How Europe went to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

How Europe went to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

The article will address the well-known moments. stories - nothing new will appear in the article.

Molotov-Ribbentrop Treaty. How much was said about him. How many “dogs were not hung” on the USSR and on its successor to Russia. As Christ said: "... whoever without sin, let him cast a stone ...". Consider how events developed in Europe after World War 1: briefly consider the initial period and in more detail the events of 1938-1939.

At the end of the First World War, the Versailles Treaty was concluded, according to which the sum of reparations for Germany and its allies was determined. For Germany, this amount amounted to 269 billion gold marks (equivalent to approximately 100 thousand tons of gold). Reparation Commission reduced the amount to 132 billion, which then corresponded to 22 billion pounds.

To limit the economic possibilities of competitors, the United States used the question of the military debts of European allies who received loans for 10,6bn. dollars, most of which fell on England, France and Italy.

In the year 1923 England, and in the year 1926 - France were forced to sign an agreement with the United States to pay debts.
At the same time, Italy, with a debt of 2,015 billion, had to pay about 20% of the amount at the rate of 0,4% per annum. Why? Probably because in 1922, Italy was led by Prime Minister Mussolini - the leader of the national fascist party and the highest elite of the United States needed a new war in Europe ...

In 1924, Germany was granted financial assistance from the United States and Britain in the form of loans for the payment of reparations to France.

In 1930, a new reparations payment plan was adopted, which was called the Young Plan. Jung's plan provided for a reduction in the total amount of reparations from 132 to 113, 9 billion marks, the payment period was provided for in 59 years, the annual payments decreased. The “Great Depression” and the possibility of a communist revolution in Germany led to a change in views on German reparations.
For the final resolution of the issue of reparations, a conference was convened in Lausanne, which ended with 9.07.32 signing an agreement on Germany buying out for 3 billion gold marks of its reparation obligations with redemption bonds in 15 years. The Treaty of Lausanne was signed by Germany, France, England, Belgium, Italy, Japan, Poland and the British dominions. This agreement was not enforced, since after Hitler came to power in Germany on January 30 of Hitler, the payment of reparation payments was discontinued.

After World War 2, Germany once again began making payments on the above reparation payments. 4.10.2010 d. The German Federal Bank made the last payment.

On 28 February 1933, Germany’s external debt was 23,3 billion marks (5,55 billion dollars). During 1934, this debt was written off at 97%, which saved Germany 1,043 billion marks. The US banks, to which Germany owed 1,788 billion dollars, agreed to concessions, since they received 13 billion dollars only for the placement of bonds according to the plans of Dawes and Jung. US pushed Germany to develop.

German military spending in 1932 year amounted to 0,254 billion dollars (taking into account the devaluation of the dollar, this amount is 0,426 billion dollars). In 1936 and 1939, this amount was 3,6 and 4,5 billion dollars. From the above numbers it is clear that the United States contributed to the development of the military economy and the armed forces of Hitler's Germany.

With 1933-34 in the foreign policy of England and the USA, the idea of ​​"appeasing" Germany at the expense of Eastern Europe and the USSR comes to the fore.

At dawn 7 March 1936, the 19 infantry battalions of the German army and several military aircraft were transferred to the Rhineland. Hitler later said: “The 48 hours after the march to the Rhineland were the most exhausting in my life. If the French entered the Rhineland, we would have to retire with pursed tails. The military resources at our disposal were inadequate even to provide moderate resistance. ” In separate sources of information it is mentioned that the German troops, when entering the Rhineland, were even without cartridges.

Separate negotiations between the United States and Britain with Germany in November 1937 showed the German leadership that neither Britain, nor the United States, nor France would intervene if Austria, Sudeten and Danzig joined, if these changes did not lead to war in Europe.

Austria’s attempts to find support in England and France were in vain.. 12-13 March, March 1938, Austria was annexed by Germany.

11-19 March 1938 of the year Poland began to put pressure on Lithuania in order to achieve from her the establishment of diplomatic relations and the recognition of the Vilna region by Polish territory. These Ultimate RequirementsI supported Germany, interested in the return of German Memel (Klaipeda). The intervention of the USSR and the refusal of France to support the actions of Poland limited the Polish demands only to the establishment of diplomatic relations. The USSR at that time helped Lithuania to preserve its integrity. We see that at that time Poland was ready for the same aggressive actions as Germany.

It is interesting: if Poland would take away the territory from Lithuania, would they now have the same warm relationship?

The aggravation of the situation in Czechoslovakia in April-May, 1938, also demonstrated the reluctance of England and France to interfere in the affairs of Eastern Europe. The proposals of the USSR to hold military talks with France and Czechoslovakia from 27.04.38 and 13.05.38 were not accepted, since it would be “unfortunate if Czechoslovakia escaped thanks to Soviet assistance.” In May, 1938, England and France stepped up pressure on Czechoslovakia in favor of transferring border areas of Germany. The British were afraid that the intransigence of Czechoslovakia could lead to a US-German rapprochement or the collapse of the Nazi regime.

The United States, through its ambassador in London, 20.07.38 hinted to Berlin that, in the case of cooperation with the United States, Washington would support the German demands on England or would do everything to satisfy the German demands on Czechoslovakia.

29-30 September 1938, England and France transferred the Sudetenland to Germany in exchange for declarations of non-aggression. As a result of this agreement, the French military alliance system fell apart. France could be left alone in a fight with Germany.

October 24 1938 Germany proposed to Poland to resolve the problems of Danzig and the “Polish corridor” through cooperation within the Anti-Comintern Pact. However, Poland continued the policy of balancing between Germany and the USSR.

21-22 October, Poland began to probe for the normalization of Soviet-Polish relations. 27 November was signed a communique on the normalization of relations. The Polish leadership was afraid of losing independence in rapprochement with Germany.

In October, 1938 - in March, 1939 held secret Anglo-German negotiations. 15-16 March signed a cartel agreement by industry representatives from both sides.

Since October 1938, France has also tried to improve relations with Germany.

Since the fall of 1938, Germany has begun to build economic relations with the USSR. 19.12.38 was extended to 1939 the year of the Soviet-German trade treaty.

5-6 January 1939 was the visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland to Germany. Beck showed flexibility and Germany’s territorial claims were not accepted. Accept Poland offers Germany and she was among the allies of Germany in the war with the USSR. I really wanted to be among the allies, but for some it was very unprofitable ... Maybe England and the USA?

12 January Hungary announced its readiness to join the Anti-Comintern Pact.

February 19 was signed by the Soviet-Polish trade treaty.

From the end of February, Poland begins to develop a plan ("Zahud") of the war with Germany.

In mid-March, England, France and the United States have information about Germany’s preparations for the occupation of Czecho-Slovakia, but the guarantors of the Munich Agreement did not provide for any countermeasures.
As in the case of Ukraine in 2014, the "guarantors" do not guarantee anything. Real Dzheltemeny - I want to give the floor, I want - I will take.

14.03 - Slovakia declared independence.

15.03 - German troops entered the Czech Republic.

21.03 - England has put forward a proposal to sign the Anglo-Franco-Soviet-Polish declaration of consultation in the event of aggression. On the same day, Germany again offered Poland to resolve the issue of the transfer of Danzig and the “Polish corridor” in exchange for joining the Anti-Comintern Pact with the prospect of anti-Soviet actions.
Poland continued to "tack" between Berlin and Moscow.
Paris and London tried to unite Poland and Romania in a single alliance - Poland was not going to worsen relations with Berlin, so she refused.

21-23 in March Germany, under the threat of the use of force, forced Lithuania to hand over the Memel region to it.

