the working people are going through this training, and their consciousness is again turning to the ideas of justice.
              1. +2
                31 July 2017 12: 32
                At the beginning of the 21 century, the Russian Federation, like RI in the 20, remains the weak link ..., so we'll see.
                1. +3
                  31 July 2017 13: 37
                  Quote: avva2012
                  At the beginning of the 21 century, the Russian Federation, like RI in the 20, remains the weak link ..., so we'll see.

                  Quote: Alexander Green
                  And most importantly, the communist idea takes control of the masses. This process is now going on, the working people are going through this training, and their consciousness is again turning to the ideas of justice.

                  rubbing your hands, you are waiting for the Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless ... blood .. this is the whole essence of the Communists, otherwise they are throwing everything on Trotsky, but in fact they themselves are the same
                  1. +4
                    31 July 2017 14: 56
                    Revolt and revolution are different concepts. A revolution happens not only in science, art, but also in society. No way without it. There will be no progress, which means stagnation and death of the system. Here in this case, there are more Oriental victims.
                    1. +1
                      31 July 2017 22: 04
                      Quote: avva2012
                      There will be no progress, which means stagnation and death of the system.

                      Are you sure that the revolution will be followed by progress and that progress must necessarily be initiated by the revolution?
                      1. +3
                        1 August 2017 04: 25
                        Progressive development is periodically supplemented by sudden changes. In biology, often, that is how new species appear. Thus, evolution is not alien to revolutionary change. So that your question can be answered in the affirmative.
  39. +1
    30 July 2017 11: 48
    Quote: Banker
    and what, a lot of differences? That one, that another action aimed at the violent overthrow of legitimate authority.

    Learn, and then you will understand the difference between the main and secondary differences.
    1. +2
      30 July 2017 14: 30
      Quote: Alexander Green

      that is, only in the results of their difference, but in essence it is the same. So cultivate.
      1. +1
        30 July 2017 21: 12
        Quote: Banker
        So cultivate.

        Well: learning is light, and “not of scientists” is darkness. Learn and then find the differences between the coup and riot
        1. +2
          31 July 2017 11: 29
          Quote: Alexander Green
          Learn and then find the differences between the coup and riot

          yes it’s hard to look for a black cat in a dark room ... especially when she is not there))
  40. +1
    30 July 2017 13: 31
    Quote: Alexander Green
    Marxism teaches
    Excuse me, is Marxism a dogma? No other teachings?
    Quote: Alexander Green
    the division of classes is based on the division of labor into mental and physical. Therefore, classes will disappear only under communism, when the differences between city and country, between mental and physical labor, will disappear.
    now we are witnessing the blurring of the differences between city and country, more precisely, the destruction of the village - is it really good when livestock and agricultural crops are grown on a conveyor belt using GMOs, antibiotics and chemical preparations. Moreover, this happens under capitalism. Under socialism, this line was erased, sending scientists and students to collective farms "for potatoes", which is also not an option.
    Quote: Alexander Green
    when the differences disappear .... between mental and physical labor
    and this is nonsense, who under communism will bear shit? Marx's work, Capital, undoubtedly has scientific value, but his fabrications about communism are utopia.
  41. +1
    30 July 2017 15: 08
    Quote: badens1111
    Looking for your posts, an empty matter, you have them all from the category of Chernukha, what is there to look for?

    so the facts will be?
  42. +2
    30 July 2017 21: 20
    Quote: nizhegorodec
    But is Marxism a dogma? No other teachings? ... now we are witnessing the blurring of the differences between city and country, more precisely, the destruction of the village ... communism is a utopia? No other teachings?

    1. Marxism has no dogma in this developing doctrine, and the bourgeoisie is afraid of it like fire.
    2. You correctly noticed: now it’s not the blurring of differences, but the destruction of the village. When they built communism, every small village even had its own school, hospital or medical center. I think you know what is being done now ...
    3. You do not believe in communism, there is nothing strange about this. This is not given to everyone, because it is a science and efforts must be made on oneself in order to comprehend it.
    1. +3
      31 July 2017 07: 59
      For some reason, none of my colleagues — teachers of the history of the CPSU, scientific communists who have studied this science for years and defended their dissertations on it — do not even stutter more about Marxism. They say about him, in your words, one philosopher (!), Several mathematicians, physicists, that is, techies. And in the current Communist Party, none of them are listed except ... 1 retired woman, candidate of historical sciences For a whole city in which 5 universities and 500 thousand inhabitants is significant, is not it? And that’s all! All our Marxist science on this ek. But the turners-bakers ... yes, they make smart faces and forget that I dragged them according to Marxism, and they ... didn’t go to these classes. That is, those who know this well, they ... understood the futility of this matter. And people from Krylov’s fable - those - yes! Still flattering ...
      1. +1
        31 July 2017 12: 14
        Quote: kalibr
        For some reason, none of my colleagues — teachers of the history of the CPSU, scientific communists who have studied this science for years and defended their dissertations on it — do not even stutter more about Marxism.

        Unfortunately, such teachers were at the end of the Soviet period. This is a flaw of Andropov. In the 30-40s there were none ...
        1. 0
          31 July 2017 22: 28
          5 HIGH SCHOOLS, 20 people at the department? Something hurts a lot ... And then what does Andropov have to do with it? All honestly did what was ordered, or even more!
          1. +1
            31 July 2017 23: 42
            Quote: kalibr
            5 HIGH SCHOOLS, 20 people at the department? Something hurts a lot ... And then what does Andropov have to do with it? All honestly did what was ordered, or even more!

            If they don’t even stutter about Marxism, then these are not teachers, but artisans who covered up their rotten essence with swindling. Real teachers of the History of the CPSU under Khrushchev from central Moscow universities, for example, were referred to the periphery ..
    2. +1
      31 July 2017 09: 53
      Quote: Alexander Green
      Marxism has no dogma of this developing doctrine, and the bourgeoisie is afraid of it like fire.

      and who develops it? Are there any famous learned followers?
      Quote: Alexander Green
      When they built communism, every small village even had its own school, hospital or medical center. I think you know what is being done now ...

      then there were villages, now they are practically extinct, firstly, this is the heritage of the USSR; secondly, now, in contrast to the USSR, an intensive rather than extensive way of agricultural development, now one farm produces more products than some collective farms in the USSR. Is there any reason to keep the village for the sake of the village?
      Quote: Alexander Green
      You do not believe in communism, there is nothing strange about it.
      Of course, and not just me, there are enough and more competent people than you and me who do not believe in this either.
      Quote: Alexander Green
      This is not given to everyone, because it is a science and efforts must be made on oneself in order to comprehend it.

      This is fantasy, and dreaming is easy. If you comprehend this "science" explain to me how to erase the line between physical and mental labor? Who will bear the shit for the mental workers?
    3. +1
      31 July 2017 17: 55
      In small villages there were no schools, hospitals or first-aid posts. Hospitals in the countryside were generally rare. Mostly in regional centers. A secondary or eight-year school and a first-aid post in the administrative center of the village council or on the central estate of a collective farm (state farm). Most often it was the same settlement. Elementary schools until the mid-late 70s could be two or three per village council. But, of course, in tiny villages with a population of 15-50 people none of this happened. Yes, and it was not necessary, of course.
      In the Non-Black Earth Region, in one village council (now a settlement), usually 10-20 settlements. Usually about half of the population lives in the administrative center. In two or three of the next largest villages, another quarter of the population. And in a dozen other settlements, the remaining quarter, and often even less. Naturally, the main resources have always been invested in the development of the center of the village council (at the same time the central estate of the collective farm or state farm).
      1. +2
        31 July 2017 23: 48
        In all villages where children (even of different ages) were recruited at least half-grade, everywhere there were elementary schools with one teacher.
        1. 0
          4 August 2017 18: 12
          By the mid-to-late 70s, partly as part of the cessation of the existence of "unpromising" rural settlements, most of these small elementary schools were liquidated. By the way, male teachers often worked there. These small elementary schools were not independent organizations. At the head was not the director, but the head. He was subordinate to the director of the nearest eight-year or high school. Primary school teachers participated in pedagogical councils of the basic school. My elementary school teacher (I studied in the rural decade) previously worked as the head of a small elementary school. When the school was closed in the mid-70s due to the small number of students, she switched to work in the eight-year school, which a few years later was transformed into a secondary school. As far as I know, that small village. where this elementary school was, practically ceased to exist.
  43. 0
    31 July 2017 11: 49
    1. There is no sacred secret. You simply do not know what a person of that generation should know. There is no elementary base, confused in terms, definitions. Marxist-Leninist ideology, in general, is a dark forest for you. Moreover, they overfeed the ideology, so that something in the head of a pensioner laughing should have stayed.
    2. The way you submit information does not correspond to your retirement age. More like a modern style.
    3. You do not notice, simply, but the phraseological turnovers of you, “pensioners”, “daughters of Crimean officers” are very similar.
    4. Your arguments, this is a set of cliches (you think I compared them to Goebbels propaganda for a red word) that blows bureaucracy. Compare with the nickname "Olgovich", although he is an anti-Soviet, he writes from the heart laughingif I may say so.
    5. Quote: Alexander Green: Dear, it would not hurt you to learn.
    1. +2
      31 July 2017 13: 45
      Quote: avva2012
      You simply do not know what a person of that generation should know. There is no elementary base, confused in terms, definitions. Marxist-Leninist ideology, in general, is a dark forest for you. Moreover, they fed up with ideology, so that something in the head of the pensioner should have remained.

      well, a pensioner is not a scientific degree, I can show such pensioners who cannot distinguish Marx from Engels, they don’t see the difference between fascism and Nazism, but there are real doctors of science. The MLF may be lame, but I have not studied it, ignored it, I never liked it.
      Quote: avva2012
      confused in terms, definitions.

      a set of words on your part
      Quote: avva2012
      The way you submit information does not correspond to your retirement age. More like a modern style.

      the last places of work were with youth, so what is the environment, such is slang, by the way, the youth is not with you, they don’t want communism.
      Quote: avva2012
      You don’t notice, simply, but the phraseological turns in you, “pensioners”, “daughters of Crimean officers” are very similar

      Well, well, the Communists also phraseology like a carbon copy.
      Quote: avva2012
      Your arguments, this is a set of stamps

      the same can be said about the adherents of communism, the same stamps and mossy slogans of “Ochakov’s times and the protection of Crimea”
      Quote: avva2012
      Dear, it would not hurt you to learn.

      everyone needs to learn, including you and AG. So go for it, you are still far from retirement laughing
      1. +2
        31 July 2017 14: 35
        My one more year, maybe it will be, in terms of pension, but hardly any younger.
        "Adherents of communism," and why are you adherents? Bright free world? Wait, we’ll “eat up” what is left of the Union and will be bright for all of us tomorrow. Without education, medicine, science. I still understand all kinds of partners there, but what are you happy about?
        By the way, I'm not talking about slang, but about the style of presentation, a worker with youth.
        1. +2
          31 July 2017 14: 52
          Quote: avva2012
          youth worker

          I am not a youth worker; I worked among them. Do not confuse.
          Quote: avva2012
          Wait, we’ll “eat” what is left of the Union and will be bright for all of us tomorrow. Without education, medicine, science.

          nothing, the Bolsheviks, too, had eaten up the remnants of the damned past for 20 years, but survived. As our production veterans said: "We survived the war and we survive communism!"
          Quote: avva2012
          I still understand all kinds of partners there, but what are you happy about?

          why be sad? Life is getting better, in spite of the "partners" laughing
          1. +2
            31 July 2017 15: 53
            I wrote to the Banker. Are you acting under two nicknames? Oh no no no! Ne harasho, listen! Wah! You saber yourself, wah, ne harasho!
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. +1
              31 July 2017 22: 47
              Quote: avva2012
              I wrote to the Banker.

              Quote: avva2012
              I wrote to the Banker.