Special Post # 143452ss 22.03.1939
“... The Germans are negotiating with the Poles about the seizure of Lithuania and part of Latvia (with Libau) in compensation for the Polish corridor. The following demand was made to the Lithuanian Foreign Minister Ribbentrop in Berlin: “The issue of Klaipeda requires urgent resolution. Before 25.3.39, Lithuania must surrender Klaipeda without resistance; otherwise we will not stop within the borders of Klaipeda. ” The response must be reported no later than 21.3., And 22.3. A commission must be sent to Berlin to sign the conditions.
The 17-00 21.3. the Lithuanian cabinet decided to yield to power, surrender Klaipeda without a fight and send a commission to Berlin ... "

Special Post # 143463ss 23.03.1939
“... The reaction of England is estimated by Berlin as weaker than expected, and therefore Germany decided to expand its activities in Eastern Europe by joining Klaipeda and striking Romania ...
Due to the ease of success in Czechoslovakia and Lithuania, the sequence of actions changes and instead of pressing on the West, it was decided to eliminate the resistance of the Poles ... According to information emanating from the same Lithuanian circles, Slovakia will not be turned into a protectorate, but will remain formally independent, but actually subordinate to Germany country. This is intended to ensure that other countries - Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and even Poland - could also ask Germany for similar protection. Poland in the event of a possible agreement between the USSR, France and Britain should remain on the side of Germany, for which she is promised some territorial cuts ... "

March 23 signed a German-Romanian economic agreement.
Poland is launching a mobilization deployment of 4 divisions and 1 cavalry brigades.

1 April Berlin threatened England to terminate the Anglo-German naval agreement 1935 of the year, if London did not stop surrounding Germany.

Special Post #143539ss 1.04.39 “... The Polish army on 1.4.39 was brought to 1 100 000 people. This strength of the army ensures that peacetime units are brought to wartime states ... "

On April 3, the Chief of Staff of the OKV, Keitel, informed the commanders-in-chief of the ground forces, the air force and the navy that the draft Directive on the unified training of the armed forces for the war on 1939-1940 was prepared and the draft plan of the war with Poland (Weiss). By 1 May, you must submit your thoughts on the use of troops against Poland. Completely complete preparations for the 1.09.39 war.

7-12 April Italy occupied Albania.

12 April England and France gave security guarantees to Turkey to prevent its rapprochement with Germany.

13 April England and France gave security guarantees to Greece and Romania.

14 April 1939 The British government offered the Soviet government to make a public statement that "in the event of an act of aggression against any European neighbor of the Soviet Union that would resist (aggression), it will be possible to rely on the assistance of the Soviet government if would be desirable, what help would be provided in a way that would be found most convenient. "
This proposal did not provide for any obligations of Britain and France in the event of a direct German attack on the USSR, although in relation to each other both Western powers were already bound by obligations of mutual assistance. According to the English draft, the Soviet Union was to assist (i.e., fight) against the aggressor in the event of an attack on any of the USSR’s European neighbors, provided that Soviet assistance "would be desirable." The USSR’s European neighbors were Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Romania. The last two states had guarantees from Britain and France, and, therefore, by rendering assistance to them, the Soviet country could count on fighting against the aggressor in alliance with two other great powers. However, in the event of a fascist attack on Finland, Estonia or Latvia, the British proposal did not give the Soviet Union any reason to count on their support. Meanwhile, for the USSR, the German attack on the Baltic countries, because of their geographical location, was no less dangerous than its attack on Poland and Romania. By tying the Soviet Union with an obligation to help the Baltic states, the British proposal left England and France “free hands”.

On April 15, the US president suggested that Germany and Italy promise not to attack the 31 country mentioned in his message in exchange for support on the issue of equal rights in international trade.

The Ramsay Agent Report 17.04.39 “... For the next year or two, German policy will be exclusively focused on French and British issues, taking into account all issues related to the USSR. The main goal of Germany is to achieve such political and military power that England would be forced without war to recognize Germany’s demands for hegemony in Central Europe and its colonial claims. Only on this basis will Germany be ready to conclude a long peace with England, renouncing even Italy, and start a war with the USSR. In the near future, according to the secretary, the most dangerous development of events in Europe is expected, since Germany and Italy must rush to take over England, for they know that in two years it will be too late due to the fact that England has large reserves. ”

28 April Germany terminated the Anglo-German Maritime Agreement 1935 of the year and the non-aggression pact with Poland 1934 of the year.

30 April Germany unofficially informed England and France that if they did not convince Poland to compromise, then Berlin would begin to improve relations with the USSR.

9-10 May 1939, in response to the Soviet proposals, Poland said it would not agree to an alliance with Moscow.

May 14-19 - French-Polish negotiations on military convection are taking place. France promised support for Poland in the attack of Germany.

20.05 - Germany proposed the USSR to resume economic negotiations.
The Soviet side hinted at the need to bring the relationship of "political base".
Berlin from London received information about difficulties in the Anglo-French-Soviet negotiations.
France probes Germany’s position on improving relations.

21.05 - Germany decided not to rush things in Moscow.

22.05 - signed "Steel Pact" between Germany and Italy.

24.05 - England decided to maintain negotiations in Moscow for a while.

23-30 in May - Anglo-Polish negotiations - London promised to provide 1300 combat aircraft and undertake aerial bombardment of Germany in the event of aggression against Poland.

27.05 - Moscow has received new English-French proposals: an agreement on mutual assistance for 5 years and so on.

30.05 - after learning about the proposals of the USSR from England and France, Germany clarifies in Moscow what the phrase about the “political base” is.

31.05 - at a session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR V.Molotov criticized the position of Britain and France at the negotiations, which did not want to give guarantees to the Baltic countries [about aggression against these countries].

2.06 - Soviet-German economic contacts resumed.
The USSR presented Britain and France with a new draft treaty.
Estonia and Latvia were against guarantees from Britain, France and the USSR.

07.06. - Latvia and Estonia have concluded non-aggression treaties with Germany.

06-07. June - England and France spoke in favor of an agreement with the USSR.

08.06. - Germany has achieved from the USSR an agreement on the resumption of economic negotiations.

12.06. - Moscow has notified London that the Baltic countries will not agree to sign the contract without guarantees.

13.06 - England probes Germany’s position on the curtailment of the arms race, the economic agreement and the colonies.

15.06 - Berlin hinted London that British guarantees to Poland provoke Germany to use force and need to withdraw them.
The final version of the Weiss plan has been prepared.

16.06 - The USSR again demanded from England and France reciprocity and guarantees to the Baltic countries or the conclusion of a simple tripartite contract without guarantees to third countries.

17.06 - the economic contacts of Germany and the USSR did not succeed (Germany considered the proposals of the Soviet side too high).

21.06 - followed by a new British-French proposal of the USSR.

22.06 - USSR again offered to conclude a simple tripartite agreement.

27.06 - England again probed the position of Germany on the subject of negotiations. The economic contacts between Germany and the USSR did not succeed (Germany again considered the proposals of the Soviet side too high).

28.06 - Germany declared the need to normalize Soviet-German relations.

In June, during the regular Anglo-French negotiations, it was decided that the Allies would not help Poland. They will try to keep Italy from entering the war and will not take strikes against Germany.
During the Anglo-Polish negotiations, it turned out that England would not supply the latest military equipment, and the requested credit was cut for military needs from 50 to 8 million pounds sterling.
An interesting position: for some reason, the British needed tension in relations between Poland and Germany. At the same time, the Polish armed forces did not increase. Can you believe such allies?
Germany still has not received a firm answer: what will Britain and France do in the case of the German-Polish war.

01.07 - Britain and France agreed with the USSR proposals on guarantees to the Baltic countries.
Moscow hinted to Berlin that “nothing prevents Germany from proving the seriousness of its desire to improve relations”.