              I apologize for getting into your debate, avatars do not open on smart, the topic is just close. This is not the first time ... I apologize again. And I don’t put any pluses to anyone, I can’t get into this box with my finger))))) and (censored) everything is basically here, who should I put?
              1. +2
                1 August 2017 02: 55
                Big brother will figure it out. ))). The point is not in the pluses, but in a gross violation of the rules of the site, if true.
  44. +1
    31 July 2017 11: 51
    Quote: Banker
    Quote: badens1111
    The pace of economic development of the USSR, even during the period of so-called stagnation, exceeded your turtle pace.

    this was especially noticeable on store shelves

    Today there are no more products and goods in the country than in Soviet times, just the prices are sky-high, and therefore the majority walks and only licks their lips. And in Soviet times, everyone could buy cheap food, medicines, and children's things, and much more on their salary, but empty shelves in the late 80s. artificially created by those who, by order of the United States, destroyed socialism and the USSR.
    1. +2
      31 July 2017 13: 51
      Quote: Alexander Green
      Today there are no more products and goods in the country than in Soviet times

      yeah, sausage varieties in Ukraine (a relatively rich republic of the USSR) Tea, Doctor's, Doctor's, Russian, Amateur, maybe even missed some (it’s boiled) smoked - there was a shortage, it was not in free sale. In Central Russia, sausage was only in Moscow (in free sale). Now, in a seedy store, there is not enough counter, not to mention supermarkets.
      Quote: Alexander Green
      And in Soviet times, everyone could buy cheap food, medicines, and children's things for their salary.

      Do you think I live on someone else's salary?
      Quote: Alexander Green
      artificially created by those who, by order of the United States, destroyed socialism and the USSR.

      Here’s another mantra, someone destroyed the USSR. The USSR was so powerful that the USSR could be defeated only by the USSR itself, and now the USSR has outlived itself.
  45. +1
    31 July 2017 12: 02
    Quote: nizhegorodec
    Well, yes, of course, with only one small reservation, in the presence of tickets and places in hotels of the chosen point, and yes, it is available.

    Just this suggests that everything was available to everyone in the USSR. Naturally, there wasn’t always enough for everyone, today there is room, but only for those who have a lot of money, and you won’t earn a lot of money by honest work.
    1. +3
      31 July 2017 13: 28
      Quote: Alexander Green
      Just this suggests that everything was available to everyone in the USSR. Naturally, there wasn’t always enough for everyone, today there is room, but only for those who have a lot of money, and you won’t earn a lot of money by honest work.

      idle talk, now living in a two-star hotel for a double room 2000 - 2500 is not so expensive. And this can not be compared with those klopovniki with creaky furniture and gray linen that were during the USSR. Iron, electric kettle, hair dryer, constantly hot and cold water, you have to pay for comfort. Those who save at all have a hostel and a private sector.
    2. +2
      31 July 2017 13: 39
      Just this suggests that everything was available to everyone in the USSR. Naturally, there wasn’t always enough for everyone, today there is room, but only for those who have a lot of money, and you won’t earn a lot of money by honest work.

      Dear Alexander, in each system its advantages and disadvantages. It was impossible to buy an apartment in the USSR, as far as I remember - now it is possible, but the prices are sky-high. Food prices - a double-edged sword, in the USSR there was even the concept of "sausage emigration" - but now there are a lot of varieties, it is not clear what they were made of. The lineup for the car lasted for years. Invite any junior manager who has borrowed Hyundai Solaris to return to communism - and you will hear an unprintable set of words. When peace is in the country, people want to live well and in abundance - an axiom.
      1. +3
        31 July 2017 13: 58
        Quote: Mikado
        but now a bunch of varieties, it is not clear what made of.

        from the same thing from which they were made in the USSR, I’m not talking about import, but there is a natural one there, but it costs a lot. And the rest I agree with you
        1. +3
          31 July 2017 14: 26
          And the rest I agree with you

          I’m talking about what, each system has its pros and cons. When building any political and economic system, you need to take all the best and sweep away the bad, since there are centuries of experience, and everyone continues to jump over the rake.
          Communism - stability, the elimination of unemployment, care for pensioners and the disabled. Capitalism - the ability to accumulate, normal life, the freedom of private enterprise.
          The most important requirement for absolutely all systems should be - responsibility for unlawful acts at all levels, and not nepotism and "hand washing." Although equality of law is utopia. Maybe I wrote nonsense in general .... what call me! drinks
          1. +3
            31 July 2017 14: 32
            Quote: Mikado
            Communism - stability, the elimination of unemployment, care for pensioners and the disabled. Capitalism - the ability to accumulate, normal life, the freedom of private enterprise.

            maybe socialism is better? As in Sweden or Norway, without any international debts and struggle for peace, from which there is no stone on stone from the world?
            1. +2
              31 July 2017 14: 45
              maybe socialism is better? As in Sweden or Norway, without any international debts and struggle for peace, from which there is no stone on stone from the world?

              As a rule, in peacetime, people have a bunch of "left" needs - I'm not talking about good food, living in a separate apartment with amenities, having 100 channels in a box and Renault Logan on credit. People are gradually dampened and corrupted. In a certain part of the "population" perversions begin to bulge outward, which begin to be imposed, and which also begin to indulge. And, as a rule, such a "closed prosperous world" cannot "give back" to migrants who are at a lower cultural level of development, but who have greater vitality and cohesion. And now you can look at Europe. what
              but is it possible to save the system from such attacks - hardly. Every nation has stages of development, and passionarity subsides sooner or later request
      2. +4
        31 July 2017 15: 09
        Apartments were bought, just by exchange, it looked. I don’t remember the empty refrigerators. And who told you that if there had been a return of the economic system to the Khrushchev era, if reforms like the Chinese had been carried out, young people would not have gone to our analogue of Solaris, but only completely Russian? In China, private property is allowed, but under the strict guidance of the state. Poorly? It is here that two liberal fellows, identical in face, are trying to spoil socialism, and next to it, it lives and thrives unlike us.
        1. +3
          31 July 2017 15: 37
          that if there had been a return of the economic system to Khrushchev’s time, if reforms like the Chinese had been carried out, young people wouldn’t have gone by the Solaris analogue, but only completely Russian

          and if my grandmother had a mustache and ..... Dreams, Dear Doctor. "It was smooth on paper, but the unsuitable performers got caught." History does not have a subjunctive mood, it remains to flounder in the system of relationships that exists now. I no longer believe in anything, quietly go about my business, and strive so that actions do not go against my conscience.
          1. +3
            31 July 2017 16: 02
            So, I'm not about dreams, but about ideology. If she works in one place, then why not in another?
            1. +2
              31 July 2017 16: 22
              If she works in one place, then why not in another?