03.07 - the USSR refused to guarantee the Netherlands, Luxenburg and Switzerland, putting the condition of guarantees the conclusion of bilateral agreements with Poland and Turkey [about non-aggression].

07.07 - Germany decided to resume economic contacts under Soviet conditions.

08.07 - England and France noted that the treaty as a whole was agreed, but discussions began on “indirect aggression”.
Germany agreed to a secret meeting with the British.

10.07 - England decided to reach a compromise with the USSR on the basis of mutual concessions, but “provided freedom of hands so that it could be stated that we are not obliged to enter the war, because we do not agree with its interpretation of the facts". It turned out that Moscow is not making concessions.

17-19.07 - English General W. Ironside visited Poland. I was convinced that she would not be able to resist the German offensive for a long time and did nothing to strengthen Poland’s defenses.

18.07 - economic contacts between Germany and the USSR continued in Berlin. The USSR made some concessions.

19.07 - the English leadership has decided not to recognize the Soviet formulation of "indirect aggression", but to go on further negotiations to impede Soviet-German contacts.

22.07 - Germany decided to resume the political probe of the USSR position.

23.07 - Britain and France agreed to the military negotiations proposed by Moscow, which 25.07 notified her about.

24.07 - Germany once again probed the USSR, offering to take into account Soviet interests in Romania and in the Baltic States in exchange for the refusal of an agreement with England.

22-25.07 - an agreement was reached on an informal meeting of representatives of Germany and England in Schleswig.
We learned about these contacts in France and 24.07 passed information to the press.

26.07 - Germany offered the USSR to harmonize common interests in Eastern Europe.

27.07 - Britain and France discussed a preparatory period with the USSR for further military negotiations.

29.07 - England again offered Germany an informal meeting..
The USSR spoke in favor of improving relations with Germany.

02.08 - in negotiations with Britain and France, the USSR reaffirmed its position on "indirect aggression."

03.08 - Germany once again offered to improve relations with the USSR on the basis of mutual interests in Europe.
England once again invited Germany to conclude a non-aggression pact, non-intervention agreement and economic agreements.

04.08 - USSR agreed to continue the exchange of views with Germany.

Recording a conversation 7 August 1939
“... The decision has now been made. This year we will have a war with Poland ... After Woltat’s visit to London, Hitler is convinced that in the event of a conflict, England will remain neutral. Negotiations between the Western powers and Moscow are unfavorable for us [Germany]. But this, for Hitler, is another argument in favor of speeding up the action against Poland. Hitler tells himself that at present Britain, France and the Soviet Union have not yet united; it will take a long time to reach agreement between the general staffs on the Moscow talks; therefore, Germany must first strike first. The deployment of German troops against Poland and the concentration of necessary funds will be completed between 15 and 20 August. Starting from 25 in August, the beginning of the military action against Poland should be considered. ”

07.08 - the representative of England Strang left Moscow, which meant the end of political negotiations.
During the secret meeting of British businessmen with Goering London, an offer was made to agree on the basis of recognition of German interests in the East.

8-10.08 - The USSR received information that Germany’s interests extend to Lithuania and Western Poland, Romania, without Bessarabia. But the USSR must withdraw from the treaty with Britain and France.

11.08 - the Soviet leadership agreed to negotiate with Germany on these issues.
On the same day, the military missions of England and France arrived. 14.08 in talks with these missions raised the question of the passage of the Red Army through Poland and Romania in the event of a war with Germany.
Continued the sounding of relations with Germany by England, France and Poland.

12.08 Hitler gave the order to start concentrating the Wehrmacht against Poland (appointed "Day X" on 26.08).

Post Black 12.08.1939
“According to verified data, Germany is conducting military preparations, which must be completed by August 15. The call of reservists and the formation of reserve units are carried out on a large scale and in disguise.
15 August is expected to issue the order "Spannung" throughout Germany. These are very serious mobilization measures. A strike against Poland is being prepared by the 1 Army - 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 17 and 18 army corps and east-oriented armored divisions. In the west, only defensive measures are held. German military circles expect that Poland will once again be offered a peaceful resolution of the issue. In any case, it was decided to end this issue this year. ”

13.08 - Germany asked the USSR to speed up negotiations.

13-18.08 in Poland announced the mobilization of 9 divisions.

Post Black 13.08.1939
“... Until now, they consider that one should not expect active intervention by Britain and France and that the conflict will have a local character. A large number of troops will be immediately thrown against Poland - up to the 50 divisions. The states of the divisions intended to speak out against Poland will soon be brought to a state of war. ”

14.08 - New Unofficial England's proposal to Germany provided for the division of spheres of interest (Germany - Eastern Europe, England - her empire).

15.08 - Germany handed over broad proposals to the USSR and raised the question of Ribbentrop's arrival in Moscow. The USSR proposed to consider the issues of guarantees to the Baltic countries.

16.08 - English ministry aviation unofficially notified Germany that the option is possible when England declares war, but there will be no military action if Germany quickly defeats Poland.

17.08 - negotiations with the military missions of England and France were interrupted due to the lack of authority to resolve these issues.
Germany accepted all the proposals of the USSR and asked to speed up the negotiations.

17-19.08 England and France clarified Poland’s position on the passage of Soviet troops. Poland categorically rejects cooperation with the USSR.

19.08 - Germany announced its agreement to consider everything that the USSR wishes.

21.08 - the British-French-Soviet negotiations are stalled.

Agent communication "Arbin" 22.08.1939 "The order came, according to which all embassy employees (including" Aryan "), with the exception of five officials, must leave Poland in the next 2 — 3 of the day.
In the event of a war, "KHTs" temporarily among the five officials will remain in Warsaw. He was transferred to the main building of the embassy. "Alta", "ABC" and "LCL" 21 August left for Berlin. "

23.08 - Ribbentrop arrived in Moscow and on the night of 24.08 a Soviet-German non-aggression pact and a secret additional protocol was signed. Hitler orders an attack on Poland 26.08 in 4-30.
France decides that it will support Poland, but the Supreme Council of Defense has decided that no military action will be taken against Germany.
In Poland, began a hidden mobilization of the main forces.

24.08 - in England, waiting for the arrival of Goering for negotiations.

25.08 - USSR declared that further Anglo-French negotiations lose meaning. England signed a mutual assistance agreement with Poland, but no military agreement was concluded.
In Germany, they learned about the Anglo-Polish treaty and the attack on Poland was canceled.
If, in a few days, Britain and France would declare the beginning of a full-scale war with Germany in the event of aggression against Poland, then the September 1 World War could have taken a different path unknown to us. Probably, it was not beneficial to these countries, the United States and the world elite?

26.08 - the military missions of England and France left Moscow.
Britain and France recommended Poland to order the troops to refrain from an armed response to German provocations.
In England, called 35000 reservists.
From London to Berlin received information that England will not interfere in the military conflict of Germany and Poland.

28.08 - Hitler appoints a new term for the war with Poland - 01.09.1940

29.08 - Germany has agreed to England for direct negotiations with Poland on the terms of the transfer of Danzig, a plebiscite in the "Polish corridor" and guarantees of new borders of Poland by Germany, Italy, England, France and the USSR.
Germany notified Moscow of the negotiations with England over Poland.
Poland was preparing to start an open mobilization. England and France have insisted to move the mobilization to 31.08, so as not to provoke Germany.

30.08 - England reaffirmed its agreement to influence Poland on the condition that there would be no war. However, London did not inform the Polish authorities about the German proposals. Dragged time?