              in order for it to work specifically in China, it took the Chinese mentality, thirty years of the war of all against all, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, etc. Tens, if not hundreds of millions of victims! But they breed faster, to them these millions are the “correction of the gene pool”. A terrible thing said, huh? scary yourself! Only who would have pitied us, ten million for one war, thirty for another! (it's me, figuratively). And how many ordinary, peaceful people died during the collapse of the Union because someone wanted to "conduct another experiment"? stop But are there higher salaries and welfare benefits in China? I don’t know. You live closer, you know better bully (I depicted binoculars) laughing
              1. +4
                31 July 2017 16: 46
                But the Chinese mentality, Nikolai, is not needed, we needed political will and the presence of firm testicles in our leadership. The starting positions were too different for us and China. Not only were there many Chinese, but they were in such poverty that we never dreamed of. They started with what you remember? To every citizen, his own bike and watch. This is their 80, the beginning, but we have the 20, no? About 100 of millions of dead Chinese, where is it from? Dispersed the freaks in the square with an unpronounceable name and all. And mind you, there are proportionally more freaks out there, again from the population. And how many dead? And if you compare with 90-mi with us? As a result, they have both a plan and economic growth, and we ...
                Can I continue to live?
                1. +1
                  31 July 2017 17: 03
                  About 100 million dead Chinese, where is this from?

                  add up the Civil War in China, WWII, "Mao's experiments" (I quoted 2) and get tens of millions. One hundred I do not promise.
                  Dispersed the freaks in the square with an unpronounceable name and all.

                  Alexander, no matter who these, as you put it, all people go to the square with the slogans: "We want to live better!" and "We want truth and justice!" What motivates them, how true this is, is another matter, but many of the crowd really believe in it, and others are “wound” by special talkers. And, the most interesting - the organizers and inspirers of this action are taking full advantage of the mistakes of the current government. It has always been so. The question is that any more or less successful revolt revolution always ends in rivers of blood throughout the country. I don’t have to go far for an example, I think.
                  needed political will and the presence of firm testicles in our leadership

                  yeah, change of leaders: a maize in an embroidered shirt - a soldier-senile - another senile - another completely senile - a young charismatic combine. And then another charismatic figure, who quickly became a senile and alcoholic, riding a tank. This elite she chose herself! What kind of testicles are we talking about?
                  1. +4
                    31 July 2017 17: 26
                    Inside any system, there are those who can change it. Den was found in China, and behind him were people who were able to correct without radically changing their ideology and successfully enter the 21 century with this ideology. But the unthinkable, the process of the “gang of four” happened. It included, not a lot, not a little, the widow of Mao himself! We did not happen. They talked about Romanov, some more about someone, but someone died suddenly, with someone else what happened. Bad luck. But the system itself was viable. At them. And do not, Nikolai add WWII victims. The Chinese did not attack themselves.
                    1. +2
                      31 July 2017 17: 34
                      At the expense of truth and justice. You know, but she is not. That is, it is for you, for me, and for society, no. And to survive, most have to turn a blind eye to someone's truth and justice with a butt between their ears. This is one of the laws of life, I guess. A sea of ​​blood occurs when they forget that the worst thing for everyone is the selfishness of an individual, liberalism i.e.
                      1. +1
                        31 July 2017 17: 58
                        it is the egoism of the individual, liberalism i.e.

                        to limit the individual invented the Penal Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses. The rest of the mom and dad should lay in childhood. On the pope pink.
                    2. +1
                      31 July 2017 17: 38
                      Nicholas add victims of WWII. The Chinese did not attack themselves.

                      the mute of the war with the Japanese, the Kuomintang and the Communists continued to mutate each other. Why not add? I talked about the general losses of the people, and not just from civil wars request I feel sorry for the people's losses!
                      But the unthinkable, the process of the “gang of four” happened.

                      Yes, but we had fractional anti-party group, which included Molotov, Kaganovich, Malenkov, Voroshilov, Bulganin, Pervukhin, Saburov and Shepilov who joined them. And the process of Shchelokov. Did it help? Some bastards scolded others after the change of power (I’m figuratively so. Up there, it doesn’t smell saints).
                      Den was found in China, and after him people who were able to correct

                      Yes, you are right, a lot depends on the personality, and its immediate environment. This is to the "question of chance", probably. And he might not have been found! or his successor - also could not have been found, would have found some telepriber-bribe-taker, for example. request
                      1. +4
                        31 July 2017 18: 00
                        Which of the adherents was his beloved wife?))) I repeat, apparently behind the tinsel of words, I could not convey the idea. The idea of ​​communism on the example of China is viable. Everything. The struggle between the “red” and the “white” revolves around this thesis. Some say this is utopia, and the Chinese say, or rather do, what cannot be done. Socialism as the first phase of communism. How much time will pass before the construction of a communist society itself is not known. It’s our corn mailer who could blur, they say after 25 years))). Well, he then froze stupidity, but now, like smart people, they are repeating it as an argument. Okay, it's night already, and today is not Friday. As always in the most interesting place!))).
                2. 0
                  31 July 2017 22: 23
                  Quote: avva2012
                  It is here that two liberal fellows, identical in face, are trying to spoof socialism, and next to it, it lives and prospers, unlike us.
                  I understand this is a stone in my garden, in the first place there are much more of us than two, but I will answer for myself. I am not against socialism as such, in Sweden there is also socialism (even under the king) and in China socialism (even his name is communist China), but there, as far as I know, pension is paid only to civil servants and workers of state enterprises, and the rest of the sector is that? Cooperatives and private enterprise. In the 50s, the Chinese wore the same uniform and almost went in line, but then their leadership changed course, the economy became the main one and took over politics, and in the USSR it was the other way around.
                  Quote: avva2012
                  As a result, they have both a plan and economic growth, and we ...
                  their economic growth is not due to the plan, do iPhones rivet there according to the plan of the economic department of the CPC Central Committee? Or do car clones also do the job of the party? They have state-owned enterprises that work according to the economic plan, but there are a lot of private companies, the state does not interfere with private entrepreneurship there, in the USSR, the state was engaged in everything from international politics to the distribution of toilet paper among citizens, and that’s where it got torn.
                  1. +3
                    1 August 2017 04: 36
                    There is no socialism in Sweden.
                    In China, in spite of private enterprises, the entire economy is planned. The CCP sets certain tasks at its plenums, and then asks from certain persons whether they have been completed. It's not about iPhones (the question is also where Lee Sun Chin’s technology comes from. You can try to disassemble a smartphone on your knee and create the same one, right?), But in the direction of development. What is the CCP doing. I repeat, read the definition of socialism and do not make people laugh with Sweden.
                    1. +2
                      1 August 2017 10: 24
                      Bravo, avva2012, exactly so !!!
                    2. +2
                      1 August 2017 13: 09
                      Quote: avva2012
                      I repeat, read the definition of socialism and do not make people laugh with Sweden.

                      All these talkers ... cast a shadow on the wattle fence, but in fact what?
                      And in fact, like that.
                      Economic and social inequality, such as wealth and power, are valid only when they are of common use and compensate for the loss of the most vulnerable members of society.
                      in other words, the level of justice is measured by the position of the most disadvantaged stratum of society, not the middle class.
                      Such an order was in the USSR, albeit curved from Khrushchev, but after all, dirt came from Khrushch from our so-called intelligentsia about the notorious egalitarianism.
                      And now, when the level of income in the country is significantly different, all kinds of commentators like Banker seriously assure themselves that this situation is forever? Oh ..
                      Recently, the topic of JUSTICE has been a refrain in serious broadcasts and the words of politicians, it’s dawned on anyone at the top that things are far from brilliant reports from places ..
                      What is the use of pop clowns with castles in the village of Gryaz, for society, no. And there are ... a dime a dozen, as well as protecting precisely their interests.
                      1. +1
                        2 August 2017 03: 58
                        in other words, the level of justice is measured by the position of the most disadvantaged stratum of society, not the middle class.

                        I will add, not only the position of the disadvantaged layer, but also its presence. In the USSR there was no egalitarianism in the caricatured form, as its present spiteful critics imagine. Society was not communist, which means there was a difference in income. Those who stood out for their abilities, their benefits for society lived above the average. There were those whose salaries were not high for unskilled labor. There were no destitute. No one was left without the help of the state, whether you were an academician or a janitor.
      3. 0
        4 August 2017 18: 21
        In the USSR it was possible to own a private house, but only one. If you had your own house, and another house was inherited, then one of them had to be sold within a few months. However, if there were children of full age or who had little time left until they came of age, they could live in this second house. But it was already taking shape for these children.
        Another option is a fictitious divorce.
        Although my grandparents had my own house. Five meters from them, built (with their help, with the help of his father-in-law, and also his six brothers and sisters) my uncle’s house, one of their seven children, the only one who remained in the village. Moreover, in fact, the economy was a joint one. But formally, two houses with two different owners, albeit close relatives.
  46. +1
    31 July 2017 12: 34
    Quote: nizhegorodec
    Who will bear the shit for the mental workers?

    As I understand it, what excites you the most. So, there will be no separate workers of physical and mental labor, there will be an aggregate worker who will serve himself, i.e. wipe yourself for ... tsu, take out de ... mo. And the path along which the line between physical and mental labor will be erased is complex automation.
    1. +5
      31 July 2017 13: 32
      Quote: Alexander Green
      As I understand it, what excites you the most.

      it is a question to which the adherents of communism cannot give an intelligible answer.
      Quote: Alexander Green
      So, there will be no separate workers of physical and mental labor, there will be an aggregate worker who will serve himself, i.e. wipe yourself for ... tsu, take out de ... mo.

      yes yes, and the shvets and the reaper and the dude laughing I imagine a scientist mathematician repairing a leaky pipe from a toilet. Well, this is garbage, but as an auto-assembler, for example, in his spare time from work at the factory he will split uraniums at the institute or vice versa laughing All this is similar to utopia, where tigers will graze with antelopes because they will not eat meat.
      1. +3
        31 July 2017 17: 25
        All this is like utopia, where tigers will graze with antelopes

        there was already a precedent in the zoo. Only there was a tiger and a horned artiodactyl, the name of which moderation does not miss for some reason. laughing as a result, a cloven-hoofed ogre.
        I imagine a scientist mathematician repairing a leaky pipe with a toilet

        Alex, for some reason I immediately remembered the movie "Afonya". How did he change the shell to an intellectual (with a "divorce" on the gasket). By the way, a very valuable film about the customs of the Brezhnev USSR.
        1. +2
          31 July 2017 22: 41
          Quote: Mikado
          as a result, a cloven-hoofed ogre.

          because he has gone too far, forgetting who he is in this world, false science gives rise to false views
          Quote: Mikado
          By the way, a very valuable film about the customs of the Brezhnev USSR.

          and all the vices of that society are clearly visible in our old comedies and the Crocodile magazine, here I completely agree with you.
          1. +2
            1 August 2017 00: 25
            Quote: nizhegorodec
            all the vices of that society are clearly visible in our old comedies and the Crocodile magazine,

            Why are you so narrow-minded ?! According to the current "Chernukha and porn" they will also judge your beloved society. And Soviet comedies are a confirmation that in Soviet society, all vices (and these are the rudiments of just a capitalist society) were fought, vices ridiculed, brought up a new person, unlike today.
            1. +3
              1 August 2017 01: 27
              And Soviet comedies are a confirmation that in Soviet society, all vices (and these are the rudiments of just a capitalist society) were fought, vices ridiculed, brought up a new person, unlike today.

              tried to fight. With such success that later the Prohibition was announced, apparently, from hopelessness. And "Afonya" is a vivid example of this. Everything is, everything, and .. thumps! hi
              According to the current "Chernukha and porn" they will also judge your beloved society.

              about the society brought up by the "channel for DB" TNT - let them judge by it. Let them be judged by House-2. But why this show for DB is still on air is a question for the authorities. (by the way, I did not introduce the term DB, but the respected Minister Lavrov! —for moderators)
              1. +1
                1 August 2017 19: 03
                Quote: Mikado
                tried to fight.

                Like in a fairy tale ... "They fought, they fought, but only they themselves crashed ..." What is more important? Process or result? The result we see is the children of those raised by Soviet power. And again there are good ones, but many bad ones! And bad come from the bad.
                1. +1
                  1 August 2017 20: 45
                  "They fought, they fought, but only they themselves crashed ..."

                  Mentality, Vyacheslav Olegovich. If they would improve the social sphere and the sphere of goods and services. Maybe then there would be no drunkenness. Or vice versa, take tough measures against drunkards. In any case, it was not by chance that I inserted a fragment from Afoni into a recent article. Movie indicator. It seems that a person has everything. But still - the lifestyle is reprehensible. That is, there was still some kind of system imbalance! Behind the outer screen of well-being. After all, the Tagged Bear didn’t accept the “dry law” from a good life - there was a reason! And with the same village, there were problems, they remained. And it’s not worth talking about the multinationality of the Union, and some aspects of communication with the republics.
                  The result we see is the children of those brought up by Soviet power.