31.08 - London notified Berlin of the approval of the direct German-Polish negotiations, which were to begin some time later.
Hitler signs a directive on the September 9 attack on Poland on 1-4.
On the same day, the German proposals were transferred to Poland from London.
In 12-00, Warsaw declared to London that it was ready for negotiations with Berlin, provided that Germany and Poland guaranteed non-use of force, “preserved” the situation in Danzig, and also that England would support Poland in the negotiations. Poland was sure that Germany would not start a war (who convinced them of this?).
In 18-00, Ribbentrop, in an interview with the Polish ambassador, noted the absence of an extraordinary ombudsman from Warsaw and refused to continue negotiations.
In 21-15 - 21-45, Germany officially presented its proposals to Poland to the ambassadors of England, France and the United States and stated that Warsaw had refused to negotiate.
Italy notified England, France that it would not fight.

As of summer 1939, Germany had 52,5 divisions (it is assumed that one division is equal to two brigades), 30679 guns and mortars, 3419 tanks and 3959 aircraft. The Anglo-Franco-Polish forces for the same period amounted to (in parentheses are data on the Polish armed forces): 103,5 (36) divisions, over 44546 (near 5000) guns and mortars, 4720 (887) tanks and 9896 (824) aircraft. What was the fear of Poland with such strong and convincing allies? Only the allies themselves ...

In 4-30 1.09.1939 Germany invaded Poland - World War II began (and let England and France enter the war a little later - the war began and it was already unstoppable, because it was contrary to the interests of the international elite ...).
16 hours after the outbreak of hostilities, Ambassador England told Ribbentrop: “If the German government does not give His Majesty’s Government. satisfactory assurances that it will stop all aggressive actions against Poland and is not ready to immediately withdraw its troops from Polish territory, then the EV government in the United Kingdom will not hesitate to fulfill its obligations towards Poland. ”

Half an hour later, a note of the same content was presented to Ribbentrop by the French ambassador. Having demanded the suspension of hostilities and the withdrawal of German troops from Poland, the British and French Foreign Ministries rushed to assure that these notes are preventive in nature and are not ultimatums.

On the morning of September 1, the English king signed a decree on mobilizing the army, fleet and aviation.
On the same day, a decree on general mobilization in France was signed.
In Berlin, they regarded these events as a bluff: Hitler was convinced that even if the British Empire and France declared war on Germany, they would not start serious military actions.
Chamberlain and Daladier appealed to Mussolini for mediation, hoping for an agreement with the aggressor at a conference with the participation of Britain, France, Germany and Italy. Germany rejected collusion.

The internal situation in England and France has changed dramatically since the fall of 1938. Chamberlain and Daladier, for all their short-sightedness, could not but understand that an open refusal to fulfill their obligations towards Poland and a new shameful capitulation to Hitler would arouse the indignation of the peoples, which could sweep away the governments of Britain and France.

On September 2, the British government instructed its ambassador in Berlin to ultimately demand from Germany the cessation of hostilities in Poland and the withdrawal of German troops. Following these instructions, the ambassador handed 3 September an ultimatum to Germany. The French ultimatum was presented to Germany on the same day. In response, Ribbentrop stated: "Germany rejects the ultimatums of England and France ...". Ambassadors announced that England was at war with Germany from 11 3 September clocks, and France from 17 hours.

Speaking at the September 3 Commons, Chamberlain said that England was at war with Germany. “Today,” he lamented, “is a sad day for all of us, and especially for me. Everything that I worked for, everything that I had hoped for, everything that I believed in throughout my political life, turned into ruins. ” All his plans to provoke a German attack on the USSR failed.
Churchill at the time accused Hitler of “betraying an anti-communist, anti-Bolshevik affair”.

After the declaration of war by the metropolis, the British dominions entered the war with Germany: September 3 - Australia, New Zealand; September 6 - Union of South Africa; September 10 - Canada, as well as India.
Germany found itself at war with a coalition of countries of the British Empire, France and Poland. However, in fact, military actions took place only on the territory of Poland.

Hitler was not mistaken, saying to his confidants about the policies of Britain and France: "Although they declared war on us ... this does not mean that they will fight in reality." Directive No. 2 OKV from 3 September proceeded from the idea of ​​continuing large-scale operations in Poland and passive waiting in the West.

On September 7, the Polish military attache in France, in his report to Warsaw, stated: “There is no war in the West. Neither the French nor the Germans are shooting at each other ... There are no aviation actions ... The French are not conducting further mobilization ... and are awaiting the results of the battle in Poland. " In that period on the border with Germany were 78 French divisions against 44 German.

Polish military mission arrived in London on September 3, and only 9 took it in September. The Polish mission announced that the 10 numbers to Romania would arrive on a steamer carrying 44 aircraft for Poland - this was false information. The British refused the sending of airplanes directly to Polish airfields.

September 15 the British said that all the help to Poland could amount to 10 thousand machine guns and 15-20 million cartridges, which can only be delivered through 5-6 months. The British knew that Poland was left to exist no more than two weeks. It is strange that the Poles forgave England for such behavior - or they simply didn’t ask the simple people what to do ... "Thrown" the Poles are shaved. Also, they would have thrown and the USSR, enter into a contract with Moscow.

September 8 began fighting for Warsaw.

On September 9, units of the 9 French divisions of the 4 and 5-1 armies on the 25 km front began advancing into the subfield of the Siegfried line east of Saarbrücken, without encountering resistance from the German forces. German troops were ordered to evade battle and retreat to the line of fortifications. The French troops went deep in three days to a depth of 7-8 km and 12.09.39 got to stop the offensive due to the rapid development of events in Poland. 3-4 in October, the French troops left the territory of Germany, and by October 16, the German troops again approached the border of France.

September 15 German troops took Brest, and 16.09 - Bialystok, approached Lviv and Vladimir-Volyn.
Practically Poland was defeated, and its allies were not going to provide assistance. The refusal of the USSR to occupy part of Poland would have led to its seizure by Germany. In this situation, the USSR could somewhat protect itself from aggression from Germany, only pushing the border to the West. The Polish campaign of the Red Army took place on September 17-29.

The events with Austria, Czechoslovakia show that Britain and France by all means tried to avoid a full-scale war with Germany, “exposing” any Eastern European country to the blow. They dreamed that Germany would fight with the USSR, leaving France and England aside. That is why these countries themselves in every way tried to conclude a non-aggression treaty with Germany.

If you look at the calendar of events 1939 year, it is clear that intelligence of all countries had enough complete information about the actions of rivals. Similar actions of different countries are repeated through the 1-2 of the day.
All parties tried to solve their interests. England - to stay away from the oncoming war, abandoning France and Poland. After the defeat of Poland, Germany had a common border with the USSR (it was possible to set off these countries after each other). Poland was confident of support from France and England. The USSR did not want to be left alone against Germany and England, to which France and Poland could join. Poland dreamed of becoming an equal ally of Germany - to create a country from “sea to sea” - only Germany was not going to offer it to her. The United States, enriched in the Great War, also decided its interests.
The world was every man for himself and dreamed of "rising" at the expense of other countries.

The events of the time reviewed resemble those of the present. As Cherchel said: "Hitler betrayed an anti-communist, anti-Bolshevik affair." It turned out that for the sake of the “great” goal it was possible to “surrender” its allies and the “great” goal is higher than the state interests of individual countries. Now communists and Bolsheviks are not in power in Russia (they are not the same as they used to be ...), but the “great” goal — the anti-Russian — unites Europe ... The author would assume that even at that time and in the present Europe the world elite was ruling - puppeteers .

PS In Europe, there was a war between France and the British Empire against Germany, which these countries “nurtured” and strengthened. It is very interesting that the pages from the beginning of January and through October 9 of the year were missing from the diaries of Gebelss. And then the English intelligence agents "fooled off" by hiding the true role of England in unleashing 1939 World War ...

October 31 1939 of England’s Minister of Supply wrote to the Foreign Secretary: “If you destroy the Russian oil fields, not only Russia will lose its oil, but any Russian ally who hopes to get it from this country”

19 January 1940, the French Prime Minister Daladier ordered the commander-in-chief of the land and naval forces of France to present ideas on the fight against the supply of oil from the USSR to Germany.