                  I fear only one thing - the children of the children of those brought up by the Soviet regime (especially in the caste of the "elite") will be even worse. Moreover, “majors” are actively moving into power and the sphere of management of large corporations. Perhaps in five generations they will become the "elite." And we .. Do we have a choice?
          2. +3
            1 August 2017 01: 28
            and all the vices of that society are clearly visible in our old comedies and the Crocodile magazine

            absolutely right!
          3. +1
            4 August 2017 18: 23
            And if you look at films such as "Office Romance", "Winter Cherry" and a number of others, it is not difficult to notice the elements of ideological and moral decay in late Soviet society.
      2. +4
        31 July 2017 22: 20
        Oh, I don’t want to enter this world, better give me a Mauser ...
        1. +3
          31 July 2017 22: 43
          Quote: kalibr
          Oh, I don’t want to enter this world, better give me a Mauser ...

          I don’t want either, maybe "maxim" is better, but am I the second number?
        2. +4
          1 August 2017 12: 27
          better give me a mauser

          assault, 40 rounds laughing so that "maxim" was not necessary.
      3. +2
        1 August 2017 00: 15
        Quote: nizhegorodec
        I imagine a scientist mathematician repairing a leaky pipe from a toilet. Well, this is garbage, but as an auto-assembler, for example, in his spare time from work at the factory he will split uraniums at the institute or vice versa

        Exactly so, because there will be no separate mathematics scientists and plumbers, but there will be equal aggregate workers.
        Yes, and at the expense of socialism, otherwise it’s not possible to get into your discussion earlier. Neither Sweden nor China has socialism. An example of classical socialism is socialism in the USSR in the last years of Stalin's life. The socialist economy under Stalin, focused on cost reduction, led to the elimination of commodity-money relations, which ultimately should have led to communism. In 1953, we were much closer to him than later, and if Khrushchev had not turned down the Stalinist model of the economy, then in the 80s we could have had communism.
        1. +3
          1 August 2017 12: 42
          Exactly so, because there will be no separate mathematics scientists and plumbers, but there will be equal aggregate workers.

          Alexander, are you serious? belay tell me, is there such a device with which it is equally possible to nail nails and to study neutrons? or, for example, a universal gun - which is universally bad in everything. That is, universality is impossible. Rather, it is possible, but under one condition: in the conditions of the stone agewhen you kill a mammoth for yourself, and build a hut and make a stone ax, and in the evenings you do rock painting with your own feces. You should not think about progress, but life will be limited to 40 years or the first serious injury.
          in general .. smacks of leveling. Or the ideas of the Utopians. Even if such a quasi-ideal society comes, to live in it .. is not interesting! hi
        2. +2
          1 August 2017 16: 52
          "An example of classical socialism is socialism in the USSR in the last years of Stalin's life." ///

          What a terrible thing ... My mother told me that in life there were no more terrible ones,
          gloomy years. sad
        3. 0
          4 August 2017 18: 28
          Just Khrushchev, some small elements of commodity-money relations that were in the late Stalin period, turned to the end of the 50s. True, I think that Khrushchev himself relied on a number of provisions expressed by Stalin in the "Economic Problems of Socialism .." Although the name of Stalin was not mentioned.
  47. +1
    31 July 2017 15: 07
    “Smart people are smart in their own way, but stupid are stupid the same!”

    Selection according to the degree of personal devotion - did not please.
    1. +1
      31 July 2017 16: 10
      Selection according to the degree of personal devotion - did not please.

      now it is everywhere. This is how the "new elite" is born. request
  48. +2
    31 July 2017 18: 08
    One of them, who joined, was a beloved wife

    in Shchelokov’s case, Churbanov, Brezhnev’s son-in-law, appeared. Analogy.
    Yes, for sure, in the most interesting place! wink Have a good night, Dear Doctor! drinks
    any system is viable, but it needs continuous updating, fresh ideas and new people who should smoothly replace each other. And this should go in parallel with improving the lives of the people. And when at first the senile on the senile, and then the narrow-minded combiner .. and got it!
  49. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      31 July 2017 21: 27
      Quote: badens1111
      Just the question, do you seriously believe that?

      A lot has come true, and this cannot be ignored. Here I was somehow discussing this topic with Jewish comrades, indicating the chapters of the protocols.
      Quote: badens1111
      Nilus has an indication of France, where the manuscript was originally located

      You are again slipping into a discussion of the sources, not the essence of the text. This is done when they want to blur the topic. The reception is described in some detail in the KATEHISIS (according to the Jewish comrades, the same fake).
      The Zion Protocols fairly accurately describe the plan for seizing power through secret societies. Tell me - do you believe in Freemasonry? Just not in the tales of RenTV. But in real Freemasonry?
      I live in Tolyatti, where the branch operates. Club rotary. It includes many of the famous people, deputies, businessmen (a complete list is easy to find on the Rotary website). Together, they quite successfully resist the actions of Merkushkin, who is Putin's man. The Rotary Club in Tolyatti is subordinate to the office in Moscow, and the latter is headquartered in Chicago. We turn on the logic and think - in whose interests do the Rotarians work?
      This is me, free speculation on the topic "has grown itself."
      P.S. Regarding ways to discredit truthful facts, I recommend reading the catechism.
      1. +2
        31 July 2017 21: 47
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        You are again slipping into a discussion of the sources, not the essence of the text. This is done when they want to blur the topic. The reception is described in some detail in the KATEHISIS (according to the Jewish comrades, the same fake).