8.03.40 of the Year, the UK Chiefs of Staff prepared a memorandum. The document provided for three main areas of operations against the USSR: the northern (in the areas of Petsamo, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk), the Far Eastern and the southern. The report emphasized that “the most vulnerable targets in the Caucasus are the oil industrial areas in Baku, Grozny and Batumi,” and noted that it would also be useful to attract naval forces to launch air strikes: “aircraft carrier raids in the Black Sea to bombard oil refineries, oil storage facilities or port facilities in Batumi and Tuapse will be a useful addition to the main air raids on the Caucasus region and may lead to the temporary destruction of the Russian defense. " For the bombing of Baku to the Middle East, the British sent several squadrons of the newest blenders "Blainhem" Mk. Iv.

30 March 1940, the reconnaissance aircraft. Lockheed-12A made several laps over Baku and the adjacent oil fields. In 4 of the day, he explored the areas of Batumi and Poti, where the refineries were located. Pay attention to the date of reconnaissance flights. 12 March 1940 was signed the Soviet-Finnish peace treaty. This once again shows that in preparing for the attack on the USSR, the Finnish war was not the cause, but only a convenient excuse.

The Allied Command appointed the first bombardment of Baku to 15 May 1940. However, the plans of the British and French did not come true.

10 May Wehrmacht launched an offensive on the Western Front.

The 15 of May capitulated the Dutch army, and General Goth’s tank corps dismembered the 2 and 9 French armies and marched on Saint-Contin. It is clear that the allies were not up to Baku.

October 13 Ribbentrop 1940 politely faked his letter to Stalin: “... the Soviet oil center in Baku and the oil port in Batumi would undoubtedly fall victim to the British attempts this year if the defeat of France and the expulsion of the British army from Europe would not break the English spirit of attack as such would not put a sudden end to all these frauds. ”

The Allies did not know that the air defense grouping in the Transcaucasus was greatly increased. Soviet intelligence conducted work on the "decomposition" of the Allied aircrews. In addition, the Soviet command began preparing a retaliatory strike. He was supposed to inflict six long-range bomber regiments (over 350 bomber DB-3).

The 6, 42 and 83 long-range bomber regiments began to focus on the airfields of the Crimea. Three more DB-3 regiments were to operate from airfields in Armenia near Lake Sevan.

On April 7, the Air Force Command asked the intelligence department of the People’s Commissariat of Defense to hand over materials to the Air Force headquarters on the Mosul-Kirkuk area, including those that can be obtained in Berlin through the military air attache.
On April 23, intelligence materials were sent to the ZakVO headquarters from the 5 Office of the People's Commissariat of Defense for the objects of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Palestine to be thoroughly examined by flight crews. The transferred 25 of May to the district air force headquarters, these materials contained maps, plans, schemes, photographs of the districts of Istanbul, Tabriz, Qazvin, Baghdad, Mosul, and Haifa.

The personnel of the regiments were well prepared for striking. All the regiments, except for 83, had combat experience of the war in Finland. In April, the regimental commanders received flight missions. Navigators started laying routes.

The first group of bombers began to perform test flights. From the airfield near Evpatoria, they flew westward to the shores of Bulgaria, and then in a roundabout way along the shores of Turkey went to the agreed goal on the coast of Abkhazia and then returned to Evpatoria in the same way.

The squadrons of the first group, flying over Turkey, were to attack British bases in Larnaca, Nicosia and Famagusta in Cyprus, the base in Haifa in Palestine and French military installations in Syria.
Therefore, if only the Allied planes were discovered, then the Soviet bombers would have to take off for a combat mission.

During the war years, the enterprises of neutral Sweden during the war years delivered strategic raw materials and products to Germany on their ships, and the British government did not even think about bombing them.

The true history of the Second World War is impossible without the coverage of the fact that Hitler was sponsored by international corporations. Through the threads of banking and industrial corporations in Western Europe and the United States, Hitler's Germany received a huge amount of money to deploy its activities. Civilized Europe and America are now diligently deleting from the history of the Second World War these shameful facts of their cooperation with the bloodiest and inhuman regime of the twentieth century, but it is their “civilization” that is due to him.

How they hated us and hate us now. Presence of nuclear weapons Russia is a reliable guarantee of peace ...
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51 comment
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  1. +4
    11 July 2017 05: 52
    The most interesting thing is that the actions of fascist Germany look much more preferable to the actions of the USA, Britain and France at that time ..
    1. +5
      11 July 2017 06: 47
      To limit the economic possibilities of competitors, the United States used the question of the military debts of European allies who received loans for 10,6bn. dollars, most of which fell on England, France and Italy.
      many times wrote "about the bald and comb"
      1. +4
        11 July 2017 10: 24
        Quote: antivirus

        How clearly your position coincides with the position of Rasputin! After all, he also knew, or maybe just felt, that this whole organization of the WWII was intended to destroy the European empires, and above all the Russian empire. It is not for nothing that British agents, before organizing the last act of the "Marlesonean ballet," that is, the February Revolution, organized the assassination of Rasputin. This is a certain sign of the monarchical elite of the Republic of Ingushetia in the person of the highest dignitaries of the country and the family of Nicholas II to the coup. Well, just like in 1991, when the party-state elite organized the defeat of the USSR. The technique and tactics of defeating / revolution of the country in both cases converge to the smallest detail.
        1. +1
          11 July 2017 13: 41
          1How do they teach history, and why? Poles at school?

          2 everyone should have paid for (max reparations) - for the profit of bankers Amersk and Londons-- “give peace, pay, you can fight”,
          3 only the USSR thought fundamentally about survival. the rest is about dough.
          4. MSG, Yakovlev A and other political bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU knew these twists and turns of the approach to WWII? - Bullying in the Molotov-Ribentrop Pact: Horror and Shame
          5. What will Memorial say? and other left midfielders are accusers.
    2. +4
      11 July 2017 09: 37
      It seems that Germany dictated the whole movement in Europe and has always been one step ahead of the negotiators. But in all this, someone's conducting hand from above is clearly visible.
      1. +4
        11 July 2017 10: 38
        Quote: siberalt
        Germany dictated all moving in Europe and always ahead of the negotiators a step