        If you had been given references to any, as you say, Jewish comrades, then yes, the meanings are fussing, but other sources of research into all this turbidity have given you.
        Masons .. are they all Jews?
        And then who are the Baptists and Jehovah's, whose headquarters are the same in America?
        Reduce everything to Freemasons .. Jews, Martians somehow, but you don’t see the reality - in our country, from the 90s, there are two ethnic groups that seem to speak the same language, but are completely diametrical in their views on the life and development of the country. what else in 81 wrote the lamp of liberalism in the Russian version of Novodorskaya?
        In February 1991, the newspaper Morning of Russia (Novodvorskaya party) predicted a civil war. Who with whom? Here's who: “Two nations will fight: the new Russians and the old Russians. Those who can get accustomed to the new era and those who are not given it. And although we speak the same language, in fact we are two nations, like the North Americans at one time and Southern states ".https: //
        And all the troubles in the country, from such figures who have increased in number since 90.http: //
        1. 0
          1 August 2017 06: 23
          Quote: badens1111
          Reduce everything to Freemasons .. Jews, Martians

          Have you recorded Novodvorskaya in Russian? wink
          She had her mother’s surname because, as Burshtyn noted, because of the “case of poisoning doctors” and the case of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee "Jewish surnames were unpopular".
          1. +2
            1 August 2017 09: 27
            Quote: Ingvar 72
            Have you recorded Novodvorskaya in Russian?

            You do not engage in chameleonism, for this crazy little natural rosace ran and listened to her nonsense, as well as for all sorts of S. Kovalev, Borovoy and Yavlinsky.
            In fact, there’s nothing to answer for you, this frog-like right, that if the earth was glassy, ​​it happened in the country. Will you deny it?
            1. +1
              1 August 2017 19: 47
              Quote: badens1111
              as with all sorts of S. Kovalevs, Borovs and Yavlinsky.

              Yavlinsky - mother Vera Naumovna. Borovoy - father Natan Efimovich. Kovalev - there is no data about the parents, but I think there was a fifth column there.
              And here is why there were a lot of natural cossacks running after them - to understand Van you need to read the catechism. Well, ideally, read the works of Grigory Klimov.
              Quote: badens1111
              so it happened in the country. Will you deny it?

              Rights, but not 100%. And these were not predictions, but plans to pit one people.
              You become a man - believe more in predictions (almost magic), but refuse to believe in the evil intent of certain groups of people. request
              P.S. Maybe the Jews themselves in the family? wink
  50. The comment was deleted.
  51. +6
    31 July 2017 23: 14
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    A man is accused of many sins, but he only asked

    You are exaggerating... I wrote about something else and there is no need to attribute unnecessary things to me.
    As well as the fact that he didn’t ask me for anything.
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    Please add, I’ll be happy to read it. And it's sincere

    This is to the author of the article or to your client, I’m not going to do their work for them hi
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    In the 80s and 90s, more than half of the Union said so

    Have you personally counted everyone?
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    Private Guard .... building battalion!

    This phrase is about something else, it’s strange that you don’t know it.
    1. +1
      1 August 2017 06: 32
      Quote: Deadush
      I'm not going to do their work for them

      Those. Are you not a writer, but a free critic? laughing But if you say that the article is superficial and incomplete, then logically you are obliged to provide at least a few additions as evidence. It will be fair.
      Quote: Deadush
      Have you personally counted everyone?

      Don't be picky, this is true. That's what most of the people I knew at the time said. In 88 I already worked at a factory. And these were not “damned liberals.”
      1. +6
        1 August 2017 12: 53
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        Don't be picky, it's true

        How so?!... how did you come up with this?... this is not nit-picking and such statements require justification and confirmation. hi
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        Those. You are not a writer, but a free critic

        "We all learned a little. Something and somehow..."
        I made a statement of fact and am not obliged and should not do their work for others.
        And you confuse “soft with warm”... I suspect that this is on purpose.
        1. 0
          1 August 2017 19: 57
          Quote: Deadush
          How so?!... how did you come up with this idea?..

          On the VAZ assembly line in the late 80s, many expressed themselves this way in relation to everything domestic. In the courtyards among peers, the same word often flashed. You were either too young at that time (and don’t remember), or you are disingenuous by stating the opposite.
          Quote: Deadush
          I made a statement of fact and am not obliged and should not do their work for others.

          Statement of fact is something else. You just voiced your vision of the article, and without the slightest argument to support his vision. This is a FACT, and an undeniable one. hi
          P.S. Soft things are often warm! wink It is an axiom.
  52. +2
    31 July 2017 23: 16
    Quote: Sergej1972
    Yes, he eliminated the promo operation. But after all, Khrushchev, in fact, although he did not advertise it, relied on a number of Stalin's ideas expressed in the work “Economic problems of socialism”. In particular, the superiority of state property (nationwide) over collective-farm cooperative.

    Only Stalin intended to extend this process over a long period of time, but Khrushchev did it overnight. Voluntarism. In addition, he turned collective farms into capitalist enterprises, forcing them to buy out MTS equipment. After which, instead of an annual decline in food prices, their constant growth began, because the price of agricultural products had to include the cost of purchased equipment.
  53. +2
    31 July 2017 23: 28
    Quote: Banker
    Are you sure that the revolution will be followed by progress and that progress must necessarily be initiated by the revolution?

    Dialectics teaches that the development of society proceeds evolutionarily in an upward spiral with periodic leaps (revolutions), when a critical mass of insoluble contradictions accumulates. So this is a natural process.
  54. +2
    1 August 2017 10: 27
    Quote: Mikado
    And “Afonya” is a vivid example of this. Everything is there, everything, and... it's thumping!

    What are you, however, you didn’t even watch the movie to the end. Afonya got better by the end of the film!!!
    1. +4
      1 August 2017 10: 59
      What are you, however, you didn’t even watch the movie to the end.

      “not far” from you, Alexander, I swallowed, “what kind” too wink . Rather, he did not reform, but was at a crossroads, deeply repentant. hi
  55. +2
    1 August 2017 23: 36
    Quote: Mikado
    In any case, it was not by chance that I inserted a fragment from “Athos” into one of the recent articles. Exhibition film.

    I can’t say what the film’s score is, but it’s not entirely incorrect to make generalizations about it. For example, in my entire working life I met only two people who were incorrigible drunkards, one in the 70s, the second in the 2000s, and whom I was unable to rehabilitate.
    1. +2
      2 August 2017 10: 24
      and whom I failed to re-educate

      Did you re-educate your bare ass with a belt? wink
      who were incorrigible drunkards

      This means that either you specifically met only two people, or the marked Mishka just passed the “prohibition law” for no reason.
  56. 0
    2 August 2017 12: 56
    Quote: Mikado
    Did you re-educate your bare ass with a belt?