        Precisely for this, for these specific purposes, the “German Empire” itself was actually created in 1891, headed by the Prussian state. Most clearly, the goals and objectives of this formation just manifested themselves under A. Hitler, with his 3rd Reich. I remind you: World wars begin already in 1853, and the German Empire was created by foreign financiers for Prussia only in 1871.
  2. +1
    11 July 2017 05: 59
    "The article will examine well-known moments in history - nothing new will appear in the article ...." - so common knowledge does not mean truthfulness... and ... Expand ... or a mustache and so everyone understands. Um ...
  3. +7
    11 July 2017 06: 52
    It is often necessary to remind about the * breadwinners * of Hitler and about the Poles with their curators from France-England. There Poles all in a pose of sufferers become with claims. About the fact that the * non-aggression pact * the Poles concluded with the Germans immediately after Hitler came to power, and about the fact that the Soviet Union concluded the same agreement last. About this, too, it seems like * everyone * knows, but about * secret * applications modeled on the Poles they lie so much ..... By the way, no one saw them. And Polish-German * secret applications * exist, and they can be seen with the signatures in the original, about the dismemberment of the SOVIET UNION, they are available today.
    1. +20
      11 July 2017 09: 32
      Dmitry, so why be surprised. Whoever shouts the loudest "hold the thief" is right, the thief himself! So are the cunning Poles. Did you participate in the Czech section? Participated. Plans to pick up the USSR for a couple with Hitler were? There were. Only Hitler did not want to share with these hyenas. Poland is generally a permanent Russophobic abscess with the eternal dream of "a great Poland from Mozh to Mozh." Only here, in addition to Wishlist, one must also have brains and strength, and this has not been observed there since the time of Grunwald. Read Henryk Sienkiewicz "Crusaders" if you haven’t read it. There, the Polish gut is colorfully described by the Pole himself. One of the main characters, “Knight Matsko,” is inherently impudent, deceitful and greedy for someone else’s good peasant, but all this is described as virtues, and not as flaws ...! These mongrels are guessing, until the next partition of Poland, I’ve already lost how it will be in a row.
      1. +6
        11 July 2017 09: 50
        Dianochka love , no matter what the new section will be, but you need to make it the last, and finish this whole Pszek-Khokhlyatsk camarilla
        1. +13
          11 July 2017 09: 54
          Roma love , agree! The only question is to whom to give these lands with their population ?! I somehow do not shine to feed this burden on the neck. It’s better to let the Germans take their hands on them, they don’t get used to restore order in Poland. We have been too tolerant of them all our lives.
          1. +3
            11 July 2017 09: 59
            Germans - hell knows, they are as if occupied? striped - no matter how the face is cracked, every bit of it, maybe even Lithuania, as it is not disgusting
      2. +4
        11 July 2017 10: 52
        Quote: Diana Ilyina
        .. One of the main characters "Knight Matsko" by its essentially impudent, deceitful and greedy for another's good peasant but all it is described as virtuesand not as flaws ...!

        Diana, therefore, for a better understanding of the essence of this newly formed nation a millennium ago, it is worth calling this state the very original term - "Polonia". Then everything immediately falls into place, because the root is "full" just is nothing more than a "product" or just "production". Just for these purposes this state was created in those distant times.
        1. +11
          11 July 2017 11: 08
          Vyacheslav, completely agree! And although I have a sharp negative attitude towards Churchill, I cannot but agree with his assessment of Poland when he called it the “Hyena of Eastern Europe” ...! This is perhaps their clearest definition.
          1. 0
            11 July 2017 13: 50
            Under the change of Fin, the powers of different countries (USA-China, Asia-EU, etc.) will change the borders. we need to dodge, put the burden on others, it’s hard to stay like Sweden, but it’s possible, as in the 20th century, Turkey or France
  4. +6
    11 July 2017 09: 01
    Something special and nothing to add on the topic .. Everything is laid out on the shelves ...
    1. MrK
      11 July 2017 12: 58
      Quote: parusnik
      Something special and nothing to add on the topic .. Everything is laid out on the shelves ...

      One in my opinion is not disclosed.
      There is 1938 year, September - "Munich conspiracy." England and France, at the request of Hitler, give him half of Czechoslovakia free of charge. Let not by territory - by economic potential. 19 September 1938 yearswhen it became clear that Hitler was preparing aggression, Prague asked Moscow to outline its position. And the USSR said it was ready to fulfill the terms of the mutual assistance treaty - and protect Czechoslovakia.
      But the British and French (allied Czechoslovakia) diplomats of 20-21 of September announced that they would not fulfill the terms of their treaties (unless Czechoslovakia agreed to their ultimatum - that is, the surrender of Germany) and added: “If the Czechs unite with the Russians, the war may take on the character of a crusade against the Bolsheviks. Then it will be very difficult for the governments of England and France to stay away and not join the German government».

      From the book of Alexander Kurlandchik: “Damned” Soviet power ... On
      1. +1
        11 July 2017 17: 45
        "" France and England give half of Czechoslovakia "" --- Well, they also wanted to feed Hitler! As if to fight him, he was not economically ready to fight against the USSR, Germany had not yet recovered after the defeat of 1MB!
        1. +1
          11 July 2017 19: 35
          The purpose of appeasement is to give the basis for reparations and control of Germany’s internal resources. They continue to pay - provide the data, which is more difficult: "they gave everything away, there is nothing superfluous."
          as soon as the severance of relations, reparations-- darkness without official data
  5. +5
    11 July 2017 09: 04
    The topic of international politics in Europe during the period 1930-1941 is very interesting, although it is somewhat tricky and, unfortunately, is not popular. Interested - "April 30, Germany informally informed England and France that if they did not convince Poland to compromise, then Berlin would begin to establish relations with the USSR." Those. the possibility of signing the Soviet-German agreement was not a secret for England, and this probability should have been taken into account. In general, the chronological selection is not very bad. A bibliography of the article would be very good. Having shifted the texture to the present, the “stiffness” of the dope of the Polish ruling elite is surprising. How many times have the “civilized” Anglo-Saxon world thrown them, and they are still trying to live on his interests! These are probably genes ....
    1. +1
      11 July 2017 13: 55
      The Soviet-German agreement was not a secret for England,
      --- and in 39 g the secret protocol was not a secret for them

      the invoice for the present, is surprised by the "inflexibility" of the dope of the Polish ruling elite. How many times have they been thrown by the "civilized" Anglo-Saxon world
      - the peoples will live, and the elitists - like ours, live in London and lived then
      1. +2
        11 July 2017 14: 07
        Quote: antivirus
        - the peoples will live, and the elitists - like ours, live in London and lived then

        The only right step begs - to physically eliminate the whole island, along with their Buckingham palaces, banks, princesses, and even princesses. And there will come prosperity and the kingdom of reason on Earth. wink
        1. 0
          11 July 2017 19: 22
          no other islands? - North America?
  6. +1
    11 July 2017 10: 23
    Read to
    German military spending in 1932 amounted to 0,254 billion dollars (taking into account the devaluation of the dollar, this amount is 0,426 billion dollars). In 1936 and 1939, this amount was 3,6 and 4,5 billion dollars. From the above numbers it is clear that the United States contributed to the development of the military economy and the armed forces of Hitler's Germany.

    From the above numbers, it is clear that military spending increased from such and such amount to such and such. That the United States contributed to the development of the military economy and the armed forces of Hitler Germany does not follow from the text or the text.

    The author forgot to note that the Luftwaffe air raids on the British capital had already begun 7 September 1940 year. They walked 57 nights in a row, and then with small interruptions continued until May 1941.
    On September 7, 1940, the 550 bombers of the Luftwaffe, dropped more than 100 thousands of incendiary and hundreds of conventional bombs to the British capital within hours. Until that time, no city in the world had been the target of such violent bombardments. For the first time, German troops used aviation terror tactics — they began bombing civilians. The bombing of London was accompanied by severe destruction and fires. Entire quarters were erased from the face of the earth, historical monuments were destroyed. During the bombings from September 1940 to May, 1941 killed more than 43 thousands of people. Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Manchester were destroyed.

    Hitler could afford to do this with impunity only with the support of Stalin, and this is the very agreement:
    The parties to the agreement pledged to refrain from attacking each other and to maintain neutrality in the event that one of them became the object of military actions by a third party. The parties to the agreement also renounced allied relations with other powers, "directly or indirectly directed against the other side." The signing of the treaty ended the period of cooling of the Soviet-German political and economic relations caused by the coming to power in Germany of A. Hitler. Having received in the autumn of 1938 of the year in Munich, another clear evidence that the great powers are not ready to take into account the opinion of the USSR in European politics, the Soviet leadership was extremely interested in disrupting the trend of European consolidation that does not take into account Soviet interests. In this sense, the continuation of German expansion at the beginning of 1939 was in the interests of Moscow, since it sharply increased the interest of both European military-political groups in an agreement with the USSR, while the Soviet leadership could choose with whom and under what conditions it would agree with its interests .

    Well, the most important thing: Secret Additional Protocol to the Non-Aggression Pact between Germany and the USSR of 23 August 1939. He defined the “boundaries of the spheres of interests” of the parties “in the event of a territorial-political reorganization of the regions of the Baltic states (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)” and the Polish State.
    The protocol was a natural continuation of the Treaty, which contained all its meaning, which was to protect part of Eastern Europe from German occupation. The purpose of the Treaty, from the point of view of the Soviet leadership, was to ensure the influence of the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe, and without a secret protocol it did not make sense. No wonder the existence of the protocol for almost 50 years has been carefully hidden by the leadership of the USSR

    I'm just too lazy to disassemble the entire article by bone. I am not going to prove anything to anyone or anything. However, an article from the category of propaganda, it is full of jarring, the author often puts the "cart before the horse" distorting the meaning of historical events. Designed for people who do not know the story. Those, judging by the comments, really, not a little, alas ...

    1. +21
      11 July 2017 10: 57
      What are you all attached to this "secret protocol"? Nobody really saw him in the eye, but everyone knows everything about him. And then the USSR had the full right to reclaim its legal territories. Baltic Peter I bought with giblets from the Swedes. This is our legal territory, which owes us a lot of money for its "independence." Poland, moreover, they occupied part of our territories taking advantage of the weakness of the USSR after the civil war. So we just got back! We have every right!
      1. 0
        11 July 2017 12: 07
        Logically, but then Hitler had every right to return the original German lands, such as the Sudetenland, Austria, Danzig, Memel, etc., and if we recall Friedrich Barbaros even before the Urals, the original German land. So the Germans in 1941, only returned theirs.
      2. +7
        11 July 2017 13: 25
        Tell Mr. A. Pivovarov that the continued Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights is not justified, he will give you 1000 evidence that this is all right and right .. But the Moscow Treaty of 1939 is an allied treaty on the redivision of Europe, between Hitler and Stalin for him as an axiom. smile
    2. +7
      11 July 2017 10: 58
      Quote: A. Privalov
      Me just too lazy to disassemble the entire Article on the bones.

      This is noticeable, if only by the fact that you are not too lazy to disassemble the "secret protocol" by the bones. so secret that its original has not yet been found and will never be found, because even in those days it was not needed at all, always, at all times there were also oral agreements, this is not news, but ordinary practice.
    3. +7
      11 July 2017 12: 55
      Poland until the last moment before the outbreak of the war refused any military alliances with the USSR and proposed such alliances to Germany. In 1920, Poland annexed the western regions of Ukraine and Belarus and planned to expand its territory “from sea to sea” at the expense of the USSR.

      In this regard, the USSR had every reason to consider Poland a military adversary and occupier. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Treaty allowed the liquidation of one of the military opponents of the USSR and the liberation of the occupied territories.

      In addition, the USSR actually entered into force of this treaty only 17 days after the outbreak of war, enabling Britain and France to freely provide military assistance to Poland, striking Germany in the west, where the Allies had a multiple superiority of forces. The entry of Soviet troops into the territory of the western regions of Ukraine and Belarus occupied by Poland took place only after the refusal of Britain and France to fight Germany.

      The post-war refusal of the USSR to publicly recognize the existence of a secret protocol to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Treaty was associated with Poland's participation in the Warsaw Treaty Organization. Now Poland is a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, so the refusal of public recognition has lost its meaning.
      1. +3
        11 July 2017 14: 37
        Quote: Operator
        In addition, the USSR actually entered into force of this treaty only 17 days after the outbreak of the war, giving Britain and France the opportunity to freely provide military assistance to Poland, striking Germany in the west, where the Allies had a multiple superiority of forces.

        It is worth adding that in the evening of the same day the Polish government crossed the border with Romania. The country of Poland, as an independent entity, ceased to exist. The territory that we occupied fully corresponded to the Curzon line, which was recommended on December 8, 1919 by the Supreme Council of the Entente as the eastern border of Poland and was established in a note by the British Foreign Minister, Lord Curzon. The line basically corresponds to the ethnographic principle.
        1. +3
          11 July 2017 14: 49
          I agree with your addition, with the exception of the Polish government crossing the border with Romania - the USSR was not in a military alliance with Poland and did not sign a non-aggression agreement with it, therefore it had a good reason (the liberation of previously annexed territories) to send troops into the previously occupied western regions of Ukraine and Belarus.

          At the same time, the presence of a secret protocol to the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement only eliminated possible conflicts between parts of the Wehrmacht in the former territory of Poland and parts of the Red Army in the liberated territory of Ukraine and Belarus. In principle, the liberation operation (with a high level of risk) could be realized without a secret protocol.

          Poland itself was to blame for the annexation of Ukrainian and Belarusian lands (even Britain proposed to draw the Soviet-Polish border through Curzon), and paid for it. Therefore, we should never mind where the 17 of September 1939 of the year was the government of the occupying country.
          1. +1
            11 July 2017 15: 03
            Quote: Operator
            I agree with your addition, with the exception of the Polish government crossing the border with Romania

            What's wrong? Has the Polish government fled to another country? I did not even claim that the USSR was in some kind of intimate relationship with Poland. Just stated a fact - at the time of our entry into Poland, it as a state did not exist. Most likely that is why neither France nor England declared war on the USSR, but subsequently entered the anti-Hitler coalition. Then (in 1941) it wasn’t for us "nevermind." In general, in politics it is impossible to scatter "figs". Observed behaviors sometimes bring "baksheesh" in completely unpredictable places. The current story about the election of Trump once again suggests that politicians should be prudent, with a certain amount of cynicism, but without reflections and emotional fussiness.
            1. +2
              11 July 2017 15: 07
              Once again - we do not care about the fact of the existence or non-existence of Poland as a state, the main thing is that there is a territorial integrity of our country.

              And yes - where did you get that the evacuation of state governments is tantamount to eliminating this state?
              1. +2
                11 July 2017 15: 18
                Quote: Operator
                Once again - we nevermind the fact of the existence or non-existence of Poland as a state

                You, of course, nevermind. But the IVS judged otherwise.
                Quote: Operator
                And yes - where did you get that the evacuation of state governments is tantamount to eliminating this state?

                From moral and ethical and mathematical norms. If the government abandoned control of the country and fled to another country, then the system of "state" breaks up. For the government is one of the most important and integral part of this system.
                1. +1
                  11 July 2017 15: 19
                  Quote: ARES623
                  From moral and ethical and mathematical norms

                  I have no questions laughing
    4. +3
      11 July 2017 14: 00
      Hitler could afford to do this with impunity only with the support of Stalin, and this is the very agreement:
      And Hitler, after Munich, allowed to take the whole Czech Republic UNPUNISHED. who are the guarantors? who should cover? Fr and Ang in September 39 bombed Berlin and others, to protect the psheks? who prevented them from showing integrity before their ally?
      there were a lot of “juggling” among the looters — at any cost to receive reparations. In the USA, even WWII was already !!!
    5. +6
      11 July 2017 14: 29
      Quote: A. Privalov
      Destroyed were Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Manchester.
      Hitler could afford such an impunity only with the support of Stalin

      And from what fright, the ITT was supposed to somehow worry about Belfast, Birmingham, etc., the British themselves planned to bomb on our Baku.
      Quote: A. Privalov
      Well, and most importantly: The Secret Additional Protocol to the Non-Aggression Treaty between Germany and the USSR of August 23, 1939. He defined the “boundaries of the spheres of interest” of the parties “in the event of a territorial and political reorganization of the regions that make up the Baltic states (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)” and the Polish State.

      Secret protocols were the norm at that time, for example, Pilsudski is also credited with the secret protocol under the Non-Aggression Pact with Germany, and the Poles themselves. By the way, WC (Winston Churchill, not a toilet) suggested dividing the world into spheres of influence, and this was not considered something obscene for that time. Moreover, the Yalta system stands on the division of spheres of influence of world powers, and it was this system that more or less maintained peace in Europe. After the liquidation of the USSR, a mess began.
      Quote: A. Privalov
      I’m just too lazy to disassemble the entire article.