    The team was nurtured by the atmosphere that we ourselves created in it. Read Makarenko and Sukhomlinsky.
    1. 0
      2 August 2017 16: 05
      Quote: Alexander Green
      Read Makarenko and Sukhomlinsky.

      Sukhomlinsky has too much communist ideology. Even too much. Although this can be explained by the trends of that time.
      1. +3
        2 August 2017 16: 09
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        Sukhomlinsky has too much communist ideology

        Are you close to the Social Darwinist model?
        Or downright cannibalistic liberal in its extreme phase of fascism, Nazism?
        You will decide which gods you pray to...
        1. 0
          2 August 2017 18: 58
          Quote: badens1111
          Are you close to the Social Darwinist model?

          Do you only have extremes?
          Quote: badens1111
          You already decide which gods you pray to..

          I decided a long time ago - Russian.
          P.S. Are you raising your children letter by letter according to Sukhomlinsky? In terms of ideology?
      2. 0
        4 August 2017 18: 33
        In my opinion, just Makarenko. Sukhomlinsky's pedagogy is more humanistic in nature. Although in Western countries and Japan the ideas of both Makarenko and Sukhomlinsky were quite successfully used, taking into account their specifics.
  57. 0
    2 August 2017 21: 07
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    Sukhomlinsky has too much communist ideology. Even too much. Although this can be explained by the trends of that time.

    But his method is very effective, it re-educates even anti-advisers, the error is less than 0,01%.
    1. +1
      3 August 2017 08: 36
      Quote: Alexander Green
      But his method is very effective

      I agree, but the percentage of error is higher, judging by 1991. Either the system itself (communist) is vicious and doomed to decay. wink
      Sash, I like a lot of things from Sukhomlinsky, but in the realities of our time this is too muchR. It should be republished, removing all (communist) ideology. It would make a great teaching aid. hi
      1. 0
        3 August 2017 12: 19
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        I agree, but the percentage of error is higher, judging by 1991.

        While Sukhomlinsky was alive (he died in 1970) and his system was widely used, the teachers-educators were real, they believed in the reality, feasibility and achievability of the communist ideal. And count how many dissidents there were in the USSR at that time - “zero point, zero tenth.” After Sukhomlinsky’s death, his system was successfully buried, then teachers like Shpakovsky appeared, and anti-Soviet activists spread like cockroaches. Sukhomlinsky’s system is based on communist (collectivist) ideology; if you remove the collective, the system will not work.
        1. 0
          5 August 2017 00: 46
          Don’t you confuse Sukhomlinsky’s ideas with Makarenko’s ideas?
  58. 0
    4 August 2017 21: 19
    Quote: Alexander Green
    Therefore, classes will disappear only under communism, when the differences between city and country, between mental and physical labor, disappear.

    Between man and woman!
  59. 0
    5 August 2017 00: 12
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: Alexander Green
    Therefore, classes will disappear only under communism, when the differences between city and country, between mental and physical labor, disappear.

    Between man and woman!

    When will you learn to think? Again, out of place. In Europe this has already been overcome, but no one believes that there is communism there.
  60. 0
    5 August 2017 07: 10
    Quote: Alexander Green
    but no one thinks that there is communism there

    What does “ism” have to do with it? Nobody needs "ism"! We need a pension of 64 thousand rubles. per month, like in the USA (firefighters in Los Angeles have 100 thousand), clean water from the tap, like in Norway, and much more that is there, but for some reason we don’t have it. And it should be. Who knows, we deserve it.
  61. 0
    5 August 2017 07: 17
    Quote: Alexander Green
    teachers like Shpakovsky

    Do you want to say that in 1977 and later it was possible to say something to schoolchildren and students that went against the instructions of the party and government? Not to follow the instructions of Plenums and congresses, to ridicule them, to expose the policies of the CPSU in an unsightly light? Ha ha! Yes, anyone who would decide to do this would not even work a day at a university. In each group of students there was an informer, who was periodically invited to the 1st department for a conversation. Teachers had full texts of lectures, which were discussed and checked. The control was tighter than that of Caesar's wife! Think with your head before you write. However, what about me? You are from Ukraine...
  62. +1
    6 August 2017 01: 00
    Quote: kalibr
    Teachers had full texts of lectures, which were discussed and checked. The control was tighter than that of Caesar's wife! Think with your head before you write. However, what about me? You are from Ukraine...

    People like you acted more subtly, understood that you could pay for open propaganda, so you widely used black humor and the humor of the absurd, but your main weapon was scolding to turn young people away from studying political science. Instead of actually studying the works of the classics, students were forced to look for quotations on some topic in them.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  63. 0
    6 September 2017 21: 33
    Thank you for the biography of an interesting person who did a lot for the country. And he fell in the political struggle, at least without stealing, like modern oligarchs, public property. And it’s not clear what is written about, no objective analysis, nothing new. Blah, blah, blah... probably the author is not aware that there are German and English spies, and, oh horror, even Japanese and Chinese. And probably in the world of Western elves, where highbrow intellectuals affectionately control the masses, there are only Russian hackers.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  64. 0
    5 February 2018 12: 32
    The article is absolutely poor, it does not give complete information about the hero of the article, just stupid hints, given its title. But I want to talk about something else. About the maxims of the vaunted Orwell.
    =. But the lower ones have a completely idealistic goal: to abolish all social differences and create a society where all people would be equal and therefore happy.=
    And this wretched idea has been being sold to us for about 30 years. And... "people eat." Why does the author of the article quote George? To convincingly show what happens when a representative of the “lower” joins the ranks of the “higher”. Regarding Yagoda, that’s not the point. In this context, the article is clearly anti-Soviet. And hence - poor. The author of the article is illiterate, he does not know the basics of Soviet ideology. When we say equality, what does it mean? In fact, this is an empty phrase. Just like the word - freedom. But if we say freedom of choice, then here the word freedom takes on a very specific meaning. Therefore, the Bolsheviks specified the word equality. They made education free, i.e. equalized educational opportunities for all three Orwellian strata of society. Is this not equality in a specific area? And then the essence of people’s inequality becomes apparent - either you go to university or you don’t.
    The main thing is that you had the opportunity. Take healthcare. I won't continue. Everyone will understand everything anyway. And whoever doesn’t understand, you can’t explain or prove anything. The article is a big minus. She did not reveal the anti-Soviet essence of the hero’s character and the anti-Soviet essence of his actions in its entirety.
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