      Well then, not .......... Sit in silence, read the "underexposed" sources .... Do you want to state the opposite, wallow with argumentation, point by point, with the sources.
      1. +1
        11 July 2017 19: 29
        By the way, the WC (Winston Churchill, not the toilet) proposed dividing the world into spheres of influence, and this was not considered obscene for that time.
        - We have red lines now, China has always climbed with goods and the USA is “protecting” its interests around the world
        What's new or old here? -eternal.
        - "YOUR CREDIT?"
        - "IS ALWAYS".
    6. +4
      12 July 2017 08: 07
      Privalov does not know history at all !!!
      The Germans in September 1940 began to bomb London in response to inhuman bombing of the British. British killers from Churchill's cannibal began to destroy the CIVIL population of Germany from MAY 1940. It was the ENGLANDS who made the Second World War a war of total annihilation. If the Americans during the daytime bombing somehow tried to attack something of military significance, then the British nightly bombing with a mixture of incendiary and conventional bombs originally destroyed the civilian population !!! Famous photographs of the destroyed Antwerp are the result of BRITISH and not German bombing. The utterly wild destruction by the Anglo-Americans of Dresden, which is packed with refugees, must definitely get its Nuremberg Tribunal !! Also, the Nuremberg Tribunal should receive and American troops in Japan, Korea, Vietnam. By the way about the American atomic bombing in Japan. The Japanese authorities did not pay much attention to them because for five months the Americans burned Japanese cities with the residents a couple of times a week. Japan capitulated after the entry into the war of the USSR and the instant defeat of the Kwantung Army!
  7. +2
    11 July 2017 10: 35
    The author inaccurately conveyed the contents of Roosevelt’s letter to Hitler dated 15.04.1939/1941/XNUMX Tam Roosevelt warns him that if Germany invades the countries indicated on the list, including the USSR, there will be a war between Germany and the USA. Hitler then laughed at Roosevelt for a long time in the Reichstag, showing this letter with mocking remarks, then Germany captured many countries indicated in this letter and received - the United States and Germany in December XNUMX were at war.
    The author didn’t explain all the same why the Allies declared war on Germany in 1939. Indeed, as the Author pointed out, everything went according to their plan, first Czechoslovakia, Poland, then the USSR. We could wish Hitler a “good journey” and that’s all.
    The author missed the point that until August 1939, the USSR demanded that the Allies recognize the Baltic countries as a sphere of interests of the USSR, with all the ensuing consequences. The Allies then refused to admit it.
    1. +3
      11 July 2017 13: 11
      In August 1939, Britain and France at the talks in Moscow announced their unwillingness to agree on any terms of a possible mutual assistance agreement between the USSR and these countries due to the lack of appropriate authority for the British and French delegations that had only expert status.

      To coordinate the conditions with the governments of their countries, Western experts requested a period of at least a month.

      Due to the senselessness of continuing negotiations that could have ended with an agreement on a military alliance only after the outbreak of war, the USSR extradited Western experts and concluded a non-aggression treaty with Germany.
    2. 0
      11 July 2017 14: 04
      you need strangers (for the USSR-RF) to justify, we need our actions. and now the Baltic states will surrender. they are needed by the Russian Federation (and now) to exclude landing and movement in the Len and Mos reg.
    3. +2
      11 July 2017 17: 58
      Quote: Aitvaras
      The author did not explain all the same why the Allies declared war on Germany in 1939.

      As it turned out - declare war and fight - these are two different things))))
  8. +1
    11 July 2017 12: 18
    Recently I read the book "Alexander Usovsky" What happened
    June 22, 1941? ". On the topic of this article. I recommend.
  9. +2
    11 July 2017 18: 49
    Quote: Diana Ilyina
    What are you all attached to this "secret protocol"? Nobody really saw him in the eye, but everyone knows everything about him. And then the USSR had the full right to reclaim its legal territories. Baltic Peter I bought with giblets from the Swedes. This is our legal territory, which owes us a lot of money for its "independence." Poland, moreover, they occupied part of our territories taking advantage of the weakness of the USSR after the civil war. So we just got back! We have every right!

    The original of the secret protocol to the agreement (Archive of the President of the Russian Federation, Special Folder, Package No. 34)
    1. +2
      11 July 2017 19: 12
      Quote: A. Privalov
      The original of the secret protocol to the agreement (Archive of the President of the Russian Federation, Special Folder, Package No. 34)

      Even if this is an authentic document, it quite specifically shares the spheres of interests of the two states, so as not to clash their foreheads in the third territory. The fate of all small states is to be in the sphere of interests of large states. This may be regarded as unfair behavior towards them, but the world is what it is. And justice in relation to oneself must be upheld, inter alia, by armed means. The world has not changed today. What, Poland today can create an independent policy? No, she fell to the USA and is waiting for their patronage. As soon as the United States loses interest in the Poles, Poland will immediately begin to flirt with Germany. For she is a recipient country, and Germany is a donor. Baltic States - the same song. The Yalta system was originally built on a clear understanding of the areas of interest of the two blocs of states.
    2. +4
      12 July 2017 11: 31
      The Veles book and the Zion protocols are a fake, a "well-known fact."
      But this "masterpiece"
      Quote: A. Privalov
      The original secret protocol to the contract

      real, also "well-known fact."
      In the department of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich “very often” instead of the words “Top Secret”, “Secret”, they could write a SECRET ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL
      Office work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the way I want, and I’ll write it, it’s the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, do not care, which is not entirely in Russian))), however, like the documents in Katyn
  10. +2
    11 July 2017 19: 05
    Well, we signed an agreement with the Germans, and what's so terrible? They chopped off part of Poland so what? Poland at one time chopped off part of Russia in 1920 and she saw nothing wrong with that. She remembered 1686 and wanted borders on those agreements, but what do we have to forgive everyone and everything? I am amazed by our Foreign Ministry, which is very politely and hintingly trying to put in place the insolents and bibliographers. I am amazed at our cinema, where they constantly put historical films on the same books. And what can not put films about the Russian-Polish wars? Where are our writers who can write about anything, but not about the history of Russia? Why can't our minister of education organize the release of history textbooks? Why are we constantly afraid in our textbooks to write how it was, and not how we want to be powerful at this stage? Why don't we have a story before 1917? Why do we constantly fend off the impudent statements of Latvia regarding our "debt" to them for the actions of the USSR in 1940-91gg? Why didn’t we bill them for sadists from the famous Latvian Rifle Division? To remind them what these heroes did in Russia during the Civil War, to remind what their children did in the 17 and 19 PD SS in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War, I think they will quiet down. Collect documents, photographs, memoirs of veterans and local residents and organize a museum the atrocities of the Latvian riflemen during the Civil War and World War II. Why are we shy or afraid? They are not shy and not afraid. What or who prevents us from doing this?
  11. +1
    11 July 2017 21: 00
    Wonderful article!
    It’s clear that the United States needed war
    The Americans not only got rid of the crisis, but also became the first economy in the world. In addition, they got rid of competitors ...
    PS Apparently, the agreement between the British and Germans on "declaring war, but not fighting," was nevertheless signed ... Indeed, it was.
    1. +1
      12 July 2017 10: 40
      did not sign.
      only gentlemen's agreement.
      how the IVS believed Hitler’s word, for which the IVS still spread rot, he knew and didn’t do anything,
      thin game
  12. BAI
    11 July 2017 22: 01
    The author would suggest that both at that time and in present-day Europe, the world elite - puppeteers - rules.

    It would be better if the author told what bucks defeated impoverished Germany revived the economy and the army and at the same time held the Olympics.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"